Himura Battousia Book 2: Kenshins PastPart 165: Rembrances 1--Hitokiri free porn video

The first year of Genji (1864), Kyoto. (Three samurai, Ishiji, Shigekura, and Kyosato, are walking home late at night.)
Kyosato: It's getting late. We should hurry a little. Lately there have been more of those Hitokiri--
Ishiji: Like that so-called Hitokiri Battousai? Whether he exists or not, we'll crush the rebellion soon.
Shigekura: Now, now, let's not talk shop when we've got reason to celebrate. Kyosato, you're going to be married next month, aren't you?
Kyosato (who is probably twenty years younger than the other two): That's right...
Shigekura: Marrying your beautiful childhood sweetheart... you lucky dog.
Kyosato: Thank you.
(Footsteps behind them.)
Kyosato: But I can't help worrying. In these troubled times, why should I--
Shigekura: What are you talking about.
(An intense gaze follows their every move.)
Shigekura: In this world, everyone's trying to find a little happiness. If anything, if we make a new age in this work of ours, that's the form it should take.
Battousai: You must be Shigekura Juubeh. Though I bear you no grudge, for the sake of the new era, I must have your deaths.
Ishiji: Who are you...
Battousai: A Choushuu Ishin Shishi. Himura Battousai.
(All three reach for their swords. Battousai kills Ishiji before he can even draw.)
Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuutsuisen Zan!
(He leaps in the air and stabs downward, killing Shigekura as well.)
Kyosato: Mr. Shigekura--Mr. Ishiji!
(Kyosato blocks Battousai's blow, but is driven back against a wall, Battousai's bloody sword inches away from his throat.)
Battousai: Give up.
(Kyosato pushes him back, freeing his sword.)
Kyosato (thinking): I won't die. I don't want to die. Why should I have to die!!
(They begin to fight, trading blow for blow.)
In the fifteen years between the coming of the Black Ships and the Meiji era, "Honor the emperor" "Destroy the shogunate" "Expel the barbarian" "Open the country"--amidst all these ambitions and ideals, those who carried swords were split into two, Tokugawa Shogunate and Ishin Shishi. This was the Bakumatsu! (With a final cry, Kyosato charges. Battousai's blow strikes, and Kyosato collapses in a pool of blood. His sword lightly grazes Battousai's cheek in a long, thin vertical line. Battousai touches his cheek and looks at his own blood in amazement--it's the first time he's been touched.)
(Behind him, Kyosato groans.)
Kyosato: I... no... I... don't want to die. I was... finally going... to marry her. I've always... loved her...
(Battousai drives home the final blow.)
(Two men come out of an alleyway.)
Men: We've come to see.
Battousai: Inspectors. Good work.
Man: Your cheek.
Battousai: It's nothing.
Man: But he reached your face with a sword... he must have been very good.
Battousai: No... his skill itself was nothing. But his will to live was incredible. I'll leave the rest to you.
(He starts to walk away, then looks back at Kyosato.)
Battousai (softly): May you find happiness in the next world...
Man: Did you say something?
Battousai (walking away): No, nothing.
(The men are leaving papers with "Heaven's Justice" written on them with the bodies.)
Man: Will to live, huh... I guess a first-class swordsman can tell that just by crossing swords with someone...
Man: Yeah... Maybe he could tell that, but he killed them all without even blinking. He really is a Hitokiri...

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