Himura Battousia Book 2: Kenshins PastPart 244: Attacking Sword free porn video

On a cold, cold snowy day, two emotions were frozen. Sorrow--and hatred. Now that fifteen years have passed, those two emotions, still frozen, lie beneath one smiling face-- (Kenshin and Enishi cross swords.)
Enishi (sinking into a low stance): Let's do this, Battousai!
Sanosuke: Low stance--
Megumi: He's going into the Kofuku?
Watoujutsu Senran Tousei!
(Kenshin dodges and parries a storm of blows.)
Kaoru: Kenshin!
(Enishi drives Kenshin back towards the treeline.)
Enishi: Die, Battousai!
(Kenshin dodges, and Enishi's sword drives straight through a tree. With a fierce shout, he frees it by splitting the tree into pieces. Kenshin pushes off against a tree stump to drive at him again.)
Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu Kuzuryuusen!
(One by one, Enishi blocks all nine strikes. They land apart and leap at each other again, meeting swords in one strike so powerful it knocks them both flat on their backs.)
Misao: Um... (I didn't follow that at all... )
Aoshi: Against Enishi's rapid-fire string of attacks, which make use of centrifugal force, Battousai attacked with the Kuzuryuusen in the instant after he cut down the pine tree. In matching two great techniques, it was a superb decision as well as a great defense.
Misao (whispering to Yahiko): Did you even see that?
Yahiko: Are you making fun of me? They both used their strongest attacks, and the force knocked them both down. Right?
Misao: Uh...
Aoshi: Yes.
Megumi: But... I may be imagining things, but doesn't he seem stronger than before?
Sanosuke: At the Kamiya dojo he didn't want to kill Kenshin. This time he's really out for blood. That's the difference. But Kenshin won't lose. He crawled his way out of his own living hell. He's gonna give him all the Kuzuryuusen he wants. He can't feel the pain or exhaustion at all. Just because of his shear force of will, it's gonna be a lot different than last time.
Kaoru (thinking): Kenshin said he'd find the answer of how to atone in order to face him in this fight... But if he isn't here because he's found that answer... could he... in this fight... could Kenshin really...
(Enishi and Kenshin regain their feet and catch their breath.)
Enishi: You're a little faster. I'm a little stronger. In technique, we're almost the same. So what it's going to come down to is height.
Kenshin: This is sandy ground. You can't use your sword to gain any height here.
Enishi: The Chouten Tousei? That little trick isn't worth my time. Simple jumping techniques don't even begin to describe Watoujutsu.

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