Solace & Rosanna Ch. 13 free porn video

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2003: Rosanna had only received one phone call from Matilda in the two weeks since her abrupt departure. She called to say that she was fine and would be staying with a friend in upstate New York. She did not offer a name and Rosanna stubbornly did not ask for one. She simply listened, her blood boiling and temples throbbing as Matilda explained that she needed to think about their future. Rosanna offered that perhaps they should discuss their future together, but Matilda had said that she was not ready for that. When Rosanna asked her when she could expect her back in town, Matilda said that she could not commit to anything as definite as a date. They hung up and Rosanna took four ibuprofen tablets and went to the gym to work off the tension. Such was the tenor of her days. She would go to work, maintaining an attitude of cool professionalism—so she supposed. From there she spent two hours at the gym. Her physical exertions caused her mind to become dull and blank—at least for a short period of time. Once, she left the gym, she went home to her empty apartment. She wished she could talk to Sam. She missed him a great deal.

Her dear friend was off shooting the wild things (thankfully only with a camera). He had landed what he considered a seriously excellent job as a photographer for a well-known nature magazine and was doing a lot of globe trotting. Currently, Rosanna had mementos from Australia, China, and Japan. They had met in college at a lesbian/gay mixer and become close friends. Sam told her all the gory details and adventures of his latest boy-toy and she eventually got around to confiding her feelings, fears, and fantasies first about Solace and later, Matilda. Sam gave terrific sound advice. He listened to any suggestions Rosanna offered intently, but inevitably did the exact opposite. He was also her biking buddy, and they had logged too many miles to count. Sam had promised to call her as soon as ‘was humanly possible and decent’, but as yet she had not heard from him. Rosanna was certain he would return ready to tell all about his latest trek.

During the two weeks, Rosanna picked up her phone on several occasions, thinking to call Solace, but she always stopped herself. What could she say? What did she want to say? What would Solace say? Again, the questions swirled around in her brain like a kaleidoscope, never stopping on a single answer.

Bored one Saturday, and tired of brooding, Rosanna decided to take a solo bike trip down Manhattan’s east side. This would give her body a real workout. She donned her biking shorts and jacket, grabbed her helmet and racing bike and dashed out the door. Once on the street, she put her feet to the pedals and pumped furiously towards a dangerous, high speed ride. The bracing wind whipped around her and it felt almost as if she were flying. She recklessly weaved in and out of traffic, only braking when absolutely necessary.

As she stopped for a light, she saw a woman crossing the street using a white mobility cane. How was it that she had never seen blind people before? She probably had, she just had not been paying attention. Solace had opened her eyes to the fact that blind people were everywhere. Rosanna’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the unsuspecting pedestrian. She noted how the woman’s swing differed from Solace’s. She noticed her hair color and thought of Solace’s wavy locks. She also took in the woman’s style of dress. Rosanna did not miss a single detail that was in her vision. She was jolted back to her senses by the honking of horns, signaling that annoyed motorists wanted her to get out of the way. She sped off, her legs pumping even harder and faster, her muscles screaming for relaxation. She rode all the way down to the scenic South Street Seaport area where she slowed, located a bench, hopped off her bike and sat down. She pulled off her helmet, wiped her sweating forehead and looked out over the rippling waters of the East River. The rhythmic motion helped lull her tortured mind. She loved the water and thought about… What had she been thinking—that she would love to take Solace out on her motor boat this summer. Right! She had broken it off with Solace so abruptly. It had only been two weeks and yet it felt like a lifetime. If Sam were here, he probably would have told her that her actions had been nuts. He had, on several occasions, sounded her out about seeing Matilda. She had not been able to convince him that it was the best and that Matilda would probably make a more suitable mother for their children. Sam was a Solace fan and made no secret of this fact.

“The world is coming to an end!” a shrill, female voice interrupted Rosanna’s thoughts. She looked up to see a woman wearing several layers of clothes and pushing a shopping cart, coming toward her. “Save yourselves and your children!” she yelled. “The war has begun and there’s nowhere to run!”

Rosanna grabbed the seat of her bike in the event that she would have to make an unplanned rapid retreat.

“Are you ready, young woman?” This statement seemed odd as the woman did not seem much older than thirty years herself. She waited expectantly for Rosanna’s reply.

Ordinarily, Rosanna did not speak to the many homeless New Yorkers who crossed her path. She gave a monthly donation to an organization which fed, clothed and offered counseling, but that was the extent of her contact. She believed that communicating with them was not wise as she might inadvertently say something that might provoke them into violence and she did not want to deal with a confrontational situation. But she was in a strange mood and she asked, “Is anybody ready? What is going to be is going to be. How can we be ready for anything?” She looked at the woman, not knowing whether she would receive an answer or not but slightly intrigued to hear what she might have to say.

The woman’s hand flew to her mouth. She seemed taken aback that someone had actually answered her. She had been shouting this warning for several years. She had received very few responses but many furtive glances before they scurried away. She looked into Rosanna’s eyes as she said, “You are troubled.”

“Aren’t we all?” Rosanna mumbled without thinking.

“You are torn between two paths,” she continued, ignoring Rosanna’s quiet query. “You turn away from love that is right there in front of you. You are the blind one. You need solace.” She finished, turned her shopping cart around and shambled off down the waterfront.

Rosanna sat stunned and speechless. How could she know? That was a lucky guess. She doesn’t even know me. She felt a shiver crawl up her spine and her stomach lurched. How eerie! What she had said was that I need solace. She meant comfort. Didn’t she? Well, she’s right. I do need solace, but not… She interrupted that thought. Well, she might not be able to make up her mind about the women in her life, but she did know one thing—she was starved. She reached in her fanny pack for her cell phone and pressed the speed dial number for her mother. Carla picked up on the third ring.

“Rosanna?” Carla could see Rosanna’s name on her caller ID.

“Ma, can I come over for dinner?” asked Rosanna praying that her mother was not going to a show or something.

“Sure, if you don’t mind leftovers. I made some arroz con pollo yesterday. I think it’s still good.” Carla answered. Her culinary skills were not up to her mother’s but she and Rosita had not starved.

“Great. I’ll see you in about an hour.” Rosanna exclaimed.

“An hour? Where are you?” Carla asked in surprise because she knew Rosanna was only a short bus ride away.

“I’m down at the Seaport. I rode my bike down here.” Rosanna replied, shouting a bit as a large boat passed, its loud horn sounding in short blasts.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Rosita. Well, be careful!” Carla yelled back.

I will, mamma. Bye.” Rosanna ended the call and hopped onto her bike. As she began to pedal, her right knee began to throb. Deciding that it would not be wise to push it, she rode to the nearest subway station, went down the stairs and jumped on a train headed north. As she stood in the subway car, one hand holding on to her bike the other a pole, the train suddenly lurched to a stop and the lights went out. Rosanna huffed her impatience. I thought these trains were new. Why are they having troubles? The conductor made an announcement that the train would be running as soon as they had the all-clear from the dispatcher. In the meantime, passengers were advised to hold tight to their belongings and try to stay calm.

All around Rosanna, people were muttering to themselves and talking to total strangers about the awful service and the escalating prices. Rosanna felt beads of perspiration form on her hair line and upper lip because without lights, there was, of course, no air conditioner. Even though it was spring, the cars could become extremely stuffy. She wiped her forehead and reached into her bag for the water which she always carried. She also had one of those awful nutritional candy bars. She was not crazy about the taste, but she kept her bag stocked with them for energy. She could barely see two feet in front of her and the lights in the tunnel only cast a dim glow.

As she lifted the bottle of water to her lips, she felt a hand tugging at the handlebars of her bicycle. She dropped the water bottle and began a tug of war with the unseen would-be thief. As they were quite near her, she could smell the alcohol on their breath. Rosanna could not see whether it was a man or a woman, but they were doing their damndest to wrench her bicycle from her hands. She had what she thought was a brilliant idea. She let go of the bike, located the fingers of the individual with the vice-like grip, and bent one back to the knuckle. She heard the satisfying crack of bone as a piercing feminine shriek tore from the assailant’s throat. Other passengers screamed in fright, unaware of what was taking place right near them.

“Fucking Bitch! Shit!” came the loud, angry reply from the injured party. The hold on Rosanna’s bike was released and was followed by a punch to her face, which left her with a split lip and bleeding nose. With that she pushed passed Rosanna and into another subway car.

All this occurred in the near pitch blackness. Ironically, as Rosanna reached up to assess the damages to her battered face, the lights came on, the train started moving and the passengers nearest her gasped at the sight of Rosanna’s bloodied lip and nose. She reached into her bag, pulled out a bandana and began to dab at her wounds, wincing at the sharp pain. This task she performed with one hand, never letting go of the handlebars of her bike. By this time her hands were shaking and it was difficult keeping her grip.

“Do you need to go to the emergency room? I’ll take you,” came the voice of a young man. As he moved closer, their eyes met and there was a moment of recognition.

“Rosanna, right?” Leander Collins asked.

“Leander, right?” Rosanna inquired through her handkerchief.

“Right. What happened?” he looked horrified.

“Can I tell you that a little later? I have to get to my mom’s. She’s expecting me for dinner.” Rosanna said as she dabbed at her battered face.

“Sure. I’ll get you there,” Leander offered and Rosanna did not refuse. She was exhausted, hungry, bleeding and her knee was throbbing like hell. Having someone take care of her sounded like just what the doctor ordered. Oh, lord, and speaking of doctors, her mother would have a heart attack when she saw her.

“Where does your mom live?” Leander inquired as the doors opened at 77th street.

“On 86th street and Park,” Rosanna answered. What a coincidence that Casey’s friend was on the same train. Well, something good had to happen for a change, but then she said, “I don’t want to take you out of your way.”

“You’re not. Don’t worry about it. Casey would kill me anyway if I couldn’t report that I had helped her friend.” His smile was cute and boyish, his brown eyes twinkling behind his glasses.

“Well, thank you, Leander.” Rosanna said as the train came to a halt at their stop and passengers flew out of the car. Leander grabbed the handlebars of Rosanna’s bike. For a second, she had a moment of panic, but realized that her fear was unfounded. This was not a foe, he might be a potential friend. She relaxed and limped slowly up the stairs and out of the station with him. Once outside she held on to the seat of her bike for support, fearing that her leg would no longer carry her wait. Someday she would bite the bullet and have the operation recommended by her mother and constantly harped upon by Solace..

When they arrived at her mother’s apartment house, they rode up in the elevator in silence. They stopped in front of a door marked 223. Rosanna had not thought to bring her key, so she knocked with one hand, keeping the bandana plastered firmly to her nose and lip.

“Rosita?” called her mother. “Why didn’t you use your—“ Carla opened the door, saw her daughter and screamed. “What happened, Rosita? Come in.” She ushered Rosanna through the door, almost slamming it in Leander’s face, but he caught it and struggled in with Rosanna’s bicycle. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you,” Carla said as she guided her daughter to the couch and sat her down.

“That’s all right. I’m Leander. I just walked Rosanna here because I don’t think she’s in any shape to steer a bike.” He leaned the sleek racing bike against a nearby wall and stood there watching Rosanna’s mother fuss over her.

Carla ran to the bathroom, returned with a washcloth and a bottle of antiseptic and began cleaning the wounds. Once done, she looked at Rosanna’s face and pronounced that she did not believe Rosanna’s nose was broken, but she should see a specialist, just in case. She would make an appointment for her in the morning.

“Mama, that’s not necessary.” Rosanna protested.

“You’re telling a doctor what’s not necessary now?” Carla said, holding her daughter’s face in her hands. “Oh, Rosita, what happened?”

Rosanna told the whole sad tale, but finished with, “At least I still have my bike.”

“They always say you should let them have whatever they want, just in case they’re really dangerous and have intentions of killing you,” Leander offered morosely. Carla put a hand to her chest as if she would faint from just the notion of such a violent act.

“They say a lot of things. We don’t even know who they are.” Rosanna countered, feeling her hunger returning with a vengeance.

“He’s right, Rosita. Let them have what they want and you keep your life.”

As if reading Rosanna’s mind, she rose from the couch and went to the kitchen. “By the way, I’m Carla Romero.” She put out her hand to Leander. “Thank you for your help. Would you like to stay for dinner?”

“I’m Leander Collins, a friend of a friend. Thank you. That sounds wonderful. I was only going home to a Hungry Man dinner anyway.”

“No, no. You helped my Rosita. You deserve much better than that.”

“So why are you offering him dinner, mama?” Rosanna chimed in.

“Fresh girl. I taught you better manners.” Carla shot back with a smile.

“I know, but I forgot them someplace,” Rosanna answered as she lay down gingerly on the couch.

“Do you hear this, Leander?” Carla threw up her hands and made her way to the kitchen. The sounds of slamming doors, pots, pans and water running in a sink could be heard.

“Thanks again, Leander. I’ll remember to tell Casey you were a knight in shining armor,” Rosanna said from the couch, her eyes closing, h
er breathing becoming slow and even.

Leander watched Rosanna as she drifted off to sleep. Even with her split lip and bruised nose, she was strikingly beautiful. He understood Casey’s attraction. Fate had definitely put her in his path—whether it was to help Casey he did not know, but he was eager to see how the scenes in this play would unfold.

“Dinner’s ready!” Carla called out.

Leander found his way to the dining area and told Rosanna’s mother that her daughter had fallen asleep. She dropped the potholders she was using and ran back to the living room. Leander followed her. Carla looked lovingly at her Rosita, kissed her on the forehead and covered her with a nearby quilt. As she leaned over to adjust the blanket around Rosanna’s sleeping form, she could hear Rosanna mumbling something. It soon became clear.

“Solace. I need Solace.” Came Rosanna’s low voice.

“I’ll call Solace in the morning, Rosita. She’ll want to come and see you,” Carla reassured her daughter.

“Solace?” Leander repeated softly. Casey would not be happy to hear about this turn of events.

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That evening I was flying back home after a stressing business trip. I was just dreaming about get home and stumble into my beloved hubby’s arms…The flight would be not so long; but, close by my side, was sitting an old man who kept drinking incredible amounts of vodka and was getting more talkative and unintelligible with time.When he finally passed out, I tried to focus my attention on my laptop, as I sipped a nice margarita…Suddenly I felt the urge to use a toilet. I saw a long queue already...

1 year ago
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SRU The Girl of his Dreams

The Girl of his Dreams part 1 of 2 By Morpheus I let out a loud groan as I leaned back in my chair and stared at my French textbook in disgust. "This really blows." I grumbled, my mind nearly burnt out from all the studying I'd been doing for my French exam. "I wish I'd never heard of foreign languages." Taking French, I decided, was not one of my better choices since going to college. Then, just as if to make my mood even worse, my dorm room opened up and in stepped my...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 15 The Letter Goodbye

"I'm just being stupid aren't I, Ol'Jack? Lot lizards come and go and I'm too old to think a young woman like her would have feelings for an old goat like me. It's just you and I again. I'm sure you were ready to have all of your space back in the truck. Hell that sleeper is barely big enough for one man, let alone an old trucker, a hitchhiker and a dog, don't ya think" he said to his long time best friend. Ol'Jack let out a whine and rest his head on the passenger seat where...

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Lust Of Incest Part 6

Continuing from previous part, as me and Naveen both of us promised each other for sharing my sister Sahana to him and in return Naveen sharing his aunt to me, we went further. So, it was my job to convince my sister to have sex with Naveen, but I don’t know how to do. We both were trying to work out with best idea. Now monsoon had started, so we couldn’t sleep on terrace. We both used to sleep in the hall; mom & Sahana were used to sleep inside room together. Due to this even I missed...

2 years ago
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Aunty Neha 8211 My Sex Goddess

Hey guy its Sam(sameer) here ,this is my first story so sorry for any mistakes , any ladies want to contact me please email me at . This story is a True Story So the story starts , I was studying in a Jr college doing my plus 2 and was focused on my studies as I wanted to do engineering , my parents had to leave to the US as my dad got transferred there so my whole family including my mom and my sister had left as I was doing my plus 2 I had to stay back so I went to stay in my aunts place ....

3 years ago
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Loves ShepherdChapter 15 Rubber Band

Gwen was hot to trot when she met me at her front door on Saturday. She was wearing a short skirt that showed off her awesome legs to their fullest. Not that she let me look at them very long before sending her tongue into my mouth. She hadn’t even shut the front door. I had to cool her jets for her, something I was startled finding I could do. Like so many other things, I simply did it without thinking about it, then had to figure out how I did it. These sorts of things just came naturally...

2 years ago
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Arcade adventure with a pnp bbc

cop a qtr. Oz and gonna go to this coke whores house to freak, stop into romantix to get some cock hard pills. While im at the counter i see a few pervs browsing and in comes in wat at fisrt i thought two women but as it turns out its a women and a cd both of which were fukin hawt! So I'm paying for my pills and i make eye contact w/ the female she stares at me smiles, winks and licks her lips slightly. Now im fiegning intrest in lube and i hear them ask about a viewing room, so u can get a...

1 year ago
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A Hotwife Gets That Irresistible Urge

I like to tour around on this website once in awhile, catch up on the latest hot stories, and maybe find someone interesting to chat with. Most of the stories get me extremely stimulated, and I enjoy playing with my pussy as well as my super realistic eight-inch rubber friend as I’m reading or chatting.The other day I happened to be on-line and was enticed to begin a chat with a nice and polite gentleman member. It got pretty hot as we compared a few past experiences. He’d tried a little cock...

Group Sex
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Bus Ride

Bus Ride I just had another fight with my boyfriend and decided to hop on a bus to see where it would take me. I got on the first bus that came my way. The driver appeared to be middle aged and very stern looking. He told me to hurry up and find a seat and sit my ass down. I could tell this was going to be a fun ride. I still can’t believe my boyfriend cheated on me again. I’m going to get even this time with that creep. I looked in the back of the bus and saw two guys, they...

1 year ago
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Pious Muslimah turns Cock Addict Slut Part 3

How did I get to my home, I am still unable to comprehend. My hands were time and again movingeither to my nipples or to my pussy (under the burqa) till I got home. At home, I lay down on my bed.Neither my brother nor my mother was at home. I locked myself in a room, threw off my clothes andlay naked playing with my nipples and pussy. I wished I had more than two hands to work simultaneously on pussy and both the nipples. But I just had two hands and merely ten fingers tohelp. I moaned loud...

3 years ago
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A latenight flight

"Might be my lucky night!" I thought to myself as I leaned my seat back just a little, hoping that the two seats next to mine would stay empty. I was facing a long flight across the country; it was late, I was hoping to get some peaceful sleep. My wife was with the k**s a few rows up, I had checked on them a minute earlier, and they were already asleep. The flight's departure was in 3 minutes, so it was looking like things would work out in my favor.Then I heard a commotion coming down the...

4 years ago
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Sold subbie gets to play

Introduction: Master really knows how to spoil his girl. God what a week. Nine nights solid of drunks and druggies, and strippers. She was exhausted. She swung her purse into the car and was about to follow it in when she saw the envelope taped to her windshield. She pulled it off, looking perplexed. Open me was all that was on it. Inside was a key to a hotel across town with a room number on it and a note Dont go home, come straight here. She pulled her car out of the parking space with a...

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Always shower after workout

"Always Shower After a Workout"Alice showed the girl at the desk her membership card, then hurried down the stairs. Spinning class had started five minutes ago, and she hated to be late, but the Town traffic had been particularly bad for a Thursday night. Besides, she'd make up for it by pushing extra hard tonight. She hustled into the almost full spinning room, about forty fit young people already pedaling away on a fifty-percent-resistance climb, the music blasting. Alice searched for an open...

Straight Sex
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Watching JulieChapter 9 Remembering

It's raining today, an indoor day, and I'm in a cloud, kind of. I'd call it pensive, except that my thoughts aren't really coherent enough for that. It's a sit-in-front-of-the-fire day, and my spouse and the cat and I are doing just that. She's on one couch reading today's New York Times (my wife, I mean, not the cat), and I'm on the couch opposite her, my laptop on my lap, the cat between us at a comfortable distance from the fire. I know that if I put my hand down on the cat's...

3 years ago
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Marriage gift My pussy

Julie and I have been friends for years and have lived the same slutty lifestyle. However, Julie, a 34B, blonde, and now 24 years old, met Aaron, age 32, a few years back. They fell in love, and now want to get married, have kids and live happily ever after. They have been engaged for a year and their wedding is coming up next month. Both are lucky enough to be rich and thankfully, money is never an issue for them. This has created one complication for Julie though. She is slutty like me and...

Group Sex
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Sally the Welder

I was just finishing the weld when the whistle blew. But there were still 4 more inches to go, so I bit my lower lip and continued along the bead, knowing that it had to be absolutely perfect. People were counting on me after all.I finally finished it, and turned off the torch, lifting up my face shield and looking at it with my bare eyes. No bubbling, no carbonization, it looked perfect. I smiled and looked a second time, still perfect. “Hmmmm, that looks perfect Sally!” came the voice from...

3 years ago
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Meeting A Strangerthe Sweet Seduction

Author's Note: This one's 100% true, (names are changed) so enjoy the ride.... As a professional type, (psychologist) continuing education is something you never escape. At least twice a year I'm doing seminars or short classes to keep up on the latest developments. I kind of envy my husband as he's a graphic artist who simply reads blogs and magazines to keep up on the latest info about his work. The latest program I needed to take was being offered in only a few places, none of them close to...

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Sex Studio Secrets 19 Hakima3

Hot horny Hakima and her tasty teen twins sexually serve their two gentlemen, who talk in French.They discuss plans for a new series of films under the title 'Emmanuelle', but this time hard-core.No acting! Amateurs having real sex here at Bali, best some local lovely looking girls in the cast.Soon I start to fill in the plans of the producer, my friend Nono whom I met there by sheer chance.Hakima serves as my second while I conduct conversations in several tongues, in Dutch to her.She...

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Private Sienna Day Enjoys DP With The Working Class

Sienna Day has come to Private Specials, Repairmen in Action with her huge tits and equally huge sexual appetite horny and hungry for some cock. That’s why she decides to arrange for not one, but two of our workers to come over and lend a helping hand, Freddy Flavas and the young Aitor Lago. It doesn’t take long for Sienna to show her intentions as she gets down on her knees for a double sloppy blowjob, getting those cocks wet and ready for a hard anal and DP pounding before finishing up with a...

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Had Fun With Step Dad

Hi iss readers this is jazzy from Bangalore, this is my first story in iss.  I read many stories here; i would like write mine which happened when i was 18 years old. Before explaining my story i would like to say about my figure, its 36-28-38. I wear d cup bra.  This is the first intercourse i have had. My mom Mamata(35)is rich and hi fi lady who took divorce from my dad when i was 14 and married to a guy who happened to be my mom’s school friend, who is 36years old and very handsome, his name...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartments English Part 2 Getting Friendly With My Shobha Bhabhi

Hello, friends, welcome back. Hope you enjoyed the first part of my series. This is the continuation of part 1 were you met Akash and his sister-in-law Shobha. Anyone who wants to give me their feedback can text me to . Narrated by Akash After I reached my cousin brother Rakesh’s house in Bangalore (a flat in Kumar apartments), I met my friendly sister in law for the first time. That moment when I saw her in her sleep shirt, exposing her milky white thighs just changed my entire view of a...

2 years ago
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My Stepdaughter the Slut

My name is John and I am 58 years old. My wife passed way a couple of years ago. Since then I have spent most of my time alone watching porn and jerking off.Then my stepdaughter Julie called and asked if she could move in for a couple weeks since she had just left her husband.Frankly I really did not want to have her around but decided that a couple of weeks would be ok.Julie did not do much but stay in her room on her computer and go out once or twice a week to see "friends".One night she went...

3 years ago
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NeedbyRinmer-Dalle©The water sluiced down over my shoulders cascading over my breasts, running off in streams over my swollen and sensitive nipples. It slid down my back and crept like a lovers hands over my hips to drip off the swell of my belly in crystal tails that changed with the movements of my body. The water was hot it eased my tired muscles and melted the stress from my head. I ran my hands down over my swollen and sensitive breasts, over the swell of my belly to the shaved expanse of...

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In Need of a Mechanic

I have this wonderful old convertible Mustang. It runs beautifully since I had been taking it in to this older man who loves old Mustangs. He recently retired and I haven't found anyone who treats my car the same way. It hasn't been into the shop for at least 6 months.It was a beautiful day in paradise and I didn't have to work. I had only plans to go to dinner with my friends at 7pm. I decided to take a drive around the island the long way, enjoy the scenery and the weather. So I dressed in...

Group Sex
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BLACK l****a When he entered and softly closed the door behind him, so that he wouldn't wake her up. He quietly walked over to where she laid sleeping. Looking down on her sweet angel face flashes of his wife's face when she their daughter's age invaded his thoughts. Deep within the darkest part of his mind, Jack wondered if this beautiful angel laying before him, could be as sweet as...

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Samanthas Strip PokerChapter 1 The Setup

Some friends of mine have a 13-year old daughter named Samantha. Even though she's only thirteen, she's got a nice figure with B-cup breasts. However, her parents still treat her like she's a little girl. There was a movie that all 4 of us wanted to see, but Samantha's mom wouldn't let her see the movie until she screened it first. Her parents had invited me and another couple to go watch it, but I declined to stay out of the middle of conversations where the couples swap stories of dumb...

3 years ago
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Charles in Charge

It was my favorite way of meeting men…the old-fashioned way, the Internet. I was thirty-nine, divorced with children and had a full-time career. Who had time to screw around with dating just to get a good screw every now and again? It was much simpler for me to just log-in to a chatroom, use a bit of verbal banter and let the chips fall where they may. I had a routine actually. We would meet for coffee in a very public and perfectly safe place. Someone always knew who I was with, where we were...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 14

Steve sat at Marie's kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee, wondering to himself how long it had been since he'd so much enjoyed a sunrise and a simple breakfast. Marie sat opposite him. Her dark eyes studied his face. "You are troubled. You are walking a knife-edge, yet you have already decided where your destiny, your allegiance now lies. Is this not so?" she questioned, her voice barely above a whisper. He looked up, startled. Her eyes, flashing black, bored into his. Her face,...

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Hungry Like the WolfChapter 8

The branding hurt more than a little, but when it was done, I was a full-fledged and irrevocably committed member of the Lasalle pack. So was Rosa now. She was branded. She was adopted, just like me. We were unconditionally sworn, in the sense that the brand was a kind of oath or vow, to absolute loyalty to our new pack and its Alphas, Damon and Danielle Lasalle. “I can’t wait to be moon-mated, you know. It will be another indication that I’m part of this pack. You know how to treat a...

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Bikini Beach Cousin Trouble

Bikini Beach - Cousin Trouble. ElrodW When Jenny finds out her younger brother's son is suddenly an orphan, with no one to help him, she knows she's going to have to help out. The problem is that the boy needs a LOT more help than Jenny can provide. The Bikini Beach universe and characters therein are copyrighted by the author, all rights reserved. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach - Cousin Trouble Jenny shook her head again...

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