Solace & Rosanna Ch. 15 free porn video

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1999: Rosanna was certain that she had thought of the perfect gift for Solace. The only challenge would be finding such a specialized item. She had accompanied Solace to a meeting of an advocacy group for the blind and had seen the device. She had been so preoccupied gawking at it that she hadn’t thought to get the information on where it was manufactured. Thankfully, she had overheard the owner discussing the merits and at least she knew the name.

Now, one month before Christmas, Rosanna searched the Internet, located the item, but it was in California and she feared that it might not reach New York City in time for the holidays. But what was she thinking? She had a month and surely it would arrive long before the appointed time. She placed the order online and grinned to herself, pleased at her accomplishment. She was a decisive woman when it came to shopping. She loathed waiting until the last minute to do anything—especially buying gifts for the special people in her life.

Rosanna felt that if you cared for someone, you bought their gifts early. Colleagues could wait. It was imperative that Solace be able to open the present on Christmas evening as they planned to be with their respective families during the day. Secretly, Rosanna hoped she would be pleased and show her gratitude in a special way. They had done little more than heavy petting, which left Rosanna longing for more intimate contact. She hungered for Solace in a way she did not believe possible. She became slightly flushed as she thought of the erotic turn their relationship could take. Rosanna made a feeble attempt to bring herself back to a semblance of professional decorum. She was not having much success. She resisted the urge to e-mail Solace as she had already sent many messages that day to which Solace had replied on her break.

Rosanna sat in her custom-made leather chair, given to her by her mother. She stared blankly at her computer monitor, toying with the mouse. She ignored the stack of invoices, phone calls and e-mails that awaited her. She was in no mood to deal with the business of Getting Started With, her beloved computer training company. Had her employees been able to sneak a peak at their boss, they would have been shocked to see her loafing off. She was single-minded about the success and growth of GSW. She did not ask for dedication from her team without asking it of herself. Rosanna attributed her mood to her holiday spirit. She could barely put into words what Solace had become to her.

She was in deep thought and was unaware that she had begun humming a piece the ensemble was rehearsing for their holiday extravaganza. The music had been commissioned especially for the Upper Manhattan Women’s Ensemble, and was an ethereally beautiful winter’s solstice chorale. Solstice reminded her of Solace. Rosanna found that so many activities reminded her of Solace. Deciding that leaving early would not set a good example, even though she could say she had an important meeting, she settled on reveling in a recent memory, which provided her a huge chuckle. Rosanna rose, crossed her office, hung the ‘Gone Fishin” sign on the outer doorknob. This was the signal that she should not be disturbed and the person who did better be interrupting to tell her that the building was on fire or some other such emergency. She removed her blazer and hung it on a hanger in her closet. She then stretched out on her couch and closed her eyes. Rosanna’s thoughts drifted back a week when she and Solace had taken their first, and possibly last, trek to the Rockefeller Center skating rink. She laughed aloud.

The day was cold, crisp and blindingly sunny. Rosanna and Solace had just returned from the My Kind of Music CD boutique. They had each purchased a copy of a new artist who specialized in Mozart piano sonatas. The plan was that they would make some popcorn and curl up in front of the CD player in Solace’s apartment where it was warm and snuggle friendly. The conversation had turned away from Mozart and onto winter activities that they found exhilarating. Solace had admitted a passion for sledding in Central Park and Rosanna tried to keep the shock out of her voice when she asked if that was something she did alone or with a friend. Solace assured her that she and Jessie always went together. Rosanna let out a silent breath. She knew that Solace was a capable woman, but she still felt an twinge of concern when Solace divulged one of her more risky undertakings. She told Solace that she loved to go ice skating whenever she could. She was standing by the window and while they discussed the prospect of Solace’s participation, she looked out and pronounced that it was an excellent day for the sport.

‘Come on, Sol,’ Rosanna pleaded. ‘It’ll be fun.’ Rosanna turned and looked at Solace, who was standing, arms crossed, shaking her head back and forth.

‘You just wanna see me fall on my ass,’ Solace smirked.

‘Although your ass is really cute, my imagination does not run to that particular use of such a fine body part,’ Rosanna countered.

‘You’re hopeless, Sanna. What do you think my cane is, a makeshift ski-pole? Blind people weren’t meant to ice skate. Swimming, biking, hiking, skiing maybe, but not traveling out of control on frozen water,’ she finished.

‘Don’t be ridiculous, Sol. I’ll be holding on to you all the time. I’m a great skater. Trust me.’ Rosanna crossed to Solace and unfolded Solace’s arms.

‘Oh? And what medals do you have attesting to your prowess in this sport, Ms. Romero?’ Solace asked, waiting for Rosanna’s reply.

‘I don’t have any, but—’ Rosanna began.

‘Exactly!’ Solace boomed, dropping her arms to her side. ‘I need the skill of Michelle Kwan out there holding on to me with an iron grip, not one of the nuts piling out of those clown cars, stumbling all over the ice.’ Solace looked at Rosanna and they both laughed–Solace at her own wit and Rosanna envisioning the hilarious scene.

‘I’m stung, Sol. Do you think I would allow anything to happen to you?’ Rosanna pouted, her lips extended in an exaggerated fashion so that even Solace could not miss the gesture. Solace grabbed Rosanna’s puckered lips and twisted gently.

‘You are a clown, Sanna,’ she said, replacing her fingers with her own lips. Rosanna enfolded her in an embrace, deepening the kiss. Realizing where Rosanna wanted to go, Solace pushed lightly on her chest. Perhaps skating was a good idea after all. Rosanna groaned softly, her breathing ragged.

‘Okay, Sanna. Let’s go. But you better keep your promise,’ Solace said as she disengaged herself from Rosanna, her own breathing shallow. ‘I’m only doing this for you. Well, maybe a little for me, too.’ Solace smiled.

‘Great, Sol. You’ll love it! You’ll get such a rush. You can wear something with padding,’ Rosanna said, smoothly dodging the blow aimed at her arm.

‘I’m only doing this because I trust you, Rosanna Romero. I had better come home in one piece, Missy.’ Solace turned away from Rosanna and headed for her bedroom. She intended to take Rosanna up on her suggestion of wearing padding and decided to put on a second pair of wool pants. She did not care how bulky she looked. Thank God the temperature was only in the low twenties.

They left Solace’s apartment and took the bus down to Rockefeller Plaza. They rented skates and made their way to the changing area.

There was a sizeable crowd as the famous Rockefeller Christmas Tree was up, in all its lighted splendor, standing eighty-five feet off the ground. Rosanna and Solace stopped to admire the awesome sight before taking to the crowded rink.

Experienced skaters whizzed round and round, darting in and out of slower, more cautious individuals and couples. Before they entered the rink proper, Rosanna turned to Solace.

‘Now, Sol,’ Rosanna began in a serious tone, ‘Don’t let go of me for anything, okay?’ Solace, who was having difficulty just standing in the skating shoes could not be
lieve that Rosanna would think for one minute that she would be such a fool.

‘Sanna, do you think I have lost all of my faculties? They are going to have to throw cold water on us to separate us.’ For emphasis, Solace took Rosanna’s arm in hers and plastered her side against the woman.

As they walked gingerly onto the ice, Solace said, ‘Now, don’t go too fast okay, Sanna?’

‘I won’t, Sol. Don’t worry.’ Rosanna answered, trying to instill confidence into Solace. She could actually feel Solace trembling slightly. ‘Just pretend you’re walking. Slowly.’

They made their first lap around the rink like a little elderly couple out for a Sunday stroll.

Much to Solace’s surprise, she found herself thrilling to the smooth glide which they had established and loosened her death grip on Rosanna, who immediately firmed up her own grip. They had gone around several times and with each revolution, Solace found that she felt more comfortable and confident. She told Rosanna that she thought she might be getting her ‘ice legs’. She bravely proclaimed to Rosanna that she thought she might be able to just hold Rosanna’s hand, and maybe their skating would go a little smoother. At first, Rosanna had responded with a firm no, but Solace persisted. With resignation and trepidation, Rosanna gave into Solace’s pleas.

‘It’ll be much better. I think I have the hang of this,’ Solace assured her.

‘It’s the ‘I think’ part that I’m worried about,’ replied Rosanna as she took Solace’s hand firmly in her own. They began gliding again and, to both their delight, were doing quite well and had established a smooth rhythm. The frigid air stung their cheeks and urged them onward. Rosanna looked up briefly to see the crowds lining the rail staring down at the skaters. It was at that moment that she felt a solid bump. Solace’s hand slid from hers and Rosanna watched in horror as Solace went, arms flailing away, her body swooping and bending. Rosanna skated after her. In the brief time that it took for Rosanna and Solace to become disengaged from each other, what seemed like hordes of skaters moved in front of Rosanna, practically obscuring her view. It seemed that no one was aware that a novice skater was on the rink in distress—let alone that she was blind. Rosanna weaved in and out of the skaters, knocking some out of her way.

Solace felt the shove from behind and in the next instant she was hurtling around the rink on a solo skate. She was grateful for her dance training, which had strengthened her ankles. She was also thankful for the padding in case she fell on her butt. She tried to slow herself down, but she was being buffeted along by a fast-paced bunch of daredevils. She let out a shriek. She would get that Rosanna.

‘Sanna!’ she screeched. ‘Help!’ Solace was being jostled left and right and was on her way to making her third rotation when she spotted what looked like the opening to the rink and decided to head for it. With arms pin wheeling and legs scissoring she aimed herself at the opening. She landed with a bang and a whoosh on a table, toppling over the place settings and glasses. She struggled off the table’s surface and sat in a nearby chair, breathing heavily. She grabbed a napkin and wiped the perspiration from her face. She looked up and saw Rosanna rushing toward her. They both could hear peals of laughter coming from the crowds above and below. Both women turned crimson.

‘Sol, I—’ Rosanna began, but Solace interrupted.

‘I think I have had enough skating for one day, thank you, Sanna.’ Rosanna took Solace by the arm and eased her up. She heard Solace wince in pain as she stood and she flinched in sympathy.

They returned their skates to the rental office and made their way home. Solace forced Rosanna to walk at a snail’s pace, she clamed to have a sharp pain in her ankle. Rosanna suggested that Solace see a specialist to be sure that it was not sprained. To this, Solace merely nodded in a non-committal way.

When they arrived at Solace’s apartment, Solace slumped against Rosanna in apparent fatigue. Rosanna picked her up and carried her across the threshold. Solace then proceeded to request everything under the sun. She asked for her favorite drink—a rum and ginger ale (Rosanna had to run to the corner for the ginger ale), a pillow for her back (which was already ensconced on a cushion), her favorite CD (Rosanna put on the Mozart sonatas), a foot massage (which Solace stopped once she realized that Rosanna was making wider circles up her thigh), and a sandwich. It seemed to Rosanna that she had barely fulfilled one request when Solace asked for the next.

Finally, Solace asked to be carried into her bedroom. She knew this might be pushing it, but Rosanna complied sweetly. Rosanna placed Solace gently on the coverlet and turned towards Solace’s drawers to get a nightgown. Solace took the opportunity to reach behind her and snatch a huge pillow. She crept off the bed, moved to Rosanna and pummeled her with it. Rosanna let out a shriek of surprise, she turned whereupon she was hit over the head. They both began laughing hysterically. Solace dropped the pillow and fell back on the bed where Rosanna joined her, still giggling.

‘No more skating.’ Solace pronounced.

‘Come on, Sol. You were just getting good at it,’ Rosanna countered.

‘Well…’ Solace said in a softening tone. ‘I did have a great time until I felt someone push me. But I could have killed myself,’ she said indignantly. ‘And where were you, Sir Galahad?’

Rosanna could not argue with her, so she reached out, placed her hand on Solace’s hip and pulled her towards her. ‘I can make you feel better,’ she said suggestively and before Solace could protest, she placed her lips on hers and kissed her softly, reveling in the feel of Solace’s deliciously soft and inviting mouth.

Her resistance weakening, Solace gave into Rosanna’s insistent tongue and melted. The rest of the afternoon was spent in the pursuit of more intimate matters.

Rosanna came out of her reverie with a start as she heard the insistent buzzing of her telephone. She reluctantly left the couch, saw that it was an outside line and picked it up. It was her friend, Sam asking her if she wanted to have dinner. She told him that would be great. They made plans to meet at their favorite haunt—a restaurant in the Village.

Rosanna turned to the pile of work she had neglected and methodically went through each message. She had enjoyed her brief reminiscence but it was time to get back to work—and she only had an hour to go before she could decently leave.

Solace gazed lovingly at her gift for Rosanna. She was so excited, she could hardly wait for her to open it. She owed Jessie major for this one and would probably spend the rest of her life trying to repay her kindness. But it had been worth everything . The fact that she had completed the project before Christmas made Solace dance around the room with glee. Granted, there were only two days until her favorite holiday, but that was even greater cause for celebration. She had thanked Jessie until her friend had threatened to tape her mouth closed.

Solace had also made a decision, one which she hoped she would not regret. For six months, she and Rosanna had shared intimacies that had taken her to the very brink. Solace would end Rosanna’s advances before she took her to the place where Solace could not be stopped. It had been extremely frustrating for both women. Solace had been afraid to give herself completely as she feared Rosanna would love her and leave her. She was in a constant war with her body’s natural urges. Rosanna had proven in the two years that they had been together that she truly cared for Solace. She had demonstrated in enumerable ways that she found Solace sexy and desirable. She realized that she was tired of fighting Rosanna’s efforts. She wanted and needed her, and she thought it was now the time for them to seal their love. Love? Rosanna had never said that s
he loved Solace, but Solace felt she knew that she did.

Rosanna appeared in Solace’s doorway on Christmas evening bearing a long box and a smaller one, which she placed under Solace’s small Christmas tree, Solace called it her Charlie Brown tree. Rosanna noticed that Solace wore a dress of deep red which showed off her lovely cleavage and enhanced the brilliant auburn of her hair. She also noticed that Solace wore a new fragrance, which caused Rosanna’s senses to hum with excitement. She was loathe to release her from their embrace of greeting. Rosanna herself wore a red cashmere sweater with black slacks and had dabbed on her signature scent.

‘Mmm. You always smell so good, Sanna,’ Solace moaned as she breathed.

‘You, too, Sol. Is that a new fragrance?’ Rosanna asked.

‘Yes. It’s a present from Mira and I love it. It’s light and dissipates in a reasonable amount of time. Now,’ she said suddenly. ‘Open your present.’

Solace turned Rosanna towards the tree and pointed to a small box. Rosanna leaned over and picked it up. She also retrieved her own small box.

‘Let’s open them together,’ she said, handing the box to Solace who snatched it like a little kid and ripped off the ribbon. Once open, she stared down at the delicate necklace with the diamond on the end.

‘Is this what I think it is?’ she asked in astonishment.

‘Well, that depends on what you think it is,’ said Rosanna teasingly.

‘I think it’s a diamond, but I’ve never gotten one, so I’m not sure,’ said Solace, her voice a whisper.

‘Well, then this is your first.’ Replied Rosanna, smiling broadly.

Solace flung her arms around Rosanna and kissed her on her eyes, her cheeks and finally her lips. ‘Thank you so much, Sanna. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to wear it. Now open yours.’

Rosanna tore off the ribbon and paper and the cover of the box. Inside, she saw Solace’s face on a CD entitle ‘The Rose Collection: Songs of Love for Us. She stared in disbelief.

Solace chimed in, ‘I wrote some poems and Jessie set them to music. We booked some studio time and recorded them. I hope you like them,’ Solace said, finishing in a shy, small voice.

‘Oh my god, Solace. This is beyond anything I’ve ever received. That was so incredibly thoughtful of you. I—’ Rosanna stopped abruptly and pulled Solace to her for a kiss. Both gifts were squashed between their bodies. ‘I have one more thing for you, Sol.’ Rosanna released Solace, placed the CD carefully on a nearby table, and retrieved the large box. Solace took it and looked at her questioningly. Rosanna steered her towards a cushion, sat her down and watched while Solace opened the present. When she pulled out the laser cane, she looked up, tears forming in her eyes.

‘Is this what I think it is?’ she asked in a choked voice.

‘I don’t know. Do you know what it is?’ Rosanna said again in her maddeningly teasing tone.

‘I haven’t seen too many, but I think it’s a laser cane. How did you find this?’ Solace breathed, utter amazement evident on her face.

‘Ah, but that would be giving away all my secrets. I have to keep some things to myself.’ Rosanna sat down next to Solace and ran a finger along the surface of the cane. ‘There are taped instructions inside.’

‘I don’t know what to say. This must have cost a fortune.’ Solace said as she, too, investigated the mobility device.

‘Shh. No talking about money on Christmas, it’s bad luck,’ Rosanna said in a mock serious tone.

‘All right. All I’ll do is this.’ Solace placed the box containing the cane on the floor. She sat up, pulled Rosanna towards her and placed her lips on hers. As the kiss deepened, Rosanna suddenly left Solace’s mouth. She drew back as if to get up, but Solace placed a hand on her arm, pulling her gently towards her.

Solace said, ‘I want you, Sanna.’ It took a beat for Rosanna to process what Solace had said, but as it dawned on her, she leaned over and again claimed Solace’s lips, plunging her questing tongue into Solace’s warm and willing mouth. Their hands explored familiar yet unfamiliar areas. Rosanna kissed Solace’s neck, eliciting shivers and moans of pleasure. She then found the top of the zipper and slowly lowered it until the elegant dress slipped down her arms, leaving Solace’s torso bare. The dress had sown-in cups so that no bra was required. Rosanna stared in reverence at Solace’s beautiful full breasts, her fingers and tongue aching to experience their softness. But first, she caressed Solace’s firm, yet soft back, moving lower until the dress would not allow her to go further. Rosanna was becoming warm and Solace helped her out of her own sweater. Solace then leaned over and unfastened Rosanna’s bra, tossing the garment to the floor. She marveled at Rosanna’s smooth, dark skin.

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Vic stood alone in the bedroom, staring at the reflection in the full-length mirror as though taking notes. Dark hair, cropped close. Dark eyes, both by nature and by the distant look of loss in them. Full Mediterranean lips in an olive face. Torso covered by a black t-shirt. The leather jacket that went with it was thrown over a chair. Hips and legs clad in tight faded jeans that covered the tops of lace-up boots. "Yeah, I'm a sight alright," muttered the well built butch woman. She...

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He poured a second cup of coffee, sitting nude at the kitchen table and smiling as his wife drove away early on that Saturday morning to get laid. She’d dressed lightly and given him a loving kiss as she left. She’d be back for lunch, happy as could be, he knew from past experience. The male organ between his legs began to swell as he thought about what would happen between now and then. It was partly the idea that his wife of twenty years would be joyfully naked with another also naked man,...

2 years ago
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Gud Chodar Swad

Hi readers amar nam som chatterjee age 26.ami kolkatai thaki amar golpo tomader kache notun noi tobe aj ekta sotti ghotona bolbo eta aj theke5 mas dhore amar sathe chole asche eta ekdom sotti ghotona amar sathe contact korle jante parbe jaihok ghotona ta suru kori ami kolkatai thaki r amar bari medinipore er ekta gram er dik.5 mas age ekta pujo Chilo gram ei pujote amra sobai bari asi gram er tradition jak bole r ki to sevabe amio gechilam sekhane bes ghora fera hochhilo friends der sathe bes...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 3

Bobby finished a plumbing job for the Ackermans, and then stopped at Jill’s house. Today was her day, on the shedule, so he went when she’d be there. He was both surprised and pleased to see a sign in the window. It said: “BROWN PHOTOGRAPHY” in big block letters. Under that there was a phone number and instructions to call for an appointment. He and Christy had spent many hours getting the darkroom going, and then building a studio in what had been the parlor of the old house she lived in...

2 years ago
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The Island Final Part

The Island Final Part By Lauren Westley (Authoress Comment: All disclaimers to all my writings hold true here. If you think it was you or any character reminds you of someone then I hope it's with fond memories but it isn't about them but maybe me. To all of those who wished I would finish the Island here it is. I stopped writing this because I had some nasty comments about the scat. So,...

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Pussies GaloreChapter 1

It was the first week of November. The tourist season was only one week old and Hotel Grand Bristol was choking full. The weather was very pleasant and Ramu and I were enjoying a beer on the well manicured lawns of the Hotel. We had arrived the night before for a two week holiday from the hustle bustle of daily life. All the tables were occupied mostly by either honeymooning couples or families on a holiday. The children were having a gala time running around chasing each other. One table...

4 years ago
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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story is a direct follow on from : the last night of our holiday...

3 years ago
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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part Two

It was very flattering when Bill told me I have a hotter body than his ex-wife. Since it was his first time with a girlyboy, I knew he was being honest. A more experienced gentleman might have said it just to be nice. But Bill really meant it. In fact, he said his cock was already hard for me just from seeing my nice ass poking out of my turquoise thong. Bill was my 7:30 date, then I had Dan at 9:00. Dan was a college professor who got turned on by sexy sorority girls in his classes, so he...

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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 13

Sunday is the day most of our employees take the day off, myself included. Moira and Dahlia are at church while Kim and Carol are hanging out with me, relaxing in our living room. In many ways, I am proud of my girlfriends. I thought that dating one girl this young would be a nightmare, with the immaturity and catfighting. I learnt in my first life that kids want to be treated as adults, and when you do so, they act a lot more mature than they would otherwise. They don’t want to lose the...

2 years ago
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My Old Aunty

My old aunty By: sammy Hi friends…this is my first time I’m writing story on this great site… So here the story is like… I lusted for older mature women’s. from childhood I like mature women… Meri bagal ke ghar mein ek aunty rehti hain uska naam vimala hai.vo 42 sall ki hai.uska ek bacha hai jo collage me hai..hum dono ache dost hain..usse har baari issi baat pe daant padti thi ki dekh sammy kitna padta hai or tu bilkul nhi padta.. Main khush tha ki aunty ka mere pe zyaada jhukaaw hai..ek din...

4 years ago
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Cassie and the Butlers son

It was my Dad. He sounded half asleep. “His Lordship’s daughter just rang,” he said. “She needs a lift home, Can you get her do you think?” “She’s in town, twenty one A Braithwaite Street.” “Look I got lectures first thing and how’s she going to like being fetched in my Mini?” I asked. He sort of pleaded, “Well your rooms are about a mile from her and I’m twenty five miles away, and I have a six thirty start myself, are you sure you can’t help?” “OK,” I agreed. That was the trouble, dad...

4 years ago
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Butt Ugly but Sexy

The older woman in the next apartment was an enigma. She was probably at least fifty, looking at her face. It was NOT a pretty face although her hair and skin and figure and manner of dress were quite nice. I hadn’t actually met her in the two months since I’d moved in. We’d just passed in the hall. One Thursday I arrived home just as she did with groceries so I helped her carry them. She offered me a glass of wine and seemed to want to chat. I didn’t have anything else going on so why...

3 years ago
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Making the RevolutionChapter 12

Sam and Tessa left Alice Springs, early on Monday. Tessa gave up her desire to drive across the deserts, not all that reluctantly. They spent that night in Tennant Creek, Tuesday night in Katherine, Wednesday in Timber Creek, and arrived at boobook’s home by noon on Thursday. Boobook awaited them. “I see you Bunjil, I see you Karlo!” “We see you, Boobook. It has been long.” “Yes. You have heard of the lake’s vanishing.” It was a statement, not a question. “We have. From my father, the...

3 years ago
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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 8

Sylvie's broad smile welcomed her when Marion parked in the yard. "Come on in. We'll go upstairs and have some coffee." She led the way, although Marion knew the way from a previous, enchanting visit. Sylvie's flat was slightly different and certainly more feminine, but Guy's masculine flat had an emotional pull for Marion. Sylvie pointed to an overgrown sofa. Marion imagined that it would seat at least four people abreast and the seats were so deep that she could not sit back and keep...

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Masters ThreeHole Fuck Toy Part One

Once upon a time, a Dom realized that he hadn’t taken proper advantage of having a long-time friend and willing, submissive plaything nearby. He knew she wasn’t really ‘his’ sub – but also knew that Kitty’s Primary Master had given him permission to borrow the curvy little play-slut in training. He knew Kitty wore a stainless steel butt plug on a regular basis and had been doing so for over a year. He had seen it in pictures, but not in real life. He also knew that sometimes, when Kitty was...

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Foot Stories

Even though the synopsis pretty much summed it up.... In this first chapter we are basically going to explain a little bit about how this big story is going to develop and grow. Right beneath in the next options you can add the name of one of the girls of XC2 and start a chapter. Feel free to use any links or pictures you find for reminding people about them and how they look like... Because you know what they say, "don't forget me!"

3 years ago
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Fresh Dorm Angel The Beginning

The bed in the dorm room felt like it had been slept in a hundred times over and then some. My body sunk right in the middle of it and the aches I was feeling from the effects of having no support were evident as I began to twist and contort my eighteen year old body to get the kinks out. What I needed was a hot shower to sooth them away. So, I slipped on my flip-flops, grabbed my robe, a bra, and some panties, along with a towel, and for the first time in my college career, tread down to the...

1 year ago
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Am I gay or what Final chapter

I've been with Greg for awhile now. We enjoy going to concerts, movies, and ball games. Along with several more places. We have a great relationship. I know too, that he loves me. He demonstrates that every day. I know i love him with every fiber of my being. But something still troubles me. I see good looking women, and i still feel an attraction to them. I can start getting hard, just thinking about taking one of them to bed. Of coarse i wouldn't. Still, i'm wondering. I think i'm gay, so why...

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Mausi Bujhila Ajhata Kasta 8211 A OdiaGapa Dhamaka

Odia Gapa presents another story at you. Thank you for your most welcomed feedbacks. Today another family story brought to you by anup from bolangir Edited by DEEPIKA || Mu anup, balangir ru. Age 21 . mu mo jivana ra achapa chabi upare adharita e satyasatya ghatana ku loka parisima ku anibaku chanhuchi. Ame bolangir town re rahu. Ghare mu mo bada nani au bapa, mama ruhanti. Mu Bhubaneswar re gote private engineering college re 3rd year re padhe. Summer vacation re gharaku asithili. Amara ethi...

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I fucked my mil rekha

My family had been looking for a girl for me to get married to for the last few years. I did not really want to marry a rich highly educated girl with a big family. These type of girls tend to be unfaithful gold-diggers. So I asked my parents to find me a sweet girl who had not yet attended university and came from a relatively small family with a low income. I remember the first time I met my mother in-law rekha. She had been invited to my parents house for tea . She was 38 at the time, she...

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as u lay asleep next to me the early hours of the morning i slip down under the covers as u facing me on ur side i grab hold of u cock and perk him up with my mouth u stir just lil but do not resist, u begin to moan like ur were having a wet dream ..... as ur cock gets harder and harder i take off ur covers and i lick my hands to give my pussy lil extra wetness to slide smoothly down u hard cock still ur eyes closed not sure if ur still asleep but i still begin to ride u and u moan louder...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 17

Dear Diary - (August 10) Today disaster struck. I have to go home. Mom broke her leg trying to learn how to water-ski and I have to go home and take care of her... and do her work around the house. I don't know if I can stand it. It's not just missing Bill and... well, you know... he's done it to me six times so far and each time seemed better than the last. Maybe he's got me pregnant? That would solve everything, even if I'd get a real rough time from the family. All it would mean is...

4 years ago
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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Four

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Four By AmyAmy July 1st, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism',...

4 years ago
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Yes Mr President

"And I really don't believe that I can support a bill that will leave so many of our nation's poorest citizens without a safety net." Senator Steve Caine from New York droned on and on. The pompous windbag had been the bane of your existence ever since your freshman year in the U.S. Senate. Now, he is determined to make your presidency look like it is a tool of corporate America. "Well, Steve," you say while standing up (the signal to the holier-than-thou bastard that you have no more time for...

2 years ago
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A PromiseChapter 2

A couple of days later I was summoned to see the company's owner. Mr. Kopolova's office was as vast as the one I shared with the entire IT department and naturally fitted out to a far higher standard. It was the first time I'd ever got close to this inner sanctum and was mightily impressed. After waiting outside for the prescribed amount of time, I'd been ushered in to stand in front of a huge cherrywood desk waiting to be told what was wrong with the computer system there. I could think...

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Financial Planning

I started renting a small executive office space for my business in the downtown area.  I eventually met my office neighbor Jan, who was an older lady, a tad odd, but very nice.  She was a very interesting person after I got to know her, especially when I heard her talking to herself through the shared wall of our two offices. After a year or so of talking to her and getting to know her methodology of investing, I decided to let her invest some of my money in one of my 401k accounts.  Jan and I...

Office Sex
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Visit From Sister In Law

Introduction: Now the stories really come out when Nicoles sister comes to call Nicole and Jean were sitting in the living room sharing a bottle of wine. Jeans husband, Richard, and I were kicking back listening to them reminisce about their childhood. Jean was eight years Nicoles senior, but they shared a bedroom growing up. Jean, being 15 and sexually ready, wanted to experiment with her sister to get more familiar with the female body. Nicole was only 7 at the time, so she didnt have any...

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The Shoot

Breaking through a cloud the scenery below is once again visible, the clear blue water and now and again a little piece of green, as in a chain small, seemingly uninhabited, islands spread through the ocean. The rumbling of the engines, one under each of the wings, fill the interior of the seaplane. Apart from yourself and your client the two pilots in the cockpit is the only other persons onboard. Being the junior employee at the agency most of the assignments that find its way to your desk...

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K4 Niece Katy is a Team Player

K4 Niece Katy is a Team PlayerBy billy69boyAfter dropping my wife off at the airport, I was downright giddy with excitement. My darling niece Katy lived only a few minutes away and I had arranged to stop by and visit with her. As I waited for her to answer the door, I wondered if she would be in a playful mood. I knew her boyfriend Jimmy was out of state on a training session, and wouldn’t be back for a few more days. Katy’s daughter was down South staying with her father for the month, so...

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Old Friends

Helén and Catherine are old friends from back in the days when we lived up in Stockholm. I send Hubby up to Stockholm four to five times a year for romantic hookups with them to keep in touch.Helén is a beautiful brunette with a shapely but very petite body. Hubby and her served on the board of a club together back then. Hubby was the president and Helén was the secretary. And I do mean a real secretary in every way. He taught her a lot about administration and well as a few...

1 year ago
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Belling the Cats

Belling the Cats, or Tatsu Tames the Twelve (Tatsu Story III) By C Part I It was noon in Tatsu's Garden, and in a clearing in the midst of the rhododendrons,an urgent meeting had been called. Basilissa, the most influential of the Plump-BottomedWarblers, had summoned all her sisters–and such was her prestige thathundreds had come. Most sat around her on the grass, their legs demurely crossed.Ordinarily, they might have savored the cool dampness against their netherparts; but their anxiety...

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A Mixing of Colors Part 1

It had been almost two years since my ex-husband announced he wanted a divorce. His announcement was a shock to say the least and his admission that he was moving in with his secretary was a punch in the gut. Before that day I thought I was living a happy, almost perfect life. I was married to a successful businessman, we had two wonderful, healthy youngsters and I was content with being a stay-at-home mother & his trophy wife. Although I am in my early 40’s, I am still considered very...

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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 09

Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...

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Sometimes you get more of an education out of the classroom than in

I peered over from my dorm room single bed across to the open window above roomie Mark’s matching bunk. It was late, very late and something was keeping me from sleep. In my waking blur I figured the culprit was the intense glow of the early autumn full moon streaming through the mini blinds on the window. As the narcoleptic haze slowly lifted from my senses I detected noise and movement, a rustling of cloth perhaps. I had arrived on campus just two days before for my freshman year at the...

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She Reacts! One of my favorite moments during sex is when I first pull out my man meat. I love seeing the reaction on a bitches face as my monster hog seems to exit my pants endlessly. It’s like the first scene in Spaceballs, where the ship takes a minute and a half to pass by the screen.My CockzillaI would describe the facial expression as a mixture of shock, aww, excitement, and fear. Bitches already know by my alpha energy that I have a serious piece on me, but they don’t expect it to be...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Walk of Shame

As I woke, I tried to stir, to move, but in all honesty I was as thick headed as a punch drunk boxer; no thought made sense, I did not know where I was, my arms and legs were numb and I could hardly breathe....I knew where I was. I was sure of it. I had been sent here deliberately... As I licked my dry, cracked lips which were alcohol dry and parched, there were vague memories. I had been sent here. Moaning, I tried to rise but stiff linen bed sheeting was moulded to me, it crackled as I moved...

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Chachi Ko Choda

Hi guys this is Rohit here.i have been a reglar reader of sex stories fro this site .i find it quite fascinating to read about people fucking their chachis , bhabhis ,mamis and i would like share my experience with my chachi.enjoy!!!!!!!!. It happened a 2 years ago.i never saw my chachi(named-sarita) from that prospective until this day. it was a sunday and so i , my uncle and chachi planned to go out for dinner .it so happened that i sat on the side my chachi was sitting and my uncle...


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