Exchanged - Chapter 18 free porn video

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Thank you all for your patience on this long lull. Here (finally) is Chapter 18 for your reading pleasure. I only have two other chapters in the queue right now so I'm going to be posting weekly probably to let myself get back caught up ahead... Hopefully the next couple of days bring some fruit and I'll be able to resume twice per week again until the end of this one! Thank you for continuing to read! Chapter 18: I PLAYED A little more with the watch as we traveled home and saw that since I had walked some steps I now had some coins available to buy some food and toys for my pet. Really the game could be the ultimate distraction if I wasn't careful... It was just the kind of casual game that actually seemed both appropriate to the Amazons for me to be playing, and for some twisted reason actually interested me. We arrived at home and Amanda sat me down on my feet in the garage, she handed me a bag to carry and I followed behind her. She made several more trips out to the car for my supplies before she helped me take them upstairs. As I climbed the steps by myself I had to be careful with the gigantic bag I carried not to spill it all over the place! "Hmm... not sure where we're going to put all of this for you... See what you can find space for?" she suggested. "Okay," I told her before adding. "Can you change me?" She smiled at me. "Sure... you have no idea how hard I've been trying all day not to baby you. Do you want to do it yourself?" I squirmed for a moment internally before saying. "You do a better job..." She smiled at me. "Thanks for the compliment," before picking me up quickly and laying me down on the changing table. The diaper was changed in record speed though and I was sat back down on the floor. "I'm going to go finish setting up your phone, then I'm going to figure out dinner. I want to go to one more store tonight that I think might have a tablet that would have a good tablet for us to put your textbooks on..." "They didn't have those at Motherboards?" I asked. She looked down at me and shook her head. "Melon Corp won't sell their state of the art ultra thin tablets through other stores. They do the phones for more market saturation, but anything else you have to go to them for. They have some amazing tablets that have flexible screens, but they don't let any other places become authorized dealers for them. I'll have to go to one of their nearby stores later. They're not exceptionally little friendly though... so I'm going to go when Fred gets home." "Umm... you can't go now?" She shook her head. "You're an adopted little, other than you being at school if I leave you alone it's like a parent leaving their two-year old home alone - I assume that's against the law in your dimension?" I nodded and then thought about my schedule I'd gotten this morning. "But what about when I'm not in classes...?" She smiled at me. "You'll come hang out with your mommy in her office or with Megan." "Oh..." I said with my face reddening. "And if those don't work?" I added worriedly. "They will... but you also have my parents too. In fact I think my dad wants you to go to his place at least once." I smiled at that. "I like your dad." "You made me furious this weekend, but you really impressed him. I suspect that may be where you end up several afternoons. Remind me to actually look at the schedule with you and Daddy later. We need to make sure we have everything lined up." "Okay," I said trying to smile. Getting used to the concept of no privacy was something I thought I had done, but it wasn't until this latest revelation that I really thought about the fact I truly had no independence anymore. One of the first independent things I remember getting growing up was being able to stay home by myself! "You also might be able to make some little friends and be with them in time... If they've not been adopted they can be seen as your babysitters according to the law." I blushed. "That's embarrassing..." "Well I can have a thirteen-year old Amazon girl come watch you too..." she said with a smirk. "Don't you have something to do?" I whined. She leaned down and hugged me before tapping my diapered butt lightly; "I really do love having you here. I promise we'll minimize things, but you have to know the facts here. I think it's better than surprises, don't you?" I sighed. "I guess." "See what you can put away in here. Leave some room in your backpack for the tablet I'll go pick up later - you won't need much as they're thin. Make sure you keep at least a few spare diapers in there at all times too... Otherwise someone might provide one for you - and that could mean anything!" I nodded and got to work. I had bought a couple of desk organizers that I spread out on my desk. In each II sat a number of the pens, pencils, and highlighters in them. The pens and pencils were still a little bit too big for comfort still, but more like what a full sized pencil had been to me in second grade - as opposed to an infant trying to hold one like the Amazons seemed to be. I stuffed my bag with more than enough pens, pencils, notebooks, etc. to make sure I could make it through classes for a while. Once everything was in there I worked to put binders neatly on my desk and in a bookshelf that had previously held some toys in it. I moved the toys over on top of the toy box that I had not really dug into and noted I really should just for curiosity sake look into it sometime. 'Probably just boring baby toys though...' I thought to myself. I went back to my computer desk and had just emptied the last of the supplies when Amanda walked in and sat down on the floor cross legged next to me and motioned for me to come sit in her lap. "Here's your phone," she told me with a smile. "Thanks!" I told her. "Now there are some ground rules with this phone..." I groaned internally and waited for more stifling rules. "You will have to give it back to me at bedtime each night. It doesn't ever go into your crib with you for naps either." I just shrugged and was hoping that would be it. "My parents used to make me leave mine on the counter in the kitchen at bedtime, so that's nothing really new." She smiled at me. "Also you aren't to talk to strangers on it without letting me know first. It is mainly for you to call me, your daddy, Megan, or your grandparents. If you make friends that's fine you can give it out, but I still want to know who they are so I can look them up." "I would say you're being overprotective, but given everything I've seen here I think that's reasonable," I allowed. "Good girl," she told me, "remember you are here to go to school. If your grades fall below a three-point-oh I'll be taking it back then too." I nodded. "I'll be on a one-way trip to drooling baby in that case... I understand." She hugged me. "I was going to make dinner but I got distracted with your phone. It's so small to me, but against your hands it looks huge!" I laughed. "You couldn't stand in the store earlier either," I pointed out. She laughed. "There's a reason why we don't build spaces meant for littles very often!" "Actually it's a shame you don't, because I could actually reach most things in there..." "Well you're only about a foot-and-a-half from being average height of a little. It's a lot different than being five feet short like you are for our stuff..." I nodded. "It's weird that you have the two cultures like you do... It's seems so improbable." She squeezed me. "Anyway, how do you feel about Chinese food?" "Wait, Chinese? Does that mean you have a China here?" She looked down at me with a bemused face. "Yes we have a China here... of course what we consider Chinese food isn't really much like they eat, but it is tasty." "Well that parts the same for us... Are they any better with treatment of littles?" "Actually they are... Their people are much shorter on average than us - they tend to be more littles and inbetweeners than full size Amazons." "Hmm..." "So does that work for din-din?" "Sure." "What do you like?" "Do you have General Tso's in this dimension?" "Never heard of it?" "Kind of like sweet and sour but with spicey chile added?" "Oh, we call that Colonel Gao's." "That works for me," I told her. She squeezed me. "Okay then, I'll go order dinner and you can play with your new phone." "Thank you for getting it for me," I told her as she scooted me off her lap and I stood back up. "You're very welcome Stacy," she said with a smile. She closed the gate to my room as she left and I found a beanbag chair in the corner and sat down on it to get comfortable as I played with my new toy. I quickly became enthralled in the interface of the phone. I knew it wasn't the highest tech from this dimension, but even their lowest level was so far above ours I was in heaven! The voice recognition was absolutely flawless and I saw that Amanda had programmed in her number and Fred's number as 'Mommy' and 'Daddy.' I saw there were entries for 'Granny' and 'Gramps,' as well as 'Auntie Megan.' I was not overly disappointed that Cassie and Chloe's number were not included there! I played around with the calendar for a few minutes and walked over to where I had left my schedule on my desk. I put each class in as a recurring event along with the room numbers. The phone was impressively smart and quickly cross-referenced a university directory and placed a map to each building with each entry! "Cool," I breathed. Somehow it also intuitively discovered they were classes and asked me if I wished to auto silence my phone during those! I clicked accept because I could only imagine the looks I would get if my phone went off in a class. 'Probably get a spanking,' I admitted darkly to myself. I tried going to an app store and found myself blocked from making purchases by parental safeguards. 'Grrr...' I grumbled and looked through a few more apps that had been installed before Amanda came in and said, "Dinner will probably be here soon, why don't we wash your hands and go downstairs?" "Okay," I said. I held onto my phone and walked over to her and made the universal 'pick me up' sign. "You want me to carry you?" she asked almost surprised. "Well your stairs are pretty tall," I admitted. "Plus... I'm not going to say I like being treated like a baby... but cuddling is kind of nice?" My face turned bright red. Her face broke into a wide smile and said, "Well if you insist!" She picked me up and squeezed me into a hug before placing me on her hip and carrying me downstairs. I was carried to the kitchen sink and she held me up as I washed my hands in the water there before she placed me in my highchair, taking my phone and putting it on the table out of my reach. She hadn't buckled the harness yet when the doorbell rang. "Stay there!" she told me. I nodded and looked at the buckles while she went to go pay for the food. I was finally able to work out the trick for opening them and thought that I would have to find a chance to try it later. She walked to the door and I sat still thinking that maybe she would leave the harness off altogether if she thought she could trust me. Just as she was closing the door I wondered where Fred was, before remembering he said he would be late tonight with his surgeries. She turned around and sat the plastic bag containing our food on the table and turned her attention back to me. "Silly me leaving you without your safety harness done!" "You know it's okay to do that?" She shook her head. "Not really... if someone from LPS were to come in they would have a major problem with it. I need to make sure we always buckle you up even here at home." I sighed as she tightened the straps up when she was done and then placed the tray in front of me. A butterfly covered bib followed that really was quite adorable. I played with the edge of it that went past my waist and onto my lap. A crumb pocket was at the bottom and seemed unlikely to be effective as it was probably a years worth of Amazon growth too long for me. "So cute!" She took a picture with her phone really quickly. I watched her grab one of the special toddler plates for me and she placed a large amount of what looked like General Tso's chicken to me on it as well as some steamed rice. She dug around through the drawers and said, "Here, you want chopsticks?" I smiled at her as she presented me with two options. One looked like what I had once seen online as being a training pair of chopsticks with a connection at the end and a little set of loops to keep your fingers in the right place. The other were just shorter plastic chopsticks with cute characters on the top couple inches. I pointed to the ones without the training device. "You sure?" I nodded. "My friends and I taught ourselves long ago!" She smiled and handed them to me. "Here... at least if you fail you have a bib on!" I groaned but eagerly began digging into the chicken. It had a fair amount of ginger in it... that was different, but other than that it tasted 'normal' to me. "Make sure you chew!" She reminded me as she got her own plate and dished herself up. For several minutes though I noticed she just watched me and stared. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I think you are the first little I've ever seen able to use them. I think you use them better than the forks I've given you!" I shrugged. "Kind of feels easier to adjust my grip with these than deal with the oversized utensils?" I told her before going for some rice. I was glad to see it was good sticky rice that I could grab chunks of easily. I noted though that the grains of rice here were also twice the size they should be. "I can't believe even your rice is bigger..." She laughed. "I really would love to see your world. I wonder if we went through if we would shrink to your heights?" I shrugged. "Who knows? I'm sure they've got to have done some experiments, but I don't really know of any?" "I'm pretty sure Doctor Bremer and her colleagues have done some, but I don't know how much. With you being as small to us here, I think the biggest research has been in how to get you to come here and be babies..." I sighed. "Well they ensnared me to come," I admitted. There was an awkward silence for several minutes while we ate. I was just deciding how to break the silence when the phone rang. "Hello?" Amanda said as she stood up and answered the cordless phone off of the counter. I watched as she spoke with the other person. "No we don't have any plans tomorrow... I suppose we could, I'm kind of on leave right now..." I watched her facial expressions change several times from interested to looking concerned. "Well I don't think I'll be able to find a sitter by then would be the only problem..." she added. "Oh that's right, I don't think I've seen you since we adopted! Yes I've got an adorable little girl who's looking at me like I'm crazy right now..." she winked at me. "You're sure you're okay with that?" I sat there becoming both curious and nervous at the same time. I realized I had an overwhelming need to pee so I let that out into the diaper while she continued to make me wonder what was going on. "Okay, we'll come by and take a look at it tomorrow. I'm glad to hear you have managed to get it up and running! It'll mean a lot of advancements soon!" She paused. "Sounds good, see you tomorrow!" She looked at me and smiled. "That was one of my colleagues, Doctor Babbage, in the computer engineering department. They just finished the new mainframe and prototyping lab project we've been putting together. I assume you'd like to see it?" I smiled. "They'll let me?" "Well, they probably think you'll be just hanging from my breast or something the entire time..." I made a face. "What?!?" "Just kidding," she said as she came over and tickled me. "Ooh, we better change that diaper soon after din-din, huh?" "Back on topic?" I sighed. "If you dress in a school uniform you might be more likely to be allowed to play a little with the new toys?" I smiled. "Okay, now you're talking!" She smiled. "Why don't you finish your dinner and then we'll go for a swim in a bit?" I nodded and ate for another few minutes before I felt full. She seemed to sense that because she gathered my plate, chopsticks, and then came back to wipe my hands with a wipe and sat me down on the ground. Right as she did so I felt my innards telling me something and realized my vacation from poopy diapers was at an end. I groaned and pushed the mess into the diaper with way more effort than I liked in such an exposed place. My grunting made it obvious what I had done and she said, "Uh-oh, someone made a stinky, huh?" I nodded. "Give me just a minute baby to put away the leftovers and then we'll go change you." I patiently waited while I could feel the mess pulling down on an already heavily soaked diaper. I watched as she moved about the kitchen without any hurry before she came over and gingerly picked me up. I laid my head on her shoulder as she carried me up for the much needed diaper change. I sat still as she opened the diaper and wrinkled my nose at the smell even though it didn't seem to bother her for some reason. It must not have been too bad of a mess because she had me cleaned up pretty quickly. "You can't go straight in the water right now, but let's get your swimsuit on," she told me. She stood me up on the table and helped me step into the swim diaper and then another one-piece swimsuit that seemed a bit baggy still. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm thinking for swimsuits we may need to look at the newborn sizes sweetie..." I looked at her in shock. "I wouldn't fit in them... would I?" She shrugged. "You might, you really have a weird set of body proportions. The rest of your outfits mostly fit with the three month size, but I think you're skinnier than you should be?" "That is the first time in my life I think I've ever heard that," I shook my head as she sat me on the ground. She laughed as she fussed with a swim cap over my hair. "Why don't you stay in here while I go change into my own suit." "Okay," I told her. I watched her leave through the gate and looked down at my watch at the time. It was only a little after six and the air outside was warm from what I remembered earlier. I decided to fulfill my curiosity from earlier and peaked into the toy box. I saw there was a mixture of dolls, stuffed animals, giant duplo blocks, little people toys, and a fake set of cooking stuff. I shook my head and closed the box and walked over to my computer. I had just sat down when Amanda returned and said, "Shall we?" while opening her arms up to me. I enjoyed the warmth of her body against mine, as I felt mostly naked still in these swimsuits. 'Ironic considering it covers more of a percentage of my body than my swim trunks did...' Outside she took time to put some sunscreen on me before setting me down in the water. I treaded water for a few moments and watched as she moved to the shallow end and layback to read a book. I caught the title, 'Emerald Princess,' before I decided to start doing some laps. I had probably done about ninety non-stop when I finally began to tire and rolled onto my back. Just as I did so I realized that Fred was now standing next to me and squealed. "When did you get home?" I squeaked as I righted myself and treaded water. "About five minutes after you started swimming. Amanda was glad to see me because it meant she could go run to the store for your tablet." "Oh," I said realizing that she left and I never even realized it. "You get very focused on what you're doing, don't you?" I nodded. "It's nice sometimes... other times it's kind of bad because I don't know what's going on around me." He nodded. "You are a lot like Amanda there... I mean Mommy..." he said with a sigh. "Are you done swimming?" I thought for a moment and asked. "Ten more laps? It'll make an even one-hundred?" He laughed. "Go ahead." Knowing he was probably hoping to do more than stay in the pool with me all night I quickly began the laps and tried to power through them faster. I did them pretty quickly and than swam over to him. "Okay, I'm done." He picked me up out of the water and carried me to the ground outside of the pool and sat me down on my feet. "Let's find your towel," he told me. I looked over at the lounge chairs and saw a pink towel that I knew had to be mine. I walked over there and grabbed it to begin toweling myself off. He watched me and smiled. "Let me know when you think you're dry enough!" while he dried himself with his own towel. When I was done I wrapped the towel around my body and said, "I'm good." He opened the gate and led me back to the house then and I reveled in the fact that I wasn't being carried or babied right then. I followed him inside the house and walked all the way to the stairs on my own. "You want a lift up the stairs?" Fred asked in his kindly voice. "Please?" He picked me up and carried me up the steps and into my room before setting me down on the floor. "Mommy told me you got your tentative class schedule today?" I nodded. "It's over here if you want to see it?" I walked to my desk and handed him the paper printout of my schedule. "Looks like you've got some long days on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays..." I shrugged. "Doesn't seem any different from high school?" I said. "You think that now... just wait until you've got that many tests in one day." I nodded. "Yeah, that could be kind of rough. I thought the universities tended to stagger which class was which day?" "Some do, I never really paid attention to Emerson at the undergrad level." He handed me the schedule back and said, "Well your mommy wanted me to give you a bath when we got done swimming... Umm..." "You're seriously nervous about giving me a bath after wiping my butt before?" I gave him a smirk. "Well..." "Tell you what, you get the bathtub filled for me and I'll wash myself?" He smiled at me. "You won't tell Mommy?" I laughed. "As long as you promise to give me some more opportunities for independence every now and then of course not!" I followed him to the bathroom and stripped out of my swimsuit while he started the tub filling. I pulled the diaper down last and used a baby wipe he handed me to make sure I was clean. I pretty much figured I had to have peed in it at least in the pool... "Okay, upsy daisy!" He told me giving me a lift into the tub. It was filled much higher than it probably should have been for a regular baby, but I enjoyed the water coming up to my chest. He handed me a soaped up sponge and I scrubbed myself from head to toe while he stood off to the side nervously. I reveled in the fact I was able to do something for myself. I also knew that if he wasn't there I would have at least had to taken the opportunity to look at my new parts closer. Instead I said, "Would you please hand me some shampoo?" I lathered up my hair and then was happy to have him help rinse it out with the showerhead. "Are you good?" He asked me afterwards. I shrugged. "I guess." He took that moment then to pull the drain plug and wrapped me in a towel as the water drained. He sat me gingerly on the counter and used the loud blow dryer to get my hair dried. "You did that pretty well," I told him when my hair was soft and dry. He smiled at me. "Thanks..." I was again carried to my nursery and he quickly diapered me in a regular pamper. "What do you want to wear for pajamas?" "How about those?" I suggested pointing to a t-shirt and shorts set... He handed me the set I pointed at and I put them on myself. The shirt was purple with pink and green hearts spread around the front with 'Adorable, Cute, and Cuddly,' written in a cute font. The shorts were pink, and even though they felt more mature than a onesie, it definitely seemed like they were just as babyish since you could easily see the outline of my diaper through the shorts. When I lifted my arms just a bit the shirt rode up and you could also clearly see the frilly edges of the diaper against my stomach. I sighed. "Thank you," I told him. "For what?" "For not being quite as smothering as your wife." He picked me up. "Well, if she goes too far let me know... the Amazon maternal instinct is kind of crazy when you look at it clinically." I nodded. "She's done a good job reigning it in, I'm just not used to any babying since I was a regular teenager and able to do my own thing back home." "What exactly do you miss?" He asked as he carried me downstairs and made himself comfortable in a recliner with me on his lap. "Well driving is definitely one thing..." He laughed. "Even mature littles don't drive here, so that's kind of funny." "Really?" I asked. "Really... how would they reach the pedals?" "Couldn't you do something like handicap accessible steering controls?" "I suppose you could, but think also of the danger for the little. If they got in any accident at all it would be an instant trip to a nursery. The few free littles out there are much better keeping their heads down." I nodded. "It really is a sad thing." "Yes I think it is." Before we could talk anymore the garage door opened and Amanda soon walked in the door. "Well don't you two look comfy?" I nodded. "He makes a nice pillow." "I do huh?" he said. I had a moment of panicked warning, but nothing prepared me for the tickle torture that began then. He tickled me and I giggled non-stop for several minutes while I knew I was peeing uncontrollably into my diaper. "And apparently you have a built-in ability to make her need a new diaper?" She suggested to me as she came closer. "Hey, it's not that full..." I whined. She picked me up from his lap and stuck her hand on my crotch making me blush. "Uh-huh, really?" "Sorry," Fred said with a smile. "I was doing pretty well though!" "Well she does smell clean and she's wearing clothes... so I guess you did something right!" "Of course I did!" he said. "I guess I'll go clean up Daddy's mess," she told me with a smile and then tickled me some herself. Upstairs she changed me into one of the thicker nighttime diapers and the shorts barely went back over them. "Hmm... Might need to find bigger shorts for these diapers, huh?" I groaned. "Or maybe thinner diapers?" I suggested with a smile. She shook her head. "Not a chance at night sweetie. Now, want to see your new toy?" I smiled. "Please?" She carried me to her workroom and sat me on top of her desk where I could watch as she unwrapped the device from its box. The label said 'Melon Corp' and reminded me strongly of Apple. I watched as she opened the box up and my belief in the resemblance grew stronger. "We have an Apple corporation back home that does the same thing with their packaging. I bet they're sisters across the dimension..." "Overpriced and overhyped devices, but they work really well?" She asked. I nodded. "Yep!" "Well this is about as high end as we can get, I hope you like it!" She finished unpacking the device and handed it to me. On first glance it could have been a flexible transparency sheet from an old overhead projector. It seemed to be about six inches tall and four inches wide, making it feel about what a normal iPad would feel like on my world size wise. I turned it in my hand and could see it had to have been just a hair thicker than maybe six sheets of paper... "It's a tablet?" I asked incredulously. "Yep!" She said and I watched as she pinched a corner of it and instantly the transparent screen filled with a touch screen that was vibrant and featured incredibly high resolution! "Whoa!" She smiled at me. "Thought you would like it. Let's get it setup for our network and then go ahead and buy all of your textbooks." "Can I do it?" I asked. "Sure," she told me and walked me through what was mostly a no-brainer process. When I was done setting it up she helped me find an app and a store to go download my college textbooks. While I was waiting for them to download I rolled and folded the screen gently to see how flexible it was. "You can't crease or scratch those screens," she told me. "At all?" "Well I suppose if you used diamond you might be able to scratch it... they've run bulldozers over them and they still work." "It's so light too!" I told her. "How long does the battery last?" "Forever," she told me. "What?!?" "Well... practically. I think it's actually technically twenty years before the fuel would need replaced... if you could somehow access that." "What powers it?" "It's a tiny hydrogen fuel cell," she told me with a smile. "How is that possible? And how do they make this all transparent?" I asked incredulously. "Not actually sure about the transparent fuel cell, Melon Corp has kept that a trademarked secret and actually managed to guard that one pretty carefully. If you do figure it out, and can clone the technology, you'd probably become one of the richest people in the world overnight... until they sued you." She laughed at that. "Sounds like back home too..." "The transparent part is due to a breakthrough about seven years ago in printing circuits at the atomic level in a new glass like substance." She shrugged. "It's still pretty new even to us. Melon came out with this technology a generation ago and this is the newest version from a couple months ago. I thought because it's so light and thin it should be great for you in your backpack." I nodded. "This is one of the coolest things I think I've ever seen!" I turned it around and played with it a bit more. A moment later I realized a flash from a camera had gone off. I looked up and saw Fred with a small but high-tech camera. "Sorry, I couldn't help but need to get a photo of you and your mother both playing with your new toy." "You could at least get a better photo of us!" She told him and pulled me more into her lap as she sat in one of her chairs and said, "Smile," to me. I did smile then, wondering what the picture looked like as the flash went off. "May I see it?" I asked. He came and I looked in astonishment at the photo. I really could live without the cheeks being so fat, but I knew without a doubt it was the happiest expression I had seen on my face in a long time. I looked and tried to figure out besides the girl part what was different... but I couldn't figure it out. "You really do make a beautiful girl," Amanda told me with a squeeze. "Thanks," I said and looked at her in the photo too just before Fred took the camera away. "You look pretty too... We both look happy..." I said. "Well you were a moment ago at least?" She asked as she turned me around to face her. "What's wrong?" "Who knows?" I told her honestly. "It's weird... I looked happier in that photo than I have in any photo in a long time." "Is there something wrong with that?" Fred asked. I shook my head. "No, but when you think about everything... it seems kind of weird, doesn't it?" "Does it matter?" She asked me. "There's nothing wrong with being happy! Plus if you're just going to be miserable this probably isn't the risk you're taking!" I nodded at that. "Okay, I'll be happy when I can." She squeezed me in another hug. "Okay, we have an early morning tomorrow, so what do you say about a bedtime story, nursing, and then it'll be night-night time?" I sighed and looked at my watch, surprised it was nearly ten. "Okay, I guess that's not too unreasonable." She hugged me as she carried me back to the nursery along with my new tablet that she sat down on my desk. I felt her hand check my diaper and was a little surprised that she sat in the recliner without changing me. It didn't feel wet, but since I'd still be going frequently while barely noticing I was surprised that I was still dry. "You haven't nursed from me since last night..." she said reading my mind. I nodded. "It really does mess with my body, doesn't it?" "I think so..." she said with a sad sigh. "I'm going to keep pumping it during the days I think and in the morning as I don't want to risk you having a messy diaper in class..." I nodded. "I'm sorry." She hugged me. "It's okay," she told me with a smile. "Now how about that bedtime story?" For the next fifteen minutes I watched entranced as she told a story with an illustrated book that reminded me very much of Beauty and the Beast. It was a little different in this dimension though with Belle being a diapered little and Beast being a large wolf-man creature. In the end of the story both grew into Amazon adults... "That was cute... and demented all at the same time," I told her sleepily. She laughed and tickled my side a little before pulling her shirt and bra out of the way for me to nurse. My body seemed to almost be at a craving stage of withdrawal then because I felt like my mouth was moving on overdrive and she commented. "You would think I haven't fed you all day..." I could feel myself needing to pee for a second before my body let go of the urine. The diaper warmed and expanded under Amanda's hand and I knew she knew I was going. There was little warning though and I knew that there could be no doubt about the milk causing incontinence! It really did taste so good though! My whole body relaxed as I nursed, and like so many times the milk made me sleepy. I was soundly asleep before she changed my diaper and lay me down in my crib for the night. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So thoughts? Comments? Help me get back going on this! Chapter 19 and 20 are the only ones in the queue, so I need to get cracking!

Same as Exchanged - Chapter 18 Videos

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Exchanged Chapter 17

Chapter 17: THE NEXT MORNING I woke up to Amanda picking me up. "Come on baby, let's get you ready for today!" I yawned and leaned against her. "I hate waking up..." She laughed. "Don't we all!" She lay me down on the changing table and pulled the nightgown up to see a very soaked diaper. "Hmm... I'm surprised this held out last night. But, we definitely need to make sure you're getting more to drink." "Why do you say that?" I asked sleepily. "It's a really yellow diaper...

3 years ago
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Exchanged Chapters 1 and 2

Exchanged By BabySofia Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I...

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Exchanged Chapters 3 and 4

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...

3 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 23

Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 46

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 46: I...

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Exchanged Our Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends this is my New Story How I (Ramesh) and my Cousin Brother (vikas) fucked our sister Part Sister Name is Anjali age 19 two years younger and Visas Sister name is Pooja age 18 two years younger One day I and my Cousin Brother were sitting watching porn video. I said what a actor she is My cousin Brother also said yes awesome. I want to fuck someone. He said I also. I said I want some Indian style girl. He said I want some Western Style girl but Indian. I said I want like your...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 31

As a thank you to readers on this site and some others for commenting on the last post I'm going to give you a second chapter here this weekend! I hope you continue to enjoy it! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants...

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Exchanged Chapter 37

Since I posted the last couple chapters there were a lot of things keeping me from writing. I had actually finished this chapter back in June, but didn't want to post it without anything else in the pipeline. I have another chapter basically done that I hope to post next weekend of the following. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to a regular posting schedule by January! Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Exchanged Chapters 5 and 6

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...

1 year ago
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Exchanged Chapters 9 and 10

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Before I begin I have to give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as...

1 year ago
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Exchanged Chapter 28

Thank you to everyone posting comments on the reviews! They are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 32

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 32: I DIDN'T...

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Exchanged Chapter 35

Sorry for the long delay... real life can be rough sometimes! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 36

Thank you for your patience in the time between chapters. There will probably be another big gap in chapters being posted the next few weeks as my work schedule stays tough until December. I'd also like to give credit to BabyAnna for her work on 'Taming Your Amazon' that led to some of my ideas in this chapter. Chapter 36: THE NEXT MORNING was there before I knew what hit me. Amanda prodded me awake, "Morning Princess, you had asked about starting your day with swimming... Do...

4 years ago
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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter2

Jerry also had an idea, coming from a boast that I could still fit into my wedding dress, I had made during our conversations. Jerry always wanted to fuck a white bride and I still had my wedding dress. “You’ll do as my bride, we will collect you at 4 tomorrow afternoon.” And they shipped me home in an Uber, freshly showered, still slightly high, very horny and naked except for shoes, my long blouse and Jerry’s belt. For the Uber driver this was an added benefit as I knelt in the passenger...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

4 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter17

Hailey was meeting the potential guest in a discreet London hotel room which allowed her to undertake a final vetting interview before inviting them down to the cottage to indulge in whatever dog sex fantasy they had. Hailey had already conducted a couple of phone interviews and used the very discrete but very efficient screening service that Julie had introduced her to. Already the company had proved invaluable weening out a couple of attempts by thrill seekers who just wanted to find out...

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Growing Up Chapter3

She sits on the bed and takes me over her knees and gently, with a lot of lube from her nightstand, works her fingers into my butt hole, one and then two. The excitement of being penetrated gets my balls all tingly. Rubbing my crack up and down with lots of slick lubrication she makes sensations zing through my body. I’m grinding into her lap and my dick feels so good through the satin panties I’m wearing added to the silk she’s wearing. “Cindy, do you know where my special drawer is?” ...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter16

***** Deanne had never been to the Sappho club before, but from the moment she had seen the neon sign outside she knew it would be like every other lesbian bar she had ever been to over the years, though perhaps this was a little edgier than normal. The two butch lesbians on the door had looked her up and down and Deanne had to stifle a giggle at their stereotype crewcuts and slicked back hair along with the obligatory boots and braces over checked shirts. “Any weapons or drugs?” the...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter15

***** “So, ladies,” Julie said after introductions had been made and the tea and coffee had been poured. The setting was such that if could have been four women gathered together for afternoon tea and discuss a charity ball, but the next words out of Julie’s mouth dispelled that vision, “let’s get down to business, will you both want to fuck different dogs at the same time or just take turns with one?” Gina who was the younger of the pair, being in her mid-thirties, looked at Donna and...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter14

The two giants suddenly moved like greased lightening to step in front of Craig and held one door open each as he walked into the plush but neutral office. The décor was totally non-de with no personal items anywhere, just a large desk in the corner, with two monitors and a large leather swivel chair with its back to him. The back two corner walls were pure glass and looked out over the evening view of the city and the lights in the distance picked out the various landmarks of London. ...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter10

The last year had been fantastic for Michelle, she enjoyed her job as kennel bitch immensely and made sure that all the dogs were serviced on a regular basis to keep their juices flowing as well as her own. There was a strict rota when the owners weren’t around that was carefully monitored as the agreement was that every dog had its balls emptied at least every other day. At first there had just been the privately-owned dogs which had numbered around 20 which Michelle was able to deal with...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter13

As she got to the cage Hailey paused and poked the panties through the bars to the mastiff who after a couple of sniffs took them between his teeth and started to chew on them to extract the taste. All the cage doors were key code locked and Hailey punched in the code to open the door but the light stayed red instead of turning green. “What the fuck,” growled Hailey and punched the code in more slowly, making sure she had not made a mistake. Still the light remained a steady red and Hailey...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter12

Deepti smiled serenely as she replied, “It will be fine Miss Hailey and it will leave me close to the dogs making it easier for them to fuck me regularly.” On saying the last words her face lit up with the thought of training the 20 intact dogs that had been collected together with a view to training and shipping over to Perro Mundo as community dogs. ***** Craig had waited two days for the chance to be alone and examine the flash drive in more depth. From the evening he had found it after...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter11

Hailey laughed as she reached down to ruffle Sam’s head, who had accompanied her inside and was sniffing around, as she said out loud to the empty room, “sign should have said, beware of the dogs as they will fuck you senseless.” Then still chuckling at her joke Hailey explored the cottage with Sam leading the way. The frantic beeping from the panel by the door prompted Hailey to quickly enter the second set of codes of the note to silence the alarm before it sprang into action alerting...

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A family that cums together stays together Chapter1

It was me, my younger sister Emily and my mum Becky living together in a small 2 bedroom, one bathroom house. Thanks to my mums new found addictions it was on me to be the man of the house, my day normally consisted of getting back from school, making myself and Emily food, watching TV and then taking care of mum when she eventually stumbled back home, if she didn’t find someone to fuck that is. Going from a pretty big house with all the privacy I could ask for to having to share a room with...

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Birds of a Feather Chapter9

********************************************************************************************************* Birds of a Feather, Chapter 9, (Oh happy day and the surprise of our lives) Friday morning was here and the end of another workweek. We were up early, showering, dressing, eat breakfast and was on our way to work. Kathy was in a very good mood. She was constantly kissing and touching me and it really made me feel great. We were a little early so we detoured by her...

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Death is a beautiful thing chapter1

Death I slowly run the knife across my neck leaving a red trail in its wake. My hand falls down as i feel a stabbing pain from my neck. I move my hand to my neck and feel the sticky liquid that now covers my neck and soon my chest. When i pull my hand away i see a bloody hand. I smile knowing in a few minutes my blood will be all over my chest and soon I’ll be a dead body. laying in my bed. My sheets will soon be covered in the red liquid and look as if they where red and not white. But as...

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Florence My exhibisionism experienceChapter1

Josh was a kind and loving brother who was was two years younger than me. He was also in the canoeing club and was rather athletic. He was good with the computer and helped my dad when an electronic appliance needed repairing. While Ellen had a cheerleader’s body with a tight ass and breast that were firm and pointed straight out from her tight, tanned body. She was also a bitch and likes to boss everybody around as she is the eldest. She was a popular girl in school and god know how many...

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Domination of MoniqueChapter1

Fresh out of school 18 yr old Monique was a little nervous as she approached the door to the managers office for the first time.It was a hot day and she had chosen to wear a very pretty,short floral dress together with 4in stilettos that accentuated her attractive tanned legs.She wanted to make a good impression and guarantee herslf the job.She had seen the ad in the local paper for a temp postition and was in desperate need of money and had subconsiously decided to do what ever it takes then...

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At Age 64 Chapter2

Chapter 2 Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with Draggonfly’s permission Chapter 2 It’s been a week since my first encounter with Bill and John so I decided to give them a call. I was able to reach John first and asked if we could get together some time soon. He said that he had been thinking about me and that yes we should, then he asked when would be a good time for me as he was always available and that Bill was too. We decided that 1:00...

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50 Shades Of Beech Moutain Chapter17

Introduction: Getting started in the BDSM Craft 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain As this story progresses , I will delve into the craft of BDSM. Ill say its not for everyone, but there are too many possibilities out there to ignore this extremely sexual lifestyle. I will include the link below–and Im by no means advertising for the books. It is the best examples of what you may seek in your life. This forty-five minute video simply can explain why so many are moved not only by curiosity, but...

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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. ‘This is your room, Miss Victoria,’ she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was...

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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Dirty Tricks Chapter7

Previously in "Dirty Tricks"While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayoress's extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.Heather and Sean eventually agree to let only Sean’s shady campaign manager,...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter9

We returned to our room after breakfast to find a note from Sheila pinned to our door. She was reminding us to join her on the front deck for an introductory tour of the Colony and surrounding area. The instructions also suggested that we dress for the weather.Our walk-in closets looked like walk-in dumpsters. Everything we had brought with us in the Rav4 had been piled in the storage spaces like an unorganized jigsaw puzzle. I busied myself picking out an appropriate wardrobe for our tour.I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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FAMILY VACATION GONE AWRY(BLACKED)::PART 4Sometime after arriving back at the plantation house all 4 adults each in their own way thinking and contemplating in their minds the events they had just seen and witnessed::Maryellen wanting to go back to Aunt Esters and get her some of that young hot pussy herself:: Irene wanting to go back,and watch,more depraved things,fuck her damn daughter at Esters, and her other daughter being black bull fucked in the massage cabin!! She was afire with lust,...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter2

 Brenda watched in the rearview mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform; six foot two, 210 pounds, wide shoulders and narrow waist and, as always, wearing mirrored sunglasses. He walked up and stood next to her car. Brenda's window was open and he placed both hands on the door. As she looked into his face she could see her reflection in the mirrored sunglasses. She knew why he wore the mirrored shades. He wanted Brenda to see herself as he...

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Rita theSlut Chapter1

Rita was out walking the streets when she just happens to run into a man that makes her a proposition she can't refuse and that was that he wanted her to become his Number 1 slut in his stable of sluts that he owned so she agreed and he took her down town to buy her some new outfits to wear that would show off her very sexy assets!! The first stop was Victoria's secret shop where he picked out several hot and slutty outfits that she liked of which were panty's bra's thigh highs and heels garter...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter11

Drew opened his eyes. He instantly knew it was still quite early as the sun was not shining into the bedroom yet. He looked at the clock, 5.55am it told him. He felt refreshed as he lay on his back. Dave was cuddled into his right hand side and Fiona's hand was cupping his cock and balls. He was not really comfortable with her doing that. He thought for a moment and then gently lifted her hand off himself. He sat up and looked down the other end of the bed. Fiona had turned over during the...

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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. "This is your room, Miss Victoria," she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was used...

First Time
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A Pokelove story CHAPTER3

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and Pokemons.Chapter 3: the runA few days after we caught Caninos, Ashley was looking all joyful. Every night she locked herself in her room with Caninos and Metamorph. No one except me knew what was making her so happy but she really looked gorgeous. From my room I was hearing it all, night after...

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A Pokelove story CHAPTER2

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 2: the huntI was a bit uneasy when meeting with Ashley on the next morning for breakfast. A few hours earlier I was spying on her masturbate with our Metamorph, making it levels up with her orgasm. Without winning a single fight, our pokemon reached LV 32 in a few weeks, which...

1 year ago
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A Pokelove story CHAPTER1

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 1Hello, my name is Ben. I guess that to start this story I have to introduce my sweet friend Ashley first. We first met in our old orphanage where we both grew up: two simple abandoned k**s from the region of Hoenn. When we were 18, we both got hired in Team Magma. Boss gave us a...

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Chubbys memoirs chapter2

Stella switched on the recording. I felt a bit uncomfortable watching my mother having sex, or was it that I was feeling jealous to see her being fucked? We saw my mother coming out of the bath room. She walked up to dad. Dad took mom into his arms and held her close to him, for a long time, enjoying the bliss of the embrace. “See brother, my dad is in no hurry. He is taking his time to feel her in his arms. Not in hurry like you.” “Shanty, all the time we dated you did not let me fuck you....

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Only Women Bleed Chapter1

Chapter 1 I guess you could say that I've always been a little bit different. When I was little, Mom always told me that I was unique; A different kind of little boy. And that I was destined for great things. I always believed her too. I wanted to live up to her expectations. I wanted to make her proud. But she never got to see me grow up. When I was eleven years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. By the time I turned twelve she was gone. That was when I started to grow my hair...

4 years ago
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How it came about with my son Chapter3

How it came about with my son: Chapter three:After my son and I came to almost getting caught by my wife, I told my son if he was interested in doing more sometime that we would have to start earlier. He agreed and told me that he would like to take it to a different level. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but it wasn’t long before I was going to know what he meant.It was a couple of days later and was about six o’clock in the evening when the phone rang and it was my neighbor. I will...

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Youre my cousin CHAPTER1

It was my first day of my senior year and this will be the best year ever! I tried on multiple outfits, My plaid shirts and skinnies, My tube dress with a cardigan, and at last I found it! A perfect low cut v-neck that showed off my 35c cup breasts and jeggings that hugged my butt perfectly, a grey cardigan, and brown boots! I shake my long curled brown hair grab my bag and went on my way downstairs."Goodmorning Chelsea how about a bowl of cereal?""No thanks mom I gotta go to school. Can you...

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Man Dating Chapter13

Man Dating Chapter 12 Sometimes a social event can turn into so much more. For Tuck this was a real date, with real people seeing him out with Jake. How was he supposed to feel, how was the date supposed to go. A baseball game... so what could happen? Thank you so much such wonderful words of review and encouragement. If you have not read the other chapters, they are there for your enjoyment many stand alone, but it is a path that Tuck is on, being led by Jake and others. A new chapter...

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CHAPTER 2 And it truly was not that I was at my mother in laws to be around him, well in part it was,but what I wanted in the true depths of my mind, was to get him to fuck me! I wanted this man to fuck me! In my then very conservative house wife ways,I guiltily fought in my mind why I even could think such things, let alone doing this to get this strange new man to absolutely fuck me. To Breed Me! I wanted him to breed...

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Cheating on my cheating wife chapter3

I went to sleep on my wife Mar when she expected me to have sex with her. She ended up using a vibrator on herself, hoping that I would wake up,but I ignored her. Several times I felt her rubbing a hand on my ass,whispering my name then sighed. Normally she would suck my cock in the morning but this morning I was sleeping on my belly.I was glad when the alarm clock woke me and I got up without her knowing . I dressed and went to work without her waking up ,and this time I was happy.I do...

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Loving In SilenceChapter4

Joyce explained all these things to Abigail and then finally "pitched" her idea to her sister. "You are still wanting tonight to happen?" she asked. Abigail glanced at Roger and then back to her sister; she shifted nervously but nodded yes. "Then I want you to experience love making like you have never experienced it before," her sister signed. "You mean with the ear plugs?" Abigail asked her hands forming the required motions. Roger leaned in and signed, "Wonderful idea Honey,"...

1 year ago
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Revenge Is So Sweet Chapter3

I want to catch everyone up. I had just watched my wife have sexual relations with her black minister on a movie camera I had installed in our home and I watched the whole scene. The following is what my next move will be. My wife was supposed to go down to her friend Ellen's apartment who lived fifty miles away from our city. She was going to stay until I got back from LA. I had my friend Mike put a GPS on her car. Now, it was time to check my computer and see how far she had gone. When I ran...

Cheating Wifes

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