Altered Fates : What Friends Are For!
By Paul1954
Clare looked across at her children, Ginny aged 7 and Jack aged 10, and
sighed. She returned her attentions to the mirror in the hallway and finished
touching up her lipstick.
It was a typical Saturday morning at the Walter's home with Clare's husband
Des sleeping off the results of a Friday night drinking spree spent with his
co-workers and her children glued to the television watching the trash that
passes for children's TV nowadays.
Weekends had become a boring ritual for Clare. Every Friday, for the last
few years, Des had picked up his weekly pay check and then went straight to
the local bar in this 'male bonding' session and, having had his fill, then
returned home to crash straight to bed.
She'd get up in the morning and make the kids breakfast, and they'd watch
TV all day if you let them. She'd go get the shopping for the family, Des
would still be sleeping off his excesses.
She had moaned and nagged him to think of the rest of his family, maybe he
could take them out for a meal on Friday for a change, but he never took any
notice and the routine continued. He felt this was something that hard
working men needed to do after a fifty-hour week producing engine parts!
This macho bullshit really annoyed her! She had been a trained nurse before
she had the children and had wanted, for the last two years, to return to her
profession - even if only in a part-time capacity. Des had put a block on this -
HE was the provider and HE didn't need his wife's money to bolster up the
family finances.
He knew darn well that they could do with a little extra money. They weren't
poor but could afford few luxuries. He also knew that his wife, working full-
time, could earn half as much as him again - nurses were in high demand in
this area of the mid-west. His ego could just not handle playing second
fiddle, as he saw it, to his wife!
This reverie of hers was interrupted by the familiar sound of the kids
"Mom, mom" came the plaintive wail of Ginny. She continued "He's
changing channels again - give that back you pig" before the sound of
fighting broke out.
Clare turned her head to see Jack sitting on top of Ginny and twisting her arm
behind her back.
"Leave her alone you bully - it's not nice picking on your sister when you're
so much stronger than her" Clare admonished her son to little effect and
returned her gaze to the mirror wishing that Des would come downstairs and
give her a break!
She was concerned about Jack's treatment of Ginny. He was turning into a
right little chauvinistic bully and always picking on his little sister. She was
disappointed that Des didn't back her up more on this issue and she resolved
to have words with him about it. Neither he, nor Jack, could possibly
understand how undermining it could be to a girl's confidence to be
constantly reminded that you were physically inferior!
As Clare put away her lipstick, and turned and patted a few imaginary loose
hairs at the back of her head into place, she wished that they could have all
gone out shopping together as a family for once, and help her out. She knew
that Des hated any form of shopping and, as her children were now glued to
the Saturday morning cartoons again, there was little chance of anyone
accompanying her this Saturday.
"Clare" came the bellowing shout from upstairs, "don't forget my cleaning
will you - I'll need some clean things for some interviews next week!"
God that man! Oh, she still loved him alright, but, he had been getting on her
nerves a little since they had found out that the factory was laying off a third
of the workforce and that he was in that fated third. That was why he had
drunk even more than usual last night as similar victims and, soon to be, ex-
colleagues held a massive wake.
Clare knew it was money they could ill afford to spend but genuinely didn't
begrudge him his indulgence this once. She was still a little miffed however,
she could resolve their possible money problems fairly easily if only he
would let her!
She shouted goodbye to them, got into their three year old Chrysler, and
drove to the out of town mall where she planned to window shop with a
friend of hers, the only one that she had kept in touch with since her nursing
career had finished.
She parked the car outside and, as she entered the mall, she looked around at
some of the young girls who seemed to regard this as their natural territory
and felt envious of them. They were cruising in and out of clothes shops,
beauty salons, and the food halls and looked so carefree as they flirted and
teased with the boys as they giggled with each other. It didn't seem that long
ago that she was doing this herself and, at only thirty-two, she could still
relate to them.
She wistfully remembered her own courting days. Des had been so strong,
muscular, and handsome then. He had been a good college football player
once but now, although his muscle hadn't all turned into fat, his regular
drinking sessions had taken their toll and he was now more heavyset than
anything else.
Why couldn't she get a little romance back into her life, she mused as she
saw her friend Phillipa waving to her! She was a little surprised to see her
with a really handsome man - she knew that Phillipa was happily married and
couldn't imagine who this cold be!
"Hi Clare, let me introduce you two again - do you remember Ken, he's my
brother and he's back in his old home town again. I hope you don't mind but
he's moving next week and is looking to buy some new clothes and stuff. I
told him to tag along".
Ken, Ken - oh God! She remembered now! It had been a long time but boy,
did she remember!
It had been at a nurses party - oh, it must have been about twelve years ago
now when she met him. There was an instant attraction between them and,
despite the fact that she was due to get married four weeks later, she had been
willingly seduced and slept the night with him. She had tried to fool herself at
the time, that she had drunk too much and wouldn't have been so unfaithful
otherwise but as the years went by and she matured, she often thought back
to that night and knew that she had been a more than willing participant.
Phillipa nudged her friend "Hey, come on - snap out of it, are you OK?" she
said as Clare performed her best impersonation of a goldfish.
"It is Clare Williams isn't it?" Ken asked.
"Uh huh, well it's Clare Walter's now but yes, I'm still the same me" she
said nervously, wondering if he still remembered that night. She half hoped
that it had been forgotten but part of her hoped it hadn't.
"Ken's a successful doctor now and is opening a practice back here in his
home town. Hey, he's looking for qualified assistants, it's a pity your Des
won't let you work - it would have been perfect" Phillipa said as they
wondered off in the direction of the food hall for a coffee.
"Yes perfect" Clare thought feeling a little like a schoolgirl with a crush as she
followed them.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
It was five hours later that she returned home to find Jack still hanging
around the television. There was no sign of Ginny and she could see through
to the garden where Des was lapping up the sun.
"What a life this lot have" she mumbled to herself as she removed her jacket
and started unpacking the groceries. "I'm little more than the hired help here"
she said to herself resentfully as she thought back to Ken and the offer of a
job that he had made.
"Hi hon" Des said as he staggered into the kitchen and put his arms around
her pushing his groin into her rear.
She coldly shrugged him off as she continued her tasks.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Clare had broached the subject of her working again the following week but,
again, Des would have none of it. She was well aware that she had been
oddly distant with him since the previous weekend and had rebuffed any
advances he had made to her. She was upset and couldn't quite handle her
emotions at the moment.
Des put it down to PMT or something like that, women were so difficult to
fathom out sometimes, and kept out of her way. This wasn't easy being
around the house all week - there hadn't been a single interview for him to go
to - and he knew that Clare was fretting but hell, he WAS trying wasn't he!
The weekend came around at the end of what was a long week. Clare was
still pissed and she got up early to get ready for her weekend session at the
mall with Phillipa.
"Hey hon, why don't we all join you for a change and help out a little" Des
said as he walked down the stairs in an old pair of boxers.
Clare looked up at him and, mentally, raised her eyes to the heavens. She
knew she was most probably being unfair but no more than he was about her
not working.
"No thank you" she said in a stiff manner, "You have never wanted to come
with me before and just because you've woken up sober on a Saturday
morning, for once, doesn't mean I am going to change my plans. I've already
arranged to meet Phillipa and, besides, we could both do with a little space
don't you think!" she said as she finished putting on her mascara and then
examined herself in the hallway mirror.
"Why doesn't she use the dressing table mirror?" Des puzzled without
realising that she always did this, usually so as not to wake him from his
drunken slumber.
"Hey you look nice" he said observing how smart, and attractive, she looked
- certainly more so than usual! "What's the occasion?".
This got no reply as she gave herself a final check and, satisfied with what
she saw, got into the Chrysler and headed to the mall.
Des scratched his head and went into the kitchen to make some coffee and
breakfast for himself. The children were already firmly ensconced in front of
the television and looked set for the day.
Maybe it was because he felt a little unsettled by Clare's dress and behaviour,
and maybe it was because he was getting really worried about finding another
job but whatever, he walked over to the television and turned it off right in
the middle of the Angry Beavers.
That was a bad move, it was the children's favourite!
"Hey - no fair, what did you do that for" they both yelled at him in annoyance
which only served to fuel his anger even further.
He gave back as good as he got.
"Who the hell do you think you are, talking back to me like that. Every
weekend's the same. You sit stuck in front of that damn box all day. Look
outside! It's beautiful today, you can go outside in the healthy sunshine and
find something better to do" he shouted as he stormed back into the kitchen in
a foul mood.
The children knew this wasn't usual behaviour for their father and decided
that caution was the better part of valour and kept quiet. Jack crept back to his
room and kept his head down and Ginny decided to call on Becky next door
to see if she wanted to play.
Des just brooded over a pot of coffee and wondered what Clare was doing.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
When Clare met Phillipa at the mall she was not in the least surprised to see
her brother Ken with her again. She had almost sensed that he would be here
and realised, subconsciously, that this was the reason she had gone to all this
effort to get herself looking more attractive than she usually would have in
her casual shopping garb. This realisation scandalised her a little and caused
her to blush, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Phillipa.
She knew what had happened all those years ago, and she saw that these two
had rekindled a little piece of that old flame again last week. Her brother hated
shopping, what man doesn't!, and she knew that the only reason he was
joining her was to get the chance to meet up with Clare again.
This caused her a little consternation and she casually asked, when Ken was
out of earshot, "Is everything between you and Des alright?".
Clare's defensive reply was a little too hurried for her liking as she told
Phillipa that "Of course it is, why should you think any other?".
She let it go. She was Clare's best friend and if she didn't want to talk about
it then she wouldn't. She would be here for her when she was ready.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
It was mid-day now and Des was reading the sports pages of the local rag,
waiting for Clare to return, when Ginny came bursting in to the room with
her best friend Becky, her cheeks flushing red from her exertion.
"Hey hon" Des called out, "how have you been" he said as the girls ignored
him and ran upstairs to Ginny's room.
"Shheeeez ! - I wonder what they're up to " he mumbled to himself and
turned back to his newspaper.
It was three hours later and Des had been dozing again. He woke with a start
as the after effects of last night's session re-surfaced with a whiskey-tinged
belch. He felt awful. He quickly realised that Clare hadn't returned and he
started to get a little concerned as he looked at the time.
This wasn't like her - she had never stayed out this late before!
He suddenly wondered where the children were - it was far to quiet for his
liking. He cold hear the sounds of the television and, checking, noticed that
Jack was still sitting there, remote control firmly wedged in his hand. He was
just wondering where Ginny had got to when he heard her come bounding
down the stairs.
"How many times have I told you not to run down those stairs - you're going
to have an accident one of these days" he yelled in irritation.
"Daddy, daddy" she yelled with excitement, "I've found some new clothes
upstairs - are they for me" she said holding out a small green dress with a
white floral pattern on it.
Des was really cross with her now. She must have been in their bedroom
again, she had been warned about that before, and found the present Clare
had bought for her niece who was the same age as Ginny.
He soon stopped her excitement and, pulling her across his knee, gave her a
spanking as the weeks frustrations and disappointments bubbled to the
surface and Ginny took the fall-out.
He felt guilty afterwards as she sobbed at him telling him that he was just as
bad as her brother, everyone always picked on her! He picked up the green
dress from where she had dropped I,t and went to take it back upstairs before
Clare came home.
He was about to release Ginny's hand that he'd grabbed when she was trying
to run away from him after the spanking, when he noticed a necklace hanging
around Ginny's neck.
"That's new, where did you get that from?" he said as he reached towards it
for a closer look.
She pulled away quickly fearing further trouble as she ran upstairs, quickly
shutting her bedroom door. He had soon caught up with her however, and
just caught her trying to hide it in one of her drawers.
"Give me that" he said taking it from her drawer and looking at what
appeared to be a sort of antique medallion with a picture, or design, of some
sort of fairy, or even an angel, in the centre of it.
"That's mine, you've got to give me it back. Becky said it's magic!" she cried
but Des easily held it out of her reach as he tried to rub some of the tarnish off
to see what it was made of.
Becky had not really thought it was magic! She had found it whilst out
playing in the park and had just wanted to increase it's trading value. She had
wanted to swap it for Ginny's doll and the air of mystery she had wound
around it had finally convinced Ginny to trade.
Des thought that it didn't look valuable but it did seem to be old and he
wondered if it might not be worth something.
"You haven't been swapping toys with Becky again have you?" he asked
with a stern face. "You know your mother doesn't like you doing that don't
you!" he said as he swapped it into his other hand to keep the medallion away
from her as she jumped to catch it.
As the medallion brushed against his shoulder he felt a strange tingling
sensation, almost like a small electric shock and he quickly looked down to
see what might have caused it. He only noticed the medallion and the green
dress in his hand and thought nothing more of it as he walked out the room,
Ginny in tow.
"I think you've got a little explaining to do my girl," he said as he led her
downstairs after putting the dress back in their room.
He still felt a little strange as the tingling re-appeared and pulsated through his
body. He started to stumble as he went down the stairs and Ginny screamed
as he struggled to regain his footing, almost pulling her down with him.
"I .. it's okay hon" he said as he staggered into the living room feeling
anything but okay! "I .. I .. just don't fell very well at the moment" he
continued as he fell onto the sofa, the nauseous feelings nearly overpowering
Jack and Ginny were speechless as they watched their father's body shift and
change and Jack gave a tiny whimper as he saw his father start to shrink.
Des just stared at himself as his hair started to fall away from his shrinking
arms. His tee-shirt started to swamp him as his body seemed to blend in with
the sofa and he pulled it off quickly, noticing the increasing gap between the
waistline of his trousers and his stomach.
"O.o..h. . .hh God, what is happening to me - help me someone" he cried as
his voice raised in pitch and dark brown hair started to cascade down his ever
changing and delicate shoulders.
Des stepped out of his clothes leaving only an overly large pair of boxers that
were covering his groin. As he pulled them away he could see a smooth pair
of puffy vaginal lips and he gasped, dropping the medallion on the floor.
"I .. I'm a girl" he sobbed in a squeaky voice as the boxer shorts finally gave
up the battle and dropped to the floor.
Jack remained motionless at the sight of what his father had become. Ginny
was quicker to recover and grabbed the medallion off the floor shouting "You
see, you see - I told you it was magic and you didn't believe me!".
Jack looked at his sister gloating as this little girl, who looked a little smaller
than Ginny, just stared and stared at the void where his manhood had once
He couldn't imagine what had caused the change in his father but realised,
listening to Ginny's jeering, that it must have been something to do with that
old necklace she was holding. He just knew he had to have it - if he could
figure out how to use it he could have some unimaginable fun!
All of a sudden he burst into action and lunged across the floor towards
Ginny, making a grab for the necklace. Ginny just caught sight of him, out of
the corner of her eyes, and pulled it back towards her chest as he got hold of
it. They both felt an almost electric feeling as Jack's greater strength wrestled
the necklace away from her and held her at arms length as he examined it.
There didn't seem to be anything special about it at first sight, but all of this
was forgotten as Jack started to fell pins and needles all over his body. He
quickly realised that whatever had affected his father had most likely affected
him as well now and his mouth opened in horror as he felt a shrinking
sensation coming from his groin.
"Oh no, oh please, please no!" he cried as he pulled down his shorts to see
his penis disappearing.
He could hear Ginny's laughter and vowed to teach her a lesson until he
looked around and noticed that she seemed to be growing. Within minutes
they were both feeling the changes that were overtaking their bodies and all
thoughts of each other, and past sibling feuds, were forgotten as time seemed
to stand still.
With fifteen minutes the three changelings were looking at each other with
disbelieving eyes. Des had seen his daughter increase in size, her muscles
thicken and, most shocking of all, her young vaginal lips close and a penis
grow where the slit used to be. He had also seen Jack shrink, pretty much
like he had done but not quite as much, into an exact duplicate of his little
sister. His hair had gone from dark brown to the sandy colour of his sisters.
His legs, arms and shoulders now looked fragile and smooth and, as he
started to murmur in shock, his new voice sounded exactly like Ginny's.
He had to pinch himself to help him believe that this had really happened.
Ginny, now Jack, was standing naked having quickly removed the tightening
clothes as she had changed and grown. The clothes he had kept on swamped
Jack. Without the evidence of his own change, Des could well have believed
that this was all just a bad dream!
As before, Ginny recovered quickest and easily took the necklace back from
Jack, who now had Ginny's much weaker body, and put it back around his
"Right, now get these off" Ginny said to Jack as he pulled him out of his
clothes and then started to put them on leaving his small body naked on the
floor, "and you can get these on now GINNY" she, now he, said as HE
threw the clothes he removed, when the changes took place, across to the
new Ginny.
"I .. I'm not Ginny, I'm Jack" the little girl cried as she pulled back from her
larger brother, trying to cover her new mound as best she could.
"Not any more GINNY. I am sick and tired of having you pick on me and
always getting your own way just because you were stronger than me. Well
now I'm stronger than you and things are going to change around here. You
are now Ginny and if you keep arguing with me then I won't EVER change
you back" she said with a determination that left Jack with no doubt
whatsoever that she meant what she said. She didn't really know how to
change them all back anyway but, at this moment, she didn't care. She
wanted to saviour this power!
"Now panties first" 'Jack' said as 'Ginny' held open the legs of the panties
and stepped into them. It was the strangest feeling as they pulled tightly into
her new groin and the absence of any resistance caused the new Ginny to
whimper a little as she realised what she had lost.
"Hey, stop that - you can't do that to him" Des piped up trying, and failing,
to sound authoritative in his new high pitched and squeaky voice.
'Jack' turned around to 'his' ex-father and said "I don't think you are in any
position to argue anymore, do you LITTLE GIRL! I can't call you daddy
anymore, that doesn't seem right now. I think that you are now Penelope,
yes Penelope after the dolly I had. Now be quiet else I might have to spank
you" she finished as he left his ex-father looking shell-shocked. He knew she
would as well, after the spanking he had just given her!
Turning back to his ex-brother he handed her the dress and said "Now put
this on - we can't have such a pretty little girl walking around in her panties
can we?" in a perfect imitation of his mother.
The new Ginny flushed beetroot red with the humiliation of all this, knowing
that she had no choice but to obey her brother.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Clare had spent a wonderful day and was trying to compose herself as she
backed the car into their driveway. She was glowing like some lovesick
It had been obvious from the start that Ken was only there to see Clare again.
He had been so charming to her and Clare couldn't help but feel flattered by
all the attention she was getting.
She acted disappointed, but was secretly delighted, when Phillipa was
bleeped and recalled to an emergency at the hospital where she worked. This
left her alone with Ken.
She tried to keep her excitement under wraps as Ken suggested that they still
spent the morning shopping at the mall, there was no reason to spoil it now,
and that maybe they could have a little lunch together and catch up on old
She flushed a bit at that comment but agreed that it would be nice. The only
old time they had shared was the one time that she had spread her legs for
He had followed her around everywhere without complaint, what a luxury,
and had even treated her to some expensive silk lingerie that, despite her
protestations, he insisted she accepted.
There was certainly no mistaking his intentions!
Clare wallowed in the thrill of being pursued again, it had been a long time
since she had experienced this, and she had really enjoyed the shared flirting.
Their day had culminated with Ken offering Clare a job at his new practice
and, despite knowing that Des would be unhappy with this, told Ken that she
would think it over.
She was feeling a little aggressive, and ready to deal with Des, as she
fumbled trying to put the key in the lock. Just let him complain about the time
she had taken - she would give him a piece of her mind!
Everything was quiet as she walked into the living room to see her two
children sitting quietly with a strange girl, about Ginny's age she guessed,
sitting on the sofa.
Ginny was sitting there snivelling and Clare could see no sign of Des as she
said to Ginny "Hey darling what's up - he hasn't been picking on you again
has he?" as she turned to look at Jack with a scowl on her face. As Ginny ran
over to her she continued "Anyway, where's you father - he hasn't left you
here on your own surely! I don't really ask for very much but I leave you all
alone for just a ..." and was interrupted by the little girl on the sofa.
"Uh hon" the little girl said in a most un-little girl like way, "this is me over
here - I'm your husband Des!".
It may have been the two glasses of white wine she had shared with Ken, or
it may have been the thoughts of her big, and heavily built, husband in the
shape of a little girl, but Clare just collapsed into laughter at that remark much
to his consternation.
"Honey, this isn't funny. I'm telling you that I'm Des. Ginny brought home
this strange medallion and it's changed us all somehow - please stop laughing
at me" the little girl said starting to get annoyed now and stamping her feet on
the floor as she rose from the sofa.
The sight of the deadpanned, and angry, face of this girl caused her to stop
laughing for a second. The further sight of Ginny rushing into her arms and
crying brought her back down to earth and her legs felt a little weak after
what Ginny said.
"Mommy, mom - it's true" Ginny cried as she flung her body into Clare's.
"We've all been changed, that medallion is magic" Ginny said pointing to the
necklace that Jack held.
"Give me that necklace" she said to Jack and he obediently dropped it into her
hand. "Well it doesn't look that impressive to me and, anyway, I don't see
any other changes around here - what else has happened?" she said bemused
at what she was hearing.
"Ginny continued "Mom, it's me - I'm Jack and he - " she said pointing at
her brother "is Ginny!".
"I am not, she's lying - she's just trying to get me into trouble" 'Jack' said as
he stuck his tongue out at his little sister.
"You are too .. " 'Ginny' tried to reply until Clare clapped her hands.
"Enough, enough already. Look I don't know what game you are trying to
play here but I need a few moments to think this through. Now first" she said
to Ginny, "you can go straight to your room ..".
"I'm not, I'm not going to a GIRLS'S room .." Ginny cried until her mother
put her over her knee and gave her three sound smacks on her behind.
"You will do as you're told my girl. Now listen here - in the unlikely event
that you're telling me the truth then maybe you'll find out how tough it is to
be a little girl when you have a bully for a brother. It will serve you right if
you get a little payback" she scolded her.
Turning to Jack, and seeing the big grin on his face, she continued "And I
don't think that you've got anything to smile about my boy. You can go up to
your room and keep out of trouble until I get a chance to talk this over with
your father .." she paused as she looked incredulously at the little girl on the
sofa - this surely can't be him!
"Penelope mom, it's Penelope" Jack called out as he followed Ginny upstairs
with a big grin on his face. She was wondering what to say to this girl when
she heard Ginny yell out from upstairs "Mom, mom - he's picking on me
again" followed by "you big bully you!" and the slamming of bedroom
"God help me!" she thought as she again turned her attention to the little girl.
"Clare honey, you have to believe me - this really is me in here" the girl said
with tears welling in her eyes again.
In her heart of hearts she knew that what this girl said was true.
"Look dear, I believe you but I can't go on calling you Des, and the children
can't keep calling you father - or dad - when you look like this can they! I
guess Penelope is as good a name as any for the time being and, quite
honestly, you do look like a Penelope. Now tell me what you know about
how this has happened".
Des was staggered - he couldn't believe the way that this was working out!
His wife believed him but was still going to call him by a girl's name
anyway! He didn't protest, still being in shock, but did as his wife told him
and explained about the necklace and how he had changed when he held the
dress to it. He also explained how the children had transformed into each
other when they touched it at the same time.
She asked whether he had tried to change back and he replied in the negative,
which was as much a surprise to him as it was to her! Everything had
happened too quickly for him to allow him to think straight!
Clare made him, or her I suppose, hold the necklace again and touched his
pants against it. Nothing happened!
"Look honey" Clare said as the girls bottom lip started to tremble, "we don't
know how this thing works or even if it will work again! Until we can
change you back you are going to have to be Penelope and we will have to
think up a convincing story about how, and why, you are here with us -
we're going to have to be pragmatic about this".
"Yo .. you think this might be permanent?" Des, or rather Penelope now,
said to Clare. "Bu .. but I don't want to be a girl!" she said and pulled herself
tightly into Clare's body, hugging her tightly.
"There, there Penny" she said, easily slipping into treating her ex-husband as
a little girl, "we will work this out somehow, I know we will" and cuddled
her until her sobbing ceased.
She thought that this was ironic really, she had always wanted a larger family
- if she was going to have to give up her career then that would have made it
worthwhile - but Des would never agree to it. He had claimed that they
couldn't afford it, which doubly upset her. She had been in a lose, lose,
situation where she couldn't have a larger family and she couldn't have a
career. Now it was win, win! She had an instant larger family with the
addition of this little girl to look after, and also a job offer which she now
thought she would HAVE to accept! Where else would they get any money
Her mind was working on overdrive as the possibilities that this current
situation presented to her hit her with the force of a run-away train! She could
have it all and Des was no longer in a position to stop her!
She picked up Penelope and took her upstairs.
"Okay Penny, you can't go around all day with Des's old clothes on can you"
she said as she walked into their bedroom. "Now put this on" she said
handing Penelope the Green dress that had started Des's transformation.
"And I'll get some of Ginny's panties and things for you to wear" she
finished as she walked out of the room to leave a speechless little girl sitting
on the bed with her mouth agape.
It had only taken a couple of minutes before she came back in with a selection
of girls underwear and clothes that he recognised as Ginny's - hell she had
even worn some of these in the last few days! He would never have imagined
that he would end up wearing them!
Penelope started to protest that she wasn't going to wear these things as Clare
tried to pull up a pair of white panties with little pony pictures on them. That
was soon stopped with a swift slap on the back of her legs that demonstrated
that Clare was not going to take any nonsense from her!
Clare continued to press home the advantage, that she now held, with
"It doesn't look as if you are going to be able to get a job for a while, and we
haven't got much money left, so I am going to accept an offer that was made
to me today to work as a nurse. It's in the new practice that's opening up just
alongside the mall. The money is excellent and, overall, we should be much
better off than we ever were".
"Bu .. but you can't do that - I .. I forbid it!" 'Penelope' said as Clare tied her
long brunette hair up with a bright red ribbon.
Clare just laughed.
"Well I'm sorry little girl but I don't think you can make these demands on
me anymore and, anyway, what do you suggest as alternative!"
Clare filled the pregnant silence as 'Penelope' tried to think of something she
could say to argue with - nothing came!
"I still love you darling, and will do my best for you but if you make life
awkward for me, and argue with everything I say, then I'm afraid you will
not be able to live here - you have got to accept that I'm in charge. If not then
you will be just an abandoned child that I found wandering around and I'll
have to hand you in to the authorities. If that happens then you'll never have a
chance of changing back - now what is it to be?" she asked the dumbstruck
"Oh and by the way, if you agree to this then you better start calling me
Aunty Clare from now on - we can't have you acting out of character in case
anyone gets suspicious".
There seemed to be an interminable pause until the little girl finally said "Y ..
yes Aunty Clare".
"Good girl - now run along and find something to do, I've got a few things
to sort out - I'm sure that Ginny can help you" Clare said as she shooed
Penelope out of the bedroom.
Penelope just stood in the hallway looking at her reflection in the full-length
mirror outside the bathroom. Can this pretty girl really be me ?, Des thought
despairingly as he struggled to accept his new status within the household.
As she examined herself Des could see a clear family resemblance, in fact he
looked a lot like his younger sister had at this age. He started thinking about
how his sister looked now with her full breasts, wide hips and long and
shapely legs. A shiver passed through him as he realised that this is probably
how he, or she now, would grow up herself unless she found a way to
change back. She was even more upset by the fact that she believed that Clare
seemed to be almost enjoying this situation and she hoped that she wouldn't
prolong it!.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
After ringing Ken, Clare arranged for a neighbour to baby-sit for the evening
while they met to discuss the job offer. She explained Penelope's presence by
saying that she was a niece who was staying with her family for a time while
her mother underwent an operation. Des's absence was explained by him
travelling further afield in his quest for some employment.
Their discussion took place in a restaurant and, having agreed a deal, Clare
accompanied him back to his flat for coffee. He, of course, made some
moves on her but she managed to rebuff him without damaging his pride.
As she got home she checked on the children and found them all fast asleep.
Penelope was curled up on a spare bed in Ginny's room with a thumb firmly
placed in her mouth. Clare thought she looked really cute and thought back to
earlier that evening.
Des, no Penelope, had tried to give her hell when she had told her that she
would be sleeping with Ginny in her room.
"But you're my wife and that is my bedroom as much as yours" she had
yelled as Clare tried to keep her patience.
"Not any more Penelope" she replied, "you do not look much like husband
material at the moment and it is not going to be easy to keep up this pretence
unless we all act as we now appear to the rest of the world. How many nieces
do you know that sleep with their Aunt!".
"I don't care, this is not fair - I won't do it, I won't do it!!" Penelope
screamed and shouted with Ginny and Jack looking on.
Clare couldn't let her get away with this sort of behaviour and decided to give
her former husband a sharp reminder of her new status and position in the
household. Ginny and Jack stared open mouthed as Clare placed Penelope
across her knee, pulled down her panties and gave her a sound spanking.
Penelope cried and cried until Clare hugged her closely stifling her tears.
"Is there going to be any more nonsense from you?" she asked the tearful
"N .. no Aunty Clare" she replied accepting, for now, the inevitable.
"Good girl, now run along and freshen yourself up. You look a mess and we
don't want the baby-sitter seeing you all upset like this do we!" and shooed
her upstairs to the bathroom.
The next day she met up with Phillipa and told her what had happened, she
had to confide in someone and there wasn't anyone else. She, of course,
found it hard to believe and Clare took her back home to see for herself. She
told Phillipa not to let on that she knew anything until she said so, she wanted
to test Penelope and see if she could act like a convincing girl as she had
Phillipa just couldn't believe Clare's story as she saw Ginny trying to play
with her dolls and Jack taking every opportunity to inflict his superiority over
her. Everything looked normal to her.
She could see that Penelope was quiet and withdrawn but that could be
explained away by being shy around a stranger, She was, after all, only
seven years old!
"Okay Penny" Clare said, "you can tell Phillipa about who you really are.
I've told her everything that's happened".
Penelope stood silent, too embarrassed to speak.
"Come on honey - don't hold out on me - it wouldn't be in your best
interests" Clare said sweetly but the menace was clear to Penelope.
"It's true Phillipa, I'm really Des in here" Penelope said as Phillipa gasped
and struggled to stop herself laughing. Could this really be that great hulking
man she had known.
"Aunt Phillipa honey, Aunt Phillipa" Clare said enjoying the hold she had on
her former husband. "Now run along and play with Ginny - we have some
grown up things to discuss here and it won't be suitable for your young
"AUNT Phillipa" Penelope repeated bitterly with her head hung down and
her face crimson from the humiliation being heaped upon her!
Penelope went back to play with Ginny while Clare talked to Phillipa about
whether it was going to be possible to reverse these changes and whether she
wanted to.
Phillipa was outraged. "You can't leave them like this - if you can find a way
you have to change them back then you have to do so!".
"Well there's plenty of time to worry about that when we've found out if it's
possible or not. In the meantime I want to test it out" Clare said as she led
Phillipa upstairs to see the medallion.
As Clare went to enter her bedroom she saw the family dog, Caesar, lying
fast asleep outside the linen cupboard. He was getting on now, being sixteen
years old, and had recently been a little incontinent of late. Clare had owned
Caesar since he was a pup and Clare's family had been very fond of his
Mother, Sheba.
When Sheba had died, Clare had only been a little girl then, they had kept
some keepsakes to remember her by and Clare downstairs to the garden shed
where she retrieved an old, and dusty, box. She opened and took out Sheba's
old collar, one of the first ones she had when she was a young bitch, and
took it back upstairs where Phillipa was patiently waiting.
She took the necklace from her lingerie drawer, where she had hidden it
amongst her panties, and went over to Caesar and placed it around his neck.
As he started to stir Clare touched Sheba's collar against the medallion and
Clare and Phillipa watched in awe as the old dog started shifting and
changing. They watched as his male appendages disappeared to be replaced
by a smooth profile. They watched as his coat subtly altered into that of his
mothers'. In all, it took about fifteen minutes for the changes to finish and
Clare had tears in her eyes as her first beloved pet re-appeared again.
Phillipa was the first to speak.
"Wooowww.., that was awesome" she cooed.
"I know - despite the evidence downstairs it is hard to believe unless you've
seen it for yourself!" she said as she watched the young bitch bounding
around in excitement.
Clare touched Caesar's original collar back against the medallion that was still
around his neck but nothing happened. She told Phillipa that she would try
again every six hours in case the changes were time related - if that didn't
work then she wouldn't know what to do next!
Nothing had happened the first time that she had tried it that evening, and she
began to get a little concerned. Maybe this was a one-time deal for whoever
tried it! The next morning was a different story, however, as Sheba
disappeared and Caesar, looking non-too happy to be back to his old self,
"Hey, don't worry pooch" Clare said hugging her dog, "now I know this
thing works I can change you back to the new Sheba - who wants to be a
silly old male anyway" she spoke as if talking to a baby.
She went back into her bedroom to consider what to do next. She knew that
she could get Des back now. She could also change the children back if they
were all telling the truth.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
While all of this was going on 'Jack' had been talking to 'Ginny'.
"Look Ginny" the new Jack said, "you can see how moms been with
Penelope - I think she's a little stressed out right now. If you keep telling her
you are Jack then she will blow. If she does find a way to change us back
then she might refuse to do so to teach you a lesson if you keep upsetting her.
Now I don't want to be stuck in this horrible boy's body any longer than I
have to - I miss my own body".
'Jack' looked to see if 'Ginny' was going along with this and could see 'she'
was confused. Good, that is exactly how he wanted her - he loved being Jack
and having the power it gave him, and he wanted to make sure he stayed this
way. This would mean tricking Ginny into saying what he wanted her to say.
"Okay, what do you think we should do" 'Ginny' said excitedly at the
thoughts of being Jack again.
Oh this was great, she was going along with it 'Jack' thought.
"Well I think we should just pretend to be who we are for now. If mom asks
us if we've really changed then you just tell her that you really are Ginny and
that you were making it all up before to get me into trouble. She'll believe
that, she wouldn't be surprised if you tried to get a little revenge for the way
that 'I' have always picked on you".
"I .. I'm not sure about this. It doesn't seem right to me somehow" 'Ginny'
said hesitantly.
"Now listen Ginny, if mom relaxes then I will have a chance to get the
medallion back off of her and then I can change us back. If you keep telling
her you are Jack then she'll never relax and will always be annoyed with us.
Is that what you want?"
"N .. no, I guess not. Okay, I'll do what you say" 'Ginny' replied hoping
she was doing the right thing.
It took all of 'Jack's' self control to stop himself jumping for joy - she was
falling for it.
"Great, and for being so good about it I will stop picking on you from now
on. Let's try and get on better together and mom will relax even quicker" he
said knowing that he was putting the final nail in the former Jack's coffin. If
their mom saw they were getting on better then he was pretty sure she would
maintain things as they were. If 'Ginny' still complained after this then, even
if she believed her, she would likely keep Jack as Ginny as punishment and
for lying to her.
Game, set and match!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
After much thought Clare decided to leave things as they were for a few days
whilst she thought about her options. There was no rush - the children had
just broken up for the summer and Des was without work so he wouldn't be
missed by anyone.
She didn't want Des stopping her working again now that she had got a job,
and she wanted a little time for some fun. As long as Des was Penelope then
she didn't fell guilty about spending some time with her new boss and invited
him round for dinner in two day's time. She had already told him that Des
was away job hunting and he accepted her invitation with relish.
Things seemed to settle down a little over the next two days, as the family
started to settle into a pattern. Penelope seemed almost to be acting as any
other little girl now and Clare often caught her unawares, playing with
Ginny's toys and reading her girl's books.
Even better, her two 'real' children seemed to be getting on so much better
now. All their bickering and quarrelling had stopped and Ginny had even
admitted to her that she had been lying, hoping to get Jack into trouble and
promised to be a good little girl from now on.
This was bliss! Clare had real peace for the first time in years and felt happier
than ever as she anticipated Ken's visit that night and the starting of her new
job the next day.
Her only annoyance was Penelope's constant asking whether she had found a
way to get Des back yet. This made her feel guilty about keeping her
discovery secret and she thought she would let herself settle into her new job
for a week and then think about changing him back.
She went out to a beauty parlour in the afternoon, Phillipa had looked after
the children for her, and she treated herself to the 'works' on the strength of
next week's paycheque.
She looked stunning and everyone, but Penelope, told her how beautiful she
Penny, as everyone was now calling her, looked on suspiciously and asked
her why she was looking so nice. Her experiences as Des meant she knew
that she could only have made herself like this for another man. This was
confirmed to her when Clare told them that her new boss would be coming
round for dinner and that they must be on their best behaviour.
Penny sulked all afternoon until she was sent upstairs to wait for Clare who
would be bringing up some new clothes for her. She didn't bother
complaining, she had found out, the painful way, that this had no effect at all
and merely angered Clare further. She went into Ginny's room and waited.
Clare walked into the room, with a shopping bag containing girls clothes, and
said "Look honey", Penny noted that this was the first time that Clare had
called her honey since he'd changed!, "sit down a moment, I have a little
confession to make".
Clare unbuttoned Penny's dress and left her in her underwear.
She continued "Now lift your arms up" and Penny felt something being
pulled down over her head until her arms were stuck tight. This was followed
by the feeling of something cold on her back and, finally, by a tingling
sensation. She knew where she had felt this before and started to struggle. It
was no use - she couldn't get free until she felt, what she later found out, was
a dress that had got stuck on her head - this was no surprise, it was several
sizes too small for her!
"What in God's name is going on Clare" Penny shouted in her squeaky voice
as she felt herself shrinking a little.
"Aunty Clare, don't forget now" Clare replied. "I said I have a confession to
make. A couple of days ago I found out how the medallion works and also a
way of changing you back" she said a little guiltily.
"Then why haven't you changed me back, you've used it again haven't you
and I seem to be getting smaller" Penny started to cry.
"Calm down dear, this is only temporary - I will change you back next week
if you behave yourself" Clare said as she slipped a petticoat over Penny's
Because the changes were less drastic than before Penny had now changed
into a four-year-old girl in less than ten minutes. Clare held her up to the
mirror and Penny saw that she looked exactly like a younger version of
Ginny with fair sandy hair and the same facial characteristics.
Clare had used an old headband of Ginny's to effect the change and Penny
now was, to all extents and purposes, an exact double for Ginny when she
was four.
What was left of Des, now deep inside of Penny, cried out as he realised that
he was now his own daughters little sister and that his real daughter was his
big brother!
The little girl cried "Why Clare, why! I don't understand why you've done
this to me" and hit her on her arms.
Clare let this go and indulged this tantrum - she could understand why she
felt so bad.
"I'm sorry baby" she said, "I can't afford to let you spoil this job for me and
I wanted Ken to see us all together as a family. You stuck out a mile as you
were and I wanted to make sure that I could keep you under control for a few
more days. Please be on your best behaviour, I think it will do you some
good to be the littlest girl in the house for a while - it might make you
appreciate what we women have to put up with from you men" and laughed
at the irony of her statement. "We will get everything sorted once and for all
at the end of next week".
Penny looked at Clare as she put the necklace in her purse and resolved to see
if she could find it later. Clare pulled the new dress over Penny's head, put a
clean pair of ankle socks on her and, finally, made her put on a clean pair of
panties. Penny's old ones were too loose now!
Clare brushed Penny's hair and, finally, held her at arms length and
appraised her critically.
"There, that's much better. You'd make any mother proud now! Please don't
cause me any trouble tonight - there is little you can do about this and you do
want to change back don't you!".
Penny knew the futility of arguing and, bowing to the inevitable, sat still
while Clare called downstairs for Phillipa.
As Phillipa saw the girl she gasped "Clare - you don't mean to say that this is
Des!" she said looking the little girl up and down.
"It is Phillipa, I have found how the medallion works and can change anyone
whenever I want now" Clare continued and explained why she hadn't
changed Penny back into Des.
"Well I hope you can do something to lighten up Ken when he comes round -
I have been hearing some pretty negative things about his new practice - the
sooner you start there the better I think!" she said and put her hand on Clare's
"Oh Clare, I do hope you are doing the right thing here. Ken isn't always as
charming as he appears and can take advantage of any available woman who
even halfway reciprocates his advances. I know he has you in his sights and
I'm really worried about what he might do to you all" she continued with
genuine concern for her friend.
They had both forgotten that the little girl sitting with them was really Des and
failed to note the look of alarm that crossed his face. He didn't want to lose
Clare, the consequences of that were unimaginable for him in his present
Phillipa continued "Look, I know this is a big favour to ask but I would love
to get even with someone, just for a little while anyway. Can you let me
borrow the medallion tonight and I promise to have it back to you by the
Clare blanched a little at this. "I don't know Phillipa, I would feel a little
nervous about letting this out of my hands right now. Do you have to do
Phillipa pleaded with her. "Oh come on Clare please. I'm your oldest and
best friend, I love you and your family, there is nothing I wouldn't do for
you - please!".
Clare had always found it hard to refuse her friend anything and passed her
the necklace, taking care not to touch the medallion.
"Now you bring that back first thing - I don't want anything going wrong"
she said as Phillipa kissed her on the cheek and thanked her before leaving.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Ginny had been cajoled into going outside to play with Becky and had soon
found herself having to join up with some other girls that the real Ginny
knew from school.
She was really fed up with being a girl, there was nothing that she liked about
She was fed up having to constantly pull her panties out of where they rode
up into her crack.
She was fed up having to smooth her dress under her legs every time she sat
She was fed up with being told she was a good little girl, and she was
REALLY fed up with having to pretend to like playing these stupid girls
games, like the dolls she was having to play with now. It was all so boring!
She felt really envious as she sat with the other girls in the park and looked
over at Jack wistfully. He was playing football with some of her old friends.
God, how she missed the rough and tumble of it all and she felt like crying at
what she had lost!
She got away from her 'friends' as soon as possible and returned home to see
her mother talking to a little girl.
"Mom" Ginny called, "who's this" she said looking at this stranger.
"Hi honey, this here is Penny. I made a few changes so that she now looks a
little more like part of the family" she said proudly.
"But that means ..." Ginny continued as she realised the significance of this
revelation, "that means you know how to change us back!" she said excitedly
as she anticipated getting out of these cursed dresses and back into pants!
Clare looked puzzled "Change you back?" she questioned, "but you told me
that you were really Ginny and that you had been lying earlier on. What are
you telling me now?" she said getting a little annoyed as Jack walked into the
room picking up the tale end of this conversation.
"She's lying again mom, she really IS Ginny and she's just trying to get me
into trouble again" he quickly interjected.
The real Jack looked stunned!
"But .. but you told me to say that, you told me that you would find a way to
change us back if I did as you said" Ginny cried and lunged across the room
at him.
Jack easily held Ginny down until Clare stepped between them and broke
them up.
"Mom, you've got to believe me- I really am Jack" Ginny sobbed.
Penny finally piped up "It is true - I saw them swap, I told you, remember?,
Ginny really is Jack".
"Shut up you, I'll get you for this" Jack said towards Penny as the little girl
cowered back, a little afraid in case Clare didn't believe her.
If she really looks hard enough a mother will always know when her child is
telling the truth - looking at her two children she knew, even without Penny's
interruption, that they had swapped. She grabbed 'Ginny' towards her and,
holding the girl protectively, reassured her.
"It's alright Jack, I'll change you back tomorrow. We'll get everything back
to normal then. I think you've learnt your lesson don't you!".
'Ginny' looked across towards 'Jack' and smiled, "Don't worry sis, you
know I'll look after you when we change back again. I won't forget what
you've done for me".
'Jack' looked horror stricken at the thoughts of being the little sister again!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
It was three hours later when Ken arrived. Clare had actually begun to regret
inviting him around after Phillipa's warning, and wished she had changed
Penny back to Des to avoid any awkwardness!
Still, he was going to be her employer now so she had better make the most
of the evening, besides, he WAS good company and he did make her feel
The evening went well and the children were finally packed off to bed, much
to Penny's consternation, so that the grown ups could share a little time
alone. They had been drinking freely and were laughing together over a
liqueur, when Clare tried to break up the evening by saying she had better do
the washing up.
Much to her surprise Ken offered to help her. She could never remember any
man offering to do this before but, thinking back over the evening, she had
thought there had been something strange about him all night. Something that
she just couldn't put her finger on!
He had been the perfect gentleman with her from the start. There had been no
signs of him making any moves and she had actually felt a little put out about
it. It was as she was leaning past him to put a glass into a cupboard when this
all changed.
Her left breast had brushed across his arm and, as they caught each other's
eyes, their lips met and they were soon in a deep embrace. One thing swiftly
led to another and they were soon making love on the living room carpet.
It was as they had shared a climax for the second time, and Clare told him
that this was the best sex she had ever had, that she received her biggest
shock since they had chanced upon the medallion.
"Oh Clare, I sorry, I'm so .. so sorry" he said and started to weep on her
Clare lifted his head off of her and looked into his watering eyes and started
feeling a little scared - what could be wrong!
"I .. really didn't mean for it to go this far" he sobbed, "I only meant to
protect you and teach that pig a lesson".
Clare was still confused but the veils in her mind were starting to lift, she had
heard that tone of voice before and began to get a very bad feeling about this.
She held Ken's face in her hands.
"Phillipa, Phillipa ... that is you isn't it?" she said fearing for the answer she
might receive.
Ken just nodded and turned his eyes away from her.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
It was an hour later by the time they had finished talking. Phillipa told Clare
that when she had left her she had gone to visit Ken. She told Clare that she
had no idea about Ken's real nature. Oh, he was her brother and she loved
him alright, but he had always been a bit arrogant and had a reputation as a
She had been worried that he might wreck Clare's marriage and thought that
she would let him see how difficult it was from the other side of the fence.
She had intended to change him into a woman for a week to see how he
coped but it hadn't quite worked out as planned.
She had placed the medallion around his neck but he held it up to get a closer
look at it at exactly the same time. Within twenty-five minutes they had
changed into each other, and Phillipa's new-found strength allowed the new
'him' to keep hold of the necklace.
Now that they had swapped Phillipa decided to make the most of it. She told
Ken that they would be this way for at least a week and he would have to live
as her until then. Oh, there were the expected histrionics but he had to accept
what had happened and, after swapping their clothes, they returned to their
'new' homes.
Phillipa was going to call Clare and tell her what had happened but thought it
might be fun to impersonate her brother all the way. She hadn't expected that
'all the way' would have included their sexual liaison, and certainly hadn't
even considered it beforehand, but something had just overtaken her and she
just couldn't help herself!
"Oh Clare" she pleaded, "please forgive me, I wouldn't hurt you for the
Oddly enough Clare wasn't as upset as she thought would have been. It was
very difficult to regard this handsome man as her friend Phillipa. Besides,
Phillipa's influence had improved the real Ken a great deal. She thought she
could have fallen for this new Ken given the opportunity and would be
relieved when everybody had changed back and this temptation had been
"What did you do with the necklace" Clare asked 'Ken', "I hope you've got it
on you - I want to change my family back".
"It's okay, I've got it somewhere safe" 'Ken replied. "I locked it away in the
drugs cabinet in the surgery, and made sure that I've got the only two keys"
he said as he fumbled in his pocket and produced two heavy security keys.
Clare was just about to go and make some coffee, relieved that the necklace
was secure, when she heard a knock on the door. Standing at the doorway
were two Police Officers and 'Phillipa' who looked ashen faced.
Ken stood up and, seeing 'Phillipa' standing there with tear-filled eyes feared
that something dreadful had happened to her. 'He' was right but not in the
way that 'he' imagined.
"Dr. Lynch" asked the first Police Officer.
All 'Ken' could do was nod.
The Police Officer continued "I'm afraid that your practice has been broken
into and some dangerous substances have been stolen".
Dangerous substances! Both 'Ken' and Clare looked at each other and then
both looked over to 'Phillipa'. Coming from the medical profession they all
knew what this meant. The drug cabinet had been broken into!
'Phillipa' said in a broken voice "They came round to me 'cause they couldn't
find you at home. I told them that you were likely to be here".
By now Clare's children, including Penny, had been woken by all the noise
and had come down the stairs to see what the fuss was all about. They made
a cute sight as they rubbed the sleep from their eyes.
'Ken' finally managed to speak. "D ..did they take everything, was anything
left? Was there a necklace or anything?".
Time seemed to stand still for them as the Police Officer consulted his notes.
"Sorry sir, everything had gone. Can you come down to the station with us,
we will need an inventory of everything that was in there, including the serial
numbers of your prescription pads".
Ken, Penny, Ginny, Jack and Phillipa looked at each other, and then back at
Clare, in dumb silence. There was simply nothing to say. They all knew that
they would remain as they were now forever - their changes were permanent!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Epilogue - Six Years Later
As expected, the necklace never turned up and the changed individuals had
learned to eventually accept their new lives.
Clare moved away from the house and, as the new Ken consoled her, soon
found herself falling in love with him. They were married a year later and
everyone remarked on how pretty the two flower girls, Ginny and Penny,
Penny had found it harder to accept her change than the others had. Her
change, from a big hulking and well-built man, to a petite four-year old girl
had been drastic and she took over a year to fully accept being the family's
youngest daughter. Clare had managed to obtain all the legal documents to
prove that she was her daughter. Her older sister, Ginny, helped her to adapt
and have grown quite maternal over her.
Two years later she was no longer the youngest girl in the house as her
mother gave birth to another girl, Marie.
The new Ginny had seemed to accept things as if she had always expected it
to end this way and now, at thirteen years old, was blossoming into quite a
beauty. She was very popular at school and was bidding to become the head
cheerleader for her year.
Her mother was now starting to get concerned at the amount of attention she
was getting from the local boys and regularly telling her to stay a 'good girl'
and giving her lectures on birth control and the like!
Jack had revelled in the fact that he had managed to stay a boy after all. He
still picked on his little sister and never missed an opportunity to remind her
of how much stronger he was than her. He was now a budding sports star
and enjoyed watching his cheerleader sister cheering on the team at his
Strangest of all, at least to her friends, was the change in personality that
seemed to overtake 'Phillipa'. She was still a nurse at the same hospital
where she had always been, but her demure and wholesome reputation had
been tarnished somewhat in the last three years.
She had suffered an unexplained fit of depression at first but, after becoming
Godmother to her sister-in-law's daughter, came out of her shell. She was
now seen, by the other nurses, as a bit cheap and had a reputation as an 'easy
lay' amongst the male doctors. She was always sought after and was never
short of a companion for an evening.
All agreed that she had never seemed happier!
The End