Himura Battousia Book 2: Kenshins PastPart 242: Sushin Battle--Yahiko Versus Genbu free porn video

Misao: This doesn't look good, Himura!
Megumi: If this goes on, Yahiko will...
(Genbu is standing over Yahiko, twirling the two ends of his staff.)
Kenshin: It's all right. If you look at his eyes, you'll know.
(Yahiko wears a look of fierce determination.)
Genbu: Those are good eyes. The eyes of a boy who hasn't learned to give up. It'll be a pleasure to close those eyes forever!
(He strikes out, and Yahiko dodges.)
Genbu: The younger my opponent, the better! Taking away a long future is the greatest of pleasures!
(He forms one long staff and strikes downward. Yahiko attempts to catch it again, but Genbu breaks it apart and catches Yahiko's hand with it.)
Yahiko: No!
Genbu: You're mine!
(He throws Yahiko into the air, then forms the staff again to punch him in the stomach with it. While he's down, he whacks him across the head.)
Genbu: No mercy. Who's next?
Yahiko: Where are you looking!
(He strikes and Genbu blocks.)
Genbu: Boy. Didn't that work?
Yahiko: I'm not saying it didn't work. My head is pounding and my stomach is throbbing. But I'm not gonna tell how much that hurt! I don't want the first thing Kaoru says to me after Kenshin rescues her to be "You're pathetic"! I'm gonna fight you without bringing shame to the Kamiya Kasshin school's best pupil, and I'm gonna face Kaoru after beating you! Now hit me again with that staff of yours! This time I'll counter with the succession technique!
Genbu: You fool. Your technique is useless against my staff.
Yahiko: You're the fool! If it were that easy to break, it wouldn't be a succession technique!
Genbu (thinking): Think this through clearly. You've already gotten through the technique twice. He's taken solid hits to the head and stomach. Most of all, your opponent is only a little boy! (aloud) Very well. As you wish. But this is the last time!
Yahiko: Perfect! Now come on!
(Genbu brings the staff down. Yahiko crosses his wrists above his head.)
Genbu (thinking): Here! Here the staff breaks apart!
Yahiko (thinking): Here--
(He plants the bottom of the shinai's hilt against the tip of the staff.)
Yahiko: Here... If I push on the tip of the staff here...
Megumi: He didn't trap it with his hands.
Kenshin: No. There's a delicate balance of power there. That was the right response. It's impossible to split the staff without backing off. But if he pulls back, in that instant Yahiko will use the Hawatari. If he tries to press in by force, Yahiko will shift and go into the Hawatari again. The main point of the Hadome is to seal off your opponent's attack and create the conditions necessary to segue into the Hawatari. Yahiko understands that--he just discarded the form. By creating a response to suit his conditions, he's used an excellent technique. He really does get stronger and stronger each time he fights...
Yahiko: That mechanism makes it a lot weaker than a regular staff. While you're trying to figure out whether to move in or back off, your weapon's gonna break. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Genbu (thinking): Think this through! You're fighting a boy! That's right. Only a boy. A boy!
Yahiko: Zero. Time's up. You lose.
(The staff shatters.)
Heishin: Why! Why did the Sushin--? Why couldn't he beat that boy?
Kenshin: You still don't know? A fight isn't just determined by the body. It largely depends on the condition of the spirit. These four are now fighting to lend me their strength. Their own fights unfolded according to the strongest feelings held deep in their hearts. Justice. Faith. Living. The future. Even with the names of divine beasts, those who fight for their own pleasure could never defeat them. I'll say it again. Those here with me have my complete trust. They're my friends.
Heishin: Dammit! Beaten by a bunch of island monkeys--
(He darts off into the woods.)
Misao: He's getting away!
Heishin: Just wait, you monkeys! I'll bring the house forces with their guns to blow you away--
Enishi: What are you doing here? I told you you had half an hour to disappear--
(A sudden punch lays him out.)
Enishi: You insect!
Kenshin (thinking): Enishi...

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