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This story is one that I have had rolling around my head for a while. It’s loosely based on a human interest story I read in a magazine. This guy, John, is a hopeless romantic who falls hard. It’s also a romance, so while there is tragedy, there is some happiness in the end.


I thought I would write down how my life got to where it is now. Love is hard. Love is pain. Love is exquisite. Love is fulfilling. It’s all those things and all the other two sides to all our emotions. This is my story and it hurts. No matter how good things can be, it still hurts.

— Four and a half years ago

I stood there and stared, momentarily shocked at what I was seeing. My supposed girlfriend, Paige, was in the back of the bar where her baby sister Kate had told me she had gone, making out with a supposed friend, Tony. This was no chaste kiss. This was the spit-swapping kiss of lovers. They were making out in front of several other people, while their hands roamed freely over the other’s body. I should have turned and immediately left, but I was rooted to the floor. I couldn’t believe that these two were so blatant about it, doing it in front of six or seven other people who knew us all. I guess my early arrival was really going to be a surprise to them. The plan had been to return on Sunday, not today, Friday. My soon to be ex-friend had promised to come to the airport with my soon to be ex-girlfriend and pick me up. That must have given them something to chuckle about.

Suddenly, one of the traitors surrounding the pool table looked over and saw me and poked the one next to him in the ribs. I noticed it and was going to bolt, but I was still in such shock and, to add pain to my current injury, was not fast using the cane that I had to support the leg where I had had surgery. I also couldn’t take my eyes off what was happening. Had I really loved this girl? How could I have been so wrong about her? How could the bitch write me letters like nothing had changed between us while I was deployed? What kind of two-faced individual does it take to try to pull that off?

In any case, all of these were going through my mind while the others spread the word that I had arrived. Finally, Paige and Tony, the traitorous couple, managed to rip their lips apart and turn to look at me. Then it got worse. Paige smiled and left his arms to come over to me even as I was deciding to turn and leave. She had the gall to come bounding over to me like a small excited child, her supposed glee in every bounce. I guess she didn’t know I had been watching for a while.

‘Hey, baby, I thought you weren’t coming home until Sunday.’

I stared at her and she stopped short as she finally managed to see the pain, hurt, and seething anger in my eyes. ‘Well, I’m sorry I spoiled your tonsil inspection of Tony. Fuck off and get away from me.’

She then had the sense not to touch me. She had been reaching out to put her hand on my arm, but I think she saw that she might lose it. ‘John, I need to explain what’s going on.’

‘I don’t care what’s going on and never will. You two can go back to your public display of spit-swapping.’

‘John, please, that’s rude.’

‘Rude? You want to know what rude is? Rude is coming back early from a deployment where I got shot to see someone I loved and trusted kissing a friend I also trusted like they were long time lovers. Well, go back and have fun, you and I will not be seeing each other again.’

She realized that she had been discovered in a lie and seemed to sag. ‘Sorry, John.’ She didn’t say anything else as I glared at her, wishing that she would spontaneously combust.

I mocked her. ‘That’s all you have to say? ‘Sorry, John?’ You sound like a little kid caught taking one of your mother’s cookies off the baking sheet, not a cheating slut that got caught by her supposed boyfriend making out with one of his friends. That’s pathetic.’ I was almost ready to strike her with the cane I was so angry. I lowered my voice and spoke so that it was a hoarse whisper with all the venom I could conjure. ‘Just get away from me.’

Paige had the good sense to back away. I noticed that Tony had the good sense to look ashamed and stay far away from me. Good thing. I wouldn’t have held back from striking him with the cane.

I finally swiveled, as much as I could swivel, and headed out the door. Everything was quiet in the bar and nobody said anything else. I walked to my car, opened it, threw the cane in, and climbed behind the wheel. The pain in my hip was not so bad right now. After I had eased into the seat I thought about it some more. Had I really loved Paige? I thought I had wanted to be with her permanently. I even had the ring in my pocket to prove it. I collapsed against the wheel and took deep breaths as I tried not to let my emotions overcome me. I wanted to let it out, hit something, yell and scream, but I couldn’t do it in the parking lot. I had to get the hell out of there.

I backed up and left. I drove to my mother’s house where I was staying until I figured out what I was going to do. I went straight to my bedroom, took a pain pill, and went to bed. It was only 8pm, but I had no desire to be anywhere else right then and I didn’t want to be up and have to face my mother when she got home. It was Memorial Day weekend and I had to face her for three days before she went back to work. I managed to pass out, still exhausted from the wound and travel, and overtaken by the medication.


I didn’t wake up until the next morning. I woke at 7am to the smell of something cooking. My stomach growled, which was rare when I was taking the pain pills, but I hadn’t had anything to eat since lunch yesterday. I got up, still in the same jeans and t-shirt and made my way to the kitchen. I was momentarily taken aback to see my mother sitting at the table with Paige. At least from behind, I could have sworn it was Paige.

My mother stood up. ‘There he is.’ The woman turned and I realized that it was Kate, Paige’s baby sister, and it was she who had told me that Paige was in that bar. I should have guessed it was Kate since she is a couple of inches shorter and a little fleshier than her sister, but I was not fully awake yet.

Kate stood up and came over to me. ‘John, I’m sorry you had to find out like that.’ I glared at her. ‘I didn’t know they’d be so obvious about it. I thought you might have a chance to find out slowly or that they would tell you. I knew about this and felt you had a right to know, but didn’t know how to break it to you.’

I moved around her and sat down. She glanced at my mother and then sat down also. ‘So you heard about how I found out?’

‘Yes, I found out from Bobby, who was there at the bar. He said you were shaking so much it looked like you were going to explode.’

‘I almost did.’ I reached into my pocket. ‘It’s a good thing I didn’t get to this point.’ I laid the ring on the table.

My mother and Kate almost gasped when they saw it.

Kate reached over and put her hand on my arm. ‘John, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were that serious. I wanted to write and tell you. They’ve been hooking up for about three months. I just didn’t know what to say. Then, when you got injured, I was afraid to say anything until you were recovered. My parents told me to stay out of it, but the way Paige was acting made me so mad.’

‘People keep saying ‘injured’ like I fell and sprained a wrist. I wasn’t injured, I was shot. I took an AK-47 bullet in the hip. Shot.’ Kate looked a little cowed. I realized I was angry and almost yelling. ‘Sorry, I’m a little upset.’

Kate put her hand back on my arm and patted it. ‘Perfectly okay. I understand.’

My mother had been staying out of it, but finally asked the question. ‘You went there to ask her to marry you?’

I gave her a wry grin and rubbed my hand over my short hair. ‘Yeah, imagine my surprise. I thought I loved that slut.’

My mother interrupted us. ‘Let’s keep this conversation civil.’ My mother was always after everyone about their language, especially after my dad died. She had to raise me from when I was 7.

I looked at my mother. ‘Is what Paige did civil? No way. She’s a slut and deserves to be called one.’

My mother put her hands on her hips and faced me. ‘Just be the responsible one, okay? Stay out of the mud and move on. If she’s that bad, she’s not worth wasting any more time over.’

‘Yeah, I guess.’ I tried to sound convincing and I guess I must have because my mother and Kate both seemed to relax and we had a more comfortable breakfast. I noticed that Kate didn’t say anything about our discussion on her sister. What I really meant when I said that, however, was no fucking chance. I was going to get even somehow. I just had to figure out how and make it so that it stung. It had to be mental. The question was how. After all, she was obviously not in love with me. I have no idea how this happened or what to do, but I was going to find a way.

After breakfast, Kate left and I got cleaned up.

About 11am I headed over to the hospital in the next town where I was going to get some physical therapy. It was not yet June but already the heat was building so I had to use my air conditioner all the way. I walked in and filled out the paperwork. I had made sure all the arrangements had been made, but I still had to fill out more paperwork. I waited for about 30 minutes and then I was called in. I walked to the door and my physical therapist met me there. She was a nice woman named Kelly and she worked me through the routine. I say nice, but that’s not entirely correct. I’m sure physical therapists are nice people outside of work, but at work they only seem nice initially. They shake your hand and greet you with a smile. But the instant they get you into your workout, they show their true colors. These people are sadists. I think there’s a psychological test they have to pass to prove this in order to get the job. Only sadists could make us hurt like they do.

My physical therapy consisted of working on my hip to get my full range of motion back. I had been struck in the hip. The bullet had entered just along the outside of my hip and pinged off the bone. They had to go in to remove a couple of bone chips and some bullet fragments. Now it was supposedly fine, but I needed to keep up the exercises to get the muscles and tendons back into shape after the surgery.

After the physical therapy, I went by the local grocery store, picked up a few items, and headed home. It was time to plan my revenge. I just had to think of the best way.

My mother rightly guessed about my moroseness and told me I should get over Paige, she had had no qualms about dropping me and I should just forget her and move on to someone who deserved me. I agreed, but I just couldn’t let it go. Fucking pride.


Two weeks later, I took the first step on the way to getting my revenge, and it came to me suddenly. I had lain low in this small Illinois town. There were several small towns around here and many of the people knew each other. We were about 20 miles from St. Louis in Illinois farm country. I had heard about Paige and Tony and several people had looked at me with pity, but they shouldn’t have. I didn’t need it. Anytime anyone tried to say they were sorry I had managed to look completely nonplussed and unconcerned. And it worked. Pretty soon people got the idea that I had been angry, but not that attached to the bitch. And I was getting over it, but not completely. I worked on my resume and applied, albeit late, to graduate school while trying to think of a way to get revenge. At least the graduate school gave later application dates to returning veterans. And then the idea for revenge became clear one morning.

One day after physical therapy, I made sure to drop by the small yoga and Pilates studio in the next town. It was a recommendation of my physical therapist and anything was better than going back for more physical therapy. I got there while they were having a class and talked to the receptionist. I told her that I needed some way to continue to stretch and work on my hip flexibility while recovering from surgery. She said that I could discuss it with the instructor when the class was over. I waited.

About 20 minutes later the class broke up. It was all women, and the 20 or so women slowly filed out, including Kate. She saw me and smiled and wandered over. I stood up and grinned. Kate was looking good. She was a little fleshier than Paige in all the right places. She had a nice bubble butt and her bust looked a little fuller than Paige’s B-cups.

‘Hi, Kate.’ I put out my hand to shake it.

‘Hi, John. How are you?’

‘Good, good. I was just stopping by to see if I could work on my hip flexibility. The hospital recommended I try something like this to help with it.’ I took both her hands and held them out to the side and looked her up and down. She was sweating a little, her skin glowing. She was wearing those damn spandex work out shorts that women wear that make it impossible not to check out the shape of their ass and hips. Hers were full and delectable. Her top was a t-shirt that, while modest, let you know that there were some nice tits under there. ‘You have grown up to be quite beautiful, Kate.’

‘Thanks.’ She smiled at me and blushed. ‘Don’t I remind you too much of Paige?’ She knew everyone commented on how much they looked alike.

‘Paige who?’ I grinned.

‘Yeah, yeah.’ She scoffed at that question. She changed the subject quickly. ‘Anyway, this place just opened recently and I’m sure Deb could work with you on getting your hip flexibility back.’

‘Okay, good.’ It was while Kate looked around for the instructor, Deb, that the idea suddenly sprung into my head. I thought about Kate. She was now 22, having just graduated from college. Paige and I were 25. Kate had become very good looking, like her mother and sister. She was young, her complexion was fair and clear, and she had beautiful blue eyes, nice light brown hair, took care of herself, and had a decent shape. Maybe I should date Kate, fuck her, and rub Paige’s nose in it. I might even just fuck her and drop her like a hot potato. That might be the best way to get back at Paige. I would have to play it carefully though. I didn’t want Kate to catch on until it was too late.

‘Kate, I have two tickets to the Cardinals this Saturday. Do you want to go?’

She turned and looked at me closely. ‘Is that a good idea?’

‘What? Why?’

‘C’mon, you know why. You just broke up with my sister who was saying one thing and doing another while you were deployed. I know she hurt you. Now you want to date me? Why?’

I looked at her. ‘Because you’re a beautiful woman and for some reason I know that you would never do what she did.’

‘You sure?’

‘You wouldn’t have been over my house that morning if you didn’t feel bad about it. You obviously felt worse about it than she did because I still haven’t heard from Paige.’

‘Yeah, well, she feels bad, too. She just doesn’t know how to approach you and apologize. She doesn’t want to get back with you, just explain why she couldn’t tell you while you were deployed but was going to when they picked you up.’

‘Well, I’ll come over on Saturday and pick you up for the game and she can apologize, okay?’

Kate stared at me. ‘This is a bad idea.’

‘It’s just a friend taking another friend to a Cardinal ballgame.’

‘Yeah, right.’ She eyed me suspiciously.

‘Look, I’ve got two tickets, my mother doesn’t want to go, after the other night I don’t have any friends in this town that I know I can trust, and, well, I would rather go with an attractive woman.’

She eyed me a little longer, and then relented. ‘Okay, I’ll go. You know I’m a big Cardinals fan. What time?’

‘It’s a day game, 1:15 start, so pick you up at 11:45?’

She looked at me closely this whole time. ‘Okay, 11:45.’ She turned. ‘And here comes Deb. See you on Saturday.’

I turned toward Deb as Kate walked away, trying not to be too obvious about checking out that spandex wrapped ass. I was hoping she hadn’t gotten the wrong vibe from me. I was still planning on dating Paige’s little sister, flaunting it in front of her, and trying to make her uncomfortable. I knew from our time before I had deployed that Paige had been protective of Kate, but with the way Paige was acting now and the fact that Kate was 22, maybe that was no longer true. Well, we would just have to find out.


That night, I was at a sports bar with a friend of mine, Roger, who lived in the town just east of me and I told him my plan. He grinned. ‘Really? You think you’re going to fuck Kate?’

I looked at him questioningly. ‘What am I not getting here? Is she gay?’

‘No, she’s not gay, but nobody I know has ever gotten to that point with her.’

‘Yeah, like you know so many great guys in town.’

‘I’m serious.’

‘I know you are, but that’s not much of a statement to me. Besides, she just spent four years away at college, so you don’t know what she did there.’ I paused. ‘I guess I’ll just have to turn on my charm.’ I gave him a grin, since he knew I was joking.

He slapped me on the back and laughed. ‘Yeah, that’ll get her to immediately strip and beg you to fuck her.’

I laughed, too. ‘Fuck off, dude.’

‘Yeah. Whatever you say, Mr. Lothario.’

What are friends for?


Paige wasn’t home when I picked up Kate, so we went straight to the game. No apology was forthcoming that day.

The Cardinal game went as expected. The Cards beat up on the Cubs and the fans around us good-naturedly harassed each other during the game. You can’t go to a game in either of those cities without seeing a few fans from the other side.

During the game, Kate and I talked baseball and many other things, but nothing about her sister. After the game, we walked around the newly developed area around the ballpark. There are lots of restaurants and bars in the main Ballpark Village structure, but we stayed away from that totally mobbed building. We finally found a place to have a drink about two blocks further along. This is when the discussion about her sister took place.

‘So what the hell happened between Paige and Tony?’ I watched Kate closely, studying her face as she talked. She was very beautiful in that Midwestern perky-girl sort of way.

‘I have no idea what happened. She didn’t even to appear to like him until one day she and Tony just showed up at the house together, a new couple.’

I smiled at her and she tilted her head and looked at me questioningly as she realized I was watching her so closely. ‘Sorry, didn’t mean to stare, but you really are a beautiful woman.’

She blushed. ‘Thanks.’ She didn’t sound sure about that.

‘No, I mean when I first met Paige in high school, you were this skinny, gangly thing who wanted to grow up and be like her big sister. I remember Paige being very protective of you. And now you’ve turned out to be as beautiful as her, if not more so.’

‘Yeah, she tried to keep me out of trouble. I wanted to be grown up at 14 and tried to push the limits, so Paige tried to shield me from the assholes.’ She avoided the comment about her beauty.

‘Well, she and your mother did something right. You turned out rather well Miss Kate.’

She grinned. ‘I don’t know what’s going on, but you are definitely going overboard on the complements.’

I shrugged my shoulders. ‘I’m a flirt. You knew that.’

Kate eyed me warily, waggled her finger at me, and said good-naturedly. ‘I’m going to keep my eye on you.’


After a couple of drinks I took her home and Paige was still not there so I just left and went home. We flirted a little more, but I had time to work this before I had to head off to graduate school, so I wasn’t worried that nothing came of it. But I do think she was warming to the idea of dating her sister’s former boyfriend.

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Looking at the clock on the dashboard of my BMW X5, I watched it change from 12:00 to 12:01, thereby officially making me late for my meeting with Denise Richards. Punching in the numbers on my cell phone, I had Julie, my assistant, give me Denise's cell phone number. I nearly hit the car in front of me as I reached down to write it down on my notepad. Hanging up with Julie, I dialed. To my surprise, the driver of the car in front of me (a compact fire red Mazda Miata) picked up a phone and...

4 years ago
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Love In Time Of Goddamn Arab Spring

There is no underage sex in my story. Ahmad was a thirty-three years old single Egyptian man, living alone in Old Cairo. He was a secular, believing in Deism and Western civilization values. And he disliked Theocratic Abrahamic Terrorist nations like Saudi Entity KSA and Zionist Entity, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Erdogan’s and Justice and Development Party’s Turkey and Sudan. But he was facing another Theocratic catastrophe that was int the year Two Thousand and Eleven, Obama’s Arab...

3 years ago
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Oh Damn

This took place by accident. My boyfriend at the time, Tadd, had been teasing me about everything. He liked to make little comments that I would later sit and wonder about. He had ways of exciting me and teasing me that I liked. That also seemed to make me just want him more. He was always telling me what he would do to me sexually, and maybe even let others watch. It seemed to make me even more excited at the thought someone might see what could possibly be going on. I was starting to...

2 years ago
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Where Did My Damn Key Go Part 3

Four days; I've dealt with four grueling days of not being able to touch myself. Jesus, how can anyone even do this without even going insane?!Ever since I crossed paths with that dominating bimbo, my entire routine had changed. And to be honest, I was surprised at how much sex was in my life. From the moment I woke up to the second I crashed and fell asleep, my mind was very frequently in the gutter, wondering when I was going to get some ass or where can I go to beat one off real quick....

1 year ago
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The Hardheads

It had been a perfect California day. The temperature had stayed in the mid to high eighties, not a cloud in the sky and the beach had been wall to wall with tanned bikini clad hotties. Topping it all off was a magnificent sunset and I sat there and watched till the last sliver of sun disappeared into the Pacific Ocean. I stood up, shook off the sand and then headed for my apartment. I parked the car and got out before I spotted the last person in the world that I wanted to see – my wife...

3 years ago
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Davis dies the hardway

WARNING! EXTREME TORTURE, GORE DESCRIPTIONS AND WATER SPORT REFERENCES LURK INSIDE THIS LEMON THAT WAS COMISSIONED BY CHIBI BIYOMON!!!!! "So this is the guy you want me to kill?" Mia asked, looking at a picture of Davis. "Yes, he had been a real nuissance for way too long." TK told her, placing his hand gently over Kari's. "He went too faar, when he tried to get me, by making Veemon rape Gatomon." Kari explained, slamming her fist against the desk of Mia. "Very well, I'll do my...

4 years ago
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Kingdom of Everhard

You situp on your bed, you look out the window its a sunny morning. Finally you are done with your studies and you will get to enjoy the life as the prince till you become king. You stand up walk to the wardrobe pick out a princely robe. Your plan for the day is to meet up with your friends and hangout with them. Then you have to Shadow your father, at the court. As you finish dressing and step out, your eyes look down the long corridor when you see your sister heading up the corridor. She...

1 year ago
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Forcing Miss Blanshard

"Miss Blanshard," crackled the intercom. "Would you come to my office please." Sarah groaned inwardly. What did that old prick want now? She was getting just a little tired of his micromanagement. Here she was, a Harvard-trained MBA, one of the top financial analysts at Goldman Sachs' San Francisco office, and she was constantly having to check in with a seemingly senile old man about every little thing. She pressed a button on the antiquated intercom. "Yes, Mr. Meister. I'll be right...

1 year ago
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The sun shone down on Hardengrad. It was summer, and today was just like any other day. The peasants went about with their work, the soldiers went on their daily patrols, and the tyrannical King Geth watched over all. His rule was a terrible one, for he overtaxed his citizens, arrested any who spoke against him, and once a month he would have a large group of randomly picked women escorted to his castle to never be seen again. But, that doesn't worry you, does it? King Geth only harasses his...

3 years ago
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Koud maar hardverwarmend

Ik was +/- 20 jaar en seksueel nog niet actief met andere.Het kon met mij zeg maar nog alle kanten op.Het was winter, ik had nog niet zo lang mijn auto en wilde genieten van het mooie winterse landschap.Ik zelf woonde nog in het Westland, maar besloot om naar de Betuwe te gaan.Daar heerlijk door de besneeuwde bossen gelopen, vind ik heerlijk om lekker alleen te zijn, gewoon lekker je eigen gang te kunnen gaan.Na de wandeling weer terug naar de auto om maar weer richting huis te gaan, maar eerst...

2 years ago
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My sexy 43 year old Aunt seduced and fucked hardco

------------------------------------Sexy Aunt seduced by her Nephew---------------------------------------------Hi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Blackmailing my lactating maid for milk”, urged me to start my new story. I am a simple house wife residing in Bangalore and newly married having a satisfied sex life with my husband.The story I am going to narrate now is about my Aunt Jaya who is living in Hyderabad, with her...

1 year ago
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Hardcore Sex With Hardbody

Hello, Indian sex story readers. I was recently at a friend’s birthday party and was having a very average evening, my friend being a Jain had no nonveg or alcohol at the party. Why would she even call it a party? Vidhisha was my college friend but was working with an advertising firm. Her office colleagues were there too. Some of us hung out after the party and went to a local pub to have some drinks. We all had really hit it off and calling a night was tough. I hitched a Uber with Sneha,...

3 years ago
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This is the third story in what I have started to think of as my Legacy Universe, taking place after the Miracle Legacy and A Change of Heart. I'm afraid that it didn't turn out quite as well as the previous ones in this universe, but I hope you enjoy it. Hardshell By Morpheus The sides of the road shot by me a thousand miles an hour, the trees vanishing before I even had a chance make out any details. I could feel the engine of my motorcycle roaring between my legs,...

3 years ago
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This is one of my earliest stories - and I think you can see how I started, BUT? Jezzi? I see that you read most of my stories. Have tried to get with you - but failed. Will you PLEASE write me at [email protected]? HARDBODY By Bea Everything was just fine until Bobbi took up body building. We'd been married a couple of years, and I was pretty sure I'd found the ideal mate. Pretty and shy and very easy to get along with - in other words seemed only to happy to do what I...

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My fuck with Sharda

The incident happened 1 year back. My name is Sudhir, age 29 yrs, good built. I work as Eng. in Gulf. I had one colleague name Anil who stays in same town as me. Recently I had sexual affair with his wife Sharda. Sharda is nice sexy women, age 48, with fig 36c 34 36. Especially I like her Ass, not much meat but nicely shaped. I always look at her ass like hungry lion. Sharda is free women to talk, even hubby not home she will be talking hours with me. I also like her company. While talking me...

2 years ago
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______________[recommended page width; please use MS Word]______________         DISCLAIMER:  I.          This story is fiction.  II.          This story is FICTION!  III.          The author doesn’t endorse or play down violence and brutality          of any kind against living beings in general and females in special.          The author insists on the consumption only by those legally of age          and where ADULT MATERIAL isn’t prohibited by law. If you get          offended by those...

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Playboy Hardboy

Calvin was at the playboy mansion talking to Pamela Anderson when she felt a tingle in her pants. It was her cell phone. She answered the phone and told Calvin she would be right back. Calvin decided to head down to the grotto and chill in the hot tub. There were the usual playboy bunnies down there. There were a total of six girls and Calvin didn’t mind getting in the grotto with them. Calvin had on his orange Hawaiian style bathing suit that went down to his knees. He hopped in and sat near...

1 year ago
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I busied herself with my morning choirs, dusting, vacuuming, ironing, everything usual for a Tuesday. I brushed my hair; it had dried in to its normal bouncy curls. As I filled the kettle my decision of the day was trying to decide whether to take off my skirt and wash it, it was a little dirty and there were two buttons that needed replacing and my strapy top had some marks on it, I mussed on this monumental problem as I plugged in the kettle and got my cup ready, as I thought to myself do I...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 270 Hardball

Cassie and Rose met Josh and me when we came into the mud room and started stripping off our fire-fighting outfits. Neither of us had done that much. We directed traffic, assisted with hoses, saved a horse. The older guys handled the real work. Our chief and Sheriff Donaldson were taking care of the investigation. We were still beat, though. The two women wrinkled their noses as they stripped us bare. "Showers," Cassie said. She led Josh out and upstairs. "Let's get you to the master...

1 year ago
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Tranny Surprise, aka Trans Harder! Ah, what depraved gentleman hasn’t experienced the ol’ TrannySurprise? You’re out one night trying to get some action and maybe you tie one on a little too tight, but surprise yourself by taking a beautiful woman home anyway. Everything seems normal until, Surprise! She’s got a huge dick to match those monster titties.I’m sorry to ruin the surprise, but you already know from the name that the girls on TrannySurprise are packing at least as much meat as you...

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Hard Sex Tube! Talk about a free for all! I've seen many sites in my time and this one takes the medal for sure! I'm talking about a little site called, a site that in its hay day was one of the top tube sites out there. They ranked in the top 100 porn sites if I remember correctly and, I remember correctly. They had literally millions of videos and they were ranging from amateur, and when I say amateur I mean amateur to the hilt to videos that were as raw as they can get. The...

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Hard X! What do you think of when you imagine your perfect sex flick? Big-name pornstars or fresh teens with huge racks? Do you prefer girls doing their first blow-bang or their first anal? If their sample page is to be believed, HardX offers all this and much more.HardX has been around since 2005, so it ain’t no new kid on the block. This is a tough business, so their longevity alone tells you something about the site. I’m going to take a look and find out for myself if their creampies, BBCs...

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Hardcore Sex! There's not much to explain on this website right here, seeing as the name of the page really tells you about everything you need to know. If you were wondering about the type of sex you were going to see on this page, it would harsh, aggressive sex that not many "ordinary" folks would be able to handle. If you do not think that you would like to see something of the sort, then I suggest that you leave immediately since slithering through in hopes of finding that...

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HardBodies Reddit, aka r/HardBodies! How many of you bros have ever had sex with a fit bitch? Why the fuck am I asking anyway? That’s got to be a giant, ‘zero,’ since a portion of my visitors spends more on pizza rolls per month than any other type of food. I’m just busting everyone’s balls, so don’t get fucking huffy about the truth I’m probably speaking anyway. Still, my point is that if you’ve never had sex with a fit chick and you get the chance, I don’t care what you’re fucking situation...

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There is only one reason anyone would visit Hard GIF, and this porn site knows it too well. They understand why you are here, what you are doing, and they don’t want to waste your fucking time. And that’s why whenever you land on Hard GIF’s homepage, you will immediately know where to go and what to do.Hard GIF does not try to do anything out of the ordinary. Simplicity is key when it comes to these kinds of imageboards, and this site understands that. And that’s the reason they show you the...

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I like a babe to Chat Me Hard from time to time, because I really do believe the brain is among the most sensual and sexual of organs. Sure, a lady can show you her titties or her hoo-ha and your brain goes straight into horny reproductive mode, but a few well-strung words can have the exact same effect. I know a lot of modern masturbators have gotten used to the futuristic magic of instant 4K porno videos, forgetting all about the older masturbatory formats like text-based cybersex and erotic...

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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 5 Dinner with the Richards

After a short drive John and Alice arrived at John's house. John quickly put his bike away, while Alice parked her car and then he rejoined her. After opening the front door, he yelled loudly, "We're home!" "Okay dear, we're in the living room!" a woman, probably John's mother, yelled back. Entering the living room together, they were warmly welcomed by Mr. and Mrs Richards, John's parents. "Hi mom and dad, this is Miss Evans, my math teacher!" John said with a cheerful...

2 years ago
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i cant begin to tell u how horny i get when i need cock,ive been to extreme lengths just to feel a hot hard throbbing dick sliding up my ass,let me tell u about a few of these ‘lengths’. On hundreds of occassions ive spent 3days solid(using speed to stay awake)fucking my ass with various different toys, usually ending with me waiting outside the nearest gay bar offering my ass to everyone as they leave untill some1 takes me home ,i really dont give a fuck about looks or age,so long as they have...

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Where Fuck are those God Damn condoms chap3

Diana birthday pool party W/Jackie Now Jackie and I didn’t have to wait very long at all for the our next opportunity to present itself to us. Matter a fact it was only just a few short months. Diana had invited both Jackie and myself to her birthday party and when we heard it was going to be a pool party we both known this may just be the Golden opportunity we had been looking for. We had at least three weeks before the party so we had plenty of time to make our plans. But...

2 years ago
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Where the fuck are those God damn condoms chap 3

Diana Birthday Pool Party with Jackie Now Jackie and I didn’t have to wait very long at all for the our next opportunity to present itself to us. Matter a fact it was only just a few short months. Diana had invited both Jackie and myself to her birthday party and when we heard it was going to be a pool party .we both known this just might be the Golden opportunity we had been looking for. We had at least three weeks before the party so we had plenty of time to...

1 year ago
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Master Richard

???  ??? Richard had finally got his wish! His paradise! This was the place he considered heaven. It was heaven for Richard but for many others it was hell on earth. ?? Richard grew up in New York as a lonely kid, a loner with many problems. He got involved with drug smuggling, prostitution and much more.  ?? Money? Yes, Richard had become rich over the years and at forty-five and never married he had everything he ever wanted in life and more. ? Richard sat back in his chair looking...

3 years ago
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She Was So Damned Cute

They’d paid me to find oil and I’d found it for them. Now I was back in South America on my own time to see if I could find the source of that gold leeching into the river and prove a claim on it. So there I was, sitting at the bar that evening drinking luke-warm beer, and minding my own business. She walked through the open doorway and I checked her out, as every other man in the place did. She wasn’t the beauty queen slash centerfold sort. Her face had an attractiveness that was innocent,...

1 year ago
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Reverend Richard

Hello, my name is Reverend Townsand, or you can call me Richard. But never Dick! Yes I am a minister. Have a church that requires a lot of my time. Not just on Sundays. During the week there are services on Wednesdays. Children’s mass on Saturday. So you can see I am quite busy during the week. But that was before I took a permanent vacation, but I am getting ahead of myself here. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world; her name is Sandy, for the past 18 years. We also have 2...

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