ConflictedChapter 9 free porn video

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I was practically delirious as I followed Kelsey and Amanda into our house. What had happened in Stacey's car had completely blown my mind, and now I'd just found out that that wasn't even what my sister and my girlfriend had originally planned for me. Just thinking of what other things they might have in store for me made me grin stupidly in anticipation.

Mom looked up from behind the kitchen counter when we came inside, and I had to suppress a grimace of disappointment. I was happy to see her, of course, but her being home did cause some problems for the plans the girls and I had. I doubted she'd be all that happy with her son and daughter having a wild threesome in her house.

Kelsey seemed not to care, immediately going over to give Mom a warm hug, while Amanda said hello with a beautiful smile.

"Hey Mom," I chimed in, closing the door behind me.

"Hi honey. Hi Amanda," she said as she let go of my sister, after giving her a big kiss on the top of her head. "How'd you girls do at your contest?"

"We won!" Kelsey said with a little squeak of excitement.

Mom's thrill for her daughter was awesome to see, courtesy of a huge smile brightening her face. I was again amazed by how much she and Kelsey looked alike. "That's so awesome, honey! Congratulations! You too, Amanda!"

Kel and Amanda both grinned at her, smiling appreciatively.

"Thanks, Mommy," Kelsey chirped, again giving Mom a big hug.

"What did you think? Did you like it?" Mom asked me.

"Eh, it was okay, I guess." I shrugged. Since I was still grounded, Mom had only agreed to let me go to the cheerleading contest as a favor to my sister, because she figured I wouldn't really enjoy it anyways. It had actually been spectacular, but I had to play disinterested for my mom's sake. The real reason the performance had been so amazing—Kelsey, Amanda and Carynne cheering without panties—wouldn't go over well with her either.

"Oh, I'm sorry we weren't entertaining enough for you!" my sister said tartly as she planted her fists on her slender hips after turning to face me. "Next time I'll just leave you at home!"

I gave Kelsey a surreptitious wink while she grinned at me. She knew damn well how much I had enjoyed myself.

"Do you want me to make you guys something to eat?" Mom asked.

"No, thank you. We already had dinner, and I really need to go shower," Kelsey said, shaking her head. Amanda also chimed in that she didn't want anything, and the two girls rushed off upstairs.

I stood torn for a second, debating whether to follow the girls or stay in the kitchen. I got a sharp pang of hunger, and I turned to Mom with an eager smile. "Food, huh? What have you got?"

I chatted with Mom for about fifteen minutes while I frantically devoured the ham, peppers and cheese omelet she had quickly thrown together for me.

"Didn't you have anything to eat earlier?" she asked, watching me polish off the remainder of what had once been eight eggs, a green pepper, half a bag of shredded cheese and a quarter pound of deli ham.

"Yeah," I mumbled, my mouth still full while I shoved my plate away. "I had an eighteen-ounce steak and a baked potato. Oh, plus half of Carynne's BLT sandwich."

She smiled wryly at me, then ruffled her hand through my hair. "I'm sure your sister tells you this all the time, but it is really unfair how much you can eat and yet still look so good!"

"You're right. She does tell me that all the time," I chuckled.

"Help me out here; who is Carynne again?" Mom asked curiously.

"The small brunette. She's like five foot nothing, and one of their flyers. She's got a bit of an attitude."

"Oh, right! You know, she's a cutie, Damon. You should date her."

I gave her a long, disbelieving look. "Are you kidding me?"

"What? She's a sweet girl; she's beautiful, innocent, and just a total doll. She seems a little shy, perhaps, but what more do you want?"

I rolled my eyes at her. Sweet and beautiful, yes, but shy or innocent? Carynne? The little slut who had ground herself off on my cock in Stacey's car not too long ago, while fingering both my sister and my girlfriend? I began to snicker with laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Mom asked, a little confused.

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head. "Mom, would you leave my dating life to me, please?"

"Honey, I know you and Kim had a bad breakup, but that doesn't—"


"Okay, fine, I won't say anything else! I just think you should find yourself a nice girl."

"Yes Mom. I'll get right on that, thank you," I said mockingly.

She gave me a fond smile, then walked out of the kitchen to the living room, presumably to go watch some of her recorded shows. She was an absolute CSI junkie and religiously watched every episode.

I loaded my dirty dishes and silverware into the dishwasher, then went to give Mom a kiss to thank her for making me dinner. She was already engrossed in one of her episodes, barely paying me any attention when I kissed her cheek.

As I walked upstairs, I figured that if we weren't too loud, Kel, Amanda and I could easily fool around. Mom had turned the volume of the TV up quite a bit, so there'd be little chance of her overhearing us.

I listened quietly at the door to Kelsey's bedroom, hoping to hear the two girls going at it. Unfortunately it seemed to be completely quiet, which made me frown a little. They wouldn't have gone to bed already, would they? Maybe they wanted to wait until both Mom and Dad had gone to bed before giving me my 'surprise.'

I shrugged and went into my own room, figuring they knew where to find me when they were ready to come fool around. I sat down behind my desk and logged on to my computer. I hadn't been on my Facebook page in awhile, and I was curious to see what people had scribbled on my wall.

Just as I was about to start up my browser, I suddenly remembered what Kelsey had said, and with a few clicks I quickly began relocating my stash of porn to what I hoped was a more well-hidden folder. It took quite awhile, since I had a fairly sizable amount of porn. When I tried to change the admin password, however, I got an 'access denied' message.

"Dammit, Kel!" I muttered darkly. It looked like I wasn't going to be able to keep the nosy little brat out of my private stuff.

"That's not a very nice thing to say to me, you know," my sister suddenly giggled.

My heart leaped into my throat, and I jumped out of my chair in surprise, sending it careening across my room. Kelsey was standing in the bathroom door opening, her broadly grinning face peeking around the corner.

"Jesus, will you stop doing that?!" I exclaimed.

"Do what?" she asked innocently.

"Startling me like that. You're going to give me a heart attack!"

"If I wanted to give you a heart attack, all I'd have to do is just get on top of you when I'm like this," she teased, taking a few steps into my room. I gulped loudly when I saw that she was completely, utterly naked. Again I marveled at just how amazingly beautiful she was and what an absolutely perfect body she had. My eyes ran over her fantastic curves, then were drawn towards her pussy, and I sighed when I saw a hint of pink. I wanted to fuck her so badly I was about to scream.

"It sure took you long enough to get up here. What were you doing downstairs?" she asked curiously.

"I was hungry. Mom made me an omelet, and then she and I talked for a bit," I said with a shrug as I walked towards my sister. My eyes kept roving across her body, and she had an appreciative smile on her face.

"What about?"

"Mom wants me to date Carynne."

Kelsey looked surprised for a moment, then she broke into a deep laugh.

I gave her a slightly annoyed look. "And why, exactly, is that so funny?"

"You? With Carynne?"

"Well, it's not going to happen because I have Amanda, but what about it?"

"She would kill you in a week!"

"From aggravation?" I quipped.

My sister giggled. "No, from fucking you to death."

I shook my head with a large grin. "I don't think I'd die from fucking that easily, sis."

"Damon, she wasn't kidding when she said she'd mount you every chance she'd get, you know. If you were dating Carynne, she'd make you fuck her a dozen times a day, at least. She'd cripple you for life!"

"Yeah, that sounds really horrible," I said, egging her on. "Think she's free tomorrow?"

"Are you serious?" she asked, sounding a little worried.

"Better to die from fucking Carynne than to die of old age," I said, barely able to contain my laughter.

After frowning at me for a few seconds, she got a resigned grin on her face. "You're just messing with me, aren't you?"

I smiled as I nodded.

"You ass!" she exclaimed, fiercely punching my arm. I quickly grabbed her by her hips and picked her up, causing her to squeal loudly. I hugged her hot, sexy body against mine and sucked wetly on her earlobe. She giggled in response, running her hands through my hair. The feel of her firm tits against me was sending waves of desire crashing through me.

"Damon, you never peek on us in the shower anymore ... why is that?" Kelsey asked after a few seconds of us goofing around.

I put her back down and gave her a curious look, not really understanding. "You told me that I'd regret it if I did that again."

"What? When did I say that?"

"Last Saturday."

"No, I didn't!"

"You said that you let me off easy for Friday night, and your tone made it clear I wouldn't be so lucky next time."

Her smile grew positively naughty. "Silly! What I meant was that next time you peeked on us, we were going to drag you into the shower with us and fuck your brains out!"

I looked at her for a few seconds, then closed my eyes with a sigh. "Oh." I felt really stupid.

"You really are clueless, aren't you?" my sister chuckled.

"Hey, don't make me spank you again, brat," I said, raising my finger in warning.

She licked her lips sensually, an eager look on her face. "Mmmm, yummy. Can Amanda spank me too?"

I shook my head as I laughed. "You're insatiable!"

"Maybe," she said with a cute smile.

"Speaking of that ... is Carynne, like, the most insatiable girl in the squad?"

"She's pretty close, but she's not the most insatiable one, no."

"Who is, you?"

"Pffft, please. I can't even keep up with Carynne. After I've cum four or five times or so, I'm wiped out."

"With how hard you cum, I can kinda see that, yeah. You'd probably dehydrate yourself cumming that much!"

She gave me a beautiful smile. "I doubt that, but it does wear me out."

"So, who is then?"

"Can't you guess?"

I thought it over for a moment. The easiest choice would of course be Stacey, but that somehow seemed too obvious an answer. Mikaela seemed too shy still to be in consideration. That only left...

"Amanda?" I asked, my mouth dropping open.

"Yup!" Kelsey grinned.

"How many times can she cum?" I asked breathlessly.

"I don't know. Fifty times? A hundred?" Kelsey said happily as she shrugged her shoulders. "I haven't found her limit yet."

"How many have you gotten her to?"

"Girls don't really count how often we cum," she said with a sly wink. "Unlike boys."

"Guess?" I pleaded.

Kelsey made some show of thinking it over. "I think one time I made her cum maybe like twenty times in an afternoon. That was pretty hot. I could still taste her cum the next morning!"

"Oh my God! That is so hot! Do you think I could make her cum more often than that? I think I'd really love to try it."

"Good luck! You're going to need it!" Kelsey laughed. "She'll have you begging for mercy long before you get to that point."

"Did you? Beg for mercy, I mean?"

"Yes, I did. I couldn't go anymore, but she was still so eager and horny that I just focused on her for the next few hours. It was a lot of fun."

"Fuck, I want that!" I groaned.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to oblige you. All you have to do is ask her!" Kelsey giggled.

My mind swam with the idea of fucking Amanda over and over, losing ourselves in nothing but sex for an entire day, and my cock throbbed eagerly at the thought. "Should I be worried?" I asked.

"Worried? About what?"

"Well, if Carynne would fuck me to death in a week, what would Amanda do to me?" I joked.

"She'd probably fuck you to death in half a day if you had to take her on all by yourself. Good thing you have a horny sister to help you manage her!"

I gave my sister a shameless grin, which she returned with a cute little wink.

"Are you two talking about me again?" Amanda asked wryly from inside the bathroom, then she walked out and stood beside my sister. Like Kelsey, she was gloriously naked. I sighed deeply as I again gazed at her unbelievable body.

"I just told him how insatiably horny you are," Kelsey said.

Amanda blushed prettily as she grinned at me. "Why did you do that? I don't want to scare him!"

"Oh whatever, he loves it. Look at him, he's practically drooling!"

I quickly closed my mouth, feeling a bit embarrassed that I actually had a lot of saliva swirling inside it. My eyes kept flitting between Amanda's and Kelsey's tits. I wished there was a way I could suck them at the same time.

"It's a good thing you don't have tits yourself, doofus," Kelsey remarked.

"Why is that?" Amanda asked before I could respond.

"Because if he did, he'd never stop staring at his own chest!" Kelsey said. Both girls giggled loudly.

"Hey!" I protested, trying hard not to laugh myself. "I don't look at your breasts all the time!"

"Whatever!" Kelsey snorted. "Do you want to take a picture of them, so you can stare at them on your phone all day?"

"That does it, you little brat! Time for a spanking!" I scowled.

"Later. First it's time for your surprise," Kelsey said sultrily before turning around and going back into her bathroom.

"You coming?" Amanda asked sweetly.

I nodded quickly, practically tearing my clothes off. Once I was down to just my boxers, she stared hungrily at my huge, tenting pole. "Those should probably come off too," she whispered seductively.

I gulped and pulled my boxers down, my rock-hard cock standing proudly at attention.

"Mmmm, you've got such a nice cock," Amanda breathed, quickly kneeling down in front of me. Before I could even say anything, she opened her mouth and sucked my shaft nearly all the way inside.

"Oh Amanda," I moaned, curling my right hand into her hair and pulling her mouth a little further onto my pole. I felt her throat protest a few times before it opened up, letting my full length slide inside.

The wonderful goddess moaned as she sucked deeply, her luscious lips locking themselves around my cock like a vice. Her eager little tongue tickled the underside of my lance, and I could see a happy smile form on her face from my groans of pleasure.

Kelsey reappeared in the door opening, shaking her head at what we were doing. "I thought we were going to get into the shower?" she asked, a little plaintively.

Amanda let her mouth slide off my pole with a wet slurp and grinned at my sister. "We're coming. I just couldn't resist sucking that hard cock when I saw it."

"You slut!" Kelsey grinned at her friend and lover, then she stepped aside. "Okay, come on. Both of you, into the shower!"

"Don't trust us to follow you, sis?" I laughed.

"No, I don't! If she's going to suck you off right here, I want to join!"

Amanda seemed to mull it over, but I quickly slipped past her to prevent any delays or changes to the plan. Getting into the shower with the two most incredible girls in the world sounded like a really, really good idea to me.

As I passed my sister, I reached out and pinched her butt. Kelsey squeaked and slapped my ass in return. "Watch where you're putting that hand, mister!"

"Would you rather me put it somewhere else?" I teased.

Her eyes turned smoky. "I definitely want something somewhere else," she breathed.

I gawked at her, feeling a huge lump build in my throat. I prayed she was talking about my cock, and her pussy.

"Stop spoiling everything!" Amanda giggled at Kelsey. She stepped towards me, putting her hands against my chest and pushing me backward. "Come on, lover boy, into the shower you go!"

I readily let myself get pushed, but hesitated right in front of the glass door. "Kel, what about your feet?" I asked my sister, who was following close on Amanda's heels.

Kelsey shrugged and gave me an encouraging smile. "It'll be fine. And if not, you're worth it."

I nodded and got into the shower, quickly turning on the hot water; standing around stark naked had made me a little chilly, despite the hotness of the two naked girls. I shivered as the spray hit me, cold at first but quickly reaching an almost perfect temperature. My muscles practically purred, and they slowly started to relax in the luxurious warmth.

Both Kelsey and Amanda got into the shower, coming to stand on either side of me. I kept switching my gaze from one to the other, marveling at just how unbelievably gorgeous they both were.

My gaze fell on Kelsey's ass, and I felt my mouth begin to water at the sight of her bubble butt. It created a wonderful waterfall as she dipped beneath the spray to drench her hair. My sister stretched and moaned in the feel of the hot shower, sticking her tits out, and Amanda reached out to cup both of them with a happy smile. Kelsey bit down on her bottom lip in that terrifically cute way of hers, while Amanda squeezed and slightly lifted her breasts.

Not that they needed any lifting, since they were wonderfully firm—yet still soft at the same time—and were standing out absolutely perfectly. Nobody in the world had better tits than my sister. I joined Amanda in fondling Kelsey's tits, and my breath stuck in my throat from the wonderful feeling.

Kelsey smiled, gently soaking her hair while she was felt up by the two of us. "Something tells me you guys really like my tits."

"Yeah," I croaked, my voice sounding as if I'd been a chain smoker for fifty years. I scraped my throat loudly and repeated myself. "Yeah!"

"You know we love your tits," Amanda said, rolling Kelsey's nipple between her thumb and forefinger, gently squeezing it. Then she bent forward and took it in her mouth, firmly sucking on it.

Kelsey put her hand on Amanda's neck and softly massaged it, moaning as her lover cherished her nipple. Her eyes were still closed, and she shivered under Amanda's skillful tongue which was happily lashing her firm little nub. Both her nipples were incredibly hard, and with a small groan I bent down and took her other nipple into my mouth.

"Mmmm, that's so nice," Kelsey moaned as we licked and lavished her tits. The water cascaded onto my face, but I barely noticed it, all my attention focused on the feel of her amazing breast and the wonderful taste of her nipple.

A hand grabbed my cock, starting to gently tug on it; it felt like Amanda's, though I couldn't be completely sure. It only took a few seconds for a second hand to join in, and I moaned as the girls jerked me off. One pair of fingers ran the length of my shaft, then it moved lower, cupping my balls. The other hand was squeezing the head and teasingly smearing my rapidly flowing precum all over.

Standing back up, I locked my lips against Kelsey's. Her tongue darted out to meet mine halfway, and we both groaned happily, tongue-wrestling for a few seconds before she let me inside her mouth.

"Me too?" Amanda asked cutely, giving us each a kiss on the cheek. Kelsey and I both nodded quickly, more than happy to let Amanda join in. My gorgeous girlfriend's tongue rubbed against ours, and all three of us laughed at the tickling sensation. Then we started kissing in earnest, our tongues flashing everywhere they could.

Amanda was still jacking me off, letting my cock bump against my sister's tummy every few strokes. She gasped with delight as Kelsey stuffed two fingers into her pussy, and my sister immediately started fingerfucking her in a deliciously fast pace.

Amanda's amazing body writhed beneath my sister's skillful fingers, causing me to groan at the sight.

I bent down again to take Amanda's nipple into my mouth. Though her breasts weren't as large as Kelsey's, they were still absolutely perfect, and so were her nipples. I nibbled on it, alternating between her left and right nub every few seconds, and she sensually ran her hand through my hair, obviously enjoying it.

My hands roamed over both their asses, squeezing and cupping them. Again, Kelsey's was slightly larger and curvier than Amanda's, but they both felt magnificent to me. I stood in silent awe at how perfect they both were. In fact, they were beyond perfect. Not just their asses, or their boobs, but every inch of them; they were stunningly beautiful goddesses. I gave silent thanks for them being in cheerleading, assuming that their frequent competitions had undoubtedly had a lot to do with them being so athletic and so ridiculously hot.

Still slurping softly on Amanda's nipple, I teasingly slid a finger inside both their cracks. They both grinned at me when I put a finger against their little holes.

"Are you going to finger our asses, you bad boy?" Kelsey asked, her eyes sparkling.

I let go of Amanda's nipple and stood back up, smiling at my sister. "I dunno. Have you two been good girls? Do you deserve it?" I asked, mimicking Carynne's voice as best I could.

Amanda laughed happily, then she tightly squeezed my cock. "Behave now," she said with a little smirk.

I winked at her, then without warning sank my fingers inside, causing them both to groan simultaneously. Amanda closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as both her holes got fingered, while Kelsey squeezed her butt on my finger, apparently trying to draw it in deeper into her heavenly ass.

"Amanda, finger my cunt too, please!" my sister asked.

Amanda wasted no time in granting Kelsey's wish, sliding two of her fingers inside my sister's pussy. I gasped in awe as I watched my two lovers finger each other's pussies, while I was fingering their asses. I loved watching girls finger each other, and seeing it done right in front of me, by the two most amazing girls in the world, was blowing my mind. I felt myself get lightheaded, and my cock started to throb fiercely under Amanda's skillful teasing. All three of us were beginning to moan and breathe heavily.

"What happened in the car made me really, really horny, Damon," Amanda admitted softly, her warm hand smoothly tugging on my dick. "I had to restrain myself from pulling Carynne off you and mounting your cock myself."

I smiled at her. "Did you want to grind on it too?"

"No, I wanted to fuck you," she moaned. "Right there in the car, with all the girls watching! I wanted you to cum inside me."

I stared at her, my heartbeat increasing to about a trillion beats a minute from excitement. "And now? Do you still want to?" I asked hopefully.

"Uh-huh," she moaned, her hand squeezing my cock gently but firmly. "I want to feel your cock in my pussy. I want you to fuck me!"

"Yes!" my sister hissed. "I want to watch you two fuck!"

"Do you think we'll be okay? With Mom downstairs, I mean?" I asked.

Kelsey nodded. "Just try to be a little quiet. The shower will drown out most noise. I've been pretty loud in here, and I don't think she's ever noticed, but let's not take any chances, okay?"

I nodded. The last thing we needed was for Mom to come barging in; it would be bad enough to find her daughter naked here with another girl, but to find Kelsey with me would be the proverbial shit hitting the fan. Still, I figured that between the noise of the shower and the noise from her TV shows we'd be okay if we didn't scream the tiles off the walls.

"I don't know how quiet I can be, though," Amanda moaned. "I'm so fucking horny, I want to get pounded!" She closed her eyes again as Kelsey's fingers and mine eagerly plundered her holes. Her ass was clenching on my fingers, and her grip on my cock intensified. "Damon, please fuck me!"

Kelsey and I gently pulled our fingers out of her, and Amanda let out an explosive breath. Her eyes were a raging inferno, and I could see the lust shining through them as she backed up a few steps, leaning her back against the tiled wall. I quickly stepped towards her, my knees slightly buckling at the though of finally getting to fuck her, and my cock standing out like a steel rod.

I reached out and guided the shower head so we were still underneath the stream of water. I sighed in admiration as it ran over Amanda's naked body, little rivulets streaming over her tits and creating small waterfalls at the edge of her marvelous curves. Fuck, she was so beautiful!

"I want you so fucking bad," I said heatedly, feeling her hand help me guide my shaft between her legs. I paused briefly when I felt her moist heat touch the head of my cock.

"Oh fuck, I've wanted you since the first day I saw you," Amanda replied in a husky voice, quivering from her desire. "Put it in me, please!"

I poked around with my cock for a few seconds, then realized I was way too tall for us to be able to fuck like this. I put my hands underneath her ass and easily lifted her. She wrapped her legs around me, and I was a bit startled at the grip she exerted; cheerleading had made her legs a lot more powerful than I would've expected. I briefly thought of doing it to her again while she was wearing her cheerleading outfit. It was a very pleasant thought, since I'd always been a sucker for short skirts. The water was pouring over my head and down my shoulders, but it practically seemed like ice compared to the heat coming from Amanda's slender body.

Amanda gave me a teasing grin. "Want to make sure I can't escape?"

I chuckled and gave her a quick kiss. "Yep. You're all mine now, for as long as I want you!"

"Mmmm. I hope that'll be a long time," she said softly, her heart in her eyes. Before I could say anything else, I suddenly felt Kelsey's hand grab my cock and put it at the entrance to Amanda's soaked slit.

"Fuck her!" Kelsey moaned as she wormed her head in between Amanda's body and mine, then took the blonde goddess' nipple into her mouth. Her hand was still tugging on my cock, trying to get it to go inside Amanda's pussy, and I pushed forward a little more, finally feeling my cock sink into heaven.

Amanda and I both moaned in delight. The heat from her pussy was several times more intense than that of her body, and I shoved my cock further inside her smoldering cunt.

"Mmmm, fuck, that feels good!" Amanda sighed, her eyes closed as she tried to get used to the feel of my cock buried inside her slit.

"Uh-huh!" I grunted. I left my cock in her pussy for a few more seconds, then pulled it back out.

"Damon, put it back in me!" Amanda pleaded. I just grinned wickedly and rubbed my cock through the entrance of her slit.

"Do you like that?" I asked.

"Yes, but why am I being punished?" Amanda mewled as my cock repeatedly bumped against her clit.

"Why would I be punishing you?"

"For making you wait so long before you could fuck me. Is that why you're not giving it to me?" she pouted.

"No," I chuckled. "I just want to hear you beg for it."

"Oh God, Damon, please fuck me! I want your cock inside me. Please fuck my needy little cunt!" she begged, causing Kelsey to giggle at her friend's obviously horny discomfort. My sister let go of Amanda's nipple and stretched herself out on her toes, just being able to reach Amanda's mouth with her own. The two kissed for a few seconds, then Amanda let out a large, deep sigh when I slid my cock back inside her cunt.

I put my eyes right near Amanda's, our foreheads almost touching. I felt myself drown as I gazed into her eyes, seeing the utter joy at what we were doing inside them. Her legs clenched more tightly around my ass, and she began to move her pussy in a delicious way, grinding my cock off inside her little cunt.

Kelsey kissed us both before she lowered herself again. A small part of me wondered what she was going to do, but most of my attention was focused on Amanda's blue-green orbs. They sparkled with joy from getting a cock inside her pussy for the first time in her life. I smoothly slid forward until I was almost three quarters of the way inside her.

"Fucking hell, that's big," Amanda grunted. "Go easy on me, please."

I got a huge grin on my face, like I figured every guy did when a girl said he had a big cock, but stopped pushing in further so Amanda could get adjusted to me. Her tightness was exquisite. I had thought that fucking Kim had been fantastic when she took my virginity, but she was utterly worthless compared to sinking my cock inside Amanda.

"How does it feel, baby?" Kelsey asked from beside us, panting slightly. She was obviously excited. Her hand was softly sliding over my back and my ass, occasionally scratching my skin, causing me to shiver with delight.

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When Barbara Sloan awakened the next day, she remained very still so as not to awaken Steve. She stretched and sniffed the air, smelling Karla’s marvelous fragrance that permeated the room. Then she looked over at her female bed partner and smiled. As the girl slept soundly, her face in repose was childlike in its innocence. Gently she squeezed her hand that was resting on her upper thigh. The instant she did, Karla’s eyes opened slowly, then with a start as she realized where she was. As she...

1 year ago
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A Pointless Existence

A Pointless Existence [ a short story ] by [email protected] I would try a short story for a change ?occasionally, I scare and amaze myself when I read back what my fiendish mind has written:  let me know your reaction to the story !Why me ?  It’s a question I have asked myself often.  I have nothing else to do other than ask questions now.  But still I can’t understand why fate has placed me here.  Why any other human being would want to do this to a fellow human being.  I have come...

2 years ago
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A Hot Day Chap 6 11

Revised 4/2019 ~ The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 18 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least a fictitious 18. Enjoy. ~ Chapter 6 Even after getting a few hours sleep I woke the next morning with a feeling of complete exhaustion. Those two girls of mine had worn me out then leaving me to sleep; they continued their loving well into the morning hours. I know this because as tired as I was I kept waking up to the...

4 years ago
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Her Football Coach

She never thought much about it but her attire never changed that much. Theresa, the slightly attractive young woman, had always worn long dresses, and tops which always covered her up. She got by. She got along with others. Nothing anyone else ever did or wore made her feel as if she should “change” herself in any such way. Now there was a guy she’d gone to college with by the name of Richard. He wasn’t fancy but he kind of always stood out to a degree. The reason for that was due to he was...

3 years ago
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A Night With Her1

All through high school, he knew her as a friend. They met up at movies with other friends and they went to parties, but they never moved pass the friendship stage. So they graduated without ever knowing what being with each other could possibly be like. That fact hurt Josh more than anything. He hated saying good bye to her. Now it was two years later, and Josh was celebrating his college graduation. Several friends had taken him to a local restaurant that boasted of waitresses with enticing...

4 years ago
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Ladies who love to fuck in a girdle

We would all love to think that there are mature ladies out there who just love fucking. But, in truth they are very few old ladies who still want sex. So we have fantasies. I have several. Here is one in story format. Hope you enjoy. The fantasy fuck store for mature ladies who love wearing girdles First, let me own up. I am a mature man, yet ever since I was young and saw a gorgeous mature buxom lady wearing a girdle and fucking a guy on top, I have maintained a fetish to for plump mature...

3 years ago
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Daddys little bitch part 1

as my bitch of a mother left us to start a new life with my dads brother, my uncle. I am a 12 years old boy, but im not like most young boys from as early as the age of 5 i have always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. So from when i was around 10 i would try on my mothers clothes and after a while of doing this i decided to take a pair of knickers and bra they wasnt too sexy but they made me feel sexy i could only take them ones as im sure my mother would of noticed if i...

2 years ago
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Crescent City 3 The Slaver

Crescent City 3 The Slaver By The Professor "More wine, Cassie?" I nervously swallowed the bite of pecan-encrusted fish I had been slowly working on and managed to reply, "No thanks... Oliver." As a young man I had considered myself a competent wine drinker, able to sip champagne with hors d'oeuvres, ample quantities of fine wines with my meal, and still have the ability to finish off my meal with a glass of 20 year-old tawny port. But I wasn't a young man anymore; I was a young...

1 year ago
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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 10

When they arrived at the plane they could hear the electric tools of the work crew already installing the living room furniture. They carried the first load of packages into the meeting room and found Maggie there watching TV. "Hey Maggie, wanna give us a hand carrying some stuff in?" Cindy asked. "Sure." she replied, and between the five of them they got the rest in one more trip. "Stay here." Cindy said with a wink, and let herself into the living room to check the progress of the...

3 years ago
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a private full

ywA Private Eye Fullby shooter3704 (C)Chapter 1I was watching an apartment complex. That's what I was being paid to do, I'm a private investigator. My mission was to record the coming and going of a man whose wife believed he was up to no good. I had been watching the apartments off and on for two weeks and had come to know who belonged and who didn't. Up to this point the subject of my surveillance came home from work went in to his apartment and stayed there until he left for work the...

2 years ago
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An old dear friendMMMMMMMMmmm

This I want to say is a true story.......About a year ago I met this woman on Facebook that I had an affair with about 6 years ago(2006) and we contacted each other and finally after about 5 months we decided to meet. We had always been attracted to each other sexually and mentally. But over the period she had gotten married and moved to WV about 40 miles from me. When we finally met at my place we kissed and sat and talked for a couple hours it seemed. She finally moved closer and kissed...

2 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 9 Passion In All Its Forms

I began to calm down. Then I realized that Erin and Chloe were still there and unconscious. I went to them. Both were breathing and had steady heartbeats. I started trying to wake Erin first. Erin was a buxom red head. Originally she was a bottled red. Meaning she dyed her hair regularly. So much so that no one knew what her natural color was. Of course she had me change the color, so the red she preferred would be her natural color. I ran my fingers through those deep red locks, worried...

1 year ago
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Beautiful Liz

I was originally from Hong Kong, but at the age of ten, my family decided to immigrate to Canada for a more stable and secure environment. Despite the fact that Hong Kong was an international economic center and one of the largest concentrations of wealth, life for the average middle-class citizen was not as splendid as one would think. Jobs were competitive and there was no assurance of the future. We were able to immigrate with a reasonable amount of savings. Coming to Canada, there was a...

First Time
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 40 Katiersquos Teenage Gang Bang

Katherine Jackson stood near the living room as she looked at the five teenagers as they stared back at her. Their jaws hung open and their eyes stared at her in unbridled lust. Her face felt flushed and she felt dizzy. She was naked except for the Kansas City Chiefs t-shirt that barely covered her molten crotch. “Tomm...” she choked, “Tommy can I talk to you?” She slowly backed down the hallway until she darted into the teenager’s room. Katie heard whispers among the boys but couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Andy and the Lies

CHAPTER ONE           Andy was at his desk when the phone rang; he picked up the receiver and answered ?Hello Andy speaking.?            ?This is Angela, the MDs secretary; would you please come to his office right now, it’s because he would like to speak with you??            ?Any idea what it’s about Angela??            ?No, but Jean Simmons has just left his office with the union Rep.?            ?OK; I’ll be right up.?            Five minutes later he was outside the office; Angela stood up...

4 years ago
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Commanders Pet Part I

Freddy’s tongue flicks between his lips revealing brown teeth, and the movement makes my stomach lurch. Good thing there isn't anything in there to hurl. I’d been searching for Lizzy all day and hadn't had time scavenge anything. Now I might have to blow this lowlife to even get a clue where she might have gone. God knows I don’t have any money to pay. “How am I supposed to know if you really have any info. How ‘bout you tell me first, then I suck.” I can see him calculating in his head....

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Angela Gets A New Job

Chapter 1  Michael and Lorraine were a married couple that owned a furniture business with three locations. Lorraine had always been rather domineering, and Michael had grown tired of it. After eleven years of marriage, they finally divorced. They stayed partners in the business, Lorraine remaining at the Eastwick store most of the time, and Michael spending most of his time at their Bridgeton location and the rest at Eastwick. Neither Michael nor Lorraine spent much time at the third location....

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 182 Asylum

Sailing across the cove was trivial compared to the difficulty of making past the rocks, and the water was deep and blue. The captain poked his head in to tell us that the cove was safe and protected if we liked to swim – and then asked us to remain seated while he docked. He promised to come get us when we were able to disembark. Without a word, Aedan and Alistair each grabbed one of my hands, and I squeezed theirs gratefully. We waited a few minutes after the bump of the boat coming to...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Alice Pink 1st Time Worshipped In 1st Pro Scene

We here at See H?️M Fuck strive to bring you top name male talent, as well as hot new guys that we have our eye on ?? so this week we’re pleased as punch to bring you the professional debut of Haitian Fresh, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Alice Pink ❤️ who appeared in our 1st ever scene way back in February 2020 (like before COVID ? lol), for this week’s update. After our talented director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM ????? Haitian stands up and...

3 years ago
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Royal Gambit

Royal Gambit By: Malissa Madison Lars Grendel sat watching the Royal Court, but he wasn't anywhere close to it. That would be foolish in his line of work. Still he was unsure as to whether he wanted to do this job. The contractor was having trouble delivering the down payment, and you never completed a job before you were sure of the full payment Thirty Million Galactic credits was a lot for a politician that no one liked to begin with. But he'd done his...

2 years ago
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Big Time SwitchChapter 9

"Is that my old body in there?" I demanded. Kat and Steven looked at one, another, and both answered, "Yes." Then just Kat spoke, "For the most part." "How is this even possible? You told me that my body died. That my brain and heart were the only things to make it. Where all these lies just so you could save this body?" They were silent. So I yelled as loud as I could. "TELL ME!!!" "Your body was just mostly dead. We could put it in this suspended pod until it was possible to...

4 years ago
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A young wife wants to get pregnant and experiences all the wonderful sensations and feelings as she and her husband first try for a pregnancy

“It’s a pretty good life,” Carrie thought as she stood looking at the rising sun through the kitchen window. She was 23 years old, had graduated from college, married. Both she and her husband Dzsepapper had good jobs. They weren’t rich, but certainly comfortable for a young couple. Dzsepapper was a great guy. He didn’t play around. Always thought about her first. Surprising to her, their marriage had settled into a casual routine that didn’t seem possible...

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Its Not Nice To Tease

My whole life I have attracted the attention of men. But it was never the beeps from pre-pubescent teens in hot cars that got my attention. Nor the self indulgent, egotistical muscly men that grind over you in clubs, assuming you'll feel their cock girting against you to cheap, crappy, club music and suck it there and then. No, it was the older men. It was the longing in the slightly chubby, graying builder who would stop and stare at my pert breasts and tiny ass peaking over my sundress that...

4 years ago
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Jessicas Number Part 1 of 4

Introduction: The end of the Gender war broght death and devistation, farm animals nearly extinct new meat had to be found. The National Female Culling Act was created to farm women as the new food sorce. Jessicas Number Story: #3 Copyright 2004 Written: December 13 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 1 of 4 – National Female Culling The year is...

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Nude Camping

My name is Ed, 35 and my wife is Sue, 31 and we really enjoy camping. We camp as much as we can in the summer. Meeting new people with lots of stories and experiences is exciting. My wife and I have some good experiences also which I would like to share with you. I love being nude and I walk around all the time that way or as much as I can. My wife is always telling me to get clothes on but I feel so good being nude especially outside. We both love camping and for me I love the early mornings...

4 years ago
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 13

Trish came awake slowly.  Alain was on top of her, his thick cock, stationary, deeply embedded inside her.  She felt stretched wide and a bit sore, but the pleasure he was giving her, was overriding her discomfort.  She opened her legs wide to allow him more access, and her left knee bumped against another warm body.She opened her eyes to find it was just a dream.  She was on her back, legs spread wide, her leg hard against Dave’s hip.  Her fingers were embedded deep in her cunt, and she tipped...

Wife Lovers
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My cousins crushon me

Usually with my sisters but today I went by myself. When I got there he asked me if I wanted to go in the bedroom at the very back of the house I thot nothing of it so I said yes. We went back there and each sat on a bed. We talked about school and friends normal stuff. Then my dad came on and said all the adults were going to the bar and they would be back around midnight ish. It was only like 7 pm then. They left my cousins older brother(18) in charge of us. His brother came in and told us he...

2 years ago
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Breeding 101

Wife and I have bantered back and forth with good friends of ours, Ozzy & Pat who are black, or as Ozzy says his ancestors are from "darkest Africa", because he's very dark about Ozzy impregnating my wife for an interracial baby and I impregnating Pat for their interracial baby. This remained friendly banter for probably 5 years, until the two wives hatched a plan. Both wives turned 34 and decided their eggs will soon become old. My wife is a magnet for black men, she's always being hit on...

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Three Convicts

My husband had left for a "weekend with the guys" before I made it home from work on Friday. I dress casually for work on Fridays and this day I was wearing a low cut blouse and mini-skirt. To make myself more comfortable, I kicked off my high heels and removed my garter belt and hose. I poured myself a glass of pop and flipped through my mail. All junk. I went into the kitchen and tackled the dirty dishes. If I didn't do anything else productive this weekend, at least the dishes were done....

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Horse hung nigger slave pt 2

The Captains jaw went slack and hung open, staring wide-eyed at the blonde slut that he was once proud to have called his wife.Leasa bobbed and sucked, and bobbed and sucked. Sambo’s precum and her own spittle covered her cock shucking hand as she choked away on the fat, juicy, slab of black meat.Finally, the inevitable happened.“Augghhhh...!!!” Sambo grunted loudly as he sprayed a thick volley of jism down Leasa’s slender throat. She gagged and choked, then maintained her control and swallowed...

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Sex With The Best Friend

Hello ISS readers.. I am fond of ISS especially the maid section.. but I never had sex with any of my maid till now.. anyway.. Let me tell you about myself. My name is Rocky (name changed) I am 19 years old and I live in Delhi and I am new to writing stories so please don’t mind any mistakes as this is my first story.. coming to the story.. I have a best friend named Priya (name changed). We are best friends since last year.. we met through a common friend… About Priya, she is a sex goddess....

4 years ago
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Critical Modification Chapter 2 and End of Story

Martin keeps Beth sedated and takes care of Beth's hygienic and hydration needs. After the prescribed 12 hours have passed, Martin removes the Skin Repair patches and is pleased with the result. As indicated on the instructions Martin had downloaded from the Internet, there shouldn't be any vaginal sexual intercourse with Beth until she fully heals in four weeks. Beth awoke but could open her eyes. She heard a voice saying, "Don't bother to move. You are on muscle relaxants and pain...

3 years ago
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First meet First thoughts

You know what? However we blokes like to pretend otherwise, the vast majority of us are overawed by women. At least a little. When we first meet up, only a handful are going to be uber confidents. Inside, no matter how od you are, there'll be butterflies at the very least. So...(bloody hell. How nervous am I? I can't believe I actually agreed to meet her. Still; I'm here now, so let's see if I can't try and calm down a little. Breathe. Relax. I'm early, so that's good. It'll give me a little...

2 years ago
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Butterfly Ch 02

A week passed reasonably uneventfully, catching up with family and the usual things that happen when on overseas holidays. My mind never strayed far from the previous weekend, when the amazing young woman with her butterfly belt did incredible things to my mind. The day of the wedding arrives and I am tingling as I get myself ready. I take extra care getting myself sorted, pulling up my long white socks, ensuring my red flashes are just right, fixing my cuff links, just so, my large belt...

2 years ago
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The Girlfriend The Whore

It was shaping up to be a boring night as Leslie and I sat on the couch in our new house watching TV. Neither of us was really paying attention to what was on, I was looking up stuff on my laptop and Leslie was playing on her phone. We were both worn out from moving into our new house over the last week. “What do you want to do for dinner? You want to order a pizza and watch a movie?” I asked her.“That sounds good. You know what I like,” Leslie replied.I started ordering the pizza online and...

3 years ago
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A Few Insights

I have always been a big fan of thigh gaps and the perfect thigh gap is when you can see the ‘heart’ shape at the top of their thighs. Top marks go to the thigh gap with tight little panties on showing a hint of cameltoe, OMG such a turn on. Lisa has the perfect thigh gapI am also a big fan of pubic hair; nowadays pubic hair comes in all shapes and sizes which is good for the connoisseur and I have varying views. While my preference is for a trimmed triangle with easy access I am not opposed to...

1 year ago
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The Rich Bitch Part 2

Chapter 2: Temptation Takes OverAdam took of his cum soaked speedos and washed them off, then put them in his dirty clothes basket in his room. Adam decided he should go for a swim to cool off after that intense dream he had about Kyle. After the dream sequence and his awkward run in with Kyle he felt guilty about thinking of Kyle that way. After all he loved Corey..... Or so he thought.... Kyle put his tools down and spoke in spanish to his Uncle about needing to use the bathroom. Kyle took...

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Heidi and Her GrandfatherChapter 5

After her guardian had schooled her mouth, ass and vagina in the ways of giving pleasure to a man, Heidi was filled with abundant self-confidence about her ability to satisfy a man in every way imaginable. Strangely, her muscular and still handsome guardian was slightly disconsolate about their new relationship. Heidi could tell he was troubled about possibly causing harm to her future by their spirited physical relationship that went far beyond the confines of familial love. Heidi found...

2 years ago
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AsylumChapter 7

Billy vs. Max It was almost three hours since he made his escape from Woodland Manor Hospital. He would run a while, stop to rest for a few minutes then carry on. He noticed a couple of times going past the same locality. Seeing this, he released a loud scream in frustration. Max was cold, hungry and very tired. He needed to rest a while. Glancing around, he noticed something in the distance. It was a derelict cabin. Only the old wooden frame was intact with a Corrugated metal roof, just...

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Living in Cockington

My family and I arrived in the village of Cockington on a hot Saturday afternoon, it was a lovely little place full of small cottages and large country houses and it was going to be the perfect place for the k**s to grow up and live.After the removal van had left and we had spent several hours unpacking everyone wanted to go for a wander, so Milly my teenage daughter and ben my youngest went off to find the park, my wife Veronica went to find a local shop and I thought I would go visit the...

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Vacation TwoChapter 21

Five hundred million dollars? That's a lot of money. That's a lot of equipment. I wonder how long it'll take to manufacture and ship that much. Too bad, I could use the money right now to pay for the land we just bought. If we only made ten percent on the deal that's still fifty mil. That's a ton of money. Five hundred million dollars? We just did that, or Phil did that when Sue and I were in San Francisco. That's what Mercy heard. We're doing that much again? What am I doing...

2 years ago
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My brother has this well fit mate called Lucian. Anyway he came to pick up a dvd my brother lent off him. He said he was rollin a spliff and did I want some. I said ok and let him in. I wasn’t dressed yet I was still wearin pink and white pyjama shorts and top.Hes a couple of years older got short blonde hair and was wearing white trackies nd a light blue t-shirt. He always acted tough. was a proper chav and fit fucker wit a nice six pack. We’d already shagged once before. His dick was ded...

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I'd been working there for a year or so when Heather was hired. The company was growing fast and she, and earlier I, were among a number of new web developers we brought on. I was more into the coding side of the job and she was an accomplished graphic artist though we both shared some abilities in the other's strengths. I'll have to admit, Heather was not a stunning beauty and she didn't particularly catch my attention at first. At maybe 5 foot 4, she was quite slender, with medium length...

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Grand Fuck Fiesta With Family And Friends

Hi all, This is my first story in Indian sex stories, but not my first experience. Today i will share my experience of a grand fuck party involving my uncle and family along with other hot cousins and some slutty friends. I am from the state of Kerala. This state is also known as god’s own country. We are one of the wealthy families in my village. We own a good area of farms and estates along with some commercial properties in some of the major towns of the state, along with some business...

1 year ago
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Part 28 Time Apart

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 28: Time Apart Holly had the chance to study abroad, and she took it. She was going to be gone for a month in Europe. This was our last night together before she left early in the morning. We were sitting at the table, having just finished dinner. “I have to go a whole month without you?” I asked her, still coming to terms with her impending absence. “I know baby, I’ll miss you so much” Holly said. “I don’t want you moping around wishing I was...

3 years ago
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A Time to LoveChapter 2

The week passed. It was one of those days-seem-never-ending-week-flies-by kinds of weeks. Before I knew it, I was standing before my open closet again, clad only in my bra and panties. I silently cursed myself for not purchasing a new outfit. The rational mind of mine refused to do so when I already had evening wear I'd never worn. Now I stewed over what to wear. Something sexy and revealing? Something more conservative? Was I trying to seduce him, or was this going to be clinical? Aaargh! I...

2 years ago
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More Sex Education From Marie Boys School 4

I was heading back to the Boys' School, accompanied by my sexy young assistant, Lyn. After her last visit there as my demonstration model, she was not being deprived of a second encounter with the class of horny teen boys, even though I had warned her that I had much more in mind for her this time.Still not yet seventeen, she was again clad in school cardigan, blouse, school tie and skirt, although on this occasion she seemed to be wearing black stockings with a white suspender belt. The boys...

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My Daughters Friend Natalia Part 3 4

As the actors are moving around, I look over and see how it is affecting the girls. Natalia has got her legs tight together with both feet on the floor and her hands in between her legs massaging the top of her covered pussy. Rachelle has her legs up and is leaning against the side of the couch, She keeps rubbing her pussy over the back of her right leg and her A-cup titties are pointing straight out. (I thought I was going to explode!) My cock is now just dripping precum all over my hand and...

3 years ago
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Odd JobChapter 6

"Mum, Dad, there's someone I want you to meet," Cathy yelled from the small hall once they were in. Her mother - a jolly looking woman in her mid thirties by the very Irish name Molly - came up from the kitchen half a story down towards the garden side of the house. She took one look at the visitor and her welcoming smile turned to astonished shock. "Sweet Mother of God! You must be Jennie!" "You know me?" Jennie asked in amazement. "I have never set eyes on you before. But I can...

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MAN OF THE HOUSE:Your flight arrives early 6:30 in the morning. OMG, you are so handsome, and with those sleepy eyes you look soo sexy. I pick you up in my office dress, mid thigh length business skirt, white shirt, short black jacket, stockings and heels. We hug and kiss at the arrival area then with your strong arm around my waist we walk to the parking side. We talk, giggle and chuckle, I am feeling so happy with you. Suddenly, I feel your hand slide down over my womanly behind, I smile and...

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Punishment Most Severe

This is a story I wrote some time ago.It's a little primitive and not particularly well written. But I thoughtI'd post it all the same. The fantasy type is pretty specific so it willnot appeal to everyone's taste. Punishment Most Severe It was a place of execution. She knew because that was what they said wasto be her fate today. She had never thought of herself as a spy. True, shehad done some jobs for the French Resistance from her position as a secretaryat the Gestapo Headquarters, but she...

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First Encounter At Chennai

Hi, guys’….. This is Priya from Chennai. This is about my encounter with a guy in Chennai. This is my first story, so please do forgive me if it’s so boring. If you are a guy looking for a story with slim girls, then this is not for you. First, let me describe myself. I am a 26 years old, unmarried girl. I am a curvy girl, tall with a structure of 40-38-42. Character wise, I am so straight forward, open minded girl. Of-course I have very big assets, some boys just fall for it. Let me go into...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 8 War Council

When she arrived at the entry hall, she was unsurprised to find her parents waiting there, along with the headmistress. She was pleased to note that both parents had briefcases, and each carried one of the stuffed animals she had requested. She was especially happy to note that her father's briefcase was the one she had suggested. Miss James showed them to a small meeting room just off of the entry hall. She requested a chance to speak with them once they were finished with their meeting....

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