ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 26
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“The dear man doesn’t want to be seen paying the food bills, as it embarrasses him. I think he imagines that as the Queen doesn’t carry money or credit card for purchases, neither should he, as a Queen’s Counsel!”
This got her a laugh, and Hubert Dangerfield made no comment at all when he heard of it. He didn’t view it as funny.
On the day appointed, their busload arrived at the air base and were astonishingly waved through as soon as Reginald Robertson produced his I.D. The Personalia had vouched for this busload, and The Personalia’s word was accepted as unquestionable.
The bus driver followed his instructions, taking his civilian passengers to the terminal for processing. This was remarkably easy, as it was primarily confirmation of identity and allocation of seating on the charter aircraft that was to carry them to Ascension Island. This flight was unusual as a one-off, in that all the passengers were one party. As soon as the passengers with their luggage were all aboard, the aircraft took off once the base gave it an available take-off slot. The charter flight had to fit in beside military take-offs and landings.
The long flight of over eight hours soon found most of the party asleep in their seats. The infants were quickly lulled into somnolence by the aircraft’s steady engine thrumming. That respite allowed their mothers to take the opportunity to follow suit. Elizabeth and Sidra, Reg’s mid-teen daughters, found plenty to talk about in their adjoining seats, mostly speculation about life in the human colony on an alien planet, but eventually they too drifted off to slumberland.
The pilot’s announcement woke those who were still sleeping many hours later as he approached the island. He told them which side they could look out from if they wanted to view the island from a great height. It began as a small dot on the vast Atlantic ocean below, but soon expanded into a volcanic peak surrounded by ash plains near sea level.
The pilot explained that higher up was tinged green by introduced trees such as Norfolk pine planted in the days of wooden ships, in anticipation of a need for future masts. Bamboo stands crowned the top of the dead volcano, and at a lower level were Mexican thorn mesquite bushes planted by BBC engineers in 1966 which had since spread around the lower volcanic ash fields and were now seen as invasive and in need of cutting back or eradication.
He stopped talking as they got closer to Wideawake Airfield. Its massive runway, currently one of the longest in the world, had once been extended from a standard length to accommodate space shuttles in an emergency landing. There was no sign of any alien spacecraft near the runway, which surprised many of the passengers. Asking an air hostess about this, they were advised to look at the water instead.
Sure enough, there was a massive machine, the size of a ship, sitting beside the tiny pier. Someone said, “A ship, rather than a spaceship?”
The hostess said patiently, having explained this many times before, “You know how the American spacecraft land on the water when they come down? This craft uses the water in both directions: landing and take-off.”
Not surprisingly, she got, “Oh, I see,” despite the enquirer not seeing at all how this could work.
Their landing on the extensive runway was very straightforward, due to the quiet weather that normally persisted, and the small amount of traffic currently using the base.
It had been different in 1982, when Wideawake Airfield became the busiest airfield in the world for a time, during the short-lived Falklands War. Long-distance bombing runs took place from here, with a single Vulcan bomber flying over 12,000 kilometres non-stop to the Falklands and back, refuelled seven times on the way south by a succession of eleven Victor tankers, converted from bombers, performing an aerial dance over the South Atlantic; a typical stage was two tankers being topped up by another that then returned to take on a new load for refuelling the other tankers on the way back. The farthest refuelling of the Vulcan was a few hundred miles from the Falklands, and then another Victor refuelled it again a few hundred miles north on the way back home. The whole process needed many tanker movements over the entire 16-hour bomber flight, mostly on the way south. The bomber, once it had dropped its 21,000-pound load, was lighter and needed fewer refuellings on the way home, but the first one back was vital. When Black Buck Six’s Vulcan was on its way home, its refuelling probe broke during an attempted refuelling, leaving it to either ditch in the Atlantic with no hope of rescue or divert to Brazil. They chose Brazil after dumping all sensitive material overboard.
Brazilian air control at first refused landing permission as being from a combatant country, but the pilot notified the operators that they were almost out of fuel, so either they landed, or they would crash into the airport; your choice! They were told to land, but they would be impounded for the duration of the conflict. They landed with ten minutes of fuel left in the tanks.
The pilot seemed impressed at this exploit he was retelling for the umpteenth time.
Their own jet aircraft landed smoothly on the hot tarmac, and taxied to the passenger terminal – what there was of it. There was no need of a large terminal building these days.
They disembarked and were collected by local vehicles, for movement to the floating Landership at the pier. When they got close they found the wedge-shaped craft was much larger than the aircraft that had brought them to Ascension, but had no windows to look out of, and just an entry hatch high up in the side. An airfield-style mobile stairway was used to get up to the hatch, and then they stepped inside.
A disembodied voice welcomed them aboard, and asked them to proceed to the passenger cabin and select their seats. These proved to be almost identical to normal aircraft seats, complete with standard seat belts. For the babies, there were seats with car-type backward-facing baby chairs already installed, so the child just needed to be strapped in. It looked like this spaceship had been prepared for the specific needs of this party of passengers.
Elizabeth whispered to Sidra, “Where is the pilot? Why didn’t he show himself when we got on board? Is he too alien?”
Sidra had been making enquiries about the Personalia, and answered, “The pilot IS the spaceship, Elizabeth. Think of it as a computer in charge of the spaceship, except it is more like a human being than a computer. The Personalia are aliens all right, but alien spaceships!”
The voice returned, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Folks, may I introduce myself. My choice of name is Henry the eighth : that is the eighth Landership named Henry; nothing to do with English royalty. As Elizabeth Robertson has just discovered, I AM your Landership. The Personalia are a race of electronic personalities built into spaceships, so we normally live in the space between planets. Landerships have the capability to land and take-off again, but the Base ships - you can think of them as mother ships – live in space permanently.
If you have any immediate and necessary questions, please ask them one at a time, and I will answer them, but if you want detailed answers, please wait until you are on Rehome, which will not be long. You can phone the number of The Personalia at any time in the future, and we will be happy to answer your enquiries.”
No-one ventured a question, afraid to appear ignorant, so the voice went on, “There are toilet facilities in the corner of the cabin, where the door is marked with male and female figures, but if you can wait, more commodious facilities are available once we are in orbit and transfer to the base ship. We leave as soon as you are all belted in and declare yourselves comfortable, and the infants similarly prepared.”
Two minutes later, the slight movement at the pier from the passing of small waves ceased ocurring, and the ship steadied, solid as if on land. A moment later, there was a movement as the spaceship maneouvred away from the pier then headed out to sea, still completely rock-steady. The voice explained, “We are moving on our anti-gravity motors, half a metre above the sea, until we reach our take-off lane. We start with water pulsing, then it will become noiser when I engage our rocket motors.”
There was an immediate pulse of thrust as the ship sucked up seawater and shot it ot rearwards at a high pressure, adding impetus to the craft. This only lasted a short time before it switched to rockets, and the muted roar told them they were moving much faster. The craft tilted upwards as the rockets pushed it forward at speed, and the shuttle-type shape turned it into a flying body heading at a shallow angle towards the sky and space.
The rockets continued for some time as the craft continued towards orbit, then cut off the moment Henry the Eighth judged it had achieved the required velocity for orbit.
“Please do not release your seat belts as you might fly off your seat, with no gravity holding you down. This is for your own safety. We will be meeting our base ship shortly, and when gravity is engaged you will transfer to the base ship on your own feet.”
Frances, seated next to Reginald, remarked, “The voice sounds so very human, darling. It doesn’t sound so alien, as you might expect of a new arrival at our planet.”
Before Reg could say anything, the voice declared, “Mrs Frances Robertson, The Peronalia have been in this star system for three centuries or more, although it is only a few years since we first spoke with humans. We have learned several human languages, and those of several non-human species as well, one of which is currently sharing the planet Rehome at the invitation of the Governor.”
Frances gasped, “That is almost too much information. I think I will leave my other remarks for later.”
Reg grinned. “Good thinking, my love.”
Another few minutes was spent coasting steadily into orbit and catching up with the base ship. Reg suddenly thought, ‘If this Landership is huge, what size can its base, its mother ship, be? It must be multiples of this size.’
The Landership smoothly moved to connect with the gigantic mother ship, more smoothly than any human would have managed. Shortly thereafter, gravity returned in the Landership and the connecting hatches opened, revealing a short enclosed tube walkway between the two ships. The voice invited everyone to take off their straps and walk through into the base ship.
While others walked through, the wives retrieved their children and carried them through with them. Not everyone was carrying their luggage, but small machines trundled through into the Landership and began picking up the remaining luggage. The voice announced that the extra luggage would be taken through to the cabin where they would sit for the next leg of the journey, and that the people should sit on the chair train that was arriving for them.
Sure enough, a hatch opened in one walll and a connected line of basic seating appeared. “The first ten people should seat themselves and put on the safety straps. You must keep your arms and hands to your sides, as you will be moving through a narrow tunnel to the main cabin. If you wish to lose hands or arms, just stick them out and they will be ripped off; you have been warned.
As soon as the seat train returns, the next ten can go through, until you are all in the main cabin. The Landership will now disengage.”
As he/she spoke, the main hatches closed, allowing the Landership to leave on its next task. The passengers were moved in batches to the main cabin, currently configured for humans. There, they found rows of seats similar to airline seating, and quickly settled into them as before. The young mothers were told that they could hold their infants in their laps, as there would be no sudden movements.
A new ‘voice’ declared that he was Charles the Second, and was their ‘cruise ship’ between Earth and Rehome, where they would be transported down to the surface by another Landership.
When the voice asked for questions, he got the inevitable, “How long will it take for us to get to Rehome and do we have to go into hibernation for the journey?”
“No hibernation. It is quicker than many airline flights. We transfer from the vicinity of Earth to the vicinity of Rehome in not much more than an instant, using a special technology we discovered hundreds of years ago. The total time is longer because we have to move to a position where we can make the transfer safely, then at the other end we have to move from the arrival point to where we can meet the next Landership for going down to the planet’s surface.”
And also. “It is safe on Rehome? Are there animals and other things we have to beware of there?”
The ship answered, “Yes, just like you have to be careful of cats and dogs, spiders and jellyfish on Earth. Did these put you off wanting to live on your planet Earth?”
The questioner said, “If you put it that way, perhaps I should have asked, is Rehome any more dangerous than Earth?”
“And asked that way, I can tell you that as far as we know, apart from the oceans, Rehome is safer to live on than Earth. There are monster marine animals in the oceans, so we would not advise any long distance ocean swimming.”
That brought out a laugh from many of the listeners, and the low-level fear of the unknown swiftly decreased. The questions stopped and normal chatting resumed among the bemused travellers.
A while later there was a slight disturbance to their eyes, but nothing more, then Charles informed them to their surprise, “We have arrived in the vicinity of Rehome. Please wait a similar amount of time for us to move to an orbit around Rehome, and the Landership will meet us there, where it is already in orbit.”
Time appeared to move faster, now that they knew what to expect, and soon they were announced for trans-shipment to the next Landership. Everyone tended to choose the same seat positions as on the other Landership, and this time the voice was different, softer, more feminine.
“Hello, I am Genevive, but you can call me Jenny if you have any questions. I do not expect any questions on priority access to the toilets, but generally please allow the mothers of small children to be first to the facilities if they are in need. I am informed that recent mothers have a lower capacity than other adults! We have about five minutes before we leave orbit, so that we can arrive at the city easily. We will be landing on the water near the beach, then coasting up the beach for you to disembark satisfactorily. A mobile stairway is kept there so that you can get safely down to the sand. Any luggage you are unable to carry will be collected and brought to the hatch by our machines. It is up to humans to move the luggage from there to the sand. A warning: customs people will be on the watch for any living or dead creatures you might have brought with you. Any that are found will automatically be destroyed, to avoid contamination of the planet. There is no reprieve possible. If you know of any such contraband, please notify us now.”
A petulant Sidra admitted, “I have a packet of trail mix in my pocket. Does that count?”
Genevive informed her, “No, such foods are already processed and so are non-viable genetic material. Viable seeds of approved varieties of plants are not allowed until irradiated to kill off any bacteria or viruses on them. Seeds for planting as crops are purchased in bulk on Earth and fumigated before shipping to Rehome. Pets are a definite and final NO. We don’t want a planet overrun with cats, for example; they tend to kill nesting birds and small animals, according to history. Rats are even worse, but we make sure no rat ever gets here.”
Assured that none of these problems were with them, the passengers and their luggage were decanted after the Landership ran up onto the gently sloping beach and settled on the sand. Each person in turn would be identified, interrogated by a customs official and then granted interim approval of settlement, to be formalised at the administartion department later.
Reg made sure he was head of the line for interview, and immediately asked about land grants and what if any say the settler had in the location of the grant.He was informed politely, “The administration department has a section that deals with land allocations, so the staff of that section will discuss with you what, if any, land grant you are entitled to receive, and the conditions under which you get the grant. Normally each family group gets a land parcel sufficient for feeding the family with some farming input. Previous expertise helps considerably in that decision.”
Reg was quick to point out that his family was not formally united yet. “We are here to get married, as your laws allow for plural marriage. Then we will formally ask for our land grant.”
The man smirked, “Ah, so you have two women you want to wed? That is not unusual here.”
Reg frowned, saying, “No, not two; eight.”
“Eight?” the man was astonished. “You want to marry eight women? What do they have to say about that? Marriage is a cooperative enterprise, I’ll have you know, and on Rehome, it is permanent.”
“They all want to be my wives. They already have my babies, by their own choice.”
“You have eight children?”
“Yes..., no, ten. We have two teenagers; one is adopted, the other is the daughter of a more recent addition to our family group.”
“Well, this is extremely unusual, to say the least. Are there any others in your household?”
“It depends on what you mean by household. The parents of most of us are present to witness the wedding ceremony, and we have with us our live-in babysitter – or rather nanny - but she is probably due her own settler status and land. We hope she can get land next to ours, so we can assist her in building her house for when she stops being our children’s nanny and finds her own spouse. Oh, and our cook and housekeeper are twins, cousins of my first wife. They have brought their husbands with them, as one is a plumber and the other an electrician.”
“Excellent! Those we can use. Does that mean you will want them to help build your house?”
“Possibly; it depends on what work they are offered. The parents of two of my ladies are a farming couple, so they wish to settle here too. The other parents will be returning to Earth after the wedding.”
“Thank you, Mr Robertson. We still have to interview each individual to confirm what you claim. Please move up to the roadway beside the bus we have waiting to take you to your temporary accomodation.”
A disgruntled Reg moved up to the roadway and moped as he watched the others slowly be interviewed by the officials. Annoyingly, to him, the girls insisted that their parents take precedence while they attended to their children’s needs for either amusement or feeding, or simple cuddling.
To pass the time, Reg spoke to the driver of their vehicle.
“You got lumbered with this chore, did you?”
“Nope. I am one of the owners of the bus service. We have the contract for collecting new arrivals and taking them to Admin for processing. There can be several Landerships each day. This one is out of the normal sequence. Are you special or something?”
“Nothing special. We were invited by The Personalia to come to Rehome to get married.”
“They invited you to come here to get married? That is unusual; do you have special talents to make you valuable to the colony?”
“That may be it. We: me and the girls are mostly university students, but we ran our own company in England, and seemed to make a good go of it, for the university is buying us out.”
“Impressive.You making a packet from the deal?”
“Possibly. We have left it to our company lawyer to complete the deal. He is with us for the wedding, so the deal will wait until he gets back and completes the negotiations.”
“A wedding as well; congratulations. Which of these girls is your intended?” He gestured at the females on the beach.
Reg admitted, “The ones with the babies.”
The driver was not listening attentively to his words, and made a quick count. “There looks to be about eight with babies. Which are yours?”
After a pregnant pause, Reg finally came out with,”All of them.”
“All? Eight? How did you manage to convince so many girls to marry you?”
“It was not like that. They convinced me that we should be together; not the other way around.”
The man laughed shortly. “And they convinced you to give them babies too, eh?”
“Not exactly. They intended to wait until they graduated before having any babies, but one jumped the gun, and after that pre-emption, the others decided not to wait, provided we could get a nanny for the babies so the girls could continue their studies. One of the other girls with us, the single teenager without her own baby, is our nanny; the other two teenage girls standing together are my daughters; well one stepdaughter and one adopted daughter.”
“Damn! A ready-made family as well! You do appear to live an interesting life, young man. What are you, early twenties?”
“That is about it. When I started university, I had never had a girlfriend and did not know how to act in social circles. I was academically clever but an only child of a mother who did not love me and wouldn’t let me socialise. I had no social skills to speak of. You would not have liked me then. A Lothario I was not!”
The man had no idea of the name Lothario, so said nothing, and the conversation died.
Middle-aged couples started to trudge across the sand to the roadway, so Reg acted as an usher, gesturing as to where they should come. Mr and Mrs LeBrun were first to arrive, and Mr LeBrun stood to look over towards the alien city.
“Is this the city where the wedding is to take place?” he asked Reg, who shrugged.
“I presume so. I have not been told yet. I expect this ‘Administration’ department will have the details for us.”
The bus driver chipped in, “They will have it all arranged. Marrying eight women means a longer ceremony than normal, so it will have been specially booked for you, either today or tomorrow, I would guess.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
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ExhibitionismI sat in my green recliner chair, not reclined, but rocking a little. There was a news program on the television in front of me, but I wasn’t really watching it. My wife was sitting on the sofa that matched my recliner, next to the end table with the light on it, looking very focused as she did a Sudoku puzzle. As we sat in the living room after dinner, I was looking at my wife of fifteen-years, Amanda. I was marveling at how beautiful she was. A woman approaching 40-years old and she remained...
I am Adam and i am into anything related with sex i am 21 yrs and married to sarah. We just moved to a new city. I went to my new work and i met the office boy who had a big ass and seem like he put some make up on his face he stared at me then tried to help me a lot i put my hand on his ass thanking him when i was about to go he told me quietly why you are leaving my ass you didnt like it ? I told him no its so big and soft its sexy i like it but maybe someone notice so he take my hand and go...
"Don't Let Dad See Me!" by Alana All I did was shoplift a few things from a department store, and the next thing I knew, Mom was punishing me by making me dress like a girl! For how long? I don't know; she won't tell me! She couldn't get away with sending me to school in a dress, I'm pretty sure of that, but as soon as I get home from school I have to put on one the dresses she bought me, along with the appropriate lingerie and make-up. My name is Mike, but she calls me...
Anita told me that night she wanted to fulfill her fantasy about picking up a stranger at a bar for a threesome. Or it could be even me just watching her with another guy. Once there, we got some drinks and sat down at a corner table.For the second round, the waiter was taking too long; so Ana was a bit impatient and she went to the bar to get more drinks.After a while she returned with new drinks and told me she had met a guy there at the bar. She had been talking with him.Anita then brought...
Wednesday afternoon my hubby came home,looking at him with a wicked grintelling him he will never guess what happen to me to day, do I dare guess,no I will tell you.walking out side a scent hit my nose it was magnificent melt my butter scent. Do you know the scent smiling yes nautica.Nothing more was said. Thursday comes along my day was busy while he was at work.Shopping to do for our black tie event we are attending in December. I have made two trips out already hoping this day is the final...
When Rudy talked to me on the Mall, I was a little surprised. He'd actually paid attention when I told him I was thinking of quitting and had taken action on it. I had always taken Rudy pretty much the way he appeared - one of those guys who talks about how hard he works, and sort of plugs through the days not really accomplishing much. I guess I was mistaken, because he not only paid attention to me and my problem, but gave me a real alternative to quitting. When we had finished our lunch...
It was a monday afternoon, the sun was out but I was tired and frustrated after not having sex for weeks. But my car was going in for a service, and the good thing about that was, my hot mechanic Mike. Gorgeous, with a firm body, he drove me wild. Id never told him how much he told me on, just behaved like a good girl, but the fantasies I'd had, him bending me over and taking me then and there.I left and arrived at the garage, wearing a skirt, black bra visable through my tight white vest top,...
This story involves death. Torture. Canablisim. Rape. Blood. A lot of fucked up shit. Oh and the victims are 8, 9, and 11. So if that bothers you don’t ready. It probably should bother you. If it didn’t then your fucked up. Enjoy. I wake up in a room I have never seen before. What happened, where am I, I’m laying on a bed, and when in try to get up. I remember. I was at the park with my brother and sister, Ben 8, Sally 9, and I am 11. I can’t get up. I’m chained down to the bed....
Thanks to fdkman for editing this story. His help is much appreciated. * It had all gone wrong. We had been so happy. I knew when I first met her that she was for me. She was 5′ 7′ to my 5′ 10′, slim, with a nice figure (34′, 28′, 33′) with lovely, long legs and a fabulous ass that made me drool when I looked at her. With her shoulder length, auburn hair and her vivacious, friendly personality she was my dream girl. She wasn’t the prettiest girl but she was the type of girl that you looked at...
Steve enters the large room where the party is being held, his coworkers with their families, his boss, and now he and his daughter. He can already feel the eyes on his daughter. His fellow coworkers, heterosexual males in their 30s and 40s who rarely get to see young girls like Steve's daughter Rachel. It's no wonder their wives get insecure. Rachel is a very sexy girl. Standing at around 5'4'' with long, thin legs, smooth skin with a slight tan, deep brown eyes, sultry facial...
Money can buy anything! Anna After Monica I knew what I really liked, having that control and willing submission from a woman, not to humiliate or degrade but that complete and total surrender. I was walking through an exhibition for multiple business and came across a young woman working a snack booth. I looked completely out of place since I was the only man I could see wearing jeans a polo and tennis shoes. Everyone else was in business attire of some form. She did not look happy as a...
I do not own the copywrite of any of the characters featured in these stories. The rights to these character belong to their respective owners. This is simply a product of Fan Fiction, take it as such. I will also feature fake nudes/fan art, I have not made these but I do not know the original artists (unless it's said in the picture itself.) I am not trying to take credit for things I have not made. Please do not rape. Rape is a fucked up thing to do. Leave it to erotic stories. This series of...
CHAPTER 1 Sometimes it’s the little seemingly inconsequential things in life that are the most meaningful—that have the greatest impact on our lives. I should know. That’s exactly what happened to me just over eighteen months ago. It appeared to have no meaning at the time, but it turned my life upside down. My inconsiderate lout of a husband had left early that Saturday morning to play pool with his friends at a buddy’s house, taking all our coffee with him—a full can as well as almost...
So I answered the ad in the “Body Rubs” section of an online trade forum. The price was about twice the going rate for a therapeutic massage, so it sounded like it might be quite more enjoyable as well. When I arrived at the appointed time at the nondescript suburban home I went to the side door and rang the bell as requested. The lady who answered was good looking and about my age, which surprised me (I had imagined her to be younger for some reason). She was dressed in a casual short sleeve...
THE TWO BELLBOYSThe night we picked up Larry in DC at the playground and partied with him in our hotel room, something else happened to my wife and I that was so unbelievably delicious, it surily deserves a story entry of its own. It was after all, an entirely seperate experience. It wasn't planned. Maybe we shouldn't have...and a million other things, but the fact is we partied with a couple hotel bellboys after Larry left. There's no denying it and there's no denying how absolutely marvelous...
I'm not normally a breast man although I appreciate the beauty of them and yours are certainly stunning. It was the combination of the raw sexuality of your writing added to the beaty of your breast that made me want to write to you to tell you of what I did because of you that I have never done before. It's not that your writings and pics aren't enough to make a dead man's cock rise but I wanted to enhance the experience. I am very conservative in my use of occasional recreational d**gs but I...
I was practically delirious as I followed Kelsey and Amanda into our house. What had happened in Stacey's car had completely blown my mind, and now I'd just found out that that wasn't even what my sister and my girlfriend had originally planned for me. Just thinking of what other things they might have in store for me made me grin stupidly in anticipation. Mom looked up from behind the kitchen counter when we came inside, and I had to suppress a grimace of disappointment. I was happy to...
Public Health Care By Jacquie Windsor Chet, Lardo and I drove downtown to party with a group of chicks that we'd lusted after for months. Boffo idea except for one thing... What began as a night planned for the deflowering of pretty young things turned into my living heck. "Ooo-oo," I grunted, holding my stomach. "I think I must have rabies or something. My intestines feel like they're imploding." "You do look ill," agreed Lardo. "Hey-maybe we oughtta stop here at this clinic...
Calling the next few months hectic for the Flynn clan would be a major understatement. Even Wizardly powers couldn't compensate for too much to do in too little time or too many people living in too small a space. Arrangements to send David's body home was the first order of business. Udit felt that it was his place to handle this particular detail. The old Shaman was very capable in many areas. Some of the family described him as the most skilled of the non-wizards of the group. However,...
Hello, doston…. Mein ek 25 saal ka ladkaa hun jo apni naukri ke silsile mein kuch mahino se punjab mein thaa. Meine whaan kiraaye par ek flat le rakha thaa.kaam mein busy hone ke kaaran mujhe ghar ke kaam ke liye ek naukrani rakhni paddi, jiska naam reema thaa.reema kuch 35 saal ki hogi par ek dam gori-chitti or achhe jism walli thi.reema, shaam ko kariban 6 bje aati thi or khana or baaki ka kaam kar ke kariban 9 bje wapis chali jati thi.kaam se thake hone ki wjah se shuru mein, meraa uski traf...
I could feel the lumpy stucco through the tape as I pressed it smooth against the wall. The last time we talked it didn’t go well. I stumbled all over my feelings for her and nothing was fixed. Tearing another piece of tape, I stared at her picture. “You are going to be my motivation,” I said to it, as though I would actually see her again. I knew I wouldn’t, but even then, after all that had happened, I couldn’t let go. . . I dropped my right shoulder, and the backpack dangling from it slid...
My wife, Darcy and I are very fortunate. I studied hard in college in technology and I landed a job right out of school that has made me very rich. I’m 28, Darcy 26. I played basketball in high school and college, 6’4” and lean. Darcy is 5.5” and about 115 lbs. We live in an estate that has a large house, tennis courts and swimming pol the landscaping prevents any outside viewers so Darcy spend much of the day laying naked by the pool when she isn’t at the country club. I’m sure our housekeeper...
Jin logon say meri story kaa first part nahi para un ko main apna introduction karwa doon mera naam imran hai age 27 lun kaa size 8” yeh story meri choti sister sara ki class fellow nadia ki aur meri hia agar aap first part parhain gay tu aap ko iss story ki sahi samjh bhi aye gi aur maza bhi aye gaa tu main apni story kaa second part start karta hoon. Next day nashtay ki table par main nay mehsoos kia keh nadia mugh ko kuch ajeeb ajeeb si nazron say ghour rahi hai main tu buhut dar gaya keh...
Mackenzie Moss is napping when there’s a quiet knock on her window. As she stirs, she’s excited but confused to see her girlfriend, Veronica Valentine, waiting for her with a backpack. After Mackenzie lets Veronica inside, she learns that Veronica wants them to elope! They’ve talked about it in the past, to get away from their families, but Mackenzie never really thought Veronica was SERIOUS about it. However, Veronica’s very serious about it and wants them to run away...
xmoviesforyouHi everyone, myself romantic guy from Hyderabad and this sex story is about an aunt let her name be Rajani. She has swaying huge ass and awesome pair of boobs which make her look more sexy. I never used to miss a chance to have a look at her assets whenever possible. She used to observe my looks but I never dared to make conversation due to my shyness and inferiority complex feeling. Her husband works in an MNC and she had kids who stay at their grandparents home. On the eve of new year, the...
my girlfriend and i were driving down the road(i was driving) we had been together for awhile i had gone down on her, but she never really gave me head. well on this night we turned off on the usual road home and it was about 10 miles away from the next town it was dark outside. she leaned over and started kissing my neck. i told her this isnt fair im driving and your teasing me. she replied(i loved this part) ‘let me make it up to you’ she unzipped my pant pulled out my thich hard cock and...
When you come across an incredibly curvy sex bomb like Sophia Leone, you know it is an opportunity that cannot be squandered. Today, our stud makes sure Sophia Leone gets all the dick she craves after she throws on a sultry, one-piece swimsuit that shows off her oiled up, bodacious booty. He pulls out his thick salami and shoves it into her mouth, fucking her face intensely before bending her over and examining her sopping wet cooch. She spreads her legs and lets our stud enter from behind. He...
xmoviesforyouMaster In Training by Murry Davis Chapter Four The other guys are standing around the table watching us. They stroke their hardening cocks with one hand as they hold their beer cans with the other. ‘Way to go!’ ‘Fuck that ass!’ ‘Hey, that’s my underwear,’ Bob exclaims. Pulling away from her spread legs, I say, ‘I guess you guys are ready for some more.’ ‘Hell yes.’ ‘Let’s get it on.’ ‘What are we going to do with her?’ ‘I got a idea. We got any ice in the freezer?’
I woke up the next morning feeling very confused. Initially, I was jubilant, hazily recollecting Katie’s handjob abilities, but when I hazarded a look in her direction, she wasn’t there. Curious. It wasn’t entirely unusual, though; Katie was an early riser. I stretched my back and pulled away the sheet, only to realize that I was once again wearing boxers. Huh. Curious and curiouser. I hadn’t remembered putting them back on after Katie caressed me down but I supposed that people did strange...
Max “Gone? Where will you go?” I ask, as I stand in the doorway to Ella’s kitchen. She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know yet. Wherever life takes me, I guess.” I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing her. I couldn’t stand the thought of being left alone. I have to convince her to stay. A desperate surge comes over me and I walk up to her as she takes a sip of her water. She stares at me warily as I approach her but doesn’t back away. She likes a challenge. I can see...
In My Cage By Joanna Maguire I did as I was ordered to by my Mistress. Completely naked I went down the hallway and locked myself into the small metal cage consisting of parallel bars space about 6 cm apart. It was situated just outside the front door. The cage was on the ground but a chain ran from the top of the cage and was attached to a tree near the front door of the house. The cage was so small all I could do was sit on my bottom with my legs folded. The cage was...
Ian had taken me to a few swingers clubs and to be honest I didn't like most of them, dirty seedy joints with smelly old men. We had gone with some friends to one in Wolverhampton UK, it was split over 2 floors and was ok. We had shared the sauna and pool, looked around the playrooms and watched a couple of couples playing, and I was happy with just my towel wrapped round my waist, my breasts on show till we walked downstairs and I saw someone I knew from work. I freaked and told Ian we had to...
Hi All,I’m Rocky, male 27 Mumbai and Moderator of Kamasutra Groups. Today I am narrating the very truly incident about a social worker from a hi-fi family in mumbai who’s husband use to travel a lot due to bussiness. This is not any kind of great work or contribution story, infact it is a great sex story. This incident happened when I approached her for a helping-hand in my job hunting few years ago. Reema owns a duplex and lives with her in-laws. Reema might have been 36 years old. She has a...
This is a true story as told to me by another friend of mine. Please enjoy. The Kerns have lived next door to me forever, that is for as long as I could remember. They were older than my parents but younger than my grand parents. I had never had any sexual thoughts about Jenna Kerns. She was a nice lady, blondish hair with a touch of gray. big blue eyes, okay tits-I did like the freckles on her cleavage. I would watch their dog and pool when they went out of town together. They would always...