- 3 years ago
- 26
- 0
This took place by accident. My boyfriend at the time, Tadd, had been teasing me about everything. He liked to make little comments that I would later sit and wonder about. He had ways of exciting me and teasing me that I liked. That also seemed to make me just want him more.
He was always telling me what he would do to me sexually, and maybe even let others watch. It seemed to make me even more excited at the thought someone might see what could possibly be going on. I was starting to figure out ways I could get even with him. I loved to tease and tantalize him too. I was 25 years old, with brown hair, and blue eyes (crystal blue eyes was what people said). I was athletic, and in good shape, but I did not have very much on top (barely a Bcup). I was 5'8" in height, and played college volleyball. Tadd was like 6'3", probably 210, in good shape, 34 years old. He was a fitness nut. He traveled a lot so we were apart often. He liked to call me and we talked a lot just about anything and everything. Sex seemed to always be at the top of the list.
Tadd worked for the same company that I did. I was in the financial division, where he was in sales. We had our own mail boxes at work. We could leave notes for each other there from time to time. When I got messages from him, I had to be careful when I opened them. Sometimes there were pictures that would have embarrassed me very much if someone else had seen them. He was always finding new ones that were very shocking. They might not be gross, but shocking.
Lately he had been teasing me about tying me up somewhere and leaving me for someone to find. It had worked on my emotions. It had made me very excited thinking about it. He had started sending me pictures of some girls who were hogtied naked. I had gotten very excited seeing them. I had noticed that most of the girls in these pictures were also rather bare down there. I asked him. "Are you trying to get me to go bare down there?"
"No. I was thinking maybe you might like to try some wild design instead." He would love for me to try something and shock him with it. His birthday was coming up, so I thought about it. I kept coming back to either trimming my pubic hair into a heart design, or going bare.
Then I was watching the Playboy Channel (we had it because it was fun to sit and watch together sometimes). We have spent some nights having sex watching it. I had just flipped on the TV, and I happened to surf by it. There was a talk show on, with three girls talking about trimming their bushes. The sexy long auburn haired hotty said she had hers designed in the shape of a heart, but the point of the heart was missing. The equally sexy blonde said hers was bare, and she stood up and proceeded to show everyone her very smooth shaved pussy. The one with the heart showed hers too. I thought it was very sexy.
The other girl, a very sexy redhead, then said, "I tried something different. Let me show you." She took off her shorts, and her thong. She had a lightning bolt done in her pubes. It was really interesting, and so I got more intrigued. Then they asked her how she did it. "I made a stencil; I cut out the design in poster board. Then I took a magic maker (washable), and traced the design out onto my mound. I then took my boyfriend's beard trimmer, and trimmed it out. After that I took the shaver for my legs and cleaned it up."
The blonde said, "I think you did a very good job." I totally agreed. I noticed she might as well have had a totally shaved pussy. The design was a good inch or more above her pussy on the mound. She was closer to bare than the one with the heart.
He was returning on his birthday and I now had an idea how I was going to surprise him. I spent some time making my stencil to get it just perfect, I also spent a lot of time touching and feeling my pussy as I did it. "When the bulls away, the cows would play," was what my dad used to say (I think).
Tadd flew back and wanted me to pick him up at the airport. I thought maybe I should dress really sexy for the occasion. I was very careful getting ready. I wore the short black dress he loves, and my 4" heels. I thought maybe I might just leave the rest at home. It was September, nice and warm. I wanted to surprise him. When I first walked out of the house, I was reminded what I was not wearing, as I felt the gentle breeze caress my newly exposed area. I was not in the habit of going commando – this was new to me. I slid into the driver's seat of the car, and the damned dress slid up. I was thinking maybe I should go back and get my undies, as everything was so exposed with the skirt sliding up like that.
Just as I was about to go back, my cell phone rang. He said the plane was already on the ground, and he would meet me at the front gate. I was three miles from the airport, so I knew I had to hurry. Off I went. Thank God, the windows were tinted, as there were trucks at the lights beside me. If they looked in they would have seen my rather bare state of being. I could, with my hands keep the dress down and covered up but I could not drive and keep the dress pulled down.
I made it to the airport, and as I pulled up to the gate for United, Tadd came walking towards the car. He liked to drive, and did not usually let me drive. He came to the driver's side, and told me, "Scoot over babe, so I can drive." Which was well and fine, except for that damn short dress which seem to be more like an apron, or loin cloth or whatever. I did scoot over, and I even managed to do it without showing very much, just lots of thigh.
Tadd was paying more attention to my dress than to me. He had asked, "What is the occasion for you to be so decked out."
I said, "I just wanted to be sexy for you, and I had really been missing you."
He was driving away from the airport. "We should go to our favorite restaurant." He could see I had taken some time getting ready to meet him at the airport.
I said, "I would like to, but could we run by my place first? I need to get something."
He laughed, and said, "I cannot see that you need anything whatsoever."
I blushed and said, "Maybe a little something."
"What could you possibly need?"
As we were driving on, I was sure he could smell my excited pussy. He let his hand slip down on my bare legs. I liked to keep them tanned and I hated to wear nylons, or panty hose. He was sliding his hand up, and all of a sudden he pulled the car over to the curb. He said, "I think I now know what you are worried about. Please. Let's go to dinner. I love the surprise of you not wearing undies when you came to get me."
"Okay, but you got to be nice. You got to try and help me not show everyone what I am not wearing them. We have to figure out a way that I don't soak this dress. This is turning me on a lot." I could feel his hand teasing my bare pussy lips. I had been turned on ever sense I styled my pussy.
He reached into the back seat, in his bag, and he had a towel he keeps in the outer pocket, his golf towel he called it. He said. "Here, try this. Maybe it will help a little."
I slid it under my bottom, and slid my skirt back so it was okay, as I tried it. He looked down, and he said. "Let me see. Did I see something else new?"
He had noticed my bush had changed. "Show it to me." I let my skirt slide up so he could see what I had done.
"I love it. It is really wild and so sexy. I hope you like it also. Did you do that yourself? Where did you get the idea from?"
"I think I do like it. I hope this is one lightning bolt that will strike more than once. I saw it in a show on the Playboy Channel."
A big smile came to his face. "I didn't think you ever watched that when I wasn't with you." We went to the restaurant and it was fun trying to get out of the car. I walked in hoping the back of my dress was dry, and not riding up on my butt. It was difficult to sit lady like in a chair, with a really short skirt like that, and no undies. I was wondering how many other people were trying to sneak peeks up my short skirt. I knew my legs were attracting a lot of attention. My pussy was driving me crazy, I felt like everyone was seeing my pussy. I could tell every time there was just the hint of a breeze touch my nakedness.
After dinner, I believed I had teased him to the point he was ready to take care of things. "I vote we go to your place and make our own dessert." I slipped into the car, my dress rode up. I quit even trying to hide my pussy. We went to his apartment for an early night but sleep was the farthest thing from our minds. I was so turned on being so out in public, and just so ready. He was so ready, but he wanted to enjoy my lightning bolt some more. I had a very fine time with him admiring my handiwork. I was so glad I tried it. I was glad that instead of going bare, I had watched that show and styled it this way. Besides, it would be no problem to shave it bare if the lightning bolt had not worked as I had thought about it.
Tadd was gone for a long time for another trip. We had been having phone sex and just teasing each other a lot. It was getting close to Halloween and I knew he was going to be back a few days before it. I had been toying with the idea of something else wild and crazy. I had been leaving notes in his office mailbox. He had been doing the same to mine. I come across a story, where a person had written about how he challenged his lover to be a submissive lover. He had sent her a note demanding they meet at a certain place and be ready. I thought about it, and I wanted to tease Tadd even more. Tadd is not submissive but I was hoping he might do it for me. So I put an anonymous letter in his mail box.
Hi Love,
You are to prepare yourself to be my personal slave for Saturday night, Halloween. You are to shave your body totally bare. You are to put a nice coating of lotion on your whole body to make yourself as silky as can be. I am sure this might not happen, but I wanted to put it in here anyway. You will find a key card in this note. It is for the Luxor Hotel room 1516. You may want to wear old cloths that you don't have an attachment to. You will enter the room, where you will find a pair of scissors, and a bag. First take off all your cloths, and cut them into tiny pieces and put them in the trash. Then you will take the bag to the nice big four posted bed. You will notice that it is just a mattress with no covering on it. There you are to open the bag and pour out the contents. You will find four sets of locking cuffs, a blindfold, and a walkman with earphones. You will also find a set of nipple clamps, and a marking pen. You are to put my initials on your naked area where your pubes used to be. It is to be about 4" in height. You are to tie your feet spreadeagled with the cuffs to the two posts at the foot of the bed. Put the cuffs on the two posts up at the head. You are to attach the nipple clamps to your nipples. Remember to put the blindfold on. Then put on the earphones and start the music. You will not be able to tell when I get there. Then fasten your wrists in the cuffs and wait for me. You will wonder how it can take so long, or is it going fast. Your only sense that is left is your nose. You may be able to tell with it when I am near you then. I know you are going to feel so at my mercy. I think you will like it, as it could be a lot of fun.
Your Lover
PS. See you soon.
Now I had thought up something I was sure would surprise him, and I put it in his mailbox. I knew it was dated for Saturday, and I thought about what else I was going to do to him. I knew I would not do anything painful. I would actually take clothes for him with me, but they were to stay in the car. I could always go back to get them, and I was really getting excited about being in control.
I was getting more and more excited, and we had not had a chance to talk. He had to fly out on Thursday night for a customer with a problem. I was at home Friday night, and I had not heard from him. I was getting worried since he was supposed to fly in Saturday morning.
When I checked my phone, I found it was not working. I was going to use my cell phone, but it was dead also, and the charger was at his place. I had forgotten it and so I was going to go and use a payphone. The one downstairs in the lobby I remembered had the cord missing when I walked by. I guess I would just go and meet him at the hotel. I hoped I did not pay for the room for nothing. I figured if nothing else, I would meet him there and let him tie me up. I had just thought I might surprise him with what I had been thinking.
Oh damn, I put the key card in the door, and I slipped inside the room, and I noticed he was there, but as I moved closer, I about died. There on the bed, it was not him, unless he had a sex change. There was a female, with a nice body. She had breasts I would liked to have had. She had reddish blond hair on her head. She was very naked, and she was tied like I left instruction for him to be.
I crept closer, I see she had put a nice big M on her very naked mound, I was shocked. But who the hell was M, and I was trying to figure out who she was. Oh damn, what the hell, I was wondering if Tadd was playing a trick on me. Oh damn, why was she here? Now what do I do? Try to imagine, walking in thinking you were going to find a naked boyfriend, and finding a naked woman instead. I couldn't figure out who she was, or why she was there.
Worse yet, what to do with her? I had rented the room in my name, so I can't just leave and hope it went away. What to do? Oh Damn. Why me? Damn. I wished I had required a gag. I was so afraid that if I took her blindfold off, she would scream. Maybe I can take her earphones off, but when I speak to her she would scream. Oh Damn.
I looked at her body, she was young and very sexy. I noticed the clamps on her nipples. I bet those were going to be some sore nipples. I looked at her pussy, she was very wet, there was white mucus inside the lips of her bare pussy. She had done a great job of shaving her pussy. It looked so smooth and soft. I had never had the opportunity to look at another girl's pussy this close before. I wanted to touch it, it was so sexy looking.
"Mark, are you there? These clamps are destroying my nipples. Please. Let me loose." I listen to her talk trying to keep her from knowing I was there.
Then I remembered I saw an adult book store down the block from the hotel. I would go and get a gag. Then put it on her, I know that is my only chance, as I couldn't have her screaming. I wonder what the penalty and jail time is for this. Why me?
I left the room, and I was very scared, and not thinking straight. I headed down to the store. I wore that damn black dress again. Yes, just the heels, nothing else. I was going to an adult book store to buy a gag. How stupid could I be? I was practically naked in that short dress and heels.
I walked in the store, and I swore every eye there was on me. The guy behind the counter asked me if he could help me. I was about to tell him what I wanted, but just then three young women came in. They were telling him he should be ashamed of himself for selling that filth. I was getting more nervous. I thought they were going to have the cops arrive any minute, and then they would take us all to jail.
Then there would be my poor naked friend still tied to the bed in the hotel next door. The women left and the store clerk came back and asked if he could help me, again. I was more relaxed now. I said. "I want to buy a gag as a gift for a friend. It is to be a funny gift. She was always sticking her foot in her mouth." I laughed, and so did he.
He showed me a nice ball gag and asked if it would work, I said. "I think so." I knew he could smell my pussy, I could feel juice starting to run down my leg. I purchased it and walked back to the hotel. The breeze was caressing my nakedness. I really needed to cum. I was wondering where Tadd was? Who was that girl up there? Maybe he would be there waiting for me.
I got into the elevator and was just about to go to the room. I realized I had laid that fucking key card on the sink when I went into the room. I was locked out of the room. I went back down to the lobby and asked the front desk for another key as I had left mine in the room.
They said they would have security meet me at the room and open it for me. Oh Damn. Security. What else could go wrong? I was on pins and needles as I took the elevator back to the room. I was soon met by the biggest man I think I ever encountered. He said. "I am with hotel security. I need to see your ID." He called down to make sure I was the one registered in the room. He then unlocked the door, and asked if I wanted him to check the room.
"No. I was just here and had locked myself out by accident." I slipped in the room, and he was gone. I sighed a feeling of relief, and I had to take a few extra breaths of relief.
I went to the bed, and noticed her. I noticed she was thrashing around, probably wondering what she had gotten herself into. I noticed her nipples were very red. I knew those damn clamps must have been on too long. I was really causing her discomfort. I grabbed the gag, but how do you use it. It was not exactly sure, like I had ever tried one before. I thought I better try it on myself first, and so I did. I was also curious as to how much it muffled my screams, and I tried, it worked very well. I then decided to try and put it on her. I did, she was shocked, and she tried to scream and bite. As she did the gag slipped in her mouth and I fastened it behind her head.
I then took the earphones off of her, and I said. "Look, I know this is not the voice you are expecting to hear." She did as I expected, she screamed into the gag. It kept her from being very loud though. "Please. Let me explain. I think you must have gotten my letter by mistake."
I took her blindfold off, and I saw tears come to her eyes. I said. "I am going to release you, but you have to bear with me, you were not the person I was expecting to be in this bed when I got here either. I was expecting my boyfriend to be here. I will take your gag off. Promise you will not scream when I do. Wait, let me take those clamps off first, I bet those are some very sore nipples aren't they."
I released the clamps, and realized it was a very good thing that I had not taken the gag off yet, as I reached for the gag, I saw that she was crying, and I was so sorry for what I had done. I also noticed that she now looked more familiar. I untied the gag, and she begged. "Please untie the rest of me."
I went to my purse and was going to get the keys for the cuffs. I realized I had left them on the dresser at home. I could not believe I did that. I said, "I'm so sorry." I was in a hurry and I guess I forgot the keys."
She started to cry even more, I said. "I know it's bad, but I will go get them. Can I do something before I leave?"
"Could you at least cover me up?" Then I remembered. I had taken all the bedding and towels and put them in a suitcase and put them in the trunk of my car. I had been planning this, and wanting to really tease my boyfriend.
"There is nothing for me to give you."
"Could I have your underwear at least?"
I blushed. "I am not wearing anything under this dress."
She then stole my line "Why Me?" She said, "Could you hurry? I am getting rather tired of being tied wide open like this."
I then grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I hurried as fast as I could to get the keys. I checked to make sure it was them. I headed back to the hotel. It was only like five miles away. My dress was up around my waist while I was driving.
I headed to the room again, and as I got out of the elevator, it then dawned on me, crap, I forgot the damn key card again, "OH DAMN! Why me?"
I then knew I was going to have to ask the desk if the hotel security could meet me there again. I hoped they did not have a limit on the times I could call them. I went to the desk, and the girl there said she would call him. He would meet me there. I hurried back to the room. I did not want him to investigate the room, or whatever. I stepped out of the elevator and just as I reached the door, here came the security guard again. He did not look very happy, and he said. "I think I have already been here once. You had better not let it happen again."
He was rather arrogant, and downright mean, but he unlocked the door, and as I was slipping in, he said. "There will be a $20 dollar charge on your room for extra services." Oh Damn, oh well if so, better than going to jail.
I rushed into the room and over to the bed. I started unlocking the cuffs. She said. "I know you. You're Gail in the Financial Department, right?"
I nodded my head, and I knew I would not get away from her anonymously. Now I wondered what had happened. I asked. "Who are you?"
"I am Brenda from the Mail Room. I am so sorry for this."
"I am too. I cannot figure out what happened."
"Your letter must have slipped out on the floor at work. I dropped some of my mail on the floor. I must have picked it up with mine. I thought Mark had sent it to me. He is always sending me exotic mail. I have been seeing him. He is actually my boss. He is also married. He has been my lover for a while. I thought the note was from him."
I now knew what happened. I laughed, and I said. "I see you followed the letter to the T."
"I see you removed your bush, and you now have a very big M on your naked mound. I was expecting to see my boyfriend with a G on his though.
She then opened her legs and looked at it and said. "Well it will wash off." I could not help but stare at her naked pussy.
This took place by accident. My boyfriend at the time, Tadd, had been teasing me about everything. He liked to make little comments that I would later sit and wonder about. He had ways of exciting me and teasing me that I liked. That also seemed to make me just want him more.
He was always telling me what he would do to me sexually, and maybe even let others watch. It seemed to make me even more excited at the thought someone might see what could possibly be going on. I was starting to figure out ways I could get even with him. I loved to tease and tantalize him too. I was 25 years old, with brown hair, and blue eyes (crystal blue eyes was what people said). I was athletic, and in good shape, but I did not have very much on top (barely a Bcup). I was 5'8" in height, and played college volleyball. Tadd was like 6'3", probably 210, in good shape, 34 years old. He was a fitness nut. He traveled a lot so we were apart often. He liked to call me and we talked a lot just about anything and everything. Sex seemed to always be at the top of the list.
Tadd worked for the same company that I did. I was in the financial division, where he was in sales. We had our own mail boxes at work. We could leave notes for each other there from time to time. When I got messages from him, I had to be careful when I opened them. Sometimes there were pictures that would have embarrassed me very much if someone else had seen them. He was always finding new ones that were very shocking. They might not be gross, but shocking.
Lately he had been teasing me about tying me up somewhere and leaving me for someone to find. It had worked on my emotions. It had made me very excited thinking about it. He had started sending me pictures of some girls who were hogtied naked. I had gotten very excited seeing them. I had noticed that most of the girls in these pictures were also rather bare down there. I asked him. "Are you trying to get me to go bare down there?"
"No. I was thinking maybe you might like to try some wild design instead." He would love for me to try something and shock him with it. His birthday was coming up, so I thought about it. I kept coming back to either trimming my pubic hair into a heart design, or going bare.
Then I was watching the Playboy Channel (we had it because it was fun to sit and watch together sometimes). We have spent some nights having sex watching it. I had just flipped on the TV, and I happened to surf by it. There was a talk show on, with three girls talking about trimming their bushes. The sexy long auburn haired hotty said she had hers designed in the shape of a heart, but the point of the heart was missing. The equally sexy blonde said hers was bare, and she stood up and proceeded to show everyone her very smooth shaved pussy. The one with the heart showed hers too. I thought it was very sexy.
The other girl, a very sexy redhead, then said, "I tried something different. Let me show you." She took off her shorts, and her thong. She had a lightning bolt done in her pubes. It was really interesting, and so I got more intrigued. Then they asked her how she did it. "I made a stencil; I cut out the design in poster board. Then I took a magic maker (washable), and traced the design out onto my mound. I then took my boyfriend's beard trimmer, and trimmed it out. After that I took the shaver for my legs and cleaned it up."
The blonde said, "I think you did a very good job." I totally agreed. I noticed she might as well have had a totally shaved pussy. The design was a good inch or more above her pussy on the mound. She was closer to bare than the one with the heart.
He was returning on his birthday and I now had an idea how I was going to surprise him. I spent some time making my stencil to get it just perfect, I also spent a lot of time touching and feeling my pussy as I did it. "When the bulls away, the cows would play," was what my dad used to say (I think).
Tadd flew back and wanted me to pick him up at the airport. I thought maybe I should dress really sexy for the occasion. I was very careful getting ready. I wore the short black dress he loves, and my 4" heels. I thought maybe I might just leave the rest at home. It was September, nice and warm. I wanted to surprise him. When I first walked out of the house, I was reminded what I was not wearing, as I felt the gentle breeze caress my newly exposed area. I was not in the habit of going commando – this was new to me. I slid into the driver's seat of the car, and the damned dress slid up. I was thinking maybe I should go back and get my undies, as everything was so exposed with the skirt sliding up like that.
Just as I was about to go back, my cell phone rang. He said the plane was already on the ground, and he would meet me at the front gate. I was three miles from the airport, so I knew I had to hurry. Off I went. Thank God, the windows were tinted, as there were trucks at the lights beside me. If they looked in they would have seen my rather bare state of being. I could, with my hands keep the dress down and covered up but I could not drive and keep the dress pulled down.
I made it to the airport, and as I pulled up to the gate for United, Tadd came walking towards the car. He liked to drive, and did not usually let me drive. He came to the driver's side, and told me, "Scoot over babe, so I can drive." Which was well and fine, except for that damn short dress which seem to be more like an apron, or loin cloth or whatever. I did scoot over, and I even managed to do it without showing very much, just lots of thigh.
Tadd was paying more attention to my dress than to me. He had asked, "What is the occasion for you to be so decked out."
I said, "I just wanted to be sexy for you, and I had really been missing you."
He was driving away from the airport. "We should go to our favorite restaurant." He could see I had taken some time getting ready to meet him at the airport.
I said, "I would like to, but could we run by my place first? I need to get something."
He laughed, and said, "I cannot see that you need anything whatsoever."
I blushed and said, "Maybe a little something."
"What could you possibly need?"
As we were driving on, I was sure he could smell my excited pussy. He let his hand slip down on my bare legs. I liked to keep them tanned and I hated to wear nylons, or panty hose. He was sliding his hand up, and all of a sudden he pulled the car over to the curb. He said, "I think I now know what you are worried about. Please. Let's go to dinner. I love the surprise of you not wearing undies when you came to get me."
"Okay, but you got to be nice. You got to try and help me not show everyone what I am not wearing them. We have to figure out a way that I don't soak this dress. This is turning me on a lot." I could feel his hand teasing my bare pussy lips. I had been turned on ever sense I styled my pussy.
He reached into the back seat, in his bag, and he had a towel he keeps in the outer pocket, his golf towel he called it. He said. "Here, try this. Maybe it will help a little."
I slid it under my bottom, and slid my skirt back so it was okay, as I tried it. He looked down, and he said. "Let me see. Did I see something else new?"
He had noticed my bush had changed. "Show it to me." I let my skirt slide up so he could see what I had done.
"I love it. It is really wild and so sexy. I hope you like it also. Did you do that yourself? Where did you get the idea from?"
"I think I do like it. I hope this is one lightning bolt that will strike more than once. I saw it in a show on the Playboy Channel."
A big smile came to his face. "I didn't think you ever watched that when I wasn't with you." We went to the restaurant and it was fun trying to get out of the car. I walked in hoping the back of my dress was dry, and not riding up on my butt. It was difficult to sit lady like in a chair, with a really short skirt like that, and no undies. I was wondering how many other people were trying to sneak peeks up my short skirt. I knew my legs were attracting a lot of attention. My pussy was driving me crazy, I felt like everyone was seeing my pussy. I could tell every time there was just the hint of a breeze touch my nakedness.
After dinner, I believed I had teased him to the point he was ready to take care of things. "I vote we go to your place and make our own dessert." I slipped into the car, my dress rode up. I quit even trying to hide my pussy. We went to his apartment for an early night but sleep was the farthest thing from our minds. I was so turned on being so out in public, and just so ready. He was so ready, but he wanted to enjoy my lightning bolt some more. I had a very fine time with him admiring my handiwork. I was so glad I tried it. I was glad that instead of going bare, I had watched that show and styled it this way. Besides, it would be no problem to shave it bare if the lightning bolt had not worked as I had thought about it.
Tadd was gone for a long time for another trip. We had been having phone sex and just teasing each other a lot. It was getting close to Halloween and I knew he was going to be back a few days before it. I had been toying with the idea of something else wild and crazy. I had been leaving notes in his office mailbox. He had been doing the same to mine. I come across a story, where a person had written about how he challenged his lover to be a submissive lover. He had sent her a note demanding they meet at a certain place and be ready. I thought about it, and I wanted to tease Tadd even more. Tadd is not submissive but I was hoping he might do it for me. So I put an anonymous letter in his mail box.
Hi Love,
You are to prepare yourself to be my personal slave for Saturday night, Halloween. You are to shave your body totally bare. You are to put a nice coating of lotion on your whole body to make yourself as silky as can be. I am sure this might not happen, but I wanted to put it in here anyway. You will find a key card in this note. It is for the Luxor Hotel room 1516. You may want to wear old cloths that you don't have an attachment to. You will enter the room, where you will find a pair of scissors, and a bag. First take off all your cloths, and cut them into tiny pieces and put them in the trash. Then you will take the bag to the nice big four posted bed. You will notice that it is just a mattress with no covering on it. There you are to open the bag and pour out the contents. You will find four sets of locking cuffs, a blindfold, and a walkman with earphones. You will also find a set of nipple clamps, and a marking pen. You are to put my initials on your naked area where your pubes used to be. It is to be about 4" in height. You are to tie your feet spreadeagled with the cuffs to the two posts at the foot of the bed. Put the cuffs on the two posts up at the head. You are to attach the nipple clamps to your nipples. Remember to put the blindfold on. Then put on the earphones and start the music. You will not be able to tell when I get there. Then fasten your wrists in the cuffs and wait for me. You will wonder how it can take so long, or is it going fast. Your only sense that is left is your nose. You may be able to tell with it when I am near you then. I know you are going to feel so at my mercy. I think you will like it, as it could be a lot of fun.
Your Lover
PS. See you soon.
Now I had thought up something I was sure would surprise him, and I put it in his mailbox. I knew it was dated for Saturday, and I thought about what else I was going to do to him. I knew I would not do anything painful. I would actually take clothes for him with me, but they were to stay in the car. I could always go back to get them, and I was really getting excited about being in control.
I was getting more and more excited, and we had not had a chance to talk. He had to fly out on Thursday night for a customer with a problem. I was at home Friday night, and I had not heard from him. I was getting worried since he was supposed to fly in Saturday morning.
When I checked my phone, I found it was not working. I was going to use my cell phone, but it was dead also, and the charger was at his place. I had forgotten it and so I was going to go and use a payphone. The one downstairs in the lobby I remembered had the cord missing when I walked by. I guess I would just go and meet him at the hotel. I hoped I did not pay for the room for nothing. I figured if nothing else, I would meet him there and let him tie me up. I had just thought I might surprise him with what I had been thinking.
Oh damn, I put the key card in the door, and I slipped inside the room, and I noticed he was there, but as I moved closer, I about died. There on the bed, it was not him, unless he had a sex change. There was a female, with a nice body. She had breasts I would liked to have had. She had reddish blond hair on her head. She was very naked, and she was tied like I left instruction for him to be.
I crept closer, I see she had put a nice big M on her very naked mound, I was shocked. But who the hell was M, and I was trying to figure out who she was. Oh damn, what the hell, I was wondering if Tadd was playing a trick on me. Oh damn, why was she here? Now what do I do? Try to imagine, walking in thinking you were going to find a naked boyfriend, and finding a naked woman instead. I couldn't figure out who she was, or why she was there.
Worse yet, what to do with her? I had rented the room in my name, so I can't just leave and hope it went away. What to do? Oh Damn. Why me? Damn. I wished I had required a gag. I was so afraid that if I took her blindfold off, she would scream. Maybe I can take her earphones off, but when I speak to her she would scream. Oh Damn.
I looked at her body, she was young and very sexy. I noticed the clamps on her nipples. I bet those were going to be some sore nipples. I looked at her pussy, she was very wet, there was white mucus inside the lips of her bare pussy. She had done a great job of shaving her pussy. It looked so smooth and soft. I had never had the opportunity to look at another girl's pussy this close before. I wanted to touch it, it was so sexy looking.
"Mark, are you there? These clamps are destroying my nipples. Please. Let me loose." I listen to her talk trying to keep her from knowing I was there.
Then I remembered I saw an adult book store down the block from the hotel. I would go and get a gag. Then put it on her, I know that is my only chance, as I couldn't have her screaming. I wonder what the penalty and jail time is for this. Why me?
I left the room, and I was very scared, and not thinking straight. I headed down to the store. I wore that damn black dress again. Yes, just the heels, nothing else. I was going to an adult book store to buy a gag. How stupid could I be? I was practically naked in that short dress and heels.
I walked in the store, and I swore every eye there was on me. The guy behind the counter asked me if he could help me. I was about to tell him what I wanted, but just then three young women came in. They were telling him he should be ashamed of himself for selling that filth. I was getting more nervous. I thought they were going to have the cops arrive any minute, and then they would take us all to jail.
Then there would be my poor naked friend still tied to the bed in the hotel next door. The women left and the store clerk came back and asked if he could help me, again. I was more relaxed now. I said. "I want to buy a gag as a gift for a friend. It is to be a funny gift. She was always sticking her foot in her mouth." I laughed, and so did he.
He showed me a nice ball gag and asked if it would work, I said. "I think so." I knew he could smell my pussy, I could feel juice starting to run down my leg. I purchased it and walked back to the hotel. The breeze was caressing my nakedness. I really needed to cum. I was wondering where Tadd was? Who was that girl up there? Maybe he would be there waiting for me.
I got into the elevator and was just about to go to the room. I realized I had laid that fucking key card on the sink when I went into the room. I was locked out of the room. I went back down to the lobby and asked the front desk for another key as I had left mine in the room.
They said they would have security meet me at the room and open it for me. Oh Damn. Security. What else could go wrong? I was on pins and needles as I took the elevator back to the room. I was soon met by the biggest man I think I ever encountered. He said. "I am with hotel security. I need to see your ID." He called down to make sure I was the one registered in the room. He then unlocked the door, and asked if I wanted him to check the room.
"No. I was just here and had locked myself out by accident." I slipped in the room, and he was gone. I sighed a feeling of relief, and I had to take a few extra breaths of relief.
I went to the bed, and noticed her. I noticed she was thrashing around, probably wondering what she had gotten herself into. I noticed her nipples were very red. I knew those damn clamps must have been on too long. I was really causing her discomfort. I grabbed the gag, but how do you use it. It was not exactly sure, like I had ever tried one before. I thought I better try it on myself first, and so I did. I was also curious as to how much it muffled my screams, and I tried, it worked very well. I then decided to try and put it on her. I did, she was shocked, and she tried to scream and bite. As she did the gag slipped in her mouth and I fastened it behind her head.
I then took the earphones off of her, and I said. "Look, I know this is not the voice you are expecting to hear." She did as I expected, she screamed into the gag. It kept her from being very loud though. "Please. Let me explain. I think you must have gotten my letter by mistake."
I took her blindfold off, and I saw tears come to her eyes. I said. "I am going to release you, but you have to bear with me, you were not the person I was expecting to be in this bed when I got here either. I was expecting my boyfriend to be here. I will take your gag off. Promise you will not scream when I do. Wait, let me take those clamps off first, I bet those are some very sore nipples aren't they."
I released the clamps, and realized it was a very good thing that I had not taken the gag off yet, as I reached for the gag, I saw that she was crying, and I was so sorry for what I had done. I also noticed that she now looked more familiar. I untied the gag, and she begged. "Please untie the rest of me."
I went to my purse and was going to get the keys for the cuffs. I realized I had left them on the dresser at home. I could not believe I did that. I said, "I'm so sorry." I was in a hurry and I guess I forgot the keys."
She started to cry even more, I said. "I know it's bad, but I will go get them. Can I do something before I leave?"
"Could you at least cover me up?" Then I remembered. I had taken all the bedding and towels and put them in a suitcase and put them in the trunk of my car. I had been planning this, and wanting to really tease my boyfriend.
"There is nothing for me to give you."
"Could I have your underwear at least?"
I blushed. "I am not wearing anything under this dress."
She then stole my line "Why Me?" She said, "Could you hurry? I am getting rather tired of being tied wide open like this."
I then grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I hurried as fast as I could to get the keys. I checked to make sure it was them. I headed back to the hotel. It was only like five miles away. My dress was up around my waist while I was driving.
I headed to the room again, and as I got out of the elevator, it then dawned on me, crap, I forgot the damn key card again, "OH DAMN! Why me?"
I then knew I was going to have to ask the desk if the hotel security could meet me there again. I hoped they did not have a limit on the times I could call them. I went to the desk, and the girl there said she would call him. He would meet me there. I hurried back to the room. I did not want him to investigate the room, or whatever. I stepped out of the elevator and just as I reached the door, here came the security guard again. He did not look very happy, and he said. "I think I have already been here once. You had better not let it happen again."
He was rather arrogant, and downright mean, but he unlocked the door, and as I was slipping in, he said. "There will be a $20 dollar charge on your room for extra services." Oh Damn, oh well if so, better than going to jail.
I rushed into the room and over to the bed. I started unlocking the cuffs. She said. "I know you. You're Gail in the Financial Department, right?"
I nodded my head, and I knew I would not get away from her anonymously. Now I wondered what had happened. I asked. "Who are you?"
"I am Brenda from the Mail Room. I am so sorry for this."
"I am too. I cannot figure out what happened."
"Your letter must have slipped out on the floor at work. I dropped some of my mail on the floor. I must have picked it up with mine. I thought Mark had sent it to me. He is always sending me exotic mail. I have been seeing him. He is actually my boss. He is also married. He has been my lover for a while. I thought the note was from him."
I now knew what happened. I laughed, and I said. "I see you followed the letter to the T."
"I see you removed your bush, and you now have a very big M on your naked mound. I was expecting to see my boyfriend with a G on his though.
She then opened her legs and looked at it and said. "Well it will wash off." I could not help but stare at her naked pussy.
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It was a friday evening, I was gonna be home alone for the weekend because my parent travelled for an occasion. The Electricity company took the light and the heat in the house was unbearable, so I sat at the corridor exploring my phone when I suddenly saw my neighbor,Micheal coming out of his apartment shirtless. His ABS gave me vibes and my pussy started to beat, he smiled at me and I smiled back. He had such a killer smile. He switched on his generator, that was when I realized that I had a...
Hey guys mera naam Dev hai. Main ISS pe apni stories regularly update karta reheta hun. Aaj main apni ek aurr nayi story aap logo ke samne present karne jaa raha hun. Toh basically yeah story 3 logo ke beech ki hai jo ki main, meri mom aur sister hai. Is story main aap read karenge ki kaise meine meri mom aur sister ke sath mountains mein camping ke time pe sex kiya. I hope ki aap raders enjoy karenge. Toh jaisa meine bataya, main Delhi main reheta hun, apni mom aur sister ke sath. Meri mom ka...
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Friday Week 12 This morning Dave knew that he couldn't afford to delay his departure as he had about six and a half hours driving ahead of him if he was to reach Emerald, his next planned overnight stop, in the daylight. He hated driving on these outback highways when it was dark and especially at dusk, because the wildlife, in particular the kangaroos and emus, were very dangerous on the side of the road, running erratically into cars and trucks, blinded by headlights. So, after eating...
The invite...HiWe'd like to invite you to a party at our house. It will be a small party of gorgeous couples, hot males and sexy females. Everyone invited is bi or bi curious. We have room for you to stay over, drink will be flowing. Dress - lingerie or naked.Hopefully see you there.It then listed the date, time and address. The first thing we did, was check out their profile, they looked good, slim and attractive and their pics were hot and a little dirty.I came to pick you up, it was a 45...
My most amazing sexual experience all started because of a simple act of forgetfulness. My older Brother Jamal was staying over at my place while he visited mumbai for the first time. I was so used to being a single woman that I had forgotten he was there in the morning. We had gone out drinking the night before and I guess the alcohol had me a bit cloudy. I walked out of my bedroom stark naked, as I usually do. I opened the door to the living room and the vision that greeted me left me...
IncestI took a couple of pain killers and sat there in a rather embarrassing situation naked with a pack of frozen peas in my lap and as I removed them to take a look my poor penis had shrivelled and was starting to discolour, I was at a loss as to what to do and then I thought that with Rachel being a trained personal trainer I figured that maybe she could at the very least offer some advice.I sent her a text and within minutes she was at the patio door standing there with her jaw dropped trying...
Veeresha was finally free. Doc gave her his lab coat saying, “Thank you for being a part of my experiment. If you go out and start walking north,” he said looking at his watch, “It will take you to the road where you can ask for a lift.” He said putting on his lab coat on her. After staying completely nude for a year, she was feeling irritated to cover her body. She was used to this freedom. “Go now, if they found out they won’t let you escape.” he pushed Veeresha. She removed the lab coat and...
Martin settled into his chair with the paper and she fidgeted with a magazine. Her mind refused to focus on the world around her. Every time she tried, the photograph flashed into her mind. She refought the battle over and over whether to tell. Martin and show it to him. She knew what the picture could do to him and his career if it fell into the wrong hands or if it was already in the wrong hands. She shivered with the thought of what would happen to her world and her family. "I'm going to...
Part 1 Fathers love their daughters. They will do anything to protect them and keep them safe, and that is how I ended up walking my 18 year old Ashlynn, on a leash haft naked, into a room full of horny men. Ashlynn is 4’ 11 3/4” about 89 pounds, with hair the color of milk tea, green eyes with little sparkles of Gold, her measurements are 33D 20 33 with a size 4 shoes. I tease her that nothing grows in the shade. Ash was growing into a beautiful young woman. Not super model pretty, but, she...
Do you harken to the days when no one shaved their pubes? What about the days when men wore pounds of gold chains while sporting wrap-around sunglasses? Do you get a raging boner when you see women with giant goddamn permed hair and waist-high pants so tight that you can see the outline of their asshole?If so, then you probably grew up in an era where someone with a fanny pack and a cell phone guaranteed that they were a drug dealer. Or maybe you have a fetish for fucking atrocious fashions....
Vintage Porn Sites1 sal bit gae the wo rickshaw wla nhi aya. Ek roj sushma k pati k hospital jane k baad ,sushma school jane k liye taiyar ho he rhi thi ki door bell bazi. Usne ja kr darwaja khola to samne whi rickshaw wala khda tha. Sushma ki khusi ka thikana nhi rha usne jhat se use andar khicha aur jor se us k gale lag gai. Rickshe wale ne bhi sushma ko bhut jor se hugg kr liya.Dono bichde premi ki trah ek dusre ki baho me lipte the.Sushma aj fir usi mard ki khusbu me khoi thi jis k liye wo pagal thi. Tabhi...
All Right ch. 06 The final chapter. Thanks to GrandTeton for editorial assistance. ########## Life isn’t happy ever afters, or at least my life isn’t. If your life is, I’m happy for you, but I don’t think I believe you. In the morning Amber was up and gone, presumably to take care of milady Deirdre. Julie and I made slow, languorous love, taking the pleasure of the moment and stretching it out. We dressed. We held hands going down to breakfast. That Sunday was enjoyed by all. Frances and...
Mary had been working for me for three weeks and she was driving me crazy. She's a petite little thing with a fantastic figure and full, mouth-watering tits. Since I had hired Mary as my secretary all I could think about was fucking her in that perfect little ass.Maybe if Mary didn't wear those damn tight jeans that push right into the crack of her ass, I would have been okay, but as things stood, all I could think about was that ass.Both sides of her chubby little lips were fully defined by...
AnalOriginal story by Frankel “Do you want to see a magic trick?” asked the passenger seated in the last row of first class. Cindy had finally finished serving the meals. There weren’t many passengers on the flight so she was a little ahead of schedule. She could afford to take a little time out. “Sure,” she said smiling. “I love magic tricks. The pilot does them all the time. He once made my shirt disappear. It was a bit annoying though, because he didn’t know where it went and I had to...
Private First Class Brian Thackery comported himself honorably and bravely during the Turkey Shoot that was Operation Desert Storm. He never came under fire, though he was close enough to hear most of Saddam's army being crushed. When an M1 Abrahms main battle tank broke down after crossing the line into Iraq, he speeded to its aid to provide security while it was repaired. Hours later, having effected repairs, and fuming at having been delayed while his brother tankers went on to expend...
I am James, a twenty-two-year-old. I work with my dad in a high-end car dealership, and as well as my normal wage, I get a commission on all the cars I sell. Suffice to say I earn a nice amount. I am tall with a dark complexion, dark hair hazel eyes, and an athletic build. Some might say I am hot or handsome, I say I’m average.Well, anyway a few months ago I got together with a new girlfriend, we had been seeing each other for a month or two. Kasey, my girlfriend, is older than me. She is...
BisexualHey, sex story readers, Hope all of you are doing good and will enjoy this little adventure of mine. Though a fan of this site since many years this is my first attempt at writing so please excuse for any mistakes and apologize for making it a lengthy one it seemed required as I feel buildup is as essential as the main action in a story (again, my preference). To start with a bit about me, I’m Raj 6ft+ good looking with a gymmish body from Delhi, I’m 30 years of age and married. The sex story...
We spent the day on the couch, Kira and I, cuddled together, just mother and daughter, innocent and lovely. I really enjoyed holding Kira against me like I had so often before she hit puberty. Even as my thoughts about her turned more intimate, I loved feeling her skin on mine, knowing my c***d was safe in my arms.The movie we watched ended and neither of us moved, both half-asleep, Kira leaning against me, her head resting on my breast. I rubbed her shoulders and felt her stir as the...
Hi guys this is Ankur and this is my first story here. I am a normal looking guy with normal built n my height is 5feet 1inch a short height person. I stay in South Delhi n working in Noida. I was not a gay still I can’t say about myself I mean I am bit confuse. It’s all started when I went to my childhood friends house his name is Avinash I used to go there on my week offs. And we used to see so much of porn movies n we are kind of addicted of porn and we used to strokes each other’s dick. But...
Gay MaleI was home visiting my knockout wife Callie Brooks on Veteran’s Day. We went to the beach to catch some rays but Callie seemed more interested in RayRays. She scoped this swole guy working out at the beach and I knew what she was thinking, but she was too shy to approach him – so I did it for her! Chris Blaccwood seemed pretty receptive, especially when my wife showed off her massive tits. We went back to your hotel room and Callie started sucking & jerking this strange BBC...
xmoviesforyouI've always been rather fastidious about cleanliness; I guess that's why I washed the bitch's cunt opening. I mean fucking a female Doberman was one thing, but fucking her all dirty and grungy was quite another. I poured warm soapy water over my young bitch's body and scrubbed her fine chocolate colored fur, making sure to massage the soapy water into her sexual areas. She seemed to like it when I rubbed the soapy cloth across her bitch-hole; she'd shiver and whined for me each time I...
The usual trip to the hairdressers promised nothing new but, on this occasion, it took a new twist. I had done some work for Yvonne, nothing strenuous, but she appreciated it all the same. Yvonne run a small hairdresser in the village and had help at the weekends from Emma, a 17 year old student. Anyway, on this visit I was the last appointment and as I went to the counter to pay, Yvonne asked me how much she owed me for the work. ‘Err, thirty quid should do it, if that’s ok.’ I offered. ...
“ Come here Charlotte.Take off your knickers and lay across my lap.” His tone made her it apparent that this was a command, not a request. David was sitting on the sofa, a jar of something on the seat beside him. Charlotte whimpered in dread, despite herself. She found she was squirming in her place. She was perched on her side on the floor of the library, until just now happily devouring the incredible collection of historic erotica David had spent much of the day revealing to her. “ Oh. Oh,...
PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEX - PART 2After my encounter with Dan, I was on a sexual high for several days. I couldn’t get him out of my mind. I would fall asleep at night with him on my mind and dream about a future hookup. During the day I would remind myself that the likelihood that he and I would get together was most likely slim and that I shouldn’t pin my hopes on seeing him again.About a week later, Dad arrived home from work and asked if I knew what we were having for dinner. I told him I...
She was already asleep when I crawled into bed. As I lay down she rolled over against me and sleepily asked me to hold her. I rolled on my back so she could lay her head on my shoulder. My hand slowly caressed her face following the lines of her cheeks down teasingly around her ear. She stirred asking what I was up to. I said it felt so good to hold her that I couldn't resist touching her. She moved up so she could kiss me, as our kisses became more heated I felt her lips open as her tongue...
Pete came home after a sixteen-hour shift. Debbie had just tucked in the k**s and she was cleaning up the kitchen, she asked how his day was he says long and hard and he needed a shower. She says want me to join you, he says I would love to have you join me, but I would only disappoint you between working sixteen-hours a day, thirty days stright and the doctor botching my vasectomy, he won’t be much fun. Hopefully in a few months we will have the repairs to her car she wrecked paid off and he...
Ms Reynolds new breasts part 2 I sat there, feeling rather stupid, I sensed people were avoiding me. My nipples throbbed, all six of them, and as I sat I realised that my legs and particularly my ankles ached from their disuse during my enforced unconscious bed rest and recovery and the extra weight now hanging from my front altered my centre of balance making walking doubly difficult, I slumped further into the armchair. I looked at the digital time and date readout on the far wall,...
Name of the theory: Theory of “Muslim Cock Supada”While fucking the penis moves in and out of the vagina. There are two types of movements that are involved in this process. Forward jerk or pushing the penis into the vagina and backward jerk which means pulling the penis backwards. So there is backward and forward (to and fro) movements involved during a sexual intercourse.The ‘edge of muslim supada’ comes into play when the musalman man moves the penis backwards during fucking. When the Muslim...
Around 3 years ago, we finally hooked up permanently. It has been a wild ride ever since. You see, about 3 weeks into our relationship, Frank told me that he was Bi-sexual, which blew my mind because I was as well, and knowing that we both had that in common seemed to take our relationship to a whole new level in an instant. I have always had fantasies about two men fucking. Call me weird, but the thought of my husband with a hard cock shoved up his ass while I am sucking on his dick,...
Paul and Nat invited Tina and I around for a BBQ and drinks which usually turns out to be a good night as they have a great hot tub at the back of their house. There's nothing like relaxing in the hot water with a few glassses of wine - and the girls always look very hot. Tina was going to be away in Athens with her work on the evening in question and i toyed with whether I should or shouldn't go. What the hell, I was only going to end up wanking on xnxx anyway so I agreed to go. It was...