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It was barely past five o'clock. Bill Jenkins sat at the bar sipping his drink. His second. The ironic part about this was, Bill wasn't a drinker, until now anyway as he sat there thinking about it. "When was the last time I was even in a bar?" he wondered asking himself. And he probably wouldn't be here now if it weren't for the fact he'd gotten tired at staring at the walls in his office. Three days of doing that, saying you were working late when you really weren't, staring out the window, reading magazines, pacing about the darkened halls after everyone else had left. Three days ... now four ... of bullshit. So here he was, drinking. Ordering his third Johnny Walker Black. Already he could feel it, time to slow down or he'd never make it home.

Home. He thought about that. Home. Home where is wife would be waiting for him. Home. A place he once thought of as sanctuary, a place where he and his wife Mandy shared a life together. He still loved her. He knew that. And he felt like she still loved him too. But lately, especially lately, all they did was fight. Fight about stupid things, things that years ago wouldn't have upset either one of them. Now ... everything did. Especially the stupid things. Like their fight this morning just before he left for work. It was garbage day. It was his job to take out the garbage, which he did. But he'd tipped over the kitchen garbage just prior to taking it out. He'd dumped some coffee grounds on the floor, scooped up what he could, and then carried it out to the trash, and from there the trash to the curb. By the time he'd come back inside the house to grab a cup of coffee and head out, Mandy was waiting for him. If looks could kill.


"I'm not your maid," she'd said handing him the dustpan and the small broom. "Clean it up."

"I'm going to be late, you clean it," he spat back a little more authoritatively than he should have. He was irritated, it wasn't that big a deal. He'd taken the trash out just like he always did, a little spillage that would have taken two seconds to sweep up wasn't worth fighting about, yet ... here they were doing just that. He could have done it. Perhaps should have. The same two seconds it would have taken her to do it, he could have done it in as well. But he was already rationalizing in his head, "If it hadn't been spilled coffee grounds, it would have been something else."

"Home," he thought once again as the bar tender brought him his drink.

Mandy was fuming by the time Bill left. "Fucking coffee grounds!" she said to herself, taking the two seconds it would have taken her husband to clean up his mess. She dumped them into the fresh sack that Bill had actually put on the garbage can for her, just like he always did. She could have said thank you, perhaps should have, but his demeanor when he told her to do it herself had set her off. It was downhill after that, just like everything else seemed to be doing for the past three months now. Three months where the two of them hadn't even been intimate, the first two weeks of that where Bill had slept on the couch. He'd eventually moved back into the bedroom, but they might as well have put up a brick wall in their bed for all the good that did. Though that was partially her fault as well. Mandy usually slept naked, a subtle hint when she did that if he was interested ... but he'd shown no interest. He was still pissed, still belligerent. Well, she sure as hell showed him hadn't she? She'd worn pajamas, or if not pajamas, something anyway, and nothing ... nothing even remotely sexy or alluring. That was her signal. "Not tonight, don't touch me ... don't bother me." He hadn't. Not for three month's now. "That's ok ... fuck him," she thought. "If that's the way he wants it."

She was already running a little behind, no big deal really, she was after all the head of her own department. She had an important meeting this morning with a new client, someone that could make her a nice fat bonus if they landed the account. She looked at what she'd chosen to wear, typical, non-attractive business attire. "Fuck that," she said once again. She flipped through her wardrobe looking for something else. "Not too obvious," she said discarding the low-cut white frilly blouse, one of her favorites, but definitely not for work. She couldn't remember the last time she'd even worn it out. She could only remember once when she had, she and Bill had gone out to a nice place for dinner, celebrating her new promotion. They'd had a fabulous evening, best food ever. Afterwards, they'd gone out to the parking lot to go home, Bill had stood at her door, opening it for her. She had started to get in, he'd grabbed her, kissing her passionately. It was crazy, it was wild ... and it was perfect. She'd felt his lips on her neck, kissing her bare flesh, working their way down. Standing there in the open door of her brand new Mercedes. She'd felt the grope of his hand on her breast, teasing and toying with her nipple through the shear material. She glanced about the parking lot, not worried about someone seeing them, realizing what they were doing, but actually hoping someone would. She was hot, the thought of being seen, even if all they were doing was a little groping, passionate kissing, just the thought..."

She pulled out the black short skirt, still professional looking even if it was a tiny bit shorter than it should have been perhaps. The white semi-sheer blouse, though the double layer of material in front would only give hint at her very lacy, very sexy bra. Besides, the matching jacket would hide most of that anyway, unless of course she took it off. Which she might do ... over lunch."

Bill was in no rush to get home. His wife wouldn't be there anyway, not for several hours yet. She had told him over a week ago she'd be working late tonight, just as he supposedly was. "Maybe she is ... maybe she isn't," he thought, and then felt the need to pee, leaving his drink on the counter, ordering a forth before going back to use the restroom. He'd stood in front of the mirror washing his hands. At forty-four he was still reasonably attractive. A full head of hair, just a hint of grey starting to show at the temples, not too much ... just enough to give him a look of maturity, experience, style. His deep blue eyes were his best feature, next to his dark thick hair, at least that's the way he saw it. Though several women had commented on his eyes in the past too. He worked out, twice a week. And though his body would never again be the way it once was, he was still proud of the way he looked and had gotten more than one appreciative look from the girls at the office. Young girls in fact, girls he now found himself fantasizing about, thinking about, to the point he'd done the unthinkable, closing his door, and then sitting there masturbating while thinking about their smiles and what they could lead to. Well ... in his mind anyway. "And why am I doing this?" He'd asked himself after spilling his seed into his back pocket handkerchief, tossing it into the trashcan beneath his desk like he'd done and been doing now almost every day for a solid week. "Because Mandy wore pajama's to bed, that's why!" He told himself. She wasn't interested in him anymore and was making it pretty damn obvious. "Well, fuck her then!" he told himself. "If that's the way she wants it!"

Bill came out of the restroom heading back to the bar, to his seat. He stopped dead in his tracks almost tripping over himself. There was a very attractive woman who had taken the stool next to where he'd been sitting, the bartender just then placing her drink, "A long Island Iced tea by the looks of it," he thought to himself. "Pretty stiff drink," he considered, though he was in fact feeling the effects of the three he'd had himself. He sauntered over back towards the bar wondering as he did if he should scoot over another seat, give her some distance between them. His fresh drink sat waiting for him. He realized then, she could have picked another seat herself, farther away if she'd wanted to. It wasn't that crowded yet, well ... not at the bar anyway, though most of the booths were now being taken up. Still...

Bill sat down, caught her smile. He smiled back feeling a little foolish, nodding his head. Neither one spoke. He glanced over towards her appreciatively once more, taking a sip of his scotch, using the subterfuge in doing so to get a better look at her. She was thirtyish perhaps, on the far side, damn good looking, nice tits ... from what he could tell anyway. A thin lightweight sweater that hugged her curves, a hint of a nice deep tanned cleavage, soft looking breasts swelling up to meet one another, dark brown shoulder length hair that perfectly molded her face. She was looking at him again, looking at him, looking at her. She smiled. He smiled back. She took a sip of her drink, he noticed she was wearing a ring. But then again so was he. He turned the ring around on his finger with his thumb still holding his glass, wondering stupidly if he should remove it. "Why? He was married ... she was married, they were just two people in a bar having a drink. Hell, they hadn't even exchanged pleasantries for hells sakes and he was already imagining himself fucking her!"

He sighed, heard himself sigh, saw her turn towards him once again. "Long day?" she asked.

"Ah yeah ... it was," he answered. It was the perfect opportunity, he introduced himself. "Names Bill," he said extending his hand. He was surprised when she turned, taking it.

"Susan," she offered back. No last name, but then again, he hadn't given her one either. "Me too," she then added, still smiling, though friendly now, more so than before. "Haven't seen you in here before," she then offered, wondering.

"First time," he said truthfully. "Usually just go straight home from work, no rush to do so tonight though," he added, wondering why he'd told her that. Wondering if subconsciously he was trying to tell her he was interested, even though he really wasn't if the truth were to be known. But it was a quick little shot of self-confidence, sitting here at a bar next to an attractive woman, carrying on a friendly conversation, no yelling, no smart remarks. Flirting a little maybe, which is as far as he knew it would go. Hell, she wasn't really flirting back with him, just being polite, friendly. Obviously a professional woman who like himself had stopped in for a drink on her way home, perhaps even meeting up with some friends. Nothing more. Bill even glanced around, wondering if she was in fact waiting for someone.

"Here alone?" she asked.

"Yeah ... you?"


"Buy you another drink?" She'd just finished her first one.

"Sure, thank you."

"Thank you," Had Mandy said that this morning before leaving for work, he might not be sitting here now, wondering what it would be like to fuck this woman he'd just met.

The presentation had gone well. Better than expected even. They'd been at it all morning, the model of the new proposed shopping mall had been eye catching. Wooing several perspective tenants into moving their big name stores into it meant the difference of a small success, or a big one. Mandy had managed to invite three really big names to the presentation, two of which now seemed genuinely interested. And though construction was still well over a year away, getting some big names on board early on would make all the difference. Jim Peters, Mandy's boss had suggested, recommended for those who might be interested to drive out to the sight later on, have a look for themselves, and then perhaps sit down to dinner and continue on with the discussions. Of those who were interested in doing so, one of them was her newly found account. Mike Edwards was the Chief Executive Officer for one of the largest clothing store chains in the country. If she could land that one, then others would follow. No one wanted to give anyone else an edge, especially in a rapidly developing section of town where the growth had been enormous over the past few years. It was an ideal location, and held the promise of substantial financial success.

It also meant she'd be working late, but she'd pretty much already planned on that anyway. And besides, Bill was working late again himself, though he seemed to be doing a lot of that lately anyway. She couldn't help but wonder...

"Mandy? Can I see you for a moment?" Jim had asked her drawing her off to the side. "I hate to do this to you," he began. "But something's come up in the San Francisco office, I have to fly out tonight. Think you can handle entertaining Mike and Christopher yourself? Take them out to the sight, show them around, and then have dinner with them later? See if you can get a feel for what they're thinking? What they might expect in return for setting up shop with us?"

"Sure Jim, no problem," she said enthusiastically, confidently. She wouldn't have gotten the promotion to begin with if Jim didn't feel he could count on her. Jim smiled looking down at her breasts. That was the only thing that had ever raised any suspicions with her regarding her promotion. Jim was known to be a bit of a womanizer, and though he'd not come right out and approached her sexually, there'd been plenty of hints, a few off colored jokes, and then of course the obvious blatant stares at her chest. Though she really only had herself to blame for that tonight anyway. She knew as well as he obviously did, that her rather prominent breasts looked particularly attractive through the blouse she was wearing. Not to mention her long shapely legs that she knew she was showing off beneath the short, almost too short of a skirt she had on in addition to that. Jim smiled and then winked.

"Whatever's necessary, you know the drill," he told her. "Wherever they'd like to eat ... whatever they'd like to drink ... woo them, whatever it takes," he'd said once again emphasizing the word.

They had soon after driven out to the sight, though Christopher had followed them in his own car, begging off on going out to dinner afterwards. Mike on the other hand had been far more friendly, very outgoing and easy to talk to, not to mention being easy on the eyes. She had found herself entertaining a few thoughts, naughty ones. Wondering what he would look like naked, in bed laying next to her. His almost boyish blonde hair, dark brown eyes, chiseled very masculine features could have had him posing on the cover of any fashion magazine. But here he was instead, not even fifty yet, and already the CEO of a major clothing chain, and he was obviously showing signs of being interested in her to boot! Twice, she had seen him glancing at her partially exposed thigh as she drove the car, once even reaching over to just briefly rest his hand on her leg as they discussed the possible competitors who might also be interested in moving in. She'd felt a flurry of goose bumps racing up and down her arms, her neck, and over her breasts. She had felt her nipples stiffen at the all too brief contact, wishing he had left his hand remain where it had been ... all too briefly. She'd given him assurance that even if they did, he'd have the biggest area, the best access, the best of everything. Whatever he wanted ... He had smiled at that.

"Whatever I want?" She'd heard him say. Remembering her boss's words just before they'd left.

"Whatever it takes."

Mike had been impressed over the proposed sight, walking it together, discussing and imagining how it would all look in comparison to the model he had seen earlier. It was just hot enough outside that she had taken off her jacket, tossing it over her shoulder as they walked about. She could still feel the press of her hard nipples, the lacy thin sheer bra not helping much, nor concealing her fairly obvious predicament. She had caught him looking at her, looking at her tits, normally she might have taken some offence in that, but not today. She wanted him to look, wanted to see his smile, his reaction, especially when she let him know she'd seen him looking, and had welcomed it.

She'd suggested a place for dinner. He'd declined that one, recommending another, a place a bit more intimate, good food, but far more cozy and intimate. Mandy had always wanted to go there herself, but she and Bill never had. Now was as good a time as any. The fact that it would be just she and Mike alone, was even better. Already she could feel the wetness forming between her legs in anticipation of more, a lot more.

It was early yet, but the place was starting to fill up pretty fast. "Let's grab a booth before they're all gone," she suggested. "There ... that one," she said standing not giving Bill a chance to really consider it, though he did so briefly even then. There was nothing to go home to however, nothing but a cold dinner and TV. Here at least he had someone to talk to, someone very attractive in addition to that. It was far better than going home to an empty house. They carried their drinks over to the table. "I'll be right back," she said smiling, and then turned heading off towards the restrooms. Bill watched her go, following her with his eyes. She had nice legs, nearly as nice as Mandy's were.

Mandy. She'd told him not to wait up for her. Well, he certainly wouldn't be doing that. He smiled, maybe she'd actually get home before he did, and then who'd not be waiting up for whom?" He felt the stiffening of his cock, making a quick unobserved move in adjusting himself a bit more comfortably. He had no expectations of anything actually happening, but you never knew. Susan seemed to like him, perhaps even be a little attracted to him. She hadn't been overly flirtatious, but they had laughed, shared a few jokes and had obviously gotten comfortable enough for her to want to spend a little more time together. Maybe her situation wasn't much different than his own. He turned just in time to notice her walking back. There was something different in the way that she did, and then it dawned on him, she wasn't wearing a bra! He had noticed the tell tale press of her bra strap as she'd sauntered away into the bathroom. Walking back towards him now, the suggestive jiggle of her breasts, the hard pointed tips almost obscenely pressing against the thin material of her sweater assured him of the fact that she now wasn't. "What else had she taken off while she was in there?" He wondered.

He'd expected her to slide in to the booth sitting across from him. But she didn't, sliding in next to him instead, sitting where they could both see the majority of the other patrons, yet secluded in a way against the far back wall, unobserved, unapproached by anyone else needing a table. He could feel the press of her thigh wedged comfortably against his when she did, one hand reaching for her glass as she took a drink, the other suddenly resting on his leg. He felt her fingers lightly trace an imaginary line of tiny circles on his upper thigh, felt his cock stiffen even harder than it had been, once again almost uncomfortably positioned. Her fingers dangerously close to discovering that if she was to widen her playful drawings, and then before he knew it, she had. He felt the tip of one finger brush against the side of his rock hard shaft, felt her nail suddenly dig in deeper along the side of it, now running up the entire length of it towards the head. Here she again lingered, a light teasing touch as she surrounded it playfully before allowing her finger to once again travel back down in the opposite direction. Bill took a sip of his drink, dropping his own hand down beneath the table. He placed it directly upon her own leg, feeling the contact of bare flesh as he did so. He began teasing her in much the same way she continued teasing him, tempting fate, running his finger tips briefly beneath the hem of her skirt. Susan shifted, lifting herself up, and in doing so, bunching the back of her skirt entirely behind her. He had looked over watching as she did that, her bare ass clearly showing through before she had sat back down again. He knew then, her bra wasn't the only thing she had taken off.

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Number Four

Disclaimer I have no idea how this horrific main character could spring from my mind. I?m not sure I?d even technically call this BDSM, even though it has many BDSM features. It all started with me wanting to explore the life and mind-set of a professional torturer. Not as an evil character, but rather as the typical ?good guy? protagonist. The main character is, believe it or not, based on a woman I know who annoys me infinitely. She isn?t nice, she just thinks she is. I liked the idea of...

3 years ago
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The SongbirdChapter 6

Jack We spoke on the phone quite regularly. When she left Derby she had a two-night show in Bristol and then she was back home. There was nothing in her diary for the next three weeks so she contacted Steve Brackley, the guy she knew who had organised the Swing orchestra. They met and discussed her plans. Steve was just as excited as she. Evidently whilst they got regular bookings, they tended to be for corporate events, and they were asked to play a mixed programme of music, not just swing....

2 years ago
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Dude Never Again

It was a few years ago and my team made it to the Super Bowl. With great anticipation, I made big plans for the day. Several friends came over, the wives retired to one part of the house, to watch chick flicks in our home theater. The guys had to make do with only a Fifty-inch screen in my man cave. The game was dreadful, total blow out and not in a good way. My team left the field totally emasculated. Everyone left but my best friend, Jim. The two of us stayed to the bitter end. We watched the...

3 years ago
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Jackies Girl

Jim always disliked traveling for business. He always had to leave the office late, catch a plant (which was inevitably always delayed), arrive in a city he was not familiar with, rent a car, and drive between one and three hours to arrive at his destination. Jim was a Portfolio Manager for a large NY Investment Bank managing construction projects in the energy space. Jim disbursed funds to the Projects, which always made him popular with the developers. It was early October and Jim...

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How Regina Passed College History

I have been teaching history at a local community college for several years and while I had always heard rumors of professors hooking up with students, usually at the student's request, in order to get a passing grade, I had never even had so much as a flirtatious wink even thrown at me.A while back, that all changed.Regina was a college freshman, a very attractive young black student at a mostly all-white college campus, which made her stand out. I noticed very quickly that Regina had a lot...

College Sex
1 year ago
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My Sis Introduced Me To Her Friend And Had A Threesome In Her House

Hi, this is deepak from bangalore here… reading stories from past 2 years and this is my second story here so please forgive for any mistakes.   And any girls and aunty in bangalore who would like to have sex secretly or sex chat can ping me or mail me to   Feedback are appreciated.   If anyone didn’t read my previous story with my sister can read the below link https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/bike-ride-truth-dare-sister/   Let’s get in to the story , as you guys know I’m fucking my...

2 years ago
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Discovered spying

I started spying since I moved from my original country for a job opportunity that came up all of the sudden. I've done it before, but when it was more curious than excitementI had no money for an apartment for myself and decide to rent a house and split the cost with other people, I was aiming for men, but since I received requests from girls I thought I'd give them a shot. The first girl roommates I had were a couple of girls that were absolutely beautiful, they went around the house with no...

4 years ago
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On The Minds Of Men

Chapter 1: Introductions Mandy sat on him with her full weight of perhaps 200lbs. Her thighs, withinher short, loose skirt, were spread apart over his chest and stomach. He wassmall and rather light; it was no contest. Any attempt on his part to resistwould have failed, and with her massive body on him it would have been veryeasy for her to mete out retribution. But there was no struggle. There had been, once: as she recalled those times, a smile flickered to lifefor a moment across her mouth...

1 year ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 6 Christy BrownChapter 7

It was a glorious fall day, with the hint of winter on the air. The nippy weather had worried Prudence, as Bobby helped her to the car. Constance was at home, preparing for the babies to come home that day. Prudence tucked a receiving blanket more closely around Kyle, and then fussed at Bobby to do the same thing for Katherine. He ignored her and put her in the front seat, handing her the other baby, once she was settled. He drove carefully, and then took one of them - he still couldn’t tell...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jesse Pony Anal And Lesbian 3Way Ride

Fresh-faced porn cutie Jesse Pony’s tan, tattooed body looks splendid in colorful lingerie. The delectable doll poses, showing her ultra-fit bod and the butt plug wedged in her booty hole. Chatting with MILF director Francesca Le, Jesse talks dirty and masturbates. The young vixen knows just what to do with hung porn veteran Mark Wood’s diamond-hard dick: Jesse drools and chokes as she gives a raunchy blowjob, smiling proudly as Mark moans. On the stairs, she spreads her twat,...

3 years ago
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My best night ever theater and gloryholes

Hello, this is an account of what I consider my best night of my life; I was living in Baltimore, MD, Essex area at the time. A little background on me is that I am married now and at the time of this night but not that happy at the time. I was married for about 8 years and my wife and I decide to find a girl to have a relationship with, I was happy to hear that but how dumb was I. After she found someone I was told I would not be involved in any sexual way so deal with it, after a big fight, I...

1 year ago
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Aloha Tube Big Tits

One thing that automatically makes any porn video hotter is a chick with huge knockers… don’t you agree? Of course, you do; every real man does. Ah, but there are like millions of porn websites you can visit with sluts who have massive knockers… So, the real question here is, which site would most suit your dirty-ass taste? Have you ever heard about a nice little fap paradise called Tube is a porn aggregator website, and obviously a free one. Aggregator websites are...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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The Thrill of Almost Getting Caught

Global warming made for a warm winter. I sighed. I hate heat, and here it is over 70 degrees in February. My only saving grace was working at night. As I pulled into my driveway, my neighbor was getting out of his car. What a sight for my sore, tired eyes. As eye candy goes, he would be ranked up there with that expensive stuff from Europe. Tall and broad shouldered, there didn’t appear to be an ounce of fat on his hard body. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were from where I was sitting,...

2 years ago
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 12 Thursday After School

Support group attendance, at least, seemed to be down. Instead of being packed, the room was only half full. If there was any joy, that was it. Dee Muntz was still hanging around but at least she didn't insist on sitting with the moderators. Maybe she was tired of getting her arm yanked. The first student with a so-called problem was Marilyn Lipsche, a luscious blonde who made Crystal look plain. And believe me, Crystal knew it. "Hello everyone," Marilyn began in her melodious little...

3 years ago
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Ranmas Last Battle

Introduction: We come now to the end of the road, Ranmas last battle with the spit. Ranmas Last Battle Story #: Ani-Can 5 Copyright 2006 Written: October 11 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) **************************************** Ranma and Akane walked back down the stairs, Akane are you ready to be prepared to roast? Soan asked her as she entered the living area and walked passed Soan and Genma, Ya we need meat...

1 year ago
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Me And My Virgin Cousin Love To Fuck In Public

I live with my immediate family. However my entire family (aunts,uncles, cousins etc) all come over very often as we love to have family get together s. Well we are about 12 cousins and i have only one younger cousin who is a girl and since all my other cousins were much older we used to get along with each other allot and also hang around with each other a lot during family vacations. Well my cousin’s name is Rhea (name changed) she is quite a fair girl but has very cute features nice round...

4 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 2

When they returned, Tyke had brownie mouth and Krys had a tray and glasses ... and a baggie with a wet washcloth, Cora Jo, the doctorate, had a pitcher of iced sweet tea ... the engine room crew carrying French press coffee, homemade cream of mushroom and potato soup and roasted chicken sandwiches. Krys said, “Is a simple Ukrainian meal, best I could do on such a short notice.” She looked at the pile of journal sheets, “What did you find out?” “We need a certain sized sapphire ring to work...

2 years ago
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Paid in FullChapter 4

"Dawn, I would love to have you come out and stay with us," I told her. "We are flying back tomorrow night. I would love for you to go with us. We will bring you back in a couple of weeks, if you can get off work. If not we will fly you back when you need to come home." "That sounds like so much fun. I will ask my father if I can come out. I keep house for him since my mother passed away," she explained. "Please call if you will be flying with us so I can get you a ticket," I...

3 years ago
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Taking care of older men

Jennifer had been working in Aged Care Facilities for over 7 years! She was now 31 years old and felt she was contributing towards the quality living of the older folk by giving them the best possible care. She had first become attracted to the work when it had been suggested to her by her Minister. Jennifer had always been active in her Church and considered she was doing something with a community spirit as well as earning money to help with the budget in the home. Jennifer’s husband, Roy,...

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Ceres Calhouns first time

Ceres Calhoun was a vicious stereotype of a plain jane. Her pale skin, waif body and figure were unremarkable. Her straight brown hair was parted in the middle and pulled int a pony tail by a black scrunchy. She didn't help the image with a brown cardigan, over an off white beige button up blouse tucked into ill fitting brown trousers that exposed her brown socks. Her shoes though were white trail running shoes. Rather they were once white, the were filthy with mud and dirt from executing their...

4 years ago
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Rose Fantasy

I stir slightly, moving ever so slowly from sleep to wakefulness. The scent of roses fills my mind, & I smile. roses, I love that smell-there’s something so soft and sweet– & an underlying sensuality — nothing is sexier than the smell of roses.. Something tickles my nose and I stir further, the gentle touch brushing over my cheeks and lips.. I slip closer to consciousness. I peek through one sleepy eye to gaze at you, sitting on the edge of the bed, a mischievous glint in your eye. I smell...

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The games

My name is Emily, I am 21 years old and finished the free education that is available to the public. Being born in the slums I got the education fit for the slums. My dad has been stuck here his whole life and I’ve decided I’m getting out of here for good. Only problem is I’m broke, and it costs money to move between districts. The only kind of work for girls like me around here was manual labor such as house work which payed nearly nothing. It’s designed that way to keep the district...

4 years ago
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Neighbour Aunty

This is Kamesh. This happened last month when I went to Chennai. My parents reside in Chennai and our house is in a colony where around 10 families reside. Most of them are malus and are close to us too. One of the mallu family which is very close to us were residing just above our flat. They had guys one studying in college and other awaiting for his +2 results. Uncle was working in a limited concern and that week he was doing night shift. One day my parents went to attend a marriage and...

2 years ago
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Loves Distant ShoreChapter 2

"Two hours today. I hope you all made arrangements." Professor Warners had a way of speaking without looking at any of her forty students. "This is your mid-term practical, so remember that I'm looking at elements and naturalism ... Not realism." She loved theory and this wasn't my first exposure to it, or to the professor. I was in my second year at Princeton, working vaguely towards my bachelor's degree, and I tuned the woman out as I prepped my ground. We were doing charcoal, not...

3 years ago
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A teenage lus

"Hello? Devon? Hey baby what's up?" "Nothing baby just watching the game, you know me. What you doing?" "Just got out in the house I was wondering if you wanted to stop by." "Uh, after the game iight ma? "No babe yo necesito ahora por fa. I'm so damn horny I've been wanting you all day" "Damn girl, you know I want to but, I can't" Devon was 3 years older than Seanna, while Seanna was in her junior year of highschool. Devon was in his sophmore year of college. "Baby...

4 years ago
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Chapter 30: OUR NEW REALITYThe travel back to the lagoon was much slower than the trip out earlier. And it wasn’t Alex being with us. She impressed me immediately with her resolve and determination to fit into our way of life. And this was a huge change for her. She had lived in a protected, loving family structure despite her rebellion and ‘non-female’ attitude to growing up. She insisted on letting her carry the backpack for periods of time to give me a rest. She couldn’t carry it comfortably...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Khloe Kapri The Assignment

As usual I was behind with my homework and had a huge assignment due the next day. I had no choice but to have my nerdy stepbrother Jake write it for me. He is easy; as long as I promise him something in return, he’ll do it. Well this time he asked me to let him play with my feet. I was like Whaaat? He admitted he has a foot fetish and always wanted to suck on my toes. He thinks I have a very pretty feet. Then I actually realized this is an easy way out, so I agreed. I always flake...

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Gia Derza Carousel Of Teen Gape

Natural titties, firm big ass, and wet bald pussy make BAM Visions’ world go ‘round, and so does Gia Derza! This nubile spinner is insatiable for anal sex. Mick Blue and his big bad cock have their work cut out riding Gia’s carousel of teen gape! Wearing a translucent sea green bathing suit, the brunette isn’t about to leave much to your imagination. And she doesn’t. Her sparkling butt plug lets you know what she wants. Mick oils her bubble butt. She masturbates. He tests the waters with sex...

1 year ago
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My Sister Changed EverythingChapter 2

There really wasn't any way to misinterpret that, was there? My little sister wanted us to fuck and my dick was telling me, yes. So, I pulled down my boxers and she immediately pulled off the tee and slid off her panties as we came together kissing and feeling each other. She had her hand around my cock as she whispered, "Mmm, you're still good and hard. Let's see how it tastes," and she dropped down on her knees taking me in her mouth and sucking me as I ran my fingers through her...

2 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 26 The Kiss of Consummation

The day had been quite eventful and Erik had found it exhilarating to be taking charge of his existence. He felt that after years of waiting to begin his life, he was finally making it happen. He sank into the padded, high-back leather chair behind his desk and sighed. Allowing his eyes to scan around his office, he smiled at the thought of the last conversation he had before returning home. He had found Phillipe in his office near the Pont Neuf. Their conversation had been brief as Phillipe...

4 years ago
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My Pussy So Sore PT 2 Cuckold

After fucking Mark the first time, I was feeling like I had crossed a line that I shouldn't have. I felt like I totally lost control and should not have ventured down the path that I did. I spoke with my husband, Dave, about how I was feeling. My husband is the love of my life, we have been married for 12 years and even though I had dreamed about fucking other men I have never acted on it. Dave told me that he was OK with what happened, he loved me, and stated that I shouldn't be concerned with...

2 years ago
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The Mystery Fuck

My wife Jane has the strongest sex drive of any woman I have ever known. It is a good thing that I love to watch her being fucked by a variety of men, because even if I objected there would be no way to stop her. So instead of having her sneak around, I make it exciting for both of us by participating in her fun and games, and even finding men for her to fuck. Not that she has any trouble finding them on her own. She is a gorgeous girl in her late twenties, with long dark hair and a fabulous...

Straight Sex
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injured stepson

I'm susan,35, pretty and i have a very nice body for a 35 year old. I am married to john,50. It was my first marriage and his second. we've been married for just 2 years now. John and his first wife are divorced. john has a beautiful son,Greg, who is 18 years old. he's tall and slightly built. He's a football player and a very active boy. he also loves motorbike racing.I have always wanted to fuck a 18 year old. Young studs got a lot of stamina and unlike my weak 50 year old hubby, they can...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 72

Amanda didn't hesitate for a second. She turned around, head down between my legs, and presented me with her perfect, round smooth arse. I gazed at the wonderful sight before me. Her wet pouting pussy, pink and hairless, an almost hidden clitty, it was totally opposite to Lena's thick black forest. I spread her arse cheeks and looked at her tight pink puckered arsehole. While I stared in rapture at Amanda's crotch, I felt her tongue slither over my pussy from top to bottom and back again....

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