The Strawberry Patch Book 1: The BabiesChapter 47: Truth And Consequences free porn video

November – Year 2
Bosco had decided against going to pick up the visitors himself. The members of the Tyler, TX Club agreed that they would meet as soon as they could and about midnight the rental car pulled up to the bar and three men got out. They looked like many of the men in the bar on any given night. They were the leaders of The Club of Brothers in Texas. Bosco was sitting at a table against the side wall and some of his members led the visitors to his table. He stood and shook hands with the men.
“Hello James, it has been too long.”
“Hello Bosco. It has, but as we drove in from the airport I can see why you like it here.”
“It is a beautiful place and if the situation allows, I invite you to take a ride with us around the area.”
“We will see. Let’s get down to business.”
“We have a couple of issues to deal with. Before we go any farther I need you to meet a very good friend of mine.”
Bosco waved over at me. I was sitting next to Mark and I rose and walked to Bosco’s table. One of the visitors stood in front of me and gave me a hard look.
“He is a VERY good friend of mine, James. I trust him with my life, his family as well. Please do not insult him or me.”
“Is he a Brother?”
“No. I have not asked him to be. The reasons are my own and should not reflect on him in a negative fashion.”
James thought for a few seconds and then nodded and spoke.
“Let him through.”
“James, this is Paul O’Dell. Paul, this is James Whitehead. You two have a common problem. That is Adam Shout. He was sleeping with your wife and he did the same to Paul’s wife. In Paul’s case it was for blackmail.”
“It was in mine as well. He told Denise that he knew some things about my life and would inform the authorities if she didn’t fuck him and give him $50,000. She loves me and it broke her heart, but she did it to protect me.”
“The same here, except he was after her because of info he had on her. I want this guy. I want to tear him up, but first I need to know what he knows and how he got the info. I need to protect my wives and our babies.”
“Wives? Bosco, did he just say wives?”
“Yeah he did. It is a bit of a story. Paul, do you mind?” Bosco looked at me for permission to continue.
“Go ahead. I’m getting tired of telling it all the time.” I chuckled.
“James, you see the bartender?”
“How could I miss her? My God look at those tits.”
“That is Paul’s wife, Erin. She owns this bar. She is having twins.”
“Paul, no insult intended but with tits like those she needs twins!”
“No insult taken.” I nodded to him. “Just don’t move on her, we just got her mouth unwired from a little fight we had here. I sent the guy that broke her jaw to the hospital and Bosco and I each sent another.”
“James, you see the little blond over at the end of the bar? That is Lynn, she is also his wife. They have a complicated civil union. It is all legal and binding, it is just not a ‘real’ marriage according to the state. She is pregnant as well and she is the one Adam Stout got to.”
“She is on the run from some organized crime guys and the FBI. I am concerned that the crime guys somehow are connected to Adam and somehow found her. I don’t like the Feds and I do not want to have to deal with the mob. So I need to talk to Adam before you deal with him.”
“The info he told Denise he had was about the FBI and the mob as well! The plot thickens.”
I laughed at the idea that a man who would clearly be identified as a ‘biker’ by people on the street, would use a reference from 17th Century English lit. he looked at me and smiled for the first time since we had met.
“In another time, I was an English lit major and was going to teach until I got involved with the Club due to being set up to take a fall by the mob in Texas.”
“I was wondering. So it seems that Mr. Shout has either a contact in the mob or with the Feds. If the mob knew where my wife was, they would be here. It has to be through the Feds.”
“Or he has a source that concerns both but they don’t know about the connection. Paul, I know the mob and if they wanted your wife and they knew where she was, you are right they would be here. I think we need to pay this guy a visit.”
“No time like the present. Bosco you know where we can find this guy?”
“I do, but he is expecting to have another go at Lynn tomorrow. She is supposed to bring him $50,000 and let him fuck her again. Then he says that he will be gone.”
“That is what he did in Texas. When my wife took the money to him, he fucked her again and then disappeared. We put out papers on him in case anyone found him.”
“Let’s just meet with him tomorrow at the 3:30 time he specified and at the motel he specified. I don’t want to slip up because I am tired and do something careless or stupid.”
“Good idea, Paul. I am tired as well. Bosco we need a hotel.”
“I have one all lined up for you and your associates. We will cover the cost. Let’s get you over there and settled in and we will come and get you tomorrow at about noon.”
“Works for me. Before we leave, Paul, would you be insulted or worried if I asked to be introduced to your wives? They sound like my wife.”
“No, I don’t mind. My wives are strong women and they love me. Come on.”
I walked James over to where Lynn was sitting next to Mark. She was watching the whole conversation from the other side of the bar and stood as we approached.
“James, this is my wife, Lynn O’Dell. Lynn, my love, this is James Whitehead from Texas.”
“Hello Mr. Whitehead. Are you going to be able to help us out of this mess?”
“Straight to the point eh? My name is James and it is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. O’Dell.”
“Lynn, please.”
“Lynn, it is my hope that tomorrow we will put an end to this problem once and for all. We will all get together for lunch tomorrow and hammer out the plan. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Good night, James.”
“Is everything ok?” A voice from over my shoulder spoke.
“Hi Sweetie. Erin this is James Whitehead from Texas.”
“James this is my wife, Erin O’Dell the owner of this fine establishment.”
“Mrs. O’Dell. I do not want to cause offense, but you are one of the few women that I have meet with breasts larger than my wifes. I am a man who truly enjoys women with large breasts that are not fat slobs. You carry yourself well and I may tell my wife about you when I call her before bed and if I am not being too bold I may just beat off while I describe you to my dear Anna. She likes that sort of thing.”
“Hey, I assume that there are several fellas that do that after coming in here. No offense taken. As my husband always says “It is rude to not admire a beautiful woman”. Beat to your wifes delight.” Erin laughed out loud, turned and slapped herself on the ass.
“Paul, THAT is one hell of a woman.” James was laughing and shaking his head.
“They both are. Trust me. They saved me from the depths of depression and I love them and I have told them that I am prepared to do whatever it takes to protect them. Let’s get going.”
“Paul, no need for you to come with us. Stay here and close the bar down with Erin and Lynn. and see to it that your wives get home safe. I will call you at about 11am and plan out the day.”
I shook James hand again and then Bosco’s. The two large men embraced and called each other ‘Brother’ and headed out to the parking lot.
“Lynn, tomorrow we are going to get to the bottom of this, or Mr. Shout is going to have to change his name to ‘Scream’, either way.”
“Don’t do anything to get yourself into trouble or to get us noticed by the Feds or the mob.”
“Right now just relax and stay calm. We will head out together.”
I woke up with Lynn’s arm over my chest and with Erin behind her wife with a firm grip on Lynn’s tit. I looked over to see that Erin was awake and when she noticed me, she began to roll Lynn’s pink nipples in between her finger and thumb while she pressed the soft flesh against her wifes ribs.
“Good morning Sweetie.” I spoke to Erin softly.
“Good morning, lover. Let’s head for the shower. I don’t think that Lynn will mind.”
I rolled away from Lynn and she let out a disappointed moan, but did not wake. I stood and took Erin’s hand as she came around the bed and led her to the bathroom. We kissed and I took a firm hold of her ass cheeks as we shared a morning breath, French kiss. Erin’s hands traveled south as well and she took a hold of my ass and pulled me tight to her.

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