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A chance by kittynor Note: Coming back to writing after a long time. The writing might seem rusty. Please leave your feedback as it would help me better myself. Thank you. "Mark, I am going out shopping. You want anything for yourself?" Cynthia asked. "No dear, I am fine. You enjoy your day, okay?" Mark said, as he kissed his wife goodbye. "Sure will. See ya later," Cynthia said and helped herself out. Mark stood by the window and saw his wife pull out in the car. He stared for some time, making sure Cynthia was well and truly gone before he started with what he had in mind. While Mark and Cynthia both had their own separate closets, there was a trunk, kept away in the store room. The store room normally held tools that might come in handy to do some household repairs. And as such, did not hold much attention of Cynthia. Also, Mark was very diligent in keeping the room clean. Therefore, Cynthia never had a chance to suspect that the store room would hold something else. A trunk, full of clothes and other accessories. Not just ordinary clothes, women's clothes. Dresses, bras, panties and so on. This was Mark's secret. Mark, the hard working gentleman, the loving husband and the closeted cross-dresser. "Well, it seems today is as good as any other day. It's time to get Mary out for the day," Mark said to the empty store room. With some effort, Mark opened the trunk and carefully selected today's outfit. A light summer dress. It was hot outside and the dress would go perfectly well. The dress was followed by white bra and panties. Then, he took out some clip-on earrings and a blond wig. The stuff in hand, Mark headed to the bedroom he shared with his wife, Cynthia. Dumping the clothes on the bed, Mark headed towards the shower. Mark carefully shaved his face and then his arms and legs. It took half an hour, but very carefully Mark had shaved his entire body. The shower was ready and a hot bath seemed to relax his muscles. Out of the bath, Mark stopped by the bed. He felt through the soft satin fabric of the dress. Just imagining the feeling of the soft cloth on his body made him shudder. But, he had work to do, so he dried himself off. Carefully, Mark put on the padded bra and panties. The soft panties pulled up smoothly on his freshly shaven legs. Mark carefully tucked his penis between his legs and smoothed the panties. Next, Mark slid the dress on. It was soft and made up with floral pattern. Perfect for a summer day. Sitting on the dresser, Mark opened the drawers and started applying light make-up. Mark's fair complexion helped, as he did not require much in terms of make-up. Just a light foundation and some lipstick. Mark took the clip-on earrings and finally settled the wig over his short hair. And the transformation was complete. Looking at the mirror, Mark saw a woman. She had some masculine features. But, she was still passable. Her breasts were on the smaller side, but Mark was never of the masculine build so it looked as if a woman was looking out of the mirror. Mark found a pair of sandals with small heel and made his way to the living room. * * * "I am so glad you could make it Cynthia," Sharon said. "You should thank Mark for that Sharon. He said, he would take care of the chores for the day. And that I should enjoy my day," Cynthia replied. Sharon was Cynthia's closest friend. They lived in the same city, but due to individual obligations couldn't meet up regularly. "Oh really! I guess I should thank him personally then. It's been so long since we last met," Sharon replied happily. "Three months to be exact. You know how I am busy with my job and handling the house. It's really a boon when Mark tells me to make time for myself like today," Cynthia said. "Well, lucky you. If John could just make time from his golfing buddies, I would also make him do the chores," Sharon said playfully. Cynthia and Sharon had a good laugh at that. "So, what did you have in mind? We are in the mall after all, let's hit some of the stores. That one looks promising to me," Cynthia suggested. Sharon agreed that it was as good a start as any. And the two friends made their way to the store. Two hours later, both ladies made way to their cars. "Today's collections did not feel that good, Sharon. What did you get?" Cynthia asked. "Same as you. It seems that this new mall is yet to attract good stores. We should hit the old mall at the other end of the city sometime. They do have some good stores," Sharon replied. "Sounds good to me. Now, I know we had planned for at least five hours and we have some time to kill. Would you mind coming back with me? You can meet with Mark and we could spend some quality time together," Cynthia asked. "Sure. Let's go!" Sharon exclaimed. * * * Mark, when dressed up, liked to call himself Mary. His feminine alter- ego. Mary had promised Cynthia that she would take care of the chores for the day. So, she got right down to that. Mary found an apron and a brush. Mary was slightly taller than Cynthia and she used her reach to good effect. Using the brush, Mary cleaned the places of the house which would be difficult for Cynthia to reach. Doing chores made Mary feel a sense of fulfilment. Not to mention, it took some pressure off of Cynthia. So, she hummed her favourite tune as she proceeded with the cleaning. The vacuum cleaner's whirring sound filled the house. So engrossed was Mary in her cleaning that she did not hear the sound of the car pull up in their garage. Neither did she hear the door open and Cynthia enter the house with Sharon. And shock. That was Mary's first reaction on looking at Cynthia. And not just Cynthia, but Sharon as well. "Mark, what the hell! Why are you in those clothes? What's going on?" Cynthia's voice trembled as she asked. Mark turned the vacuum cleaner off and turned to face both women. Both had shocked look on their faces. Mark was equally frozen. He couldn't believe this was happening. "I can try to explain Cynthia," Mark stammered. "Your husband is a crossdresser, Cynthia," Sharon said. Mark winced at the words. But, he could see the shock turn to anger on Cynthia's face. Mark could feel that he was on the tip of a cliff and a slight push and he would fall to his death. He could see that Cynthia was crying. She didn't understand. She started screaming at him. Obscenities, hurtful words and the works. It meant nothing to him. He could feel he had lost her. Probably forever. "Cynthia, stop screaming. Mark, go to your room and please change. Okay? Come down when you are ready. Take your time," Sharon said. Mark stared in disbelief as Sharon led Cynthia to the kitchen. He had expected ridicule or scorn from Sharon, but her words pulled him out of the trance and he quickly raced to their bedroom to change. A quick face wash and some scrubbing removed the make-up. He took off the wig and earrings. Mark put on his normal clothes. He tossed the female clothes in the trunk and made his way to the kitchen. Sharon was quietly talking to Cynthia. Cynthia looked up when Mark entered. Mark could see the Cynthia looking at him as if she had never seen him before. Cynthia and Mark had been together for 2 years. In that time, they had bonded well. Mark, however, had not disclosed his secret for fear of losing Cynthia. "I am sorry. I should have told you from before. I ..." Mark tried to say, but was interrupted. "I don't want to hear anything. You lied to me. You kept this from me. How could you?" Cynthia cried. "I ... I am sorry," Mark said. There was nothing else to be said. "Mark, why don't you go for a walk? Let's cool down, right?" Sharon suggested. Mark could only nod. He collected his clothes and left. He stood on the porch for a good ten minutes before he left for a nearby park. His mind was numb. Fear for his marriage, the thought of losing Cynthia was too much to bear. So he sat in the park. Not looking at anything in particular. Just staring. Thinking about the good times. * * * "What am I going to do?" Cynthia cried, as she heard Mark leave. "Well, we are having some tea. And then we will talk. Okay?" Sharon said. Cynthia could only nod. Her mind was filled with thoughts. Thoughts of betrayal. Thoughts of her husband as a woman. Thoughts of how this would change their life. While Cynthia was fuming, Sharon quickly got some tea and then sat with Cynthia. "So, what are you gonna do?" Sharon asked. "What's there to do? I don't know. It feels like betrayal to me," Cynthia said. "Is it? If you had known this before your marriage or while you two were dating, would you have gone ahead and married Mark?" Sharon asked. "I don't know. Maybe not," Cynthia said, unsure. "Exactly why Mark felt he had to keep it a secret from you," Sharon said. "But, he lied to me," Cynthia said weakly. "Put his cross-dressing aside for a moment. What do you think of him as a person. Has he ever done anything bad to you? Has he ever been irresponsible? If he hasn't, then aren't you treating him a bit harshly?" Sharon asked. Cynthia had no answer to that. When she thought deeply, it was more shock than anything else. Also, she had seen his face in those initial moments. It was a face of resignation. A face of someone who lost something precious. "Well, now that you say so. I guess he has been a good husband and a good partner," Cynthia admitted. "I am not saying that you should accept him. But, rather than looking at him as something weird, try to understand his side of things? Give it a try? It' doesn't have to be something public. I did not know this before today. He has kept the secret well," Sharon said. "A chance?" Cynthia asked the question more to herself than Sharon. "That is all. A chance," Sharon replied. "I will think about it," Cynthia said. After that, neither Sharon or Cynthia had much to say. They wrapped up their tea and Cynthia gave Sharon a lift to the mall, so she could collect her car. "Thanks Sharon. For everything," Cynthia said sincerely. "What are friends for, honey?" Sharon replied. * * * That night, when Mark returned home, he saw Cynthia had prepared dinner. She was sitting at the table, waiting for him. Neither of them said much to each other. But, the mood of the evening was set and they both went back to their life as if the afternoon had not happened. Life went on. Mark did not cross-dress thereafter. But, Cynthia observed. She saw her husband, day in and day out and her heart broke. For Mark was a shadow of himself. The lively man, who could make her laugh and had the brightest smile in the world had stopped smiling. It went on for four months. Mark could feel the strain on their relationship. He could feel the spectre of the past. He was helpless though. It was his cross-dressing or his wife and marriage. He chose the latter, but the unhappiness lingered. The day had started out as normal. Cynthia had prepared breakfast. She was almost ready to leave for her job. Mark, who left a little later, sat on the breakfast table. He expected Cynthia to kiss him goodbye and leave, but Cynthia made no move to leave the table. "The past few days have been different," Cynthia said. "Hm, how so?" Mark asked, unsure of where Cynthia was going with this. "I am missing something in my life. Something that used to be there," Cynthia said. "And what is that?" Mark asked, his attention now completely on Cynthia. "I would like to meet someone. I saw her only once. But, after that fateful day, she has not been seen. And with her my husband's smile, his joy has also disappeared," Cynthia said, looking straight in Mark's eyes. Mark looked at her blankly for a few moments. "You really want to meet her?" Mark asked, his heart beating wildly in his chest. "I would like to. Last time I met, I did not even catch her name. After all, she is a side of you that makes you who you are. I am not saying I accept her. But, I would like to meet her and decide for myself," Cynthia said, placing her palm on Mark's hand. Mark looked down. His voice trembled as he replied. "Her name is Mary. And she would like to meet you as well." Mark's word seemed to stop the world for a second. He hesitantly looked into his wife's eyes. There was hope there. "Well, then I would like to meet her tonight, if that wouldn't be too hard for her?" Cynthia asked, with a hint of smile. "She will be here," Mark whispered. Cynthia kissed him goodbye then. But, Mark sat there. Stunned. Apprehensive. Anxious. Excited. The feeling was indescribable. And so, Mary officially met Cynthia for the first time that night. * * * Cynthia stood on the porch of their house. She had been there for the last five minutes. Debating. Filled with dread and bit of anticipation. It had been a whim, an impulse, asking to meet Mary. Her husband's female alter-ego. Cynthia had felt that something had to be done. She loved Mark and couldn't see him just exist day in day out. The smile was missing, so was the joy. So she decided to meet this woman who had come between her and Mark. To decide, once and for all, how to proceed. But, not before giving Mark a chance. That was all this night was about. So Cynthia knocked and waited. The door opened and Cynthia's breath stuck in her throat. Standing in front of her, with a dazzling smile on her face, was Mary. Dressed in a beige skirt and creamy blouse. Her ears adorned with earrings. And the smile, oh the smile. "Welcome home, Cynthia. Myself Mary, pleased to meet you," Mary greeted her. And the spell subsided. Cynthia realized she was smiling and who could not. Cynthia could see traces of Mark on the woman, but the woman was also her own entity. Mary collected Cynthia's coat and gently ushered her into the dining room. All the while, Mary talked about her day and asked Cynthia about hers. Cynthia could only marvel to see how natural Mary was. The walk, the way she dressed, everything was confident. "I have prepared all your favourite dishes Cynthia. Shall we commence?" Mary asked, as she pulled out the seat for Cynthia. Cynthia could only nod and so they started the dinner. Wine was had and good food. That seemed to break some of the ice. "So, how did you come into being, Mary?" Cynthia asked, her first serious question of the evening. "Since the teens. Mark always had the idea of Mary. I am as much a part of him as he is a part of me. But, I only started coming out after college. When Mark had the independence and means to get the things that would make me come out," Mary said, gesturing her earrings and dress. "And why did he not disclose you to me?" Cynthia asked. "Because he was afraid. Afraid that you would reject him. Afraid that you wouldn't accept me," Mary whispered. And Cynthia felt a hole in her heart start to fill. It was just a little bit, but she felt hope. "Well, I am glad that I was able to meet you Mary. For the past four months, Mark was missing something. And I now know what it was. I am not saying that this will mend everything. But, I would like this to be a start," Cynthia said. Mary sighed in relief. "I can accept that," Mary said. And the two women chatted into the night. They chatted about mundane things. About life. About interests and then they slept. Together, in each other's arms. There was hope for them after all. The End

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Seema8217s Sexcapades 8211 Part 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net  readers.. back with the second part of Seema’s journey. Read the first part at ‘Seema’s sexcapades Part-1’ to catch up with the story. Reach me on with your feedback and suggestions. The sunlight had diminished and Seema was standing upset with Rakesh’s move. Rakesh, on the other hand, had already started to set up a tent at the base of the falls. They hadn’t spoken to each other for 5min now and Rakesh cursed his move. They had already reached a high altitude...

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I think i can and I did pt 3

As Cassie and I cuddled closely on my queen size bed, the thoughts got louder and would not stop screaming at me. I'm not sure what happened but when I awoke in a hospital bed, I knew it was bad. Cassie was still by my side talking to nurse about what happened. "...Started violently shaking and he wasn't breathing. Once he calmed a little I was able to do cpr and call 911" She sounded tearful. I sat up slowly which caused them both to jump. I spoke softly to them "It's ok. I'm alright. Thank...

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Return To The Nursery

Return To The Nursery by Baby Jennie (and Anonymous) This is based on a story called 'The Nursery' by an unknown author. I found it in the archives on Buffalo Betty's old site, untouched and abandoned since 2009, and decided to re-write in for my own perverted pleasure. I hope you enjoy reading it. Warning! This story contains scenes of female domination, forced infantilism, bondage and discipline, sadomasochism, public humiliation, sexual intercourse, homosexual and lesbian sex,...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 48 Little Sister

School had started. The good thing was that Warren was now with license and with car-his mom's old minivan, to be precise--so he didn't have to take the bus anymore. He drove in. With him was a friend, David Linnet. Warren had met David on the bus last year, and they had occasionally chatted on the phone or done something together. David was only a sophomore-and Warren a senior, now-but Warren never worried about stuff like that. He liked Dave. When he mentioned to Dave that he was going...

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Big City Life

We all tend to blame others for our misfortunes. In my case, I blameSandra Foxley. Sandra and I had a great affair for three months, butshe called me on a Thursday night and said we were finished. Thisleft me with nothing to do Friday night so I went bar hopping andthat's how the trouble started.I was at the Shanghai Bar; the third stop and the fourth beer of theevening. Oakland was playing the Yankees on TV when the alienapproached me. He didn't look very odd at first, although I noticedlater...

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My Gangbang Lesson 8211 Part I

I am Anjali 25 yrs old. I got inspired from FSI stories . I wish to share my last sexual experiences with all in this community. My hubby is out of country. We got hardly a month for honey moon and all. I am fair 5.4 height 55 kgs. Bless me with broad buts. I always hear comments from boys whenever I walk. My breast size is medium compared to buts. Let me attach some of my look alike pics for explaining my body and figure I was sexually active since 18. I wish to share my post marital...

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I realize this is a strange way to start, but actually, I really don't know exactly where to start my story; perhaps a place to start might be by telling you something about me? The problem I have with that is for me to try and describe myself, I feel I come off as if I'm conceited, or I am better than others. I honestly know that my looks and the shape of my body are just the luck of the draw. I do go to a gym and work out as much as is practical just to keep in the best condition as I can,...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 50

Once we slipped into her bed, it was largely a repeat of the night I slept over last year. We made out for about an hour, my hands never moving from where she had moved them earlier in the evening. And even though I had caressed her breasts last year, this time I was going to wait until she directed me to do so again. So finally after about an hour, she cuddled up on my chest and we fell asleep. When we woke up the next morning I was curled up behind her, and my hand was resting on her...

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Sales Team

A sincere thanks to LadyCibelle who helped me with this story. * It was a hot and muggy Atlanta summer day as I slowly walked to the second floor of my apartment complex. The morning had gone well, five sales calls and two of those turned out to be winners. My commission check would be a big one next month. It was a relatively new apartment complex—a lot of singles and parties—and I was glad I had decided to splurge and rent the two-bedroom model. I rationalized at the time that the second...

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Chapters of Cheat

#1 "Dear Diary, Today it begins. Love." _______________________ The entry was as simple as that. 6 shots of Amarula, Bruised bones, Catfights, and a day later, Vienna was almost smearing war paint on her face. Her new air of confidence and new lease to life made it easy for her to lead this madness she had caught.She picked up her phone and dialled a number.The phone rang twice before an unfamiliar voice answered it. "I thought you...

4 years ago
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The Gym

First Story here. Not my best work but I'm quite rusty.______________________________________________________________________________________My name is Liam and for the last few months I have been going to the gym that my College has. Its not very big, mainly separated into two sections. One half you have the weight lifting and cardio machines; your benches, your treadmills, your leg press machines, and everything else. The other half is a wide open room that is mainly used for yoga and dance...

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Bang Bang With Blind Act Incest Angle 8211 Part I

(I have never tried to write a story with a lady character in first person. I was uneasy that I may not be able to project female feelings, emotions in a believable manner. But my lady fans ‘insistence has resulted in creating this story. Hope you will receive this also with enthusiasm. I sincerely thank my friend Lov for suggesting the story idea and for her valuable inputs.) ………………………Rahul stopped sucking my left breast and looked at me thoughtfully. I was absent mindedly running my fingers...

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Love To Be Aunty8217s Slave

Hi friends. This is Aakash here. I am going through this site for the last one year and now i have decided to post my experience after reading the story please do send me your comments and desires at The story begins here. I was 18 then and just completed my 12 board exams. My parents decided to send me to my uncle’s house at Kolkata for vacation for 3 weeks. So I went to my uncle’s house. He lived with his wife Mamta in a 4 bedroom flat in Tollygung. My uncle was 42 and aunt 36 and still...

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The Life of John Smith Chapter 14

We had begun spending most of our time on week-ends with her family. Rather than us going off to play our sex games, we participated in her family's activities. In this way her father began to trust me with his daughter. I also feel he was trying to be a father figure to me as well. I did feel her mother began to act a little too friendly with me, especially when we were alone. Of course, I may have misinterpreted her actions as something more than motherly. I will save the telling of...

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Movie TENET Christopher Nolan My personal opinio

Movie TENET, Christopher Nolan.My personal opinion - no spoilers!First and foremost, the film is certainly very cool, and the special effects are at the highest level. Running, shooting, fighting, wrestling, tricks - all this is super! If the film was in 3D format, then it would probably be grandiose!And As I mentioned, without spoilers, my impressions are:1. In this film there is a country of Ukraine !!!!!!!! and it's cool and cool! Moreover, my country, Ukraine, is mentioned several times in...

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50 Shades of Beech MountainChapter 20

As I have stated earlier--BDSM is not for everyone. You may want to skip these “Shades of Beech Mountain" chapters entirely or may choose to read just out of curiosity. You will certainly pick up on what tips and tricks you may want to add to your own lifestyle. At times these chapters delve into the craft of BDSM and the associated fetishes and lifestyle they encompass. If I tend to dwell on a certain fetish or character(s), it’s because of a need to explain a particular effect it has...

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The ProposalA Short OneAct Play

THE PROPOSAL A SHORT PLAY IN ONE ACT BY DIANA RICHARDS Cast of Characters Madison (Maddy) An attractive, middle-aged transwoman. Bob A nice guy in his early 50s. Sets and scenes: 1. A bedroom and adjoining bathroom. As this set will be mostly dark, it can be suggested with just a bed, a window, a door to the bathroom, and a sink. This set should be designed to be moved off-stage after the first scene. 2. The kitchen of a pleasant townhome in an...

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5 December 2008Chapter 7

Cathy and Chris continued to kiss as he felt her tit and fingered her pussy. She had Dan stand next to her and unzipping his fly released his cock. Chris had to watch as she boldly began to suck on it. Dan looked at her and the men sitting at the other table and those beyond. Chris’s eyes grew wider, the more Dan’s long cock came to life. Fully hard, he took over stroking his cock as she stood from Chris’s lap. She untied the bow that barely held her dress closed and spread the opening. He...

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RealLife Fun in the Library

During my university days I was lucky enough to have a wonderfully-curvy girlfriend who was more than happy for me to pleasure her every chance I got. This is one of my most erotic memories of those very special times and goes a long way to explaining my life-long penchant for pleasuring lovely, sensitive, needy breasts! Looking at my girlfriend dressed demurely in a thick, floppy, woollen sweater you wouldn't know that it hid an amazing pair of big C-cups. This particular winter's day I had...

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MAU Typhoid Mary Syndrome

Author's notes: I've watched the evolution of MAU with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's been quite popular for authors, which is rewarding to watch. On the other, well, one thing I really didn't want to create was a universe based on fantasy, and I hoped the rules would help contain that. Unfortunately, my fears have been realized as stories have strayed into the fantastic and beyond. I could be like Bill with SRU and consider anything not by me to be non-canon. I could close...

2 years ago
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Blushing Bride

Copyright© 1998 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Martha thought God had answered her deepest prayer, most of her friends were already married. Some of them had children. Martha felt more and more isolated from her community, every day that passed without a man in her life seemed like a curse. Then Frank appeared. He seemed to be everything she ever wanted in a man. He was good looking. He was serious, but could still make her laugh when he teased her. Most of all, he wanted her. How...

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I Hate You

Orange County. Where some producers thought to waste everybody’s time shooting a pointless yet “iconic” tv show. At least, that’s what Dave always thought.Who is Dave?One of the most powerful lawyers in the State, known in courtrooms as “The Shark”. Forty-eight-years-old, a Machiavellian mind in a built, beefy body; unlimited hunger for unlimited power.Loved and hated, envied, and admired. Women crave him as the smart, powerful, dangerous, and sexy as fuck man that he is; men crave his power...

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SamChapter 13A

The morning sun was reflecting off the cheval mirror in the corner of the room next to the window. It cast a bright, shimmering spot of light on the wall next to the bed. I stretched languidly. I felt wonderful. There's nothing like a good night's sleep to recharge your batteries. I turned over to find Neeka nose to nose with me. As I looked into her sleeping face, I though it was the most beautiful sight I could have asked to see the first thing in the morning. As soon as I thought it,...

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Succumbing To Nature

Nick stood on the riverbank, staring at the water as it cascaded mercilessly over the rocks. The sun beat against his skin, beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. There wasn’t even the slightest hint of a breeze, he knew the sun would take its toll on him later, but at the moment, he didn’t care. “These are going to be incredible,” he muttered, peering through the camera and zooming in for his next shot. He expertly clicked the button several times before reviewing the pictures. “Damn, I’m...

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The Storm Part 2

It was a humid summer’s night as the heavy rain poured, bouncing against the window. Thunder could be heard rumbling in to the night, whilst flashes of lightning could be seen flickering through the curtains. Two hours had passed since our embarrassing quickie earlier in the evening, in which my mother had heard me and my boyfriend Aiden fucking from down the street. Now alone, me and Aiden were snuggled watching TV, me still wearing his over-sized football shirt from earlier. ‘Alone at last,’...

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Women object is quite different

Women object is quite different, and beats the man physiologically, I shall give you Omthala, because the differences countless women is higher than a man's ability to generate red blood cells and white capability, so you can do the task of feeding the fetus, and the blood of the menstrual cycle compensation, and that the apparatus immune capabilities outweigh the immune system of the man, and for that the fetus does not reject the foreign body, and are incubated and nurtured as part of the...

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Serenity Valley Chapter 1

It was a very hot day and she was just out for a drive. She was finally divorced from Michael and was wondering how she should celebrate. She had no particular place she wanted to go and just decided to drive as far as she could go. She wanted to get away from it all, the noise, the job, the traffic and the city. Her marriage to Michael was over. She wanted adventure. She wanted sex. She had remained faithful to Michael, but their sex life was non-existent so she had her...

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