Lady Blackrook Victorian Adventuress En Pointe
- 3 years ago
- 47
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Basin Point, another town, another beach with good surfing conditions, surfing conditions my husband Peter loved. This was another stop off on the surfing calendar. We'd been following the circuit for the last two months; the surf at most of the beaches had been conducive in making this year one of the best. Peter was an ardent surfer and was well placed so far. The problem was I didn't share his enthusiasm for surfing, day after day and sitting around just watching was not exactly my idea of having a good time. I could only do so much surfing, and then I became bored and had to find something else to do.
Peter of course, was really addicted and dedicated to it, talked and lived it every minute of every day, when there was no more surfing to be had for the day, he and his buddies were knocking the tops off a beer or two, or three, well maybe four. By the time he managed to tear himself away from his pals, it was back to the motel, then crash until the sun came streaming through the curtains next morning.
"Ok honey, see ya later" He would shout, as he hoisted his board onto the back of the Ford and was gone.
For me it was another day playing the Surfy Widow ... and all day to do it.
There was no need to hurry the day. It was hot outside; the mercury would be high once again. I took my time showered and lounged around, becoming more bored and wishing the circuit was finished and we could all go home again. This of course was not going to happen; Peter still had a few more beaches and surfs to hit. Besides even when we got home Peter would be remembering and reviewing where he went wrong and what he could do to improve for next year ... that's assuming he did not take out the title this year. He was doing pretty well, but he was up against some of the world's best, and they took no prisoners, at the end of the week we had an eight hundred mile journey to the next venue.
I ventured outside the unit, pondering what and where to go today, beach, shopping, well I was getting a little bored with that as well.
There was couple who were packing their car, making ready to leave for their next part of the journey to, who knows where. A couple of guys, who were in an upstairs unit directly opposite us, were leaning over the balcony, casually chatting. They saw me, smiled and gave a friendly wave. I returned the gesture, then still bored, went back inside.
I tried to settle, tried to find something or somewhere to go but came up with nothing. I felt like letting out a big, loud scream.
The boredom was driving me mad, I decide on a swim and went to the pool, at least I could enjoy swimming and feel cool. Now my bikini did little to hide from view those parts of the body men liked to dream and fantasy about, however my bath robe kept all that from view until I reached the pool. It was obvious most, if not all the motel patrons were out doing something, other than swimming or hanging around the motel.
The water offered some good relief from the hot overhead sun as I swam length after length; swimming was what I was good at, with Peter it was surfing, me it was swimming.
I found a nice lounger under a sun umbrella and stretched out to let the hot air dry my wet body. My dreamy condition was interrupted by the voices coming toward me.
"Oh hi there, you not out at the beach watching the surfing honey" the voice said. It was one of the two guys from the unit opposite ours, one white guy and the other black.
"Oh no I'm afraid I've had my fill of surfing right now, I have quite a bit more to go yet" I replied.
"Bored eh?" the white guy said.
"Well you could say that"
"Heh, I'm Brad" said the white guy "And this is Leroy" indicating to the black guy.
"Please to meet you Brad and Leroy ... I'm Paula ... my husbands name is Peter ... he's at the..."
"Beach ... surfing" Brad interrupted
"Yeh that's right how did you know" I asked
"We've seen him coming and going over the past few days"
"Yeh well that's what he enjoys doing, spends most of his time at it" I said rather sourly.
"And what do you like doing Paula" Leroy asked, with a grin
"Ho I don't know, just enjoying myself I guess"
"Hm, sorry but you don't seem to be enjoying yourself just now, do you?" said Brad.
"Well I guess its all part of being the wife of a surfy" I replied.
"Hm well I think it's a great shame for any guy to take off and leave a beautiful woman like you all alone ... it sure is shameful" Leroy replied.
"Yes well as I said its all part of being the wife of a surfy"
"Hey look we're going up the coast this afternoon, going to do a little snorkelling and scuba diving, you're welcome to join us if you want, hell its better than waiting around here ... you ever done any snorkelling Paula"
"Why yes I have, but I don't get much opportunity these day's" I said
"Well as I said you're quite welcome to tag along, we'll give you a call before we leave" said Brad and then they turned and left, left me to consider whether to go or not.
Hell I hadn't snorkelled of dived for ages; maybe it would be fun, better than wasting time around a motel room.
The drive up the coast in an open top four wheel drive was fun in itself. Feeling the warm air over my body and hair billowing out, with two good looking young guys had me feeling just great.
The afternoon could not have been better and at long last, away from that unit. I felt like a freed prisoner out on parole for the day.
The snorkelling and diving were great and the waters were crystal clear further up the coast and away from the surf, I realised I was missing all this.
The guys were great company, even though they seemed to ask a lot of personal probing questions.
They were easy to talk to and I'd more or less confided in them that Peter and I had not been having a great sex life lately; in fact it had pretty much been none existent over the past few months.
"Don't you miss having sex Paula ... I mean such a great looking gal like you and dare I say it, such a great body ... surely you could have the pick of the guys" said Brad.
"Oh heck I don't know ... I guess I just haven't looked or bothered about it that's all" I replied
"So you don't miss having sex is that it" asked Leroy
"I didn't say that ... I do miss it ... just put it out of my mind, that's all" I said
They didn't push the issue; apart from saying it was a great shame.
Brad or Leroy took video coverage of us all swimming and diving together, all of us on the beach and one set on auto with me in the middle and them with their arms around my waist, all very innocent.
I have to say I was somewhat disappointed when our day out came to an end and we were headed back to the motel, god today had been one of my most enjoyable since we started to circuit. The guys dropped me off at my unit, said how they had enjoyed having me with them and disappeared into their own room. Our unit was quiet, Peter still out with his pals, knocking back a few beers. God I'd really enjoyed today I thought to myself. I even had an invitation to join them again tomorrow. They had hired a boat and were going to go out to the reef and dive, said it was a place of tranquil beauty and clear water.
I kept thinking about my two new friends, they seemed real cool guys and had taken an interest in me, they'd asked plenty of personal questions, but had not made a play for me. I felt a little disappointed, perhaps they were a gay couple, but on reviewing all the questions they had asked, I doubted it. In fact the more I did review their questions the more I realized there were many probing questions, questions loaded with little subtle innuendos some I'd answered, othersI had left unanswered. I realised they now knew quite a bit about me. I was now starting to have little fantasies about the two of them as I lay in bed waiting for Peters return.
"Hi honey, how was your day ... god I came that close ... that close" he said and then proceeded to tell how unlucky he had been in not getting second placing for his efforts during the day. I turned my mind off and thought about my two new friends, touching and fingering my pussy as I did so. I realised I was quite wet down there.
The boat was bigger than I thought it would be, a real deep sea effort, could live on board and travel the islands quite comfortably, large living areas and a galley any cordon blue chef would die for, the master bedroom was a work of art, just as big as our motel unit, as was the huge bed. The diving and fishing was great and it had not gone unnoticed by me that the guys had continually ogled my bikini clad body, making little gestures to each other, gestures they thought I had not seen, both under and out of the water. I smiled inwardly I knew what they were thinking and what they wanted. It came as no surprise when they made their play.
I dried off and donned my blouse and skirt
"You know that is one wasted body honey ... it really is" said Brad smiling "Are you telling me that husband is depriving you of some much needed pleasures"
"Well yes, yes he sure is ... as I said it's a long time since he and I enjoyed a good session together" I replied.
"Well you don't need to deprive yourself of that pleasure sweetheart ... me and Brad ... well we could help you out there if you wished" a big know what I'm saying grin spreading across Leroy's face.
I did not reply immediately, I just absorbed what he had just said and the implications.
"Er what are you saying here guys ... you mean ... me and you guy's we...
"Yeh ... we go below and use that big soft bed, it's a great bed ... just going to waste it is, it's just shouting out for you, Leroy and me, we can all have some fun together ... real fun, you know what I'm saying, but hey it's entirely up to you sweetheart" he said winking
I bit my lip and thought about it, should I or shouldn't I, I was tempted very tempted, the thought of a romp on that big bed, with two guys. My heart was pounding body trembling. I wanted to I just needed a nudge in the right direction.
"Could even make a bit of a porno movie, just to add a little spice to it, would be a good way to finish our holiday and take some good memories back with us, hell your husband will never find out where you've been or what you've been up to, it would be for our eyes only, better than hanging around that motel unit all day, don't you think."
"You ever made a porn movie before honey" Brad asked.
"God no never" I replied.
"I think you'd enjoy it, it will be fun, come on let's go below, let's do something exciting and daring" said Brad, grabbing my hand and leading me below.
It was all I needed; I gave no resistance apart from a brief "Hell I don't know if I should be doing this guy's ... I mean I'm married" it was a feeble attempt at saying no, I really didn't believe myself, and neither did they ... they knew I wanted it and wanted it bad. I was desperate to carry out their wishes.
"Heh Paula come on ... live a little ... don't deprive yourself of some fun and pleasure ... its gona be great ... trust me" said Brad. As I let him drag me down to the bedroom
I sat on the big soft bed, Brad searching for the camera, Leroy telling him where he had left it.
He pointed the camera in my direction. I saw the little red light come on, as it started to record.
"Hi this is Brad and the girl is Paula, Paula is about to make a movie with Leroy and myself, a naughty movie ... is that right Paula" he said. I felt somewhat self-conscious and a little embarrassed as I smiled for the camera and nodded with a quiet "Yes"
I just sat there looking into the lens "What do I do, I've never done this before" I said
"Ok well, why not take off your cloths and let us see your beautiful naked body" said Brad from behind the camera.
I rose from the bed and still looking at the camera said.
"I feel a little shy, taking my gear off in front of two guys"
"Oh don't worry honey, just jump in there, we'll all be naked before long, then you can gaze at our credentials ... see if you like them"
I dropped the skirt, pulled the top over my head and let it fall on the carpeted deck beside my skirt. Then undid my bikini top, letting it drop to the deck, my breasts falling free to gasps of admiration from the guys. "Oh shit they are real nice tits you have there honey" I stepped out of my briefs. I now did feel shy, embarrassed and vulnerable, standing in front of these two guys, both the camera and their eyes continuing to rake my naked body and zooming between my legs.
"Mmmmm, nice pussy sweetheart, bet it's nice and tight right now eh ... Leroy's gona take great delight in opening it up a little for you ... first fuck you've had I a while, eh honey?" Brad said. Again I nodded and gave a shy smile.
I sat back on the bed, trying to cover myself with my hands as the camera continued to roll, I smiling nervously at the lens.
"Er what do I do now, I'm not used to this" I said into the camera.
"Oh just lie back on the bed, let Leroy play with your pussy for a while, things will just develop, you'll see" I did as instructed. I spread my legs and let the camera come in close to capture the images of my slit, the boat swung on the anchor, the sun streaming in the porthole sending a beam directly to my pussy, then Leroy's fingers as they delved inside my crack, working, playing, and massaging it.
"Oh god ... oh god" I whimpered, as my pussy became wet from Leroy's playing his finger and thumb working on my clit.
"What ... what ... do ... you want me ... to ... do" I gasped at Leroy.
"Get me hard, get me real hard honey, so I can fuck you" he replied.
He was kneeling on the bed beside me, completely naked, his cock not quite ready for me. I felt the warm soft texture of his flesh in my hand and I placed it in my mouth. The result was almost instantaneous; as it harden between my lips. His own fingers continued to make me wet, hot and squirming. He pulled away from my slit, as I gave his hard cock my full attention. The shaft looked magnificent now that it was hard, so big, so round and so black. Veins like vines up its length, pumping the blood that gave it its strength, the rounded corona at the top, the slit and the eye, the eye from which his warm sperm would eventually spew, like hot molten lava, flow deep inside me. I tried to take it as far down my throat as possible, gagging slightly in my efforts. My hand working the big shaft, fingers gently holding, massaging and squeezing his balls, balls that contained that warm sperm that would eventually erupt. My tongue licking it like some giant lollypop, licking the slit on the top, a taste of pre-cum, then again devouring its length, sucking, licking, hand working the hard shaft.
"Oh yes, oh yes ... that's good baby ... that's soooo good baby ... you know how to suck cock" Said Leroy. I did I'd done it so many times before with Peter ... that was in the early days. I knew exactly how he liked his cock sucked.
"How does it feel having a nice cock in your mouth again honey" Brad asked, keeping the camera focused on my mouth, sucking Leroy's cock.
"Mmmmm ... mmmmm" Nodding my approval. "Good honey you just keep sucking it ... you're looking good on camera" said Brad.
Brad moved the camera, now catching my facial expressions, expressions of utter delight.
"Here let me get that nice tight pussy of yours all worked up and ready for me eh?" Leroy said.
Lying on my back, Leroy took up where he had left off. I spread my legs, let the camera zoom in, get a good view of my wet pussy, then Leroy's fingers as they started to work inside me. I just lay there, passively, my eyes closed, waiting and enjoying the moment, enjoying something I had not experienced or enjoyed in quite a long time. Eyes open once again, open so that I could see his hand and delving fingers between the V formed by my open legs. The other hand squeezing, massaging my breast and nipple. Oh god I was getting so worked up. My pussy was opening up, pink and wet.
"Mmm ... nnnn ... ohhhhh ... ahhhhhhh" was all I could whimper, his finger massaging and playing with my clit, giving me immense pleasure. God I wanted him ... I wanted this guy to fuck me so much ... I was on fire, as I writhed and twisted, raising my hips and trying hard to impale myself further and further onto his fingers.
I knew I was wet, I could hear the slurping sound his fingers made as he worked and played with my pussy.
His strong firm hands slid to my buttocks, lifting my ass off the bed, he buried his face in my pussy, a warm lizard like tongue sliding, and delving into my slit ... he was eating me. Eating me like a ripe melon. He could taste the honey I was producing, the more he licked, the more I produced. My head was thrashing from side to side ... I was moaning ... deep in a euphoric haze, a haze I had not known for some time.
Having had his fill he said "Oh you're about ready honey ... you ready for Leroy's hard cock ... would you like me to fuck you now, eh?" Someone was screaming at him ... wanting to be fucked ... it had to be me ... I was still very much in that euphoric haze and dizzy with desire. "Ok honey, let's get this thing inside you, spread em wide, as wide as you can get em love" he said, at the same time his hands were pressing against my knees, helping to spread my legs. I was propped on my elbows, I wanted to see this part, wanted to watch as his hard cock, came nearer and see it vanish inside me. My heart was racing, pumping like crazy as he came nearer. My hand reached out for it, wanting it. I wanted to feel it in my hand, feel its throbbing energy, my fingers curled around the hard shaft; I gave it a gentle loving squeeze and guided him toward his prize, the prize he'd been wanting all along. The prize lay cradled between my thighs, thighs with skin as smooth as silk, soft to the touch. Oh yes he wanted it alright, wanted it as much as I wanted his large, hard cock.
Oh my god, it looked so big, as it drew near, I could feel it warm and pulsating as it made contact with my pussy lips.
"Oh, oh, oh, nnnn" It was about to go in.
"I'll just ease it in for you honey ... you're gona feel good ... real good once it's in ... then we'll have some real fun eh" he said. The camera, picking up every detail, every word.
He was going to play with me, tease me. I watched as he pushed the head in, it felt good real good, at last after all these months without it, I was going to see this beautiful black cock slip inside of me ... I gripped the fabric of bed cover tight, took a deep breath and waited ... but no. I looked at his face, he was smiling, teasing, pulling back, then placing the head just far enough in for me to feel its width and warmth, he kept on teasing me with it, the more he did it the more I wanted it.
"Hmmm, you like that honey, does that make you feel good ... you want Leroy to fuck you with it, eh is that what you want" taunting, teasing
I was shaking with excitement, looking at him, pleading with him. The camera always on me, watching my every move, every expression, continuing to record every little gesture.
"Oh god Leroy, go on, do it, do it, fuck me please, fuck me" it wasn't a request; I was now begging him for it.
"OK honey here we go" and this time I watched it slowly sink inside of me, inch by inch until it was no more. It was fully inside, I could feel its length and width, throbbing, pulsating.
I gasped with joy as he rocked back and forth. I watched the shaft as it withdrew, all wet and shiny, covered with my own body fluid, fluid my pussy was producing. Then it was at its zenith and made its way back, back deep inside again. It all seemed in slow motion, but in fact it was quick, deep and fast. There was that voice again, screaming, shouting.
"Oh ... oh ... uh ... uh ... ah ... ah..." on and on, matched with every thrust of his cock. The slap, slap, slap, and the slurp, slurp, slurp as it raced in and out, his balls and loins slapping against my bum. I knew I was being fucked, fucked like I'd never been fucked before. His hands, now gripping my ankles, lifting my legs up but still spread apart ... still the continuing, slap, slap, slap, slurp, slurp, slurp. The bed bouncing, squeaking, reverberating to our torrid love making
"Oh god ... oh no ... oh ... oh" I couldn't help myself. The euphoria was so great I never wanted it to stop. It was he who was in total command, he was like an animal, his cock continually thrusting, thrusting, and thrusting, my hands clenching his arm ... fingers and nails digging into his flesh. My legs bent or shaped whichever way he wanted or desired them, first thrown one way, then the other. My eyes closed one minute, then wide open as I gazed upon his erection as it slammed and thrust inside me. "Oh god ... oh yes ... oh Leroy ... Leroy ... I love it ... I love it ... fuck me ... fuck me please fuck me" the voice was shouting. He himself was filled with lust and desire. His own breath coming in gasps and hisses as he thrust in time and time again. Now I'm rolled over, over onto my stomach. I support myself on bended arms, my ass pulled to suit the angle of penetration, supported on my knees; I spread my legs, allowing an easy access.
"Oh god ... oh god" I'm still shouting and screaming. The camera is on my face taking in my expressions, expressions that show concern, concern that what I'm doing may be seen by Peter my husband, expression of guilt, guilt that I should not be here, not like this and expressions of sheer joy, joy at being fucked. Behind me, the view of Leroy, holding my hips tight, pulling me hard against his cock, humping, humping. My tits like wobbling jellies, swinging like pendulums too and fro, my flesh vibrates like ripples on the water, a reaction to his continual inward thrusting.
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"Chris honey, hurry up... I have to be at the doctor's in twenty-five minutes!" Kathy called upstairs to her sixteen year old son. Chris tossed his school bag on his bed and walked out in the hallway and yelled back. "I'm coming mom." He loved his mother dearly but he hated it when she made him go everywhere with her... if only she were still married he wouldn't have to... then he remembered what an asshole his father had been and the thought disappeared. He shrugged his shoulders and...
PART TWO OF THREEAt this point in my narrative I should explain a few details about my mother. The promontory known as Viking Point stands 500 feet high and is almost sheer cliff amongst rugged and broken coast with a boulder-strewn shore. Our house is built into a large niche in the cliff almost three-quarters of the way up. If you draw a line due east from the house across the North Sea, it touches land on the other side along the Danish-German frontier at Schleswig, and it was from Schleswig...
IncestEm had been going to Phil’s place for a therapeutic massage every week for a year. He was a qualified masseur who worked from his home a short drive away from hers. She always had the five o’clock appointment on Thursdays and knew he always had another regular client that evening at eight. Em’s massages were ninety minutes and she enjoyed them as therapy. Phil really knew what he was doing. Her massages with Phil were always very straight. She was topless for her sessions but wore bikini pants...
HardcoreHi readers, this is my first story so I’m kind of nervous writing about it. Hope you’ll like it. Based on true happenings – names have been changed to keep things anonymous. It was a Friday afternoon and something had been bothering me since Monday. I was having an irregular period since some months and I was extra horny and sensitive all the time. I wanted to get over with this problem. I called in the doctor’s office to see if I could get an appointment. Luckily the receptionist checked me in...
Ch1:Appointment day Ch1:? Appointment day It is a sunny cold day in March. The snowstorm that covered the streets with snow is gone, leaving a clear, frosty day, with temperatures in the 20s. I walk down the street, dressed only in my black sable coat, black velvet choker, and stylish 5 inch pumps, also black, of course. As I walk, the cold air seeps under my coat, up my legs and into my bare pussy. I am going to Mr. Marshall?s mansion. I am afraid of what will happen there. I know...
The new discipline regime was going better than expected for both Melanie and her step-mum, Claire. If anything it brought them closer together.Melanie had wanted the new regime, replacing the awfully boring grounding with the quick albeit painful spanking regime now in place. Since the change happened, Melanie was surprised just how easy it was to break a rule or breach a boundary, all set by her mum, Claire. Easy was not actually the operative word, but often really was. In the first week her...
SpankingA completely fictional story told from two points of view ASHLEY It was two weeks until graduation. I had been going out with Billy for about six months and was looking forward to spending the summer with him before starting college in the fall. We had been up to The Point a few times before, and I had let him make it to second base. (The Point was a sandy flat spot up on the ridge overlooking the city where all the high school k**s would go to make out.) I loved the feeling of his finger...
RIVERS TURNING POINT by Noni Mouse ***Call Me Trent*** My eyes blurred over the words "Call me Ishmael" for the seemingly hundredth time as I put down the Herman Melville book that I had intended to read. I laughed aloud that the more appropriate interpretation of Death and unrequited love would be "Call me Trent." Yes, I was Trent Rivers and I had fallen deeply in love years ago in my first year with a stunning woman only to find out that she was only in the game to get her Mrs....
A DISAPPOINTMENT Jeremy Hunter had to tell the girl he was going to propose to about his 'hobby', hoping that it wouldn't interfere with their relationship. "Pauline, my darling, we've been going out now for eight months, so we must both know that we have something special." Pauline was overjoyed, she just knew he was going to propose. "The thing is, there is something about me that it's only fair to tell you, something that's been nagging at me for several weeks now. It's...
“You’re kidding.”Nate, my older brother, and usual partner in crime stared at me from his place on his couch. In contrast to my readiness- flawless high ponytail, dark hair contrasted with a white silky scrunchie, expensive hiking pack, brand new boots- he was horrifyingly not. He groaned and leaned his disheveled head- was that a pepperoni in his hair?- on the back of the couch.“Take pity on me,” he moaned out. “Its been a rough morning.”Growling, I grabbed one of the empty beer cans off the...
Exhibitionism6. ...And Procedures "The process is important, regardless of the outcome, just ask Schacter. (...)mental health... is not a destination but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going. The therapist is like a driving instructor, not a chauffeur," -- Noam Shpancer, The Good Psychologist ***** Ray didn't react to the second playing of the tape, although he wanted to, he was just a little too confused and disoriented. A sound told him he was being visited, but he...
More episodes of this series *may* be available on my site at I had done it a million times before, it was a simple act. You move the metallic holder bar from the left side to the right, then push the gate open. Opening the gate, by itself, is a simple act. But today, everything was different. The brown metallic bar of her gate, with its peeling skin of paint, felt a ton heavier than it usually did. My heart began to pound like I was about to step off the earth, like gravity...
--Day Three: Saturday, 22nd May, 1999-- When I woke up, the daylight that had been streaming in through my tiny bedroom window was gone. I was still face-down and apparently in the exact same position in which I’d fallen asleep. I pushed myself up gingerly, bracing for more pain, but none came. In fact, I felt pretty good. I was hungry and thirsty, but over-all I seemed fine. I stood up and immediately noticed a sense of power in my muscles that hadn’t been there before. Upon some...
My 2020 Dr. appointmentI know they all start out the same because that's how Dr. offices seem to do it sorry!Like the previous years I had my annual Dr. appointment and since now both the nurse and the Dr. know I'm a feminine male (the male term I use very loosely:) I really don't have to hide the fact and as before my recent visit certainly validates that. This year I wore cute tan capries that were very tight with cute silky lacy pink panties underneath that felt so good against my shaved...
It's time for my yearly check up with Dr Woods. Now I love my doctor, I have been seeing him for several years. There has never been anything sexual with us, but I have caught him staring at me at times. Any woman would know how that is when a man looks at them a certain way. I also know any woman would love to be his patient! He is 6 foot 2, brown eyes, and silky wavy brown hair that you would love to just run your fingers through! Muscular with six-pack abs. I've heard many women talk about...
Group SexMy Dr visit 2017Like the previous years I had my annual Dr. appointment and since now both the nurse and the Dr. know I'm a feminine male (the male term I use very loosely:) I really don't have to hide the fact and as before my recent visit certainly validates that. I showed up wearing cute white shorts with a very pretty lacy bra and cute panties underneath, topped off with a somewhat feminine blouse that did not really conceal my bra if you looked. After checking in with the receptionist I...
I finally figured why Carrie was so easy to 'do' my hair. She has been wanting a male toy to play with in the salon chair. My dear sweet Carrie is really wanting to dominate me and in my next appointment she teaches me to sit still while she has her fun... Following up to my appointment Carrie calls me while I'm at work, busy with a customer. It happens from time to time. Here I am with someone in my office and I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do with my favorite stylist....
The Appointment "I am not a sissy. I won't be dressed as a girl. Go away." The sissy was chained to his bed as usual when his mother came in to make sure he was awake and thinking about getting ready for his appointment at the Sissyboy Boutique. He was dressed in his pink baby doll nightie and, of course, he was in nappies and plastic panties to prevent the mattress in his cot from getting wet. As usual he was soaked through because he had to drink a large bottle of juice each night...
"Public Adventures of Mark" The Hair Appointment Mark had been quiet on the ride not knowing what Cindy had in store for him. He fanned his fingers out in his lap to admire his long elegantly tapered red fingernails, knowing soon he would not be the only one admiring them. Cindy had a way of creating the most humiliating situations, even for someone who secretly desired it like Mark. Cindy pulled the van into a parking lot that had a small free standing building. The sign across the...
For the last five months Stephanie and I had continued seeing each other outside of the office Next Appointment ? SFCityDom ? 2006 For the last five months, Stephanie and I have continued seeing each other outside of the office. I have tried to convince her to see another dentist; however, she refuses. Our relationship has moved beyond just the sexual. Nonetheless, we really don?t go out and about in the town we live. We have gone on weekend getaways and enjoyed many evenings at my home....
The Appointment The Appointment ? SFCityDom (c) 2006 I walk to the front desk and I pick up the file for my last patient of the day. ?The hygienist is almost done with her,? the receptionist informs me. ?Thank you.? I read the name on the file ?Stephanie.? This woman has perfect teeth and is very beautiful. I poke my head into hygienist room. ?Are you done with Stephanie? I am ready for her.? ?Yes. We?re done,? the hygienist says. Stephanie gets out of the chair and walks pass me. Oh...
My 2nd 2020 Dr. appointmentI know they all start out the same because that's how Dr. offices seem to do it sorry!Unlike previous years I had a 6 month follow-up this year since the Dr. had his nurse call me and tell me to schedule one since my pussy looked so well used last time and he needed to make sure everything was fine "down there". Like the previous years I really don't have to hide the fact that I'm very feminine. This year I wore very short girls shorts that hugged my bottom and rode...
The Turning Point Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I was dragged into the office, I knew that I had gone too far, one time too many. Both my mom and dad were there, as were the two teachers involved, the principal, and the school security guard. None of them were smiling as I was forced into a chair facing a circle of very angry adults. "You are in so much trouble," my dad said, "young man that I'm ready to let them simply prosecute you! Maybe we should let them toss...
It was that time of year again; the time where the seasons are changing from spring to summer, when the fresh morning dew sits delicately on the grass and flowers, as the sweet morning sun filters softly over everything in sight. I sat down on the old wooden bench as I pulled my cardigan across my chest and crossed my arms. I let out a deep sigh as I looked out across the village below, it was slowly coming to life in the early morning light. The newsagent was opening the corner shop and...
First TimeChapter 7 Breaking Point For the rest of the weekend Kim was sullen and out of sorts. The bombshell that the old man had laid on her had exploded in her brain with deadly accuracy, destroying any optimism Kim may have hoped to have later on. As far as she could see, life as she understood it was over. Failure to execute a successful plan to just get she and Ben to the prom to unlock the mask seemed too great. What little had already changed to make that difficult could be made so...
March, 1984, Chicago, Illinois I walked home in the chilly air and went straight to my office to write in my journal. I wrote a couple of paragraphs then stopped. I looked at the clock, and despite the late hour, I decided to call Bethany. I was happy that I hadn’t woken her and I explained what had happened. “If I’d had a choice,” I said sadly, “I would have chosen her as a friend. Having sex with her wasn’t important to me.” “No, but it was important to her. You just told me what she...
Tom inherited the Fisherman’s Point cottage from Polly, his great aunt. At the time, Tom and Karen were living in a small garden flat in Shepherd’s Bush. Karen was working as a marketing executive for a package holiday company. Tom was working as a freelance journalist, although what he really wanted to do was try his hand at writing a novel. The cottage was not large. It had probably started life as a fisherman’s cottage sometime in the early part of the 18th century. Polly had given it a new...
I'm such a great big Wapanese loser that I've used a lot of Japanese terms in this very manga-themed story. If you're not familiar with these, I have described them below: Moe: a Japanese culture concept and slang term for the qualities that make things hopelessly adorable. Sozu: a type of water fountain used in Japanese gardens. A small tube of bamboo is filled with water, causing it to tip and hit a rock. Gakuran: a common male uniform in Japanese schools. It is usually, but not...
When Emma wakes up Donald is gone. She cannot help it, but a tear comes to her eye over it. But on the nightstand is another written note from him in his wonderful firm script.Emma,I wanted to let you sleep in some. Thank you for last night, you did wonderfully. Don’t forget your spa appointment today and be at my house by four o’clock.DLaying next to the note is her fourteenth pearl. She does not want to put it on herself, so she takes and places it in her purse for Donald to add to her...
Love StoriesWhen Emma wakes up Donald is gone. She cannot help it, but a tear comes to her eye over it. But on the nightstand is another written note from him in his wonderful firm script.Emma,I wanted to let you sleep in some. Thank you for last night, you did wonderfully. Don’t forget your spa appointment today and be at my house by four o’clock.DLaying next to the note is her fourteenth pearl. She does not want to put it on herself, so she takes and places it in her purse for Donald to add to her...
Love StoriesEmma smoothed the dress over her hips and felt a rush of excitement from doing it. Immediately she felt guilty that she had done something which she enjoyed without the Professor’s permission. She hadn’t meant to, so she hoped it was a misdemeanor, and not something she needed to report. She looked at the clock and realized the morning was slipping away and she did need to get to this appointment right away. Coming down her stairs she did feel a little shaky on the high heels but by the time...
Love StoriesI’ve had the same doctor for years, he was some old dude that knew his shit. One day I get a call from a woman, nurse Helen. She informed me that my doctor has retired and sold his business. Would I like to keep my appointment. Yeah sure no worries. A few days later I show up for my appointment, I’m greeted with a smile from nurse Helen. Take a seat the Dr will be with you shortly. I couldn’t help but notice she was a beautiful woman of Latin decent. The door swings open and nurse Helen escorts...
My Dr visit 2019I know they all start out the same because that's how Dr. offices seem to do it sorry!Like the previous years I had my annual Dr. appointment and since now both the nurse and the Dr. know I'm a feminine male (the male term I use very loosely:) I really don't have to hide the fact and as before my recent visit certainly validates that. I showed up wearing cute green girls shorts and cute lacy panties underneath, topped off with a somewhat feminine blouse that did not really...
My Dr visit 2018Like the previous years I had my annual Dr. appointment and since now both the nurse and the Dr. know I'm a feminine male (the male term I use very loosely:) I really don't have to hide the fact and as before my recent visit certainly validates that. I showed up wearing cute capris with a very pretty lacy bra and cute panties underneath, topped off with a somewhat feminine blouse that did not really conceal my bra if you looked. After checking in with the receptionist I took a...
Since being diagnosed with chronic lung disease and requiring oxygen particularly when out and about the last thing on my mind has been sex, or rather 'getting it'. Not that it's stopped me from having lengthy wanks whilst looking at online porn. It just takes me longer to achieve the end result. Weirdly being out of the loop as t'were it's meant my 'tastes' have broadened. I've always had a 'thing' for ginger uncut cocks and saggy low hangers since I was at school. One of my school mates had...
The Appointment Joyce looked up from her reception desk at the small boutique shop as the bell on the door tinkled signifying a client entering. The assistant's eyes raised as a tall elegant woman in her early thirties entered, she was well dressed with expensive clothes and a hairstyle that was obviously from a top salon. She wore a cream Chanel suit with knee length pencil skirt, which showed off her long slim legs and model figure, this woman oozed power. Joyce's eyebrows raised in...