Consent P3 free porn video

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This story picks up where Consent 2 ends so you might enjoy this more please read it and Consent first.

Shortly after Karen left, I showered and collapsed on the bed. I guess Karen was right, I was really exhausted from the past two nights. I slept like a piece of lead, but finally woke very refreshed, ready for whatever Sunday would bring. Just before noon Karen called with my instructions. Celeste is expecting me a 3:30, get her hot but do not have sex. Karen would arrive at 4 and she expected to see us both fully clothed. I take a very thorough shower, must be clean for the ladies!
So at the appointed time I ring Celeste's bell. She is there immediately.
"Hello, please come in Sir." "The room or you?" I tease. "Why both of course silly!" We embrace and kiss, lightly at first but with increasing passion. Finally I break the kiss and we sit on her couch.
"So Mistress said to wait, that I was to get you very hard, but wait." I laugh, "and I am to get you soaking wet, but wait! Do you think Karen is testing us?" "Mistress always is, pushing my limits and now yours too!"
She pats my crotch, "Not ready yet!" She kisses me and strokes my crotch. I cup her breasts as her tongue and mine wrestle. I feel her long nipples growing poking through her bra and blouse. Her breathing is coming fast but shallow, oh and so is mine. I break the kiss again and move to the nape of her neck, perhaps a hickey? I suck hard and grind my teeth against her flesh. Celeste moans, "Oh yes, mark me, so others at work will see I had a wild weekend for once!" I pull and twist a nipple as her breathing is very hard, she is close so I need to back off. Thankfully the doorbell rings.
Mistress Karen carries a long black leather bag and is wearing a long black raincoat (?) and six inch heals as Celeste helps her out of her coat, it is easy to see why she wears a coat. Under her coat she is wearing a pair of shear white nylons, a matching garter belt, and a white bustier that does not appear to have cups for her breasts. It is hard to tell as she is also wearing a black leather vest. Hmmm, no panties. Celeste takes her coat and toy bag and starts for the bedroom. "Wait, leave the bag here." Celeste drops the bag on the table in front of the couch and hangs up Karen's coat. Celeste comes back and her Mistress indicates that she should sit on the couch next to me
"A hickey, really? Marking your territory?" "No Karen, just preparing her for you." "You mean us…. Celeste tonight you will be the center of both of our attentions at first. Do you give willing consent to what is going to happen to you?" "Mistress, ah what is going to happen?" "While Sir will fuck me later after we are done with you, all of your openings, pussy, ass, and mouth will be entered and assaulted. You will cum freely as you wish."
"Mistress, my ass is not cherry, but my experiences have not been rough." "Yes dear, since I took your cherry ass I am aware of the past. Do you willingly consent?" "So Mistress you will have my ass?" "Yes!" Celeste glances my way, fear and lust in her eyes, but her breathing tells me that lust is overwhelming fear. "Ah, I willingly give my full consent ah to both you and ah Sir to fuck my body in any way that either of you desire." "Thankyou. Is that sufficient consent for you Sir?" "Yes and I will certainly enjoy fucking Celeste and you Karen." "Now Sir, let's talk about you." Do you consent to having me fuck your ass, hard and deep?" "Yes Karen, if you consent to allow me to enter any of your holes." "I do." Celeste has a surprised look on her face at that exchange. "What is wrong Celeste, you didn't think I was everyone mistress did you?" I put my arm around Celeste shoulders. "Not so fast." Karen brings her lips to mine and thrust her tongue deeply into my mouth, her hand strokes my cock. "Hmmmm" She pulls back from our kiss, very good Celeste, you completed you task well." She leans over and kisses Celeste hard as her hand explores her body, breast crotch. She pulls up Celeste's short skirt and slides her hand up Celeste's thigh to her panties. "Yes very well indeed. "Baby did he make you cum?" Karen pulls off her panties. "No Mam, he got me very close, I was trembling, but he stopped just in time." "Good dear, now cum for ME!" Karen's hand thrusts hard against her waiting pussy twisting and pushing. Celeste cums and cums and cums again, her body shaking as the waves pass through her.
"So now you should undress each other as I enjoy you both. Celeste's hands are trembling as she reaches for my slacks. I pull her blouse over her head then remove her bra, toying with her tits as I do. My slacks and shorts have disappeared and hands are playing with my cock and balls, Celeste kisses me hard and deeply as she unbutton my shirt.
"So you work above the waist and I will take care of the rest of her." I push Celeste down into the couch kissing her hard. I notice Karen's head is diving between Celeste's thighs, Celeste arches her back and moans as I kiss her my hands playing with her tits. She is trembling with passion and a second later her body twists and thrashes about as she cums. I move my mouth to a nipple. "Oh god, yes, yes, Oh MISSTRESSSS!"
Karen rocks back on her heals, Celeste's cum all over her lips and checks. She reaches into her bag and hands me a blindfold. "Put this on her then bring her into her bed when she can stand." She then takes the bag into the bedroom. I put the blindfold on Celeste and she tries to stand, but she is to wobbly yet. "Relax dear." She puts her arms around me, "We can't keep Mistress waiting." She is still wobbly but with my help we stagger like a pair of drunks into the bedroom. I sit her on the bed. I glance at Karen she now is wearing a long pink strapon. It is small in diameter but at least ten inches long. "Sir, like what you see? Well I have another one in here just for your ass. That's right I am going to fuck you too and much harder than what is about to happen. Now you on the bed cock up, direct Celeste between your legs and over your cock. That's right, not on your cock yet." Celeste doesn't know what all is going on with the blindfold on. Karen takes a rabbit from her bag, spreads some lube on the tip. I tell Celeste to spread her legs more. Karen silently nods her approval then turns on the vibrator and slides the rabbit into her cunt. Celeste gasps as she is unexpectantly entered not knowing more is to come. Karen adjust the rabbit to stimulate Celeste's clit, she gasps and moans She drops her shoulders, my cock hitting her cheek. "Don't let the slut suck you yet. I want to hear her." Karen lubes the tip of the strapon and places the tip against her asshole. Celeste head snaps up as she realizes what is about to happen. Karen slides the strapon into her ass slightly waiting for Celeste to adjust, then plunges the full length into her and begins to thrust hard. Celeste's face twists with pain and pleasure as she is fucked. "Ouch OH ah oh god YES! Fuck me Mistress, this sluts ass is for you!" Karen reaches around and soon the rabbit is louder. Her body being taken, suddenly an orgasm surges through Celeste. As her orgasm fades Karen directs, "Now fuck the sluts mouth." I take her head in my hands and direct her lips to the precum on my cock. Her lips parted slightly, I thrust upward taking the full length of my shaft until I hit the back of her mouth. Celeste moves her head slightly so now I am going down her throat instead. I moan as she takes my full length into her mouth. "Oh, I hadn't realized how hot this scene would be!" Karen exclaims as her hips begin to work the strapon deeper into Celeste's ass, soon there is slapping sounds as ass meets hips. Karen pulls off the blindfold. "Now slut see what is happening to you? Do you like this." She bangs her ass harder. Celeste lift her head up and places her hand on my erection stroking me with a hard grip. "Oh Mistress, it is so beautiful, so sexy, and so very very hot! FUCK!" "good slut I am glad that you enjoyed this." She pulls the rabbit from her cunt and pulls out of her asshole. Now slut move up over him and put his cock into your slutty cunt." Celeste does as told her pussy is dripping on my erection as she places herself over me. Celeste then lowers her hips to mine. She smiles broadly as I enter her hot pussy. "Good slut, You like his cock don't you?" "Yes Mistress the slut loves his cock in this slut's hot cunt. He feels so good inside of me Mistress." Karen kneels down and kisses Celeste "yes slut I know what you mean. I can hardly wait to feel him in my pussy, but first these are going in the ass, all of them." Karen had switch the strapon's dildo to an anal bead set, small diameter at the tip but increasing to an inch or more at the top. Celeste's eyes wide as she sees the full length about to enter her, she nervously licks her lips. "Don't worry slut, I have used these before and the slut survived, besides his cock will fuck you so hard you won't even know I am there." She looks at me, her eyes softening as if to say please as Mistress Karen move back to her ass. I notice that Karen is thoroughly lubing the strapon. "Ok slut lean forward, begin fucking her and you can play with her tits but don't kiss her until I say OK." Celeste looks at me as I pull her down over me, she grabs my shoulders as her ass rises to accept the attentions of her Mistress. I garb her hips and thrust upward into her soaked pussy. Karen places her hands on Celeste's ass to the guides the first easy balls into her ass. I feel them against my cock as they enter her. Karen pauses for a second then a short sharp thrust and the first of the larger balls enter Celeste. Celeste jerks as it passes into her. "Easy slut, only four more larger ones to go, fuck her harder now please." I thrust upward and grind my hips against her. The string of balls in her ass are very sexy against my cock. I begin to play and suck on her tits. "Ooh ah, big, ah more please Mistress FUCK!" Another ball passes the sluts sphincter. Soon two more enter her, she screams a short scream as the larger of the two enter. "Now for this last ball fuck her as hard as you can." I raise my tempo and fuck her as hard as I can sucking and biting her nipple. I feel a familiar tremor in Celeste's hips which encourages me to twist my hips more and fuck her so hard. Suddenly her hips start to buck as she become orgasmic. "Oh god, Fuck me!" Karen grabs her ass and grunts as she presses the last, largest ball into Celeste's ass. A gurgly scream comes from her throat as the pain and pleasure combine. She collapses onto me and suddenly I can't wait and pump her cunt full of cum.
"So you both came, how nice. Did you forget that what goes in, must come out?" "Noo, no Mistress." "Well you have been a good slut so kiss him dear." Our lips meet, then she nearly bites my tongue as Karen pulls out the beads all at one time. She is holding my shoulder and shaking, I feel a few tears on my shoulder. As Celeste finally relaxes, the pain in her asshole gone for now. Karen smacks her butt as she removes the strapon. "Good job slut, a new limit passed for you, now when you get off that lovely cock of his make sure you clean off all the cum and your juices from his cock and balls as I will be riding him next." "Yes Mistress." She lifts off my softening cock and quickly begins to suck and lick me clean even as my cum dribbles out of her pussy and down her thighs. Karen leaves the room for a few minutes. Finished with her task I pull Celeste down next to me and kiss her, she returns the kiss I stroke her body with soft fingers as she continues to relax from her ordeal.
I notice Karen peeking in on us. "So I will leave you two alone for a few minutes. You may do whatever you like since you were such a good slut tonight so far." She walks away from the bedroom and I lay Celeste down on the bed. "Do you like being called slut?" "Mistress can call me anything she wants, but when I am with you it really fits. I want to be YOUR slut Sir." I slide two fingers into her pussy. "Oh YES sir, fuck me again!" I begin to work her pussy and clit, she grabs my head and thrusts her tongue into my mouth. I feel it building again. Celeste grabs me hard, "Oooh, I AM YOUR SLUT SIR!!" I hold her as she slowly comes back from her orgasm.
After a few minutes of cuddling Karen joins us again. "Celeste, go take a shower." She obeys immediately. Karen sits next to me on the bed, she puts her hand behind my head and we kiss. "Having fun?" "Oh yes Karen although I guess the real fun for me will soon start." I caress her breast as we talk. Again noting the contrast of Karen's dark skin and my white hands. "Yes Sir, so you have a slut now I hear." "Yes is the OK?" "Celeste has been a very good sub and with you, I guess I will allow it." She takes my cock in her hand, "could you take on a second slut?" "You Karen." "Of course me, silly." "Watching you fuck Celeste was so very hot! I actually was going to slowly pull out of her ass, but I could not wait to feel you inside me again. Really you make me feel like a slut myself. I want you, but I know that to please you completely you will have lots of other pussy besides mine." I pull her close, her tits press against my chest as we kiss. She directs me to her very wet cunt and slides my partially erect cock into her. "Mmmm, I feel you growing inside of me, that is so very hot Sir! Let me help." and she slides a finger into my ass. She pulls me down atop her and we kiss. "Have you taken Viagra before?" "Oh yes, even halves work as advertised for me." "Any four hour erections?" Karen giggles. "Usually I get release long before then." She slides her finger from me and I slide off her. Karen goes into the bath where Celeste has finished her shower.

After a few minutes they both come out of the bath giggling. Karen reaches into her bag and pulls out a gold wrapped package. "Celeste, my dear, you have been such a good friend, lover, and sub to me. I just had to get you this." Celeste giggles and takes it from Karen. She quickly tears off the wrapping. It is a strapon with a variety of dildos that fit in the straps. "Oh goodie, Thank you so much Mistress. Does this mean I get to fuck someone?" "But of course dear I know of two asses that need lots of fucking." They embrace briefly. "Two?" "Yes dear his and mine." "Oh Really!!" "In fact my pussy is free too." "Oh Mistress thank-you so very much!" "Before I show you how this works, here Sir take this please." Karen hands me several Viagra. "Take one now please and save the rest for later. I want you rock hard when we fuck."
"Mistress, what is this?" "Oh, that. That fits into your pussy so when you fuck you get stimulated too. I really enjoyed myself when I was fucking your ass." "Oh wow." Karen helps her put the harness on and shows her how to use the interchangeable dildos.
"So let's see, how should we set up this next scene? Celeste, put on your new harness and Sir which should she use to fuck you with?" I pick one Karen hands the next size up to Celeste. "I see you are getting nice and hard. Ready to fuck? Oh wait." Karen reaches into her bag and pulls out a couple of nipple clamps and lay them on the bed. She then lays next to them. She spreads her legs. "Sir kneel between my ankles. Do you want my pussy?" "Yes slut do you want my cock?" "Oh yes I need you cock deep in my pussy, fuck me deep and hard please." I move close enough to tease Karen's pussy lips with the head of my penis, she begins to moan and touch her clit as I tease her more. I grab Karen's hips and dive my erection into her in a single thrust. Her tight cunt has just enough wetness so I can enter without pain. I hear two moans? Karen and "Sorry, but I want that too." "Don't worry your part is coming slut."
Karen pulls my shoulders down and I kiss her deeply, and passion is behind her reply. She breaks the kiss and I move my lips to her neck. "Ok Celeste, now get on the bed. Wait don’t forget the lube. Use it liberally, I don't want his ass hurting, yet." Karen reaches down and slaps my butt a few times. "Let's not get fancy here tonight it will be difficult enough coordinating your thrusts, so to simplify things, Sir you stay steady and let me and Celeste fuck you, OK." "Yes Karen." "So since he will be stationary, I can thrust as much as I want correct Mistress?" "Yes slut, we will start that way and see how it works. Ready Sir?" I nod. "Good, lube his asshole stick your finger in his hole with the lube." The lube feels cold on my ass but Celeste finger touching and probing make me forget the temperature! I shut my eyes and Karen thrusts upward onto my cock, I begin sucking one of her tits when I feel the tip at my ass. "Now move it in slowly at first, let him open up for you." I am being opened and try to help by relaxing, but Karen thrusts upward again. I moan as the wide visitor is spreading me apart. She twists and thrusts with the strapon, a little at first. I feel Karen nod and suddenly she thrusts it deep, deep into my ass. I groan, "Oh yes, FUCK me hard baby!" "Me too slut?" "Oh yes please! "Karen Places a clamp on one of my nipples as she bites the other then clamps it too.
"Celeste fuck him hard till I stay stop." Celeste pushes my chest into Karen's breast the clamps stretch my breasts painfully, but it lights the fuse to explode my cum into Karen. "Oh god baby, babies, God what a fuck." "Yes baby pump your cum into my hungry womb." "Arrgh, oh yes this is so hot!" Celeste hugs me and Karen which drives the clamps into Karen's chest. "Ouch, we should take these off." "Oh sorry Mistress." That's OK, did you even know I put nipple clamps on him?" "No, sorry." "Ok Celeste now slowly come out of him. That's right." I feel the strapon sliding out. It is wonderful and a little sad actually. I like Celeste using the strapon in me. My cock slides from Karen too. I lean down and kiss her. "That was a wonderful DP dear, thank-you so much." "I enjoyed that too, but I am not done with you. Celeste clean up the strapon and come back to bed."
"Karen, you didn't cum did you baby?" "Not yet, take another Viagra please." I take the pill and go into the bathroom and get a drink to wash it down. Celeste is just finishing washing her new toy. She snaps my ass. "Did you enjoy that Sir." "Yes I did and I would like more sometime soon." "Oh ya, well I can arrange that." She kisses my check and chuckles, "I had fun too!" "Get in here you two!"
We giggle and go back to bed and Karen.
"now since I am the only one who has not cum at least once, you with both focus on my needs. Slut, you know my likes, desires and needs, you have my body except my cunt and lips, understand?" "Oh yes Mistress!" Celeste walks behind Karen and begins to caress her breasts from behind. She kisses along Karen's shoulders. I get a great view and learn a bit about how to please Karen. I walk up to Karen's tit as Celeste cups her breast and lightly kiss her nipple. Karen pulls my lips up to hers and we kiss. I slide my hand over her pubic mound and taking some of her juices, begin to caress her clit. She is getting worked up, breathing fast and shallow. And so am I, fully erect again thanks to the little blue pill. God I want her, but she must cum at least once before penetration. Karen is starting to sway and moan. I kiss her hard and she returns the kiss, juices from her cunt are pouring over my fingers as I finger her pussy and clit. Celeste helps me hold her up as the orgasm takes her legs from her. We hold her for a few minutes then lay her on the bed. "You take a nipple and…" "Fuck me!" I slide between her shaking thighs. As I enter Karen, she orgasms when my hips hit hers. But I don't pause a bit I increase my thrusting as her hips twist and turn. I feel her cunt grabbing my cock multiple times, but I don't give in, but continue to pound her hard. Celeste grabs my nipples and I cum hard shooting my load into Karen again. Only a little this time though. I lay on one side of Karen and Celeste lays on the other. Karen is still moaning but her breathing is slowing and deepening, oh wait she has fallen asleep! "No wonder, she must be exhausted!" Celeste whispers. "I know I am, and very very happily!"

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Bob opened the door a crack and saw his wife in bed with their youngest son. Billy spit his mother's tit out, sprang up and fell to the floor. "Dad!" "Don't get in a sweat, Son," Bob said as he closed the door behind him. Judy giggled as she helped the teenager back into the bed. "Dad's not mad," she murmured. "It was his idea." Billy looked perplexed. He hid his face in his mother's breast. She motioned to Bob to sit down while she comforted the teenager. "She's a good...

1 year ago
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Plaisance in ParisChapter 2

The bus took us to the Triomphe, dropped us off and the driver informed us that we needed to be back to the parking lot by two a.m. in order to catch the bus back to the hotel room. We disembarked with every intention of making it back in plenty of time to catch our ride 'home'. We didn't make it back in time, but the fun of the story is telling you why we didn't make it. The area surrounding the Triomphe was even more packed than the strip near the Rouge had been. I cannot begin to...

2 years ago
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My Little SisterChapter 8 A morning visit from Mum

It was later that evening that I got a text message from Vikki. I immediately told Abi and our minds went back to the fun we'd had on the beach with her the previous Sunday. What a sweet little thing she'd been and we both started to have thoughts of seeing her again, and our thoughts were no longer as innocent as they might have been just a week ago! I could see her sweet young smiling face quite clearly in my mind - and not just her face! The image of her amazing little (or maybe not so...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Passionate Suhagrat With My Hot And Sexy Wife

I am Raj from Patna,i am 25 years old and 6 feet tall and have a very fair skin,i am now staying with my beautiful wife vishakha in New Delhi.She is 24 yrs old and have a thunderous figure of 34-28-36.This story is just 5 months old &is about our suhagrat .You may find it little boring but believe me later u will love it. Hum dono class 8 se class 10 tak ek hi class me padhe the,aaj bhi wo din yaad hai jab maine usse pehli baar dekha tha tabhi se uske sapne din raat dekhne laga tha,par pata...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 8 Culture Kiss Bread and Fries and Dont Forget the Maid

DoubleD looked out the bus window as it sped past the scenery of many French cities and towns on the way to the tour groups next major stop; Paris, France. Pam, who was as usual behind the wheel, had already informed everyone that they were still around 2 1⁄2 hours away from their destination so had made a quick stop to refill the gas tank and let anyone that wanted to take a break from their present activities stretch their legs and eat something; however since the present activities for...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 90

After the late lunch we drove to the motel. Once the door was closed Jeff began kissing me. I wasn't less excited since I knew he was gay, I was actually more excited. I kissed him deep and long. My hands wandered over his body, as his did over mine. Since I wore the elastic bandage I could feel nothing through my nipples. It was fine since Jeff did not attempt to stimulate me through my breasts. He rubbed my ass a bit through my jeans then slipped his hand inside. He slipped his hand...

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Anas cunt ruined after some BBC action

Ana’s cunt was red, swollen, fully stretched and gaping open. But my adorable wife told me to lick her clean; but going easy because she was so sore now. I went on my knees as she leant on her back onto the bed, her thighs wide open and her feet resting on the floor. Then I bathed her used and abused cunt with my tongue. I sucked the two huge loads of salty cum out of her loose hole…Several hours before and with my permission, we went out with the goal of getting my sensual wife fucked by...

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knapped by an Alien Chapter 2

Chapter 2Susi had just kissed her husband good-bye and had closed the door. She was wearing a black top, short black skirt, black panties and bra and high heels. She was hoping they would have time for a quick fuck before he left, an attempt with her attire to seducing him, but this meeting was very important and he was too rushed to even think about it. It had been this way for the last couple of days, the pressure of work overcoming his desire for her. Maybe she would get on the Internet and...

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A trip to remember

This story is about a trip I took with a good friend of mine, Barbra, who was moving to a small town in Iowa where most of her family still lived. Barbra moved to New York with her husband when she was just 24 ,we became neighbors and eventually good friends. She was quite the young lady,attractive, hard working and would do anything you wanted. I guess that is why I am now helping her move.Her and I saw eye to eye on everything and had a lot of the same Ideas, she was also just as tall...

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Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...

4 years ago
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My BDSM Extreme Fantasy Day One Part Two

... Continued.As we are in the hotel, me bent over reaching the coffee table with a five ball plug in my ass, my master grabs the flogger and puts it across my waist. "Don't let it fall, slave." "Yes, sir." He also said not to let the butt plug out, but I can feel that one of the balls is almost out. If it falls while he flogs me, he would punish me. Badly. So I squeeze and try to keep it in. He knows it's hard for me. There was a butt plug in me for more than two hours so my asshole is...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 12 Drak

“Is there anything new or different we need to know about?” Jason asked while in the planning room of the Spectral Revenge fifteen minutes from Drak the core Ghoul planet and Gresh the capital. “There is absolutely nothing new or different,” said Lisirra. “We keep to our plan. Ixal if you deviate for one second you die. I have yet to trust you. I am watching you and will do so every step along the way. Your mother betrayed us, and we suffered, I will not let you do the same. Watch your head...

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A Good Boy Mommys Nylons

This is essentially a fictitious story based on personal experience from my youth. It contains some reference to u******e sexual encounters which are necessary to understanding the theme of the story which is how my fetish for nylons began and developed over the years. There's not much overt sex happening in this first installment but that will change in the follow up chapters. Unless you have a fetish for nylons, this story will probably not have much appeal to you.Billy was always a good boy...

1 year ago
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Grampas Tale

The sun was warm and the air, with its sweet, melodious fragrances, promised of a lovely spring at its heels. The winter was almost over, and a few leaves had sprung to life, swaying softly in little clutters spread sparsely upon the barren branches of the trees. The ‘weeping’ willow was the odd-one-out amid his Pine buddies but stood proudly like a rose among thorns. The sun was low -as if running a little late- upon that morning, casting an ambient, soothing glow upon the village. A gentle...

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Halloween and the City Part 1

Halloween and the City Part 1 By: Nicole Satin I felt amazing entering the party; there I was with three other women dressed as the stars of Sex in the City. The only difference between me and the three other gorgeous fashionistas was that I was the only man in our crew. I was wearing a midnight black Oscar de la Renta, cocktail dress with a silver paillette-embroidered bodice and an ostrich feather skirt. I had strutted in on a pair of black Christian...

2 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 13

"What did you buy mom?" Jessie asked with a sense of excitement. Amanda handed her son the bag, noticing his curiosity. Jessie pulled out some of the contents. He noticed three bras with underwear attached in matching colors. "Matching bras and underwear mom?" "Yes dear, I was lucky to find some underwear that came with the bras so that you match," Amanda replied as she made little attempt to hide the bra panty sets. In Jessie's state of mind she knew she would not have...

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w years back, separated from my first wife and before I met my current wife, I spent a lot of time on one of the popular online hookup sites.I spent most of my time in the Carolinas chat room, and one day I started up a chat with a woman who lived in my town. We continued to chat in private for a few nights, until one day we realized we worked right across the street from each other.Our chats were getting progressively hotter, and by now we'd exchanged phone numbers. We had phone sex a few...

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Ghanto Ki Zabardast Chudai1

Hi friends Ye ek saachi ghatna hai jo karib 10 saal pehle hui thi. Us waqt mein first year mein that aur meri badi behan sarita final year mein thi. College delhi ka hi tha bas itna hint dunga ke gundagardee mein sabse badnaam college hai. …college mein bade saare gunde they aur un mien se ek jitu bhai sabse bada aur khatarnak banda tha. Jitu ki ek behan thi jo meri class mein padti thi uska naam jyoti that. Jyoti aur mein acche dost the aur aksar ek saath canteen mein chaye pine jaate they. Ek...

1 year ago
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Leah Part 1

I got my first "real" girlfriend in college. Her name was Leah, and she was tall and skinny, with brown hair and small breasts. She lived in the suite next door to mine, with her roommate Michelle.She was my first. We had started off making out, and then things amazingly -- for me, for the first time ever -- turned horizontal. I began to rub myself against her, and she rubbed back. Pretty soon I was on top of her. That's where things stayed until I went back to my hometown for the weekend. When...

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Slut for Pakistani TeensChapter 2

Pam was sitting in the back of the sofa just above my head with her legs spread wide, Mak was standing astride me as he fucked the shit out of her. I had a fantastic close view as his beautiful prick slid in and out of her hole. Pam was moaning with pleasure as he went balls deep in her, god, his balls! They were like large plums, clean shaven and very taught, I stretched forward and managed to get my tongue on those brown plums. Mak groaned and looked down at me as I started tonguing his...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Mia Martinez A tour of Nakedcom Studios

Mia Martinez is a hot Latina that is smart/ambitious enough to webcam for Today you will get a rare look at the studio in a tour given by the sexy Mia Martinez. A word of advice: Buckle up. Mia is full of energy, and she’s not scared of the camera, or showing her awesome body. You’ll see her flashing her natural tits, ass, and pussy on every stop on the tour. She also jumps on beds and couches, works a pole, fingers herself, and does some dishes before she finally finds a...

3 years ago
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The Perils of Abstinence

"Begorra, I am here to do your bidding," the genie said. He was not big or blue, but a small man in a red coat and short red pants who appeared when Patrick O'Donovan started polishing a brass lamp that his wife Maeve had brought home from the thrift shop this very afternoon. Maeve was always buying junk like this; she fancied herself an artistic person, and she was always decorating their house in some new style or pattern. It drove Patrick crazy, because he never knew if his living room...

2 years ago
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Mommyrsquos Another Side

My family consists of me, my brother Hari (20 years old), my mom Nikita (37 years old) and my dad Siddarth (43 years old). My mom was forced to marry a rich guy in her school days.Siddarth was also like a typical youngster. He couldn’t resist my mom’s structures. Even now, no one can resist it. Her vital stats are 36D-26-36. It is a wonder how she is maintaining them. But Siddarth chose to be a hard worker and started focusing on work. He didn’t care about maintaining a sexual relationship with...

3 years ago
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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 4

Hair up? Hair down? Ponytail? I pleaded with the girl in the mirror to give me a break with the indecisiveness. Fuck it. He won't see anything except my bathing suit anyway. Ponytail, it is.When I emerged from the changing room, CJ was pushing some buttons on a wall panel. "I usually close these," he said, as the window coverings descended. As soon as the room was light-tight, the entire swimming pool glowed a bright blue from within. Everything else in the pool house was in its shadow."Wow!" I...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 26

They ate lunch, cleaned up the dishes, and spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the sofa in the living room listening to music and talking. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to make love. The thing was, having a chance to spend time together, just talking, was so delightful neither of them wanted to spoil the mood. Sylvia’s mother asked Jason a lot of questions about his family and was surprised by how close they were and how much he obviously loved and respected his parents. ‘I wish my...

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Jamie and Tinas Beginning Ch 02

Dinner between Tina Lee and I could have lasted all night, because it seemed we had an instant connection, like we were baring our souls to each other without saying much. From both of our plates, it looked as if the food left a little to be desired, but each others company was what made the dinner special. Before we knew it hours had past, and we needed to get back over to the hotel, because we both had to ensure that we could get up and be ready for the next day. I knew I had exhibiting...

1 year ago
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The Players Introduced The house, such as it remains, is now quite far from the reach of any but the most determined. Those who made it their home are now dispersed throughout the world. Should you meet them, in bars or restaurants, or even walking down the streets of their new suburban climes, they will invariably deny the events I am about to relate. You may find all of us discussed here, sometimes living together, sometimes living apart. But you will not find them under the names I have...

1 year ago
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Through the YearsChapter 7 Competition and ldquoRiderdquo Back

I had made some sandwiches and had some sandwiches and a salad for when the girls came back from their walk. After the girls had eaten, I was cleaning up the dishes when Wren told the girls, “We’re going to play a game called ‘Black Jack’. It’ll be fun for the winner but might be a little more tempting for the losers. Tim will explain the rules including the prizes along with the penalties for losing.” Approaching the table where they were all still sitting. “Ok, you all know how to play...

2 years ago
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Saheli ne chood diya

Us din mein pehli baar is hostel me kadam rakhi thi. Mujhe ajeeb sa lag raha tha. Sab mujhe yun dekh rahe the jaise kha jayenge. Mujhe uparwale room mein accomodation mila tha. Meri room mate thi mita. Woh dekhne me bahut sundar thi. Mujhe has ke swagat kiya. Phir. Maine apna sara saman thik thak idhar udhar kar ke rakhli. Dopahar ko khane ke liye niche gayee, to hostel ke mess me saaree ladkiyan phir se mujhe aise dekh rahi thi mano main koi raj kumari hun aur sab mujhe appreciate kar rahi...

4 years ago
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Massage Sex With Latina Shemale

Hello, I happened to be on a trip to Brazil, when after my meetings, I went back to the hotel and took a nap. After an hour or so I was fresh and charged up, I decided to go for a massage. I looked at the online sites and fixed up a house call to my room, by the way I had chosen a transsexual for my massage. After an hour, Maria knocked on my door; I opened it and led her inside. Maria was around my height, with dark jet black hair, chocolate color skin, Though her breasts were not huge they...

Gay Male
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Herbie The Reunion Part 2

My longtime friend, Herb, and I had just finished edging each other's cock while watching a hidden cam video Herb had set up of us engaged in some hot cocksucking from earlier in the day. The plan was to edge to the video and then get down to some raw sex, so when I got close to cumming I moved Herb's hand away from my throbbing cock. Almost too late. When the video ended he had gotten up to put his laptop back on the dresser and was now setting up his video camera to record some more. He...

1 year ago
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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 10

I went home arriving just minutes before Mom and Dad showed up with a large sausage pizza. Mom and I ate mostly in silence while my father regaled us with his (boring) work stories of the past weekend. I could see the looks they were giving each other during the meal so I excused myself after my last slice asking permission to go out. I knew that they wanted some time to themselves. Monday was a poor peeper night. It was still too light out to attempt it anyways. Normally I would have headed...

3 years ago
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Bedpost and Telephone

Every Sunday morning it's a wrap up of the night before. After a good long sleep and breakfast, Melanie and I were ready for the tie-ups and a mouthful of pussy...We're both airline hostesses, but Melanie's route is Asia and mine is Europe. WE do meet in Chicago every other weekend as the stop over for both these routes...We met while I was flying to Mumbai to spend two weeks in GOA..She was going to vacation their as well, as this was her last flight for the year and a much needed vacation...

3 years ago
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A Charmed LifeChapter 4 A Night in an XXX Arcade

The honking horn from a passing car suddenly jolted Liz from her meandering ruminations. It had turned dark and the parking lot in front of the book store now had many cars. It was collection time. Liz looked around to see if any one was about and then lifted her skirt up to her waist. With her knees spread and her hand cupped in front of her pussy she pushed Charm out into the open. The tender tentacle spilled out easily into her hand. All out, she stretched Charm to its fullest length,...

2 years ago
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Brave New World Chapter 8 The Punchline

"I'm swingin' in the rain! I'm swingin' in the rain!" I sang as I swung through, well, the rain. Sure, my suit was incredibly wet, but it was still fun to swing through the rain, on my way to beat up some bad guys who thought a thunderstorm was the best time to rob liquor stores or gas stations or... Apparently, comic book shops. I landed on the wall of the building, which the two crooks took no notice off and watched as they loaded up their van with boxes upon boxes of comic books....

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123 Ch 02

Kent Orlando hoofed it across the Honolulu University campus at a near sprint. This morning, he found out the hard way that his alarm clock was busted with the time stuck at 1:23 in the morning. His stomach growled as he ran pass the Aloha Cafeteria. A heaping plate of fried rice with a side of linguisa, or better yet, the local classic loco moco, a runny egg over a hamburger patty on a bed of white rice covered with gravy and a splash of soy sauce sounded heavenly. Kent was from Ohio, but he...

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On the RunChapter 14

"Interview commencing at zero nine fifteen with Inspector Richard Williamson, Sergeant Liam Wheeton, Mr Oliver Prutton, and his representative Euan Duffy." The bearded legal representative held up his hand and looked at the Inspector. "My client has indicated that his willing to cooperate with the Police investigation but has expressed a desire that the Police ensures that this cooperation is noted and recognised. Can you please reassure my client that this will happen?" The Inspector...

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Serving Her

I opened the door to my office and set my bag on the desk. It had been 3 days since I'd seen or spoken to you and I was beginning to get that 'Jane' itch again. I powered up my computer and opened my mail program as I do every morning. While pouring through the tens of pointless spams and messages from co-workers, there it was, a message from you. My heart skipped, as it always does when I see your name on my screen. My mind anticipated the possibilities of what you sent; another story, a...

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