Sparring Partner
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Vanessa had expected Baleville to seem smaller each time she took leave from the Corps. Somehow, it never did. Now, after nine months in the desert, seeing nothing but temporary camps and villages that barely even qualified for the name, it seemed impossibly huge and vaguely opulent.
Even stranger, they'd held a parade for her, Jenna Wilkins, and Doug Haley when they'd come back from the Gulf, like they'd done something particularly heroic while there. When her parents had asked if she'd liked the parade, she hadn't had the heart to tell them that, if you wanted to show a soldier gratitude, making them spend the day marching probably wasn't the way to start.
Since then, nearly every day seemed to bring at least one well-wisher out of the woodwork. They all wanted to hear war stories and seemed to think Vanessa was being modest when she admitted she had none. At first, she was worried that she was boring them, but she soon realized that they were coming not just to listen, but to see her. People had been surprised when she'd decided to join the Corps out of high school. In school, she'd been shy and quiet to the point of invisibility. People wanted to see what had become of her.
When they did see her again, many of them nodded as if seeing something Vanessa herself did not. She may be a good deal more toned than she'd been and have much shorter hair, but she hadn't changed much. It was her own secret disappointment that she still wasn't what she'd gone away to become--a Marine.
Sure, she'd done four years of active service, earning the rank of corporal. She was still in the reserves and, if she played her cards right during college, might even be an officer one day. But, she was still the same person.
Of all the people who had come to see her, the one person she was hoping would show up hadn't. When she'd realized that he probably wasn't coming, Vanessa had briefly been angry with him. But, that was stupid. He might not even know she was home or that she would like to see him. Hell, he might be married by now for all she knew.
She'd managed to make inquiries, keeping them as casual as possible. Vanessa had been embarrassed by her schoolgirl crushes when she was in school. That she would hold onto one as a grown woman was too much to admit to anyone. It came out in pieces. He still lived in Baleville and had opened a small martial arts studio downtown. Vanessa found no way to ask if he were married without her motives being too obvious for her own taste.
So far, all Vanessa had done was inquire. She'd had the information for two weeks and done nothing with it. Even now, staring at herself in the three-way mirror, she was still debating whether or not to go through with it.
She'd only come into town to reconnoiter his studio. Caught staring at the nondescript storefront by a student, she'd only ducked into the dress shop to make it look like she wasn't lurking. The shop owner had taken her by the arm and insisted that she knew "just the dress that would be perfect" for Vanessa. Staring at the woman who was guiding her to the back of the shop, Vanessa realized it was her former Spanish teacher, Mrs. Coleman.
Because it was easier than explaining, particularly to a teacher, Vanessa had tried the dress on. As she was undressing, she'd hatched upon a mad plan. Frowning at herself in the mirrors, she realized that it wasn't so much a plan as it was an old fantasy, edited for modern circumstances. The realization made her muscles tighten and her chest flush bright red.
"It's not that indecent, sweetie," said Mrs. Coleman. "It's really quite lovely on you."
Grateful to have the dress to focus on, Vanessa examined herself more closely. The dress was actually both indecent and lovely. Made of a silky navy blue material, it looked like it should be translucent, but wasn't. It covered her from neck to calf in the front, was slit up the side and practically non-existent in the back. Because of that, Vanessa was unable to wear a bra with it. The sensation of it rubbing against her nipples made them quite visible through the thin material.
Staring in the mirror, Vanessa laughed at the absurdity of it all, "This would be perfect for me if I were going to the Oscars. But, I don't know when I would wear it in real life."
"Every girl should have a dress like this if she can get away with it," said Mrs. Coleman. "You can wear it to any kind of formal event, like a graduation or a dinner party or a wedding if you want to show up the bride. With your figure and those bright, blue eyes..."
Vanessa frowned, "I have my dress uniform for that."
"Uniform?" asked Mrs. Coleman. "Wait a minute. You're Vanessa Kunzer aren't you? Girl, I didn't recognize you at all. You look so different--taller and toned and so much more confident."
Vanessa laughed, "I'm not any taller than I was in school--or any more confident for that matter. It's the dress."
Mrs. Coleman shook her head, "I noticed it when you were standing outside, staring across the street. I made this dress almost a year ago and have been looking for the right person to put it on ever since. I knew it was for you as soon as I saw you. I can't believe you're Vanessa Kunzer. You were a mousy, little thing in high school. Now you're..." She seemed at a lost for words. "Well, you're all grown up."
Vanessa thought that the older woman was just trying to flatter her to make a sale, but she couldn't bring herself to contract her teacher. So, she just smiled and said, "Thank you."
Now, it was Mrs. Coleman who laughed, "I can see you don't believe it. I tell you what. Why don't you take that dress, wear it somewhere appropriate, and tell me if you still don't see it?"
Vanessa shook her head, "I don't think I can afford..."
Mrs. Coleman waved her to silence, "I love making dresses like that, but nobody in this town ever gives me a chance. Wear it some place you want attention. If you like it, you'll be back for more."
Vanessa frowned again, "I couldn't..."
"You can," said Mrs. Coleman. "And, when you wear it, smile. You frown too much. You're much prettier when you smile."
Driven by the impulsiveness of the gesture, Vanessa had left the store carrying her street clothes and stashed them in the car. Glancing around the municipal lot where she'd parked, she shucked off her panties and added them to the pile of clothes. They would never work with the dress. It had to be a thong or nothing.
Three steps away from the car, Vanessa almost turned and ran. Wearing the dress and nothing else, she felt impossibly bold. In the field, modesty had often been a luxury, but she'd never been brazen about it.
Still, her feet drew her forward. She'd faced combat. She'd faced bombardment. She could face rejection.
The night was still warm enough that the air conditioning still came as a shock. She might have turned back then and there, but a chime announced her entrance and, in the second of hesitation, he was there, exactly as Vanessa remembered him.
"Nessa," he said, recognizing her immediately. "I heard you were home."
"Clay," she said, smiling. "It's good to see you. I'm surprised to see you didn't come by the house. Half the town has."
Despite Vanessa's attempt to keep reproach out of her voice, Clay grinned apologetically, "I just figured you'd be up to your elbows in people. I didn't want to intrude."
Vanessa laughed. That was just how she remembered Clay, too--unassuming and considerate to a fault, "You wouldn't be intruding. You're an old friend."
Clay looked around, "Where are my manners. I'm just leaving you standing here while I stare at... God, you look amazing." He shook his head as if to clear it, "Come on in the office." He came to her, gently taking her by the elbow and leading her through the studio.
Vanessa looked around herself as they walked through the half-lit room, "You look like you're doing pretty well for yourself."
Clay shrugged expansively, "I'm doing all right. There aren't a lot of students, but I've added a couple of other classes that I'm hoping will get it back in the black."
The office was barely big enough for the desk and three chairs. Clay went around to one side, indicating that Vanessa should sit. The chair was cool against her back.
Clay closed a series of folders he had open on his desk, sticking them in a drawer until the surface was clear except for a computer, "I was just catching up on some paperwork, but catching up with an old friend strikes me as a much better way to spend the evening--or at least, whatever part of the evening you intend to spend here. I guess you're headed somewhere."
Vanessa nodded, but winced inside. Of course Clay would assume she was going out. In her fantasy, she walked in the school, they said a few words and, overcome by lust for her, Clay dragged her to the exercise mat, tore her clothes off, and made love to her. What was she doing here? She'd never seduced anyone. She didn't know the first thing about how to do it.
If this were her fantasy, Vanessa would say, "No, silly. I wore this for you." But, her mouth would not open to utter those words. Instead, she nodded mutely, then added, "I finally got away from the house. I'm going to a club."
Clay raised an eyebrow, "Dressed like that? Alone?"
Vanessa wanted to scream. How could Clay look at her, dressed as she was, and revert back to the big brother routine? She wanted to say, "You could come with me and protect me." She felt the words forming on her lips, but they wouldn't come out of her throat. Instead, she heard herself saying, "Clay, I'm a Marine now. I can take care of myself."
She winced visibly after she said it. Stupid, stupid girl. Why not just tell him you don't need men and be done with it?
Clay frowned at her, "I don't doubt that you can take care of yourself. But, don't get overconfident. No matter how good you are, there's somebody out there that can take you."
Vanessa smirked, "Like you? Do you think you can take me?" She said it before her internal censor could stop her. She was blushing before the words were out, but they got out and even sounded like a challenge.
Clay matched her smirk, "Come on, Nessa. That's not what I meant."
Having thrown the gauntlet, Vanessa knew she couldn't back off, "What's the matter, Clay? You afraid to get beaten up by a girl?"
Clay's scowl deepened, but he replaced it with an insincere smile, "Yup. You caught me, Nessa. I'm afraid I won't be able to look at myself in a mirror if I ever lose a match to a woman."
Vanessa knew she was blowing it by being too aggressive. Clay was always too even-tempered to be provoked like that. It had been stupid to try. She'd just made him think less of her.
He'd always treated her like a cherished little sister. If she wanted to provoke him, she'd have to play into that. She smiled, "Come on, big guy. I know what I'm doing. No one's going to lay a hand on me if I don't want them to. When was the last time you ever heard of anybody raping a Marine?"
The scowl came back, more in earnest this time, "Nessa..." he warned.
"Come on," she chided. "I just want to go out and have some fun. I'm tired of being a returning hero."
Clay looked like he was relenting, "All right, Nessa. Just be careful."
Vanessa knew she wasn't going to get a rise out of Clay this way. She tried the more direct approach, "I tell you what. Let's spar. If you still don't think I can take care of myself, you can send me home to change."
Clay's face showed a mix of emotions that Vanessa couldn't read, "I don't want you to... I..." He looked like he was reaching, "You can't spar in that dress."
"I'll take it off," Vanessa said.
By the widening of Clay's eyes, Vanessa knew that he'd imagined her naked before he could stop himself. She allowed herself a small, victorious smile. It might not make him stop thinking of her as a little girl, but it was a start. Before he was fully recovered, she added, "You can lend me a gi."
Clay nodded. Perhaps still off balance, he rose from his desk, took down a plastic package with a folded uniform in it, black gi and white belt with the symbol of the school on a patch over the left breast. "The locker rooms are on the far side of the main training area. If you really want to do this, I'll meet you on the center mat."
Vanessa took the package from Clay's hands and, before he could move, rounded the desk to hug him. She pressed her body against his just long and close enough to get the information she wanted. For his part, Clay had let his fingertips brush the flesh of her back before pulling away and spent the remainder of the hug unsure of where to position his hands.
In the locker room, shimmying out of her dress, Vanessa started to shake. Her knees felt weak, like the first time she'd been under live fire. She'd wanted Clay for as long as she'd had an inkling of what it meant to want a man. It had always been a fantasy. Too many obstacles had been in the way. When she'd been fourteen and he eighteen, the age gap seemed insurmountable. At twenty-two and twenty-six, it was no big deal. Clay had been her sister's boyfriend, then ex-boyfriend, but her sister was married now and had a child on the way.
And the hug had confirmed the last insurmountable barrier was gone. Clay may still think of her as his ex-girlfriend's little sister, but on some level, he wanted her.
Now, all Vanessa had to do was catch her breath and get her legs to behave. She tried to order herself to calm down, but memories were crowding out rational thought.
Vanessa's sister had started dating Clay their sophomore year in high school. After complaining to her little sister for two years about bad boyfriends and worse dates, Audrey seemed ecstatic to have Clay. She told Vanessa, then twelve, all the details of their relationship--how he treated her, where he brought her, how he kissed and touched her. It was the first time Vanessa had really heard the details of such things. Before that, when she'd closed her eyes to touch herself, she'd had only amorphous fantasies of being touched. After those talks, the fantasies had a form and a face.
Clay and Audrey had dated all through high school. Vanessa had spent as much time with them as Audrey would let her. She never let on to either of them that she was developing a crush. It didn't matter. She would never do anything about it anyway.
But, her thoughts were her own. She fantasized about movie stars, singers, and other teen heartthrobs. But, the only real person she ever fantasized about was Clay.
When they'd gone away to different colleges, Clay and Audrey promised to be faithful to each other. Christmas break, Clay had come over to see Audrey one night. When Audrey told Clay that her parents were going to be gone until late the next day, the two of them had gone upstairs to Audrey's room, leaving Vanessa alone on the couch with Clay's jacket.
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Hi, I am Akash Singh again with a new indian sex story of having sex with an HR of a company. About me, I am a guy with average height and attractive looks, and a beard which puts a cherry on a cake. 22 of age, working in an IT company as Sales About lady HR with whom I had my pleasurable nights named Daisy, 24, good height, the bold look, 36-28-36 as it seemed. Big busts and equally big booties. This happened 2 months ago when I went on the field and in a company in Ahmedabad, where she was...
“Is that supposed to be a joke?” asked Sasha. They all laughed and drifted off into a deep sleep. About two hours later Mike’s eyes fluttered as he responded to the sensation between his legs. “What wwwhat is going on?” he stammers. He looked down only to see Claire’s long dark locks flowing over his thighs. His head fell back and his eyes rolled back in his head. It was round two for the sex starved student and her stud. Mike wrapped his hand around Claire’s hair and rotated his cock inside of...
Hi, I am Rohit, 23-year-old computer engineering graduate from Karnataka. This is my fantasy story. After finishing my graduation I was desperately searching for a job. I have uploaded my resume in all the job portals but with little or no success I had to leave my hometown and left for Bangalore in search of a job. I did not have money for the longer duration of stay in Bangalore and pressure to find a job was brewing on me. I booked a paying guest in j p Nagar for 3000 rupees per month which...
Gay MaleOnce a week for more than a month, my boyfriend and I have been enjoying the company of another couple. This couple is unique, because they are a 62-year-old woman and her 40-year-old daughter. Both are married, and both (like my younger daughter and me) are bi-sexual. Both are married, and neither husband knows that they play with other women. I met the daughter first, while she was waiting for her mother to finish a tennis lesson at our athletic club. My boyfriend was taking a spinning class,...
Hi i am Dev, from Ahmedabad. I work here in Ahmedabad and have lots of friends in here. I am a party freak. The story also started somewhat the same way. I met Divya (name changed) in a party which one of our common friends had organized. She was in a traditional dress i kinda have likings towards the girls wearing traditional. She was with her boyfriend and i was with my girlfriend. We got introduced and had a great time together. After that night i guess we didn’t meet till 3 odd months. On...
I haven't been with many women, I am not even old enough to drink yet so I still got time! I have been with a few different girls & have had a few nice experiences with each of them, sorry no visuals for any of them. Only my most recent ex: here's a little info on the girls I was with & some of the experiences I've had so far.Name - AgeRaceHair Color - TypeEye ColorAge I was when I was with themWhat I did with themBest experienceAmanda -...
Naomi was 16 years old, and was extremely beautiful. She had long blackhair and bright emerald green eyes. She had a curvy, sexy body, and knewit. She used her good looks to get everything she wanted.She fucked many guys, including boys from her school, and her father'sfriends. She loved sex, loved getting fucked by virtual strangers even.Her best friend, Travis, had a huge crush on her, but she never had sexwith him.Her first lesbian experience started at school. She went into thebathroom and...
She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...
Oral SexThe time was approaching. She has been talking about it for some time with her Master and she knew it would be a huge turn on for him and for her as she can feel her wetness dripping out of her Master's cunt.They arrived in town the night before and Master had booked a full session of massage, facial and waxing for her. Having her pussy waxed for the fist time has not been really pleasant but she has never been so smooth and Master hasn't been able to keep his hand and his tongue off her for...
My wife Beth and I lose interest in our marriage and decide to explore new passion with old lovers who have re-entered our lives. But I find it hard to separate myself completely from her even as we form two new couples. And we discover new erotic highs even at the end of our marriage. After almost twenty years, the fire of passion had gone out of my marriage. I was still fond of Beth and smitten at times with her beauty. She was a lovely brunette with lean, classic lines and perfect tits...
Simone and her twin brother Simon were not French even though they lived in Paris. Their command of the language was such that a Parisian would say, "You are not Parisian, are you?" The nuance of their diction was so essentially French that no native listener could discern any foreign element in their pronunciation. They had moved into their Aunt's spacious apartment after her unfortunate demise in a Metro accident. Denise Hutchinson was not a person you would picture on the Metro. The...
Sandy and Tom had become very intimate lovers while her husband was away for many months on military duty. He'd actually brought her out of a deep depression from the lack of intimate attention from her husband. Tom hadn't known it but he'd actually saved her life because Sandy had become very depressed and almost suicidal in her deep sadness. Eventually Sandy would end up having Tom's baby, a little girl, but before that happened, Sandy descended into a forbidden territory of sexual...
Dave stared down the length of the pool. He was totally distracted by the beautiful woman at the kiddie pool playing with the daughter he’d sired with Ashley Steerman. Celeste played with Kendall while sitting in the water with the toddler who could sit up and scoot around, but wasn’t able to walk yet. Kendall laughed so hard he could hear her giggles, and she made the two other mothers there laugh at her antics and splashing. Celeste was the object of his desire. The short-haired blonde...
"Terrell, you've either got balls the size of church bells," the burly thug threatened in a very unoriginal manner, not even drawing his gun yet, but no doubt feeling safe because of his two buddies. That, and the fact that Terrell had already been searched twice now and wasn't packing. "Or you're the dumbest fuck in this entire universe. I'm betting on the latter." Terrell just smiled softly. These dumb brutes didn't have a clue just what all this entire Universe contained. "All I...
I did pretty well staying in touch with both my father and the Nordbergs. We didn't always have a lot to talk about, but it was good to see a familiar face and we seemed to connect better with the visual reference. Hell, I had no problem with seeing Kristiana. She was, as always, very easy on the eyes. The months rolled by and soon it was approaching winter once more. I found I didn't have any enthusiasm for dating lately. I hadn't encouraged anyone and perhaps that gave off the signal...
As she returned from the restroom, Daniella saw MzDominica talking with Janie the waitress, who nodded, turned and left. Daniella arrived at the table and sat down -- making sure to keep her legs spread, just as Mistress required. Dominica turned toward her slave and quietly asked, "Do you have something for me, slave?" Daniella was still holding the key in her palm. "Of course, Mistress," she replied. Despite everything, she found herself blushing as she lifted her hand, and stretched...
With Allen Williams gone to basketball camp, Brit and Jeff both wanted to spend some time at the Williams house. Greg wasn't particularly comfortable having Jeff alone with Kari there with no supervision, but he was happy to let Brit sleep over with Crystal for a couple of nights, as long as Kari was there to keep an eye on them. Jeff thought that was a little unfair, but Brit took him aside later and said with a sly grin that she would bring her camera and let him see the resulting...
My wife got dressed up for the club and ordered a taxi to collect her then her friend and then meet the two men at a pub walking distance from the home that hosted the swinging club. The following day on her return she gave me the facts as she always did. After a drink the four walked to the home and after paying the fee entered the club and talked and drank with about thirty others including the hosts. it had a number of rooms set up for sex along with various screens showing porn. These hosts...
Cheating WifesTHE PARTNERSHIP June recognised the woman she was standing beside at the counter of the department store. She could not remember her name but knew she had seen her somewhere before. They were both in the lingerie department about to pay for their goods. In the woman's arms were two outlandish night dresses and several pairs of underwear that were definitely too big for her. "For the mother-in-law?" June inquired, and the lady replied, "Actually no, for my husband." June just...
I want to thank my collaborative, special friend, Dave. Taking turns in writing each scenario was a ‘turn-on’ and filled with anticipation. Without him, Sharon and John would never have met. * Partnership Sharon’s heels clicked on the concrete as she walked toward the Chicago law firm of Connelly & Frisk. Unlocking the front entrance, a cool blast of air hit her face as she entered the front lobby. The night watchman, Joe, sat behind the counter. ‘The boss has you working with him after...
Lizzie and I are partners. Not in the romantic sense, more like a business partnership. I’m a first-class introvert, living quite isolated out in the country and mostly interested in my projects and learning new technical stuff. It’s paid off pretty well. My royalties have been well into the six digits for the past few years and if I’d meet with business people more often it could be more. That’s where Lizzie helps out. She’s going to college for a business degree and is learning to interface...
Mina knew she was gorgeous. As she stood looking at her image, she looked at her tits. She reached up and held the pert “babies” as I named them. Okay, she kind of liked the name as she bounced them with the palms of her hands. “ Hi Babies” she said, a smile nearing her lips. “ Feeling frisky tonight?” She giggled as she held each in her hands. Finally the full smile appeared. “ Yep, I will not mind it when he undresses me, but my question is… What should I wear, what should I put on to adorn...