- 4 years ago
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As they moved around Nathan and Radna winked at each other watching the young naive girl as she bent to pick up the empties, watching how her skirt road up showing the back of her shapely thighs. They moved her towards the sofa, Radna picked up a spiff and lit it, Rebecca looked horrified, "Mummy doesn't allow smoking," Radna laughed, "Come on sit down, here between me and Nathan and let me show you this is not a real cigarette."
The two youths sat, leaving room in the middle, "Come on Becca, here take your blazer off, don't want to get that creased, come on, we still have time I know right now as we speak your mummy is making an opening for the less fortunate to gain a lot of relief, come on."
Being the polite, helpful girl she had been brought up to be she took off her blazer, Nathan took in a deep breath as her breasts pushed out while she let the sleeves slip down her arms, folding the jacket neatly she put it down and sat between them, "What sort of thing is that then if its not a cigarette?"
Radna looked across her to Nathan, "It's a very different thing it makes you clever and happy and a much more interesting person, you are going to try it, here just breath it in."
Rebecca shook her head, "No, no mummy would be angry," Nathan gripped her arm, "And we will be angry if you don't," Radna pushed the spiff to her lips, "Come on don't be a baby Becca suck in the smoke."
The frightened girl struggled but the two youths had her pinned between them, it was easy for Radna to push it between her lips, Nathan moved close to her ear, "Suck it in and swallow it, its going to be easier than what your going to be sucking and swallowing later."
"No, no and don't call me Becca I don't, no, ahhh, oopphh, mmmm," the spiff shoved in between her lips, Nathan pinched her nose forcing her to inhale, the youths held her making her inhale, it didn't take long for the drug to overcome the innocent girl, soon they could let her loose allowing her to fall back on the sofa, "I feel funny," then she giggled, Radna and Nathan just looked at her, the pretty face looked stupefied but at that moment they weren't looking at that, they were looking at the young innocent body slumped out before them, the school uniform making her every perverts dream.
Nathan pulled her skirt up to show her parted knees, "Give her a bit more smoke, lets have her to ourselves before the others get to use her." Radna put the spiff to her lips again, "No, we will have some fun with her right now but I have other plans for her, we have all weekend and we are going to use it to fuck both of them but humiliation is first on my list, now where was I."
Both looked at their lovely young victim, "She's out of it, look at her eyes," Radna brushed the hair from her face, she moaned, "You have a play with her cunt, don't break her in, I've other plans there, I'll give her tits the once over."
He undid the three middle buttons on her blouse and pushed his hand in, the little bra felt soft to the touch. As Radna squeezed the pliable mound he watched Nathan kneel on the floor between her legs, place a hand on both knees and push the pleated grey skirt up, she moaned again, he put his face close to hers.
Like a dog over a bone Radna's tongue salivated over her chin, and her mouth trying to push past her lips, her hands tried to move, to push him away but drugged as she was it was of no use, his hand continued to play with her breast, his tongue licked her sweet face, his mouth continued to taught her, "Doesn't mummy's little girl like things in her mouth?"
Rebecca moaned then jumped, Radna looked back only to see her grey skirt bunched around her waist and Nathan with his hands inside her pants he grinned up at Radna, "A few little hairs but mostly smooth and tight and I mean tight," he pulled a hand out from the white material and ran it under his nose before licking it, "Tastes and smells like a sweet unopened peach," his grin grew wider, "Think I'll cut out the middle man and go taste it for real," his head descended between her spread thighs.
She tried another feeble movement but the hand working on her tits easily held her back. Her eyes tried to focus as she mumbled, "nnnaaaoo, dooon't, itsss nooot aarright, yooouuu musn, nnt doommm," Radna silences her protest by crushing her lips with his fat slavering mouth.
As he pulled away from her he saw a little tear on her cheek he bent forward and licked it, then her ear, "Mustn't do that, that's just what your mummy said when we tied her to that table took her knickers off and fucked her cunt and mouth, oh yes little girl we have been fucking your mother all afternoon, sticking our cocks in her cunt and ramming them down her throat, it was just great making your snotty nosed mother swallow all our cum."
Radna looked at her face to see if she was taking in all he was saying, though her hands were pinned to her side she was still trying to stop Nathan as his mouth and tongue attacked her sweet little cunt, Radna didn't care if she was understanding all he was saying or not he was just enjoying himself. He stared close in to her glazed eyes, "Didn't you wonder where your pious mummy was, no, let me enlighten you, she's upstairs on her bed, she has her hands tied tightly behind her and she's being fucked; there are three more of my friends up there playing with her, fucking her cunt and I expect by now they're fucking her arse and she's even getting a fucking between nice firm tits of hers and we intend to keep fucking your mother all weekend and then when we ain't fucking her, of course there's you," he waited for a reaction.
The drug had really got to her, she mumbled something but the youth's lust had them in overdrive. Radna undid the rest of the buttons on her blouse and pushed the cotton white bra up, at the same time her heard a ripping sound, it was Nathan's knife cutting away the matching white panties. Giggling at her mumbled protests Radna bent and started to suck on her neat, pert nipples. Nathan now had his hands in between each knee pushing her legs wide; with out her pants in the way he could really enjoy getting in to her hole.
She moaned which only drove the yobs to enjoy her humiliation more, Radna looked at her, "Don't you worry mummies girl, we are going to fuck you as well," a little, "Nnaaa, pplleeth, naaoo," was greeted by derisory laughter from him, Nathan was to busy gorging on the sweet nectar between her legs.
He stopped laughing and stared at his victim, "What's with you women, no, please don't, when your in no position to argue. Just get it through your head we are going to be fucking you all weekend, we are going to strip you and tie you like your mother now, then before we take you up to play with the others me and Nathan are going to both fuck your mouth."
Rebecca's eyes tried to focus, he grinned, he could see her mind trying to comprehend the situation, "Oh don't you like the idea, well as you westerns say, tough, because after you've swallowed all or cum from our cocks your going upstairs to suck another load of cum out your mummies hot cunt before she breaks you in for us to fuck and fuck and fuck, mouth, cunt, arse," he was all most screaming at her, "You will know what its like to be used over and over again just like my sister and my village women at the hands of religious men like your fucking father, so lets get your clothes off, tie you up and start by fucking your cute little mouth."
Nathan quickly jumped up, grabbed her arms and dragged her from under Radna, "Come on, lets get on with it my cocks aching to get in to her mouth, hang on to her I'll get her clothes off." Radna didn't need telling twice; soon the young innocent girl sat naked on the arm of the sofa her wrists fastened the same as her mothers, tightly behind her and locked in to the small of her back, her beautiful young body open to her abusers.
Radna threw a cushion on the floor before Nathan forced Rebecca down to kneel on it. She swayed but Radna was first to grab her hair, pulling, tugging back and forth until her little mouth opened to squeal. A squeal that never gave sound as his huge cock was already out and thrust in between her lips.
Rebecca hadn't the energy to fight, her mouth struggled wide to accommodate the fat long meat; Nathan's fingers pulled on her nipples as he threatened her with more pain if she didn't open her mouth fully and suck all the meat.
As Nathan's cock pushed in and out of the little mouth both boys ridiculed the helpless, bemused girl, "Come on little miss, I want to make everything perfect, lets make sucking cock perfect," Nathan joined in, "Come little bitch, just like your mummy suck it deep, all us boys are gona want to fuck you, by the time we're finished with you you'll be a perfect fuck in all your holes, come on deeper, choke on it bitch".
Nathan had her by her ears as he drove his cock in between her tender lips. Radna was now knelt behind her, his cock out, slapping against her naked arse cheeks, his hands round squeezing at her firm small tits; he could see the fear in her eyes as the tears of pain and fear ran down her face, "This is what girls of your age have to endure in my country, but they have old men fucking their mouths and cunts," his hand ran down over her soft, smooth skin until his finger ran across her bold tight slit, "Oh this would have been perfect for a planting of gods seed pity its gona be fucked by a us, now open your legs while I have a good feel of your tight cunt".
Radna's hands squeezed the flesh on her inner thighs, Rebecca had enough on to stop from choking on Nathan's cock as it pushed in to her little mouth, she pushed her young thighs open, soon Radna was enjoying the pink lips of her fresh tight cunt, "Soon gona be just like mummy, you are always saying you want to be like your mummy well by the end of this weekend your cunt and arse holes will be as wide as hers and as well fucked as hers and you will both know what each others cunts taste like, now suck him off so I can get my cock in your mouth".
Radna held her tight, his left arm around her breast's, squeezing, mauling the soft mound his right hand between her open thighs cupping and groping her cunt and arse, "Come on little miss bitch suck him, then you can suck me before we give you to three more who love fucking you and it won't be just once, I'll think we will run and competition just like at church and see who can be the best," he giggled down her ear, "The best at how many time's one of us can fuck you and your mummy".
It wasn't long after Nathan yelled, "I'm cuming bitch swallow it," that Rebecca's tits and chin were covered in sticky wet juice and another cock was in her mouth.
Radna grinned down at the helpless girl, her mouth stretched wide as she tried to accommodate the fat long meat, "Just suck it, tickle it with your tongue or I'll ram it down your throat, so endth the first lesson," his laugh filled the room.
Nathan was outside, his dog Rats had been barking so he was giving him some water and a meat before going back to enjoy the company in the lounge. He arrived back just as Radna's cock exploded its juice in to Rebecca's mouth and over her face. Both boys took pleasure in scooping the wet sticky juice off her face and tits and pushing it in to her mouth, Radna gloated over the sobbing girl, "Enjoy that, you better, now let's go see how mummy's getting on".
Hands fondle the young pretty body as the two boys dragged Rebecca up the stairs. When she entered the bedroom a cacophony of noise filled the room. The three other youths cheered at shouted at the sight of the young twelve year old, naked, her face and breast's a mass of sticky cum juice, her hands held tight to her back, her face a picture of pain as she took in the sight.
The other noise was Jennifer, mumbling through her heavy gag, still with her hands bound behind her back she was sandwiched between two boys, Hamish fucking her arse and Abraham fucking her sore swollen cunt. Glaze, who had not long finished raping Jennifer moved forward, he was revelling in deliberately tormenting the helpless, struggling woman; kneeling in front of Rebecca he pushed his hand between her legs, tickling her cunt and then started licking his sticky finger while, all the time grinning back at her.
Radna sneered at Jennifer, "Busy? That's what those bastards at the institute used to ask the women and girls, if not you're going to be, then they would drag them out to a brothel and let them be used by some of the most revolting shit that walked the earth, money was good so they didn't give a shit what got done to them, no they were probably fucking their daughter's anyway and talking of fucking daughter's, how's our Becky looking"?
Jennifer groaned as she felt more juice pumped in to her two holes but the sight of her beautiful daughter, bound and naked and her helpless to do anything to stop the same thing happening to her angel made her despair, "Had your cunt filled again, must have a quite a load up there, and I haven't fucked you yet," his hand slipped to Rebecca's tits, "I think you need your cunt cleaned and I have just the thing for it."
His hand slipped back up until he was holding her hair, he grinned at Hamish, "You boys want to get the lovely Mrs H on her back with her legs real wide, she gona get a visitor," he roared with laughter, "She's gona get the cleaner in."
All Jennifer's struggling was in vain as the three boys pulled her around the bed until she was held as ordered. Rebecca was almost aware of what was happening, the weed-induced haze slowly lifting, but there was nothing she could do as the two yobs dragged her towards the bed. The blur of her eyes were clear enough for her to see her mother, her legs wide, her head straining up and looking over her swollen bruised breast's at her, the gag covered half her face, her pleading eyes were all Rebecca could focus on.
Radna's voice brought her back to reality, "Okay little miss perfect lets have you clean your mothers cunt out and while you're doing that we want to see your mother cum all over your sweet little face," he dragged her face to his, "And if you don't well, we can hurt your precious mummy until you do, savvy?"
Momentarily Rebecca's innocent brain tried to take in what he was asking but if the sudden thrust of her head up between her mothers legs wasn't enough, the words, "Start licking, inside and out," left no don't what perverted act was expected of her.
Her head forced up in to her mothers cunt; voices filled her young ears, "Go on lick it out, "Get your tongue inside," "Make mummy dear cum, we will lick your face clean and later the same to your cunt," "That's after we've all fucked it," "And not just your cunt." She felt her bound arms being twisted, her head forced down even further, unable to fight her attackers her little tongue slipped from between her perfect lips and started to lick at the globs of male juice covering her mother's flesh.
Radna picked a belt up from the floor, folding it in half he snapped the two sides together, grinning at Jennifer he sniggered, "Her little arse is up and just begging for a spanking or you can get your knees up and grind your cunt in to her mouth, in fact we can take that gag out and you can tell her what to do," Jennifer looked horrified but Radna just smiled, "Or four of us can take her to her bedroom and have a lot of fun, understand," her eyes blinked dejectedly, he smiled as she looked helpless but still nodded.
Tentivley the two boys holding her legs let go, Glaze took the hint and started to undo her gag. As the gag was finally removed Radna put his finger to his lips and whispered, "Your mouths for fucking not talking but you can tell her how to suck a cunt and if you know what's good for her you'll make sure, she makes sure you cum, now entertain us."
As Radna moved beside Jennifer he watched her pull her knees up and clamp on to Rebecca's head, her voice hardly audible, "Just lick mummy, it's all right, just push your tongue up me and lick, eerrr, lick quickly."
Radna was now by her face, "Lick quickly up what?"
Jennifer's beautiful face creased in to tears, "Please don't."
Radna sniggered, "Fuck my cunt quickly with your tongue."
Jennifer whaled, "Nooo, don't make me say those words."
Radna wanted her humiliated at every opportunity, "That's all part of the entertainment or it's the bedroom and four on to one, one young one, get the fuck on with it."
Fighting back tears she choked out, "F, fuck mummies c, oh lord protect us," she took a deep breath, "Rebecca fuck mummies cunt quickly, as quick as you can lick out my cunt, push harder, use your tongue, don't worry mummy likes it, go on quickly, please suck mummies cunt, I need you to."
The boys hooted as the young girl licked and sucked at the pink wet flesh, swallowing the filth that the yobs and pumped up her mother, trying to do it right, all the time Jennifer pushed her hips up and in to the young mouth, holding her daughters head in between her thighs forcing herself to comply with her captors, hoping they could do enough to end this and get rid of them.
The youths crowded around the bed, laughing, jeering as the hapless females, forcing filth from Jennifer's mouth as Rebecca lapped at the pink open hole, both females knew that their fate would be a lot worse if Rebecca wasn't drinking her mothers juice before their captors got bored.
The young active tongue aided by a great deal of fear did what her mothers foul mouth had instructed. Jennifer's cunt was puffy and full from being raped so many times that afternoon that it became aroused enough to cum that once. Cheers and catcalls filled the pale apricot coloured bedroom as she finally squealed, little spurts of wet sticky juice mixed with left over male cum splat on to her daughters face; hands pushed the petrified girls head up as far as it would go making sure it was covered in her mothers cum before she was dragged up.
Held up but still knelt between her mothers legs hands pulled her left and right, tongues licked at the sticky goo smeared over her pretty face while hands groped her tits, arse and cunt, Radna stared down at the exhausted Jennifer, her eyes wide at the seen above her. His face twisted in to an evil grin, "You want them to take her to her room"? The beautiful face blubbered, "No, no please not her," Radna sneer grew wider, "Then we take her, tie her tight and then untie you and you entertain all of us," Jennifer looked startled, "What do you mean"?
"I mean you fuck us, you do every perverted thing we want, deal"?
Still with the look of disbelief on her face she nodded, "Yes, anything but please don't touch her."
Radna pushed his fingers in her mouth, "One word and that word is no, then we have her and that's all of us and that's right in front of you, still a deal"?
Trying to talk around the fingers she mumbled, "Yeth, yeth," he pulled his fingers out and unseen by Jennifer he winked at the other four, "Glaze take littleun in her room, hogtie her real good then this ladies gona show us just what a fucking slut she really is".
Kimmy was becoming an exchange student in Japan, as her friend, Jessica who had been in Japan the longest and recommended the program to her. Jessica was in her senior year of high school as well as Kimmy. The two were the same age, 18 going on 19 soon. “I can’t wait until you get here, we’re going to have so much fun.” Jessica laughed. Kimmy kept her eyes towards the window of the plane, her thoughts drifting off into another subject. “Kim, you there?” Called out Jessica on the other line....
It was my junior year of high school, there was an exchange student program between our school system and under developed countries. I was summoned to the front office and introduced to a student from nation of Liberia. He introduced him self as Omagelia Ado, it was his first trip to the USA and his second out side of his country of origin. I was to show him around the school and have him back at the office no later than the start of the last class. There was a car there to pick him up and...
Exchange Island Odyssey Part 4 Danny woke up in complete darkness. He could feel he was naked, and that there was someone hugging him from behind. Judging from the size and from the weight it was Sandra, in Ed's body. Danny tried to move but he was really pinned down. He felt a bit desperate. Was this going to be his reality from now own? To be controlled and completely under Sandra's new body? And why did that excite him? He tried to squirm but it was useless. It only served to wake...
crosoft-com:office:smarttags"name="State" downloadurl="http://www.5iamas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"/> Japanes Exchange Student It all started quite innocently, with a phone call, from the head teacher at the local school. ?Debby, would you be able to help me out, as I?ve got a small emergency on my hands and I need some one I can trust.This was Mrs. Ashley, a very nice middle-aged woman, who had devoted most of her life to her school and students. Mid 40s looked after her self, some...
This is my first story written, so cut me some slack and be easy on the comments :). Criticism is welcome, but it must be constructive criticism. I have changed the names of the story for obvious reasons, but other than that the story is 100% true. I wrote this because I have read many stories here myself, and want to give back with some of my own. —————————————————————————————————————————————- Ill first describe myself: Im a 17 year old Australian guy, Im relatively tall, 6ft exactly, long...
Deciding to make the most of your college experience, you opted to study abroad in Korea for a semester. While there, you were housed in the dormitory with an array of other international students. Often you would go out clubbing, drinking, partying, etc. with all the other international students and, in general, have a good time. They were a fun group. With a curfew on the dorms, the group would often decide to stay in rather than be out for the night, so parties happened quite frequently in...
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My hands were at his thighs trying to push him away as he pulled my head to him. Finally, Omagelia moaned and held my head still. I thought that he was going to blow his load, but instead he slowly pushed my head back as I greedily closed my lips tightly around his throbbing member. I opened my eyes and looked up into his smiling face as Omagelia said '...we go to bed now and consume our friendship like true friends...' As we left the bath, Omagelia walked behind me his elongated members head...
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Now this isn't how Danny expected to spend his vacation. He was in Exchange Island, in a girl's body, on all fours, sucking his wife off. His wife, Sandra, was in a male body, much bigger than Danny was, with a massive 9 inch penis. And now, out of the blue, his wife's old body appeared, and it wanted to have a threesome with them! Sandra held Danny down on her cock, while the person in her body fingered him from behind. "I have to say," said the person in her body. "I always...
"Geez, this place smells like a whorehouse," my dad bellowed. I started to ask him how he knew what a whorehouse smelled like, but decided he probably wasn't in the right frame of mind for a wisecrack from his fourteen-year-old daughter. Besides, he was right. My slutty sister and I had both drenched ourselves in way too much perfume, the latest skirmish in our war over Marcel, the handsome, debonair French student that our parents had brought into our home, never suspecting what a turmoil...
100% fiction! hi this is simran again with her father When i (18yo) was fucked my father it was my vacations time now see wat happens when high school starts On first day at high school i met my friend neha who was my best friend. We both or old school and joined this school. At the first day it was too much fun this school was not so strict we were welcomed in school in diffrent manner there was fashion shows in which we participated and it was very cook the school dress was very sexy compared...
IncestJust a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! This is my final posting in...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 40: MY BATH...
Omagelia exclaimed '...see, I told you, no one can resist the dick of the mighty Prince Omagelia...' Omagelia without ceremony, quickly extracted his entire 14 inches of man meat from my aching anal sphincter muscle rings. My bung hole was stretched open extremely wide as the air swept in. Omagelia climbed up on the bed and cradled my head in his crotch and laid his huge penis across my panting lips. Then Omagelia said to his guards, in plain English, '...fuck my bitch gently, his ass pussy is...
she wrote:U give my pussy one last lick. I moan one last time. I'm breathing hard and running my fingers through your hair. That was amazing. I have that look in my eyes and the adreneline now to suck your cock off. U stand up and I follow, I kiss u long and hard, tasting myself on your lips--i playfully bite your bottom one. I lick your neck and reach for your cock again--its instantly hard as I drop to my knees. I don't take it all into my mouth right off, but rather lick up the underside...
Danny woke up feeling something familiar happening to him. Someone was giving him a blowjob. But it felt kinda weird, as if his cock was different. He started waking up and as he did he could feel a face against his legs. He felt a stubble of beard in the face and that startled him. "What the-" and opened his eyes. Looking down he almost screamed as he saw not his wife sucking his dick, but a big dude licking him, and between his legs nothing but a blonde patch of hair ending in a pussy....
Everything changed the day that Jake finally got his driver's license. While he had already been driving for several months with a permit, the license would allow him to go solo behind the wheel, giving him true freedom for the first time in his young life. To make matters even better, his parents had decided to reward his successful completion of the driving test by giving Jake his very own vehicle, their nine year old sedan that they had been planning to replace. Gas and maintenance were...
I'm assuming by now if you're reading this story you have read the previous parts. I you haven't just please be advised that this story is heavily oriented towards the ABDL community and involves being babied, diapers, bottles, etc. I give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as Langtab and KWOceans for writing the stories that inspired this tale. I hope you enjoy this Diaper Dimension tale! Chapter 11: DAD REACTED FIRST saying, "Oh my...
Chapter 17: THE NEXT MORNING I woke up to Amanda picking me up. "Come on baby, let's get you ready for today!" I yawned and leaned against her. "I hate waking up..." She laughed. "Don't we all!" She lay me down on the changing table and pulled the nightgown up to see a very soaked diaper. "Hmm... I'm surprised this held out last night. But, we definitely need to make sure you're getting more to drink." "Why do you say that?" I asked sleepily. "It's a really yellow diaper...
Exchanged By BabySofia Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I...
Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...
Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 46: I...
Hi Friends this is my New Story How I (Ramesh) and my Cousin Brother (vikas) fucked our sister Part Sister Name is Anjali age 19 two years younger and Visas Sister name is Pooja age 18 two years younger One day I and my Cousin Brother were sitting watching porn video. I said what a actor she is My cousin Brother also said yes awesome. I want to fuck someone. He said I also. I said I want some Indian style girl. He said I want some Western Style girl but Indian. I said I want like your...
IncestAs a thank you to readers on this site and some others for commenting on the last post I'm going to give you a second chapter here this weekend! I hope you continue to enjoy it! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants...
Since I posted the last couple chapters there were a lot of things keeping me from writing. I had actually finished this chapter back in June, but didn't want to post it without anything else in the pipeline. I have another chapter basically done that I hope to post next weekend of the following. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to a regular posting schedule by January! Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go...
Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...
Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Before I begin I have to give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as...
Thank you to everyone posting comments on the reviews! They are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 32: I DIDN'T...
Sorry for the long delay... real life can be rough sometimes! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the...
Thank you for your patience in the time between chapters. There will probably be another big gap in chapters being posted the next few weeks as my work schedule stays tough until December. I'd also like to give credit to BabyAnna for her work on 'Taming Your Amazon' that led to some of my ideas in this chapter. Chapter 36: THE NEXT MORNING was there before I knew what hit me. Amanda prodded me awake, "Morning Princess, you had asked about starting your day with swimming... Do...
Hi friends, Ramesh this is the next part how and my cousin brother fucked our sister anjali and pooja One day I was fucking my sister anjali while fucking my sister anjali I asked her anjali I want to say to some thing she said say ramesh I said vikas want to fuck you and I want to fuck his sister pooja. Anjali what I said yes but how you can give your sister to fuck your cousin brother I said I will give you and take pooja she said did pooja is ready to fuck by you I said no I didn’t asked her...
IncestBefore you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...
I'm assuming by now if you're reading this story you have read the previous parts. I you haven't just please be advised that this story is heavily oriented towards the ABDL community and involves being babied, diapers, bottles, etc. I give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as Langtab and KWOceans for writing the stories that inspired this tale. I hope you enjoy this Diaper Dimension tale! Chapter 13: FRED HAD TAKEN the drivers seat...
Chapter 15: I LOOKED UP and saw Chloe swing her hand at my face and smacked my face before gripping my arm angrily and flipping me upside down and ripping my diaper down. Swat after swat her hand swung at me until I was a trembling mess of snot and tears. "That'll teach you to tell me how to mother my children. Let's go ahead and feed you some of the last 'solid' food you'll ever have before we go get those nasty teeth pulled." I watched in horror as a jar of the goop Neville...
Thank you all for your patience on this long lull. Here (finally) is Chapter 18 for your reading pleasure. I only have two other chapters in the queue right now so I'm going to be posting weekly probably to let myself get back caught up ahead... Hopefully the next couple of days bring some fruit and I'll be able to resume twice per week again until the end of this one! Thank you for continuing to read! Chapter 18: I PLAYED A little more with the watch as we traveled home and...
Thanks again for your patience on this chapter. My travels, work, and just exhaustion have kept me from getting anything else really written since mid-June. I'm hoping this weekend and the next few weekends will be good for writing. Thank you all for your comments in the reviews, I very much appreciate them! Chapter 19: I WOKE THE next morning to the sounds of someone walking down the hallway. Yawning, I rolled over to where my head faced the open crib bars towards the door....
I hope you enjoy this next part - sorry it was such a long delay! I'm assuming by now if you're reading this story you have read the previous parts. I you haven't just please be advised that this story is heavily oriented towards the ABDL community and involves being babied, diapers, bottles, etc. I give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as Langtab and KWOceans for writing the stories that inspired this tale. I hope you are enjoying this...
Chapter 21: THE NEXT MORNING I almost slept through my morning diaper change completely, it was only when my arms were being maneuvered into a green rompers ruffled spaghetti strap top that I realized something was going on. As I opened my eyes Amanda smiled at me, while she tickled my belly. She paused for a second and said, "Well good morning!" I squirmed. "Stop that..." She laughed and kept dressing me into the very babyish garment. I looked down at it when she finished...
Chapter 22: I DEFINITELY DOZED off in a milk-induced haze, because the next thing I was aware of was the steady footsteps of Amanda as she walked down a corridor. It was dark and I guessed I was hidden behind the fabric of the sling. As I wriggled a little I heard, "Hold on just a second baby... Mommy will sit you up so you can see," and she rearranged me into my sitting position within my sling. I could feel I had a diaper that was going to need changed again soon, but ignored that...
Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response I always read them! I'm hoping January and the New Year will lead to some free time to put this to a stopping point. As of right now I have another chapter and a half completed and we're at 191,000 words! Hopefully this month will help me figure out where this concludes! Just a reminder for anyone new this...
Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response - I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...
Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response - I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...
Chapter 27: SHE LAUGHED AND said, "Come on you two," as she grabbed us both in her arms and said, "remind me to change you after dinner Stacy, you'll be leaking otherwise!" "Yes Mommy," I said as she was descending the staircase. In the kitchen a second highchair had been assembled for Bella. It looked different than mine for some reason. "Is her highchair different?" I looked up at Amanda who grimaced. "I asked my parents to pick up another highchair and they didn't think to go...
Well it's been a while since I was able to write or post! The block of time was broken yesterday though and I managed to make some progress in the form of a 10k word day! Today's about 6k so far and I'm not done yet. As of right now I'm a chapter and a half ahead of this chapter, so hopefully I'll be back on track for at least a couple weeks! Thank you to everyone posting comments on the reviews! They are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response! Just...
Thanks to everyone who has commented with a review so far on this story, I do appreciate them! They are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 33: RIGHT...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 34: MORNING...
I've got a busy few weeks ahead of me, but I'm hoping to be able to post another chapter next weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to a regular posting schedule by January! Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 39: I SAT...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 41: I WOKE THE...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 42: THE RIDE...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 43: THE FIRST...
Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! I also want to make sure...
My wife Alana and I had been living in a new neighborhood for a few months. We were great friends with our neighbors – another married couple. We would often meet socially and invite each other for gatherings. I did desire my wife sexually, but on occasion, I would often think of Arrow, my neighbor’s wife. Jordan, Arrow’s husband, was a great guy and one day he asked me something – did I fancy his wife? After a bit of distracting talk, when he didn’t let up, I accepted that I did. Then...
Extra Marital AffairIt was tuesday morning as it was reaching the end of January when I receive a message from Nick asking how I am and that he misses the fun we have together. I replied back saying that I'm all good and that I too am longing to see him. He replied asking shall I come over and fuck you now or is it safer to wait for when your husband is away on business. I replied saying that it's safer to wait for my husband to be away on business as it is sometimes unpredictable to when he might pop home early....