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Written for the 2002 Sapphic Erotica Festival

"God, that feels good," Paulette Nichols thought to herself as she stepped under the shower and washed off the thin film of sweat that had covered her body during her just completed workout.

The five-foot four brunette couldn't remember the last time she'd been so sore and tired after using the ambulance company's small gym. The reason for her fatigue though, was as near as the next stall. The long-haired blond a few feet away was half a foot taller and eleven years younger than Paulette, to say nothing of being twenty pounds lighter. It was trying to keep up with the new trainee that had exhausted the paramedic so.

Greer Slater had worked at Pierce and McIntyre, more commonly known as P & M, for almost a year now and was only a month away from finishing her probation period. In that time, she had become pretty good friends with Paulette. Despite the difference in their ages and lifestyles, they each looked forward to the days when the duty rotation called for them to be teamed up.

Paulette was the mother of two sons. One now twelve, and the other four. They were the only good things to come out of a failed marriage. Unfortunately, her ex-husband had wound up with custody of both after the divorce. She'd had the misfortune of winding up with a judge who took a dim view of a wife who replaced her husband in her bed while they were still married.

In retrospect, she realized that it had been a mistake, especially since that relationship had gone to hell soon after the divorce as well. The only positive thing about the whole situation was that her sons were happy and living well, and regardless of what she had done, her ex never stopped her from seeing the boys whenever she wanted.

With no one really special in her life at the moment, and her sons spending the month with their grandparents down in Florida, Paulette had promised herself that this was the summer she would finally lose those few extra pounds and get back into shape.

It had been a losing battle that she had been fighting since before her first pregnancy. She'd made the mistake of mentioning her desire to Greer, who had taken it as her personal mission to see that her friend reached that goal. Where they once spent free time after a shift shopping together, they now spent at least part of it in the company gym.

They were workouts that the trainee hardly needed, but she pursued with a vengeance nevertheless. Greer was the kind of woman that men drooled over, tall and slim, with a bust that drew immediate attention whenever she walked into the room. She always seemed to have a string of boyfriends, but that didn't prevent most of the men in the office from making fools of themselves over her.

"I'll meet you outside," Greer said as she shut off the water and reached for her towel on the small hook outside of the stall.

"Okay," Paulette said as she glanced over her shoulder. "I'll be along in a few minutes."

"No problem," Greer smiled as, without even bothering to wrap the towel around her, she walked naked out of the shower and into the locker room.

It was a good ten minutes before Paulette, who definitely took the time to cover herself, followed into the small locker room that had been set aside for female employees. Greer had already dressed and was probably waiting back in the gym area. Quickly putting on a fresh blouse and slacks, the short haired brunette went off to catch up with her friend.

Sure enough, Greer was standing off on the sidelines of the converted garage, watching another of the paramedics go through her gymnastics routine. Kelly Jones was about Paulette's age, but in much better shape. In fact, she was in just as good shape as Greer.

The eyes of those men also in the gym were also on Kelly. It was hard to miss her in the tight spandex pants and tank top she wore. Like Greer, she liked to wear as little as possible when she was working out, much to the delight of the mostly male audience.

Of the six ambulance services that operated across the county under contract to the State Hospital Corp, P & M was the smallest with about thirty employees. It made both for a close knit group, and an interesting mix as well. Partly as the result of a female owner, women made up a third of the work force.

"She's really good, isn't she?" Paulette commented as she stepped up next to Greer and watched Kelly finish up the last of her routine.

She remembered the dark skinned girl once mentioning that she had been on the gymnastics team in school and had even won a few awards in competition. An injury had ruined her chances to take it further, not that you could tell from the way she moved.

"She sure is," Greer said, not taking her eyes off Kelly for a moment. "And have you ever seen such a perfect ass?" the younger woman added unexpectedly.

The question took Paulette by surprise, but she still found herself automatically taking a look at the body part in question. She had to admit, it was a perfect ass. Not that she had really spent any time checking out the backsides of any of her co-workers for comparison. At least not the female ones.

Some women did check out other women, if only to see how they compared. With a body like Greer had, Paulette assumed that the younger woman fell into that category. However, her next words totally blew away that assumption.

"Do you think she's straight?" Greer asked in a voice only loud enough for Paulette to hear.

"What?" she replied, sure she had heard the question wrong.

"Do you think I might have a chance with her," Greer expanded, leaving no doubt as to her meaning. "Or is she only into guys?"

The older woman had no idea what to say. Up until that moment, she would've assumed that Greer was only into men as well. In fact, it was her casual attitude about sex with men that shocked Paulette the first time they'd had a discussion about it.

While the brunette was as sexually active as any single woman her age, she found the fact that Greer viewed oral sex as just another part of making out and had no problem doing it on a first date somewhat disturbing. Had dating really changed in the short time since she'd been Greer's age?

"I think she has a boyfriend," Paulette finally said when she realized that Greer's question hadn't been rhetorical.

"That doesn't mean anything," Greer replied in turn. "Some women like a little variety in their lives."

The statement, Paulette realized, said as much about Greer as anyone else.

"I don't think that applies to anyone who works here," Paulette said, thinking a moment after she said it that ten minutes ago she thought it applied to Greer as well.

"Oh I wouldn't be too sure of that," Greer said with a knowing smile.

Before Paulette could ask what she meant, the blond looked down at her watch and said that she was running late for an appointment. To Paulette's disappointment, Greer wished her a happy weekend and told her she'd catch up with her on Monday.

Looking at her own watch after Greer had left, Paulette decided that she had better get going as well. She had a date with Phil Larson, a man in the neighborhood she had been seeing. He was supposed to pick her up at eight and they were going out to a movie.

The movie had been the latest comedy and Paulette enjoyed it immensely. With all the pain and suffering she encountered on her job, one thing she appreciated was the chance to laugh.

After the film they went to a small Italian restaurant for a late night dinner. The food, and the company were equally entertaining. Over the course of the meal, it occurred to her that they were reaching a point where she soon had to give some serious thought as to where, if anywhere, this relationship was going.

Phil was a really nice guy, two years older than her and divorced as well. She enjoyed his company when they went out, and after their last date she had enjoyed his company when they'd stayed in as well. While not a terribly imaginative lover, he had made her feel good. At least better then she felt when left to her own devices.

After dinner, they found themselves back at the door to her apartment and when Phil kissed her goodnight, Paulette felt his hand on her left breast. As the kiss deepened and he pressed against her, she could also feel the hardness of his erection as well.

Since they had slept together the previous week, Phil had a reasonable expectation that she would invite him in for a repeat performance. Yet the sexual aspect of their relationship was still new enough for him not to take it for granted.

"Phil," Paulette said as she broke their kiss and eased him back just enough to put some space between their bodies, "it's been a really hard day and I'm pretty tired. I think we should call it a night."

"Oh, okay," Phil said, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

Paulette caught the regret in his voice and considered changing her mind for a moment. At the very least, she could give him a quick blow job and send him home happy.

Then she thought better of the idea. If this relationship did go anywhere, she didn't want it to fall into a pattern of dinner, a movie, and a trip back to her apartment for a late night fuck.

So instead she have him another kiss goodnight, pressing her tongue deep into his mouth and let him feel her up again. Then she sent him on his way, sure that he'd be taking care of his hard-on before he went to bed. As she opened the door and stepped inside her apartment, Paulette wondered if he would be thinking of her when he did.

Paulette used the cool night to catch up on her sleep and didn't wake up until mid-morning. After a leisurely breakfast, she picked up the pile of mail that had accumulated the last week and started to sort through it.

Ten minutes later, she dropped the stack of envelopes back onto her work desk. Her mind kept wandering too much for her to concentrate on it.

Curiosity had taken hold and Paulette couldn't get that brief conversation with Greer yesterday out of her mind. The revelation that her friend was bisexual would've been a surprise in of itself, but her statement that someone else she worked with was also had been stunning.

It wasn't even so much Greer's words as the look on her face as she said them. Paulette had seen that expression before. If there was another woman at P & M that was into women, Greer knew it from first hand knowledge.

It wasn't that Paulette thought the possibility detrimental in any way. After all, she believed everyone was entitled to live their own life however they pleased. It was just that she found the possibility so fascinating.

Picking up her copy of the company roster from another cubbyhole, she began to consider the possibilities. There were ten women at P & M, eight when you eliminated Greer and herself. She also figured that she could eliminate Kelly as well since the question about her sexuality was what started it all in the first place. That left seven to pick from.

"Hmmm," Paulette hummed as she wondered which of her co-workers swung both ways. "Who could it be?"

The problem was, it wasn't like the woman in question went around wearing a sign. In fact, Paulette would've had to be pretty naive to think that there was any physical characteristics she could look for that would tell her which woman had gotten to know Greer a lot more intimately than she ever did. No, if there was a clue it had to be in their actions.

Based on sexual morals, or the lack of them, the most obvious candidate would have to be Stacy Moskowitz. The twenty-nine year old redhead had, up to thirteen months ago, worked for the number one service, Anderson & O'Dea. She had been fired after Mr. O'Dea had come into the office one night on the late shift to retrieve some papers he'd forgotten to take home.

The sixty-two year old had been surprised to find the door to his private office unlocked, and even more surprised to find Stacy inside and on her knees in front of one of the new trainees. The young man had his pants down around his ankles and his cock deep in the senior EMT's mouth.

The owner, who sat on the board of Saint Andrew's Church, was totally speechless. Not so Stacy who let the young man's member slip from her mouth and told her boss that she was a little busy at the moment, but if he wanted to come back in a half hour or so, she'd be happy to take care of him too. It had taken her less time than that to clean out her locker.

Janet McIntrye, who owned Pierce and McIntyre, didn't hesitate a single day to offer the fired worker a job. Her sexual habits, as far as Janet was concerned were no one's business but Stacy's and mattered little when measured against the fact that the paramedic, who had served as a medic in the Israeli Defense Force when younger, was the best EMT at a crash site Janet had ever seen. Since she had crossed over to P & M, Paulette knew of at least six male employees who also knew a few other things that Stacy was considered the best at.

Since Janet McIntyre was in her mind, Paulette had to consider the idea that she could be the one as well. The only disqualification she could thing of was that Janet was almost old enough to be Greer's grandmother. Still, that turned on some people. Paulette had a girlfriend who married a man older than her father. It stood to reason that a bisexual woman could be attracted to someone older as well.

Janet McIntyre had been married twice, having outlived both of her husbands. The first of which had been her partner, Ben Pierce. Now she was at an age where she only wanted relationships that didn't interfere with the way she lived her life.

Heather Willis was the next name on the list. In her late thirties, the heavy set woman had been the office clerk for the last four years, handling payroll, billing and the like. Single, she was an incorrigible flirt and Paulette couldn't remember a single day that the dark haired woman hadn't gone braless. This despite the fact that her breasts were both large and heavy. In fact, she seemed to go out of her way to wear outfits that were either low cut or tight enough to give everyone a very good look at her endowments. Despite that, Paulette had never heard of anything ever happening between Heather and anyone else in the office.

The same couldn't be said of Maria Hernandez. One of three married woman in the office, the other two being Cynthia Ford and Faith Rosenberg, Maria was the only one of them who made no secret of the fact that her union wasn't a happy one. That Maria was having an affair with Kirby Marshall, another EMT, was pretty much an open secret. The two of them took every opportunity they could get to get horizontal. That Kirby was also married didn't even seem to enter into the equation.

Getting back to Cynthia and Faith, both were faithful to their marriage vows in every way, or as far as Paulette could tell from what she knew of the two of them. Yet when she thought about that, it really wasn't all that much. The two of them could be gang banging the rest of the staff and she'd never know it.

The last woman on the roster was Kim Lee, who was also the youngest next to Greer. The twenty-three year old Chinese woman seemed to have no interest in anything except work. She had plans to one day become a doctor, but had taken two years off from school for some real life experience. If all went according to plan, she would be leaving in the fall to go back to school. Considering how single minded Kim was, Paulette had no doubt that she would reach that goal.

Her own immediate goal, however, looked like it was going to fall short. As interesting as her conjecture had been, it had gotten her absolutely nowhere. The only way she was going to satisfy her curiosity was if she could get Greer to tell her who in the office she had slept with.

Putting her curiosity behind her, Paulette carried the breakfast dishes into the kitchen, dropping them into the dishwasher. Then she headed into the bathroom and bedroom where she quickly showered and dressed. It was her first weekend off in over a month and she promised herself that she would take advantage of it. A nice walk along Mullany Street where they held the flea markets sounded just about right.

She was just about to head out the door when the phone rang. With one foot already in the hall, she was tempted just to let it ring. Then she admitted to herself that she knew she would spend the rest of the day wondering who it might've been. Hoping it didn't turn out to be some annoying telemarketer, she stepped back into the apartment and picked up the phone. It didn't take ten seconds for Paulette to regret not having listened to her first impulse.

"Paulette, I'm so glad I was able to catch you," the highly recognizable voice of Janet McIntyre said through the receiver. "I beeped you twice but something must be wrong with your pager."

There was nothing wrong with Paulette's pager. Despite the insistence of P & M that their employees wear them all the time, the brunette refused to do so. Her days off were just that and the minute she got home the beeper was tossed aside.

"What can I do for you, Janet?" she asked, hoping that she had just forgotten to fill out some form.

"I just got a call from Kirby Marshall," Janet said, causing the hairs on the back of Paulette's neck to stand on end. "He's not feeling well and won't be in for his shift tonight. It must be some kind of bug going around because Maria called in last night with the same symptoms."

"I'll just bet they're sick," Paulette immediately thought. "More likely one or both of their spouses are away for the weekend and they decided it would be a good time to shack up somewhere."

"So I'm left with one less crew for tonight," Janet continued, "and with the number of people we have on vacation this week, I'm really in a bind."

Paulette, like all the employees of P & M knew that the contract with the State called for them to field a certain number of units every shift. If they didn't, the contract could be canceled and they'd all be out of a job. Twice already this summer they had received fines for not having the minimum requirement. Some of the bigger firms had no problem keeping tabs on the competition and turning them into the state regulator, knowing that they'd pick up additional business if the smaller outfit folded.

"Who am I going to be riding with?" Paulette said in resignation, knowing where the conversation was going and deciding to cut right to the chase.

"I'm still working on that," Janet replied, "but I should have someone by the time you come in."

"Okay," Paulette simply said, thinking that the flea market would have to wait for another day.

"I really appreciate this, Paulette," Janet said as she brought the brief conversation to a close. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

As Paulette hung up the phone, she knew that was a promise that would never be kept. By Monday morning, Janet would have forgotten all about it and be faced with a whole new set of problems in keeping P & M a going concern. That was all right, she told herself as she headed back into the bedroom to change into working clothes. She knew the pluses and minuses of this job when she took it.

"I'm sorry you were the one Janet caught in her net," Jim Parks said as Paulette stepped into the office for the keys to her rig. "I know you haven't had a weekend off in a while."

"Those are the breaks," Paulette grinned as she lifted the key ring off the wall. "So who did she get to ride with me?"

"Pete Lowery," Jim said, looking down at the sheet on his clipboard as not to have to look her in the eye when he said it.

"Fucking wonderful," Paulette said under her breath.

If there was one person that exemplified the disadvantage of working for the lowest ranked company, Pete Lowery was it. The man was more than crude. Bad enough that he took almost every opportunity to brush up against a woman, if not actually put his hands on some part of her body, the aging medic thought women were always after him.

"Guess I'd better make sure I have my pepper spray," she said in a louder tone.

Before Jim could comment on that, the office door opened and a new arrival entered.

"Well, it looks like Monday came a little early," she said.

Paulette turned out and was surprised to find Greer standing there in black jeans and the equally black leather jacket that she wore on her motorcycle. Under the jacket she had on a sleeveless, white halter top that hugged her like a second skin.

"What are you doing here?" Paulette asked, knowing that Greer had the weekend off as well.

"The same thing that you're doing," Greer smiled, "making a little overtime."

Greer's unexpected arrival gave Paulette an idea. She told her to wait outside for a minute. Once she was gone, the older woman turned back to Jim and in her friendliest tone, asked who Greer was riding with. Just before she had turned, she had undone the top two buttons of her blouse, giving a much clearer view of her own not inconsiderable assets.

"Sonny Smith," he said, his eyes immediately drawn to the exposed flesh.

"Jim, could you do me a big favor and switch her and Lowery?"

"You know Janet doesn't like me to change the rotations around," he replied, his eyes never moving.

"Well since we're both here on our day off, it's not really part of the rotation," Paulette said as she pressed her case, as well as her breasts up against the countertop, giving Jim a very good look down her blouse. She hated using tactics like this to get something, but she hated the idea of spending the next eight hours with Lowery even more. "Besides, since I'm doing the company a favor I'm sure Janet wouldn't mind."

"Oh all right," Jim finally said as he finally pulled his eyes back into their sockets. "I guess Smith and Lowery deserve each other."

"You're a dear," Paulette said as she backed away from the counter.

The night shift manager lifted a folder and turned his attention back to the never-ending piles of paperwork. He was sure that when Sonny Smith showed up just a few minutes before the start of his shift, god forbid he should show up any earlier, he would be in here complaining that he had to put up with Lowery as well. The man might not try to cop a feel from Smith, but he was still a really obnoxious bastard in other ways.

"Well let Sonny Smith complain all he wants," Jim thought as he dismissed the expected protest. "I don't owe him any favors. Besides, the view had certainly been worth it."

By that time Paulette was already out the door and catching up to Greer, closing the buttons of her shirt before she was out the door. When she spotted the tall blond, she had already traded her leather jacket for a white company issue that covered her halter and was standing by the long row of ambulances.

"Looks like you're all mine, honey," Paulette said as she caught up to her, tossing her the keys to her vehicle.

"Always," Greer replied as she grabbed the keys in mid-air.

Paulette didn't hear her. The single thought that dominated her mind was to get her rig out of here before Smith or Lowery showed up. When they found out they had each other as partners rather then Greer or her, they were going to be unhappy campers indeed.

The night went pretty quick as the area they were assigned to provided a large number of runs, especially on a Saturday night. Before their shift was over, they'd responded to two traffic accidents, a knifing, an accidental shooting and one heart attack.

As interesting as they all were, eventually they would just blend in with their collective memories of a thousand different calls a year. The one exception was the last call of the night. It was one that both of them would remember all their lives.

"That was incredible," Greer gushed as she and Paulette stepped through the automated doors of the County Hospital's Emergency Room. "I can't remember the last time I felt so pumped about something I did."

"Yeah, it was pretty amazing," the shorter woman said as she pulled open the passenger side door of their ambulance and climbed inside.

"I guess it was old stuff to you though," Greer said as she climbed in on the opposite side and started the engine.

"Actually, that was my very first time." Paulette smiled.

"No way," Greer said as she turned and looked across the cab. "You were so cool and collected. I was so nervous that I thought my heart was going to burst."

"Well if you could feel my heart you'd have seen that it was beating just as fast." the senior EMT said as she leaned back with a self-satisfied smile. "Still, it was all worth it, just for the moment when I held that baby in my arms and felt its heartbeat and watched her take her first breath."

"Definitely," Greer agreed as she turned into the flow of traffic and headed back to base.

As the kaleidoscope of street lights flashed by, Paulette shifted her attention from the view outside to her partner. The night had been so busy that she hadn't had a chance to bring up the question she had wanted to ask Greer. Now, with the night's work behind her and with her body wanting to unwind, she let it fill her thoughts once more.

Watching Greer, she realized that her interest had expanded beyond just a curiosity about who is was that the younger woman had slept with. More and more, Paulette found herself wondering what it was like to make love to another woman.

She found herself looking at Greer, feeling as if it was the very first time. A strange feeling, she had to admit, seeing how many times she had seen her co-worker naked in the locker room.

Her gaze started with the contours of her face, and the long, flawless blond hair that framed it. Moving down, she continued onto the soft folds of her neck and the large, perfectly formed breasts below that dominated her form. With the white company jacket now hanging open, Paulette could see the dark nipples pressing against the thin material of her top.

The older brunette suddenly felt a surge of envy towards those men, and women as well she now knew, that had the chance to touch those rounded globes. What would it be like, she found herself asking, to have one of those pointed nipples in your mouth? The possible answer to her question caused her heart to beat faster once more.

Just before they pulled into the yard, her gaze had reached Greer's long legs; covered by her pants, but visible in Paulette's memory. Also in her memory were images of the dark bush between those legs, brief glimpses of which told her some time ago that the younger woman wasn't a natural blond.

"Earth to Paulette," Greer repeated for the second time, finally getting the other woman's attention.

"What?" Paulette said, roused from her musings.

"You looked like you were somewhere else for a minute," Greer said.

Looking out the front window, Paulette realized that they already back in the parking lot and in their assigned spot. She hadn't even noticed them entering the yard.

"I guess I was thinking about something," she said.

"No shit," Greer laughed.

Paulette had to laugh too, if only to hide the embarrassed flush that now filled her face.

"Why don't you stow the gear and I'll drop off the keys in the office," Greer said as she dropped down out of the cab.

"Okay," Paulette agreed, superfluously it turned out as Greer was already half way to the office.

It wasn't until the door closed behind her that the brunette realized that she hadn't taken her eyes off Greer all the way across the yard.

"Great, now she's got me staring at her ass," she grinned as she jumped down to the ground and went back to stow their gear.

"We're all clear," Greer said ten minutes later when she emerged from the office. "I signed us out."

"Thanks," Paulette said as she closed the back door of their unit, triggering the spring lock.

"So you heading home?" Greer asked.

"Guess so," the older woman answered. "I'll probably wind up in front of the TV for a while. I'm usually too keyed up after a shift to fall asleep right away. Especially, one like tonight. Plus I slept pretty late today."

"I hear that," the leather jacketed blond said as they walked to the other side of the fence where personal vehicles were parked. "I'm still pumped."

Reaching her car, Paulette opened the trunk and tossed her gym bag into it. She had just unlocked the door to the driver's side when Greer, who had parked her motorcycle two spaces over stepped up to her.

"Instead of watching reruns, why not come over to my place for a while?" Greer suggested. "We could pick up a pizza and a six pack and enjoy the night air."

The offer took the shorter woman by surprise. In all the time she had known Greer, she had never been invited to her home. In fact, she didn't even know where she lived. The girl didn't even have a home phone, just a cell.

"Sounds like fun," Paulette said after considering the idea for a few moments.

"Super," Greer smiled as she crossed the empty parking spot and untied her helmet from the back of her cycle. "I already called ahead to a great place I know on the way. They'll have our pie ready when we get there."

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Eddie didn’t usually pay much attention to the supermarket tabloids, you know–the ones that claim that Elvis is still alive and living on Mars with a f****y of space aliens. Yet today’s headline was enough to catch the eye of any red-bl**ded American male: countless women throughout the city of Atlanta were stopping men on the street and offering to give them blowjobs right then and there. A few days later, the local newspaper reported the same thing. For one week in September, women...

2 years ago
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Chudai Ki Aakhri Haad Taak 8211 Part 1

Hey friends!myself Sangram from Odisha.Well my nike name is Sonu ,age 21,height 5.8″.I am a fair skinned guy and has a athletic figure. I am a student of in 4th semester in etc Branch.Well friends i read stories of ISS ,but do not write any story or true incident because there is no need to.But a true incident happened with me before 2 months ago. That incedent changed me totally.I want to share this with u.Because it is totally true so now when I am writing this true story my hands are...

4 years ago
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Breaking the Rules

I woke up one morning and came downstairs to find pet making breakfast. I sat down to the table and read the morning paper she had placed on the table. One of her duties is to put the morning paper at my place so I can read it before going to work. I was reading it when she put breakfast in front of me. Something was strange - normally, I get a perky "Good Morning, Master!" from my pet, but today she was quiet and reserved. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on about getting ready...

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Ansleighs Descent

Ansleigh’s DescentSteve Oak glanced up at the clock on his large oak desk, noting that it was already 6:00.  He’d been at the office almost 12 hours trying to get ahead of things so he could take some much needed time off.  He’d switched with one his subordinates and was off to Virginia Beach to conduct a couple of focus groups.  He hadn’t done one in years.  That was what his staff was for.  But the opportunity to spend a long weekend at the beach, especially with the company paying for part...

3 years ago
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OTK Ch 05

Now for GrannyI was exhausted after an exciting couple of days taming my mother, and decided to just kick back in the pub, on my own. But, as the first pint went down, I went over the events, and a question popped in to my head. My mother had knuckled down to my dominance quite quickly, but I was sure that my father (now long departed) had not treated her like that. So: where had the subservience come from?This gave me pause; and after a few minutes I realised that the answer might lie with her...

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Hot Tub Play

Kelly watched her mom wash dishes at the sink. Pondering over how to tell her mom that her friend, Lily, was coming over, she had gone over different options all afternoon. She had met Lily online, and they had formed a fast friendship that led to an online romance. From what she had seen on the web cam, Kelly liked what she seen. Lily had shoulder length, brown hair that settled nicely with her amber colored eyes, which always reminded Kelly of a wolf. Her body was athletic in build, almost...

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Searching for Fulfillment ch3

As he'd promised, Justin began combing the internet, looking for sites that would lead him to men interested in sharing another man's wife and possibly, later, group sex. A gangbang. The thought made Justin instantly hard; he still couldn't believe his shy, sweet wife had been entertaining the same kinds of fantasies he had. They'd agreed to take things slowly. While Kelly's excitement and desire to explore this fantasy was plain, Justin could tell that she was nervous. He'd emailed back and...

Wife Lovers
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The LottoChapter 9

First included a makeover for her. This may seem strange as we seemed to be turning her into a submissive but it wasn't. I mean it wasn't true that we were turning her submissive; it was that she already WAS submissive and we were exposing it. What I wanted to do, with Sandi's help was to allow her to define herself and separate those elements of her personality that confused her. First rule of appearance; no more tees and jeans. Not while she was in my program, anyway. She happened to...

3 years ago
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Replacement Mannequin 5

Replacement Mannequin 5 By Paul G. Jutras The shower water stopped and a tall girl with DD breasts climbed out, reaching for a towel. The towel had an amazing resemblance to a dark curly haired man. As she wrapped the flat figure around her, she was especially careful to rub the two dimensional face against her breasts and pussy. Once dry, she unfolded the man across the living room rug. As Vickie laid naked face down on the floor she ran her trim and polished fingernail...

2 years ago
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Nerdy Girl

--- Nerdy Girl (MF, f-solo, Mf, MMMf, Ff, con, nc, reluc, 1st, bd, impreg, interr) by Krosis of the Collective --- Theresa had been living in her older sister's spare bedroom for the last month, and there was only two more months remaining to her summer vacation. After that she would return home and back to senior high school (ugh). She lay on her bed reading a fantasy novel. She was trying to tune out the frantic thumping from the next room as her sister Bethany was fucked...

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The cuckold

_________________________ Sophie, having led such a sheltered life, had little in mind except for the sexual aspects of marriage when, at the tender age of nineteen, she let herself be swept off her feet in a whirlwind romance, and gave her love to Barry, a man much older than herself. From puberty, Sophie had been constantly tormented with sexual desire, and now that she was married, she was ready to satiate her lust and to fuck like an animal. What she soon found though, was not the...

2 years ago
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Detention I waved bye to my friends and headed back into the school building. Just my luck I thought, Half-day and I’m stuck with detention. Granted detention with the hot English teacher who just came to the school last year, but still detention was detention, and for what? Being 10 minutes late to class a couple of times in one week? ‘You are supposed to be a responsible student?you are a 6th year, 18 years old, and are supposed to be setting an example to younger students. It’s time you...

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PureTaboo Brooklyn Gray It8217s Better To Be Sure

A young lesbian couple, Candice (Brooklyn Gray) and Abby (Phoenix Askani), are hanging out together. As Candice lovingly brushes and styles Abby’s hair, they don’t notice they are being observed by one of Abby’s parents, Ethan (Ryan Driller), who is hungrily admiring Candice’s body. When the couple finally addresses Ethan by asking him how Abby looks with her hair styled, he cracks a silly joke, so that they don’t suspect a thing. A few days later, Abby looks upset...

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Lilys Day

You woke up in the apartment were you live with your fiancée Marshall and his best friend Ted Mosby. You look to your right for a morning quickie with your marshmallow but you notice that he isn't there. Where can he be, you think to yourself while starting to rub your tits to pleasure yourself. Marshall is always there compliment your looks in the morning and try to get a morning blowjob, but not this day which makes you wonder why. you run your fingers through your red silky hair and notice...

4 years ago
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fantasy and desires 3

Hello everyone fellow writers readers of eroctic stories fellow porn lovers.its me again!! yes... auntie norma :) as you all know if you've been keeping up with my stories you know about jake and my self.... ok.. lets cut to the chase'. well this is what should be the third of the story three in one and asking for fantasy and as you know if you have read all the stories combined between my nephew and my self then you know that he said yes and as well as now I am going to...

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ISS reader girl loves getting her pussy eaten 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, it’s been a long time since I penned down my experience. I am Kiran, 25 years old, a software dev from Bangalore. I was humbled seeing all the positive responses I got for my previous experience. Today I would like to narrate the story of a young 18+ years old ISS reader who got in touch for a sensual experience. About the princess, she is a college student, young and energetic, full of life. She had been in a relationship before and had lost her virginity to her boyfriend. But...

3 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 19

I could sense that Marie was nervous as we were sitting in a hallway at the courthouse. By the time we moved inside the small office, she was terrified. The old gray-haired judge must have seen that as he came to Marie and took a hold of her hands and looked at her eyes. "And this is the beautiful girl whom her parents have disgracefully abandoned. Do not worry, young lady. I'll make sure that you are taken care of." When Marie blushed he released her hands and turned to look at...

2 years ago
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Unexpected stop

The tires of my car hummed along the blacktop, we were making good time, shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to get home. My 18 year old s****r Hanna and I were returning from our Grandma’s house, she was getting on in years, and we liked to visit her often, and help her out, without her having to ask us. Hanna, studying the map, said, ‘Lisa, If we take the next exit, it’s a secondary highway, should cut about 30 miles off our distance.’ I slowed, and took the exit ramp, and on the...

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part time work for summer

“There aren’t any other ways to get the credits?” Karen asked her advisor.“No, I’m sorry Karen. You’ll have to replace the class with a volunteer position over the summer,” her advisor responded. Halfway through her college career, Karen was close to having all her graduation requisites met. Unfortunately, attendance for her summer class – an easy, online, civics lecture – was too low and got cancelled. And based on what her advisor was telling her, the only way to satisfy her civics...

4 years ago
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A wild sea voyage

A wild sea voyageBy the time we lived in Port Everglades, we had borrowed a nice sixty foot cruiser from our old friends Cecilia and Peter. They were going to be abroad during two weeks at least; so, we could enjoy the boat for a whole weekend. Anita and I had decided to sail away with another two couples of friends; not a long raid, just few miles close to the coast line.While waiting for our guests, we had spent the night on board, of course having wild sex during most of the time.At early...

3 years ago
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A Brand New ManChapter 4

I awoke to repeated kisses on my face, neck, shoulders, and chest, which made me smile as I looked up at none other than Missy and Michelle on top of me. Someone else was busy sucking my dick, too, but the duo pushed me down before I could see the face of my oral benefactor. They insisted upon planting more kisses on my upper body, both of them tasting suspiciously like each other’s pussy and ass. I had to admit that the flavors and smells were intoxicating to me. “Hey, babe. You’ve really...

2 years ago
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Mummys Little Pet

Mummy's Little Pet "I can't believe you," I said to my girlfriend, Theresa, after her friends had left. "What are you talking about?" she asked. As if she didn't know. "I heard what you and your friends were saying about me, I'm not deaf you know. About how I'm more like a pet than a man. How I'm more like your little lap dog!" I argued with her. "I didn't say that at all Dan!" she shot back at me. "No, what was it you said again?" I asked "You know I don't like dogs, he'd...

3 years ago
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Educating Brittany Chapter 5

It was the last week of Brittany’s visit; her dad had limited how much she was allowed out. I guess him knowing that she was seeing a boy who was obviously having sex with her didn’t help. We still talked a lot and sent each other dirty messages. Alisa had also gotten back to me, and I had been to her place a few times to have sex with her. She told me she loved me a few times, I thought that was nice. I spent the evening with Alisa, one of her girlfriends were there with us and we watched...

Love Stories
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A Horseshoes LuckChapter 6

Aston woke up and looked around only moving his eyes at first. He had been careless about his fire and it had gone out sometime during the night, leaving his camp in total darkness. Without a fire, night hunters would be emboldened to attack him and his horses. Something had stirred and the horses had reacted by snorting, shuffling around, acting disturbed by something they felt was a threat to them. It was still pitch black so whatever it was had to be a night hunter. If it was large enough...

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Sales Woman Offers Herself

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I am Rahul, I was living in Mumbai when this happened. I was sitting in my home, working on my computer, when the doorbell rang. I got up to answer it and found that it was my new neighbor, a beautiful, sexy woman with long, shiny black hair, big brown eyes, and the most delicious breasts you ever saw. As she smiled at me my cock started to rise, and now here she was, standing on my doorstep, a small suitcase in her hand. “Is...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 58 Just Another Manic Monday

February 24, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Can you forgive me for being a complete ass?” I asked without waiting for a response. “Shut the door, please.” I nodded and shut the door, then sat down on her couch. “I am really sorry, Sweetheart,” I repeated. “I know. And I understand how visceral your feelings on these matters are, but for the most part, the system works pretty well.” “Please forgive me if I vehemently disagree,” I replied softly. “But even so, I should never have said what I...

5 years ago
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Neptunia ENF

There are many girls across the different Neptunia dimensions. There is the four main goddesses and their CPU Candidates, as well as other goddesses, makers, and more. While Neptunia is already full of Fanservice, there are still so many possibilities and scenarios not explored in the games that we shall explore here. What kind of lewd things could happen to these girls?

3 years ago
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My first taste of sloppy seconds

I recall the first time my wife had another man bareback and I had my first taste of sloppy seconds - yes, I know we all want safe sex but in the ideal world, we all love the feel of a naked cock sliding in and out of a delicious wet warm pussy. In addition, when it comes to sharing a horny woman in an MFM scenario I will never forget that wonderful feeling of sliding into my wife's exquisite, hot and slippery hole just after another man has fucked her hard and pumped his cum deep inside her! I...

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party night at the Spa

We had booked online for one of the fun party nights at the club after our first visit to the spa. We had had a great time but most importantly you had enjoyed yourself and your confidence had meant you wanted to explore more. We had both spent the day letting you try on all kinds of sexy outfits till we found the perfect one for the evening’s fun, we had decided on a Basque with half cup bra top and peep hole panties with stay up stockings. The stockings were an extra as you had sexy Fuck me...

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The World As You Make It

I reached out, blindly swatting at my alarm on my phone as I tried to shut it off. Eventually I somehow managed to hit the button. I laid there for a bit wishing I could go back to sleep before finally rolling unto my back and let out a groan as I stretched out my arms and shoulders and took a deep breath before letting out a yawn. I covered my mouth and then rubbed my eyes before I looked up at the ceiling. I reached down and gave my cock a rub trying my best to remember the dream I had just...

4 years ago
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Hot Dream

Just thinking about the dream I had this morning .... guess it is because i really want to experience this I keep dreaming about it. Even right now, remembering my dream, I feel my cock swelling and stiffening in my shorts, my balls tingling just a little ... I just reached down to squeeze it to see how big it has gotten and it felt very nice.In my dream I was wondering what it would be like to be sucking another guy, he was uncut, like me. I was softly teasing around and under his balls, while...

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My dirty Girlfriend gets carried away and shags my

Well I thought I would share a true story of a night i'll never forget. I was out in Cardiff with a good mate of mine Kevin. Kevin was a good mate of mine from college. A handsome lad that is the same age as me 27. He's 6ft, with black short hair and a tanned muscular body. He's a hit with the ladies and my girlfriend Ceri of six years has never hidden the fact that she fancies him. Ceri who's 25, blonde, with perky breast, a curved peachy bum, sexy legs and a pretty innocent face. She's a shy...

4 years ago
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Update with my wife and her dad

I go with her to her doctor appointments. Of course, as I look around the room full of pregnant girls and women, my mind starts to wonder how many of them also were impregnated via incest. Was that girl knocked up by her brother, uncle, dad, or grandpa? She’s cute, young, and alone. I notice she is without a wedding ring and looks barely old enough to drink legally. Nicole watches me as I eye the other pregnant patients and knows what is going on in my mind. She nudges me and smiles...

5 years ago
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An Officer and a Gentleman1777 Ch 04

Major Tremaine had been summoned to Army HQ almost as soon as he returned from the Indian camp. He hurried over yet he had been kept waiting almost 45 minutes. It was just another example of how this army was being run. He still believed in General Burgoyne but time was being wasted. It was almost the middle of June. They should on the Lake by now, threatening Ticonderoga. Yet they sat, cooling their heels. As he waited, Jeffrey thought about last night and Polikwaptiwa. He had been with all...

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Rain in the Park

© Copyright It was at the park when I first noticed her. A woman in her 50s I guessed, sitting crossed legged on her blanket, eating her picnic lunch, reading a book and enjoying the warm July summer sun. Like most days, now that school is out, I sit at the park, feed the birds and enjoy reading my Danielle Steele novels when I'm not working. I landed a nice summer job for the town I live in as a painter. My job was go around town and repaint all the town's fire hydrants. That's it!...

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Sex with My cousin and Grandmother

One weekend evening I decided to go out onto my grandparents enclosed back porch. It had been added onto the house at some point. My grandparents had one of the big chest freezers on the back porch. It was located under the bathroom window which would have looked outside before the porch was added on. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I decided to climb up on the freezer and look into the bathroom window. I looked in and saw my cousin Debbie taking a bath. I had never seen anyone naked...

2 years ago
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Couldnt take me eyes off of him

Im tall and dark with olive skin that tans real easy. I usually like the same kind of skin tone as mine but one day this k** shows up at work. He was 18 and looked 14 with his brown hair and Justin Beiber haircut. His eyes were big and wide and bright blue. He was about 5'10" which is shorter than me. His body was incredible. He was wearing a white wife beater soaked with sweat and sticking to his v-shaped back, thick chest muscles and board flat abs. He was golden tan which is why i couldnt...

3 years ago
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A Beginners Guide to FFM

I came away from lunch with Valerie with mixed emotions. Was I shocked? Not really. This, after all, wasn’t some behind-the-times country village, this was 21st Century fashionable Hampstead where supposedly unorthodox relationships weren’t uncommon. What were once regarded as bedroom secrets have become dinner party small talk. So, no, I wasn’t shocked. I admit, though, I was surprised. Valerie was forty-two. She had been my closest friend for so long I’m not sure I can even recall how we...

4 years ago
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RCAFChapter 10 Pacific Exhibition

As the linebacker-shaped two-metre-tall Marine officer announced that yes, this was indeed an extraction, Harry hauled out his cell phone. No luck – no signal. "Razor, keep control over the men. I'm going to talk to one of those Marines." "Sir," Razor acknowledged with a smart salute. No joking, not now – things were too chaotic, the need for sober minds too acute. Harry marched up to a man in a green uniform with some sort of American-style officer's rank insignia on the shoulders....

2 years ago
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Ms Yates Chapters 12 13 and 14

Ms. Yates A Novel Twelve "Honey, you'll be late!" Marjorie called. But it was Barbara who came into her room. "I'm not going to school today," Tina said. "I can't face them." The vote had left her stunned. But she'd been brave afterward, answering questions for reporters from Newsday, from the local town paper and from a local cable news station. "Come on, Sis," Barbara had said at last. "Let's get out of here." She hadn't cried. She felt too empty to cry. Barbara...

3 years ago
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A typical night in Hawaii

Eleven in the evening in my favorite peep show on Hotel Street, downtown Honolulu. Long time ago. Two connecting dark hallways, lots of booths with full doors that locked. Unlike the mainland, cops never trolled the peep shows looking to bust faggots. Just had to keep those quarters flowing or eventually get told to leave. I would pull on my semihard dick with the door cracked about three inches and wait for someone to walk by. I was young and muscular (not like now) and could usually snag the...

4 years ago
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Reluctant SwappersChapter 2

"Weren't the Greens nice?" Sharon said again, as she and Ron walked into the bedroom of their small, but tastefully furnished home. "I was certainly glad to meet them." "Saved the night, that's for sure," Ron agreed. He sat down on the bed and removed his shoes, rubbing his feet. "If it hadn't been for them, I would have climbed the walls. There's simply no reason to put up with people you don't like, and I always feel like an absolute fool when I do anyway." Ron chided himself....

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Shadows of Fright The Mutant

Its life as a human only lived on through a couple memories. Most of its human life was forgotten. It mainly staged swamps and lakes though. One of its last memories of a human was being in a lab. Pain. Being tortured. That was when the mouth appeared where his throat was. It took about a week. But it ended up meeting his first mouth making a triangular gape filled with triangular teeth. His tongue long and free. It even remembered when his arms split open into three different appendages. The...

3 years ago
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Our Daily BreadPart 2

My wife, Ata, entered the shop as the bell clanged, and the lights snapped back on. Ata was born in Bordrum, Turkey. On the sea. The Turquoise Coast it’s called. She never knew her parents but there were rumors that her mom was a witch. Ata wore a locket that she wore with the name of Iamar engraved in it. In university we had met and became as one, experiencing what life brought us. I went from owning video shops, in the hay-day of the business, to now a small bookshop. Now in the...

4 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 8

“We can’t wait all night for those yahoos. They probably found some young pussy and stopped to have fun. Start loading the cattle and we’ll have the last two haulers wait here for when they get back,” he ordered the men. “All we do is arrange the cattle inside the trailer and drive. I don’t know nothing about gettin’ them damn critters into a chute,” one of the drivers replied. “How hard can it be to get a bunch of stupid animals onto your trucks?” the fancy man retorted angrily. “Since...

2 years ago
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Mardi Gras

We liked to holiday in the US every couple of years and this year we had decided to take in Mardi Gras.It was a great first day there and as night time came we had some fun on the streets with Amelia being asked to show her breasts which she was more than happy to do especially as the complimnets and the booze were flowing.We were invited into a bar for a wet t-shirt contest which Amelia was tod she could enter. She had looked at me looking for approval, the woman who had asked her, Lisa said...

1 year ago
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It's mid afternoon, Saturday night and Hugh was dog tired after a long day at work, so he decided to take a nap, before going anywhere. As soon as he lies down, the doorbell rings. He answers the door and it's Gary with his , Fiona, and some other unknown girl. "Hubie, what's up, man, can we come in?" Gary asks. "Come on in, I'm tired as hell right now though. I'm not really up for anything too wild tonight." "That's cool" said Fiona. As soon as everyone is in, Hugh asks "So who's this?"...

2 years ago
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Comeback Massage Because Of An Hot Aunty 8211 Part 2

Hello all, I am classy from bangalore and people can contact me on if u like to pass any comment I am back with my remaining part of the incident which happened in the spa.Thanks for the response given by many readers. Now getting back to the story, as I said last time my monster was half hard and the lady n the massager were smiling. Seeing that I was feeling a bit uncomfortable with it and suddenly the lady asked me am I ok or is there any problem? I said nothing as such but little bit...

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