Naturist School CounselorChapter 1: Getting Ready For Camp free porn video

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Thursday Afternoon, October 16th
As I approached the sparsely-filled classroom my eyes were drawn to Katie. Even though we'd been dating for over a year, my heart skipped a beat when she smiled over her shoulder at me. We were one of the few couples who made it through the summer. I'd like to think it was because of the incredibly tight bond we shared, but it probably had more to do with the fact that I was one of the few guys who would indulge her whims yet put her in her place if she took things too far. It made for a tumultuous relationship at times, but we made a good pair.

Darrell waved as I entered the room and took a seat next to Katie. While we'd done rodeo together and had both been on the Wrangler All-Star Team, it wasn't until I started dating Katie that I really got to know Darrell. We'd grown to be friends over the last year.

I glanced around and I was pleased to see so many familiar faces. Of the eight seniors invited to be Naturist School counselors, the only surprise was Julie Tsang, a tall Asian girl who was sitting slightly apart. I'd never had a class with her, but I'd heard she was wicked smart. I assumed she was at least 16 since she'd been invited to camp, but she looked more like a freshman than a senior.

The conversation was light as we waited for Mr. Johnson to show up. Of course Darrell had to flirt with Katie. It had become a game to see how many ways Katie could shoot him down while fawning over me. Today's taunting was particularly feisty as everyone was excited to be heading back to camp.

As a senior I didn't have any classes with Mr. Johnson and was surprised at just how haggard he looked. Not his usual chipper self, he seemed a bit off when he started his presentation, but soon warmed to the topic as he praised us for being selected as Naturist School Counselors and warned us of the challenges we'd face. His demeanor noticeably brightened when he started talking about camp, but there were times when his excitement felt forced.

It was unnerving how Julie kept staring at me. I tried to ignore her and focus on the lecture, but then I noticed that Katie seemed to be sizing her up. Normally I was the jealous one and, considering that I hadn't even spoken to Julie, it seemed odd. I shrugged it off as a girl thing until Mr. Johnson asked me to stay late.

Mr. Johnson closed the door after everyone else left and sat on one of the desks near me.

"I know this is a bit unusual, but would you be willing to partner up with Julie?" Mr. Johnson asked.

"I'd hoped to student teach with Katie..."

"Miss Romero has already requested that you and Julie be her assistants, but what I meant to ask is, would you be Julie's partner?"

"I thought only campers have partners?" I stammered, caught completely off guard.

"Normally that's true. But Julie skipped a couple grades and wasn't old enough to go last year. As a senior I'm not sure if she'd fit in as a camper and hoped you would be willing to help."

Working closely with a nude Miss Romero would be any guy's fantasy, but I was still wrapping my mind around the possibility of being Julie's partner. There was no question that Julie was cute, but I'd never considered dating an oriental, and there was one major problem.

"I think Katie would kill me."

"She seemed okay with it last year."

"We weren't dating last year."

"I'll understand if you refuse, but when I spoke to Katie yesterday she seemed open to the idea."

"You what?"

"Why don't you talk to Katie and then let me know your decision at Saturday's mentor workshop?"

"Um, okay," I agreed as I got up to leave.

I left the room in a daze and found Julie and Katie whispering in the hall. It was obvious what they were talking about as the conversation suddenly ended when they noticed me.

"Hey there, Chuck," Katie drawled, latching onto my arm. "Would you mind if Julie studied with us after school?"

This wasn't how I expected Katie to act, but I figured it couldn't hurt to get to know Julie better.

"Um, sure," I hedged, trying not to sound too enthusiastic.

At this Julie visibly relaxed. "Thanks! I just need to grab some stuff from my locker. Want me to meet you in the parking lot?"

"Okay, do you need a ride?"

For some reason Katie and Julie found this hilarious.

"Not today," Julie winked. "I think I'll just follow your lead."

"I hope you can keep up," Katie teased cryptically as we headed off.

Living on a farm did have its privileges I mused as Katie and I waited in my truck for Julie to arrive. When the farm's pickup finally died last year I convinced my parents to get a Ford F250 Super Duty. We actually used it to haul the horses to shows so it didn't have a lift kit, but the massive diesel engine was impressive when it roared to life. Normally I'd peel out as we left school, but it was a gravel lot and I didn't want to damage Julie's car as she followed us.

Only seniors could use the limited student parking at Rosemount High, so I'd driven Katie and my sister Ali to school almost every day this year. With Ali's cheerleading practices/games and other social obligations (prom committee, yearbook... ) she usually found her own way home.

Katie was quivering with excitement and seemed genuinely eager to learn more about Julie.

"Alright, this is getting surreal." I sighed. I glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure Julie was behind us. "Why are you even considering Julie's offer?"

"Well, she's very convincing and I am kind of curious."

"Curious about what?"

"Nothing," she stammered.

We didn't have much of a commute, but Katie let the silence linger until we pulled onto the farm's half-mile long driveway.

"I think we should help her get used to camp," she announced.

"What'd you have in mind?"

"What if we studied in the nude?"

She jumped out of the truck before I could reply.

"Are you serious?" I called, chasing after her. We'd studied nude in the past, but never invited anyone to join us.

"This place is beautiful!" Julie exclaimed as she joined us on the front porch. "When Katie said you lived on a farm I assumed you lived way out in the country."

"You should have seen it five years ago," I lamented. "Everyone thought Mom was crazy when she suggested we move here. But it's only 16 miles from downtown and Mom really wanted to be closer to her clients, so we went along. It was only once we rebuilt the barn and added all the fencing for the horses that it started to look good."

"What does your mom do?"

"She's a veterinarian and works mainly with horses and cattle, so she was always driving out here to the ranches around here."

"Cool, so what were you guys arguing about?"

"We weren't arguing."

"Chuck doesn't want you to see him naked."

"That's not what I said!"

"I asked if you wanted to study in the nude..."

"Why would we study naked?" Julie asked, looking shocked.

"We're all going to be naked on Monday. Would you rather try being naked in front of just us or the entire camp?"

"Um," Julie gulped, "I guess it would be good to practice."

"See, I told you!" Katie smirked. "Come on, Chuck. Are you chicken?"

"No! You of all people should know I have no problem studying in the nude..."

"Then prove it."


"We can't even see your neighbors," she said, rolling her eyes.

Katie tended to become more demanding when nervous so I wasn't surprised by the way she was trying to control the situation. I hated caving quickly, but there was no sense arguing in front of Julie so I merely I stuck my tongue out at her and then efficiently got undressed.

"Happy?" I asked.

I was so distracted that I barely noticed Julie's stare. When I finally relaxed enough to realize that Julie was no longer meeting my eyes I decided to show off and flexed my muscles. Unlike last year, I no longer worried about being called 'Chuck the Chunk' or about getting burned in the sun. Katie had helped me 'get rid of my farmer's tan' over the summer, but mostly watched as I helped out around the farm. Part of the deal I'd made with my parents to buy a new truck was promising to muck the stalls and feed the horses every morning. While it didn't sound hard at the time, I soon learned that lugging bales of hay and feed around was a lot of work.

"Have you been going to the gym?" Julie asked.

"Gyms are for wusses," I smirked. "Real men earn their muscles, and there's plenty of heavy lifting when you live on a farm."

"You look good, but Katie was right, my cooter is cuter than yours," Julie teased, her eyes sparkling.

Katie's smile faltered at the way Julie was fawning over me, but she quickly reasserted her control.

"Yeah, I really like the new Chuck," Katie agreed, grabbing my hand. "Now let's head inside before you completely shrivel. I didn't realize it was so cold!"


"Oh, quit pouting," Katie soothed as we entered the living room.

"Then quit acting like a bossy brat," I snapped.

"Sorry," Katie replied, slightly abashed by my anger. "You know I get catty when I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous? I'm the one who's naked."

"I know and I really appreciate you being such a good sport," she soothed, rubbing my arm.

"I might be madly in love with you, but that doesn't mean you can boss me around."

"I know, and I promise to make it up to you later," she insisted. "Now, could you go get us some sweet tea so that Julie doesn't have to get undressed in front of you?"

There was something in Katie's look that caused me to pause. The last time Katie promised to make up after embarrassing me in public I nearly died the happiest man on earth. I wanted to stay angry, but there was also the added incentive that I'd soon be seeing Julie naked.

"Fine," I huffed. "But you better call your parents and tell them you'll be staying late."

Julie stifled a giggle when Katie meekly nodded. I tried to glare at her, but I really wasn't all that upset.

With a harrumph, I headed into the kitchen to grab some tea. Mom usually made a big vat of sun tea in the morning, so making sweet tea wasn't a problem, but I wasn't sure if Julie would like it. I looked for green tea, but couldn't find any.

When I returned I found the girls seated at the table with textbooks spread out around them. I tried not to stare, but Julie's breasts were barely bigger than Claire's and her nipples looked disproportionately large in their well defined, yet small, areolae. The more I tried not to look, the more fascinated I became and I was embarrassed to find myself growing erect.

"Care to join us?"

"I'd love to," I leered.

"Do you really like them?" Julie asked, glancing down. I noticed her hands twitch and I assumed she was fighting the urge to cover up.

"They're beautiful."

"I'd say you think they are more than just beautiful," Katie teased. "It's been months since you last got hard in public."

"You went nude over the summer?"

"Cedar Creek Naturist Park isn't too far from here and it's nice to hang out with other naturists," I explained as I set the tea down on the table.

"Huh, I'm still not sure of this whole naturist thing," Julie hedged, still struggling not to cover up. "It feels weird to be talking normally even though we're all naked."

"I had the same problem, but why should it matter if we're clothed or nude? And, if you do behave differently when clothed, which is the real you?"

"Alright, things are getting a little too deep," Katie interjected before sipping her tea. "This is good, thanks!"

"No problem." Turning to Julie, I apologized, "I checked, but couldn't find any green tea."

"Why would I want green tea?" she asked, perplexed.

"Um, isn't that what they drink in Asia?"

"Chuck!" Katie exclaimed, smacking my arm and flushing with embarrassment.


"Maybe in East Asia," Julie huffed. "But my parents emigrated from China more than thirty years ago and I was born in Columbia, South Carolina, just like you."

"Sorry, I just assumed..." I murmured as I grabbed my stuff and joined them at the table.

"It's okay. I'm just sick of people treating me differently just because I'm of Chinese descent. I mean, you don't hear me making stereotypes about white cultures even though you look Russian and Katie looks English."

"I look English?" Katie beamed. "Cool!"

"No, not cool," Julie insisted. "It's annoying how people look at my eyes and assume things, like that I'd want green tea when Katie sent you to fetch sweet tea and we all know you don't put sugar in green tea."

"Yeah, my bad," I apologized as I pulled out my text book.

We settled into an uneasy truce and got down to work. Eventually we relaxed and managed to be quite productive. It was nice having an extra opinion when Katie and I disagreed on the answer to some of the qualitative questions.

After a particularly heated debate Katie leaned close and whispered, "I like her; she's got spunk."

"She's got something," I agreed. "But if you set her off again she'd better go after you this time."

"Something tells me that between the two of us she's much more likely to go after me," she leered.

I was confused by her comment, but before I could reply we all heard the front door open and someone noisily enter the house. I checked my watch, surprised that Ali was home early.

"I can't wait to go to camp next week!" Ali announced as she tossed her backpack by the door and headed off to her room to change. "It's going to be so nice to only have classes in the morning!"

Katie and I looked at each other, but it was too late to get dressed. Ali walked past the entrance to the living room, but didn't seem to notice us.

"Was that Screaming Ali?" Julie asked.

There was a sharp indrawn breath from Katie. "I wouldn't call her that where Chuck can hear you," she warned.

"Her name is Alison," I growled.

"Fine, why is Alison here?" Julie asked. "I thought it would just be us?"

"Alison is my sister and I have no idea why she's home early."

"So what's camp really like?" Ali asked as she walked into the dining room and froze.

"Oh. My. God!" she gasped. "Are you naked?"

"Well, we didn't think you'd be home for at least another hour and ... well Julie needed to practice."

"Hi, I'm Julie," she said, standing up and offering a hand.

As Julie rose to shake Ali's hand I couldn't help staring. Her narrow hips fit her thin frame perfectly and drew my eye. I'd heard about the whole 'hairless Asian' thing, but never really believed it. Julie's pubes seemed to form a natural racing stripe around her slit, yet it didn't have the shaped look of someone who trimmed.

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My mother signed me up for Bible Camp. I couldn’t wear anything too sexy; it had to be modest. Hell all mighty, I was a teenage boy, modesty was my middle name. I read the brochure and it said that the girls had to wear one piece bathing suits and cover up as soon as they got out of the water. They couldn’t wear short shorts either. Crap! Plus we had to take our own bible and a musical instrument if we played one. I didn’t! Well mom packed my stuff and dad drove me to the camp and dropped...

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Goddess Anuns slave camp

Goddess Anun’s slave camp Part one – Abduction in Pattaya As Simon’s taxi ate down the miles from Bangkok to the coastal resort of Pattaya the hypnotic wheel vibrations were making him drowsy. He was not sorry to be leaving the Big Mango (Bangkok); the city was polluted to the point where the traffic fumes made you catch your breath and your throat sore. However, that aside, he had enjoyed the incredible variety of food in the city and the Grand Palace was well worth seeing. He also couldn’t...

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Fuck Camp

Josh Flannigan pulled on his tight muscle tee shirt which accentuated his pecs and hard nipples, and slid his gym shirts up over his bulging jock strap and muscular ass globes. ?He smiled at himself in the mirror. Nineteen years old and what a fucking hunk! He loved the way his big fat dick pushed the crotch of the shorts out. The little cunts would get wet panties looking at that all right. The cunts had crushes on him almost automatically, and the boys idolized him in that boycrush way that...

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Peeping at Camp

Girls Have Fun Making a Pretty Boy One of Them ? by: Jayne Willard Chapter 1, Caught Peeping Cindy knew the party was getting out of hand, but she was enjoying herself. They were at Summer Camp; the boy they had discovered "sneaking a peek" into their cabin was a wimp. He had a cute face and slender body with long dark hair, as was the style at the time. They had jumped him and since there were twelve of them, they easily overpowered him, as if he had resisted at all. "He's...

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Cassies Daughgter IISummer Camp

CASSIE'S DAUGHTER II-SUMMER CAMP Teresa Radford was sitting at the vanity in her room at Grey House, the Bed and Breakfast that her mother Cassie owned in the small Midwest town of Middleton. Sitting at a vanity was one thing out of many that two years ago she had never dreamed she'd be doing. For example, she had just finished brushing and arranging her long, down to the middle of her back, jet black hair. She was applying her makeup, including a bright red lipstick, and she was...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 2Chapter 18 Summer Camp

-- FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2005, SUMMER CAMP -- To be fair, I wasn't completely surprised by what I'd just seen. There had certainly been enough hints over the years that my parents and the Evanses played around with each other. And Dawn and I had discussed this very possibility a couple of years back when we speculated on just what our parents did with all their time together while we kids ran wild all day across the camp grounds. But none of us had gone out of our way to catch them in the act,...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 52 Apr 1945 US Seventh Army Enters Dachau Death Camp

“The first days of January 1942 brought enormous amounts of snow. The reader already knows what snow meant for the clergy. But this time the torture surpassed the bounds of the endurable. At the same time the thermometer hovered between 5 and 15 degrees below zero. From morning till night we scraped, shoveled, and pushed wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of snow to the brook. The work detail consisted of more than 1,000 clergymen, forced to keep moving by SS men and Capos who kicked us and beat...

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Right after graduating highschool, I needed to make some serious money before going off to college. A friend of mine told me about a job at a camp. I was unqualified for the job when I applied but was surprised when I got the call for an interview. I drove out to meet with the manager of the camp. Her name was Karen. She was in her mid 40's, average body, very tan, not great looking, but had very nice legs. I came wearing dress pants, a short sleeve button shirt with a tie, and my best pair of...

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Lay Ministers Fuck Teen Girls at Church Camp

My wife Kathy and I were forty-two years old and living in the Little Rock area at the time of this story. We had moved there right after graduation from college for me to take an engineering job at a medium-sized manufacturer in the area. I had progressed well and was promoted ten years ago to be VP of manufacturing. Kathy had been able to stay at home to raise our twin daughters, who were now nineteen years old and away at college. Neither Kathy nor I were very religious when we were first...

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Scout Camp

An innocent excursion into the mountains turns into an erotic adventure of truly epic proportions! The exciting story is a funny derivation of excerpts from the extensive diaries of Jean-Daniel Cadinot. Enjoy, all you boyscouts out there:Scout Campby Pierre d'AmourBookRix EditionCopyright 2016After exerpts from the extensive diaries of Jean-Daniel CadinotMonday, August 14I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw myself in the mirror: I was something else! My brand new brown uniform looked stunning...

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An Ordinary College Sex LifeChapter 10 Summer Camp

JUNE 2003, SUMMER BREAK In retrospect, I should have double-parked behind the Taurus. Yeah, it would have fucked up the Mustang, but maybe Adam wouldn't have gotten away. I supposed I was just lucky I wasn't driving the Camry that was parked just outside and below the motel room. Apparently Adam had landed on its roof and partially caved it in when he'd jumped over the railing. Health wise, I turned out to be alright. Yeah, I'd been shot twice, but the first bullet had only grazed my...

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This one time at diabetic camp

Too start off with, I am a type one diabetic and have been for 19 years. I don't mind being a diabetic for the most part. Do not get me wrong, having type one diabetes is a daily struggle but I would usually use it to my advantage. For example, I had a girl give me a blow job in my local high school because she wanted to 'make the pain go away',I would always get A's in class because, teaches felt sorry for me, I would skip class everyday but never get caught because I would lie and say my...

First Time
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Lesbian Femdom Stories The Japanese Prison Camp

Part 1 The Prison CampThe Japanese Lieutenant looked down at her prisoner. She was happy to see her stretched out, naked on the ground. Arms and legs all secured tightly to the wooden pegs which were standing erect from where they had been knocked deeply into the sand that lay beneath. ?You slut!? She screamed. ?You think you make fun of Lieutenant Nashiba and get away with? You think Lieutenant Nashiba a easy touch, you do? You must learn some manner, girl. I teach you manner now so you know...

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Pleasure Camp

*** A story about a young substitute teacher who explores his maturing taste in women. ***When I returned to my old high school as a fill-in teacher, 5 years after graduating, I was a changed man. It was amazing just how much my tastes had changed in such a short time... matured even... and I appreciated what I'd never noticed before.In the years since school, I'd gone to university in the city, and as many people do, I got around a bit with some pretty hot college girls. It was the typical...

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Grinders Memories of Band Camp

This is from my old high school days and is partially true. Since I was never abused by my "Master" when I was a freshman (I was very intimidating), I decided to make something up. I use my nickname in the story instead of my real name because I like it better. Grinder's memories of Band Camp By Grinder Band Camp, the hottest time of the year to some, the most evil thing known to man to others. I was okay about it. I had done it twice before and this year was...

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Buffy Goes To Camp

Buffy could hardly wait to get to acting camp. She'd gone every year since she was ten and she loved it. It was outdoors, which she liked because she was a city girl, but what she liked the most was that she had friends there she rarely got to see. One of them was Megan, who was a special friend. They had learned to masturbate together at acting camp three years ago. They had been roommates that year and Megan taught her how wonderful it felt to stroke her little clitty and stick fingers...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 3 Summer Camp

SATURDAY, JULY 1, 2000 Ordinarily, I could read for hours in a moving car without ever getting motion sick. Brooke and the twins were the same way, the three of them quietly reading in the last row bench seat of our full-size family van while we cruised up Highway 5 towards Northern California. But if there's a downside to getting your growth spurt, it's that nothing in your body works quite the way you're used to. I'm normally a pretty coordinated guy, if not the most athletic. But it...

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Unplanned Vacation in a Nudist Camp

Unplanned Vacation in a Nudist CampFew years ago my girlfriend Mitra and I were on vacation in Greece. We booked a tent at a nice camp by the sea on the Island of Ios. Pictures of the camp were fabulous and we couldn’t wait to get there. However, when we arrived there was a big surprise waiting for us. By the entrance, there was a sign with two words that changed my perception of vacation's forever. The sign read: “Nudist Camp”. When I saw it, my heart jumped. I felt both shocked and a lure of...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 14 Cheer Camp

Cheer camp was scheduled for the last week in July. On Sunday right after lunch everybody assembled at the school parking lot where a big yellow bus was waiting for us. The school had arranged for a bus and driver to transport the squad to cheer camp so we were all there raring to go with our luggage piled near the bus door. Tracy took roll and as she called off each name the girls boarded the bus with their suitcase. The luggage was piled on the rear seats and the girls took their seats,...

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Amy from the Church Camp

As a church camp counselor, I am often asked for a lot of advice on a lot of subjects. For the most part, most of the questions I had to deal with were matters of the heart. Since I am a deeply religious person and have been managing church camps for years, nothing really surprises me anymore. I have had church camp participants come to me to confess every sin under the sun.I thought I had heard everything possible until a few weeks back.Amy was the teenage daughter of a church couple I had...

Oral Sex
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My Sister At Camp

My Sister At Camp I was happy too see my little sister go off to camp for two weeks. It meant that I didn’t have to baby sit her and she wasn’t constantly under foot. At thirteen she could be a real pest especially since I’m fifteen. Hell, next year I can get my learner’s permit and start driving the car. I was almost a man. The third day that she was at camp I was online when I got a Yahoo Instant Message from her. It read, “Hi big brother what are you up to?” I replied,...

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ARMY ROTC Summer Camp

As an Army officer, I had the pleasure of being assigned to an ROTC assignment that put me in charge of a summer camp of very exuberant and sometimes overly zealous young college kids looking to prove up their leadership skills in hope so getting a college scholarship.I say they were young when in reality, there were all between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one. Young adults. Smart, educated and well-motivated. I liked those attributes.Summer camp was always a lot of work and a lot of fun as...

Straight Sex
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Farm Camp

You have been working on this farm for the last 6 summers, the first one as a guest and from then on as a counselor. You've enjoyed being a farm camp counselor: especially when you're surrounded by college girls who are the other counselors. Now that you are 20 and have completed one year of college, you are eligible to stay at the farmhouse over the summer. You currently work with 7 girls at the camp. The hottest one is named Barbara a 6'6" all natural supermodel with raven black hair, tits...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 33 Alabama Football Camp

Tami and I drove to Lexington Kentucky to visit my friend John Phillips in the hospital. He had torn his Achilles tendon stepping off a curb. We decided to take the scenic route, so we could drive by horse farms in the area. The windows were down and you could hear the distinctive grumble and whine of the Charger as it ate up the miles. I was amazed Tami hadn't gotten a ticket yet, but she seemed to have a sixth sense as to where the police were. I was about to drop off into a nap when Tami...

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Band camp

Introduction: One of my earliest experiences OK, so I never went to band camp. I just liked the title and doesnt bible camp count? Either way the camps teach kids more than what they were intended. Now I lost my virginity when I was 14, and I was 12 when this story happened, so obviously I am not getting laid in this one. It was still and erotic and exciting summer for me. Every summer since I could remember I had gone to the same bible camp by the lake. This was actually the last year I could...

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Dating CheerleadersChapter 7 Cheer Camp

The school year had ended and summer was upon us. With the help of my girls I managed to keep my grades up and would be entering my senior year with a very respectable GPA. I had signed up to take a photography class next year since my folks got me a very expensive 35mm film camera outfit for Christmas. Brains must run in our family since Tracy graduated with a perfect 4.0 average and was class valedictorian. She had letters of acceptance at a few prestigious colleges and chose a local school...

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The New HoodChapter 4 I Was Just Out Hunting for My Camp

As we sat inside the truck I wondered how to start the tour of the cave as this place would be well beyond anything these women had ever seen in their lives. “Malta I didn’t really say much to about my cave, as I knew that cave living itself would most likely be new to all of you ladies all by itself. But seeing as how we rode here in my truck, which had all of you very nervous for a good part of the trip here. I could really and truly understand that if my truck had made all of you somewhat...

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One Time at Band Camp

‘One time, at band camp…”Repeated to me for most of my high school and college years, these words from American Pie rang in my ears. Little did I know how true this one phrase would prove to be in my junior year of college at band camp.There was an urban legend about “encounters” between the senior members of the drumline and the senior members of the colorguard.Despite my spiked hair and faded concert T-shirts, I was still very much a geek. Worse, in fact, I was a band geek. Everything I knew...

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