Camp counselor
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Two days later. Laura had been a little bandy the day before, but when we set off on our hiking expedition along with forty other girls, she was as athletic as the best of them. She was really very pretty, and I had been disappointed that she didnt visit me the previous night. But maybe her purpose had been achieved, maybe I had been dropped.
I tried not to think about it. Ridiculous for a grown man to get wrapped around the finger of a little girl. But then, I reflected, little girls are often the most dangerous. I remembered a friends five-year-old girl who had done such a number on me one day that I had got as hard as a rock! Coy, teasing, dropping her pants and pressing her soft little chest against me at the slightest pretext, the tot had exuded a heavy sensuality that was all female. I had been shocked and astonished, and since that time I had viewed all women with equal suspicion, nine or ninety, it didnt matter to me.
It was a hot day, the sun burning down relentlessly from a taut blue sky. I led my chattering gaggle through picturesque glades and up densely wooded slopes. They followed me as if humoring me. Talking and giggling, they took no notice whatsoever of natures works. A few of them lit up cigarettes, affecting a blase air of the city girl who really finds the country too, too boring.
I took them several miles into the forest, and I would have walked all day with them if they hadnt started complaining. Some wanted to sit down and have a quiet cigarette, others wanted to go back to camp and sleep, and the rest didnt care just so long as I didnt exhaust them altogether.
This was something of a dilemma for me. I was used to handling classes of boys and girls, but not girls alone. Once again I found out what power they exert on a mere male when theyre all in a bunch. Luckily a compromise presented itself to me in the form of a small lake, about an acre in area, lapping at the foot of a thickly forested slope.
Okay, okay! I shouted, and the chattering died down a little. Heres a good place for you lazy people to take a break. Smoke, eat, swim, do whatever you like, but shut up!
With shrill cries, most of them tore off their clothes and rushed into the cool waters. They dove and splashed, and I sat down with my back resting up against a tree trunk, to take in the sights.
Most of the girls were just budding, their buttocks still boyish and their legs long, stilt-like, vaguely gangling. Their little cunts were bald as eagles, and their tits, if they had emerged at all, still looked out of place.
Only a few were already ripe. One dark girl had a brown thicket of hair covering her generously proportioned box, and heavy, hard tits that barely quivered when she walked. Brownish pink nipples riding high, she walked with her shoulders thrown back, proud and conscious of the stares of the other girls. They cooed when they saw her pubic hair especially, checking their own cunts out, and those hanging between the legs of neighbors, before turning their gaze enviously back to the matted triangle of the precocious little woman.
This was the girl who hung around me for most of the afternoon, together with her friend. The little womans name was Angela, her friend Doris. And where Angela was fully developed, womanly, and ripe, Doris was the opposite. Pale, skinny, blonde, washed-out eyes, a bony chest and protruding pelvic bones, even her cunt looked thin and undernourished.
They hung together by nature. Every good looking girl has a plain girl friend who admires her, envies her, and bolsters her ego whenever its needed. Doris was Angelas fan club — and I wouldnt have minded becoming a member.
Apart from Angelas precocious development (she was just fourteen), she had the face of a sex symbol already. Oval, brown, her lips a red cupids bow, her nose small and straight, and her eyes almond-shaped, turned slightly at the corners. She could melt a man just by looking at him.
Several times she walked out of the water directly at me, her long dark hair slicked back over her shoulders, her eyes deep and unfathomable, those round, high tits with the young nipples staring at me, and her smooth round belly with its triangle of hair swaying towards me as if she was challenging me to a sexual duel. Behind her, like the faithful servant, came Doris, pale, neutral, and thin, but always ready.
Angela would stand close to me, looking through me, her cunt inches from my mouth, and address Doris. They would talk about the weather, with Doris giggling asinine replies. Then she would turn and walk back into the water, her big round buttocks moving like oiled orbs. I knew I was staring, and I knew the other girls were watching my every move — but I couldnt help myself.
They swam for an hour and one by one retired, taking the towel out of their junior knapsacks and reclining in the shade, naked as the day theyd been born. What a feast for me! Trying to seem cool but inwardly burning, I looked up dozens of little cunts peeking back at me from innocently opened legs or provocative postures.
Angela was last to come out of the water and took her towel to stand in front of me again. With a distant look she began to dry herself, paying inordinate attention to her fully fledged tits, and drying her box as if she meant to wear the hairs off it.
Doris came up beside her and dried herself down too, graceless, awkward, trying to copy Angela and failing. I just sat there and looked directly into Angelas box. What was the point pretending I didnt care? The girls were all watching me like hawks, and doubtless Laura had told them of our midnight tryst.
Why dont you take a swim, sir? Angela said in a surprising voice. I had expected her to sound husky throaty as if shed been smoking since the crib. Instead, her voice came out reedy and silvery, like a five year old boy without balls.
I dont have my costume, I replied.
Come on, sir! all the girls yelled as if conducted, take a swim!
We dont have costumes either, Angela reminded me primly. Do we, Doris?
No, said Doris. We dont have costumes.
Im sorry, I said firmly, but that would contravene camp regulations.
And I know something else that broke the rules, said a voice from the crowd. Laura stood up and gave me a big, cautioning smile. I sighed and took my clothes off and they all cheered, and dove into the water.
It was as if the fleet of Lilliput was after me. Dozens of girls jumped in after me, swimming with short, brisk strokes while I headed for the center of the lake to get away from them. Angela, it seemed, had earned her tits by exercise. Swimming. She was right behind me, no matter how I poured the juice on. And, towing along in her wake, was Doris.
The others dropped away as the three of us tore across the smooth surface of the lake. I kept looking around to see if they had given up yet, but no, there was Angelas head, just visible above the water while her strong arms dug in and out to keep her hot on my trail. And just behind her was the head of Doris.
We reached the opposite shore and sank down on the grassy embankment exhausted. Angela lay down beside me, her chest heaving, her tits quivering, wet and beat. And Doris lay alongside her, near death.
You can certainly swim, I told Angela. And she, despite her tiredness, answered she could do more than swim — for the right guy. Oh, come on, I replied. Youre only fourteen, what do you know about things like that.
Enough, she said cryptically, and Doris added, She knows everything.
Youll only get me into trouble, I said, my eyes drinking in her firm tits and hard belly which were gleaming in the sun. Theyll fire me. You wouldnt want that would you?
It wont happen — if you cooperate.
Whats that supposed to mean?
We know all about Laura and you, she said calmly, and you have our word that it wont go any further, just as long as you cooperate.
I could hardly believe it! In her silvery angels voice she was laying down the law to me as if she was the head of the toughest gang in town. Oh well, I thought, if theyre going to blackmail me into it, I may as well enjoy it.
Okay, Ill buy your silence with my cooperation. What do you want me to do?
I want you to make love to me, Angela said curtly, and I want you to show Doris what its like too.
Yes, said Doris. I want to know about it too.
So what do you think is a good opening? I asked.
Angela looked at me for a moment, then determinedly took my prick and tried to stuff it up her dark, downy cunt. I lay back and watched this little spectacle, letting her perform while I relished the electric tingles of pleasure shooting up through me.
In the end she became peeved and asked if I always let the woman do all the work. I laughed, and began to cooperate in all seriousness.
I motioned her to come sit on my face, and she straddled my mouth with tense excitement. Then I directed Doris to get her lips around my prick and make it stand up. She thought that sounded like fun and attacked my prick with gusto. And while her thin lips did their best to take all of my limpness inside, I let my tongue rove in Angelas softly overgrown cunt.
It was a fat little thing, swollen and firm, opening easily to give me a generous view of her tight pink cunt hole. She looked down at me, her hands timidly stroking her big tits, waiting for my tongue to take its toll on her stability.
She didnt have long to wait. I located her tiny clitoris and gave it everything I had. Circling it with my tongue, nibbling at it with my teeth, sucking it out and drawing at it, till it was time to get back down to the pit again. I shoved my tongue up her cunt. She tasted like Laura, but more womanly, more mushroom than baby powder.
My prick rose and filled Doris mouth to bursting point. She gagged and coughed, but bravely returned to purse her lips around the throbbing head, her little hands working around the base of my cock and down into my big balls. It felt good. For an amateur she was making a lot of professionals look stupid.
I rested for a moment, content to look up into Angelas dark box, fingers idly caressing her clit, and prying up her cunt, rimming her anus. She had her eyes tightly closed and breathed only with effort. Her chest heaved and I had to squeeze her tits briefly before returning my attention to her cunt.
She was wet and restless, her hips shuddering with an unearthly rhythm, so that I found it difficult to put my tongue in the right place. But it seemed that any part of her little cunt at all was a good place, and so I began licking with abandon, slobbering all the way up and all the way down, tasting her and kissing her, sucking more juice out of her hole when she paused for a second, waiting for her to explode.
Doris worked on my prick most conscientiously, but I got the feeling the whole affair was lost on her. And so I told her to bring her bare cunt over to where I could get my fingers into it. I felt sorry for her. All her life she would have to play second riddle to somebody, at least I could give her a little break.
She shuffled over on her haunches, her cunt open for my prying fingers to do their utmost. With one hand I held Angela down over my face and with the other I did everything in my power to stimulate Doris into a self-forgetful reverie in case I couldnt satisfy both girls.
She was getting the hang of it, quicker than I thought she would. Her pale, thin loins bobbed over my two fingers till they were up her snatch to the knuckles, and the juices ran wild! Id never seen such a wet girl. Dripping down over my hand, and down the inside of her thighs, pouring as if somebody had knocked over the container.
I almost forgot about Angela in my attempt at reducing Doris to an insentient jelly of ecstasy. But the downy hot box pressing into my mouth made her impossible to forget. I bit into her, shielding her tender flesh from my teeth by keeping my lips between them. She groaned and began to thrash about.
Automatically I rolled over and covered her body with mine. Her eager hands guided my prick inside. She was wide open and loose. I was amazed at the capaciousness of her cunt, Angela must have lost her virginity to a super stud when she was ten, I thought, while my prick banged inside barely touching the walls of her dripping wet cunt.
Doris adjusted her position to fit in with us. She lay with her ass against the top of Angelas skull so that I could eat her out while fucking her friend. Pissy and tangy, a little sharper than Angelas box, and running wet, she excited my senses so much that I had to grit my teeth to stop from blowing. I hoed into her, meanwhile ploughing my prick into Angelas quivering cunt relentlessly.
They were both moaning and groaning, shaking and begging for more. I was like a ten-armed God, titillating, eating, squeezing, and fucking, absorbed completely in their flesh and smell, listening to their love songs with eager ears. Angelas cunt slurped loudly with every stroke and her fists beat against the grass in an effort to contain all of the passions coursing through her young body. Doris was squealing high and loud, her voice echoing reedily through the forest.
I saw Doris face, tense, pale, her eyes shut tight, her mouth wide open, and I decided it was her turn next. Without warning I withdrew my prick from Angelas cunt and stood up to seize Doris thin body with both arms. For a moment fear flashed through her eyes, but I gave her no chance to think about it. I turned her around so that she found support against a tree trunk, and shoved my greasy prick right up her tiny cunt.
She screamed high, like a whistle, and began to droop. I held her up and pushed the dick further inside. She was wet and ready, but suddenly she squealed again and the trickle of blood that ran down my thrusting prick told me I had scored yet another cherry.
This excited me beyond reason. I drew back once more and this time drove it in to the hilt, splitting her almost in two. Angela came over and helped to steady her struggling friend, one hand on her own hairy twat to keep the juices flowing for when I came back.
But for the time being I was more than happy with Doris. Skinny she might be, but her cunt was a masterpiece. Inside, muscles quivered and massaged around cock, producing the weirdest thunderstorms of emotions in my loins. I fucked harder and her box worked harder. It was not something she did deliberately. Rather it was a gift, a consolation prize for having been born plain. The boys would get the message down the grapevine soon, and Doris would be snatching them out of Angelas arms, if only for five minutes at a time.
She brought me to the brink of blowing. I withdrew all but my throbbing knob and waited for a few seconds till the sperm subsided. Then I started all over again, slamming it inside, parting her naked cuntlips and extending her hole to the maximum.
Doris no longer made a sound. Her thin back shook and swayed, her hands clutched the tree trunk as if it was the only thing left in her world, and her full weight was resting on Angela by now, since her knees had turned to jelly. In one way she was a pathetic sight, in another she was the perfect fuck.
I reamed up her cunt till I came close to blowing again and pulled out. It was as if she had been de-boned. She collapsed in a sobbing heap on the ground, released by Angela who was already busy trying to stuff my prick up her cunt again. Patiently, I laid the full-bodied girl on the ground and fucked her some more, slowly this time, taking it easy, curious to see how long this child-woman would last.
Pretty soon she started to breathe with that special urgency that heralds an orgasm. I raised my loins slightly so that my prick would rasp against the top of her cunt and give her clitoris that extra booster. She began to growl, her childish voice cracking, faster and faster, till she came apart in a fireworks orgasm. Her face screwed up tight for a second, then relaxed into a beatific smile while her body wilted and melted into liquid.
Doris was still on the ground, an intense look in her eyes as both hands attempted to exhort a climax from her soaking cunt. Once again I was moved by her predicament, and so I walked over and slid my prick up her cunt for dessert. She cried out, her ass high into the air and her face on the ground, her body open to me.
I slashed it up her and grabbed her skinny hips with both hands to ram her back and forth till I thought her eyes might drop out of her head. She loved it. Yelling and encouraging me, she let herself get dragged and pulled around, her face skittering over the grass along with her bony knees. Her cunt slurped like a bilge pump and farted out air pockets while I poked it up with all my might.
Then she came. With the force of a shotgun she exploded into a thousand pieces, threshing and crying, her mouth wide open and gulping in much needed air, before she fell back and grinned weakly up at me.
I stood over them both with my throbbing prick in my hand and delivered a number of strokes to it. The sperm squirted out over their prostrate, naked girlish bodies, dropping on them in white wads which they curiously licked up. Then I sat down heavily and rested for a bit.
Half an hour later we swam back. The girls were still swimming, some of them asleep in the grass, others already dressed waiting to go back to camp. Our return was cheered and hooted. Some of the older girls gave me knowing looks, their evil eyes checking out my limp and shrunken prick.
Then Angela and Doris appeared, and another cheer went up. Angela grinned broadly and affected an exaggerated bandy walk. But Doris blushed and quickly put on her clothes.
I took Angela aside and impressed upon her the need for keeping this a secret.
Dont worry, she said, favoring me with a melting smile. I know where its at.
Thats kind of you.
Not at all, she said, turning around to get her clothes. I just know that if I play ball, youll play ball, right?
Yeah, right, I said, watching her undulating buttocks walk away from me. Cunning as a shithouse rat, that girl, but trustworthy enough.
I counted heads and led my party through the woods, roughly into the direction of Camp Good Health. My sense of direction has never been too good. If Im faced with a choice of directions, I will invariably pick the wrong one. This has become such a strict pattern, that lately Ive taken to going into the direction opposite to the one I choose to go in originally, and so far its worked. However, on that day I took an entirely erroneous course and landed back at the lake.
Just as I was about to turn back and find a tree to climb, I heard a strange noise. I came in closer, motioning for the girls to shut up. Sensing a distraction, they did, and watched as I crept through the bushes.
Then I saw them. Else and two girls, a third standing watch. They were all naked, Elsa lying back on the grass with one girl between her legs, another on her face, all of them sucking and being sucked, writhing around and groaning earthily.
Angela appeared at my side to take a look. I tried to shoo her away, but it was too late. Her eyes grew round and feverish at the sight, her hand unconsciously slipping down to her crotch to satisfy whatever pangs might spring up. Next to arrive was Doris, and then they were all craning their necks to get a good look.
Elsa and her friends had noticed nothing. The sentinel was far too absorbed in the tangle of bodies at their feet to bother looking around. As for the trio, all they could see or hear was cunt.
Elsa got up on her knees after shaking her friends off gently, and began licking the sentinels box with long strokes. She trembled, her girls face flushing with the unmodulated sensations coursing through her, and she had to hold on to Elsas blonde head for support.
She had certainly chosen well. The two girls got up and watched Elsa regale the sentinel. Both were quite well built for their age, straight backed with round little asses and tender budding tits with pink, delicate nipples. Blonde and freckled like Elsa, innocent eyes like Elsa, they might all be her daughters to look at them.
One of them stepped up closer and took Elsas big hairy cunt in her hand, to squeeze and knead it while Elsas tongue slipped up the trembling sentinels cunt. What a contrast, I thought, between the naked little cunt and Elsas densely overgrown pussy. Little girls get bigger every day.
The girls in my party began to giggle. I supposed they were amused to see women do it together, that is, if they had seen men and women do it together. I tried to keep them quiet, because Elsa had the sentinel on the ground and was starting to fuck her with her pubic bone gnashing into the girls cunt — but the giggling grew till they alarmed the fucking foursome.
Elsa jumped up, her eyes wider than ever, scanning the bushes. When she saw me she became furious and opened her mouth to curse me out — but then she saw forty pairs of eyes around me, and her mouth fell to like a steel trap.
Some sense of mutual respect made us all withdraw. The girls in my party had enough on Elsa and me to send us up the river for years to come, but I knew they had other plans. The victorious look Angela threw me, and the smug smile on Lauras face was enough to tell me that.
We got back to the camp in time for dinner, after which we sat around the fire like idiots and sang songs. Angela sat at one side of me, Laura on the other as if guarding their property. I wondered who would visit me that night, and then I began to wonder if theyd keep me waiting long.
I was developing quite a taste for young flesh. This thought alarmed me a little, but then I shrugged. Whatever I might decide, these fiends in girls clothing had me in their power. Nothing persuades like blackmail.
When i was younger during the summer i had to go to summer camp. Not the kind when you stay away from home but the kind that you go to during the day as your parents are at work. I enjoyed it, of course, but the boys acted kinda strange towards me. I didnt understand why, these were the same boys that i went to school with and discussed wrestling with. Many girls never understood how a girl could be so obsessed with wrestling, but that was their problem, not mine.One Tuesday i came to camp...
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It was the summer of 1999 and I was a camp counselor at a local Y club. This particular summer we had a lot more girls signed up than boys. Most of these girls where hot, and the summer heat made them even hotter. I took notice of how the sweat would bead on their tan bodies as they played their activities. Most of them wore modest shorts and long t-shirts but there was this one young t16 year old, Lacey, who mostly had daisy dukes, and short tight Ts.I knew it was inappropriate for a male...
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All my stories are based on my experiencesI’m sure most of you have read The Tgirl Hooker pt1 & pt2 with Emma who I found on a well known website. Pt 1 & pt2 was about my very first meeting with this Eastern European beauty who had a body to die for and a cock to match. I used to get the odd text from Emma every now and again asking when was I coming to see her, which then led to us chatting a bit and then as I got to know her, we then started to text or chat online nearly every day. ...
Here it is the next chapter, Yes I know it's been too fucking long between chapters, yes I know my grammer and punctation suck and yes I know it's too fucking short. Also this is my first time writing a sex scene so bear with me CURIOUS PT3 By Dake9872 My peaceful slumber is disturbed by the most unsettling, realistic dream of my life. In the dream I'm Brooke and I'm in Brooke's room, I look around and wondering what's going on . I look down and realize I'm naked as a newborn....
Trying to Scratch that Itch PT3 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first two installments because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I pick up my martini up and do it like a shot, stand up, grab my purse and take Marcel by the hand and lean into him real close and slide my hand over his cock and tell him to lead the way. He looks at Jenna and she just...
The House of Empress Toya pt3 Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves; although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape. We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us. ...
BisexualThat evening there were 21 people sitting at the 12 person dinner table in the dining room. Besides the Andersons, Irvings and Wilsons, Patty (with Dolly and Melissa) were still in the house as well as Dr. Lewis. As usual in these situations, most of those at the table doubled up in the expected couplings, the only different couples were Lenny and Melissa, as well as Robert and Dolly; both Melissa and Dolly agreed that they wanted to feel real cocks plunging in and out of their twats as they...
Guidance Counselor WendyWritten by Izuzu with input from me WendyWendy is a mid-50s auburn-haired bombshell with short hair that works as a college guidance counselor. She counsels first-year students on what classes they need for different majors. She likes her job and gets along with all of her co-workers. However, interacting with young college students is her favorite part of the job.Wendy is married at home with a husband. Wendy's friends and family believe that she is a faithful wife to...
It was 10pm; hours after the k1ds from camp had gone home and that Monique had stayed to 'help straighten up.' Monique hadnt gone that far before. She dreamed of it but not with an older man. Not with Mr. Knowles at that. No one had noticed that she just gotten home. Monique grabbed something to drink before heading upstairs to get settled for the night. She was sticky from both the sweat from the day, and from the after activities as well. As Monique got settled in she ran herself some...
Mo followed Mr. Knowles to a dimly lit room. 'Whats going on' she asked. 'Dont worry Mo, i told you i got you. Now what i want you to do is sit right down here.' Mr. Knowles said reassuringly. 'Sit where, Todd?' 'For now Monique, It's Mr. Knowles. And i want you to sit here.' Todd said pointing at his lap as he sat in the brown leather recliner. 'Oh? You want me to sit here on your lap?' Mo said teasingly. 'Yeah bring that fat ass over here and get comfy.' Todd requested. Mo seductively walked...
As the four of us began to catch our breath the rain eased off. Jo remarked that they would like us to stay the rest of the night for some more fun if we liked. I needed no second invite and before Lucy could say I agreed for the both of us. We quickly threw on our clothes and decided it was now or never to go to the shower/wash block as the rain had gotten slightly better and we might not get another chance. Simon , Jo and Lucy headed off whilst I grabbed some stuff from our tent. I grabbed...
The school counselor, part 1I knelt in front of the graffiti covered panel. The light flickered on and off above me. I saw my name written there. Wendy. It smelt, a mixture of urine, sweat and jizz. I watched the hole near my face. Waiting. I didn’t wait long. A cock was pushed through. I grabbed it, sucking on it hungrily. It was hard, veined. Black. I ran my tongue around it, then opened my mouth, closing my lips over the bulbous head. I pulled it, not very gently, pulling it through the...
So i have been in counseling on and off a few years to better myself and i have found it very helpful for my general anxiety and depression. The place i go assigns me a caseworker and a Counselor with several other Counselors who specialize. After being quite comfortable with my current Counselor i was deeply saddened and anxious to hear she was leaving and i would be stuck having to get to know a whole new one. So, my old onemade the appointment for me to meet my new one, and i was cautiously...
Hello guys! I am your Anand back with a brand-new series about a Guidance Counselor. Thank you for the amazing response to . I strive to give you content while indulging in my fantasies. This series does not revolve around a few characters. This is about the biggest taboo in a college with its Guidance Counselor in the forefront. This part introduces you to some of the main characters and lays the foundations for multiple stories to come. For each erotic incident, I have made sure to include a...
LesbianHello guys! I am your Anand back with a brand-new series about a Guidance Counselor. Thank you for the amazing response to . I strive to give you content while indulging in my fantasies. This series does not revolve around a few characters. This is about the biggest taboo in a college with its Guidance Counselor in the forefront. This part introduces you to some of the main characters and lays the foundations for multiple stories to come. For each erotic incident, I have made sure to include a...
LesbianMy counselor asked that I type our conversation so I can see and have evidence of what I said in our counseling session. If you've never been to one, it's a great idea to have it taped and then type it. You'll learn a lot about the things you talk about. So this is from a recent session. She's given me permission to put this on Fictionmania, as she wants to see reviews. I think she's looking to see if others have the same childhood experiences I had or if yours are any different. So this...
Monique had on a pair of Vera Wang nighties, it was a pair of black rayon shorts with a white lacy trimming that stopped a half inch below her crotch and while silk sleeveless shirt with grey tropical fish on it. She had brought it from Khols one day while shopping with her friends. She only wore it on nights that she knew she would be doing some serious pussy play. The fact that Todd wanted to see her was an added bonus. 'Whats up? Where you want me to go with you?' Monique inquired. 'I cant...
Wendy – the CounselorChapter One – first meetingI was not happy about the letter the dean had sent me, informing us, the Sigma Mu Kappa fraternity (SMK), that we are falling behind the other Greek fraternities and sororities in actual progress towards graduation. What that boils down to is, we can’t keep repeating Art 101, and similar classes, and need to make better progress towards graduation. Even the University of Arcane Studies has standards.So I am sitting in the reception area of the...
My highschool was same like all the highschool around the country. Freshmen sluts, popular groups, sports, and everything that you'd think to be in a highschool. I was a normal kid through out my highschool years. I had some relationship with girls, had good friends, and overall good memories. One of the best decision was that I was in my student government. I made many friends in there and planned exciting things for my students. But that wasn't the reason why it was the best decision in...
Guidance Counselor - Part 1Wendy is a married college guidance counselor. This is the story of how Wendy gives extra care and guidance to special students. Based on real events.Wendy was thinking about sex as she held a pen between her lips and nibbled on the end. Her marital sex life had become infrequent and passionless. She was in her mid 40’s, 5'6" 129 lbs, 34c-29-35, brown eyes, auburn hair cut short and took good care of herself. Wendy worked out hard for her body. She kept her pussy...
Cuckold CounselorByTappy McWidestanceAuthor?s Note: This story is a departure for me as it was written from the perspective of a submissive male. I wrote a couple of pages in response to a fantasy sent to me by a reader who dreamed of submitting to his wife and another man. After he read it we discussed his more of his fantasies and I continued writing. It became clear that he had many warped visions of what he wanted done to him. As a result, there are subjects I have not written about before....
"Okay, that's enough about your grades," Virna Finch, said while placing Betsy King's file down on her desk, "so, now let's discuss your personal life." "Ma'am?" Betsy asked her guidance counselor. "You know, dear, about your relationships with boys." "Uh, I'm not sure exactly what you mean......," the red face senior replied nervously. "Just what the question implies," Virna Finch answered gently. "Do you have a boyfriend?" "Not a steady one," Betsy King replied. "That's good," Virna added...
LesbianPre-dawn light cast a shadowy grayness throughout Bungalow 4. The room was still, except for one bed. Kelly kicked his blanket, tugged on his shorts, and rolled onto one side and then the other. He shoved a hand inside his briefs to nudge his cock. The dried mess from the previous night had left his underwear crusty and stiff. Kelly sat up. He pointed to each bed in order. All the girls were accounted for. He rolled out of bed and slid the top chest drawer open, pausing and holding his...
As you already know I love outdoor nudity but combine that with our other outdoor hobbies and you have a real winning combination. Not too long ago we decided to spend a 5 day get away camping. We packed our camping and fishing gear but I did not pack one stitch of clothing. In fact I was naked when we left home until we returned home. It would be 5 full days of wearing nothing at all with whatever exposure that brought me.We arrived at the campground early the first day. The campground was...
The pajama party was fun, but just sitting around as we waited for camp to 'go to bed' was hard. I distracted myself by volunteering to help clean up after the pajama party, but tonight wasn't my turn to make sure that the cabin got to sleep, so I had at least half hour to kill before things started to get interesting. Luckily I wasn't alone as Katie and Julie soon joined me in the counselor's cabin. They were still wearing their silk teddies and I took a moment to admire the view before...
The end of the two week camp arrived. Already done packing, Kelly sat cross-legged on his bed watching the girls rushing around to locate clothing and items they had loaned to others. Chrissy was busy keeping order and, in some cases, the peace. Tara stopped packing and crawled over her bed. She opened Kelly's suitcase while smiling at him. "To remember me by," she said as she twirled a pair of green panties on her finger. She tossed them into his suitcase and closed it. "Are those...
Aside from counselors, most people don't go nude on their first day. Apparently Alison couldn't stand being shown up by her big brother, so she had not only gone nude but was proudly showing off her pierced nipples! She was even letting people touch them! I'd hoped that, like 'Screaming Ali, ' the rumors had been wrong, but there was no mistaking the metallic gleam shining off the barbells that pierced horizontally through her nipples. More disturbing was that I found the sight...
After coming out of the shower clean and fresh, I got dressed and ready for the wedding. Jim had text me to say he would meet me at the reception of the hotel. Felicity called me to see how I was and check everything was ok. I explained to her that I would soon be meeting Jim but had not heard from or seen Shaun, also that Mike his best man had not been able to get hold of him. She asked me to go check on him, on my way to the church. I messaged Jim asking him to hurry up so we could set off...
This is a direct continuation from Part 2, which I recommend you read if you have not already. -phenylalanine Tegan assessed the dildo again and then at the vessel of spunk. The most semen she had ingested in one sitting was eleven, the night she visited the glory hole, and that was in small increments as she served each man. This was spunk from thirty different guys who’d probably cum at least twice, gathered in a container that had been sitting around going cold and coagulating. She...
i really hoped Sir would give me a little break before He started working my sissy cunt with His fist but alas this was not to be. He returned just a few minutes later wearing an elbow length black rubber or latex glove on his right hand and had a huge bottle of lube in His left hand. "Alright cunt" he said.."Time to destroy that sissy cunt of yours,"i felt Him squirt lube into and around my gaping hole, it was cool and soothed the fire burning there.Soon i felt Him push 3 fingers into...
****************************************************** As I made my way home, my mind raced with possibilities. How far can I push this program? How big can I make myself,? How much can I make someone take? I spent the rest the drive home thinking at the next command I wanted to enter. And giving my wife a quick call, I found that she was still about two hours away from being home. Perfect, I thought. Pulling into the driveway, I quickly made my way into the living room and got on my laptop....
Because uncle Robert went out and Silvia was tucked up in hospital due to her allergic reaction to her insect bite l had a bath and went to bed, but was woken by a hand around my cock, instinctively l thought it was Silvia and pushed myself backwards to feel a hard cock pressing against my bum, a male voice said l had a lovely cock with a peach of a bum, my eyes sprang open and l half sat up bemused at what was going on. Stood beside the bed was uncle Robert with an Indian man who he...
I woke with a startle in my father’s arms. “What’s wrong, Aria?” he asked me with concern. “Just an ‘odd’ dream, I guess.” I was sweating and shaking. The King must have noticed. “You came while you were sleeping. You’ve come a lot these past couple of days.” He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. The moment I was back in his arms I started to wrap my body around his, looking for more. “Daddy, please,” I begged. “Absolutely, Aria.” With that he began kissing me and laid me...
“I put the plug back in, maybe you can help me get it out again” she says, using her sexy-ass girly voice. I open the door and move aside, letting her walk in, and close the door behind me. As she turns to face me I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me, kissing her hard and deep. Her body goes limp as she returns the kiss, moaning in the process. I push her up against the back of the kitchen counter, shoving my pelvis into hers, making her feel my now rock hard cock through my pants....
Supper began normally. I had laid the table after I had finished my homework, placing out knives, forks, spoons and table mats. Misty called everyone to the table. Tonight we were having my favorite, Sloppy Joes. I poured a glass of cider for Jan, and milk for myself and Misty and sat waiting. Jan wheeled herself up to her position at the head of the rectangular table, while Misty sat opposite me. I was never certain of Misty, She is always perfect! Even when doing something depraved,...
I had Sasha ride in the back naked with her legs spread wide on the roof and her crotch fully open and her hands squeezing her tits tight. I kept ordering her to lube her hands with her twat and squeeze her tits as tight as possible to force the blood into her nipples. Her copious and slippery cunt juice was making her hands slip off her A cup titties and I yelled that she should squeeze harder and if her hands slipped off they believe tter grab and squeeze her nipples. I...
All the way to the mall, Angie was thinking. No, not thinking, day dreaming. In her dream, she is standing in her room, with only a towel covering her. Her dad was standing at her desk reading her texts. "Lil one, what’s this" He asked in a low voice. With her head lowered, she tell's him "I was texting Deb and, well, you read the texts I guess" "Yeah, I did" he replied. "So, is it true? Do you feel that way? About me?" Angie starts to tell him no, but, looking at how...
I sat in my office looking at my smartphone. “The wonders of technology!” I smiled to myself. It was simple really and even though I was frustrated that my keen intellect hadn’t been able to work out who ‘Buttercup’ was, I also knew that it would have been impossible to work out. She had never even been on the radar.This was the second-best birthday present I’d ever got.My intercom beeped and Eleanor announced Tamara’s arrival for my birthday lunch; a moment later she walked in and headed...