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The crowds at Gangneung Oval roared with excitement. The Pyeongchang Olympics had so far been a rousing success, and this was one of the most hotly anticipated events of all: men’s speed skating. South Korea had experienced great success in the sport in recent years, and the fact that a local boy sat atop the leaderboard had brought the crowd’s emotions to a fever pitch. Just two skaters remained, guaranteeing their hometown hero no worse than a bronze medal.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our final pairing for the men’s 1500-meter speed skate,” said the announcer, speaking first in French, then English, and finally in Korean. “In the inner lane, representing the United States of America, Scott Erickson.”

At the starting line, Scott gave a quick wave to the cheering crowd, making sure to keep his mind focused on the task at hand. He was in excellent shape, as one would expect from an Olympian, but he still couldn’t believe he found himself in this position. Scott wasn’t the greatest speed skater, lacking the explosive power to compete in the shorter events and not being quite lean enough to last in the longer races, but he had found a niche in skating the 1500-meter races. His athletic build placed him right in-between sprinters and marathon skaters, strong enough to get good starts yet still able to last the length of the race.

“And in the outer lane, representing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Moon Se-jun,” the announcer continued.

Though crowd gave Scott a warm reception, their response to the North Korean skater was decidedly more tepid. Most South Koreans were relieved that the games had progressed without incident, thanks in large part to their own government’s desire to have many North Korean representatives present at the games, but tensions remained high. Still, most of the athletes received at least polite cheers; everyone realized that North Korea’s athletes were fighting for more than just Olympic glory. They were potentially fighting for their lives. Any embarrassment during the games would not end well once they returned home to face Kim Jong-un. Still, one section was almost hysterical in their jubilation as Se-jun stepped up to the starting line next to Scott.

“There they are,” Scott chuckled to himself.

Since the day the Olympics began, the American media had fawned over the large squad of cheerleaders North Korea had sent to support their athletes. Wherever they went, the gaggle of young ladies was impossible to miss. They were young, pretty, enthusiastic, and highly coordinated. Of course, Scott knew damn well their devotion had to stem from years of brainwashing. The way the media fell over themselves to praise their routines sickened him; they were playing right into the hands of the North Korean propaganda machine. Shaking his head, Scott forced these thoughts from his mind. After Scott took his mark, the starting gun sounded and the two skaters were off.

To the casual observer, speed skating might seem an uncomplicated sport; the fastest skater wins the race. In reality, there was an enormous amount of strategy to such a simple race. For Scott, he had a strong preference for long track as opposed to the more popular short track. In short track, anywhere between three and six skaters would race at once, confined to laps around a hockey rink. This cramped space created frequent collisions and penalties; a clean short track race was a rare feat, and racers were often disqualified as such. But in long track, only two skaters raced at a time, one in each lane of the larger oval track. On the back stretch of every lap, the skaters switched lanes to equalize their distances, but even with this swap, collisions were quite rare. Scott liked it that way; it meant the most skilled skater won more often than not and minimized the risk of being disqualified due to an accidental collision.

As Scott and Se-jun took off, each displayed their unique strategy. Se-jun was built like a sprinter; the 1500-meter race was his longest possible race. As such, he exploded off the line with as much strength and power as he could muster. Scott, on the other hand, focused on his technique, attaining a full extension of his legs with each push he gave. He was not in the lead to start with, but this strategy had given him great consistency during his short career. Approaching the first curve, Scott began to show off his greatest advantage in the sport: his balance. He was able to get so low to the ground on the curves and maintain a consistently high speed that it sometimes felt to Scott as if he were racing in the Indy 500. The forces on his body as he whipped around the oval sure felt that way. By this time, he had caught back up with Se-jun, though Scott knew the North Korean excelled in the straightaways.

Coming out of the second curve to finish their first lap, Scott and Se-jun were neck-and-neck, forcing Scott to let up a bit as they swapped lanes. In long track skating, the skater swapping from the outside lane to the inside always had the right of way, but this still provided Scott a perfect opportunity to skate directly behind Se-jun for part of the lap, gaining a speed boost from his draft. As long as he was back in his proper lane by the time he reached the curve, this was well within the rules. While Se-jun set up for his turn, the crowd cheered in surprise as Scott zoomed ahead from the draft and rocketed around the curve at breakneck speed. Unbeknownst to Scott, he was demolishing the time of the South Korean who currently led the field, yet the crowd was loving it all the same.

Two laps later, the pair entered their final lap. The crowd watched with baited breath, seeing the American still just ahead of the record previously set by the South Korean. All the while, Se-jun remained just a half second behind. Seeing that their man could defy the odds and win an Olympic medal, the Army of Beauties erupted into a cheer, chanting Se-jun’s name. Se-jun started the lap by drafting behind Scott, gaining a speed boost as Scott had done earlier in the race. His speed was incredible, but he still lacked control on the curves this late into a longer race, and he began to fall behind again on the final turn. At last, the two skaters crossed the finish line to the deafening roar of the crowd in Gangnueng Oval.

“And now for the results,” said the announcer. “With a time of 1:44.25, Scott Erickson is now in first place and has won the gold medal for the United States of America!”

Scott lowered the hood of his racing suit and stared in disbelief. He had never expected to medal, let alone win the gold, yet the time was there in front of his face. He was an official gold medalist!

“And with a time of 1:44.80, Moon Se-jun is in third place, capturing the bronze medal for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea! Your silver medalist is Kim Sang-han from the Republic of Korea!”

At that point, Scott couldn’t have cared less what country Se-jun came from; he had just medaled when every expert predicted he would finish well outside the top five! Turning to the North Korean, Scott smiled and extended a hand.

“Usuhan jongjog!” he said, roughly translating to, “Hell of a race!”

Se-jun cocked his head and gave a lopsided grin as he shook Scott’s hand. “You speak Korean?” he asked in slow yet clear English.

“I do. My grandmother was born here. You speak English?”

“Yes,” said Se-jun. “Dear Leader wants us to be able to communicate our great nation’s ideals across all tongues.”

“Ah, I see,” Scott replied, trying to be as polite as possible. Thankfully, Se-jun’s handler arrived at that moment and whisked him back to his coaches. Still, Scott couldn’t help but smile at the elation on Se-jun’s face; perhaps he had earned a better life for himself and his family back home.

The rest of the day was a blur of activity for Scott. His coach nearly crushed him with a bear hug and his parents couldn’t have been more thrilled with his victory. It seemed odd to him that Tom, his identical twin brother, wasn’t with them, but they assured him that Tom was just feeling a bit ill and was glued to the TV in his hotel room. As evening drew near, there were interviews and press conferences galore, followed by the medal ceremony itself. As a former member of the U.S. Army, Scott had heard more than a few renditions of The Star-Spangled Banner in his day, but this one almost made him tear up. Almost.


As Scott left the final party for U.S. athletes before the Closing Ceremony the next day, he grabbed his phone and typed up a text message to his brother.

“Hey, Doofus. You still playing sick, or can I actually come by and rub your nose in this gold medal of mine?”

“That’s not much incentive for me to be well if I’m indeed ‘playing’ sick,” came the reply.


“But yeah, I’ll be up for a while. Stop on by.”

“Cool. See ya soon.”

With that, Scott began to walk the two blocks back to his hotel. The night was bitter cold, as were most in Pyeongchang, but the thrill from actually winning a gold medal during these games was more than enough to keep him warm. As he approached the hotel entrance, Scott could have sworn he heard a struggle of some sort coming from a side alley. Though his first inclination was to keep his head down and move on, hearing a few choice words and the yelp of a female voice changed his mind.

“Ssi-bal nyeon!” came a rough male voice.

Now, Scott’s grandmother had taught the entire family to speak Korean, but she would have never taught any of them such language, the equivalent of “fucking bitch.” But when Scott was studying Korean as a thirteen-year-old boy, it was only natural for him to seek out curse words in said language. Scott took a deep breath and allowed his military instincts to rule his senses as he rounded the corner into the alley. He expected to come across a mugging of some sort, but the actual scene before him was far more confusing. He saw a young college-aged woman lying on the ground in a crumpled heap. Standing over her was not a mugger, but a young man about his age wearing a coat bearing the North Korean flag. There was no way this was going to end well, but he had no capability to walk away from a defenseless girl in need.

“Jungji!” Scott shouted, demanding the man stop.

The man turned in surprise, expecting to find a local behind him, but instead, he saw a man wearing a United States Olympian coat.

“Go away!” he spat in English. “This does not concern you!”

Scott studied the North Korean for a moment. He supposed this man thought himself intimidating, what with the scar across his cheek and a larger than average build for a Korean, but Scott had seen far worse. He wasn’t afraid of this punk.

Ignoring the man, Scott asked the girl if she was hurt. “Neo sangcheo ib-eoss ni?”

After a moment, she stirred and looked up with her brown eyes, mascara running down her cheeks from her tears.

“Please… help,” she said weakly. “I wish… to… defect…”

“Shut up! Geol-le-gat-eun-nyeon!” said the North Korean man, kicking her in the face for good measure.

That did it. Not only had he called the girl the dirtiest of all whores, but now the man was physically assaulting her. While the man still had his back turned, Scott stepped forward and latched his hand around the man’s wrist. The North Korean retaliated in an instant, spinning around and attempting a swing with his other hand, but Scott was ready for the telegraphed move. After ducking under the North Korean’s punch, Scott stunned him with a punch to the gut. This allowed him to twist his arm behind his back and pin the man against the brick wall of the hotel. The man tried to struggle for a moment, but one further twist of his arm quashed that effort.

“Apologize to the lady,” Scott growled.

“Kaesaekki,” he seethed.

“You can call me an S.O.B. all you want, but you will apologize to the lady. Now! Sugnyeoege sagwahada!” Scott repeated in Korean, ensuring there was no misunderstanding.

As the pain increased, the North Korean eked out, “Nae moyog-e sagwahanda.”

“Good boy,” Scott replied with a grin. “Now, get out of here!” he continued, tossing the soldier onto his ass.

“You will regret this,” he muttered.

“I don’t think so,” said Scott, standing over the man with his fists at the ready. “Oh, and don’t even think of going for a weapon. I felt you up, there; you’ve got a pistol in your coat and a knife in the small of your back. You’ll be a mass of bruises before you can even touch them. Just leave.”

The man growled, “You meddlesome-”

“GET OUT! If I ever see you near her again, I’ll kill you myself!”

Scott and the North Korean stared each other down for several long seconds, each waiting for the other to make a move. Were this a fair fight, the North Korean knew he would likely have the advantage in hand-to-hand combat, but Scott had gotten the drop on him from behind. Worse, he knew where the North Korean had his weapons on him, leaving him without his own element of surprise. Whoever this American was, he had considerable combat knowledge. As much as the North Korean hated to admit it, reengaging him now would be a foolhardy attempt. With a final glare, the man stood and jogged off into the night.

“He’s gone. You’re safe now,” he said to her, keeping one eye on the entrance to the alley in case the goon returned.

In a flash, the girl lunged forward on the ground, wrapping her arms around Scott’s ankles. “Brave American, I ask your pity!” she said, her English clearly heard even through her tears. “I seek asylum with your leaders! Please!”

Moved by her emotional plea, Scott knelt down and gently helped the girl to her feet, tilting her head to look him in the eyes as he did so. He made sure to give a warm smile for her, letting her know that he would do her no harm. Once she was up, he saw the bump on her forehead from where the soldier had kicked her, along with the subsequent gash from where her head had struck the concrete.

“Please…” she whispered once more.

Nodding, Scott said, “Come with me. I’ll call the right people who can help you, but first, we need to take care of that gash.”

Taking her hand, Scott led the girl with haste through the empty hotel lobby and to the elevator. As they ascended, he pulled his cellphone from his pocket and dialed the first speed dial option. During the briefing that all the athletes had received before traveling to Pyeongchang, several things had been made clear to them on avoiding international incidents. These games represented goodwill and a casting aside of differences, after all, and they were considered ambassadors of the United States. Their handlers had spoken to them of the possibility of defectors, but Scott had never imagined it would actually happen to him. Raising the phone to his ear, he waited for his handler and best friend from his army days to answer.

“Scott! What’s up, my man?”

“Hey, Willie. I need your help; got a bit of a situation here.”

“Situation? Is something wrong?”

“I… I met this girl. She says she’s from North Korea and that she wants to defect.”

“Holy shit… where are you now?”

“At my hotel. When I found her, she was being beaten by some goon with a North Korean flag on his uniform, I’m guessing her handler. I’m taking her up to the first aid kit in my room.”

“Ok, treat her wounds and stay there. I’ll get my boss and we’ll head over, maybe thirty minutes ETA. You good ‘til then?”

“Yeah, we’ll be fine. Thanks, Willie.”

“And Scott, no matter how much you believe her, don’t turn your back on her for a second. We still need to check her out.”

“Will do.” As he hung up, he said to the girl, “My boss is coming. He can help you.”

“Thank you…”

On the way down the hall, Scott stopped to grab a bucket of ice from the vending area, figuring it would help her head. Soon, they arrived at his door.

“Come in. Let’s get your head taken care of,” Scott said, ushering her in.

She only nodded and took a seat at the small table in the corner. The poor girl was still dazed from her run-in down in the alleyway. After placing some of the ice in a plastic bag, Scott handed it to her and instructed her to hold it against the forming bump on her head. Next, he cleaned a small amount of blood from her wound with a bit of gauze from the first aid kit before reaching for the disinfectant.

“This may sting,” he said, moving the cotton ball to her wound.

The girl recoiled a bit from the medicine, but her body soon began to relax, allowing Scott to bandage her wound with some gauze and tape.

“How does that feel?”

“Better,” she admitted.

Taking a seat in the chair across from her, Scott said, “My name is Scott Erickson. Who are you?”

“Park Chin-sun,” she replied with a tiny smile. “You may call me Chin-sun, Erickson Ssi.”

Recognizing the honorific, Scott answered, “And you can call me Scott.”

“Scott,” Chin-sun nodded. “Thank you… you saved my life.”

“I’m just happy you’re safe.”

In spite of Chin-sun’s injuries, Scott was struck by her beauty. She appeared two or three years younger than him, perhaps twenty or twenty-one, with a youthful face and a warm smile. Her skin was a gorgeous shade of porcelain, standing in stark contrast to her long black hair, which was tied into a low ponytail with a red ribbon. This suggested that she came from a relatively wealthy family by North Korean standards. The notion was further reinforced by the fact that she did not appear malnourished in the least; her body was fit and toned. This brought about an ominous realization in Scott’s mind: if someone so affluent wanted to defect from North Korea so badly, things there must be worse than he had ever imagined. At that moment, Scott recognized the red and blue jogging suit she wore.

“Have I seen you at some of the games?” he asked.

“Yes! I saw you race against Moon Se-jun!” Chin-sun replied, at last recognizing Scott from the speed skating finals. “I am captain of the Spirit Ambassadors. You have seen us?”

“I have. You and your friends put on quite a show,” said Scott, trying to be polite.

“Oh… yes. It is a show,” Chin-sun said, her face becoming sad. “We look so happy and excited, do we not? But inside…”

“They treat you badly, don’t they?” Scott realized.

Chin-sun nodded. “It is our purpose to promote Juche, the ways of our homeland. We are instructed to capture the hearts of our enemies, to show them how wonderful our ways can be, and especially the wonders of Dear Leader Kim Jong-un,” she said, emphasizing her last words with clear disgust. “But there is a great darkness in our group. The other girls, they are trained into absolute obedience, even when none of our overseers are present. There was one time when we were riding in our bus and everyone started screaming for the driver to stop. I at last saw what they were screaming about: there was a poster with a picture of Dear Leader on it that had been left out in the rain. These girls think, ‘how could anyone allow an image of Dear Leader to become wet?’ and they form a human ladder to take it down and bring it inside…”

“I’m sorry,” said Scott. “You don’t have to talk about it anymore if you don’t want to. I don’t want to bring up bad memories.”

“I assume your leaders will wish to hear of it, yes?”

“Maybe, but that’s their decision,” Scott shrugged. “I just want to help you however I can.”

“You are very kind,” Chin-sun said with tiny smile. “Down in the alley, you spoke Korean very well. Where did you learn?”

“My grandmother,” Scott replied. “She was born here in South Korea. My grandfather fought in the Korean War and met her during his time here. They fell in love and she decided to return to America and marry him, eventually having my dad. She taught us all to speak Korean, said we needed to learn a second language.”

“So wonderful!” Chin-sun smiled. “She is still with you?”

“Yep, she and my grandfather are still alive and well, and stubborn as ever.”

“Hmm… it seems strange,” Chin-sun said. “Your grandmother is Korean, but you look very American.”

“My dad definitely looks half-Korean, but my mom is your typical blonde-haired blue-eyed American girl,” Scott explained. “I got a lot of my looks from her side of the family, but if you look closely, you can see the Korean in me.”

As Scott spoke, Chin-sun saw exactly what he meant. He was tall like many American men, perhaps six feet in height, but she could now see the subtleties he was talking about. His jaw was rather prominent and his face thin, as it was with many Korean men. He also had the high cheekbones and smaller eyes common amongst her people. His short dirty blonde hair certainly helped mask these traits, but now that she knew what to look for, his Korean heritage was clear as day. One other thing that was clear as day was his appearance; Chin-sun couldn’t deny that he was a handsome young man. Just looking at him like this was making her squirm in her seat, forcing her to look away to maintain her composure.

“I have to say, your English is impeccable,” Scott said, sensing her discomfort.

“Thank you. I work hard at it, but don’t get much real practice. My studies help.”

“What do you study?”

Chin-sun said, “When not attending official events as a Spirit Ambassador, I study at Kim Il-sung University to become a diplomat. They selected me as a Spirit Ambassador to train me for this, but they lie, of course. I was only chosen because of my beauty.”

“Well, you are beautiful, but in more ways that I suspect your superiors could ever appreciate,” Scott grinned.

She cocked her head at this. “How do you mean?”

“In America, women are not only valued for their physical beauty, but also for their inner beauty. Intelligence and determination are desirable traits, at least to men like me.”

“And you think me intelligent and determined?”

“Of course!” Scott chuckled. “You’re smart enough to know when your superiors are lying to you and brave enough to try and get away from them.”

Chin-sun gave a sad smile. “I have my halmeoni to thank for that…”

“Your grandmother?” Scott asked, recognizing the word as one of the first ones he learned in Korean.

“Yes. She was raised in a tiny village just south of what would become the border between the North and South. When the war broke out, she was a young woman of eighteen, but was taken captive by North Korean soldiers and made a trophy bride. To this day, she lives with my grandfather, the man who took her…”

“That’s terrible!”

“It could have been so much worse for her,” Chin-sun continued. “As she tells the story, my grandmother was at first claimed by one of the lower soldiers moving through her village, but before she knew what had happened, that soldier’s commander, my grandfather, had stepped in and claimed her for himself. He later told her that the man who wanted her was violent and evil; she would not have survived a year as his bride. For all his faults, my grandfather treated her well. It took years, but I believe my grandmother even came to love him.”

“It’s still terrible,” Scott muttered.

“I know,” Chin-sun sighed. “My grandmother would always tell me stories in secret about her childhood, how wonderful and peaceful those times were. Every day after school, she would tell me of the wondrous things she experienced growing up, trying to counteract the things they taught us in school. All Korea was free and prosperous in those days, and she knows the world outside our borders is a far better place than our government claims. It was thanks to her that I have never allowed my heart to be tainted by the State. I play the part they wish me to play, I say the proper things, but I wish for nothing more than freedom.”

“Wow… you’ve mastered the art of double-thinking. You must be an incredible actress if you have managed to fool them.”

“It is not about fooling them so much,” she explained, “more than it is using my grandmother’s stories as my anchor against the tides. The words of the State are powerful and persuasive; I would have had no chance without my grandmother’s efforts. It was, in fact, her idea that I should use the games as my chance to defect.”

“And the rest of your family is ok with this?”

“My grandfather and mother have no idea; my grandfather is a high-ranking official in the government, after all, one of Kim Jong-un’s advisors. The less he knows, the less the State can interrogate him should something go wrong. My father worries, but he grew up with the same stories as I did. He wishes this for me, too.”

“Why hasn’t he tried to defect?” Scott asked.

“Father is too visible. He is the son of a war hero and one of the best strategists in the army. Any attempt would be snuffed out before it got started, and he knows he would not be the only one to pay the price. His family would suffer most of all. Father loves us too much to risk our lives. Thankfully, we have some small amount of safety with his status in the government.”

Scott pursed his lips at this. He liked to think that he would have found a way to get his family out, even if he didn’t survive the process. Then again, nobody in America really knew just how bad things were in North Korea. Who knows how he would react, or even how he would be able to react, if he found himself in such a predicament? As he pondered all this, he wept inside for everything this poor girl had suffered.

“Do you think your superiors will believe me?” Chin-sun asked, interrupting his thoughts.

“I can’t speak for them, but as for me, I believe you, and I’ll vouch for you. I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. You deserve your freedom, and I’m going to help you get it.”

Chin-sun smiled at this. Seeing Scott’s hand resting on the table between them, she felt the urge to lean forward a bit and touch her fingers to his. It was an odd sensation; intimate moments like this were discouraged or even forbidden in North Korea. Still, she couldn’t deny her attraction to Scott. In the days leading up to her defection, Chin-sun had dared to dream some wonderful dreams. She imagined escaping into South Korea, meeting a kind man, marrying him, cooking for him, bearing sons for him, and not once would she be in fear of her life. Her grandmother had always insisted that such good men existed in the world. Now, her imagination began to replace her faceless Korean husband with Scott.

Hearing a knock at the door, Scott broke their touch and said, “Wait here.”

Scott peered through the peephole for several seconds before at last opening the door, revealing two men. One was even taller than Scott with flaming red hair, the other was a shorter black man wearing a tailored suit.

“Willie, thanks for coming,” Scott said to the redhead.

“No problem,” said Willie, shaking his hand.

“Major Parker, sir,” Scott continued to the other man.

“I’ve told you a thousand times: you can call me Leon after everything we’ve been through together. You’re not under my command anymore,” said the black man. “Now, I understand we have someone to meet?”

“Yes, sir.” Standing aside, Scott gestured to the table in the corner. “This is Park Chin-sun. I found her in the alley by the hotel being beaten by some punk with a North Korean uniform. She was trying to defect; that’s why he was beating her.” Taking Chin-sun’s hand, Scott brought her to stand beside him and introduced his friends to her. “Chin-sun, ideul-eun nae chingudeul-ida, Major Leon Parker gwa Willie Wallace. Geudeul-eun neoleul doul su-iss-eo.”

Chin-sun gave a slight bow and spoke in English, “Major Parker, Wallace Ssi, my name is Park Chin-sun. I am a citizen of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and it is my wish to defect from my homeland due to the horrors my people endure every day. I humbly request asylum and sanctuary, be it here in South Korea or in America.”

Both men’s eyebrows shot up at hearing her clear English. “You are very well-spoken, young lady,” said Leon. “Is English a normal class for your people?”

She nodded. “It is for those of us sent abroad as Spirit Ambassadors. We are to speak with all who will listen to our troubles about the fear we have of the great evil, the United States of America. This is what our State tells us to do, but I know my own government to be capable of incredible evil.”

“And how do you know this?” asked Leon.

“There are many ways. When friends on my team disappear a day after making a mistake, I know it is the State who took them. When a teacher forgets to speak of the South with great contempt and hatred, the State comes and replaces them. They are never seen again. But most of all, I know this because of my grandmother. She grew up in a free Korea but was taken to the North as a trophy bride during the war. She knows how things once were and how free the rest of the world is. Every day, she would tell me stories of her childhood and wish for me to know this freedom one day. It is our secret between us. It was she that told me to defect during this visit to the South.”

Leon studied her face for several seconds, his own face expressionless. “Your story is touching, Ms. Park, but you’ll have to forgive our being cautious.”

Without a word, Chin-sun peeled back the gauze taped to her forehead. “This is what my guard did to me when he caught me trying to escape. Had Scott not arrived when he did, it would have been far worse. I would probably be dead, and I can see in your eyes that you know this. I am no spy. I only wish to be free, Major Parker.”

Leon again remained quiet and contemplative. “Mr. Wallace,” he said after a few moments, “what do you think?”

“I believe her, sir,” Willie replied. “The wound itself speaks volumes, but there’s no way she could have lied about her grandmother like that. We’d have seen a tell if she were making that up.”

“Yes… I agree,” Leon grinned. “Ms. Park, I report directly to the Secretary of State. He made it clear to me before these games that we could not accept any defectors of our own accord without South Korea’s permission. We are on their soil, after all, but if they are agreeable, you will be free to travel to America and make a new life there.”

A tear of happiness leaked out of Chin-sun’s eye and rolled down her cheek as she heard these words. “Thank you, Major Parker.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” Leon said, pulling out his cell phone. “Let me call our contact in the Korean Immigration Services and bring him into the loop.”

As Chin-sun’s emotions welled up within her, she turned to Scott and threw her arms around his neck, thanking him for everything he had done for her. He accepted her touch happily, though he did have to shift his lower body to keep from scaring Chin-sun with the bulge that was beginning to form in his pants. It had been quite a while since he had held a pretty girl like her in his arms, after all, and his body was just a little sensitive. After a moment, his distraction was broken by a knock at the door.

“Who’s that?” Willie asked.

“No clue,” said Leon, stopping in the middle of dialing his contact.

After checking the peephole, Leon opened the door to reveal a young Korean man a bit older than Scott. His suit was cut to perfection and appeared more expensive even than Leon’s. The man smiled a warm smile as he spoke.

“Major Parker, yes?”

“I am. And you are?”

“Yoon Suck-chin, Korean Immigration Services,” he replied, producing an ID badge.

Leon inspected his credentials, commenting, “Vice Chief? At your young age?”

“Yes, sir. Feel free to contact my superiors if you have your doubts, of course.”

Handing the ID back to Suck-chin, Leon said, “No, that won’t be necessary. What are you doing here?”

“I am here regarding an alleged incident that took place a little while ago outside this hotel. I am told that a North Korean may have been involved.”

There was an uncomfortable silence before Leon replied, “How would you know about that? I hadn’t had a chance to contact the KIS yet.”

“My office was contacted by someone with direct knowledge of the situation,” said Suck-chin. “You may come in,” he then said to someone in the hallway.

Scott felt Chin-sun cling to him tightly as a woman entered the hotel room. She was in her early thirties and wore a fitted blouse and a knee-length skirt. Her face seemed pleasant enough, but Scott sensed something sinister lurking beneath the surface. After a few moments, he at last recognized the woman from the news reports since the start of the Olympics.

“Hello, Major Parker. My name is Kim Yo-jong,” she said. “I represent my brother, the freely elected leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kim Jong-un.”

“I know who you are, Ms. Kim,” Leon replied stiffly.

“Ah, there she is!” said Yo-jong. “Chin-sun, naneun nega musahadago gippeohanda. Wa, jib-e gal sigan-ida.”

As Yo-jong tried to pass through Willie and Leon, Chin-sun clenched Scott’s arm in a death grip. She was not fooled by her words of concern and promise to return home safely.

“Do not let her touch me! She will kill me!” she protested.

“My dear Chin-sun, you wound me!” Yo-jong replied. “I would never do such a thing! We are gajong. Family.”

“NO! Please, do not let her take me!” Chin-sun begged Scott. “You promised you would allow my defection!”

“Oh my, the poor girl is delirious,” Yo-jong said, shaking her head.

“Ms. Kim, you’ll have to forgive me for not believing you,” said Leon as he and Willie closed in to shield Chin-sun. “This young lady came to us of her own volition seeking asylum, and I’m of a mind to grant it.”

“Not your call, Major Parker,” said Suck-chin, stepping up beside Yo-jong. “This is our land, and you arrogant Americans have no say as to our immigration decisions. You may not value the good will that has been gained between the North and the South during these Olympics, but I do. Our nations have signed an agreement to disallow any defections during these games, as I am sure you are aware. Besides, our northern neighbors have behaved most properly in this matter. Ms. Kim came to me in peace seeking my help in finding one of the North Korean Spirit Ambassadors that had gone missing. She is fortunate she only received a minor injury and not anything worse.”

Scott snorted. “Ms. Kim should know. It was one of her own men that did it.”

“Oh dear! Her own handler did this to her?!” Yo-jong gasped. “Major Parker, you have my word that I will personally investigate this matter and find the individual responsible for harming this poor girl. He will face justice for his actions.”

“In any case,” Suck-chin continued, “it is my full intention to allow Ms. Kim to take her citizen back home with her tomorrow as soon as the Olympics come to a close.”

“She came to us seeking asylum!” Leon seethed. “If you won’t grant it, then we’ll bring her back to the United States with us!”

“You will do no such thing,” Yo-jong rebuked him. “That would be considered an act of kidnapping against one of our citizens, an act of extreme aggression. I can assure you that our government would take swift and decisive action against this.”

Suck-chin agreed, “And even if you decided to do this, good luck getting her through customs. The KIS will make sure she cannot leave the country unless it is with her people across the northern border.”

Leon gritted his teeth at hearing this. If Suck-chin had enough influence to ensure Chin-sun couldn’t leave the country, Leon had underestimated his overall power. And with the threat of international kidnapping charges from Kim Yo-jong, they had no means with which to hold Chin-sun.

“You don’t want to do this,” Leon at last seethed.

“Actually, I do,” Suck-chin replied. “Everything I do is with the best interests of my citizenry at heart. To become taken in by the delirious cries of one traumatized girl while incurring the loss of all goodwill with our northern neighbors would not only be irresponsible, it would be stupid. Chin-sun is not granted asylum and will return to her homeland with these representatives of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.”

At that, two men in North Korean jackets entered the room and flanked Kim Yo-jong, who proceeded to push past Leon and Willie. Scott backed himself into a corner, trying to shield a weeping Chin-sun as best he could, but the men soon restrained him and moved him aside. Yo-jong looked at Chin-sun as if she were a long-lost family member, but Scott saw how roughly she grabbed the girl’s arm.

“We will be leaving for home tomorrow. That will be the end of this,” said Yo-jong. “Major Parker, in spite of your hateful demeanor, know that I hold no ill will against you or your nation for the events of this evening. I am only happy to have our beloved Chin-sun back.”

“NO! NO, PLEASE!” Chin-sun cried as she was dragged out the door.

“Let her go!” Scott roared, but it was no use. The men had him pinned. The last thing he saw of Chin-sun was the red ribbon in her hair. Once they were gone, the North Korean goons released him and left to follow. Scott as about to chase after them, but Willie’s firm hand on his shoulder managed to deter him. Once Suck-chin had left, Scott glared at Leon.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Leon said.

“How could you let them do that?!” Scott berated him. “She came to us for help and you threw her back to the most oppressive government in the world!”

“My hands are tied!” Leon insisted. “I never imagined the KIS would be uncooperative! I figured they wouldn’t allow her defection to South Korea due to the treaty, but I thought they’d let us to take her with us. At least now my suspicions are confirmed…”

“What suspicions?” Scott asked, barely managing to avoid strangling Leon.

“I tried not to let on, but I’ve been watching that Suck-chin character for a few years now. His meteoric rise in the KIS has not gone unnoticed, and I’ve long wondered if there was something else behind it all. Now, I’m positive there is.”

“What are you talking about?” said Scott.

Leon sighed. “I think Suck-chin is a North Korean plant.”

“Are you sure, boss?” Willie asked. “I know he’s an ass, but espionage? That’s a serious charge.”

“You didn’t hear it, did you?” Leon grinned. “He slipped up there. No true South Korean would refer to North Korea as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, certainly not in the tone that he did. He almost did so with reverence. Every South Korean I’ve met simply calls it the North, or the DPRK in official matters.”

“So, what are we going to do about this?” Scott wondered. “We’ve got to expose the bastard and get Chin-sun back!”

“I’ll work on a way to expose him, but you need to forget about the girl,” Leon replied. “As much as I want to help her, Suck-chin bested us this time.”

“Bullshit!” Scott spat. “If they get her back to North Korea, they will kill her. I won’t just sit by and let that happen!”

“I sympathize and agree with you, but she’s beyond our reach,” said Leon. “There is nothing I can do to help her at this point.”

“Nothing you can do or nothing you’re willing to do?” Scott shot back.

“You watch your mouth, Erickson! I may not be your direct commander anymore, but I will not hesitate to put you in your place!”

“What happened to you, Leon?” Scott asked in disappointment.

“What are you babbling about?”

“Come on, we all know the rumors. The legendary rescue staged by Lieutenant Leon Parker during his time in the Army Rangers.”

Leon sighed. “That was a lifetime ago. I was young and stupid…”

“And your youth and stupidity led you to rescue two-dozen hostages from the Taliban in a tiny Afghani village,” Scott pressed. “Against orders, I might add.”

“What’s your point?”

“You did what needed to be done, orders be damned, because you knew it was the right thing to do. Leon, don’t try to stop me from doing the same.”

“You know he’s right, Leon,” Willie chimed in.

“Don’t tell me you’re in on this, too!” said Leon in exasperation.

“I’ll follow Scott anywhere on this,” Willie replied. “That girl deserves our help.”

“Jesus Christ… fine. Let’s say hypothetically I decide not to have you both arrested for this. What exactly is your plan? You have no idea where they’ve taken Chin-sun.”

“Maybe not, but we know where she’ll be tomorrow: at the Closing Ceremony,” said Scott.

“Why would they let her go to that?” Leon asked. “They already know she’s a flight risk. Why take the chance of her running?”

“They’ll put her in the very center of the cheerleading squad,” Scott replied. “What safer place to keep her than in the middle of over two-hundred girls brainwashed into absolute loyalty to North Korea? Find the center of the cheerleaders, and that’s where she’ll be.”

“Hmm… all right, I’ll give you that. You know where she’ll be, but how do you plan to get her away from them?”

“All I have to do is catch her eye,” Scott insisted. “Once she sees me, she’ll know I’m there for her. All she has to do is slip away from the group in the mass confusion of everyone leaving the stadium, and we’ll be gone before Kim Yo-jong even knows what happened.”

“In other words, you’re making this up as you go,” Leon sighed.

“Leon, we have to try!”

“Scott, as much as I want to, there’s just too many unknowns. Hell, you’re not even sure you’ll be able to get near her! You’ll be down on the arena floor with the rest of the Olympic athletes!”

“You let me worry about that,” Scott replied with a grin. “Look, Willie goes to scope out the North Korean vehicles during the ceremony, make sure they don’t get ahead of us. While he does that, I’ll stay close to Chin-sun and wait for our chance. Once I’ve got her, all you have to do is come around with the getaway vehicle.”

“We still won’t be able to leave the country with her,” Leon pointed out.

“Maybe not right away, but the North Koreans won’t be able to pursue her, not without overstaying their welcome in enemy territory,” Scott countered.

“He’s right about that,” Willie nodded. “The North Koreans are expected to be out of the country within hours of the Closing Ceremony. They’ll have to keep to that, even if they’re missing a person. And all this will give you time to smooth things over with the KIS and secure Chin-sun’s clearance to leave.”

“Assuming everything doesn’t go to shit!” said Leon. “You two are incorrigible… fine. We’ll give this a shot. But you have to find a way to get close to the North Koreans without being noticed, Scott. If you can’t do that, the deal is off.”

“I’ve got it covered.”


Standing outside room 512, Scott took a deep breath and knocked three times. Several seconds passed, but the door soon opened.

“Hey, Doofus,” said Scott.

“About time you showed up, Bonehead,” replied Tom, greeting his twin brother with a head-slap. “Get your ass in here. If you were as slow on the ice as you are in real life, you’d never even make it to the starting line.”

“Sorry, man. Something came up. That’s actually what I need to talk to you about.”

“Uh oh. Everything ok?”

“Uh… depends.”

Taking a seat on one of the beds, Scott related to his brother the events of the last hour, from meeting Chin-sun to the plan to get her back from the North Koreans. Tom listened in silence, almost unable to believe it was all happening. But with everything he knew about his brother’s inability to walk away from someone in need, he knew it must have happened as he described it.

“Dude… that’s a hell of a story,” Tom said.

“Yeah, and I need your help.”

“What do you need? I mean, I’m not ex-military like you are, so I don’t know what I could do to help.”

“Be me.”

“Oh, hell no…”

“C’mon, Tom! One last time!” Scott pleaded. “Just do this for me and… and I’ll owe you for life. Please. This girl’s counting on me.”

Tom paced the room and considered his brother’s request. Throughout middle school and high school, they would often switch places to try and figure out what people were saying behind their backs. The twins pretended to hate each other in public, but in reality, they were the closest of confidants. But they hadn’t pulled this in years, and never in a situation that could result in jail time should they be discovered.

“What would you need me to do?” Tom asked.

“Nothing special. Just dress as me, hang out with the athletes during the Closing Ceremony, be seen, maybe give an interview or two. All I need is plausible deniability.”

“And when would we switch back?”

“I’m hoping at the airport. But if something goes wrong… it could be once I get back to the States.”

“Are you insane?! You’re asking me to lie to customs!”

“I would never ask if there was any other way. But I’ve run through every scenario in my head, and there’s not. Please, Tom. You’re my only chance.”

Tom stared at his brother before inching into his face and saying, “If I do this and you live through it… you name your kids after me.”

“Dude, you’re full of shit!” Scott laughed.

“Oh, I’m serious,” Tom replied, his smile growing bigger. “And not just your firstborn son; you gotta name all of ‘em after me, boys and girls!”

“That makes no sense!”

“Sure, it does! George Foreman did it with his kids, right?”

“I’ll give you my firstborn son, will that work?” Scott shot back.

Tom pretended to agonize over the decision, finally replying, “Deal.”

After a quick trip to his room to retrieve his belongings, Scott returned to Tom’s room and gave him his instructions for the next day. What clothes to wear, the itinerary for the ceremony, and most importantly of all, his gold medal. Thankfully, both brothers had packed only a single suitcase, allowing Tom to take both bags back to America with him. Tom then gave his passport to Scott and took possession of his brother’s ID.

“One more thing,” said Scott. “If you don’t hear from me within a week of returning to the States… destroy that.”


“I’m serious, Tom. This plan of mine could go south. If it does, destroy my passport and resume your old identity. You’ve still got your driver’s license back home, right?”

“Yeah, I do. But-”

“If something happens to me, you can use that to get another passport,” Scott replied. “You’ll be fine. Just keep your head down and don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

Tom smirked. “And what exactly does that put off limits?”

“Smartass,” Scott snorted.

“Bro, are you sure about this?”

“Yeah… yeah, I am. I promised that girl I’d help her. If they get her back to North Korea, she’ll be dead on arrival. I have to try…”

Tom nodded, seeing the determination in his brother’s eyes. “You be careful out there, Bonehead,” he said, giving him a hug.

“You too, Doofus…”

With that, Tom took all the bags with him and made his way to Scott’s hotel room, ready to assume his identity in the morning. Meanwhile, Scott stripped nude and crawled into bed, knowing he would need his strength for what was to come tomorrow.


“Any movement?” Scott heard Leon say in his earpiece.

“Nothing yet,” Scott replied, whispering casually into the microphone hidden in his coat collar. “Looks like the Spirit Ambassadors are staying put until the official end of the ceremony. Willie, how’s things looking on your end?”

“All quiet. Just the bus drivers and an official or two.”

“Ok, keep us posted.”

Scott took a deep breath and tried his best to keep calm. Two sections over from him sat the North Koreans, the gaggle of cheerleaders in the middle of it all. Though they all wore identical red and blue coats and hats, he knew he would have to find Chin-sun before they started moving. Otherwise, they’d have no chance of getting to her.

“Find Chin-sun… easier said than done…”

Not only were the cheerleaders dressed identically, but they all wore the same style of makeup and had the same hair color, making picking out Chin-sun a daunting task. But after scanning their faces for most of the ceremony, Scott finally saw her. It wasn’t a certainty, but the look of worry and fear in her eyes was unmistakable. Upon closer inspection with his binoculars, Scott could tell that her forehead appeared to have makeup in the same spot where her gash had been the night before. What finally sealed it was when they all removed their hats for the Olympic Anthem, revealing Chin-sun’s signature red ribbon. None of the other cheerleaders had one.

“I’ve got eyes on her,” Scott said.

“Ok, keep it that way and stay close once they start to move,” Leon replied.

Through the rest of the ceremony, Scott maintained eye contact with Chin-sun, hoping against all hope that she would look his way and see him. For the longest time, she only looked straight ahead, but as they were performing one of their hand-clapping routines at the end of the night, she turned his way and saw Scott smiling at her. Chin-sun didn’t know what to think at that point; she had seen Scott on the video board as he entered with the rest of the athletes. All the same, there he was. She had to break eye contact a moment later to continue with the routine, but she found him again the next time they turned his way. This time, Scott pantomimed as if he was jogging, then pointed at his chest. It all happened in an instant; none of the other girls would have been able to see it if they weren’t looking for it, but Chin-sun’s heart leapt. He wanted her to run away with him. She smiled and gave a slight nod just before she had to turn back to face the front.

“I’ve made contact. She saw me,” Scott said.

“You sure?”

“Positive. I sent her a signal that I wanted her to run away with me. She smiled and nodded. She’s on board with this.”

“Holy shit, this may actually work,” Leon chuckled.


As soon as the ceremony ended, Chin-sun glanced over to her left and saw Scott climbing the stairs to the exit ramps. He gave another look in her direction and winked; she could hardly believe it. Her hero was still trying to save her!

“Jigeum idong!”

The rough orders to move from a nearby handler broke her concentration. When they were out of the public eye, every single member of the Spirit Ambassadors had their own individual handler to keep an eye on them. It was nothing short of a miracle that Chin-sun had managed to elude hers the night before. But in a public setting like this one, such a ratio would be counterproductive for two reasons. First, it would distract from the overwhelming display of beauty their squad sought to portray. But more importantly, it would show to the world just how fearful the State was that one of them might run away and defect. This would take away from the narrative that North Korea’s citizens were among the happiest and most loyal in the world. As such, the number of handlers they had for this event was severely reduced.

As she climbed the stadium steps, Chin-sun took inventory of the soldiers mixed in with their group. Though they dressed in plainclothes for the public, these men were some of the most vicious members of their military. There were three soldiers assigned for each row they occupied in the stadium, one to guard each end and one to keep an eye on the middle. With her failed defection the night before, Chin-sun had been placed in the very center of the middle row of cheerleaders, ensuring she was surrounded by as many bodies as possible. But now that they were exiting up the stadium steps single file, there were not as many people blocking her in. She could find an opening to run, but she would need a distraction of some sort. Looking around frantically, she at last saw an opening.

The cheerleader in front of her had tied her shoelaces too loose, and they were now almost undone completely. All Chin-sun had to do was take a large step forward as they walked and step on one of the laces. It came untied with little effort, and the extra second that Chin-sun stood on the lace was more than enough to cause the girl to trip and fall on her face with a yelp. The nearest handler leapt to her aid, kneeling down to help the crying girl. As his back was turned to her, Chin-sun turned and sprinted toward Scott on the other side of the walkway. She clutched her backpack tightly as she ran, knowing her passport, her only chance of leaving the country, was inside. The other girls saw her run and began shouting her name, but she paid them no mind. She knew this was her only chance.

“Chin-sun!” Scott called out, waving his hand overhead.


Chin-sun pushed her way through the crowd of people, inching closer to her hero. All other thoughts flew from her mind in those moments; all she could think of was her final escape from the State. At last, she reached him, and she could not help herself. Without a second thought, Chin-sun threw her arms around Scott’s neck and pressed her lips to his, grateful beyond belief for this man.

“You came back for me,” she said with a smile as they parted.

“I promised I’d help you. I always keep my promises.” Hearing a commotion on the other side of the walkway, Scott took Chin-sun’s hand tightly. “Come on, we have to get out of here!”

The pair took off down the winding ramp leading down from the stadium’s upper deck, sliding past people as quickly as they could. After one level, Chin-sun dared a glance over her shoulder and recognized the man following about thirty feet behind them.

“It’s Song!” she cried out in fear.

“Huh? What?”

“The man with the scar on his face, the one you saved me from. I only know him as Song,” Chin-sun explained. “He follows us!”

“Shit… come on, keep moving!” Speaking into his collar, Scott continued, “Leon, I’ve got her. We’re heading for gate twenty-two. You copy that?”

“Gate two-two. I’ll be there.”

“Good. Be ready for a quick getaway; we’ve got her handler on our tails.”

“Scott? It’s Willie. They’re getting ready to load the girls on the busses over here. Looks like they’ll be taking off soon. I’m heading your way.”

“Copy that.”

They pressed on, continuing to push through bodies as fast as they were able. To Chin-sun’s relief, Song appeared to be having similar difficulties with the crowds, and they soon managed to put some distance between them and him. By the time they reached the main concourse at the bottom of the ramp, Song was still stuck on the level above them. Scott and Chin-sun broke into a jog as the crowds thinned out, and Song knew his quarry was about to escape. Deciding to make one last effort to end this, he took hold of the railing on the concrete ramp and waited for the pair to pass underneath him on their way out. With incredible precision, Song leapt from the second level and landed directly on the couple, tackling Scott to the ground in the process. The two men struggled for a moment, but Song had the clear upper hand and managed to stun Scott with a punch to the jaw.

“That’s for yesterday, Me-gook nom!” Song sneered, calling Scott an American bastard.

While Scott struggled to get to his feet, Song grabbed a dazed and confused Chin-sun and began to drag her off to a nearby parking lot just outside the stadium. She tried to resist, but Song was so much stronger than she was. Tears began to stream down her face as she looked for Scott over her shoulder.



At last regaining his wits, Scott took off after them, but they were too far ahead. By the time he had reached the parking lot, Song had already stuffed Chin-sun into a black sedan and hopped in the driver’s seat himself. Before the car sped off into the snowy night, Scott caught a glimpse of another woman in the car with Chin-sun.


“Scott!” called Leon as he pulled up in a black SUV.

“Leon… she’s gone. Her handler got her. I think she’s in Kim Yo-jong’s personal car.”

“Scott! Leon!” said Willie, jogging up to join them. “What happened? Where’s Chin-sun?”

“Gone,” Scott muttered. “Kim Yo-jong has her.”

“That’s checkmate, then,” Leon sighed.

“The hell it is! We can still catch them!” Scott protested.

“And we’d be arrested for assaulting a foreign diplomat!” Leon countered. “Look, we tried, but they’re gone. I’m sorry, Scott.”

Willie said, “Boss, if I may say so, their car didn’t look equipped to handle this snowy weather with ease. It’s pretty unlikely they’d be able to make good time.”

“Out of the question,” Leon said firmly.

With a heavy sigh, Scott replied, “Leon, I get it. You’re a man who has built his entire career up from scratch all to provide a great life for your family. You can’t have any further part in this. So… just give me the keys.”

“The hell you say, Erickson?” Leon snorted.

“You can tell the Secretary of State I took it from you, that I overpowered you and stole your car. Tell him whatever you want, but I have to go after her,” said Scott. “I made her a promise. I intend to keep it.”

Leon growled and stared daggers at Scott before holding up the key. As Scott reached to take it, Leon held a firm grip for a moment. “If you do this, you’re on your own. You are out of favors, out of help. If you get caught, if anything goes wrong, the U.S. will disavow any knowledge of your actions. You will be thrown to the wolves and you will face criminal charges here… or possibly in North Korea. Do I make myself clear?”

“I understand.”

“And you still plan to do this?” Leon asked.

“I do. Whatever may happen to me is nothing compared to what’ll happen to Chin-sun if I don’t get her back,” Scott replied. As Leon relinquished the key, Scott continued, “I’ll call you when I have her.”

With that, Leon turned and walked away. Scott wasn’t sure, but he could’ve sworn he had seen a tiny grin on Leon’s face. A moment later, he turned to the SUV, but Willie stepped up and swiped the key from him.

“Gimmie. I wanna drive.”

“Huh? Willie, what the hell are you doing?”

“You’re worked up and emotional. I’ll be a better driver. You just ride shotgun and keep an eye out for that car,” he replied with a wink.

Placing a hand on his best friend’s shoulder, Scott said, “Willie, this is a hundred-to-one shot at best. There’s a strong chance I’m gonna die trying to save her.”

“Sounds like you need me, then,” he retorted. “Hop in. We need to move.”


Chin-sun sat in silence next to Kim Yo-jong,

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Freefalling By Elliot Reid My name was Joseph, but now you can call me Jo. I have been through some changes, courtesy of the Medallion. The Medallion appeared out of nowhere. I have no clue how it came to me. One day I didn't have it, the next day it turned up in an old shoebox at the back of the closet. The box was full of junk, the lifetime bric-a-brac you gather like lint; a sewing kit, some nail clippers, a tape measure, lengths of elastic. I was searching for a spare shirt...

2 years ago
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How to cum HANDSFREE

A lot of people have asked me how I manage to cum without hands. Well it has required some training for me. It is of cause important to be horny enough to do it, but it is also important to experience how it feels to cum without hands. Therefore the training is about to get to the state, where you know, that you don't need so much to control yourself to achieve the point of no return using your mind only. Later this control will be easier, because you know the feeling. Here is the training to...

1 year ago
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?It was 3.00pm the rain had eased but was still quite heavy for a summer?s day, it felt cooler than it had for the last few days, and in fact the rain was a welcome change to the heat and humidity of the last week.?Hurry and put the cases in the boot? Pam said. She looked stunning, although it was still raining she was wearing a tight fitting white T shirt, knee length denim skirt tan colored tights and my favourite strappey sandals. As she stood there holding the umbrella bossing me...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 38 INTERLUDE Somewhere in Freespace

The mysterious and dangerous companion of Swybar, who seemed to have dozens of names, faces and disguises, was not so dangerous anymore. Swybar didn’t even bother to check on the true identity as he shoved the body through the energy membrane and watched it float away. He might still have been alive, one never knew the exact effects of Shaill poisons, but his good friend swallowed enough to kill a heard of Petharian. At least that what the merchant had said and it worked. His former...

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Journey OutwardChapter 17 Footloose and Fancyfree

Once we are on the move, Gunga Din pulls out the maps and start marking likely hiding spots. Galahad moans in his sit. I can only guess he is finding the ride on the bumpy side. Until we get to the major road way there is not much I can do. The Kindred tore up the paved road going into the compound, back when the holocaust first happened. Now there are trees and shrubs growing over the path. Even after driving over it a few times in the last month, it is still hard going. "Sorry kid. it...

1 year ago
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My Free Black! Let's face it, sometimes we just don't wanna have to pay for porn and that's why tube sites are perfect. They provide us cheapskate porn lovers with free video clips to wank over as long as you can get past the advertising and popups. My Free Black is a tube site specifically for black porn. Want to watch a cute white chick fucking a black cock? What about black on black hardcore? Everything is here in one easy place and it's so quick to get to the content. If you want to see...

Black Porn Sites
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Free Ones? Well, if it's free, then sign me up! With a nearly infinite amount of porn on the internet to choose from, it can be pretty difficult to navigate. There are billions of videos, millions of different websites, and thousands of porn stars to choose from. How the fuck is one to know which are worth looking into? Well, obviously, does a bang-up job of helping you figure out which sites are worth your time and/or money, so we got ya covered in that department, but what...

Pornstar Databases
1 year ago
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Do you want to flirt 4 free? Do you like to see endless streams of girls doing filthy stuff on camera? Do you want to see it for free? Then Flirt4 Free is the website for you. Yeah, you will have to spend some money if you want to get more than a visual taste of trim. After all, this isn’t an amateur site like Chaturbate. But this professional porn site provides some of the highest quality live sex shows you’ll ever find.Off the Charts Live LadiesThe first thing you need to know about...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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As soon as you go to My Free Cams, aka MFC Cams, before being able to see any of the girls that are currently online (or anything whatsoever), you’ll be asked to verify that you are over 18. Not that you have to actually provide any evidence of that claim. All it takes is clicking either “I am over 18, continue” or “leave.”Yeah, I’m sure that will do the trick to make sure no 16-year-old dudes enter the site…At any rate, at least they make an effort to preemptively save their asses from any...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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YourFreePorn is a domain that sounds like yet another free porn tube. It’s such a perfect fit that I’d bet money was their original plan. It’s actually an amateur site, and it’s not entirely free. (Spoiler alert: you get a few free views per day before you’re suddenly cut off.)The logo at the top calls Your Free Porn “the Best Amateur Site of the Year!” It doesn’t say who gave them the honor, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m less concerned about awards and more about what’s on the menu....

Amateur Porn Sites
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With a name like JustFullPorn, aka Watch XXX Free, aka Watch XXX Free In HD, you know pretty much what you’re going to get before the site even loads. You’re going to be able to watch pornography, and you’re not going to have to pay for it. It’s the classic something-for-nothing model used by all the free porn tubes.Sometimes deals aren’t as great as they seem, though. You can find no-cost smut all over the Internet these days, so you don’t want to waste your time looking at shitty tubes. Does...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Free Arab Sexx! We all need porn tubes in our lives, especially those of us who lack physical affection, intimacy, a healthy social life and at times all three; yes, there are plenty of people in the world who suffer from a lack of acknowledgement and acceptance from those around them, and that’s why porn is here to help us lick our emotional and psychological wounds with some delicious eye-candy that most of the people who watch it would never be able to attain in real life.This is the sad...

Arab Porn Sites
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Free HDx has a name that honestly doesn’t tell you jack shit about what to expect from the site. It could be high-definition xylophone videos for all you know, or maybe torrent files so you can see the next installment of the X-Men franchise. It doesn’t even look like a porn domain, because what kind of half-ass pervert would stop at one X? It’s XXX or nothing, baby, am I right?If you haven’t taken a look yet and you really don’t know, let me fill you in. is an Indian porn site,...

Indian Porn Sites
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Free X Cafe? I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking that finding a good site for the best porn pictures of hot babes is impossible. Moreover, you’re probably thinking that the only way you’re ever going to get some high-res pornstar goodness in image form is by paying for premium sites. I’m here to debunk that shit piece by piece. Not only are you able to find porn pictures for free, as you already know, but there is a site out there that offers high-resolution porn images as...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Free Chat Now! Imagine chatting with sexy bitches at a bar. Not only do you have to come up with some ‘out of this world’ lines they’ve never heard (highly unlikely), you’d also have to keep them interested and entertained long enough before you can get between their legs. You’ll be lucky to fuck an old slut that has knocked a couple of beers, but looking for pussy in this manner may as well be looking for a needle in a haystack.What if I told you that you can chat with sexy people and get your...

Sex Chat Sites
1 year ago
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Have you ever heard about My Free Paysite? Well, now you have, and there are a couple of reasons I decided to tell you about this place. Now, if you have already visited the site, you might be thinking “Why the fuck are you reviewing this place”, but the answer is quite simple; because I think it’s worth to review, and that is the only crap that matters.However, I must say that the person who created the site has probably just come out of the programming school, because that is literally how...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Free O Movie (not freeomovies) sounds like every porn fanatic "go-to" destination. Does this site have free full-length porn movies? Every popular free porn site these days only has short clips that barely give you enough time to get hard let alone jerk off. What happened to the full-length movies that you could pick up at your local smut shop or that curtained-off section of Blockbuster? Those videos were the fucking best. You got a good couple hours of the sluttiest pornstars fucking,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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If you are looking for a quick release, X Free HD may just be what you have been looking for. The domain name says it all; it is a free tube with thousands of free porn videos coming to you in sparkling HD quality, all for fucking free. To tell you the truth, you will hardly find better news elsewhere today.To be exact, there are currently 36,392 XXX videos covering a diverse range of niches spanning from hardcore to the downright weird. The number may obviously be larger by the time you get to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Best And Free! I'll be completely honest I'll hit you with the facts right away: This is one of the simplest websites I've seen in my life, and I'm not even overdoing it when I say this. There are only a few pages that are as basic as this one, and I don't even think that this is a bad thing, seeing as it doesn't take me too long to find whatever the hell I want on, a website that truly does live up to its name. All of the porn that can be seen here is indeed free, but is it...

Porn Aggregators
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Jav Free! If there is one thing that I really, really appreciate, it would be free pornography. It is one of the greatest things that have come out of this day and age. Since the dawn of time, sex had some sort of price most of the time, unless you were a degenerate who would dare seize what he considered to be rightfully his and force himself on a woman. Or, you could stay indoors and fiddle around with your meat rod, though that kind of thing isn't really what most of us consider to be sex....

Asian Porn Sites
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Free Use Porn! Let’s be honest: nearly unlimited access to free porn was one of the things that turned the Internet into a household tool. Sex movies brought everyone and their mom online, and continues to seduce subsequent generations with the allure of no-strings-attached porn streaming. We’re so jaded by the stuff; it’s hard to get us excited with a site name like is yet another free sex tube offering up a nearly endless supply of lesbian tribbing, teen blowjobs...

Fetish Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Reddit FreeUse, aka r/FreeUse! Finally! A fetish I was looking for. Reddit is a place filled with so much random crap that you never know what the fuck you will get to see. Well, r/freeuse/ is a section of Reddit where women get treated as they should. Basically, this subreddit is dedicated to the fetish of doing whatever we want to women, and they just taking it as it is because let’s be honest; that is their job.Of course, none of the shit here is illegal or done against the women’s wishes,...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s better than paying twenty bucks to watch a couple of trailer park bitches slap each other around in your buddy’s back yard? How about free catfights with hot chicks wrestling, groping, grinding and ripping each other’s clothes off on video? That’s kind of the premise of FreeCatfights, or at least what they’re implying with the may be the world’s biggest forum devoted to erotic female wrestling, boxing and fighting. They’ve been around for over a decade now, and...

Porn Forums
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If you like Manga for Free, I’m willing to bet you might be at least a little bit hooked on the internet. Hell, you younger fuckers don’t even remember how hard it was to find X-rated Japanese comics to whack off to a couple of decades ago. The web has made these things easy as hell to get, provided you’ve got a good source. This next joint gets around six million visitors a month, which tells me the weeaboo perverts shaking their dicks at their laptops are pretty goddamn

Hentai Manga Sites
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Xfree popped up on my radar recently as I was looking for some fresh free fap fodder to supplement my usual paysite memberships and OnlyFans subscriptions. I love the typical free tubes as much as the next guy, sure, but as a professional masturbator, I appreciate a good change of pace from time to time. This joint has been blowing up over the past few months, so I had a feeling there was some kind of party going on.The domain has actually been around a long fucking time since the...

TikTok Porn Sites
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Free Scat Porn Tube! Are you looking for a specialized place to visit if you want to look at a fuck ton of poop videos? If so, then you need to take a fucking look at all of the various scat tube sites that are available on a goddamn tube site like Free Scat PornTube. When you need that specialized type of content, you need to know of a proper tube site to visit when you want to see all of that unique fucking shit.So what in the hell are you waiting for? When you want to watch all kinds of...

Scat Porn Sites
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Frees Fans gives away their gimmick in the title, at least if you’ve been jacking off to the internet in the last few years. OnlyFans is the biggest thing to happen in the world of smut since the rise of reality porn in the early ‘00s, so it’s only natural that we’re now seeing a ton of sites trying to ride that wave. Slap the word “free” in the title, and you’re damn near guaranteed to have a huge influx of horny visitors hoping to get a peek at all those pretty girls without signing up for a...

Premium OnlyFans Sites
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The “I” in i Free Chat ain’t an uncommon prefix when it comes to modern branding. Hell, Apple started tacking it onto their products before the dawn of the 21st century, so a lot of you have literally grown up seeing iStuff all over the place. I initially suspected iFreeChat was just another copycat adding the letter for no other reason than making their site sound hip, modern and technological, but the front page of their site set me straight. “Welcome to Free India Sex Chat,” reads the little...

Sex Chat Sites
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Barterin 4 Freedome

Four guards stood clad in leather and weapons outside the dungeon cell. Amelia swallowed as she was escorted down the rest of the stairs. One of the guards produced a key and unlocked the door. She was pushed inside. The door slammed closed behind her and she heard the key turn. Her eyes swung around the cell as she wrinkled her nose. It smelled damp, though it was made of stone, and urine. She was glad to see there were no other prisoners there beside her. Only a tall, long table. What the...

Group Sex
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Skate park quickie Wife with skater boy

We were out enjoying the beautiful weather and doing some shopping. Having dressed for the weather, and being naughty, Erin wore a short summer dress with no bra or panties and with her hair tied back. She looked delicious as always. We made a few stops and as usual I caught men sneaking peeks at her when they thought no one was looking. It was getting very hot out and we were getting hungry so we decided to grab some food to go to a local park area to enjoy our picnic. While we ate we started...

2 years ago
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Skate ParkMud Ridin

The Skate Park---Mud RidinSlipin n slidin, and slingin mud--who don't like a dirty boi, covered in crud ??We arrived at the dirt tracks about 11:00 AM. It was still lightly raining, so I had put the bikini top on the jeep. Dustin helped me get unloaded, and all the gear out. Put on my ridin boots, and chest ptotector. I just left the shirt off---gonna get dirty anyway “) It was about 90 out, warm and muggy. Those pits are gonna really be stinkin after a couple of hours ridin.Kelso and Petroni...

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Defrosting the Freezer

I pulled in. We looked at the appliances, only difference I could see was the name on the front. Sandy and the salesman were deep into a discussion about cubic feet and basket space when I got bored and wandered over to the tools. Fifteen minutes later she was waving me over. "This is it, this is the one I want. Write the check, honey." The one she wanted wasn't an upright. It was huge, a 24 cubic foot chest monster. Literally, it was big enough to hide the body in. That salesman was...

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SRU Time Freeze

SRU: Time Freeze By Zero The usual disclaimer applies, this story contains a lot of sexual content, erotica, and sex scenes. If you're offended by this, please don't read on. ------------------- It was a normal day, and Jack was at the mall. It was a Sunday, which meant he had to go to school the next day, so he figured he'd better enjoy his weekend while it lasted, and what better place than the mall. He was walking towards his favorite joke shop, when he noticed a new...

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Hentai Comics Free

Most mother fuckers who frequent this section of ThePornDude usually cannot get enough hentai comics in their daily read. They binge through every fucking issue from every fucking site that they can think of, yet, find themselves jonesing for another batch of comics to read. Now, you are probably one of those fuckers, but don’t worry; I know exactly what you are feeling, and I have got you covered.Don’t get me wrong; I’m not into all of that. Personally, I’d rather beat off to living, breathing...

Porn Comics Sites
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Let The Dragon Free

I had four hours in between clients and I decided to go for a swim in the middle of the day. This wasn’t normal for me but I decided, fuck it, if I have the time, use it! I’m not sporty at all and you can see it – I’m a little chubby but I’m not bothered by it. I’m in my late twenties, average height and I’ve started to lose my hair. I don’t believe in shaving my body hair either. I couldn’t give a shit about keeping up appearances, I like the way I am. I found a new swimming pool, just a short...

Gay Male
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 18 Freeway

“Why do you want a tracker?” asked Mia. “We can’t find my mum by looking, can we?” “But we can’t plant a tracker on the agents,” Paul pointed out, “they’d notice even if we could get close enough somehow.” “I don’t like the look of that,” Mia was looking at a big off-roader that had come up on their left side. Grace made herself not look. “What is it?” “Big SUV,” said Paul, “Ford Explorer. Gray. Two guys in it, same type as in the lift - big, open shirts, and looking a bit serious....

3 years ago
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Skate or Slave

You've been going to the same skate park ever since you were in high school. It's always been your passion in life, but there's just one problem: Courtney is coming, and this park isn't big enough for the both of you.

1 year ago
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I watched the confused look in his eyes. And the way understanding lit up in them as he read the pieces of paper once more. I was sure he was finding this hard to believe. I was finding this hard to believe. It was my husband Bill's birthday, and I'd decided to come up with something wild. Really wild. And I did : five little tickets, neatly done up on the computer, each one with my own signature under the sentence: Give this ticket to Jeannie Greene and she will immediately and silently...

4 years ago
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Deep Freeze

DEEP FREEZE BY DOROTHY STRANGELOVEThe Present DayShe heard the snap and it crunched in her guts and turned them over.  Elizabeth drew in a breath to stave off the nausea that rose as she didn't have to try hard to envision the scene that lie behind the door : It would be as she imagined. She turned the handle and walked in.  This was the Last Room, at least that was how she saw it - certainly not just because it was at the end of the hall, this was the last thing many saw before the snap of...

3 years ago
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College Time Freeze

I was just a normal guy. Mostly average. Graduated in the middle of my class, played football, basketball, and baseball. Was not a standout, just a position player that did his job. My best friend, Tyler, her was the star. He was on Varsity from Freshman till we graduated. He was Valedictorian, got scholarships to any school he wanted, both for sports and smarts. He dated Kimi, the head cheerleader and was always at all the parties. I was always the “oh, you can come too” invitee. Well, we...

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Three for Free

THREE FOR FREE CHAPTER 1 Michael checked his watch. 1915-the girls would be here soon. He was a bit keyed up, anticipation, nervousness, butterflies- call it what you will this evening could go south in a hurry. He tried to stay calm. “Hey, it’s not like we haven’t been together before.” He mused. “This is just the next step”. He and Barbara had been dating for about 3 months, they certainly hadn’t done it all yet. They frequently were in the company of Barb’s friend Joan and Joan and Michael...

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A BOX OF FREE PANTYHOSE... WELL NOT EXACTLY FREEMy friend Ken called me a few days ago and asked if I was free to help him with a project. I said “Sure, what’s going on?” Ken asked if I would help him pack up his girlfriend’s things. I was taken aback and asked “What do you mean? Pack up Lisa’s things? What’s going on? Ken let out a long, deep sigh and said “It’s over. I’m breaking it off with her. She has been cheating on me and it’s not the first time. It’s over.” I told Ken I’d be right...

2 years ago
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Nothing is free

Nothing In Life is FreeAs the taxi drew into the hotel car park I knew things weren't right. Ihad been promised a five-star vacation but this hotel looked more like apoor motel with faded signage and a complete lack of character. Havingtaken an age to check-in I made my way to the room, opened the door andwas met with a sea of beige and windows looking on towards brick wallsthat cut out all the light to the room. As I walked into the room thefloorboards creaked and I was met with a pungent...

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Nothing is Free

Nothing is Free By Lady in Waiting The mailbox opens. In it waiting is a package. Michael's hand reaches in the mailbox, taking out the package. "Hmm." As he looks at the package he sees that there is no return address on it. He walks back in the house, looking the package over once again. "Get the mail honey?" Asks his wife, Laura. "Yep, nothing but this," he says as he tosses it to her. "I dunno what it is." "Hmm, well, let's find out." Michael walks over and gets...

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