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She opened the car door and slipped gingerly into the driver?s seat



Chapter one.


Hole opened the car door and slipped gingerly into the driver?s seat.? The pain from her much abused pussy and asshole immediately returned her mind to the afternoon and night?s activities.? She started the car and put it in reverse, carefully depressing the accelerator, then drove slowly out of the parking lot.? She squirmed a bit, trying to find a bit of relief.? The pain brought her mind back to the festivities of the day.


It began with her owner?s instructions delivered shortly after she had cleaned up the lunch dishes.


?Hole? you?ve got an appointment to be a movie star again.?? He waited for her to react.? Hole looked up blankly, without displaying any emotion.? She waited as well. He gave her a slight smile and continued.? ?I rented you to a friend for the afternoon.? He?s got a flick he?s producing and directing and needs a star.? You?re star material.??? He glanced up and down her body and smiled a bit more.

She looked down at herself, following his lead.? She saw a trim body, with long legs and flat tummy.? Her boobs weren?t huge, but did fill her tee shirt nicely.? They were well formed and high, with nipples that tended to stand erect.? ?Constant high beams? her owner often said.? She couldn?t see her ass, but it, too, was quite well proportioned and very firm from many hours of diligent exercise.? Her eyes were wide and slightly almond shaped, not quite oriental, flanked by high cheekbones and supported by a small, delicate nose.? Her blue eyes seemed bright, but belied many years of self-doubt and worthless feelings.? Very fine, light copper colored hair framed her face, falling down to her neck, just above her shoulders.? She was quite attractive, but not more so than many young women that converge in shopping malls in Atlanta, Charlotte or Tampa on any given weekend.? To her, though, she was just plain homely. He handed her a sheet of notepaper.?

?This is the address, you?ve got about 45 minutes to get ready and get there.? Enjoy yourself.?

?Will I like doing this movie??? Hole asked.

?What does ?liking? have to do with it?? He responded. ?I said to enjoy it.? If you enjoy it and show how much you enjoy doing everything you?re instructed, then I?ll like it.? If you enjoy it sufficiently I?ll be cruel to you the way you like it.? Otherwise I?ll be very cruel to you the way you don?t. So enjoy it.?? That caused a slight shiver to run through her.? Her owner knew very well how to be cruel the way she didn?t like.?

She returned a flat smile. ?I?ll enjoy it then.? May I ask how long I?ll be gone? My time belongs to you but I haven?t prepared any dinner and don?t want you to go hungry.?

?I?ll take care of myself.? In fact I have a dinner date.? So don?t worry about it.? Your other duties are waived for the evening as well.? Just enjoy.??

That last remark concerned her, but she didn?t let it show.? She just smiled back.? ?Thank you for releasing me for the evening.?? She turned around and headed toward the bathroom.? Being released from her duties meant that she would be back when it was over, with no set time.? The thought of how cruel he might be entered her mind.? Like an inverted suspension with her pussy pulled open with a handful of fish hooks run through her labia, the attached line wrapped around her thigh.? Then fifty or so strokes across the stretched flesh with a very roughened car radio antenna.? And his imagination was even more twisted than hers.

She shivered again and turned her attention to the address on the note.? She wasn?t familiar with it, so she knew she would have to check either the Internet or a paper map.? That would steal precious minutes that she needed to get ready.? Hole stripped the tee shirt off over her shoulders, unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them in the hamper.? She turned on the shower and got in before the water got warm.? There wasn?t time to wait and her owner hated for her to waste water.? She ignored the chill and started washing.? Shampoo first, then work down. By the time the water was warm, she was almost finished.? A quick warm rinse for her hair and her body and she grabbed a towel and stepped out.?

Her owner hadn?t specified her clothing so she went with the day?s default uniform.? Another clean tee shirt and shorts, no underwear, as usual.? She slipped on a pair of sandals with 4? heels and glanced in the mirror.? She quickly applied a light film of moisturizer, lipstick and a brush of eye shadow.? She wasn?t allowed much makeup as a rule, unless he was taking her out to a party or some other event.? In this case she expected that the ?producer? would provide any other makeup.

He had rented her out several times before.? Every other time it was to an individual who made an amateur bdsm flick.? Her high pain tolerance and ready excitability under submission made her an excellent subject.? She was usually whipped, suspended, caned and finally fucked in every movie, usually in every orifice, often more than once.? Whipping she liked, as well as flogging, constricted bondage and cropping.? Canning took a little warming up, but if she were sufficiently prepared she could endure a canning that would leave her aching and perhaps limping, for over two weeks.? Needles and fish hooks, nipple and pussy clamps, speculum play as well as other large, stretching butt plugs and dildos, deprivation helmets and forced piss drinking were all on the list of her owner?s dungeon activities.? What would this afternoon bring?

A loud truck broke her reverie.? She glanced around at the light traffic and noticed the clock.? It was 11:30 pm.? She had been a ?star? for almost nine hours.? She noticed the two one liter plastic bottles on the floor and sighed as she considered them ? her souvenirs.? This returned her to the replay in her mind.

Hole got to the location ? a large empty factory in a mainly vacated industrial park.? There were no other vehicles in the lot and at first she thought she was in the wrong place.? As she drove along the back she saw he brown door with a light over it and a sign next to it that read ?Engineering office?.? This was the place.? She got out, locked her door and took her only personal effects ? car keys and her driver?s license.? She walked to the door and as she got to it heard a buzzing sound.? She pulled it open and stepped inside.? The door closer shut it behind her and she looked back to notice a large magnetic door lock that insured that no one would get in (or out) easily.? Hole walked a long hallway past closed doors, and then it turned to the right and ended at a large room.? The room looked like it could have been a break room at one time, but now it was empty, dirt collected in the corners and an occasional spider web on the ceiling.? As she looked around a man walked in.?

?Hello!?? He greeted her.

?Hi? was her only response.

?I?m Trace.? I?m running this circus.? You must be the girl that Phil told me about.?? He looked her up and down, liking the view.? He was taller than her 5?7?, probably 6?1?.? His graying brown hair was short and thinning in the front; longer in the back, collecting on his neck.? He was lanky with arms that looked too long for his frame.? Grey eyes looked out under shaggy brows, across a nose that had seen more than too much abuse.

At first she seemed puzzled and then remembered who ?Phil? was.? She hadn?t heard or thought of her owner?s name in several years.? He was simply ?Sir? to her.?

?I?m Hole? she replied.?

?Hole?? That?s your name??? He asked.? ?Kind of unusual. But hey, that?s fine with me.?? He turned, motioning for her to follow.? ?Shooting?s out here.? Let?s go through the release and disclaimer so we can get started.??

Hole followed him out into a large area with a high ceiling ? probably 3 stories.? Windows ran across the walls at the roofline. This likely used to be a manufacturing area, she thought.? She wondered what had been made here.?

A ?shooting stage?, a smaller room constructed of 10? tall frames with drapes hanging to the floor, stood out on the manufacturing floor.? At one corner the drapes didn?t quite meet allowing passage into the stage.? Trace led her into the stage and over to a video camera mounted on a tripod.

?Got your ID?? He asked?? He was getting the camera ready and turned on a pair of lights.? She handed him her drivers? license and got a look at the stage area.?? He handed her a sheet of paper and a pen.

?Sign this, fill in your name and other stuff on the top lines and then step over there on that tape line and read the last paragraph.?? She had to stop to think about her name, but he handed her the license back in time for her to read it.? She filled in the identification lines from her license, struggling to sign her real name.? She had been ?Hole? for so long that her old name was lost to her.

?Hold the license under your chin and look at the camera as you read the release.?

She did as instructed while the red light on the camera glowed.? When she finished reading the release, the red light went out and Trace turned out the other lights as well.

?OK.? There?s a makeup table and light bar over there? he waved at the other end of the stage.? ?Lots of lipstick, mascara and eye shadow.? Darken your eyebrows and put some rouge on your cheeks and nipples.? Powder your shoulders and tits a little.? It won?t last long but it?s the first impression that counts anyway.? Oh, and Phil said to give you this.??? He handed her an envelope and turned back to moving the camera.

She took the envelope and walked toward the makeup table.? Along the way she noticed 7 or 8 men standing in a group.? Several were wearing masks of different sorts; some had the masks pushed up on the top of their heads.? They were all bare chested, wearing shorts and shoes - some sandals, some sneakers; a few had well worn deck shoes.? Hole continued to the table and sat down in front of the mirror.? A switch on the side turned on the light bar on the top and sides of the mirror.? She opened the envelope and extracted a single sheet of paper.? There was no greeting, just the message.

? Do everything you?re told.? Every cock should get a thorough blowjob every time one is presented to you.? NOT a gentle ?Wifey? style bj. A full - throated, face slamming skull fuck that would amaze Annette Schwartz. Oh, I may have forgotten to mention that there might be some ass fucking.? If you didn?t get a chance to give yourself an enema, I don?t want to be embarrassed by you having a dirty ass.? As soon as any cock that might find it?s way into your ass is withdrawn, give it a thorough cleaning.? Complete licking and a full throat sucking to make sure it?s clean.? And swallow every drop that gets into your mouth. Make sure Trace understands what you are to do. NO EXCEPTIONS!? And remember to enjoy yourself.?

It wasn?t signed, but it didn?t need to be.? She knew his handwriting and wasn?t necessarily shocked at receiving the note.? The contents, however, caused her to pause.? ?Forgotten to mention?? Hardly.? That was why he had gotten up much earlier than usual, which changed her daily schedule.? She hadn?t had time to tend to her normal daily toilet rituals, rushing around to serve her owner.? The instructions to leave had further distracted her and an enema was hardly on the top of her to-do list.? Furthermore her bowels were even more full than normal, thanks to an especially large dinner the night before.? And anal sex (NO! She reminded herself.? People have anal sex.? Property gets ass fucked) always stimulated her bowels anyway.?

Maybe there was a restroom she could sneak off to.? She quickly applied the makeup.? The colors weren?t correct for her pale skin and copper hair, but it was what she had.? Lots of eye shadow to run down her cheeks.? Bright lipstick to smear. Bright color for her nipples, maybe too bright. Tough, she thought.? She ran a brush through her hair, though it would be mussed soon enough.?

As she stood to look for a rest room Trace walked up to her.?

?You look great!? Wonderful!? The guy?s will be even more turned on than before.? Come on over to finish your prep.?

?Uh,? she started. ?Is there someplace to..? Hole started.? But Trace was walking off toward a box on a low-wheeled cart.?

?I could use a rest room,?? She called to his back.

Trace looked back at her as he walked on ?Don?t worry, there will be ample opportunity in a few minutes.?? She followed him over to the box.? He opened the lid and turned to her.?

?I understand that you get off on tight bondage.? Phil said the stricter, the better.? Said that it really gets the juices flowing, so to speak.? He gave me a few ideas to start with.?? That figures, she thought.? This is getting to be tough to ?enjoy?.

?What is the theme of the movie?? she inquired.?

?The working title is Asstravaganza.? That?s been used before so the final title will be different, but it?s focused on anal sex, in this case forced anal.? Also oral.? And he said you?ve never had it too rough, that you?re always asking for more.? These guys are guaranteed not to disappoint you.? Plus most of them can cum several times an hour.? I don?t know what they take.? Probably Viagra by the handful.? Oh, he also said you?d rather drink piss than water, so there is some of that written into the scene notes.?? He held up a handful of pages stapled together.? ASSTRAVAGANZA was printed across the front. ?

She knew now what was to happen.? The cocks were definitely going to ?find their way into her ass.?? Probably like a train wreck.? She had no limits, she was property.? She did what she was told by her owner.? But they had never explored this area.? She had assumed (wrongly, apparently) that he wasn?t interested in going to this extreme.? Then she corrected the thought.? ?He?s not going to this extreme, I am.? He has me do it with someone else so he can watch it without getting soiled himself.? What you bet he does atm with me next time he decides to fuck me,? she thought,? ?Better get it over with.?

?Trace,? she begins. ?Uh, I didn?t know all the details..uh I guess I wasn?t paying close attention.? I haven?t had an enema; so whenever one of the guys pulls out of my ass, make sure that he puts it to my mouth so I can clean it.? OK??? This was delivered as lightly and as nonchalantly as she could, though her stomach was flipping over.

Trace looked surprised.? ?You?re sure?? I could find some towels or something so they could clean up before..?

?No.?? She smiled, but not too brightly.? ?Just make sure they move from my ass directly to my mouth.? They can fuck my mouth too, after I?ve cleaned them.??

?That?s pretty heavy..? he replied.

?Well, ass to mouth is supposed to add some intensity by doing something a bit nasty,? She said.

Now Trace was incredulous.? ?Phil said you could be surprising. I guess this is what he meant.? All right, then we change the scene progression.? Hey, that?s gonzo film making.? Always be ready to change to fit the opportunity.? I?m sure that my loyal fans will appreciate the added intensity.??

Hole though to herself, ?His fans would watch me get gun nailed down to a bench while a herd of Angus bulls fucked my ass and skull fucked my face for six hours without missing a stroke.? Probably wouldn?t even spill the popcorn.? Much less drop the Albolene.? ???

Trace was now stirring around in the box.? Hole slipped over and took a look inside.? She wasn?t surprised at what she saw.? About half of the contents, she had experienced before.? Not just that they were similar to the ?toys? her owner used, they WERE the toys her owner used.? Apparently Trace had obtained a selection from her owners? dungeon.? She wondered when that could have happened, then remembered that she spent many hours in her ?trench box?, her private torture cell. ?There could have been plenty of opportunities while she was languishing in torment.?

Trace pulled out a collection of straps she recognized as her body harness.? He held it up trying to decipher how it fitted.?

After a half minute she said ?Give it here.? I?ll put it on.?? She stepped into the round enclosed bands and pulled them up her thighs. Next came the waist belt, connected by two straps to each of the thigh rings. It buckled on the side with a locking ring.? At the top were shoulder straps and collar.? Attached in between was the open bra.? She squeezed her boobs through the opening of the bra rings and shook her shoulders to adjust it. She stretched around, pulling and tugging to get all the straps aligned correctly.? Then she reached up and buckled the collar and turned her back to Trace.?

?How about buckling the back,? she asked.? Trace pulled the buckle halves together and noticed that there wasn?t any adjustment.? The harness fit perfectly, though tightly.? It obviously had been tailored just for her.?

?Locks?? she inquired.?

Trace looked blank for a second, then said ?Oh, yeah.?? He picked up three locks from a tray in the box and slipped them into the locking rings and snapped each hasp. Then he picked up two small bags with metal rings around the ends.? She held up one hand and started working it through the ring and into the bag.? Trace held the other one so she could get that one on as well.? Once on, her hands were folded into loose fists.? When a strap or cuff was secured around her wrist between the ring and her fist she wouldn?t be able to open her fist to withdraw her hand. He put a metal cuff around each wrist, locking them as well.? Each cuff had a short chain attached with a flat ring on the end. Trace picked up an arm pouch.? She crossed her arms behind her back and he slipped the pouch over her arms.? He fished the ring from each cuff through an opening above each elbow.? The ring was pulled around under the arm through a matching flat bracket on the underside of the pouch.? Yet another lock secured the rings. An attached belt in the middle of the pouch was pushed through a slot, around her arms and buckled tightly together.?

The top of the pouch was fitted with a strap that connected to the collar.? Another belt went around her chest, just under her tits and was buckled, then locked.? That rendered her arms folded and compressed against her back.?

Trace then picked up a small bag and extracted a harness and two small rubber blocks.? Hole automatically opened her mouth.? Each block fitted between her molars.? The blocks were slightly soft and pliable on the outside but solid inside.? The pliable rubber conformed around her teeth, keeping her from working them out with her tongue. The hard centers prevented her from closing her mouth.? The harness had a split chinstrap with ends that went up alongside her cheeks.? They met at the top where a top strap ran from a strap around her forehead down the back of her head to another collar.? Trace put the chinstrap under her chin then stretched the head straps up over her head and locked the collar around her neck.? The harness pressed tightly against her face and scalp, insuring that the blocks weren?t coming out; and neither was her mouth going to close.?

Ankle cuffs were locked around each ankle then Trace picked up the box and put it on the floor.? He gestured to the cart and she kneeled upon it.? He pulled each ankle up to its? thigh and locked the ankle to the band. ?She sat back on her feet while he fitted a spreader bar between her knees to finish her bondage.? Then he reached down into the box and withdrew a pair of weighted, toothed, flat spring clips.? He held them up to her and looked quizzically at her. She sighed and nodded her head.? He flicked her right nipple with his finger several times and rolled it with his finger and thumb.? She was already getting hot, her usually hard nipples perked up even more.? He put the clamp on it and repeated the process on the left side.? She closed her eyes and took as deep a breath as the harness allowed and slowly released it.?

The pain was pretty intense, but she had experienced these clamps many times.? Her adrenalin and endorphins were already ramping up, so the pain in her nipples blended into her restriction.? Her mind started moving to a more private space.? Hole felt her heart beat in her ears and throat.? She felt her pussy getting wet; she knew it would be dripping in a minute.? Both her natural proclivities and her conditioning started pushing her along a familiar path.? She breathed as deeply as she could through both her nose and mouth.? The added oxygen helped to calm her pulse.

?Ok, it?s time to shoot.?? Trace started pushing the cart towards the center of the stage area.? By this time the men had all put on their masks and removed their shorts but not their shoes.? The group watched as Trace brought the lovely package to the scene.? A couple of the guys started fondling their growing erections.? Hole counted nine.? All were well muscled; obviously they each spent plenty of time in the gym.? All of them also sported impressive cocks.? Some were starting to stand at attention, the rest were showing signs of interest.

?Line up and just hold it while I get the hardware situated.? Trace told them.? Suddenly lights positioned at the top of the drape frames and mounted on stands around the edges came on.? They weren?t terribly bright and everyone?s eyes quickly adjusted.? Trace went over behind the camera, the red light came on and he called out ?Action!?

One of the hunks walked over and pushed the cart carrying Hole in front of the first cock in line.? Sitting back on her feet helped; he was tall enough that she didn?t have to duck her head much to reach the level of his cock.? He stepped up to the cart then grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to the edge.? Holding her head with one hand he grabbed his dick and pushed it into her mouth.? What she did next surprised him.? His cock was close to 10 inches long, but of a diameter that could easily pass through her open lips.? As he started to ease it into her hot, moist cavity she thrust her face upon the shaft, then backed her head slightly away and did it again.? By the fourth thrust she had impaled her throat upon the cock and began to face fuck herself vigorously.?

?SHIT? he exclaimed.? He could hardly believe what he was feeling; much less what he was watching as her copper colored hair flew around his crotch.? He held his hand on the back of her head, but she didn?t need either help or encouragement. As she pushed her face forward she sucked hard on his cock, as she withdraw she pressed her tongue on the bottom of the shaft, being careful not to push it onto her upper teeth. She kept it up at a remarkable rate for a minute, then two.? Before he could fully process what she was doing he took a deep breath, pulled her face forward until her nose was pressed tightly against his pubic bone and blew his load down her throat.? He shook all over as his close cropped pubic hair tickled her nose.

?Hey, hey, hey,? one male called out, another added ? WHOO HOO!? and several applauded.

The first one released her head and stepped back, stumbling slightly.?

?WOW!? Damn, this cunt is serious!? His face was red; sweat had popped out on his forehead.? The next ?customer? stepped up quickly, his cock now harder than it was before.? He placed it in her mouth and she started over.? She felt the cock pounding against the back of her throat, this one a bit thicker, about as long as the first.?

She used the same technique, sucking hard and wiping her tongue along the bottom.? She breathed between every four strokes, taking a quick gasp before ramming her face back into his abdomen.? Hole began to feel like her name.? A hole for a cock to fill.? A semen receptacle.? Her frequent self-loathing began to morph into a feeling of something like satisfaction, or maybe completion. Like this was what she really deserved, this is what she was destined to do.? With the feeling of personal completeness came the realization that she was using her mouth to violently fuck a cock while bound beyond any movement other than her head.? The humiliation of reducing herself to nothing more than a human masturbatory appliance pushed her further into her valueless mindset.? Her hunger for further degradation began to grow.? Her actions became almost automatic, getting into a rhythm not unlike a bobble headed doll being shook vigorously.? The second one came quickly as well.? Neither man had had such an experience. ?As the second one stepped back, the third stepped up.? His cock was about the same size as the first one.? He knew what to expect, so he just stuck his cock in, flexed his knees a bit and leaned back to watch.? The bobble head surrounded his cock and he felt engulfed by her heat.?

?Mmm hmmm.? MMM HHMM? he repeated.? The results were the same as the first two.? Three minutes later, he exclaimed ?Whew!? falling back from her sucking throat.? Even as he had trembled and spasmed into her mouth, she had kept going until he pulled himself away.?

?Cut? Trace shouted.? ?Hold up.? I?ve got to get this thing mobile.?? He quickly released the camera from the tripod mount and strapped a mobile harness around his waist and chest.? He attached the camera to the frame, checked his battery and sound level and shouted ?And? Action!?? And so it continued.

















Chapter one.


Hole opened the car door and slipped gingerly into the driver?s seat.? The pain from her much abused pussy and asshole immediately returned her mind to the afternoon and night?s activities.? She started the car and put it in reverse, carefully depressing the accelerator, then drove slowly out of the parking lot.? She squirmed a bit, trying to find a bit of relief.? The pain brought her mind back to the festivities of the day.


It began with her owner?s instructions delivered shortly after she had cleaned up the lunch dishes.


?Hole? you?ve got an appointment to be a movie star again.?? He waited for her to react.? Hole looked up blankly, without displaying any emotion.? She waited as well. He gave her a slight smile and continued.? ?I rented you to a friend for the afternoon.? He?s got a flick he?s producing and directing and needs a star.? You?re star material.??? He glanced up and down her body and smiled a bit more.

She looked down at herself, following his lead.? She saw a trim body, with long legs and flat tummy.? Her boobs weren?t huge, but did fill her tee shirt nicely.? They were well formed and high, with nipples that tended to stand erect.? ?Constant high beams? her owner often said.? She couldn?t see her ass, but it, too, was quite well proportioned and very firm from many hours of diligent exercise.? Her eyes were wide and slightly almond shaped, not quite oriental, flanked by high cheekbones and supported by a small, delicate nose.? Her blue eyes seemed bright, but belied many years of self-doubt and worthless feelings.? Very fine, light copper colored hair framed her face, falling down to her neck, just above her shoulders.? She was quite attractive, but not more so than many young women that converge in shopping malls in Atlanta, Charlotte or Tampa on any given weekend.? To her, though, she was just plain homely. He handed her a sheet of notepaper.?

?This is the address, you?ve got about 45 minutes to get ready and get there.? Enjoy yourself.?

?Will I like doing this movie??? Hole asked.

?What does ?liking? have to do with it?? He responded. ?I said to enjoy it.? If you enjoy it and show how much you enjoy doing everything you?re instructed, then I?ll like it.? If you enjoy it sufficiently I?ll be cruel to you the way you like it.? Otherwise I?ll be very cruel to you the way you don?t. So enjoy it.?? That caused a slight shiver to run through her.? Her owner knew very well how to be cruel the way she didn?t like.?

She returned a flat smile. ?I?ll enjoy it then.? May I ask how long I?ll be gone? My time belongs to you but I haven?t prepared any dinner and don?t want you to go hungry.?

?I?ll take care of myself.? In fact I have a dinner date.? So don?t worry about it.? Your other duties are waived for the evening as well.? Just enjoy.??

That last remark concerned her, but she didn?t let it show.? She just smiled back.? ?Thank you for releasing me for the evening.?? She turned around and headed toward the bathroom.? Being released from her duties meant that she would be back when it was over, with no set time.? The thought of how cruel he might be entered her mind.? Like an inverted suspension with her pussy pulled open with a handful of fish hooks run through her labia, the attached line wrapped around her thigh.? Then fifty or so strokes across the stretched flesh with a very roughened car radio antenna.? And his imagination was even more twisted than hers.

She shivered again and turned her attention to the address on the note.? She wasn?t familiar with it, so she knew she would have to check either the Internet or a paper map.? That would steal precious minutes that she needed to get ready.? Hole stripped the tee shirt off over her shoulders, unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them in the hamper.? She turned on the shower and got in before the water got warm.? There wasn?t time to wait and her owner hated for her to waste water.? She ignored the chill and started washing.? Shampoo first, then work down. By the time the water was warm, she was almost finished.? A quick warm rinse for her hair and her body and she grabbed a towel and stepped out.?

Her owner hadn?t specified her clothing so she went with the day?s default uniform.? Another clean tee shirt and shorts, no underwear, as usual.? She slipped on a pair of sandals with 4? heels and glanced in the mirror.? She quickly applied a light film of moisturizer, lipstick and a brush of eye shadow.? She wasn?t allowed much makeup as a rule, unless he was taking her out to a party or some other event.? In this case she expected that the ?producer? would provide any other makeup.

He had rented her out several times before.? Every other time it was to an individual who made an amateur bdsm flick.? Her high pain tolerance and ready excitability under submission made her an excellent subject.? She was usually whipped, suspended, caned and finally fucked in every movie, usually in every orifice, often more than once.? Whipping she liked, as well as flogging, constricted bondage and cropping.? Canning took a little warming up, but if she were sufficiently prepared she could endure a canning that would leave her aching and perhaps limping, for over two weeks.? Needles and fish hooks, nipple and pussy clamps, speculum play as well as other large, stretching butt plugs and dildos, deprivation helmets and forced piss drinking were all on the list of her owner?s dungeon activities.? What would this afternoon bring?

A loud truck broke her reverie.? She glanced around at the light traffic and noticed the clock.? It was 11:30 pm.? She had been a ?star? for almost nine hours.? She noticed the two one liter plastic bottles on the floor and sighed as she considered them ? her souvenirs.? This returned her to the replay in her mind.

Hole got to the location ? a large empty factory in a mainly vacated industrial park.? There were no other vehicles in the lot and at first she thought she was in the wrong place.? As she drove along the back she saw he brown door with a light over it and a sign next to it that read ?Engineering office?.? This was the place.? She got out, locked her door and took her only personal effects ? car keys and her driver?s license.? She walked to the door and as she got to it heard a buzzing sound.? She pulled it open and stepped inside.? The door closer shut it behind her and she looked back to notice a large magnetic door lock that insured that no one would get in (or out) easily.? Hole walked a long hallway past closed doors, and then it turned to the right and ended at a large room.? The room looked like it could have been a break room at one time, but now it was empty, dirt collected in the corners and an occasional spider web on the ceiling.? As she looked around a man walked in.?

?Hello!?? He greeted her.

?Hi? was her only response.

?I?m Trace.? I?m running this circus.? You must be the girl that Phil told me about.?? He looked her up and down, liking the view.? He was taller than her 5?7?, probably 6?1?.? His graying brown hair was short and thinning in the front; longer in the back, collecting on his neck.? He was lanky with arms that looked too long for his frame.? Grey eyes looked out under shaggy brows, across a nose that had seen more than too much abuse.

At first she seemed puzzled and then remembered who ?Phil? was.? She hadn?t heard or thought of her owner?s name in several years.? He was simply ?Sir? to her.?

?I?m Hole? she replied.?

?Hole?? That?s your name??? He asked.? ?Kind of unusual. But hey, that?s fine with me.?? He turned, motioning for her to follow.? ?Shooting?s out here.? Let?s go through the release and disclaimer so we can get started.??

Hole followed him out into a large area with a high ceiling ? probably 3 stories.? Windows ran across the walls at the roofline. This likely used to be a manufacturing area, she thought.? She wondered what had been made here.?

A ?shooting stage?, a smaller room constructed of 10? tall frames with drapes hanging to the floor, stood out on the manufacturing floor.? At one corner the drapes didn?t quite meet allowing passage into the stage.? Trace led her into the stage and over to a video camera mounted on a tripod.

?Got your ID?? He asked?? He was getting the camera ready and turned on a pair of lights.? She handed him her drivers? license and got a look at the stage area.?? He handed her a sheet of paper and a pen.

?Sign this, fill in your name and other stuff on the top lines and then step over there on that tape line and read the last paragraph.?? She had to stop to think about her name, but he handed her the license back in time for her to read it.? She filled in the identification lines from her license, struggling to sign her real name.? She had been ?Hole? for so long that her old name was lost to her.

?Hold the license under your chin and look at the camera as you read the release.?

She did as instructed while the red light on the camera glowed.? When she finished reading the release, the red light went out and Trace turned out the other lights as well.

?OK.? There?s a makeup table and light bar over there? he waved at the other end of the stage.? ?Lots of lipstick, mascara and eye shadow.? Darken your eyebrows and put some rouge on your cheeks and nipples.? Powder your shoulders and tits a little.? It won?t last long but it?s the first impression that counts anyway.? Oh, and Phil said to give you this.??? He handed her an envelope and turned back to moving the camera.

She took the envelope and walked toward the makeup table.? Along the way she noticed 7 or 8 men standing in a group.? Several were wearing masks of different sorts; some had the masks pushed up on the top of their heads.? They were all bare chested, wearing shorts and shoes - some sandals, some sneakers; a few had well worn deck shoes.? Hole continued to the table and sat down in front of the mirror.? A switch on the side turned on the light bar on the top and sides of the mirror.? She opened the envelope and extracted a single sheet of paper.? There was no greeting, just the message.

? Do everything you?re told.? Every cock should get a thorough blowjob every time one is presented to you.? NOT a gentle ?Wifey? style bj. A full - throated, face slamming skull fuck that would amaze Annette Schwartz. Oh, I may have forgotten to mention that there might be some ass fucking.? If you didn?t get a chance to give yourself an enema, I don?t want to be embarrassed by you having a dirty ass.? As soon as any cock that might find it?s way into your ass is withdrawn, give it a thorough cleaning.? Complete licking and a full throat sucking to make sure it?s clean.? And swallow every drop that gets into your mouth. Make sure Trace understands what you are to do. NO EXCEPTIONS!? And remember to enjoy yourself.?

It wasn?t signed, but it didn?t need to be.? She knew his handwriting and wasn?t necessarily shocked at receiving the note.? The contents, however, caused her to pause.? ?Forgotten to mention?? Hardly.? That was why he had gotten up much earlier than usual, which changed her daily schedule.? She hadn?t had time to tend to her normal daily toilet rituals, rushing around to serve her owner.? The instructions to leave had further distracted her and an enema was hardly on the top of her to-do list.? Furthermore her bowels were even more full than normal, thanks to an especially large dinner the night before.? And anal sex (NO! She reminded herself.? People have anal sex.? Property gets ass fucked) always stimulated her bowels anyway.?

Maybe there was a restroom she could sneak off to.? She quickly applied the makeup.? The colors weren?t correct for her pale skin and copper hair, but it was what she had.? Lots of eye shadow to run down her cheeks.? Bright lipstick to smear. Bright color for her nipples, maybe too bright. Tough, she thought.? She ran a brush through her hair, though it would be mussed soon enough.?

As she stood to look for a rest room Trace walked up to her.?

?You look great!? Wonderful!? The guy?s will be even more turned on than before.? Come on over to finish your prep.?

?Uh,? she started. ?Is there someplace to..? Hole started.? But Trace was walking off toward a box on a low-wheeled cart.?

?I could use a rest room,?? She called to his back.

Trace looked back at her as he walked on ?Don?t worry, there will be ample opportunity in a few minutes.?? She followed him over to the box.? He opened the lid and turned to her.?

?I understand that you get off on tight bondage.? Phil said the stricter, the better.? Said that it really gets the juices flowing, so to speak.? He gave me a few ideas to start with.?? That figures, she thought.? This is getting to be tough to ?enjoy?.

?What is the theme of the movie?? she inquired.?

?The working title is Asstravaganza.? That?s been used before so the final title will be different, but it?s focused on anal sex, in this case forced anal.? Also oral.? And he said you?ve never had it too rough, that you?re always asking for more.? These guys are guaranteed not to disappoint you.? Plus most of them can cum several times an hour.? I don?t know what they take.? Probably Viagra by the handful.? Oh, he also said you?d rather drink piss than water, so there is some of that written into the scene notes.?? He held up a handful of pages stapled together.? ASSTRAVAGANZA was printed across the front. ?

She knew now what was to happen.? The cocks were definitely going to ?find their way into her ass.?? Probably like a train wreck.? She had no limits, she was property.? She did what she was told by her owner.? But they had never explored this area.? She had assumed (wrongly, apparently) that he wasn?t interested in going to this extreme.? Then she corrected the thought.? ?He?s not going to this extreme, I am.? He has me do it with someone else so he can watch it without getting soiled himself.? What you bet he does atm with me next time he decides to fuck me,? she thought,? ?Better get it over with.?

?Trace,? she begins. ?Uh, I didn?t know all the details..uh I guess I wasn?t paying close attention.? I haven?t had an enema; so whenever one of the guys pulls out of my ass, make sure that he puts it to my mouth so I can clean it.? OK??? This was delivered as lightly and as nonchalantly as she could, though her stomach was flipping over.

Trace looked surprised.? ?You?re sure?? I could find some towels or something so they could clean up before..?

?No.?? She smiled, but not too brightly.? ?Just make sure they move from my ass directly to my mouth.? They can fuck my mouth too, after I?ve cleaned them.??

?That?s pretty heavy..? he replied.

?Well, ass to mouth is supposed to add some intensity by doing something a bit nasty,? She said.

Now Trace was incredulous.? ?Phil said you could be surprising. I guess this is what he meant.? All right, then we change the scene progression.? Hey, that?s gonzo film making.? Always be ready to change to fit the opportunity.? I?m sure that my loyal fans will appreciate the added intensity.??

Hole though to herself, ?His fans would watch me get gun nailed down to a bench while a herd of Angus bulls fucked my ass and skull fucked my face for six hours without missing a stroke.? Probably wouldn?t even spill the popcorn.? Much less drop the Albolene.? ???

Trace was now stirring around in the box.? Hole slipped over and took a look inside.? She wasn?t surprised at what she saw.? About half of the contents, she had experienced before.? Not just that they were similar to the ?toys? her owner used, they WERE the toys her owner used.? Apparently Trace had obtained a selection from her owners? dungeon.? She wondered when that could have happened, then remembered that she spent many hours in her ?trench box?, her private torture cell. ?There could have been plenty of opportunities while she was languishing in torment.?

Trace pulled out a collection of straps she recognized as her body harness.? He held it up trying to decipher how it fitted.?

After a half minute she said ?Give it here.? I?ll put it on.?? She stepped into the round enclosed bands and pulled them up her thighs. Next came the waist belt, connected by two straps to each of the thigh rings. It buckled on the side with a locking ring.? At the top were shoulder straps and collar.? Attached in between was the open bra.? She squeezed her boobs through the opening of the bra rings and shook her shoulders to adjust it. She stretched around, pulling and tugging to get all the straps aligned correctly.? Then she reached up and buckled the collar and turned her back to Trace.?

?How about buckling the back,? she asked.? Trace pulled the buckle halves together and noticed that there wasn?t any adjustment.? The harness fit perfectly, though tightly.? It obviously had been tailored just for her.?

?Locks?? she inquired.?

Trace looked blank for a second, then said ?Oh, yeah.?? He picked up three locks from a tray in the box and slipped them into the locking rings and snapped each hasp. Then he picked up two small bags with metal rings around the ends.? She held up one hand and started working it through the ring and into the bag.? Trace held the other one so she could get that one on as well.? Once on, her hands were folded into loose fists.? When a strap or cuff was secured around her wrist between the ring and her fist she wouldn?t be able to open her fist to withdraw her hand. He put a metal cuff around each wrist, locking them as well.? Each cuff had a short chain attached with a flat ring on the end. Trace picked up an arm pouch.? She crossed her arms behind her back and he slipped the pouch over her arms.? He fished the ring from each cuff through an opening above each elbow.? The ring was pulled around under the arm through a matching flat bracket on the underside of the pouch.? Yet another lock secured the rings. An attached belt in the middle of the pouch was pushed through a slot, around her arms and buckled tightly together.?

The top of the pouch was fitted with a strap that connected to the collar.? Another belt went around her chest, just under her tits and was buckled, then locked.? That rendered her arms folded and compressed against her back.?

Trace then picked up a small bag and extracted a harness and two small rubber blocks.? Hole automatically opened her mouth.? Each block fitted between her molars.? The blocks were slightly soft and pliable on the outside but solid inside.? The pliable rubber conformed around her teeth, keeping her from working them out with her tongue. The hard centers prevented her from closing her mouth.? The harness had a split chinstrap with ends that went up alongside her cheeks.? They met at the top where a top strap ran from a strap around her forehead down the back of her head to another collar.? Trace put the chinstrap under her chin then stretched the head straps up over her head and locked the collar around her neck.? The harness pressed tightly against her face and scalp, insuring that the blocks weren?t coming out; and neither was her mouth going to close.?

Ankle cuffs were locked around each ankle then Trace picked up the box and put it on the floor.? He gestured to the cart and she kneeled upon it.? He pulled each ankle up to its? thigh and locked the ankle to the band. ?She sat back on her feet while he fitted a spreader bar between her knees to finish her bondage.? Then he reached down into the box and withdrew a pair of weighted, toothed, flat spring clips.? He held them up to her and looked quizzically at her. She sighed and nodded her head.? He flicked her right nipple with his finger several times and rolled it with his finger and thumb.? She was already getting hot, her usually hard nipples perked up even more.? He put the clamp on it and repeated the process on the left side.? She closed her eyes and took as deep a breath as the harness allowed and slowly released it.?

The pain was pretty intense, but she had experienced these clamps many times.? Her adrenalin and endorphins were already ramping up, so the pain in her nipples blended into her restriction.? Her mind started moving to a more private space.? Hole felt her heart beat in her ears and throat.? She felt her pussy getting wet; she knew it would be dripping in a minute.? Both her natural proclivities and her conditioning started pushing her along a familiar path.? She breathed as deeply as she could through both her nose and mouth.? The added oxygen helped to calm her pulse.

?Ok, it?s time to shoot.?? Trace started pushing the cart towards the center of the stage area.? By this time the men had all put on their masks and removed their shorts but not their shoes.? The group watched as Trace brought the lovely package to the scene.? A couple of the guys started fondling their growing erections.? Hole counted nine.? All were well muscled; obviously they each spent plenty of time in the gym.? All of them also sported impressive cocks.? Some were starting to stand at attention, the rest were showing signs of interest.

?Line up and just hold it while I get the hardware situated.? Trace told them.? Suddenly lights positioned at the top of the drape frames and mounted on stands around the edges came on.? They weren?t terribly bright and everyone?s eyes quickly adjusted.? Trace went over behind the camera, the red light came on and he called out ?Action!?

One of the hunks walked over and pushed the cart carrying Hole in front of the first cock in line.? Sitting back on her feet helped; he was tall enough that she didn?t have to duck her head much to reach the level of his cock.? He stepped up to the cart then grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to the edge.? Holding her head with one hand he grabbed his dick and pushed it into her mouth.? What she did next surprised him.? His cock was close to 10 inches long, but of a diameter that could easily pass through her open lips.? As he started to ease it into her hot, moist cavity she thrust her face upon the shaft, then backed her head slightly away and did it again.? By the fourth thrust she had impaled her throat upon the cock and began to face fuck herself vigorously.?

?SHIT? he exclaimed.? He could hardly believe what he was feeling; much less what he was watching as her copper colored hair flew around his crotch.? He held his hand on the back of her head, but she didn?t need either help or encouragement. As she pushed her face forward she sucked hard on his cock, as she withdraw she pressed her tongue on the bottom of the shaft, being careful not to push it onto her upper teeth. She kept it up at a remarkable rate for a minute, then two.? Before he could fully process what she was doing he took a deep breath, pulled her face forward until her nose was pressed tightly against his pubic bone and blew his load down her throat.? He shook all over as his close cropped pubic hair tickled her nose.

?Hey, hey, hey,? one male called out, another added ? WHOO HOO!? and several applauded.

The first one released her head and stepped back, stumbling slightly.?

?WOW!? Damn, this cunt is serious!? His face was red; sweat had popped out on his forehead.? The next ?customer? stepped up quickly, his cock now harder than it was before.? He placed it in her mouth and she started over.? She felt the cock pounding against the back of her throat, this one a bit thicker, about as long as the first.?

She used the same technique, sucking hard and wiping her tongue along the bottom.? She breathed between every four strokes, taking a quick gasp before ramming her face back into his abdomen.? Hole began to feel like her name.? A hole for a cock to fill.? A semen receptacle.? Her frequent self-loathing began to morph into a feeling of something like satisfaction, or maybe completion. Like this was what she really deserved, this is what she was destined to do.? With the feeling of personal completeness came the realization that she was using her mouth to violently fuck a cock while bound beyond any movement other than her head.? The humiliation of reducing herself to nothing more than a human masturbatory appliance pushed her further into her valueless mindset.? Her hunger for further degradation began to grow.? Her actions became almost automatic, getting into a rhythm not unlike a bobble headed doll being shook vigorously.? The second one came quickly as well.? Neither man had had such an experience. ?As the second one stepped back, the third stepped up.? His cock was about the same size as the first one.? He knew what to expect, so he just stuck his cock in, flexed his knees a bit and leaned back to watch.? The bobble head surrounded his cock and he felt engulfed by her heat.?

?Mmm hmmm.? MMM HHMM? he repeated.? The results were the same as the first two.? Three minutes later, he exclaimed ?Whew!? falling back from her sucking throat.? Even as he had trembled and spasmed into her mouth, she had kept going until he pulled himself away.?

?Cut? Trace shouted.? ?Hold up.? I?ve got to get this thing mobile.?? He quickly released the camera from the tripod mount and strapped a mobile harness around his waist and chest.? He attached the camera to the frame, checked his battery and sound level and shouted ?And? Action!?? And so it continued.
















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Crystal ClearChapter 20 Make Me Pregnant Claires Porn and a Decision

Edie said in a slow, soft, measured tone, "Well, I'm not even ready, but I have so dreamed about this recently. I'd like you to make me pregnant. I want your baby too." I was speechless – impressed and nonplussed. Finally, I babbled out the first thing that came to my mind. "Errr, that's a big decision, and you're young and single, and pretty, and available, and there are so many people you could partner with ... and what do you mean you're not even ready?" Edie kissed me. "Relax....

2 years ago
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Its all in the mind case files Emily

Author’s note:  This is a ‘spin off’ of my original story – ?It’s all in the mind.? – also available on this site.The story lines I have developed for ?Mind? have had the capacity to take me off in all sorts of new directions.  I find that this can become annoying for the reader, and so I have decided to write some ‘case studies’ as separate stories.As always, this is pure fiction.  Not a word of truth here!!I’m always pleased when any of my readers e-mail me with comments and story ideas.  If...

4 years ago
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Codeword Red

Gemma didn’t mind the fact that her small suburban garden was heavily overlooked by the apartment blocks surrounding her. In fact, as she lay sunbathing in her lounger on the decking in her tiny string bikini, she loved the fact she was being overlooked. She looked from window to window, behind her dark shades, to see which curtains were twitching. There were many, where men young and old looked out over her. They wanked furiously, each one creating their own fantasy about what they would do...

2 years ago
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The way to end a night

I was celebrating my 18th birthday and decided to go to a nearby party in a field. There were two tents, one for the beer and the other for live bands and such. I was alone to begin with but as always randomly bumped into people I knew. I spent the night walking around between the two tents drinking and making random conversations. In between drinks I even managed to snog or fool around with random drunken women, but it never went any further than that… That is until the end of the night. It...

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Sean takes Susan at the bar

Later on that evening Sean greeted Garry and Susan as they entered the social club.  He introduced them to committee members and their partners, to other club members, team managers and senior players.  Then he brought them over to the table where his party sat and introduced them to his wife, his brother and his wife and some other friends.  Inside Sean was beaming that Susan had worn a new bra that highlighted her superb cleavage.  He pulled a seat over for Susan and sat her down beside...

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The Rings of Trust The Beginning

The Rings of Trust-The Beginning By Allen W. Writer's note: I am hoping to create a new-shared universe and have therefore placed the rules for the Rings of Trust at the end of the story. It is my hope that there are some authors out there who might find the concept of the Rings of Trust to be interesting enough to write a story or stories using them as the plot device. If you are interested in writing a Rings of Trust story and wish to contact me, I can be reached at [email protected]....

3 years ago
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Baby Oil Ch04

  Maggie peered at her reflection in the mirror in the lift on her way down for breakfast. Her skin was glowing from the sun the day before, but the shadows under her eyes confirmed her lack of sleep the previous night. She hadn't woken up in her own bed and had had to sneak back to her hotel room in the early morning. Embarrassingly, she hadn't been able to find her bra. This was normally not a problem but her lacy top was completely see-through. The elderly couple she had shared her lift with...

3 years ago
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Pink Lipstick

PINK LIPSTICK by Throne Mick Fillmore was experiencing that odd feeling again. There was a weird tingling that ran up and down his spine, along with a mild lightheadedness. He sat down on a kitchen chair and took a deep breath. One reason he was alarmed was that his health was usually so good. He didn't smoke, drank very little alcohol, and walked every chance he got. He was short and slender, in his early 20s, with no reason he could think of to feel this way. As he waited for the...

2 years ago
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Easy as One Two Three

Having three older sisters, when I was young it mostly meant that I didn't have to do much. All I had to do is point at something and one of my sisters got it for me. What did I know? They would do everything for me I guess just because they're girls and tend to be naturally helpful. Geez, I hope that's not sexist, it's just the way it all worked out. So, they pretty much pampered me even when my mom and dad didn't. Yes, it was a nice life, there was always one of them to help me with...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Best Friend8217s Mother

Hello Guys, I am Sam, 23 years of age. I am 6’3” and well built. I play lot of football and hence keep myself fit. I have a 8” cock and used to shag looking at lot of mature women. This story was one such incident where I fucked my best friend’s mother when he was out on a college trip. The story happened when I was 20 years old. I used to stay in hostel for my college studies and I used to visit my friend’s house every now and then. I was fond of visiting him, since he was close to me and his...

3 years ago
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The business end of a Business Trip

Em was a girl at work who was rather reserved. She was blonde and about 25 and not very experienced in sex, but had a body that I could tell was very sexy. I would normally not care about this, except she and I had to take a business trip together. She was in the room next to me – invited me over one evening and after we had a few drinks, she started telling me about her stupid ex. She even started in telling me how he wanted to have sex, and when he did, never got her to climax. That seemed...

2 years ago
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Mom Saves Her Son

On Tuesday's, after teaching an early morning biology class, Jenna had time to use the university gym for an hour of cardio. She liked to finish at around 9:30 when the locker room shower was usually empty. The last thing she wanted to hear was a student of hers, present or former, saying hello or asking questions about class, while she was dressed in nothing but a towel. Or worse... while she was naked... It seemed like a normal day as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair and let her...

3 years ago
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Autumn Knight

Preface: (If you have read "Summer Nights", you can bypass this.) Oswald MacDonald (call me Mac) met and fell for June Jones during a battle of the bands at Naked City nudist colony. His band, Slip Stream, won the contest and a recording contract. Her band, Jonesville, won nothing but got a lot of gigs from the publicity. Their romance flourished over the summer, but now that it is fall school and working with the bands is causing friction. I knew it was too good to last. June was a...

1 year ago
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A Homecoming Chapter 14

On Thursday morning, Ben and Christine were woken by the alarm set on Christine’s phone. When Ben turned to Christine to embrace her, she laughed and struggled free. She apologised, “I’m sorry, Ben. I should have reset my getting-up time for an hour earlier. I would have loved an hour of great morning sex before getting up for work. I often wish for it. I’m always randy in the morning! And now I’m missing such a great opportunity.”Christine took a shower. Before leaving, she stepped up to the...

3 years ago
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Main Aur Boroda Ki Chut 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Babu again with the next part of my story. For new readers, I am Babu who has completed by be few months back. I have a sexy aunty boroda whose staying near to my house. And I was doing sex with her when her beti caught us naked. Unki beti ka naam hai misti. Woh bhi bari cute thi. Woh tight fitting wale kapre pahanti thi.Uski choochiya bhi mote mote gol matol ho gye thi. Uski gaand bhi baare the. Sayad usne apne gaand mein maarwa chuki thi. Tight fitting hone ke karn uska body pura...

2 years ago
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Dilema Molly Tracey and more Ch 20

I did have one pleasant experience, new neighbors moved in a family - husband and wife (Nigerians) and their teenage son and daughter. I did not get to meet them, I plan to at some point. I do have a soft spot for ebony skin or should I say Mr Penis has a deep interest, he stirred when the curvaceous wife and succulent daughter waved as they moved items into their new home. Of course I paid more attention to my neighbors, often peeking out the window, when I heard their comings and goings...

2 years ago
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Wife and I were Robbed

I was in the ensuite off the bathroom applying the last of my make-up to complete my transformation from Martin to 'Michele' when I heard the disturbance. My wife Kerry was waiting for me in the bedroom nursing a gin and tonic. We had just returned from a boring party and I had convinced Kerry that tonight should be our 'monthly special'. Kerry and I are in our mid 40's and she has known about, and tolerated, my crossdressing from early on in our marriage. She puts up with it because she loves...

3 years ago
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Anything Part One

First, The Rule: If you are female and single/alone, you should of course remove all of your clothes (yes, socks too, I’m afraid). And no orgasms until then end, at which point you will have two–no more or no less. If you are something other than female and single/along, please enjoy: Anything Anything—such a simple little word. Dangerous damn little word. I never realized how dangerous, but crap I’m starting to now. My heart thump-thump-thumping so loud that I could barely hear the radio. He...

1 year ago
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Bus Finds The Road To Pleasure

Hello, my name is Dishant. I have been reading ISS for many year’s always used to think how these boy or uncle get their chance on strangers in bus or train. But the things changed on my journey and now I have happily joined the sex with stranger club. Before I start just to inform there is no nudity but simple pleasure. Family had plan an outing to mahabaleshwar but I was unable to go with them as I was unable to get a leave. I informed them I shall join them on my weekly offs. As per plan I...

2 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 6

Present – Ben – In the woods I relent on destroying Stacy's mobile phone because frankly I wasn't up for the damn fight. Besides I just might slip into her pack later and take it, that is if I can find it in that damn pack of hers. But we have bigger issues right now. From the noise and the smell I know exactly what we're dealing with now. I reach down, stroke Bo's neck and say, "It's fine big boy, we'll take a different route." I look at Stacy and order, "We need to move slowly...

3 years ago
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They Are AOK Ch 33

I awoke five days later in a hospital. The majority of my body was covered in casts or bandages. I was in some sort of traction bed, so I was completely immobilized. I lay there for a few minutes trying to remember what had happened to me. When I couldn’t I became frightened. I even imagined that I might be dead like those characters in movies who don’t remember dying. Having no other way to gain anyone’s attention, I screamed as loud as I could. A nurse came flying into the room. ‘Well, how...

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A Boy at a Girls School

Choose a boy's name as first name Choose a girl's name as last name ................................. It is the first day of term. Your name is John. You arrive at Skyviews school. It has been a girls boarding school up to now. This is the first year that they have decided to allow boys to attend the school. This will be your home for most of the next 2 years. You know that you will be one of only a few boys surrounded by about 300 girls. This will be great! You feel a mixture of nervousness...

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He stood at the doorframe of her room, watching her lying on the bed. The sight aroused him, for she looked so innocent and in total bliss. Did she not realise her body was calling out to him? The way her breasts rose and fell evenly, the nightdress she wore had ridden high up her thighs, promising endless pleasure. He held back a groan remembering earlier that evening. How normal it had been for him to call upon her for relief. This had been the 100th time that she had 'serviced' his dick....

1 year ago
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MommysBoy Jupiter Jetson Keep It Down You Two

Tyler Cruise has an important test tomorrow, so he REALLY needs a good night’s rest. Unfortunately, that’s not happening… because his stepparents, Jupiter Jetson and Clarke Kent, are having loud sex in the other room! Tyler pounds on the wall and tells them to keep it down, but they don’t seem to be stopping. After some tossing and turning in bed, poor Tyler still can’t get any rest, so he resolves to do something about it and marches out of his room. Tyler barges...

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 27

Jane and Ken had to stop at the dealership to grab his car on the way back to the estate. Once they'd parked in the garage and pulled the new toys out of Jane's car, Ken began to feel thick tendrils of lust coming from the pool area; Ari and Genie were playing. Ken and Jane were greeted with a very nice sight when they walked out on the porch. While walking to the pool, Jane had taken the opportunity to shed her clothes and Ken could still see the whip marks on her body. He liked the...

3 years ago
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LTD Malissas Academy 22

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 22 By: Malissa Madison I sat in my office, the events of the last two weeks playing over in my mind. I knew that my youngest sister Stephanie Wolf was upset with me for siding with Shasstine in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on her mother, the Terrellian Queen. As the Crown Princess, Shasstine had ordered the Followers of the Way to stay out of Terrellian State Business. As they were moving on the Guilds, the loyal Security Troops had fought a...

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