CynthiaChapter 7 free porn video

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The doorbell rang, and my two favorite girls stood there each holding a plate. One plate had an omelet and the other had a half grapefruit. They put the plates on my table and then Alyssa handed me a note. She said, "Mom sent this. I think it tells you what to do with the omelet."

I hugged Ashley first and she went scampering home. Alyssa stood close to me and asked, "May I have a hug, too?"

When I hugged her, she put her head back and gazed at me, giving me a little flutter. Then, she kissed my cheek and moved down to my neck before I could recover. I found my arms tightening around her before I recovered my senses and moved away from her. She said in a mature voice, "Someday, I'd like a real kiss."

"I'm not sure your mother would approve and Cynthia would maim me."

She did her flirty eye move, and said, "I'll have to work on them. You didn't say you didn't want to." She went down stairs.

My hands were shaking as I read the note.

Good morning, Bradford, thank you for the lovely evening. I slept well even after my early morning escape. I'm not sure what Cynthia has in mind, but if it includes me, I'm all for it.

Zap the omelet for thirty seconds and enjoy. I guess you know what to do with the grapefruit.


Whatever Cynthia had in mind, she wasn't sharing the long-term plan. I trusted her and I was okay with the uncertainty. Still found nothing on the Internet about the situation in Afghanistan. I packed my bag and went to the gym. That's always a good alternative when you have time. When I came out of swimming, there was a message from Anniston. He asked if I could come in for a few minutes in the afternoon. I'd asked him to hurry, so I had to respond to his schedule.

Anniston began, "I see from your notes that you're setting up an education trust for Ashley and Alyssa Tyler in your will. Do you want to control the trust until they are eighteen or twenty one?"

"No, make Cynthia the trustee. If that happens, I won't be around to control it."

"Yes, that's better. Now, about the money for Laura Tyler. Do you want that lump sum or in payments?"

"Which is best?"

"If she gets the money in a lump sum, she'll have to manage it. If you have a financial planner handle it, she can receive periodic payments and will not have to spend time keeping up with the balance."

"Let me call my financial planner and get back to you. I don't think she'll have any trouble with it, though."

"Your insurance money can go directly to each beneficiary. No need to send it to the trust. From your notes, you say that the policy is about $400,000?"

"It's called SGLI for service members. I also bought another $100,000 to make it an even $500K. It's some kind of military special. Service related death only. I didn't think about who to name as beneficiary when I bought it. Wasn't thinking clearly, but for thirty bucks a month, why not make someone comfortable?"

Anniston laughed. "You never know what might happen. You can make someone very happy, but you'll need to get a change of beneficiary form from the company. You can then proportion it out as you like."

We went through several more fine details that would make it a better document and make things easier on the beneficiaries. Sometimes, I hated the thought of his having to execute the will, but that's how it goes. The thought of Cynthia's having to find another man gave me chills. I was already jealous.

He asked, "You want to leave the oil lease revenue to Cynthia and Laura?"

"Yes, it has to go somewhere."

"I suggest that you have it paid to the trust and then have periodic payments made from the trust. If the income gets too large, there may be tax issues."

"Well, the price of oil will continue to go up, so we should have some kind of flexibility in their payments based on inflation or cost of living or the price of oil."

"Let me think about it and draft something."

I stood up to leave and he said, "I will do this as quickly as I can. You need to call the company and get the beneficiary form filled and faxed in, mailing an original signature. Some folks won't take faxes." He shook my hand. "Good luck on finding your friend. If you asked, I would advise you not to go, but you wouldn't listen. Those people will miss you I'm sure."

At home, I checked my messages. I wondered why I needed both a landline and a cell, but when the cable went down, I could at least use the dial-up to the University. Cynthia hadn't called either. I hesitated to call her in the midst of a hard discussion with her parents. She would probably call after while if it was convenient. Laura left a message and wanted to know if we were on for the night.

I called her back. "Hi, we're on for tonight if you're still interested."

"I am. Since I'm sure this bubble is going to break, I want to take advantage of my opportunities."

"I'll be here. No need to knock."

After our lovemaking session, which was on a par with last night, she said, "I could get addicted to these nightly sessions. Not looking forward to tomorrow night."

"I'm glad you came and had a good time. We're both in the dark about what happens next."

When we finished our lovemaking, I spooned her and after a good night kiss, fell into a deep sleep. Sometime later, I felt a warm naked body against my back. I smelled Cynthia. I turned my head toward her and she kissed me, then whispered, "Shhh, go back to sleep. I'll just snuggle up here."

I decided to follow orders. I was too sleepy and relaxed to argue. Why argue when I had a woman on each side? In an eye blink, the alarm went off and Laura reached for it. She rolled over to kiss me and saw Cynthia. She took a deep breath and said haltingly, "Uh, hi, Cynthia. I have to go home."

Cynthia replied, "Sorry about that. I hope you're okay that I don't show you out."

Laura walked around the bed and patted her back. "No, I can find my way. Sleep well."

Surprisingly, we both slept late. Sometime in the night, I had rolled over to spoon Cynthia and that's where we stayed until she wiggled in the morning. When she felt me move, she turned her head and said, "Surprise."

"Damn right it's a surprise. I thought you were with your parents."

"I was, but I missed you and thought I would come home early to see if I couldn't sneak in and catch you in bed with another woman." She giggled. "Now I have all the evidence that I need, and a witness."

"You caught me red handed. I confess."

"That I did. Tell me how you felt about last night?"

"I had a great time and a complete surprise. I mean, you go to bed with one and wake up with another. That's the stuff porn stories are made of."

"Did you show her a good time?"

"She said I did. She acted like I did."

"Yesterday, she told me that it was one of the better sexual experiences of her life. I'll have to ask about last night."

"I'm hungry."

"Did you buy anything?"

"Melon, strawberries, yogurt, ham, and whole wheat bread. We have eggs and bacon."

"I smell the coffee. Let's do it."

While she made a nice breakfast and she filled me in on the final discussion with her parents. Seemed that she had respected them, didn't argue, validated their feelings about her divorce, and left with everyone feeling comfortable. She saw it as a successful reconciliation.

"I resented my mother's demanding that I marry Blair. Then, I realized that I said the 'I do' at the altar. So, I shared the blame. She had focused me too much on the financial aspects of the marriage and not enough on the relationship issues. I never understood that. We were not in any financial bind. Actually, we were well off. However, I think we're good, now."

"You did very well to keep a level head. You were negotiating your future relationship, not your past one. That's important."

"I felt relieved after our last talk and decided to leave before we had an argument, although I think we covered everything. They were curious about what I intended to do with my settlement."

"I hope you have a good advisor. That's a lot of money to leave around loose."

"I need to go see Laura before she gets away. I'll be back in a little while."

"I can't wait to hear her story."

While she was gone, I once again surfed for news about Afghanistan. I know I wasn't being rational to keep after this, but I needed to know as soon as possible. My search was unsuccessful, and having no urgent business, I decided to go work out. I would drop by and tell Cynthia when to expect me. When Laura let me in, she and Cynthia were sitting close at the table having coffee.

"I'm not trying to interrupt your tea party. I only wanted to say that I was going to work out."

Cynthia walked over and stood between Laura and me. She reached for Laura and brought her into a three-way hug. She kissed me and then motioned Laura to do the same. Then, she said, "Have a good workout. I understand that you also had a good one last night."

She could embarrass me. Maybe I'd grow up and get over it, but she knows how to jerk my chain. I replied, "Last night was quite interesting. Surprises and all. I'll have to tell you about it some time."

When I returned, I found Cynthia making a nice tuna salad, vegetables, and hard rolls. She said, "Lunch in a few minutes. Get ready."

While we were eating, I asked, "What's the grand plan with Laura?"

"Funny you should mention it. We were talking about it. I wish her circumstances were different so that we could all live together. It would be more efficient and I like all of them. So, the grand plan is to work on that one day at a time, unless that does not suit you. You have to be honest."

"I like all of them, too. Were it possible, I wouldn't mind our living with them. The house is certainly large enough. Maybe if we could find a way to do that, we could rent this apartment to someone else and she would have more money."

"She would have a difficult time with Tyler, but maybe someone could convince him that it was in his best interest. I think his problem is that he's a little jealous of her. He didn't want to leave, but he knew she had the right to get rid of him. The fact that she was right didn't change his feelings and she says that he hasn't found another prime lady. I would bet that the reason he has those rules about her dating is to give him time to get her back."

"I will leave managing her ex to you experts since I don't have a lot to offer."

"Yeah, thanks. You may have a role when we figure it out."

"I'll like it better that you guys are good friends while I'm away. I don't want you out trolling either. No, I'm not going to give you my approval to find a lover while I'm away."

"I did not say anything about this situation being reciprocal. Laura and I are both happy just as we are. Another man would complicate things far more than I care to handle at this point in my life. When I was with Blair, I welcomed the chance for you to tempt me from a bad situation, but I'm not in a bad situation anymore."

"Have you and Laura discussed combining our households?"

"I'll bet you can answer that yourself, silly boy. Of course we have talked. We don't have secrets that I know about. She might have even taken Tyler back before she got involved with you. She cared for him, too, but she would never trust him again. See, I know her problems and she knows mine."

"Do I know your problems?"

"My biggest problem is a four letter word that starts with a capital N. I do not trust that group at all. I read in my news briefs that everyone in Iraq is getting extended tours and I wonder how long it will take them to remember you. They just extended another batch of Marines after telling them just six months ago that they wouldn't. They interview the reservists on the nightly news and the poor guys can't do anything about it."

I did not want to have this conversation because I had no knowledge about my duty assignment. Obviously, something was being held up due to a lack of a decision. My orders were not lost. The first delay, before the 'copter crash, was caused by the Chief's using the back channels trying to get me into a full class. After he did that, the next delay has to be related to the mission in Afghanistan. I knew that situation could break at any minute, or not break at all.

"I understand your concern. I wish I had more information, too."

"It's a big Navy. I'll bet they need people in Afghanistan just as they do in Iraq."

"Maybe if I do well in the desert training and pass the physical, they'll let me reenlist. They pay huge bonuses right now."

"You know, I can make sure that you don't pass the physical. We have many knives in the kitchen and you can't stay awake all the time."

"I wouldn't even consider it. I have too much going for me right here."

She made fresh coffee and filled my insulated cup. While we sat on the couch, she asked, "Will you tell me about what happened to Charles Bradford growing up that made you such an enthusiast for danger? I mean, other than the normal macho crap."

"Hey, we make it possible for you to live a good life. You can go to the market without my permission and rarely encounter any danger."

"I know the drill. Although I don't like all the unnecessary killing, I appreciate the sacrifices made by the military. I just wish our President had to live with some of his own bad decisions."

"Yes, he has made some. He made quite a few blunders before going into politics. A baseball or football team, I think. He also inherited some bad news. As I read the history and politics about the conversion from the draft to the all-volunteer force, I shudder sometimes. I suppose Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon all believed that a volunteer military was a good idea."

She replied, "One of my professors did quite a study of the implications of doing away with the draft. He worried that the President could commit the country to all kinds of military interventions without getting the Congress to declare war."

"He could have done that with the draft, too. I mean, he is our Commander in Chief, like it or not."

"I know. The professor's argument revolved around the idea that without a draft of middle class and upper middle class kids, there would be no important people to protest unwise military interventions. Unfortunately, most Americans were willing to go along with eliminating the draft and letting someone else's kid do the fighting. That left no one to protest except the peaceniks and the anti-war groups and that would never be enough. The hawks just ignore them."

"I don't think the Imperial Presidency is a good idea, either. Never have. In part for the reason you just mentioned. No one to counterbalance the rich and powerful in Washington. When was the last time you heard a big-time defense contractor calling for bringing the troops home?"

"I won't hold my breath."

"I'm hoping that Afghanistan and Iraq won't turn out as badly as Viet Nam, which was another bad decision by a president. I've never understood what Uncle Sam gained by that war."

"Precious little from what I read. Cost us 50000 young people and six tons of money. Sounds a lot like Iraq." She poked me. "However, that doesn't tell me a thing about Charles Bradford that I asked about. Tell me about growing up."

"The long or short version?"

"Start on the long one. If I can't handle it, we'll make it chapter 1 and continue later. Start with a memorable event and then work forward and backward. Here, I'm living with you and I don't even know if you're a sex offender."

"Only once. Actually, I was never convicted, but I was guilty. When I was eighteen, I was repeatedly seduced by a younger girl who was not of legal age."

"Poor helpless victim. Did she use force or blackmail?"

"She first applied phereomonic force. Then, she purposefully triggered my testosterone generator causing severe lust and excitement in my loins. She finally ensnared me by spreading her stun juice all over my tongue with hers. When she had me helpless on my back, she applied the same juice to my hardened cock. I had no way of escaping, so I simply did what she ordered me to do."

"Charles, that may be the most creative bullshit I have ever heard. That's right up there with some of those coming out of Washington. I suppose you did nothing to defend yourself."

"Oh, I did. I figured that if it worked for her, it would work for me. I spread my stun juice all over her pussy until she screamed for help from her Deity. I wanted to make sure that she didn't escape, so I held her down with my body and inserted my belaying pin to hold her in place. It took several pushes to get it fully in place and to insure that she was safely contained. Just as she was raising her hips trying to throw me off, I sprayed my own palliative juice to daze her, at which time she screamed surrender and spread her stun juice on my tongue again."

Cynthia laughed. "I'll bet I don't have to guess what a belaying pin is. You should major in creative lying. I believe that's a major in the political science or communication department. Oh, maybe it's in the ag school in animal husbandry." She poked me. "Okay, smartass get on with the real story. I think I'll hold my questions if you're going to give me crappy answers like that."

"My Dad taught me to swim and ride bikes when I was about four. Don't remember exactly. Sometime later, I found myself on the swim team with daily practices. That went on for years as I moved from one age group to the next. When it wasn't raining, I rode my bike to practice. Then, we started going to meets."

"How old were you?"

"I don't remember exactly, but I have a CD around here somewhere that I made from scanning early swim meet results. Anyway, the coach made us swim in all events. If he caught us loafing in any, he would make us practice only that stroke."

"Did you like swim practice?"

"I don't know. It was something we had to do to stay on the team and go to meets. I think I didn't like it as much in the cold weather. One meet, I won a couple of heat ribbons."

"Heat ribbons?"

"Some meets give a ribbon to the winner in each heat. They always group the heats with others whose times are about the same, so there is competition. The winner gets a blue ribbon."

"How about school?"

"School was okay. We had to go, so I went."

"Your grades?"

"I was a good student. Didn't get into much trouble back then."

"Tell me more about swimming."

"I won more and more heat ribbons until I was finally competing in the fast heats. Winners in the fastest heats get medals. So, I kept swimming faster and getting more medals right through high school."

"How did you first decide to like girls?"

"Some of the older guys would hang around with girls. I was tall. Somehow, the medal winners kind of hung out together at the meets. We would sit around forever playing cards and listening to music until our events were called. One of the girls, Nicole, sat beside me most of the time. I also noticed some of the girls in class. Anyway, one of the older guys said to another, 'Have you seen how good Nicole looks in her new team suit?' So, I noticed how good she looked and that she sat by me."

"Leave it to the girls to figure things out."

"She also sat next to me when we went out for pizza after the meet. Anyway, one Sunday after the meet, she told me that one of the other girls wanted to ride back in the car I came in and would I mind swapping."

Cynthia giggled. "I'll bet you never saw it coming did you?"

"I didn't mind sitting with her. She was a fox. I was surprised that we ended up on the back seat of the van together. By then, even I figured out that this wasn't chance."

"God, give him some credit. At least he finally noticed."

"We talked a while. She sat close to me and I could feel her in her warm-ups. I'd been on the Internet and picked up some ideas about girls, so I cautiously put my arm around her and held her."

Cynthia laughed. "If it weren't for the Internet, lots of women would still be without dates and many of them would never enjoy good sex. They have some good teen coaching on there."

"Actually, I read that she was showing all the symptoms of being interested in me. Sitting next, saving me seats, then we were unexpectedly in the back of the van. What I knew about kissing, I'd learned in truth or dare or other parlor games for kids. I tilted her face up and kissed her. She kissed back. We hadn't gone very many miles before our tongues were exploring and I was faced with a serious boner."

"Happens to guys all the time. Did it bother you?"

"Only when she turned around to face me with her ribs in my lap. I knew I was goring her then. She didn't withdraw and we spent a hundred miles hugging and kissing."

"No touchy feely?"

"I put my hand under her warm-up and felt her back. Didn't go for the butt or boobs, though. Once, when we came up for air, she said she liked kissing me and I told her I liked kissing her, too."

"Is that all you said?"

"When we were getting close to home, I whispered that I liked riding with her and hoped we could do it again. She said she would work on it."

Her sarcastic self was showing when she said, "You gave her lots of thrills, I can just imagine. Did you see her at school?"

"One day after the meet, Nicole came to my cafeteria table and sat. When others left, she told me that she had arranged for us to ride together to the next meet."

"You didn't try to see her before then?"

"Not much chance. I had no way to go to her house except my bike and it was a little far. I did ride over to see her after we knew each other better."

"Knew in the Biblical sense, I suppose?"

"Getting close, I thought. I read up on what I was supposed to do and listened to some of the older guys talking about how to get it on with girls. Some of it made sense. She asked me over one Saturday after practice. I went home, got my bike and condoms and went to her house."

"You thought that this would be the great day?"

"I had my hopes up. The second time we were in the car coming home from the meet at night, I unhooked her bra and caressed her lovely breasts. She liked that."

"I believe I can empathize with her. Done right, it's quite a turn on as you learned the first time you took me to Boomer Lake."

"So, I decided to explore farther and put my hand in her panties. It was awkward, but she moved her leg and gave me easy access. So, I stroked her clit as I had seen pictures. Must have done it right, because she came quickly. When she made her noise, the kids on the seat in front of us awakened and turned around."

"Caught with your hand in the honey pot?"

"My instructions from the Internet were to do it again. So, I gave her my towel to cover her mouth and brought her off several times. She must have liked it because she endured smelling a towel reeking of chlorine. When we arrived home, she told me she wanted me to come over on Saturday. Her parents apparently played golf all day. So, I went. Through with chapter one, or should I continue?"

"Hey, you're on a roll. Can't leave the poor girl hot and frustrated, so continue. How old are you?"

"Seventh grade, I think. She was a year older and didn't swim in my age group."

"So, at thirteen, you had learned enough from the Internet to do nice things with girls?"

"I watched other people and saw some videos. She liked me and that made moving ahead a little easier."

Same as Cynthia
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It was dark outside. The lights in the house were dark. My daughter Katie was asleep, and I was wired. I had just dropped my wife off at the airport and I’d pulled into my driveway. She’d be in Europe for a work trip for a few months so Katie and I would be alone for a while. It would be hard adjusting her to her new school, especially as a high-school freshman but we were pretty up to the challenge. My daughter was an early bloomer and very confident for her age. She’d turned fourteen less...

4 years ago
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Becoming a human cow

The dark naked women in short white lab coats lead him into a white room.They told him to lay down,and they strapped him onto the table. There was a large bowl of liquid,amber in color,next to the table.After removing all of David's clothes, the women started to massage his body. For an hour or more, he laid back as dark hands worked over his soft white flesh. He was already erect when they removed his trousers, but when they applied the amber liquid, he knew the true meaning of "rock hard"....

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Shoplifting from a Witch

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Shoplifting from a Witch By Paul Jutras This morning Sam jumped out of bed and had a quick shower. He slipped into a padded bra that made him look like he had breasts that stuck out like two torpedoes, and then into a blouse and skirt. He didn't put on his normal taupe color nylon pantyhose because he planned to steal a pair. The shop was located at...

2 years ago
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Summers End A Loss Of Innocence Part 2

A few minutes later, Steven got up and kicked his shorts off. He walked down the beach and into the water. He was standing at the water’s edge looking out at me. His body was the same body I had seen years ago just filled out and more muscular. It was my moment to pretend I was Halle Berry. I was going to slowly walk out of the water with a sexy bikini, dive knife and gorgeous figure. Except I was nude, wet and still washing cum off my stomach, but it was going to be perfect. It would be a...

3 years ago
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Disabled Man Gets An Erection And Cums For The Carer

I am a fifty-six-year-old man that had a very bad stroke and I am now, virtually paralysed and in a wheelchair. I had a very severe stroke when I was in my early forties. Now, I can 'just' talk, and I can 'just' use my left hand and arm. I suppose it's about 10% on a good day. The rest of my muscles are fucked!I live on my own. I am very slim (with a flat stomach) and very healthy. I have a full head of shoulder-length grey and dark blonde hair and stubble. My penis, just under...

1 year ago
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HotwifeXXX Ryan Keely Insatiable Wife Ryan Only Gets The Best Cock

Insatiable blonde big tit milf wife Ryan is the luckiest in love with a husband who loves to fuck her good and find other men who fuck her good too, always bringing out her inner dirty slut. One rule is she never can know where all the new dicks come from as she deep throats a new piece of meat and wraps her big juicy tits around that throbbing cock. Once its rock hard she slips that cock thru her juicy big ass cheeks and into her hot tight pussy for another round of getting fucked hard and...

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Dragon Ball Z Universe Tournament Saga Onwards

{{{AUTHORS NOTE: THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY TO BE CONSIDERED DISCONTINUED, AS THE CHARACTER IS NOW IMPLEMENTED AS A SECONDARY PROTAGONIST AND MAIN CHARACTER IN DRAGON BALL: THE SON OF KARKOREAN! PLEASE SEE LINK BELOW FOR STORY:}}} THE LINK:!:!!:!!: Craiger was the Grandson of Cruegiuse, and a Pure-blooded Saiyan who was considered Royalty by all the Gods of Destruction, but since Cruegiuse sacrificed himself to Wound Goku Black and died...

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Mr Bradfords Sextoy Part 1

I used to work for Mr. Bradford but he had to lay me off because the company needed to cut back. He offered to help me get a new job and when we met at his office, I wound up giving him a job. I was on my knees with his cock lodged down my throat and only taking it out of my mouth to fuck his dick with my 36DD tits. That very night he also invited a friend of his to use me as well and they both unloaded their balls in me for hours. I loved every minute of it.For months now I was Mr. Bradford's...

3 years ago
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The Teachers Conference

by Lubrican Author’s Note: While I’ve been married to one for 30 years, I cannot claim to understand women. This, however, is my attempt to tell a story primarily from a woman’s perspective. Please go easy on me ladies. This is how I THINK I’d feel if I were one of you. Chapter One Robin sighed as she approached the school. Sometimes it was a pain being a single mom. Like now, having to go to a teacher's conference. Mandy had probably gotten in trouble some way. Mandy, came home one...

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Roleplay With My Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Second story, let me know what you think! ,) My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. (He’s now working as a vp at his father’s company, I’m still a sophomore at university studying Political Science). It had been quite a while since we last saw each other, at least three months. We decided to meet up at my house for a couple hours and then drive to Los Angeles and spend a night there afterwards. He was going to be in LA anyway for a family event and figured this would...

2 years ago
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It was very hard for me, living on the other side of the world from friends and family. Not only in a new country, but also beginning a new career in teaching, after just completing my Bachelor of Education in New Zealand. So now I find myself in Essex, England. Nice school, and the children seem to be well behaved. But I was finding that working hard, marking work, and trying to converse with some strange Australians (flat mates) was not enough for me. I found comfort at my computer, more...

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Craft Faire LoveChapter 3 Melindas Adventure Begins

Janet shook her head chuckling at her daughter's "whole trip." She had packed 2 very large suitcases, a medium suitcase, a closet-hanging bag with all 4 "formal" dresses she owned, and a small hand/cosmetic case. With all of that she still had the backpack that she kept in her possession instead of putting it on the pile with the other luggage. She packed like she was going to be gone for months. Janet looking at it realistically knew that for all intents and purpose, Mel was going to...

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JulesJordan Alina Lopez Kissa Sins Dynamic Cock Sharing Duo Alina Lopez And Kissa Sins Ultimate Fuckfest

Everyone’s Dream Comes True When Alina Lopez & Kissa Sins Get Together For A Steamy Sex Romp! Wearing matching lingerie sets Alina & Kissa make out and caress each other as they wait for Markus to join them. Alina starts getting frisky and makes her way between Kissa’s legs to tease her tight twat with her tantalizing tongue. When Markus shows up the girls turn their attention to his bulging boner and take turns sucking on it. Kissa lays down and sucks on his balls while Markus jams his...

4 years ago
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Donna the Devoted Dog LoverChapter 3

Donna woke up that lazy Sunday morning with a sour taste in her mouth and a dull pain in her sensitive bottom that convinced her she had gone overboard with anal antics the night before. Unfortunately, she had drunk so much blood-red wine that her speech was still slightly slurred and she had great difficulty in lighting up a much-needed cigarette to push the fogbanks from her brain. Her pair of well-trained black male Dobermans was resting with their chins on their paws waiting for her to...

2 years ago
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Starting our cumeekend

It is Friday night and we are in your car going home after having dinner and a walk in our favorite park holding hands in the dark. All the way home we are talking and laughing, it has been a rough week with work and not having enough time for each other but now we are finally free and we know what awaits this weekend. It is a weekend for just the two of us, our retreat, our time alone, our cumeekend. We look at each other, our lust permeating the air as we eat at each other with our gaze....

1 year ago
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The Door Next DoorChapter 11

Ben retrieved a bottle of rosé wine from the refrigerator and pulled the cork. "This is another tradition with this meal," he said as he poured three glasses and distributed them. "Shall we drink a toast to your career as an illustrator?" he asked Brittney. "No. Not until it's a sure thing. I don't want to jinx it." "Then, how about a toast to three friends?" "That," Brittney replied, "I can drink to." "The meatloaf is excellent again," Ben said to Molly. "Thanks,"...

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The Log of the Retvizan TwylightChapter 3

The outboard motor was muffled to a hum. The three of them, Pavlov, Shapalaev and a marine called Shteyn motored inshore around the dark columns of volcanic rock that rose out of the sea like chimneys. The sea was a placid swell but almost immeasurably deep, rising sharply upwards towards the sheer rockfaces. The eastern side of this island of 'Havai' was high, rocky and forbidding. It was as if the whole volcano had tilted west, leaving it's raw haunches exposed for all to see. Pavlov...

2 years ago
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She likes women pt2

As her laughter quieted, I kissed her deeply and slowly, a kiss she returned with fervor. Then I reached around her and turned off the water. ‘Now?’ she asked, almost sounding surprised. ‘Mmmmmm,’ I answered, kissing her pert nipples, ‘as soon as I get you dried off. Can’t have you catching cold, you know!’ I opened the curtains and grabbed a towel and patted her body dry, while she dried her hair in another towel. Then she rubbed the same towel over me while I dried my hair. No word was said...

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Stroke of LuckChapter 8

I had many things to take care of at our home. The first thing was to plan a way to set up the windmill and showers. My girls were busy giving presents to everyone, and telling everything what they had seen at Momma's house. Everyone loved the shoes and clothes they had gotten. I gave Mac some ammunition for his rifle and pistol. I gave Lamar and Eldon the Savage rifles I had bought along with some ammunition and told them it was for them and their brothers and their families. I showed...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Alexis I Like Being Fucked Yea Penetrated

Alexis is back everyone as promised and she’s here to take one in the pink and one in the stink for one debauchery of an Ass to Mouth analing of a good time. And if you didn’t read this girl’s first scene’s write-up and instead went straight to her anal pounding then you aren’t aware she’s very well spoken and speaks more than a few languages fluently. She plays numerous musical instruments and teaches her skills to aspiring youngins in order to give back to her community and this...

3 years ago
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forced to be Female Pt2

Back in my room I lay on the bed trying to come to terms with the fact that I was being forced to become a woman. I kept looking at where my testicles had been, trying to see what they had done to me.My penis had been pulled back into the space where my testicles had been and then they had stitched it flat. I soon found that I had to sit in order to go to the toilet.I felt my face and arms. They were so smooth and free of hair. My chest was bare and smooth too and I looked at my nipples for any...

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Mom so Hot Chapters 1116

Introduction: Thing Turn in an Interesting Direction (I DIDNT WRITE THIS STORY REMEMBER!) Chapter 11 The next day was taken up by everyone chipping in to take care of the baby and with errands and helping Dad out, since he needed help every time he needed to get up. The baby took up a lot of Ritas time, so I jumped in helping with the laundry and dinner too. That night we were all pretty worn out and just sat around watching t.v. When we were getting ready for bed the baby began to fuss and...

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An old friend with bisex benefits

Many years ago I lost contact with a guy that I used to work with, we occasionally also had oral sex. Our wives never knew. When he moved to another country we soon lost contact. Out of the blue one day my phone rings and it's him, Simon. I was delighted to hear from him and he said he was back in the UK, married to a new woman... a much younger woman (lucky bastard). He was living up north and he invited me to his home for a weekend.Eager to remake our friendship, and hopeful he still had a...

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BrattySis Harley Haze Scarlet Skies Some Dick Would Make You Less Stuck Up Stepsister

Juan Loco walks in on his stepsister Harley Haze and her friend Scarlet Skies having an interesting chat. He tries to insert himself into the conversation, but it just annoys the girls. They dismissively tell Juan that they were talking about how easy it is to get a guy off. Harley looks Juan in the eye and tells him she could get him off in two minutes, which is scandalous to Scarlet but in a really titillating way. It’s not long before Scarlet gets Harley to admit that she has sex...

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Minecraft Might and Magic

Read the first adventures here: Hours of backtracking through torch-lit caves, a brief climb up ladders, and a 100 block trek back the way they came. A black dragonkin, a grizzled old man with orange hair, and a women with leather armor finally arrive back home. As they open the door, they hear a loud enderwoman screech and all three burst into laughter. A women with an arm of bone is at the furnaces cooking some exotic foods; breads,...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 42

Major General Edwards 1:06 am, November 4th, 2006 7:06 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) The Marine General representing the Committee was beginning to wonder if he wouldn't rather fight a hopeless battle against all powerful aliens bent on wiping out all life as he knew it. At least then he'd know more about what to do. None of his training ever covered the situation he was in now. Now some of the politicians were embracing a force that the country was technically at war with. I guess...

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Futa Kunoichi

Ever since chakra was first discovered, supposedly gifted to the world by the great Moon Goddess, only women had been able to wield it. But not just ordinary women, they had an extra thick something between their legs otherwise known as penises, cocks, dicks, and etc that could be shoved into cunts, asses, and mouths all the same, used to blast rivers of cum into the willing and unwilling. These women, since then, had been dubbed futas, and over the years, became the futa kunoichi we know,...

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The Office Temperature Rises Tom and Lori

Lori and I had become steady lovers after the first "spur of the moment" fuck we'd shared in her office and then after she invited me to her house while her husband was out of town, we were "deep in lust" with each other. Lori's a very pretty, sexy-looking 25-year old and her husband apparently was just overworked or stressed with his medical school studies and one of the things that got neglected were the hot sexual needs of his pretty young wife. If you've never experienced having an...

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Tommy and Georgette are holidaying in Mexico. Georgette goes into the bathroom early on their second day, shuts the door and looks out the window without turning on the lights.She sees a light go on in a bathroom window across the way and sees a man standing in front of the toilet. He drops his boxers and grabs his penis. He stretches the skin on the end of his penis outwards and then pulls it back behind his glans and proceeds to piss into the toilet.Georgette is amazed. She has never seen a...

Oral Sex
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My Wife My Hooker Part 3

"Hey Jay what is going on" "I heard about your party, think i could come" "Of course you can come, I didn't invite you because you are married, I didn't want to cause tension" "Ya that was the other thing, Kirsten wants to come too" "Of course, bring anyone you want, I am sure my wife will eat pussy too" "Well, she doesn't want to use your wife, she wants to be used" "Are you ok with that Jay" "Ya, she said if I could fuck Amiee, then she was going to fuck anyone that...

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A Whole Lot of Woman

Robert is 26 and works a desk job that he doesn't much care for. He lives in a small apartment just outside the city. Standing 5 foot 8 with an average build and short brown hair he's definitely not model status, just your average looking guy. He had a couple girlfriends in high school and even a couple friends with benefits in the past, however he hadn't been with a woman in almost 4 years. Stuck in the same dull routine every day, with no new faces he didn't know how to get himself...

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Sex PotChapter 2

(A Poker Game Story) By Randy MacAnus © 2019 All Rights Reserved By The Author If you would like to see the story continue, you can email me with your opinions and suggestions at: [email protected] This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events. I should be so lucky. If you have ideas about directions you might like the story to take, by all means include them. I have additional chapters outlined, but am open to...

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How Polygamy Begins 32

We spent a while drinking wine and discussing Classic English Literature until the conversation turned to Brandi’s writing.I asked, “do you write anything other than poetry?”She looked at me intently for a moment before speaking. “Ahh, well, some stuff, but I’m not sure I want to share it with you.”“Oh, well, no pressure. I just wondered if you liked to write other stuff. I mean I won’t judge you,” I responded.“I do like to write other stuff, but a lot of what I write is a little embarrassing.”...

College Sex
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MoneyChapter 10

I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I made sure the two guns and the ammo was stored under clothes and went to see who was at my door. A guy who looked like a beggar was standing there, telling me that he left stuff in the trailer when he was kicked out and wanted to come in to get it. I told the guy that he needed to see the landlady for anything he left as the place was totally empty when I rented it. The man was getting pushy and was trying to push me aside so he could get in. He...

1 year ago
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Lord Dagmars Estate

Lord Dagmar’s EstateChapter 1Dress appropriately. That’s what the letter had said. It wasn’t a letter you ignored either. The calligraphic script and the weight of the paper showed you it meant business. No exclamation mark or other intonation was necessary; the whole thing reeked of old school, old money, old power. That was not to say the age behind the power lessened it, it was still as strong today as it had always been, strong, stable and unmovable. A relentless force driving the...

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Mothers and SonsChapter 3

Paul had intended to take a long, relaxing hot shower as he always did at home, but on second thought decided to make it short and sweet. He was only a guest here, and it wasn't polite to hog all the hot water. Stepping out of the shower, Paul reached for the towel, Alison had left him and leisurely dried himself off. His clothes were in Randy's room so he wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the bathroom door. He was halfway down the hall when he heard strange moaning noises...

2 years ago
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Not Just for ChristmasChapter 11

"I think Bob's next on the list," said Tom, as they drove away from Tracy's. "We've got to warn him off." "Wait," Mike said. "If he's been visiting Claire at home, those next door neighbours will know, won't they?" "What time is it?" Tom asked. "Early enough to visit," Mike grinned. Then he thought. "Tom, we'll drive home, there's something I want to get. It's just a hunch." He picked up a photo of Cheryl from when they were married, and phoned the neighbours. They...

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Mistress in the Making

Ever since our parents died in a car crash a year ago, my sister and I were sent to my aunt's as she was our next of kin, our legitimate guardian. She was kind to us, gave us all the attention and love two young girls needed to be healthy, physically and mentally. She was even better than our mother, that I have to admit. Laura and I were 19 and 18 respectively. We both have good curves in our body, that's what our aunt, Mary, always says. Sometimes, I could see aunt Mary eyed us like we...

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Sweet Revenge Part II

They arrived just a few minutes after 8 pm. As Logan introduced Cara he watched the reactions of his brother and sister-in-law. He had imagined they would be disconcerted by the youth and beauty of Cara and was not disappointed. They were clearly shocked. “Game on, “Logan thought. Marcie gave them both a hug, the smell of her perfume a sensual reminder of last week. Then she suggested the guys get the pool table set up while she gave Cara the grand tour. Logan agreed reluctantly, not wanting...

2 years ago
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An Amazing Experience

I would like to relate one of the most amazing and fantastic incidences of my life. I can’t speak for anybody else, but as far as I’m concerned, nothing in my wildest fantasies would ever have come close to what I’m about to tell you. Before I begin, it would help to know that my life at the time of my story, was in a somewhat state of recovery. At the time I was in my early forties and by necessity, was working at a Safeway, a small local grocery store around the corner from my flat on...

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High School part 4

“What about Kelly and Freaky upstairs?” I asked. “Fuck them, or rather… They probably already are.” “What if they come down?” “They’ll get the shock of their life.” “Kelly already thinks you’re gay.” “What about Anthony?” I ask, but he simply pulls me back into a kiss, and I feel his hands come around to my front as he begins to unzip his pants. Giggling, I began to lower myself, but he quickly put his arm around my back, holding me to him as he did it. After a moment, I felt as if I was...

1 year ago
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SS NerdChapter 8

"Someone's been using my dick." That was Marilyn who spoke sternly, but with a giggle. "Suki, you little slut, were you getting some during the night?" "No, I wasn't," Suki said, with emphasis, "But Sal was. I couldn't wait to taste him. He's delicious and fulfilled one of my biggest fantasies." "And what kind of fantasy can a half pint hussy have?" "Easy you foul-mouthed pussy sucker, I wanted to taste him, and then see if he would kiss me. He gave me a nice mouth full, and...

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