Reginald's DisasterChapter 18 free porn video

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“The dear man doesn’t want to be seen paying the food bills, as it embarrasses him. I think he imagines that as the Queen doesn’t carry money or credit card for purchases, neither should he, as a Queen’s Counsel!”

This got her a laugh, and Hubert Dangerfield made no comment at all when he heard of it. He didn’t view it as funny.

On the day appointed, their busload arrived at the air base and were astonishingly waved through as soon as Reginald Robertson produced his I.D. The Personalia had vouched for this busload, and The Personalia’s word was accepted as unquestionable.

The bus driver followed his instructions, taking his civilian passengers to the terminal for processing. This was remarkably easy, as it was primarily confirmation of identity and allocation of seating on the charter aircraft that was to carry them to Ascension Island. This flight was unusual as a one-off, in that all the passengers were one party. As soon as the passengers with their luggage were all aboard, the aircraft took off once the base gave it an available take-off slot. The charter flight had to fit in beside military take-offs and landings.

The long flight of over eight hours soon found most of the party asleep in their seats. The infants were quickly lulled into somnolence by the aircraft’s steady engine thrumming. That respite allowed their mothers to take the opportunity to follow suit. Elizabeth and Sidra, Reg’s mid-teen daughters, found plenty to talk about in their adjoining seats, mostly speculation about life in the human colony on an alien planet, but eventually they too drifted off to slumberland.

The pilot’s announcement woke those who were still sleeping many hours later as he approached the island. He told them which side they could look out from if they wanted to view the island from a great height. It began as a small dot on the vast Atlantic ocean below, but soon expanded into a volcanic peak surrounded by ash plains near sea level.

The pilot explained that higher up was tinged green by introduced trees such as Norfolk pine planted in the days of wooden ships, in anticipation of a need for future masts. Bamboo stands crowned the top of the dead volcano, and at a lower level were Mexican thorn mesquite bushes planted by BBC engineers in 1966 which had since spread around the lower volcanic ash fields and were now seen as invasive and in need of cutting back or eradication.

He stopped talking as they got closer to Wideawake Airfield. Its massive runway, currently one of the longest in the world, had once been extended from a standard length to accommodate space shuttles in an emergency landing. There was no sign of any alien spacecraft near the runway, which surprised many of the passengers. Asking an air hostess about this, they were advised to look at the water instead.

Sure enough, there was a massive machine, the size of a ship, sitting beside the tiny pier. Someone said, “A ship, rather than a spaceship?”

The hostess said patiently, having explained this many times before, “You know how the American spacecraft land on the water when they come down? This craft uses the water in both directions: landing and take-off.”

Not surprisingly, she got, “Oh, I see,” despite the enquirer not seeing at all how this could work.

Their landing on the extensive runway was very straightforward, due to the quiet weather that normally persisted, and the small amount of traffic currently using the base.

It had been different in 1982, when Wideawake Airfield became the busiest airfield in the world for a time, during the short-lived Falklands War. Long-distance bombing runs took place from here, with a single Vulcan bomber flying over 12,000 kilometres non-stop to the Falklands and back, refuelled seven times on the way south by a succession of eleven Victor tankers, converted from bombers, performing an aerial dance over the South Atlantic; a typical stage was two tankers being topped up by another that then returned to take on a new load for refuelling the other tankers on the way back. The farthest refuelling of the Vulcan was a few hundred miles from the Falklands, and then another Victor refuelled it again a few hundred miles north on the way back home. The whole process needed many tanker movements over the entire 16-hour bomber flight, mostly on the way south. The bomber, once it had dropped its 21,000-pound load, was lighter and needed fewer refuellings on the way home, but the first one back was vital. When Black Buck Six’s Vulcan was on its way home, its refuelling probe broke during an attempted refuelling, leaving it to either ditch in the Atlantic with no hope of rescue or divert to Brazil. They chose Brazil after dumping all sensitive material overboard.

Brazilian air control at first refused landing permission as being from a combatant country, but the pilot notified the operators that they were almost out of fuel, so either they landed, or they would crash into the airport; your choice! They were told to land, but they would be impounded for the duration of the conflict. They landed with ten minutes of fuel left in the tanks.

The pilot seemed impressed at this exploit he was retelling for the umpteenth time.

Their own jet aircraft landed smoothly on the hot tarmac, and taxied to the passenger terminal – what there was of it. There was no need of a large terminal building these days.

They disembarked and were collected by local vehicles, for movement to the floating Landership at the pier. When they got close they found the wedge-shaped craft was much larger than the aircraft that had brought them to Ascension, but had no windows to look out of, and just an entry hatch high up in the side. An airfield-style mobile stairway was used to get up to the hatch, and then they stepped inside.

A disembodied voice welcomed them aboard, and asked them to proceed to the passenger cabin and select their seats. These proved to be almost identical to normal aircraft seats, complete with standard seat belts. For the babies, there were seats with car-type backward-facing baby chairs already installed, so the child just needed to be strapped in. It looked like this spaceship had been prepared for the specific needs of this party of passengers.

Elizabeth whispered to Sidra, “Where is the pilot? Why didn’t he show himself when we got on board? Is he too alien?”

Sidra had been making enquiries about the Personalia, and answered, “The pilot IS the spaceship, Elizabeth. Think of it as a computer in charge of the spaceship, except it is more like a human being than a computer. The Personalia are aliens all right, but alien spaceships!”

The voice returned, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Folks, may I introduce myself. My choice of name is Henry the eighth : that is the eighth Landership named Henry; nothing to do with English royalty. As Elizabeth Robertson has just discovered, I AM your Landership. The Personalia are a race of electronic personalities built into spaceships, so we normally live in the space between planets. Landerships have the capability to land and take-off again, but the Base ships - you can think of them as mother ships – live in space permanently.

If you have any immediate and necessary questions, please ask them one at a time, and I will answer them, but if you want detailed answers, please wait until you are on Rehome, which will not be long. You can phone the number of The Personalia at any time in the future, and we will be happy to answer your enquiries.”

No-one ventured a question, afraid to appear ignorant, so the voice went on, “There are toilet facilities in the corner of the cabin, where the door is marked with male and female figures, but if you can wait, more commodious facilities are available once we are in orbit and transfer to the base ship. We leave as soon as you are all belted in and declare yourselves comfortable, and the infants similarly prepared.”

Two minutes later, the slight movement at the pier from the passing of small waves ceased ocurring, and the ship steadied, solid as if on land. A moment later, there was a movement as the spaceship maneouvred away from the pier then headed out to sea, still completely rock-steady. The voice explained, “We are moving on our anti-gravity motors, half a metre above the sea, until we reach our take-off lane. We start with water pulsing, then it will become noiser when I engage our rocket motors.”

There was an immediate pulse of thrust as the ship sucked up seawater and shot it ot rearwards at a high pressure, adding impetus to the craft. This only lasted a short time before it switched to rockets, and the muted roar told them they were moving much faster. The craft tilted upwards as the rockets pushed it forward at speed, and the shuttle-type shape turned it into a flying body heading at a shallow angle towards the sky and space.

The rockets continued for some time as the craft continued towards orbit, then cut off the moment Henry the Eighth judged it had achieved the required velocity for orbit.

“Please do not release your seat belts as you might fly off your seat, with no gravity holding you down. This is for your own safety. We will be meeting our base ship shortly, and when gravity is engaged you will transfer to the base ship on your own feet.”

Frances, seated next to Reginald, remarked, “The voice sounds so very human, darling. It doesn’t sound so alien, as you might expect of a new arrival at our planet.”

Before Reg could say anything, the voice declared, “Mrs Frances Robertson, The Peronalia have been in this star system for three centuries or more, although it is only a few years since we first spoke with humans. We have learned several human languages, and those of several non-human species as well, one of which is currently sharing the planet Rehome at the invitation of the Governor.”

Frances gasped, “That is almost too much information. I think I will leave my other remarks for later.”

Reg grinned. “Good thinking, my love.”

Another few minutes was spent coasting steadily into orbit and catching up with the base ship. Reg suddenly thought, ‘If this Landership is huge, what size can its base, its mother ship, be? It must be multiples of this size.’

The Landership smoothly moved to connect with the gigantic mother ship, more smoothly than any human would have managed. Shortly thereafter, gravity returned in the Landership and the connecting hatches opened, revealing a short enclosed tube walkway between the two ships. The voice invited everyone to take off their straps and walk through into the base ship.

While others walked through, the wives retrieved their children and carried them through with them. Not everyone was carrying their luggage, but small machines trundled through into the Landership and began picking up the remaining luggage. The voice announced that the extra luggage would be taken through to the cabin where they would sit for the next leg of the journey, and that the people should sit on the chair train that was arriving for them.

Sure enough, a hatch opened in one walll and a connected line of basic seating appeared. “The first ten people should seat themselves and put on the safety straps. You must keep your arms and hands to your sides, as you will be moving through a narrow tunnel to the main cabin. If you wish to lose hands or arms, just stick them out and they will be ripped off; you have been warned.

As soon as the seat train returns, the next ten can go through, until you are all in the main cabin. The Landership will now disengage.”

As he/she spoke, the main hatches closed, allowing the Landership to leave on its next task. The passengers were moved in batches to the main cabin, currently configured for humans. There, they found rows of seats similar to airline seating, and quickly settled into them as before. The young mothers were told that they could hold their infants in their laps, as there would be no sudden movements.

A new ‘voice’ declared that he was Charles the Second, and was their ‘cruise ship’ between Earth and Rehome, where they would be transported down to the surface by another Landership.

When the voice asked for questions, he got the inevitable, “How long will it take for us to get to Rehome and do we have to go into hibernation for the journey?”

“No hibernation. It is quicker than many airline flights. We transfer from the vicinity of Earth to the vicinity of Rehome in not much more than an instant, using a special technology we discovered hundreds of years ago. The total time is longer because we have to move to a position where we can make the transfer safely, then at the other end we have to move from the arrival point to where we can meet the next Landership for going down to the planet’s surface.”

And also. “It is safe on Rehome? Are there animals and other things we have to beware of there?”

The ship answered, “Yes, just like you have to be careful of cats and dogs, spiders and jellyfish on Earth. Did these put you off wanting to live on your planet Earth?”

The questioner said, “If you put it that way, perhaps I should have asked, is Rehome any more dangerous than Earth?”

“And asked that way, I can tell you that as far as we know, apart from the oceans, Rehome is safer to live on than Earth. There are monster marine animals in the oceans, so we would not advise any long distance ocean swimming.”

That brought out a laugh from many of the listeners, and the low-level fear of the unknown swiftly decreased. The questions stopped and normal chatting resumed among the bemused travellers.

A while later there was a slight disturbance to their eyes, but nothing more, then Charles informed them to their surprise, “We have arrived in the vicinity of Rehome. Please wait a similar amount of time for us to move to an orbit around Rehome, and the Landership will meet us there, where it is already in orbit.”

Time appeared to move faster, now that they knew what to expect, and soon they were announced for trans-shipment to the next Landership. Everyone tended to choose the same seat positions as on the other Landership, and this time the voice was different, softer, more feminine.

“Hello, I am Genevive, but you can call me Jenny if you have any questions. I do not expect any questions on priority access to the toilets, but generally please allow the mothers of small children to be first to the facilities if they are in need. I am informed that recent mothers have a lower capacity than other adults! We have about five minutes before we leave orbit, so that we can arrive at the city easily. We will be landing on the water near the beach, then coasting up the beach for you to disembark satisfactorily. A mobile stairway is kept there so that you can get safely down to the sand. Any luggage you are unable to carry will be collected and brought to the hatch by our machines. It is up to humans to move the luggage from there to the sand. A warning: customs people will be on the watch for any living or dead creatures you might have brought with you. Any that are found will automatically be destroyed, to avoid contamination of the planet. There is no reprieve possible. If you know of any such contraband, please notify us now.”

A petulant Sidra admitted, “I have a packet of trail mix in my pocket. Does that count?”

Genevive informed her, “No, such foods are already processed and so are non-viable genetic material. Viable seeds of approved varieties of plants are not allowed until irradiated to kill off any bacteria or viruses on them. Seeds for planting as crops are purchased in bulk on Earth and fumigated before shipping to Rehome. Pets are a definite and final NO. We don’t want a planet overrun with cats, for example; they tend to kill nesting birds and small animals, according to history. Rats are even worse, but we make sure no rat ever gets here.”

Assured that none of these problems were with them, the passengers and their luggage were decanted after the Landership ran up onto the gently sloping beach and settled on the sand. Each person in turn would be identified, interrogated by a customs official and then granted interim approval of settlement, to be formalised at the administartion department later.

Reg made sure he was head of the line for interview, and immediately asked about land grants and what if any say the settler had in the location of the grant.He was informed politely, “The administration department has a section that deals with land allocations, so the staff of that section will discuss with you what, if any, land grant you are entitled to receive, and the conditions under which you get the grant. Normally each family group gets a land parcel sufficient for feeding the family with some farming input. Previous expertise helps considerably in that decision.”

Reg was quick to point out that his family was not formally united yet. “We are here to get married, as your laws allow for plural marriage. Then we will formally ask for our land grant.”

The man smirked, “Ah, so you have two women you want to wed? That is not unusual here.”

Reg frowned, saying, “No, not two; eight.”

“Eight?” the man was astonished. “You want to marry eight women? What do they have to say about that? Marriage is a cooperative enterprise, I’ll have you know, and on Rehome, it is permanent.”

“They all want to be my wives. They already have my babies, by their own choice.”

“You have eight children?”

“Yes..., no, ten. We have two teenagers; one is adopted, the other is the daughter of a more recent addition to our family group.”

“Well, this is extremely unusual, to say the least. Are there any others in your household?”

“It depends on what you mean by household. The parents of most of us are present to witness the wedding ceremony, and we have with us our live-in babysitter – or rather nanny - but she is probably due her own settler status and land. We hope she can get land next to ours, so we can assist her in building her house for when she stops being our children’s nanny and finds her own spouse. Oh, and our cook and housekeeper are twins, cousins of my first wife. They have brought their husbands with them, as one is a plumber and the other an electrician.”

“Excellent! Those we can use. Does that mean you will want them to help build your house?”

“Possibly; it depends on what work they are offered. The parents of two of my ladies are a farming couple, so they wish to settle here too. The other parents will be returning to Earth after the wedding.”

“Thank you, Mr Robertson. We still have to interview each individual to confirm what you claim. Please move up to the roadway beside the bus we have waiting to take you to your temporary accomodation.”

A disgruntled Reg moved up to the roadway and moped as he watched the others slowly be interviewed by the officials. Annoyingly, to him, the girls insisted that their parents take precedence while they attended to their children’s needs for either amusement or feeding, or simple cuddling.

To pass the time, Reg spoke to the driver of their vehicle.

“You got lumbered with this chore, did you?”

“Nope. I am one of the owners of the bus service. We have the contract for collecting new arrivals and taking them to Admin for processing. There can be several Landerships each day. This one is out of the normal sequence. Are you special or something?”

“Nothing special. We were invited by The Personalia to come to Rehome to get married.”

“They invited you to come here to get married? That is unusual; do you have special talents to make you valuable to the colony?”

“That may be it. We: me and the girls are mostly university students, but we ran our own company in England, and seemed to make a good go of it, for the university is buying us out.”

“Impressive.You making a packet from the deal?”

“Possibly. We have left it to our company lawyer to complete the deal. He is with us for the wedding, so the deal will wait until he gets back and completes the negotiations.”

“A wedding as well; congratulations. Which of these girls is your intended?” He gestured at the females on the beach.

Reg admitted, “The ones with the babies.”

The driver was not listening attentively to his words, and made a quick count. “There looks to be about eight with babies. Which are yours?”

After a pregnant pause, Reg finally came out with,”All of them.”

“All? Eight? How did you manage to convince so many girls to marry you?”

“It was not like that. They convinced me that we should be together; not the other way around.”

The man laughed shortly. “And they convinced you to give them babies too, eh?”

“Not exactly. They intended to wait until they graduated before having any babies, but one jumped the gun, and after that pre-emption, the others decided not to wait, provided we could get a nanny for the babies so the girls could continue their studies. One of the other girls with us, the single teenager without her own baby, is our nanny; the other two teenage girls standing together are my daughters; well one stepdaughter and one adopted daughter.”

“Damn! A ready-made family as well! You do appear to live an interesting life, young man. What are you, early twenties?”

“That is about it. When I started university, I had never had a girlfriend and did not know how to act in social circles. I was academically clever but an only child of a mother who did not love me and wouldn’t let me socialise. I had no social skills to speak of. You would not have liked me then. A Lothario I was not!”

The man had no idea of the name Lothario, so said nothing, and the conversation died.

Middle-aged couples started to trudge across the sand to the roadway, so Reg acted as an usher, gesturing as to where they should come. Mr and Mrs LeBrun were first to arrive, and Mr LeBrun stood to look over towards the alien city.

“Is this the city where the wedding is to take place?” he asked Reg, who shrugged.

“I presume so. I have not been told yet. I expect this ‘Administration’ department will have the details for us.”

The bus driver chipped in, “They will have it all arranged. Marrying eight women means a longer ceremony than normal, so it will have been specially booked for you, either today or tomorrow, I would guess.”

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The Bass Player

The concert was everything Leah was expecting, the usual good time with her best friend Veronica, some tasty drinks, music she liked, and hot band guys. The band played their usual crowd pleasers, and as usual Leah had pulled Vee to the front of the stage, placing them right in front of the bass player, Chris. He was 5'7 or so with dark, dirty blond hair. His eyes were a light brown and he had a strong, thin face with a chiseled jaw line and pink, pouty lips. Leah, like so many others, believed...

Straight Sex
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

1 year ago
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The Surgeons Lodger Part 9

The sound of a car horn woke the couple. Michelle stretched. "Owww my face hurts." She slowly got out of bed and went over to the full length mirror. Her nose was swollen and her eyes were puffy. She had a purple swelling around her left eye. "Oh no, my face what has he done!" The tears started to flow. "Come on now Michelle, it will be fine in a day or two." She doubled over sobbing. Same knew it was delayed shock from nearly being killed by her stepfather. He bent down...

3 years ago
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Play Things III

Michael eventually came home about 11:30, I was asleep as far as he knew and let that illusion hold. He went to bed and was softly snooring in a few minutes, I had let Mary have control of herself for a while and her mind was spinning. I can tell when it's just me enjoying what I do, and I can tell when my host is enjoying it, and Mary was enjoying it to the fullest. I don't know if she ever had these thoughts before, I didn't see any in the memories I looked through, but she was in to it...

2 years ago
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Two Cooperative Women

Trevor was not in the best of mood as he drove out from his unit. He had just received a phone call telling him that a dozen overseas directors of the company he worked for were coming to Melbourne over the weekend. Meaning that they would be seeking entertainment and the type of entertainment that these blokes wanted, was not the sore you invited your grandmother to. 'Why?' He asked himself. 'Did they decide to visit the city in the middle of the holidays? Don't they realise that some...

2 years ago
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Home Away From HomeChapter 6

Both of us were so tired that we went to sleep almost immediately. Fortunately, I had remembered to put down a towel for Mary to lie on so that the bed would not get soaking wet. I woke up sometime during the night with Mary playing with my cock. "Husband, I now want to call you that. I was deathly afraid of you and fucking right up until we started. Now, I am full of joy and pride that you and I are together. "I enjoyed it so much that I wonder if you are recovered enough to do it for me...

3 years ago
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Mr B Chapter Two Small Talk

Sounds of youthful activity surrounded Frank Bradley. His black dress shoes were anchored a foot away from a flat reddish-brown tarmac race track. Tufts of rough grass spread out about the ground, dried dirt, scuffing at his heels. He took in a fresh breath of late summer air as he quietly surveyed the area.The track speeding across in front of him cut into the rough patches of dried dirt he was standing upon. Reddish-brown tarmac, divided into four evenly spaced lanes cut horizontally through,...

1 year ago
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The trouble with writing a story

As the laptop sits on your lap, the warmth and small vibrations from it pleasant but not fulfilling, the thoughts of a story to write pondering in your mind, before they begin to rage and develop to more concrete ideas, your legs twitch and without a change the warmth of your laptop is more fulfilling, maybe because it add to the heat you can feel bubbling up between your legs now...   The thoughts getting stronger in her mind, she starts to write her story, excited and eager to...

2 years ago
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Scenes from a Marriage

Infidelity causes trouble. Monday nightIn their rooms at the other end of the hall the c***dren were both asleep. Matt and Lynn sat side by side in bed, propped up against their pillows. He was reading a book on the Civil War, she was editing a marketing report.With a tiny sigh, Matt closed his book and rolled sideways to gaze at his wife. He had always loved the way the tip of her tongue protruded just a bit from between her lips when she was concentrating. Pen poised above the paper, she...

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The Best Thousand Dollars I Ever SpentChapter 7

On the fifteenth of the month Brad Tarkenton, CEO of Amalgamated Industries, left town on his corporate jet to go to the Bahamas and do an on-site survey of operations there, or what was called an oversight visit. The flight plan his pilot filed indicated a stop in Cleveland Ohio for refueling. A few empoyees noticed and a couple grumbled about the boss having perks. Others looked at them with frowns. What the boss did was his business. They liked their jobs and didn’t think much of people...

2 years ago
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A mounted Pearl

ForewordBDSMLibrary does not have a tag for it, so I am going to spell it out here: this story has elements of horror and ?vore?, but no snuff.I have to make apologies to JC Leathers for using a snippet from his ?Tamara's Extreme Bondage? ( in a less than flattering way: it is a really hot story if you are into encasement!Anybody who writes at the intersection of science fiction and sex ends up being in debt to the great PJ Farmer. His...

2 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 31

I got a ride home with my mother after I got done talking with my Aunt Agnes. I was real excited about having a place where I could bring Karen, Denise and Clara for an afternoon of privacy. I wasn't sure whether I should thank my mom or not. Agnes had said that it was my mom that had come up with the idea for allowing me to use her apartment on Sunday afternoons. I was also very curious what Agnes had meant about her 'special friend'. I didn't know that Agnes had a boyfriend. I hadn't...

1 year ago
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Enjoyment With A Ladyboy On Train Travel To Mumbai

Trainsgender: Hi all! This is my first story in here and it is about my first sexperiance with a transgender on a rain on a long journey. So first of all, I am a 22 year old guy with surging hormones basically a bisexual. I have a decent 6” cock slim body and a slightly rounded ass. This happened when I was travelling from Coimbatore to Pune on train in 2 tier AC coach in December. So as I have been a Bisexual from a long time I used to keep my asshole and dick completely hair free for visual...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Conceit

The light was weakening. The rosey fingered twilight a sema. She turned to the chair in her bedroom, glanced outside, lifted the chair, and threw it out of the window. The shards cascaded on the cobbles below. Passersby looked up, swift footed, in shock, as adversity manifest. She had ran, and dived, thinking of a dolphin. She flew. Not for long. Her general misfortune combined with the earth, the early morning, nourishing mountain mist, in serene satisfaction. She ought to have looked...

3 years ago
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The EscortChapter 6 The Sports Star

John wasn't home by the time I went to bed and I fell asleep without hearing him come in. He wasn't there the next morning when I got up so I don't even know if he came home. At nine the phone rang and it was Jim. "How did yesterday go?" "Fine, no problems." ""Did she really do it? Stay and watch I mean?" "Yes she did; she even directed it like it was a movie. She told me what to do first, what to do next and so on." "Weird." "Maybe on one level, but on the level that...

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Introduction: second part the wife has now found a young man to fuck her husband is too busy to have sex THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB 2 PART 2 As tom and I drove home we didnt say too much to each other it was strange as if we both felt guilty about what we had just done, As we arrived home Tom said do you want to talk about it No not yet lets go to bed I needed Toms cock in me I could still feel James cum and I wanted to imagine Tom was James as he fucked me, After sex I asked him how it had gone...

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Aruni Part One and Two

Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didn’t like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It fell passed her shoulders curling every which way. Her father said that her hair made her lucky, and that he had learned that from a book. That made Aruni feel very proud. Aruni did not like wearing dresses and skirts. Being different made her feel very special. Aruni was just discovering a new emotion in her chest. She felt queasy...

1 year ago
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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 5

Janie was gone in the morning and I got up and performed my morning ablutions. This was the first time that I’d slept past dawn in a long time. Surprisingly, Mom didn’t start questioning me as soon as I entered the kitchen. I was halfway through breakfast and getting ready to stuff a forkful of eggs into my mouth when she said, “A girl called for you this morning.” I finished the bite, took a drink of orange juice, and replied, “You’ll need to be much more specific than that. It could be...

4 years ago
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My early 1990s adult video supplierrsquos wife T

See the video: in the early 1990s I moved to London and lived in bedsit near Stratford, East London. I did find the city a bit daunting at first but enjoyed going down to soho. I saw some ‘live’ shows and bought my first porn tape there. This was pre internet so all porn was still mostly on VHS tapes. I found soho to be quite expensive and to be honest a bit of a rip off as most videos were highly censored. Reading the...

2 years ago
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The Gardener II

In the weeks that followed that hot summer’s day, Harry would continue to fuck Angela now and again but only when I was there and always in front of me. It became a bit of a ritual that Angela would be sucking my cock as Harry filled her pussy with his prick in the doggy position and when she was near to coming, he would insert a finger or two into her arsehole. I would come in her mouth and she would show me my sperm on her tongue before swallowing it and Harry would fill her cunt with his...

3 years ago
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My First Submissive Girlfriend Chap 3 Part 2

The next day was Saturday, so after cross country practice I drove to the mall to pick up my special order at the jewelry store. I had already ordered a collar for Kitten that had a latch to place a leash and had a pendant on it that had been engraved. It read, ‘Property of Mark Friend.’ I wanted Kitten’s parents to see it tonight when I go to ask their permission to collar their daughter.I arrived at Kitten’s house and saw her car was not there. I was glad she was going to be gone just in case...

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Linda finally gave in

One of my friends works actively for the Red Cross and she made me go there with her. It was my first time on which I have no regrets. Honestly, when I met Linda, the first thing I saw was her big ass and I had decided then and there that one day I would fuck her ass. Her boobs were not too big or should say, not big at all. She was eighteen, at that time and still not completely developed. Late bloomer maybe. She was an inch taller than me and one-hundred-and-twenty-pounds. Puffy...

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Vanessa and Kens Second Date

It had been a couple of weeks since Ellie and had our little trysts with Derek and Ken, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.  As much as I loved being with Ellie, there was something magical about that night with Ken.  We had talked about it, and I downplayed how wonderful it was to make love to Ken.  She told me that she enjoyed her night with Derek too, but she didn't really seem to make a big deal about it.  I wondered if she was downplaying it too, but part of me didn't even care.  Maybe...

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wicked night with wendy part 1

she also wore the shortest skirts or dresses imaginable and always accompanied by three inch long stilletto heeled shoes. and the only problem was i'm a boot man (i love seeing a woman wearing black leather knee high "fuck me" boots) and although i loved looking at her legs whenever in her company i always wanted to see her wearing boots. which brings me to this paticular day in 2004, i had not long come back from work and was watching tv with my cousin who lived with me at my mums house...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Kaede Kyomoto Japanese Adult Star Kaede Kyomoto shows off her G cup tits

Kaede Kyomoto has the exact kind of assets that we are looking for in this new series we are producing. The series is called, G Cups. Which of course means that we are only looking for women that have G cup breasts. We do a little interview to get to know her some. We are asking her about her past sexual encounters. We want to know how old she was when she gave her cherry away. She tells us all about the first time her first time lover came over to her house and slipped his cock into her cute...

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Camping pt 2

The next morning I get up to walk to the shower house to use the bathroom and to get cleaned up. I hear some moaning coming from a stall. So, of course I have topeak thru the crack to see what's going on. I see my mom sucking on some guy. I think it's the older guy from the campsite next to us.I continue watching, feeling my tits as my nipples grow hard and I rub my pussy. OOh mom you are doing such a good job, I think to myself. I reach down my pants to feel how moist I'm getting. I...

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Lydias DreamChapter 8

Early Sunday morning, I awoke to an empty bed. Normally, I'm the first up but not that day for some reason. After putting on the robe, I walked to the kitchen and found Pam sitting on one of the counter stools, sipping coffee and reading a book. She looked up as I walked in. "Good morning, sweetheart." "Good morning, young lady. I see you learned how to use the coffeemaker." "It took a while but I figured it out. I've never used a Jura coffeemaker but it's similar to the commercial...

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The Session

The Session By holly I had decided to give myself a treat. After considering for sometime the consequences, I made the call. The voice on the other end was a pleasant sexy yet businesslike woman. We spoke briefly and I made an appointment to see her the following day. As I arrived at the Victorian style home, I worried a little that this might be more expensive than I was prepared to deal with. I had never experienced a 'professional' and if the house was any indication,...

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BiGirlsChapter 5

Well, Jane came back from her long weekend with Desmond, and remained distant for a few days, thoughtful and a little wistful. Was she thinking about the lost love of her life? Her lost Desmond? She'd look at me when she thought I wasn't looking at her, deeply sad about something, then look away again. I registered nothing at all. The third night it emerged, why she was so sad. She tried a few times to speak, then managed it. "I went to a BiGirls meeting. The girls tell me you have a...

1 year ago
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Jacks Ladies

CHAPTER 1 It was early fall, best time of the year to be up at the lake, thought Jack Preston. He’d been home for a week after finishing a novel and had decided to take an extended vacation. His mom has just said why didn’t he go up to the lake house and finished off the new bedroom suite that the builders had completed their contract to erect the shell and close it in. ‘Yes Jack,’ said his dad. ‘If you really want a fulsome vacation you’ll have that up at the lake. Beside working on the...

2 years ago
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Feed It to Me Baby Creampie

She straddled my legs and leaned forward. Her breasts hung over my stomach. She swayed from side to side and her breasts gently smacked my hardened penis. She stroked my hardness with her nipples. I groaned and moaned my pleasure. Drops of pre-cum fluid formed. She smeared my pre-cum with her nipples, back and forth. "Mmmm I love your slick pre-cum on my nipples, do you? Do you love how it feels? Do you love your slick pre-cum on my hard nipples?""Yes, oh yes I do""Do you want to lick the...

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She loved it hard

Tanya was a 40 year old mother of 3 lovely c***dren 2 girls and a boy, Tanya was married to Andrew a business man in the city, and she didn’t have to work had a beautiful house a decent sex life and their c***dren all away at university studying. Andrew was Tanya’s school sweetheart and had known each other since they could talk, Andrew spent many days away on business but this worked well for Tanya as she would go out with her friends regular, she also had a eye for younger men, what you would...

3 years ago
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Fun With My Bhabhi

Hi, ISS readers, i’m sam daily reader of this site.I’m from Chandigarh n a medical student. I had read many stories on this site, found many of them are fake or many real one also. Now i”m going do share my experience with all iss readers. Its my real story which happens in July 2012 when i got free from ma +2 exams. My dad is a industrialist so i’m free after ma schools not want to go ma dad’s office. Sorry i forget to told about myself, i’m 20 years old with good looks n i’m 5’8″ with 8″ long...

2 years ago
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Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi I need you again

I would like to share with all of you my recent experience with an aunty who lives in my apartment complex in Chennai. Her name is Shanthi, she is around 42 years of age, and blessed with great assets. She has 2 daughters who are 13 & 11 years. Her husband used to be an association member in our apartment complex and I used to work with him for some routine work in the apartment. Recently I went to his house to meet with him and settle some account balances and that’s when I had a close look at...

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emma is punished

She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the boys. She had shared a few drunken kisses on nights out, but that was as far as it went. Any wandering hands were quickly stopped. One unfortunate night, Emma had bumped into Sarah’s boyfriend, who noticed that she was drunk and tried to take advantage. He was very...

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Estranged husband watches wife on a sexdate

My wife Niki and I had been married for almost 15 years when we started having severe marital problems. We had pretty much stopped talking to each other as any conversation we had sank into a shouting match. We finally cane to the conclusion that we needed time apart so it was decided that I would start spending nights at our restaurant instead of coming home. This we thought would be better on our three boys than my wife and I just splitting up. So for about the next three months I spent 4 to...

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