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Note: This is the first tale I've released onto the Internet, so please please please leave feedback at Fictionmania, or email me at [email protected]. You've probably been through three or four disclaimers already to get here, so I won't bore with you another one, other than to say that this story can be archived at any non-profit website. Don't know why you would want to, but if you do, please email me and let me know. Enjoy! Alter Gender It's fairly common knowledge that, while the Internet is an American invention, the World Wide Web we know today was invented at CERN, a nuclear research lab in Europe. Likewise, the humble QWERTY keyboard we all know and love is a product of America. Less well known, however, is the story of two research scientists who made some interesting additions to the keyboard which remain with us today. Here, for the first time, is their story... "Rain again. Pissing it down. All it does here is bloody rain. Why the hell did we agree to this?" James Reed pushed himself away from the window and let out a large sigh in the direction of Aaron, his concentrating colleague. Aaron had been the driving force behind the two of them coming to work at the newly- created CERN labs, coming out to this deserted hell hole, where all the women were either old or wouldn't think of dating a scientist, where all the men talked about either particle physics or computers, where the only alcohol available was real ale for the old men to dip their beards in. James wasn't suited to this kind of place. He was a reluctant genius at programming, and had only come here because the pay was so good. But he was only 23, and with CERN being miles from the nearest nightlife, he was desperate to get back to London. "I'm going home Aaron. I mean it this time. I'm going mental out here. I gotta get back to civilisation!" Aaron at last looked up from his computer screen, his bespectacled face glowing blue in the reflected monitor light. "J, you've already decided to go home five times this week. And it's only Tuesday. Now stop whining and help me with this last piece of code." Grumbling, James went over to the screen and peered at what Aaron had written. The project they were working was making some minor alterations to a keyboard - an experiment to see what worked being on the keyboard, and what was just wasting space. All that was left to do was to optimise the code and then distribute the keyboards around the facility, and see what everyone thought. Aaron got up and went to the window himself as James took his place and started editing. "Man, you're right," Aaron noted. "It's really pouring down out..." He was suddenly drowned out by what sounded like an almighty explosion, and a blinding flash of light. It took a couple of seconds for their addled minds to realise it was just a lightning strike - albeit one that had happened directly over the roof of the building they were in. They also realised the ceiling lights were flickering dangerously, and the computers in the lab had all switched off - except for theirs, which continued to glow a serene blue. "Jeez," Aaron said softly. He turned to James. "Is our work okay?" "Yeah," James said, trying to calm his hammering heart. He didn't like storms. "Screen flickered a bit, but everything seems fine." He tapped a few keys. "I'll run a quick diagnostic test to double check." The lab door opened, and Viktor, an excitable German techie poked his head in. "Did you guys hear that?! Sounded like the world coming down huh? The security systems have all shut down so we're all trapped here until they can get the front doors unlocked. Hope you guys aren't hungry..." He dashed off to spread the word before either of them could get a word in. Aaron looked out the door after him. "I'm going to have a poke about, I'm sure we can activate the security from in the building somewhere," Aaron said, already out the door. "Be back in five!" James was barely listening. There did some to be some alterations to the code after the strike, but the keyboard still worked fine. He decided to test it out with an internal message, something they'd started calling 'electronic mail'. Loading up his editor, he started typing. Ulrich, Further to your note about us making suggestions to improve things here, I'd like to suggest the following. 1) Real drinks in the bar. 2) A nightclub 3) A cinema James stopped and pondered for a second. He then hit the new Alt Gr (Alternative Graphics) key they'd added to the keyboard - intended to display text in various formats, bold, italic, underline etc. He pressed it three times for underline, then added 4) At least one girl, big breasts, generally sexy, that doesn't mind going out with scientists... Just then Mike Ashcroft, his only friend at CERN besides Aaron, came in looking distracted. As James pressed the Alt Gr key again, Mike said, "Hey James, have you seen..." He got no further. James wasn't entirely sure what happened, but the computer bleeped, and the space between it and Mike seemed to...shimmer, like a mirage in the desert. Mike looked startled as he became trapped in a glistening bubble of air, with James frozen in shock. Mike's body changed bit by bit. He started to shrink, his 6ft lanky frame descending past 5'11", past 5'9", down to a petite 5'2". Next, his ginger hair grew longer and longer, falling below his shoulders and turning to a very light blonde colour. James saw with shock that two lumps were pushing out against his now ill-fitting shirt - breasts that just seemed to keep growing. They stuck out proudly, the nipples straining through his shirt. Mike's entire body then took on a far more feminine shape...he grew curves, his legs and arms slimmed, and even his fingers became more delicate, the fingernails becoming longer. Last to change was Mike's face, with deep blue eyes replacing faded brown, an incredibly cute, baby doll face substituting Mike's pock-marked visage, and thick, wet lips surrounding his mouth. In a brief moment of clarity, James wondered what it must be like to inhabit a body so clearly meant for sex, as this one was. Mike's clothes then began to change. His shirt began to constrict even further on his body, changing to a deep black colour, a blouse with a plunging neckline. Though he couldn't see it, James knew a bra must have appeared underneath the clothing, as Mike's already impressive breasts got a further cleavage-enhancing lift. His trousers were quickly disappearing upwards, baring smooth, tanned legs for the world to see. The slacks eventually fused together above the knee, creating a barely-decent skirt, perfect for the slutty secretary it seemed Mike was becoming. Last were the shoes, which morphed into open-toe sandals, lending Mike four inches to his height. Then, as if in a brief explosion, the shimmering air got briefly brighter, then disappeared. Mike staggered back, and James leapt up from his inertia in time to make a very pleasant catch of the beautiful body. "Thanks, James!" Mike's new sex kitten voice purred. "I don't know what came over me then...must be, like, being around you!" He giggled, and stood up, straightening his skirt. "I'll see you around..." The heels clicked as Mike walked out of the office, his gorgeous butt swinging. Mike cast a coquettish look over his shoulder before disappearing out into the corridor. James was still simply speechless. He didn't react when Aaron returned, looking very cautious. "James? Who the hell was that? She was gorgeous! I'd have noticed her around before...Where'd she come from?" James just stared at him, before a big grin broke over his face. "Oh Aaron, mate. You are not going to believe what just happened..." ** 2 Hours Later ** "Okay," Aaron said, the exasperation clear on his face. "Let's check the code one more time." "Oh for Christ's sake, Aaron!" James exclaimed. "You're not going to figure it out. Can't you stop being so logical and accept something about the storm has done something to the computer?" "No," Aaron said. "Look, there's only one way to prove this actually happened. You're going to have to try it on me." James stared at him. "Are you nuts? Did you see Mike? You want to be turned into a sexed up bimbo?" "You don't have to go that far," Aaron said. "You said you typed 'doesn't mind going out with scientists'. Therefore some aspect of mental change must have occurred for that to become true! We'll just try something basic." Aaron hadn't actually answered James' question, because in truth he wouldn't have minded being turned into a sexed up bimbo. He had always been taken with the idea of trying things from the other side. But he wasn't about to tell James that. "Okay, we'll give it a shot," James said, going to the computer. "But what do you want to change about you that's feminine?" They'd tried a 'safe' experiment earlier on, whereby James had put '9 inch penis' into the computer, and pressed the key. They'd eventually come to the conclusion that it only worked where some kind of gender switch was involved. It seemed remarkably prophetic that the key in question was the Alt Gr key - maybe it didn't stand for Alternative Graphics, but Alter Gender? "Um...try...I dunno," Aaron said, moving behind the computer. "Give me long fingernails." James raised his eyebrows. "O...k. Long fingernails it is." He tapped Alt Gr, typed in 'Long fingernails', then pressed the key again. He looked up in anticipation. It was much less dramatic this time. The shimmering was barely noticeable, and Aaron didn't notice anything happening. But when he looked at his hand, he saw perfectly formed painted red nails at the end of his fingertips. "Oh my god," he whispered, unconsciously examining them with spread fingers, as a woman would do, rather than with a clenched fist. He looked up at James. "What have we created here?" James was grinning. "I don't know, buddy, but before you get too excited, let's see if you can go back to normal." He typed 'Male fingernails' into the computer. Somewhat to Aaron's disappointment, the nails seemed to retract into his hand, leaving him with his old fingertips. "We've got to tell somebody about this!" James said, standing up. "This could be the greatest discovery since...well, ever." Aaron didn't want to tell anybody yet. He wanted to experiment some more, and moved towards the computer. "That's dangerous. You know what the bureaucrats are like. They'll take it away from us, run tests, and we'll never see it again because they'll destroy it in testing it. We should keep it here for now." James had a perplexed expression on his face. "Bollocks would they. This is easily the most exciting thing that's ever happened to CERN. They'd never let anything happen to it!" Aaron was getting frustrated. "But you can't get out anyway. The doors are locked. None of the high-ups are here to tell." "I don't care about the high-ups! I want to tell everyone. And if nothing else, we should at least get Mike turned back to his normal self. God knows what damage that thing might be doing." With that, James strode purposefully to the door. Aaron leapt to the keyboard. "Wait!" he shouted as James opened the door. "You might want to see this..." James turned and sighed. "What?" Aaron typed on the keyboard, and pressed Alt Gr. Looking at James, he said, simply, "Sorry." The glowing text on the screen read: Little girl. Immobile. James found himself ensconced in the same glistening bubble of air Mike had been trapped in. He looked at Aaron with fear in his eyes as he felt himself shrinking. He seemed to shrink a lot - going down to about 5ft tall. He felt a tickle at the back of his neck, and managed to raise an arm. Jet black hair entwined itself in his rapidly narrowing fingers. Aaron couldn't believe how quick the changes were. James' figure was becoming increasingly svelte and pixie like. He was developing budding breasts, and his legs were incredibly slim. Aaron hadn't defined 'little', but it seemed James was becoming about 11 years old. His head reshaped to give him an angelic face, and a long graceful neck. His clothes altered - a simple white T-shirt, stylish jeans, and 2 inch school type heels. The bubble disappeared - and James found himself unable to move a muscle. Aaron let out a breath and moved towards the frozen schoolgirl. "Sorry about that, James. I need to try this out myself. I only made you little for easier storage, you see." With that, he opened a cupboard and gently took hold of his immobile friend. He lifted his light frame into the cupboard and closed the door, leaving a little crack for air. He turned around, feeling awfully guilty, then saw the computer and remembered the possibilities. It looked incredibly innocent and bland, despite the awesome power it contained. Aaron was almost afraid to use it again. But his desire was stronger than his fear, and his fingers hovered eagerly over the keyboard. There was only one thing he wanted to try. He started tapping on the computer, entering his ideal shape, refining it, adding details until it was perfect. Then he pressed Alt Gr, and waited for the changes to commence... James seethed in the cupboard. He couldn't move his lithe young body at all, but he could feel, hear and see everything going on. The heels were starting to hurt his feet, and having breasts on his chest was just too weird. And he couldn't believe the betrayal by that perverted bastard out there, who even now was typing away, no doubt to fulfil some other weird desire in his twisted mind. Suddenly he heard an, "Oh crap!" from Aaron, as the now-familiar shimmering bubble entered James's cupboard. As James felt himself growing taller, he would have heaved a sigh of relief if he could have moved. He was becoming male again! Then he stopped growing, after only a couple of inches. He felt a tingling in his rear, as his hips and ass widened to take a much more feminine and sexy shape. His breasts began pushing out even further in the tight white top. Some of his previously jet-black hair fell over his front, and he saw it was now a peroxide blonde. His clothes were next. He felt himself shoot up an extra four inches, and felt cool leather against his skin up to his knees. He was now wearing a pair of black heeled boots, his jeans having been replaced by a miniskirt. His top rapidly shrank, becoming a thin piece of black fabric that barely covered his large breasts. "What the hell?" James said in a high, breathy, bubblegum voice, as he looked down at his sultry new form. It was a few seconds before he realised that, in fact, he was no longer frozen. He stepped out of the cupboard, fell awkwardly on his new heels, and crashed to the floor, right into Aaron's astonished gaze. "You shit!" James screamed, sounding like a petulant little girl. "What the hell was that about?" Aaron's mouth just opened and closed, as he looked James up and down, and up again. Despite James's furious look, his eyes rested on James chest, which only served to make James madder. He went over to Aaron, managing to balance on the heels, and pushed him out of the chair. "I'm going to teach you a lesson!" he said, sitting down at the terminal, and briefly enjoying the feeling of the extra padding on his behind. "Let's see how you like it." He looked at the text on the screen, deleted it, and replaced it with the simple words, 'sex kitten'. Aaron supposed the smile James gave him was meant to be nasty, but it looked adorable on his sexy feminine face. He didn't know what James had typed, but he had no time to get out of the way. The bubble shot out from the back of the computer, and encased him as he lay on the floor. His hair was the first thing to change, becoming a deep, rich red, and growing out to the middle of his back. His face softened, his eyes changing to a deep, dark brown, with a wide-eyed, long-lashed look. His lips became softer and infinitely sexier, as heavy make-up appeared in all the right places, instantly changing his face from innocent to decidedly slutty. The changes moved downward, as two lumps grew on his chest and rapidly expanded. His breasts clearly had implants, as they stood firm and upright even in Aaron's supine position. His abdomen became smooth and flat, and a piercing appeared in his belly button. His hips grew out, and his legs slimmed and actually got longer. Nail varnish on his toes and delicate fingers completed the picture. The bubble wasn't through yet, though. A pair of white high heels appeared on his feet, with his trousers morphing into a matching skirt and thong. A simple white bra appeared where his shirt had been, struggling to contain his mighty breasts. The bubble shimmered a little, then disappeared, leaving a sex kitten where the nerdy technician had once been. Aaron shook his blonde locks, then locked his big doe eyes onto James. "Wow," he said, with a smile. "Obviously I can't change myself. Thanks!" Aaron's equanimous reaction just made James even madder. He went over to Aaron, adapting nicely to the boots, and pulled him to his feet. "You're a nut job! You should never have been let near that machine! For all you know, you could have killed us! Or be killing us!" Aaron wasn't listening. His hands were all over his body, fondling his breasts, stroking his new smooth legs. "You did a good job!" James was incensed, carrying an expression that didn't sit well on his cute face. "Are you mad? Aren't you listening to me, you twisted fuck?!" James and Aaron were so caught up in their argument, they didn't notice Viktor, their German colleague, re-enter the room, wondering what all the fuss was about. He stared in shock at the two sexy women - girls, really - in the room, one with her hand between her legs, the other shouting at the first. The second girl seemed ferocious, and Viktor wasn't about to interrupt her. Wondering where Aaron and James had gone, Viktor went quietly to the nearest computer and typed a message to them. As an afternoon, he added "Why are there two bimbos in your room?!" Going to press the 'Ctrl' key to send, he accidentally hit the Alt-Gr key. Viktor was a skittish chap, and didn't hang around to wait and see what the bubble that had just appeared would do. He had seen enough strange things in the labs around here to know when to get out of the way. He ran out of the door. James was frozen, looking into Aaron's eyes as the computer figured out a way to act on the last command. And it did. James watched, helpless, as the intelligence seeped out of Aaron's eyes. James himself felt his thinking cloud over, his thoughts slowing down, and a pleasant fuzziness creeping in. If he had been able, he would have giggled as he stood there in his sexy girl's body, staring into Aaron's vacant eyes. He began to get turned on as he looked at the immobile girl. James felt sooo good. She felt, like, sooo sexy. The bubble burst. Epilogue Viktor never reported what he had seen in the lab, but he did sneak a look at the computer after the two giggling bimbos had been removed from the lab, trying to grab at the muscular security men. He discovered some very strange code, light years ahead of it's time. He didn't have time to look at anything else, as the project director turned up to find out what had happened. Viktor decided to keep quiet. Mike - who was now known as Kayleigh - continued as a secretary at CERN, blissfully unaware of anything being amiss. Whilst nobody knew from where she had come, nobody complained, as she was strangely attracted to the scientists at the facility. Aaron and James were never seen again at the facility, but a nightclub was set up in James's memory, which featured two very attractive dancers... And the keyboard? The project manager was impressed with the work, and decided to keep the extra buttons. As the years passed, most new keyboards lost the original code Aaron and James developed. But there are still a few around. Give it a try...yours might be one of them.

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Altered Fates The Things we do for Friends

Altered Fates: The Things We Do For Friends part 1 of 5 By Morpheus I stood in the school bathroom with my half soapy hands underneath the water faucet, grimacing as I rinsed them off. Then pausing for a second, I looked up and into the mirror that was hung on the wall in front of me. The same familiar 14 year old boy that I always saw looked back at me with a sour expression. His messy brown hair was in need of a cut and his nose still had blood dripping from it. "Shit."...

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Altered Fates GIBlues

Authors note: This story was inspired by Femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af054.jpg. I wrote it when femur asked me for a story. This was the one I originally intended to start with but, for various reasons, I ended up writing other stories first. ALTERED FATES: G.I.BLUES By BobH. (c) 2003 For John Geddes this five day furlough could not have come soon enough. Six days from now he and his unit would be shipping out to become part of a...

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Altered Fates What are friends for

"Altered Fates: What are friends for?" - By Flyover State. Synopsis: Tiffany and Ryan are best friends. As young kids, the two girls meet Tyler, a kid new to the neighborhood. Now in high school, Tiffany and Tyler are dating. Ryan's love for Tiffany has grown more than sisterly, and she knows it won't be reciprocated. Follow Tyler, as Ryan brings her plan to fruition, and the aftermath of his choices thereafter. Multiple changes occur (other characters) age regression,...

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Altered Fates Project Zulo

(Author's Note: This story provides a finale to all the Altered Fates tales I've posted here to date. It contains spoilers for, and resolves dangling threads from, most of those eleven stories. I wrote them out of sequence, but I always knew where each of them fitted in the overall scheme. Read in order, the larger story should all fall into place with what might have seemed stray characters and random bits of business all connecting up. Even if you read the individual stories as they...

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Altered Fates Lost and Found

Altered Fates - Lost and Found by cj Permissions: Archival and/or sharing of this story, along with derivitive works - WITHOUT profit from reselling/repackaging, are permitted as long as the story remains complete, unchanged, and correctly attributed to its original author "cj". These permissions are to be included with shared or archived story, and extended to any derivative works. Written permission from the author is required for any "for profit" use. Special Thanks: Thank you,...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 2

Within two days of Walter's return for the Holidays, he and Carla were back together again. I got home from helping Jimmy Lakeland with raking the leaves around his house at about two thirty, and the two of them were in the living room, making out hot and heavy. Jimmy and I had just negotiated a deal where I would pitch in, by helping with some of his chores over at his house, and, in return, he would be giving me rides to and from school for the remainder of the school year. The kicker,...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 5

I pulled up in front of Audrey's house at seven twenty the next morning, and she was already waiting at the curb near her mail box. I leaned over and opened the door for her, and then took her book bag so that she could climb inside easier. I was unsure of what the proper protocol should be between a slut and her master, but I leaned over to give her a good morning kiss anyway. She seemed pleased with my choosing to kiss her. After we had exchanged our verbal hello's, and how are you's, I...

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Altered Fates Freefalling Freestyle

Freefalling Freestyle By Elliot Reid "What are we going to do with you?" the woman asked, flatly. There was no answer to that. I stared at my fingernails. They were long and well-manicured, though unpainted and unpolished. They were also unfamiliar. They belonged to a teenaged girl I'd never met. I was trapped in a duplicate of her body, powerless. I saw no way out. I was sitting in a bare office with closed blinds obscuring the neon New York night. The glazing kept out the traffic noise...

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"Walter!" Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and glowered angrily at her son's bedroom door. "Walter, I know what you're doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to you jacking off in your room every day! Walter, are you listening?" Her teenage son didn't answer. The rhythmic thumping continued louder than ever, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall as Walter eagerly beat his prick, flailing...

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Altered Fates What Friends Are For

Altered Fates : What Friends Are For! By Paul1954 Clare looked across at her children, Ginny aged 7 and Jack aged 10, and sighed. She returned her attentions to the mirror in the hallway and finished touching up her lipstick. It was a typical Saturday morning at the Walter's home with Clare's husband Des sleeping off the results of a Friday night drinking spree spent with his co-workers and her children glued to the television watching the trash that passes for children's TV...

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Altered Fates The Hitman

Altered Fates Story This story is copyright 1998 by the author. It may be posted and archived on any free site. If you wish to post on a for-pay site, contact the author. Altered Fates: The Hit Man By Ran Dandel I couldn't believe my good fortune. After countless hours following-up various leads, rumors, and downright lies, I reached my goal. I had located the fabled Medallion of Zulo. This prize would ensure my reputation, and insure that I would reach the pinnacle of my...

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Altered Fates Milkshakes at Midnight

Altered Fates: Milkshakes at Midnight by Bashful [email protected] This is the tale of a young married couple, the husband's brother, and how the Medallion of Zulo altered their fates. Frank and Debra Walker had been married for close to three years when Frank's brother Ed moved in. Ed had lived with his parents until they retired and moved to Florida. Ed was frequently out of work and living with his parents had taken the stress out of finding a permanent job. Now Ed was...

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Altered Fates Auntie Em

I originally had no intention of making this an Altered Fates story. However, after my first two drafts turned out horrible, I decided to try a different angle with it. This is what resulted. Altered Fates: Auntie Em By Morpheus Corey winced as his foot went into the puddle of water, muttering "Damn" to himself. He was already completely soaked through from the heavy rain, which gave no sign of letting up. Shivering in his wet clothes, Corey really wished that he hadn't ...

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Altered Fates Babysitting

I've had this story in mind for quite awhile, but the first time I started writing it, Eric came out with a very similar Altered Fates story called The Baby-sitter Caper first. Because of that I put this one on hold for awhile. Well here it finally is. I know that the ending leaves a lot that could be done afterwards, but I left off where I was on purpose. Perhaps I'll do a sequel, or perhaps I'll just leave the rest to the readers imagination. Altered Fates: Babysitting By...

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Altered Fates A Tale of Hollywood Mystery Magic and An Unusual Medallion

Please send or leave comments so I know whether my time writing this was well spent! Thanks for all comments. _______________________________________________ A Tale Of Hollywood Mystery And Magic, And An Unusual Medallion! An Altered Fates short story by Caleb Jones (Inspired by the Oscar winning actress, Hilary Swank.) Hilary Swank read the headline one more time, still unable to believe last night's events were true. "Swank Wins Oscar" Sun, Mar 26, 2000 05:54 PM PST LOS...

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Altered Fates Chris and Marissa

Hello I've submitted stories before as Lisa, Alyssa's Magic, Strings, and the Gift of Dreams here is a story that has been on Jennifer's site for a long time and I'm finally submitting it here, It is an Altered Fates Story. Altered Fates: Chris and Marissa By Rena Marissa Moore was having a bad week. She had just been laid off from her job as a receptionist for a small software company. It wasn't a great job, but it paid the bills. The company had been purchased by a slightly...

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Altered Fates Scenes From a Marriage

(Thanks to SteveZ for his Selfless Editing. The Altered Fate62 on Femur's great site inspired this story.) THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL STORY. After each scene, your imagination will be needed to fill in the blanks. Altered Fates: Scenes From a Marriage By Eric 1. The Discovery Janet was worried. Jack was being a jerk, and refusing to even set a date for their marriage; she had already bought her gown and EVERYTHING! God, how she hated it when he patronized her. She felt like...

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ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE REOPENED by BobH. (c) 2003 For those of you interested in continuity, this story takes place during the first half of the final season of The X- Files. It's a sequel to my story ALTERED FATES: THE X-FILE in the sense of being set after that tale and making reference back to it, but you don't need to have read that one to follow this one. MARRIOTT HOTEL, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND It was her walk as she strode into the main bar that had first...

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Altered Fates A Quick Study

Authors note: This is another story whose initial inspiration was a situation depicted on one of femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af017.jpg. ALTERED FATES: A QUICK STUDY by BobH. (c) 2003 Sitting in his large, elegantly-furnished CEO's office, Eric Peyton Wayne gazed sadly at the framed photograph in his hands. It showed him and Tommy Clark in happier times. They had been fourteen and indestructible when the picture was taken, during that long,...

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Altered Fates The Missing Episode of the Fugitive

As always, any comments or criticism is welcome. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. This story is dedicated to the creator of the Altered Fates Universe, Jennifer Adams and to the cast and crew of the 60's television series The Fugitive, still perhaps the finest drama series made for television. I also want to thank Steve Zink for his editing and general story help. Author's Note: Thank you to the original creators of the Fugitive TV series. Below is the cast, mostly...

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Altered Fates Tempest

ALTERED FATES: TEMPEST by BobH (c) 2004 Authors note: This story was inspired in part by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af011.jpg. These can be seen at 1.Janice: "'Loose' for 'lose'," said Gina Carter, dark eyes flashing, "'breath' when it should be 'breathe', and not knowing the difference between 'affect' and 'effect. Not to mention 'adverse' and 'averse'. I swear they've given up teaching basic English in American...

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Altered Fates The AfterEffect

Altered Fates: The After-Effect Written by Liam Slade Published originally on Fictionmania, to be reprinted with author's permission. *** For starters, let me tell you that I never felt different. It's an old clich? that someone in my scenario might have grown up differently than the other boys, but the truth is I loved playing G.I. Joe and Cowboys and Indians. I couldn't have cared less for Barbie dolls and easy-bake ovens. I liked baseball a l...

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Altered Fates A Christmas Tale

ALTERED FATES: A CHRISTMAS TALE by BobH (c) 2012 Ed Geraghty sat down heavily on the changing room bench and sighed. He felt every minute of his fifty-six years, and then some. Any positive effect on his health of thirty five years pounding the streets delivering mail had been more than offset by the same number of years spent drinking hard liquor to excess. Not that this was an option open to him any more, given the precarious state of his liver. He was not a bad man, and had...

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Alter Ego

It was a warm Saturday about a month after my divorce. I sat at the bar nursing a beer and watching the college football game on the TV. While I wasn’t really looking to actively socialize, I had come across the lake just to be in a place where there were other people. I pondered how I had gotten to this point. I wasn’t exactly broken up about the divorce, as we had been staying together only out of inertia for the last few years. We didn’t hate each other, but there hadn’t been any love in...

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Alter Egos Adventures Chapter 2 The Hotel NonLover

I had my second date three days after, on a Friday. He also had replied to my advert and he promised me a night of pleasure and hot sex. He had booked a hotel and asked if I wanted to stay the night with him, so that in the morning we could have morning sex. The idea got me all excited and I said yes.I was so looking forward to it, that I wanted to impress and went out to buy my very first lingerie set. It was a crème coloured ensemble. And I loved it. On the day, I made sure that my sister...

Quickie Sex
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Alter Egos Adventures Chapter 1 Midnight Madness

Prologue I came to be in a simple moment of insanity. On a website that called to my usually very reasonable half to be something more, somebody that others could never believe she could be. Spontaneous, bold, flirty, sexy, beautiful, desired, all in all a woman confident in her sexuality. I was instantly popular with lots a chatters and started a steady social network with many men. I was coy and secretive, sweet and attentive, I had many wrapped around my finger with the person I could be...

First Time
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Altered Fates Disguise For Life

Altered Fates DISGUISED FOR LIFE by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams Bob had everything he and his children would need packed into the trunk of his car when he went to pick them up for the week-end. He had planned it all out. He would pick them up from Shelly like it was going to be a normal week-end visit. Then instead of taking them to his rented house they would just go west and start over, just the three of them. It was a desperate act, he knew, and if he were caught...

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Altered Fates Glck und Glas Teil 1

Altered Fates: Glueck und Glas, Teil 1 by T:M in 2005 Achtung: In dieser Geschichte gibt es Szenen mit expliziten sexuellen Handlungen. Au?erdem wird geflucht, und das nicht selten! ***Prolog*** Eigentlich war alles wie immer: Ein typischer Samstag Vormittag. Das "Venice", ein kleines Eiscafe, welches nach 22.00 Uhr auch eine ganz passable Szenebar abgab lag am Rande der malerischen Altstadt, direkt neben der Rossmann-Br?cke, dem Markenzeichen des Ortes, welche ?ber einem ...

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Altered Fates Freefalling

Freefalling By Elliot Reid My name was Joseph, but now you can call me Jo. I have been through some changes, courtesy of the Medallion. The Medallion appeared out of nowhere. I have no clue how it came to me. One day I didn't have it, the next day it turned up in an old shoebox at the back of the closet. The box was full of junk, the lifetime bric-a-brac you gather like lint; a sewing kit, some nail clippers, a tape measure, lengths of elastic. I was searching for a spare shirt...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 11

I had the beginnings of an idea germinating in my brain. I left early the following morning to get to school before the early first bell that rang forty five minutes before first period began. People often came to school early to use the library or some of the labs. Some just came early to sit in the cafeteria and talk to other kids. I was going in that early in order to look for Kiki Elder. I assumed that it would take Audrey some time to talk Cindy into cooperating and accepting the ass...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 12

I found Dana walking between classes right before lunch period for me. Her lunch period came right after mine did. She didn't seem comfortable to be speaking with me, but she did stop at least, to see what it was I needed. "Dana, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to avoid me." "What do you want Barry? I'm going to be late for class." "You know Carla Rizzo don't you?" "I know who she is, why?" "Audrey and I are having her come over to Audrey's house for...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 14

You would think that, after getting drunk and having a wreck where someone gets killed, that you would be in a lot of trouble. I'm talking years worth of trouble, in the slammer forever, kind of trouble. If that was true, then why was Walter sitting in our living room when I woke up Sunday morning? More importantly, why wasn't he in jail? The answer lies in the presumption of innocence, and in the fact that my parents had found themselves a well connected lawyer to represent Walter. I...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 15

I thought about what my father had said to me, especially the part about him and mom being proud of the effort that I'd made to get along with Walter. It had been better between us then, but I was still doing things that I knew would piss him off if he ever found out. Thinking about it, I started wondering if I wouldn't have been better off to have tried to reach some accommodation with Walter years before. How much of our feuding was a direct result of my actions against him? I heard my...

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