Clementine In HellChapter 7 free porn video

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"Well, they certainly taught you one hell of a painful lesson" said Olga, the ugly tough who had just whipped her. This seasoned prisoner was sweating from every pore after her exertions, despite the night chill. She was standing over her recent victim and examining her handiwork. The new girl was certainly in a bad way. Clemmy had been warmed up herself, but she was still shivering feverishly from the after effects of the beating, which had brought her out into a cold sweat.

"You must have easily got ten times the stick a new girl usually gets for a first offence. Take me for instance. I was like a wild animal when I first came here. I fought with the guards and bit one bitch's finger clean off. That's right! There was blood everywhere and you should have heard the cow squeal! But they didn't give me what they just gave you - nor anything like! In a way, I almost felt sorry for you. Almost, but not quite. But I'm glad they stopped it when they did. I was getting so tired! I'd have stopped a long while earlier if it had been up to me and I enjoy taking the skin of a bitch's back as much as any of us. You must be someone special to get a working over like that on your first day! You must have done something pretty bad - either that or upset the wrong people. Whatever - they've really got it in for you! If you want to stay alive, you'd better learn to be tough and learn fast, although after what you did to me, maybe you already have! Have some of this!"

Olga ended her remarks by handing a rusty can full of water which the grievously punished girl gulped greedily and gratefully down. She had only just realised how cruelly thirsty she was. Clemmy eased herself on to the ground, face down on the rough surface, and tried not too successfully to get into a comfortable position, wishing she were in a nice warm room and comfortable bed, being treated for her wounds as she had treated Rashumba and Viola not so many weeks ago. But she knew she would get no such treatment here and that this was just the first of many such beatings looming ahead of her over the next twelve years. There would be no healing ointment and no bed-rest for her in this hell. She looked up at her tormentor.

"When I'm better, we'll finish that fight. OK?"

"They'll have you whipped again - most likely harder next time. You're a very special prisoner and in for a very special time! A hundred lashes will be your minimum, I shouldn't wonder. But be grateful and try to look on the bright side. You are privileged! None of us has ever got more than fifty for starting a fight and that was after a fifth offence! A normal incomer would have got off with a rifle butt in the gut and warning, but you got the works! Yours is going to be one permanently sore hide! Pity - you had such lovely smooth skin before I took it all off! But the sun, wind and rain and frost over the next few years will do to the rest of you what the whip does to your back."

The others laughed and Clemmy knew that she would get no pity, either from the prison staff or her fellow inmates, who had one thing in common and that was total callousness and indifference to the sight and sound of pain. Inured to their own suffering, they had no pity for Clementine and she knew she must never sink to pitying herself. Only strength of mind and body would get her out of here, unless someone at home learned what had happened to her.

"I know I'll get flayed again. But I'll still finish that fight. We can start now, if you want!" Clementine could scarcely move as she said these words, but she meant what she had just said. If this woman wanted, she could have Round Two here and now!

The other women laughed. They already respected the newcomer, who obviously had a lot of spirit, and guessed that Olga would have her hands full if she wanted to stay at the top of the heap.

"I'll let you wait till you're ready." said Olga. "Then I'll be happy to oblige and knock you out good and proper. Better get some sleep if you can. Two of the others will try to keep you warm without hurting that back. Sleep well. You've a long hard day ahead in the morning."

Alexia, the very young woman who had first greeted her, and another called Sveta came over as it got dusk. They lay down one on each side of her. Clemmy was astonished when Sveta started to lick her sore back. She made as if to protest but Alexia explained.

"You've seen an animal lick its wounds?" she laughed, the first pretty sound Clementine had heard since arriving. " Well, that's what we do here. It works after a fashion. In the morning we'll all piss all over that back It'll hurt as bad as the whipping, but it'll do your stripes a power of good. Nasty but effective. It's an old remedy in these parts. Don't worry, you'll soon smell bad enough anyway after working all day, just like the rest of this stinking shower! Why are you here? You're a foreigner, aren't you. You don't talk Russian that badly but you aren't one. I should know, I was born in St Petersburg."

Sveta carried on licking and then Alexia took over. Clementine debated as to whether she should confide in these two. There hardly seemed any reason not to.

"I upset a couple of people. I fell in love with this lovely darling girl in Paris and she was under the thumb of a big African woman a few years older than she was. I fought the black girl and won, so the other girl is mine now, not that it's much good to me stuck in this place." She suppressed a sob at the thought of Viola, so short a time hers. "I also took up with a man, who I quite fancied and it turned out he and the black girl were ex-lovers. I'm here because this guy arranged to get me arrested. He's got a lot of influence here. At least I think that's why I'm here. I can't think of any other explanation. The ostensible reason is that I climbed a national monument whilst totally nude. That was true enough - I did, but I didn't know I was going to be reported for it or that anyone apart from my boy-friend and betrayer was around."

"You mean he preferred a black woman to you! But you're so utterly gorgeous, even with the scar and the broken nose! How strange!"

"Don't be racist!" said the well brought up and politically correct Clemmy. "And she's very striking, our Rashumba. Tall and well built - massive body, but very delicate features. I fancied her myself until I fell so hopelessly in love with Viola, her sex slave. I would have done anything to win that darling for my own, and I don't regret it, even if I am going to spend twelve years in this ghastly place."

"I know there are Westerners with a lot of influence here. Mostly connected to organised crime. This whole place is run by the Mob. The rest of the world has no idea what goes on here." said Alexia.

"Aren't there foreign embassies here?" asked Clementine, relieved that the gentle warm moist application of tongue was soothing her back a little.

"No. Only consular representation and precious little of that. This is still officially part of Russia, but the local boss pays Moscow an annual subsidy and they leave us alone. It's been that way for ten years and likely to go on for ever."

"And you can forget about going home after the twelve years!" said Sveta, pausing a second or two in her ministrations. "If you fell foul of this guy and he's got things to hide, you'll never get out - at least, not alive. He won't want you letting people in the West know what's going on here. The best you can hope for is to become a guard when you've served your sentence, in the unlikely event you haven't perished in one of our winters long before then, but you'll never leave here, so forget good old England or wherever it is you come from. You've seen the last of that!"

"Are all the guards ex-prisoners?" Clementine had not considered this before.

"No. Just a few and we never see them. We are the damned in this cage and we only get the the attentions of the regular guards, and only the worst and most brutal of them. But we get fed well enough. They like to keep up our strength. We really get to work here, as you'll soon find out. Some strong men couldn't keep up with us!"

"What sort of work and when do we get fed. I'm ravenous?"

"There's a quarry where they get marble. Lovely stuff when it's all polished, but I have got to hate the sight of it after five years. You'll be hauling it into a truck to be transported to the factory or helping to cut it up. Back breaking work and you'll not like it with that sore back, but they'll have no pity. And if you fail to do your stint, there'll be more whipping for you, even on top of today's - they won't care. At least once a week some poor bitch gets it. And food is at six in the morning and eight in the evening. We sometimes get some at midday with our lunch time drink of warm foul tasting water that tastes like nectar you'll be so unbelievably thirsty. You just missed out tonight, I'm afraid and had to take your whipping on an empty stomach. You did pretty well to come through it like you did. I've never seen the like of it! You'll survive here, alright, but you won't like it. I've prayed to die a thousand times."

"What will happen when the quarry is worked out, I wonder?" Clementine was wondering if she might be able to get away from the work party. It must be possible. She remembered that marble box she had bought for Viola. No wonder James had smiled that funny smile when he saw it. Soon she would see marble unfinished and in the raw!

"This isn't the only prison in the country. The other place is nearer the mountains, and it's much bigger than this and all the men are there - plus a few women. There's a mine there and if you go there you'll spend time underground, But that's men's work and only a few women get sent there, although any of us in the cage could qualify - we're all easily tough enough."

Clementine pondered this. Maybe some of the miners would be ordinary workers and not criminals. If she could get to make contact, perhaps she might get a message out and get someone at home to help her. If the governments in the West knew what was happening they'd surely bring pressure to bear. Much as she dreaded the thought of being underground, she knew this might be the answer - in time. For the present she had to cope with getting accustomed to being a prisoner and slave and surviving among this bunch of ghastly savage women, of whom only Alexia and to a lesser extent Sveta seemed to be likeable. She thought Alexia very likeable already. She felt the throbbing in her back ease further as the two women licked away at her cuts. She noticed that Alexia was getting dangerously low down to an area that had escaped the lash altogether. Well! Get your pleasure where you can!

She moved her legs apart and soon felt a warm wet and delightfully agile tongue in her vagina. It felt good and she moaned slightly, not out of pain this time. Alexia continued licking, moaning herself, until Olga noticed what was happening and told her to stop. She wondered how many of the caged women got to lick Olga out. Well - she would never be one of them and it didn't matter how dreadfully she was punished. In ten days, as soon as she had healed and got her strength back, that woman's reign would be over. With this ambition in mind she slipped into an uneasy sleep in which she dreamed of Viola and woke up feeling as desolate as she could ever recall. Alexia was lying next to her and she must have sensed Clementine's anguish, because she kissed her on the lips and wished her good morning.

The morning meal was brought into cage by one of the ordinary, clothed prisoners whose clad state made Clemmy very envious. She was cold, despite her two companions and she knew much colder weather was not too far ahead. None of the cage inmates tried to approach the orderly and Clemmy saw why. The attendant guards had their guns at the ready. She and the others were incommunicado. She looked at the prisoner, but there was no response and the girl looked terrified to be in the same enclosure as these hardened and desperate women. Clemmy guessed she would be looking pretty rugged herself before too long. She certainly hoped so - how else was she to survive?

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Chapter 10 Bernie’s Exhibitionist Fling Bernie had two more dates with Eddie Boyle, but neither ended with anything close to the excitement he’d generated on the condo stairs during the hurricane. She began avoiding his calls, and after a brief interval, Eddie looked elsewhere. Val was puzzled, for Bernie, while good looking didn’t seem to attract all that many suitors, if suitor’s translated into desirable hunks. But Val had her Joe, and while she was concerned about Bernie’s lack of...

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Aunt Sioux

After graduating from high school, I found myself not entirely sure about what I wanted to do, whether to go back to school, or join the service. And on top of all that, my long-term girlfriend and I had broken up as she was headed off to college, and wanted to be "free" to explore her "options" as she'd put it to me. I had moped around the house for several days, even the part-time job I'd been working no longer interesting, which made it even more boring for me, and more irritating for...

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Pehla Raas Padosan Ke Saath

Main rajveer , rajasthan ki ek royal family se belong karte chauhan parivar se hun . Ghar mein sabhi aazad khayalat ke hai toh koi rok tok nahi or naahi koi bandhan !   College life mein pehla kadam bus rakha hi rakha tha . Abhi tak sirf flirting or dating hi enjoy kar raha tha , sex tak kabhi baat pahuchi nahi ya shayad pahucha nahi paya tha . Reason , nervous feeling ! Woh kya sochegi , aisa hi kuchh kuchh ! Tabhi meri life mein ek aisa tufaan aaya jisne meri life badal di.   Mere paas ke...

2 years ago
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Playing for the Queen

She moved the Bishop nonchalantly, keeping hold until she had fully surveyed the board. Finally sure this was the right move her fingers eased back from the piece and she leaned back to look her adversary in the eye. He had a fleeting smile then shot forward to take her Queen which had moments before been protected. "In this game there is a punishment for losing this piece" He almost purred at her. She knew what was to come as she placed the Queen between her teeth and stood from the table....

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Masturbation Pleasure Supreme

Masturbation Pleasure SupremeBy: Londebaaz ChohanHow heart wrenching and painful it is to be a straight A student and even get an all-expenses paid admission in the subject of his liking and still being in doubt that if he will be able to continue his education or not. Who could answer this better than Lucan. He was facing this dilemma for over almost 3 weeks now and still had no answer from anybody that shall he or won’t he be going to this school because he did not know in advance; if he will...

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Lost My Virginty With A Sex Godess

HI to all my readers, i am from kolkata, west bengal. My name is RAGHU, i am 20 years old and i am a student of one of the best college from kolkata. I have a massive huge dick of 7” and it is 3.5” thick and my power for doing sex is very long lasting. I am fair,good-looking and handsome too. I am always happy to be a friend of a widow, unsatisfied girls and bhabhis. Any one from kolkata can contact me on my email , i am also on fb same email id. Today i am going to describe my 1st sex...

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A Day With My Wife

I love everything about autumn, it excites all my senses: The feel of the cool, crispness against my face Taking in slow, deep breaths of clean air The sound of leaves crunching underfoot as I run in the park The wonderful colors of the freshly painted trees The crackle of a fireplace, the smell of cooked apples The taste of pumpkin-spice latte My lady prefers the heat of summer: Relaxing under the sun’s heat absorbing all it has to offer The warm, humid air searing her lungs Hot sand and the...

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Exploited College Girls Alex

During the summer of 2012, I had been out of college for seven years. I had a girlfriend and we had been going out for about 7 months. I came home from my awful job to find one of the neighbors and my girlfriend in bed together. We broke up that night and I was in a complete state of disarray. I didn't know what to do with my life because I had no girlfriend and my job sucked. The only thing I knew was that I sure missed college at this point. Thats when I decided I would "go back" to college...

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MyPervyFamily Kenzie Love My Hot StepAunt Lets Me Spy On Her

My Step-Aunt Kenzie Love is hot. Perfect bikini body and a real sweetheart too. I’m spying on her as she gets lotioned and talks on the phone. She almost caught me watching her in the hallway but I (Peter Green) narrowly escaped! She wants me to come up to the hottub with her…I’m nervous so I tell her I have errands to run. But as she oils herself up in the tub she catches me watching again and invites me to oil her down. She confesses she knows I’ve been watching her...

2 years ago
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We Need to Talk Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The months passed and my wife fully embraced her inner slut. I have no idea how many men she's slept with or how many men she's sucked off. Anywhere between 1 and 4 days a week I would simply receive a text message that said "N", meaning not going to be home for also meant no chance for cummies. N was a lot better than "A", "B" or "C", orders that would affect my life reduced to a single letter. A meant I was to immediately go to my room and close my door,...

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Private Agatha Vega Hot Breakfast

Today in Private Specials, A Time for Passion, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Agatha Vega, a sexy Private new girl who is here to have some fun with her man Josh in a hot debut you won’t want to miss! Agatha has woken up feeling quite playful this morning and with some adult games in mind, she wastes no time getting the fun started on the sofa with a nice blowjob. Then sit back, relax and watch the rest of the action unfold on as this beauty puts her hot body to work...

1 year ago
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Bonnies Big Gangbang Part 3

Once each of the women had cum over Bonnie’s mouth, Nick called a halt. The last one dismounted, leaving Bonnie stunned and breathing hard, with pussy cum glazing her mouth and face, and her body seeming to vibrate after being forced to cum, over and over again.Nick shouted, “Okay, assholes, time to pay the piper. We need to cum all over this slut – that was the deal – so get to it, or nobody gets a second chance to fuck her.”It wasn’t hard to persuade the group that they needed to wank and...

Group Sex
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Unforgettable Sex With Sister In Law And With My Gay Friend

Actually, this is not a story, it’s real happenings. I Ravi and moved to Chennai to do my be and moved to my elder brothers house. He is 5 years older to me and married to a beautiful girl from the north. They have no kids yet. First few months I was busy with my new surroundings and my studies. As I was from small town, it was real tough for me with the city life as well as at the college. During that time one of my classmates Raghu became very helpful to me and slowly our friendship grew day...

1 year ago
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A random man bangs my wife

Wow Let me tell you this, my wife is such a little whore. Sex, sex, and more sex is all she could think about. I thought only guys could think about sex as much as she does. Well let me tell you how she looks, first of all she is a sexy latina, about 5'3, sexy curves, long black hair with blonde highlights, size 32c tits, lets leave it at that. It all started with the score sheet. You know the list of people you been with before. I only have been with a few, like 4 or 5 before Jasmine. When I...

Group Sex
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Golf-T Copyright 1998 by Samantha Michelle. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different...

3 years ago
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A different gloryhole story

there was this one side street that had a huge sign ADULT WORLD so having nothing better to do I went in the place had a strange smell I had never experienced before inside was a counter where sat a dude who eyed me and told me i could get quartes for the peeps from him i got 2 rolls and walked through the place most of the booths had 8mm projectors set up on 3 of the 4 walls you fed a slide gadget like at a laundromat and presto the film showed up on one of the walls i watched a few in...

2 years ago
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Happy Memories

After a couple of hours watching granny porn and grandpas wanking and spunking I found my mind drifting back to when I was a young pup back home in the N.East and some of the naughty but very exciting things I got up to at my paternal grandparents home. Now, I'm not going to be going into lurid details of being bum ****d by my grandpa or sticking my juvenile cocklet in my grandma's cunt because it wasn't like that. But those times DID set the trend for my life of sluttyness to some degree. Most...

4 years ago
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Martina McBride and LeeAnn Rimes Swap HusbandsChapter 2

She spoke up "I never expected this either and I don't see me becoming a swinger or anything. I enjoyed what happened very much, I am sorry it did happen, like Martina said I wanted us to be friends when you left. For my part I still feel like we are friends. I know you didn't try to take advantage, we all just had a little to much to drink. We can't change what happened so lets just deal with it". John being older than Dean and more experienced in the world spoke up next "I love...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Was With Men Part 2 The Red Shoes

Still, in my teens, I was hitchhiking in the California/Nevada mountains. Don't recall where I was headed at the time. I was on a very desolate two-lane road. A grizzled hard rock miner had given me a ride to what seemed like the middle of nowhere, where he turned off the paved road to get to his mine.The landscape was dry and rocky. High altitude desert country. The road was not well-traveled. In the hot afternoon quiet the only sound I heard was the buzzing of a few tiny wild bees, going...

Gay Male
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Little Gem

As Gema picked up the envelope from the door-mat she recognised Uncle Dan’s handwriting. It was a birthday card he’d airmailed her. As she opened it she realised how long it had been since she’d seen him. The front of the card showed a snazzy dolly-girl holding a champagne glass aloft while a saucy mongrel doggy stood against her thigh eagerly trying to reach it. His message was clear; she was the girl and Dan, was the saucy mongrel. It neatly conveyed their early relationship: even though...

2 years ago
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Positively Glowing 3

"You're taking this the wrong way, Stevie," Taylor was riding in the passenger seat and trying to explain what she meant before her best friend and sister-in-law got too angry. "Now, remember, I love Gerry, too and I am not happy that my mom pushed him so far so fast or that she changed the rules of the game after he'd already made a deal with her - BUT - I was watching him before he left today and I didn't see a boy in a dress." "Jesus, Tay, you're getting to be as bad as your mother....

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Daisy Stone 24587

Can this guy ever get enough? Johnny mistakes the cleaning lady Daisy Stone for one of his co-workers in his office, and when she tells him she wants a job in the office, the guy’s dick is suddenly springing out of his zipper! Daisy claims that she found some work clothes on the desk she was dusting, and then decided to try them on to see what it feels like to have the kind of job she always wanted but was never able to get. When Daisy starts ripping her clothes off, Johnny makes like her fat...


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