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It was 3.00pm the rain had eased but was still quite heavy for a summer?s day, it felt cooler than it had for the last few days, and in fact the rain was a welcome change to the heat and humidity of the last week.

?Hurry and put the cases in the boot? Pam said.

She looked stunning, although it was still raining she was wearing a tight fitting white T shirt, knee length denim skirt tan colored tights and my favourite strappey sandals. As she stood there holding the umbrella bossing me about I felt in my place, her ordering me around the way she did with that mischievous grin made my cock start to grow.

?When you have put the cases in open the door for me?

?Yes Miss? I replied with a slight raise of my eyebrows.

?I will be driving seeing as you do not know where we are going?

?I thought you said you would tell me before we set off?

?I changed my mind, now do as you are told and open my door? she said as she stood by the drivers door waiting for me to do her beckoning.

I walked over and opened her door and waited for her to slide into the seat, I then shut the door and walked round to the passenger side, I tried the door but it was locked, I tried it again thinking I had not pulled it hard enough, no it was defiantly locked. Pam sat inside looking at me, she turned the ignition key and fired up the Prevail, the passenger window went down slightly. ?Would you like to get in? she said the mischief in her voice as well as her eyes.

?Yes I would now open the bloody door? I was trying to not get annoyed, but I was getting very wet.

?What do you say??

?Please may I get in? I said keeping the anger from my voice.

?I thought this is what you liked darling, me in control and you in your place?

?I do I replied but there is a time and a place?

?Now ask your mistress nicely and I will think about letting you in?

The mischievousness had gone from her voice, I was now unsure; I had not known Pam to act like this before. I thought the best thing to do was just play her little game.

?Please Mistress Pam my I enter your car and get out of this rain? I said in my most pleading voice.

?Come on now you know how much I love my Previa do you think I can let you sit in here with those wet clothes on??

I think I was more confused than annoyed, so just stood there not saying a word.

?Go over to the porch and remove all of your clothes and then I will let you in, big boy.?

I looked over at the porch which we always leave unlocked when we go off for a few days, then I looked around, no one would be able to see me leaving the porch and getting into the Previa. I looked at Pam and then back at the porch; I could not believe I was contemplating doing what Pam had asked. ?Come on hurry up, you know you want too.?

She was right I did want to, although I had butterflies in my stomach I felt a little exited by what I was about to do.

?Leave all of those wet clothes in there and hurry up? she said with an emphasis on the all.

I ran over opened the porch door and stripped naked in the porch I then walked over to the passenger door, it was still locked. ?You can get in the back? she said.

I was in no position to argue and walked to the back door. When we purchased the Previa the rear windows had all been silvered, we had not thought anything of it but it did provide a great degree of privacy because no one could see in.

As I climbed in I noticed a pair of handcuffs fastened to one of the headrests, no not one but two pairs one each side. Before I had chance to ask what they where for Pam said ?put your right hand into the cuff and secure it?

I don?t know why but I did as I was told and locked the cuff around my wrist.

Pam climbed from the front to the back and reached over took my left wrist and secured it to the other cuff. ?Wow you are pleased to see me? she said as she gripped my stiffening cock, ?now spread your legs? I felt the coldness of the steel as it was closed around my ankle, then she pulled my other ankle spreading my legs even further and placed another cuff around it. ?I have never seen you so hard or so helpless? she said looking me in the eye. I dropped my head trying not to look her directly in the eye, I felt embarrassed by how much I was actually enjoying my predicament. ?Look at me she said?

As she placed a finger under my chin and pushed it up until my eyes where level with hers. I felt a mixture of shame, embarrassment and excitement, the only thing betraying my true feelings was my cock, which was now rock solid and twitching as if it had teretts.??

?I told you that I had arranged a special week away for your birthday and believe me I have? She continued as she looked deep into my eyes ?I was not sure you would like it but judging by the state you are in I think you will love it?

?What is going on?? I asked.

Don?t worry for now darling, just sit there and enjoy the experience.?

Pam then produced a blind fold and secured it around my head. ?Don?t worry darling I will take good care of you, now no more questions stay there and wait?

?Well I can?t go anywhere? I said as I pulled against my bonds.

?How long have you been planning this?? I asked as I realized that I could not escape even if I had wanted to.

Pam slid in to the front seat. ?I said no more questions now shut up or I will gag you?

Pam put the Previa into gear and I felt it move slowly forward.

?Whoa I said hold on this is great but you can?t drive around with me like this, people could see me.

?They cant see in from the sides or behind, and from the front it looks as if you are stretching out in the back, so shut up and enjoy being driven around naked chained in the back of my Previa?

The Previa pulled out of our drive and turned left it was hard to try and keep track of where we where going and I gave up after what seemed to be about 30 minutes.

?How much further?? I asked.

No reply

?Excuse me I asked how much further?

?And I said no more questions? Pam turned the radio up.

?But I may need to visit the toilet?

?You best hold it until we arrive, you certainly do not want to make my Previa stink of piss?

?So how much further? I shouted.

The Previa began to slow and then stopped, Pam said nothing but I heard her climb into the back. I could hear her movements but had no idea what she was doing.

?Open your mouth? she said in a firm voice.

I kept my mouth closed until she grabbed hold of my balls, squeezing them she said ?open your mouth unless you want me to keep squeezing?

I opened my mouth, I am into be dominated but not into pain. Pam started to shove something into my mouth, I smelt a familiar smell that started making my cock go hard again, she was pushing her knickers into my mouth, she then released hold of my balls and then tied what I guessed to be her tights around my head securing her knickers in my mouth.

It was as much as I could take I had Pam?s knickers in my mouth, I knew they where the ones she had just been wearing because they where still warm, I could taste her pussy juice on them, so she must have been excited by all that was going on. I also knew that now she was knickerless.

My head was then pulled forward and something tied tightly around my ball bag and cock. I was in heaven.

Now are you going to shut up?

I said nothing, kept still, then Pam grabbed a handful of my hair and made my head bob up and down which pulled on my balls and cock, ?is that a yes?? she said as she moved my head up and down even more. I grunted into the gag.

She let go of my hair. ?Yes? I shouted into the gag it came out more of a muffled ooomm.

Don?t talk just nod for yes and shake your head for no.

I nodded at the same time making my balls bounce up and down.

That?s better, now will you be quiet for the rest of the journey??

I nodded again. ?That?s a good boy, now we will continue the journey and I will ask you questions, you will nod for yes and shake your head for no, and if I don?t think you are nodding or shaking hard enough I will come back here and tie your dick and bollocks so tight it may end up castrating you is that clear??

I nodded, I nodded a lot.

For what seemed like ages Pam asked questions and I nodded or shook my head appropriately. When my response was not vigorous enough she asked if I wanted my balls tied tighter.

I had not been asked a question for quite some time when Pam broke the silence. ?I want a truthful answer ok? she said I nodded She continued ?based upon your answer we will either continue or turn back and I will not go through with what I have planed, is that clear??

I nodded

?Ok listen carefully; I have planed this next week of your life to be everything that I thought you wanted, and yet I am not sure if it is or not. If we go through with it your life will change? no our lives will change. I am not going to tell you exactly what it is but the last couple of hours have been a bit of a taster.?

Not being able to see Pam it was hard to tell how she was feeling about what was about to happen, from the tone of her voice I could tell she was slightly nervous.

I waited for her to continue; only being able to nod and shake my head meant the conversation was going to be very much one way.

Its funny how silence can create such an atmosphere of expectation, the longer it goes on the more you expect it any second to be broken.

Finally Pam spoke. ?We are almost there, it is your decision and I am happy to go along with whatever you decide, just answer yes or no?.

I nodded causing more discomfort in my balls.

?Would you like to be trained as my slave??

My heart skipped a beat my mind was racing, my cock growing my head nodding and all before I had thought about what Pam was saying.

?Ok that?s it you have chosen to go through with my plans? Pam said this swiftly almost as if she didn?t want to give me a chance to change my mind.

?Now be quiet and wait.?

I wanted to ask questions, my mind was full of ifs and buts. My cock on the other hand had decided that it was more than happy to continue.

I could hear the sound of gravel under the tires and noticed that we had slowed down to almost a crawl. I began to sweat, and feel very apprehensive about what was in store. What had Pam meant by would I like to be trained?

We stopped. I heard Pam get out of the Previa and greet some one.

?Valeria how are you? It?s nice to meet you at last?

?Pam I am very well and glad you are hear. Did everything go to plan??

?Yes it went exactly as you said it would?

?That is good news it means you are doing the right thing my dear.?

?Well to be honest I have had my doubts?

?That is exactly as it should be, hold all your questions until the group meeting tonight?

?Ok what time is the meeting??

?The meeting is at 7.30pm in the dinning room. You are in room 69 I will get your bags taken to your room for you so why not unwind from your journey in the lounge and perhaps meet some of our other guests?

?What about Mark shall I unlock him and take him with me??

?No my dear we have keys to the locks I supplied you, we will take care of Mark, he will be in your room in half an hour.?

?I am not sure I should leave him in the predicament he is in?

He will be fine we will do nothing other than prepare him for your arrival, now off you go and have a cup of tea or coffee in the lounge.?

I heard to sets of footsteps head away from where I was leaving me in silence with just my thoughts. Where was this place? Who is Valeria? More importantly what had Pam planed with her?

The door slid open ?Do not move unless I tell you too and when I tell you too move quickly and quietly? Said a softly spoken female.

I felt her reach across and unfasten my wrist, and then she undid the other wrist. ?Place your hands behind your back? she said no sooner had I started to rub them. I did as I was told and she locked a set of cuffs on my wrists. She then unlocked my ankles. ?Ok Mark we are going for a brief walk and then I will make you comfortable? As I stood my balls which where still tied to my head where pulled even tighter. My legs were rather wobbly from having been spread for the last couple of hours and the gravel under my feet caused me to hobble even more which in turn made my balls bounce about like to mad things.

Soon the gravel gave way to stone and it was much easier to walk. I now began to think about my situation. I was naked with my hands locked behind my back I was blindfolded, had my wife?s worn knickers in my mouth and her tights where being used to hold in her knickers and also tie my cock and balls keeping my cock semi hard. All this and being lead by a woman who I had never seen let alone met before.

Soon I was being lead up some stone stairs, then I felt carpet under my feet. My chaperone said ?Stand still? I did as I was told and heard her unlocking a door.

The door swung I stood waiting then she grabbed hold of whatever was tied around my balls and pulled me forward, not hard but just enough to make me move. She turned around and closed the door, I heard her lock it and then she proceeded to lead me further into the room.

?Get onto your knees? she said. Her voice was not demanding in fact it was gentle very controlled, yet I found I obeyed her. Before I knew what was happening I was being forced forwards on my hands and knees. ?Sit very still? she said ?In a moment I will unlock your hands, you will then be free to untie your cock and remove your blindfold but you must wait until you hear me leave the room.?

I heard another door close a metallic clank as a lock was turned, then my hands where unlocked, I rubbed my wrists as I listened to her walk across the room and unlock the door she then opened the door and left locking it behind her.

I removed my blindfold and saw that I was in a 3ft by 3ft metal cage, bolted securely to the floor at the bottom o a four poster bed. I then removed the gag, smelling the scent on Pam?s knickers yet again had a strange effect on my cock, which I reluctantly untied.

I tried the door knowing that it would be locked, but just to confirm my thoughts. I also tried pulling the bars apart, lifting the cage from the floor, all my efforts were fruitless; I was securely locked at the foot of a beautiful four poster. I started thinking how nice it would be to be tied to it while Pam teased me; my hand started rubbing my cock while my free hand started to play with my nipple. Just then from a door I had not noticed Pam and another lady entered the room they both looked straight at my rock solid cock in my hand.

?You see Pam he loves being where he is even with all that has happened he is horny as hell.?

Pam stood looking at me in my new cage, I looked at her but could not hold her stare I lowered my head, and released my cock. I felt like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar

The other lady spoke ?Don?t be embarrassed Mark if you want to have a wank you go ahead.? She turned around and walked over to a chest of drawers in the corner ?Pam? she called. Pam went over as the lady opened one of the drawers.

?In here you will find all kinds of restraints that you may find useful? as she opened the next draw down she said ?in here you will find lots of toys that you will find useful for punishments? she opened the last draw and said ?and in here you will find all sorts of things for your own pleasure?

As she walked over to the wardrobe she said ?if you would like instruction on how to get the best out of any of those items please ask and I will ensure you get proper instruction in the best way to use them?.

Pam was still looking at the array of items in the drawers.

?In here Pam are a few outfits, shoes and boots that you may like to wear?

Pam walked over and looked in the wardrobe which was huge she pulled out a hanger with a short leather dress on it and put it against her body then turned and looked in the mirror, ?I thought this week was all about Mark? she said.

?Oh it is dear, but he already knows how to act we will just make that even better for him, but it is you that needs training in the proper way, so that you are able to fully understand Marks needs?

?So I am to receive training like Mark?

?No Pam your training will be in how to pleasure Mark so in fact this week is all about Mark?

?I am not sure I understand? said Pam.

?If you understood Pam you would have no need of my services, you are not alone as you know there are this week 5 couples here for training purposes, and over the years we have trained hundreds of couples?

I sat in my cage listening to them talking as if I was not here. I could see Pam was looking a little confused.

?Valerie I have to trust you, and I do I will try and do what ever you say?

?That?s all I ask of you Pam just have faith in my methods, they work I have hundreds of satisfied clients and not one complaint?

Valerie walked over to the other door and removed a chain attached to a stainless steel collar. ?Now Mark will have to wear this collar at all times, I hold all the keys and will not remove it until the end of the week or you both decide to leave? She walked over to me in my cage and called me to her ?Put your head over here? she reached in and placed the collar around my neck then snapped shut the lock.

Pam the lead is detachable but whenever you are taking Mark anywhere he must be cuffed and on a lead, is that clear?

Pam was still looking through the amazing amount of clothing in the wardrobe, she walked over. ?Oh I like him wearing that it makes him look so cute?

?Hands behind your back? said Valerie I obliged and she locked the cuffs in place.

?Here Pam you hold the leash, the key to the cage is over here? she said as she walked over to the dressing table. Valerie returned with the key and unlocked the cage.

?Now we will take him and have the control device fitted.?

Valerie led the way followed by Pam and then me cuffed, collared and naked.

I was lead into a large dinning room, and was surprised to see several women sitting at a long dinning table, each woman held a leash in their hand; the leashes disappeared under the table.

I felt very vulnerable my cock was still semi erect sticking out in front of me like an obscene pointing device.

"Ok Pam you will sit here" said Valerie as she pulled a chair from under the table.

"Please ensure that Mark remains under the table during the meeting"

Pam pointed for me to get under the table. I went down onto my knees, which is not easy without the use of your hands, and shuffled under the table. I was amazed at the sight before my eyes; three naked men and one naked woman all had their hands behind secured behind? their backs, all where looking down and obviously? felt very uncomfortable being naked under the table with other people present.

Pam sat in the chair and tugged on my leash pulling my head towards her lap. Her skirt had risen reaviling her naked thighs, I couldn't quite see her pussy but knew she still had no knickers on; my cock became hard again as I heard Valerie address the people sitting at the table.

"Ladies I would like to cordially welcome you here, to freebound manor, we will endeavour to help you and your partners gain the most from this week.?

Pam pulled my leash forcing my head closer to her pussy it was as if she needed some reassurance from me that everything was ok. I could feel the heat from her groin on my face; I kissed her warm soft thigh and lost myself in a wonderful feeling of euphoria.

My mind switched off and I reviled in my feeling. I paid no attention to Valerie's welcome speech, nor to the other people under the table. If I woke and found myself in heaven I could be happy for the rest of eternity.

I was quickly bought back to reality as Pam gave a quick tug on my leash and stood up leaving me to almost? fall flat on my face, luckily Pam held the leash preventing me making a complete fool of myself.

I wished now that I had listened to the speech so I had some idea as to what was going on. I trusted that Pam knew and so just followed behind her, not that I had any choice. We were all lead from the dinning room through a set of double doors into a beautiful pool area, it resembled an oasis with palm trees and d?cor to match. The pool itself was quite large and heart shaped. "Now ladies your partners are forbidden to use this pool but if you would please follow me? Valerie spoke very matter of factly as she circumnavigated the beautiful pool. We must of looked like a slave train passing through an oasis on our way to be sold at market, each naked slave cuffed and being lead by their female master.

"Here is the pool that all of your partners must swim in" we wear standing in front of a much smaller pool that in comparison to the larger pool looked like a pond, the water had a slight yellow? tinge and didn't smell that good.

"Now ladies it is your job to ensure that your partner wears one of these while in this pool" Valerie took hold of a plastic collar which looked like something a dog would wear after a visit to the vet.

"These will protect your partner?s eyes from the chemicals in the water" as she was talking she fastened the collar around my neck.

"Once the collar is secured you may introduce your partner into the pool" she took my leash from Pam and started to guide me down the steps of the pool, she walked by the side as she guide me further into the pool.

"your partners should bathe here twice a day fir no longer than 3 minutes" as Valerie was talking I felt a slight warmth all over my body not a warmth from the water which was very cold more of a prickly warmth the kind you get from stinging nettles.

"The chemicals in this pool will remove all bodily hair, prolonged use will result in the hair being removed permanently" the heat was now becoming quite intense and I would have itched had my hands not been cuffed. Valerie continued to walk me towards the other end of the pool had I been able to see properly I would have ran to the other end but I had to walk at a snails pace being more held back by my leash than lead.

It was with great relief that my feet felt steps beneath me. As I begun to emerge on the other side of the pool my whole body felt on fire.

As you can now all see he is completely hairless" said Valerie as she unbuckled the plastic collar. Being naked was one thing but standing in front of all those people naked and hairless made me feel as if my whole soul was on view. The effect on those watching was a mixture of hushed giggles to in drawn breaths of dread as people realized what was about to happen to them.

If any of you ladies fancy being hairless feel free to use this pool but remember if you use it as I have instructed for your partners you will forever be hairless"

As Valerie spoke she beckoned Pam to take back my leash.

Take him down the hallway to the room on the right while I supervise the others" she said as Pam took my leash and lead me through a door and down the corridor. The cool air of the corridor helped too cool my skin which now felt quite cool. It looked very strange seeing my body devoured of all hair, Pam noticed me looking and laughed "now you know how I felt the first time you insisted I shave my pussy, don't worry you?ll get used to it.? I found myself standing with Pam outside a door with a sign saying "Fitting Room". Pam knocked on the door and was beckoned in by a green flashing light just to the right of the door.

As I entered the room behind Pam my mind flashed back to a childhood memory of visiting the dentist; the room was painted bright white, there was a chair in the middle of the small room that resembled a dentist chair but had two attachments that looked like footrests and a large metal hoop fixed to the top of the headrest. My eyes went from the chair to the woman standing at the small work surface. She was wearing a black roll neck jumper that was stretched tightly across her ample tits, a very short black leather skirt and a pair of black boots with the highest heels I had ever seen. The contrast of the black leather against the flesh of her white thighs held my attention for longer than Pam liked, she gave a quick tug on my leash.

"Hi I am Amber" she said. Her hair was cut in a strict bob, her makeup heavy, she looked like a top class hooker dressed to attract. I couldn't help staring and again Pam tugged on my leash.

"Don?t worry after have finished that will be all under control"

Amber moved behind me and grabbing the cuffs unlocked one wrist then swiftly pulled me over to the chair and sat me in it. Before I had chance to think my hands where once again cuffed only this time above my head with the chain passing through the iron ring. As I looked up and realized my situation Amber secured each of my legs in one of the footrests she then proceeded to swing the footrests apart until I felt I was going to split in half. I tried to close my legs but they were held firmly in place.

"He is quite big, probably a large" said Amber as she took hold of my scrotum and placed her fingers around the base if my cock.

She dropped my cock, opened a draw and removed a ring.

"this device is based upon the CB300 which is great for locking away men's cocks, we have made a few modifications, which I have to say are my ideas" as she spoke she placed the hinged ring around the base of my cock at the back of my balls she then squeezed the ring shut. It felt incredibly tight.

Amber continued talking to Pam while I tried to deal with the tightness around by tackle.

"firstly we have made this ring from stainless steel which once I fit this bolt l which can only be removed by being drilled, unless you have the proper tool. The bolt is in such a position that he will not be able to drill it himself, not only that but this steel has been especially treated so you would require special equipment to remove it"
Amber bent down and? went to work between my legs, as she stood she said "there locked on for ever"

She turned round and from the draw removed a small metal pin, a lock and something resembling a plastic cock. "This pin is made from the same steel? as the bolt which makes it incredibly difficult to cut" as she was speaking Amber placed the pin in the central hole located at the top of the ring around my tackle, which was now rock hard.

"Ok now we need to deal with this" she said as she playfully slapped my cock. Amber removed a small packet from the draw and proceeded to unwrap a condom. "Do you want to do this or shall I" she said as she began to expertly unroll the condom over my cock.

"You seem to be very efficient Amber and also I think I would like to watch" I couldn't believe those words had come from Pam. Amber opened a cupboard and removed a magic wand massager which she plugged in and held firmly on the top of my cock pressing it firmly against my stomach. My instant reaction was to try and push it away butt with my hands cuffed above my head and my legs securely held wide apart all I could do was grind my arse into the chair. It was not through pain but the shear intensity the device caused in my cock, I knew it would make me come and come very quickly. "After he comes it will be much easier to fit the shield" said Amber as she expertly held the wand in place anticipating my every move. My whole body went rigid and I emptied my come into the condom. Amber held the wand against my cock watching me writhe to try and get away from it. "Please stop" I cried "please no more" Amber removed the wand and looked almost disappointed. "That didn't take long" She said as she removed the condom and discarded it in the bin. She produced a sterile wipe and wiped my cock.

"That was the fastest I have ever seen him come" said Pam.

"No man ever lasts long with that baby, there is one in every room" she looked at Pam with a knowing grin "they are really great if you just want to clean out his pipe work, simple, efficient and he gets the minimum amount of enjoyment"

Amber now worked some lube into the shield and slid it over my very flaccid cock. The pin she had placed in the ring around my tackle located in a hole at the top of the shield, two further pins located into two holes in the ring. Amber squeezed the ring and shield together and placed a small lock through the pin securing everything in place.

"Now he can do everything he needs too do locked in there except get hard" Said Amber as she passed Pam a small key.

"Can I choose to let him out when I want?" asked Pam

"Sure you can but Valerie likes to keep them locked away for the first few days just so they get used wearing it". Pam was looking at my tackle locked away more secure than the crown jewels. "Is it uncomfortable?"

"Most men don't complain but some have discomfort in the morning until they get used to it."

"And it won't harm him in any way?" Pam asked as she inspected the device.

"He should be allowed some freedom now and again and as long as you keep everything clean there should be no problem"

"The thought of him locked away like that, unable to even

touch his own cock without my consent; I am enjoying this more than I thought I would" said Pam with a big smile on her face.

"wait till you get the new extra darling" said Amber "that will really shock you" Amber laughed.

"When do I get the extra" Pam emphasised the extra and laughed.

"All in good time, Valerie thought it best to let them get used to this first" said Amber as she checked her handy work. Satisfied Amber released my legs which were now aching from the strain.

"now take him back to your room and leave him inside uncuffed" said Amber as she reached up and unlocked my hands.

"When I am finished here I will meet you all for a night cap in the lounge"

"That would be great" replied Pam as she watched Amber re-secure my wrists behind my back.

I was lead by Pam back to our room. Pam closed the door "how do you feel now darling?"

How did I feel? Everything has happened so fast I had not thought about how I felt.

As Pam removed my cuffs I started to recall the events of the day. I stood in silence rubbing my wrists; I didn't know where to start. I had felt excited, helpless humiliated, even I guess a little afraid, Pam broke my train of thought. "You have hardly spoken all day, is this not what you have wanted"

"I'm not sure Pam, its one thing playing at being your slave but this" I said testing the security of the chastity device now attached to my tackle. "I don't know, and no bodily hair, as much as it feels in a weird way very sexy, how will I use the gym?"

"Mark I don't know what it is that you get out of all of this but I feel very turned on seeing you like that, and thinking about having complete control of your cock Blows my mind"

Pam walked over and removed a red riding crop from one of the draws. I stood motionless. I had asked Pam in the past to whip me, not severely but just enough for me to have a red arse for a while; it was something she couldn't bring herself to do. As she walked towards me she swung her hips sexily. "Do you know Because you wouldn't shut up earlier I have no knickers on" she said as she raised her skirt revealing her soft thighs and delightful pussy, which she thrust forwards slightly. She then use

?The leather tip of the crop to gently rub her pussy lips. "knees" she said as she now started to rub the crop in a circular motion on her clit. I dropped to my knees without taking my eyes off of her pussy.

"crawl over to the bed" her voice now more urgent, more demanding. I turned and began crawling over to the bed.

"Stop, spread your legs" she demanded as she ran the crop over the cheeks of my arse, gently teasing, then she lifted the crop and bought it down on my left cheek making me suck in air. Whack, right cheek, whack, whack, left, right, my arse was stinging. They had not been powerful blows, but had a more powerful effect than anything I had ever experienced.

"Get on the bed" demanded Pam.

She walked over and removed some leather straps from one of the draws, then proceeded to tie my legs together, with another strap she secured them to one corner of the four poster.

"Hands up" she demanded.

I quickly obliged and stretched my arms above my head. Pam tied them at the wrist and then secured them to the top of the bed stretching me diagonally across the large four poster.

She walked over and removed something from the bottom draw, came over and climbed on the bed.

"I am going to be fucked by your tongue and if I am not pleased with your effort I will whack the tops of your legs. Pam sat facing my feet straddling my face her arse inches from mouth.

"put your tongue out and lick my arse"

I licked her arse and was rewarded with a slap across each thigh.

"Now I want to come down your tongue, I want to use your tongue like a cock. She manoeuvred her pussy onto my mouth.

"now fuck me for all you are worth"

?I licked sucked and poked my tongue in and out of Pam?s pussy as she massaged her clit with some kind of vibrator. It was not long before Pam came, trembling as she forced her pussy down onto my face, almost as if she wanted to eat me with her pussy.

Whack, whack one stinging blow across each thigh.

"That is your reward, not punishment" said an exhausted Pam.
"now you wait there while I shower and change."

Pam disappeared into the bath room leaving me tied to the bed, she was right, it was a reward, I closed my eyes and relaxed, I didn't try and fight my bonds I wanted to enjoy them, to savour them, this was exactly what I wanted. My thighs still stung my arse had a warm glow I could still taste Pam?s pussy on my lips.

I must have drifted off in my mind for the next thing I remember was being startled as Pam untied my hands.

She was now wearing her skinny jeans and a tight black tee shirt strappy sandals replaced by black ankle boots.

I have been told to lock you in the room but leave you free, so you may untie your legs when I leave I don't know when I will be back but when I do return you will be making me come again"

She kissed me on the lips grabbed hold of the chastity device and shook it. "no wanking while I am away? she said laughing.

Pam left and I untied my legs as I listened to her locking the door.

I went in the bath room to pee but found it impossible to do standing up so resigned to the fact that I would now have to sit to pee.

While sitting on the throne I tested the devices security. I was unable to pull the thing off; I could not touch my cock although my Balls seemed more vulnerable as they where forced forward by the ring. I had already discovered whilst being face fucked by Pam that any chance of a hard on was out of the question.

I decided to look around the room exploring the draws first. There where vibrators, dildos, butt plugs whips, paddles crops, straps chains and cuffs. If Pam was going to be trained in how to use all of them, my life could become very challenging. Next I looked inside the wardrobe, it had rails and rails of clothing; short skirts, long skirts, dresses, items made from silk, leather, pvc and rubber. One wall was covered in a large shoe rack, I had never seen so many sexy shoes each pair was available in at least three and some as many as six different sizes. Nearly all where black or red with high heels. I couldn't resist taking a pair of red sandals in a size eight and putting them on. They where extremely high with a narrow strap across the toes and two wider straps that went around the ankle. My cock strained inside its prison. I felt very turned on as I walked around the room teetering on my new high heels. I walked over to the full length mirror and stood admiring my arse and legs, I couldn't help playing with my nipples, if I could have git to my cock I would have wanked while walking in

My shoes. I walked over to the wardrobe hopping to find what I was looking for. In a pull out draw I found them, stockings, all new still packaged, I selected a pair of lace topped hold ups in black with seems, quickly I unbuckled the shoes and pulled a silky stocking onto my hairless leg, the sensation was amazing, I pulled on the other one and went back to the mirror. Although I hadn't got the seems quite straight, it didn't take anything away from the way I felt. I looked at myself standing naked, not a single hair on my body, my cock locked away wearing stockings, only thing missing was the shoes, I strapped them back on. I felt amazing I walked around the room looking at myself whenever I passed the mirror. I laid down on the bed and played with my nipples crossing my legs and enjoying the feeling of my legs in the stockings. This had been a super day, and if Pam came back feeling randy may be she would want to feel my cock inside her.

I don't know how long it had been but I didn't want Pam to catch me looking like this so with some reluctance I removed the shoes and put them back, slid off the stockings and hid them in the draw underneath all the others hopping they wouldn't be discovered.

I went back and laid on the bed, thoughts of stockings, shoes and thigh boots filled my mind as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I was woken by Pam pinching my nipples. ?Hey come on darling you can sleep later I need you to make me come with that tongue of yours.?

Pam stripped off as I tried to quickly focus my eyes on her glorious body. I was tired but horny as hell. The chastity device was causing my cock and balls to strain, but denying the ability to achieve an erection. Pam lay on her back and I crawled between her legs nuzzling my mouth to her pussy, I licked and sucked for all I was worth until finally Pam?s orgasm arrived, a long slow deep orgasm. I just lay there cleaning Pam?s pussy and do not remember falling asleep.



It was 3.00pm the rain had eased but was still quite heavy for a summer?s day, it felt cooler than it had for the last few days, and in fact the rain was a welcome change to the heat and humidity of the last week.

?Hurry and put the cases in the boot? Pam said.

She looked stunning, although it was still raining she was wearing a tight fitting white T shirt, knee length denim skirt tan colored tights and my favourite strappey sandals. As she stood there holding the umbrella bossing me about I felt in my place, her ordering me around the way she did with that mischievous grin made my cock start to grow.

?When you have put the cases in open the door for me?

?Yes Miss? I replied with a slight raise of my eyebrows.

?I will be driving seeing as you do not know where we are going?

?I thought you said you would tell me before we set off?

?I changed my mind, now do as you are told and open my door? she said as she stood by the drivers door waiting for me to do her beckoning.

I walked over and opened her door and waited for her to slide into the seat, I then shut the door and walked round to the passenger side, I tried the door but it was locked, I tried it again thinking I had not pulled it hard enough, no it was defiantly locked. Pam sat inside looking at me, she turned the ignition key and fired up the Prevail, the passenger window went down slightly. ?Would you like to get in? she said the mischief in her voice as well as her eyes.

?Yes I would now open the bloody door? I was trying to not get annoyed, but I was getting very wet.

?What do you say??

?Please may I get in? I said keeping the anger from my voice.

?I thought this is what you liked darling, me in control and you in your place?

?I do I replied but there is a time and a place?

?Now ask your mistress nicely and I will think about letting you in?

The mischievousness had gone from her voice, I was now unsure; I had not known Pam to act like this before. I thought the best thing to do was just play her little game.

?Please Mistress Pam my I enter your car and get out of this rain? I said in my most pleading voice.

?Come on now you know how much I love my Previa do you think I can let you sit in here with those wet clothes on??

I think I was more confused than annoyed, so just stood there not saying a word.

?Go over to the porch and remove all of your clothes and then I will let you in, big boy.?

I looked over at the porch which we always leave unlocked when we go off for a few days, then I looked around, no one would be able to see me leaving the porch and getting into the Previa. I looked at Pam and then back at the porch; I could not believe I was contemplating doing what Pam had asked. ?Come on hurry up, you know you want too.?

She was right I did want to, although I had butterflies in my stomach I felt a little exited by what I was about to do.

?Leave all of those wet clothes in there and hurry up? she said with an emphasis on the all.

I ran over opened the porch door and stripped naked in the porch I then walked over to the passenger door, it was still locked. ?You can get in the back? she said.

I was in no position to argue and walked to the back door. When we purchased the Previa the rear windows had all been silvered, we had not thought anything of it but it did provide a great degree of privacy because no one could see in.

As I climbed in I noticed a pair of handcuffs fastened to one of the headrests, no not one but two pairs one each side. Before I had chance to ask what they where for Pam said ?put your right hand into the cuff and secure it?

I don?t know why but I did as I was told and locked the cuff around my wrist.

Pam climbed from the front to the back and reached over took my left wrist and secured it to the other cuff. ?Wow you are pleased to see me? she said as she gripped my stiffening cock, ?now spread your legs? I felt the coldness of the steel as it was closed around my ankle, then she pulled my other ankle spreading my legs even further and placed another cuff around it. ?I have never seen you so hard or so helpless? she said looking me in the eye. I dropped my head trying not to look her directly in the eye, I felt embarrassed by how much I was actually enjoying my predicament. ?Look at me she said?

As she placed a finger under my chin and pushed it up until my eyes where level with hers. I felt a mixture of shame, embarrassment and excitement, the only thing betraying my true feelings was my cock, which was now rock solid and twitching as if it had teretts.??

?I told you that I had arranged a special week away for your birthday and believe me I have? She continued as she looked deep into my eyes ?I was not sure you would like it but judging by the state you are in I think you will love it?

?What is going on?? I asked.

Don?t worry for now darling, just sit there and enjoy the experience.?

Pam then produced a blind fold and secured it around my head. ?Don?t worry darling I will take good care of you, now no more questions stay there and wait?

?Well I can?t go anywhere? I said as I pulled against my bonds.

?How long have you been planning this?? I asked as I realized that I could not escape even if I had wanted to.

Pam slid in to the front seat. ?I said no more questions now shut up or I will gag you?

Pam put the Previa into gear and I felt it move slowly forward.

?Whoa I said hold on this is great but you can?t drive around with me like this, people could see me.

?They cant see in from the sides or behind, and from the front it looks as if you are stretching out in the back, so shut up and enjoy being driven around naked chained in the back of my Previa?

The Previa pulled out of our drive and turned left it was hard to try and keep track of where we where going and I gave up after what seemed to be about 30 minutes.

?How much further?? I asked.

No reply

?Excuse me I asked how much further?

?And I said no more questions? Pam turned the radio up.

?But I may need to visit the toilet?

?You best hold it until we arrive, you certainly do not want to make my Previa stink of piss?

?So how much further? I shouted.

The Previa began to slow and then stopped, Pam said nothing but I heard her climb into the back. I could hear her movements but had no idea what she was doing.

?Open your mouth? she said in a firm voice.

I kept my mouth closed until she grabbed hold of my balls, squeezing them she said ?open your mouth unless you want me to keep squeezing?

I opened my mouth, I am into be dominated but not into pain. Pam started to shove something into my mouth, I smelt a familiar smell that started making my cock go hard again, she was pushing her knickers into my mouth, she then released hold of my balls and then tied what I guessed to be her tights around my head securing her knickers in my mouth.

It was as much as I could take I had Pam?s knickers in my mouth, I knew they where the ones she had just been wearing because they where still warm, I could taste her pussy juice on them, so she must have been excited by all that was going on. I also knew that now she was knickerless.

My head was then pulled forward and something tied tightly around my ball bag and cock. I was in heaven.

Now are you going to shut up?

I said nothing, kept still, then Pam grabbed a handful of my hair and made my head bob up and down which pulled on my balls and cock, ?is that a yes?? she said as she moved my head up and down even more. I grunted into the gag.

She let go of my hair. ?Yes? I shouted into the gag it came out more of a muffled ooomm.

Don?t talk just nod for yes and shake your head for no.

I nodded at the same time making my balls bounce up and down.

That?s better, now will you be quiet for the rest of the journey??

I nodded again. ?That?s a good boy, now we will continue the journey and I will ask you questions, you will nod for yes and shake your head for no, and if I don?t think you are nodding or shaking hard enough I will come back here and tie your dick and bollocks so tight it may end up castrating you is that clear??

I nodded, I nodded a lot.

For what seemed like ages Pam asked questions and I nodded or shook my head appropriately. When my response was not vigorous enough she asked if I wanted my balls tied tighter.

I had not been asked a question for quite some time when Pam broke the silence. ?I want a truthful answer ok? she said I nodded She continued ?based upon your answer we will either continue or turn back and I will not go through with what I have planed, is that clear??

I nodded

?Ok listen carefully; I have planed this next week of your life to be everything that I thought you wanted, and yet I am not sure if it is or not. If we go through with it your life will change? no our lives will change. I am not going to tell you exactly what it is but the last couple of hours have been a bit of a taster.?

Not being able to see Pam it was hard to tell how she was feeling about what was about to happen, from the tone of her voice I could tell she was slightly nervous.

I waited for her to continue; only being able to nod and shake my head meant the conversation was going to be very much one way.

Its funny how silence can create such an atmosphere of expectation, the longer it goes on the more you expect it any second to be broken.

Finally Pam spoke. ?We are almost there, it is your decision and I am happy to go along with whatever you decide, just answer yes or no?.

I nodded causing more discomfort in my balls.

?Would you like to be trained as my slave??

My heart skipped a beat my mind was racing, my cock growing my head nodding and all before I had thought about what Pam was saying.

?Ok that?s it you have chosen to go through with my plans? Pam said this swiftly almost as if she didn?t want to give me a chance to change my mind.

?Now be quiet and wait.?

I wanted to ask questions, my mind was full of ifs and buts. My cock on the other hand had decided that it was more than happy to continue.

I could hear the sound of gravel under the tires and noticed that we had slowed down to almost a crawl. I began to sweat, and feel very apprehensive about what was in store. What had Pam meant by would I like to be trained?

We stopped. I heard Pam get out of the Previa and greet some one.

?Valeria how are you? It?s nice to meet you at last?

?Pam I am very well and glad you are hear. Did everything go to plan??

?Yes it went exactly as you said it would?

?That is good news it means you are doing the right thing my dear.?

?Well to be honest I have had my doubts?

?That is exactly as it should be, hold all your questions until the group meeting tonight?

?Ok what time is the meeting??

?The meeting is at 7.30pm in the dinning room. You are in room 69 I will get your bags taken to your room for you so why not unwind from your journey in the lounge and perhaps meet some of our other guests?

?What about Mark shall I unlock him and take him with me??

?No my dear we have keys to the locks I supplied you, we will take care of Mark, he will be in your room in half an hour.?

?I am not sure I should leave him in the predicament he is in?

He will be fine we will do nothing other than prepare him for your arrival, now off you go and have a cup of tea or coffee in the lounge.?

I heard to sets of footsteps head away from where I was leaving me in silence with just my thoughts. Where was this place? Who is Valeria? More importantly what had Pam planed with her?

The door slid open ?Do not move unless I tell you too and when I tell you too move quickly and quietly? Said a softly spoken female.

I felt her reach across and unfasten my wrist, and then she undid the other wrist. ?Place your hands behind your back? she said no sooner had I started to rub them. I did as I was told and she locked a set of cuffs on my wrists. She then unlocked my ankles. ?Ok Mark we are going for a brief walk and then I will make you comfortable? As I stood my balls which where still tied to my head where pulled even tighter. My legs were rather wobbly from having been spread for the last couple of hours and the gravel under my feet caused me to hobble even more which in turn made my balls bounce about like to mad things.

Soon the gravel gave way to stone and it was much easier to walk. I now began to think about my situation. I was naked with my hands locked behind my back I was blindfolded, had my wife?s worn knickers in my mouth and her tights where being used to hold in her knickers and also tie my cock and balls keeping my cock semi hard. All this and being lead by a woman who I had never seen let alone met before.

Soon I was being lead up some stone stairs, then I felt carpet under my feet. My chaperone said ?Stand still? I did as I was told and heard her unlocking a door.

The door swung I stood waiting then she grabbed hold of whatever was tied around my balls and pulled me forward, not hard but just enough to make me move. She turned around and closed the door, I heard her lock it and then she proceeded to lead me further into the room.

?Get onto your knees? she said. Her voice was not demanding in fact it was gentle very controlled, yet I found I obeyed her. Before I knew what was happening I was being forced forwards on my hands and knees. ?Sit very still? she said ?In a moment I will unlock your hands, you will then be free to untie your cock and remove your blindfold but you must wait until you hear me leave the room.?

I heard another door close a metallic clank as a lock was turned, then my hands where unlocked, I rubbed my wrists as I listened to her walk across the room and unlock the door she then opened the door and left locking it behind her.

I removed my blindfold and saw that I was in a 3ft by 3ft metal cage, bolted securely to the floor at the bottom o a four poster bed. I then removed the gag, smelling the scent on Pam?s knickers yet again had a strange effect on my cock, which I reluctantly untied.

I tried the door knowing that it would be locked, but just to confirm my thoughts. I also tried pulling the bars apart, lifting the cage from the floor, all my efforts were fruitless; I was securely locked at the foot of a beautiful four poster. I started thinking how nice it would be to be tied to it while Pam teased me; my hand started rubbing my cock while my free hand started to play with my nipple. Just then from a door I had not noticed Pam and another lady entered the room they both looked straight at my rock solid cock in my hand.

?You see Pam he loves being where he is even with all that has happened he is horny as hell.?

Pam stood looking at me in my new cage, I looked at her but could not hold her stare I lowered my head, and released my cock. I felt like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar

The other lady spoke ?Don?t be embarrassed Mark if you want to have a wank you go ahead.? She turned around and walked over to a chest of drawers in the corner ?Pam? she called. Pam went over as the lady opened one of the drawers.

?In here you will find all kinds of restraints that you may find useful? as she opened the next draw down she said ?in here you will find lots of toys that you will find useful for punishments? she opened the last draw and said ?and in here you will find all sorts of things for your own pleasure?

As she walked over to the wardrobe she said ?if you would like instruction on how to get the best out of any of those items please ask and I will ensure you get proper instruction in the best way to use them?.

Pam was still looking at the array of items in the drawers.

?In here Pam are a few outfits, shoes and boots that you may like to wear?

Pam walked over and looked in the wardrobe which was huge she pulled out a hanger with a short leather dress on it and put it against her body then turned and looked in the mirror, ?I thought this week was all about Mark? she said.

?Oh it is dear, but he already knows how to act we will just make that even better for him, but it is you that needs training in the proper way, so that you are able to fully understand Marks needs?

?So I am to receive training like Mark?

?No Pam your training will be in how to pleasure Mark so in fact this week is all about Mark?

?I am not sure I understand? said Pam.

?If you understood Pam you would have no need of my services, you are not alone as you know there are this week 5 couples here for training purposes, and over the years we have trained hundreds of couples?

I sat in my cage listening to them talking as if I was not here. I could see Pam was looking a little confused.

?Valerie I have to trust you, and I do I will try and do what ever you say?

?That?s all I ask of you Pam just have faith in my methods, they work I have hundreds of satisfied clients and not one complaint?

Valerie walked over to the other door and removed a chain attached to a stainless steel collar. ?Now Mark will have to wear this collar at all times, I hold all the keys and will not remove it until the end of the week or you both decide to leave? She walked over to me in my cage and called me to her ?Put your head over here? she reached in and placed the collar around my neck then snapped shut the lock.

Pam the lead is detachable but whenever you are taking Mark anywhere he must be cuffed and on a lead, is that clear?

Pam was still looking through the amazing amount of clothing in the wardrobe, she walked over. ?Oh I like him wearing that it makes him look so cute?

?Hands behind your back? said Valerie I obliged and she locked the cuffs in place.

?Here Pam you hold the leash, the key to the cage is over here? she said as she walked over to the dressing table. Valerie returned with the key and unlocked the cage.

?Now we will take him and have the control device fitted.?

Valerie led the way followed by Pam and then me cuffed, collared and naked.

I was lead into a large dinning room, and was surprised to see several women sitting at a long dinning table, each woman held a leash in their hand; the leashes disappeared under the table.

I felt very vulnerable my cock was still semi erect sticking out in front of me like an obscene pointing device.

"Ok Pam you will sit here" said Valerie as she pulled a chair from under the table.

"Please ensure that Mark remains under the table during the meeting"

Pam pointed for me to get under the table. I went down onto my knees, which is not easy without the use of your hands, and shuffled under the table. I was amazed at the sight before my eyes; three naked men and one naked woman all had their hands behind secured behind? their backs, all where looking down and obviously? felt very uncomfortable being naked under the table with other people present.

Pam sat in the chair and tugged on my leash pulling my head towards her lap. Her skirt had risen reaviling her naked thighs, I couldn't quite see her pussy but knew she still had no knickers on; my cock became hard again as I heard Valerie address the people sitting at the table.

"Ladies I would like to cordially welcome you here, to freebound manor, we will endeavour to help you and your partners gain the most from this week.?

Pam pulled my leash forcing my head closer to her pussy it was as if she needed some reassurance from me that everything was ok. I could feel the heat from her groin on my face; I kissed her warm soft thigh and lost myself in a wonderful feeling of euphoria.

My mind switched off and I reviled in my feeling. I paid no attention to Valerie's welcome speech, nor to the other people under the table. If I woke and found myself in heaven I could be happy for the rest of eternity.

I was quickly bought back to reality as Pam gave a quick tug on my leash and stood up leaving me to almost? fall flat on my face, luckily Pam held the leash preventing me making a complete fool of myself.

I wished now that I had listened to the speech so I had some idea as to what was going on. I trusted that Pam knew and so just followed behind her, not that I had any choice. We were all lead from the dinning room through a set of double doors into a beautiful pool area, it resembled an oasis with palm trees and d?cor to match. The pool itself was quite large and heart shaped. "Now ladies your partners are forbidden to use this pool but if you would please follow me? Valerie spoke very matter of factly as she circumnavigated the beautiful pool. We must of looked like a slave train passing through an oasis on our way to be sold at market, each naked slave cuffed and being lead by their female master.

"Here is the pool that all of your partners must swim in" we wear standing in front of a much smaller pool that in comparison to the larger pool looked like a pond, the water had a slight yellow? tinge and didn't smell that good.

"Now ladies it is your job to ensure that your partner wears one of these while in this pool" Valerie took hold of a plastic collar which looked like something a dog would wear after a visit to the vet.

"These will protect your partner?s eyes from the chemicals in the water" as she was talking she fastened the collar around my neck.

"Once the collar is secured you may introduce your partner into the pool" she took my leash from Pam and started to guide me down the steps of the pool, she walked by the side as she guide me further into the pool.

"your partners should bathe here twice a day fir no longer than 3 minutes" as Valerie was talking I felt a slight warmth all over my body not a warmth from the water which was very cold more of a prickly warmth the kind you get from stinging nettles.

"The chemicals in this pool will remove all bodily hair, prolonged use will result in the hair being removed permanently" the heat was now becoming quite intense and I would have itched had my hands not been cuffed. Valerie continued to walk me towards the other end of the pool had I been able to see properly I would have ran to the other end but I had to walk at a snails pace being more held back by my leash than lead.

It was with great relief that my feet felt steps beneath me. As I begun to emerge on the other side of the pool my whole body felt on fire.

As you can now all see he is completely hairless" said Valerie as she unbuckled the plastic collar. Being naked was one thing but standing in front of all those people naked and hairless made me feel as if my whole soul was on view. The effect on those watching was a mixture of hushed giggles to in drawn breaths of dread as people realized what was about to happen to them.

If any of you ladies fancy being hairless feel free to use this pool but remember if you use it as I have instructed for your partners you will forever be hairless"

As Valerie spoke she beckoned Pam to take back my leash.

Take him down the hallway to the room on the right while I supervise the others" she said as Pam took my leash and lead me through a door and down the corridor. The cool air of the corridor helped too cool my skin which now felt quite cool. It looked very strange seeing my body devoured of all hair, Pam noticed me looking and laughed "now you know how I felt the first time you insisted I shave my pussy, don't worry you?ll get used to it.? I found myself standing with Pam outside a door with a sign saying "Fitting Room". Pam knocked on the door and was beckoned in by a green flashing light just to the right of the door.

As I entered the room behind Pam my mind flashed back to a childhood memory of visiting the dentist; the room was painted bright white, there was a chair in the middle of the small room that resembled a dentist chair but had two attachments that looked like footrests and a large metal hoop fixed to the top of the headrest. My eyes went from the chair to the woman standing at the small work surface. She was wearing a black roll neck jumper that was stretched tightly across her ample tits, a very short black leather skirt and a pair of black boots with the highest heels I had ever seen. The contrast of the black leather against the flesh of her white thighs held my attention for longer than Pam liked, she gave a quick tug on my leash.

"Hi I am Amber" she said. Her hair was cut in a strict bob, her makeup heavy, she looked like a top class hooker dressed to attract. I couldn't help staring and again Pam tugged on my leash.

"Don?t worry after have finished that will be all under control"

Amber moved behind me and grabbing the cuffs unlocked one wrist then swiftly pulled me over to the chair and sat me in it. Before I had chance to think my hands where once again cuffed only this time above my head with the chain passing through the iron ring. As I looked up and realized my situation Amber secured each of my legs in one of the footrests she then proceeded to swing the footrests apart until I felt I was going to split in half. I tried to close my legs but they were held firmly in place.

"He is quite big, probably a large" said Amber as she took hold of my scrotum and placed her fingers around the base if my cock.

She dropped my cock, opened a draw and removed a ring.

"this device is based upon the CB300 which is great for locking away men's cocks, we have made a few modifications, which I have to say are my ideas" as she spoke she placed the hinged ring around the base of my cock at the back of my balls she then squeezed the ring shut. It felt incredibly tight.

Amber continued talking to Pam while I tried to deal with the tightness around by tackle.

"firstly we have made this ring from stainless steel which once I fit this bolt l which can only be removed by being drilled, unless you have the proper tool. The bolt is in such a position that he will not be able to drill it himself, not only that but this steel has been especially treated so you would require special equipment to remove it"
Amber bent down and? went to work between my legs, as she stood she said "there locked on for ever"

She turned round and from the draw removed a small metal pin, a lock and something resembling a plastic cock. "This pin is made from the same steel? as the bolt which makes it incredibly difficult to cut" as she was speaking Amber placed the pin in the central hole located at the top of the ring around my tackle, which was now rock hard.

"Ok now we need to deal with this" she said as she playfully slapped my cock. Amber removed a small packet from the draw and proceeded to unwrap a condom. "Do you want to do this or shall I" she said as she began to expertly unroll the condom over my cock.

"You seem to be very efficient Amber and also I think I would like to watch" I couldn't believe those words had come from Pam. Amber opened a cupboard and removed a magic wand massager which she plugged in and held firmly on the top of my cock pressing it firmly against my stomach. My instant reaction was to try and push it away butt with my hands cuffed above my head and my legs securely held wide apart all I could do was grind my arse into the chair. It was not through pain but the shear intensity the device caused in my cock, I knew it would make me come and come very quickly. "After he comes it will be much easier to fit the shield" said Amber as she expertly held the wand in place anticipating my every move. My whole body went rigid and I emptied my come into the condom. Amber held the wand against my cock watching me writhe to try and get away from it. "Please stop" I cried "please no more" Amber removed the wand and looked almost disappointed. "That didn't take long" She said as she removed the condom and discarded it in the bin. She produced a sterile wipe and wiped my cock.

"That was the fastest I have ever seen him come" said Pam.

"No man ever lasts long with that baby, there is one in every room" she looked at Pam with a knowing grin "they are really great if you just want to clean out his pipe work, simple, efficient and he gets the minimum amount of enjoyment"

Amber now worked some lube into the shield and slid it over my very flaccid cock. The pin she had placed in the ring around my tackle located in a hole at the top of the shield, two further pins located into two holes in the ring. Amber squeezed the ring and shield together and placed a small lock through the pin securing everything in place.

"Now he can do everything he needs too do locked in there except get hard" Said Amber as she passed Pam a small key.

"Can I choose to let him out when I want?" asked Pam

"Sure you can but Valerie likes to keep them locked away for the first few days just so they get used wearing it". Pam was looking at my tackle locked away more secure than the crown jewels. "Is it uncomfortable?"

"Most men don't complain but some have discomfort in the morning until they get used to it."

"And it won't harm him in any way?" Pam asked as she inspected the device.

"He should be allowed some freedom now and again and as long as you keep everything clean there should be no problem"

"The thought of him locked away like that, unable to even

touch his own cock without my consent; I am enjoying this more than I thought I would" said Pam with a big smile on her face.

"wait till you get the new extra darling" said Amber "that will really shock you" Amber laughed.

"When do I get the extra" Pam emphasised the extra and laughed.

"All in good time, Valerie thought it best to let them get used to this first" said Amber as she checked her handy work. Satisfied Amber released my legs which were now aching from the strain.

"now take him back to your room and leave him inside uncuffed" said Amber as she reached up and unlocked my hands.

"When I am finished here I will meet you all for a night cap in the lounge"

"That would be great" replied Pam as she watched Amber re-secure my wrists behind my back.

I was lead by Pam back to our room. Pam closed the door "how do you feel now darling?"

How did I feel? Everything has happened so fast I had not thought about how I felt.

As Pam removed my cuffs I started to recall the events of the day. I stood in silence rubbing my wrists; I didn't know where to start. I had felt excited, helpless humiliated, even I guess a little afraid, Pam broke my train of thought. "You have hardly spoken all day, is this not what you have wanted"

"I'm not sure Pam, its one thing playing at being your slave but this" I said testing the security of the chastity device now attached to my tackle. "I don't know, and no bodily hair, as much as it feels in a weird way very sexy, how will I use the gym?"

"Mark I don't know what it is that you get out of all of this but I feel very turned on seeing you like that, and thinking about having complete control of your cock Blows my mind"

Pam walked over and removed a red riding crop from one of the draws. I stood motionless. I had asked Pam in the past to whip me, not severely but just enough for me to have a red arse for a while; it was something she couldn't bring herself to do. As she walked towards me she swung her hips sexily. "Do you know Because you wouldn't shut up earlier I have no knickers on" she said as she raised her skirt revealing her soft thighs and delightful pussy, which she thrust forwards slightly. She then use

?The leather tip of the crop to gently rub her pussy lips. "knees" she said as she now started to rub the crop in a circular motion on her clit. I dropped to my knees without taking my eyes off of her pussy.

"crawl over to the bed" her voice now more urgent, more demanding. I turned and began crawling over to the bed.

"Stop, spread your legs" she demanded as she ran the crop over the cheeks of my arse, gently teasing, then she lifted the crop and bought it down on my left cheek making me suck in air. Whack, right cheek, whack, whack, left, right, my arse was stinging. They had not been powerful blows, but had a more powerful effect than anything I had ever experienced.

"Get on the bed" demanded Pam.

She walked over and removed some leather straps from one of the draws, then proceeded to tie my legs together, with another strap she secured them to one corner of the four poster.

"Hands up" she demanded.

I quickly obliged and stretched my arms above my head. Pam tied them at the wrist and then secured them to the top of the bed stretching me diagonally across the large four poster.

She walked over and removed something from the bottom draw, came over and climbed on the bed.

"I am going to be fucked by your tongue and if I am not pleased with your effort I will whack the tops of your legs. Pam sat facing my feet straddling my face her arse inches from mouth.

"put your tongue out and lick my arse"

I licked her arse and was rewarded with a slap across each thigh.

"Now I want to come down your tongue, I want to use your tongue like a cock. She manoeuvred her pussy onto my mouth.

"now fuck me for all you are worth"

?I licked sucked and poked my tongue in and out of Pam?s pussy as she massaged her clit with some kind of vibrator. It was not long before Pam came, trembling as she forced her pussy down onto my face, almost as if she wanted to eat me with her pussy.

Whack, whack one stinging blow across each thigh.

"That is your reward, not punishment" said an exhausted Pam.
"now you wait there while I shower and change."

Pam disappeared into the bath room leaving me tied to the bed, she was right, it was a reward, I closed my eyes and relaxed, I didn't try and fight my bonds I wanted to enjoy them, to savour them, this was exactly what I wanted. My thighs still stung my arse had a warm glow I could still taste Pam?s pussy on my lips.

I must have drifted off in my mind for the next thing I remember was being startled as Pam untied my hands.

She was now wearing her skinny jeans and a tight black tee shirt strappy sandals replaced by black ankle boots.

I have been told to lock you in the room but leave you free, so you may untie your legs when I leave I don't know when I will be back but when I do return you will be making me come again"

She kissed me on the lips grabbed hold of the chastity device and shook it. "no wanking while I am away? she said laughing.

Pam left and I untied my legs as I listened to her locking the door.

I went in the bath room to pee but found it impossible to do standing up so resigned to the fact that I would now have to sit to pee.

While sitting on the throne I tested the devices security. I was unable to pull the thing off; I could not touch my cock although my Balls seemed more vulnerable as they where forced forward by the ring. I had already discovered whilst being face fucked by Pam that any chance of a hard on was out of the question.

I decided to look around the room exploring the draws first. There where vibrators, dildos, butt plugs whips, paddles crops, straps chains and cuffs. If Pam was going to be trained in how to use all of them, my life could become very challenging. Next I looked inside the wardrobe, it had rails and rails of clothing; short skirts, long skirts, dresses, items made from silk, leather, pvc and rubber. One wall was covered in a large shoe rack, I had never seen so many sexy shoes each pair was available in at least three and some as many as six different sizes. Nearly all where black or red with high heels. I couldn't resist taking a pair of red sandals in a size eight and putting them on. They where extremely high with a narrow strap across the toes and two wider straps that went around the ankle. My cock strained inside its prison. I felt very turned on as I walked around the room teetering on my new high heels. I walked over to the full length mirror and stood admiring my arse and legs, I couldn't help playing with my nipples, if I could have git to my cock I would have wanked while walking in

My shoes. I walked over to the wardrobe hopping to find what I was looking for. In a pull out draw I found them, stockings, all new still packaged, I selected a pair of lace topped hold ups in black with seems, quickly I unbuckled the shoes and pulled a silky stocking onto my hairless leg, the sensation was amazing, I pulled on the other one and went back to the mirror. Although I hadn't got the seems quite straight, it didn't take anything away from the way I felt. I looked at myself standing naked, not a single hair on my body, my cock locked away wearing stockings, only thing missing was the shoes, I strapped them back on. I felt amazing I walked around the room looking at myself whenever I passed the mirror. I laid down on the bed and played with my nipples crossing my legs and enjoying the feeling of my legs in the stockings. This had been a super day, and if Pam came back feeling randy may be she would want to feel my cock inside her.

I don't know how long it had been but I didn't want Pam to catch me looking like this so with some reluctance I removed the shoes and put them back, slid off the stockings and hid them in the draw underneath all the others hopping they wouldn't be discovered.

I went back and laid on the bed, thoughts of stockings, shoes and thigh boots filled my mind as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I was woken by Pam pinching my nipples. ?Hey come on darling you can sleep later I need you to make me come with that tongue of yours.?

Pam stripped off as I tried to quickly focus my eyes on her glorious body. I was tired but horny as hell. The chastity device was causing my cock and balls to strain, but denying the ability to achieve an erection. Pam lay on her back and I crawled between her legs nuzzling my mouth to her pussy, I licked and sucked for all I was worth until finally Pam?s orgasm arrived, a long slow deep orgasm. I just lay there cleaning Pam?s pussy and do not remember falling asleep.



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The Nudist And His PupilChapter 9

"Let's go." "Go?" It was another late evening. Michele and I had been playing up in my study earlier. Then she went downstairs and left me to download some more pics. Now she was back, standing by the door of my private chamber, beckoning me. "Want to swim in the pool." "But, what about our guests?" "Tommy and Lisa are asleep," she explained, "and Connie is out." "Should I put on a towel, just in case?" "Oh, where's the daredevil pervert I married?" "Well, where's...

3 years ago
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My best friend the love of my life Chapter Two

The next few days passed in a blur, nothing seemed to happen and I was walking around in a slump. My parents seemed to guess what had happened after Jessica's abrupt exit the other night and as a result were being extra nice to me. That only made the ache I was feeling become worse. I couldn't understand how something could go from so special to so disastrous that quickly. I began to wonder if I had imagined how Jess had reacted. I was so sure she felt it too. Now fear began to creep in as to...

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Residenz Avalon

Stepping out of the station, you follow the hand-drawn map through old industrial areas of the city. You are looking for the famous Residenz Avalon, a name to strike fear into the heart of visitors. It takes a while, in the warm summer's evening, but the map is good and you are soon at the door of a building with the right nameplate. The brick building is old, like a warehouse overlooking a nearby river. Curiously, the door is open - perhaps someone is currently moving deliveries into the...

3 years ago
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Best Served Cold Chapter 3 The Past Dark Confessions

Sex had never been a problem for us in our past. At first it was usually vanilla, sometimes with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Linda had never been shy about what she needed, but was more comfortable showing me than telling me. I wasn't much different - until that night years ago when we had returned from our anniversary dinner at a new upscale restaurant. We went to bed early after just a little too much wine, and for the very first time, I had asked for her fantasies."Um, I really don't...

Wife Lovers
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Chameleons Story Ch 03

**Author’s Note** Yep, yep, this is chapter three. repeat my previous comments, and I’d like to add that this is probably not proper employer-employee behaviour. It is, however, very fun.** * I wake up an hour late, but completely rested. I forego the shower, but brush my teeth with a vengeance after breakfast. Clean and dressed in a tube top and my only miniskirt, I sashay down the stairs and begin my morning sweep. He walks in and stops when he sees me. I put the broom away neatly and stand...

4 years ago
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What Interested me in Black Men in the First Place

So every girl is insecure about her looks, that is no secret. For me when I was younger I took it to a whole new level. I hated the way I looked, I hated me face, I hated my chubby body, my "man hands", my hair, basically everything. I felt so gross and unwanted all the time and it sucked. I dressed in baggy sweats and hoodies all the time to try and hide myself. I was at an all time low in my life when my white bf dumped me for another girl, he cheated. I felt so dumb and used and just gross...

2 years ago
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Dont look behind you

Kendall spotted the ride and grabbed my hand. "Come on, Lilly!! We have to take this ride!" Of course I didn`t want to go, but Kendall wouldn`t take no for an answer. I sat down in the trolly and Kendall sat next to me. "Don`t worry, if you get scared, you can latch onto me." Kendall proudly stated. I rolled my eyes and looked infront of the trolly, seeing bright lights flashing. I looked behind me and noticed there was no one else riding this ride. "Kendall....we`re the only 2...

2 years ago
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Hersquos So Heavy Whats He Doing to Me Part 3

The Chronicles of Abby: He’s So Heavy. What is He Doing to Me? – Part 3(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This is the continuation of Part 2 of The Chronicles of Abby: He’s So Heavy. What is He Doing to Me? Abby slowly awoken from her sleep. She felt a little dizzy. She felt someone lying on top of her, hugging her, kissing her lips over and over again. She felt something big sliding in and out of her pussy continuously and it felt a little painful as she could feel her pussy lips stretching as that...

1 year ago
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Von der Exlehrerin zur SexSklavin

Diese Geschichte ist die Fortsetzung einer alten Storyline von mir. Vorgeschichte von Daniela Hauser Seit vor etwa zwei Jahren heraus kam, dass sie ein gefährliches Spiel mit ihrem damaligen Schüler gespielt hat und dieser sie auffliegen gelassen hat, ist viel passiert. Die Medien hatten ihr den Spitznamen Vibrator-Lehrerin gegeben und noch lange über sie berichtet. Vor allem für die Bild-Zeitung war ihre Geschichte das gefundene Fressen! Die Reporter durchleuchteten ihr gesamtes Leben und...

2 years ago
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My Journey From Straight To Gay 8211 Part II

Hello guys Once again Ankit Kumar from Hisar, Haryana. Who don’t know me for them I again tell that I am a slim 18 years old guy with a cute and smart face and with innocence eyes. And I am a bottom gay. This is my second experience. After losing my virginity, I decided that I will never do it again as I was in love with a girl in my college. Her name was Neha. Later I realize that it is not love as I like males and not female but it was the attraction which was because of her appearance. She...

Gay Male
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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt4

Mrs. Mays took me for a tour around their facility. I was introduced to several of the road deputies working that day. I met deputies, Hatch, Marshall and Ward, of course with Ward, there was no introduction needed. Ward was dispatched to a call and jokingly shook my hand saying it was nice to meet me. I giggled and told him bye. Hatch offered to finish my tour and Mrs. Mays told him that would be fine. Marshall was an older man about 60 and didn’t even register on my radar, Hatch on the other...

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HostileChapter 4

JAKE That night and the next morning I examined in my mind the conversation I had had with the beautiful young Alie. She had obviously been very frightened throughout despite her much more advantageous position. However, she HAD given me terms on which I could return and speak with her again. So that was something at least. Her comments seemed a little strange. She seemed to believe that simply because I was a man I would hurt her. Early in the morning I finally decided to stop turning the...

1 year ago
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ImNotYourMommy Lexi Luna Can You Handle Me

Lexi Luna is a mature woman who knows exactly what she wants. She’s sick of fucking immature guys who can’t do it for her. Her latest deadbeat boyfriend is really pissing her off, so she decides to try something a little bit different. Robby Echo, the repair guy, is in her house clearly checking Lexi out. Lexi initially tells him to cut it out and do his job, but once she has gotten into it with her now-ex boyfriend, she encourages it. She tells Robby to help her out by untying her...

4 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 13

Megan and I lay there for a while, just cuddling, kissing, and stroking each other. We were both just so overwhelmed by the turn of events that we just enjoyed the closeness for a while, enjoying each other. Megan had loved me since we first met, had me for a while, and then lost me again. She had wanted me for so long. I was amazed when I learned that. I wasn't sure I deserved such a wonderful woman; I was not complaining, mind you, but I was amazed, stunned, shocked at my good fortune. On...

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My First Tranny

I met Charkara (her real name) through an adult dating site. You can find her pictures on my xhamster page titled, "My First Tranny". We corresponded through the dating site quite regularly before we decided to take it to next level and exchange phone numbers and email addresses. We talked on the phone getting to know each other, what we liked to do sexually, etc. She came off as a total freak willing to do most anything which was an extreme turn-on for me. We then begun having phone sex...

2 years ago
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Dear Jon

yeahhh... i hope u will be waiting 4 me in a room, ummmm as soon as we met and the door closed i would drop 2 my knees and rip ur belt off quickly unzip u and pull ya pants down, shove em 2 the floor. i wud wrap my arms around ya waist and pull u 2 me and breathe in ur scent...rub my face all over ya stomach lick and tongue u thru ya shorts and reach inside shorts and grab wat i wanted. id gather all the spit i had in my mouth and drip it all up and down ur cock. using my hand to get it all...

3 years ago
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Lucky ISS Reader Fucks My Married Pussy

Hi everyone, I am Sonia from Bangalore with another incident in my life. Those of all who don’t know me, I am an Indian housewife, a 44-year-old married lady and have 2 kids (both teenagers). People say I look like actress Shilpa Shetty as I am tall and have a good figure like hers. After I posted my first story, I started getting a lot of emails from men and young boys. Most of them were too young from 19-24 years of age. Since I could not reply to all, I replied to a few of them and soon I...

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