Altered Fates - Lost and Found
by cj
Permissions: Archival and/or sharing of this story, along with derivitive
works - WITHOUT profit from reselling/repackaging, are permitted as long
as the story remains complete, unchanged, and correctly attributed to its
original author "cj". These permissions are to be included with shared or
archived story, and extended to any derivative works. Written permission
from the author is required for any "for profit" use.
Special Thanks: Thank you, Jennifer Adams, for allowing us to
participate in your "Altered Fates" universe.
I'd found a strange item on the side of the road - like a fake coin
hanging from a cheap leather lace. I laughed lightly as I wished that it
was the fabled Medallion of Zulo. As I examined the gold-colored object
I started to question my mental status... this thing looks exactly as I'd
seen the Medallion of Zulo described. 'There is no way that this is
real' I thought to myself. I had to look around... see if someone was
watching... was someone having a bit of fun with me.
Still, I put the object in my pocket to deal with later.
I decided to test the magic (and my sanity) and tried a little
experiment. I grabbed a pair of old blue-jeans and touched the
questionable item as it hung around my neck. A little tingle, and in
minutes the clothes I wore became looser-fitting. I tried the old jeans
and they fit great. Amazing! I lost a few inches around my waist and
more importantly, confirmed that the Medallion of Zulo did exist... and
was currently in my possession.
I quickly tried to formulate my plan, what changes do I want to make...
who do I really want to be. Who could I ask to swap bodies with... or
would I even want to. If I swapped bodies - we would have to try to be
each other for the duration of the swap. But if I just transformed
myself, I wouldn't have to pretend to be someone else - however as
someone new, I would have no history, no documentation... no identity,
and that could be problematic if I needed to leave the house or wanted to
to keep my new form longer than the few days it would take for me to be
What started off as hours, became weeks, as I thought about possible
partners to swap with, and ways to re-create myself as someone new...
with documentation and everything. Sure it was possible for the
medallion to change my size and shape to match new, never-worn
clothing... but how would I go about looking and sounding like I'd been
born a girl... and could I maybe shave a few (okay several) years off of
my age. Would I have to transform into a young girl version of myself
first and then into an older version of that younger girl.
I began to wonder also about what things I would have to learn about
being a girl so that my actions wouldn't hint that I'd not always been
one. I don't remember the medallion's magic having the effect of
transferring those skills, knowledge and mannerisms. How long would it
take me to learn these things... and most importantly, how long would it
take for me to appear convincing to the world at large. Perhaps it would
be better if I did revert to a child and then learn these things the same
way that most other girls learn them - life experience.
Months had passed since I found the medallion and I was hiking through
the woods just outside of town one afternoon - pondering what to do about
the medalion before I lost it or it got stolen or otherwise disappeared.
Perhaps I should've been paying more attention to the trail than the
medalion, because while I was preoccupied with my thoughts, I stumbled
and rolled down into a ravine.
At the bottom of the hill I could feel my ankle was broken and I was
pretty bruised. I started to brush the dirt and debris off of me when I
realized I was caught up in something that wasn't part of the forest
floor, a jacket. A pink, girl's jacket. What was that doing out here?
I didn't have time to ponder that question, I've more important things to
consider, like what to do about the medallion. The medallion! Where did
it go?
Still in pain from the sprained (or broken) ankle, I looked all around
where I was sitting for the medallion. Seeing nothing but what appeared
to be a partially-hidden garbage bag of clothes, I rolled to my left,
then my right before I found the medallion - caught between me and the
girl's jacket... touching a bare portion of my back... AND the jacket!!!
I realized that I was 'tingling', and not from the excitment of the
situation. Oh boy! This isn't quite what I had wanted.
I rushed to get the Medallion and the jacket away from myself but the
tingling didn't stop. I could feel the pain in my ankle subside as I
grew shorter - my hair grew longer and my clothing became too big for me.
I started to panic - not knowing what to do, or how to stop the
transformation. I was in shock for a few moments not knowing what to do
at all.
Finally the tingling stopped and I could see that I was now in a
different form. The best I could tell, I looked like a 8 to 10 year-old
girl with long, curly brown hair. I took a moment to breath and try to
think. My first thoughts were about how I felt so energetic and small
and light now. My next thoughts were to see what it's like to be a girl
for a little bit. At the very least, I should try to see what a girl's
body looks like from her point of view - I quickly vetoed that thought,
for as I felt no urges that I would describe as sexual in nature, it
still felt "wrong" to do so.
I looked around to check out my surroundings and get my bearings again
before deciding what to do. I knew it was getting late and I probably
shouldn't stay out here for the next 12 hours until I could change back.
I certainly couldn't go around looking like this either. I decided I
needed to get out of the ravine and find some shelter - but first, what
to do about these giant clothes I was swimming in. I remembered that
garbage bag about halfway up the side of the ravine - something that I
seemed to have disturbed on my roll down. Curiousity got the best of me
and I struggled with the giant clothes as I climbed the ravine to the
trash-bag. Inside what I found made my heart sink as these looked to be
clothes made to fit the form I now wore. While I felt relief that I
would have clothes that fit, I was pained with thoughts about what had
become of the girl who really belonged to these clothes. There was a
complete outfit for me - pants, shirt, socks, shoes... underthings. A
myriad of dark thoughts about her demise made me sad... and perhaps a
little scared, still I didn't understand why my eyes started to tear-up.
It was in rifling through the clothes that a cold chill ran up my spine.
I think these are the clothes that little Katie Green was wearing the day
she went missing a few months back. I had to get out of this ravine now,
I may have found a clue into her disappearance, I had to get help to find
her. Wait a second! I can't do that now - They'd think I *was* her!
I knew I'd probably already ruined a crimescene but if I hadn't I'd be
struggling with my own clothes, probably unable to make it to some
shelter before dark. I'd likely be found dead, thought to be her and
having succumb to hypothermia, a great amount of evidence then pointing
back to my own self as a suspect. I swallowed hard and appologized to
Katie and whatever God was up there for having to do what I had to do to
survive. I finished donning the girl's clothing from the garbage bag and
replaced them with my own. I made it back down the ravine to collect the
jacket and the Medallion, put on the jacket, and then stashed the garbage
bag once again on my way out of the ravine. I made a silent dash to the
old fish hatchery in the woods that was a little off the beaten path, I
figured that was the best place to find secluded shelter for the night.
But first...
I hated doing it, but a body has needs. I wasn't sure how to pee in the
woods as a girl. As a guy, I could just unzip and go - but as a girl? I
figured that since girls sit down to pee, my best option would be to
squat down. I didn't want to sit in the dirt as it would turn to mud
when I went. So I did my best to make sure all my clothes were out of
the way and squatted down and did what I had to do. I was expecting the
pee to go down... well behind me as I was leaning, but it went more
frontward than I had expected. I was able to readjust myself before I
made a real mess of things by leaning forward more, but when I was done
there was still a little bit of wetness down there. As I had no toilet
paper to clean up, I simply stood back up, pulled the clothes back on,
and continued on my way.
This body was light and limber, and although my strides were shorter, I
was nowhere near as winded from the half-run in this form than I would
have been in my larger frame. It took some work to get into the old
building as my new body wasn't as strong as my old form. But due to my
new smaller size, I eventually squeezed myself in - unfortunately,
tearing the jacket a little.
I needed to wait before I could change back so I really had nowhere to go
and nothing to keep me from boredom. Though it was still a bit chilly
even with the jacket, the excitement from this whole experience had taken
its toll. The emotional drain, the physical struggles, and the boredom
wore me out, and it didn't take me too long to nod-off.
I was awakened with a start, the sound of chains being pulled and a
large, heavy door squeaking open. It was odd, then I remembered where I
was... and more importantly who I looked like. My eyes shot wide open!
I needed to get out... NOW! I made a dash for the back door that I had
squeezed in through, but I was seen. A man yelled to his buddy "Hey,
there's someone in here!" And I could hear him come running after me. I
tried to get back out of the small hole I used last night, but he caught
me. I screamed "No" as he grabbed me, and struggled to get away. He
tried to assure me that he only wanted to help, but I didn't care. I
needed to get back to my own self before someone recognized me as
Katie... or worse - What if these were the guys responsible for Katie's
I couldn't help but feeling terrified, like I haven't been since I was a
kid, which I guess is appropiate since I currently was a kid. As he
pulled me back inside the building I was crying and screaming and
fighting with everything I could give - but it wasn't enough. I could
hear faint sounds of voices over a radio as one of the men called for
assistance. I could see these guys were in uniform but through teared-up
eyes it was hard to determine at first that they were from the Parks
Department. They kept asking me my name - and I just sat silently,
balled-up on the floor, absolutley unsure what to do... what to say. I
couldn't tell them the truth, that was for sure. So I just sat in silent
terror as I felt reality close in around me.
It didn't take long for them to identify me as one missing Katheryn
"Katie" Marie Green - age 9. Police, an ambulance, and a trip to the
hospital for a check-up followed, as did a "reunion" with "my" parents.
I'm sure I was cold and distant - as I just had no memory of these people
or any of Katie's past. Of course, I'm sure the doctors said that my
behavior was normal for traumatic situations like this.
Man, I was really up a creek.
"Mommy" stayed with me all night long. Every time I woke up she was
there, still awake - and wanting to cater to any need I might have.
There was no chance for me to escape and return to my own self.
I couldn't help but think about what my own parents would be going
through if I didn't show up for supper tonight like I had planned. Did
they miss me at work? How am I going to explain my abscence to my
friends and everyone else? I was really struggling to keep it together
and refrain from these stupid tears that constantly want to work their
way to the surface. Why do I cry so easily now?
Over the next few days, they tried again to get me to talk. They had
doctors come in and talk with me. I still didn't know what to say, and I
still couldn't tell anyone the truth. I just kept quiet and cried when I
had to. I also got my first real introduction to Katie's body as I was
bathed for the first time as a girl. It was an experience - I wasn't
sure how I felt about it... It wasn't right for this to be happening -
for me to be feeling such intimate contact with her body, but I knew that
this body needed to be cleaned. Afterward I got another taste of the
difference between boys and girls - hair.
Long, wet hair is heavier than you'd think - it really makes your neck
muscles work. And drying it seems to take forever. But the brushing -
brushing has to be the worst, it hurts everytime a tangle causes the
brush to pull your hair - and there are loads of tangles to work out. It
seemed like it took an hour just to brush through her unruly mane the
first time. Of course, it wasn't so bad after that, but it still took a
few more times through before her mother was happy.
I could see the love and relief in Katie's mother's eyes when she looked
at me, and I think even what I would call pain when I seemed distant
and/or cold to her. When I would cry, I could only imagine what she was
going through - her daughter lost, and now found... so joyous a thing.
Yet her daughter found, but lost... so painful for it was an injury she
couldn't make better. These thoughts made me cry too. For as much as I
wanted to get back to being me (or a newer me) - I didn't want to be the
cause of the the devastaing pain that Katie's parents would feel if they
lost their little girl again.
These thoughts tore me up inside, and tormented me in my dreams at night.
As much as I wanted to try being someone else all these past years, I
never wanted to take the place of a missing (and dead) child. What
happened if they found the real Katie's body? How could I possibly
pretend to be Katie? I just can't stay her. I can't be her. What
happens to the real me? What should I do?
What could I do? I need to get to Katie's jacket and that medallion, get
back to my own clothes, and get back to my life. However, under the
constant watch of the hospital staff and Katie's mom, I wasn't going
anywhere, anytime soon. I'm stuck here, as Katie, for the time being.
Okay, getting back to my own clothes and life is out for the moment.
What about the Medallion? I haven't seen Katie's jacket since shortly
after my arrival. Okay, I need to find the jacket and secure the
Medallion... before it disappears!
The only way I'm going to find that jacket is to either get up and look
for it... or ask. Either option presents possible issues. If I get up
to look for it, what will the mother's response be, and what will the
doctors try to make of it? If I talk, well, then there are too many
questions that I'm going to have to answer.
I figure that getting up to look for the jacket and the Medallion might
be normal for a traumatized child. Something familiar... secure. So,
get out of bed it is. Katie's mom grabs for me, but doesn't hold me back
as I slide down out of the bed. She asks me if I'm okay as she rises
from her own chair. As I look around for the jacket, she asks what I'm
looking for - I choose to remain silent. As I start to run out of places
to look, I start to consider the possiblity that the Medallion is already
gone. By the time I'm done searching, I'm already well into the water-
works - and climb back into the bed and curl up into a ball.
Is this it? Is this how my story ends? Has my own curiosity caught up
with me and left me stuck in this perdiciment? I wonder what my friends
and family are going to be going through - and I can see bits of that in
Katie's mother's eyes, and I cry myself to sleep in the realization of
how much more pain I've caused with that stupid Medallion - pain that
didn't have to be.
I woke up feeling warm and comfortable. I felt arms around me, it felt
really nice. Then I started to remember. I realized that I was being
embraced lovingly by Katie's mom. I wanted to stop this charade, but I
had to admit... right now, this felt pretty good. I felt safe... loved.
I closed my eyes "just a few more minutes... can't hurt".
Well, being Katie feels good. I'm loved, I'm safe. But I'm not Katie!
If I'm Katie, nobody is me... I'm gone. If I'm gone I won't get to be
with *MY* loved ones! If I'm me, then I'm loved and safe too, and I'm
surrounded by the people that *I* love. If I'm me, then Katie's gone.
Either way, hearts will be broken.
I'm not going to give up on my own life. That jacket with the Medallion
has to be somewhere, I just need to figure it all out. I ponder for a
bit on what my next step should be, before realizing that if Katie's mom
brought some of her clothes here... then the jacket must be at their
house. Step one, get out of the hospital. Looks like I'm going to have
to pretend to be Katie for awhile.
I hope I can do this... I HAVE to do this... For now, I'm going to have
to play the part of Katie. I gathered my wits about me and tried to
imagine myself into character. I sighed and gently called,"Mommy,
where's my jacket?"
"Hmmmm." she groggily ??? "What's that, Baby?"
"My jacket... with the necklace?" Why not, might as well ask what for the
item I'm really after.
"It's all dirty, Princess. We'll get you a new one."
"No. The necklace?"
"I don't know Baby, we can buy you a new one."
I started crying again. No, it's not gone. Think positive. Maybe it
fell out somewhere along the way. Yeah, that's it. It fell out of the
pocket, and I'll just go looking and find it after I get out of here. I
tried to calm myself down as Katie's mom tried to comfort me, "Shhhhh.
It'll be alright, Honey. Everything will be alright."
It was another two days before they let me go "home". There were plenty
of talks with the doctors - I don't know what their diagnosis was, I just
know that I did my best to answer their questions like a 9 year-old kid
would. I didn't know how my "amnesia" would be viewed - but I certainly
didn't have the cunning to spin some wild yarn and remember it - so I
used the truth everywhere I could, and feigned ignorance on things like
"When is your birthday?" and "Where do you live?" Of course, "Who is
your best friend?", "What is your favorite stuffed animal?", and "Who is
your teacher?" were completely unknown to me, so that helped. I hoped
that I was giving them enough to declare me missing memories, but
otherwise fit to go home. Obviously, I did well enough - and now I had a
thousand more questions to consider if I was going to be Katie for the
next little while.
I always wondered what it'd be like to wear tights and a dress, so I was
quite happy when Katie's mom brought a nice yellow dress and white tights
for me to wear home. After visiting the restroom, cleaning up, and
brushing this wild mane for the hundred-thousandth time, I finally got to
slip into an undershirt and the yellow dress. After the dress was on, I
got to put on Katie's white tights followed by her white buckle-style
shoes. Katie's mom decided that I needed a bow and so a yellow ribbon
was brought up and tied around my hair. This was followed by a pair of
yellow flowery earrings in my pierced ears (I hadn't noticed that
before). While the pierced ears were a surprise, after the initial
strangeness of having them inserted - I really didn't notice them.
I got to look at myself in the mirror and I smiled as I looked pretty
cute, and felt even cuter. Then the smile left my face as I thought
about what I needed to do if I wanted to get back to my own life.
Katie's mom noticed the change, and I picked up on that and tired to
smile again for her sake - I was only partially successful.
Katie's dad was waiting for us when we came out of the bathroom. He was
a tall, decent-looking fellow clean-cut and fit. After I put on the
sweater Katie's mom handed me, her dad picked me up and carried me out of
the hospital. After an initial start, as I wasn't expecting such a thing
- I wondered if this was a normal thing for Katie. It was just another
reminder of my new station in life - once again I was a child - with no
say in many of the things that happen until I could get back to my own
Once outside, Katie's dad set me down, and we walked to their car.
Tights aren't as warm as you would think - it gets kinda breezy under a
dress. When we got to the car I sighed internally as I realized that I
wasn't going to be doing any driving for awhile. I resignedly climbed
into the backseat behind the dad when the door was opened for me.
Katie's mom got into the backseat on the passenger's side - well, at
least I wasn't going to be alone.
On the ride home I experimented with how to sit while wearing a dress.
Interestingly, I could keep my legs together with little effort or
discomfort - something I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to do as
a man. Sitting with my legs slightly apart felt quite natural too. But
sitting with my legs spread a bit (like a guy) just felt weird... not so
much physically uncomfortable or painful, but mentally it just felt
"funny". By this time the tights were starting to feel itchy and I had
to keep 'adjusting' them or moving my legs to keep the itchiness in
Long hair is heavy and too much work. Dresses in wind are too breezy.
Tights are too itchy. Being a girl maybe isn't so much fun. Being a kid
again is definitely not so much fun this time around!
We pulled into an alley in an older part of town, about a block away from
the lake. About half-way down the alley we turned into a driveway and
then pulled into a garage. The backyard didn't look very big and the
houses were pretty close together.
Stepping out of the garage and into the kitchen I could tell that this
was a decent size house. The kitchen looked fairly modern, but the
adjoining rooms seemed to give the house an early 20th century feel, with
wood trim, high ceilings (I think) and partitioning of the rooms.
I followed Katie's mom through the dining and living rooms, and then up
the formal stairway. At the top of the stairs there was a short hallway
that led to several doors. We entered a door with Katie's name in
painted blocks hanging on it. The room was painted, furnished and
decorated in a cliche'd pink on white theme.
After setting the little case of Katie's clothes and such from the
hospital stay on Katie's bed she opened it and began to unpack while I
stood at the doorway trying to absorb what would be my new home for the
next who-knows-how-long. I noticed a bed against the wall to my right
and a closet on the far side. Against the left wall was a bookshelf, a
dresser with a mirror, and a small desk with a mirror on it. A large
double-hung window on the far wall fell between the closet and the desk.
A look behind me revealed another closet and some shelves with various
stuffed animals and dolls. There was a large dollhouse in the corner and
a small bedstand with a lamp.
As I was taking in "my" new room, I noticed that Katie's mom was staring
at me. When I looked at her she gave me a curious look and then asked
what was wrong. I thought for a moment on how to best answer her
question, then replied that I didn't remember this room, that I couldn't
remember anything about anything in it, that it felt like I was in a
strange house. I could see her concern surface and she came and gave me
a hug, which while it effected no change in what I felt, did feel nice in
I helped Katie's mom put away the clothes that I hadn't worn, which
allowed me to become more acquainted with some of Katie's fairly vast
wardrobe. I also helped to put up the stuffed companions that Katie's
mom had brought to the hospital to help comfort her... well, me. Which
thinking about it, in not using any of them, had I been "acting strange"?
I wish I'd thought of that before.
As we were finishing up, I felt that familiar urge... but I had no idea
where the bathroom was. I was almost embarrassed to ask - but I knew
that this was something that I was going to have to know. "Down the hall
and on the opposite side," I was told. The bathroom looked very
Victorian and had a claw-foot porceline tub.
When I was done, I went back to Katie's room and studied her things more
carefully, trying to imagine how she would have interacted with them...
trying to imagine the names of her dolls and suffed animals. I was
making head-way, but I felt like such an outsider, such an intruder. I
was holding one of Katie's dolls when a soft, deep voice said "Jessica."
I jumped and spun around. Katie's dad apologised for startling me and
said "Her name is Jessica" as he nodded at the doll I was holding. I
considered her for a moment and then replied that Jessica was a nice
name. He nodded and then told me that lunch was ready.
It was a simple lunch, PB&J, some milk and a couple of chocolate chip
After lunch, I was dressed in mid-length, red and white dress; short
socks and a pair of dirty white sneakers. Then we all went to the park
which was only a couple of blocks away, and next to the lake. I wasn't
sure what to do - so I just tried a bit of everything, much to the
consternation of Katie's mom who reminded me not to get "my" dress dirty.
Now playing in the city park is pretty much the same everywhere - but
it's different when you're in a young, fit, and energetic body...
especially if you're wearing a dress. I had to be extra careful on the
swings and slide to keep from 'flashing my panties' - and the breeze
takes a bit of getting used to.
Okay, being a kid again might not be so bad all the time.
Back home I ran up to Katie's room and then wasn't sure what to do when I
got there. I tried to imagine what Katie was like. I could guess from
the excitement and energy that I felt after having been to the park that
she was an active kid. I just wanted to keep moving and doing things.
But I tried to bring my energy level down a bit - I needed to think. If
I was going to be Katie for little while - I was going to need to know
how. What did she like? How did she interact with people? Who were her
friends? Again, I felt like an intruder and a liar. I started to cry as
the thoughts overwhelmed me.
I woke up lying on Katie's bed. Something was poking me in the side of
the head - it was the back of the earring I was wearing. As I rubbed the
sore spot on my head, I stretched and tried to imagine what Katie would
do. I looked down at myself and noticed that I'd wrinkled my dress. I
sighed, and as I got out of bed again realized the size of my new
bladder. After taking care of business I decided that Katie would change
into something less wrinkled, so I grabbed a light green T-shirt and a
pair of jeans that I thought looked comfortable and put them on. I put
the dress in the hamper.
I looked thoughtfully around Katie's room for clues as to what she would
do now. I sat at the desk to see if she had any papers... or a diary
that would help me in my quest. All that the desk contained were some
jewelry and nail polish. I looked at my finger nails, no polish. I
wondered if I should try puting some on - and decided that I'd deal with
that another time. I took a look through the jewelry and found a small
arrow-head pendant on a leather cord. It looked interesting and so I put
it on. It reminded me a bit of the medallion.
The medallion! Where's the medallion? I thought back to the last place
I'd seen it - well, okay, felt it in the pocket of the pink jacket.
Shoot, I really hadn't checked on it after I climbed out of the ravine -
It could be anywhere between the ravine and the old building. I hope
nobody else found it. *sigh*
I found myself bored, and decided to see what else I could do to occupy
my time. I bounded down the stairs and I was met with a "no running down
the stiars young lady!" from both of Katie's parents, who were in the
kitchen. I joined them at the kitchen table where Katie's mom was just
setting down a glass of juice for me. I drank the juice while Katie's
parents asked me what I wanted to do today. Knowing exactly what I
wanted to do, I stopped and considered their question, trying to think
how the real Katie would ask it. I finally decided that a traumatized
Katie wouldn't even consider heading back into those woods. Defeated, I
shrugged and told them that I didn't know. They decided that I just
needed more time to recover, and smiled at me lovingly. How am I ever
going to find a way to get out and look for that Medallion?
We decided to stay in and watch Animal Planet on TV. It wasn't my first
choice, but even I still learned a thing or two from time to time - and
it wasn't like I could have them tune in to any of my favorites shows.
Most of the stuff I watched on TV was too "adult" or "mature" for a 9
year-old. I guess this was something else I'll have to tolerate until I
can get my old form back. That got me thinking. I can't drive, I can't
cook, I can't shop, I can't watch what I want, Heck, I don't even know if
they have internet access! I know that there's no computer in my... I
mean Katie's room. And Katie's too young to have a cell phone. I was
effectively cut off from being an adult and doing things that are normal
to me. I was at the mercy of others for most of the things that I took
for granted everyday. I was now, to the rest of the world, NOT an adult
- and would be seen and treated accordingly.
I have to get out of here! I have to get back to my life!
As much as I keep trying to imagine what Katie would do, and as much as I
keep trying to be Katie the best that I can... I just have the most
difficult time not getting bored out of my mind! I keep looking for new
and adventurous things to occupy my thoughts but I'm either not
imaginative enough, or Katie's life really sucks. My life over the next
few days was much the same, wake up, get dressed, eat, play, think, play,
eat lunch, play, think or nap, then snack, then play more, supper, family
time, bed time... it was quite boring.
The only real break from the boredom was Thursday afternoon when we went
to see one of the doctors for a checkup. Unfortunately, it was my mental
state they were trying to get a grasp of. I still didn't remember any of
Katie's life from before, so there was no change there - and I was still
trying to do my best at being Katie so hopefully they would see that
things were normal and let me get on with things so I could get back to
my own life.
Friday afternoon, I got my next break from the monotony of my boredom.
"Katie!" her mom called from downstaris. I welcomed the break and
bounded down the stairs. "Amy and Jill are on their way over." I was
told. I figured that Amy and Jill must be Katie's friends, but I didn't
know who they were, and I assume that my lack of enthusiasm at the news
revealed my ignorance. "Amy and Jill are your friends. You used to play
with them all the time." I wasn't sure what to say, and my blank look
brought out the sadness in Katie's mother's eyes.
Jill arrived first. She was taller than I, and thin - Bound to be model
material when she was older, or so it seemed to me. She seemed shy, and
we really didn't say anything for those uneasy few minutes until Amy
arrived. I froze for a moment as I recognized Amy's mom right away... my
neighbor Cindy! My shy little neighbor girl, Amy, is one of Katie's
friends - This should be interesting. I tried, honestly, I did - but I
just couldn't look Cindy in the eye. I felt partly ashamed, and partly
afraid that she would know who I really was. Fortunately, my distress
was short-lived as we moved away from the moms and into the house.
Amy was about my current height and build but with blonde hair, but as I
soon found out, those were the only things about Amy that I really knew.
Around me, the old me, Amy was shy and reserved - but around me, as
Katie, it was like she was someone else. Amy wasn't shy at all. She
took charge right away and we went up to Katie's room to get some dolls
and the dollhouse. We brought them down to the living-room where we
played with them for awhile.
It was interesting to see how real nine-year old girls played with dolls.
Imagining what it's like to be a familly. Daddy going to work, Mommy
staying home and caring for the babies... cooking and cleaning. It seems
that they had a fair idea of some of the things that are required, but
I'm sure the two lacked the understanding of the effort and
responsibility involved. I did my best to play along, but mostly watched
as Amy and Jill played. Several times we'd run up to my... Katie's room
to get more dolls and accessories before we finally decided to draw some
I was quite apprehensive about this idea. I have no idea what I should
be drawing vs. what might draw suspicion to me. I decided to draw a
daisy. I wanted to dumb-down my artistry to a nine-year-old level, but
as I started to draw the flower, I found myself correcting little flaws
in my effort. After a while I took stock in my drawing and found that
the image was much better than I'd normally have achieved. I was a
better artist in this little body than I was in my own! This revelation
actually made me feel quite good, and I continued my drawing, adding in
some grass and other daisies around the first. It wasn't gallery
material by a long-shot - but it was well above average for a nine year-
old kid. I knew that I didn't draw this well, so I hoped that it was
something normal for Katie. I really had to wonder about that, as I
didn't recall the Medallion giving abilities or skills to those it
changed, only physical attributes. I was still considering the piece
when mom interrupted us with some snacks. After the snacks we jumped
rope for a bit until Jill's and Amy's moms came to pick them up.
Before they left the girls asked when I'd be coming back to school
(Hopefully never) and I told them that I didn't know. They told me that
they hoped to see me again soon, and I reciprocated though I wasn't sure
I was really ready for that. Although I'm not keen on going back to
school and having to re-do the Third Grade, I was still somewhat curious
as to social interaction as a nine year-old girl in a larger setting. I
tried to remember what social interaction was like when I was nine, and
really couldn't remember. Perhaps being around Katie's classmates would
help jog those memories while allowing me to experience a whole new set.
On Saturday, "Dad" was in the garage working on the family car. I sat
and watched him for a minute or two before asking what he was doing. He
told me he was chaning the oil and I walked over towards him. He
cautioned me not to get under the car, because it was "dangerous". As
boring as being Katie was, this was something new, yet familiar - I
decided to help. I helped hand him rags and wrenches and the filter -
always waiting for him to ask me, but always ready for his request, as
I've done this too many times and knew what was coming next. He slid out
from under the car when he was done and thanked me, giving me a kiss on
the forehead before standing up. That was kind of cool. I got to stand
on a bucket as I helped him add oil to the engine before he closed the
hood and then we started up the car and checked for leaks. It felt nice
to be doing something normal - even if I was just a helper this time.
When we went back inside the house "Mom" asked what we were up to. I
told her we were changing the oil and she casually acknowledged it, all
the while looking at me curiously. It was as I was looking away that I
noticed the window on the wall between the kitchen and the garage. My
eyes grew wide as I realized that Katie's mom could very well have seen
me helping "dad" in the garage. I wondered if she noticed that I was
prepared before he asked me for things. I hope not, that'll be
impossible to explain without sounding crazy.
That night I could've swore Katie's mom was watching me like a hawk as I
got washed and ready for bed. Maybe I was just paranoid. I look exactly
like Katie, down to the genetics from what I'd read in those stories...
so I have to be Katie - I can't be anyone else, because that would be
impossible. After repeatedly brushing through Katie's long mane again, I
was finally able to crawl into bed.
The next morning, I woke to be greeted by "mom" setting out Katie's
Sunday best for me to wear - another dress, and another pair of tights.
More conservative than fancy, but not too plain - a little lace, a few
ruffles, and some basic leather, flat-heeled shoes with a buckle. I was
a bit lost during the service as my mind was on other things. I caught a
glimpse of my real parents during the service as well as some of my
friends - and when the pastor mentioned to say prayers for me (the
missing me) I was already crying softly. When Katie's dad asked me if I
wanted to leave, I shook my head, I wanted to stay as close to my real
family for as long as I could.
After church, everyone was stopping by to offer my real parents support,
and to express to Katie's parents their joy at "my" safe return. As the
crowds parted, Katie's parents and I went over to my parents and they
exchanged wordless embraces and commiseration. I wanted to tell them I
was okay, but I knew that things were strange enough and that nobody
would understand or believe me, and that I was likely to make everyone
feel worse. Overwhelmed with emotion, I went up to my mom and hugged her
tightly. She picked me up and reciprocated. Even my father who was
normally staid and rock-solid joined her and embraced me. It felt so
good, I hoped it would never end. But all too soon, we had to move on.
I looked back at my parents as Katie's parents led me away. I didn't
want to leave, but knew I couldn't stay. My parents looked my way and
upon meeting my gaze, smiled at me. I cried softly.
The rest of the day was a rollercoaster ride of emotions as I quit trying
to hold back the tears while I pondered my future. Interrupted only by
meals and parental concern. I have to admit that I miss the closeness of
being hugged by my parents, and even though these weren't my parents, the
effect on me was very much the same as if they were my own... comforting.
It's still a bit disconcerting being picked-up and carried or held so
effortlessly by Katie's dad, but oddly reassuring, and sometimes... I
think, a bit "fun" too.
Monday, "Mom" kept me busy with helping around the house. Helping her do
the various household chores, and wash and fold the laundry kept my mind
distracted. I'd have figured that the tasks would be boring, but I found
that this new, smaller frame made most of them an adventure. I had to
compensate for my smaller size and diminshed strength. I almost can't
believe that I napped for an hour and a half after lunch. I guess
perhaps I pushed this body a little harder than it wanted.
That afternoon Amy & Jill stopped by to visit and Mom shooed us up to my
room. I was still at a loss with how to really interact with them. It
didn't take long before the girls realized that I was struggling with the
situation and took charge. Soon they were "reminding" me of the names of
my various dolls and stuffed compnaions. We had a fashion show for the
dolls, followed by a real life fashion show with me as the model. At
first I wasn't too keen on the idea, then it occured to me that perhaps
this was the best way for me to learn how to match an outfit from all the
various pieces of clothing that were in my closet. I did my best to pay
attention and try to remember the combinations and more importantly why
they fit together. The experience and education was very tiring, almost
moreso than helping with the house-chores from earlier. That evening I
don't really remember much of the bath I took, I was so tired.
Tuesday morning I was awakened from bed at what seemed to be too early in
the morning. I was being told to "hurry-up" and get ready. I didn't
understand what the big rush was until I saw the outfit that was laid-out
for me... a plaid skirt and sweater with a patch on it... a school
uniform! Oh, I so want to get out of here and back to my old life!
Third grade for a nine year-old must be a wonderous and fun experience.
But for a nearly 40 year-old man... Well, the lessons were elementary,
and the rest was child's-play (sorry, this day is boring and I couldn't
resist the fun of making that pun-ny). I found that if I wasn't paying
attention to things, school got quite boring. So I tried to pay
attention to the other kids, to learn what "normal" was in Katie's world.
It wasn't reading, writing, or arithmatic that I learned in school today.
No, what *I* learned in school today was that wearing a skirts required
more awareness than pants; that ponytails are simple and great for
keeping long hair out of my face; that boys loved to tease and pick-on
the girls; and that girls seem to care more about others than boys do.
That last item was interesting to me. I thought that I'd cared for other
people before, but this seemed to be on a whole different level. At
first I thought that these girls were just friends of Katie's, but as the
day wore on, I began to realize that there was a distance between us that
wasn't just because I wasn't really Katie. It seemed that there were
several different groups of girls. I kind of remember the same type of
thing when I was boy. But outside of these groups of girls, there
existed some type of relationship. I'm not even sure how to describe it.
It's not really like a friendship, but did share some characteristics of
one. I could feel some empathy between the girls, even if they were from
different groups. And of course, there's always the camaraderie of
solidarity when facing-off with worst of the boys.
As the week progressed, I became more aware of how different people
seemed to be from Katie's perspective as compared to my own. I mean,
besides the obvious of being treated like a child, I noticed in adults
that I'd known previously what seemed to me to be a different
personality. Typically, women seemed to be more vocal than I recalled
witnessing as a man. I wondered if perhaps some or most of these women
were just more reserved around men, especially men that had a few years
on them. Or perhaps they just weren't comfortable around the old me.
I noticed nothing new with the boys. It seems that they still prefered
to mingle in their own groups, only stepping outside of that boundary for
the rare recess activity or any class activity that mandated it. As for
the girls... well, it was becoming more and more obvious to me that the
girls did band together in their own little groups, and I really
struggled to determine what it was that separated the various girl-
groups. I guess my adult male mind still lacked the proper perspective.
I did note, that while some of these kids that I had known previously
were about the same, albeit more active and vocal than I remember. I
wondered if that had to do with showing proper respect to their elders
when I was an adult, as compared to now. I also noticed that some of
these kids were mean-spirited, much like one or both of their parents,
but sometimes completely opposite of them. And these were kids that
seemed so nice when I was an adult. It really struck me as to the extent
that children learn behavior and respect from the adults closest to them
(most of the time).
I debated often on whether the sacrifice and boredom of being Katie for a
just a bit longer might be worth the knowledge and insight I might gain
from her perspective. I'm not sure that I really decided, but as the
internal debate raged on, so too will time march. I suppose that I can
bear it for a bit longer, and then when I feel that I can learn no more,
than I can execute my escape plan.
Still, I needed to get back out to the woods and find that Medallion, or
this whole debate may become moot.
On Friday, we headed to doctor again, only this time they put me in an
MRI-type machine. That really concerned me - I had no way to figure out
how to manipulate my brain to mimic Katie, or if they could even tell.
Katie's mom saw my apprehention and tried to ease my anxiety. She told
me that the doctors wanted to check my brain to make sure it was okay. I
wasn't comforted one bit.
After the hospital visit, we went out for an ice cream treat. It was
kind of chilly outside, but ice cream is good in any weather. We headed
home after the treat, where I pondered what the doctors would find
lurking inside Katie's pretty little head.
Time passes very slowly when you're cut-off from the people and
activities that you love, when everything is planned-out for you, and you
have very few responsibilites. It didn't take too long before I became
bored trying to live Katie's life. I didn't enjoy the same things that
she did, I found it difficult to connect with Katie's friends, and the
school work was much too easy. I guess I had let my guard down a little
too much. Katie's teachers had reported all this to her mom, and I guess
she had started to notice it too.
This resulted in my having to see a counsellor a couple of times a week.
I guess they thought that this was some symptom of whatever traumatic
expereince that they thought I went through. I found it increasingly
difficult to open-up and share with them things that I didn't know or
remember. It was frustrating, both for me, and from what I could tell,
even the counsellors.
I kept alternating between pushing myself to act like nine year-old Katie
and retreating into my own little world. I found myself drawing more and
more. I found my new talent quite relaxing and pleasant. I guess that
no matter how hard I tried to be Katie, that my true self kept trying to
push to the surface. It wasn't long before the head doctors had me on
pills. I'm not sure what they put me on, but eventually they found a
combination of drugs that had me doped-up to focus during class, and
feeling even more numb than I already felt.
I had trouble thinking during that time, school work actually became
difficult for me, as my normally sharp mind was now wading through a
quagmire. I found less and less time to draw, but more importantly, when
I tried to draw, I couldn't "see" things in my mind as clearly as before.
I hated these pills and I voiced my concerns. They changed up my
medications again and again. I was so drugged that I really had trouble
expressing my emotions.
Katie's mom must have finally gotten through to the doctors, because
after a few weeks, I was off most of them. I was happy to finally have
my mind and my thoughts back. Needless to say, I re-doubled my effort to
play my part as Katie as well as I could. I took the lessons I had
learned while all drugged-up to alter the pace at which I was "learning".
I once again took the time to enjoy my drawings. I don't care where this
ability came from, it is one I've come to appreciate.
I could tell something was up when Katie's mom picked me up from school.
The ride home was eerily silent, but thankfully short. When I got into
the house, Katie's mom stopped me at the table, where many of my drawings
were laid-out... along with the little journal I've been keeping to help
me learn, and remember, my life as Katie.
My eyes were wide with shock... fear... the unknown.
"It's unbelievable." Katie's mom started. "It's impossible. You have to
be Katie, but yet, you aren't my Katie. I've read everything, and the
only thing that makes sense is if what you wrote is true."
I lowered my gaze, tears forming in my eyes.
"Where is my baby, Where's my Katie?" she asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Who are you?" she asked.
I hesitated. I wasn't sure that I wanted to tell her who I was. I was
embarassed and afraid.
"Look, I know that you're a boy... and probably an older one, based on
the level you're writing at."
I just looked at her, wanting to tell her, but still not quite willing to
"What are you afraid of?"
"How you'll think of me. I'm not some sick pervert, I didn't want this.
I didn't choose this!"
"Okay." She paused for a long moment, before continuing, "It was an
accident, and you're a victim of circumstance. Right?"
I considered her words while looking her in the eye, and then shook my
head in affirmation.
She sighed. "I promise, I will not pass judgement on you for the things
you had no choice of." She told me as we looked each other in the eye.
It took me a few moments to work up my courage, then: "Chris Richards."
I lowered my head in shame.
Katie's mom gasped and then covered her mouth. "That makes sense. I
don't know why I didn't think of that." She just stared at me for a
moment before saying, "We need to call your family and let them know."
"NO!" I shouted.
Katie's mom jumped. "She needs to know that you're okay."
"I know, but not like this... how can I explain all of this to her?
People will think that we're all crazy, and they'll lock us up."
"You don't know what a mother goes through when their child is lost."
"No, but I don't want to hurt her anymore until I can find that stupid
Medallion and make things right again."
She reflected for a bit, then hit me again with, "Where's my Katie?"
"I don't know." I couldn't bear to tell her that I thought that the real
Katie was dead, but I think she was struggling to push those same
thoughts out of her own mind. I told her that I knew nothing of Katie's
disappearance and that she could certainly look into my whereabouts on
the day she went missing - that I was at work that day when word came in
asking for volunteers to help the search.
When she once again looked into my eyes, I could see fire in them. Not
of anger, but of passion. A powerful passion that gave me goosebumps.
"I don't think I could take losing my baby again." I could see her eyes
tearing up as continued, "I know it's not your fault, but it's not fair!
It's almost like you want to take her away from me now." She paused for
a moment. "I can't do this to you, to your family." She was sobbing as
she left the room. "Too painful."
Supper that night was very quiet. Katie's dad could tell that there was
something bothering his wife and I, but seemed to sense that it wasn't
something he should ask about yet.
I'm not really sure what happened at school that next day, my mind was
elsewhere. Wondering how Katie's mom was doing... how my own mother was
doing... what we were going to do about my situation. Surely, she
wouldn't lock me in this prison, stuck to imitate her daughter for the
rest of my life. The thought made me shudder -- I'd seen that firey
passion in her eyes... she just might.
That afternoon when we got home, Katie's mom and I went over what felt
like hundreds of scenarios of how to get me back to my own life. I
explained that if we didn't find the Medallion fast, it might disappear,
and that that should be our primary objective. She laughed at such
mature discussion coming from her daughter's young mouth, then
apologized. As it was raining out, Katie's mom decided the search was
out for today. We decided to go out to the woods tomorrow, weather
permitting. We continued to map-out possible solutions to the missing
Katie problem, but every angle we took was just as sad as the last.
Finally, I had a thought. What if the real Katie were still alive. All
we'd have to do is find her and help her back into her own life. Katie's
mom's eyes became alive with hope. We'd never considered that. If I had
become Katie... what if she had become someone else?
We started to consider what Katie would do if she had been presented with
a situation similar to my own. What would a nine year-old girl do if
she'd been transformed into someone else? We knew that the clothes that
I had found had been packed neatly into a black garbage bag. It wasn't
much to go on, but maybe we would find other clues there.
We finally started our search for the Medallion, and clues to the real
Katie's whereabouts two days later... in the rain. We decided that it
couldn't wait.
We decided to start our search near where the garbage bag was hidden. We
found the garbage bag, but it was empty... except for a note.
Dear Mr. Richards,
My mommy is so happy that you are me now.
Thank you for the cloths.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.
"Watch your mouth, young lady!" Katie's mom replied instinctually.
I handed her the note.
"Oh my God! She's alive!"
"Yes. Now to find that Medallion!"
We spent all of our free time over the next few days searching the woods
for that Medallion. I started to wonder if perhaps Katie had found the
Medallion when she found my clothes. Maybe if we shifted our focus to
finding Katie, we might also find the Medallion.
That next afternoon, our minds were made up for us. A tornado tore
through the area. Katie's house suffered some minor damage, my parents'
house had some roof damage due to a fallen tree, and my heart sunk as I
learned that my own home was now gone. But the area that suffered the
most was the area of the woods where I started my life as Katie. There
was nothing left... nothing but dirt. If the Medallion had been lost
there, it was now lost for good. I hoped that Katie had found it and
taken it with her.
I found that Katie's mom had already been quite focused on her search for
Katie while I was at school. She had been reaching out and engaging with
the local gossips to see what she could uncover about any new residents
in the area, especially those who seemed to lack a high-school education.
She'd had no luck. We brain-stormed for ideas on how to search a wider
area without drawing much attention to ourselves, but came up lacking.
We considered hiring a private investigator, but realized that what we
were asking was crazy. We had no physical description. I finally, in
desparation, suggested that we just place a simple ad in the area
newspapers for a while to see if we could get Katie to contact us.
to Katie from Chris.
Call mom, please.
Weeks went by and no contact.
Halloween was approaching and Katie's mom asked me what I wanted to be
for Halloween. "Chris Richards." I replied immediately. "I know." was
her reply, "What else?" I took my time to answer while I considered my
options. A princess, an angel, a fairy, a cat, a sexy french maid...
hmmm, maybe if I was nineteen instead of nine. "A butterfly." I
I got to help Katie's mom make the butterfly costume that I'd be wearing.
I think this being busy helped to keep her nerves at bay. I could tell
from time to time that her mind was elsewhere. I started to think that
perhaps she saw me as the imposter that I often felt I was. When the
costume was finished, I thanked her.
"Of course, baby."
We looked at each other.
"I'm sorry." we both said at the same time.
"No, I'm sorry. I've been so worried about Katie and why she hasn't
called, and how else we could find her... that I'm hardly spending any
time with you. I know this can't be easy for you, and that you're trying
so hard to be Katie. I can't even begin to express my gratitude for
stepping in and taking her place while we try to find her. I will never
forget this. You always have a special place in my heart now." she
stated as both of us welled-up with tears. She opened her arms and I
half-ran to her as she picked me up and we embraced each other in a
loving hug for awhile.
Finally, she set me down, and had me go try on the costume. I donned the
pretty work of art and floated back down for inspection. A few
adjustments to material and the fit and finish were good enough for a
night of fun-filled adventure.
Trick-or-treating again was actually sorta' fun. It was tiring, but I
knew that the rewards were worth it. After the door-to-door begging, we
headed up to the school for a little carnival there and costume
competition. I won third-prize! While most kids would be bummed to have
only gotten third, I wasn't expecting to even compete, so I was elated to
have won anything at all. I was all giggly and such, though I think
perhaps that I'd consumed a bit much candy.
Several weeks passed and still no word from Katie. I was starting to
worry that I may be stuck living her life now. I tried to keep myself
busy with my drawings and helping around the house. Getting everything
together for Thanksgiving dinner was a chore. I never realized just how
much work it is preparing that annual feast, until I helped Katie's mom.
No matter how much prepartion you do, a good amount of the work is still
done the day of, and some of it in your good clothes, too. I'm really
surprised that I didn't get my pretty dress all dirty, even with the
apron, this little body still retains some of it's awkward clumsiness. I
figured that this was a good experience to take in, so I helped Katie's
mom with everything I could. Including some cleaning (still wearing my
good dress). It was an enlightening experience. I will never take my
Thanksgiving kitchen staff (moms and sisters and aunts and uncles) for
granted again!
Thanksgiving night, the phone rang.
"Hello. Green residence." i answered.
"Is mom home?" was the woman's reply. I guess my brain never registered
the wording.
"Sure, can I tell her who's calling?"
"Katie." You would think that I'd have caught it by now... but I hadn't.
"Mommy. Phone." I called to mom.
As I handed the phone to her, I said "Katie."
It seems that Katie's mom is a bit brighter than I, as she grabbed my
shoulder to stop me while I was walking away. As she turned me towards
her, she gave me a look that made me think. I tried to figure out what
she was telling me, when it hit me. My eyes were quizative as I waited
to know.
The conversation was short, but I could see relief in Katie's mom's eyes.
Tears of joy were starting to moisten her eyes, but she remained
collected and in-control. They arranged to meet for lunch on Monday. I
was so happy for them... and for me. I finally get to go back to my own
life, what was left of it. I wanted to go to lunch with them, but
Katie's mom wanted me to go to school while she and Katie had some time
alone to talk.
After school on Monday, I wanted to know what happened with Katie. But I
could see in her mom's face that something was terribly wrong. The short
ride home was made in agonizing silence.
As we walked into the house, Katie's mom told me that she needed a
moment, and to get myself a snack. I was too anxious to eat anything, so
I just sat at the table and waited for her to return.
"She's not the same. She's not my innocent little baby anymore. I don't
know how to help her, I don't know where to start. This cruel world has
destroyed my baby!" She cried to me.
I tried to comfort her, but could tell that my attempt was causing as
much pain as it was relieving.
Katie's mom told me how disheveled Katie looked and the run-down place
that she was living. She told me how her little girl had been thrust
into an adult world, and was forced to grow up, the things that she'd had
to learn the hard way. As she recounted some of the details, I found
myself squirming in my seat. I was crying inside for Katie as I tried to
imagine what it must have been like for her. Things that she shouldn't
have had to experience for years... things that I almost would have had
to experience myself. She had finally found a job that she could do,
waitressing in a town nearly an hour away. She was able to afford a
small room to live in, but she had no identity, no papers, no education,
no real future. We cried for awhile at the loss of Katie's innocence.
"Hhopefully you both can find some peace once we get Katie back to her
nine year-old self."
Katie's mom let loose again. I didn't like where this was heading.
"How? Katie doesn't have the Medallion."
My heart sunk, and I started to weep. Not only was I stuck as nine year-
old Katie. nine year-old Katie was stuck as a 20-something year-old
version of herself. I could cope with the boredom, and knew almost
everything I needed to know to fit into this world as a nine year-old
girl. Katie, didn't have a clue how to function in the adult world - and
had no identity to boot. There was nothing we could do, except to
function as best we could.
We did our best to help out Katie without her dad finding out. Who would
believe us anyhow?
It was during the fall elementary-school concert, while I was channeling
my sadness into my singing, that the thought occured to me that I really
missed my own family.
The next day, I confered with Mom... Katie's mom, to formulate a plan to
let my own family know that I was still alive. We decided to try to
breech the subject by letting her examine my drawings, then reading my
diary... and then questioning me, if she took it well.
She was not amused by the unbelievable story. Then she questioned me
with great prejudice. Asking me details about every drawing, I answered
every detail, giving information that wasn't in the drawing - and
relating each subject as to who was there and why. When she asked more
and more questions about my dog Sampson, my emotions for my beloved pet
surfaced more readily than ever before. I felt my loss of Sampson
compounded by my impending loss of my own family. She sat in silence as
I tried to regain my composure.
"Why did you wait so long to tell us?"
"Would you have believed me?"
She nodded thoughtfully and sighed.
"It's alot to take in."
I nodded, and lowered my gaze.
She gently raised my head by the chin and looked me in the eyes as if
trying to peer into my very soul. She gasped softly and I could see her
eyes swelling with emotion.
"You are in there, aren't you?"
I nodded, softly sobbing tears of joy
She squeezed me tightly in a hug that I eagerly returned.
We talked some more before she had to leave. She promised to return so
we could talk more.
I was relieved. At the very least, I once again have a mother... well
two of them, I guess.
That night, I tossed and turned. Although I was finding peace in this
new life, I couldn't stop thinking about Katie, and the poor hand that
she'd been dealt. I wished that there was some way to give her back her
life. Even if she was damaged by having been an adult - there is so much
more for her to learn and experience as a child. As much as I'd love to
stay and experience some of it myself - I couldn't deny her what little
childhood she could reclaim. I prayed, I wished, I hoped to whatever
powers I could think of that there was some way to return Katie to her
own life.
I was awakened by a gunshot. I bolted upright in bed. I went to get out
of bed and hit a wall. "What the hell?" I questioned - but my voice
wasn't quite right. I tried to find the lamp and while searching found a
strange reddish light fading in and out as if on some on some short
timer. I found a lamp and turned it on. I knew I was in an unfamiliar
place, and wondered how I got there. I decided to see if I could figure
out where I was, but decided to stay away from the window for the moment.
As I stood, everything in the room seemed so small. I made my way over
to the dresser to look for clues. I saw a wallet that looked very much
like the one I used to have. I opened it up and was shocked to see my
own ID. Where the hell was I?
I looked in the mirror at my reflection, and was amazed to see that the
chubby cheeks had changed, my face was now longer, leaner, more oval... I
looked older. I looked exactly like an older version of Katie.
No, that's not possible.
I pulled my shirt out and nearly fainted when I saw that I had breasts.
I rummaged around the room for more clues, but there was so little in the
room... some clothing, some personal toiletries, and that was about it.
There was little doubt in my mind as I concluded that I must an older
version of Katie.