Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch 10
- 4 years ago
- 52
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Introduction: A Surprising Weekend. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand.
Chapter 7
Hey, Uncle Benny? My niece Kaylee asked me after dinner.
My sister Patty, Kaylee, and I were sitting around my dinning room table. It was a Thursday night, and it had been my turn to host our weekly dinner. I wasnt half the chef my sister was, but I can still serve up a pretty good meal. Patty and I had after dinner cocktails, while my niece was having a rootbeer float.
Brittnis parents are leaving for a two day conference tomorrow. Would it be OK with you if she came home with us after school tomorrow, and spent the night? Then maybe we could go for a horseback ride on Saturday? Her parents said its fine, and Mom says its up to you.
Kaylee clasped her hands under her chin and gave me her best eyelash flutter. Oh, dont start with the begging! I threw my napkin at her. I dont have any problem with it, and you know you can have friends over whenever you want. Brittni is always welcome here.
Patty rolled her eyes at me. She always accused me of spoiling Kaylee so I quickly added. IF… you help clean the horse stalls first!
OH! We can totally do that! Shes not afraid of a little horse poop! Kaylee came around the table and gave me a big hug around the neck. Thanks Uncle Benny! Ill even clear the dinner plates.
As Kaylee cleared the table, Patty looked at me shaking her head. I have to beg her to do dishes at home but she jumps right up to help around here!
I just smiled. And you say I spoil her?
You know you do Benjamin! My sister said with a grin. She reached across the table and took my hand. You also teach her a strong work ethic and that no one rides for free. I really do appreciate all you do for her. For both of us! I love you big brother!
I squeezed my sisters hand. I love you too sis! I finished my drink and stood up. Now lets help poor Cinderella with the dishes.
After the dinner mess was cleaned up my sister headed to the front door. Goodnight Benjamin! Thanks for dinner. She said as she started out the door.
Just give me a sec. Mom. Im gonna grab a couple of things from my room. Kaylee yelled to my sisters back.
OK, Ill be in the car.
I walked my sister out to the porch, then went back in after she got in the car. Kaylee was standing on the stairs, just out of view of the front door, holding her backpack. I walked over and put my arms around her trim waist. She dropped her bag, lowered her face to mine and we kissed. Short, but very passionate. I reached around and grabbed onto my nieces beautiful, firm ass. MMMMM! I hate when you do that right before I have to leave. Kaylee whispered in my ear. I wish I could stay and see where this would lead but I gotta go! I love you Baby!
One more kiss and I lifted her off the stair, set her down, and retrieved her backpack. OK! Ill see you after school tomorrow. I pinched her butt on the way to the door. I love you too, Sweetheart.
When they drove away I couldnt help but smile. It had been about 8 months that Kaylee and I had been together. She was now a very pretty 16 year old, and made me feel like I was 20 years younger, with my first crush. I absolutely loved being with her. Not just the sex, though that was truly amazing, just having her around made me a happier man! I walked back in the house grinning from ear to ear.
Kaylee and Brittni came up to the truck with bags in hand. They threw their bags in back and climbed in the door. Hey Uncle Benny! Kaylee said scooting over to the middle.
Brittni got in and closed the door. Whats up Uncle B?
The two had been friends since they met in the first grade. Some older boys had been picking on Brittni. Without even knowing who she was, Kaylee rushed to her defense. She had grabbed a fallen branch, walked up, and started smacking the boys till they ran off. She didnt really do any damage, bloodied one boys nose and a scratch on the cheek of another, but she received a three day suspension from school. When she returned to school, Brittni told her they were going to be best friends for EVER!
When Kaylee fell from a horse when she was 12, she had to wear a cast up to her right shoulder for 3 months. Brittni got up an hour and a half early every single morning, and had her mom drop her off so she could help her injured friend get ready for school. After school she would do all her own homework, then help Kaylee with writing out all of her assignments.
They were as different as night and day, but I have never met two friends closer than they were. Where Kaylee is a bit shy in public and very easy to embarrass, Brittni is quite the opposite. She is very talkative, and I have never seen her show the slightest bit of embarrassment. There seems to be no filter between her brain and mouth, and anything she thinks will usually come out.
My niece is rather short at 52, with blond hair and pale skin. Brittni is 58, dark skin and black hair, except for a 1 stripe behind her ear that is always dyed an unusually bright color, at this time it was a bright blue.
They were both on the schools track team. However, Kaylee runs medium to long distance, where Brittni is a sprinter and runs hurdles. Both girls were very toned and slim.
While I can say that Kaylee is extremely smart… Next to Brittni… she seems like an idiot. I only say this because Brittni is THAT smart. The school has tried to advance her on many occasions but she refuses. When her parents asked her why, she told them that if she had to leave her friends behind, she would intentionally fail. They agreed not to push, on the condition that she take some outside classes, so that she didnt get bored with school. At 16 Brittni has already taken many college level courses on-line. She speaks 4 different languages and can just about program a computer in her sleep. The funny thing is, you would never suspect it by looking at her.
I have never been able to figure out if she is too intelligent to worry about what she wears, or if she spends hours putting together the most eccentric outfits she can find. Today she was wearing a pair of green converse sneakers, bright orange leggings, and a ruffled black skirt. If this was not weird enough she had topped it with a red sweatshirt with a large picture of a cat staring at a rainbow. And this was a relatively tame outfit for her.
Britnis parents were a strange couple too. They are both very successful. Her mother is a strikingly beautiful, dark skinned Jamaican woman. She is a surgeon at the local hospital and is well respected. Her father is a short, pudgy Irishman with red hair, and skin that is covered in freckles. He says he burns at the slightest touch of sun. He does something with computer security that I never could understand. From what I see, he is constantly flying all over the country, but works mainly from home. Despite the obvious differences, they always seem very happy together.
So ladies. Where do we want to have dinner?
At almost the same time both girls yelled out Mama Chus!
Pulling away from the school I said. OK! Chinese food it is.
The girls asked if we could watch a movie, so I made some popcorn and popped open a beer, as they went upstairs to change. I swear, the two girls sounded more like 15 as they rumbled and giggled in her room above me. It was 2 beers and 40 minutes till they finally came back down.
Kaylee was wearing her typical over-sized nightshirt, while Brittni had on a fuzzy blue bathrobe with matching slippers. Kaylee walked up and straddled my lap facing me. She leaned in and kissed me soundly on the lips.
What the hell are you doing? I jumped so suddenly that I almost dropped Kaylee on her pretty little ass. Both girls were giggling. What is so funny?
Its OK Uncle Benny. Kaylee looked at me and hesitated a moment. Brittni knows about us.
Im pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. I looked over at Brittni and she was smiling widely. Kaylee had a look of worry on her face but nodded at me. I thought about denial, but realized that would probably do no good. I finally shook my head.
Oh Kaylee! This was supposed to be our secret. I said quietly.
Ive been wanting to tell you, but I didnt know how without making you mad. Brittnis the ONLY one who knows, and she wont say anything. Kaylee looked like she was about to cry.
I wont Uncle B! I know how serious it would be. I would NEVER say a word. Brittni was still grinning, like she found the whole thing amusing.
I put my hand on Kaylees shoulder. OK. Im not mad. Lets just sit down and talk about this. I need something stronger than a beer though! I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of bourbon and a glass. I came back in and sat in a chair facing them on the couch.
So how long has our little secret been out? I asked as I poured a healthy slug of the amber liquid.
Brittni gave a small, laughing snort and Kaylee looked like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Well… Since the day after our very first kiss. She cringed like she was expecting me to yell.
Instead I think I surprised her when I broke out laughing. I couldnt help it. The stress, the absurdity of the whole situation, even the relief of not having to hide ourselves in front of one less person. I laughed until I had tears in my eyes.
Twelve hours? Is that about right? Shortest secret ever! Kaylee was now actually tearing up. No sweetheart dont! I am just kidding. Aww Hell! I stepped over to the couch and took her in my arms. Sweetheart dont cry. I told you, Im not mad. I kissed her lips and she responded immediately by throwing her arms around me and kissing me fiercely.
UMMM Guys? You know Im still here right? I laughed again as I looked over at Brittni. She was sitting there giggling and waving hello. I stood up and went back to my chair.
I HAD to tell her Uncle Benny. Shes my best friend! I trust her with anything. Kaylee looked at me pleading.
I took a long swallow of booze and smiled at her, then at Brittni. I understand, I guess Im not all that surprised. If you trust her with this then I guess I do too. So… Um… What do you think?
I think its awesome! The super secret romance, with the added excitement of forbidden taboo? Very sexy! Brittni was enjoying this, like a housewife watching her soap operas. Besides I think you guys make a really cute couple. You have the whole big, rugged, manly, construction worker thing, and she has the cute, wholesome, girl next door look. Totally adorable! I would buy the book AND rent the movie!
I laughed. Well our whole plan was to entertain you. Im glad we did such a good job. I took another drink. You do realize how much trust Im putting in you though, right?
The girls both put their hands out without a word, or even looking at each other, and held hands. I would never betray Kaylees trust. For the first time she looked very serious. You can trust me.
OK. So, now that thats over any more surprises?
Once again Brittni snorted laughter and Kaylee looked guilty. OH Hell! Now what? I asked.
I dont suppose that youre giving out shots of that before we answer, are you? Brittni asked.
Not for a few more years. Now what else is there?
Kaylee looked at me. Well… We both talked about it, a lot actually, and we think… She couldnt seem to find the right words.
Brittni however never seemed to have that problem. We think that you should have sex with me tonight!
Trust me on this. Bourbon whiskey is not something you want to shoot out your nose! After sputtering and choking for a few minutes, I finally managed to respond. You think so, HUH? Id love to hear how this decision was arrived at.
Kaylee started. Almost all our lives we have done everything together. Brittnis dad taught us both how to ride a bike. We both got braces in fifth grade. When she started taking A.P. classes I signed up too.
Brittni took over. When Kaylee tried out for the track team, I had to also. We bought our first bras together, and we even had our first periods, like, a week apart!
So when you and I became a couple, it was like I had something Brittni didnt, and things havent felt completely right ever since.
I had to smile at how close these girls were. I think thats wonderful. I know you two love each other but… Isnt there any boys at school closer to your own age you would rather go out with?
None of the boys at school like her.
I was surprised my niece was being so rude. Kaylee! Thats not a nice thing to say.
Its OK Uncle B! Its true. Brittni was still smiling and didnt seem the least bit bothered by the whole thing. Some of the boys dont like that I am so much smarter than they are. Some guys dont like me because Im black. Mostly though its probably because Im so weird.
Come on now Britt. I said. You arent weird.
Both girls just stared at me for a minute, then all three of us laughed. It was a nice tension breaker. Smiling over at her I admitted. OK. So you are a little weird. But you are very pretty.
Brittnis smile grew even more. Well thank you Handsome! She gave me a wink. I do know a couple of guys on the track team that would take me out, but it would just be for the sex. I really dont want my first time to be in the back of a car, with some overanxious guy that doesnt know what hes doing. I dont want a guy that might hurt me because he doesnt know, or doesnt care, how to make me feel good. Ive heard too many girls talk about how bad their first time was. I dont want that.
She is determined she is going to lose her virginity soon. If its not you, she will probably pick one of those guys. Kaylee said to me, clearly concerned. It was my idea to ask you.
Why me? Im way too old for you. I put up my hand before they could say anything about my current situation. I already have a girlfriend. I dont understand why you want it to be me.
Uncle Benny. Kaylee looked at me like it was obvious. Brittni has had a crush on you since the first time she met you.
I guess I always knew that my nieces friend had a crush on me, but this was going way beyond the boundaries of innocent infatuation.
I expected for her to be shy about it, but I forgot who I was dealing with.
Brittni gave me a big grin. Its true! I was the one who was going to grow up and sweep you off your feet. We were going to get married and live in a giant castle together. Kaylee was going to live there too, but then she ruined everything by stealing you away from me! We all laughed again. This had to be the strangest conversation I had ever been involved in.
Brittni became more serious. Kaylee told me about her first time, and it was beautiful. Not many girls really enjoy their first time. She not only liked it, she said it was perfect. I looked at Kaylee and she was nodding in agreement. I felt very proud and happy that I had given her such a special night to remember. Thats why Im asking you. I want a first time like that. Someone who will be gentle and slow. There doesnt need to be love, just respect. I want one special night. Not forever, not even ever again. Just tonight. Something I will never forget.
I was trying hard to keep perspective. The way she made it sound, I would be doing her a huge favor. Not some old pervert getting his rocks off on yet another innocent girl. I wasnt sure what to do. Part of me was looking over at this pretty young girl thinking, well shes smart enough to make this decision. The other part was screaming to act like an adult. Just stop and run away. At the moment the scales were at 50/50.
Just give me a minute to think about some things here. I poured a few more ounces of bourbon into my glass. (Yeah! I know! Booze may not be the best way to make a decision.)
Kaylee looked over at Brittni and gave her a smile and a small twitch of the head. I was about to ask what that was for, when Brittni stood up and untied the belt of her robe. She let the robe slide off her shoulders then let it fall to the ground around her feet.
I found myself staring, when I knew I should be looking away. She was wearing an outfit that I recognized as one that I had bought for Kaylee during our shopping trip. That was one birthday present that just kept on giving and giving.
Brittni stood right in front of me, hands to her side, one knee slightly bent. She had on a very sheer, light blue bra, with matching boy shorts. The light color against her dark skin looked terrific. It was perfect. I wondered how many things they had tried on before picking this one.
The thin, almost translucent material left almost nothing to the imagination. Her dark nipples, and black bush were clearly visible beneath the gauzy fabric. She had small breasts, but they were well formed. Her hips were wider than Kaylees, creating a very nice curve below her thin, taut waist. She had much longer legs than my niece and they were even more muscular. She was very pretty indeed.
Although her body was shaped beautifully, the thing that caught my attention was her skin. It was gorgeous! Smooth, flawless, a dark golden brown that seemed to glow in the light. There was no sign of body hair other than what was glimpsed beneath her panties. I felt a stirring in my pants, and realized I was loosing the will to fight.
Kaylee was smiling at her and gave a twirl of her finger. Brittni started to slowly spin around. My girlfriend was coaching her friend in seducing me!
Brittnis ass was incredible! It is much more of a bubble butt than Kaylees. The boy shorts were tight against her firm, muscled curves. While I still think my niece wins first prize, no man would ever think he was missing out with this one. I knew I wanted to grab it and run my hands over her smooth flesh.
Kaylee was looking at me with a grin on her face. Tell her what you think. I wont mind.
Brittni added quickly. But only the truth. Dont lie to make me feel good.
I sat there a moment longer. Britt! You look amazing! Really. Amazing! You are so pretty, and any guy would be lucky to have you.
Then why not you? Im right here. She looked at me sincerely. I know that youre not in love with me, but you do care about me right? Isnt that enough?
I looked over at Kaylee questioningly. She gave me a smile and nodded. The scales tipped and I knew I was lost. I stood up and put my arms around Brittni. I lowered my head to hers and gave her a gentle kiss. As her lips parted I slowly explored her tongue with my own. She reached up and put her hands behind my head pulling me into her. She was much more aggressive and far less hesitant than Kaylee had been, but I didnt feel the passion that I did with my niece.
I gently pulled away. Why dont you go upstairs and we will be up in just a bit.
Brittni looked up at me a little breathless and said OK. Which room?
Wherever you feel more comfortable.
I watched her walk to the stairs then I pulled a smiling Kaylee to her feet. Sweetheart. You have to be completely sure about this. If I do this, and you get jealous, I cant undo it. All I did was kiss her, we can still stop now. What do YOU want me to do?
Its fine Baby. That kiss was very sweet. It was her first you know. She stood on her tip toes. I want you to kiss me, then go upstairs and be as gentle and patient as you were with me. I want her first to be just as special as mine. I kissed her passionately, then took her hand.
I was worried I was doing the wrong thing but I wasnt going to turn back now. We walked upstairs hand in hand.
Brittni had chosen my bed. She sat on the edge looking nervous, but still smiling. I sat on the edge next to her. I took her hand. OK. You know if we do this, its done. There is no going back.
I know. I really want to. She seemed like she had made up her mind.
Have you ever done anything at all before? I asked her.
She smiled at me. With a boy? Well… besides a kiss a few minutes ago…No. She continued on without embarrassment. By myself, I have used my fingers a bunch of times, and I have given myself a few orgasms. I have an electric toothbrush that vibrates, and I have put that inside me a few times. but thats about it.
Kaylee giggled a little and Brittni gave her a dirty look.
Oh yeah funny huh? What about that hairbrush you are so fond of?
Kaylee gasped and started turning red. That was a secret!
I chuckled and looked over at my niece. Hairbrush huh? Kaylee turned beet red.
Its OK. Its natural. Everybody masturbates. I do it all the time. Both girls looked at me in shock. HEY! Give a guy a break. I only get to see my girlfriend on weekends!
I turned back and held Brittnis hand. If anything I do makes you want to stop, just say so. There is nothing wrong if you want to quit. OK?
Brittni looked at me and nodded I understand. She looked at me and asked. Could we kiss again?
I smiled and leaned over into her. I put my hand around her back and lowered her back against the pillows while kissing her softly.
I let my hand caress her side, her skin was silky smooth. I ran my hand over her belly, just running the tips of my fingers across her flesh. My fingers moved upward till they found the thin material of her bra. I gently cupped her small breast and squeezed lightly. Her chest lifted upward into my hand. I sought out her nipple and gave it a small pinch between my fingers. Brittni gave a small gasp into my mouth.
While still kissing her, I ran my hand around and unclasped her bra, one handed. She gave a cute little giggle. Wow! Youre good at that.
Well it was learn that or buy scissors I chuckled.
I leaned back and slid the bra from her shoulders. I looked down at her beautiful breasts. She was smaller than Kaylee, but looked very nice. She had small breasts with tiny, dark brown, almost black areola, topped with hard, eraser sized nipples. I leaned forward and took one into my mouth.
Her whole body shivered as I ran my tongue in circles around her hard nipple. As I suckled her, my hand ran down and squeezed her butt. It was every bit as firm and exiting as I had imagined.
I started to kiss my way down her body till I reached her panties. I looked over at Kaylee. She was sitting next to us watching intently. I took the waistband of the panties in my hands and asked. Is this OK?
Brittni responded, Oh yes. PLEASE!
While I wanted Brittni to have a wonderful time, there was really only one consent I needed.
Kaylees eyes met mine. She gave me a small smile and nodded her head.
I slowly slid the panties off of Brittnis hips, kissing and licking all the way down. I licked her inner thigh all the way up, till I was at her crotch. I stopped and looked down.
She had a small, curly, black bush, covering a very nice pussy. I had never really thought about it until then, it had never been an issue, but I had never been with a black girl before. I would be lying if I said that it wasnt an added turn on!
Her lips were the same dark brown as her nipples. They were full and plump. The contrast between her dark lips and the pink of her slit was absolutely lovely. I dove in, and buried my tongue into her.
The reaction she gave was to thrust her hips forward. I grabbed her ass and pulled her tighter into my face. I ran my tongue around her button, then down into her folds. I sucked one lip into my mouth, pulling back and releasing it in a kiss. I put my tongue flat against her clit and ran it all the way along, flicking it at the end. I pulled her bud into my mouth and sucked it against my lips.
The fact that she was so loud normally, made me surprised that she was so quiet now. She never made a sound.
As I teased her clit with my tongue, her legs suddenly tightened around my head. Her whole body tensed, and her hips bucked forward. I kept licking as her thighs and abdomen were wracked with spasms. I kissed and licked as she slowly relaxed back onto the bed. I slowed my attentions, Brittni finally let out a long sigh.
OH! Wow! Now I know what she meant! Brittni was staring up at the ceiling, seemingly oblivious to everything else.
Kaylee grabbed my shoulder. Baby why dont you lay back?
I laid back onto the bed, while my niece took control. She quickly undressed me, then she took Brittni by the hand and pulled her onto her knees next to me. Put your leg over him and sit on top.
Brittni, still breathing heavily, straddled my lap. Kaylee rubbed her shoulder as she said. Go slow. Let your body adjust to him. Dont get exited and hurt yourself.
I looked up into Brittnis eyes and asked. Are you sure you are ready?
She smiled down at me. Completely sure!
Kaylee positioned my prick so it was centered on Brittnis hole. She started to lower herself onto me!
She was very tight! Not quite as painfully tight as Kaylee had been, but enough to make me concerned for her comfort. She sank deeper on top of me. When her ass met my thighs, her whole body shivered.
She did not even slow to get used to the feeling, but continued on. Brittni raised back up and then took me fully into her again. Again she raised and lowered. Then again. I did not want to hurt her but the feeling of this sexy, young girl on top of me was fantastic! I started to move against her. She started to bounce against me. Her breathing rapid, her movements deliberate. She closed her eyes, and let out a long moan. Her body contracted, and I was amazed to realize she was having another orgasm.
The tightness around my dick was enough to send me over the edge. Oh God! Im cumming! I tried not to trust too hard as I released inside of her. She rocked her hips against me then let her body rest against mine as I shuddered and shook against her.
We lay together with her on top of me for a few minutes, then she slid down next to me. I ran my hands across her breasts and sides as I caught my breath. Brittni never made a sound.
Eventually, Kaylee giggled. Uncle Benny! I think we finally found a way to shut Brittni up!
Brittni let out a few deep sighs. That was WAY better than my toothbrush!
Kaylee and I both laughed. Then I asked concerned, Are you OK?
Brittni looked over at me and grinned. Besides feeling like a pile of pudding? She rolled onto her side and kissed me. That was so great! Thank you so much! I feel like Im floating on air.
We started kissing again and her hand found its way to my crotch. MMMMM can I kiss it?
Kaylee answered for me. Here let me show you.
My niece took me into her mouth. I was still covered in her best friends juices. It was so erotic that I was almost instantly hard again. I closed my eyes and let out a long deep moan.
Brittni giggled. I think he likes that.
Kaylee continued to bob her head up and down my length, then slowed and gave the head one last, long, slow kiss. Here. You try now. Dont try and go too deep and choke yourself. Just kiss and lick around the tip. As she was talking Brittni leaned over and started to do just as she was told. The bottom side of the tip is really sensitive. Push your tongue against it hard as you lick. Now suck a little on the whole head.
Listening to my girlfriend telling her friend how to blow me was even more exiting than the amazing feeling of having it done. Brittni was doing a great job of taking direction. She was going farther down every time.
Kaylee crawled up to me and kissed me. I love you Baby. She put her arms around me and hugged me tight.
My breathing was becoming more rapid, and I was feeling another orgasm approaching. Brittni Im going to come soon. She slowed her movements and looked up at me.
Would it be OK if we did it again?
Once again Kaylee took control and answered for me. Come up here and lay on your back. She gave me one more wet kiss and moved to the side. She placed a pillow under Brittnis lower back. This raises your hips up and makes it feel even better.
I rolled over between her legs. I gently rubbed my dick across her slit getting it well lubricated. She was still wet from before, with a mixture of her own fluids and mine. I slowly slid into her. Her eyes closed and she sighed pleasurably. I really like this. She looked up at me and smiled from ear to ear. A LOT
I slowly slid myself in and out. She was very tight but seemed more relaxed than the first time. Brittni was raising her hips to meet mine at every stroke. Her long legs went around my back, and she crossed her ankles. This pulled me so deep inside of her I was worried I might hurt her, but she didnt slow down. Each thrust and she would flex her legs pulling me in and tightening around me. It felt so amazing. Oh Brittni! You feel so good inside. I sped up a bit, and she met me thrust for thrust. Im going to come!
Nearly panting, Brittni asked. Would you cum on me so I can watch? She unwrapped her legs and pulled back a little. I pulled out and stroked myself just a bit.
My back arched and I shot load after load onto her belly and chest. The sight of my creamy white cum on her dark brown skin was such a turn on. OH UHHHH UHHHH. YES! I was nearly screaming. Kaylee had slid over next to me. She reached out and firmly grabbed my prick. Her hand slid up and down coaxing more cum to jet out. My body was shivering, my hips were bucking. I was close to passing out. I nearly fell over on the bed beside them.
Oh my god! That was soooo HOT! Brittni laughed.
I Know! I love watching him when he comes! Kaylee leaned over and kissed me. Then she reached over and took a hand towel from the bedside table. Here Brittni, I think you might need this. She laughed.
Brittni ran her finger into a puddle and circled one hard nipple. Awwww cant I keep it here a little longer? Who knows when Im ever going to get more.
Kaylee surprised me as she leaned over and licked a little off of Brittnis stomach. MMMMMM! It is your night. Do what you want.
We laid there for a while. Kaylee running her fingertips around my chest. I felt like I had just run a marathon. Brittni finally wiped herself off. She took my hand and smiled.
Uncle B. Thank you so much! I will remember my first time as the best a girl could have. She leaned over and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek. You were amazing and I will never forget how wonderful you were.
The pleasure was all mine. One day soon, you are going to find the right boy, and he is going to be one hell of a lucky guy!
Thanks! I hope hes a lot like you! She kissed me hard on the lips. Goodnight!
She stood up and looked down at her nakedness. I really should have brought my robe up! Oh well! She shamelessly turned to walk out.
Goodnight Brittni!
Kaylee gave me a long kiss then slipped out of bed. Time for some girl talk! Ill be back in a bit.
I laid there and nodded off to the sounds of the girls talking and giggling down the hall.
An unknown time later I woke as Kaylee slipped nude into bed with me. Sorry. I think I fell asleep. Is everything OK?
You made her so happy. Ive got the best guy in the world. She kissed me then laid her head on my chest. Uncle Benny? Is it OK if this is the only time this happens?
I thought that was the deal. Whats up? She picked her head up and she looked at me.
Well, I know I shouldnt be, but it did make me a little jealous watching you two.
Sweetheart! I was ready to beg forgiveness if thats what was needed. The only reason it happened was because you asked me to.
Calm down. She smiled and kissed me. Im not mad. I know you were doing it for me. Im glad you did! You made her so happy and gave her a great first time. But…I dont think I want to share you. Youre mine! And I love you.
I looked deep into her eyes. You are the only girl I need. I love you. I kissed her and held her tight.
I think we were both a bit surprised when the kiss led to more. We made love. Long, slow, tender, and filled with love. As we finished it was sweeter and more perfect than it had ever been with anyone before her.
Kaylee curled into my arms tightly. In a sleepy voice but full of pride she whispered. Thats the way it is supposed to be. She was soon snoring lightly in my arms.
I walked into the kitchen to the smell of cooking bacon and the sound of giggling girls. Good morning! I called out. I get breakfast made for me? Thats a first. Despite her mother being a chef, Kaylee could barely boil water without instructions.
Brittni smiled over from the stove and I leaned down and kissed my niece. Morning Babe. She replied.
Hows everyone this morning? I asked.
Well… Besides my Hoo Ha feeling like these scramble eggs here, Im doing fantastic! Brittni was scooping eggs onto a plate. Now sit down, your breakfast is done.
I laughed as I sat down to eat. Kaylee gave me a sly smile. I think Brittni has changed her mind about the horseback ride today. Maybe we could just lounge around the house instead. She gave me a wink as her friend stuck out her tongue.
When we had finished eating I took the plates to the sink. Brittni was there as I turned around. She threw her arms around me and just held me tight. After a minute she let go and looked me in the eye.
Thank you again for last night. I know it cant happen again, but it was very special to me, and I will treasure the memory.
The sincerity of her words was very moving. I leaned down and gave her a long, slow kiss. As we parted I said. It was very special to me too. Thank you for giving that to me.
Brittni looked over at Kaylee. You saw that! It wasnt my fault! Hmmm…Maybe I have a chance at stealing him back from you after all.
Kaylee stood up and playfully swatted her arm. Never! Now get upstairs and hit the showers. You stink!
Brittni turned and walked towards the stairs. At the bottom she turned and asked. Any chance of getting one of those showers that Kaylee likes to tell me about?
Kaylee ran a few steps toward her. Out now! You shameless hussy! Brittni ran up the stairs, laughing all the way.
Kaylee walked back, laughing herself. I took her in my arms and kissed her. She pulled away and took me by the hand.
Thats really not a bad idea. She gave me a wink, and started pulling me towards the stairs. I think a nice long shower is just the thing I need right now.
To be continued:
Introduction: We Celebrate a Milestone I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 8 Friday afternoon found me in my usual parking spot, outside the high school library. Right on time, my beautiful niece came bouncing down the stairs. I had to smile as she walked towards the truck. Kaylee is...
Introduction: We define our relationship. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 4 Hey Kaylee, hold the end of this so I can measure. I put the tape measure up and checked the numbers twice. OK, Im gonna need 31 and 3/4 inches cut off this one. You got it! Kaylee took the 2×4...
Kellee held her breath. What came next would change the way she dealt with her sister for the rest of her life. Trembling, she reached out and laid a hand over her bare breast. Kaylee shuddered. “I’m not sure about this,” Kaylee whispered anxiously. Kellee kept her hand where it was. “I’m just as scared as you are,” she whispered. She looked at the bedroom door, suddenly ultra paranoid. One or the other had checked the door ten times in the last ten minutes. “I’m more scared of asshole...
Just as quickly as the Christmas break had come, it was already over, which meant both cheerleading and choir were also over. It was a new semester, everyone had new classes and different teachers, and the dreadful prospect of homework was just around the corner. But most importantly, Kaylee’s play practice was now in full swing. Casting had begun for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Kaylee really wanted to play the role of Hermia. Despite how hard she studied the lines, the cruel fates just had...
XIII — But We Need To Talk ‘What do you mean he took off,’ Kaylee heard Ryan whisper to Jeff, angrily but softly, as she opened the bathroom door. ‘Dude,’ Jeff whispered back in his deep voice, unaware their conversation was no longer private, ‘I don’t know. I mean, I gave him his phone, he had a voicemail so he called it, and whoever left that message really pissed him off. I’ve never seen your boy so angry. He just tossed me the phone and bolted.’ Kaylee, standing in the doorway, gasped...
After three minutes, Cindy's lips calmly drifted off mine. "What you are going through is completely understandable, Joy. Even though you've been with Kaylee for a year, you are still getting used to being in a lesbian relationship. Now, you're naked with two nude MILFs, and now your mind is being twisted around. Up is down, black is white, and Girlsway has all guy on guy porn, instead of chick on chick. Don't fret, just trust your moms," she explained before peeking at Sage's pussy. "Care to...
IncestI suddenly had my two moms polishing off my face with their tongues. I felt as light as rain and filled with incestuous joy. As odd as it all seemed somewhat, I couldn't think of anything better happening than having Kaylee and her mom there with me."I think I hit the jackpot with you two.""Are you ready to milk it a little more?" Cindy pondered."Yes," I responded before kissing her.I slowly climbed down onto her body, but Sage followed me. The dildo never left my slit, but my boobs met...
IncestI spent a long part of my life trying to figure out who the hell I was and what was wrong with me. Ever since I was a little kid in preschool, a tiny boy trying on princess dresses for dress-up and learning to fear being caught wearing one when my parents came to pick me up, I've had a thing for girl's clothing and makeup and everything feminine. I thought about it, joked about it, and feared maybe more than anything else to be forced into girls' clothes and makeup, not because it would...
For the last week Louise Cridland and I have been busy "studying" together each afternoon after school. I've had to make less and less sugegstions to Louise because she has become a willing sex partner. A couple of nights during the week I have been visited by Karen Williams with her helping me with my sexual education, and with me continuing to make suggestions about me fucking her daughter Joanne. That was coming along very nicely. I was sitting alone enjoying my lunch break on Monday...
XII — A Matter of Trust It was a mental struggle for Luke to push the pedal down harder, but because he was running behind he forced himself to accelerate just a few miles per hour over the speed limit on the three-lane highway. He didn’t really like breaking the speed limit but the last thing he was going to do was show up late for Kaylee’s opening night. The mathematical odds told him his gamble to speed three to five miles an hour over the speed limit would be the perfect balance between...
Ch7 Shower completed. She has sent him off to dress on his own. She uses the damp towels to clean her smeared secretions from both the expansive closet floor and her bedroom. While moping up the evidence of what amounted to the best sexual encounters shes had in the three and a half years since her mother so thoughtfully sold her virginity. Her smile just won’t go away. The past 36 hours have been straight out of a story book. Well, a perverse porn novella. But still It’s almost an hour...
Im Kaylee and it all started when I moved out of my hometown in Leigh Valley Pennsylvania. I was 16 and my Parents and I were headed to Los Angeles California due to job relocation. I had a boyfriend his name was Clay but the both of us knew it would be stupid to keep dating halfway across the country. Watching TV I always had this glamorized image of LA. So being scared id look too "safe" I had my natural brunette breast length hair dyed to a Playboy- Playmate- Silver- blonde to...
My name was Kaylee Jeffery, an average nineteen year old student from Boston studying Drama in Southern California. The weather here was a lot warmer than it was back home. I mean it was mid January and I was able to go out in a thin jacket.One bright sunny day with a chill in the air, I took a walk into the woods and gazed in awe at the tall, towering leafless trees. A twig snapped in half as I walked over the ground. I stood in my jeans and blue puffa jacket. Suddenly, sun rays shone through...
SupernaturalThe receptionist nervously lowered her head back towards her textbook, her face nearly as red as mine. I quickly sprinted around the corner and fumbled my shirt back on. I can't believe I had done that. Admittedly she probably sees shirtless guys all the time as the gym receptionist. But that didn't make it appropriate for me to do. I felt so insecure walking back to my dorm. I wasn't used to anybody seeing me even half-naked, well, except Janie, that is. Even with football I usually waited...
College SexIn this chapter we go back to my college years, and my time with Rachel! We were both finished school for the year and Rachel had to vacate the dorm, so she moved in with me. Having her around everyday sure cut my fetish time down! Although we had great sex together, both sharing in my panty perversion, I was missing the alone time spent on the computer looking up panty sites and chatting with others and also really missed being able to go out and indulge in no strings sex with guys and...
Candy was elated with the idea and asked me, "Daddy can we go? Please Daddy!"We had just left Karl's hotel room after a good romp with him. Candy had experienced a double penetration this time. Karl's monster cock filled her pussy and I had once again entered her ass.Candy and just turned on the street to head back to our house when she said to me, "Daddy, could you feel Karl's cock touching yours? I don't know about you but I was feeling everything. Maybe some day, a cock in the mouth would be...
Crashing out without getting undressed, buttplug still in place, my morning wood had entirely broken free from the small thong I was wearing, the basque still holding my torso comfortably and the stockings gripping my legs snugly. I slipped out of bed and saw the new shoes from Biggie on the floor where I had kicked them off. I picked them up and gave them a much closer look than I had when I opened the box during the broadcast. They were really very elegant, quite sexy but not overly slutty,...
My ‘Diary’ series is something of a sequel to Operation: Final Fantasy, featuring a new cast, although many familiar faces will return. However, as a result I did have to take some liberties with the timeline in this story. It is written in three very distinct ‘Books’, if you will, each one is drastically different from the next but will feature the same protagonists. They are all written, but in the early stages of being edited, so please bear with me. Speaking of editing, I’d like to thank...
My name was Kaylee Jeffery, an average nineteen year old student from Boston studying Drama in Southern California. The weather here was a lot warmer than it was back home. I mean it was mid January and I was able to go out in a thin jacket. One bright sunny day with a chill in the air, I took a walk into the woods and gazed in awe at the tall, towering leafless trees. A twig snapped in half as I walked over the ground. I stood in my jeans and blue puffa jacket. Suddenly, sun rays shone through...
I sat on the edge of the kitchen bench, chewing on a raspberry liquorice stick. My eyebrows were furrowed and I wanted to bite my fingernails—an annoying habit that was extremely hard to drop. My mind was running on the same loop that it had been for weeks. Is there something wrong with me? Does anyone else have this problem? Sean surely doesn’t. He seems to get along just fine when we are together. So why can’t I? It’s not like I don’t want it. I do. So badly. All the time. There’s a constant...
MasturbationMessage from the author: This story is quite long and has long build-up before the sex begins. So…if you’re looking for a quick, dirty read, you might want to skip down to the middle of the story. Thanks. Kaylee’s Wild Weekend “This is going to be the best weekend ever!” Kaylee exclaimed as she reached over to turn the radio up, raising the volume to an uncomfortably loud level. “Okaaaay,” Heather said dismissively, pushing her friend’s hand away and turning the volume back down. ...
Introduction: My third story, hope you like it! You know, I can see your … hair, whispered Gina, before dissolving into giggles. GINA! You are AWFUL! Kaylee clapped both her hands over the front of the yellow bikini bottoms. She stood still for a moment, holding back a giggle, chewing her bottom lip. Ummm … Can you really? Kaylee slowly dropped her hands from her swimsuit and peered down at herself. Past her swelling breasts and flat tummy, Kaylee indeed did see a few blond wisps curling out...
Kaylee hit the gas and rushed through the yellow light at the intersection of Grove Blvd. and 8 th St. She was late for her interview. She had a rough idea of where the office building was. She knew this neighborhood fairly well. The YMCA where she’d taken gymnastics lessons as a kid was about three blocks behind her. And if she turned right at the next light, there was a Chipotle about 5 minutes or so down that road. Since she and her friends had been old enough to drive, it seemed like she...
Naturally their oldest daughter thought she should have been able to stay at the house by herself, but her parents told her they wanted her to help watch her siblings so it wouldn't be so hard on her grandparents. Just like my my siblings and I, there was an age gap between my oldest niece and her youngest brother, as he was an unplanned souvenir after a family friend's wedding a few years back. The next part is the same worn out story about an uncle not having much contact with his niece...
Ellie was a shy and quiet girl, but because of her beauty and her early budding, she drew more attention than most girls her age, mostly from boys a year or two older than her, but even a few grownups. In her first year in high school (when she was 15) she had breasts that were small but amazingly firm. Her Uncle Mike was one of those that had a hard time keeping his eyes off of the youngster, in spite of the fact that she was his own niece; and a blood relative, at that. Married and...
Hi everyone, thanks for your up-votes on my previous story. Since you guys enjoyed my previous incest story, I would like to tell you about a fantasy of mine, with my niece. But, before that, I would love to reintroduce myself to the new readers. I am an average built pervert with an average size tool. About my niece, Kritika. She is in her final year of college. Her figure is about 32-24-30. My niece is pretty slim with petite boobs. Her face cut is oval, lip juicy, and those big hypnotic eyes...
IncestIntroduction: Mackenzie decides she will take it upon herself to bring her aunt into the decadence her and her uncle share. PART 3 Its Thursday and Ed and Sheila still havent called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they havent called. She doesnt write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks. Just then my home landline rings and as I answer it I see Sheila Thompson displayed on the caller ID. I would...
This 4th of July weekend my wife and I went camping with a number of family members and friends. After a day of hiking, exploring getting to know each other around the camp fire drinks were flowing and the girls were definitely were ahead of us guys.My wife of 50 had way to much to drink and my niece who wasn't far behind her in being fucked up offered to take her to bed. An half hour later my niece came out of our camper saying she had put my wife to bed. My niece in-law is 25, Asian and hot...
From Spoiled Niece to Bitch-SlavePart 1By Sonya EsperantoE-mail: [email protected] Story:Early Afternoon?Ok Brooke. This is it!! This is where you get off!!? Brooke’s mom spoke in an exhausted but excited tone.?So you are dumping me in the middle of nowhere??? Brooke sounded upset.Brooke sat next to her mom, while they were still inside her mom’s Honda. Not far from where the car was parked were the gates of Brooke’s aunt’s house. Her aunt was her mom’s sister. As for...
It’s Thursday and Ed and Sheila still haven't called so I go to the swinger site and send them a message when I see they are online. I ask if they decided not to meet us as they haven't called. She doesn't write back for five minutes or so and my heart sinks. Just then my home landline rings and as I answer it I see Sheila Thompson displayed on the caller ID. I would have sworn I gave them my cell number I think as I say, Hello. "Hi Rick, its Sheila from Swappernet. I just wanted...
Hello everyone! This is my first story here so please show some love! Here in this story I am going to share you about my lust affairs with my niece who gave away her innocence to shower me with all her love! To tell you about myself, I am a male of average build, 32 years and I stay in Mumbai with my wife. So it all started way back when I was in college and used to visit my cousin brother in Mumbai during my vacations. He lives there with his wife (my bhabhi) and two of the most amazing...
IncestChapter 1 By treatmedirty “Darren you need to call your brother back,” a sharp voice sounded on the phone. “You know he’s going through a divorce and he needs all of our help.” “Mom I don’t mind helping him but he’s so out of it,” Darren called. “I feel so uncomfortable talking to him. What if he wants me to talk about the divorce or something like that? I’m only twenty. I can’t give any advice. Hell I’ve only had one girlfriend and that didn’t last long. We hardly have anything in...
"Uhhh, fuck!" Heather shrieked, pulling her two sore fingers out of her gushing bald vagina and immediately sticking them in her mouth to suck off her sweet juices. Her knees trembled from the shattering orgasm as she lay back on her bed, her naked body flopping backwards to relax from the exquisite masturbation.The masculine giggle over the phone rang in her ear. "Baby, you sound like you had quite a good time!"The 18 year old didn't have energy left to even smile at the thought, her dozen...
The trip to the wondrous dessert in the Australian outback ended in disaster between my long time friend, lover and fiancé and me. We had a huge fight, a real knock down drag out, love ending brawl that left me alone in the wilderness near Ayres Rock right dab in the middle of the land down under. I was mad, I was alone and I was desperate to get back to the States. But I was down to my last $200.00 plus my airline ticket for my return flight and I had a long way to go to Sydney, so I...
The trip to the wondrous dessert in the Australian outback ended in disaster between my long time friend, lover and fiancé and me. We had a huge fight, a real knock down drag out, love ending brawl that left me alone in the wilderness near Ayres Rock right dab in the middle of the land down under. I was mad, I was alone and I was desperate to get back to the States. But I was down to my last $200.00 plus my airline ticket for my return flight and I had a long way to go to Sydney, so I did what...
Please read Chapter One first as Chapter Two begins where One left off.Chapter III began to clean up my mess as Erica was coming down from her orgasm, smiling as she slowly stood up and slipped her bikini top and sarong back on. I heard her pass by my office door and head up towards the bathroom. I popped up the bathroom cam and watched my gorgeous niece begin to peel her small bikini from her sexy young body.Her body glistened as she was covered with suntan lotion and her perspiration. She has...
IncestCourtney: Rich Man’s Teen Niece The Tower Organization’s Boeing Business Jet made a super smooth touchdown at New York’s JFK Airport. One of my stewardesses unlatched the airtight hatch and swung the door open. I exited the aircraft and raced down the mobile staircase with the ease and vigor of a man half the age of my fifty years. My Cadillac limousine pulled up and the driver jumped out then opened the rear door. “Welcome home, Mr. Tower,” he said with genuine enthusiasm. On...
I picked up my niece around noon and started heading back to home. Neither of us watched the weather and didn’t know that a huge nor’easter was about to hit the east coast. It wasn’t long before we were driving in white out conditions. I pulled off an exit at a truck stop to check the weather and get something to eat. We sat in a booth at the truck stop watching the TV weather. Here we found out the worse isn’t even upon us and they are calling for 24” of snow by tomorrow morning. ...
This is the second part of a story that began with my girlfriend Natalee’s eighteen year old niece staying the night at our place. While having sex, Natalee and I mutually revealed to each other that we have sexual desires for her niece Michelle. The next day my girlfriend took Michelle ,or Shelly for short, out shopping. Natalee had promised that she was going to take Shelly to the lingerie store to pick out something hot. Knowing my girlfriend as only I could, I was sure that she would...
In my last installment, I shared a special event that happened while my niece was feeding her baby. This ended with the weirdest sentence she had ever told me. She had mentioned that I might be surprised to what my sister, her mom, might be opened to. I left it at that. My sister, as I said, is probably the straightest gal I know. Divorced, she had never remarried, probably dated a few times but I’m sure that was it. Now my sister is nobody’s fantasy. While she’s pretty, she’s bone thin, and...
A Fictional story (c) 2013 By Uncle Willie Chapter One Where it Began with my Niece My name is john I am fifty years old my height is six foot two inches . I have brown hair and blue eyes weight about two hundred twenty pounds . I work "at the local steel mill we all call it "the foundry" I've been there thirty years . I am an inspector my job there is to make sure there are no imperfections in the finished product . Peggy,my wife,passed away fifteen years ago she...
Introduction: Only True Story about a Niece My wife rolled off me after our last orgasm. I know it was the morning and I had a plane to catch but we had to get sex in one last time before I left for a week long convention. We had no time to cuddle as I got up and hurried into the shower. It was Monday and I didnt know how I was going to last till Friday night for a fuck. After my shower I went downstairs and my wife had my breakfast on the table. I sat down to eat but hurried so I wouldnt...
My Very Nice NieceThe bedroom door creaked open slowly. Julie, my teen niece stood there in her dress. Her white cotton blouse, normally fastened meticulously to the neck, was now open showing the uplift of her lively breasts which had grown adequately since I'd last seen her to a nice tight stretch across her chest. Her short grey skirt was cut well above her knee showing a nice spread of long teenage leg.'I thought you'd like some coffee, uncle.' she said smiling with the tray in her hands....
My Very Nice Niece By: A. W. Chohan The bedroom door creaked open slowly. Julie, my teen niece stood there in her dress. Her white cotton blouse, normally fastened meticulously to the neck, was now open showing the uplift of her lively breasts which had grown adequately since I had last seen her to a nice tight stretch across her chest. Her short grey skirt was cut well above her knee showing a nice spread of long teenage leg. ‘I am sure you would like some coffee, uncle.’ She said smiling...
IncestOK. Where were we? Oh, yes. Getting out of the shower after I had just fucked my sister in front of her daughter. Man, what an event that was! You might think that some tension had come up after this event. After all we weren’t exactly in the habit of screwing my sister and I. I was in my forties, she in her early fifties and not once in our whole life anything of the sort had even come close to us having anything related to this type of thing. Quite the opposite. I got out of the shower,...
Niece Beth and my Wife (Sequel to “Niece Beth Gets It”)By billy69boyDisclaimer: All of my stories, and all the characters, are fictional, and are not meant to resemble any real persons. No u******e people have been harmed or otherwise exploited in the creation of this, or any, of my fantasy stories.Our beautiful niece Beth stayed with us for two weeks during the summer. She had just recently turned 16, and she was growing up to be a vision of beauty. She was getting taller, curvier, and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My wifes younger brother and his wife had been having problems for years. He was in and out of jail and his wife was an alcoholic and drug user. The last time he went to jail my wifes niece and her mom were not getting along so the niece came to live with us. She was a very with long blonde hair and a very slim figure but very small tits. My wife and I had always been very open about sex and we had done some swinging and had a few threesomes. Our kids...
VoyeurAfter my shower I went downstairs and my wife had my breakfast on the table. I sat down to eat but hurried so I wouldn’t miss my plane. “Remember dear, you are meeting my niece on Thursday night for dinner” my wife reminded me. I remembered. I am meeting my wife’s niece Tara for dinner. Tara was a gorgeous woman. My wife was only three years older than Tara but Tara looked like she was 22. She reminds me of pictures that I have seen of my wife before I met her and she put on a...
My niece Susan is now 38-year's old. I have watched her and her two sisters growing up from infancy to womanhood. Although I was always somewhat of a moral degenerate I never tried anything with any of the three girls; all of who were extremely pretty and big breasted. Susan was the oldest. She also was both the tallest and the most slender. Until she married and had three kids of her own she actually was a skinny girl. The only flesh on her were her breasts, which were full. Over the years...
An Uncles surprise I like to think I can control myself but a man can only control so much, can’t he? My name is Rick. I am 36 years old and still in good muscular shape (not an abercrombie model but I still catch the ladies eyes when I take off my shirt) thanks to a good workout routine. It was summertime and I realized that I had never taken my kids to the beach. My son is nine and my daughter is twelve and they had been asking to visit the beach for several months now. I decided the...
IncestHello ISS readers- my name is Nabeel and I live in Islamabad Pakistan. I am a regular ISS reader and really enjoy it a lot. The reason behind this may be because of few incidents accrued in my life. I want to share my first incident that took place in 2008. Though this was not the only encounter but this was very special and unexpected. I am now 36 and have a slim girly physique that makes me a bit more attractive to women and girls and I have been enjoying it for a long time. Let’s begin the...
IncestWhen my baby niece came back from her second year from college in summer, she told me something that changed my relationship with her forever. She told me that she can’t stop thinking about me and that she compares all her male friends with me. She told me that she thinks about me when she is having sex with her boyfriend. Then she reminded of the time when she used to get massages from her uncle. She likes two types of massages from her uncle depending on her mood. If she has been a good niece...
IncestSex education for my curious niece I came home late last night from a party and had a hangover and a big morning wood in my shorts from the teasing I got from one of my friend’s wife who was exposing her assets to me in the party , but I didn’t take advantage of that as I was completely drunk at that time. I am Rajesh, 30 years old and had come down to my elder sister’s place for the weekend. I cursed myself to let go of a golden opportunity to fuck a hot MILF.The guest bedroom door opened...
As I hung up the phone, I kept hearing her last words, “Can’t wait until I see you tomorrow.” Our niece who is close to end her teens, my wife’s sister’s daughter Vardhini, called to inform me that she was visiting for a few days. The only problem was that my wife Niranjani was going to be out of town for a week. When I mentioned to our niece that her Aunt wasn’t home and wouldn’t be for almost a week, she responded with “that’s OK, I’ll catch her when she gets home. Didn’t you always say,...
IncestTrue story of a naughty weekend.I have always had an obsession for my niece (through marriage) ever since I first saw her 23 years ago when my now wife and I were visiting her parents and found out what she was like. I had often dreamt of her whilst pulling my cock of Cumming in her pussy as I found out that she loved to go all the way.When we moved and lived in the wife’s home town everything seemed to be going along all right we kept seeing the niece and I was trying to imagine her naked....
*Authors note: Please read chapters one and two before this as this is a continuing story. Thanks and I hope you enjoy. ReebThere was a light tap on my door, “Uncle Ronnie, can I come in?”Not sure what to do, I quickly set the laptop on the night table next to the bed and answered her, “Sure honey, come on in.”She opened the door and stood there in her gorgeous blue lingerie panty and bra set. The crotch of her panties was dark and soaking wet, a very dark blue compared to her sexy bra. She had...
IncestPerhaps if Police Chief Reardon had never had sex with the prostitute Henrietta Jackson his fantasies about his teenaged niece would have remained just fantasies. And certainly he had no idea that his brother's lovely daughter had sexual fantasies about him. Belinda Reardon at eighteen was still a virgin. She had however an active libido and when she stayed with her Uncle Patrick and Aunt Kate she always listened for sounds from their bedroom signaling that they were having sex. She would...
So like I said in my previous story I visited my sister again and she’s was now happily married with a new baby. We never spoke about our sexual encounter again. Her oldest daughter… So like I said in my previous story I visited my sister again and she’s was now happily married with a new baby. We never spoke about our sexual encounter again. Her oldest daughter was at the time now eighteen years old and was ridiculously hot. Just unbelievably voluptuous and I began...