A Horseshoes LuckChapter 6 free porn video

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Aston woke up and looked around only moving his eyes at first. He had been careless about his fire and it had gone out sometime during the night, leaving his camp in total darkness. Without a fire, night hunters would be emboldened to attack him and his horses. Something had stirred and the horses had reacted by snorting, shuffling around, acting disturbed by something they felt was a threat to them. It was still pitch black so whatever it was had to be a night hunter. If it was large enough to want to try for a horse, he was going to be screwed by the loss. He quietly slid out of his small tent, making as little noise as possible. He felt upwards and found the back edge of the wagon. Moving to the right, he found the stand that held a lantern. He lifted it down and opened the glass by touch. He felt the wick to make sure it was high enough to catch the spark he would make to light it. He felt for the small pouch that always rode on his left hip, it wasn’t there. He needed the flint and steel that was in it. He thought about it and decided it had come loose while he slept and was in the sleeping roll.

Not having any choice, he squatted down and reached back to hopefully find the pouch near the front. He pulled the blanket out further until he found what he was looking for. He had set the lantern down and it took a few seconds of moving his hands in the darkness to find it again. While he was doing this, the horses were becoming more agitated. He carefully withdrew the flint stick and the steel rod from the bag. He placed his hands in what he hoped was the correct spot, squinted his eyes to protect them when the spark flashed and struck the steel to the flint at a sharp angle. As he hoped, a fat spark flared and he saw he was off-center from the wick. He adjusted his hands and struck again. This time it wasn’t as bright, but the spark landed on the oil-soaked fabric. The lamp oil caught quickly and he was able to adjust the flame so it was bright, but not making much smoke. He stood up and set the lamp back on the post that it was normally mounted on and started looking around.

In the darkness, he could see eyes glowing back at him from the light provided by the lone lamp. He released the whip from his side and held it, ready to strike should he need to. Now out of the darkness, he heard a growl of an angry wolf. He had spoiled their hunt and they were not happy about it. One set of eyes move closer to the lamplight towards him now rather than the horses. The rest started to spread out, eyes flickering in and out of sight as they moved.

Aston figured it was the Alpha male that was closing in on him, so he had to deal with the meanest and toughest of the pack first. As he watched, a dark shadow moved into the faint lantern light. The growl got lower in tone and louder at the same time, it was ready to strike. Aston had uncoiled the whip by now and was ready to strike. He knew he couldn’t kill it with the whip, but could hurt it enough to want to leave. When it entered the max range of the whip, Aston drew his arm back and spun the whip up over his head. This move only took a few seconds, seconds that were almost too long. The wolf started its attack at the same time. Aston brought the whip around as hard and fast as he could, hoping to catch the wolf in mid-leap. He felt the impact of the whip and heard the wolf let out a howl of pain and fear. This caused the rest of the pack to freeze in place.

Aston drew the whip back, spun it up again, and lashed out at the Alpha male a second time. He didn’t know he had caught it across the face, smashing one eye to paste. The wolf was rubbing the pain in the dirt, trying to make it stop hurting. The second hit was across its rear, just under the tail as it was rolling right at that instant. This elicited a loud yip and even more scrabbling in the dirt. The male was able to make it to its feet and dashed off into the dark, making no effort to sneak away. The rest of the pack had watched this, and as Aston glanced around, the eyes winked out until only one set remained. He heard an angry growl then they vanished as well. After a few minutes, the horses settle down now that the threat was gone.

Aston took the time to restart the cooking fire and made sure it would last the night. He could hear howling in the distance and at one point, a loud yipping sound like a dog had just been burned and was running away. He thought it might be the leader of the pack getting cast out because of his injuries and loss in the fight. He gathered his horses and lashed them to the wagon, then put on their feed bags hoping that would help keep them calm for the rest of the night. This seemed to work and they settled down to chew the grain and sleep a bit more.

This taken care of, he returned to his small tent and made ready to turn back in. He paused to ensure his flint and steel were properly secure this time and his whip at his side. Once settled, he just lay there, listening, and thinking about events. The explosion of the coal bin had ruined his plans to stay a week more and collect a few more coins. The thieves at the village a few days back had upset him. The town was held hostage and nobody was willing to work to free them. He knew he wasn’t the one to do that. He wasn’t a fighter. He was an expert in equine husbandry. He could defend himself at need, but when it came to a real fight, he would let the professionals handle that. The howling remained far off and gradually faded away, but sleep still eluded him. He thought about the girl at the barbershop. She was good looking, skilled at shaving and hair care, and very skilled at making sure a man was well cared for and relaxed when he left. He had tipped her well each time he had gone for a shave. He had met very few women that could take him as far down as she did. Was it natural talent, or just lots of practice, most likely lots of practice he decided.

He had visited the house one time but didn’t go back for a second visit. The woman was in a hurry and was less than polite when he wasn’t fast enough for her. “Hurry up and get finished will you,” she had said after about two minutes, “I have others waiting for me tonight.” He finished and left, but did not leave a tip. He got enough verbal abuse during the day, he didn’t need any from a paid whore late at night.

He didn’t even notice that sleep had finally come until he opened his eyes to a bit of light around him. He had slept longer than he wanted to so he had to hurry to get the horses back in harness and back on the road. He took care of his morning business and ate the leftovers from the night before. The horses were ready to go and the lead stallion, Frayn, had the mares in order, ready to be hooked up by the time he was ready to begin. Smart horses were one of the blessings of the gods he was certain. The sun was an hour above the horizon by the time he was back to the road and driving along. He continued south as much as the roads and paths allowed throughout the day. He didn’t see a single farm or sign of a village at any time. The forest was dense, and the light was dim because of the thick canopy. He could see many of the trees were very old and had grown to massive proportions. He spotted a few giants that a two dozen men would be needed to reach completely around them.

‘This area hasn’t been logged in many generations,’ he thought. ‘I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.’ He could just make out the sun that was now well-passed mid-day by several hours. So he knew he was still headed generally south. He could also tell he was headed downhill. A small stream appeared and ran beside the path, which was now becoming quite overgrown from lack of use. He noted something odd about the path that made him stop, set the brake to keep the wagon from rolling, and climbed down. He made sure he had his whip handy in case of an attack. He walked ahead of the horses and stooped down to the dirt. Only, it wasn’t dirt, nor stone of any sort that he knew. It was a dark grey, fairly solid with small amounts of gravel in it. He dug into it a bit more and found what looked like a rusted iron bar embedded in the material. He checked further along and saw it continued on. Checking to each side, he could see it was a wide road at one time. The sides lifted a bit and there was more of the grey stone surface beneath the leaves and plant growth.

A little further from what he now could see was a roadway in some distant past, he could just make out what might have been a foundation of a building. It was large and he could make out the general shape, a giant rectangle. One spot would have been a doorway if he guessed correctly and a step led up to where the wall might have been at one time. He could see rotted sheets of material that crumbled to dust as he touched them. The size and shape resembled shingles for a rooftop. He didn’t see any items he could readily identify beyond that though. He returned to his wagon, gave the horses a quick check, and made sure the tack was holding firm and climbed back to the driver’s bench. He released the brake and snapped the reins lightly and the horses started off at a slow walk over the uneven surface.

Aston had to wonder, how old was this forest, and the roadway. It was so old the forest had almost completely reclaimed it. This was the only thing he was certain of as he looked around as he drove. He drove along the old roadbed for several hours, pausing occasionally to look at the ruins of old buildings and water the horses. It was when he saw a foundation with metal sticking up that he stopped and dismounted to take a look. He could see that the floor had collapsed in several places to a chamber below ground. This made him aware of the danger of any openings at the surface. He wouldn’t have anybody to dig him out should he become trapped below ground here. He looked the rusted metal beam over as well as he could in the dimming light. The thick overhead canopy and the valley walls had night coming on sooner than he expected. He could see heavy rust on the nearest rod, giving it a rough and rotted appearance. He tapped it with a stick he had picked up and several thick layers of old surface rust fell away as a powder that stank of age. He could see the bare metal under the additional rusted layers that had separated slightly from the surface.

He tapped it again and more of the rust crumbled and fell away. The rust was so old, any that didn’t crumble shattered to a course, red dust on the ground. He tapped it a third time and jumped back when he heard the snapping of a piece of metal near his feet. He watched as the rod rapidly sank down below ground and the entire foundation floor that was still visible collapsed into the chamber below. He heard splashing and crashing as the building material fell into the accumulated water below. Aston backed away further in case the area around the foundation was in as bad of shape as the old building.

After a few minutes, the noises stopped and he heard only the sounds of the forest around him. ‘I need to find a safe place to camp,’ he thought. ‘This place is so old even any ghost must have given up haunting it by now.’ He chuckled at that and went back to the wagon. He drove for another hour and finally settled on a spot that had been an intersection of two roads. It was clear of any trees so he was able to make camp for the night without much trouble. “Water might be an issue in a few more days,” he said to the horses. They just looked at him and the lead stallion snorted at him. He made sure they were fed and watered from the barrel and checked their hooves for any damage. Not finding any, he finished setting up and got a fire going to cook some of the travel food for his evening meal. He didn’t have any problem finding good firewood, the roadway was littered with old branches that had fallen over the years. Much of it was dry from age and usable for the fire. He decided in the morning he would gather a few days worth of good firewood to take with him. It would save time setting up camp further down the road.

As the darkness closed in, he listened to the sounds of this forest. The breeze in the high canopy made a steady background rustling and he could hear the occasional howl of a distant wolf or the call of a cat. None came close so he soon relaxed and he slept. He did wake several times during the night, listening for anything that was not right. The only thing that changed was the lessening of the breeze above. The horses remained quiet as nothing disturbed them either.

Morning came and Aston had his camp broken down and ready to roll just as the sun should have crested the horizon. The deep valley though kept it dark for longer than he was used too. Once he had everything packed, he spent a few minutes gathering firewood the take along. When he thought he had enough for a few days, he hooked the horses up to the wagon and was soon on his way once more. The old road continued south in a near straight line on a slight downwards slope.

He could tell when he reached the bottom of the valley finally. There was a wide river running through it. It was flowing fast and he could tell it was deep from the way the surface remained smooth. He could see trees in the water, the occasional animal corpse flowing downstream and small bits of jetsam and flotsam that was common in all rivers. Now he had a new problem. The roadway ended at the edge of the river bank. He spotted what might have been bridge pilings at one time several yards out into the river. The bridge though was long gone. He saw that a wide footpath heading east following the river downstream. It was just barely wide enough for him to drive the wagon down it. The path turned away from the river, headed uphill slightly, and soon came to another of the old roadways. This section was in better shape than the first one he had found. Sections along this stretch were still somewhat intact.

At mid-day, he paused to feed the horses and eat some food. He had only eaten a bapple when he started out and was hungry now. ( NOTE: A Bapple is a large fruit from a seasonal tree. The fruit generally ran three to four inches across and are an orange-red color when ripe. The meat is firm but sweet with very high water content. The skin is thin and is eaten with the fruit. Inside are four to six seeds depending on the breed of fruit. The seeds are not eaten as they are not digestible. If swallowed, they can catch in the intestinal tracks and cause infections and swelling. Think Diverticulitis on steroids.)

Aston studied the surroundings as he ate. One of the small hillocks just off the road seemed odd. The sides were evenly sloped and the front was flat. When he walked over to one to get a closer look, he could see the hill was hollow. Aston went back and retrieved one of the lanterns and lit it. Now he could see inside the chamber. The floor was covered in dead leaves and sticks. He didn’t see any bones though. That made him wonder what could keep animals from using such a good cave to live in. He held the lantern low to the floor to look for any openings. It was well that he did. Ten feet back, he found a round hole in the floor. He spotted rust stains where metal mounts used to be for a stairway going down as far as the light reached. The stairs, if they had been stairs had rusted away and fallen down the shaft. He could smell something now coming up from the shaft. It was a gas smell that reminded him of rotting flesh. He knew from experience that gas like that could kill easily. He backed out of the cave, out into the daylight and fresh air. He didn’t notice that he had disturbed the dirt on the floor enough that some had slipped over the side to fall in to the still water below as he moved away. The dirt broke the surface tension and poisonous gas began to roil upwards from the water.

By the time he had returned to the wagon setting the lantern on the driver’s bench, but not extinguishing it, a cloud of gas had issued forth from the opening and was spreading around the hillock. The breeze was slowly pushing it mostly away from the road into the deeper forest ruins. The gas of the cloud proved toxic when a bird flew into it. In seconds, it fell out of the air and flopped around for a minute before dying. Aston jumped up to the seat and spurred the horses into a fast trot to get away from the toxic cloud. He didn’t understand that gasses of this sort tended to be heavier than air, so they sank. He had just made it away from the immediate danger zone when the still lit lantern he had set on the bench next to him bounced and tumbled over the side to crash to the ground. The oil spilled out and the burning wick caused it to go up in a small burst of flame. The gas reached the burning puddle a minute later and ignited. The flaming gas ball raced back to the opening where it hit the denser gas still in the shaft. The resulting fireball lit the area several times brighter than the midday sun. The heat flash set dozens of giant trees around the building on fire. The horses didn’t wait for a command, they took to a full gallop and wouldn’t stop.

Below, in the shaft, something far worse was happening now. There were three dozen of these vertical shafts in the surrounding forest. All had connecting airshafts running between them. The flaming gas blasted from one shaft to the next, disturbing the surface tension of the resting water. The water was supersaturated with explosive gasses from the ages of rotting plants and debris that had blown into the chambers and fallen into the water lightly enough to not disturb the surface. The slightest disturbance was enough to free the gas and cause the water to drop, pushing the gas up and out. The heat of the flaming gas jumped from place to place, causing one fireball after another to explode out across the forest.

Aston was holding on for dear life to the reins. The first blast panicked the horses and they ran and nothing Aston could do would stop them. It was well he couldn’t, part of the road behind him had started collapsing into a deep pit as whatever it was below ground caved in from the shock-waves. He held on and after five minutes, the horses slowed as their energy flagged. A few more minutes and he had them down to a slow walk. He looked back and saw that part of the forest was burning. He didn’t know what he could do to put it all out though. He knew this was his doing, even if it was an accident. His worries ceased when something began to happen that made him snap the reins to get the wagon moving faster again. Giant tree’s on the slopes had begun to topple over and vanish into the ground. It was as if the land was opening up and swallowing the burning forest whole.

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Panty play in the post room

Hello guys! This is my 3rd story here. Hope u would enjoy it. Sarah moaned softly, an expression of pleasure etched on her pretty young nineteen year old face, as she leant back in her swivel chair. Her business skirt was pulled up round her waist and her right hand was thrust deep down the inside of her skimpy panties, her fingers rhythmically massaging her pussy. She still had all her clothes on and was still wearing her blouse, her sexy patterned stockings and her knee length boots. Her...

3 years ago
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Tales of Kjeldorn

The Kingdom of Helm has always been the envy of all civilized nations upon the world of Kjeldorn and beyond. With a rich ecology and plentiful resources,a warm climate and an abundance in rains, Helm has always been the crowns' gem for the human Empire. The majority of Wars have been fought for this land, and the worlds' very history unravels around Helm's fate. For over five hundred years, the various races have fought each other for the right to rule these divinely blessed-or some would say...

1 year ago
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Lindas Different Day

At some time in the future Linda Greer would enjoy recalling the unexpected way she was feeling on that day, not to mention the eventual outcome. Although having, what she considered to be, a normal healthy attitude to sex, she had never found the need to chase after it. There had been occasions when she could go months without it. Although such times were never desirable, she could always bury herself in her writing to help any needs to pass. Since losing her virginity, in a forgettable...

Erotic Fiction
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At a dinner party

My name is James, and my wife is Ellen. We’re both brunettes, and in our thirties. We frequently socialize with friends, and go to parties. There was this one special party that Ellen and I went to. It was a dinner party, that a couple of our friends threw. We didn’t even want to go, but we did anyway. I was chatting it up with someone, when all of the sudden, my wife tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at her, and she grabbed my arm. She had me get up, and she casually took me out of the...

2 years ago
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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 9

"I don't remember ever doing a stock check, Brenda. It has always been controlled by software, I am sure. Perhaps a physical stock check ought to be a priority for now?" Ruth gestured at her phone. "I have a list of all the items found in Metro Discounts which we suspect came from your business. In addition, I have a list of these same identifiers which we have traced to manufacturers on Earth. That data says they were all purchased by Lownie Stores, which is why we are so sure about...

3 years ago
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Service not included

She looked back over her shoulder and checked herself in the full-length mirror. She smiled, not bad for late thirties, not bad at all. Adjusting the stockings making sure the seam ran straight up her shapely legs, she turned back, slipping the yellow cotton dress on over her head. She smoothed the cool material over her body, her small firm breasts, unencumbered by a bra, stood proud. The length of the summery dress just covering the stocking tops she slipped on the not too high healed shoes...

Straight Sex
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AscentChapter 1 Of Awakening Love

I feel like I am falling... or is it rising? Words seem unfamiliar to me as I make their shapes with my mouth and throat. I assume that this is my body, the intense sickness in the stomach, the muscular ache in my limbs and the scale of stabbing pains in my head. I can feel each nerve impulse arrive at my brain with all the speed and urgency of melting snow. Then I awoke... I knew immediately things were different. For one thing, I had an erection. I did not even know how I knew it was an...

2 years ago
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The Offering

The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift – as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she’d expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period Egyptian...

3 years ago
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Mein Fragebogen

FRAGEBOGEN FÜR FRAUEN Alter:21Familienstand:ledig Kinder: 0Körpchengröße:75b Kopf Haarfarbe:rot manchmal blondKopf Haarlänge:lang Schamhaar Farbe: braunSchamhaar länge:mittelWenn Rasiert wann das erste mal:13 Wie sieht deine Pussy aus?schön Augenfarbe:braunGröße:156Gewicht:50Tatoos:jaPiercing: jaWas hast du beim Schlafen an:ShirtWas gefällt dir an deinem Körper am Besten?Po Wie viele feste Beziehungen hattest du:5Wie viele sexuelle „Partner“ hattest du:genugWie alt waren deine jüngsten/ältesten...

3 years ago
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A Calm Induction

I want you to take a nice Deep breath, in through your nose, and out your mouth, taking nice Deep breaths in through your nose, and out your mouth. I want you to imagine a Brilliant sapphire, Slowly swinging Back and Forth in front of your face, Sparkling in the radiant sunlight as your eyes follow it Back and Forth, It’s swinging times with your breathing Feeling so Relaxed and so Good as it swings Back and Forth, Back and Forth, it seems so Slow, and Lazy, but so Relaxing, Just making...

3 years ago
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My New Wife and The Young Spaniards

We had a wonderful summer wedding and immediately after we honeymooned in Spain were both itching to get at each other. My wife Louise was a beautifully slim, pale skinned young woman. I was 22 she was 21. She was in her twenties but her body was still that of a teenagers. Since we first met at school Louise had always been one of the worst cock teasers I had ever known. In a way that’s probably why I liked her but she had a reputation like no other and since we went out together and ultimately...

4 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 10 Loving Her Futa Girlfriend 1 Salomes Futa Temptation

Chapter One: Salome's Futa Temptation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Salome Cardozo's Week, Monday “It's this Friday,” said my futa-girlfriend as we walked up the path towards the entrance of the school. “I can't wait.” I blushed, my stomach roiling with guilt from the slick feel of my asshole. “Yeah. It'll be an amazing night. You should see my dress.” Paloma smiled at me, her black hair gathered in a pair of matching pigtails to mine. We'd been styling our hair the same since...

2 years ago
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Space Farm

By Homealone_447 Leila and Carol were saying goodbye to their mother as her small carrier gained altitude and headed to the closest bazaar to bring provisions. The three women were part of a small group of ranchers that settled in the seventh planet of the Dogada system. The local species of the planet were perfect to commercialize in the meat market. The young sisters were excited because now that Leila had turned eighteen, their mother trusted the maintenance of the ranch to them for...

2 years ago
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World of Warcraft Mage and Death Knight

"Guards! Help me!" The woman screamed as she backed away. "No, wait, I...." Avith could hear the guards' heavy armor rattle towards her. "Dammit," she cursed under her breath, turning to flee. She slipped out the window of the inn, speaking a word of magic as she pulled a feather from her pouch, dropping to the ground lightly. Her green glowing eyes were of course easy to spot. She might as well be carrying a red flag over her head with her name written on it. "Guards!...

2 years ago
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brother O brother A Gay Taboo Story

brother O’ brotherBy: Londebaaz [Chohan]Hello, all the readers. I am going to share with you a very recent experience I had with a Cuban boy; I fucked him over the last weekend. I am not going to burden you with the details of how I got him but only want to share with you his short story, how he discovered his elder brother being a cocksucker and a bottom boy too. I think it would be better if you heard the story from Alexandro Persilla (Alex) in his words and I hope you enjoy it as much as I...

2 years ago
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Cocklust Ch 06

By that point, I was starting to realize how life-changing being gay really was.  It wasn’t just the sex, despite all the mind-blowing ways I’d found to get off, and the fact that I’d basically gotten addicted to cock.  It also meant a lot for my future.Before that summer, I’d always assumed I’d be like the people I’d grown up with: I’d settle down with a nice girl, and we’d have a few kids, and maybe a dog, while I worked in an office job somewhere.  Now all of that was crumbling away.At the...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Angel Next DoorChapter 4

“Do you, Robert Sebastian, take these women, Zoe and Victoria, as your lawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, for as long as you three shall live?” Zoe’s son Indra officiated the wedding for his mother and sister to this man, despite its lack of any official standing under Canadian law. “I do,” Robert said, wholeheartedly, as he looked upon his two lovely brides,...

2 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 5

In the morning, Ramon and I studied the tracks left by our watcher from the night before. We found that he had actually followed us for some distance on horseback. When discovered, he hadn't gone far. We found traces of a dry camp on the other side of the National Trails Highway. On a hunch, when we broke camp, I made up a small packet of food and left it, and a bottle of water under a stone cairn in the middle of our campsite. "You figure he'll find it, and be all grateful and...

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Maine Apni Married Cousin Ki Virginity Loose

Hi friend’s I’m Money from Kanpur main ISS ka daily reader hu or sabhi stories mujhe bht pasand hai.sabhi choot waliyo ko mere khade lund ka praanaam and I’m 20 year punjabi boy and doing B.sc final year and my dick size is 6.5″ long and 2.5″ is thick and this is my first story about me and my cousin sister and how to fuck her and I will tell you in Hindi friends please comment me my e-mail id Ye baat aaj se 5 month purani hai jab meri bhua ki ladki kanpur mere cousin brother ki shaadi me aayi...

1 year ago
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Grandpa Catches Me Naked Part 1

100% fiction! My name is Michelle and I live in South Alabama, near the coast. I am a light skinned (yellow) black girl who is 5ft tall and curvacious. I have a big firm ass, tiny waist and perky B-cup breasts. My aereolas are large, brown and puffy with nipples made for sucking. I have a flat tummy that leads down to a shaved pussy. One day I was home alone when a dress I had ordered online was delivered by UPS. I was super excited and I ran upstairs to try it on. It was a blistering hot day...

2 years ago
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Ambers Tree

Amber’s backyard was a place of magic and imagination. Looking back now, I realize how much I grew up in that place, how much the shimmering emerald grass meant to me, so wide and untouched, bespeckled with golden drops of dandelion buds. There are certain things in life—ordinary things that most adults have long-forgotten—that are the foundations of daily existence for children. After a while, people get so caught up in the here-and-there buzz of life that there’s no room for remembering....

4 years ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 2

"Okay," said Melody A. "Tell me about the whole encounter with the Gold Target and his rescuer, one last time." Alpha 1 had already gone through the whole thing three times, in the last few days, but he knew about debriefing. It was always 'tell me the story again.' "We were both targeting the terrorists, neither of us was aware of the other. We shot and took them down. I didn't see him in the confusion of the aftermath, and he escaped. I followed him to the lake, on a hunch. I got...

4 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch10

Jeff and Katrina left the beach about 5PM. Walking back towards the ship, Jeff asked if she would like to have supper aboard or on the island. “While I am not exactly avoiding my husband per-se, I could do with not dealing with him right now and so yes, I’d love to dine with you on the island.” Along the way to the beach, Jeff had noticed a picturesque looking pub called the Frog and Onion. Dressed in beach clothing the inside dining rooms weren’t available to them but there was an outdoor...

Wife Lovers
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Meeting A Bangalore Girl From Badoo

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers! I’m Siddharth, age 23, currently, in Bangalore, I work in a startup company, and I travel a lot. I’m separated from family because I wanted to lead an independent life. I got selected in the college campus and started working for this company. I moved to Bangalore because they have a good business here. I don’t know anyone in Bangalore, but still, I believed that I could find someone to pass time. I searched for my friends in Bangalore, but everyone was...

2 years ago
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AMBER Go West Young Girl 1

Amber and I agree on an interesting idea of writing an interactive seductive series about our first ever meeting in real. Amber gives in to the proposal of Prof. Poet Peter of the 'Experimental Erotics International Institute', after he assures her he will take the lead and write the opening installment. My dear readers can consume it from the following paragraphs. Attractive Amber is an as intriguing as impressive match with me, as she scores almost exactly the same on the bdsm-test, which...

3 years ago
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Best Use Of Balcony With Boyfriend

So it was during the weekend … We both were having a relaxed day and had gone for spa during the afternoon … ..Upon returning home we were extremely lazy and relaxed …So after sleeping for a while … .I started preparing for snacks and dinner … ..He came in to help me with the same … .And it was natural that we are going to be enjoying the time in kitchen … .Where sometimes he would hug me from back or hold me from waist facing each other and lift me and we would have long smooches …Forgot to...

1 year ago
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I was browsing Ero Japanese this morning, and the whole time I was thinking about how good the younger weeaboos and perverts have it these days. I remember when Japanese porn was still hard to come by in the West. A couple of times, I ordered DVDs from overseas, choosing carefully from slim catalogs that only hinted at the full scale of Japanese perversion. Then I waited patiently for weeks, hoping they weren’t region-locked so they’d actually work in my player when they arrived. And well, even...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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8220U8221 And Me Doing Lesbian Sex And Exchanging Partners

Hi all I am back again as told earlier I am also a great fan of this site. Now let’s go ahead with the story so guys hold on to your dicks and girls start fingering your pussy. Her sizes are 36-30-30 fair 41 years of age. As i don’t want to reveal her name let’s keep her name as “U”. After a wonderful sex we both married finished our first night. Then she turned me into a gay and she experimented lesbian sex and indulging other men into our sexual relationships. To tell a bit about me I am her...

3 years ago
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Ann of the JungleChapter 4

I knew it was disloyal of me to hold my erstwhile spouse’s cock with a degree of contempt because he was too short to hit my magic buttons needed to get my juices flowing nice and smooth. Still, I managed to keep him pumping away with a lot of pretense and acting like he was God’s gift to women humping away on them when they were down on all fours and wide open for his efforts. Sometimes, I would let him up into my brown eye and pretend he had made me his slave for life. It helped him with...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 6 To Make A House A Home

Amanda turned to Sam, "Call some deli and have them stock the fridge." She patted Mark on the butt and told him, "Let's get the hell out of here." She went out the door ahead of him. After they looked cautiously around and saw the driver open the limo door Amanda hurried Mark to the waiting vehicle. There were no goodbyes. He climbed in, careful not to bump his head and leaned back in the seat. She was sound asleep in seconds. "Where are we going?" the driver asked. "Beverley...

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PretendingChapter 2

Connie woke up slowly, gently prodded along by the sunlight peeking through the blinds. She took a moment to orient herself. I don't have piles of books on top of my computer, she thought. Then she remembered where she was and tentatively turned her head. Simon lay behind her, his hand on her waist, sleeping like a log. Her first instinct was to jump out of the bed, but she quieted herself. That would wake Simon up, and she wasn't sure she was ready for that yet. Instead, she carefully...

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Clothing optional

We were in another world when we were transferred from West Coast to Texas. Before, we only knew a couple of our neighbors and seldom saw them socially. At the time, we were in our early twenties. Our Texas neighbors were party a****ls and we were quickly assimilated into the group. We met the nearest neighbors during the first few days, found that they all drank a lot more heavily, and enjoyed partying very late.Soon, we were invited to join the neighborhood gourmet club. The first club dinner...

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