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Carrie winced as the ball popped into a glove. The double play took the steam out of a ninth inning rally. With only one out left, she knew there wasn’t much hope of her boyfriend’s team pulling this one out.

Sure enough, only three pitches later, the center fielder caught a long fly ball, ending the game. She gathered up her bottle of water and purse, knowing Greg was going to need cheering up. The team that had just beat them was their most bitter rival, and he hated them with a passion.

Fortunately, she already had a plan. As soon as they got back to his place, she was going to join him in his post-game shower. She’d suck him off and let him come in her face. He absolutely loved doing it. She was less than fond of it, to say the least. In the shower, it wasn’t so bad. She could wash it off as soon as he recovered enough to admire her cum-spattered face.

A top-heavy blonde jogged past her toward the dugout, giving her pause. Carrie had never seen the girl before. Probably Keith, she thought. The girl looked like exactly the sort of vapid bimbo he usually hooked up with. Carrie rolled her eyes and continued on.

Greg climbed out of the dugout with a scowl on his face. She smiled at him, hoping to begin the process of cheering him up. The last thing she expected was a look of wide-eyed shock.

“Surprise!” the blonde said as she ran up to Greg. “I couldn’t wait until the next time you were in town, so I came to see you.”

The utter panic on Greg’s face spoke louder than words. Carrie’s smile turned into a scowl even more intense than the one he had worn a few moments earlier. She stalked toward him in a red rage.

“You son of a bitch!” Carrie screamed as she reached him.

“Who the fuck are you?” the bimbo asked.

As the last word passed the blonde’s lips, and before Greg could utter whatever lie he’d opened his mouth to say, Carrie slapped him – hard. The smack caused everyone in the area to turn toward them, and she heard Greg’s teammates muttering.

“I’m his ex-girlfriend now,” Carrie growled, ignoring how badly her hand was stinging. “You can have him,” she added as she swept past them both.

“What?” the blonde shrieked. The sound of a second slap echoed off the dugout walls.

Carrie didn’t look back.


Her phone rang that evening while Carrie was walking with her friends from the cab to the bar. She tapped Ignore on the call, which listed it as coming from Piece of Shit. It was the third time Greg had tried to call after sending about thirty text messages. She’d deleted them almost as soon as they arrived, but had seen enough to know he was making excuses.

“Fuck him,” her friend Tracy said, knowing who the call was from.

“That’s not happening, no matter how much he wants it,” Carrie said, prompting laughter from both of her friends. She was hurt by his betrayal, of course, but she was far more angry than sad.

Upon entering, Carrie spotted three stools open at the bar. It took little more than a glance to communicate with her friends, and all three hurried over to where they were certain to be seen. They had just taken their seats and begun talking about what to order when one of the servers walked up behind them.

“Those guys are offering to buy the first round for the three of you,” she said, pointing to a couple of tables over in the corner.

Carrie turned and her eyes went wide. Despite the darkness, she easily recognized the guys as the rivals to Gary’s softball team. The men raised their glasses in salute.

Her friend Jamie let out a purr. Tracy quietly said, “Score. Let’s get our drinks and go over there.”

“Those are the guys who beat Gary’s team today,” Carrie said.

“Even better,” Jamie said. “He hates them, and it won’t take fifteen minutes for someone to text him and let him know.”

“They’re probably all cheating assholes just like him,” Carrie scoffed.

Tracy said, “Who cares? I’m not looking for a husband. I just need some dick.”

“Amen,” Jamie agreed.

Though she had her reservations, Carrie knew that Jamie was right. Gary would know almost instantly, and he deserved it. “Okay.”

Jamie nodded her head and held up a finger. The guys across the room seemed to understand. A couple of minutes later, the three ladies sauntered up to the tables. The introductions took a bit with nine guys and three girls.

It was hardly surprising when Tracy sat down next to a black guy named Marlon. She never passed up an opportunity to hook up with a black guy with a shaved head. Jamie’s choice of a dark-haired guy name Wesley was just as predictable, because he had a beard. With only two outside seats remaining, Carrie sat down next to the pitcher, whose name was Brian.

“Saw you at the ballfield today,” Brian said.

“Congratulations on your win,” Carrie offered.

He chuckled. “Thanks. Kind of saw what happened, and thought you could use a good time to take your mind off it. The drinks are on us all night, right guys?”

The men all voiced their agreement, and Carrie said, “Well, we can hardly pass that up.” She then took a drink of her Jagerbomb.

To her surprise, that good time manifested itself quickly. The guys were animated, funny, quick with compliments, and at least acted as if they were listening when she talked. After a second drink, she was even more relaxed.

Tracy made it almost an hour before she suggested a bathroom break. The three girls headed for the restroom. As soon as they were inside, Tracy asked, “Are you two okay if I get out of here with Marlon?”

“I’m ready to get out of here too,” Jamie said.

Both of her friends looked at Carrie.

“Go ahead. It’s all good.”

“Going to hook up?” Jamie asked.

The guys were all pretty hot, and Carrie had a good buzz going on. She shrugged and said, “Oh, maybe.”

“Maybe. Yeah, right. You’re getting some cock tonight,” Jamie teased.

Tracy cocked her hip and said, “I know I am. Let us know which one you hook up with?”

“We’ll see.”

Both her friends rolled their eyes. Then Tracy said, “Ready?”

Carrie nodded, and they all returned to the guys. Fresh drinks were waiting on them when they got back to the table. Tracy downed hers without sitting down, and then crooked a finger at Marlon. With that example set, Jamie did the same. She and Wesley left before the other couple had even reached the door.

“Don’t play around, do they?” Brian asked.

Carrie laughed and said, “Nope.” She’d been unconsciously leaning toward him from the moment he introduced himself. Between the drinks and knowing that her friends were going to get laid, she was seriously considering following Jamie and Tracy’s example with Brian.

“Check it,” one of the guys said, and nodded toward the door.

Carrie looked over and saw Gary at the same time he spotted her. She quickly looked away and muttered, “Great.”

“You want to get out of here?” Brian asked.

“Yes, please,” she answered, trying to keep her anger under control. She stood up, and the other guys began sliding out from the table.

Gary was staring at her with an unreadable expression. In a fit of pique, she slid her arm through Brian’s once he stood up. For good measure, she hooked arms with Pablo the first baseman as well. She and the seven men then walked toward the door.

Though she pointedly ignored Gary, the guys didn’t. One said, “What’s up.” Another sarcastically said, “Good game.” That set them all to laughing, and it continued all the way out the door.

Carrie glanced over her shoulder just as she stepped outside, and she could see Gary was absolutely livid. That brought a smile to her face. She had a flash of thought and acted on it before she could think better of it. She glanced at Brian and said, “Grab my ass.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. Not only did Brian give her a squeeze, but Pablo did too.

“Ah man, did you see that motherfucker?” The catcher Steve laughed.

“I know that was for him, but I liked it,” Brian said.

“I’m with him,” Pablo agreed.

“It wasn’t bad,” Carrie teased. The truth was that a chill had shot up her spine when they both grabbed her at the same time, and she was getting wet fast.

“I can do better,” Steve said.

“Me too,” arose a chorus from the other four.

“Chill,” Brian said as he guided her to turn on the sidewalk, still arm-in-arm with her. “So, you want to hit another bar?”

“I don’t know,” Carrie answered. Her phone buzzed in her purse, and she slipped her arm out of Brian’s to retrieve it. It was a call from Gary, of course. Feeling evil, she answered it.

“Are you serious right now?” he asked as soon as she brought the phone to her ear.

“Deadly serious, asshole. I haven’t decided which one I’m going to fuck yet. Maybe I’ll just fuck them all. Guess you lose to them again. Bye.”

Her brain caught up with her mouth as soon as she disconnected the call, and her face burned. Did I just say that?

“If you’re serious, we’re up for that,” Brian said. “We’re in the hotel at the end of the block.”

Carrie gasped when she saw the seriousness in Brian’s expression. He reached down to adjust his cock, and he wasn’t the only one. She’d never been with two guys before, and she’d just been offered seven.

“Just say the word, and we’re all yours. Or, tell us to fuck off. It’s cool. We’ll go back and make sure that asshole doesn’t come over here while you call a cab or something.”

It was a terrible idea. She knew that. Going into a hotel room with seven guys she’d just met was a recipe for disaster. The thought terrified her, but she couldn’t deny that her nipples were hardening and an ache was building between her legs.

Brian said, “Love to see how many times we could make you come.”

“I... I...” Carrie stammered as she glanced around at the hot guys surrounding her. She’d always had a fantasy about being with two guys, and it had never failed to make her come hard when she masturbated to it. It could be real many times over if she said yes.

She swallowed hard and nodded.

Walking down the sidewalk in a surreal, almost out-of-body daze of arousal, Carrie was standing in front of a hotel door before she knew it. Brian unlocked it and entered, turning on the light. She followed him in, and could feel the press of the other men behind her, though none was touching her. She walked to the middle of the room and turned just as the last one entered.

Brian closed the door, gave her a hungry smile, and said, “It’s all up to you. You can say no and walk right out of here.” That said, he pulled his shirt over his head. “I hope you don’t, though.”

Carrie’s eyes darted from man to man as each followed Brian’s example. They moved toward the beds, purposely leaving her an open path to the door. One after another, they revealed muscular chests and six-pack abs. Shoes and socks came off, discarded wherever each man was standing. Then, jeans started sliding down.

Pablo’s boxers went down with his jeans, revealing a slightly above average cock, which was hard and bouncing with his heartbeat. The catcher Steve was next, and his cock was just as big. The rest came down near simultaneously. Some were average and some were bigger. Not a one of them was small.

The center fielder – whose name she couldn’t recall through her fog of arousal – proved true the stereotype of black men being hung, in at least his case. He easily had an inch and a half on the others – save one. Brian’s was a match in length, and looked even thicker.

All seven men sat down on the beds – most slowly stroking their cocks. Carrie breathed heavily, on the verge of running toward the door, but with her pussy aching.

“All yours, if you want,” Brian said, and wiggled the impressive erection in his hand at her.

Even she wasn’t sure what she was going to do when she took the first step forward. When she reached the space between the two beds, excitement and need won out over caution, and she climbed into the bed where Brian waited. He sat up, slipped a hand behind her head, and pulled her into a kiss.

Carrie moaned as he kissed her hard, and hands caressed every accessible inch of her body simultaneously in a well-coordinated team effort. When she and Brian broke from the kiss, she found herself awash in a sea of muscular bodies and hard cocks. She didn’t protest in the slightest when Brian unhooked the top button of her pink top. Instead, she went to work from the bottom.

Because she was braless, her breasts were bared in seconds. Her nipples ached from being so hard, matching the ache between her legs. Someone slid down the zipper on the back of her skirt, and she let Brian guide her to lie down.

“Hell yeah. Look at them tits.”

“Get that pussy out.”

“Gonna make you come until you can’t see straight.”

Carrie didn’t have the presence of mind to even identify who was talking. She lifted her bottom when someone pulled on her skirt, and again when Brian pulled down her panties. They joined the scattered clothing surrounding the bed, leaving her nude, save for her top, which nobody had removed.

A big cock moved in until it was nearly touching her cheek. At the same time, hands squeezed and caressed her breasts from both sides. She grasped the center fielder’s huge, dark organ, pulled it down straight, and wrapped her lips around it. She’d barely sucked the head in when two fingers slid into her saturated pussy. She moaned around the cock in her mouth.

“Fuck yeah. She’s got a hot little mouth.”

“And a tight pussy.”

Carrie sucked, not even able to get halfway down on the long shaft, and felt a flash of disappointment when he pulled away after only a couple of minutes. One of the other players stepped forward, and she filled her mouth with his stiff cock.

They all took a turn, letting her sample each erection for a minute or two. Mouths replaced some of the hands, sucking her nipples and licking her pussy. Brian was the first to go down on her, and he was so enthusiastic that she had to concentrate hard to keep sucking Pablo’s cock. As soon as Brian lifted his face from between her legs, Steve moved in. Brian walked over and took his turn in her mouth.

Again, she couldn’t take even half of Brian’s cock. It stretched her lips, making her jaw ache, and confirmed her initial estimation of its girth. The thought of it in her pussy made her back arch, and Steve amplified that by sucking her clit.

Every guy had his own technique, and they were all good. She went from Steve aggressively sucking her clit to another player tickling it with the tip of his tongue. Long laps, quick wiggles, and enthusiastic sucks were making it more difficult by the second to concentrate on the cock in her mouth.

By the time the rotation of manflesh ended with the right fielder – who she thought was named Jake – she was on the verge of coming on Pablo’s tongue. The electric tingles in her clit were joined by a warm itch in her depths. Her toes were even curling. She whimpered in frustration around the cock in her mouth when Pablo stopped just short of getting her off. She let the erection slip from between her lips to beg for relief, and saw one of the guys kneeling in front of her with cock in hand.

“Oh god – yes,” she cried out as he took aim.

Carrie squealed as he buried his cock to the hilt in her soaked pussy.

She grasped the cock she’d been sucking, but the one sliding in and out of her depths overwhelmed her. On top of that, Brian had wet his fingers and went to work on her clit. She curled her fingers around the cock that pressed against her other hand, but could do little more than sporadically stroke the two hard organs as she swiftly ascended toward a peak.

“Yeah, that pussy’s good,” the guy growled as he pounded her.

Carrie yelped, “Yes! Fuck me! So close!”

The others sounded off with encouragement. “Yeah, come all over that dick,” someone said.

Another said, “Make her pop.”

The rest of the words were indecipherable white noise as she teetered on the edge of orgasm. Her heart raced and her head lashed on the pillow. No matter where her gaze fell, there was a hard and ready cock attached to a chiseled body. She hung torturously on the cusp of the abyss for what felt like forever with a cock slamming into her, Brian’s fingers flashing over her clit, and two men pinching her nipples.

She wailed long and loud in sweet agony when her orgasm exploded into being.

Her cries warbled from the continued assault on her pussy, but only for a few seconds longer. The man fucking her growled and pulled out, sending her shooting into a fresh spike of climax. Brian jerked his hand out of the way just in time to avoid getting hit with jets of cum.

Though she’d always disliked having someone ejaculate on her, the hot streams spattering on her stomach and below her breasts only added to her ecstasy. Wave after wave of orgasm rolled through her, making her thrash on the bed.

It was only the beginning.

Carrie sucked in a noisy gasp when she felt Pablo’s cockhead press against her. The air escaped in a groan when he pushed through the resistance of her clenched walls. Still in the tail end of an orgasm, she whimpered and yelped with every thrust. Around her, the first baseman’s teammates encouraged the next man up to bat.

“Yeah, make them titties bounce.”

“Get some, Pablo. Keep that pussy coming.”

“Ah! Shit, man. Damn, that pussy is too good,” Pablo cried as he slammed into her, making her breasts jiggle.

“Minuteman,” someone teased.

He answered with a strained, “F-fuck you.”

It barely registered on Carrie. The sharp pangs of her aftershocks faded, and she was surprised to feel pressure swelling in her depths once again – and quickly. In the space of a few more strokes, a second orgasm crashed through her before the first had even completely ended.

She flailed and jerked beyond any ability to control, her hands and knees slapping against bare skin with almost every movement. A shriek escaped her when Pablo pulled free, and in the midst of the gasp for breath that followed, his pussy-slick cock was in her mouth. Her lips closed around it of their own volition, and it almost instantly erupted. He grunted and gasped as he spurted thick cream into her mouth. One errant burst tickled her throat and she coughed, causing his semen to run down her cheek.

He stumbled away to sit down hard on the other bed. Carrie saw someone moving in front of her and she whimpered, “Oh god,” when she saw the center fielder’s huge cock moving into the V of her legs.

A scream caught in her tight throat, emerging as nothing more than a croak when he slid inside her.

She couldn’t believe the sounds emerging from her own lips as he pushed a little deeper with every thrust. The cries were deep, animalistic, and emerging from the very bottom of her lungs. She felt as if he was going to tear her in half, and yet there was always an aching need deeper inside her. Unable to look away, she watched with fearful fascination as the huge organ dived inside her and then retreated. She had never been so full in her life, but it was barely half of him.

And she was still coming.

The constant stream of spikes and troughs left her nearly senseless of anything else until she felt a rush of cool air on her sex and a void deep inside her. Her eyes cracked open long enough to see him take his cock in hand before another electric jolt of climax took her. His semen spattered over her chest, tits, and even her chin.

Then there was another cock inside her.

Carrie screamed herself horse from the relentless back-to-back climaxes that wracked her body from one hard-thrusting cock after another. Only the shock of each man pulling out gave her a few moments of slight clarity. Cum landed in hot pools on her breasts when Steve finished. Then more filled her open mouth and glazed her face. Hot spatters covered her stomach, filled her belly button, and dribbled onto her pussy. All the while, she was coming again and again and again.

The weird, out-of-body sensation was upon her when she finally came down. It was as if she were awakening from a faint, and she wasn’t entirely sure that she hadn’t passed out from the savage, all-consuming pleasure she’d experienced. Her heart thundered in her chest, and she was panting for breath. She could see and feel the cum all over her, and rather than be disgusted, she felt a wanton sense of pride.

Carrie glanced around to see that the room looked like the aftermath of war. There were bodies sprawled on the other bed, on the floor, and in the chairs. They had all taken their turn and covered her in cum.

All except one.

Brian’s cock was the only one still hard and not slick with her pussy juice. She quickly looked away from it when an aftershock raced through her body, setting off twinges of discomfort from her abused sex.

“You okay?” he asked, and then showed her a bottle of water.

“Oh god,” she croaked from her sore throat.

He slid an arm behind her and said, “Here, sit up.”

She felt as weak as a kitten, and he had to do most of the work. Eventually, she managed to rest her back against the headboard, and he brought the bottle to her lips. She choked on the first sip, adding droplets of cold water to the cooling semen decorating her body. She was able to swallow the second sip, and then a third before taking a full drink. In a minute or so, she finished the entire bottle.

“Never seen any woman come like that,” Brian said.

“I’ve never come like that,” Carrie said in a weak voice. “What I can remember of it anyway.”

He chuckled and gave his erection an absent squeeze, reminding her that he hadn’t yet taken a turn.

She looked over at him, shook her head, and said, “I don’t know if...”

He shrugged and said, “It’s okay. Think you could play with my balls a little while I jack it off?”

Carrie offered a half smile and nodded.

Steve rose up onto his knees next to her and took his cock in hand. Carrie cupped his balls, gently rolled them, and stroked them with her fingertips.

“Ah, yeah. That’s good,” he said while stroking his cock. “You are so fucking hot, all covered in cum.”

“Give me more,” she said in the sultriest voice she could manage.

“Fuck. I can do that.”

Carrie moaned encouragement, looking up into his eyes. To her surprise, she felt a tingle between her legs. It came with a twinge of pain, but she was getting wet. The faster he stroked his big cock, the wetter she got. His grunts grew louder, and she saw his face growing tight.

“Shit. Getting close. Where do you want it?”

She hesitated for a moment, but then a shiver rippled through her, and she said what she was thinking before she could change her mind.

“Inside me. Come in my pussy.”

His eyes went wide, but his smile was wider. “Ah, fuck yeah, baby,” he said as he let go of his cock and scooted toward the foot of the bed.

Carrie swallowed hard and spread her legs, letting him get between them. He started jerking his cock again, breathing more heavily with each passing second. When she reached down to rub her pussy for him on a whim, he responded with a deep growl.

“Come for me. I want you to come deep inside me,” she said because she knew he was getting close.

“Oh fuck,” he rumbled as he stopped stroking and pushed down on his cock. He took aim, and then pushed inside her still gaped canal.

Carrie shrieked from the invasion of his huge cock in her overworked pussy, but then clenched her teeth and squeaked, “Give it to me,” from between them.

She hadn’t even finished when he let out a roar and erupted inside her.

Carrie gasped when she felt him swell even bigger. He was buried more than halfway inside her, and she swore she could feel his cum blasting against the entrance of her womb. He grunted with every pulse of his cock, filling her full, and then lurched away when he couldn’t take any more. The first bubble of cum seeped out of her the moment his cockhead popped free, and there was far more to follow.

Though her muscles ached from constantly contracting in orgasm and her pussy was stinging, Carrie lay back and contentedly moaned. It had been worth it. She felt deliciously naughty, vindicated, and there was no denying that she’d experienced the most intense orgasms of her life. She was still quivering even though it had likely been more than a half hour since she’d spiraled down from the heights of mind-numbing ecstasy.

Her phone buzzed, snapping her out of the reverie she’d slipped into. With some effort, she reached over and picked up her purse from where she’d dropped it on a nightstand. The message that had just arrived was from Tracy, though there were three from Gary.

Ignoring the latter, she opened the message from Tracy, knowing what it was going to be. Sure enough, there was a naked selfie of her with Marlon’s impressive cock prominently displayed, and obviously spent. Jamie’s selfie arrived while Carrie was looking at Tracy’s. It was much the same, except Tracy’s tits were covered in cum.

Carrie grinned and nudged Brian with her foot. He groaned and looked up at her.

“Take a picture of me,” she said, holding out her phone.

“Seriously?” he asked. When she nodded, he chuckled and tried to sit up. The first attempt didn’t go so well, but on the second, he managed to rise and grab the phone.

Carrie parted her legs and held them open, showing off the cum that was still seeping out of her, as well as what was all over her. Brian aimed the phone, moving it around, and eventually settled on standing up on his wobbly legs to snap the picture. He sat down quickly afterwards, and then handed the phone to her when she requested it.

Her mouth dropped open when she saw the image. She knew she was covered in cum, but actually seeing the whole extent of it brought a blush to her cheeks. Nevertheless, she sent it to both her friends.

“Damn, girl!” Jamie answered, followed by the shocked emoji.

Tracy’s reply was, “OMG! More than one? Has to be.”

Carrie quickly snapped pics of the carnage around her, making sure she captured the two biggest cocks, and sent them along. Her friends were suitably impressed – and jealous.

With the fun over, the cum congealing on virtually every inch of her was adding to her discomfort. She sat up and asked, “Mind if I borrow the shower?” Realizing that her top was just as cum-stained as her body, she added, “And maybe a t-shirt or something?”

Brian nodded and crawled out of the bed. He walked to the bathroom first and brought her a towel to wipe the worst of the mess off. By the time she’d cleaned off her face as best she could, he had retrieved a t-shirt for her. She wiped off as much of the slimy mess as possible, and then once the towel was a lost cause, she tucked it between her legs before scooting to the edge of the bed.

It was a slow, bowlegged, and uncomfortable walk that took her to the bathroom.

She felt slightly better when she emerged – still naked – but clean and dry. She’d appropriated one of the liners for the ice-bucket to put her top in, and the frosted plastic did a good enough job of hiding it.

Most of the guys and their clothes were gone, though Pablo was snoring in the bed on the other side of the room. Brian started out of a doze where he was sitting in the chair, and held out her skirt, panties, and the t-shirt he’d offered.

He watched her dress with an admiring gaze while she blushed from the state of the bedspread. The spot where she’d leaked all of Brian’s cum was particularly prominent.

Brian said, “Yeah, Pablo’s going to have to scoot over. I’m not sleeping in that bed.”

Carrie giggled and went to check her phone when she heard it go off. Another two messages from Gary, making five. There were messages from Tracy and Jamie as well, both expecting to hear all the sordid details the next day.

“So, I’m going to call an Uber,” Carrie said. She knew that a shower didn’t hide her freshly-fucked look – especially how gingerly she was walking – and the cabbies all seemed to perve to one extent or another. Uber drivers were more discreet in her experience.

“Yeah, a little awkward,” Brian said, “But worth it?”

Carrie moaned and said, “So worth it.”

“We’re going to be just down the road for another game in a couple of weeks,” he hinted, then held out a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

She walked over and took the note. There was no way she was going to want to even think about sex for a few days. Two weeks was another matter entirely. She had a sneaking suspicion she was going to call, but probably just for Brian.

Or maybe not. Two weeks was quite a bit of time to recover.

The app indicated her Uber was only two minutes away, so she said, “I’m going to wait outside.”

He nodded, only feeling slightly less awkward than she did. “I’m going to hit the sack. Hope you drop me a line.”

“You might just get your wish,” she said as she stepped out the door.

Her ride arrived on schedule and the driver didn’t give her the creeps, so she settled in for the trip home. Morbid curiosity caused her to look at the messages Gary had sent.

The first began, “I know you’re trying to get back at me by hanging with those assholes, and I deserve it, I guess. Seriously, I only flirted with that girl a little when I was drunk, but...”

Blah, blah, blah. Lying bastard, she thought. He somehow wasn’t getting the point that they were through. She couldn’t believe he was that dense.

Then it hit her.

She opened up the image of her covered in cum and cropped it at her neck. Though it meant not letting him see the mess on her face, which she knew would really piss him off, it couldn’t be avoided. He couldn’t prove it was her without her face, even if he screencapped the image from Snapchat. She was betting he would be too furious to think of it before the image expired, but better safe than sorry. He knew what she was wearing, and he knew what she looked like naked. He would know the picture was taken that night, and who she was with.

Yet another message from him arrived while she was opening Snapchat, and she deleted the entire conversation without looking at it. She sent the picture and the caption, last time you’ll see this, with a determined tap, and then closed the app.

She was wearing a victorious grin when she plugged in her still-silent phone and went to bed a short while later. The only message she’d received was Brian’s reply when she sent him her number.

Though she hadn’t admitted it to herself yet, deep down she knew she’d be calling in two weeks and stepping up to the plate for another grand slam.

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Seminar Day 2 Dinner and Dessert with James

We slowly walked back to the meeting room. James had his hand on the small of my back again and as I glanced up at him, our eyes caught. He was looking at me as if he wanted to devour me which sent a little shiver up my back at the thought. Trying to cover my response I asked, “What are you thinking?” He responded, “Just trying to think of a way to top that little escapade of ours.” I laughed as we took our seats, “I have a feeling you can come up with something.” The speakers moved through...

Oral Sex
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A Lawyers Ladies My First Time with Julie

Julie and I are standing at the hotel's entrance as the clients' black limousine pulls up. The uniformed driver comes around to open our door. Julie gives me a look that says, "I impressed." The driver takes her hand as she steps into the car. We both are able to appreciate her small firm ass while she enters. As she sits, the long slit up the right side of her dress displays a long lean dancer's leg. I step in and sit closely by her. The driver closes the door. We dimly follow him around...

3 years ago
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NonagenarianChapter 2 A tale of hope

Sue and I had barely claimed the facing seats across from Maria before the hot air rushed in. An old man, near ninety, wobbled in with his cane and a young aide. He walked the few feet before stopping next to Sue. Maybe it was her still loose vest and bobbing nipples that got his attention, but he plopped down next to her. She wasn't happy about that. The train took off gently and again rocked us soothingly. The old man soon introduced himself as Arthur and his aide as Ann. Ignoring our...

1 year ago
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Falling off the wagon pt4

I was so very confused; I was upset at being maneuvered into a position where I had become nothing more than a fuck toy by Ray and his friends. Yet on the other hand I had enjoyed it, I had enjoyed every thing about what had happened. Being taken like that was like being on some kind of drug or something, it was a high that continued for all of those hours. It would have momentary lulls, as one man would slip from me and another would take his place, but I had to be honest with myself, I had...

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MyFamilyPies Emma Hix Distracting Daddy

Ryan Driller is too busy studying for the bar exam to put up with his stepdaughter’s shit. When Emma Hix decides to blast music to practice being a DJ while Ryan is studying, Ryan tells her to turn it down. Emma sasses him and taunts him with her certified nubile body, but Ryan leaves. Emma isn’t about to take her daddy turning her down, so she goes back to playing loud music and then pops her little titties out of her shirt to really reel Ryan in. Ryan is doing oaky at turning down...

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EvilAngel Elle Lee BigCock BJ Fuck Facial

Clad head-to-toe in black-lace lingerie and fishnet stockings, devastating Asian beauty Elle Lee performs a slow tease for the camera, tempting lustful porn director/performer Mick Blue. The stunning girl bends over to show off her smooth, bare ass cheeks. Mick digs his tongue into her asshole for a tasty rim job. He eats Elle’s shaved pussy. The slender girl masturbates. Next, Mick buries his big cock in her snatch. Elle’s vaginal lips tightly clench his erection as he douses their...

2 years ago
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Life Of A Pervert 8211 Part 6 Never Ending Nights

Hello ISS readers, I am back with the never ending nights about my pervert life I am Naveed, living in Bangalore, working as a manager in an IT firm. I am 5.9 inches tall, well built, and happily married. I am married to a very beautiful girl, Ayesha. This story is mine, a pervert guy who is tall, handsome, well built with thick and long dick (lund). Hereafter I will use the word lund instead of dick and chut instead of pussy which I feel is more erotic and expressible. Back to the...

2 years ago
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Tales of My Depraved Live Part 1

My neighbor Val was 53 and had big tits. By looking at her face you could see where her daughter’s pretty looks came from. One day I removed a wasp’s nest from a tree in her backyard. When one of them stung me, she took me into her laundry room and ran cold water on my hand. In the process she leaned into me; her pelvis on my hip, and her tits against my back and arm. She occasionally turned for some reason and the points of her tits would rub against me. This happened several times and I...

1 year ago
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Cumming for teacher

The hardest lessons are sometimes the best... Jon was glad it was the weekend. Except all the other guys were going to parties or taking out their girlfriends. Jon had only had one girlfriend. That was nearly four months ago. He called her his girlfriend, though he only got a blow job - one blow job at the back of the cinema on their second date. He didn’t see her after that because his date would have clashed with the Star Trek convention. Pammy wasn’t that hot anyway. He dreamed of having a...

3 years ago
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Damsel in Need Lana

Jack had been with the company for the last thirty years, working in most areas. For the last five years he had been assigned the role of driver/security person for the chief executive officer. He had known Bill for ages, and was disappointed when he retired last year to be replaced by his 40 year old son Jeff. Bill however still owned the company. With Jack turning 55 at his next birthday, he had told the company that he intended to retire on his birthday, and to travel the world. He didn’t...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kiara Gold Exotic Russkie Kiara Gold Gets Her Tailpipe Tenderized

Exotic Russian babe Kiara Gold is doing a video shoot with photographer Vega when things get a little hot and hairy! As the two get in the mood for something a bit more than simple fashion, Kiara strips off her lingerie to reveal her perfect pale rack and pink nipples for Vega to behold. Not being able to resist this invitation, Vega soon has his veiny schlong down her throat, and after that he’s more than happy to lap her labia until she’s nice and wet for what comes next. After...

1 year ago
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Made A Girl Cum A Lot

Hi, all. My name is Roby, an average guy with a good 6′ tool. This incident happened 3 to 4 months back. I stay in Bangalore in a PG. I met a girl and then chatted with her for a long time and we used to talk about many things at first. She told about her bf and how she broke up and why she broke. After hearing the reason for the breakup was the chance for me to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and put it together. The reason why she broke up was that her bf was selfish in bed, never...

3 years ago
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I looked at a very angry mom, and her terrified looking daughter. “I have never been so disrespected!” my Stepmom mom yelled. I saw my big sis looked ashamed of herself as if she knew what she did was wrong but also know apologies wouldn’t be accepted. Well let me give some back story leading up to theses events. My stepsister Makaela works part time as a secretary at a law firm and was supposed to meet us at a friends party after work. Her mother’s friend, who hosted the party, was named...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Candy Alexa Ready For You

Candy Alexa steps into the shower to rinse off her delectable body. Her all natural big boobs are soon dripping with moisture, her nipples growing hard beneath the spray. Refocusing the shower head to point between her thighs, Candy moans softly at the way her landing strip pussy pulses with delight. Climbing out of the tub, Candy takes the time to dry off. Her hands sneak back to her breasts and twat as she towels her whole body, pinching and stroking her inner flame higher than ever. When she...

3 years ago
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Summer Of 1972

It was the summer of 1972.  I had just graduated from high school and was excited about attending college in the fall.  I had been accepted to my dream school and my future was looking bright.There was only one thing that was bothering me and had been for some time.  I was the quiet studious type, never had a regular steady girlfriend. Sure, I dated a few girls and went to the senior prom, but I never really had a lasting relationship that led to full-blown sexual intercourse.  Luckily, that...

First Time
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The Candy Striper

Men often complain that their wives aren’t interested in sex, but my husband doesn’t complain at all—I’m the one with the complaint! From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on Saturday mornings. What’s even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go...

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My wife and I hadn’t been out together in almost 20 years. Once the k**s started coming their certainly was no more spending any time together. We had been married for more than 20 years and I think we forgot what a night out really was anymore. We got so use to just staying home that we never even gave it thought.One day I decided that I would surprise my wife and take her out to dinner. I couldn’t remember the last time just the two of us had gone out. I also decided that we should go to the...

1 year ago
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HumbledChapter 6 The Presentation

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP... 'What the hell?' I thought as I was rudely awakened from a sound sleep. Then I looked at the alarm clock and realized that I had a software presentation review meeting scheduled in the office in 90 minutes and was scheduled to present the latest software to the Federal Commerce Department at 3 PM. I could still feel the ring gag in my mouth and my hands cuffed behind my back. I guess this was going to be my new sleep ware. But like yesterday morning, I...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 10 July 1989 Hannah the Horny Whore

Pippa would have made a great actress. She loved role playing to enhance sex sessions; I think she must have started doing it when first married. Speaking for myself I didn't need any fetishes or kinky gear to get me off; Pippa did that for me by just being Pippa. However she liked doing it and I certainly did get turned on by the different characters she would become. One of the first characters that she created was Hannah. Pippa would dress as a whore and, which was even sexier, talk and...

2 years ago
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The Deception of Choice Episode 20

The Deception of Choice. Episode Twenty, comprising Chapter 46. Preamble. Wherein those concerned, or merely mildly curious, about David's fate may find some answers. That elusive 'Why?' being finally discovered. As well as revelations concerning impending global disasters. There is a walk in Wordsworth's 'wild untrodden ways' as well as train, car and boat journeys. No Plymouth gin although a thirst is slaked by beck-chilled ale. There is a poem by Anne but Grace de Messembry is...

1 year ago
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My hot mother

My first sex experience with mom As an eighteen year old I was always horny. Every night, I would close my bedroom door, turn off the lights and slip into bed. I'd double check the volume on my phone was completely off, or very low if I was feeling a little daring (never headphones as they would block out external sounds like approaching footsteps) and then would spend the next several minutes looking for the perfect video to suit my fantasy at that moment.My phone always lived in my right...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 54 Hustled

December 21, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” I said. “Afraid you’ll lose?” Violet asked. No, I thought, I wasn’t afraid of losing at all. In fact, I was sure that win or lose, I’d win, from a certain perspective. “No, that’s not it...” I started. “Then let’s play!” “Are you sure?” She nodded, “I can’t think of a more fun way to celebrate my birthday!” I could, and I was sure that what I was thinking was exactly what she was thinking, and she was just...

3 years ago
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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 1

She received the post on Monday and she tore the envelope open excitedly. She had been waiting for this for what seemed like forever! Quickly she read through the letter, searching for the answer she hoped was in it. There it was, she had been accepted! Chelsea Bell had applied to a well known college in the United States to study. She had chosen this school, partially for its reputation for having a good sociology program. She wanted to become a criminal sociologist. But she had also chosen a...

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Red and VictorChapter 9

When we got home Susan and the twins had more steak and potatoes cooked, and a big pot of pinto beans too, with cornbread, I tried not to eat so much this time. It was good though and I had a hard time stopping. We talked at the table for about an hour afterward. We all retired to the hot tub after that. It was twelve floatin titties for about another hour. Shelly, Sarah and Gloria went in first to wash of the chlorine. I followed 'em after another fifteen minutes. When I got to the shower...

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Reviving Old Memories 8211 Part 1

I am about to share one of the wildest experience that I have had in my life. It happened during my college days, when I was in final year of my bachelor’s degree. Since, my school days, I have been a quite social person. And college, was no different. I’ve had many friends in college but, two were always my best and closest friends I.e. Ankit and Rahul. They both still are my greatest friends. I’ve have always liked the company of good wise men. That’s one of the reasons, why my two best...

4 years ago
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Young Master Ch 01

It was supposed to be the best day of my life...and maybe it was, but definitely not in the way I planned.My 21st first day as a man, as a true lord of the first day as a Master. I was so nervous I threw up my lunch. Not very manly, I know, but just the thought of having my very own sissy to play with had me teetering between the giddy excitement of a k** right about to open the biggest present under the tree, and the stark terror of officially being a man in my...

1 year ago
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Webbs Wonderful Web Book 2 ResistancePart 2

Alice relaxed for the first time in days; she guided the Mondeo safely through the gates of Dingle Dell Farm. The old Granite house greeted her with its unchanging frontage. 'At least some things are permanent' she thought, and released a long held sigh. "Ah well, back to the prison camp" Georgie observed grumpily from the rear seat. "It's great, it's home" Alice responded wistfully. Even Georgie's bitter teenage angst couldn't spoil her moment. "I'll get the gear out of the...

4 years ago
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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch 3 The GirlFriends

‘Alessa, where did you get that vibrator? I want one.’ ‘Oh, a shop in town. I’ll take you there on Saturday, ok.’ ‘But that’s two, no, three days away. I was really hoping to see David tonight. I NEED to see him tonight. But I found out today from his Course Tutor that he and Michael went away on a field trip yesterday for a week...and I thought that the reason I haven’t seen him is because he’s been avoiding me.’ Alessa gave her a sly look. ‘No,’ she drawled. ‘He hasn’t been avoiding...

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uzhgtfrdesyazh ttzhtuzji

“Richard what are you doing calling? Are you backing in town,” Stephanie asks a little quickly. “No I’m still at the family home. Tried calling Stuart but his phone must be out of contract since he’s been with you this summer,” I tell her smiling,” How is the big guy? You mended him pretty good over the past few months.” “Richard, Stuart is gone,” Steph tells me and I freeze. “What do you mean gone, he had no plans and his Uncle drives truck for a living. Where did he go,” I ask...

2 years ago
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How I Raped My Mother and Got Away With It

This is how I raped my mother and got away with it. My parents married early in life, so she was just in her early mid-thirties. She was a natural redhead with fiery red hair and milky white complexion. She also had very nicely shaped full breasts. One day, I accidentally walked in on her as she was getting undressed. She had beautiful breasts with rather large areola and nipples that pointed just slightly upward and outward, yet were looking me right in the eye. She also had a full,...

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Bhabhi Aur Mai

Hi dosto mai raj indore se meri age 29 hai.Ye meri pahli aur sachhi story hai jo mai aap logo ke beech mai share kar raha hu.Ye hasin dastan jo mere aur meri bhabhi ke beech mai ghati hai.Mere lund ka size 9 inch hai jo kisi bhi ladies ki chudne ki khujli mita sakta hai.Meri bhabhi thodi moti hai per bahut hi sexy dhikti hai.Bhabhi ki age38 ki hai.Bhabhi ka ghar mere ghar se 3 k.M. Dur hai ..Bhabhi ke pati yani bade bhai sahab job karte hai bhabhi bhi job karti hai ,unka 1 ladka hai jo 10 class...

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My mom is hot

Hi my name is Mukesh this is my first story. It used to be my favorite time of the day when my mother would give me a bath. Being scrubbed by her while she was humming some song is one of my best memories. It was not until I was eleven and we moved to a small apartment in town that things changed. There was no bath tub and even thou we str4uggeled economically all my life she was giving me all what she could. “Jonas, I am sorry sweetheart, but we have to be really careful with running up our...

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The Storm Shelter

“Honey!  We have to go right now!” Cynthia called out with an edge of panic in her voice.I was running through the house checking that all the windows and doors were tightly locked.  A strong gust of wind rattled the last rain-spattered window as I checked it.  Cynthia looked concerned when I eventually joined her in the car.  I quickly checked that she had packed the overnight bags and blankets before reversing out the garage.Hurricane Irma was scheduled to make landfall later that night.  It...

3 years ago
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Appudu nenu school lo chaduvutunna rojulu. Inka 10 va taragati lo vennanu. Maa pakkinti ramu nenu class mates mu. Valla intiki tarachu chaduvukunduku vellevadini. Vadi atta rajakumari maku teliyani vishayalu chebutundedi. Okasari nenu vadi intiki vellesariki vadu ledu. Vadi atta vunnadi. Lopala snanam chestunnadi. Nenu chappudu cheyyakunada vellenu. Bath room talupu teesevundi koncham ga. Lopala kooniragalu testu snanam chestunnadi. Nenu vacchina alikidiki nannu tongi choosi hall lo koorcho...

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A Ride in My New Car

“It’s all yours,” the car salesman smiled as he flipped him the keys. Leaning into the window the salesman watched Bo grinning in the driver’s seat, ready to roll off the lot, straight over to the one person with whom he wanted to share the realization of his dream: Arielle. “You’re not going to believe it,” Bo practically yelled into his phone. “It’s exactly the car I wanted, down to the colors, options – everything!” Arielle knew how much he’d wanted that car. She was genuinely happy for...

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A breakup leads to reliving earlier experiences

I was home from college and I decided to go for a walk. I was bored and needed fresh air. I went down to the nearby park and there were a few kids kicking a football. I watched them and the ball came in my direction and I kicked it back.“Thanks mister,” a couple of the boys yelled at me and I walked on.My mind was all over the place. I had broken up with my girl and was missing her and the things we did together. We had been lovers for nine months and I loved the time we spent in bed naked and...

Gay Male
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Jen MChapter 3 Lover

When he lay down beside her and kissed her, she hugged him. After that, he kissed her all over, her face, her throat. All of her was adorable, but most adorable were her breasts. When he got to one, he kissed it while holding the other. Then he kissed over her belly. He’d like to kiss lower, but that would require some doing. So, he started to complete her undressing. First her shoes and socks. Which revealed some quite kissable toes covered only by pantyhose. He took only a short detour to...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 42 Shawnsama Tomkun

When Demie got back, I introduced her to Beatrice, who was wearing some of the leftover clothes that Kate had left behind during her hasty exit from our lives. “Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Beatrice greeted her as she curtsied, which looked odd in a t-shirt and sweatpants. I quickly explained to Demie about the 200-year-old ghost being stuck in Vicky’s body. Then I shrugged and explained Demie to Beatrice. “A demon!” Beatrice shied back. “I will have no truck with the devil!” I...

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Trial Run

Hi! This is Siddharth from Mumbai. I’m 24 years old and mariner my profession. I’m huge fan of ISS. Reading stories before on this site gives me a good night’s sleep. I’m going to post my first incident which happened to me a 2 years ago. The story 100% real and it’s about a girl next door, Neha. She is 3 years younger to me. I was 22 and she was 19 at that time. She’s a typical Indian girl, with perfect figure, curves and assets to die for. This is a bit long story as I’m narrating it right...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 260 Mom Gets Led by the Nose

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Majella, Gina and Leanna were gone, Vanessa suggested, "Clean up, then coffees," so we all returned to the kitchen. Vanessa divided up what dishes were ready, leaving two pots cooking for longer, then we all started cleaning up. It didn't take us long, especially with my helping so eagerly, in a pathetic attempt to look good for Mom. Conversation was entirely food related, which I'd normally think was great, but just made waiting for the axe to...

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Newlywed College Biology Teacher Ke Sath Sex

Hi ISS family, this is Raj. I am 28 years old and from Pune. I am a merchant Navy officer, so adventurous life and lot of positive hawas. Thoda introduction de deta hu pehle. In village we have good property, so whole family is settled in village and I joined the merchant navy. After 12th, I came to Pune. School se hi mera padhayi mein kam aur bodybuilding mein zyada interest tha. Life kaafi happening hai meri. Agar mujhe positive response mila to I will share more of my interesting stories. Ye...

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Just a Little RideChapter 8

Lisa. I love my mother. Actually, I love my father, despite his attempts to control my life. But, as I say, I love my Mum, and when she rang me to talk, I had no problem with that. “Yes, Mum, I’m getting married.” “Can I be there when you do?” “Of course, Mum! Dad can be there, too, as long as he’s not going to make a disturbance.” “Church wedding?” “We haven’t discussed that. Rob’s parents are chapel, and I’m sure they might like a religious ceremony. Rob and I, we both have our...

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Porn is consistently at the forefront of technology. Human history has been affected by porn many times, and we wouldn't be where we are today without it. Whenever new forms of print or digital media are developed, it's porn that decides many of its features.Porn is the reason VHS beat out Betamax, and DVDs still reign over Bluray. So, when smartphones began being developed, you knew they had to be porn friendly. At first, no one knew just how integral to society these phones would become, but...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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The Prince of the RoseChapter 4

Upon arriving at her home Dana went to her bed chambers to finish packing while Aaron and Tanith returned to the sitting room. Aaron wanted to discuss tactics but Tanith had other things on her mind. The incident at the weapons arena was bothering her, that added to the strange events when Aaron was submerged in the pool of Eldritch caused her to finally speak up. Too many things did not make sense, but she was afraid that the display in the arena might just have explained everything. That...

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Old Is Gold Chudai Ka Ali Maza 8211 Part 1

Hello Dosto Me Mansi bahat dino ke bad apni ek neyi anubhuti leke app ke samne hajir hun. Asha karti hun ki app logoko meri ye dastan pasand aye.Meri pichli kahaniya to app logone padhe hoge. Jo nehi padhe hay plz plz ek bar padhlijiye to ye kahani app logo ko jawani ka bharpur maza degi.or han muth marna na bhuliyega plz.agar muth marke koi uski pic bhejiyega to me apni chut ki or chuchi ki pic jarur bhejungi promise meri mail id hay . Ab me story pe ati hun. Ye bat kuch din pehel ki hay...

3 years ago
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Best sex up to now my first story

How to start my first story. Here I go and say that the story is immediately true that it is not impossible this is how it is already going public on the internet. So I have 23 and I already have a lot of experience in sex with men. For the first time I've been through 16th. It was a great experience with a young boy, but with time I discovered the real charms. First I was an active boy and I enjoyed it just after a year two I wanted to try a passive part. How this is actually feeling. I...

2 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 8 Kansas

Sistine called me herself, bypassing Carmen. “Just heard back from G and G — they’re pretty exercised about something in those Rowley pages you sent to Carmen.” “Want me to go back in?” “Of course not — wouldn’t that be ... um, bending the law?” “Right, stupid thought.” Translation: okay, Winter, get your butt in gear and don your B & E threads. This time, photograph every work-related page you can uncover. Later for you, Nowak. I had a Dr. Samantha Rowley problem. The first time...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 395

We had plenty of conversation on the flight back to Kampala about today’s trip. We tried to make plans for them to continue receiving whatever assistance I could put together after I went home. I thought some things would work with the expanded JBG security team at the Kampala. There would be flights and freight flights, but that was something that we could work out later. Back at the embassy, I had a late supper and a long VCATS with the girls. I then worked on all the emails, and there...

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Allisons inescapable charms story two

After our day on the rock at the reservoir I picked up Allison as usual the next morning to bring her to class, she said she could not keep her mind off of me and needed to be with me again soon, but this time in a bed! I told her to tell me when she could work that out and by the end of the day I had a text from her saying she would be available all day Friday. She had one early class and was telling her parents she was going away for the weekend with friends although all she was doing was...

4 years ago
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A cute story about an attractive young woman teasing college students with her assets

It was an impulse. One of those whims that strike suddenly, leaving them helpless. They had to stop. They had to have ice cream! Double dip cones, hand made ice cream. Giggling like a couple of kids, they slid into the only available booth, one in the back corner of the store. “You’re getting all messy,” he said, watching the ice cream roll down the side of the cone onto her hand. “Maybe it’s too much for you to handle.” “Too much for me to...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Lana Rhoades 08212016

Meet the Rhoades family: Poppa Rhoades, his oldest son, Robby, and Robby’s little “sissy”, Lana. Since she turned 18, Lana’s turned into quite a handful. She’s in trouble at school, she’s hanging out with the wrong crowd, and she recently started dating a boy named “Rico”, who she’s about to introduce to her Pops and older brother. Robby knows about Rico, mainly from his rep at school. Or, as Robby puts it, “he’s not one of us,...

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Self locked

Hard to decide where to begin. Not something I would have thought I’d be sharing…Here goes, so bear with me. About 6 months ago, I bought a chastity cage to lock up my oft and well used cock. Why? Well, here was my thought process. As a habitual, chronic, prolific, serial masturbator and self admitted sex and porn addict, I originally thought I could start gaining some control over that part of my existence. I thought if I locked up my member and set a schedule for release, I could gradually...

3 years ago
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Screw My Spouse Foundation

“Come on, baby. Give me that cum. I want that fucking cum, ” said the six-foot blonde. She was one of the sexiest women that Dave had ever seen in his 50 years of life. Decades ago, he would’ve never been able to get a woman this attractive. It’s amazing what success can do for a man. Dave had made a career of the military. He mostly served in infantry. He joined when he was eighteen years old and lasted thirty years. Now in his second year of retirement, he just wanted to have as much fun as...

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The Fire Burns

It was night, and Amy and I were sitting by the fire. It cast a orange glow onto us, and occasionally emitted bright sparks. The atmosphere was pleasant and relaxed as Amy leaned on me, watching the fire as though it were slightly intoxicating. It seemed strangely quite, although it was not an awkward silence, it was still noticeable. I looked away from the fire, my eyes resting on my girlfriend Amy, who stared intently into the fire. To me she is perfect- short, shaggy blonde hair, big blue...

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