Our First Foray Into A Threesome - Chapter 1: Soaking With Seth free porn video

Our first time, the time that taught me some new things about the man I’d married and established the precedent for the things we still enjoy on occasion, involved my husband’s best friend Seth. They met in college and were frat brothers, members of the same fraternity for 2 years, rooming together, and he was ultimately the best man at our wedding.
Our wedding in 2006 was also the first time I’d met him in person, since Richard and I didn’t meet ‘til a couple years after he’d graduated college. I’d heard Seth stories from Rich, but they were all so crazy and outrageous I didn’t believe 90% of what he told me.
Then when I met Seth he was so polite and low-key that I couldn’t believe that he was the same guy all the wild stories were about! He was a perfect gentleman through all the wedding preparations, helping out where he could, then sailed calmly through the rehearsal and was sharp and funny at the rehearsal dinner. After, however, when the whole wedding party and some other friends went out for drinks and dancing rather than doing the traditional bachelor/bachelorette parties, the Seth of legend began to emerge in direct proportion the amount of alcohol consumed.
He got boisterous and silly after a few drinks, hitting on the waitress, teasing and driving everyone nuts, and when he asked me to dance the next song that played was a slow one. When he pulled me against him I could feel his hardness pressing into me. I’d had a couple drinks too, and it felt good so, acting stupid, I rubbed against him. He liked that, but when he slid his hands down to my butt and tried to pull me tighter against him, I stopped him and pulled his hands back up where they belonged.
Still, I’ll admit that I got pretty aroused, and on the next song, another faster one, I turned around and rubbed my butt against his hardon. I wasn’t exactly ‘twerking’, since I’m not sure we even knew what it was then, I wouldn’t have known how to go about it, and it was nothing that obvious, but I was definitely teasing – both of us, as it turned out.
That was as far as it went at that time, and since it was the night before the wedding I was staying separate from Rich, so I had to take care of my own wet, slippery ‘problems’ that feeling Seth’s hardness and teasing each other had created. It didn’t take long, as I let my imagination take the whole thing further than it actually went, and it felt really good. Both times!
During the early years of our marriage, Seth and I became pretty good friends, although nothing more physical than an occasional hug or kiss on the cheek ever happened. (Or a pat on the butt. He seemed to love my ass and was always touching it, and Richard just laughed about it.)
He was still single, and the way we all got along I always felt like it could become more if any one of us just said the word. Also, a threesome with 2 guys was something Richard and I fantasized about and toyed with, although we never specifically talked about it being Seth. Still, remembering how big and hard he’d felt, I was curious, but nobody ever took the initiative. He remained fodder for the occasional fantasy for me, but that was all.
Until the big snowstorm in 2013, that is! We were living in Buena Vista, Colorado at the time, a small town far up in the mountains on the Arkansas River. We'd been married about 7 years (maybe there is some truth to the ‘7-year itch’ thing!) and Seth was living in Montrose after recently relocating from Gunnison. Coming and going on trips into Denver or Colorado Springs he would often pass through and meet one or both of us for lunch, or if it was later we’d have him to dinner or he’d take us out. Then he would drive on, although since he’d moved farther southwest it was now a longer trip.
On a Friday in February he’d left Denver in a light snowstorm, but by the time he got to Kenosha Pass it was snowing heavily and coming down and crossing South Park, with its wide-open spaces and high winds and ground blizzards, it was a slow, white-knuckles crawl. When he called to say he was running late, Rich informed him that Monarch Pass, to the southwest of us and which he’d need to cross to get home, was closed due to icy roads and blizzard conditions, but that he was welcome to stay with us if he could make it to Buena Vista.
He did, about an hour later, tense and stressed from the nerve-wracking drive. Rich made a pitcher of Margaritas and we all sat and chilled for a while so Seth could relax and unwind. I’d planned homemade spaghetti for dinner, with salad and garlic bread the only extras, so it was easy enough to expand it to include him since I always made extra sauce for leftovers anyway. After, we sat in front of the fireplace and finished off the bottle of Chianti that Rich had opened, after which he opened and poured us something else red and delicious.
When I noticed Seth turning his head like he was trying to stretch a kink out of his neck and reaching up to rub his shoulders, I asked him, “Are you still tense from the drive?”
He replied, “Not tense so much, just stiff. It sucked out there, the roads covered in snow and ice and so much shit blowing around you could barely see anyway. Plus, my wipers kept freezing up and wouldn’t clear the crud anymore. You don’t realize how tight you are until you try to turn your head or something and it hurts!” He laughed, “I’m still too young for these aches and pains.
Rich laughed at him. “No, you’re old, dude, way older than me!” Seth’s birthday was less than a month before Rich’s and they were the same age, both a year older than me, but it was a running joke. He went on, “When I get sore like that – even though I’m waaayyy younger than you – I find that a nice long soak in the hot tub helps a lot.”
Seth looked surprised. “Not in this kind of weather though, right? You’d freeze your balls off out there!”
I laughed before assuring him that I’d never let Rich do anything that would freeze his balls off since I’d grown rather fond of them, then said, “This is the absolute best weather for a hot tub, Seth, sitting watching the snow, so quiet and peaceful. With 104 water up to your chin you don’t even feel the cold. Come on, it will work wonders for your stiff muscles.”
He frowned. “I don’t know, Rayne… and besides, I don’t have a suit. I don’t even pack shorts or anything this time of year.”
I wished I could tell him we’d just go in naked, like Rich and I sometimes did very late at night, but two neighbors’ homes, even though they weren’t real close, both had a view of our backyard from their windows – and both of them had teenagers. It was only a little before nine o’clock, so they and their kids would likely still be up. A third one could see it from their deck, but I didn’t figure anyone would be out there in this kind of weather. We’d talked about building an enclosure part way around the tub to hide it from prying eyes, but hadn’t yet gotten around to it.
Rich said, “I’d loan you one of my suits, but you’re too much of a chunky monkey.”
It was true; Rich is a slender and wiry six-footer with a 32” waist while Seth is a stocky and muscular 5’11”. His waist was probably at least a 38, and he has a big, muscular butt, so anything of Rich’s was not going to work. Then Rich offered a suggestion.
“Do you still wear those solid-color boxers?” When Seth nodded yes, Rich told him to just wear a pair of those. “From a distance they’ll look just like a swimsuit, right?”
Seth said, “I guess. Smaller, a little more revealing, so no peeking and no comments from the crowd, okay? That means you, Rayne!”
I laughed. “Are you trying to spoil my fun? How about positive comments, those OK?”
He just grinned and shook his head, and we all went off to change. I carried my wine with me, a little nervous about where the evening could be headed and wanting a little liquid courage.
Rich dug out a pair of board shorts, one of the suits he usually wears in the tub so it’s already faded from the chemicals. I was about to put on my blue one-piece, also already wrecked from hot tubbing, when he said, “Why don’t you wear that one you bought in Belize summer before last, the white one?”
I stared at him. “Are you kidding? That one is tiny! Hon’ the bottom is a thong. It barely covers anything in front and it leaves my whole butt exposed.”
“I know. The top is tiny too. Anyhow, you have a great ass, you should show it off more.”
“It only just covers my nipples. Why would you want me to wear that one in front of Seth? You know how crude he can be, and he’s already way too fond of my ass. And half-drunk.”
He just grinned. “I want to show off what a sexy wife I have – and besides, it’ll give him a thrill. I bet he’ll be too impressed to even be crude. I’d be amazed if he had anything but compliments.”
In truth, the idea of wearing that in front of Seth was kind of turning me on! Then Rich put the icing on the cake. “You know if you wear that and act even the least bit provocative, he’ll get hard – and remember, he’ll only be wearing thin, knit boxers. You know, the kind that will get plastered to him when they’re wet, form to him like a second skin, define every bump and bulge and leave nothing to the imagination…”
Yeah, that did it! “Are you intentionally trying to make me horny?”
“Yes. Is it working?”
“Oh my god!” I was only wearing my panties by then, and my nipples were hard as could be and feeling very tingly. He could see the effect his words were having on me as I crossed to the closet and got the hanger with that tiny suit clipped to it. “Look at this thing, hon’. It just looks like a bunch of skinny little strings and a couple of patches… I can’t believe I ever wore it in public.”
“You looked amazing, and we were on vacation. It’s what people do. You know, if they look like you.”
“Thanks. Still…”
“Your nipples say you want to do it.”
“Trust you to be listening to my nipples instead of my words.”
He was sitting on the edge of our bed, his suit halfway up his legs, and he laughed as he grabbed me and pulled me to him. “Nipples never lie.” He bent forward and sucked my right nipple, which sent little electric charges straight to my pussy. The left one did too, when he sucked on it, and when he pushed my panties down my legs and ran his fingers up he found me wet and ready, and I moaned.
He pulled his hand back and examined his fingers, glistening with my arousal. “Wow, babe! Someone's horny!”
“I’m not the only one.” I looked down at his lap, where his cock was standing handsomely at attention.
“I know – and if you do that to me, just imagine what you’ll do to Seth, who doesn’t get to see you naked all the time.” He sucked my juices from his fingers, sending a thrill of arousal through me.
“Seems kind of cruel, doesn’t it, making him all horny for nothing?” When he just sort of shrugged, I went on, “And why were you the one thinking about how he’d look in wet boxers instead of me? Is there something I should know about you, Richard?”
I was kidding him, but to my surprise he turned bright red. “I just thought you might enjoy gawking at him, you know. I know you like looking at naked guys when we watch porn, and he’s here live, in-person…”
“Well, when you put it like that… Are you sure you won’t get jealous?”
“Of Seth? No, I don’t think so. I mean, maybe, but it’s also making me horny, as you noticed.”We’d been putting our suits on as we talked, me figuring out where all the various straps went and him pulling his trunks up over his erection. When we finished, he had a tent in his pants and, despite the suit, I was still nearly naked. He looked at me, whistled, and said, “Whoa, fuck! I didn’t remember that being quite so revealing!”
“Well duh! It’s just a bunch of little strings and straps. You want me to change?”
“No, you look amazing.”
“Seth is going to see a whole lot of me, you know.” I didn’t tell him how horny that thought was making me, but I think he knew.
“Babe, once he gets a look at you in that, you’ll probably see a lot of him too.”
I laughed. “Now that sounds interesting!” Then I thought about it and got serious. “Where are we going with this, Richard? Are we thinking about going beyond teasing and ogling?”
“I don’t know. What do you think?”
“I think it could get out of hand very easily.” I sipped my wine and noticed that my hands were shaking, probably a combination of arousal and nerves.
“You may be right.” He ran his hand through his hair, either nervous or confused. “I’m not sure. How about we just let things happen naturally and see how it goes?”
“We should decide ahead of time, don’t you think?”
He shrugged. “Probably, but I can’t. I mean, it sounds good, like it would be fun, but who knows. How about this, we can each say no or stop or something if we want. No hard feelings, okay?”
I squeezed him through his suit. “You already have a very hard feeling.”
“Very funny. He will too, I bet, but that’s not what I mean. Okay?”
“Yes, I guess so.”
“You don’t sound very enthused about it.”
“Richard, I’m nervous. But yes, I’m very turned on thinking about it, just like you. AS you already know.
He shivered – arousal, I think. “God. Hand me that robe and let’s go before we chicken out.”
We met Seth by the back door, where he stood looking out at the snow. Like us, he was also wearing a robe he’d found in the guest room, but he’d slipped his boots on, which looked funny with the robe. We were barefoot even with the snow since the tub was only a few steps outside the back door.
He said, “Looks fucking cold out there.”
Rich said, “It is, but you’ll warm right back up once you get in. C’mon, you and me can go take the cover off while Rayne refills our wine glasses and she can meet us out there. Last one in has to make the run for refills!”
As I refilled the glasses at the counter I kept glancing outside, which slowed me down. Plus, once they got the cover off I started to rush, which never helps. I shouldn’t have looked.
As I was hurrying toward the door, the three wineglass stems between my fingers, Rich vaulted over the side, into the hot water. I was further distracted looking at Seth, who had dropped his robe but was struggling with his boots. He wore boxer briefs – red ones – not boxers, and he looked good in them from the back, his butt blocky and muscular, thick thighs and a strong back.
When he turned, the bulging pouch in the front was even more impressive, and I know I stared. And probably slowed down! It looked like a very nice package, but I had to hurry so I rushed out and set the glasses on the edge of the tub. He had one boot off and was working on the other, hopping on one foot, his bulge bouncing slightly, and I knew he was going to beat me, but when I stripped off my robe he stopped and stared.
“Holy shit, girl! What is that?”
“That suit! I know what the rest of it is, it’s all you – and wow, if I may say so. Is that thing even legal?”
I could feel myself blushing, and the snowflakes melting on my warm skin, but I laughed. “Not in some countries. You like it?”
He stared at me as I climbed into the tub, not something that could be done with any degree of modesty in that suit. But then, nobody truly modest would own that suit. On the bright side, he was so busy ogling me that he didn’t even realize he’d just lost the race and would have to get out to refill our glasses as needed.
“Well yeah, Rayne. Duh! I love it, but even more I love what it does for you. Or maybe what you do for it… or what you and that suit both do for me!”
Richard was just watching us kibbitz, but he laughed then. “You must like it, you’re standing there half-naked in the snow, staring, and you’re the one that was worried about freezing his balls off.”
“Yeah all of a sudden it doesn’t seem so cold out here.”
I laughed. “Thank you. Now just get in before you freeze. How’s that stiff neck feeling, by the way.”
He reached up and rubbed it. “Um, I sort of forgot about it, to be honest. Still stiff, but pretty soon it won’t be the only thing.”
I blushed, but smiled at him. “Best compliment of all! Now shut up and get in, you big goof.”
“Yes ma’am!”
He did, and we all luxuriated in the warmth for a few minutes, the water up to our chins and snowflakes falling peacefully all around us. I don’t think I’ve ever had any real exhibitionist tendencies, but I had enjoyed the way men had looked at me in Belize in that suit, and I couldn’t deny that Seth’s reaction had given me some warm, wet, fuzzy feelings. Maybe I’m a closet exhibitionist after all!
Rich turned on the massage jets, but left the bubbler off. First, it’s so noisy it’s hard to converse over, but also, sucking in so much cold air through the water on a night like that would cool it too much; in winter, we liked the 104 temperature, about the hottest they recommend for tubbing.
At that temperature you really need to get out and cool off a little from time to time and not just soak and overheat, so as we relaxed and talked, one of us would occasionally get up and sit on the edge of the tub with only our lower legs in the water. When your skin is that warm, you don’t even feel the cold air or snow hitting you for the first few minutes.
Rich was the first to go for a cool-down, and about half a minute later, Seth also got up and sat on the lip of the tub, directly across from me, and I got to see if Richard had been right about the water making his boxer briefs cling to him. And boy, he sure had! The light wasn’t great since we had purposely left the outside lights off, but everything being under a blanket of white always seems to magnify what little light there is, even our little underwater light – and, fortunately, there was enough!
When his boxers were dry I’d caught a brief glimpse of a well-stuffed pouch, but it was just a rounded bulge. Now, wet, even in the dim light I could see the shape of the long, thick ridge of his cock, tucked down and arched over his balls, which also showed as two large, nicely rounded shapes between his thighs, the wet fabric stretched over them. I was pretty sure I could even see the outline of the ridge of the head of his penis, but I would have had to get a lot closer and be pretty obvious to be sure. I figured I was already staring enough!
Something about that kind of illicit peeping, trying to be subtle while bulge-watching, is very arousing. I could feel my heart pounding and even tell that one part of me was experiencing a special wetness that had nothing to do with the hot tub water.
When I looked up he was looking at me, a little smirk on his face. Busted! Knowing Seth, I figured he’d embarrass me about it but he didn’t. He just said, “Aren’t you getting hot too? The cold air actually feels pretty good.”
I knew he was just trying to get me up where he could see me, but he was right, I did need to cool off by then, so I got up and sat on the edge of the tub too. By then, Rich had slipped back into the water so it was just me and Seth sitting up there looking at each other while he looked on.
The edge of the tub felt cold, but my skin didn’t feel the cold at all. The worst thing is the wet suits, which always feel cold and clammy long before your skin does and is one more argument for tubbing naked. We really needed to build that wall to screen our tub! Now though, while my nipples had already been somewhat hard with arousal, the cold little wet nylon patches over them quickly had them hard and jutting out, totally visible through the thin fabric.
I don’t have large breasts by any means; pretty small, really, a barely-B, but I’m a slender 5’8” and toned – not an athlete, but very active with hiking and other outdoor activities – so they are firm and nicely shaped and my nipples are large-ish and sensitive, rosy-pink and eager to stand proud and be touched. I’ve always thought my legs and ass were my best features, better than my boobs, but Seth seemed to be hypnotized by them.
“Damn, Rayne! Where did you find a suit like that?”
“I bought it to wear when we went to Belize summer before last.”
“You wore that in public?”
I nodded, blushed, and laughed – and subtly moved my knees, which had been together, a couple of inches apart, and I saw him notice as Richard answered his question.
“She sure did! She was spectacular, guys were tripping over their tongues. Some women too, I think, the ones that weren’t bitching at their husbands.”
I’d moved my legs a little farther apart while he was talking, my knees maybe six inches apart now, and Seth was focused on my sex. I was impressed when he could still speak coherently. “I still can’t believe you went out in public wearing that. I may need to adjust my opinion of you.”
I laughed again, pleased that I’d surprised him. The bottom of the suit, just a small little flat strap that ran down between my cheeks to the little triangle in front, didn’t cover much of me, and I knew that he could almost see everything. Good thing that when the storm was forecast a few days earlier, knowing the roads could be bad for several days after, I’d made the run down to Colorado Springs, the closest place where I could get waxed!
“So what was your opinion of me before?”
“Well, that you were gorgeous, of course, but everyone knows that; I also thought you were kind of shy and not very adventurous, to be honest.”
“Hmm, I’m not sure whether to say thanks or not. And now?”
“You’re still gorgeous… but really, I don’t know many women that would – or should, or could – wear that in public. That amazes me. I’d have never figured that for you.”
“So you like it?”
“It makes you look like a lean, mean, sex machine!”
I blushed yet again. “Thanks, maybe. I’m never sure when the stuff you say is good or bad.”
“Oh, good this time. Very good.”
Richard chose that moment to cut in, holding out his empty wineglass. “Okay, if you’re done ogling and hittng on my wife, time for you to do your job, refill boy.”
I quickly gulped down my last swallow and passed him mine too. When he stood up to take them, it was apparent that the bulge in his boxer briefs had swelled considerably; it was still rounded, his dick still tucked down in front, but the fabric was stretched taut over him, working to contain him, and the entire rounded pouch stood out well in front of him, noticeably more bulgy than before. It didn’t seem to bother him that we could see his arousal. We dropped back into the water as he crossed to the door, and Richard called out to him, telling him he’d need to open a new bottle and which one.
After he’d closed the door behind him, Richard said, “Did you enjoy that?”
“What?” he laughed, “Either thing, actually; him ogling you or your view of his bulge! I saw you staring.”
“Oh, that – and I wasn’t staring.”
“Yes, babe, you were. Turn you on?”
I giggled. “I am pretty horny, yes.”
“He’s pretty big, huh?”
“Looks like, but I sort of already knew that.”
His turn to stare at me. “You did? How come?”
I laughed and scooted over next to him, and when I put my hand in his lap I found him very hard. “Mmm, very nice, stud! You told me, remember?”
“I told you he had a big cock? When – and why would I tell you that?”
“Probably about 2 years ago, or a little over. We were watching a porno and kind of playing, and you saw me watching a certain guy while I touched myself. You remember? “Rocky–something, I think… hunky, reddish-haired guy.”
He frowned. “I do sort of remember that. Rocco. Rocco Siffredi, I think, was the guy. He’s one of the more well-known male stars.”
“Yeah, that guy. You asked me if I liked him, and I said yeah, he was cute and his cock was just about perfect – not stupid long, but still plenty big, and nice and thick. Perfect! You remember what you said?”
“Not verbatim, no.”
I laughed. “I do – you said, and I quote, ‘If you like him, you’d really like Seth.’ Ring any bells?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it does… jeez! That was pretty dumb of me, huh? Still, I can’t believe you remember it 2 years later!”
‘It made me curious.”
“You’ve been obsessing over him for 2 years?”
I shook my head. “Not ‘obsessing’, just curious; if I was obsessing, I’d have figured out a way to see it already. It also made me curious how you knew so much about him.”
“We lived together in a fairly small bedroom at the frat house; no secrets there. So anyhow, now you want to see it?”
“I really do. You would too if the shoe was on the other foot and our visitor was one of my girlfriends. You’d want to see her naked.”
“You’re probably right... depending on which one.” I laughed and he went on, “You want to touch it?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“Suck it?”
“Maybe… Probably, if it’s ok with you. You know I love doing that.”
“Wow, babe. Do you want to fuck him?”
“That will be up to you.” I watched his face for a sign but couldn’t read him.
“Not entirely. It’s your body, Rayne.”
I shrugged. “Yeah, true. I just don’t know, though. I mean, the way I feel right now, yes, but…”
Seth came back out just then. Cold now, and with his bulge returned mostly to its normal, diminished but still-impressive state, he was hurrying to get back in the water as soon as he handed off our wine glasses. We never got to finish our conversation.
Instead, the three of us chatted about various things, the weather being uppermost, which was odd considering we were all together in hot water and minimal clothing. I was sipping my wine when I noticed Seth still rubbing at his neck, pinching the back of it.
I asked, “Are you still sore?”
He replied, “Stiff, yeah. It’s ok as long as I don’t move suddenly, but it won’t loosen up.”
I was considering offering a neck massage, but Richard beat me to it. “You should have Rayne give you a neck rub. She does the best neck and back massages ever.”
It’s true. I’d trained in it once upon a time, thinking I might enjoy being a therapist, and I have strong hands and can usually pinpoint the spasming muscles and focus on them. I like doing it because it eases people’s pain – and they’re usually very appreciative.
Seth looked at me. “Any chance I can get you to do that?”
“Sure, be happy to. I was about to offer when Rich did. Come over here and sit in front of me.” I slid all the way back into the seat, which had the added benefit of positioning one of the massage jets in a most beneficial place, and when I spread my legs apart, he sat between them, perched on the front edge of the seat.
He was wider through the hips than I thought, so I really had to spread open; even then, my thighs were pressed tight against his hips. I was glad I was well hidden underwater, because with my legs apart that far my dinky suit was likely covering nothing! That water jet blasting up against me though, with me all spread-eagled… oh my!
As soon as I started rubbing his neck I could feel a hard ridge of muscle extending from about his C4 or C5 vertebrae down to about T1 or 2.; he was really knotted up, no wonder it hurt! As I focused on loosening the knot, I couldn’t help but notice how firm and resilient his skin felt, and the bulk of muscle underneath. I was already horny from talking about seeing and touching his cock, and now, touching his shoulders and neck, feeling his heat and his firm body, his bulk between my widespread legs, the water jet… Things were getting intense!
It didn’t help when he started groaning and moaning while I worked his muscle spasm. Richard laughed at him, saying, “Dude, you sound like you’re about to have an orgasm!”
Seth laughed. “I just might! Fuck, that feels so good. All this sexiness and talent too; you’re the real deal, Rayne-doll.”
“Thank you! I got talents I haven’t even used yet - and don’t come it the hot tub, ok? Not allowed!"
He laughed again. “I’ll try to control myself, but if I do it will be all your fault.”
I knew he was kidding. I didn’t figure any guy ever came from a neck rub, but I was beginning to think I just might instead, as horny as I was getting. Then he started caressing my legs underwater, letting his fingers trail lightly up and down my outer thighs. Fuck! That was the last thing I needed. I really felt like I could come if I just let myself – and aimed the water jet just right.
Rich couldn’t see what he was doing to me. Seth’s hands were underwater and he was being careful to keep his arm movements small and subtle, but I could sure feel it! My nipples were hard a diamonds, and I leaned forward so they brushed against his back… I could feel the small, subtle beginnings of a serious orgasm, ready to ignite, which was just crazy!
His wandering hands kept exploring more and more, venturing all the way up my legs to the sides of my bare ass and then, in the creases where my thighs met my pelvis, over to the inside of my thighs behind his back, within inches of my spread pussy. His movements were less subtle now, and I was going crazy, my orgasm slowly blossoming, and when I glanced at Richard he was staring back at me; I think he knew exactly what was going on, and he just smiled encouragingly.
When Seth lightly stroked his fingers over my spread pussy, I knew I was going to come. He couldn’t easily enter me, the strap of the suit interfered with that, but he was touching my outer lips and pressing his fingers against my hard clit. I’d lost all focus on giving him his massage by now and was just holding onto him, concentrating instead on not announcing my orgasm to both of them – or even the whole neighborhood!
I was trying to hide it, to be quiet and not let on, but I heard myself gasp and utter a small, “Oh!” and then I came, pushing myself against his fingers and moving my hips, demanding more, the water jet doing everything that Seth wasn’t. It was sudden but huge, a good, powerful orgasm, and I gave up trying to hide it. “Fuck… Ohhh, fuck!”
They both knew, and when it slowly waned and Seth looked over his shoulder at me, he said, “You ok?”
“God.” It was all I could say, and he smiled.
“My neck feels better; thank you.”
I laughed. “No, thank you. Jesus. I don’t know where that came from.”
Richard said, “Bet I do. Damn, that looked like fun.”
I smiled at him. “It was.”
Seth said, “I think the stiffness from my neck may have just moved to a new location,” as he took my right hand from his side and pulled it around front, pressing it to his rock-hard cock. He was huge and hard, and I brought my left hand around his other side, my body plastered to his back as I placed it on him above my right, curling my fingers around his shaft – or, more accurately, as far around his shaft as they could reach.
Rich knew. He said, “If we’re going to continue these activities, we really need to go inside. It’s way too early to do anything out here.” When he stood up, I could see that he was also very hard, a pronounced tent in the front of his shorts, and it was reassuring to know he was on board so far!
We left the cover off the tub, figuring we could come out later and put it on, and as we entered the house, Seth said, “You guys really need to build a screen or something around that hot tub, hide it from prying eyes.”
Duh! We should have thought of that!
To be continued?

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