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By Dorothy Strangelove

My credentials said I was a doctor, so I kept the title in front of my name and was surprised how many doors opened up for me because of it.

Can doors be classed as holes? Holes are gaps, spaces where something should be, or used to be... I often thought about holes as I drove to work.

The holes were all over, beneath the green fields. Hidden, but all the same, still there even if I couldn't see them. They were the legacy from the area's old mining history. I often wondered how many were there, not that I'd ever see them - but that's the thing about holes - you just never know...

The prison where I worked was a grey fortress of stone and barbed wire, and often the end of the line for the men who ended up here. Since the UK had restored the death penalty, a response to the tabloid accusations that screamed of 'broken Britain', I'd lost count of how many men had died here. If the traditionalists had got their way the rope would have made a comeback but times being what they are as ever we had followed the US and adopted death by lethal injection as the most humanitarian way for one person to kill another.

I'd attended so many exections, all of them men who deserved to die. But when I met Luke I knew he was different. Let me explain. Luke was a normal guy. He wasn't remotely evil. He was someone who had endured a lot of bad luck one day and simply snapped. Walked in on his exwife and her lover and shot her twice and calmly left the room again. He claimed to have no memory of the shooting, the boyfriend had confirmed that when Luke entered the room he seemed blank, unaware of his actions. Luke himself had claimed to have suffered blackouts and blamed recent bouts of heavy drinking but nothing medical seemed to support this and he was sentanced to death.His first appeal had failed and he was given a second appeal. By now he was in a fragile mental state and to make it even worse another inmate who objected to his crime attacked him with broken glass and this left him badly scarred. Two months later he got his hands on a razor, took it back to his cell and slashed his wrists. Fortunately he was found and he got a blood transfusion and his wounds were stitched.

And that's where I came in. I had just started working at the prison when he asked to see me. I'd sat with him in his cell and listened while he talked. His wrists were still in bandages at the time.  As we talked, I saw a very different man to the convicted murderer I had imagined. And I must confess I knew from that first meeting that I loved him. The scarring to his face was pretty bad but I could tell beneath that he had been a handsome man once, and could be again...My speciality had been plastic surgery. As I looked at him I could picture him just the way I could make him..Of  course, he protested his innocence and made a very convincing job of it...but didn't they all in here?

"I didn't kill her."He told me, "You have to believe me..I don't know what happened that night."

His eyes were red and tearful. His hands shook as blood leaked through the bandages.

I'd already sized him up. He was a sweet and gentle person. Maybe this was the only time he had ever got angry in his life. He was no hardened killer. I didn't think he posed a threat to anyone, but that was just my opinion and I personally figured he wouldn't be able to harm anyone chained to my bedposts.. As I said, I was very sure from that first meeting, I knew how I felt.

"Most people call me Dr Webb."I told him.

And my hand slid over his and I squeezed it and kept holding him. He wasn't expecting it and just stared at me.

"But you can call me Tina."I said, and drew him into my arms and hugged him. As I squeezed him he made a little noise like he was sobbing but that soon went away as I whispered in his ear:

"I think you need a friend. I want to be that person. I'm crazy about you. I think I love you."

He really hadn't been expecting this. He continued to stare at me for a few seconds, then I reached out and stroked his face, I tossed my long fair hair off my shoulder and gave him a better view of my cleavage. I crossed my legs and he saw stocking top. I think that was a big enough hint that yes, I really was serious.

"Can I kiss you?"He asked quietly.

Nice. Polite and patient. Not as well trained as I would like to have him but nothing in this world was perfect. I was sure I could improve his obedience skills between now and his execution - suddenly I found that thought painful. When had I started to care so damned much?

"No."I said calmly, "Not yet."

I had already timed it, there were frequent checks on his cell. Every fifteen minutes or so I heard the sound of the cover sliding off the spyhole. He would have to wait. Instead I gave him some orders...I figured I might as well, he would have to get used to being a good boy for me.

"I can arrange for you to see me more often."I told him, "But you have to do something for me."

He nodded. I saw something in his eyes that hadn't been there before now - a spark of hope.

I squeezed his hand again.

"No more trying to kill yourself. I want to make your time here more worthwhile. I want to help you, be your friend. Be your lover."

And then, I lunged in and kissed him. He hadn't been expecting it and he trembled as his mouth searched mine desperately. I pulled back sharply and straightened up my appearance.

"You just kissed me.."

"Yes, I did, but keep that to yourself. Now remember, I want to see an improvement in your attitude.and I'll improve your time here in ways you can't imagine."

I left it at that, and went away to make some plans.

At this point, I had no idea my plan to let myself fall for this man would esculate into some kind of madness that would switch me into a mode of thought that I came to call the Frankenstien syndrome...it was born out of a need and a want and a fondness that grew into real love and ultimately to the kind of insanity that made me think that just maybe, the real reason I'd quit my previous career could have been valid after all. I'd been struck off and called a psycho. Maybe they were right. I'd been caught having sex with a patient. No problem with that in itself, but he happened to be under anaesthesia at the time.. in the coming weeks I would begin to wonder about myself. I had no idea how deep and crazy this whole thing was about to get..all because I fell in love. That was a hole I hadn't expected to fall into..

I saw him again in his cell. We talked, I stroked his leg, told him I liked to be dominant. Told him next time we met something would happen.

Three days after this we met again. Now he was ready..

I sat beside him in his cell, on his bed.

"Tell me what you would be doing with me right now if you was a free man."

Luke paused, trying to gather his thoughts. He was still in shock over this, but in a good way.

"I'd do anything you asked me to."He said quietly.

I smiled. This was just what I wanted to hear! I had read his psychiatric evaluation and had guessed from his profile that he would be the submissive partner in the bedroom.

"Put your hand up my skirt."

I opened my legs and pulled my black lace g-string to one side and gave him a wide view of swollen, parted lips.

"I said touch it." I ordered him.

He didn't need telling again.

He slid his fingers in me and moved them in and out, all the while his gaze was on my cunt. After being locked in this place, he had probably thought that he would never see a woman's cunt again, let alone touch one.

"Stop." I said quickly.

He withdrew his fingers, two fingers that glistened with juice.

"Lick them."

He put them in his mouth, sucking and licking them clean.

He looked at me with longing.

"Can I- "

Whatever he wanted next, there was no time. I shook my head.

"No more today. At least you know what my cunt tastes like. Next time..." I slid my hand between his legs, "I'll take a good look at this cock for you. If you're good I'll make you come. How does that sound?"

He smiled and nodded, the taste of my cunt still fresh in his mouth.

"So promise?"

"I'll be good."He told me.

"Then I'll arrange for us to be really alone soon." I promised.

As far as the prison was concerned, I was doing a sterling job of keeping Luke within the boundary of sanity.  We had made slow and steady progress together, I was pleased with the over all effect on him. I knew I loved him by now, I was sure. On Friday morning I took him to the chapel and locked the door.  I sat him down on the carpeted step that led to the altar.

He didn't make the first move, instead he looked into my eyes, took hold of my hand.

"Tina,"He said, "Right now, all I care about is here and now. I want to do everything you say and be controlled by you till I shoot my load."

Then he looked away for a moment, his eyes to the floor as he spoke.

"I'm glad that you care about me but I don't see why - not with my face messed up like this, first time I saw my face after it happened, I remember thinking, If I ever got out of here I'd never have a girlfriend again..I didn't think anyone would want me."

I stroked his cheek. He smiled at me and his eyes began to light up again.

"You're the only one who cares."

"I can arrange for you to see a surgeon and get your face fixed."I told him, "We could say its in the interests of your mental health..you have to assume your sentance will be reduced to life in prison or less."

"No."He said, and sounded very sure. It was the first and only time Luke had asserted his opinion like this.

"Why not?"

"When that guy came at me with the glass, I remember thinking, this is it, I'm dead...when he cut me I blacked out. I woke up in hospital and when I saw my face for the first time I wished I was dead.. and I'll never forget the pain. I could never go through that again."

And I thought, fine. That was what he wanted,I understood. He didn't know about my secret skills. He had no idea of what I could do. Then I started thinking, if I somehow got him out of here, if I helped him escape, he would need a new face.. Then I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, unbuttoned my blouse and let my huge tits fall out. I shoved a breast towards his face and ordered him to suck. He sucked like his life depended on it. Then I grabbed him and shoved his face between my breasts, smothering him with their warmth and softness. He moved from one to the other, giving both nipples a good licking and sucking.

"Sit back."I told him.

He breathlessly obeyed me and got his cock out. It was hard and swollen and begging to come.

I pushed his legs further apart, licked hard, all the way up from his balls to the shaft of his cock. He cried out and gasped, the head of his cock looked like it was about to burst and I knew he needed to come right now. I took him in my mouth, slid my lips up and down and sucked. He started to tremble as I flicked my tongue over the eye of his cock. I sucked as I did so and he gasped and lost control, spunking it hard into my mouth. I swallowed it all down and gave a final suck to make sure he was clean.

He was still shaking as he reached for me. We lay there together on the altar as he got his breath back.

Luke closed his eyes for a moment, still glowing with the pleasure of it all.

"If we was out there in the free world I'd hold you like this all day."He told me.

"Well,"I replied, "In that world I'd have to be your mistress and you would be my slave."

He laughed softly at that, liking the idea but probably a bit scared by the word Slave.

"What would I have to do as a slave?"

So many thoughts flashed through my mind like pretty little diamonds rushing by on a flood of crystal water that I couldn't catch them all. I just let them flow and smiled.

"Maybe one day you'll find out."

Then I opened my legs for him.

"Clean my cunt, slave."

He was getting very good at following orders and dived on me like his life depended on it, lapping hard at my juices, licking all the way up, then down, then up again.

"Harder!" I told him, "Give me more..suck on my clit.."

He was sucking and licking hard, really eating me, the flesh between my legs was red and swollen and my clit felt as if it would burst. I shoved my hips against his face and the orgasm washed through me. It was the best I'd ever had and now I was gasping his name, pressing his face down there as I wished this cumming would last forever.

When he finally came up for air his face was wet with my juice. My cunt was still throbbing and I never wanted it to stop.

"Can I fuck you now?"

He sounded so desperate for me and I was still weak with pleasure, only able to nod and open my legs as my cunt gaped open in willingness. As he slid inside me I held onto him, found myself whispering things I had not expected to say: Good boy, slave, yes, do it..and suddenly as I held him and his eyes met mine, this became I love you.

"I love you too."He whispered back, and as he buried it deeper in me I thought I would die from the pleasure of it. I let him take over and he fucked me harder still, came inside me hot and fast and it was so good it took me a few minutes to even care that our time together was almost up.

We didn't lay together long, just long enough to get our breath back, to exchange another kiss and then it was time to get dressed. I had to go back to my duties even though they were the last subject on my mind, Luke had to go back to his cell and pretend none of this had happened.

"We have to go."I told him.

"I know."

"We can do this again."

"We have to."He said, "Because I love you, I'll love you till the day I die."

That statement shot ice through my blood. The day he died was becoming something I was fearing as much as he was. He was on his second appeal, in this new system, his last chance. Things could still turn around, they had to. That was the only hope we clung to.

Time passed slowly, we met in secret at every opportunity. Luke was studying law books by now, trying to find new avenues to pursue that could cut his sentance. But it was pointless as his second appeal was turned down and he was given a date for his execution.

When we met alone he sobbed in my arms.

I knew he was not in the mood to be dominated today so I just held him till his tears stopped, then I took his cock in my hand and massaged him and let him come all over himself.

"You won't die."I promised him as I wiped away the spunk.

Tears ran down his face again.

"No, this is it, Tina. Nothing can stop it now. I die in seven days."

And that was the moment when I made a decision, when I crossed a line. I'd already crossed several lines in the past but this was a big, deep one between sanity and insanity and that was the point where I got there, I said that, he looked into my eyes and bang! X marked the spot. I was truly crazy now and my own conviction to carry this thing through actually surprised me.

The plan was already forming in my mind. It would be dangerous for both of us. There was no sure and certain way to carry this through that would save him - Luke could still die. I was just lessening the certainty...I had access to the death chamber. I could switch the poison for a substitute and if my plan worked, get him out of there and shoot him with an antidote once we were out of the prison. Assuming I would have the access to his body and be able to do this, there was another factor coming into play that I would have to consider: This was a man who (according to strong evidence) had blanked out, killed his former partner and had no memory of it. I would have to consider measures to ensure this never happened again, to make sure he never attacked me like that. Right now I didn't know how I could do this. But that was the problem with this plan - it was a bit like the landscape around this prison - full of holes. They were there but as yet unseen...

"I'm going to help you."I told him, "But you have to do as I say. Don't question me, just do everything I tell you to do."

Sexually, Luke was used to being obedient by now. And he was equally so when it came to my plan. He was trusting me with his life..

Back to holes. Holes in a plan could be dangerous. I worked and worked on my idea and came to the conclusion that mentally, I could do it. Physically it was possible, too. Chemically it was easy. It was suddenly seeming all too easy. My confidence was growing.

As the days went on, I think I burrowed myself into a kind of a hole - and it was getting deeper by the day. I didn't feel that way till I switched the lethal cocktail in the death chamber. Then I drove to my old private clinic and cleaned the place up and sterilised everything. If Luke wanted to be free he would have to get his face fixed. Not only because I wanted him pretty again but because he had to look like a new man. So he was getting surgery even though he didn't want it. This was not about what Luke wanted. It never had been. It was all about me. I was taking a hell of a risk and I needed to make sure all the tracks behind us were covered. But I still had no idea how I would ensure my own safety against the one I loved. I had no way of knowing if he would ever kill again, and I was not going to be the next victim.

On the morning of his execution I went to his cell. Luke was surprisingly calm.  I liked to think it was something to do with all the obedience I had instilled in him, it was all about restraint - and I don't mean the kind I planned to use later in the bedroom if we got away with it..

He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his face into my shoulder.

I should have felt emotional at that moment, but I also felt strangely calm. I blamed it on the pressure I was under.

"Just trust me."I told him.

"Anything you say."He replied and hearing such utter obedience in his voice sent a thrill through my body..my good boy, my slave, obedient till the last.. As much as I hated to admit it, I'd fantasised several times about Luke strapped to that table, helpless as the fluid snaked up the tube and into his arm. Don't get me wrong, I'd never imagined him dying. In my dreams the whole thing was just a scenario where (of course) I rescued him. But the reality was dawning on me and it was quite a different matter. All I was focussed on was the next step of the plan.

When they came to take him to the death chamber, he was calm. He kept his dignity. I watched from behind the glass screen as the fluid ran into his arm. Nothing up to this point had registered with him, even as the needle had slid into his flesh he seemed not to notice the pain, this was how he faced death - numb in every way and yet with such a strength it was taking all of mine not to cry. Tears were something I dared not show. Then he drew in a deep breath and blinked back tears. He tensed, as if wanting to struggle but not finding the strength to move. He breathed out hard, took another breath and fell still. To my relief they confirmed him dead quickly, but not knowing if he really was dead was the hardest part. I was about to mention to the prison governor that Luke had asked that I make his funeral arrangements when something happened that bought me a little more time.

"I have an inspector coming in."The govenor said to me, "Im aware the prisoner asked for you to oversee his funeral arrangements - so take the hearse and get that corpse out of here. I don't want dead prisoners stinking up the place."

It was like a little miracle. Talk about timing! In fifteen minutes I was driving that hearse out of the gates with Luke in the back in a cheap coffin. I'd already pulled some stuff out of my car, including a bag which I'd hidden medical supplies in. Three miles up the road I turned off into a clearing that was mostly obscured by trees and slid the coffin out and opened the lid.

His eyes were closed and he was still as death. Was he dead? I shook him, said his name. He remained still. Now my heart was pounding and I started to break out in a sweat. I had not come this far to lose him now! I took the antidote from the bag and injected him. Nothing happened. I took adeep breath, told myself to calm down and began to count slowly to twenty, then thirty, forty, fifty, sixty..still nothing. Anger was replacing my desperation. I couldn't have failed, not now, not after all this, not after all the risk, all the danger, all the planning...Not now that I knew I loved him. And then he shivered. it was the weakest of movements but I was sure I saw it. As if to confirm it, he shivered again. Then his lips parted and he drew in a tiny, weak breath. I placed a small tank of air in the coffin and put the mask over his mouth. Then I replaced the lid and slid the coffin back into the hearse. I drove all the way to the clinic with hope in my heart at long last.

An hour later, we were locked in the clinic. Luke was on the table covered with a sheet and he had oxygen and I'd started to monitor his heart. He was getting stronger. We - or should I say I - had cheated the system and death.

This was it, he was alive. Officially dead, but alive, all mine.  And now was the time to carry out some plans he knew nothing about. It was the only way. I had booked some time off work. I had reasoned that Luke would need time to get over all this and I'd need to be here to look after him. And that was when I made a decision - it would take him a while to get all these drugs out of his system. Days and days. It seemed unfair to have to cross another bridge later and  force him to undergo surgery, on top of all he had been through. So I decided now was the time to repair his face.

I think I had already considered doing it before I brought him here but it had been something I had not definitely planned, however I had already sterilised all the equipment and I was ready so I didn't see the point in waiting. Besides, I already had a list in my mind of all the improvements I would be making.

It took me nine hours to finish repairing his face. By the time I'd put in the final micro stitches it was dark outside. Luke was still out cold. As I looked at him lying on the table I had to smile. I'd done a good job. Every slice and stitch had been a work of art. When he healed, he would be almost flawless. I'd hidden all the scarring except for a small area on his cheek where the gouge had been too deep and I had not had enough tissue to work with, here he would have a tiny scar about an inch long, thin and neat and barely visible. I'd also widened his pretty eyes a little and straightened out a tiny dent in his nose. As I looked at him I thought of the killer that lurked with in him. I'd saved him, made him beautiful again and now he was all mine I had to ensure my safety.

I thought about it. An idea came to me and I pushed it aside - it was too much, going too far even for me..I couldn't even think about it..or could I? Something had just come to me as I looked at him lying there, and I think this was the moment I truly became Frankenstien. I'm making this man, I thought, Ive made him a new life, a new face..why not a new mind? Of course the other side to it was a thrill in thinking that I could, in theory, design the perfect slave. Someone compliant, obedient, passive and willing to please. I had to strip out his insanity and reprogram him. I didn't know how to do that. But I did know how I could wipe his memory. That would be a start. A few years back I had read about victorian experiments with brain surgery on criminals. I still recalled some of it. I recalled enough to feel I could carry this out.

I reasoned with myself as I sterilised the drill that I was probably crazy, maybe I had been all the long, if not before then certainly I was now I'd helped Luke fake his death and altered his face. But if being crazy meant that I could live beside the man I loved and desired then so be it, at least I'd know that he was unlikely to attack me.

I made a little cut just above his hairline. As I aimed the drill bit towards the white bone, I told myself, it's just a little hole..

I looked at Luke's unconscious body. I loved him, I didn't want to do this to him, but I knew what he was capable of and I had to try and diffuse that any way I could - this man was a convicted killer..

"Sorry."I said quietly, and pressed the drill against his skull.

It was only a tiny drill, it was only a tiny hole. I pushed carefully and began to bore through. It took me a while. When it went in I wasn't expecting it, suddenly it sunk in, deeper than I expected and I took my hand off the trigger, swore and took it out, alarmed as a tiny trickle of blood leaked out. I cleaned him up. It stopped pretty fast. I stitched the wound. I kept telling myself, it was just a little hole. Suddenly I was scared that I'd done more harm than good. I had no way of knowing if I'd harmed him. It would be a while till Luke woke up.

I dressed his wounds and put him to bed. I knew he was weak but all the same he needed restraints, I couldn't take any chances. I turned the bars up at the sides of his bed and tied him at the wrists and ankles, then extra restraints on his arms and legs. I didn't tie him too tight, just enough to hold him securely.

Then I waited.

It was forty-eight hours before he opened his eyes. He was still drugged, tried to move and gave up. He groaned and I knew he was in pain but after all the drugs I'd had to pump into him to slow his heart to an almost undetectable trace, there was no way I could safely give him pain relief.  I gently kissed his lips, stroked his hair, whispered softly that he was safe, that everything would be fine. He slept and woke and slept some more. He really was out of it for the best part of a week. I called the prison and faked illness, it was the only way to get out of leaving him alone.

When he finally opened his eyes and focussed on me, he took a deep breath and said weakly:

"Who are you?"

"I'm Tina."I said, "Your wife. Do you know your name?"

He dragged his thoughts through a foggy memory.


I had hoped he would have forgotten everything, but obviously not. I tried to see the positive side, at least my experiment with the drill hadn't done that much damage..

"Do you know where you are?"


"Do you know where you came from? Or why you're hurting right now?"

He blinked back tears.


I settled down beside him.

"You had an operation on your face, Luke. Cosmetic surgery. It went a bit wrong..not the surgery, that was fine. You had a reaction to the anaesthetic..you almost died. You'll be fine now but its going to take a while. You might find your memory has a lot of holes in it but you'll be just fine, I promise."

He was too dazed to feel panic but I saw confusion and distress in his eyes.

"I don't remember anything at all.."

I leaned forward, noticed the way his eyes moved from my face to my cleavage.

"You're beautiful." He said.

"So are you."I told him, and softly kissed him. He made a weak attempt to respond but I pulled away, he needed to rest.

"Tomorrow we are leaving here."I explained, "I'm taking you home. And I'm going to take the very best care of you, Luke."

He looked into my eyes and I saw absolute trust and compliance. He would be no trouble at all, I decided. He had never been so easy to control. He would be the perfect slave. It was at this point I concluded the surgery had been worth the risk.

Back home, I put him straight to bed. At last he was in my bed, in my home, safe and sound. He was so good, so obedient now, it was done so automatically that I felt completely satisfied. I fastened the studded strap around his neck as he lay naked on the bed and told him: "This is your favourite collar. You like to be my slave, do you remember?"

As I touched him he felt stirrings of arousal and smiled. His eyes sparkled and all the love I felt for him seemed magnified. He had no idea of what he had been through now, the past was gone. In this I felt I'd done him a favour in more ways than one. Now he could really start again, with me.  His face was healing well. The tiny scar on his head was almost gone. He would probably never notice it. He was looking at me with his beautiful eyes, so much prettier for the surgery. But there was something missing, the part of him that had made him Luke. He spoke less and when he did talk it was in response to my prompting, or just light conversation. I had certainly removed something with that drill. Now and then guilt pricked at me and it was pricking sorely as I looked at him right now, but then I reminded myself of the crime he had committed in his other life - I'd acted for the sake of my own safety. I had rearranged his thinking because I had no other choice.

"You know I love you, don't you?"

He nodded.

"I'm going to tie you up."


He raised his arms and kept still as I put him in wrist restraints, securing him to the bed posts.

As I sat closer to his cock, he spread his legs, I didn't have to ask him. I pulled a trolley closer and uncovered the contents.

"What are you doing?"

"Shaving your cock."

He accepted it with no objections and watched as I gently scraped away all the hair. He opened his legs wider to give me a better grip on his balls. I shaved him smooth and dried him off.

By now he was getting hard.

"I'm going to keep you shaved. It's nicer for when I want to suck your balls."I told him.

"It feels nice."He replied, and opened his legs wider as I lowered my face between his legs. I licked his balls, flicking my tongue over the smooth skin that smelled of soap. He was laying there enjoying every moment, only tensing against his bonds because he was loving it and enjoying the helplessness that came with the pleasure. I moved up to his cock and slid it in my mouth. I loved the taste of it, the warmth of the shaft, the smoothness of the head that was leakig with the juices flowing out as he got closer to the moment of orgasm. I sucked harder, my fingers were already wet fron caressing him as I licked, not quite wet enough for an easy penetration but I already had my hand down there, warm and close to his hole and as I sucked I slid my finger inside. He wasn't expecting it and cried out, but I kept sucking, moving up and down, firmly, slowly, hard enough as I buried my finger in his anus to tell him I am in charge. My finger was getting squeezed now, a sure sign he was enjoying it. I pushed it deeper, sucked harder and flicked my tongue over the eye of his cock as I pushed deep into him and hit his g-spot. He trembled and gasped and I did it again, sucking as hard as I could. He came hard, shooting the spunk right down my throat. I sucked again gently and kept his cock in my mouth till all the pumping had stopped, then I slid my finger back out. He was lying there like I had just blown his mind. I kissed him.

"Did you like that in your arse?"

He nodded.

"It made me cum hard."

"Next time you're taking two fingers."I told him, "This is just the start. Then we will move on to bigger things."

Looking at him lying there looking so beautiful and willing to please me made me so wet I was aching for more satisfaction. I started to slide my hand up and down his cock. He was still resting but I needed him right now. I wanked him firmly.

"You have to fuck me now."

"I'll try."

"No," I told him, "You won't try, you will fuck me."

I was handling him quite roughly now, as I played with his cock I could feel the hardness growing in my hand.

"I want this hard, shaved dick of your's right up my cunt and I want a ride that will satisfy me or I'll use my entire hand to stretch you wide open."

He was hard now, his eyes were glazed he was growing breathless and I knew if I didn't slow down he would cum here and now and I'd have to wait even longer for my fuck, so I stopped wanking him. I sat on his cock and the pleasure that shot through me was like a bolt of lightening. I rode him hard, desperately, the buzz I got from watching his pleasure and discomfort as he fought against his bonds took me higher and higher still...I had done the ultimate...I had made the perfect sub...I came so hard I was still in my own moment of bliss as he let go of his control and came hard inside me. I was too weak to climb off him for a few minutes, I just sat there astride his body while his sweat slid into mine and his cock softened like a plug coming out and all the spunk ran down my thighs and onto his shaved groin. I untied him and fell blissfully into his arms, held  him close and told him I loved him.

And that was how we stayed, in bliss, in a perfect state of pleasure.

I reluctantly went back to work at the end of the week but I handed in my notice. I said I had decided to move on, the prison wasn't really for me.  I had to work three more weeks before they could let me go.  Every night I went home and my slave was waiting for me, obedient and willing to please. I was counting down the days till we could be together every day with no interruptions, when I would truly feel that I was living my dream.

Then something happened that took me by surprise.

A man was brought in to await execution. Luke's love rival. He had confessed to everything. Apparently he had killed Luke's wife in a heated arguement and planted the gun on Luke.

So, he had been innocent after all. I'd gone to all that trouble for nothing...

I entered his cell on the day of his execution. He had looked at me, all feminine and sexy but that didn't matter as much as the dog colar and the bible in my hand - that was me, Dr Tina Webb, Prison Chaplain.. and he had begged me to save his soul.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear:

"I don't give two shits about your soul. I'm quitting this job and going back to medicine. So fuck you and fuck your sins you're going to hell."

I left the prison that same day.

When I got home Luke was sleeping and I woke him with a kiss. His scars had all but vanished and he was lookng as perfect as I had predicted. As he drew me into his arms and held me I smiled at him as I realised it was a blessing for him that he had no memory of all the trauma he had been through. Sometimes it pricked my conscience a little when I looked at him and realised I'd messed with his mind without his consent, more so these days because I knew he had been innocent and I'd had no right to take his mind apart like that.

And then he opened his legs for me and begged me to touch him and my hands were all over him and I banished those thoughts far away.

I had everything I wanted, and Luke was happy enough in his own little world....and at the end of the day, it was only a little hole...nothing to worry about, is it?



Same as Holes Videos

1 year ago
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It’s been 6 months since the last time I got laid. Even then it wasn’t anything to write home about. Needless to say frustration doesn’t begin to describe my mood. And work, work today was a joke. If it could go wrong it did. So here I am at seven thirty - a full two and half hours after I should of clocked out, climbing from my vehicle and trudging up my walk. You. You are upstairs banging away on lord only knows with your hammer and nails. Sometimes I think you do it to annoy me. Others...I...

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It’s been 6 months since the last time I got laid. Even then it wasn’t anything to write home about. Needless to say frustration doesn’t begin to describe my mood. And work, work today was a joke. If it could go wrong it did. So here I am at seven thirty – a full two and half hours after I should of clocked out, climbing from my vehicle and trudging up my walk. You. You are upstairs banging away on lord only knows with your hammer and nails. Sometimes I think you do it to annoy me. Others…I...

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Stories of religiously minded girls trying to preserve their virginity and women trying to avoid pregnancy the old fashioned way (when/where birth control is not available), but feel free to use your imagination. Vaginal sex isn't off the table, but would only occur later in a story arc after alternative methods have been tried. If your story includes non-consent, incest, or other similarly controversial elements, tag appropriately in the title of the start of your thread, ex. [non-consent]....

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She opened the car door and slipped gingerly into the driver?s seat Hole Chapter one. Hole opened the car door and slipped gingerly into the driver?s seat.? The pain from her much abused pussy and asshole immediately returned her mind to the afternoon and night?s activities.? She started the car and put it in reverse, carefully depressing the accelerator, then drove slowly out of the parking lot.? She squirmed a bit, trying to find a bit of relief.? The pain brought her mind back to the...

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Premium Anal Porn Sites
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My Third BiEncounter With An Older Guy

I wont bore you with going over the same waiting scenario of the next week, all i can say was the level of anticipation was even greater, and unlike the week before this time there were no doubts in my head about meeting him on saturday, now that id had felt, and tasted a cock, i knew even though in nthe future i wanted a relationship with a girl, i could see me always wanting to indulge in manfun, and although i craved for my first piece of pussy, i would always need some cock in my life. The...

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Kelly and Beckys weekend Part 4

We all stopped in the kitchen and opened a couple of bottles of wine to take out with us and Kelly walked up and wrapped her arms around me and said “Do you love me?” I told her more then anything! Kelly asked Marcus and Becky to go ahead and go on outside and when they did, Kelly just held me and said “You aren’t mad I set up a surprise for you are you?” I told her I wasn’t mad and couldn’t believe just how big Norris was. Kelly stepped back and said “Oh my God babe! He was stretching me...

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Body Rentals Elle Gets Controlled

“I’m not sure Sarah, I’m not that desperate," I said.“Come on Elle! Aren’t you at least a bit curious?” Sarah whined.Body Rentals had been around for a few years now, but only recently had the price and portability of their control unit’s dropped low enough for regular people to afford them. Regular people like Sarah, who was now sitting on the floor of my room desperately trying to get me to let her try it on me.“Curious, yes, ” I said, “Keen for you to take control of my body? No.”“Why not?...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Moms Internet Site

Mom’s Internet Site Our life turned to shit when my father knocked up a girl in my high school, got a quick divorce from my mother, and then married the girl. He even moved away so that not everyone would be aware of the incident. Fat chance of that happening…every kid in school knew that it was my father that had knocked up ‘Betty the Brain’ as we affectionately called the little wallflower. To our knowledge she had never been on a date or even been kissed. I thought that she was too...

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Second ChancesChapter 3 Celebration

Our love was growing by leaps and bounds but we had not had sex yet. That was something we decided to hold off and wait until the time was just right. Sandy went to the doctor who said that the cancer was all gone and Sandy could resume her normal life. Sandy was happy to get back to school and see all of her friends. I was thrilled that she would not have to go through what happened in the alternate existence. It sure felt good to be back in school with all my friends. My best friend of...

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Alex punishment C1

I was in my late teens when it all started, I guess around eighteen or nineteen years old. I was quite a womanizer back then, I used to have new pussy in my bed almost every week, I also had atleast three girlfriends at all times, going out with them behind the others back. I left a trail of broken hearts and violated bodies wherever I went. And I would have kept doing it if they would not have interfered. It was a sunny day in June when I was about to break up with a cute brunette...

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Heimliche Befruchtung

Ich arbeitete in einer kleinen Firma, die Software produziert. Es war ein guter Job, aber ich dachte daran, ins Ausland zu gehen. Das einzige, was ich dann vermissen würde, war die Tochter des Chefs. Lass mich sie dir beschreiben. Sie hatte langes, lockiges Haar, einen blassen Teint, ein paar Sommersprossen auf dem Gesicht und auf der Brust (sie trug gern tief ausgeschnittene Oberteile, die ihr Dekolleté zeigten. Sie hatte beinahe C-Cup Brüste). Mit 5 Fuß 8 wog sie ungefähr 130 Pfund und war...

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Mama takes charge 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke up on the floor to a soft pat-pat sound, opened my eyes and found Mama standing above me, straddling me at the waist, looking down at me, and with 2 fingers, jerking that gigantic clit the way a man would. The pat-pat sound was her hand striking her belly. She smiled and said, "You were asleep, and I couldn't wait any longer, so I started without you." I said,"Keep going, I like watching you, I'll join you and we can watch each other." Mama said...

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EvilAngel Summer Vixen Petite Anal Angel

Blonde hottie Summer Vixen shows off her petite bod on the bed, teasing eagerly. Donning sexy lingerie, the wicked babe pulls her panties aside and stuffs a dildo up her ass. Summer tastes her flavorful toy. She soon welcomes director Jonni Darkko with a messy blowjob. Slobber seeps over her perky tits as she slurps vigorously, big eyes staring into the camera. She laps his balls and chokes through face-fucking fellatio, and then bends over for intense backdoor drilling. Hardcore anal sodomy...

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Green skins

The forest is a calm, serene setting, away from the hectic insanity from the human kingdoms and towns, and hidden away from the goblin dens where their scavengers would hopefully never find you. You took this plot for camp, burying your tent and fire within the dense trees. It was a place to relax from the mass of panic in every place you went. Goblin raid this, Goblin attack that. You understood the panic. the goblin numbers have dramaticly increased, seemingly over night. However you were...

2 years ago
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THIS STORY COULD IT BE FICTION OR REAL YOU DECIDEA WIFE AND NOW A STRIPPER When I married my husband Tom he had a very successful business in real estate and I was his very sexy wife who loved to dress up and look amazing for my husband when we entertain his clients,Tom use to say I was the fantasy of all men and without my good looks and sexy body his business would not have been as good as it was,With a 38”DD bust and my long sexy legs with long natural blond hair it was no wonder men would...

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Slippery Susie Ch 4 Girls Night Out

Slippery Susie part 4 - Girls Night Out (Susie, Liz & Amanda) FFF“I’m glad you decided to come with us, Liz,” Susie said as she headed towards her friend Amanda’s house. “Girls Night Out with Amanda are always, uh, unique.”“Yeah, I think I just needed a little break,” Liz said. Liz had been a little surprised when Susie picked her up. She had seen her sister dress a little risqué before, but she looked down right slutty tonight. Susie was wearing a very tight fitting red tank top and...

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Illicit Desires Ch 08

I was seated at the bar at Murphy's sipping a pint of Harp when Dana arrived. It was exactly 5:30. I stood up and called to her, "Hey Dana." Smiling when she saw me, she walked over, kissed my cheek and said, "Lets grab a booth." I picked up my beer and followed her. We sat opposite each other rather than on the same side of the booth. In the future it was possible that we might become lovers, but both of us understood that this was not the appropriate evening for that to occur. As soon as we...

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A Day at My Aunts Teen Mike spends time at

My name is Mike. It all started about a few years ago when I was 18. I went to my Aunt Suzy’s house to spend the day swimming with my cousins, Brian and Lisa. Brian was a year older at 19 and was a sophomore in college. He was about my size at 6’0 and couldn’t be more than 165 lbs. Lisa was my age at 18 and we were both seniors in high school. Lisa was the type of girl that you knew would be hot at an early age. She was about 5’6 and maybe weighed 95 lbs., had gorgeous legs and started to...

2 years ago
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Evelyn couldn't remember ever being so sad and all alone. Why had Anthony been taken from her she morosely wondered as tears coursed down her cheeks, streaking her mascara and makeup? It wasn't fair. She had no one. Even though it had been over six months, she still felt so helpless and alone. She had no one to comfort her. To console her. And she was so lonely, she ached. What could she do, she asked herself? This couldn't go on much longer, or she might do something drastic. Do something...

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The Pool GirlChapter 23

Proofing by Pertinax, Errors by Armitage The next two weeks were manic. The girls got schedules and I assumed that by the end of the second week we would be falling into a routine. I was wrong. Week one was nothing but chaos and I barely saw them except for Wednesday. By Saturday afternoon Lavi was in a mood and frustrated. Melissa just looked tired. We all snuggled on the bed for hours, had lazy sex, paid half attention to movies, and recharged emotionally. The week had been hard on all...

1 year ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 31

Argus was getting anxious to get back into the story telling, seeing so much attention being given over to the Hand-fasting. He nudged Stuart to get his attention from Tavish. ‘Stuart, can we get back tae the telling, noo. We’ll be here all night talking of this ceremony and I ha’e something tae add, before we go any further and get things fouled up. Ye did’ne say anything about Fletcher turning intae the Glaistig.’ ‘Aye, yer right, Argus, I did’ne. I should ha’e added that in before I...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Kind of Seduction

Hey everyone, Sorry have not written much lately. I have not been as active as I was and am still recovering but am almost ready to get back into some fun. This happened a few years ago when I did not have a steady roommate. I worked at a store and there were a lot of men and women that came in from diferent cultures. Japanese, Hispanic, Black and White. No one really attracted me or even flirted much as was usual but in a clothing store it is more conservative most times. Well, I was working...

1 year ago
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Go Cody

INTRODUCTION Ron Barr runs a trucking company in rural New South Wales, Australia, where his drivers like to race other trucks, drink till they drop and chase fast women when not too tired and they are still half sober. They spend their money so quickly that Ron unilaterally decided to place half of their weekly pay into the bank account of their mothers, or if they live with a woman, into that female’s bank account. The drivers consider they had no option but to sign consent forms because...

3 years ago
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Making The Sale

Well this one is kind of a long one so guys grab you a beer and a bowl of popcorn or ladies, grab you a glass and a bottle of wine and some cheese and I hope you all enjoy! Let me start by reminding everyone that all my stories are true life experiences of my swinging lifestyle and my open marriage! Some of the names have been changed but all the experiences and encounters really happened and conversations are word for word. A note about cock size. Personally my pleasurable comfort size for a...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming

Note: I posted this story on Crystal's Storysite in 2002. It received a generally positive response. I haven't written anything since, but I am posting it here to give it a wider audience. Aoife Martin, 2004. The Homecoming By Aoife Martin "Miss?" Something shook my shoulder. "We're here Miss. End of the line." It took a little while for my senses to kick in and realise where 'here' actually was. Home. Or, at least, the town I had grown up in. I looked out the window of the...

1 year ago
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Long Time Coming

I was delighted when Alex called and said he would be arriving that weekend. It just wouldn't be Christmas without him. Shortly after his parents divorced, Alex's father had disappeared for greener pastures. His mother, my sister, became gravely ill and was unable to care for her young son. Unable to stand idly by and watch my own flesh and blood be placed in the hands of strangers, I took Alex in. Until last year, when he started college, mine had been the only home Alex had ever really known....

1 year ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 73

After our return from the sensual pleasures of our weekend visit to Reading, which had almost been an early half-term holiday for us, Julie and I were both suddenly hit by deadlines for submission of written assignments, and had a couple of very late nights working at the kitchen table while we caught up. We realised that we needed to take stock of how our studies were doing; the pace of our third and final year had certainly hotted up a bit, but we weren't sure that we had been doing quite...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visitors

Ben and Craig were small-time criminals supplementingtheir unemployment cheques with the proceeds of theirpetty crimes. Their favourite ploy was to trawl neighbourhoodslate at night looking for house or car doors left unlocked.This night brought them to a part of the city they had nevertried before. But they were having no luck. Everyone roundthese parts appeared to lock their car and house doors. It was 3 am and they were on the last part of their long trawlthrough the tree-lined avenues. They...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Milking Mommy

This is another story of F amily perversion and y oung i nsest. If these topics disturb you,do not read them!Mommy and I had been fucking each other,almost every single day,for over a year. And when Mommy's "B aby B ump" started to show,we made the decision to move away. We agreed that living in a small town,putting up with all of the gossip and nosey neighbors just wasn't worth the hassle any more. And neither was Mommy going to work at her shitty job and me dealing with the assholes at my...

1 year ago
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60 Minute Man Supernatural FAnfiction

For a while, he was all about lovin' and leavin' 'em. There was a time when he just got on with the show. Foreplay? What was that? And falling asleep? Forget it! That was before he met Joanna Beth Harvelle. They say the certain people change your life. It may be for the best, it may be for the worst...but for the most part, they just do. You meet them when you least expect it. At the grocery store or at school. Sometimes at a restaurant or a bar. In this case, her mother's...

1 year ago
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Poker Night Part 1

It was another Friday night. My roommate was having another poker game with his buddies and I wasn't allowed to join in. I spent so much time preparing snacks for everybody, but when I was all done, my roommate Craig told me to go in my room while his friends came over for a few hours. I dunno why he wouldn't let me play, I was actually quite good at poker. I sobbed and went into my room, not even allowed to take a single bite of the delicious snacks I slaved over. I moved in with Craig a year...

3 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysCracks

Eventually, the Pope and Cardinal left the outreach centre and returned to the camp, only to find out that the trebuchets and catapults had indeed been destroyed. They asked the man that was guarding the equipment about the attacks, but the response they got was simply. “What attack?” “What do you mean, what attack?, they’ve been destroyed, who did it?” “No one did it! I and another guard were actually leaning against a catapult and it rotted and collapsed into a pile of black dust that...

1 year ago
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TeensInTheWoods Holly Hendrix E04

Submissive superstar sex sluts are not made, they’re born, and Holly Hendrix is a natural. Small, hot AF and down for the filthiest rough sex, hard cock and BDSM slave training that Ranger Brick can muster, Holly becomes an extreme teen superstar before our very eyes! When her BFF Marina promises her a weekend of easy riches entertaining at a remote private party, Holly can?t say no. Of course, it all goes sideways, and after a masked psycho chases the girls deep into the nearby woods,...

2 years ago
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The Devils Sorority 3 Pee Slave

I waited in shock, expecting Sandra to scream. Our assignment had been to collect a condom from a man, but my roommate had returned to the sorority with a used condom, the implication clear.  Rachel had just fucked the first man she could find. Instead our mistress just laughed. “I admire the enthusiasm,” Sandra said. “But you were still last. Are you ready to hear your punishment?”“Yes mistress,” Rachel said.Sandra stepped forward, looking past the diminutive blonde and out toward the eleven...

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Virgin taught by a MILF

It was the fall of 1992, I was in the Navy studying at Naval School of Health Sciences to be a Corpsman as the Marines called us (DOC)! I never had a real serious girlfriend in high school and didn't experiment with sex at all being raised Catholic it was supposed to be for marriage. Well, I soon found out about being away from home and family how fast some values can change when it's put to the test.I had been playing pool by myself at the club on base, also drinking a couple of beers. The...

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A Trip to Remember 1Chapter 11

Mary was more nervous than Tom as she repeatedly went over everything with Mara and Pace until they were just praying for her to leave. The new ship was delivered and then Micha and Tom did what they needed to outfit the ship and get it ready to sail. Hans brought a couple horses for riding and to test the stall and strap arrangement on some day trips to see how she handled in open water. They made some adjustments but were comfortable with the way the horses would travel. They then had to...

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RachaelChapter 5 Cruisin

At home that night, we celebrated. Pizza! With beer for me, wine for Rachael and sodas for the kids. Tomorrow, we'd take off for that cruise vacation we'd promised ourselves. I suppose the kids were eager. They packed after the pizza and were ready to go before they went to bed. They were good sports about it, though, and packed up the van, then helped pack the food and bedding. We were ready to go by 8:30. Our plan was to go up the Columbia as far as we could. In late summer, the river...

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A strange Day

I got out my smartphone and googled dating for over 40s, found a website, entered my details, paid the fee for a premium membership. The office phone rang. "Hi Kevin Hardman "Kevin. Angela Holloway is here to see you""Send her in Nancy." I put the phone down and a moment later Nancy came in with Angela. Nancy is my sexy secretary, a 70s throwback with big hair lowcut tops short skirts stockings and high heels. Nancy is a half tongan half European, long frizzy black hair large boobs and long...

2 years ago
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Excerpts From My Inexperience The First Man in My Bed

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.I don’t get out much. It isn’t because I am a wild, rampant nymphomaniac whose sole object in life is to fuck anybody and everybody I can lure through the door via the internet and sex lines (although I am sure there are many of you who were hoping I was). Nor is it because I am so agoraphobic that I cannot cross the threshold into the Huge Outdoors without sacrificing three goats, turning round 16...

First Time
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Nude Weekend

About five years ago just before our oldest daughter Audrey was about to go through puberty my wife asked me if I wanted to watch it happen. Of course I wanted to watch it happen, as my three daughters’ bodies developed into women, what man in his right mind wouldn’t want to see that? So the first weekend of every month became devoted to just that. At that time Audrey was nine years old, Chloe was eight years old, and Sarah was seven years old. My wife started with ‘Panty Weekend’ where...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Aidra Fox Jade Baker Crushing The Competition

Aidra Fox and Jade Baker can’t STAND each other. Even though they grew up together since their families are friends, the girls just never got along. They’ve always been competitive, unable to be alone in a room together without finding something to bicker about. Today is no exception, as they are made to share the same bedroom when their two families come together for a weekend away. Tension is at an all-time high when Aidra and Jade find out that they are both interested in asking...

3 years ago
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Jim McGuire skidded his bike to a stop in front of the large blue sided house. Setting the bike up against the white picket fence, the eighteen-year-old glanced at his watch. He smiled as he saw that he was right on time. Not that Mrs. Burke would've been angry if he had been a little late, but it was a matter of pride to the sandy-haired young man that he showed up places when he said he would. Originally, he had planned to spend this week in Florida. His parents had promised him a trip to...

2 years ago
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My wife takes two at once

Friday when I came home from work I saw Ashton's truck in my driveway. Ash as I call him is a guy my with and I know. I met him through one of my four wheel drive buddies. He took an immediate liking to my pretty blonde wife and she enjoys his cock. Well I figured I'd find them having sex but I was wrong. After grabbing a beer from the kitchen I looked in the bedroom for them but no dice. So I looked out back at our pool and there I could see the tops of their heads over the backs of our lounge...

2 years ago
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First Time

Marion placed one of her hands on my knees. "Women are so much nicer," she continued. "It takes a female to really appreciate another female."She looked into my eyes desperately and then leaned forward. I found myself leaning in her direction and soon our lips met. Marion, being older by fifteen years and heavier by fifteen pounds, became the aggressor and pushed me against the sofa we were sitting on. I was twenty years old then and I knew that there were such things as dykes in the world. But...

1 year ago
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Arena of Corruption

Relief floods you as you step out of the dark caravan, the stench and humidity of sweat and shit finally giving way to fresh air and light. Then the crowd bursts into life. Demons, goblins, elves, vampires, lizard morphs, and even other humans, all rouse into an insatiable frenzy, their bloodlust hanging thick in the Arena, a behemoth structure of demonstone and souls, the stands are lined with rows and rows of writhing mass, going so high into the sky, the spectators up their must be grazing...

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OnlyBlowJob Sofia Lee Busty Czech Blows Her Boyfriend

Sofia Lee is that perfect combination of cute and kinky, sexy, sweet, and sinful. She’s that girl who looks innocent, but she’s far from it. In this 4k premium porn Only Blowjob scene the buxom brunette surprises her honey, Nick Ross, with an after-work blowjob. And she brings all of his Birthday fantasy wishes to reality, wearing his favorite lingerie, and eXXXcited for his arrival home from the office. Sofia’s gotten herself all hot and bothered and worked up just thinking...

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So you want humiliationhellip A day in the lif

www.raininpain.comOne of my sissy sluts in training made the mistake of saying he did not think I could be cruel or treat him as the object he was. I found the following exchange very amusing and thought to share it with you. Sissy…entry after his second session… 2 hours later and i now realize you are even more cruel and wicked then i realized during the first session. Reflecting on the session i realize that you did truly treat me as a menial sissy object and nothing more. The entire time...

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My Sexy Hair Stylist

He always goes to sportsclips to get a hair cut. He likes to stair at those chubby stylistswearing those hot sportsclips uniform tight pants. They wear those black and white strip shirts so tight you caneasily find out what size of bra they are wearing :)He goes inside hoping she would be the one cutting his hair. She is 5'5 and around 250 lbs, great round buttand amazing 40DDs. She says hi my name is Janet, shakes his hand as he grabs a great look at her big boobs.She walks in front of him and...

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Housewife Ki Anokhi Khwahish Puri Ki

Hi dosto mera naam aarya he aur meri age 26 he aur ye story 3 saal pehle ki he me madhya pradesh ke indore city me rehta aur me yaha study ke liya 3 saal pehle aaya tha ye story bhi tabhi ki he me apne bare me bata du meri height 5.6 inch he Aur mere lund ka size mene kabhi napa nahi par 6.5 inch ke laghbhag hoga aur body average he mujhe samajh nahi aata log apni height hamesha 6 feet aur lund ka size 10 inch kyo batate he jese insaan a nnna ho kisi gadhe ka ho ye story 90 % sach he aur 10%...

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Ring of Rheoli Part 6

Ring of Rheoli - Part 6 (continuation from part 5...) Whatever humanity was left in Suzie had evaporated after that horrifying revelation. Seeing what had become of her and the power of the ring being as strong as it was, she had fully succumb to the darkness within. To Katie there was no real change. Kyle had always hated Suzie and after everything she put him through, he would be more surprised to find humanity in her than evil anyway. Jake was woefully ignorant to...

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The Avon Lady Calls Time

She called on Tuesdays to deliver Sonia’s last order and collect the next – perfume, bath oil, lipstick, the special offer of the month… that sort of thing. Sonia always ordered something, even if she didn’t really need it. She accumulated stacks of stuff, some of which she eventually had to throw away. I thought it was wasteful but she said the Avon woman was regular and reliable and by buying from her felt she was helping to support a useful service. I said: ‘What are we – a bloody charity...

2 years ago
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The Gardener

I love plants. Flowers, trees, bushes. All of them. I really enjoy working on them. Smelling them. Feeling their different textures. Taking care of them. I’m a gardener and it’s the job of my dreams. It doesn’t pay very well, but I enjoy it. I enjoy working outside. I enjoy the manual labor. I enjoy my life. And that’s what’s important, isn’t it? But I also have a problem. One that most men probably envy me for. Because they don’t know how it is. I’m a hunk. I’m 6’7” and built like the...

4 years ago
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Rita Remembers Ch 03

Author’s Note: My thanks to Ronnie Wachuka for his help and also for providing a male perspective. My thanks, also, to my friend Gloria. It might be helpful to read Chapters 1 and 2. There is no sex in this chapter, but just hang on for Chapter 4!!! * Rita pulled herself from her bed and groaned as she made her way to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the commode. Her stomach was rolling and she could feel the bile rise in her throat as she threw up for the third morning in a row. ‘Oh...

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My BBW SisterinLaw Passed Out Spread Nude on the Couch

I am living at my brother's place right now, and him and his wife love to drink. I admit I love to drink as well but they drink to get wasted. My brother left town for business and when he leaves he's away for a while. My sister-in-law is a short BBW with long wavy brunette hair, glasses and big 38DD tits (I knew that having looked at her bra on the towel rack after she took a shower) and thick muscular legs and calves that she loves to show off by wearing short shorts. One night my...

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Stepmother Knows Best

I know it sounds kind of pathetic when I tell people I'm twenty-five years old and still living at home, but it really isn't my fault. After graduating high school I had drifted through a number of meaningless dead end jobs before finally deciding to go back to college part time. My life certainly wasn't what my dad hoped for, but he has always let me make my own choices. While my family has a lot of money my dad firmly believed in people standing on their own two feet, meaning once I...

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My College Crush gets fucked

Disclaimer:I intend no copyright infringement nor monetary gain just a favourite!Elijah Blacked My College Crushbymmf4her©College is a time for sexual discovery and what I learned during my time in the dorms is that a lot of young women were discovering my neighbor in the room next door. My name is Tim and I'm your typical white guy on campus; I wear my polos, khaki shorts, boat shoes and I'm pretty attractive. I think I've got game and certainly have no trouble getting dates but I have a...

2 years ago
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The Girls Part 7 of 9 Sandy and I

Looking at all of their beautiful faces, all filled with question and worry, I started. “The thing is you guys, I mean ….we’re all having fun, and let’s face it, we are all enjoying the feelings that we get. I don’t think we can help that. We’re just built that way. If we like it, we like it! Right?” They all nodded and waited for more from me. “Guys don’t get names…except maybe ‘Playboy’ or something, and that doesn’t sound bad or even affect us much. Girls though, aren’t supposed to like sex...

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