The DilemmaChapter 3 Bonnie Chancelor
- 2 years ago
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Author’s forward:
I am not and probably will never be a professional writer. I have however had a great time, trying to tell a tale creatively that I have not had an opportunity to do since Freshman College Creative Writing class, over 38 years ago. Yes I’m sure I need an editor. After self-editing this story well over a half-dozen times, declaring it ready to publish, then sharing it with someone I trust to give me an unabashed critique and edit, the value of an editor seems obvious. I thought seriously about placing this in non-Erotic at first, but as the story grew, I realized, I wanted to at least try a sexual encounter to provide the proper denouement to the plot. Having voyeuristically read on this site for several years, I finally felt compelled to write this and at least get one story ‘published,’ to get it out of my system. This is my first story, that I will endeavor to get ‘published.’ I admit this is long and does not contain barn-burning sexual scenes that scorch reader’s hands as they turn the pages. But, it is a heartfelt, warm, hopefully romantic story, with many elements based on truth rather than fiction.
Thanks for reading, and taking the time to offer any constructive feedback you, my dear readers, deem helpful. Oh and if you could vote too, that would be much appreciated so I have some sort of objective barometer by which to gauge reader satisfaction.
I do have several other stories in-progress. Whether those stories see the light of day depends on your feedback. Enjoy!
At thirty years old, I took stock of my newly divorced situation. I had my BMW M3 convertible which I had paid for in cash, right before I got married to my now ex-wife Cynthia. I had a comfortable apartment not far from the bank where I worked, a thousand in savings, about five-hundred in checking, what remained of half of my 401K, my clothes, my job at the bank, and now thankfully, my sanity thanks to my divorce. Time to start over.
My name is Tim Cramer. What I look like is a banker, which is what I am. I’m just an average guy of 30 that is still in shape due to my workout regimen, about six feet tall, 180 pounds.
I thought my first wife was the only woman I would ever be with, my entire life. That was so far from the truth that I still think I had a few screws loose to marry her in the first place. You might be surprised to learn, that I divorced my wife because we were having money problems. Laugh if you will, but that is the truth. It’s hard to picture a banker having money troubles. But, people are human with foibles. My ex-wife liked to spend money to excess.
Three years after the divorce, I met a woman named Natalie at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon hosted by the Mayor in our relatively small suburb of Pittsburgh, PA. Natalie was seated at my table. Admittedly she was gorgeous.
Perhaps gorgeous doesn’t fully describe Natalie. She was stunningly beautiful. She’s a natural red-head with deep auburn hair that is slightly longer than shoulder length. Her hair has a natural curl too. She stood approximately 5 feet 6 inches tall with chocolate brown eyes. She was perfectly proportioned. Her voluptuous bosom narrowed to a thin waist with perfectly toned legs that showed her hourglass figure. Since my divorce, I didn’t seem that interested in women any longer, preferring instead to remain the consummate bachelor focusing on my career.
Throughout lunch she would sneak furtive glances my way, which I casually returned with a smile. I detected no wedding ring on her finger however, I was still ‘gun shy,’ as my Father would say about engaging with the opposite sex. I took no action that day other than to politely introduce myself to Natalie as she was seated at our table, preferring instead to simply move along in my single uncomplicated life. The luncheon ended with speeches. I never gave Natalie another thought as I departed other than noticing she was an extremely attractive woman.
About the time I met Natalie at the luncheon, my financial future brightened by taking a step in the right direction. I had taken a huge chance on a retail store that catered to up and coming urban preppy women entering the workforce. Working in business required women to dress in the latest business suites. College age women’s wardrobes consisted of shorts, T-Shirts and ripped jeans. The store, was not my idea, but instead I supplied the capital to launch the business by cobbling together my meager savings, loans from banks, as well as from my family. For me, it was a huge risk, in that I felt like I had gone ‘all in’ to see the business become successful by leveraging my financial posture to the limit.
The store sold trendy but tasteful business clothes for women. I stopped by from time to time simply observe the interactions of the patrons and sales staff. I offered limited advice to the store manager occasionally since, as a banker, I had limited experience in women’s fashion. In general, I remained quiet in the background, perfectly content to collect my monthly check plus interest from the store owner.
About a year after the store opened, I noticed a change in the clientele that frequented the store. It started out as twenty something young women entering the workforce for the first time in a real job. The clients gradually increased in age. After reviewing the sales demographic data of the first year, the average age for a shopper had advanced to mid-thirties. The twenty something crowd was still a mainstay, but the older patrons seemed to appreciate the finer quality wools and designer brands the store stocked.
The effect of the age change in customers was dramatic. Sales started taking off via word of mouth. Before long it was the chic boutique in town where women’s business clothes were a must have. Having seen bust and boom times in the past as a banker, I took it all in stride until I got a call from the store manager indicating a high end retailer from New York was interested in speaking with the investors. I informed the manager that I would be happy to speak with them since I was the sole investor.
A few days later, I received a call on my cell phone while at my day job as assistant manager at the bank. I had an office so privacy was not a concern. The caller identified herself as Natalie Goldman. The name sounded vaguely familiar but I couldn’t place it. The voice on the phone even sounded remotely familiar. She expressed interest in talking with me in person over dinner one evening in the next week as her schedule permitted. I agreed and asked her to call me with her plans at least a day in advance so I could ensure my schedule aligned with hers.
At this point, I had no idea what she wanted to talk about. She didn’t elaborate on the phone. I was intrigued by the discussion and the voice on the phone. Throughout the rest of the day, I tried mightily to remember back through my past for a name that resembled Natalie Goldman. I couldn’t come up with anyone.
Natalie phoned on Friday two days after our initial phone introduction saying she would be arriving the following Monday afternoon. She wanted to know if I could I arrange to meet her at the airport. I agreed. She shared her flight plans with me via e-mail that afternoon.
Being a banker, I tend to run toward the boring, conservative, less cosmopolitan dresser that befits bankers. Monday, I had dressed in my light grey flannel suite, blue button down pinpoint oxford shirt, with red regimental striped tie to accent the suit. I had polished my black wing tips Sunday as I did every weekend. I felt confident, but looked conservative.
Around three thirty, I left the bank to meet Natalie at the airport which was a short twenty minute drive. I parked my BMW M3 Cabriolet, then hustled into the terminal to greet her as she deplaned. I wasn’t sure if Natalie was staying or catching a later flight that evening, nor even what she looked like, since I never did recall the connec
tion with her name. I decided to wait at the exit from security looking for someone that looked like they were looking for someone.
I needn’t have worried. As soon as I saw Natalie walking down the terminal aisle in her muted pastel yellow business suit, I immediately recognized her as the woman from the luncheon a year earlier. As she got closer, I think the recognition dawned on her as well.
‘Tim, so nice to meet you, again.’ Natalie said extending her hand, as she smiled while walking up to where I was standing.
‘The pleasure is all mine Natalie. Welcome to Pennsylvania. Do you have any luggage?’ I inquired while shaking hands and taking in the total package. Red hair flowing effortlessly down her neck around her shoulders as I remembered, fantastic legs clad in stockings with three inch yellow pumps. She still didn’t have a wedding ring. What did that say about my state of mind I wondered?
‘I do have just an overnight bag. If you don’t mind, show me the way to baggage claim. It’s been a while since I’ve been here.’ I’m sure she remembered me from the Chamber luncheon over a dozen months ago. I offered her my arm, which she gladly accepted. We walked in casual silence to baggage claim.
Upon retrieval, she asked, ‘So where can a girl get a good steak in this town?’ I immediately thought, a girl after my own heart, albeit through my stomach.
‘I know just the place.’ I replied confidently.
We walked to the car again in silence. I opened the passenger door for her, then helped her in. She smiled as I put her overnight bag in the trunk. The restaurant was a local steakhouse, certainly nothing upscale as I was sure Natalie was used to in New York, but the food was great. All hand selected steaks plus all the trimmings one could imagine were on the menu. The one claim to fame this small establishment did boast was a very extensive wine list.
I ordered a reasonably priced bottle of Pinot Noir. Once I had ordered the wine, Natalie launched into her pre-planned speech, I assumed since she delivered it in non-stop fashion. In summary, she represented the high end retailer she mentioned previously was interested in buying the clothing store. They were also interested in keeping me as ‘Consultant’, to ensure success since I had a vested interest. I was flabbergasted to say the least.
‘So Natalie, let me make sure I understand. You, or rather the company you represent wants to buy the clothing store in which I’ve invested. Are you prepared to make me an offer tonight?’ I asked flatly.
‘I can see you don’t beat around the bush. Yes, we are prepared to offer you two-point three million for your investment. It’s a pretty standard business valuation of two and half times annual store sales which we’ve only estimated at this point. Considering the store has only been operating a little over a year, the offer is quite generous.’ She stated rather calmly as if she were buying a latte at Starbucks.
My eyes glazed over. I had invested nearly five-hundred thousand a little over a year ago, thinking that was way too much even then. Now my ship had just arrived at port carrying one-point-eight million dollars in profit after I paid the loans. I took a sip from my wine. I leaned in conspiratorially, ‘You, my lovely lady have yourself a deal. Where do I sign?’ Natalie blushed I suppose either at the ease by which I agreed, or the ‘lovely lady’ comment. I knew what I had in the business, and I knew my payback period was much longer than it took for her company to stroke a check with six zeroes at the end, so I simply took the money without negotiation. In hindsight, I probably left money on the table by accepting the first offer. But, considering the risk to my personally leveraged capital another few hundred thousand dollars just didn’t seem worth it.
‘Thank you. For accepting the offer and for the compliment.’ She replied while still blushing. She was probably hoping I didn’t change my mind. I had no intention of that, but wanted to press a little on the consultant position she mentioned previously.
‘Aren’t you forgetting something Natalie?’ I asked, toying with her just a bit.
Again the blush accentuated her freckles across the bridge of her nose making her even more adorable. She stumbled and stammered, ‘I, I don’t know what I could have forgotten?’
I decided to let her off the hook a little. ‘How about the part where I become a consultant to your company — the new owners of my upscale women’s boutique?’ I prodded. ‘But you know I have a full time job and can’t dedicate myself to a full time consultancy to the store.’
Natalie recovered nicely, ‘well yes, there is that. The job pays two-hundred thousand a year, and I guess I just didn’t see it as that significant of an undertaking to continue doing what you have been doing for the store. I was aware you worked for the bank. The offer is two-hundred thousand a year, plus expenses. But, you must remain here to oversee the operations and transition for one year. You also must report back to headquarters monthly. If those terms are acceptable, then I can have the papers drawn up and overnighted to you by the end of the week.’
I nodded my head. ‘That’ll be great. I’m looking forward to having my attorney review them. Thank you.’ I replied sincerely. Our steaks had arrived at the perfect time. The waiter served Natalie a petite filet mignon, with a stuffed baked potato loaded, while I had the bone in rib eye with broccoli. We both proceeded to dig into our steaks and sides saying little more until about half way through dinner.
Natalie broke the silence, ‘Are you married? I don’t see a wedding ring but of course today that doesn’t mean much, which is why I asked.’
‘Divorced going on four years now. Money issues.’ I stated firmly, then laughed. ‘But, I guess that is no longer a concern now, is it? If only… if only she could have waited.’ I mused out loud.
Natalie smiled acknowledging what I’d said. I probably wouldn’t have money issues now or in the future if I acted as a trusty steward for the windfall I had just earned and gratefully accepted. ‘What do you intend to do with your profits?’ She asked innocently.
‘Well I rolled the dice a little over a year ago. It worked out quite well. What if I just did it again?’
‘Wait, what? You would open another women’s clothing store?’ She seemed surprised as she asked.
‘No, not another women’s store, but why not a men’s store offering similar fashions?’ I challenged her a little.
‘You know that could work. If you essentially did the same thing for men you’ve done for women, I might be back again next year with another offer. That is just the type of thinking the company I work for is interested in.’ Natalie was animated as she spoke, perhaps for the first time realizing there might be something more to me than a drab banker. I knew I was solid, in not only my thinking but my outlook. Perhaps Natalie just got her first glimpse.
She seemed to look at me differently than a back-woods business associate in which she had just closed a transaction. Her eyes took on more clarity as she finished her meal. I noticed her change in demeanor when she smiled. Her smile extended to her eyes whereas before her smile was superficial. Something in either the tone of my voice or confidence I exuded had excited her apparently.
As we made small talk after dinner over coffee, I noticed it was getting late. I waived the waiter over, but Natalie paid the check. Since taking off early today I needed to get in to the bank early to catch up tomorrow. I asked Natalie where she was staying. She said there was a Hyatt at the airport and asked if I could drop her. I agreed, and we exchanged numbers.
The drive to the airport was quiet once again, my thoughts filled with setting about putting a new business together. I have no idea what Natalie was thinking until we were almost at the hotel. ‘Would you like to come in for a night cap at the bar?’
debated declining due to my early call at the bank tomorrow, but thought why not? I’m a newly minted millionaire. I could afford to have a drink at the bar with a beautiful women. ‘For the privilege of having a drink at the bar with a beautiful lady like yourself, I would be honored. Thank you.’ Natalie was caught a little off-guard by my response. She smiled and this time the smile did reach her eyes.
‘That’s great Tim. Thanks for dinner and the lovely conversation. I’ve enjoyed myself. I’ll just grab my bag and check in, then meet you in the bar if that’s OK?’ She asked as if it were a question, but it was really just announcing her intentions.
‘Sure, I’ll save you a seat.’ We parted with her going to check in, while I headed to the bar. I ordered a Woodford Reserve Bourbon and waited. I was about half finished with my drink when she arrived with a flourish.
‘There that didn’t take long. Did you miss me?’ Natalie came whisking into the bar like she owned it dressed in a knee length black skirt, white tunic top, and at least four inch black high heels. She had removed her stockings I noted. Clearly a change from her earlier pastel yellow suite. She had also refreshed her makeup too. Her lips looked a little redder than before with a little more blush to her cheeks which wasn’t from embarrassment. Her hair was brushed out, with what seemed like more curls hanging over her shoulders.
‘I can honestly say, I did miss you. You’ve changed, but the change is fantastic. You look amazing Natalie.’ I gave her my honest impression.
She blushed again. ‘Well thank you again for the compliment. I had been traveling in those clothes all day, and just needed to get out of them. Thank you for indulging me. Now how about a Chardonnay please?’
‘Coming right up.’ I signaled to the bartender, and placed the order. Natalie took a seat next to me. She was seated looking ahead over the bar. After I placed the order, she turned on her chair so our knees were touching. I must admit, it did send a spark through me, when they touched. I wasn’t sure I wanted to get involved with this woman or any woman for that matter. That was especially true considering the fact she just negotiated the deal. Being with a bank, we had a strict no-fraternization policy between staff at the bank in any capacity. I decided to just play along and flirt for the rest of my drink, then take my leave as a gentleman. Apparently Natalie didn’t get the memo.
‘You know, you’ve been the perfect gentleman all evening. Opening car doors, restaurant doors, escorting me around, pleasant conversation. Are you always this way or are you going out of your way to be nice to me because of the offer we just agreed on?’ Natalie’s words struck me as a little odd. I wasn’t sure why it really mattered, why I did things, but decided to answer her honestly anyway. The bartender arrived with her wine. She took a healthy swallow, then leaned back in her chair obviously waiting for my answer.
‘Actually, in this day and age, believe it or not, chivalry is not dead. I like to think I’m a kind caring person, and always do my best to show consideration towards everyone. Being a gentleman is part of that where ladies are concerned. Of course it sure does make it easy to be a gentleman to a drop dead gorgeous woman like you.’ I finished looking directly in her eyes which danced down to my hands and back up to my eyes in an instant. I think she looked a little scared. I would hardly think that she had never been told she was beautiful before.
Gaining a little control, Natalie replied. ‘You know, I did my research on you before I came here. You surprised me. I suppose I figured you would be a little different being from a smaller town as a business owner than what I was used to. I thought you were going to be all full of yourself as a successful entrepreneur. You know, big fish in a little pond? Maybe you would even be a little like the guys in New York – on the hunt for their next notch on their belt with any woman they met. But you’re not anything like them. You’re genuine and I think sincere. Those are two qualities, I’ve not seen much in my time in New York. I like it. I like you Tim Cramer.’ She finished with a flourish taking another healthy gulp from her wine.
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. Serge, Kid, all of 'em are owned by Squaresoft even if one of them is in an... altered... state. Nope, even she-Serge belongs to Squaresoft. (Though I doubt we'll be seeing her anywhere but here!) Even this story belongs to Squaresoft. You have no chance to survive make your reading time. Okay, bad Zerowing reference. Fans of Games/Anime as well as TG, there is a message for you at the very end of this fic even if you don't...
Fusion: A second chance By Rachel Saunders [email protected] Prelude: Lex He stared at the girl in front of him. For the life of him he could not work out how she had got there. She must have been 5 or 6, and her white dress was immaculate. She looked too perfect to be in this hell they called London. Picking her up he held her close as a shell exploded a...
Chapter 13 First Dance - Last Chance Friday after school, Kim returned home and charged up the stairs to her room without so much as a hello for her father who was waiting in the foyer to greet her. The better part of caution told him to just leave it alone. He returned to the living room. She would tell him what was wrong when she was ready. Tom had a good idea what the trouble was without having to be told, however. There had not been much he had been...
Second Chance, By Armond "I come bearing gifts," she said, holding up a white sack. "We had a bunch left over, and I hated to see them go to waste." "Chocolate chip scones? Gina Strega, you are sinful," Marita said, peering in the bag. She grabbed the one with the most chips and bit in; crumbs tumbled down her white blouse. "You don't have to stuff us with yummy bribes, dear, we ARE changing you back." "I wasn't trying to bribe anyone," Gina said, "I thought you might...
Christian was the boy I was into since 7th grade. And at the age of 16 Igave him my virginity. At least in my dreams...Reality had not been so kind to me. I even started to grow my hair (whichI was wearing rather short since I was a k**) in the vain attempt to makehim like me. Well, it didn't work out and a few years later when risinghormon levels had turned my dreams of intimacy into a real need for it Ihad finally given up. But with our graduation nearing I somehow felt that Icouldn't leave...
His head was spinning. His head was spinning and his vision was blurry. He tried to muster a low groan before he realized his mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth tied around his head with a string, and that's when he knew it was time to panic. Immediately, he regained total consciousness. His vision was back, his headache receded and he could finally see what's around and where he was. Though, that didn't exactly answer the questions he already had, but rather add more to confuse...
Hi, I am Suri and I’m just finish of my MCA from Hyderabad. This is the first time I m writing a story. I had no sexual experiences till date. But I’d like to share the most recent one which happened to me day before yesterday. When I fucked my sexy sister-in-law Siri (name changed). Let me explain from the start from where every thing begun. Two years back when I was in 1st year of mca she was in 10th class. I used to be stay with my parents. She is my mom brother’s daughter. She looks sexy...
Kaitlyn was always on my mind, wanting to see her, almost needing to see her, I continued to visit the Starbucks where she worked. There still seemed to be some tension and even though I tried to flirt with her, our interactions were strictly business. I really liked seeing her and maybe it was just me, but I sensed she was hiding her feelings. One day however, when I happened to visit, hoping to see her like always, Kaitlyn wasn’t there. I didn’t think anything at first, figuring it was...
Svetlana didn't even glance up when the doorbell rang. Despite the fact that he left her alone all but three or four days out of the month, Karl liked the illusion that she was completely helpless and, without him around, would soon starve or go mad due to her inability to perform even the simplest of tasks, like opening doors or turning on the television, for herself. For the most part, Sveta was happy to humor him. After all, he let her stay in this fairly posh apartment and asked so little...
I suppose I was alot like most boys growing up. My first sexual arousal came about when I had a crush on my mother. Not until I was older did I realize that this was a perfectly normal feeling. Of course, having a mother who was quite attractive helped the situation along considerably. The first time I masturbated, I jerked off thinking about her. As time passed, so did my fantasies about my mother, or so I thought. Mom aged very well and at the age of 61, she was still a beauty. She was 22...
Synopsis: They say portals to the past are everywhere. Especially where something terrible once happened. But what if it was still happening? Second Chances By LJ He collapsed, still reeling from the impossible sensation of feeling hot, male seed fill his belly. He tried to roll back onto his back, to make some effort at regaining a sense of normalcy, but found he could not move. Not an inch. Not a single muscle. Some force was holding him in place as surely as if he had been frozen...
Instant gratification. That’s what most people want these days. Thanks to instant communication with email, instant shopping online, instant pornography too, we all want exactly what we want, exactly when we want it. That’s what made things so frustrating. Much as I don’t want to admit it, my middle-aged brain has been re-wired to operate in the modern era of instant gratification. She made me wait. I had clicked the “send” button and sent my video clip to my foreign correspondent. She was...
Intro: Three years ago Pretzelgirl wrote a story called "oldtimer in the SRU universe. It was probably one of the best SRU stories written except for the ending. My apologies if I don't do justice to her work. SRU Oldtimer part 2: Second Chances By Reality Check 'She gasped in abject horror at gnarled, withered hands still sporting long bright pink nails. Her chin widened, sprouting a cracked, weedy, sun-reddened texture. The candy-striper's petite nose exploded into a ruddy,...
The idea I finally settled on was to get her drunk, then just wing it. I decided to execute at a party my cousin was throwing the next week at his house while his parents were out. I sidled up to Maddie in the living room, chatting with a few friends. She was wearing, despite her “modesty” a low cut tank top and spandex leggings. Her cute ass looked great, as did her perfectly formed tits. I needed to find a way to get her away from her friends. “Hey Maddie,” I said. I quickly reasoned...
Most women might be offended or ashamed to be called a slut. I’m not most women. My name is Tammy. I’m single, 31 years old, and I love sex. LOVE it! I can’t get enough, and I don’t see anything wrong with taking all I can get. It doesn’t matter to me what a guy looks like, how old he is, or if he’s married or single; if he has a working cock, then I know how to work it. And, believe me, I can work it in a way most men have never experienced. I’m good at what I do, I love what I do, and...
A Second Chance Author's note: This little story is a tribute to one of the first authors of trans fiction I ever read. I hope you like it I thought I was finished, that my life was over. Little did I know that I would get a second chance on the day I died ..... On the day of my death, I was having a solo picnic in a secluded park on the outskirts of town, trying to pretend like life was wonderful. I was in what would have been a pretty and fashionable dress a couple of decades...
Right after high school, I started attending a religious college, with the ultimate goal of becoming a youth pastor. Two years in, I lost my faith, dropped out, and moved back home with my parents. Losing my faith didn’t mean I had any experience with the ways of the world, though. At the age of 20, I had never had any drugs or alcohol, and had never been past second base with a girl. This lack of experience or prospects, especially romantically and sexually, put me in a pretty dark place....
(An Original Story by rutger5 - Copyright 2012) ____________________________________________________________________________________ “I’m telling you under the circumstances you’re doing the right thing Julie” her friend said to her as they sat sipping their coffee. “I know you’re right Lauren, but it’s so difficult. After all these years, heck my whole life really. I’m thirty seven years old and I’ve never made an adult decision on my own. Now I have to decide everything for myself...
Fat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....
"There's a train leaving to Sprawlish Rabbiton in five minutes. If I get on it, and make it back for the Nine O'Clock to Shedclip, how long will I have in Sprawlish Rabbiton, please?"The ticket inspector winked at me."Long enough for a cheeky pint.""That's exactly what it's for," I smiled. "I'm hoping to meet up with someone.""A cheeky pint and a snog," he laughed."You're good!" I blushed, shocked that he knew exactly what I was up to."I do this all day, every day," he told me. Quickly, he...
First TimeFat. Fatty. Fat. Fat. Fatso. Fat. Fatima. Why had her parents christened her that? Surely they knew that in an English Language culture it was a name that could always be used to mock her. Especially as they knew from their own corpulent frames that their daughter was unlikely to be svelte, slim or slender. And as second-generation immigrants themselves, not even especially religious ones, they understood enough English to know just how her name could always be used as a stick to beat her with....
LesbianA Second Chance By Kelly Blake Edited and Proofed by Drea DiMaggio, Alison Mary and Belle Meade My Owen departed this life on October 31 along with Meg. It was the eve of the ancient Celt New Year. They had gone to shop for a few extra things for our celebration. Returning home, they were the third car through the intersection when a seventy-four hundred pound SUV travelling at sixty miles per hour slammed into Meg's little car. They were taken instantly. Their mortal remains...
The story of my journey from being a nice girl to a slut in high school, and then finally marrying one of the boys to make him my cuckold husband should be both interesting and stimulating to you. My name is Jeannie, and my husband Ed and I are now forty years old and happily married, but this story starts during my junior year in high school.It was in the mid-1980s in Orlando, and I had just turned sixteen in the summer before school started. I had not had very much attention from boys up to...
CuckoldGhost of a Chance Last night, I dreamed of a black horse.Upon waking, I looked in the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedsidetable, to see if there is any significance to this particular night timevision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dream of passion. Consideringall that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. Ever have one of those years? When everything justseemed to go to shit no matter what you planned or tried to do? Story of mylife. I am a cautious man by deed and...
Before starting this story let me introduce myself. My name is Ralph and I am a light skinned Black man 24 years of age. I am 6-4 in height and weigh 205. I live in New York City. It was on a Sunday afternoon that I ventured into New Jersey. I had a friend that lived in New Princeton NJ. I spent most of the day there. Then around 5:00 PM as I was leaving , it started raining. So now I am in Griggstown on Canal Road and the car ahead of me skids of the road into the canal. I quickly parked my...
"I don't want to marry you, stupid boy," she said with a grin. "No?" I was a little confused. "No! You seem to have an issue with understanding. I want someone to take me and give me a proper seeing-to, outside, in the fields. Are you man enough, or should I call for further assistance?" I broke my promise to myself, my vow to her father, and my chance to live a blameless life. When she walked out the front door, I ran after her. I followed her to the edge of the wheat field, and I...
I don't believe in destiny Or the guiding hand of fate I don't believe in forever Or love as a mystical state I don't believe in the stars or the planets Or angels watching from above But I believe there's a ghost of a chance we can find someone to love And make it last... Rush, from the album Roll the Bones It was June 10th, and the memories were as sharp and true today as they were five months ago. The ones who didn't understand said that time heals all wounds. Alex didn't...
The man removed his mask, a casual smile on his face. "It is wonderful to see you alive, Mrs. Polanski. You have no idea how much trouble I've gone through to rescue you." He motioned towards Hannigan. "Please, put down your weapons. I only wish to talk." Tamara shook anxiously. Hannigan eyed the armed men a moment, then lowered his pistol to his holster. Victor looked past her, said, "you too, my dear. I know only too well how nervous that trigger finger has been in the past ......
--- Second Chances --- Part 1 Discovery had finally abandoned its restraint of permission. With words flowing mysteriously from her pen, Vera was finding them both innate and yet foreign, like a thing already known and yet at the same time strangely revelational. Neither the bonds of a pastoral father nor her own youthful ideals were shielding her from the assault -not this time. She knew that it had been a vainful refusal to admit to the a****l’s existence. Terrifying yet cunning, it was a...
SECOND CHANCES BY PAUL G JUTRAS I would like to dedicate this little story to the on line TG comics that inspired me. Comic sites such as Venus Envy, Xanny?s Curse, The Wotch, Lean On Me, From Here to Forth and EL GOONISH SHIVE. ---- Spring time had come once again. It was the time of year that depressed Jeff more than any other. Even summer didn?t depress him as much as he did when he stood and the cashier ring up the purchases before him of a woman in a hot pink bikini and...