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Okay! Let's face facts. I'd love to be slimmer but I've also faced the fact it ain't gonna to happen. I try to diet and it doesn't work so I get depressed and I quit the diet and then I'm more depressed and then I want to eat all the things that aren't good for me and then the depression sets in even worse. Don't get me wrong, it is not as if I'm some behemoth or something ... I'm just, well ... Rubenesque ... voluptuous ... pleasingly plump. I have between 15 and 20 pounds I'd love to lose; however! Get the picture?

Nevertheless, you know, for the extra pounds I carry, you would think the horn dogs with twangers would leave me the fuck alone ... but NO ... seems like every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to take me down ecstasy alley. I politely tell them no and they keep pestering me. Moreover, you know, that really gets old after while. Like what part of NO can't they understand?

All right, time to get off the soapbox. By now, I hope you get the idea, I am comfortable with myself. Mostly I feel good about my weight and I do enjoy being a woman. I like myself. I feel all in all I'm a happy, well-adjusted woman. I'm just the short side of 5'9" with long wavy black hair and big brown eyes. I've been told I'm attractive and as far as the age thing goes I became untrustworthy two years ago, (that means I'm over 30). Height/weight charts say I should be somewhere between 130 to 150 pounds and I'm at 150.

I have what is called "peaches & cream" skin and I have a waist and there are bumps and round parts where I'm supposed to have round parts. Part of my weight seems to be in my breasts as they are sized 36 DD; that and because my nipples get really hard, really large, really quickly brings me a bit more attention then I would like at times. My bottom is also well shaped and a lot of men do stare at me.

A few months ago, I met a man two years older than me whom I've been seeing. Steve is cute with a great sense of humor, most of the time. We started having sex after about the third or fourth date and I keep waiting for him to get a clue. I know so far I really sound like a bitch, but is it really too much to expect when we have sex for me to get something out of it too ... besides getting more horny? Steve seems to think just 'cause the train is in the station, it's my fault I didn't get on. Well, to tell the truth, most of the time because the train is so small I didn't even know the train was in the station, let alone it was time to get on.

Outside of the bedroom, as I've said, Steve is a fun person to be with. We do interesting things and go interesting places. He seems to be reasonably intelligent, with an interesting sense of humor and he is a very handsome man. However, when it comes to understanding women and their needs in sexual matters, he just is clueless. We have had several conversations and all that happens is he gets pissed and stomps off with his little feelings all hurt.

He expects me to give him oral sex anytime he wants, but he has also told me that women smell "fishy" down there and he absolutely refuses to have oral sex with any woman. One time we were in a hot tub together and he played with me for quite some time. When we got out, I asked him to eat me ... figuring I was as clean as it was going to get but he still refused. Needless to say his little "Jonny" hasn't been sucked on by me ever since.

One evening we'd been to dinner and clubbing for a while when we returned to my place. Since Steve still lives with his parents, (he wants to save up money to buy a house), we have sex at my place all the time. Usually there is some foreplay before we get down to his "train in the station" routine but this time it was as soon as we were naked, he pushed me down on the bed and was poking around with his pecker. I asked him to stop once since I was still rather dry and his entry was very painful. By the time I could tell him again to stop he'd already climaxed. For some reason, for me, it was the last straw. I got out of bed, whipped the top sheet off of him and told him to get out.

"Come here baby ... I'll make it good for you..." and he reached out his hand for me.

I had my hands on my hips, pissed at his attitude and the way he had just used me. "Are you willing to eat me to make it up?"

"Fuck no; you know how I feel about that. But you can come give me a little suck and help me get it hard so I can help you cum."

That was the last straw. Mr. Steve was history. "Get out!" I screamed.

"But baby..."

"Don't fucking give me 'but baby'. Get out. Sex is not a one-way street. I have had it with your selfish ways ... now get out."

Steve got up and tried to put his arms around me. "Come here baby ... I'm sorry."

As he put his arms around me, he tried to fondle one of my breasts. I pulled away from him as I told him, "Get out. Keep your hands off me and get out!" Steve reached out and grabbed my arm and as he spun me back to face him he pulled his hand back and before I could react he slapped me across the face. It knocked me to the ground. Sobbing I crawled over and picked up his clothes. After I was standing I threw them at him and quickly ducked into the bathroom before he could hit me again, making sure he heard me lock the door behind myself.

Steve started to apologize. He told me he was really sorry. He said he didn't mean to hit me and that it was an accident. He kept saying how sorry he was that he'd hit me and promised me it would never happen again. I thought to myself, "You can bet on that buster!" He tried one more time knocking at the door, continuing to beg me to forgive him and please open the door. I told him if he didn't leave at once I would start to scream until the police showed up. It was quiet for a few minutes and then I heard the front door open. I heard him scream back into the apartment, "I'm leaving cunt ... and I am not coming back ... never! So fuck you, you fat bitch." The door slammed.

I came out of the bathroom and threw myself on my bed, sobbing. I was so tired of his abuse. I was tired of being horny after we had sex. I was just tired of trying so hard to make the relationship work. As far as I was concerned at that moment, men were pigs. I hated anything with a cock.

As I lay there sobbing on my bed I heard a soft knock at the front door. Thinking it was ass-hole Steve coming back for some reason I went to the door and shouted out, "Go away. What part of 'I never want to see you again' don't you understand?"

Again there was a gentle knock at the door, but this time a female voice spoke back to me, "I'm not who you think I am. My name is Alice and I live next door. Please open the door."

I thought about opening the door and I was so upset with the evening I didn't even realize I was still naked. Finally I opened the door a crack and saw a woman whom I judged to be a couple of years older than myself. "May I come in please?" She asked.

"Why?" I softly asked.

"I heard what just happened and I wanted to make sure you were OK. Please let me come in for a moment."

"I'm okay. Please go away."

"No. Please let me come in. I can see your face. Just let me come in for a moment so I can see if you are really alright. I'll just stay a moment and then leave. I promise." I stepped back and let her step into my apartment. As she came through the door, she stopped for a second and I was surprised at the way she looked at me; and at that moment I realized I was still naked. I quickly excused myself and ran to the bedroom to get something to cover myself. I didn't want to take the time to get dressed so I just picked up a sheet off the floor where I had thrown it when I uncovered Steve. I wrapped my self in the sheet and returned to the front room. As I entered the room I apologized for my previous lack of attire when I answered the door. The woman gave me a little grin and remarked, "Not to worry dear, actually I loved the outfit." And she winked at me.

I didn't know what to make of her comment and I stared at her. Her return smile was so warm and comforting and something about her made me feel totally safe having her in the room. "I'm sorry you overheard what just happened." I offered.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what did just happen?"

I motioned for her to sit and I sat in the big easy chair. I looked at this woman for a moment, wondering why she bothered coming over. She was taller than I was, and had very long blond hair, which was piled, carelessly onto the top of her head. Her eyes were an interesting shade of green and she was a big woman, not fat, but just big all over; taller than I am and more statuesque. As I looked her over, the term "Earth Mother" seemed to come to mind. If it had been the '60's, she would have been considered a hippy. Due to her size and how lovely her face was, she was a very striking woman.

I considered her question and finally I answered her question with one of my own, "Why do you want to know? Why would you be so interested in what happed to me? I'm just a stranger?"

"As I said, my name is Alice," She paused and smiled before she continued, "Alice Kaplan. Actually it's Dr. Alice Kaplan. I teach Physiology at the university and I'm very active with the battered woman's clinic and the way the guy left here, I was worried you might be hurt." Her smile was warming and I don't know why, but I stared to cry again.

Alice moved quickly, pulling me out of the chair and into her lap on the couch where she took me into her arms. It never occurred to me to resist, I just let her pull me over to her lap. Like I said when I started this story, I'm not a small woman but Alice held me like a child in her lap and as I wept she kept rocking me, making soft soothing sounds.

Finally all I had left were hiccups. When I pulled back a little and looked at her I noticed the front of her shirt was wet from my tears. The material was now semi-transparent it was so wet and I could see she wasn't wearing a bra. I don't know why, but the sight of her wet blouse made me giggle. "I've gotten your blouse all wet ... I'm sorry."

She pulled me closer into her big arms and whispered, "It's all right. I own a dryer." And that set us both to giggling.

I wanted to welcome this sweet woman to my apartment, so I went to the kitchen and set about fixing 2 cups of hot cocoa. When I had both of them made, I returned to the living room. As I extended my arm with her cup of cocoa, my sheet decided to come unwrapped and I stood before her naked once more. She casually reached out, took both cups from me, and told me to go ahead and wrap myself again. For some reason, I wasn't the least bit embarrassed to be standing in front of this almost stranger totally undressed. I can't explain it, but she made me feel so comfortable and being around her made me feel nice. I took my cup from her and then sat down on the other end of the couch.

"So..." she began, "What was tonight all about?"

Without any thought, I just stared babbling about the past few months with Steve. At first I told her the good parts and how much fun we had on some of our dates, but then I started to tell her how frustrating it had been with sex between us. I even told her about how I had begged him to eat me and also his comment about how women smelled and tasted. When I made that comment, Alice' face turned red and I watched her get upset. "Did he ever have oral sex with you?" she asked.

I shook my head no. "That was the last straw tonight." I told her how he had almost raped me and..."

Alice held up her hand to stop me and asked, "Did you tell him to stop?" I nodded my head. "Then Sally, it was not an almost rape. When you said stop and he didn't, that made it rape. Not an almost rape. Understand?"

I nodded my head. "He told me he wanted to make it up to me and he told me to come back to bed. I asked him to have oral sex with me to show he was sorry but he declined, but he did suggest I suck on him to help get him hard so he could satisfy me."

"That bastard!" she muttered. I explained how at that moment I'd finally had enough and decided it was time for him to leave. I told her how he grabbed me and slapped my face and that was when I locked myself in the bathroom and told him to get out. I told her the thing that puzzled me was I didn't know why I was so upset; I'd been thinking about breaking up with him for some time, but now that I actually had done it, I didn't know why I was feeling so sad.

Alice smiled at me, reached over and took one of my hands in hers. "It was a relationship, a comfortable relationship. A known quantity if you will. There were parts you liked and parts you didn't like and finally it got to the place where you had enough. The bad outweighed the good. You were sad because it didn't work out. You were blaming yourself for it not working."

That comment felt like she had hit me. That was exactly it. I had felt like it had been my fault. "How did you know?" I am sure my face showed how stunned I was.

"Honey, I understand. I have been where you are right now. All of it. The part about how you enjoyed being together, the part about sex being for him, and the part about him trying to make you feel as if oral sex was something only you were supposed to do ... that he didn't have to do things like that. You are best rid of him ... tonight was just the start." My face must have shown something as she continued, "tonight was as close to being raped as it gets before it becomes violent. The slap was the first step and then more violence." I shuddered as I recalled how hurt I was both physically and mentally when Steve slapped me. Alice continued, "More violence would have been the next step. You were just becoming a sperm receptacle. He did not care what you got out of sex, just spread your legs and let him get his rocks off. Trust me when I tell you, you are lucky to be rid of him."

I could feel tears starting to form again. Alice took the cup from my hand and set hers down as well. Once more, she took me into her arms and rocked me. I really thought I had cried it out however this time I didn't hold anything back. My body was racked with sobs and the tears flowed. Part of my tears were from anger ... anger for putting up with being half satisfied ... anger from putting up with his expectations that I would be his fuck toy ... anger with myself for just not having the backbone to dump him sooner.

As I let myself be comforted by Alice, I could feel her rubbing my back and rocking me in her arms. I had never considered myself as Bi nor had I ever had any desire to make love with a woman, but for some reason, her touch and being rocked back and forth was starting to turn me on. Finally, I realized what was going on with me and I jumped out of her arms. I was crimson faced and I desperately wanted Alice to leave. I felt like I had just made a complete fool out of myself.

"What's wrong?" she asked with a puzzled face.

"Nothing ... nothing..." I murmured.

"Please ... don't take me for a fool. You are sitting there, allowing me to hold you and rock you and rub your back and..." It was like the cartoons where the light bulb goes on over somebody's head. Alice looked at me for a second and then asked, "Were you getting aroused?"

I looked down at my lap, completely embarrassed, "Please leave now. I think you need to go." I wanted Alice to leave I was so embarrassed.

Her voice was very soft and gentle as she spoke to me, "Listen, you have been pretty badly abused tonight. Your normal feelings are all mixed up ... this is Okay." Alice reached up, took my chin in her hand, and lifted my face so I had to look at her. "Becoming aroused is expected. I am flattered you found my touch arousing. Look, it really is fine ... I like men and I like women." My eyes much have looked like saucers as Alice giggled. "It is not that bad. Both sexes have something to give when it comes to lovemaking. I was not trying to turn you on; I just wanted to comfort you. If things felt good; wonderful. At this point, even if you begged me to eat you or make love to you, I wouldn't. Tonight you just need to go to bed and get some sleep. You have had a full day. Come on, get up." She stood and helped me stand and led me to my room.

When we got to my room, Alice led me to my bed and told me to get into bed. As I started to crawl onto the mattress, she pulled the sheet away and pointed at the mattress. Once I was reclined, Alice spread the sheet over me and then picked up the blanket off the floor where I had thrown it earlier when I had tossed Steve out. After I was covered, Alice leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Good night little one ... sleep well." I vaguely remembered the light going off and the next thing I knew there was sunlight filing my room.

As I lay in my bed, I played over all that had happened last night. My thoughts drifted to Steve and the ugly way things had ended between us. I reached up and touched my face and found my jaw was sore to the touch and if I moved my mouth in a certain way it was painful. As I lay there thinking, I found that I was actually happy he was out of my life and it didn't matter how it ended, the important thing was things were finally over with him.

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There’s a family reunion happening in the Dillard family! There were 9 kids in all, 6 men and 3 women, most of them married with kids of their own by now. What used to be a close tight nit family has grown apart, however, focusing on their own lives and ambitions. Jessica, 39, has 4 children of her own, Jen, who is 23, Jason who is 20, Kevin, who is 19, and Kayla, who is 18. Her husband Ryan is only a year older than her. Jessica was a bit of a black sheep, getting pregnant while still a...

2 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 10

The woman from protective services, who introduced herself as Marjorie, was very nice but thorough. The first thing she did was ask to see Tina. Mom was the only person allowed to join her. She was in there for over an hour and when she emerged she was visibly shaken. She asked to speak to my parents alone and they went into the kitchen where another hour was spent. Al was next and didn't take long before it was my turn. My dad was there as well since I was a "minor". She asked me what I...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Mom And Daughter

Hi, I am Alpha, a 22-year-old guy living in Bangalore. I am a very sexually active and open-minded person. Also not to brag but I am 6.6 ft tall, light brown toned and well built. So this is the story is about something that happened to me year or so back. Just as a background, I partly own a kitchen hardware retail store and I have about 4-6 employees. And this incident or story started in that store. About a year back, late in the evening(around 8 pm), 2 customers came to my store. Both...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 3

“Get back in the middle of the tank!” Samal commanded the frightened, newborn hybrid as she floundered around seeking a handhold at the side of her birthing tank. This was the second birthing under his administration. The first one had been a very complacent male who had died in his sleep and found himself in a hybrid birthing tank at University. Grateful to be alive (again), he followed his instructions quite readily – not like this unruly female... “But Frank’s dying!” Ivory whimpered...

2 years ago
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Before I got married I used to enjoy occasionally going out at night by myself and frequenting my favorite adult theater. I would always watch a couple hours of porn and then jack-off in the restroom before returning home. It used to be that guys in the audience were discrete in the theaters. Nobody ever exposed themselves. However, it’d been a year since my last visit and I guess that in that time, things had changed drastically. When I went into the theater this time, the ticket taker...

Oral Sex
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The knock at the door interrupted a session with a client. I was unhappy about that. Clients are sometimes scarce in my kind of work. I charge high and I like to give them their money's worth. That's also why I had to answer the door; in case it was a potential client. If it was a salesman, I would be pissed. My office is a fourth floor walkup in a decrepit building in what is euphemistically referred to as a 'bad' part of town. I have no shingle out front and I do no advertising. The...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 3 The Next 849 Years Part 1

An hour after Don left the Three Generals' tent. "Big brother..." Second General and Third General said unanimously. "Be on your guard". First General respond. The Three Generals left their camp an hour ago and were already on the outskirts of camp three seventy-two. The short time it took them to reach the camp is a testimony to their unrivaled power in the UGNE's army. Sensing the two beasts' immense aura all Three Generals become tense, it was like a vast mountain and far more...

4 years ago
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Bhumika ne mujhe jigolo banaya

hi friends, i m vishal, 23 years of age. main nagpur ka rehne wala hoon and this is my 1st story on iss and also of my life. So lets take off now towards story. Baat kuch 1 saal purani hai. Maine gym join kiya aur har subah jaya karta tha. Waha ek bohut hi khubsurat, sexy, gorgeous lady bhi aya karti thi jiski age 26 years rahi hogi aur 34-26-36 ka figure hoga. Pata nahi kyun wo mujhe bohut attract karti thi, iska reason shayad yeh tha ki wo bhi mujhe dekhte raha karti thi. khubsurat ladkiya to...

2 years ago
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The Meeting it begins

A Small Fantasy, now called"The Meeting" (This ended up being a story that sort of lead me along of its own accord - it wrote itself basically and I had not planned to write such a story YET!) We have been talking and enticing each other over our online chats and on the phone, for sometime; when we decide to meet for real. Oh, God, I am soooooo nervous; but nothing can stop me from going through with it! We are meeting at a small, but nice hotel that I had booked (who wants to pretend and have...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Apartment Part 2

“We need to talk.” Denise burst though the door to our apartment towing a rolling overnight bag.  I almost fell off the barstool I was sitting on. I was on the dining area side of the kitchen counter. I caught myself and stood up with a “deer in the headlights” look on my face. A white see through thong was my only garment. “Uh, hi Denise,” I stuttered. “Sure. Let me go put something on.” “Oh no you don’t, mister. We’re having this out here and now, while Roger is parking the car,” she said...

4 years ago
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Just a sunny day in Holland. It's a friday and I took the day off. It was a hot day that day, and everybody kept their clothing limited to the minimum. I was sitting on a terrace, in front of a bar, wearing my sneakers, cute white socks, a short skirt with a black silk string underneath, and a large shirt, with the arms cut of. The holes which were left when cutting the arms off were a bit bigger than I wanted them to be. They were as big as the hole where my head goes through. And when that...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Natalia Nix Natalia Nix Craves Cock LIVE

Natalia Nix is one smoking hot babe that just loves to have sex. Any time she can get a cock; her eyes light up and she just wants to feel it deep in her tight little pussy! Fuck her hard and make her moan until she cums. She will do anything. She loves her ass being smacked and wants to gag on that cock deep throating it all. Alex gets her up in reverse cowgirl so she can grind all the way down letting you watch as every inch of cock penetrates her deep! All Natalia needs now is to make sure...

2 years ago
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Spontaneous meeting

Wrote this fantasy for a couple I've not met yet. Doesn't seem very kinky to me, but it might do to others. Bi mmf, rimming and anal. Enjoy.I'm walking around Stratford, enjoying a day off work, when I see the pair of you.At least I think it's you, so I log in to the site and send a quick text.The man checks his phone, then looks up and around. As he looks at me I smile and nod.You both walk over to where I am standing and I introduce myself in person.It's not the planned first meeting, but...

2 years ago
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Culminating A Long Friendship

Introduction: Culminating A Long Friendship [Thank you for all of the comments on my Sisters By The Pool series! I never dreamed Id immediately make the top rated stories of the month. I will be working on part three soon. I just wanted to take a break and come out with some new stuff. As always, if you want to send me personal comments or messages or anything fun you can PM me on here – thanks for reading!] Every guy growing up seems to have a switch that flips from too scared to talk to...

3 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 2

I stood looking at my watch, still unable to believe the image that had been sent over to me, almost a day after it had been sent, in fact. This was so surreal! The fact that an adventurer was parading around as the ‘Bounty Hunter’ in this new world, where everyone had superpowers, was pretty hard to believe. Even harder to believe was the fact that he advertised his service on the forums. Granted it was in the black market section, but still, you get my point. If nothing, I had to admire...

1 year ago
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Training of a cum slut 02

Training of a cum slut. Part 2. I woke up next morning to the wonderful sensation of Karen’s mouth caressing my cock. I allowed her to continue to the point she received her reward of a mouthful of fresh hot Jism. She raised her smiling face; and joking said “Well I have had my morning cock feast, would you like your tea in bed or shall we adjourn to the shower room where you can refresh me some more with a nice golden shower. I declined the shower for now and Karen, leapt out of bed and...

3 years ago
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Tommi By By fourteen, I had come to realize that my home life was tedious experience. A zealous father who felt that religion and God's will would take care of our needs. A beautiful mother who believed in the sanctity of marriage and obedience to her husband. And I was an only child with no one else to bear witness to the turmoil. I was always the brunt of my father's anger and frustration. I would hear his raging daily. "That kid is a freak of nature. This is...

1 year ago
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Calculated Misfortune

Calculated Misfortune, Chapter 1 Stingray I recently took a vacation to a town where a friend of mine lives due to some work related stuff. I haven't seen my friend for almost two year’s and I looked forward to seeing her. We had always been close to each other and had a special friendship, which allowed us to be there for each other without getting lost in the throws of a relationship. She had moved away and we had always kept in touch with each other, a call every month was always welcomed...

1 year ago
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Crimson Kiss

A small red headed woman stood in the back of the church and sent of book hymns flying towards the casket that lay covered with roses underneath the altar at the front of the church. The book hit the casket, hard, and bounced onto the floor, sliding to a stop at the feet of the man who was currently speaking. He knelt, a grin hidden beneath his veil of blonde hair, and picked the book up, cradling it to his chest. People stared in disbelief at the small woman and a few women cried with renewed...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Layover with Lauren

Traveling for work isn’t it’s all that it’s cracked up to be. I was stuck in Denver trying to fly home but the weather canceled all the flights. I was standing the necessary line to get my hotel voucher and this beautiful woman was behind me arguing with her boyfriend. She hangs up and sighs; I can see she was more angry than hurt. I glanced and saw an engagement ring on her finger. I just lean over and say – Guys, right…” She looks up and smiles. The line wasn’t moving and so we talked for a...

4 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 46

By July1947 the Crater had received a further shipment from Bobby prior to him joining them there, mainly ammunition. But the Iona Star had unloaded two more Jeeps at the Great Bitter Lake along with more weapons. Seventy-eight trainees had passed through the training and twelve were currently finishing off. Bobby had been a great help in showing them how to use the M20 Bazooka and passing on the knowledge he’d acquired from the desert and Europe. Reports from Ari indicated that things were...

3 years ago
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Scratching An Itch

Becky hurried up the sidewalk from the yellow school bus and let herself in the front door, locking it behind her once she was inside. She dropped her backpack full of homework on the kitchen table as she went past and bounded up the stairs.She knew her mother would be home in a couple of hours so she didn't have much time to waste. She went into her mother's bedroom and straight to her dresser. Opening the top drawer and reaching deep inside, she found what she was looking for.She pulled out...

4 years ago
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Wild Ride

I've got long black hair and bangs, medium sized but very firm tits, and a tight little ass. I'm a lawyer, and usually I have to dress conservatively, but I have a very hot body when I get horny and want to show it off.I've always had a fantasy about being fucked by two guys. Sucking two cocks at the same time, or one cock in my ass, one cock in my pussy. Having my face and tits covered in cum. It gets me wet just thinking about it. But because I'm a lawyer, I work all the time. I don't have a...

Group Sex
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Subway series 4 Whos Sorry Now

This story should give you a clear understanding of how I experienced Japan. I'm sorry about that. But that's the Japan I saw. I make no claims that it's a complete picture. Quite the opposite, in fact. Japan is a wonderful land full of picturesque vistas, fascinating history and friendly people. All the guidebooks say so. You won't be reading about that Japan today. Sorry about that. Almost all that I saw of Japan, aside from the lights of Tokyo as I arrived (I had an aisle seat on...

4 years ago
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Sex with stranger

Hi I’m lakshya,aaaj mein aapke samne aisi story likhne ja raha hu jo aapko padhke ke bohot maza aayega,really ull feel this very sexy,ab mein us ladki ke baare mein aapko batata hu jo mere shop ke samne se roz din mein 4 baje cross karti hai aur mujhe dekhti hui ek smile si pass karti hai,maine kai baar uska jawab usko hasne ke bahane se ya to aankh marne ke bahane se usko jawab deta tha,uska sharir itna ghdila aur bhara hua ki kkoi bhi dekhe to sidha chodh daale,ek baar mein station ki piche...

1 year ago
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DaftSex Teen

I don’t know about you horn dogs, but it’s hard to beat a fucking woman that knows how to satisfy a man. I fucked a mom last week that didn’t say a goddamn word: she blew me exactly how I wanted, swallowed, then left. Some women have a sixth sense and know the best way to satisfy a man.A lot of times, these women are aged like a fine wine. Other times, they're teens that look like they shouldn't know how to suck a cock - never mind how to ride a dick that gives you a mind-bending orgasm before...

Teen Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Nurse Rachet

A while back i hurt my arm in a bike accident and needed to go to the hospital for x-rays. While i was there i noticed my nurse was an older lady, a lil heavy set at 5'4 170, but not obese per say. While i never did find out her age, i assume it was in the mid 50s judging by some wrinkles and other giveaways. After taking my vitals she made some snark remarks about me probably hurting myself skateboarding as most young k**s do. I raised and eyebrow and said, i was mountain biking and fell off....

3 years ago
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18 Out Driving with Daddy and 4 Men

The word 'Dogging', kind off bypasses many people. Last month in the press, three young woman all schoolteachers were prosecuted under the public indecency act, for visiting and participating in 'Dogging', they went individually and were caught in a sting operation, in total, seven women and s*******n men, good odds for a horny girl to get into, but when you think about it, why not?I was still a girl when I found out about it, and it was close to home when I did, as both my mother and father...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Candle

We always had dessert before dinner on our birthdays. It was a stupid tradition, but we'd kept it alive since childhood, and so it had become a symbol of our unofficial brotherhood. George and I had been best friends since second grade, so close not even the attention of girlfriends or the distance of college had been able to separate us. It was in honor of this eternal companionship that I was working a candle into a cupcake I'd smuggled into the pub where we were celebrating George's...

2 years ago
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Elayamma Ente Kalithozhi

Hi,eth ente aadhya anubhava kadhayanu.Ethile thettukal oru thudakkakaren ennanilayil ningal shamichu theranamennum,eniyulla ente vazhikalil enikk prachodhanavum,thettukale poruthum tharanamenn abyarthikkunu. Ente peru muhsin ennanu,ee kadha njnum ente elayammayum sambhadhicha onnanu,eni enne kurichu parayam njn oru 22 vayasukkaran b.Tech student aanu.Height 5’6 ,weight 55 ,eru niram.Eni ente ee kadha nayika elayammaye kurich parayam ,avar 38 vayasulla vivahithayanu,3 aan pillerude ummayanu,avar...

3 years ago
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Mother turned me into a cum slut PT1

I was bored. I don't know why but I went to look around my mothers room. I found a box. I looked inside & I couldn't believe what I saw.Sex toys and pics. I first thought eww. I took a look at the pics. They were of my mom. All different pics of her. Cum flowing from her mouth, her pussy, cum on her hair. I put them back and thought WTF what is she up to? When did this all happen? Why?After the weekend I thought I'd take another look. There were new pictures of her. These had cum coming out...

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