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By Marcia R. Hooper

A Re-imagining of
my 2001 Short Story
The Girl Who Came Shrink-Wrapped

Adapted from the short story:
by Henry Hasse


On the afternoon it began, Kellie was at the mall, shopping with two friends. It was Friday and the three planned to shop until 6 o’clock, grab a pizza at Gino’s, and then catch the 7:15 showing of Flirtation. It had been showing a month now and Michelle had already seen it twice, Tommie once, and Kellie…well, this would be Kellie’s first time. Michelle and Tommie could not believe that Kellie was still a Flirtation virgin.

‘Come on,’ Kellie moaned. ‘Leave me alone, okay?’ She hated romantic comedies, had grown out of them in middle school. She couldn’t believe her friends had badgered her into seeing one now. Especially not the ridiculously childish Flirtation, seeing the ad on TV made her cringe.

‘I heard that Robert cheats on Amy,’ Michelle teased. Robert and Amy were the stars of Flirtation and an item in real life.

Kellie had a purple top in her hand, fringed at the throat with fine lace. Eyeing it critically, she compared it to another, lighter purple top, ignoring her friend’s taunt.

‘I heard he’s cheating on her with Albert,’ Tommie quipped. Albert was a character in the movie, played by Mallo Rice, a complete hunk. ‘I don’t know what he could possibly be thinking. Albert is soooo hot, but no one will ever make me believe that Elijah would kiss another guy. No way.’ Elijah was the character Robert played in the movie.

Kellie slipped the light purple top back onto the rack and fingered a blue one instead. Michelle and Tommie were at the next rack over, exchanging mischievous grins, obvious intent on continuing Kellie’s torture. However, at that moment the story took a sharp, left-hand turn into the bizarre as a man approached Kellie from behind, jostled her, excused himself gruffly and walked quickly away. Kellie blinked rapidly, flustered, rubbing her right thigh and wondering if she’d just been groped by some creep. That was her impression, as he skulked away. The man appeared to be middle aged, with longish unruly hair, dressed suspiciously in a rumpled overcoat.

‘You okay?’ Michelle asked.

Kellie nodded and continued rubbing her thigh. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear the guy had jabbed her with something. She felt a little panicky, thinking maybe she should chase after him and call for help? Who would she call, though? There were only shoppers like herself and Michelle and Tommie in sight, no store personnel at all. Indecision stopped her in her tracks.

‘What happened?’ Michelle demanded.

Kellie felt herself redden. ‘Nothing,’ she muttered, and then hesitantly told about the bump and stick on her hip.

‘You should go look,’ Tommie advised. Beneath her look of concern, there was a hint of amusement, which embarrassed Kellie even further. She shook her head.

‘Bullshit,’ Michelle told her and grabbed her arm. ‘If you got stuck, we need to find out with what.’ So a thoroughly embarrassed Kellie found herself dragged off to the Ladies Room for inspection.

Kellie was not the cutest of girls. Though blonde and blue-eyed, she had an unfortunate complexion, features seemingly a little too large or a little too small or a little too wide apart, and a body that was best hidden beneath loosely fitting clothes or a one-piece swimsuit. In her 18 years, 10 months and 8 days, she’d been with exactly two boys, and neither had bedded her more than once. This did nothing for her self-confidence. The thought of being on campus next semester with a cajillion college boys pretty much skewered the rest.

A woman and her 10-year old were at the sink, someone else was inside a stall, and a pair of girls a couple years younger than Kellie and her friends were primping at a mirror.

‘Which hip?’ Michelle demanded. Fretfully, Kellie indicated her right one.

The mother and daughter eyed the trio with mild interest, the teens at the mirror ignored them and the person in the end stall finished peeing and un-spooled toilet paper from the roll. Kellie judged by her shoes and black slacks that it was not a girl their age. She felt mortified when Michelle ordered her to undo her belt and then began to undo it herself. ‘I can do it,’ she protested. The best she could manage was to assist Michelle in getting her undone and pushing her jeans down to her knees. Now the teens at the mirror were staring at her. ‘This is ridiculous,’ she mumbled.

The 10-year-old’s mom couldn’t decide if she was alarmed or irritated. ‘Are you O.K.?’ she asked hesitantly.

‘Some guy stuck her with something,’ Tommie said.

Mom’s eyes opened wide. Purposefully, she strode over and examined Kellie’s leg. ‘Oh my gosh! What is that?’

Kellie blinked at the angry red pinprick on her leg. Despite her trepidation, she really hadn’t expected to find anything. Seeing the tiny red puncture and the reddening swell of flesh around it made her feel lightheaded and nauseated. The room swayed slightly around her and suddenly Michelle had one arm, and Tommie the other

‘Maybe you should sit down.’

Michelle guided her toward the nearest stall while mom said something about calling the police–her 10-year-old’s eyes were open wide with excitement, dittoes those of the teens at the mirror-and though dizzy and battling nausea, Kellie noticed the woman in the end stall hurrying to get dressed and join the action. ‘I’m okay,’ she protested weakly.

‘Sure you are,’ Michelle answered.

Mom had her cell phone out and was pushing buttons. She put the phone to her ear and stood tapping her right toe impatiently.. Kellie was really sick on her stomach now and feared throwing up. The occupant of the far stall opened the door and hurried down to join the others, her black slacks swishing impatiently around her sensible black flats. Kellie looked up as the woman appeared behind Michelle and Tommie and peered over their shoulders. She was dark-haired and anxious looking, though wide-eyed with excitement like everyone else. Kellie loathed being the center of attention.

‘What happened?’ the woman asked breathlessly. The 10-year-old edged up beside her and Kellie immediately saw the resemblance. This was mom, not the woman with the phone, who was explaining that she needed the police and an ambulance right away at the Raymond’s in the mall ‘Someone stuck her with a hypodermic needle,’ she said, and by now, Kellie was ready to cry.

‘Did you see who it was?’

Kellie looked at the shorter, cuter of the two mirror teens. She shook her head.

‘It was a man?’

Kellie nodded. The spot on her leg itched maddeningly now, like a dozen mosquito bites. It looked like a mosquito bite, from a monster mosquito. The redness had expanded to the size of a quarter now, and damn, the thing itched.

‘Don’t scratch it,’ Michelle warned. She tested Kellie’s forehead with the inside of her wrist, found it acceptably cool and stooped to examine her leg.

‘That’s definitely a puncture wound. He effing stuck you good, Kel.’

‘Bastard,’ Tommie growled.

Michelle looked up. ‘Does it hurt?’

Kellie shook her head.

‘We should have gone after him,’ Michelle complained.

Kellie nodded.

‘Did you get a look at him?’ She sighed dispiritedly. Tommie also sighed.

Kellie didn’t like the mild burning sensation in her leg. It reminded her of when she’d broken her wrist and the shot of painkiller had made her arm burn from wrist to shoulder for hours.

‘An ambulance is on the way,’ the 10-year-old’s not-mother said. She held her phone open just in case things got worse. Her not-daughter and real mom were exchanging ideas in hushed whispers and Kellie wished they’d go away, just get the hell out of there. They were enjoying this way too much.
So were the mirror teens, whispering conspiratorially and fighting grins. She wanted to scream at them and kick the door shut and lock them out and herself in. She wanted to go pee. She wanted to…

* * *

Kellie opened her eyes. She was in a hospital bed. She looked around groggily, blinking, her mouth feeling stuffed with cotton balls. Her head throbbed miserably and her thigh ached twice as bad. Twin scraping sounds followed a hushed voice saying, ‘She’s awake.’ Her mother and dad appeared at her bedside.

‘Oh, Kellie. Are you okay?’

Without remembering why, Kellie thought she’d been asked that question a lot today.

‘What happened to me?’

Her mother took her hand and patted it gently. ‘Don’t worry, sweetie. Just you relax.’ Her mother’s expression was both comforting and frightened. Her dad looked angry, seething under the surface, and lifting her head, Kellie saw that her younger brother Sean and her younger sister Chrissie were asleep on a long black divan. No light came through the blinds behind the divan, telling her it was night. It was a private room, she guessed, and surprisingly big. She noticed the chairs pulled up to her bed. ‘What happened to me?’ she repeated.

Her mother shook her head and smiled benevolently. ‘Don’t you worry, dear. The doctors are taking good care of you.’

‘What happened to me?’ Kellie insisted.

Her dad started to speak and then winced as her mother kicked his shin. ‘I told you, dear. There is nothing to worry about here.’


‘Everything’s fine,’ her mother soothed. ‘You’re perfectly okay.’ The furious glance shot by her father told Kellie she was not perfectly okay. She struggled to sit up, and her mother pushed her back down again. Kellie pushed her mom away. ‘Stop it,’ her mom scolded. ‘You’ll pull out your IV’s.’

A needle was stuck into the back of Kellie’s left hand and another in the meat of her right forearm. A glance down her front revealed one of those horrible hospital gowns, the kind that opened in the back, leaving you completely exposed. She involuntarily hunched her shoulders for another reason. They had removed her clothing.

On the divan, Sean moaned and shifted to face the rear, pulling his legs up tight to his chest. This made Chrissie turn over and draw up tight at the other end. Sean was 9 years and Chrissie was 6. Neither looked like Kellie.

Mom forcibly recaptured Kellie’s hand and patted it gently. Kellie unsuccessfully tried to take it back, but the ache in her right thigh had her totally distracted–she suspected the pain had something to do with her being there, though what presently eluded her. She did not remember being stuck in the leg or any of the conversation with her girlfriends afterward. In fact, she remembered nothing since about lunchtime.

‘What time is it? At least tell me that,’ she said.

Her mom consulted her wrist watch. ‘It’s late. You go back to sleep, dear.’


Still clutching Kellie’s hand, mom located the cable connecting the handset to the wall, then the handset itself and pressed a button on the face. After a moment, a scratchy voice asked: ‘Can I help you?’

‘My daughter needs something to help her to sleep,’ mom said.

‘I do not!’ Kellie objected stridently.

‘I’ll send her nurse,’ the voice said and clicked off. The light on the face of the handset disappeared but her mother said ‘Thank you’ anyway, and draped the handset out of reach over the top of the bed. Kellie glared at her resentfully.

‘You’re treating me like a baby, Mom.’

‘You are a baby,’ her mom said absentmindedly. She checked the settings of Kellie’s bed, lowered the head slightly and raised the knees. ‘That should make you more comfortable.’

‘Thanks,’ Kellie grumbled, though it did the opposite. She tried to cross her arms in a snit, but the IV’s interfered. Mom told her to be careful, which only irritated Kellie more. She wondered what potions the bags were dripping into her veins. A sudden thought made her blanche and raise her head with a snap.

‘Mom, was I…?’

Mom shook her head adamantly no. ‘Nothing like that. I promise you. Now please relax and try not to wake your brother and sister. They’ve been here since 6 o’clock and need their sleep.’

At least Kellie now had a general timeframe. Whatever happened to her happened this afternoon-was it even Friday anymore?-and she’d been admitted some time before 6 PM. Where were Michelle and Tommie? The realization she’d been with them arrived with the thought. They’d been at the mall, shopping.

She furrowed her brow, ignoring her mother’s admonition not to think. They’d been in Raymond’s, looking at tops. They planned to have pizza later and take in a show, though Kellie couldn’t remember what. She remembered talking about the stars though. Something about cheating.

‘Are Michelle and Tommie all right?’

‘Perfectly all right.’ Her mother patted her hand again. ‘Michelle called from your cell phone right after you passed out and-‘

‘I passed out?’

Her mother looked chagrined.

‘My leg really hurts, Mom. Really bad.’ She tried unsuccessfully to push down the covers to get a look at her thigh, but her mom was having none of it. More came back. She remembered the stranger jostling her as he passed and the sudden sting in her thigh. The sting corresponded exactly where her leg really ached. She felt gingerly through the covers and gasped lightly. It hurt like hell.

A middle aged nurse, armed with a hypodermic syringe, entered the room and joined mom and dad at the bed. Kellie recoiled at the sight of the sheathed needle.

The nurse smiled down at her. ‘Don’t worry, sweetie, no one’s poking you again.’ She took up Kellie’s left hand and pointed out the built in port, a short section of Y on the IV. She made a show of cleaning the port with an alcohol swab, and then inserted the needle and depressed the plunger. The syringe was small diameter and contained only a small portion of clear liquid. Despite this, Kellie felt an immediate drowsiness.

‘Wow,’ she mumbled. ‘Can I have some more?’

The nurse laughed and her mom frowned disapprovingly. Kellie didn’t care. Her attention was absorbed by the rain suddenly filling the air. She tried to catch a drop on her tongue.

‘Keradol,’ the nurse explained. She listened to Kellie’s heartbeat and breath sounds with a stethoscope, and then checked her pulse and blood pressure. She appeared not alarmed by her observations. Then she cautiously raised the blanket, moved aside Kellie’s gown and inspected the injection site. Mom raised her eyebrows questioningly. The nurse only shrugged. ‘It doesn’t appear any worse. The discoloration appears not to be spreading any further,’ which was good, because the entire outside half of Kellie’s thigh, from her hip to just above the knee, was a horrifying purple. The nurse led mom and dad a safe distance away.

‘The truth is, we don’t know what the coloring signifies.’ Hesitating, she glanced back at Kellie, still absorbed in the falling rain. ‘It’s not a bruise.’ Lowering her voice to a mere whisper, she continued: ‘We thought at first it might be gangrene-‘ Mom and dad jointly recoiled. ‘-but there’s no sign of necrosis, and the biopsies revealed none of the markers associated with decomposition. It’s got us all stumped.’

‘But it’s related to the injection?’ Mom asked.

‘Oh, it’s definitely related to the injection,’ the nurse agreed. ‘We just don’t know how.’

Mom looked worriedly at her daughter. ‘It seems to be painful.’

The nurse joined her look. ‘Only around the puncture site itself. There doesn’t seem to be any sensitivity in the broader, discolored area. Luckily.’

‘And you still don’t know what it was?’

The nurse shook her head. ‘Toxicology–the reports that are back, anyway–shows nothing out of the ordinary. Except…’ She frowned, her lips twisting in

‘Except what?’

The nurse hesitated. ‘Has your daughter recently been pregnant?’

Mom furrowed her brow. ‘Why?’

The nurse shrugged. ‘I’m not saying anything. No pelvic exam was done-none was called for as there were no signs of sexual trauma. We only know that her hormone levels are out of whack. But that could be a result of whatever discolored her leg. We just don’t know.’

Mom eyed her daughter, anyway, her eyes narrowed. Then sighed.

‘You’ll keep us informed?’ she said.

‘Of course,’ the nurse said. A moment later she was gone but Kellie failed to note her leaving, or if she did, failed to remember it later. Her attention was wholly engrossed in the beautiful rain.

* * *

It was 3 A.M. Kellie wasn’t aware of the time, only that she was awake and felt like absolute shit. Looking woozily around the room, she was glad to find that her parents and brother and sister had gone. God, her head hurt. What had they given her, anyway? Her hand went unconsciously to her right leg and she grimaced.

‘That should go away very soon,’ a low, rough voice told her. Startled, Kellie looked over to find a man sitting in one of the chairs, against the wall. It took her a full five seconds to recognize the face, and surprise replaced her fear.

‘Professor Grove?’ she said wonderingly. ‘What are you doing here?’

Grove pushed his bulk free of the chair. He was 6’2′, be-speckled, dark-haired, swarthy, unshaven, rumpled looking even in a crisp white lab coat. A stethoscope hung around his neck, doctor-like. He shambled closer to the bed and nodded in greeting.

‘How do you feel, Kellie?’

Kellie was confused. She knew it was late, knew from the quietude of the building it was the middle of the night, so why was Professor Grove was here, regardless of the improbability of his being here at all? Blinking, she looked at the door, back to her biology teacher, at the door again, and then back to Grove.

Grove joined her at the bedside. She controlled an urge to shrink away. Grove was slightly menacing, even at the best times, which this most assuredly was not. She was fairly certain it was Grove that had stuck in the leg that afternoon.

‘Why are you here?’ Her voice was a tremolo. She flinched when Grove reached out and placed the back of his hand against her forehead. A shiver ran down her spine, shaking the bed. She cowered, looking up at him fearfully.

‘No fever,’ Grove observed. He placed his fingers against the pulse in her neck, Kellie flinched in response. ‘Don’t be concerned. I’m not going to hurt you.’

‘You already have,’ Kellie countered. ‘Today at Raymond’s.’ She withstood another deep shiver. ‘What did you inject me with?’

Grove ignored her question. ‘How’s your leg?’

Kellie shook her head. She felt around inconspicuously, or tried to, for the nurse’s call button. Grove removed it from the top of the bed and hung it out of reach over a plastic assembly attached to the wall. He moved the phone as well, placing it on a table out of reach. She made to scream as he began to move the blanket, but he clamped a meaty hand over her mouth. Kellie’s eyes shot open to maximum roundness.

‘I assure you–‘ He knocked Kellie’s hands aside and bared her right leg. ‘I have no intention of hurting you. I need to see the injection site, that’s all.’ Kellie struggled vainly to keep his free hand from exposing her thigh.

‘Please be still. I have no interest in you sexually.’ He bent to look more closely at the discoloration and muttered, ‘I hadn’t expected that.’ He grunted when Kellie recoiled at his light probe of the wound with a fingertip. Standing erect, looking down at her, he warned her not to scream and lifted his hand an experimental inch away from Kellie’s mouth, and then dropped it to his side when she didn’t suck in air. He snorted as Kellie frantically covered herself again.

‘What did you do to me?’ she demanded. ‘What was in that syringe?’

Grove pursed his lips. In the corridor, a hushed voice requested a Dr. Stanton to call the 4th floor nurses station. An alarm, one of hundreds she’d heard in her 10-hour stay in the hospital, bleated softly from across the hall. Grove ignored both.

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After pausing the T.V.,Mr.Wilkins turned around and saw that I was nude from the waist down. My skinny,little three inch dick stuck straight up in the air and as He looked at Me,He began laughing."Stevie! May I ask what You're doing? And just what am I supposed to do with that?" He asked,pointing at my penis."Um,You can touch it some more. If You want to." I said in a very quiet voice. "Or You can stick things up my butt,like Clark and Freddy like to do. But Before You do,can I suck on Your...

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The Basement

During sex, my wife and I often tell each other stories to heighten the experience. Frequently, the stories become very adventurous, especially if we have been to a party and we’ve had a few drinks. My wife often likes me to tell her stories about my cum, and enjoys themes where she is forced to eat it and such, so I have known for some time that she has a fetish for sperm. A few weeks a go, we were really going at it one evening, and it was her turn to cite a story. Well let me tell you, what...

Group Sex
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Futa The Emergence

Earth witnessed a massive meteor shower in 1950 which brought along with it extraterrestrial life, albeit as unicellular organisms, several of which crashed as meteorites in Central Asian, East Asian and South Asian countries with a few of them landing in the North and the South Americas. These single-celled organisms had a lot of similarities with viruses on earth. By pure chance these alien viruses found humans to be the easiest host to infect. The infections caused by these viruses quickly...

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How I became an anal slut

Growing up I always had an inner urge to please my self anally with various small sized objects. I have always been very cute and good-looking. My body wasnt all muscular but definitely defined in the right spots. My ass was to die for and still is. Its a cute rounded peach fuzzed boy butt with a cute puckered hole that drives men crazy.Men never did really attract me however it was one night when on vacation in California that i decided to take a step further in exploration. I was visiting...

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My Fantasy for A Nice Guy to do

I am at a local pub, I met a really sweet guy, we enjoy each others company. At the end of the night he walks me out to my truck and invites me to follow him home. I do, we go out for a cigarette and pop open some beer. The man start getting frisky with my breast, as I try to stop him, he controls a hand, and continue playing. Then he goes between my legs, squeezing up tightly. My shirt starts going up, then off, then my bra. He has my breast gently in his month, as he softly tongues my nipple....

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MyFamilyPies Penelope Kay June 2022 Flavor Of The Month Penelope Kay

Penelope Kay is trying to become a therapist. She’s working on her clinical manner and her stepbrother, Apollo Banks, is helping her out. Penelope really fixates on it when Apollo starts talking about having a girl is important to him. She asks him if there’s any problem in his personal sex life, and when he admits that he doesn’t have as much stamina as he’d like. Penelope has her stepbrother lay down on the couch as she describes a sexy situation where a hot girl is...

4 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 13 Shorter Days and a Slow Recovery

I remember putting my hands behind my head on Monday morning, with a bunch of thoughts rolling through my mind. Because of the events of Friday, this had become an extended weekend, but it was certainly no time for enjoyment. I couldn't believe that it was 7:20am, and I had not yet been ordered to GET UP. I put on a robe and walked through the house, discovering that my Mom must still be asleep ... just another sign that it was a strange and uneasy time. So I eased back to my bedroom, shut...

2 years ago
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Timing is everything

It had been a while since I frequented the local ABS, and the place had changed. I often saw brief stories on a hookup site about the encounters men and couples often had at in the video booths in the back, and they spoke of the improvements the owners have made. I arrived at the store and checked my iPhone for anybody on line nearby and noticed a subscriber to my hookup site with a beautiful cock profile picture within less than a mile of the video store. Hmm..., could he be here? I entered...

3 years ago
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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part Two

It was noon when I woke up. Looking for Master I ran down the stairs, catching him at the bottom step. "We need to talk, Ceres," he said. I didn't know what about. I didn't mean to run down the stairs but I woke up late and wanted to get my choirs done. "Yes Master. Did I do something wrong, master?" "No, you did not, Ceres. Turn around and go to your room. I’ll be up there in a minute," he said. I did as I was told, returning to my room, kneeling by my bed for my master to come through the...

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Marcellas Massage

Driving my little convertible I couldn't help but smile, feeling calmer already with the wind in my hair, knowing I wouldn't have to work for 2 whole days! After the massage I would probably sit around at home, maybe take a bath, maybe take a dip in the pool, or sip some wine while reading a book. Oh, who was I fooling -- I'd probably end up pleasuring myself in my bedroom! Massages always made me so horny! The big, strong hands all over my body, stimulating every inch of me. I loved...

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Public Caning in London

Back in the late 90s I used to frequent two spanking chat rooms. In those days it was possible to have some good chats without some of the politics that goes on now. Over the course of about two years I struck up good friendships online with some women who were into corporal punishment, and I actually met with five in real life. One, a very posh young woman from Wendover, met me for lunch, but decided to take it no further; a shame as she had a lovely looking bottom that would have taken a good...

2 years ago
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A grotesque display I

 “Come in here,” she smiled beneath her perfectly coiffed blonde hair, “we’ll have at least an hour and a half.” She opened the door to the meeting room, pulled me in, and locked the door behind us. I pulled her to me, soft as a dream beneath the sliding swish of her blue cotton dress, intoxicated by the hair curling under at shoulder height like a dream from a golden age of movies. She looked up as I leaned in, her perfume light and seductive on her neck and wafting out from between her creamy...

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But is it rape

But, is it rape? Katie Leone The year was 1988 and I was thirteen. At the time I was still living in New York City and going to Louis Armstrong Intermediate school, otherwise known as I.S. 227. I guess writing the school name on top of papers would have taken up to much time and too much space so they gave us the numbers. Anyway. I was a hefty kid, but I was active too. I didn't wheeze when I ran and I often enjoyed playing basketball or softball at the local park. Only in New York...

4 years ago
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My sister always on my mind part 2

At my age 61, you would think that my sex drive would be slowing down, but just the opposite, I was as horny as ever. Sex with my wife was ok but a little boring after all these years, and I couldn’t help but dream of my sister, as I fucked my wife. She often asked me what I was thinking about as we fucked, because she could sense that my mind was somewhere else. She pestered me to the point where I just blurted out that I was imagining fucking someone else. Although shocked and hurt, she asked...

4 years ago
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Mom Gets a Licking and a Surprise Sticking

This is a follow-up to “Mom Gets a New Experience from Behind.” I think each story will separately make sense, but you may find they flow better if you read them in order. Thank you for your interest. I felt a familiar tingle in my pussy the moment I noticed Tom was calling my cell. After some chit chat we agreed to meet at his place that evening as a nice way to meet his wife, Brenda. He told me to be ready for ‘a fun night’ and to dress for cocktails and dinner out. I had no idea what to...

2 years ago
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Sissy Slut Adventure

In this story, I want to talk about how I became who I am. Part 1 - Discovery When I first discovered sexuality, I was always fascinated by the female perspective of sexuality. A man just pleases his needs on a woman, no matter if he thrusts her pussy until he busts or if she sucks his meat until he releases his lust into her mouth. A woman on the other side is always not only a lover, but an object of lust. Whenever it comes to sexuality, women are degraded and objectificated and...

1 year ago
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Adventures in Sally

Chapter 1 Steve had heard that ketamine was a dissociative drug, but he hadn't expected it to be anything like this. "Whoa..." he said... or thought? It was hard to tell. Certainly, his lips didn't move. He could tell, because he found himself floating above his body, looking down at his slumbering form. "Weird. I wonder if I can..." Steve tried to move, tilting his perspective... and his vantage point glided across the room. A grin slowly spread across his face. It was like the...

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covid sissy training group

''hello fellow trainers and welcome to the group for these 3 new students , look at how cute they are''the 3 little white boys hands tied sit on laps of older black guy, smilling at the screen watching all the black guys with a boy in panty and matching bra , mouth gagged and looking ....defeated''ok time to present your sissy ''''Mike you are the newer here why dont you start''''ok, so Iam Mike and this cute fairy here is Cindy, i have been the owner for about a month, i found her by pure...

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Nora Considers Domination

Two young women sat in a diner on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Both of them were about to start their senior years of college. Nora Meara attended the City College of New York, a public institution that was part of the city university (CUNY). It was located uptown in Manhattanville/West Harlem or whatever one chose to call that particular area.The other one, Gilda Wasserman, attended New York University (NYU), a private school in Greenwich Village. It had already developed a reputation for...

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Testing The LimitsChapter 2

After a minute she fell to the floor with a moan. She kissed me deeply as she tried to catch her breath, then she brought her cum soaked fingers to my lips and had me clean them off. Gradually she came back to reality, and gently stroked my face. 'You have no idea of the monster you've released, slut.' I did not really know what she meant, and had little time to ponder it. My dick was throbbing, and I was turned on to the point that concentrated thought was impossible. She rose and knelt...

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Living the DreamChapter 11

Laura and I woke the next day alone in the bed, to some of the most wonderful scents imaginable. Naltort had brought us breakfast in bed, and told us to feel free to spend the day there if we wanted. "I enjoyed last night immensely, but you should have private time as well," he told us. I asked a blushing Laura if she was too abused for a rematch, and she said, "Well, maybe not. I don't think my butt is up for another visit yet, but I think everything else still works." She turned out...

2 years ago
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My Wife Goes Out with Her Friends 2

"Ok so where was I? Oh yea, as I turned around, Jeffery had his cock out, that big cock, and I looked at him and he said, oh Susan, please don't be offended, but I couldn't take it anymore! Oh I had to play with it, I had to take my cock and just play with it as you dance, and you are just so sexy!""Besides, oh I bet your husband is going to love to know that you actually saw another man's cock, and that you looked at my Big Cock! I know that I have a big cock, and its ok for you to look at it....

2 years ago
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In the Alley

I was sitting alone in the bar by myself enjoying a pint of good beer and watching the local football match on the telly. Then I saw you walk in with your boyfriend and his mates. You find an empty table by the telly and order a few rounds watching the game. I sit in my corner observing your table- specifically you. I take in your figure, observing you from across the room. You look so enticing in your green-T, leather skirt and high heel platform shoes. Your boyfriend and buddies are...

3 years ago
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Duct Tape Avenger Ch 03

If there weren’t already 1,001 uses for duct tape, here is a new one. ‘Dave, what are we doing here at the motel? It’s 5am.’ ‘Shh…Hello Mrs. Murray? Yes, I’m calling from the front desk at the Sunset Hotel. Your husband has had an unfortunate accident. Yes, he’s perfectly fine, except for the fact that he’s naked and in bed with your daughter who is naked also. Oh, you don’t have a daughter? Gee, I wonder who that pretty naked woman is that he is with then. You know, I’m going to have to...

1 year ago
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Anitas RescueChapter 10 Causes

Tony had completely forgotten about Dave until the group returned to the boat and saw him sitting on the back deck drinking a beer with Jerry. As the girls went below to bury their treasures Tony walked over and shook his hand. "Hey Dave!" "Hi Tony. Um, no offense man but I thought you said the girl was here." Tony was taken aback for a second. The difference between the bedraggled girl who had showed up that morning and cute, clean, well-clothed (in Tina's clothes), and bespectacled...

3 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 7 Unappreciative House Guests

Pulling up in front of the house, Alice ran out before David could even get out of the vehicle. It had turned overcast, and looked like it was about to pour. David climbed out of his SUV and waved Monique's car up so Debbie could make it into the house without having to limp too far. Monique took in the Humvee and the military tanker parked a ways off, making her own assumptions about what David was trying to do here, though she didn't bother to voice them out loud. "Uh, Dad, I've got...

2 years ago
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The Ticket II

The day of Revelation I was sitting at my Grandfathers desk when Raymond Shari entered Followed by an older version of him self. Who he introduced as Raymond Shari Senior. The Senior partner at the firm and my Grandfathers personal lawyer for the past thirty years. Sue served coffee to us and I told her to leave the tray and to close the door on her way out. When the door was closed I stood and allowed Raymond Sr. to sit at the desk. He opened his briefcase and began removing file...

4 years ago
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Seven Nights With My Ragini Aunty

This happened a few months back which is real.As I’m getting up early morning, I heard my phone ringing.   Hello…..I said   Hey, Mohan ragini here. Ohhhh…Yes aunty, good morning… Ha, mohan..U know your uncle has left for Pune this morning. I need you here be 7, 7.30pm in my home   Hey, Aunty..I’m totally busy these days..U know, I won’t be able to be there with you.   Mohan..I can’t call anyone else, as I’m concerned abt my security. Only you are reliable.Anyway, I need you here… She cut the...

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Aj Meets Little Red Riding Hood

I'm Lilly and I love Halloween, especially this Halloween where I was invited to a costume party at my Grandma's house. I already have my costume on and looked forward to the treats and the party. This year, I'm Little Red Riding Hood and I may not meet a wolf, but I might meet a hunky bad boy. I was walking to my house and then this guy was walking behind me. I turned around and said, "Hi. Do I know you?" He said to me as he walked beside me, "I was just walking to a friend's...

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The Massage

I went to get a hot oil massage. The man told me to strip and lay face up on the cot. I am not shy and was not bothered being naked in front of him. He only wore white shorts. He had a big muscle body type. Looked like he worked out a lot and I loved that. He ran his hands down my body from my neck to my feet. It felt good when his big hands went over my tits and stomach and close to my pussy. He then squirted the warm oil on his hands and across my chest and covered my tits. He began to...

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MySistersHotFriend Gia Derza 24467

No nudity? No problem. Lucas tricks his sister’s friend Gia Derza into coming over to hop in the the pool in her bikini so he can post pics of her on his social media and get millions of views. Suspect at first, Gia eventually gives in and decides shaking her ass in her swimsuit wouldn’t hurt anyone. But after the shoot, she tells Lucas she wants a higher number of views, so he tells her that a video of her giving him a blowjob would blow up her page. Gia agrees to suck him, and then goes on to...

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Play Porn Games

PlayPornGames! I think we all can appreciate when a site has such a straightforward name that allows us to know what the fuck the website is all about before visiting. That is exactly why is one of my more frequent sites; of course, this does not have that much to do with the site’s name, but it has a lot to do with the content that it has to fucking offer.We all know that this place offers games, obviously, but I am certain that you are interested in the types of games that...

Free Sex Games
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Once A Wolf

Once A Wolf ©2004 by Cherysse St. Claire "But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same; And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail, The female of the species must be deadlier than the male." - Rudyard Kipling Mikey Blair had to pee. He had been putting it off for the past twenty minutes, not wanting to get out of his snug, warm bunk. It was cold out there in comparison. He...

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Theater Sex

Guess I should tell you that every thing I had written and the stories that follow are all true and happened during the 4 years I was in the Navy and stationed at San Diego, California. My only purpose for going on liberty and going into town was to find men to have sex with and I didn't care what they looked like. You will notice that I used the word "men" and not "man" because I wanted at least 3 or 4 different men to enjoy my body. About a week after the costume party that I attended I had...

Gay Male
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Training Her RightChapter 11

The man sagged down on top of the girl for several seconds. His hard cock stayed buried deep in her ass. Slowly Jori began to come out of the orgasmic haze. The man's weight on her body made breathing, especially through the gag more difficult. She felt him stirring slowly. At last he rocked back and off of her. He pulled his hips back and she felt his cock sliding out from inside her ass. She then felt his hands reaching behind her head and unbuckling the straps holding the cock-gag in...

3 years ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 15 Beths Big One

Beth looked up dully at the seated man, a dribble of creamy cum drooling from her slack-lipped mouth. She had pleased him, she knew, and that was gratifying for her but her mature loins were afire with a hunger that giving head could not assuage. "You're good, baby... the best," Wilson sighed appreciatively, feeling weak and drained by the woman's skillful mouth-job. "Now I have something... someone for you." Still in the drug-induced trance as the lecherous preacher helped her to her...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 18

The day was to be robbed of its sunset. Just as the sun began to drop towards the ocean, a line of long, low clouds drifted in from the horizon, growing steadily thicker as they encroached towards the shore. Faint shafts of showery rain appeared under them as they slid over the waters. As the failing afternoon light darkened her bedchamber, Yanna was forced to reach over and flick on the lamp in order to complete her little experiment. The light illuminated the pouch of sleeping powder...

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