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Written for the 2002 Sapphic Erotica Festival

"God, that feels good," Paulette Nichols thought to herself as she stepped under the shower and washed off the thin film of sweat that had covered her body during her just completed workout.

The five-foot four brunette couldn't remember the last time she'd been so sore and tired after using the ambulance company's small gym. The reason for her fatigue though, was as near as the next stall. The long-haired blond a few feet away was half a foot taller and eleven years younger than Paulette, to say nothing of being twenty pounds lighter. It was trying to keep up with the new trainee that had exhausted the paramedic so.

Greer Slater had worked at Pierce and McIntyre, more commonly known as P & M, for almost a year now and was only a month away from finishing her probation period. In that time, she had become pretty good friends with Paulette. Despite the difference in their ages and lifestyles, they each looked forward to the days when the duty rotation called for them to be teamed up.

Paulette was the mother of two sons. One now twelve, and the other four. They were the only good things to come out of a failed marriage. Unfortunately, her ex-husband had wound up with custody of both after the divorce. She'd had the misfortune of winding up with a judge who took a dim view of a wife who replaced her husband in her bed while they were still married.

In retrospect, she realized that it had been a mistake, especially since that relationship had gone to hell soon after the divorce as well. The only positive thing about the whole situation was that her sons were happy and living well, and regardless of what she had done, her ex never stopped her from seeing the boys whenever she wanted.

With no one really special in her life at the moment, and her sons spending the month with their grandparents down in Florida, Paulette had promised herself that this was the summer she would finally lose those few extra pounds and get back into shape.

It had been a losing battle that she had been fighting since before her first pregnancy. She'd made the mistake of mentioning her desire to Greer, who had taken it as her personal mission to see that her friend reached that goal. Where they once spent free time after a shift shopping together, they now spent at least part of it in the company gym.

They were workouts that the trainee hardly needed, but she pursued with a vengeance nevertheless. Greer was the kind of woman that men drooled over, tall and slim, with a bust that drew immediate attention whenever she walked into the room. She always seemed to have a string of boyfriends, but that didn't prevent most of the men in the office from making fools of themselves over her.

"I'll meet you outside," Greer said as she shut off the water and reached for her towel on the small hook outside of the stall.

"Okay," Paulette said as she glanced over her shoulder. "I'll be along in a few minutes."

"No problem," Greer smiled as, without even bothering to wrap the towel around her, she walked naked out of the shower and into the locker room.

It was a good ten minutes before Paulette, who definitely took the time to cover herself, followed into the small locker room that had been set aside for female employees. Greer had already dressed and was probably waiting back in the gym area. Quickly putting on a fresh blouse and slacks, the short haired brunette went off to catch up with her friend.

Sure enough, Greer was standing off on the sidelines of the converted garage, watching another of the paramedics go through her gymnastics routine. Kelly Jones was about Paulette's age, but in much better shape. In fact, she was in just as good shape as Greer.

The eyes of those men also in the gym were also on Kelly. It was hard to miss her in the tight spandex pants and tank top she wore. Like Greer, she liked to wear as little as possible when she was working out, much to the delight of the mostly male audience.

Of the six ambulance services that operated across the county under contract to the State Hospital Corp, P & M was the smallest with about thirty employees. It made both for a close knit group, and an interesting mix as well. Partly as the result of a female owner, women made up a third of the work force.

"She's really good, isn't she?" Paulette commented as she stepped up next to Greer and watched Kelly finish up the last of her routine.

She remembered the dark skinned girl once mentioning that she had been on the gymnastics team in school and had even won a few awards in competition. An injury had ruined her chances to take it further, not that you could tell from the way she moved.

"She sure is," Greer said, not taking her eyes off Kelly for a moment. "And have you ever seen such a perfect ass?" the younger woman added unexpectedly.

The question took Paulette by surprise, but she still found herself automatically taking a look at the body part in question. She had to admit, it was a perfect ass. Not that she had really spent any time checking out the backsides of any of her co-workers for comparison. At least not the female ones.

Some women did check out other women, if only to see how they compared. With a body like Greer had, Paulette assumed that the younger woman fell into that category. However, her next words totally blew away that assumption.

"Do you think she's straight?" Greer asked in a voice only loud enough for Paulette to hear.

"What?" she replied, sure she had heard the question wrong.

"Do you think I might have a chance with her," Greer expanded, leaving no doubt as to her meaning. "Or is she only into guys?"

The older woman had no idea what to say. Up until that moment, she would've assumed that Greer was only into men as well. In fact, it was her casual attitude about sex with men that shocked Paulette the first time they'd had a discussion about it.

While the brunette was as sexually active as any single woman her age, she found the fact that Greer viewed oral sex as just another part of making out and had no problem doing it on a first date somewhat disturbing. Had dating really changed in the short time since she'd been Greer's age?

"I think she has a boyfriend," Paulette finally said when she realized that Greer's question hadn't been rhetorical.

"That doesn't mean anything," Greer replied in turn. "Some women like a little variety in their lives."

The statement, Paulette realized, said as much about Greer as anyone else.

"I don't think that applies to anyone who works here," Paulette said, thinking a moment after she said it that ten minutes ago she thought it applied to Greer as well.

"Oh I wouldn't be too sure of that," Greer said with a knowing smile.

Before Paulette could ask what she meant, the blond looked down at her watch and said that she was running late for an appointment. To Paulette's disappointment, Greer wished her a happy weekend and told her she'd catch up with her on Monday.

Looking at her own watch after Greer had left, Paulette decided that she had better get going as well. She had a date with Phil Larson, a man in the neighborhood she had been seeing. He was supposed to pick her up at eight and they were going out to a movie.

The movie had been the latest comedy and Paulette enjoyed it immensely. With all the pain and suffering she encountered on her job, one thing she appreciated was the chance to laugh.

After the film they went to a small Italian restaurant for a late night dinner. The food, and the company were equally entertaining. Over the course of the meal, it occurred to her that they were reaching a point where she soon had to give some serious thought as to where, if anywhere, this relationship was going.

Phil was a really nice guy, two years older than her and divorced as well. She enjoyed his company when they went out, and after their last date she had enjoyed his company when they'd stayed in as well. While not a terribly imaginative lover, he had made her feel good. At least better then she felt when left to her own devices.

After dinner, they found themselves back at the door to her apartment and when Phil kissed her goodnight, Paulette felt his hand on her left breast. As the kiss deepened and he pressed against her, she could also feel the hardness of his erection as well.

Since they had slept together the previous week, Phil had a reasonable expectation that she would invite him in for a repeat performance. Yet the sexual aspect of their relationship was still new enough for him not to take it for granted.

"Phil," Paulette said as she broke their kiss and eased him back just enough to put some space between their bodies, "it's been a really hard day and I'm pretty tired. I think we should call it a night."

"Oh, okay," Phil said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

Paulette caught the regret in his voice and considered changing her mind for a moment. At the very least, she could give him a quick blow job and send him home happy.

Then she thought better of the idea. If this relationship did go anywhere, she didn't want it to fall into a pattern of dinner, a movie, and a trip back to her apartment for a late night fuck.

So instead she have him another kiss goodnight, pressing her tongue deep into his mouth and let him feel her up again. Then she sent him on his way, sure that he'd be taking care of his hard-on before he went to bed. As she opened the door and stepped inside her apartment, Paulette wondered if he would be thinking of her when he did.

Paulette used the cool night to catch up on her sleep and didn't wake up until mid-morning. After a leisurely breakfast, she picked up the pile of mail that had accumulated the last week and started to sort through it.

Ten minutes later, she dropped the stack of envelopes back onto her work desk. Her mind kept wandering too much for her to concentrate on it.

Curiosity had taken hold and Paulette couldn't get that brief conversation with Greer yesterday out of her mind. The revelation that her friend was bisexual would've been a surprise in of itself, but her statement that someone else she worked with was also had been stunning.

It wasn't even so much Greer's words as the look on her face as she said them. Paulette had seen that expression before. If there was another woman at P & M that was into women, Greer knew it from first hand knowledge.

It wasn't that Paulette thought the possibility detrimental in any way. After all, she believed everyone was entitled to live their own life however they pleased. It was just that she found the possibility so fascinating.

Picking up her copy of the company roster from another cubbyhole, she began to consider the possibilities. There were ten women at P & M, eight when you eliminated Greer and herself. She also figured that she could eliminate Kelly as well since the question about her sexuality was what started it all in the first place. That left seven to pick from.

"Hmmm," Paulette hummed as she wondered which of her co-workers swung both ways. "Who could it be?"

The problem was, it wasn't like the woman in question went around wearing a sign. In fact, Paulette would've had to be pretty naive to think that there was any physical characteristics she could look for that would tell her which woman had gotten to know Greer a lot more intimately than she ever did. No, if there was a clue it had to be in their actions.

Based on sexual morals, or the lack of them, the most obvious candidate would have to be Stacy Moskowitz. The twenty-nine year old redhead had, up to thirteen months ago, worked for the number one service, Anderson & O'Dea. She had been fired after Mr. O'Dea had come into the office one night on the late shift to retrieve some papers he'd forgotten to take home.

The sixty-two year old had been surprised to find the door to his private office unlocked, and even more surprised to find Stacy inside and on her knees in front of one of the new trainees. The young man had his pants down around his ankles and his cock deep in the senior EMT's mouth.

The owner, who sat on the board of Saint Andrew's Church, was totally speechless. Not so Stacy who let the young man's member slip from her mouth and told her boss that she was a little busy at the moment, but if he wanted to come back in a half hour or so, she'd be happy to take care of him too. It had taken her less time than that to clean out her locker.

Janet McIntrye, who owned Pierce and McIntyre, didn't hesitate a single day to offer the fired worker a job. Her sexual habits, as far as Janet was concerned were no one's business but Stacy's and mattered little when measured against the fact that the paramedic, who had served as a medic in the Israeli Defense Force when younger, was the best EMT at a crash site Janet had ever seen. Since she had crossed over to P & M, Paulette knew of at least six male employees who also knew a few other things that Stacy was considered the best at.

Since Janet McIntyre was in her mind, Paulette had to consider the idea that she could be the one as well. The only disqualification she could thing of was that Janet was almost old enough to be Greer's grandmother. Still, that turned on some people. Paulette had a girlfriend who married a man older than her father. It stood to reason that a bisexual woman could be attracted to someone older as well.

Janet McIntyre had been married twice, having outlived both of her husbands. The first of which had been her partner, Ben Pierce. Now she was at an age where she only wanted relationships that didn't interfere with the way she lived her life.

Heather Willis was the next name on the list. In her late thirties, the heavy set woman had been the office clerk for the last four years, handling payroll, billing and the like. Single, she was an incorrigible flirt and Paulette couldn't remember a single day that the dark haired woman hadn't gone braless. This despite the fact that her breasts were both large and heavy. In fact, she seemed to go out of her way to wear outfits that were either low cut or tight enough to give everyone a very good look at her endowments. Despite that, Paulette had never heard of anything ever happening between Heather and anyone else in the office.

The same couldn't be said of Maria Hernandez. One of three married woman in the office, the other two being Cynthia Ford and Faith Rosenberg, Maria was the only one of them who made no secret of the fact that her union wasn't a happy one. That Maria was having an affair with Kirby Marshall, another EMT, was pretty much an open secret. The two of them took every opportunity they could get to get horizontal. That Kirby was also married didn't even seem to enter into the equation.

Getting back to Cynthia and Faith, both were faithful to their marriage vows in every way, or as far as Paulette could tell from what she knew of the two of them. Yet when she thought about that, it really wasn't all that much. The two of them could be gang banging the rest of the staff and she'd never know it.

The last woman on the roster was Kim Lee, who was also the youngest next to Greer. The twenty-three year old Chinese woman seemed to have no interest in anything except work. She had plans to one day become a doctor, but had taken two years off from school for some real life experience. If all went according to plan, she would be leaving in the fall to go back to school. Considering how single minded Kim was, Paulette had no doubt that she would reach that goal.

Her own immediate goal, however, looked like it was going to fall short. As interesting as her conjecture had been, it had gotten her absolutely nowhere. The only way she was going to satisfy her curiosity was if she could get Greer to tell her who in the office she had slept with.

Putting her curiosity behind her, Paulette carried the breakfast dishes into the kitchen, dropping them into the dishwasher. Then she headed into the bathroom and bedroom where she quickly showered and dressed. It was her first weekend off in over a month and she promised herself that she would take advantage of it. A nice walk along Mullany Street where they held the flea markets sounded just about right.

She was just about to head out the door when the phone rang. With one foot already in the hall, she was tempted just to let it ring. Then she admitted to herself that she knew she would spend the rest of the day wondering who it might've been. Hoping it didn't turn out to be some annoying telemarketer, she stepped back into the apartment and picked up the phone. It didn't take ten seconds for Paulette to regret not having listened to her first impulse.

"Paulette, I'm so glad I was able to catch you," the highly recognizable voice of Janet McIntyre said through the receiver. "I beeped you twice but something must be wrong with your pager."

There was nothing wrong with Paulette's pager. Despite the insistence of P & M that their employees wear them all the time, the brunette refused to do so. Her days off were just that and the minute she got home the beeper was tossed aside.

"What can I do for you, Janet?" she asked, hoping that she had just forgotten to fill out some form.

"I just got a call from Kirby Marshall," Janet said, causing the hairs on the back of Paulette's neck to stand on end. "He's not feeling well and won't be in for his shift tonight. It must be some kind of bug going around because Maria called in last night with the same symptoms."

"I'll just bet they're sick," Paulette immediately thought. "More likely one or both of their spouses are away for the weekend and they decided it would be a good time to shack up somewhere."

"So I'm left with one less crew for tonight," Janet continued, "and with the number of people we have on vacation this week, I'm really in a bind."

Paulette, like all the employees of P & M knew that the contract with the State called for them to field a certain number of units every shift. If they didn't, the contract could be canceled and they'd all be out of a job. Twice already this summer they had received fines for not having the minimum requirement. Some of the bigger firms had no problem keeping tabs on the competition and turning them into the state regulator, knowing that they'd pick up additional business if the smaller outfit folded.

"Who am I going to be riding with?" Paulette said in resignation, knowing where the conversation was going and deciding to cut right to the chase.

"I'm still working on that," Janet replied, "but I should have someone by the time you come in."

"Okay," Paulette simply said, thinking that the flea market would have to wait for another day.

"I really appreciate this, Paulette," Janet said as she brought the brief conversation to a close. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

As Paulette hung up the phone, she knew that was a promise that would never be kept. By Monday morning, Janet would have forgotten all about it and be faced with a whole new set of problems in keeping P & M a going concern. That was all right, she told herself as she headed back into the bedroom to change into working clothes. She knew the pluses and minuses of this job when she took it.

"I'm sorry you were the one Janet caught in her net," Jim Parks said as Paulette stepped into the office for the keys to her rig. "I know you haven't had a weekend off in a while."

"Those are the breaks," Paulette grinned as she lifted the key ring off the wall. "So who did she get to ride with me?"

"Pete Lowery," Jim said, looking down at the sheet on his clipboard as not to have to look her in the eye when he said it.

"Fucking wonderful," Paulette said under her breath.

If there was one person that exemplified the disadvantage of working for the lowest ranked company, Pete Lowery was it. The man was more than crude. Bad enough that he took almost every opportunity to brush up against a woman, if not actually put his hands on some part of her body, the aging medic thought women were always after him.

"Guess I'd better make sure I have my pepper spray," she said in a louder tone.

Before Jim could comment on that, the office door opened and a new arrival entered.

"Well, it looks like Monday came a little early," she said.

Paulette turned out and was surprised to find Greer standing there in black jeans and the equally black leather jacket that she wore on her motorcycle. Under the jacket she had on a sleeveless, white halter top that hugged her like a second skin.

"What are you doing here?" Paulette asked, knowing that Greer had the weekend off as well.

"The same thing that you're doing," Greer smiled, "making a little overtime."

Greer's unexpected arrival gave Paulette an idea. She told her to wait outside for a minute. Once she was gone, the older woman turned back to Jim and in her friendliest tone, asked who Greer was riding with. Just before she had turned, she had undone the top two buttons of her blouse, giving a much clearer view of her own not inconsiderable assets.

"Sonny Smith," he said, his eyes immediately drawn to the exposed flesh.

"Jim, could you do me a big favor and switch her and Lowery?"

"You know Janet doesn't like me to change the rotations around," he replied, his eyes never moving.

"Well since we're both here on our day off, it's not really part of the rotation," Paulette said as she pressed her case, as well as her breasts up against the countertop, giving Jim a very good look down her blouse. She hated using tactics like this to get something, but she hated the idea of spending the next eight hours with Lowery even more. "Besides, since I'm doing the company a favor I'm sure Janet wouldn't mind."

"Oh all right," Jim finally said as he finally pulled his eyes back into their sockets. "I guess Smith and Lowery deserve each other."

"You're a dear," Paulette said as she backed away from the counter.

The night shift manager lifted a folder and turned his attention back to the never-ending piles of paperwork. He was sure that when Sonny Smith showed up just a few minutes before the start of his shift, god forbid he should show up any earlier, he would be in here complaining that he had to put up with Lowery as well. The man might not try to cop a feel from Smith, but he was still a really obnoxious bastard in other ways.

"Well let Sonny Smith complain all he wants," Jim thought as he dismissed the expected protest. "I don't owe him any favors. Besides, the view had certainly been worth it."

By that time Paulette was already out the door and catching up to Greer, closing the buttons of her shirt before she was out the door. When she spotted the tall blond, she had already traded her leather jacket for a white company issue that covered her halter and was standing by the long row of ambulances.

"Looks like you're all mine, honey," Paulette said as she caught up to her, tossing her the keys to her vehicle.

"Always," Greer replied as she grabbed the keys in mid-air.

Paulette didn't hear her. The single thought that dominated her mind was to get her rig out of here before Smith or Lowery showed up. When they found out they had each other as partners rather then Greer or her, they were going to be unhappy campers indeed.

The night went pretty quick as the area they were assigned to provided a large number of runs, especially on a Saturday night. Before their shift was over, they'd responded to two traffic accidents, a knifing, an accidental shooting and one heart attack.

As interesting as they all were, eventually they would just blend in with their collective memories of a thousand different calls a year. The one exception was the last call of the night. It was one that both of them would remember all their lives.

"That was incredible," Greer gushed as she and Paulette stepped through the automated doors of the County Hospital's Emergency Room. "I can't remember the last time I felt so pumped about something I did."

"Yeah, it was pretty amazing," the shorter woman said as she pulled open the passenger side door of their ambulance and climbed inside.

"I guess it was old stuff to you though," Greer said as she climbed in on the opposite side and started the engine.

"Actually, that was my very first time." Paulette smiled.

"No way," Greer said as she turned and looked across the cab. "You were so cool and collected. I was so nervous that I thought my heart was going to burst."

"Well if you could feel my heart you'd have seen that it was beating just as fast." the senior EMT said as she leaned back with a self-satisfied smile. "Still, it was all worth it, just for the moment when I held that baby in my arms and felt its heartbeat and watched her take her first breath."

"Definitely," Greer agreed as she turned into the flow of traffic and headed back to base.

As the kaleidoscope of street lights flashed by, Paulette shifted her attention from the view outside to her partner. The night had been so busy that she hadn't had a chance to bring up the question she had wanted to ask Greer. Now, with the night's work behind her and with her body wanting to unwind, she let it fill her thoughts once more.

Watching Greer, she realized that her interest had expanded beyond just a curiosity about who is was that the younger woman had slept with. More and more, Paulette found herself wondering what it was like to make love to another woman.

She found herself looking at Greer, feeling as if it was the very first time. A strange feeling, she had to admit, seeing how many times she had seen her co-worker naked in the locker room.

Her gaze started with the contours of her face, and the long, flawless blond hair that framed it. Moving down, she continued onto the soft folds of her neck and the large, perfectly formed breasts below that dominated her form. With the white company jacket now hanging open, Paulette could see the dark nipples pressing against the thin material of her top.

The older brunette suddenly felt a surge of envy towards those men, and women as well she now knew, that had the chance to touch those rounded globes. What would it be like, she found herself asking, to have one of those pointed nipples in your mouth? The possible answer to her question caused her heart to beat faster once more.

Just before they pulled into the yard, her gaze had reached Greer's long legs; covered by her pants, but visible in Paulette's memory. Also in her memory were images of the dark bush between those legs, brief glimpses of which told her some time ago that the younger woman wasn't a natural blond.

"Earth to Paulette," Greer repeated for the second time, finally getting the other woman's attention.

"What?" Paulette said, roused from her musings.

"You looked like you were somewhere else for a minute," Greer said.

Looking out the front window, Paulette realized that they already back in the parking lot and in their assigned spot. She hadn't even noticed them entering the yard.

"I guess I was thinking about something," she said.

"No shit," Greer laughed.

Paulette had to laugh too, if only to hide the embarrassed flush that now filled her face.

"Why don't you stow the gear and I'll drop off the keys in the office," Greer said as she dropped down out of the cab.

"Okay," Paulette agreed, superfluously it turned out as Greer was already half way to the office.

It wasn't until the door closed behind her that the brunette realized that she hadn't taken her eyes off Greer all the way across the yard.

"Great, now she's got me staring at her ass," she grinned as she jumped down to the ground and went back to stow their gear.

"We're all clear," Greer said ten minutes later when she emerged from the office. "I signed us out."

"Thanks," Paulette said as she closed the back door of their unit, triggering the spring lock.

"So you heading home?" Greer asked.

"Guess so," the older woman answered. "I'll probably wind up in front of the TV for a while. I'm usually too keyed up after a shift to fall asleep right away. Especially, one like tonight. Plus I slept pretty late today."

"I hear that," the leather jacketed blond said as they walked to the other side of the fence where personal vehicles were parked. "I'm still pumped."

Reaching her car, Paulette opened the trunk and tossed her gym bag into it. She had just unlocked the door to the driver's side when Greer, who had parked her motorcycle two spaces over stepped up to her.

"Instead of watching reruns, why not come over to my place for a while?" Greer suggested. "We could pick up a pizza and a six pack and enjoy the night air."

The offer took the shorter woman by surprise. In all the time she had known Greer, she had never been invited to her home. In fact, she didn't even know where she lived. The girl didn't even have a home phone, just a cell.

"Sounds like fun," Paulette said after considering the idea for a few moments.

"Super," Greer smiled as she crossed the empty parking spot and untied her helmet from the back of her cycle. "I already called ahead to a great place I know on the way. They'll have our pie ready when we get there."

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My wife finally agreed to let another man come to our bed and give her great pressure. I remember like it was yesterday. I was twenty-eight years old and celebrating our two-year wedding anniversary. Natalie had asked me what I wanted for my anniversary and I told her that I wanted to bring another man into our bed. Well not OUR marital bed of course. I figured a motel room or worse case our spare room. But I really wanted to see her being pleasured by another man. I had been nagging her to do...

2 years ago
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Hawk in a Chicken CoopChapter 6 Terms and Conditions

November 12, 1986 Cadet Ocival looked at the envelope with interest. She read her name, and the address of the Academy on the front of it, with a perverse kind of pleasure. This was the first letter she had ever received. In a way, she viewed it as an acknowledgment from the world outside of the Academy, that she existed. Teacher Dale said, “Open it.” “I will. It’s my first letter.” “Then take your time,” Teacher Dale said with a smile. She reached behind her back and pulled out her...

3 years ago
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Moon Prt 1

I was out in the woods, just walking around, hiking kind of. It was spring break at the college and I was all ready for it. I couldn’t wait for people to be out of the classroom and out in the nature that the school was surrounded in practically. Honestly, I didn’t mind getting out of the school and just walking around, especially at night when I could walk around without any problem. You see, I’m Luna and I happen to be a college student at the University of Montana. I personally loved...

3 years ago
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Surrounded by GirlsChapter 5

When I woke up the next morning, there were four naked girls standing around my bed as I opened my eyes. They did a bit of giggling as they all squeezed in around me, their hands and lips all over me. Not surprisingly, my youngest sister, Yvonne, really the hottest of them all was kneeling on my bed sucking me as she usually did every morning. "Good morning, Eddie, all your girlfriends are here and we're all horny as hell," Roxy said sultrily as she held up a scarf. "We're here to...

1 year ago
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Getting The Contract

People looking at my wife Jean and myself nowadays see us as a successful couple, both in our relationship and our business life. We've been married for ten years and have managed to grow ever closer in that time; to me Jean is more beautiful at forty than she was at thirty when I married her, despite the years her 36-24-36 figure is almost as firm as in her youth, her auburn hair has no hint of grey, her eyes still sparkle with mirth and sexual desire. Jean tells me that I've grown more...

3 years ago
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Her Husband8217s Friend 8211 Part 3 Full Moon Night In The Jungle

Welcome back, dear readers. I think I’m not gonna write series anymore. But don’t worry, if you wanna read a certain set of my stories as a series, I’ll do something for that too. You’ll not be disappointed to see that. Special thanks to Amit for asking me to write this story and the two that are gonna follow this story. I especially hope you and your wife will enjoy them all to the fullest. Now let’s get to the story. Story starts Amit and his wife Rachana ‘Rachu’ had known Sandeep, from Sri...

2 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 7

Although they were always on our minds, we put the unsettling spirit visits behind us and got on with our lives. I spent as much time as I could in the RV cave melting gold, but it was only a couple of hours most days, and the small mountain of gold seemed to defy my attempts to reduce its size. Giuseppe returned from his short trip to the base of the Doña Ana Mountains late Wednesday afternoon in a jubilant mood. Over supper he informed us that he’d found the rock we needed to build the...

2 years ago
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The Hottest Steamiest Moment of My Life

It was summer. A hot day. I was having a taste for popsicles. I went into the freezer for some banana flavored ones since I enjoy sticking bananas up my ass. The thought of sticking bananas up my ass got me harder than hard-boiled eggs on the 4th of July. Suddenly, I was rubbing my furry chest while holding my banan popsicle. Before anyone could catch what I was doing, I went to my room, being left in solitude. Soon I removed my pants and let my junk run through the calm air. I then...

1 year ago
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My wife gets cum filled

Last year my wife Andrea and I were invited to a Christmas party given by one of the guys that has sex with her on a regular basis. His name is Martin and he is an extremely well hung man. Andrea estimates his cock is a full nine inches and thick enough that her fingers don't touch when she holds it. I was actually surprised that I was invited, I've never been allowed to watch Andrea with him so I was extremely excited about watching my small wife take his thick cock in her married pussy. She...

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Nursing the Warrior

Eolfica hid behind the dense tangled brush and watched the small gray hare leap away. “It is your lucky day, little one,” she called after it. “I am not so hungry today that I would kill—” She stopped herself in mid-sentence when she saw the blood on the leaves of the thicket. Looking down, the lone huntress saw the impression of a large boot on the mossy forest floor. She discovered another footprint nearby. After drawing an arrow from her quiver she followed the trail deep into the forest. *...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My First EverythingChapter 45

After my father made the decision to bring Kate back home, things really got transformed around our house. Overnight, it got happy again. My mother couldn't do enough to try and please him. She even got my Aunt Agnes involved by having her take over some of her women's exercise classes during the mornings so that she could come home, and start preparing dinners for each evening. The meals really started picking up after that. To my mother's way of thinking, my father's decision to bring...

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Adulteress Punishment

Miranda awoke in a large shipping container about 8 by 40 foot long. That's all she knew as she came to from whatever he'd drugged her with. Miranda Shaw was a beautiful 23-year-old girl. She was 5'4, slim almost to the point of petite, with long, charcoal-dark hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and perfectly shaped breasts which were neither too small nor too big. Jake Shaw, Miranda's husband, was her opposite in so many ways. He was built like a man's man. Tall and sturdy, muscles...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Candee Licious Sky Pierce Naughty Blondes

The best thing about divorce is the settlement money. Sky Pierce immediately acquires a grandeur apartment after she finally receives hers. She invites her girlfriend, Candee Licious, for a housewarming. The gorgeous blondes can’t hide their excitement while they tour the new house. Sky and Candee immediately lie on the bed as soon as they enter the bedroom. Sky’s beautiful blue dress makes her look hot and sexy. On the other hand, Candee’s beige dress gives her an exquisite...

3 years ago
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The Shark

People watching alone is kind of a strange activity, but I’m kind of a strange girl. I didn’t go there to see her, but I did know that she’d be there. The way she moved her hips as she walked the room was enthralling, and enticing. The way she slithered as she calculated her options was almost slippery. It was almost hard to see her when she moved like that, but it was altogether impossible to take my eyes off of her. Watching her work the table was captivating.Everything about her screamed...

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What a weekend0

As we were tearing down our equipment after the last dance, the bride and groom were saying their goodbyes to the last of the family. Once we were done, we went over to them to wish them good luck and say good night. Jeff and Lynn (the groom and bride) were there with three of the groomsmen. They asked if we would care to join them in a little relaxation so they could wind down before trying to sleep. We had so much fun throughout the night; we accepted and followed them to their suite. The...

3 years ago
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Dance for Me Chapter Ten Ending

Brandon did not know what to do. He had four minutes before he had to leave for his hotel shift but Caroline was still asleep on his bed and he had this horrible, gut-wrenching feeling that if he left her alone, she’d be gone when he returned. He didn’t have the heart to wake her. She looked so at peace, knees curled up to her chest, hair splayed out across the pillow, with her smudged makeup giving her a smoky morning-after kind of appeal. He moved silently around the tiny bedsit, showering...

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Downfall of Avarica in Shalirion

The Downfall of Avarica (Balance and Fairness : The Principles of Shalirion) (from the generally prosperous years before the barbarian invasions from Animar) The Councils of Shalirion had long followed business principles which aimed to strengthen and support society, rather than to spoil it. Cromilil was no exception, and it had made the whole city prosperous and happy together. The rich were not rich at the expense of the poor or of their rivals, but all had prospered together. Business...

1 year ago
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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 5

One of the boys looked up at Delon anxiously and asked, “Now?” Delon smiled and nodded. The boy exclaimed, “Hot damn!” He jumped to his feet and began to tear his clothes off. Delon tossed me a blanket while my first attacker was undressing. He ordered me to spread it out on the floor in the middle of the room and lie down. Even though I knew it was going to come to this the moment I walked through the door and saw all these boys I nearly freaked out now that it was starting. I felt the...

3 years ago
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How Did I Find This

Hello to all i am Sudha from Delhi. (Name & place change). I am a married lady with two kids; a boy and a girl. My hubby is a normal guy. About me i am fair with ok figure. We lived a normal life till when my hubby was been hospitals. He was for bed rest for 2 years and we had no finance support. I found a job in Delhi through my frnd’s help. It is a gold shop. Here i had to do account work staff is very helpful. I came across a guy in our office, which is really a hardworking and smart enough...

1 year ago
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Open Minded FamiliesChapter 4

Characters The Halls Me - Sean - 16 Sister - Dani (Daniel) - 17 Mom - Gwen - 37 Dad - Brad - 41 The Adlers Susan - mid 20’s- Y tour guide Carl - 16 - Susan’s Brother Amy - 16 - Susan’s sister Madge - 67 - Susan’s mom Milton (Milt) - mid 60’s - Susan’s dad The Haydens Stephanie (Steph) - 16 - swimming partner Gerald - dad - late 40’s Nancy - mom - late 40’s (clit ring) Keith - bro - 18 The Hudsons (neighbors) Kate - mid 30’s (clit ring) Bill - mid 30’s Jenna - 19 (clit...

2 years ago
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A little addition to In the Beginning

In 1974, Harry Chapin wrote a poem about an accident with a truck in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The truck was carrying a load of bananas and crashed. Chapin developed the incident into a kind of cult song that he would play at his live concerts. The song had an original ending that had no audience pull. He tried to amend it and make it more popular. After his first attempt, he played the song for his group and received the following reaction: "Harry, it sucks!" So, as Harry relates in the song, he...

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Playing a game with Sanne and Robert

Sanne was home alone. Robert was back to work after the holiday trip. They had some e-mail contact with a Master before their trip but didn't find any response when they got home. Sanne got wet when she thought about the insinuations he had given in His last e-mail.Somebody was at the door. Sanne was startled. She huried over to the door. She noticed her fingers were wet. Absentminded she must have played with herself. She put the fingers in her mouth as she opened the door. A rather handsome...

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Fun on a cruise

A cruise? Not my ideal holiday but I'd been talked into it by my wife's sister - "How do you know you won't like it if you've never been on one?" Eventually, the two of them plus my brother-in-law had worn me down and I'd reluctantly agreed. Stupidly, I'd not got involved in the choice of booking and had naively expected a week in the Med. I'd forgotten that my sister-in-law and husband were old hands at cruising and knew all the tricks. She left it right to the last minute before striking....

1 year ago
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Bin der Markus, 32 Jahre alt. Nachdem ich meine Wohnung kündigen und wieder zu meinen Eltern wegen zu hoher Mietkosten zurück ziehen mußte hatte ich an diesem Spätsommertag keine Lust mehr nach der Arbeit noch irgendwas zu machen. Die Kollegen wollten mich zu einem Grillabend überreden aber ich war an diesem Freitag einfach nur noch kaputt. Freundin oder Lebensgefährtin waren nicht zu finden, meine letzte Beziehung lag 2 Jahre zurück. Ich war sehr aktiv im Bondage bereich gewesen, sprich mit...

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good News Travels Fast1

One thing I know: we girls like to talk about exciting things in our lives, both good things and those not so good but we spend oodles of time sharing notes in our lives with each other. That is how it is and so the good news of her erotic encounters with Teddy and Roger, as remembered by Phyllis, were soon told to her friends. The friends were either amazed or disbelieving but also full of curiosity and giggling at it all. I mean, what girl has encountered a neighborhood boy, then his...

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Hold On

Grabbing his cock in her hand she began to lick it feverishly as if she couldn’t get enough of his hard member. Letting her lips smack against the head of his cock, as she inserted it in her mouth that was hot and wet just like her pussy. She looked up at him as she knelt there on the floor, his pants pulled down to his knees and he had the look of full bliss of the sensation of her mouth on his cock. He ran his fingers through her hair dark hair, keeping it away from her face so he could...

3 years ago
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The Master is Watching

I got this strange letter today. It was delivered to the reception desk of my condo building, but they don't remember who brought it. The letter has only one sentence: I am watching you. And it is signed Your Master . Your Master! First it made me laugh. Then it made me nervous. Maybe he knows me? I don't even know whether it is a he or a she. Half of the windows across the street are dark. I'm sure my Master has a telescope. Or binoculars. Filthy pervert! I wonder how long this has been going...

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The Futa Fairy Taboo Futa Wish Chapter 2 Deidres Taboo Futa Passion

Chapter Two: Deidre's Taboo Futa Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Wow,” my little sister said as I finished telling her everything that had happened, her lithe, eighteen-year-old body squirming beneath me. Normally, it was a story no one would ever believe. Well, maybe the part that I had the lesbian hots for my little sister, that every night when she slept in my bed—as opposed to her own on the other side of our shared bedroom—that I wanted to kiss her youthful thighs, cup...

4 years ago
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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 7

The exact function, or name, of the thing was unknown. It was old, that was certain. Older than the oldest teen who had ever played on it as a kid. Metal pipes, freshly painted, wooden planks old and smooth. They called it the Sled Run, or sometimes Sled Hill, as that's what they used it for in winter. In the summer, they just climbed it, ran down the long, wide wooden slide at unsafe speeds or tried to climb up the incline. The covered area up top was large, a good place to rest and talk...

1 year ago
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my ideal meeting

my ideal meeting i would love for a nice guy to visit us with the intention of using and pleasing me ,no hearts and flowers just good hard sex and them for him to get up afterwards and leave without a word,ideal any sexy guy would do ,although would love to be used by a large w/e black guy, alothough thats not a deal be waiting for him to arrive, ive bathed and shaved my pussy ready,dressed stickings suspenders crotchless knicks and a nice dress , although i enjoy sex and strangers...

3 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 37

The man dismounted and started looking at the hoof of one of the mules pulling the wagon. We walked over to where we could hear him mumbling about dad blamed mules anyway. "Howdy," I said as we walked up. "I'm Ed Hill. Are you having problems?" "Howdy, I'm Mort Stern. Yeah, this dad blamed mule has messed up his right front leg. I don't know what happened, but I'm afraid he's gonna have to be put out to pasture for a while." "That's a shame. They probably have mules here you...

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Love Making With A Fan

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with new story. This is my 17th story on this site. This is true incident happened because of ISS in my life. This is the story of sex between me and one of my fans from Delhi.When my story “Chemistry Mam fucked me” published on the site, One sweet girl named “s” was contacted me on my mail. She wants to become my chat friend. I accepted her request. I was informed that she is 21 yrs old and she is doing graduation from Delhi University. Her figure is 36, 30 and 36....

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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part III

VI"Remember what you are, Kitten."Her words were clear as her soft lips were pressed against my ear, making me shiver with need. I nodded at the reminder, grateful for it. It would be easy to forget my true nature here and get lost in all the lust that surrounded me. I found myself staring at the ceiling, willing to into focus, my gaze traveling between it, Kay’s mischievous eyes, and Cindy’s slight smirk. Jenny was still with us cradling my foot in her hands as she sucked my big toe into her...

3 years ago
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Bad Carbon Copy

Bad Carbon Copy By Angie (kitn) Hughes There she was. Standing in the mirror in front of me in all her natural beauty. The most beautiful girl in the world. So, why wasn't she smiling? I looked down at myself, curves like a two-by-four, breasts just barely more rounded than a sheet of paper. The... thing sticking out from between my legs, pointing up at me like it was trying to remind me of its existence. I looked back at the beautiful girl in the mirror and...

2 years ago
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My new Doctor

Well it's been awhile since I had a physical and I guess being older I should get one soon. When I called my Dr.s office the pleasant voice said there is a new Dr., would I mind seeing him? I said sure and set up an appointment.Just as I remember it, waited for ever and finally got into a room. The nurse said the Dr. will be in shortly so take a seat. She was right, the door opened a moment later and the Dr. walked in. He was younger then me and very lean. He introduced himself and handed...

1 year ago
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Story Reader Ankita Se Chat

Hi friends its love gupta again with a little conversation with 1 of my sexiest and hottest reader Ankita friends ye meri 2nd story hai jo main yahan post kar raha hoon apni pehli story meri pyari bahen jo ki mere mama ki ladki thi ko post karne ke baad. main aap sabhi ka tahe dil se shukargujaar hoon ki aap logon ne meri aapbeeti ko pasand kiya or us par apne reply bheje. Par friends main sirf girls ko hi apni friends banane mein jyada interested hoon isliye aap logon se nivedan hai ki kripya...

3 years ago
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Cottaging Recollection

This happened a few years back but the memory of it makes me bone up every time.From being a permanently boned-up schoolboy any chance to have a crafty wank & I'd take it.Whether it was at the back of the class rubbing away at my knob in my tight black school trousers feeling my piss-slit ooze pre-slime through the material,or at the back of the schoolbus or in a secluded spot if I walked home,public lavs,even in the sacristry at church when I was an alter boy...anywhere.Back then one of my...

2 years ago
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28 Day Trial Period

28-Day Trial Period F/f, bondage, D/s, slavery, reluctant The last thing Mika expected to see when she came home from work was anearly naked redhead lying bound to her bed. Eve is a special introductoryoffer for joining a slave club and Mika has her for 28 days before decidingwhether to buy her or not. The trouble is Mika's not sure what to do. Afterall, what possible use can she have for a gorgeous, 22-year old Americanredhead who can't cook, can't clean and keeps losing the post? The last...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 8

Ed was prompt -- and nervous. Adele took the twelve-pack of beer he brought from him and led him back to the kitchen. Despite the discussion over appearing in his work coverall, Ed was in a plaid shirt and very new blue jeans. Adele forbore comment. She was in a halter top and a skirt -- and if Ed got that far, which was questionable, he would discover a distinct lack of panties. Adele had gone around and around with herself over that choice, and she decided that she would deal with the issue...

4 years ago
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Slave Auction A Charity Party0

by Francis Drake Posted by JackFD, with Francis Drake’s permission. Thia stopped reading the page she’d attempted to understand the last four times she’d read it. Her mind wasn’t on the current best-selling thriller, it was on the box in her bedroom and the masquerade. No need delaying. Since she’d told Derek she would accompany him, her mind returned to the costume with every other thought. She’d accomplished nothing at work. She’d be glad when the damn party was behind her. She put the...

2 years ago
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The House Wife Chronicles

Introduction: His name was Xavier, We got acquainted on a chat line and we talked like that for a while. The House Wife Chronicles The fantasy guy His name was Xavier, We got acquainted on a chat line and we talked like that for a while. We discussed a lot of things&hellip, what we wanted to do, our future plans that we had stuff like that. Things just seem to click between him and me. He was younger than me by like seven years, but that was kind of what appealed to me in the first place. I...

4 years ago
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Collecting Rent 3

I knocked on the door of Apartment 8 and a second later the door opened and Kevin was stood there.Kevin was married to Helen, and they were a lovely mature retired couple who were always cheerful and happy to chat when ever I came round to collect the rent."Come in Tony, would you like a drink?" Kevin asked"Yes why not" I repliedSo this tubby grey bearded man closed the door behind me and moved into the open kitchen area where he pulled a beer out of the fridge for me."So Helen not here today?"...

3 years ago
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Late Arrival

Prologue Lousy, lousy timing......... I wish we had met weeks before, but now work calls me. I have not dared to tell Cija of all the time I will be spending away, and very soon. Any other time I would give my all to this relationship, but now she will have to be content with whatever I can spare. She is getting under my skin and with this new promotion I can’t afford it, not for a while at least. I get out of the taxi in the snow, pulling my collar up against the chill wind, and battle...

1 year ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 13

The Rookie – Occupied city center, eleven hours after drop. Once they were done with their impromptu meal, the Rookie led Alba out onto the street again, following the route that was plotted on his map. They were finally nearing the city limits, and once they reached the freeway, they could hopefully follow it all the way out of New Mombasa. That was the plan, at least. They reached another one of the massive gates that blocked the street, this one had closed on a car, cutting it almost in...

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You wake up at Beacon Acadamy a prestigious school that helps train students in the way of battle in order to fight the creatures of Grimm and protect the kingdom. You've been enrolled for several months and in that time you've seen many amazing and beautiful women and now contemplating to try and date one of them or perhaps something more lust filled rather than love? Either way its decision time which girl has caught your eye? Ruby Rose-The quirky but cute leader of Team RWBY. Weiss...

2 years ago
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The Corpus Christi Trip

Copyright© 2007, by Jerry This story, with little embellishment, is told as best I remember the details. The sweetie and I took 4 days off and drove down to Corpus Christi for some sun and fun. It was a 5hr drive all on Interstate. We took our time and played "trucker" on I-37 south of San Antonio as the highway was straight, little traveled and the weather perfect. As I passed several big rigs, my honey would look at the drivers and, if they seemed clean and interested would give them a...

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Pussy eating

So the day came when we got the new Queen size bed delivered and set up! No this isn’t about Carrie and the delivery boys, or the salesman and testing the bed before purchasing. It’s simply that we decided we needed to replace our old bed with a new one. We discussed a King Size, but we decided it would use up too much space, and since we sleep in each other’s arms most all night, and every night, the Queen Size was the best for us. So we got to looking this sweet rig over, only to discover...

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night out

Hello this is a true story some the names have been changedIt happened one friday night in 2010 I was drinking with some friends we to a couple of clubs had a few beers well one of the clubs we meet my buddy Daves Mother She had Dave when she was 15 had him he was 28 at the time I think she was 42 not for sure , but any way she was 5,5 and about 158lbs she was a 38 dd she had strawberry blond hair and green eyesHer name was Wanda well my buddy was bummed out that his mom was...

1 year ago
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The Parish Calendar

Scene: The Vicars Office. Background: Mrs Jones has been asked to pop in to see the Vicar. She understands it may to do with her possibly featuring in the forthcoming parish calendar. Her best friend Lily had a chat on this with the Vicar earlier in the week. Afterwards Lily told Mrs Jones that she had a long and intimate meeting with the Vicar on the matter and said “As I have the best tits in the parish I was confident of a place but I did have to get my knickers down. And of course, the...

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