PretendingChapter 2 free porn video

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Connie woke up slowly, gently prodded along by the sunlight peeking through the blinds. She took a moment to orient herself. I don't have piles of books on top of my computer, she thought. Then she remembered where she was and tentatively turned her head. Simon lay behind her, his hand on her waist, sleeping like a log.

Her first instinct was to jump out of the bed, but she quieted herself. That would wake Simon up, and she wasn't sure she was ready for that yet. Instead, she carefully moved his arm and slid out of the bed. He turned over but only to burrow back into the pillow and blanket. She smiled as she left the room, making sure the door didn't slam shut.

Now what? she wondered. Nothing like this had ever happened between them before. There'd been no awkward moments that she could recall, no hugs that went on too long, no almost-kisses, nothing like that. She'd managed to keep her feelings under wraps. After last night, she wasn't sure she'd be able to much longer. Not when they were planning this charade for the holiday, and not when she'd be sharing a bed with him again.

As she got ready for her shower, she could feel her insecurities rising up again. I do not want to deal with this, she thought despairingly. I can't. My boss wants three projects due when I don't have time for one. Mom has been all over me about Simon. Now this... Stepping under the hot water, she decided she just would have to sort it out in her head and talk later. She just needed to get through Thanksgiving, which mercifully was only five days away, and three of those would be occupied with work.

It was difficult, though, to ignore what had happened. She'd dreamed about it, hoped for it, and then ... she'd almost had it.

Simon woke up and out of habit reached out to smack the snooze button on his clock. Gradually, it dawned on him that it had been quiet before he hit it, and was still quiet. Ah, he thought, it's Saturday. Thank heavens for that. He recalled how Friday had worn him out with meetings and deadlines. He was so tired that he'd almost been afraid to drive home. When he did get home, he felt badly that he could barely keep his eyes open before saying good night to Connie.

He had to admit, he was enjoying being her boyfriend. Pretending, he corrected himself, and sighed when he recalled Connie's words the night before. That led to thoughts of what followed and ... wow, what had followed had been great. The feel of her next to him, under him, touching him—it had driven him crazy. He wanted it again.

That was when he realized Connie wasn't in the bed. He shot upright. Oh, no, he thought, did I just screw it all up? No, he reassured himself after a minute's reflection, he didn't think so. Connie was a fairly early riser, even on weekends, and probably hadn't wanted to wake him after he'd been so exhausted. Would she talk about what happened? He was willing to bet not, at least not right away.

After analyzing the situation, and what he knew about Connie, he decided it was best to wait before talking, and certainly before confessing his feelings. If he told her now, he was sure that she wouldn't believe him. She would think he was doing it out of obligation, which wasn't true, but it would be hard to convince her. One thing he'd learned during this rehearsal period was that Connie put on a good front of self-confidence, but it wasn't always true. He didn't want to pressure her.

I'll find the right time, he promised himself. It will have to wait, but I'll find the right time.

Thanksgiving seemed to arrive suddenly. They both worked hard Monday through Wednesday as their offices moved to make up for lost time that the days flew by. It seemed to Connie that before she knew it they were in Simon's car, which was larger than hers and more comfortable, and starting on the four-hour drive that would take them to her parents.

The night they'd almost made love never came up again, even though Connie had spent two more nights in Simon's bed. When they came home from work on Tuesday, it was to discover that the ceiling in Connie's room was leaking badly and had soaked the bed. There was a problem with the apartment above theirs and although the superintendent was working on fixing it, her room was unusable. There was an unspoken agreement that nothing besides sleep would happen, and they stuck to it.

Connie loved sleeping next to him. He made her feel safe, just as she had imagined. She had decided the next day that she would tell him how she felt, but the time had never seemed right. As more time passed, she became less certain about it. She'd been in his bed, letting him hold her. They had been stressed, both of them, and it was only natural—wasn't it?—that in those circumstances, they would turn to each other for physical comfort. Comfort, she decided, was probably exactly what Simon had been offering, and she left it at that.

Simon wondered what Connie was thinking, but didn't ask her, as he was pondering a few things himself. Although they had both avoided discussing the previous Friday night, there had—amazingly—been no tension between them. Mostly there was no time for tension; neither of them had gotten home before seven for the past three nights.

Simon had also sensed that Connie needed to think about it before she could talk about it, so he didn't press her. We have a few days with no work ahead of us, he told himself. I'll take her for a walk, or something, just the two of us, and then we'll be able to discuss it. Simon hoped that if they were doing something like that, just walking, then she'd see that he was quite serious about loving her. He was afraid that if he said it while he was hugging her—or more, should more happen again—she wouldn't believe him.

I'll be so glad when this game is over, he thought to himself. Pretending had mostly been his idea, he knew, even though Connie had made the suggestion. He, however, had pressed the issue and convinced her, so he felt like the fact that they were at this impasse was his fault. Not for much longer, he promised himself.

"Connie!" Emily shouted at her sister happily while sitting on the front porch. Connie grinned as she stretched. She hadn't seen Emily in months. She got a shock, though, when Emily stood up—Emily was pregnant!

"Em!" she called, running over to hug her sister. They embraced, then Connie stepped back, looking at Emily's slightly rounded figure. "When did this happen? How far along are you? Why didn't you tell me?"

Emily laughed. "Slow down, sis. I'm about five months along."

"So why didn't you say anything?" They linked arms as they walked into the house and sat on a couch. "Is everything all right?" Connie asked concernedly.

"It is now," said Emily. "I'm sorry, Connie. It wasn't that I didn't want you to know. There were just some complications at the beginning, and then I had to have an amnio and we were worried about the results. We didn't tell anyone except Mom and Dad and John's parents before that. But the results came back fine and now we're getting all excited." Emily fairly beamed.

"Oh, I'm so glad everything's all right," Connie said with relief. "Congratulations! Boy or girl?"

"We don't know yet," said Emily. "We can't decide whether to find out. I'll show you the ultrasound pictures later. I just had a checkup a couple of days ago."

"This is so great," Connie said happily. "I can't believe I'll be an aunt!"

"Will Simon be an uncle?" Emily teased.

"Well, honorary, I guess." Connie looked at her, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Sweetie, I'm the one who's supposed to be a little slow these days," said Emily. She winked at her sister. "Mom told me about you and Simon—and it's about time, I say. You guys have danced around it for years. I'm glad you finally got together."

"Oh." Connie hadn't told Emily about the arrangement. At the moment, they were alone, but she could hear Simon and her parents outside. Emily's husband must have run an errand for their mom, as Connie hadn't seen him or their car. "The thing is—" Connie started, but before she could continue, her parents and Simon came in the house.

"Where's my mouse?" their father's voice boomed. Edward Davetsky was a large man who put one in mind of Santa Claus, despite looking nothing like the traditional images. He was tall and lean but it was his spirit, Connie thought, that brought Father Christmas to mind. He called Connie his mouse because she'd been so small when she was born.

"In here, Grampa," she teased. She stood up and ran back into the foyer, Emily following more slowly. Her parents stood there, with Simon behind them.

"Well, come on, hug your old man," he instructed with a grin. Connie did, tightly. She missed her parents, and it was especially acute around holidays.

"It's good to see you, hon," said her mother. The girls looked like an exact cross between their parents. Black hair from their father, green eyes from their mother, and height fixed firmly in the middle.

"You, too, Mom," Connie said. Her mother smiled happily and held her arms open. Connie hugged her and stepped back next to Simon.

"Wow, Emily," Simon exclaimed. "Look at you. How did you get that basketball to stay put under that shirt?" He grinned at her.

Emily came over and hit him playfully on the arm, then gave him a quick hug. "Double-sided adhesive tape, nosy. How else?"

Simon laughed. "Seriously, congratulations!" He put an arm around Connie's waist, almost unconsciously.

"Thanks," said Emily. She glanced quickly at Connie, who looked slightly uncomfortable. Well, perhaps she wasn't comfortable with affection in public. What had she been going to say before they were interrupted, Emily wondered. She smiled inwardly. Simon would be good for Connie.

"Now, let's get these bags up to your room and then you can help me with dinner," said Lydia briskly.

"How was the trip?" her father asked, grabbing one suitcase. Simon grabbed another one and a smaller travel bag. They started up the stairs in a line, Emily remaining behind when her cell phone rang.

"Good, thanks," said Simon. Connie nodded in agreement.

"We left early and there was hardly any traffic," she said. "I guess everyone did all their driving yesterday." Connie and Simon had decided to leave early Thanksgiving morning, as they were so tired from work and didn't want to fight the onslaught of holiday travelers. It had worked out well. They'd managed to leave before eight, stopped once for restrooms and food, and had arrived before one o'clock.

"You made good time," said her mother. "Dinner will be around four. I've invited Sophia, from down the street."

"Oh, that's nice," said Connie, dropping her bag on a chair in the bedroom. "I haven't seen her for ages. How's her son, Ben?"

"Ben will be here, too," her father said, his voice oddly flat. Connie studied him curiously for a moment, but his face was unreadable. She shrugged to herself, figuring she had simply misread his response.

"I thought Ben was overseas," Connie said. "The last I heard his unit had deployed to Iraq."

"He was injured," said Lydia. Connie gasped.

"What happened?" she asked. "Is he all right?"

"He is," her mother assured her. "But he had to be discharged. His unit was ambushed." Connie glanced from her mother and then to her father, looking for more details.

"He lost an arm, Connie," her father said gently. "It was an IED. Otherwise he's fine, and he's bearing it very well. Insists on being called 'Lefty, ' actually." Connie giggled. That sounded like something Ben would do.

"You'll like Ben," she said to Simon, who had laid his suitcase on a small table by the bed. "He's a lot of fun."

"I'm looking forward to meeting him," Simon said. This is nice, he thought. So far it was all going well. Lydia hadn't said anything to hurt Connie's feelings, the ride had gone well, and he was glad to have a change of scenery. With an early dinner, perhaps he'd be able to steal Connie away before it grew too late. He supposed he could wait until tomorrow, but wanted to talk to her sooner.

Connie had been right, Simon thought. Ben was a nice guy, and they had a mock serious argument on the merits of the Mets versus the Yankees, and then about the National and American Leagues in general.

Dinner was a lot more comfortable than it would have been with his family, Simon reflected. Especially with whatever disagreement he was having with his brother. He honestly wasn't sure what had started it. Politics, probably, he decided. He and Jason were frequently opposite on issues, and although Simon tried not to talk about it too much, sometimes he couldn't help it.

Jason tended to take a difference of opinion as a personal offence. Presumably Simon had questioned Jason's position on something, and Jason had responded by ceasing communication. He generally got over it, but Simon had learned the best thing to do was apologize quickly—which he had—and then wait for Jason. Ah, family, he thought, all dysfunctional in their own way, like Tolstoy said.

The only thing wrong with dinner was that Lydia took any opportunity to get Ben and Connie talking together. That had made Simon not a little jealous, although he didn't say anything. Still, he thought it was rude, to be encouraging someone's girlfriend to pay attention to another man when her boyfriend was right there.

Connie and Ben noticed it, too. They rolled their eyes and chatted when directed, but would soon fall back to previous conversations, usually Ben with Connie's father, and Connie with Emily. Did Lydia not think he should be with Connie? Simon wondered. Had Ben and Connie ever been an item? He didn't think so; Connie never mentioned it, and he was sure she would have.

After the eating was done and most of the dishes cleared away, Sophia and Ben said their good-byes. Simon felt his heart rate speed up slightly as he began to figure out how to pry Connie away for a talk. His hopes were somewhat dashed when Lydia asked Connie and Emily to go with her for a short visit to another neighbor down the street.

"The poor Fishburns," Lydia said. "He fell and hurt himself, although thank heavens he didn't break a hip. But he needs a walker for the moment, and when her arthritis acts up, she can barely hold a cup of water. Come with me, girls, and help me take them some leftovers, will you?"

"Sure, Mom," said Connie. She grabbed the opportunity to postpone talking to Simon. It was silly, she knew, but her nerves were getting the better of her. The women packed some turkey and side dishes into some plastic containers and put them in a cooler to take down.

"I'll carry it." Connie teased Emily, "You shouldn't carry anything heavy in your condition."

"Oh, don't you start," groaned Emily, rolling her eyes. "If John had his way, I'd be on bed rest."

"Don't knock it," said her husband. "I'd stay with you." He came over and put his arms around her, nuzzling her neck. Connie quashed a pang of jealousy.

"I'll be back soon," she said to Simon, and gave him a shy kiss. She'd never kissed him in front of anyone else.

"I'll be here. I'm going to clean up the table with John and your dad when we play poker." He gave her a quick squeeze, wishing he had time for more.

"Ha," said Emily. "Where were you when we really had to clean the table?" Her husband laughed.

The women set off for the Fishburns'. Connie and Emily were very fond of them. They had been surrogate grandparents to every kid on the block while the girls were growing up. After a bit, Emily proposed that she and Connie return while Lydia visited for a while longer, saying she was tired. Connie suspected Emily was using the pregnancy as an excuse to get her alone. She was right.

Emily grabbed her sister's arm as they started walking. "Okay, Connie, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Connie wasn't trying to play ignorant, but she wasn't sure what Emily was getting at.

"You started to say something earlier, when I remarked about you and Simon," Emily reminded her. "What was it?"

Connie sighed. "It's going to sound silly." Emily shrugged. "Well, you see, we're just ... pretending."

Emily stopped and stared at her. "What are you talking about?"

"I talked to Mom about three weeks ago," said Connie, resuming their walk. "She was pushing me about the last guy I saw, his name was Ron." She told Emily what Ron had said, and Emily's eyes narrowed.

"Jerk," said Emily.

"Yep," said Connie. "Too bad I never see it soon enough." She continued before her sister could interrupt. "Anyway, Simon and I were talking about the holiday, and I said he should pretend to be my boyfriend, to get Mom off my back for a while. I was kidding, I swear!" She held her hands up to ward off protests. "Honestly, Em, I didn't mean it. But then Simon said he'd do it and then ... well, here we are." She shrugged and looked away.

"It sounds nuts," Emily said, "but there's more, right? You sound like there's more." Like Simon, she knew the signs when Connie was trying to avoid a subject. "Come on, tell me."

Connie sighed and kicked a rock on the sidewalk. "It was going fine. We were 'practicing.' Simon called it 'rehearsing.' We went on dates and acted like a real couple. Then a few nights ago, I was afraid I was going to have a nightmare." She described Simon's offer to sleep together, and what had almost happened, in broad strokes.

"You're adults, you know," said Emily. She kept Connie walking past their house. This was obviously a conversation in need of more distance. "There's nothing wrong with what you did."

"I know," said Connie. "It's just ... well, I guess it's two things. First, I freaked out about my leg."

"You have to let that go," Emily interrupted gently. "Simon is not the type of guy to care about that."

"Yeah, I know," Connie agreed. "He even said so. That's totally on me. But the other thing is..." she swallowed. "I love him, Em. This whole time, it's been fun and killing me at the same time. I know I need to tell him, but I'm so afraid he doesn't feel the same, and then everything will change. He's been my best friend for ages. What do I do?"

"You tell him." Emily was never one for hemming and hawing over an issue. She looked at, saw a course of action, and took it. "You have to take the chance, Connie. It's stupid not to." They stopped and she studied her sister, seeing the full extent of Connie's apprehension for the first time. "Besides," Emily continued, "I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"What?" said Connie.

Emily laughed. "I may be pregnant, but I'm not blind, Connie. Simon's got it bad for you, he has for a while. I saw the way he looked at you. That's not someone pretending."

"You really think so?" Of course she does, Connie thought. Emily didn't say things she didn't mean.

"I know it's hard," said Emily gently. "I know you're afraid. But you have to try. I really, really think it will work out for you. You just have to take the chance. Talk to him. Soon. Tonight if you can."

"I want to," said Connie. "I'm just not sure we'll be able to tear him away from his poker game." She gave her sister a tentative grin. Emily had made her feel better. She was still nervous, but not as much.

"Are you kidding?" Emily asked, turning back around so they could walk to the house. "John will mop up with him. Simon won't know what happened."

Emily had proved prophetic. Despite Simon's grandiose claims, John had wiped out both him and Edward in a few short hands. He was more than happy to see Emily and Connie return. Lydia came in a few moments later, and headed into the kitchen to make coffee and tea to go with their pumpkin pie. Overstuffed from dinner, there had been unanimous agreement to save the pie until it could be properly enjoyed.

John pulled Emily to the sofa and refused to let her go, so Connie went to help her mother.

"Things going well between you and Simon?" asked Lydia.

Connie nodded, her guard up. She wasn't sure how to handle these questions, so she needed to answer carefully. "Yes. It's been very nice." That much was true.

"It seemed rather sudden, though," said Lydia. "I mean, you've shared the apartment for so long but nothing's happened before." She stopped and looked at her daughter, brushed blonde hair back from her face. "Has it?"

"What?" asked Connie, startled. "No, nothing before. We were just ... I don't know. Just talking one night and we decided to take a chance on it." Okay, that's a half-truth, Connie comforted herself. We were talking. And I will take a chance on something.

"Ben's nice, don't you think?" Her mother changed the subject abruptly. "He's handled his injury so well."

"He seemed in good spirits about it," said Connie warily. Where was this going?

"I always thought you and Ben would make a good couple," her mother said. "Especially now."

"Why now?" asked Connie. She and Ben hadn't been close, but they'd been friends. She'd never had any interest in dating him, but he wasn't a bad guy.

"Well, you know," said Lydia, reaching for a tray. "His injury, your injury. You both must know what it's like to go through something difficult like that. That's not an experience everyone shares."

"Um, yeah," said Connie, unsure what to say to that. She had an ugly suspicion where the conversation was heading, and hoped she was wrong. She took some spoons out of the drawer, slowly, trying to concentrate.

"Simon is very handsome," her mother commented. What is it with the non sequiturs? Connie wondered in frustration.

Out loud she said, "Yes, he is. I've always thought so."

"Do you think you'll have some pie?" her mom asked. "I mean, you must be watching your weight more than ever now."

"What do you mean?" Connie asked.

"Well, Simon, of course," said her mother, taking down dessert plates and laying them on the tray. "You want to look your best for him, don't you?"

Same as Pretending
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The opulent mansion was located several miles from the city on a rather remote wooded estate. Above ground it looked little different from that of any wealthy abode, an abundance of living, dining and recreation areas on the main floor with bedrooms galore on the second. It was the underground area however which set it apart. Ostensibly a wine cellar, there was the expected rack after rack of the finest from vineyards around the world. However a secret panel revealed a cavernous expanse more...

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GirlsWay Charlotte Stokely Jade Baker Public Indecency

Bride-to-be Charlotte Stokely’s bachelorette party is well underway – music and laughter pack the crowded room with noise, the cocktail glasses are almost entirely drained, and the counters are littered with party decorations and party favors. This is Charlotte’s last night of fun before she gets married and she’s determined to enjoy EVERY minute of it. Charlotte and her best friend Kira Noir are chatting. Charlotte is elated that they’ve been friends for so long...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a Cunnilinguist

It was hard to take my eyes off of her as she sat on the couch, watching tv. We had just come back from a nice dinner date and she was still in her sexy dress that came just above her knees. She had taken off her shoes and sat on the couch with her legs folded under her. I was sitting in the recliner to the left, admiring her sexiness and getting horny. The dress fit tightly and did a great job showing off her curves but there was one thing I was really craving.People enjoy different sexual...

3 years ago
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Ted WhoChapter 17

I broke loose in the second game with the Devil Rays and picked up three hits and a ribbie. The team, however, was flat and we lost it, 8-3. There was a rumor going around that Shiggie Nomura was gay. I was surprised, because there hadn't been any kind of hint, up to that time, of anything of the sort. I didn't give a damn whether he was gay or not, but baseball players are, generally, a pretty conservative bunch, and there was a kind of pall in the clubhouse that was hard to put your...

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My Hot Sexy Bhabhi With The Driver

My cousin stays out of the station. He is busy with business and they have a boy who is studying in class 8. Bhabhi arrived a few days before the marriage with the kid. My cousin will join later before marriage as he cannot leave the business. Everyone is happy and busy with something during the marriage and bhabhi too. We have a car but no driver as we only drive. But in marriage, everyone wants to go somewhere. Especially females of the house to shop, mehendi, makeup, and bla bla. So, we...

2 years ago
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Fucked by shemale

I've always thought myself as a straight guy. However, I always fantasised about serving a big cock. The problem was that I didn't fancy guys. That is when I came across shemale porn, OMG, what could be better?! A hot ass girl with a huge cock. Unfortunately, convincing shemales that aren't escorts are hard to come by, if not impossible. I started scouring escort sites and found a local shemale offering her services. She was Latino, 5"10, big tits, and best of all, and 8inch cock. I was really...

3 years ago
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I finally fucked my best friends mom

I have a girl friend, and her  cousin should  look after  the enormous mansion,  with a long swimming pool.  We went ahead and began to organize a visit around this house on a week end and would soon go for a dip at this swimmng pool. Such colossal facilities occupied by only four people would be cool! My girl friend’s cousin came up with the idea of having some company:  his mom, my girl friend’s mom,  and his mother in law. All of them were either divorced or widows. It was a hell of a...

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Part 1: Before Tyler Where do I begin when it comes to Tyler Grayson? Before I met him would be a good start. Coming out of high school I was socially awkward, that has not changed much, but nevertheless out of high school I didn’t really know what college would entail. I’ve heard all the stories about “go out every night, get drunk, and bang girls” from countless movies and to be completely honest, all those three things didn’t appeal to me in the slightest. I am a lonely gay guy that has...

1 year ago
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Madison loves her daddys cream Part 4

Madison looked on in rapt attention, as she watched her best friend Becky, who had a strong dislike of panties, on her knees, with Becky’s mother, Marie kneeling beside her, in front of Richard, Becky’s father. Richard was sitting in his favorite comfy recliner, with Becky’s little hand wrapped around his cock, while she prepared to demonstrate to Madison her best techniques for getting at her father’s cream. According to Becky, every morning, one of the first things she would do was sneak...

3 years ago
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Part Three A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Three: A Journey into Submission for Sarah & Daniel As Sarah crossed the floor of the bedroom, the nine inch dildo swinging obscenely from her strap on, she locked eyes with Daniel and kept her stare focused on him as she stopped and sat down next to him on the bed. Daniel looked like the proverbial doe caught in the head lights. His eyes were huge as he took in the monster cock attached Sarah's strap on. Pleased that he could not speak through the three inch penis gag she...

1 year ago
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The Handy ManChapter 8

Man, I don’t even know where to start charging for this job, handling glass was worth more way back when I helped Dad. Maybe I can ask someone at Moorelands ... maybe I’ll meet Kasey and she’ll help me on this. Yeah right asshole - she’ll help you right out the front door. I called the other number on the list Carol had given me last. “Hello, this is Billy Sherman. I called this number about a handy-man job. I got your number from Mooreland’s.” “Yes Billy, I was wondering if you built...

2 years ago
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Motheracutes big jiggly ass 1

Because of my extreme , rebellious and outgoing Personality , I turned out to be the black sheep of my Family . This is why my Dad abused the fuck out of me . His problem c***d had a stubborn mind . He just couldn´t break me . As I turned eighteen he gave up the beatings . Despite all the troubles I put my Parents through , my Mother never gave up on me . Somehow she tried to understand me . Never becoming too tired to soothe me with her consoling words . Unfortunately I had a lot of troubles...

2 years ago
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Chapter 10"I have told Betty that we will have dinner late this evening," Danannounced one afternoon a few days after their return from Amsterdam. "I amtaking you to see the doctor when we have finished work.""Why? I'm not ill." Blake didn't understand the reason for the visit."You have been having sex for several weeks now, and sometimes it has got abit rough," said Dan. "I want to make sure you're okay.""I'm fine. I don't need...""Enough, Blake. You will do as I tell you," Dan stated...

1 year ago
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Full Porner! Why are you fappers still settling for short clips and bits of hardcore porn movies? Maybe some of you horny fappers would stop blowing your loads in 30 seconds if you didn’t have to crank one out so fast to enjoy whatever short-ass video you have. But what if I told you that there was another way? Yeah, I’m talking about full-length, HD videos that you can jerk your dick to for hours on end. And, don’t worry, you won’t need to go scrounging for dosh just to enjoy the content on...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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My one time wank pal John Lovely comings

Neither John or I are homosexual. We dated girls together, we road bikes together we played sport together and we travelled around England most weekends when out team Stockport County were playing away from home. (That was when we had a good team in the football league!)One night we had a few beers and as John was on his scooter I decided that he should stay. over at my flat. It was a small flat and I just had the one double bed. When we got into the bed we started to think of old times and...

2 years ago
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Keeping It In Her Panties

Sarah had started on her first job a couple of weeks ago. It was the dream job for the twenty-year-old girl, in a big consulting firm.It would have been perfect if not for one small detail. During her interview, Sarah made a daring move. She stripped naked for her interviewer, in an attempt to compensate for her lack of preparation for the job. Her interviewer at the time was very happy with the short, slim body he saw and invited his coworkers to see and enjoy the girl to make sure she was the...

1 year ago
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Dream or True You decide

It was summer time, mid-August and one of those rare occasions when it was hot and sunny! I travelled to a coastal town to visit a relative I had not seen for some time and took the train as their house was only a 25 minute walk away from the station.It was a while since I made the trip so I had to remember as best as I could how to get there! Their house is on the outskirt of town so the farther I walked the less houses there were. I was walking down a street and running alongside the...

4 years ago
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We had now left the hotel and as the road from Davo to CDO was pretty good as far as traffic and weather problems were concerned we made good speed and Renelyn sat as close to me as the front seats would allow for and just made sure that her new mini skirt was showing as much leg as she could manage without me seeing her new pink panties too LOL I was doing my best NOT to become distracted by the way that was sitting? but it was difficult to say the least.Her hand was running up and down her...

2 years ago
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Fun with Kevin

I got the papers served to me.     It was official, I was going through a divorce.   It was going on about 6 months without have sex with someone other than myself.  And quite frankly, I was physically satisfied, but not mentally satisfied.    I had discovered porn, naughty chat, and occasional phone call, was not giving me what I needed - the interaction with someone.     My best friend at work, Christi who is 10 years my junior and very sexually progressive, encouraged me to find some one to...

2 years ago
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Choti Behan Ki Chudai

By: rohit Hi,mayra nam rohit hai.main bohoat din say ISS phar raha ho.bohoat dil kara apni kahani likho ap say share karo magar kabhi hammat he nahi hoyi.aj main ap sab say apnay dil ke baat share kar raha ho ye meri real story hai aur aap log please mujhe apne mails ke dwara jaroor bataiyega ki aap ko meri story kaisi lagi. meri choti behan jis ka nam radha hai age 16years hain.aur uske figure 34-26-34 hai.ak baat main ap ko bata do yeah story bilkol sachi hai.haan to dosto main apko apnay...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Abegail The Begining of My FetishChapter 1

I have taken the story "My Story" that I have published elsewhere in other forums and tidied it up a bit, including breaking it up into smaller instalments. It's actually my autobiography and the history of my nylon fetish that led me to Crossdressing. The opening scenes in "The Silken Family Trap" about my Mom and Sis always being around displaying their nyloned legs whilst Dad was away are true (although he was away working not in jail lol) and really enforced my fetish. I did...

1 year ago
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Electric Blue

POLLY HAS A PANTYHOSE FETISH AFFAIR WITH CURVY EX-WRESTLER‘I’m busy tonight, dear,’ I said to Len. He was so disappointed. I hung up and grinned. I went to the wardrobe and took out my pristine blue Lycra leotard and laid it on the bed with two fresh packs of pantyhose, black and silver shimmer gloss. I went to the mirror and carefully applied heavy lip gloss and mascara. I smirked at myself in my black boots, glossy black tights, short black kilt and tight royal blue sweater. Unbeknownst to...

2 years ago
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The Flowering

Eighteen year old Ashley Chester nervously smoothed her white shirt. So this was the biker's spring festival? Freddy had dreamed of coming here? It was horrible! All the noise and the smell of beer and exhaust fumes! Ashley put a strand of her short mouse-brown hair behind her ear. Freddy Mason, her boyfriend, had been so excited. He had finally talked his rich father into buying him a Harley Davidson. He had been so cute, like a boy opening a long awaited Christmas present. And now he wanted...

4 years ago
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Alexis Spanked

I lay in bed, rubbing my sore bottom, crying my eyes out, feeling so terribly frustrated, so hard done by as it was just so unfair. Jaden, my sister, is two years younger than me but because our Mum says she is “The sensible one,” it’s Jaden left in charge and horrifically given disciplinary control over me, her older sister. It didn’t take long to come to a head. I only said she I going to stay up until the film ended. It wasn’t fair anyway that Jaden decided I had to go to bed at 9.30 pm....

3 years ago
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I Love You Meena Aunty

Hi. I am Ajay Sharma sending you a new story from Indore. It was 3 months back when I was like most of the guys of my age looking out for the 1st memorable sexeperience that I met this gorgeous lady who was by looks about 40 years old. Well I had to call her 40 years young. Like all women of that age she had an amazing figure. I don’t know the exact figure stats but any guy would go drooling over. How I met her. Well here we begin my 1st story in this website. I walked into supermarket at...

3 years ago
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Husband Went Too Far

ANDY: did you ever arm wrestle? TONYA: sure ANDY: with who? TONYA: when i was a kid – with other kids TONYA: and once with the coward TONYA: he only did it once, and wouldn’t do it again TONYA: i embarrassed him ANDY: you gave it all you had? TONYA: sure did TONYA: and i beat him ANDY: did he say – wait – I did not get a chance – lets rematch? TONYA: no – what he said was that he wasn’t really trying TONYA: and in the beginning, i don’t think he really was TONYA: he had no...

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MY HOT MOM AND FRIEND TOMMY.My Mom is one hot Milf! Well that what I’ve been told by my friends at school you see when my mom picks me up from school all my friends gather around my car hoping to get a look at her tits and her really sexy legs mom always wears short skirts and low cut tops and sometimes stocking as you can catch a glimpse as she gets out of the car,It’s no wonder they all want to look I’m sure she know she’s teasing them she never tries to hide the fact that she showing herself...

1 year ago
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The VaseChapter 16

Taking the same path from the skinny-dipping creek that had led to the old flapper's and my fresh air fuck, it eventually ended after exploring other paths at an overgrown lawn and a hidden building. Forks in the path gave us options. One appeared far less used. I kept glancing at it when we followed a couple other paths, one to some ramshackle houses, nearly shacks, the other back to the creek, and finally pulled our group into its subtle route. A line of pebbles losing their integrity...

4 years ago
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I dont know what to title this yet

I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a couple years now as fap fuel: what I was excused of consequences whenever I *joined someone in the shower*. Lke, I can just walk in -with the clear intention to join some hot chick in the shower- strip down, fool around, bang her, and ... that's all good. Purely self-indulgent fantasy. Probably something I dreamed at night. Then I realized that there have been a lot of times in my life where chick-friends showering just sort of...

1 year ago
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She needed the money Chapter 8

Saying their goodbyes, and promising to return, Victor, Rhonda and Ann drove back home. The air in the car was electric. Rhonda remained quiet but Ann was buzzing. “Victor that was so unreal” she gushed “how did you ever find that place?” Victor looked in the rear vision mirror to see Ann wide eyed and obviously still turned on. “Frank advertised in an underground newspaper one of my employees had” he said “did you have fun?” An obvious question but the answer was already evident. “Oh God yes”...

3 years ago
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"Fancy long naps, yeah?" A sudden voice shatters the tranquil noiselessness of the atmosphere, pulling you away from your deep sleep and back into consciousness. Looking around, you see that you're in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse as various crates and boxes are scattered throughout the area. You're seated in the center of the building in an old wooden chair that feels about ready to break. Looking up, you can see all the windows have been boarded shut, leaving your sense of time...

3 years ago
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My Trip To Jaipur For Work Turned Memorable One

Hi, guys, this is Singh loves back with another cute and beautiful story. Those who do not know me I am singhlover 25 yrs old working in a reputed company with 7-inch dick and very athletic body. My height is 5’11. Let’s come to the story. Recently I was traveling to the Jaipur for work. I decided to try tinder while there. I started talking to a local girl, I introduced her to snap chat, She enjoyed the idea of text, video and pictures disappearing. I think that made her comfortable chatting...

4 years ago
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This story was pieced together from several conversations with my wife, normally after several drinks when she was more open to sharing. Even then, she was pretty reluctant to talk about it but I am the kind of guy who wants to hear details. I'll share more details about my wife's past in a later story but although out of character for my wife at the time, let's just say there is some history here.About 10 years ago, my wife used to attend Bunco parties in a different neighborhood. If you...

2 years ago
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Punked By Nextdoor Neighbor

‘What the fuck, Kevin?’ I said as I walked into my bedroom catching a friend of mine sitting on my couch completely naked masturbating to Mila Kumis going down on Natalie Portman in ‘Black Swan’. Making no effort to get up or stop what he was doing Kevin said, ‘How can you have this movie and not get horny man? This is almost a good as porn!’ ‘You can do whatever you want when you are in your own bedroom, but I don’t want your naked ass all over my futon! Can’t you go 1 night without jacking...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 205

Laura's back was still not healed, and she had to continue to make excuses to Deshona, whom she had not seen in a week, and who was growing more impatient and jealous, wondering if Laura were seeing someone else. Laura, who had been fucking Randi, Tiffany, and Earlene with heated enthusiasm, continued to lie. But she did truly love Deshona, and the lies pained her as much as the itch in her pussy at the sound of Deshona's voice. She too wanted the healing to be over. Meanwhile, she tried...

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Sindhi Girl In Mechanical Engineering Interview 8211 Part 2

The remaining of my day went in anticipation of how the interview day will be and what the reaction of every one of my colleagues in college would be. Knowing that it was a dream company in a mechanical college, I was sure it would be crowded and chaotic for this Sindhi girl. But anyway, there was no going back now. I had to give the interview at any cost, as my mom had made it very much clear. And finally, the day of the interview arrived. The interview was to start around morning 8:30, so I...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 7 John gets used to his new ride

John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...

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When a Nigerian learns Swedish

Nils and Matilda is a married couple in their early 30s who lives in Karlstad, Sweden. Nils works in a bank as an analyst and although she studied Swedish philology, Matilda doesn't have a regular job. She gives private lessons to the foreigners who lives in Karlstad. The local soccer team of Karlstad had transferred an American conditioner Malik Chembemwu for practicing the new and modern training methods. Malik's parents were originally from Nigeria. He had worked in the US for his all life...

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Naukar Or Mummy Ke Bich Kaise Sambandh Bane Part 5

Friend ’s aap sabhi ne story ka 4th pat padha I hope ki aap sabhi ko kafi acha laga hoga.Kafi logo ne like bhi kiya hai.Aap sabhi ko thanks story ko read or like karne ke liye.Ab story ka next pat post kar raha hoon.I hope ki aap sabhi ko acha lagega.   Ab story par aate hai mummy ko pregnant hue 5 months ho gaye the. Mummy ke figure mein kafi change aa gaya tha .Unka figure 36 -32 -38 ho gaya tha.Isliye unki purane kapde fit nahi hote the.Mummy ne badi size ki bra khreed li thi or ghar par hi...

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