Clementine In HellChapter 20 free porn video

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In the next three years the increasingly intimate couple were to meet seven more times in that wood and seven more times Clementine would lie senseless at Amanda's feet after what were always marathon contests, the latest and most bruising of which lasted forty five minutes.

By this time George had been posted back to London and Viola had joined him there three months later. The way Viola's affair with Fox had deepened and Amanda had taken over Clementine had been slow and almost imperceptible at first but remorseless all the same. By the time the situation had resolved itself all concerned saw that it had been inevitable from the time Amanda and Clementine had first faced each other in Abhlovia and Viola had met Fox in England. Amanda's break with Fox came when he finally tired of her reluctance to name the day for their wedding.

A year after her rescue Clementine had said a sad farewell to Viola who promised they would still see each other often (which they did, their bond not having been broken but merely transformed into ordinary friendship). Clemmy bought Viola's cottage and Paris apartment and put the rest of her money into the sports club which soon diversified to become a fashionable upmarket establishment. But the ladies combat side was never ignored.

Clementine and Amanda both fought professionally many times, always victoriously. But they never appeared publicly against each other. Their private matches were all very, very personal and after each of them their relationship grew and deepened, but constant heavy defeats meant that Amanda came to dominate Clementine and exercise a control that others noticed with disapproval but which Clemmy grew, first to accept, and then increasingly to enjoy.

"I am your slave these days, Amanda" she said over a romantic dinner on the night before their eighth fight.

"I know, darling! And you love it, don't you?"

"I'm beginning love it! I wonder if I could live any other way."

Their eighth fight was in high summer and on a glorious cloudless day. They had agreed, in view of the intense heat, to break off for refreshment every five minutes or so. Clementine had managed to keep herself under control and out of trouble for much of the time and after thirty minutes she dared to hope that this might be her first victory. Amanda seemed not to be her usual confident self today.

Maybe it was fear of what a win would do to unbalance their relationship, or perhaps once again she had expended her effort too early on, but Clementine somehow lost the opening that she sensed herself to have. Soon Amanda started to demolish her in that coolly professional way that was a delight for onlookers to watch but sheer hell for her victims. Clemmy felt herself being softened up again and knew Amanda was going to flatten her once more. Five minutes later it was all over. But it had taken Amanda forty five minutes this time, including drinks breaks.

Amanda went down on her knees, her feet tucked under her posterior and raised the semi conscious Clementine's head, cradling it and resting it on her thighs. She stroked that long fair hair as the beaten girl opened her eyes and looked dazedly up into Amanda's lovely face. Clemmy smiled and pushed her head into Amanda's body trying to get it between those sweaty and succulent thighs.

"Mmm!! You smell so good! And you're so sweaty! It's bloody pouring off you!"

"And off you too, Clemmy! Though I am the one that does all the work! You just stand there and let me 'it you!"

Amanda laughed as she said this and ran her hands through Clemmy's golden hair. She leant back and opened her legs, letting Clementine have her sweet reward for being beaten. For over an hour the two lay together in the clearing Amanda part of the time tenderly cleansing the cuts she had just inflicted and part letting Clementine make love to her. She still preferred men, but Clementine had always been very special and she no longer felt any regrets about George, now married to Viola and a proud father.

Amanda looked solemnly down at the girl she had helped rescue and over whom she had come to assert an almost total dominance which was very much to the liking of them both.

"Clemmy, my darling. I think this must stop. It is true that you are getting better and better, but so am I. I am always the one step ahead of you and always you fall victim to my superior technique. It is getting to be so bloody boring always winning and you can't find it so much fun losing. Let's not fight ever again, my angel!"

Clemmy smiled back at her opponent and lover.

"You always say that and I always say I know when I'm beaten. We both of us know we'll fight again! I'm not one to give up, but I acknowledge you will most likely always beat me, Mistress Amanda. And even if I do win one day, you will always be my mistress."

"I will indeed, my beloved Slave Clementine. And now it is time to get inside my cottage! You are better now and the life it is coming back to that so strong body. Carry me back to the cottage my powerful, but too slow to beat me, Slave."

"I thought I owned the cottage now, Amanda. I seem to remember signing the cheque!"

"But it is I who own you, Clemmy. And if I own you, I own the cottage. And don't complain - you love to be owned by the superlative and incomparable Amanda! Carry me home at once!"

Clemmy did as she was told. It might be her money which was keeping the two of them, but Amanda always gave the orders and Clemmy liked obeying this woman whose imperiousness got more ludicrous and extreme with the years but never failed to delight her with its outrageousness. On the way, Amanda took her arms from around Clemmy's neck, stretching them out and leaning backwards, trying to make herself as hard to carry as she could and laughing as Clemmy began to sweat with the heat and her arm muscles stood out like ropes as they took the strain.

"Oh, You are so strong! Do you see the trees, Clemmy? Along this path? They need some thinning out. Get an axe and start on them as soon as you have got me home. I may come and watch later after I 'ave 'ad a sleep. I need a rest. It is the very tiring work knocking the shit out of you."

Amanda picked herself up from the ground where Clemmy, tiring for once of her lover's arrogance, had unceremoniously dropped her.

"OK, Clemmy. We BOTH chop a few trees down after we eat. I am just as strong as you in any case!"

"Balls! You get your sleep and I'll do it!"

Back at the cottage, the phone rang. Clemmy was away for a long time and finally came back into the parlour and sat by Amanda.

"It was Alexia, darling! My lover during my imprisonment and the one who kept me sane all those years. She's finally been released. Her brutal husband, whom she put into a coma after he had beaten her, has miraculously recovered. And when he heard his young wife was in prison he forgave her and she is now free. It seems the injury must have done him good because she says he is now a kind and gentle man. They are in Paris for a long weekend. I have invited her to come here for the afternoon. I hope you don't mind."

"Mind! Of course not. Go and get the place ready to receive visitors, Clemmy. It is a tip as usual. I, with much reluctance, put up with your untidy ways but I won't have visitors seeing this mess!"

"You know you're as terrible a slob as me!" laughed Clemmy. "But, as ever, you're right. We can't entertain my former lover with the place looking like this!"

Three hours later the couple heard the sound of a car coming up the drive.

"She is here, Mistress!" said Clemmy.

"Open the door to your guest then, Slave! Don't you think we should dress to receive them!"

With horror Amanda had realised they were still stripped after their fight earlier on and the tree felling which had taken up that part of the afternoon not devoted to tidying the house.

"No. Alexia asked me not too. I am not totally stupid, Amanda!"

At first Alexia seemed unsure how to greet her erstwhile leader and lover, but the atmosphere gradually became relaxed, especially with Amanda being so charming and putting her at her ease.

"You fought Clementine not long before she was released. I remember that well. You had to give up before the end of the fight and you and Clemmy sat and watched me win against Olga. I was so proud that day. She had always beaten me before"

"Amanda only gave up because she had been told to, Alexia. She was employed by our Government to help get me free. And we have had eight matches since, not far from here. She always knocks me out cold. We had our latest today and you might see I am just a bit damaged!"

"I can't believe it, Clemmy! I got so used to you being unbeatable! But Amanda doesn't look as if she got it all her own way, although, I have to admit you DO look a hell of a lot worse that she does. You must be an absolutely brilliant fighter, Amanda, to beat Clementine!"

"I am, cherie! I am!"

Clementine tried to ignore her lover/mistress's cocksure complacency. She really was so unspeakably full of herself after her invariably victorious fights with her battered blonde partner/slave that it threatened to get beyond a joke.

"How are conditions at the prison, Alexia, and how is Rashumba?" She sounded almost like her old authoritative self. She thought she saw Amanda frown at this so she sat submissively on the carpet at her Mistress's feet and Amanda cheered up.

"It got better there after you were rescued, Clemmy. But as soon as the world turned its eyes away, things soon reverted to normal. For a while many of us were given clothes and moved inside. Then, after three months we were all naked again and in the bloody cage, getting whipped as usual. Rashumba, Olga and a few others were never given clothes or let out of the cage. We would see them huddled together at night and being run to and from the quarry.

After being put back in the cage again, I was the head prisoner, after miraculously beating off Olga and easily thrashing Rashumba. I don't know who is in charge now - Olga I guess. Rashumba gets a terrible time, Clemmy. She treated the guards like shit for all the years you were there and they have not forgotten. They work her until she drops and they whip her long and hard for the least little thing, just like it was with you - only worse, if you can believe it! And the other women make her life a non-stop misery which was not a thing you had to worry about. They still remember you, Clementine and how that cow made your life such hell on earth. She won't last much longer, poor woman. If you saw her now, even you would pity her."

"Would you feel sorry for 'er, Clemmy my love?" asked Amanda softly, her arms possessively around Clementine's shoulders and her hand resting on her breast.

"Yes. I would, darling. She doesn't belong there for the next twelve years. If I wrote to the Abhlovians asking for clemency for her, do you think they might take any notice?"

(Clemmy wrote to the Embassy when she was free to do so, saying that she forgave Rashumba for all the wrongs she had done her and asking for her sentence to be reduced and her conditions to be improved. She never had a reply but Viola wrote a few months later to say that the Foreign Office had learned that Rashumba had been moved to another and far less harsh prison. Five years later the African woman, her hair prematurely white and her body stooping and frail was freed on parole. What happened to her after that, neither Clemmy nor Viola was ever to learn.)

Alexia stayed for over two hours and then said she must go. Clementine kissed her good bye and watched her till she was out of sight. Then she went back inside, nervous about Amanda's reaction. She was beginning to realise that her Mistress got very angry indeed if Clemmy reminded her that she had not always been hers. She wondered what little treat might be in store for her. Amanda seemed to be upstairs and she heard her moving about, apparently looking for something. Then she came downstairs. She was carrying a stick, a chain and some handcuffs.

"So you kiss your ex-lover goodbye, eh! I teach you! Bend over that chair! NO. Correction! Bend down and touch the toes. Do not move until I tell you. I am going to cane that bottom and then take you outside and chain you up. And I let you in again one day - maybe. But you better get used to fresh air again and plenty of it!"

Clementine obeyed. Soon the cane was swishing through the air and her buttocks were on fire as Amanda coldly slashed away at them. Amanda might be tired after a morning thrashing her in the wood and an afternoon felling trees, but she gave Clemmy a caning to remember for many weeks after. Then she was told to stand up. Amanda came round and stood with her face an inch away from hers.

"What have you to say now!"

"I am sorry. But we were lovers, Amanda and long before I met you. But I am yours now. You know that!"

"Maybe. But outside you come and I wish it was winter not a warm summer evening!"

Amanda tethered Clementine, in such a way that she could not stand upright, to a ring well fixed in the concrete floor of the front yard. Then she left her. It got dark and after several hours the light went out. Amanda had gone to bed. Clemmy wondered how long this was to go on for. Maybe it was time for her to assert herself! She pulled on the chain, but even her strength could not tear the ring out of its place. She had wondered at the time why Amanda had got her to put this there. Now she knew that this uncomfortable position was to be hers whenever she stepped out of line. That and the caning, whose after effects still made her careful not to bring her rump into contact with the ground. She was used to discomfort, though, and managed to get some sleep. It was light when she woke and the house was still silent. Finally Amanda came out. She had a bowl in her hand which she put in front of Clementine. It contained porridge and looked awful. Amanda went in and came back with a bowl of water.

"How long is this to go on for, Mistress?"

Amanda ignored her and went back inside Clementine decided that she must eat, even if she were to have to do so like a dog. By the time she had finished she had stuff all over her face and the water had partly been spilt.

At nine Amanda came out and got the car out of the garage. She drove away and Clemmy knew she would not see her again until evening. She wondered what reason she would give for her partner's absence. Clemmy had no fights arranged for weeks and was afraid Amanda might keep her here until then. At ten the postman came. He looked at the tethered Clemmy and laughed.

"The games you girls play! What it is to be young!"

Another caller was the gardener and he asked Clementine if she wanted help.

"No, thank you. Please get on with your work. I am here until Amanda decides to release me."

It was three days before Amanda said a word to the chained Clementine. Each morning she would place two bowls in front of her and each evening she would replace them with two more. The weather was still extremely hot and the sun was strong. By the time the evening came Clementine felt only marginally less thirsty that she had in the prison that last summer when they had pegged her out and left her without food and water for two days at a time. She consoled herself with the thought that at least she could move about this time, if only to a limited extent.

Then on the morning of her fourth day, Amanda spoke.

"Are you truly sorry Clemmy to have kissed that Alexia without asking my permission?"

"Yes. I would never want to hurt you. But I would still do it again. I owe her so much, darling."

Amanda snorted.

"I would never look at another human being, let alone kiss one! You are still a very selfish girl, My Slave and it will not do. And now, to the practical details! You need a shower. I don't mind you lying in your own shit, in fact it pleases me a lot, but the smell is getting 'orrible! I will get out the 'osepipe!"

Thirty seconds later she was spluttering under a powerful douche of cold water. Amanda kept it up until her victim was ready to pass out before she turned off the flow. She had felt she might drown, especially when Amanda had turned the hose onto her face and kept it there for long enough to wash away the accumulation of food that had been smeared over it in the last few days.

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The time was finally right, Sammy gave me a kiss and said she had to go to the store she needed to pick up a few things she had forgotten for supper. I kissed her back and she headed torward's the back door and yelled to the kids if they wanted to go along. They all said no we are fine and went back to what ever they were doing. Sammy left and now I thought this would be time to talk to Kelly. I went to the back door and saw they were kicking a soccer ball back and forht between Cindy and...

2 years ago
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Femdom University

When Emma was in high school, she heard about a small group of major universities introducing schools of Femdom. She absolutely adored the idea of locking cocks in chastity and breaking their balls as a career. On her 18th birthday, she spent half of her life savings buying femdom porn. She played with herself four times a day for a month. She noticed that all of her favorite dommes had her same black, medium-lenght hair and sharp features. There was one difference that really bothered her...

4 years ago
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Obey Him Part Two

I hear a car approach, stopping right in front of my apartment. Oh. It is him. It has to be. I hope it is. What would someone think if they saw me like this? I have to giggle a bit at the thought. “Is something funny?” A male voice, one that doesn’t ring any bells as someone I might know. I jump a bit at the unexpected voice. “I, I... Um... I was just thinking how awkward it would be if someone saw me like this. A random person who had no idea what was going on,” I blush deeply as I speak,...

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Enter SandmanChapter 9

I remember years ago while in the military, talking with one of the men under my command who had since passed away. He told me about the small town he had come from. The town was a pretty nice place except for the name and a corrupt and lazy police force. I could never forget the name of the town it was too funny. It was called Hell. There weren't any major problems in the town. No murders to speak of with the biggest action on Friday and Saturday nights. Which kept the town's police force...

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Wish a celeb Supernatural version

I had this idea for a while and now decided to try it out. I love to imagine celebs in a bit more supernatural situations. Everything going further than just a generic sex setup: demons, mind control, body shape changes, ... such things. So give me a little promt in the comments, which is more than just a name, maybe two or three sentences what the setting you would like to read about is. I will try to work through the comments in the order they come in. For the beginning, please restrict your...

3 years ago
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Galfriend Ko Ghodi Banaya

Hi i m amit i m4m aipur aaj men aap ko 1 storie batata hon men or meri galfriend jiska nm neha tha ek roj ghumne gaye kafi time ghumne ke baad hum kuch kahne ke liye ek restorent men gaye humne nasta kar le dethe ki ,ere najar ek kone men gayi jaha kuch andhera tha waha kuch chote chote room the ton mene neha ko kaha ki neha kuch der akele bethte hen ton ne kaha ki kaha ton mene neha ko jagah dikhyi neha ne kaha ok mene wetar se baat kar ke room le liye hum dono room men chale gaye fir mene...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 6

One thing about us Pulaski men, we were fanatics about being on time. I think it all stemmed from my grandfather's years in the military. Being at the appointed place at the designated time, Papa called it. So on my big day my grandfather honked his horn for me at seven fifty-nine. I grabbed my backpack and sprinted out to his truck. As we motored out of town Papa looked at me wistfully when we passed Mama's Diner. "You can stop there on the way home, all you have to do is drop me off."...

1 year ago
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No More Lies

I was naked kneeling up. She was standing in front of me; she was wearing a pair of Christian?Loubutin?Mary Jane slides?with black mesh, strap across instep, open toe, and?4 1/4" covered heel, a very short leather mini skirt, no panties, a leather??corset with an incorporated demi cup bra, exposing her nipples and spectacular breast, very light make up, and her hair in a ponytail. ?Her name is Victoria, she is Chinese, she has unusually long legs, long fingers with long nail beds painted in a...

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New place

Beauty, Warmth & Elegance!Elegantly appointed for entertainment both indoors and outdoors in this 6,392 sq. ft. home that boasts a one of a kind feature that no other home for sale on Grand Bahama has - 28 foot wide, 10 foot high folding sliding door in the great room that opens up to the spacious outdoor covered entertainment area that is complimented by the pool and the canal. Built by one of the most elite developers of Grand Bahama who ensures there are no needs or wants left out. You...

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Waterfall KeepChapter 11

A man who looked exactly like the King was sitting in an upholstered chair with his feet propped up and a cup of wine was in his left hand. His right hand was diddling a naked woman between her legs. She seemed to orgasm, and she took the King's hand from between her legs and licked his fingers clean. He smiled and waved to another naked woman who was standing to one side. That woman walked to the king and flipped his kilt out of the way. I noted that he was wearing nothing underneath the...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Own sister

My name is rahul and I am from hyderabad, my mail id is [email protected]. I would like to share with you my real personal experience. I am from a rich family basically engaged in business.I have 3 elder sisters and I am the last boy. I am 23 years old now and like to share my experience when I was 19 years. My sister Kamala is older than me by 3 years. She got married when she was 23 years old. She is very tall (5 feet 11 inches) with wheatish complexion.I was 15 years old when she got...

1 year ago
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Mother in Law chapter 3 fiction

Note : This story is completely fictional! Barbie lay beside me as we chatted we could hear low moaning coming from the other bedroom,Barbie giggled hell he never made me moan I know she not getting it as good as I did,I think you made me yelp several times.God it was goodShe was stroking my cock as we talked and I was fingering her hot pussy,She whispered you are driving me wild,I want you to fuck me again. I started sucking her nipples as I fingered her wet cunt,her hot juices were ozzing...

1 year ago
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STUPID by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas It was my big mouth that had gotten me into trouble, as usual. I had been in a singles bar, and I was hitting on two attractive chicks, bragging about what a good lover I am. We had a few drinks as I kept running my mouth off, and the blonde, Debbie, turned to the redhead, Pat, and said, "I think this guy is full of shit; do you want to give him a chance to put his pecker where his mouth is?" "Why not," Pat responded, "he is pretty good-looking, for an...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Girl And The Salesman 8211 Part 1

Hello! This is my 1st story and I am as excited as you! This is the story of a lingerie salesman. I will make sure that you cum so hard that you read this story again and again. Starting with my friend Sanjay. (Friends call him Sanju and so do we in this story). He is a lingerie salesman selling bra, panties, and nighties, only of the sexy styles and sex appealing fashion. Yes, he visits the middle-class residential societies and tricks the security. He usually tells them some lie to enter the...

1 year ago
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The Virgin PrincessChapter 2

Ginny was in the kitchen the next morning, when she heard Karen's key in the door. "You home, Gin?" she heard her call out. "In the kitchen! The kettle's just boiled." Karen made herself tea, then sat at the table opposite her friend. "I don't suppose I need to ask what sort of evening you had!" Ginny exclaimed. "I think we underestimated Chris, Ginny: he's an absolute babe ... and what stamina! I was actually glad he had to go to work today!" " ... Wow! I never thought I'd...

2 years ago
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My Bestest friend

Me and my best friend have a bunch of sleep overs during the summer. She is very rich and has a huge mansion for a house. They have 7 bedrooms, hers is on one side of the house and her parents is on the other. It was around 2 in the morning and we were watching a movie. We always talk about boys and sex and stuff like that. Her boyfriend, Drake, lived in another town so she only saw him on the weekends. I know for a fact that she was not a virgin, then neither was I. I the movie had a sex scene...

1 year ago
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AssParade Abella Danger Abella Dangers Anal Afternoon

You know her. You love her. Abella Danger is back, but this time she’s going anal. Abella has a great body, especially her amazing ass. In today’s update you’ll see her showing off and shaking her ass in all of it’s glory. She gets her all natural ass tongue fucked and fingered. Then she gets down to some serious sloppy throat fucking. She does get her beautiful pussy pounded for a bit, but this video is all about the anal. Abella loves getting fucked, especially in her tight ass, and you can...

2 years ago
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the shower

There are days where it is good to escape. Where all you want to do is go find a sanctuary to recharge from all the stress. I have a friend who works at a hotel. He told me during the weekdays no one uses the roof top pool hardly ever. He gave me a hotel pass to act as one of the guest so I could go up and enjoy some sun on my body. The feeling of that warmth and isolation is exactly what this girl needs.Wednesday mid afternoon I sneak in as a guest and head up. The elevator ride takes too long...

3 years ago
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A Midnight Encounter Part 2

2Jake is kneeling on the floor while I’m on all fours on the bed. He’s licking my ass and it feels amaaazing. Out of nowhere he grabs me by my ankles and lifts me in the air, moving me forward to make space for him to climb behind me. “Damn, this dude is strong…” I think excitedly to myself. He pushes me down flat onto my belly and inserts three fingers into my pussy…drilling me so hard and fast that I feel like I’m getting fucked by a machine. I love that this man knows to do this to me. The...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kiara Cole Cumming On My Step Sisters Feet

Damon Dice suffers from OCD and his stepsister, Kiara Cole, loves to make life difficult for him. She leaves a mess when she gets out of the shower, walking around while dripping water everywhere. When Damon confronts her, he finds her half naked with her feet already filthy. He claims he’s going to cum on Kiara’s feet to teach her a lesson, but Kiara calls his bluff and gets flirty until Damon leaves. The stepsibs joke about it later when Kiara asks Damon to pass her some sugar for...

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Naked girls week outside at cold weather

That is a follow-up to the first story: Second day, 18th March Temperature in that day At 6 a.m -18 9 a.m. -12 Noon -7 3 p.m -6 6 p.m -8 8 p.m -11 Marlene was sleeping and had a dream, that she is in Antarctic observation station and her task is to check temperatures in all weather stations. There were six weather stations approximately 10 kilometres around...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 21

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 20 you Read What would I say more? The very thoughts of this idea was giving me a wild turn on and more so as I was not fully dressed also for a long time now. Master-ji: Ramlal, do not waste time, as anytime the snakes...

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Love Lust Only Lust

Hi All, This is Ranvir again with new true story. I am 5 foot 11 inches muscular 24 year old boy. if you like the story then please contact me on I am from Delhi and by profession i am a model, truly speaking i am not a big model but was doing some shows and anchoring in Delhi. my friends told me to move Mumbai to take chance in at least for T.V industry. I am not over confident. i know my limits so i was targeting T.V. i am still doing the same. But this story is not about this. I moved to...

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"Alright, men, quiet down and grab some pine!" The bellowing voice of Coach Roy Dietz boomed throughout the locker room. The muscular players on the Fulsom High football team obediently gathered around their stoic leader. Coach Dietz was a big man. He stood six foot three and was a powerfully built two hundred thirty-five pounds. In his college days, he had been an all Southeastern Conference linebacker. A knee injury derailed his NFL career in only his rookie season. Many feel, he...

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by samslam"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my s!ster said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to parade...

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Sex Call

hi all reader of ISS. this is my first sex story how i fucked a girls found on internet i m raj 19 years old from mumbai. i m 5 feet and 5 inches in height looking attractive having a average body now i start my story, when i was 17 i had a great feeling to have sex. i used to mastebate daily by watching porn pics and videos. me din bhar yahoo me aur orkut me ladkiya dhundte rehta tha. then i search on google for sex there i gor adds of sex and many thing. so i also posted my add there then...

2 years ago
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Swirls of emotion blinded him, he could only feel the crunching of the fallen leaves beneath his shoes and his tight grip on her arm. Was he holding her too firmly? A pang of guilt shot through the haze of fury… And devastation. He relaxed his grip, but only by a fraction. He fumed, hating himself for still caring for her and wanting to be gentle with the tiny slip of a woman. She was his weakness. ‘Sascha,’ she pleaded to deaf ears, ‘Sascha, you’re bruising me.’ The last of her words...

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A Boxcar Named Desire

Lorelei rolled gently as she dropped off another load of dishes.   Her calves ached, but she had to hurry.   They needed help on the floor. Charlie had been sick for a couple days, so no one was surprised when he called in.   Then Gerry couldn’t be reached, probably because Pantera was playing at the Agora. But couldn’t Roger have found another busboy somewhere?   Nine tables and no busboy made for a busy, busy evening, and faltering service. That created dissatisfied customers, who weren’t...

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