RunChapter 24: Another Chance free porn video

The man removed his mask, a casual smile on his face. "It is wonderful to see you alive, Mrs. Polanski. You have no idea how much trouble I've gone through to rescue you." He motioned towards Hannigan. "Please, put down your weapons. I only wish to talk."
Tamara shook anxiously. Hannigan eyed the armed men a moment, then lowered his pistol to his holster.
Victor looked past her, said, "you too, my dear. I know only too well how nervous that trigger finger has been in the past ... don't want any ... misunderstandings..."
Tamara looked behind her to see Hilda bring her pistol down but the woman didn't holster it. Hilda replied, "what do you want, Victor?"
"In due time. Quickly, now. There are those about who would see you harmed. Gentlemen, please escort my guests into the vehicle."
The armed men split into a wide half-circle, guns pointed only slightly lower. Hannigan took Tamara's arm and took a step towards the SUV. Tamara wasn't sure why they were complying so easily, but she had to admit they were outgunned and she expected Victor would order them shot if they resisted. She let Hannigan pull her along.
Bursts of gunfire exploded from her right. Tamara saw one of the armed men fall, then Victor was thrown back against the side of the vehicle, blood spurting from his neck. Hannigan slammed her toward the left, pushing her into a rushed sprint into the woods.
Tamara raced ahead of Hannigan, never paused to see if he followed, fear driving her deeper into the trees. The sounds of gunfire ended but she raced on for several minutes before Hannigan shouted, "Tamara! Hold!"
She relaxed her sprint and ducked behind a tree, turned back to see Hannigan race behind her, Hilda hot on his heels.
Tamara was frantic, "what was that? What happened?"
Hannigan was barely breathing heavily. "I dunno. I saw Victor go down, at least two of the other men as well. I'm not sure if someone just saved our lives or if we're about to get a visit from someone worse than Victor."
Hilda broke in, "we have to keep moving. We won't get another chance to get away. Anyone could find us here. Run!"
"She'll be here in five minutes," Holly said as she returned to the small table outside a coffee shop on the south side of Marrakesh. "Hang tight."
Gene was barely hanging at all. His skin bounced as his muscles spasmed, the pill's effects becoming less pleasant by the hour. The earlier euphoria was slowly replaced by anxiety, and his muscles felt like they were being shredded and bruised. He had powered through three full pitas and a bowl of green olives, eyeing the second plate in front of where Holly sat down. As the euphoria wore off, he found his hunger growing stronger.
Gene saw Holly look past him, smiling, blinking her eyelashes. He turned his neck, saw only an overweight, middle-aged Moroccan man looking at his plate. Gene turned back, asked, "can we trust Sagal? Relatively speaking?"
"Yes. I've known her since I was very young. She's always been solid. I've worked with her a few times in the past. As much as anyone, yes, we can trust her."
"So no idea why she's here?"
"Is that unusual?"
"Hardly. You should know this, Gene. The fewer people who know what you are up to, the easier it is to get it done."
Gene never saw her walk up, but a tall, thin black woman sat down next to him, her clothes were modern casual brown slacks and a mocha blouse, lighter than her dark-brown skin. She wore sunglasses despite the evening darkness. Her hair was wrapped with a thin green scarf.
Holly leaned over the table. "Sagal."
"Holly." The woman turned towards him. "And you must be Mr. Polanski." Her accent was singsong, lilting but lightly husky. "Pleasure."
"Call me Gene."
Sagal nodded.
"So what have you heard?" Holly whispered.
"Little. There's a No Limits cell north of the city, but they've been quiet for a while. Israel has gone dark. That worries me, Holly. Other than that ... not much else." She checked her watch. "I've got an hour to kill. Any news on your end?"
Holly gave her a brief synopsis of the situation at Oasis, including the assault on Jesus and her missing sister. "Wish we knew what was going on there. We're missing something crucial."
Sagal didn't respond.
Gene saw Holly again smile at the man behind him. He asked, "what are you doing, Holly?"
"Who, me?" she grinned. "Flirting. I'd have thought you recognized that, Gene."
"With that guy? Why?"
"Cause every time I smile at him, he blushes and looks away. I think it's cute." She kissed Gene's cheek. "You're not the jealous type, are you Gene?"
He let out a groan. "Hardly."
"Good ... cause we've got an hour to kill before we roll up our tracks and see what we find. I think I'm going to fuck him. Excuse me..."
Gene gave Holly a bewildered look, then turned towards where she leaned close to the man's head, whispered something, then sat on his lap. The man looked stiff with nervousness, but Holly whispered something else, then stood up, took his hand, and headed towards the interior of the cafe.
Sagal laughed. "That girl is a nympho on steroids, as I'm sure you've found out by now."
Gene shook his head. "To say the least."
"Scared, Gene?"
"You get used to that with time. I wager you're better at handling it today than when this all started."
Gene shrugged. "Maybe."
Sagal pursed her lips. "Know why I'm here, Gene?"
"I thought agents didn't talk about their missions."
"Not typically, unless someone needs to know. And you need to know." The waiter brought a pot of hot tea and cups, poured one for Sagal. The woman sipped it and continued. "I'm here to protect you at all costs. We know that whatever you know, it is vital. Gotta keep you alive, Gene. I'm here to see that you stay alive."
"Holly know this?"
"She told me earlier she didn't know why you were here."
"Holly didn't lie. I communicated it to her just now."
"Not that I heard."
"It wasn't for the ears, Gene. You gotta listen with your eyes sometimes."
He shook his head again, leaned back, finally feeling full.
Sagal leaned forward, rested a hand on his leg. "Listen, Gene ... it's been a long haul for me lately, and if Holly's off having fun, care to help me relieve a little stress?"
Gene tilted his head at her. She was certainly beautiful, but he'd hardly met her. "Uh ... look, thanks ... but..."
"But you have something better to do?"
"No, just..."
She grabbed his hand and slid it between her legs, the heat from her thighs closing in around his fingers through the slacks. "No?" She asked.
Gene paused a moment, mind racing. The pill's effects still included sexual pulses, and he quickly became excited by the thought. "Where then?"
"Follow me."
Sagal led Gene into the cafe and through a door which led to a long hallway. They turned right, went through another small shop and went inside a door. They were in a bathroom with three stalls. Sagal took his hand and led him into the one on the far right.
Gene could hear heavy breathing even after he closed the door behind them. Sagal unzipped his pants, was soon stroking his dick to hardness. Gene heard a moan, then another. Holly. She's fucking that guy in the stall beside us. Sagal turned towards the sounds, smiled, whispered, "mmm ... a special treat..."
She squatted down and slid his penis into her mouth. Gene groaned uncontrollably, Holly moaning as well, a man's rapid breathing and harsh grunts becoming louder. Sagal didn't spend long sucking his cock, soon stood, pulled her pants down to just above her knees, then did the same with her blue silk panties. Sagal turned around and bent over the commode.
Gene ran his fingers over her vulva, the woman's sex wet and slippery. Her dark pubic hairs were scratchy but well-trimmed around her labia. Gene pushed the head of his cock against her opening and thrust forward steadily.
He heard Holly orgasming as his dick slid fully inside Sagal's vagina. The dark-skinned woman sucked in her breath, moaning as Gene started to fuck her. His pulsing cock slid through her hole easily, creamy froth soon churning along his length.
Gene held her hips, fucking Sagal firmly. Her slender, long ass looked beautiful bent over like that, and he watched as her labia trailed down his shaft as he pulled back, her tight, dark, puckered anus barely moving above.
The man fucking Holly let out a long groan, and Gene was sure the man had just cum. Holly giggled throughout, the man breathing heavily. Sagal's fingers tickled Gene's balls a moment from between her thighs, then moved back to her clit. The black woman slammed back against him, bucking, braced with one hand over the toilet. She cried out, her pussy clenching, and Sagal orgasmed strongly around Gene's cock.
He shuddered, tensed, tensed, and exploded in the woman's slick vagina, spurting, spurting, grunting with each shot. Over and over, his cum rushed out of his cock and filled the black woman's hot cunt.
He pulled back, winded, watched the semen running out of Sagan's pussy. She stood straight, pulled her panties up quickly, and refastened her pants. Sagan turned, an amused, pleasurable look on her face. She stroked Gene's shrinking cock a few times, said quietly, "thanks for that ... hope we have another chance to take our time..."
Gene just nodded. Sagan kissed his cheek and tucked his penis back into his pants.
Dr. Henderson had left before Lauren and Finch returned to the house. They hadn't spoken during the walk back. Lauren was full of butterflies and tingles. She was surprised how good she felt, how confident. She'd worried that she'd instantly regret having sex with her brother, but instead, she felt high and light. It had been an intense experience, the sensation of Finch's penis in her vagina, his ejaculation inside her body, the way he had shuddered as he came. Her clit grew hard just thinking of it.
They sat in the living room with Logan and the twins. Hannah cast her a knowing smile and flushed when Lauren couldn't help from smiling back. The five of them sat quietly a while before Juliana brought them bowls of stew and glasses of lemonade. The woman wished them a good night and turned in early.
Hannah stood and stretched, motioned Lauren to join her as she went down the hallway.
They ducked inside Hannah's room and closed the door. "So!" the girl said, "tell me everything!"
Lauren blushed and smiled, turned away as they sat on the bed. "I dunno. We had fun."
"Fun? I bet it was more than fun."
"Yeah," Lauren admitted, "it was better than I expected ... I'm still tingling..."
"Did you let him cum in you?"
Lauren nodded.
"So hot ... so, now that you've been with him ... think it might be ok if I play with Finch, too?"
Lauren felt a bit of jealousy, didn't respond immediately.
"It's ok if not ... I was just hoping ... you know ... Plus ... Georges is hoping you haven't forgotten about him..."
Lauren smiled, "no way. How could I forget about him ... he has been wonderful."
"So, maybe the four of us can have some fun together tomorrow night? What do you say?"
"The four of us? Oh ... uh..." Lauren's mind raced, excitement filling her again. "Yeah, ok."
Hannah smiled, "great. Oh, I can't wait, Lauren! I've never had anyone but my brother inside of me ... I can't wait! See?" She grabbed Lauren's hand and slid it underneath her dress, Lauren's fingers pressed against the damp panties between the girl's legs. "I'm soaked!"
Lauren flushed. "Mine are wet, too ... mostly from Finch..."
"Oh, you didn't rinse afterwards?"
Lauren shook her head.
Hannah slid off the bed onto her knees. "Real quick, can I taste you? I want to taste him in you so badly ... I've wanted another chance to taste you again since that first time from my fingers..."
When Lauren leaned back slightly, Hannah took that as an affirmation. Her hands shot to the teen's pants and quickly slid them down and off one leg, her panties right behind. Hannah spread Lauren's thighs and lapped quickly against the teen's sloppy pussy. Finch's cum still drooled out of her hole, and Hannah mewled as she tasted it on Lauren's warm, tender folds.
Hannah's tongue slid quickly around Lauren's clit, the darker-haired girl's body vibrating from the contact. In moments, Hannah's movements caused Lauren to shudder into orgasm. She held her hand over her mouth to stifle the cries, hoping Juliana and the others didn't hear her. Her legs wrapped around Hannah's back, drawing her into her crotch as her orgasm flowed over her.

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