Girlie Points free porn video

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Tom arched his back as he stretched the bra behind him. He was very aware of his erection poking stiffly out of the panties he'd put on just moments earlier. "You're getting quite good at that," Jen smiled; nodding approvingly as Tom managed, without too much fumbling, to get the bra hooked. "I think that deserves a girlie point." He grunted embarrassedly and reached for the sheer robe. It wouldn't hide his girl underwear but it was better than nothing. Damn Jen for making him play dress up again. She had a way of getting him so horny that he'd agree to most anything. And here he was once more in a bra and panties. Early on Jen had made it clear that sex would be on her terms or there would be none at all. A few frustrating nights was all it took to get him to see things her way. Now he had to earn 'girlie points' in order to get any relief. At first when he wanted an orgasm, Jen just made him dress up in a bra and panties. Then she made him work for his orgasm by earning 'girlie points.' 'Girlie points' were earned when he did anything that Jen thought was sufficiently girlish such as wearing lipstick or filling out his bra with bra inserts. She'd slowly increased the number of points he had to earn in order to come. Tonight it was up to 10. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Jen asked. "Huh?" "How about adding a little shape.... Not much point wearing a bra if you don't have any boobies." Jen smiled as Tom cursed his stiff penis and went to his bureau for the bra inserts. She enjoyed the power she held by doling out sex on her terms. Tom was so very compliant when he was horny. Tom inserted the foam padding and adjusted his bra. At least this was good for a point. Only eight more to go. "Let me see." Red faced, Tom turned so Jen could see how he filled out the bra. "Not bad.....," she began. "But this really should be part of dressing up. So no points for this and next time you'll lose a point for not putting them in, ok?" "No points?" "No points. Its part of dressing up," Jen explained. "When you wear your bra I want you to be wearing inserts. You need to have some shape if you're dressing like a girl." Damn! Tom muttered to himself wishing he could resist Jen's emasculating games. But he couldn't and his very erect penis was proof of that fact. "So we'll have to think of something else for you to earn girlie points doing, ok?" Reluctantly Tom nodded. "Lipstick...," Jen said with a twinkle. "That should be worth one girlie point, don't you think?" "Uh huh," Tom answered. Over to Jen's makeup table they went. Jen selected a shade she liked and watched approvingly while Tom applied it to his lips. It wasn't his first time so he did a fairly good job. "That's good. You've earned two girlie points now. Only eight more to go." She smiled at Tom. "What would you like to do next?" "I don't know," Tom shrugged. What could he do to earn girlie points? Maybe shaving his legs again. Last week shaving both his legs and underarms had earned him five girlie points. Then he'd only need three more. "Maybe I could shave again," he finally suggested. "Shave? Didn't you shave this morning?" "No... no... I mean I'll shave my legs like last time." "Hmmmm," Jen murmured thoughtfully. "Yes. Then you could try on stockings 'because your legs will be nice and smooth." She smiled. "I like it." "How many points?" Tom asked hopefully. "I don't know.... Let's see your leg." Tom extended his right leg and Jen ran her hand up and down his calf. "I feel a little stubble. It's probably not a good idea to go a whole week without shaving. But at least it's not as hairy as it was last time." Last time had been Tom's first for shaving. "I suppose its worth one girlie point if you do a good job." "Just one?" Tom had been hoping for more. At this rate he'd never get to ten points. "What if I do under my arms too?" "Ok. Legs and underarms." She smiled impishly. "Two girlie points." "Only two?" Tom asked disappointedly. "Last week it was five." "Last week was your first time shaving. You had a lot more hair to get rid of. Now its two points and if you argue, it will go down to one." "Ok," Tom nodded acquiescing. With only four girlie points he couldn't afford to lose any. He'd never get an orgasm. They marched to the bathroom where Tom squirted shaving cream onto his hand and spread it over his legs while he shaved. Then a dollop went into each armpit and, after several swipes with the razor, his underarms were smooth as any girl's. "Wait," Jen exclaimed as Tom packed his razor away. "Not yet." She smiled. "Two more points if you shave our little friend." As she spoke she playfully tugged the elastic of his panties. "Huh?" "You heard me," Jen replied. "There's two more girlie points in it for you if you shave down there. That will give you six. You'll be more than half way there." Damn her. She knew he wouldn't argue when she held the keys to his orgasm. He retrieved his razor, pulled down his panties and squirted shaving cream into his crotch. His penis remained fully erect as he proceeded to shave himself, a fact not lost on Jen. "There," Jen said when he finished. "That wasn't so bad now was it?" "No," Tom replied. Now that it was over. And he'd gotten those two extra points. He was up to six now. "Are we doing stockings next?" Jen asked. Tom nodded. "Ok... you'll need a garter belt to hold them up." She turned and walked toward her dresser. Tom followed. "I don't know..... " She held up a garter belt. "Will this fit you?" Now Jen was five foot two and Tom was six feet. A garter belt that fit her twenty-one inch waist wouldn't even come close to his thirty four inch one. Tom took the garter belt and placed it around his waist. Even though he sucked in his stomach and tugged the belt, there was no way it was going to fit. "Guess not," Tom said finally and he handed it back to Jen. "Then I guess you'll have to wear pantyhose instead." Jen rummaged through her drawer and selected a pair of pantyhose for Tom. "Too bad you couldn't fit into my garter belt. It would have been worth three more girlie points if you could have worn stockings. You would have been almost there." Her smile turned impish. "Now you can only earn one point for wearing pantyhose." Tom nodded. Seven points. Three more to go. He took the pantyhose from Jen and, as she instructed him how to pull them on without catching his toenails and causing runs, managed to slip them over his legs and hips. "Not too bad," Jen said as she admired Tom. "Pantyhose is ok but stockings would have been better. I think next time you should have a garter belt that fits, don't you?" Tom gulped. Getting a garter belt that fit meant another shopping trip. That's how he ended up with a bra that fit and panties that fit. "Shall we go downstairs and find that Victoria's Secret catalog?" Tom really didn't have a choice and several minutes later they were sitting on the couch with the catalog opened on the coffee table in front of them. "I like this one," Jen said pointing to a pink garter belt. "What do you think?" "It's ok," Tom muttered. "Well what about this one?" Jen slipped her hand between Tom's legs and quickly found his erect penis. "Uh yeah... it's nice." "Which do you prefer?" Her fingers stroked him lightly. "I don't know," Tom replied. "Well we can look at them tomorrow in the store. Do you want to do that?" Oh jeez. Once in the store he'd end up buying a garter belt and god knows what else. Jen would make sure of that. "Shopping at Victoria's Secret is certainly worth a girlie point or two." Jen grinned. "How many more do you need?" "Three," Tom replied softly. "Well if you promise to go shopping tomorrow I'll give you two. Then you'll only need one more." Her fingers continued their light stroking. "Don't you want to earn some girlie points? Say you'll go shopping and then you'll almost have enough points for you know what." Now Tom wanted an orgasm and he wanted it tonight. If he didn't earn his last three points he wasn't going to get it. Worse though, Jen would just keep teasing him, keeping him constantly aroused until he either gave in or went to sleep with a bad case of blue balls. She was doing it already. Her fingers played with his erection keeping him hard while he made up his mind about shopping. It didn't take long at all. "Ok," Tom finally said, nodding his head. "Ok what?" "Ok. I'll go shopping tomorrow." Jen smiled sweetly all the while continuing to play with his penis. "Where?" "Victoria's Secret." "And what are you going to buy?" "A garter belt." "And?" "Huh? And what?" They'd just been talking about a garter belt. What else was he supposed to buy? "What goes with a garter belt?" Oh. "Stockings?" Jen nodded her head. "Now say it all at once." "I'll go shopping tomorrow at Victoria's Secret to buy a garter belt and stockings." "Promise?" Tom nodded. "I promise." Jen smiled. "That's a good girl. Shopping earns you two more girlie points. Let's see. That's nine now, right?" "Uh huh." One more and he'd get to have his orgasm. Tomorrow he'd be angry with himself for agreeing to shop but now he just wanted sexual relief. "Let's see...," Jen began. "How would you like to earn your last girlie point?" She thought for a moment and then continued. "We could pick out some more things for you to buy tomorrow." She smiled. "A girl really needs more than just one bra you know. Would you like that?" "Do I have a choice?" Tom asked. "Well of course. If you don't want to buy another bra just yet, you could buy some panties instead. Probably a weeks worth at least because you'll have to start wearing them every day." Jen paused with a smile at the look on Tom's face when he realized she meant for him to wear panties on a daily basis. "Or you could just buy anther bra and save the panties for another time." Her hand was still busy in Tom's crotch. "What'll it be? One more bra or do you want to wear panties to work?" "A bra," Tom muttered. Jen turned back to the catalog that was still open on the coffee table. She flipped through the pages until she found a section filled with lacy underwear. "Go ahead and pick out one you'd like." Tom groaned and stared at the page. After ten or fifteen seconds he pointed to a bra in the middle of the page. "That's the one you want?" "Uh huh," Tom answered not really caring what he had picked. "Let's see if they have it in your size." She smiled. "What size are you?" Damn her. When he bought his first bra Jen had measured him and taught him about how bras fit. It was embarrassing to say the least. "Forty." "Forty what?" "Forty B" He would have been a AAA but they didn't make bras like that in his size. The smallest cup was a B. They'd bought the bra inserts so it would fit. "Oh dear. This one only goes up to a 38. You'll have to pick another." Tom quickly scanned the page looking for a bra that came in size forty. He flipped through a couple more pages before he found several that would fit. He pointed to the first one. "Oh Tom. This one doesn't come in a B cup. The smallest is a C. Try again." Again Tom looked at the bras this time paying attention to the cup sizes offered. On the second page he finally found one that was available in his size, 40 B. It was black lace and Tom pointed to it. "Ok... but it comes with matching panties. You do want to match, don't you?" Tom nodded knowing he had no choice. He'd be buying both a bra and panties tomorrow. Jen smiled. Tom's wardrobe was growing. Tomorrow he'd add the garter belt, stockings and a second bra and panty set. It wouldn't be long before he had an assortment of panties to be wearing to work. "I think my little girl has earned her ten points," Jen murmured as she continued her ministrations between Tom's legs. "Shall we go back upstairs and see what ten girlie points gets you?" A half hour later Tom was on his knees between Jen's legs. So far his ten girlie points hadn't gotten him what he'd been hoping for. He'd already brought her to one orgasm and was now busily tonguing her to her second. He hoped his orgasm would be next as he worked his tongue frantically trying to satisfy her. "Mmmmmmm," Jen moaned pulling Tom's head against her. Then she was thrusting against him as her orgasm exploded. "Oh Yes! Yes!" After it was over she relaxed and Tom lifted his head. His mouth ached but he was still fully erect and excited. It had to be his turn now. He got up and lay on the bed next to Jen. "Mmmmm," she murmured. "That was really nice. You could be my lesbian lover." She pushed herself up onto one elbow and smiled down at Tom. Her hand went to his penis which was poking stiffly up in the panties. Tom gulped when she touched him. "Oh oh.... Looks like we forgot about somebody," Jen giggled as she squeezed him softly. "Are you ready to cash in your girlie points?" "Yes," Tom whispered breathlessly. "Well let's make sure you have ten. Tell me what each girlie point was for." Oh jeez. What was the first? Oh yes. Hooking the bra. "I got one for hooking my bra like a girl.... And one for wearing lipstick." Tom thought for a second. Oh yes. Shaving. "I got two points for shaving my legs and underarms. That's four.... Then two more for know, my crotch... And then I got a point for wearing pantyhose. That made seven. Finally I agreed to shop at Victoria's Secret tomorrow and for that I earned three points. And seven plus three makes ten." "You mean I let you earn three points for shopping which you won't be doing until tomorrow?" Tom nodded. "Well maybe you shouldn't earn the points until tomorrow either." "Huh?" Tom gulped. She wouldn't be that mean. "Well if you get your girlie point reward now, how do I know you'll go shopping tomorrow?" "I will... really. I will," Tom replied hoping she wouldn't renege and make him wait until after shopping tomorrow for his orgasm. "Promise?" "Oh yes. I promise." "Do you?" Her hand went back to his erection. "Yes. Oh yes. I promise to go shopping." "What are you going to buy?" "A bra.... Panties.... Stockings and a garter belt." "And when are you going to wear them?" "Whenever.... Tomorrow.... When we get back home...." Tom's breath quickened as Jen gently began to rub his penis. "Do you promise? As soon as we get back home?" "Yes...Oh please.. Jen.... Please... I promise I'll go shopping and dress up again tomorrow." "What if we bought you extra panties... Would you wear them to work on Monday?" Huh? She'd hinted at that earlier. But now she sounded serious. Wearing panties to work?" "Would you wear them?" she asked again when he hadn't answered. Oh jeez! Wear panties to work? Tom gulped. "Well?" she asked and removed her hand, waiting for an answer. "No... Don't stop!" Tom. "Will you wear panties to work on Monday? Yes or no?" Tom knew what would happen if he answered 'No'. It would be a very frustrating night. "Yes," he whispered giving in and was rewarded when Jen began her ministrations once again. "Promise?" The tempo of her hand increased. "Yes," Tom whispered breathlessly. "I promise to wear panties to work.... Just don't stop! Please!" Jen smiled and rubbed his erect penis vigorously with her hand. And Tom, having earned his girlie points, had an exquisite orgasm knowing he would soon be spending more and more time playing dress up with Jen.

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“You’re kidding.”Nate, my older brother, and usual partner in crime stared at me from his place on his couch. In contrast to my readiness- flawless high ponytail, dark hair contrasted with a white silky scrunchie, expensive hiking pack, brand new boots- he was horrifyingly not. He groaned and leaned his disheveled head- was that a pepperoni in his hair?- on the back of the couch.“Take pity on me,” he moaned out. “Its been a rough morning.”Growling, I grabbed one of the empty beer cans off the...

1 year ago
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The Point

It was that time of year again; the time where the seasons are changing from spring to summer, when the fresh morning dew sits delicately on the grass and flowers, as the sweet morning sun filters softly over everything in sight. I sat down on the old wooden bench as I pulled my cardigan across my chest and crossed my arms. I let out a deep sigh as I looked out across the village below, it was slowly coming to life in the early morning light. The newsagent was opening the corner shop and...

First Time
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DianneChapter 3 The Main Access Point

--Day Three: Saturday, 22nd May, 1999-- When I woke up, the daylight that had been streaming in through my tiny bedroom window was gone. I was still face-down and apparently in the exact same position in which I’d fallen asleep. I pushed myself up gingerly, bracing for more pain, but none came. In fact, I felt pretty good. I was hungry and thirsty, but over-all I seemed fine. I stood up and immediately noticed a sense of power in my muscles that hadn’t been there before. Upon some...

2 years ago
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Turning Point

The Turning Point Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I was dragged into the office, I knew that I had gone too far, one time too many. Both my mom and dad were there, as were the two teachers involved, the principal, and the school security guard. None of them were smiling as I was forced into a chair facing a circle of very angry adults. "You are in so much trouble," my dad said, "young man that I'm ready to let them simply prosecute you! Maybe we should let them toss...

3 years ago
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Dancing On Daddys Shoes Chapter 7 Breaking Point

Chapter 7 Breaking Point For the rest of the weekend Kim was sullen and out of sorts. The bombshell that the old man had laid on her had exploded in her brain with deadly accuracy, destroying any optimism Kim may have hoped to have later on. As far as she could see, life as she understood it was over. Failure to execute a successful plan to just get she and Ben to the prom to unlock the mask seemed too great. What little had already changed to make that difficult could be made so...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 22 A Turning Point

March, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I walked home in the chilly air and went straight to my office to write in my journal. I wrote a couple of paragraphs then stopped. I looked at the clock, and despite the late hour, I decided to call Bethany. I was happy that I hadn’t woken her and I explained what had happened. “If I’d had a choice,” I said sadly, “I would have chosen her as a friend. Having sex with her wasn’t important to me.” “No, but it was important to her. You just told me what she...

4 years ago
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Mud MagicChapter 8 Breaking Point

Lishaka sat up, groaning. “Did ... did I do it?” Rhys waited until his head stopped spinning before opening his eyes. The Hall of the Speakers was exactly like he had scried it – the remnants of elven beauty, impressive even in ruin. Parts of the domed ceiling had managed to stay in place, throwing irregular shadows. The pillars, shaped like trees, reached into the cloudy morning sky like skeletal fingers and half of a stairwell ended somewhere between the first and second floors. Strong...

3 years ago
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Fishermans Point

Tom inherited the Fisherman’s Point cottage from Polly, his great aunt. At the time, Tom and Karen were living in a small garden flat in Shepherd’s Bush. Karen was working as a marketing executive for a package holiday company. Tom was working as a freelance journalist, although what he really wanted to do was try his hand at writing a novel. The cottage was not large. It had probably started life as a fisherman’s cottage sometime in the early part of the 18th century. Polly had given it a new...

4 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 31 Saturdays a Turning Point

When I woke up, the first thing I felt when consciousness truly asserted itself was a enormous sense of relief. All that nonsense of being forced to do things that were repulsive and humiliating was over; now I could go to classes without being worried that a teacher would try to use my body as an education aid. Not that I had anything against displaying my body publicly, when I lived in Japan my family would go to the onsen where we would bathe nude in the hot spring with other families and...

1 year ago
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You shouldnt point

I got this buddy who had been plannin this party for at least a month. It was supposed to be the biggest party that was ever thrown in my hometown, except for one thrown by tupac and his boy biggie back in 93. I live on the west coast in the great state of Cali and my name is nick but everybody calls me deuce. I went to the concert t before the party. Im 22 and I love drink the jack. But I was at my buddies’ party checkin out the females and how fine they looked with them tiny ass skirts. Due...

First Time
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Lookout Point

I looked in the mirror. I’d washed and blow-dried my hair, and I liked the way the long, blond curls framed my face. I was trying a new eyeliner. This blue should have made my eyes bluer, but it didn’t look like it was quite the right shade. My nipples showed through the thin bra I’d bought last week. My mother didn’t know about this bra. All the ones she’d helped me buy had thick padding. She said I needed some uplift. I wanted one where I could feel a boy’s hands when he touched me. I hid...

3 years ago
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Soft Point

In a way, what I was doing was preventing me from having to tell him. It was easier, wasn’t it? It was much easier to have formed this routine. It immediately let him know I’d screwed up and I didn’t have to open my mouth and say it myself. But it was crazy. Certifiably crazy. I knew this even as I ran around the house, doing everything I could remember.It was almost Christmas. The tinsel and fairy lights were twined around the banisters; the tree was standing in the sitting room, weighed down...

1 year ago
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The House on Viking Point

PART ONE OF THREE My mother Muriel and I lived at the coast on the outskirts of a small village. Our house with grounds within a ten-foot high wall, and known as Viking Point, was perched on a rugged cliff overlooking the North Sea. To reach it from the village one walked the length of a steep, long winding lane. Since we both had to walk to the village and back at least twice daily, and were forced by circumstances to survive on a diet of fish and new potatoes, we were both as thin as a garden...

1 year ago
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A Wicked Weekend At Hazel Point

My name is Charlie; I’m sixteen years old, a little over six feet tall, with bottle-blond hair that’s got a greenish tint from the chlorine in the pool. I have the broad shoulders, muscular torso and powerful legs of a swimmer. In two weeks I’m off to the training centre to see if I can make the cut to compete for a spot on the Olympic swim panel. My mom is super proud, and also super strict.She told me I can go for this weekend but I absolutely can’t take any girls, it would be dumb to risk an...

2 years ago
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Save point

Steve looked at the little, black book tattoed on his forearm. He breathed heavily, exited. He placed three fingers on it and pressed slightly. A strange, tingling feeling erupted in the arm, like the vibration of a cell phone, but very small, somewhat unreal. He looked around him, at the empty back street where the strange, angel like creature had appeared to him. The brown skinned, winged woman with her strange purple hair and futuristic glasses. What kind of weird pantheon would she belong...

3 years ago
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Starting point

Years back, a little shady of the details.I was thirteen, going into new school, I could have gotten into an all boys school, but I rejected the offer, my family thought I was crazy, but who cares.Love the idea of orientation, it was just another excuse of a get-together where everybody was bored, plus it was a 3 days stay over at the school. Perfect. I just gotten out of a relationship, really, I was 11 with a girlfriend. Not those puppy love you guys hear about, I only went for this girl...

1 year ago
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A Case in Point

A CASE IN POINT By Karen Albright PROLOGUE A hush fell over the court room. The jurors slowly filed into the room and took their seats to the right of the Judge. "Good luck!" My attorney commented as the Judge began to speak. "Does the jury have a verdict ?" "Yes we do Your Honor," replied the jury foreman. "We find the defendant not liable for the support of the child of Janice Edwards" "Congratulations," said my attorney. "That was the most difficult paternity suit...

1 year ago
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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 11 Game Check Point

I’ve never been one to make much of a fuss over cars. I mean, I enjoy comfy seats and power steering as much as anyone and it has been said I’m a tiny bit obsessive over vehicular cleanliness, but by and large I am not very interested in the roar of an engine or how many horse power it has. So it was odd I found myself so completely enthralled by this Aston Martin Vanquish. Not just the paint job, which was a deep, dark, shiny, sparkly, magnificent blue, but the stitching on the seats, the...

1 year ago
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Turning point

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am Thomas, Thomas Jefferson. I am 23 and got married last month. I live in Denmark and work in a software company as a consultant. My mother Daniela and my wife rose were so close to me after my father’s demise three years since. My wife was 22 and my was 44. But she has a gorgeous body in comparison to my wife’s. We lived in our farm house. We were rich and surplus with money but me craving for more sexual pleasure from my wife. Days passed as I...

2 years ago
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The old manor in SwampPoint

A small car was circulating through a lone and dirty road near the small town called Swamp-Point. The destination an old manor in the swamp. Three persons were sitting aboard the car, Jonathan, Kim, and Sonia. They were college friends and at the end of last semester they had decided to do a road trip together during summer, but not any normal road trip they wanted to see the places that were supposed to be haunted. The three young adults loved those things. In fact, every week they meet at...

3 years ago
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Proving a Point

One evening, a few months after our Marathon Week, when I was out of town, the geeky k** from Taco Bell, Justin, called my wife’s cell. A group of his geeky friends were over playing video games and hadn’t believed his Taco Bell story. He had called her to see if she would confirm the story, so his friends would leave him alone and stop making fun of him. My wife dutifully recalled the entire night in detail, but to no avail. They still didn’t believe their nerdy friend had been able to...

1 year ago
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Turning Point

AT FIRST SIGHT I'd never seen her at the gym before. I come here often to work out,andalmost equally, to check out the firm, fit, females who frequent this gym. Although I've been working out a while, I have a thin build, and it had taken me a while to work up to bench presses with the 35 lb weights on each side (110 lb including the bar). I was on my second set of three when she walked in, and I noticed her right away. There's nothing like the presence of a foxy fit babe to make you feel a...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Breaking Point

Wish Shift: Chapter Sixteen Breaking Point Year 1 A.S. Day 91 After leaving Dr. Waverly's office Jenny asked them if they would stop at Java Jolts on the way to the grocery store. She said she wanted to get a tea and return the book that Derek had loaned her. Mom and Amelia both said it was fine and exchanged a quick look between themselves that Jenny didn't catch from the back seat. Danny didn't really have an opinion about whatever Jenny's interest in Derek was yet. Sam had, of...

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The Turning Point

Turning 40 a couple of weeks ago got me thinking about where I am in my life. I’m very happy with my career, which is with a search firm that allows me to work from home 90% of the time. My marriage is good, with a companionable relationship with my husband of 20 years. The sex has been pretty boring for some years now; but that seems pretty normal to me and didn’t bother me. I suffered mild empty-nest pangs when my daughter went off to college a year ago – but both she and I handled the...

3 years ago
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Basin Point

Basin Point, another town, another beach with good surfing conditions, surfing conditions my husband Peter loved. This was another stop off on the surfing calendar. We'd been following the circuit for the last two months; the surf at most of the beaches had been conducive in making this year one of the best. Peter was an ardent surfer and was well placed so far. The problem was I didn't share his enthusiasm for surfing, day after day and sitting around just watching was not exactly my idea of...

2 years ago
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The Blameless BystanderChapter 12 Turning Point

James woke up next to Tracey early the next morning. He was surprised to be so wide awake because they were up into the small hours making love to each other in every way that they could think of. Lying still in the half light of morning, he mulled over the complications of adding a third lover into his life, and thinking how worthwhile that would be. Tracey's voluptuous body was only a small part of his motivation. Her high-energy lovemaking style was a factor, too; the biggest reason was...

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Vickies Turning Point

She is extremely shy and was raised in a very strict manner that still affects her feelings about sex. She has always been very conservative about her dress and showing off her body. Vickie rarely drinks and gets intoxicated very quickly when she does drink. However once she gets aroused, her motor starts running, her natural desires take over and she really enjoys sex. I am the only man she has been with sexually. I have always wanted her to show-off her assets more in public....

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Lookout Point

He parked the car at the end of the look out point. From there, they were able to see the reflections of the mountains in the lake. It was a hot day and they were out driving, with the top down and the music blaring. After he turned off the engine, he turned the music back on. Kidd Rock was on with his duet with Sheryl Crow. He turned it up and got out of the car. He walked around to her side and opened her door for her. He assisted her out of the car, led her to the hood and began dancing with...

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