Our First Foray Into A Threesome - Chapter 3: My Guys Are Bi? free porn video

Confused, I looked at the two of them. Seth was blushing now, but Richard looked pale. “OK, what are you guys talking about?”
Seth reached out and whacked Richard in the tummy with the back of his hand. “Go on moron, tell her, like you should have a long time ago.”
“Tell me what?”
Richard wouldn’t meet my eye. “Well, uh, me and Seth… back in school, so this was a long time ago, we, uh, you know…”
Seth cut in. “I’ve sucked his dick and he’s sucked mine. Jeez, just say it, dude! Rayne won’t care.”
I sat up and stared at them, stunned by this new information, my eager anticipation of Seth going down on me suddenly secondary. “You did? How? When? How come you never told me?”
Richard nodded, looking a little sick. “Yeah, we did what he said. It just sort of happened. I was too embarrassed, afraid of what you might think…”
“Was this when you were in college, living together?”
He nodded. “Yeah. And a little after, up ‘til I met you. Just occasionally, you know.”
I sat there for a minute, just trying to absorb the information, not sure what I thought of it – or what I should think! “So are you gay… wait, never mind, I know you’re not gay. Are you bi, then? Both of you?”
Richard shrugged. He looked miserable. “Maybe a little bi, I guess. I was curious, anyway.”
Seth said, “I prefer to think of it as open-minded… and horny. And by definition it would have to include both of us, wouldn’t it?”
I couldn’t help it, I laughed. The image was just too ridiculous to absorb. “So then, ‘open-minded and horny’ or ‘a little bi and curious.’ It sounds like you were just dipping your toes in the water.”
Seth grinned. “Yeah, well, we dipped, but it wasn’t our toes. But see, I knew you’d be cool with it. I told you to tell her, Rich. Rayney, I’m sorry; I thought he told you by now!”
Richard nodded. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, hon’, I should have told you.”
“You’re right, you should have.” I think it was that, the fact that he’d hidden it from me and I had to hear it from Seth that hurt the most just then
“Are we OK?” He looked… what? Worried, scared, embarrassed? Maybe just very uncomfortable.
“Yeah, Richard, we’re, umm… Yeah. I think so. I’m still processing, OK? When did this happen, and how? You said it just sort of happened; how does having your friend’s dick in your mouth ‘just sort of happen’?”
Seth laughed again; with less on the line, he was much more relaxed about it than Richard and found the situation humorous. “It was kind of a dare gone wrong. Or clowning around that got out of hand. Mixed with horniness. Tell her, dude.”
Richard sighed. “OK, here goes: You know we lived together our junior and senior years, right?”
“Of course.”
“Well, Seth never gets up in the morning without morning wood…”
“Unless I just jerked off.”
Rich stared at him. “Will you shut up and let me tell it?”
“Rayney knows I’m a horny guy, bud.”
It was true; this was the first time we’d ever had any form of actual sex with him, but sex was ALWAYS on his mind - the first topic of discussion, jokes, sexual innuendo - and anytime we were out and danced together, or he brushed up behind me or anything, it seemed like he was always hard and he always found ways to let me know.
“Obviously, but shut the fuck up. OK, anyway, he always had a morning hardon…”
“And Rich always ogled it.”
“Seth! Shut up!”
Seth mimed zipping his lips.
“In truth, I guess I did. Maybe not ‘ogled’, but I looked. He’s big, as you now know, and I was curious. About midway thru the semester I said something about it, joking; he had this big tent in the gym shorts he wore to bed, and I made some silly joke…”
“You said, ‘Is that a zucchini in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?’ ‘Cause zucchinis are bigger than bananas, I guess.” So much for Seth’s zipped lips!
“Seth… just fucking shut up! But yeah, that.” Richard shook his head. “So anyhow, he says something like, of course I’m happy to see you, but I’d be happier if you’d suck my cock, not just look at it. So I say that much as I’d love to help, I would except I’m warm in bed and his boner is way over there. Like we were each kidding, one-upping the other, like a dare. I figured that was as far as it would go, but he comes over and pulls his shorts down and sticks his junk in my face.”
I laughed. “You two! He called your bluff, huh?” Richard nodded. “So what did you do?” I had a pretty good idea, but I wanted to hear him say it.
He blushed. “I called his bluff right back; I grabbed it, pulled him closer, and stuffed it in my mouth!”
“So he wasn’t bluffing.”
“And neither were you.”
“I guess not. Spur of the moment, I didn’t stop to think about it.”
“Seize the day, right? Carpe diem.”
Seth said, “Or seize the dick. Carpe dickum.” We all laughed and it seemed to ease the tension a little.
I turned back to Richard. “Did you want to do that? I mean, had you thought about it before?”
He shrugged again. “I guess, yeah. I’d been curious what it would be like… I mean, I love getting blowjobs, but I’d never been on the other end.”
“Amazing. And did you like it?”
His blush deepened. “Yeah, I did. It felt amazing. You sucked him, so you know.”
He was right, I did know. “I do love doing that, as you know. Did it turn you on?”
Seth jumped back in. “He was hard as a rock, looked like he had a flagpole sticking out of his groin.”
“Like you should talk! You came in about thirty seconds, remember.”
“You caught me off guard – plus, I was horny. I never thought you’d do it.”
I stared at them again, I was somewhat aroused by their story, but still in a state of shock. “He did? He came in your mouth? You came in Richard’s mouth?”
“I sure did! Gangbusters, felt good.”
I looked at my husband. “What did you do?”
He shrugged, again looking embarrassed. “I swallowed, mostly. He comes like a fucking tsunami.”
“Tell me about it!”
He grinned sheepishly. “Oh yeah, you already know, huh?”
“Yeah, duh! Hon’, what did you think about that?”
“You know me. I’ll try anything once.”
It was true. Whether food or drink, some new experience or sport or athletic endeavor, new music by an artist we didn’t know, new vacation spot or trail, or anything sexual we could dream up, Richard was always game. He may never do it again if he didn’t like it, but he’s very much a “You’ll never know until you try” kind of person. I’ve seen him eat or drink things I wouldn’t get within 10 feet of and try risky activities that might be far beyond his abilities. But he never lets that stop him.
Considering that, I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised that he’d sucked Seth’s cock. I looked at them again, still amazed, not sure they weren’t playing a prank on me. “Was it awkward afterward? Were you guys both good with it?”
Seth looked at him, then grinned at me. “A little weird, but we were fine - but he didn’t finish the story. After I came, I sucked his cock. That’s one of those things where you sort of have to return the favor, right? Reciprocal blowjobs.” He looked at Richard again. “And dude, you didn’t last long either, if you’ll recall. We didn’t set any endurance record, that’s for sure!”
Richard laughed, then nodded. “It’s true; I was so aroused after doing him that I popped like a dumb sixteen-year-old getting his first pussy.” He paused. “So anyhow, now you know.”
I shook my head, a little lost on how to respond. “Wow, that’s umm… quite a story. I had no idea. I never would have guessed… you two? And it wasn’t a one-time thing?”
Seth took that one. “No, we’d both enjoyed it, so we continued. If one of us didn’t have a girlfriend – or one that didn’t put out – or just if we felt like it. Right up ‘til he started dating you, Rayne.”
“Did the two of you ever do more than suck each other off? Did you ever… you know…?”
They looked at each other and laughed. It was good to see Richard recovering from his embarrassment and shame, and to see the way the two of them related. I guess I’d always known they had a close bond, but never thought about it being that close! Seth fielded that question too.
“No. We talked about it but couldn’t decide who should be the socket and who should be the light bulb… first, anyway.”
I laughed. “You could have taken turns, you know; flipped a coin for the first one, then go from there.” I knew Richard enjoyed ass play, getting fingered and a few specially designed toys. I didn’t know about Seth that way.
Richard took my hand in his. “You sound like you’re disappointed we didn’t go further.”
“Mmm, no, just surprised. Like you said, you’ll try anything once, and it seems like the next step.”
“Not that – so far, anyway.” He squeezed my hand. “So, are we OK? You’re not too weirded out by all this?”
I paused to consider it. It was big news, a surprising revelation; finding out my husband was bi and enjoyed sucking cock. “Uh, anyone else, ever, for either of you? Another guy?”
They looked at each other and both shook their heads. Richard shrugged. “No. That would be weird.”
I smiled. “You’re right, THAT would be weird. Not the rest of this.”
He grinned sheepishly. “Well, you know… So, are we OK?”
“Yeah… I mean, uh, yeah, I guess so. You said it ended when we met, so I didn’t even know you then. It’s not like you cheated on me with Seth.” That sounded odd as soon as I heard myself say it. “I mean, you know. It was before us. I can’t judge you for anything that happened then, I just wish you’d told me. You didn’t need to hide it and feel ashamed. It’s a part of who you are, and I love you. All of you.”
“See? Told you she’d be cool with it, you butthead chickenshit!”
Me and my husband looked at him, and at the same time said, “Shut up, Seth!” We looked at each other and laughed, and he joined us.
I looked at Richard. “Do you miss doing it? Sucking cock? I would, if I ever had to give it up.”
Richard hesitated, but then nodded. “Yes, sometimes I do. I enjoyed it.”
Seth agreed. “Me too, if I’m honest. It was kind of a kick, always made me horny.”
I smiled at him. “You’re always horny, remember? You guys know you don’t have to completely stop on my account, right…? Now that I know and all?”
Richard stared. “Seriously? You’d be OK with that?”
I shrugged. “Maybe. I mean, I don’t know, I think so. Could I watch?” I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to, but I was intensely curious about how they related to each other, who did what. “I could even join in if it made you more comfortable.”
Richard scooted close and hugged me. “You’re amazing. Have I told you lately how much I love you?”
“Yes, but tell me anyway.”
“I love you so much!”
Seth put his arms around both of us. “Rayney, can we clone you? Since you don’t have any sisters and all…”
I laughed. “Sure, why not! That would be the least surprising thing to come out of this. Amazing… I can’t picture you two doing that.” Then again, I realized that twelve hours ago I wouldn’t have pictured any part of this scene, all of us sitting around naked, the things we’d already done, the revelation of their past.
Seth gently stroked my breast, his fingers teasing my hard nipple. “This is good too, you know. Should we try to pick up where we left off?”
Richard said, “Before you started running your mouth, you mean?”
I put my hand over Seth’s on my breast, gripping it to stop his teasing. “He was just about to start running his mouth as I recall, but not for talking.” I’d found the idea of him going down on me when I was full of my husband’s cum kind of weird before, but arousing, and knowing what I knew now, I found it extremely arousing. “Do you remember where you left off, Seth?”
“Oh yeah, I remember!” I leaned back on my elbows on a pillow, and he again lifted me and shoved a cushion under my butt. This time nothing interrupted him, and when I let my legs fall open, he kissed his way up my thighs, which were streaked with Richard’s cum, until he found my center.
I’ve had, I think, five guys (including my husband) perform oral on me before that, but none of them with the urgent, unbridled enthusiasm of Seth. Some were slow and gentle, others soft and loving, usually enthusiastic about trying to get me off, but with Seth, it was like what he’d been put on earth to do!
He slurped and moaned and made appreciative little sounds, he thrust his tongue into me and ran it from my little star up to my mound and back, teasing my ass; he licked my clit, flicked it, sucked on it, and eagerly lapped up Richard’s remaining cum. In less than a minute my legs were trembling, my tummy felt tight and full of butterflies, and I was about to have a massive orgasm, and when Richard changed position and brought his cock to my face, lifting his half-hard length to my lips, I eagerly took it.
That was the final straw, and the sensation of my husband’s beautiful cock in my mouth, the taste of us still on him, hurled me over the edge. I cried out and fell back, thrusting my hips up and grinding my pussy into Seth’s lips. I seized Richard’s balls with one hand and tangled the other in Seth’s hair, pulling his face hard into me as I came.
He handled it perfectly, wrapping his arms around my legs and pulling me up hard to his mouth, the most intense oral sex I’d ever experienced. I’ve never liked the expression ‘eating pussy’, but it’s very appropriate for the way Seth goes after it!
He assaulted my pussy with his lips and tongue, battering me with the sensations. My orgasm went on and on. I was shaking all over, every muscle taut in spasm, and when he moved back and pushed his tongue into my rear opening, it pushed me to yet a new peak.
I had to let Richard slip from my mouth because I needed to scream. I did, I think, and then heard my voice, sounding raw and guttural, grinding out, “Ohhh, fuck! Ohh my god, my god, ohhh gawd, don’t stop… don’t stop! Oh fuck, you bastard, right there, right there! Seth… ohhh fuck… fuck!”
It hit, it flared, it exploded, going on and on, and when it ended, it didn’t fade or wane like usual, it just hit a wall and stopped. Or rather, I did! I fell back limp, exhausted, dizzy. I may have passed out for a few seconds, but all I felt was dizziness and a floating, out-of-body sensation – and Seth, slowing and becoming gentle, easing off on the sexual battering he’d given me, softly licking and giving tongue caresses to all the parts he’d just assaulted.
I still had one hand in Seth’s hair, just lying there now, and Richard’s balls gripped tightly in the other. He was lucky I hadn’t torn them off at the peak of that orgasm, but now I felt him tense and heard him groan, then felt the spasm run through his cock. I opened my eyes to see him stroking himself and watched the first gleaming white rope of cum blast out of him.
I fondled his ballsack, helping him as he jacked himself, and his cum continued to spray everywhere, mostly on me! He’d hit my face with the first spurt, which he knows I’m not crazy about (it’s a mess in your hair and burns if it gets in your eye!), but after that, he aimed for my neck and my boobs, where I love the sensation of his warm, slippery seed on me – and I love watching him come!
When he was slowing, getting close to spent I took him back in my mouth and sucked up what he had left, feeling him shudder at the sensations. I felt Seth pull slowly away from my puss, and when he rose up to his knees, he had a goofy grin, a wet, sloppy, messy face, and a magnificent erection!
I let Richard slip from my lips again, his cock growing soft, but with it still nuzzling my lips, I said, “God, Seth, that was incredible! I came so hard… thank you!”
He just laughed. “I could sort of tell you enjoyed it. I did too, as you can see, so no need to thank me.”
I looked again at his thick erection, then up at his face, where his thoughts were plain to see, then at Richard, who was watching us. I looked back to Seth and his glorious cock, then pulled my legs up and apart, opening and offering myself up to him, and he stared down at my dripping, ready sex.
I looked again at Richard. “OK? Are you OK with us doing this?”
He hesitated, then said, “Sure, yeah… I mean, we sort of figured this is where it would lead, right?”
When I nodded, Seth said, “You’re sure, both of you? I mean, I’d settle for a blowjob – from either or both, if you’d rather – but I’m not gonna pass up some pussy if you’re sure.”
When we reassured him that we were serious, he said, “Fantastic, but I don’t think I have any condoms. Maybe, out in my bag in the car. You got any?”
Richard said, “Any reason you need one? Are you clean… now that we’ve come this far?”
He shook his head. “No, I’m clean. I’m always very careful, but I’m not clipped.”
Richard shrugged. “We’ve been monogamous since we met, until now – and Rayne is on birth control.” He looked at me. “Do you want him to wear a condom?”
I shook my head. “No, no need. I want to feel him in me – and Seth, I want you to come inside me… if you have anything left!”
He grinned. “I think I can work up a little something for you, Rayney.” I pulled my legs up and apart, as obvious as I could be about wanting him in me, and he leaned over me, bracing himself on one arm. With his other hand, he rubbed the head of his cock up and down against my wet parts, lubricating it – and there was plenty of lubricant there to cover it, considering my own, his saliva, and any remnants of Richard’s cum.
I looked up at my husband as Seth found my opening and began to push forward and he was staring, his eyes locked on Seth’s cock as it slowly began to open and enter me. I felt the pressure and then that sudden, incredible sensation of the plump mushroom head of his cock slipping in. It’s an invasion, but an invasion of the very best kind and is one of my favorite moments of the act.
There’s nothing else like it, and while I know that logically sex is intimate for men too, I also thought they could not possibly know the intimacy of feeling that amazing, hard, perfect part of another person’s body sliding deeply into their own. It’s just more intimate for us, it has to be… unless the man is gay, I suppose. Or maybe bi, like these two but has had another man in him!
He was thick and I was being stretched a little more than I was used to in order to accommodate him, his cock doing just that! It felt different but amazing. There was no pain – he’s not stupid big, like that – just a warm, welcome, stretching, very full feeling as he pushed into me. I closed my eyes and focused 100% on what I was feeling as he moved more deeply inside.
I moaned and made a few soft “Ohhh” sounds as he went in fully, as I always seem to. That first long, full, deep incursion by a hard cock is special and I savor it every time! He stopped when he was all the way in and I could feel his balls resting on my bottom. I opened my eyes, first looking at Richard, whose face looked stricken. That scared me for a moment, but then he smiled at me and it was OK.
I looked up at Seth’s face above mine and he was staring down at me. “God, Rayney, you’re beautiful.” I smiled, and he went on, “You’re also fucking tight!”
“That’s because you’re fucking big!” I moved my hips, sliding on him, encouraging him to start fucking me. He did, slowly at first, and it was good that I was so wet because it helped me take him more easily, so it felt amazing! Soon he was fully wet and lubricated too and sliding smoothly in and out of me.
Richard was watching. I couldn’t read the expression on his face, if he was OK with it or not, but he was sure fascinated. I noticed that his cock was growing again, getting hard, and knew that if he was becoming aroused again this soon after he’d just come – twice - then he was probably enjoying it enough to overcome any doubts he had. He’s always been pretty quick to recover, although somewhat less as we’ve gotten older, but never this soon after two times and with no touching!
I was focused on Seth moving inside me, conscious of his size and hardness, the weight of his cock in me and I knew I was building quickly toward orgasm, but I was looking at Richard. He could hear the sounds of pleasure I was making, of course, and when he looked at me and saw me watching him, I smiled. He smiled back and looked OK now, which was reassuring, and then he bent and leaned in and kissed me as I moaned into his mouth.
It was so sweet, and long, and we played tongues and without words told how much we loved each other. When he moved from my lips to my breast and began to suck and gently bite my nipple it added enough sparks to tumble me into the building orgasm.
I bucked up into Seth, demanding that he take me then, do it, right then, and hard, hard, harder, deep, drive his cock into me, fuck me, and I came so good, Richard biting my nipple as my body surged into Seth, my pussy tight, squeezing, trying to milk his big cock.
It was an incredible orgasm, a whole-body thing, and I think a big part of it was again having the two guys focused on me, both trying to bring me pleasure… and succeeding! It’s a very warm, very selfish, very amazing feeling having two sexy men to myself!
Seth didn’t come when I did, his earlier one apparently giving him more resistance – still, the way I’d demanded so much from him, I was surprised. Pleasantly! When I’d wound down from it a little, he paused for a moment, fully inside of me and his balls resting heavy against my butt, and then he scooped up one of my legs and pulled it up over his arm to his shoulder.
After that, he put his weight on that arm and did the same to my other leg so that I was tipped way back on my shoulders and upper back, my legs over his upper arms and my ass in the air.
Richard does this too, sometimes, and it feels great because it allows him to get all of his length inside me. It did the same with Seth, but with his little bit of extra size, I could feel that he touched bottom. Between that and his thickness, it was an incredible, wonderfully full feeling! His crotch was pressed tight against me, his hard cock deep inside, and when he began to fuck me again his heavy balls bouncing against my ass with each thrust was delicious! I came again.
With my legs up and my thighs pressed to my chest, there was no way that Richard could continue to suck my nipples, or even kiss me unless I turned my head to the side. I was staring up into Seth’s face, however, fascinated by how intent he looked and the grunts and grimaces that accompanied his efforts. It was hot and raw and primal, just good old animalistic sport fucking - as a girlfriend of mine calls hard sex that is purely for pleasure – and it totally rocked!
Richard moved, sliding back to where he could watch Seth’s cock sliding in and out of me and see his heavy hanging balls slapping against my ass. Richard is very visual; I knew he’d love that image if he could get past the fact that it was me being fucked and climaxing yet again on his friend’s hard cock!
I felt my husband’s fingers touch me very intimately as my most recent orgasm eased, and when Seth said, “Yeah, dude, play with my balls! Squeeze ‘em…” I realized that he’d touched me as he began to fondle Seth. That did it for me and I came again, hard, right on the heels of the last one! Moments later, as my orgasm began to fade, Seth grunted, swore, and I felt him start to pump and spasm deep within me.
He held himself deep, fully impaling me as he spurted and spasmed. The sensations were so strong, so powerful, that I could almost see him pumping out one white spurt after another, flooding my cervix, and I came yet again, one last time to the sensations of his orgasm, the knowledge that he was filling me with his cum.
I didn’t know it then, of course, but later Richard told me that he’d felt every spasm of Seth’s cock as he came, and had watched it pump and throb as he filled me, and that it was maybe the most erotic thing he’d ever experienced. I do know that when Seth let my legs down and Richard came back up where I could see him, he was absolutely rigid with arousal and leaking like crazy!
When Seth let my legs down, he semi-collapsed on top of me for a minute, my body supporting some of his weight. Not a lot, and it wasn’t bad, but I think he just had no strength left. I could feel his cum trickling out of me and running down my ass crack, and his weight on my tummy may have forced out more. He was also softening, going limp, but he was still plenty big and thick enough that when he rolled off and slipped out of me, I felt the loss as a visceral, disappointing thing. I’d loved having him in me.
At that point me and Seth were done, oversexed and satiated, but Richard was rigid and quivering with arousal. It would have been a great time for Seth to suck his cock, but he clearly wanted me, wanted to experience what sloppy, cum-filled seconds were like when he wasn’t merely following himself. He loved that when we could manage it, but here was an opportunity I think he’d long fantasized about!
When he started touching me and his intentions became clear, I rolled to my tummy and stuck my ass up in the air, a position that is our personal favorite. It also has the advantage of allowing me to just lie there and take it if I’m exhausted, as I was then, or to be more active and thrust back against him as he fucks me if I choose.
He wasted no time getting behind me, on his knees, and I felt him tease my opening with his cock for just a few seconds before he slid it into me. He entered me easily, all the way, and it felt wonderful even if there was so much slippery stuff that there was little friction. He groaned at the sensations and grabbed my hips, holding me back against him as he enjoyed the way it felt.
I could feel Seth’s cum that Richard had forced from me as it ran down, and I assumed it must be dripping from my clit or the front of my cleft, or maybe from my husband’s balls. When he began to move, fucking me, I tried to stay relaxed and let him slip easily in and out for a minute before I tightened and intentionally tried to squeeze him.
It felt good to me, my husband’s rock hard cock inside, and it must have felt good to him too because he said, “Ohh babe, fuck! Oh goddamn that’s amazing… fuck, I’m gonna come, fuck, coming…” and then he did.
I didn’t come when he did. I was fucked out, done for a while and had no more orgasms left to give, even though the sensation of him ejaculating will usually do the trick. The advantage to not coming was that it allowed me to close my eyes and focus on the way it felt as he swelled and pulsed inside me, the delicious feeling of knowing that my lover is experiencing that pleasure, his orgasm, and I’m sharing it with him.
It was good, it was special and warm and sensual, and even though I knew that Richard would have liked for it to have lasted longer, I think he enjoyed it very much. He’d come quickly all three times, more quickly than he usually does, and while he may have felt a little bad or embarrassed about that, I knew it was because he was just so aroused by what we were doing.
I’d come more and more easily than usual as well, although I didn’t suffer his limitations, and I suspect Seth had too, especially the first time. This was a new and extremely exciting, arousing thing for all of us, so it was not surprising!
He stayed in me after, just gently fucking me with soft, shallow strokes until he softened and diminished too much and slipped out. I rolled over onto my back and laid my head on Seth’s shoulder and Richard lay crossways to us, his head on my tummy as he cupped his hand over my sex, his fingers lightly stroking me in the ongoing flow of their cum from my pussy. It was very intimate, and I loved it.
We were all exhausted and we lay that way for some time, the only sounds the crackling of the fire and our breathing, and the wind battering the windows. I didn’t think we were done. We had the whole night ahead of us, after all, and maybe the next if Monarch Pass wasn’t opened the following day.
I still had a million questions about the big revelation they’d made, my curiosity seriously peaked, and I knew that after some recovery time and a little cleanup, we’d probably all be ready for another round. I knew I would, at least!

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