Girlie--pt3 free porn video

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Then the wheel started shimmying, and I knew that I must have blown a tire. I pulled off to one side and the limousine whooshed past us, vanishing in seconds. "Well," I said, "that's one worry off my mind. I'll have this tire changed in a few minutes and well be back on our way." The few minutes proved to be more like a half hour, however. As I mentioned, it was really warm out and I was wearing that thick padded suit and the confining shirt to hide my feminized figure. Add to that the wig that covered my long hair, and you can imagine how uncomfortable I was. By the time I had finished, my clothing was soaked with sweat and I was almost dizzy from the heat. Even Kaye, standing in the shade, commented on the miserable, sweltering weather. "Can I make a suggestion?" she asked as we climbed back into the Van. 'You need to cool off!" "Sounds good," I gasped. "Got any ideas?" "I noticed a stream off to the right," she said- "We could go skinny dipping!" "What if someone sees us?" "Out here in the middle of nowhere?" Kaye gestured at the open spaces around us and I realized she was right. This looked like farm country and undeveloped woodlands. The only building in sight was a grey, factory- like structure a few miles away, and it looked silent. Once we were back in the woods off the roadway, there was no way anyone could see us. "Come on," Kaye urged. "Looks like that dirt road over there leads back to the stream. Let's go!" Too hot and tired to argue, I put the van in gear and headed up the dirt road, which was little more than tire-tracks in the grass, deep into thick woods. After maybe a mile, the track swung by a clear, gently flowing stream, and I pulled off. "Looks yummy!" Kaye enthused. "Just let me gather up some things!" And she began stuffing things from her suit-case into a white nylon shoulder pack. "Just how much equipment do you need to go swimming in the nude?" I asked jokingly. "For your information, Mr. Clark, Kaye lectured in mock-severe tones, "It takes more gear than you'd think! I'm a Country Girl, remember, and I've had a lot of experience swimming in the out-of-doors. Let's go!" After locking up the van, I followed Kaye along the creek bank for a hundred yards or so until we found a nice, secluded spot. Now, even if someone saw the van, they probably wouldn't think to come this deep into the woods looking for, us. In seconds, Kays had doffed her clothes and was hiding them under a bush. "Well?" She looked at me expectantly. "Arent you coming in?" I had been unconsciously devouring her ripe body with my eyes. Nude, she looked incredibly lovely, with her shortish curly blonde hair, ripe breasts and shapely legs. When she turned her back to me, I got a look at the roundest, bounciest ass I have ever seen. Now, as she faced me, I found it hard to keep my eyes off her fleecy blonde pubic hair. Suddenly I found myself feeling awkward and embarrassed. This woman, my prisoner, was calmly waiting to watch me strip naked! I slipped off my jacket, shoes and socks, then reluctantly began undoing the buttons of my shirt, releasing the catches that held the breast-reducing elastic strap across my chest. Hesitantly, I pulled off the shirt, revealing my own breasts, as big and round as Kaye's. "My! she giggled. "You sure are built! I can't wait to see the rest!" "Kaye!" I blushed, feeling very small all of a sudden. "Must you look at me like that?" "C'mon!" she chided, "It's just us girls here! After all, I'm completely naked, but from what you've told me, your pubies will still be awfully well hidden, even with no clothes! " Just to get it over with, I jerked down my pants and underpants and stepped out of them. "Wheee-hooo!" Kaye whistled, "Don't you look sweet! Now that I think about it, your shoulders do look inst a teensy bit mannish, but with those boobs and buns of yours ... and those legs - - - not to mention that cute little puss! Why I'd never have guessed there was a man in there!" "Well there is," I tried to sound firm, despite the odd mixture of embarrassment, vulnerability, and sexual desire I was feeling. I mean, it was so weird, being naked in the woods with a sexy woman and looking just like a sexy woman myself! I suddenly had the strange thought that if Kaye were to put on my clothes now, she would be the captor and I her prisoner! "Let's get into the water!" "Just like a City Girl!" Kaye chuckled, then spoke seriously. "You can hurt yourself badly, going into a strange body of water unprepared. The first thing is to protect your hands and feet. Some of those rocks can be pretty sharp! Here, put these on," and she tossed me a pair of boots and gloves. "Are you sure these are necessary?" I asked, picking them up. They were white latex, the boots mid-calf length, the gloves long enough to reach past my elbows. "Suit yourself, Kaye shrugged as she put heavy sneakers and dark leather gloves on herself. "Those are the only things I've got that I thought would fit you, and even a secluded stream like this one can have a bed full of broken glass!" I certainly couldn't argue with that point! With some difficulty, I pulled the white latex boots onto my feet, buckling the complicated straps at the top to keep them secure, and noting as I stood up that the narrow toes and high, western-style heels cramped my feet a bit. The white latex gloves were also tight and unusually thick, fastening above the elbows with buckles similar to the boots! I found it difficult to bend my fingers in them, and Kaye actually had to help me put the second one on: I could not get my thumb and fingers close enough together to fasten the buckle! But somehow, the nearness of Kaye 's lush, nude body made me forget my sudden lack of manual dexterity. As she snagged the gloves firmly up my arms, her breasts pushed against mine and our nipples gently tweaked together. I felt my chest get tight, my breathing husky. "There!" she said warmly. "Now for the bathing cap!" "Bathing cap?" I echoed. "I don't need one for myself," Kaye pulled a white rubber cap from her knapsack and began fitting it around my head. "But you'll want one to keep those long brown tresses of yours from getting wet! Hold still now.... there!" The smooth white rubber fit over my head like a second skin, and Kaye pulled the chin strap so tight it was hard to even open my mouth. All this while, she stood very near me, brushing her legs across mine and even breathing on my bare shoulders. Somehow, in her low shoes and leather gloves, she seemed even sexier, and I felt a strange thrill myself at having my hands, feet and head encased in tight white latex. "Just one more thing now," she said. And to my astonishment, she returned to her pack and pulled out a dark, one-piece bathing suit! "Too bad you didn't pack a suit," she spoke evenly, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Oh well, maybe not. You really do look sexy like that!" I felt myself blushing vivid scarlet as I watched Kaye get dressed. I felt suddenly how strange I must appear, all feminized, breasts, bottom and pussy completely exposed, wearing white latex gloves, boots and bathing cap. Suddenly I wanted to get back into my man-suit disguise. And as quickly as possible! But when I minced over to it, bottom swaying and breasts jiggling wildly because of my heels, I found that the heavy latex gloves I wore prevented me from picking it up. I couldn't close my fingers around the fabric! "Forget something, Girlie?" as Kaye walked up behind me, I suddenly heard a hissss! and felt something cool tingling down my back and between my legs. "O000!" I straightened up abruptly and spun about as best I could in my high heeled boots. Kaye was dousing me liberally with insect repellent spray. "There!" she had the waterproof nylon-and-canvass pack strapped to her back now, and with her dark shoes, gloves and bathing suit, she looked surprisingly formidable. "All set to go skinny-dipping! Cmon!" and she ran swiftly over to. the stream. I just can't described how awkward, vulnerable and indecisive I felt! I didn't want to be naked out-of-doors like this, all feminine and sexy. And I hated the way those white latex boots and gloves hampered my movements! I wanted terribly to get back into my male clothes, but I wasn't sure I could. And the woman I was supposed to be keeping an eye on was running quickly away from me! Should I chase after her or stay here and try to get these gloves off so I could hide my body again? Did Kaye suspect how helpless I was? And while I was trying to think all this through, I just couldn't get it out of my mind that I was standing outdoors. Breasts exposed. Ass exposed. Shapely legs, smooth skin, and soft brown pussy, all stunning set off by my skimpy white latex duds. I could have wept with fear and embarrassment! Finally, I decided that my best course was to follow Kaye, who was now gracefully back-stroking in the clear, flowing water. Hesitantly, I made my way over to the stream and stepped in. The icy water climbed quickly up to my knees, then up to my bottom, and finally I was standing on the stream bed with my tits floating on the water-line. "My!" Kaye swam over, accidentally brushing a hand across my floating treasures. "This cold water certainly makes you stand up!" Moving like a fish, she quickly circled behind me. "The water is so clear. I can see right down to your big, round tush!" she giggled. "It looks so white!" "Come on," I urged. "I'm plenty cool now. Let's go back and get dressed!" "Awww, don't be a spoil-sport," Kaye pouted. "I really like this! Race you to those shallows upstream there!" She pointed to a group of flat rocks about half a mile away. "Let' go!" Now I knew I had to follow her. No way was I going to let this beautiful felon get that far away, and while I was wearing these clumsy boots and gloves, I had no way to stop her! So I swam awkwardly behind Kaye, her pretty feet just inches away, kicking up water in my face. It was much more difficult than I had imagined, swimming like that, and by the time we climbed onto the large rocks and stretched out in the sun, I was exhausted, gasping for breath, so tired that I forgot my reluctance to leave the shelter of the water and expose my near-nude body again. "Look over there!" she pointed toward the far bank. "Looks like an apple orchard. That reminds me, we missed breakfast. Boy, am I hungry! Let's go get one!" "Kaye!" I squeaked in protest. "I can't go anywhere like this! And besides, it looks like there's a fence around it" I was really reluctant to venture so far away from our clothes and car, especially in the outfit I had on! But there was no stopping my blonde companion. "Oh, we can at least sneak up and take a look," she said, already starting to pick her way across the rocks. "There won't be anybody working out there in this heat, and I think part of the fence is down. Let's go see!" Once again, I had no choice but to tag along after my pretty prisoner. As best I could, I followed Kaye until we were across the stream and up the bank on the other side. To my relief, Kaye stayed pretty close to the heavy shrubbery and undergrowth as we approached the tall chain-link fence. "Just as I thought," she said, "Look" Directly in front of us, a ten-foot section of the fence had been smashed down, flattened under a great tree that looked like it had been torn out by its roots and flung down. "The tornado warnings last night - -" I stared at the awesome sight. "That's the only thing that could have done this!" "Well its lucky break for us," Kaye said, starting forward. "Let me at that fruit!" I didn't like this at all. Besides being out in my unclad, feminized state, something didn't seem right. Why would a farmer surround his orchard with such a tall fence? And with barbed wire on the top? But again, I had no choice in the matter. I had to follow Kaye as she dashed across the fallen fence and into the orchard, her dark swimsuit clinging to her like a second skin. Feeling the sunlight like eyes all over my naked breasts, I scampered behind her into the trees. We had only been in the orchard a few minutes, however, when Kaye suddenly pricked up her ears. "Listen!" she hissed. I heard a low rumble somewhere in the distance. "A truck!" She was silent a few moments longer, then pronounced, "And it's coming this way!' I felt my knees quiver. "Come on!" I said urgently. "Let's get out of here!" "No time!" Kaye put a firm hand on my shoulder. "They're heading right for the hole in the fence! If we try to run for it, they'll see us. Duck!" In a split-second, Kaye and I were lying in the tall grass, peeking around the trees as the truckful of men in work clothes rumbled up to the place in the fence where we had come in. As the men climbed out of the truck, carrying power saws, metal poles and chain-link, I noted with surprise that the truck bore the markings of a state-owned vehicle. This orchard must be some kind of State-run agricultural project. Then Kaye's next words sent a chill through my flesh: "Look! They're repairing the fence!" It was true! The workmen were removing the fallen tree and preparing to replace the smashed section of fence. We were being sealed in here! Kaye turned to me, her eyes sweeping down my curvaceous nudity. "Locked in!" she gasped. "Wow! Are we in trouble!" Instinctively, I curled up my booted legs and clasped my gloved arms over my bare tits. "Kaye!" I almost cried, "What'll we do? How could I ever explain th-th- this?" I didn't need to point to my nude, feminized body; it was very self-evident. "What is this place, anyway?" "Don't lose your head, Girlie," Kaye spoke softly, but with command and determination "I don't know what this place is, but I'm getting out. Our best bet is to make for the fence-line and find some place out of sight where we can help each other climb over. Let's go!" Crouching low, keeping just inside the tree- line, Kaye and I scurried away from the work site. Kaye moved gracefully in her low sneakers, her muscles undulating smoothly inside her tight swimsuit. I, on the other hand, felt incredibly awkward, strutting in my high-heeled boots, waving my gloved arms about to keep my balance, feeling my butt bounce and my breasts jiggle with every step. The white latex bathing cap was as hot and uncomfortable as the rest of my scanty attire, but I didn't have time to stop and take it off now! Feeling terribly frightened and foolish at having gotten myself into this predicament, I did the only thing I could do: I followed Kaye. It seemed like hours that we skulked along that way, but it was actually only a few minutes before Kaye found a. spot where we could climb the fence hidden from view. A heavy wooden sign had been bolted to the inside of the fence, facing away from us. We couldn't read it, but it would make perfect footing for a climb. "This looks good," Kaye said. "Now we won't have much time, so watch me and do what I do!" Swiftly, Kaye unstrapped the nylon-and-canvas pack from her back and adjusted the straps for maximum length. Then, she literally charged the fence, swinging the pack around over her head. It worked beautifully. In one smooth motion, she was standing on the sign, half-way up the fence. In the same movement she had looped the canvas bag securely around the top of a support pole and was using it as a rope to pull herself up as she climbed to the top. In the next second, she flipped the bag around to the other side and gracefully lowered herself down. She was outside and free! "Good work!" I scampered over and faced her through the fence. "Now swing the pack back over so I can get out!" Something was terribly wrong. Kaye was smiling broadly as she eyed me up and down, her gaze burning into my unclad femininity. Then she glanced at the sign, which she could read but I couldn't, and looked back at me "My, my! You are in a spot, Honey!" she giggled. "Come on!" I shivered despite heat, feeling awfully exposed defenseless. "Throw me the pack so I get out!" "Don't you want to know where you are first?" Kaye asked innocently, "I mean, you're in such a hurry to leave without even knowing! This sign explains it all. Let me read it to you: No Trespassing. Pennsylvania Women's Correctional Institute Medium Security Prison: You're in jail, Little One! And not just in jail, but in a Women's Prison! And I must say, you certainly do look at home there like that!" All the tension I had been feeling, all the deep-rooted fear and pent-up panic suddenly crashed down on me like a thunderstorm. I was trapped! Imprisoned! Locked behind a high steel fence and in a woman's body! Practically naked in my white latex boots, gloves and bathing cap! I knew immediately that there was no escape; even if I could make my way to the Wardens Office without being stopped or assaulted, even if I could convince someone that I was not an inmate here, how could I ever explain what I was doing here? How could I prove who I was, how I got this way? I realized that there was literally no explanation I could give that would get me out of jail! My knees turned to quivering jelly beneath me. I clutched the fence desperately. "Not Jail! No-- no, please not Jail!" I cried. "Kaye, get me out of here! I-II do anything! Anything! Really! Just get me out of here! Hurry!" "Oh, there's no hurry, Little One," Kaye smiled. "After all, if anyone comes, I can always fade back into the woods here! And it sure doesn't look like you're going any place!" "Oh, please, Kaye!" I begged. "I must say," she tease, "That you do look awfully sexy like that! Those boots of yours really stand up, and the rest of you -- all the rest -- just looks scrumptious! I think you'll be really popular with the inmates and the lesbian guards!" "Oh no!" I squealed. "Don't leave me here! Not like this!" I was almost dancing with anxiety and terror, my naked ass wriggling riotously. "And why not?" Kaye bristled. "Isn't that just what you were going to do to me?" "I won't!" I pleaded. "I promise. I won't turn you in! Well make a deal of some kind! I'll see that you stay free! Maybe even get a reward! Only just please! Get me out of this!" I was close to tears now. "Please?" "Well," Kaye put a finger to her cheek as she considered. "I guess we could make a deal of some sort. My freedom in exchange for yours. It sounds worth a try, anyway. We can haggle over the details later. But for now, it's made me awfully horny seeing you run around in that get-up. After all, I am gay, you know." She pulled at two buttons on the crotch of her swimsuit, causing it to come apart and curl up to her stomach, exposing her fleecy blonde pubis. "Let's seal out bargain with a kiss!" And she pressed her pussy up to the fence! "Come on," she purred, "Make me feel nice! Come on! Pleasure your partner, Girlie! Or it's Prison for you!" Almost eagerly, I fell to my knees and pressed my smooth face up to the chain link metal. Fearful of being seen, terrified of being abandoned, I put my lips to Kaye's dripping vulva. I felt her fingers snake through the fence, grasping my long brown hair, pulling me closer. "Mmmm-hmmm," she sighed. "Ohh, suck Baby. That's right, sssuck!" Knowing now that everything depended on my pleasing this lesbian thief, I did all I could think of for Kaye's erotic satisfaction. I pressed my naked breasts hard against the steel mesh and laced my fingers through the, links, pulling myself as close as I could towards her lovely womanhood. Fervently, I caressed with lips and tongue on her tiny love- button, sucking, tugging, tongueing, teasing--- To my surprise I found myself getting very turned on by all this! I could feel my nipples stiffening and my cock, captive beneath my false pussy, straining in its frustrating confinement. I suddenly realized that it had been six weeks or more since I had any form of sexual release! No wonder that the nearness of this Woman was exciting to me, even in these bizarre, degrading circumstances! Suddenly, Kaye moaned above me. Her pussy pushed deeper into my mouth as she gripped my hair tighter through the metal fence. One long tug, so painful I thought I must cry out, and then she was silent. "Whew!" Kaye sighed, blinking as she stepped back from the fence, "Have you got talent!" Quickly, she swung the pack back over the fence to me. "I wouldn't part with you for Gold!" Trembling with relief, I pulled my nearly naked body over the fence in split seconds. Free again! Out of that awful, horrid jail! Kaye and I hurried back into the woods and, as soon as we had regained our breath, swam back across the creek and walked down the bank to our clothes. But a disturbing sight met me there; my clothes were gone! "Kaye!" After searching through the shrubbery for a few minutes and finding only my car keys, I turned to Kaye, who was already dressed in her slacks-and-blouse outfit. "Someone's taken all my stuff!" "Well, I'm not surprised," Kaye sniffed haughtily. "The way you just threw them down on the ground where any one could see them! You should've had sense enough to tuck them out of the way, like I did mine!" "But Kaye!" I whimpered, standing there naked -- Well, I still wore the latex boots, gloves and bathing cap, but that was almost worse than being nude -"Those clothes are the only ones I have!" "Had, Darling," Kaye corrected. "But you don't understand," I had to make her see how serious this was! "Those things were especially designed to hide my-my- to make me look like a man again! I need them! I can't go back to Chicago as a woman!" "And why not?" Kaye put her hands on her hips and looked stern, but she couldn't help smiling at the sight of me in this silly fix. "If you were that careless with your things, you don't deserve to wear them! And besides, you make a very nice girl!" I tried to say something in protest, but there was nothing to say. Kaye very firmly pointed out that my things were gone and there was nothing we could do about it now. At least we still had the car keys. I asked her to loan me the bathing suit she was no longer wearing, but she curtly informed me that I was much too big to fit into any of her things, except possibly one of her nighties, and it wasn' t bedtime yet, so I'd just have to stay as I was for a while. Back in the van, I crouched down in the back while Kaye drove. Huddled there, trying to cover my naked breasts and buttocks, I assessed my situation. It was pretty bad, and I wondered if Kaye suspected just how serious a jam I was really in. Along with my male clothes, I had lost my wallet, identification, money, credit cards, and the warrant for Kaye's arrest. I had literally nothing to control her with now, nothing to bargain with. If she chose to park the van at a bus terminal and leave me, there was no way I could stop her. In fact, if she chose to kick me out along the road, like this and just take the van, there would be little I could do about it. No, I was at Kaye's mercy now, completely dependent upon her whims. And I knew it wouldn't take her long to figure that out. I had to think of some way' regain control of the situation, some way to get clothes and money . But right now, we were entering a large city. "That looks like a pretty big Shopping Mall over there," Kaye said. "Why don't I run in and get you something to wear? Then maybe we can stop at a motel or something. I'm really tired!" "Sounds good," I said enthusiastically, delighted at the prospect of getting some clothes again. "It'll have to be Women's Clothing," Kaye cautioned, "And I'm not too sure about your sizes. Are you sure you want to?" "Oh, yes!" I urged, "Wearing anything at all would be better than this!" "Okay," Kaye pulled into the parking lot. "How much money can I spend?" "Well, I -er- -uh - -" I hesitated, not knowing what to say. Kaye looked at me knowingly. "Lost your money, too, huh? Well, I have a couple hundred with me," She eased the van into a parking space and picked up her purse. "Don't go away now!" she smiled as she left. It seemed like I was hours alone and naked in that van, waiting for Kaye. Several times I decided that she must have run out on me, and once I tried -- in vain -- to pry open one of her suitcases and get some clothing - -. but at last, I heard the key in the lock and Kaye climbed in, carrying two large shopping bags. "Sorry to be so long, " she said. "But you did need quite a lot, and there was so much to choose from...." She started up the van. "Let's go find some deserted spot where you can change. Who would have dreamed they'd have a FREDRIKs at a place like that!" "FREDRIKs?" I looked in dismay at the label on the bags. "Kaye, what did you get me?" "You'll see!" she giggled. "But-but why? Why FREDRIKs? " "You'll see that, too!" A short time later, in a deserted parking lot in a run-down part of town, I changed into the stuff Kaye had bought for me. But what a change! I now wore dramatic makeup, with dark eye shadow, rouged cheeks, and long artificial lashes. My lips and nails had been painted matching shades of deep red, and I wore a bright carrot-blonde afro-style wig. But that was only the beginning. A cantilevered half-bra, in lacy black silk, pushed my breasts up and out -- like a farm girl holding melons up for display, I thought. Tiny, ultra-sheer black lace panties stretched across my rounded buns, almost disappearing into my crotch and the crack of my ass, they were so small! My feet were crammed into narrow black patent leather open-toed pumps with five-inch heels that made me swish and wiggle when I walked. On my legs, smoky grey nylons outlined every curve, going up to mid-thigh, where they were held up by a garter belt of narrow black elastic. Over this, I wore a mini-dress of heavy purple nylon that buttoned up the front. At least it was supposed to button up the front! This particular dress had several buttons missing, and it seemed to me that it held together only a few inches of fabric at the waist, offering teasing glimpses of my jiggling breasts and pantied crotch. It was so short that I had to be careful how I walked, for the bare globes of my bottom were clearly visible if the skirt flounced up even slightly. As Kaye applied "finishing touches" to me -- dangling pendant earrings, a matching neck chain, half a dozen gaudy bracelets and some heavy perfume -- I tried to get some idea of how I looked. "Like a hooker!" I gasped in disbelief as Kaye smiled at me approvingly- "You've got me looking like a play-for-pay pro! Why did you ever get me an outfit like this!" "Climb up front and I'll explain it to you as I drive," Kaye said, buckling herself into the driver's seat, "And don't forget your purse!" Mortified, I picked up the purse, a shiny purple plastic thing, and got into the seat beside her, still protesting. "Kaye!" I whined. "Where can I ever go like this!" "where else would a Whore go, Darling?" she winked as she pulled out into traffic- "To a Whorehouse!" I chilled and flushed at the same time. "What do you mean?" I asked, almost panicky. "I mean that we don' t have much money," Kaye said firmly. "Not nearly enough to drive across three states, anyway. We need to make some hard decisions, Girlie, and if we can find the kind of place I'm looking for, it'll help a lot!" The kind of Place that Kaye was looking for turned out to be a tacky- looking motel on the fringe of the factory district. I waited in the van while she registered, looking over the place, which was a one-story twelve-unit building facing a parking lot. Girls were lounging in a couple of the doorways, chewing gum and talking. I noticed that one of them was dressed almost as I was, in a short, gaudy dress and heels, while the other one wore only a silk kimono. A man was leaving another unit, looking rather drunk, although it was only late afternoon. I saw a red-haired black woman kiss him goodbye as he left. There was a flashy gold Cadillac parked in one of the slots, and as Kaye returned to our van, I saw a brightly-dressed black man saunter over to it, polish one of his many finger rings on a velvet lapel of his coat, and drive off. "Kaye!" I squeaked as we pulled up to an empty unit, "This place is full of hookers!" "That's right, Honey," Kaye said evenly, climbing out and pulling her bags from the van. "I used to be one myself, just for a little while, years ago, so be careful what you say about Working Girls!" As I climbed out of the van, one of the girls whistled at my exposed bottom and I blushed vivid red. "Or to them," Kaye added. Inside the tiny room, Kaye checked the bed and bathroom before kicking off her shoes. "Not too bad," she sighed, "At least it's clean!" I looked about the place in fear and trepidation. Seeing my reflection in a mirror, all gaudy silks and fleshy curves, didn't help. "Would you mind explaining just what we are doing here?" I asked. "Let me use the bathroom and get a shower first, " Kaye stretched, then began undressing. "I'll explain it all in just a bit." But after she finished cleaning up, Kaye insisted that I get a bath myself, even pouring scented bubble bath into the tub. I wanted to object, but she was adamant and somehow forceful. I ended up sitting naked in the warm suds while she dressed just outside the bathroom, talking as she moved things into and out of her bags "You see, Little One, we simply have to get some money," she explained through the door. "And as I see it there are just two ways we can do that: First, we could sell your van and take the Bus back to Chicago. There must be plenty of dealers around who'd be happy to buy it, as long as you signed the title and didn't price it too high. Of course, you don't look like the name on the title, but the girls who hang out here should know some places where they don't ask a lot of questions if the price is right." "But that would mean taking the Bus all the way back to Chicago, looking like this!" I objected. Finished bathing, I got out of the tub and began drying with the cheap towel, hating the sight of my shaved body, disguised crotch, and enlarged tits. "And the bus terminal may be watched; I'm not sure we've shaken off your sister Karen. What's your other idea?" "The alternative, " I could hear Kaye bustling about as she spoke. "Is for you to raise some money for us, Little Lady -- the oldest way in the book!" Standing there in that bathroom, nude and feminized, I suddenly realized that that must be what Kaye had planned all along. That's why she had dressed me as a whore and brought me to this sleazy motel. She fully intended for me to hump men for money! I saw immediately how much pleasure she'd get at seeing me, her former captor, debased like that, and I blushed at the thought. "Why so quiet, Girlie?" Kaye's voice through the door broke in on my thoughts. "I mean, after all, you did say that your artificial pussy was a fully working model. And since I'm a confirmed lesbian, you can't expect me to do it. So you're our only source of income. Well? What'll it be?" My street clothes were gone from the bathroom, and in their place Kaye had left a pair of lacy pink panties with matching bed jacket in light silk and frilly slippers. I dressed in them and tried to stall for time. "Ummm, that's kind of a difficult decision to make," I said, leaving the bathroom. Kaye was lounging on the bed, wearing a smart slacks-and-blouse outfit, and I felt terribly vulnerable in my skimpy silken attire as she eyed up and down . "Mmmm, you look good enough to eat!" she sighed, rising. "But you're right, Little One, so I'm going to give you some time to think about it. I mean, whatever we do will require your willing cooperation. So I'm going to go out and get some dinner, and when I come back, you can tell me what You've decided." "But-but Kaye," I looked around the room, suddenly noticing that all the clothing, including my Hooker outfit, had been packed away in her strong suitcase a - "I mean -uh- I'm hungry too!" "A little hunger will help you decide faster, Gorgeous," Kaye winked at me as she walked out the door. "But if you're good while I'm gone, I may bring you a Doggy-Bag." So I was alone there, in that tacky motel room. No money. No identification. Totally feminine, and with only a few scraps of lace and silk to cover my voluptuous curves. Faced with the dilemma of either selling my expensive van for a fraction of its value and trying to make it back across three states dressed as a hooker, or --- or acting as a hooker! Engaging in sex with other men, letting them fondle my tits, use my false vagina, my ass or even my mouth as receptacles for their passion. The thought made me shiver. But what choice did I have? How else could I get any money? What could I use as a weapon against Kaye Douglas, the athletic lesbian who now held all the cards? I looked around the room desperately. And saw the phone. Two hours later, Kaye returned to the room, carrying a few small packages. "We-e-ell, Sweet Cheeks! " Her voice was slurred and I noticed that she seemed unsteady on her feet. "Don't you look nice-nice! How ya been keepin' yourself while Mommy was gone, huh?" "I'm -er-- fine, Kaye," I said, trying to ignore her boozy breath. "Did you bring anything back for me?" "Sure!" Kaye waved one of the packages. "A nice doggy-bag for my own sweet little he-bitch! But first, tell me what you decided! Are we gonna take the Hound back to Chi-town, or do you make like a woman for a few horny guys?" "I've decided," I said evenly, trying to forget my curvy good looks and scanty clothing. "That we'd better sleep on it and make up our minds tomorrow. Were both tired, and you've had a lot to drin-- uh, to think about, so I believe our minds will work better in the morning." Kaye mulled this over a bit, but, to my surprise, she did not object. "Sounds okay," she admitted. "Meanwhile, you and I can have some fun, Girlie!" Kaye 's idea of "fun" turned out to be rather elaborate. First, she poured the contents of the doggy-bag -- some left over hamburger and salad -- into an ashtray and set it on the floor, insisting that I, her "little he-bitch", eat on my hands and knees! I had just started this humiliating act when Kaye "remembered" that dogs don't wear any clothes. So, under her orders, I had to disrobe and allow her to put a dog collar around my neck. Then dissatisfied with the way I crawled about, Kaye tied my wrists to my collar with short belts, leaving only about eighteen inches of slack for each arm, so that I had to keep my elbows bent. Nearly helpless now, I meekly allowed her to strap my ankles to my upper thighs, forcing me to remain on my knees! Kaye seemed delighted with this arrangement, laughing merrily as she reappplied my makeup and put the big orange-red afro-wig back on my head so that I'd look "real bitchy" as I hobbled about on my hands and knees, bare ass high, bare breasts swinging wildly. She undressed now, and haughtily ordered me to fetch and carry her undies back and forth in my mouth as she prepared for bed. After that, I had to perform a long, leisurely toe-sucking, still naked and hobbled, while Kaye slowly masturbated on the bed, then drifted off to sleep. You may wonder why I did all this so docilely, but I had my reasons. For as my lesbian prisoner/captress slept away, I easily untied the bonds she had drunkenly put on me and looked lustfully down at her sleeping form, wishing for the hundredth time that I could get that damned artificial pussy off and get some relief for my throbbing male desires. It seemed so incredibly erotic to be naked in bed next to this lovely sleeping female that I thought I must faint from hominess! But I forced myself to concentrate on the job at hand and gently, gently began the process of tying her up....

Same as Girlie--pt3 Videos

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The house of empress Toya pt3

The House of Empress Toya pt3   Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves, although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape.   We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us.   Many of the slaves still struggle and cry, but most...

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454 going in Pt3

454 going in Pt3By that evening he had taken her three times, and together they had dozed between the massive bouts. So exhausted were they that after the evening meal and watching the news they went off to bed and entwined together slept soundly till dawn.Sun on the curtains and the sound of traffic had them reinvigorated. Though she insisted no sex till we are back from town as in her words, “once you start, I will get no peace and we need shopping!” she cooked a sumptuous full English...

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But Im married PT3

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Two Teen Nymphos From the Ice Cream Stand Pt3

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57 From cheating housewife to who knows what Pt3

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Curious Pt3

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Scratch that Itch PT3

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GIRLIE By "c.c." I lay quite still on the makeup table at the back of JOSIES TV BOUTIQUE as the soft-featured young Doctor prepared the injection A slight squirm of unease went over me as Josie, the attractive middle-aged woman who owned the place, ran a hand up my smooth legs and gently caressed my cock and balls. "Get ready to go bye-bye, Little Dickie!" she smiled. "You too, Mr. Clark," the Doctor said. I felt the needle in my arm... a warm drowsiness. As the my mind wandered...

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Step Brothers Bride Pt3

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House Slut 33 Halloween pt3

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Aunties home tuition pt3

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Jessicas Story The Kidnapping Pt3

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Porn whore to subslut girlfriend Pt3

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Am I Strong Enough to Say No pt3

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Whos that Girl Pt3

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The Adventures of Maid Marion Pt3

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Becoming a Hotwife Pt3

When I got to my room, I sat on the bed wondering what I had got myself into. Things were moving so quickly, and into unknown territory. After going over everything in my head, again and again, I picked up my phone and called David, telling him everything. Talking to him made me realise I really wanted to see where the night went.Dave just said, “You’re in charge; do anything you want. But I want to hear every detail afterwards.”It shocked me how much he was into it, and that he wanted to hear...

Wife Lovers
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The Niece The Wife and Their Needs Pt3

It’s Thursday and Ed and Sheila still haven't called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they haven't called. She doesn't write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks. Just then my home landline rings and as I answer it I see Sheila Thompson displayed on the caller ID. I would have sworn I gave them my cell number I think as I say, Hello. "Hi Rick, its Sheila from Swappernet. I just wanted...

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Together with Angela Pt3

Angela motioned for me to come closer. When I did she pulled me to her and kissed me with an open mouth. Our tongues joined sharing the wetness that was all over my lips. She tasted her own cum and I swear she loved it. "Now fuck me," she said. I rolled over onto Angela. This was my first time as well as hers so we were both a bit awkward. She open her legs allowing me to position myself between them. I was ready. "Wait, " Angela said. "Kiss me as you put it in." I leaned...

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Red Hot Summer Pt3

David was barely aware of the conversation happening around him, their voices sounding distant and muffled as though heard underwater. He could hardly think anyway. It was like he could feel the blood draining from his head and flowing into his cock. All his worries and thoughts melted away, replaced by a fluffy cloud of hot, lustful energy.   Tiffany's body felt amazing against his. Relative to the oppressive, humid heat her skin was pleasantly cool and he felt like he could make out every...

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My Sister and Me Pt3

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Catching Emily Pt3

It was Friday, the day before an agonizingly long three day weekend which meant that after today Mom and Dad would be around for seventy-two hours which in turn meant Emily and I would be back to self serving sex; in other words, jerking off alone. Damn holidays! We got off the bus right on time and started walking toward home. Today, Emily walked with me instead of her friends, who lagged behind. She whispered in my ear, ’I can’t wait to get home‘ and then she gave out a mischiefish little...

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On the Balcony in the French Alps pt3

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Sister finds my toys Pt3

Thanks I awoke the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. It was my sister Carol. Carol is two years older than Chris and six years old than I. Her news floored me. I lay in bed, wide awake trying to decide if I should tell Chris before or after we did the deed. I decided to wait until after. As a kid growing up in a rural New England town my folks had a puritan outlook on sex. In fact, it would have been difficult to define sex in our house at all, because it appeared to be...

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My Asian Treat Pt3

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If You Cant Join Em Watch Em Pt3

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My life Pt3

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so many so fast pt3

Lisa sneaks into the house trying not to make any noise after-all, she is covered in cum and if her parents see her she’ll be grounded for a year and they’ll probably move. She manages to sneak past her dad who is passed out in his recliner with the TV on. She rushes up stairs into the bathroom and quickly turns on the shower. As Lisa cleans off all the remnants from the night she starts to relive it in her mind. “What the fuck was I thinking? Fucking brad like that was bad but letting...

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The Vine pt3

Oh my, is this how it feels when a guy first enters me. I can feel how tight she is, and how wet her pussy is. As she is squeezing me as I start slowly thrusting in and out of her. Zeta hugs her, up running her arms up her sides under her arms and holds her shoulders. Looking her in her eyes as she grinds into her with small circles. She gasps under Zeta as she trails her fingers down Zetas’ sides as Zeta starts to thrust harder and faster. Enjoying the new feelings that she feels, zeta...

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Betty Boop pt3

Craig feigned a yawn and as he stretched his arms sneakily looked at his wrist watch. It had been the same routine for the last few weeks; we'd fuck and suck like crazy -- sometimes on the webcam other times just us and two big mirrors. The sex was out of this world for both of us...but....there was nothing else. No conversation -- nothing. I shouldn't complain as he was still only 20 and I was 40 (something); what the Hell would we have in common? "Shit!" Craig grumbled as he sat...

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Computer Games Pt3

"Right," announced the red-faced Alan, acting quickly to change the subject. "I'm going to be taking your mother away for a little holiday next week and I think it's, erm, only fair that we, erm, leave Toby in charge." Mandy's head reared back angrily and she issued her stepfather-to-be the evil eye. "No way. I'm not taking orders from him." "It's not like that," Alan appealed, feeling Mandy's dark eyes bore into his. "Erm, okay, we'll leave you jointly in...

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The Best Week of my Life Pt3

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The Sick Day Pt3

Seventeen-year old son Josh was uniquely quiet tonight, his young brain awash also with the twin sins of guilt and lust. Having enjoyed stepsister Lucy's attentions via a wonderful handjob that was subsequently reciprocated as his fingers worked her tight young pussy to climax, he craved more, much more. Glancing up only to look at the object of his affection, his mind was agonising over how to get her alone and into bed. Sixteen-year old stepdaughter Lucy sat in between, the focal point...

3 years ago
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Teacher Training Pt3

Limping across the landing, the pretty schoolteacher ran a long hot bath, generously doused with bubble bath, stepping in tentatively and standing for a minute whilst growing accustomed to the heat. Sucking in the steamy air she eased down onto her backside, submerging in the bubbles that puffed up like a giant meringue. Head only above water, the undercurrent stroked at her battered pussy like hot fingers. Oh that felt so good. Reaching down Chloe spread the soft lips wide, submitting to...

2 years ago
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Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue Pt3

Having evidently managed to drag myself off the bathroom tiles in the early hours, I awoke in bed the following morning with the sun beating hard against the window, head thumping and Lisa nowhere to be seen. Immediately my sadistic brain began to reassemble the previous night's tawdry antics like some horrifically complex jigsaw, prompting me to burrow deep in the covers to hide my shame. Half an hour elapsed before gingerly I rose and only then because it was too gorgeous a day to waste...

2 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt3

For Matthew it was a dream-come-true after seventeen years on a tight leash, made even more exciting by the fact that the girls and their mother thrived upon it as much as he, if not more. And, the more time that passed, the more wanton their desires became, their limits and his pushed further and further. What had occurred that afternoon in Jo's bedroom would surely remain with him to the grave. The meal gobbled down a little too swiftly to save further embarrassment Matthew excused...

4 years ago
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1st Time pt3

Clair hung her head and almost wispered. " Tom kicked me out last night. Well early this evening around eight oclock. I was here earlier this evening but you and Crystal were busy with eachother. I started to call the cops on you but changed my mind." Clair raised her head and once again there was a glare in her eyes. "I need your help getting my things and getting even with that sorry bastard Tom. If you agree with what I want then I'll keep my mouth shut. If you won't help, well then...

4 years ago
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The Ball Gamept3

I awoke feeling completely refreshed, this was partly due to the fact that I had gone to bed at about 8:30 pm and my clock now said 9:00 am. Another reason was that I felt like I had freed my self, if even for a short time, from all of the stressful things in my life, namely, MOM. I just lay there looking around the room, not really in a big hurry to get up and going, after all, I had time before I needed to call Ray. I wasn’t even worried now about being pregnant, if I just kept my...

2 years ago
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The Director of Buenosaries pt3

He could hear the street chatter through the skylight, but knew her screams would not travel the other way. Below in his home the director’s wife continued to play the TV on full volume the dull thud coming up between his feet. The neighbours might complain but it wouldn’t be about the screaming. He adjusted his black hood so he could see clearly down the viewfinder. Lara was looking fantastic. Now stretched to attention arms above her head tied to the suspended manacles she looked much...

4 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry Pt3

sex with my boyfriend on Friday, I was now left with disturbing choices. After a lot of thought, I eliminated my father since I knew him and mom was still enjoying nights together. That only left my Brother, unless there was some stranger in the house that I didn’t know about. But my brother was only 15, could he really know more about sex than John did? And would he really do that to his sister? There was only one way to find out, so I began to think how could I repeat that...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother was a real B Pt3

We had a workshop behind the house. Separating the house from the shop area and neighbors, we had built a privacy fence at the immediate back of the house. It had to be done when dad's workshop took off and business grew. It was fairly high, but you could tell if someone was there if you stood in the right spot.She would lay out in the nude all the time, anytime it was sunny and warm. If dad was home or not, he would be gone two or three days a week buying inventory. On occasion, she would ask...

3 years ago
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Two days later. Laura had been a little bandy the day before, but when we set off on our hiking expedition along with forty other girls, she was as athletic as the best of them. She was really very pretty, and I had been disappointed that she didnt visit me the previous night. But maybe her purpose had been achieved, maybe I had been dropped. I tried not to think about it. Ridiculous for a grown man to get wrapped around the finger of a little girl. But then, I reflected, little girls are...

3 years ago
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The Group Pt3

Miss Burke collected me in her car at noon and we drove across the city towards her home. “I have been thinking about you,” she said. Shifting in her seat she drew up her skirt, driving one handed. “Look, Thinking about you makes me wet.” She was bare legged. Where her strong thighs met was a triangle of white cotton, wisps of hair escaping at the edges. darkened at it’s centre by her moisture. “This is what happens to women when they feel sexy . It’s not pee”, she giggled, “it’s my love...

2 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt3

Thanks, as always, to NaughtyAnn, for her help and support.  I suggest you to read the previous two parts before to read this one. Comments are strongly appreciated. ********* So, as the months continued, I received punishment and humiliation for my mistakes and also for my unworthiness. I concentrated totally on learning everything as fast as I could, not for me, but to let my Mistress be proud of her slave slut. At times I would cry in pain or scream for joy. An unspoken agreement between...

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