Consent P5 free porn video

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So Marie and I went to get dressed. Since I had ridden to the party with Karen so Marie offered to takes us to my place. I put my arms around her shoulders and kisses her soft lips lightly. I open her door for her then get in beside her. She giggles, "May I say something." "You can say anything to me at any time." "Daddy, no one has ever opened my door for me! That was so hot and so expected of a gentleman." She grabs me and kisses me hard. She breaks the kiss, "I knew I chose the right man to be my Daddy, my special daddy, my daddy that I can talk to about anything, My daddy that will fuck me the best way to be fucked. My Daddy that will guide me through the world of sex."

I kiss her lightly again. And we drive off in the night to my place. "Is it ok if I call you daddy or dad. Yes Marie. That is my role in your life, so you can call me daddy whenever and wherever you wish." "Great that takes a load off." "Turn left here and it is at the end of the street." "Oh wow, daddy you have a nice house." So she parks in the driveway, I get out and approach her door, but she is already headed for the door. "Oh wow, should I have waited for you to open my door?" "No dear." "It's just that I am so excited to be alone with my Daddy at long last."
I open the front door and show her to the couch. "Would you like a glass of wine?" "Yes please this is one of the nicest homes that I have ever been in." "Thank-you, I will give you the nickel tour after I get our drinks. I hand Marie her drink. "Shall we take the tour?"
"So this is obviously the living/Kitchen/Dining rooms. The study is here next to the Dining Room." We cross the hall. "This is the guest suite. Whenever you visit, this will be your private suite." "Wow it's bigger than my current apartment." "This leads to the garage and this way to the Master Suite. " "Nice, a four poster bed with a rack on top no less." Yes and the bath is around here, there is a walk in shower." "Room for two or more in that shower." "Yes it is nice. Now up the stairs. This is my library and a little kitchenette and this door leads to the playroom. Go ahead open the door. I am still adding apparat ice." "Oh wow, is this you dungeon?" "Well some people might call it that. Shall we go back downstairs?" I seat her on the couch again and take her empty wine glass and mine and place them in the sink.

I sit down next to Marie. "Daddy you have a wonderful house. Ah about the playroom, is that for me?" "Only if you want it to be and certainly not for a while a month at least." I put my arm around her and feel her relax. "Let's talk for a while, OK?"
So we talked for a while and got to know each other a bit. She gave me her bio, then I asked her about her sexual experience. Marie lost her virginity at 16 and had a variety of boys until she met Master Tom in college. He was an instructor teaching a class in human sexuality. She had a couple of lesbian experiences while taking this class. She went to him after hours, but he did not touch her until she was no longer his student. Marie was steadily in his bed until she graduated. Then her collared her and her studies moved into BDSM.

She asked me about my sexual experiences and indicated she would like to try a few things as we talked. I pointed out that I had a vasectomy so she did not have to worry about pregnancy and that I generally did not plan to use a condom with her. I asked her what her limits were. All her hole were allowed, water sports were off the table and some other things that I am not interested in.

"Now my dear, go to your bath and get comfortable and come back here when you are ready. Oh come back wearing what you have on." She giggles, "Daddy, you read my mine."
After a few minutes she comes back. She has brushed her curly hair and wash off what little makeup she was wearing. She has unbuttoned all but two buttons on her blouse. I gather her in my arms and kiss her hard, she relies in kind. My hand to her breast and hers to my ass pressing my hips tightly against her. I bring her to the couch and lay her down. I rip open her blouse, the last two buttons go flying. Her breathing is rapidly increasing I spring the clasp on the bra and I reach for her hips but she has already dropped her shirt and surprise no panties. I cup her pussy and she moans softly at first then loader as she become more aroused. "Oh Daddy that feels so good! More please more!" I work her pussy and clit with my fingers. I slow the pace again to conserve my energy and she starts to rock her hips, arch her back. "Oh Baby, daddy I want your cock, Daddy, oh please!!" Marie cums for the first time with me. She has a series of what I can only describe as rolling orgasms. Her pussy grabs at my fingers and her hips rise, then she thrashes her shoulder and arches her back as her face and upper chest get very red. After several orgasms I stop and just hold her. She tremors and shakes as I hold and kiss her, her breathing deepens slowly I caress her in my arms.

"Ok dear?" She is still shaking as she grabs the hair on the back of my head and kisses me. "Oh my, my daddy, my man, my fuck. God that was amazing daddy!" "I enjoyed bring you to orgasm and look forward to more." She holds me. "Master told me that you like your ladies to cum first, but that was… just wonderful ! Daddy will you take me to your bed now please Sir?" "You know I don't need the bed to fuck you dear." "Yes I know, but for the first time." She grabs my cock and squeezes. I take her hand and take her to my bed. Marie giggles the whole way.

I kiss her as I lay her in my bed, my fingers slowly stroking her clit and her soaking pussy. She is quickly cumming again! After her third orgasm I grab her legs and wrap the over my shoulders, she is still cumming when I put the tip of my cock against her pussy lips. I intended to do this slowly, but the night is catching up with me. In a single thrust I plunge my cock into her very wet pussy. We both moan on this first stroke. Her cunt is so very tight! "Oh god…your..pussy!" "Feels so good! Yes daddy fill me!"
Two more thrusts and I climax and she cums as my hot load is pumped deep into her cunt. I thrust again a few time, fluids squeeze out of her filled cunt. I lay her down on the bed and we hold each other, stroking each other.

Need to get up nature calling, I feel an arm. Oh yes, Marie, it's daylight, I glance at the clock, good just 10. I try not to wake Marie, but she stirs, blinks a bit as though remembering last night. "Good morning Marie." "Oh yes, Sir I mean Daddy. Yes Daddy!" She hugs me as we lay in bed together. "I am sorry about fucking you so hard last night, you are so sexy and I wanted to fill you so much." I kiss her lightly. Let's take a quick shower, then breakfast. Are you going to the play party tonight?" "There is one tonight too?" "Yes, Karen, Celeste and I are doing a scene again. "Oh I'll miss it. I have to work again." "What do you do?" "I am a coder for Microsoft and we are on a tight schedule and behind. That's why I came to the party late last night and I'll probably miss you again tonight. Can I see you later?" "Sorry dear I have other plans for tonight and Sunday I 'm afraid. How about any time Monday?" "OK I just wanted you again!" "I know and I really want to fuck you the way you deserve to be fucked." "Daddy can I call you?" "Yes but only, let's say twice a day, and only after seven on special occasions." "Awh, really, well OK." "Now off to the shower, you have my cum all over you and I have who knows what over me." We laugh and giggle in the shower, cleaning each other.

After the shower I lay her on the bed and ask her to just lay there and be totally passive and accept what I do with no questions no talking just lay and enjoy. "This is an exercise in getting to know to trust each other." She shuts her eyes and relaxes. After about 15 minutes of me touching and kissing and massaging, Lips checks, neck, shoulders, breasts and nipples, tummy…, she is very aroused. I spread her legs and work my may up from massaging her feet, lower thighs, upper thighs, inner thighs. Her pussy is swollen and soaked from her juices as I begin to work her with both hands. Inside and outside her pussy, her shallow breathing tells me she is close. She has remained quiet the whole time, but now her hips are rocking back and forth. They are thrusting on my hand, she arches her back as her body shakes. I continue and continue as she continues to orgasm. Then I begin to reverse the process. Running my hands down her thighs to her feet. Then her torso and arms and finally I lightly kiss her. Marie opens her eyes and I lay there and we just touch. I pull her to me. "Did you enjoy that dear?" "Wonderful daddy, just wonderful. What?" The doorbell rings!

I quickly grab a robe, I think I know who it is but you never know. Better safe than to flash a neighbor! I open the door and Celeste and Karen are there. I invite them in. "I thought I should return your car and Celeste kindly offered to drive me back home." "Oh celeste I would have done that." "Well I needed to see if I could sit on my ass for a few minutes." "Yes Tim really did a number on her ass. She will have to sit the party out tonight. I'll have to find someone to replace her." We all giggle. Karen hands me a paper. "This is a list of some of the ladies who want the opportunity to know you better. I screened it down to twenty-five. There is their fet name, so you can check their profile and photos and here are their phone numbers. I told them that I couldn't promise anything whether they got a call would be entire up to you. By the way I'll bet your fet mailbox is overflowing this morning!" "Oh, hello Karen, and you must be Celeste." A naked Marie walks up and give each of them a hug. Celeste turns to me and asks, "So Sir how was your night?" "Daddy was wonderful, especially this morning!" I pat her ass, "Go get dressed you scamp." Marie trots into the bedroom. "Isn't she young?" "Yes, but she wanted some one who was very experienced to learn from, that why she calls me daddy." "So it isn't a little/daddy/dom situation?" "Right, Karen was there when Master Tom introduced us. She is his sub." "So Celeste, we better hit the road, errands to run. I want to stop and get some cream for Celeste. I'll call you Sir when I find our third." They leave and my anger builds.

"Marie that was very rude of you! Come here you need to be punished." I pull her over my knee and spank her bare ass, sometimes harder than others. "Now the next time you are so rude the punishment will be much harsher, much harsher. Do you understand?" "Yes daddy, I'm sorry, but I wanted to see Celeste." "Had you waited little girl, I would have introduced you, you just wanted her to know that YOU shared my bed and cock last night, didn't you?" "Yes daddy." "Are you trying to make her jealous? I doubt that you will succeed with her, but I will not stand for this type of behavior. Jealously has no part in what I do. Do you understand that "Little Girl'?" "Yes daddy." "You should have outgrown that in high school." She comes up and hugs me and kisses me lightly. "I am so sorry daddy. I will behave, I will but I need to know the rules." "These are expectations I have of you as an adult, understand dear? Now when you act like that in the future and I call you a "little girl" that means I am very upset with you behavior. I will not stand for this type of brattiness around other. It is fine with just you and me, but if it continues I will question the continuation of our relationship. As further punishment, you may no longer call me daddy until I say, understood?" "Yes, ah Sir!" She looks at her feet an continues to get dressed. I hug her and kiss her and we hold each other. "Sorry Sir that I was acting c***dish. It won't happen again. I have already learned something from you, thank-you Sir." "Marie it is time that you fully understand the impact of your actions on others and yourself, if you want to be a c***d, you will be treated as one. In open relationships jealousy is a poison and it will kill our relationship very quickly. But if you want to be an adult and take part in adult activity, the expectation is that you will behave as an adult. Think about it and you will see that daddy is right about this. If there is the slightest question in your mind, ask me about it before you act. That is what daddy is for and yes dear you may call me daddy again." "She smiles and hugs me hard, "Oh thank-you Daddy, thank-you!" "Now Marie I have lots of things to do today so do you mind heading home for now? You can call me later.

I get Master Tom's number from Karen and we talk about Marie's behavior. Tom promises to have a talk with her. It turns out Karen had already called him. He is not to happy either but says he won't punish her as that was up to me.

So let's put that behind us. I get my laptop and bring up Fet and start going through the names. Let's see if I can winnow this down a bit. On the first pass only one name get dropped but I will still call her and talk. Karen really did a good job. I wonder how many of these will be at the play party tonight? Yummm.

About 2 Marie calls, crying. Tom read her the riot act again. She called to ask for my forgiveness, which I give, again. We talk for a while and she is calming down. I now realize that some of her issues might be because of Tom. He is young and inexperienced as a Master. Maybe I'll talk to Karen about him. I just hang up when Karen calls, meet at 3:30 to go over the scene. I hang up then realize she didn't tell me who will replace Celeste! Argggh.

I ring Karen's doorbell at 3:30. She invites me in and we hug and kiss. "So who is the third?" Karen giggles then takes me by the hand and drags me into the bedroom. I near fall over, Tim is naked sitting on the bed. The Tim who did such a number on Celeste last night! "I'm confused Karen." "Sir I would like to make a change or two to the scene, but it has to be ok with you, OK?" "Ok. What changes?" "Well as you remember, Celeste used a strapon to fuck you in the ass, Well let's reverse you and me. Tim doesn't need a strapon, he will just fuck me in the ass while you have my pussy. I know it kind of has some gay feelings about it now, what with your cock and balls so close and your balls will probably be touching. Is it too much for you, Sir." "Well Karen, before we do this in public, mind if we try it out a bit here first." Karen exclaims, "Oooh I win the bet. That will be ten bucks Tim. I knew he'd try it."

So Karen and I undress each other. Kissing touching get her in particular as aroused as possible She pushes me on the bed then sits on my hips giggling. She reaches between her legs and slides me into her. "Tim, I am ready whenever you are." He lubes her ass and his cock and pushes his way in. I can feel him enter her and slide in deeper. He thrusts a bit and the rocking of his balls hits my cock and somewhat surprising for me I find the touch a little stimulating. I look at Karen "Yes dear this will work." She giggles at that, "Well it works for me too, Tim?" "Well Karen I have always wanted to fuck your ass and now lots of people will watch while I do it." We all laugh at that and come out of Karen's holes. "You know Sir, there is one other thing I would like to add oral sex." "Ok, what is your idea." "I want to do oral on you to get you really hard at the start of the scene, would that be OK?" "Do you want to do 69 or solo." "Solo, I really want to concentrate on you Sir." "Karen, when is our performance?" "Yes I was wondering that too." "Well guys, we are the last scheduled performance, starting at 1030. Is that ok?" "Yes, great. Well Karen and Sir I will see you tonight." Tim gets dress and leaves

"Well Sir, I think Tim is up to something." "Oh you see that too, I expect him to spank you or something like that during the scene. Do you want me to stop him?" "Let me think about that. I don't want to be seen as submitting more than I already am. He may use his hand on my ass, say three times, but beyond that, if he starts spanking me. We will stop the scene. Agreed?" "Yes, Karen agreed. I am glad we have a plan. Shall I pick you up this time." "Yes, mind reader, say 7. I was going to ask since I expect you will be taking some hot slut to your bed tonight again! How was Marie by the way?" "I chewed her out very thoroughly for being so rude to you and Celeste. I hope she learns from it. The sex was, well I lost my control, but it was great." "Do you like being called daddy?" "It's not a turn on if that is what you mean. How is Celeste doing." "Celeste should be doing quite well, she is with three very sexy women who are thoroughly filling any need or request that she may have." "Oh good, I have been worried about her. I feel responsible, I let things get out of hand last night." Karen lifts my head and kisses me. "You are so sexy, so romantic, such a gentle man. Grrrrr It make me want you even more, do you know that? Celeste fully consented to Tim and actually except for getting a bit carried away spanking her, he did what I asked. Celeste had fantasies about stocks and being helpless and we help make one come true."

So I got dressed and went home and called Marie, we had a good talk, but she was at work so that limited the topics we could talk about. She was very surprised that I called her. Next I called Suzie and ask her if I could see Debbie again. Mistress Sue gives me her consent and tells me that she will let Debbie know that she has given her consent for her and I to be together. I hang up and a few minutes later a txt arrives, "She knows." So I call Debbie. She sounds very excited to hear from me. "Last night was so wonderful, and I know that you have lots of offers. I just figured that it would be months if ever before I heard from you again!" "Last night was wonderful for me too and I would like to see you again. I always planned to call you today. Can we get together today or Sunday?" "Sir you are such a gentleman, how about 6 Sunday evening. I want to be prepared for you." "And I you, 6 is fine dear. Will you be at the play party tonight?" "No, Mistress Suzie has cooked up something else for me, but have fun!" God look at the time…

"Sorry I am late Karen." "Don't worry about it, silly. It's not like we are going to your wedding or something. Relax." Tonight's venue is a good 30 minute drive, we chat while we drive. "Sir may I say something personal and private and will you just listen until I finish." "Wow Karen this sounds serious. Please I will listen quietly." "Good, this is serious. Sir You are without a doubt one of the sexiest guys I have ever met. I have been searching for while that is so, why I am so attracted to you. I can sum it up best by saying that you're are one of the few truly gentle men that I have ever met. That has become a very rare commodity these days. The way you acted with Celeste on your first date, yes Celeste has told me all about it, your compassion, your obvious sexual experience, it all is rolled into one sexy guy who I never want to let go, but I know that I must give you your freedom that one of the things I find so attractive is your interactions with other women. I just want to thank-you for walking into my life and the lives of my friends." "Well Karen, ah first thank you for your very kind words. If I seem sexy, it is simply because I am with sexy partners. The past week has been just amazing! So Karen, I know you try to plan these things in advance, who will I be meeting tonight?" "Have you ever had sex with a pregnant woman?" "No" "I will introduce you to one tonight." There is also one friend who I believe is still nursing. Would that be something that you would be interested in?" "Yes Karen dear. You know you don't have to set me up." "yes I know, but I also know the Dommes in the area." "Yes and from what Tom told me you have been telling them all that I am quite the partner in bed." "Well I only tell the truth Sir." "Karen, thank-you so very much." "Oh the turn is on the right Sir."

I get out and open Karen's door for her. "Thank you Sir. I doubt if very men here tonight would do what you just did, and for the women who say they can open their own doors, nearly all would kill to have it done for them."

We enter the venue. There is a large sign, Please show your invitation, Private Party. "Invitation? I don't have an invitation." "Sit I have yours. My invitation allows me to bring a guest, that's you dear. This party is smaller and more intimate. There were only 50 invitations sent out." We enter and change to our fetish wear I wear the same vest as last night and Karen is just boldly naked." We enter and again there are four areas, The show area is only one spot, The demo area is much large and Karen tells me that I have a bedroom, room 17, that has been assign just to me. "Karen, I know we will fuck during our scene, but would you join me later in my bedroom?" "That I will very happily do Sir!" Karen giggles and grabs my hand, "Normally I'd say we can fuck anytime, but tonight, I am already wet just from your kind invitation."

I see a very sexy lady, mid-40's, slim but big breasts. I walk up and ask, "Hello, I am Sir, may we talk?" "Hello Sir is it, yes we can talked, are you unattached?" "Yes and you?" "I am Mistress Tina, I have several subs, but none of them are with me now. I take it that you are interested in me?" "Yes Mistress Tina. I find you very attractive." "Why that you Sir, You are a very attractive man to if I may say so. So what are you into?" "I am generally open and actually in several open relationships currently." "Oh, anyone I might know?" "Well there is Mistress Karen, although our relationship is as equals not Dom/sub." We chat for a while. "Tina may I touch you." "Yes Sir, I will allow simple touching at this point." I slide my arm around her waist, she turns towards me, her breast brushing my chest. I kiss her cheek lightly. She pulls back. "Sir I must say this is an experience I have not had in a long time, where the male takes the initiative. I will now consent to full contact if you wish." I repeat my kiss on her cheek, then move to her lips starting slowly, then deepening the kiss. I pull her closely and we hold each other. A few more kisses an then I step back. "Tina I would like to see you again later tonight if that is possible?" "Yes Sir, I would like that, but if I have to leave my contact info is on this card."

I introduce myself to several others, some subs and their Mistresses. Soon Karen comes up to me. "We best check out the stage." I put my hand around her waist and we begin to search of the stage. Applause leads us on a twisting path and there is Tim waiting for us. I check my supplies in my vest to make sure I have everything I need, clips and cuffs. The prior show is just ending. I see Tina and a few others starting to gather to watch our performance. We enter the stage and I straighten the covers on bed a bit. Mistress Karen takes over as usual.

"Masters, Mistresses and subs, welcome to the scene we are about to perform for our pleasure and you get to watch. As usual, please do not interfere with the scene. Let me introduce my partners tonight. This is Master Tim, and this is Sir, I am Mistress Karen. Karen walks up to me and we kiss, she is kissing me hard and she is also squeezing and rubbing my half erect cock so that everyone can see. She kisses down my body and then takes me into her mouth, thrusting her head over my cock and down her throat. I begin to fuck her mouth when Master Tin walks up and begins to stroke her ass. I pull her up to me and cup her breast while kissing her hard. I begin to finger her cunt, she is soaked more than normal! She pushes me to the bed and crawls over me. My cock seems to naturally find her very hot, wet pussy lips. I thrust completely into her in a single stroke. Karen moans loudly as to several members of the audience. Tim strokes her ass as I Fuck her hard. He drips lube on her hole and penetrates her with his finger. I fuck Karen hard. She really seems to be into it tonight, meeting my thrust with her own thrusts. I pause and begin to grind our hips together so that Tim has a somewhat stationary target to fuck.
Slap! He is hitting her ass!, I reach into my vest pocket and grab the open pair of hand cuff. I see Karen's face wince as he hits her again. A tear drips form her eye to my cheek. Two more blows land. I reach around Karen and grab one of Tim's arms as he is about to hit her again. I slap and lock a cuff on him then before he can react cuff his arms together. He can't move. Karen gets up and I quickly do I grab a chain that I clip to the cuffs and pull the chain under his crotch the up his back and around his neck where I clip it again. His arms are immobilized. I hand a pair of nipple clips to Karen. Her tear stained face turns to the crowd. This MAN has gone off script. I guess he thinks that because I am black his marks won't hurt. He did the same to my sub. She walk up to Tim and spits in his face. She puts the ring attached to the clips over his now flacid cock and tightens it. "My ass wasn't good enough for you was it Tim!" She roughly pulls his nipples and attaches the clips. Master Tim, and in no way are you my master, kneel on the bed with your ass up. There is a bit of terror in Tim's eyes as I help him comply. Mistress Karen, reaches under the matrass and bring out a paddle designed to inflict pain and damage to an ass. She shows it to Tim, his eyes widen as she move to his exposed rear. There where Tim cannot see, I hand her a cane. Three very hard swats latter, with his ass blistering, and tears running down his face. His humiliation is complete. The audience is abuzz. Finally, we release him.

"Was that all planned?" We are asked, "What a great scene." Karen looks at me and we just stay silent. That will just let the buzz grow. Mistress Tina sees me. "My you we wonderful Sir. You were so quick to stop that brute from hurter her more." "Thank-you Mistress Tina." "Oh and the sex was certainly hot, I must say I think Mistress Karen was really into your cock!" "She seemed particular hot tonight, yes." I grab Karen by the arm, "I believe we have an appointment." She looks at me for a second, smiles broadly. "Yes we do." She apologizes to the people she was talking to and off we go to find room 14.

After a few twists and turns here is number 14, We enter, there is a bed a table and that's it. Nothing else to get in the way. We grab each other and kiss excitedly. "Sir you were so smart to take us away from the crowd! Let the buzz build!" "I hadn't really thought about that, I just wanted you! Although leaving Tim alone with the crow, who knows what he will say." "That asshole will be too humiliated to say much of anything." Karen laughs, "had you been into it I would have asked you to fuck his ass I also thought of reaming him with a dildo, but that would take it too far, no one has any sympathy for him now. That was so slick how you cuffed him and then strung him up like that!" Karen hops on the bed, "So come here my STUD!"

This was one of the hottest sessions I had ever had. We fuck each other so much, I lost track of how much Karen came but I gave her plenty of cum in her cunt. Then she suck me hard and for the first time for me, she took a load in her ass. Finally we are both spent laying on the bed Karen rolls her head onto my shoulder and we softly kiss. Why did I give you that fucking list from last night, I could have had you all to myself!" She giggles. "Karen, you can have me anytime you want." I kiss her again. I hear you met Mistress Tina. She found me and asked me a whole bunch of questions about you. I don't know if you realize this, but by being aggressive with us Mistresses, it can be dangerous, but also it can introduce a dynamic that we don't often get. It lets us relax and hand control over to a man. Some mistress don’t like that but to some like myself and I believe Tina, the new dynamic is very exciting and stimulating."

Author note: This has been a great experience to write this series. It has given me a chance to explore a few emotional issued that always seem to crop up in sexual situations.

Thank you for reading. As with most authors feedback is always welcome, especially now hen there are so many erotic stories to read. I think the consent series has been some of my best writing to date and the feedback I received, both public and private, after the first story was very useful. I know that my writing is hot, when I take a bathroom break and my underwear is soaked!

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My name's Alyssa.My friend Aubrey called me up and asked me to cat-sit one weekend for her, while she went to see her mother in Miami. Aubrey lived in Atlanta and I had sit for her a few times before. I was happy to help her out because that's what friends do. Plus I love hanging out in Atlanta, I have several friends in the area. She has been trying to get me to officially move there for years. When I arrived at her apartment she had left a note telling me where everything was and to make...

4 years ago
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On my way to afternoon tea

On my way to afternoon tea. Lesley Harland Working, as I do, in a low-ranking Midlands University with a fairly centre-left management, where Philosophy, Politics and Economics is taught in my Department via the medium of Marxist Thought, expressing the slightest reservations about certain political views or positive thoughts about others is the route to being shown the door, via a period of being 'sent to Coventry'. From where I stand, that isn't so bad, as I often go to Coventry...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 385

The smell of pig shit was in the morning air when the ass kissing chick's partner led me out of the basement, and up to the barn area. Inside the barn, on the ground floor with the motor running, was parked my ugly butterscotch pickup. The farm had sent someone down to drive it up for me. At least I didn't think they had it flown up. Then again anything was possible with that bunch. The cart with the three blue plastic barrels had not left my sight, and I was the one who loaded them onto...

2 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor Sheetal

I would like to appreciate ISS for creating a platform for posting such fascinating stories on the website. I would like to introduce myself as Veer. I’m 24 years old. My stats are 5’10 and I owe an athletic physique. The story I’m going to share is one of those times during my adolescence when I was 21 years old. I used to stay in Pune with my elder brother completing my college and since my brother had been transferred to overseas along with his wife, I had his place all by myself. The maid...

3 years ago
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The Artist Ch2

By Jax_Teller©2016 From Chapter 1 As I put my feet on the floor I looked for my clothes and then I saw them folded neatly on the chair. I went over to pick the pants up and noticed a note. Sheila had written her number on the note and said thank you for a wonderful morning. So the dream was real and she was real and for once in a long time I wasn't focused on the design or the shop, or the business, all I could think of is how wonderful she made me feel. Sex was sex, and that part was...

4 years ago
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The First Annual Pool Party

(episode 22)   Dear Lush friends, followers, and readers, I last wrote to you about spring break in Destin, Florida of my junior year of college. In this next installment I will tell you about the events which transpired that spring and all about an epic party that my roommates and I hosted.   It was about two weeks after spring break ended that my girlfriend Jennifer and I broke up again. This was actually developing into a pattern. We had an argument about me giving our friend Mary Beth a...

3 years ago
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Night Terror

I woke up in my bed, cocooned in warmth and comfort. I was in the perfect position – the one you can spend most of the night looking for in bed and the one you absolutely loath to leave in the morning, certain that you'll never be able to find it again. Your entire body is limp and relaxed and the comforter over you is snug, but not constricting. You're lying right on the mattress's sweet spot, free of lumps and dips, and the temperature is toasty warm. Even before glancing over at the...

3 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 13

It didn't take me long to run home for my truck. I checked inside the house to make sure everything was straight and neat, or I would never hear the end of it from my mom. It appeared as if whoever they were using for a housekeeper had just finished. The place sparkled. I arrived at the airpark at two twenty and parked at the Air Charter office. I had followed a company pickup in. Inside the office, DeDe was happy to see me again, "Hi, Dr. Feeny, or Sal, as you want to be called, you...

3 years ago
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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 00

Book 2 – Prologue Pain and Fear. Inexorably linked at opposite poles of an eternal figure eight. All of us, no matter what path our lives take, find pain and fear along the way. They can define how we live our lives or they can challenge us to actually live. The choice, as in all things, is ours. People run from pain because they fear it. Believing that if they run far enough, dodge quickly enough, hide well enough, then pain will not touch their lives. Those who define their life’s path...

3 years ago
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I Saw Mommy Kissing the Grinch

Two days after Carol broke up with me, our division was shut down. I don't think this was coincidence; she was much better connected to things going on above us in the company than I ever was. I think she didn't want to have to deal with a boyfriend who'd just been laid off, especially this close to the holidays when there's basically nothing you can do about it besides mope around. But there was something I had to do about it; I had to find work, some kind of work, fast, because with my...

2 years ago
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Adult Video Whoring

I was there last night. As usual I took off all my clothes to just bikini and high heels. I had my hair teased up and sprayed, and some red lipstick. I was way in the back, just standing there like a prostitute, leaning up against the wall, one leg out in front of me as I pretended to be texting, and this guy came up to me. "That's pretty cool," he said. "You just stand there like that?" "Yeah," I said, looking up. "I give guys blow jobs, too." "Really? You suck guys off? Where -...

3 years ago
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The hotel

Cindy was in the reception of the hotel where she worked Saturday nights, she knew the hotel had a reputation, the owners were money grabbers did not care about the staff and never supported them, if guests complained about staff the staff member was sacked. This was Cindy’s 3rd night the previous 2 Saturday nights Cindy had been groped quite a few times but knew if she told the manager she would be sacked and she desperately needed the job so kept quite. Cindy was told to take a towel to a...

2 years ago
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My friends dad 9

A couple minutes later we both got dressed, but I had to tell her something. “Jeanette, seriously, we can’t have sex again,” I said. “I hear you Callie. I see you really got issues with this and I’m sorry once again. I won’t ask you to do that again, but it will be hard though. It was really just something I wanted to do with you honestly. You are a very sexy lady,” Jeanette replied. “Well thank you. But still we’re done with sex,” I said. Then she gave me a hug. She understood, but of...

2 years ago
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My Best Escort Experience Till Date

Hi, Indian sex stories readers. This is Arun again from Kerala, now 34 years old, with my 2nd story here after a long time. As I had gigolo/escort services in Bengaluru a lot, I didn’t expect to feel the same in my traditional state of Kerala. This story is about a 27-year-old lady who lives with her lone son in a flat in Kerala. Her husband is in Gulf who comes just twice in a year for 2 weeks. So you all can imagine the thirst of that lady who would be sex starved for nearly 10 months in a...

2 years ago
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A Girl is Reborn A Forced Journey

This is the first chapter of a novel I wrote in Spanish some years ago. Since English is not my native language, I am really concerned if this translation is full of grammar mistakes or strange sentences. Please, let me know in your reviews or in my email, [email protected]. Thank you and enjoy! Chapter One It's been a long time since my last orgasm. I am not even sure of how it feels. I know I will never have another one in my life but I don't care. I've learnt to live...

3 years ago
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Husband Sucks My Cock

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun and told me what site they used when looking for naughty fun. Once I found them, we spoke online for a week or two and they seemed experienced, knew what they wanted and I fit the bill of what they wanted.We arranged a date.Our date night came along and we met at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos had been exchanged online beforehand and they looked like their...

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Me my sist and her husband whent to Croatia for holidays. When we got to the resort we went straight to the beach and for the first time we were sunbathing without any tops...Already in the plane I have seen him looking at my tities an ass when I was going to the toilet.So now her husband could not stop looking at my titites when they were fully exposed.My s*s Anna is older and more chubby than me so I think Robert appreciated the difference.I went for a swim. First it was just me in the water...

3 years ago
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My wife performs as a a stripper

That evening, my wife’s friends Lana and Cesar had invited us to dinner outside.Anita was delighted; she loved teasing Cesar, since she knew that this guy had the hots for her. Worst of all, I also knew it…We enjoyed a delicious meal and some drinks after dinner, before going to a near bar for more drinks. We swapped wives when dancing.After few pieces, Lana asked me to go back to our table. Since there, I could see my sensual wife dancing sexily with Cesar; she was swaying her nice hips to the...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 91

Hope struggled into the little dress eagerly, sliding it down over her hips, revelling at the way it clung to the ... well, technically they were curves, she decided after a moment's pause. She wasn't Shawna obviously, but a little more wouldn't hurt. She'd never used to be that vain, she recalled, but the past few weeks had driven home to her just how different she was to... It came back to Shawna, really. It wasn't that it wasn't good. She wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but ......

4 years ago
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Breaking Babysitter Rules Morning after

I woke up, she was still lying next to me. To my surprise I still have my usual morning wood. I reached down to check if she's wet but I she was too tall for me to reach on to. So I had to make do with what I had. My right hand was buried under her body, it felt like that guy from 127 hours (of course, back then I just read about the guy in a news paper). But I could still reach out to grope her breast. I fondled her breast and stroke my cock as I gazed at her majestic ass."Having fun without...

2 years ago
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The Bridge

It was late at night. Very late! She and Tom were walking home after a great night of drinking and dancing in town. Giggling they made their way up Frankton Street up towards the overbridge. The night around them was quiet, most people were sound asleep, but as they reached the overbridge she could see the lights of cars rushing past beneath it. It was surprising the number of cars considering the time, but this was a big city, it was always on the go. As they walked Tom placed hand on her...

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TS MILF Neighbour Part II

Part two of Nate's fun ; ) (Reuploaded also) Again all feedback is greatly appreciated !It had been three days since Nate's time with Jez. It was 12 in the afternoon and he looked out his window at Jez's garden. There she was idly busying herself in the garden, that gorgeous feminine frame hiding a delicious thick cock. His cock started to harden at the thought of her again, and he was desperate for another time with her. With his parents out for a while he thought maybe he could try a chance...

3 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 2

Whoopsies, Chapter 2 ? By: Beverly Taff The following week proved progressively more traumatic for me. Several times I accidentally wet my panties and Miss Jones worked miracles in keeping my little problem a secret. Sadly though, my lack of control completely failed me. On the Friday morning of that second week I finally disgraced myself. I fouled my panties in the playground and became the laughing stock of the whole school. As the mess leaked down my leg the frills of my...

2 years ago
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4 My first blowjob the journey continues

So, as 18 turned into 19 and then 20 I continued to be a voyeur at adult stores, especially the one with no booths and just multiple rooms of videos with my friend Steve behind the counter who loved flashing me his little dick. I began to touch and jerk guys but never got one off, just watched and really loved to see the guys cum. no matter how they got there, although anal was still something I had zero interest in. just all about dick. One day shortly after I turned 20 I went into this tiny...

1 year ago
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Fucking my friends BBW wife Part 1

This happened in the mid 1990's.I met Joe and his wife at a bar that I used to go to. They would come in once a week for dinner and drinks and we got to know each other over time and became friends. I was in my mid 20's at the time. Joe was 37 and Linda, his wife was 39. We liked a lot of the same kinds of movies and music, so we always had a lot to talk about. Joe was very well educated and came off kind of snooty if you didn't know him. Linda was very bubbly and always friendly. She is about...

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The Gentle Prostitute

(continuation from 'Elizabeth's Fall From Grace'.) Some weeks later, Helmut asked Elizabeth if she would like to earn alittle money. 'By what means Helmut?' 'A travelling salesman visits me once a month, and stays at the night atlocal hotel. Would you like to have him stay at your house instead?' 'We have no spare room in our little house.' 'I know. But he'll pay handsomely if he can share your bed!' Helmutreplies with a grin. She is shocked by what he proposes! Elizabethreplies...

3 years ago
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A Cloud Over BrenhamChapter 3 Lake Town

I was back in a green glade of trees and bushes. In front of me, seated on a throne made out of living wood, was the Green Lady, and beside her stood The Red Queen. Both looked concerned. "Well, Lord John, how do you feel?" The Green Lady asked me. I frowned, "I don't understand. I was just healing a man who tried to attack Saul, and then..." I looked around the glade in puzzlement, "Why did you bring me here?" The Red Queen shook her head. "We didn't. All of a sudden, we were...

2 years ago
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What a Weekend

I woke up Saturday morning and I was already rock hard. “Wow, what a dream!” I said. “What did you dream about baby?” I heard from the other side of my bed. I rolled over and saw Ella and a big smile came to my face. “So it wasn’t a dream? That all really happened?” I asked. “Oh, it was real alright. Real amazing,” Ella replied. I rolled over and kissed her and said that I really enjoyed it. “If you liked that, wait until you see what happens today” she said with a wicked grin. “Do tell” I...

Straight Sex
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Cum Gloryhole! The Glory hole is an infamous object. It's become a cultural staple that even your grandma knows about. If fact, she used to man one at a biker bar in Reno. She has a great mouth game. One time she cleared out the whole South West chapter of the Hells Angels in a single night. She had to have her jaw wired shut for a week afterward.Enough about your grandma's mouth already. Before internet porn, the glory hole was a bigger thing. Back then, many adult retailers had a theater in...

Blowjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Saving Annie Part 1

"So what's your choice? Your 10 minutes is nearly up Mr. Ivey." The words rang through Peter Ivey's head, bouncing back and forth like a hyperactive ping pong ball. It all felt surrealistic and he had a brief moment where he felt oddly out of body. He wasn't sure what to do. His flight or fight response was tripping strongly towards flight but intellectually he knew he could no more flee than abandon his best friend here. He was furious and scared. His heart was beating a trip...

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Queen Shagger

Right after university I found it difficult to get work in my chosen field without having significant work experience - the classic graduate Catch-22. I returned to my home town, and found myself with a big student overdraft to pay off and ended up working two jobs, one a crappy full time admin job and a weekend evenings job doing bar work in the local nightclub/meatmarket. After a while, the crappy data entry job - sitting at an office desk typing handwritten credit card applications into a...

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Book 2 Bitsys StoryChapter 2 A Change in the Wind

The old dragon was startled by what he saw in the tiny fairies eyes, where there had once been a sparkle of life, a glow that came from within, there was now nothing, her eyes were black pools devoid of emotion. He watched her carefully for a long time, nodding to himself, he felt it was safe to leave her alone for a short while. He went to his study and sat down, looking down at his paw, he sent a message to Virlane. Virlane appeared not long after receiving the old dragons message. He was...

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Slave to My Black NeighborChapter 9

They tell me it’s been 2 months since my “Date Night” with Daddy. I wouldn’t know myself since I’ve been out of it for a long time. I woke up this morning to Master and Mistress Beth standing by my bed smiling down at me. I was sore all over and felt disoriented and confused. They laughed at me telling me it was natural to be confused since I’d been in and out of a medically induced coma over the course of the last 8 weeks or so. I had trouble focusing at first but listened to their story as...

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Christmas Shutdown

I was working at a place that would shut down for a few weeks during Christmas. It would require a few employees on each shift. I was working nights at the time. My job was Safety. I was there one night when some of the regular guys I saw all the time came in and needed me to sign off on some papers. This one guy was a Rigger and the other was a Machinist.. The Rigger was a Huge Man. He was not that tall.. Maybe 5' 6" or so .. But he was almost as big around as he was tall.. Huge legs and arms....

3 years ago
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Danielle at the Auto Repair Shop

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 07: "Danielle at the Auto Repair...

2 years ago
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Love Cream Im Addicted True Story

It started by accident one love making session, certain times of the month or maybe it's just when my wife is super horny she puts out a thick white cream that coats my dick and balls. I have an average size penis but I one very rare ability for a male, I can usually cum 4 to 5 times during any of our love making sessions, that's right can multiple climax. My wife can almost always handle our sex life but one occasions she wants me to cum faster as she gets sore or she gets tired of my banging...

4 years ago
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Taking Cindys Cherry Chapter 2

“I guess so,” Cindy said softly, “It’s just that I’m… a little bit nervous.”I smiled at her and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll take you through every step. We will take it nice and slow, okay?”Cindy nodded her head yes and gave me a nervous little half-smile."Okay now, when you and your boyfriend want to have sex, he will probably want you to get him hard if he isn’t already. You can do this by sucking his cock. Have you ever sucked a guys cock before, Cindy?“ I asked.“No, never. I’ve never even seen...

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The One I Want

I want you so badly, baby… so damn bad. You’re in my head… my heart. Mmmmm… you’re in my hands. You’re on my fucking couch…

3 years ago
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The Crusader Chapter 8 the Intervention

Jacob Tully waved at Rollie Chambers and Jessica Talbert as they walked into Rigazzi's Italian Restaurant. He stood when they joined him at his table. There were two ladies sitting with Tully. "Hey guys, thanks for coming," Tully greeted them. He shook Rollie's hand and hugged Jessica. Julie Colwell also stood. Hi Jessica, hi Rollie," she said and hugged both Rollie and Jessica. Julie was Nurse Colwell, the lead RN at the St. Louis University Medical Center Hospital. She had met Rollie...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Eva Notty Perfect House Guest

Eva Notty and her boyfriend received a house guest. The guest is none other than her boyfriend’s brother Mike. Mike waste no time hugging Eva and putting his head between her nice tits and feeling up her big ass. That night Eva was very horny and her BF fell asleep on her. Eva decides to satisfy herself meanwhile Mike hears the moans coming from her room and decides to investigate. What he sees next makes him excited and he decides to take matters into his own “Hands” Literally even if his...

3 years ago
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Her First Dildo Experience

Her First Dildo Experience Cherie and I had been together going on ten years. Our sex life was great, at least as great as it could be at times. Having children can sometimes limit our experiences and adventures, but we tried very hard to keep the fires burning in little ways here and there by trying to be spontaneous and playing in new places in new ways. Strangely enough, we had never managed to include toys yet. But we had had conversations frequently about it, just never really gotten...

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Mausi8217s watering vagina

This is true story. My name is Rahul. Now I am 21 year old. This life time experience happened 3 years back. At that time my mausi was 25, with black shaded body having figure 34-26-36. From the childhood itself I was attached to her. I saw her cleavage when she was cutting vegetables. I used to cum on her panty which was on bathroom for drying. She looks like desi village girl. This happens when one day she came from her home town to stay with us. She slept in my room. As she was too much...

2 years ago
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Broken The feel of the cool cement floor against his face allowed John Anderson to be revived momentarily.  Drool pooled beneath his cheek, seeping uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth.  A single, uncovered red light bulb hung precariously from an extension cord that had been duct-taped to the ceiling in the middle of the basement, providing the only source of illumination in the make-shift dungeon that had been his coven for the past three days.  He was still disoriented from the pain,...

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Sex Diaries The Coworker

Have you ever had a co-worker you wanted to fuck badly? Someone who looked so hot, so sexy that they actually made your balls ache? If so then you can probably empathize with me. My name is Josh Carver. I'm thirty-nine, brown wavy hair, average height and build. I used to go to the gym almost every day before I got married but after marriage my gym days have become almost non-existent. But enough about me. Let me tell you about Jasmine Olivo. Jasmine is twenty-six with long brown wavy hair and...

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My Friend Girlfriend Before Marriage

Hi friends this is Vikas again with my new story. I got some comments for my first story so I thought to share some of my experience with you people. For new viewers let me introduce myself Vikas (NC) of 22 Doing eng and 5.7” of height having a broad shoulders and arms with my workouts and a 5.7 inch shaft I really don’t need to say lie to you people which is much thick the shaft really have a great stamina of minimum of 40 min even in heavy banging and great recovery power of max of 1 min if...

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My Weekend With Dawn Time to Say Goodbye

I laugh and roll off of you, but in reality, all I heard was…"next time". Those two words are the two words that will keep my spirits floating for a long long time. "Hey…maybe we should get in the shower so we can get cleaned up!" I say with a smile as I wink at you. Our shower started a bit more slowly this time as we had just finished with a pretty good morning fuck and suck session so it isn't a frenzied, lustful shower. Instead, it is us holding each other, kissing and letting...

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Your Fly is Open

I always have a debate within myself when I see a guy with his zipper down. Should I tell him or not? You never know what their reaction will be. If the guy looks mean or unkempt or dressed like a bum, I will not say anything. If a guy looks friendly, I usually take my chances and tell him. The normal reaction is one of embarrassment. Usually they say, "Oops," or, "Thanks," and turn away and pull up their zipper as discreetly as possible. Last Sunday, shopping at a discount warehouse, I was in...

Gay Male
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Pappy Cums to Visit

We had just arrived in the States, from a tour in Germany. I had only six months remaining in my career, as I was being given a Medical Discharge. Most of my time would be used to be given physicals, and other examinations. I had been assigned, for pay purposes, to a small unit on the Post. I was carried as the TAMMS (The Army Maintenance Management System) NCO, and Asst. Motor Sergeant. I would insure that all the logbooks and other historical maintenance records were in order, and help out...

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Diving into Human Ponies

I'm laying in bed thinking about what to do. I lost my job, haven't had any inspiration on what to write. I rolled over to my laptop and woke it up. The mane six popped up on the locked screen. I've been into the show for a little more than a year. I unlocked it and stared at a blank page. I sighed as I got up. I haven't written a damn word in a few minutes. I went to the kitchen for a drink of water than I looked at the time to see that it was close to midnight. I decided to head to bed. I...

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A Mans Job

My name is Jerry Spencer. I met my wife, Shay, two years after I had gone through a bitter divorce. We met after I finished a four year hitch in the marine corps. My ex had a a way about her that could melt butter and grey eyes that penetrated the core of my being. I'm still trying to forgive myself for trusting and loving the manipulative selfish bitch. When I returned from Afghanistan, my heart was broken when I found out that she had been entertaining several lovers and had been spending my...

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VacationsChapter 10 Dinner Out

Dinner was at a local steak house. Frank said, over the appetizer, “I can’t believe the size of your house, Sue. I mean, I know I saw it before, back when we laid Harry to rest, but I didn’t really look it over. It’s huge!” Ronnie nodded in agreement. “We only bought it a couple of years before that. It’s only eight or nine years old. Harry was really doing well at his company right before the end and wanted to move up. We even had to delay the closing a week to travel to Baltimore for Mom...

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