Exchanged - Chapter 36 free porn video

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Thank you for your patience in the time between chapters. There will probably be another big gap in chapters being posted the next few weeks as my work schedule stays tough until December. I'd also like to give credit to BabyAnna for her work on 'Taming Your Amazon' that led to some of my ideas in this chapter. Chapter 36: THE NEXT MORNING was there before I knew what hit me. Amanda prodded me awake, "Morning Princess, you had asked about starting your day with swimming... Do you want to do that today?" The fog in my brain made me take a moment while the words rolled around a bit inside my head before I nodded. I stretched out on my bed and then sat up and held my hands out to her. She carried me to the changing table, stripped my pajamas off of me, took off the dry diaper, and dressed me in a swim diaper and my swimsuit. "Daddy will watch you swim. You'll have about half an hour," she told me as she padded down the stairs. Fred waited downstairs and I was passed over to him while the two of them kissed over the top of me. "Icky," I kidded them. Fred just tickled me briefly though and grabbed a cup of coffee, his tablet, and carried me out to the pool. He sat his stuff down before quickly spraying me with sunscreen and then tossing me into the pool. I swam to the surface, stuck my tongue out at him, and then began swimming laps. The repetitive motion of my arms and legs was a good way to wake up as I pushed myself to swim faster to see how many laps I could do. Over and over I tumbled at the sides and thought over what Bella had told us last night. 'She's like a living cipher...' I mused. 'I wonder if Amanda will beat me to figuring out how it works... She definitely has more free time to work on it!' It kind of made perfect sense now why the mafia wanted her. The news that she didn't really know what happened to her parents, and had lied about it before, made me kind of nervous though that maybe she was still lying. Being able to get inside and program nano-technology, specifically the ones inside of me seemed like a good thing to be working on. I sighed as I turned over and went to the other side of the pool on a new lap again. 'Little Legal Rights' I scoffed to myself as I continued swimming remembering that was the first of the seminars I had to go to today. From what I could gather it seemed like there really weren't many legal rights that didn't lead to a life of diapers and abuse for most littles. While I didn't mind the diapers and the babying, I at least knew I had 'parents' that didn't see me as a pet to abuse. Not to mention a future if I could get back to my home dimension after this crazy adventure! After a while I noticed a shadow over my touch spot on the wall and drifted to a stop looking at Amanda now fully dressed for the day. "Come on my little fish, you need to take a quick shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get to the school." I nodded and crawled to the edge of the pool and pulled myself over the edge. She was prepared with a blanket and practically swaddled me in it. A quick kiss to my forehead and she squeezed me tight to her. "I really do love you Stacy," she told me. "Love you too," I told her with a smile. She carried me up to the bathroom and quickly stripped the swimsuit from my body. The diaper quickly followed leaving me shaking with the cool air from the air conditioning. I watched as she started the shower and made sure it was a good temperature before setting me inside and grabbing the shower nozzle. Amanda handed me the nozzle, "Hold this for a second," she said as she reopened the shower curtain and took it back from me. She handed me a loofa with some soap on it, "Here..." For the next ten minutes I showered as she held the shower head for me or occasionally used it herself to get into some spots like my rear. My hair was washed with shampoo and conditioner before she shut everything off and wrapped me in a towel. "Brush your teeth, then let's get you dressed, breakfast, and head to school..." she said. "What time is it?" I asked a little concerned. "Just after eight, so we have about forty-five minutes and we need to be out the door..." she told me. In the end I barely had time to gulp a cup of coffee, and eat the toast and oatmeal she gave me, before it she was carrying me with my backpack out to the car. As she buckled me in she smiled and said, "We might need to wake you up earlier if you want to swim in the mornings." I sighed but nodded as the clock said nine on the dot as we pulled away from our house. I absentmindedly poked at my diaper that was exposed under the summer dress. Somehow Amanda had convinced me that I wanted to wear the pale green checked dress because it was going to be so hot today. It was a near thing with diaper exposure when I was standing... but it was even worse when the straps of the car seat connected between my legs. I was grateful at least that Amanda thought a regular Pamper would suffice for the day instead of one of the thick pink princess diapers! Before long she pulled into her spot in the faculty lot and we walked hand-in-hand to a large brick building that looked more like a castle than a modern school building. The building was topped with a parapet wall that was outlined in white stone that contrasted the red brick below that made up the majority of the wall. Around windows and doors the white stone was used again and I couldn't help but note it was a really beautiful building. I could just make out stained glass windows as we approached the massive building. From what I knew of the campus it was probably one of the oldest buildings at Emerson. I knew we were arriving at the right place because littles on ropes were behind and in front of us. "Good luck sweetie," Amanda told me as she hugged me and then kissed me on the head. "I'll see you at lunch," she said reassuringly before I turned from her and followed the littles into a large lecture hall labeled 'Destiny Hall.' "Where's your nest sweetie?" A kind looking girl asked me as I approached the doors. "Not sure, my mommy just dropped me off." I groaned a bit at having used the babyish name for her. I watched the girls brain turn that over before she looked oddly at me and shrugged. "Who's your nest mother?" "Miss Madison," I told her. "There she is," the girl said pointing behind me at the line of littles she tugged along. "Thanks," I told her and waited for them to come over to where we stood. "Hi Stacy!" Madison said in a sing-song voice, "Ooh, you decided to wear the summer uniform today! I tried to get your nest mates to do that but none of them wanted to be as cute as you I guess..." she said. I groaned, "It was my mommy's idea Miss Madison," I told her truthfully. "Well it was a good idea!" She said bending over and patting my butt as she gave me a hug. "You're so cute I could eat you up!" Another group passed us then though and it seemed to make her realize she needed to keep the group moving, "grab onto the end ring there Stacy," she told me. I groaned and joined the human caterpillar of my nest and let myself be led into the large lecture hall. I looked around and saw the front of the room was covered from floor to the very tall ceiling with video screens that seemed to be some sort of electronic dry-erase boards. With all of them together it would make for an exceptionally large video screen, but seemed to currently be made up with separate panels that could be windowed with specific information. A slide showed in the middle section stating, 'Welcome to Emerson - Little's Legal Rights and Responsibilities.' I was surprised to see a step stool being brought in and placed behind the lectern at the front of the room as we reached a set of seats in the second row of the large room. I opened my backpack and pulled out my booster seat. I caught several littles and Madison staring at me. "What?" I asked self-consciously, "I'm short..." Madison laughed and several of my nest mates giggled nervously. I climbed onto the boosted seat and could just barely see over the top of the seat in front of us where a short littles head just showed their ponytail above like some sort of periscope. Laura leaned over, "Normally we avoid showing weakness of being a baby," she explained to me. Her unboosted seat, had her an inch above me, with her hair since she was a bit taller. I shrugged, "For most of you that matters... I'm adopted, so what's the point?" She started to say something and then thought better of it, "I don't actually know," she sighed. "At least I'm in panties today..." she whispered to me. I giggled, "Are you sure that's a good idea after yesterday?" She looked nervous but nodded, "I'm being really careful what I eat and drink now," she whispered in my ear like some sort of secret. I nodded and looked up as a video camera began showing the lectern up on one of the top parts of the massive screen. To my surprise a well dressed, gray bearded little in a suit walked up to the podium. "Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen," he said as his voice came through an amplified system, "I am Professor Marshall, and it's my pleasure to welcome you to our fine university!" The dichotomy of a little leading this lecture after I had watched so many horrific acts holding littles back the last few weeks was jolting to me. He reminded me of any older distinguished professor back home though, or even of the Amazon adults. There was no doubt in my mind that he was the oldest looking free little I had seen. There was a definite hint of padding on his rear as the camera switched views from overhead to side automatically. He seemed to have no fear of anything though as he confidently spoke. "I am a professor in the law department here at Emerson, and I specialize in law regarding Little's Rights and advocacy for abused Little's." I heard a couple gasps and down the row heard I heard Esther kind of squeal in excitement and got the feeling she was excited to meet him. I thought the idea of a little lawyer was kind of cool, and figured if anyone knew how to avoid being adopted it was probably the lawyer. "At this time I ask that Nest mothers and anyone who is not a freshman little please leave. There is a break room with doughnuts, coffee, and juice down the hall for you all to wait in." I heard a mixture of grumbling and cheers from the Amazons as they made their way out the door. "Okay, now that you'll feel more comfortable without them... Today my goal of speaking to you is to be blunt and honest about your futures. Each year at Emerson about three-hundred Littles attend the universities first day of orientation. Your class has over a hundred-and-fifty that were signed up to begin. You're already down to a hundred-and-twenty... To say that your likelihood of graduation is low is an understatement." Murmurs were made around the room at this and I nervously shifted on the boosted seat. "In recent years the biggest class Emerson graduated was twenty-eight littles. That was two years ago at the height of the new laws to protect us from unwanted adoptions. I say this not to scare you, but to make sure you are informed as you navigate your future. I want to help increase that number of graduating littles by you knowing about your rights." A slide changed and listed a law, 'Little's who have enrolled themselves in a higher education institution are deemed to have turned over their power of attorney to the institution. The institution must give consent to any adoption, and must engage in well regulated due process before consenting to the arrangement.' I wondered suddenly if given the way the law was written, did the university have that power over me? "This law is the first law that you need to be aware of and know by heart. It's the only thing stopping a random Amazon from adopting you on the street, walking across campus, or in the dorms. So long as you have your student ID on you, the individual must go through the university in order to adopt you. The law states that in order for the university to give consent there must be a process to evaluate the need. This comes back to your student handbook and the code of conduct you were informed of on the first day of orientation." "Should you be forcibly removed from your surroundings without that process your best bet is to go along with the situation until you reach the mandatory adoption clinic visit. At that time you should present the ID as proof that you are a student and that the university should be contacted. By law even if you don't have the ID, and tell them that you are a student, they should still contact the university. Given carrying the ID is within the student code of conduct though, you would be in violation of the code of conduct and the university will generally sign off on the adoption." A hand flew up in the front row, "But what if we have our ID and it's thrown away by the Amazon kidnapping us?" He nodded sagely, "That's an interesting question and a very valid worry. It's another reason why wearing your uniform at all times is a good idea since the chip inside the crest has some information there for your defense. The only thing I can suggest at that point is try and conceal it somehow." I sat there for a moment and knew that nothing would stop it if a giant just picked you up, stripped you, put you in a diaper, and carried you away. It was too easy to remove both the uniform and the ID. "There is also another option available," he continued, "that is currently recognized in the courts, clinics, and hospitals. The bookstore sells these," he held up his wrist and showed off a forest green wristband. "They're only removable with special cutting tools without damaging you. They contain your ID information and are considered legally the same as your student ID both by law and by the university." I couldn't help but wonder if the wristbands weren't an Amazonian version of a star right then, as I knew every little, probably including myself, would be going to the bookstore to buy one. "They're not cheap, but they are well worth having for insurance purposes," he said with a sigh. The next slide came up and talked about due process from the university with the handbook regulation that had been explained to us the other day. "As long as you're a student, you should be okay then with the wristbands from being adopted unexpectedly. That just leaves the student code of conduct with the many ways to gain demerits to worry about..." He sighed, "There's a limited amount you'll be able to avoid with demerits. Truthfully only about three littles a year avoid any demerits, and half of you will probably have your ten and be done by December." There was so murmuring at that, but I wasn't surprised to hear that. "Your best bet is to follow the rules and be as agreeable with your professors as you can. If you can get cases of water, soda, and such off campus you're better off. There are a lot of students who will take advantage of you if you leave a drink unattended. From what I understand it sounds like most of you already encountered some issues the other day after the barbecue outside. Being paranoid is your best friend here and elsewhere." A hand went up in the air, "Yes sir," he said pointing towards a boy I couldn't see, but heard ask loudly. "If we've had a demerit is there any appeals process?" The professor shook his head, "Dean Sanders is the one who deals with discipline of littles and she is the last word on it as well." I heard him sigh, "Thanks." "Sorry, any other questions on the code of conduct? I know they covered it pretty thoroughly your first day." There were a couple others asked, but nothing that mattered or really were worth asking. He eventually nodded, "Okay, so... like I said earlier, the blunt truth of the matter is that most of you will not be graduating from here. Let's talk about those of you who will not make it. The majority of you are going to find yourselves at odds with the demerit system. What happens then?" There was dead silence in the room. He had basically told everyone that there was little chance of escape, and that at least ninety of the littles in the room wouldn't get past Emerson. He showed a picture of a daycare on the next slide... only there wasn't a single real baby in the picture from what I could tell. "The university has a boarding daycare that such students are immediately taken to. Your belongings are placed into a storage area pending adoption down the road. Once your new 'parents' are selected they can decide what to do with it all. If you're lucky those parents will keep any keepsakes you have from your family. Many will not though, and unfortunately the day you are placed in the daycare you are no longer allowed to make any decisions on your own." He showed a slide with bullet points then 'Your Process,' it stated. "First thing you can expect to happen is you'll be taken from the Dean's office downstairs. You will most likely be in a diaper at this point..." he paused, "and maybe only that..." "Why are you supporting...?" One little shouted angrily. "I don't," he said quietly as someone shushed the little, "but don't you think information is helpful here?" He drank some water out of a water bottle he pulled from his jacket. "Truthfully most of you only know rumors of what happens, right?" Everyone including me nodded, "so let's get rid of rumors and give you some facts." "Yes sir..." the girl who had objected said quietly "Once you're taken from the office the daycare is on campus. Depending on your behavior going to the daycare, and whatever offense they punished you for, you will be treated differently. If you want to have a chance of freedom someday your best bet during this trip is to keep your mouth shut and not scream. Cussing, screaming your head off, or threats will only result in them putting a lockable pacifier in your mouth... and those get painful in a hurry." I rubbed my jaw sympathetically thinking about it right then, "Yes they do," I whispered. Laura gave me a glance but I looked forward as he kept speaking, "By being a good compliant little they won't feel the need to punish you excessively. The more offensive you are during this time the more likely that they remove teeth, the ability to speak, walk, or even crawl." There were a ton of gasps then as people pictured that happening. I pictured my 'cousins' in my mind and felt a bit of urine escape into my diaper. "How is that legal...?" One person asked. "It unfortunately is fully legal currently," the professor answered. "Completely wrong and inhumane, but completely legal at the present time. Once you've been labeled as needing re-raised you have to know any of those things can happen." "So just shut up and be a good baby?" Natasha fairly spat. He nodded, "I know that sounds stupid, but during that time that's your safest bet. The more you fight the younger you'll be treated. It's not like you're going to manage to fight off an Amazon for long... Understand that the university makes money off the adoptions for their endowment. Littles are mostly directly adopted from the daycare to rich donors. They will only adopt out the compliant ones though. Those that fight and behave poorly are going to be sent to a couple etiquette centers that support the university endowment in exchange for you." "It's slavery," one boy spat somewhere behind me. "Yes it is, and I hope that someday we find a way to end it," Professor Marshall said with a sigh as he pulled his glasses off his face to rub his eyes. "The eventual goal of both places is that you end up in the hands of a new set of parents. Those parents for the most part will be fairly wealthy. This is because many believe that university students make much better littles. If you didn't fight, and didn't end up in an etiquette center, make sure you do your best to form a bond with the new parents as soon as you can. Don't fight them at all as it will make your life much less painful. Most that adopt won't abuse you for the sake of abusing you. They'll mostly only engage in that behavior in retaliation so that they get a 'good baby.'" He sighed, "I'll come back to that in a moment. For those that end up in an etiquette center there's not much you're going to be able to do to fight anything. You most likely will at least be hypnotized. It's likely other modifications will also be made to you, but again the less you struggle the better off you'll be. Understand that there is no realistic escape from an etiquette center. Between the Amazons who will have no problem containing you and the many robotic nannies they use escape is all but impossible. When you get adopted if you still have anything left upstairs do your best to again behave." "But if you behave all of this time, you're still a baby?!?" One little asked with alarm. "You're still being treated like a baby, but hopefully you can avoid the mental and physical modifications then. If you can form a bond with a parent then you are more likely to convince them that maybe you can grow up and be on your own some day." "Is there any line that's too far? Can they just do whatever they want to us?" I heard a worried Laura ask next to me. "Yes. The Little Protection Services exists theoretically to watch out for abuse. Many times if they find out a little is left alone frequently without a caregiver, not being fed, being neglected, etc.. then they will pull the little from the home. Sometimes that ends up meaning foster care or another etiquette center. Usually if LPS gets involved you have to know it's bad though and you're probably better off even in the etiquette center." "Umm... how long... how long are we stuck like that?" One girl nervously asked. Several littles snickered rudely which she calmly added, "I'm not from the mainland... we don't have Amazons where I'm from..." "Possibly for the rest of your life," the professor answered honestly. "Assuming you have all of the hypnotic triggers you probably won't even notice... Especially if you fight it right away the answer is a very long time. Often times though if you're good you'll find your new family is at least willing to consider you're worthy of growing up. Unfortunately throughout any time that you are adopted, or taken as a ward of the state, you are essentially given the legal standing of a baby less than a year old. The court doesn't recognize your right to speak for yourself in nearly any way." He looked at his watch and said, "I don't have much more time. I do want to let you know that if you are in a situation and you are legitimately being abused your best bet is to tell an adult at your daycare, or a doctor or a nurse. They may be your only hope of help due to the requirements that they report suspected abuse. Any other questions?" A hand nearby went up, "How did you stay free?" the girl asked from out of sight. He laughed, "I didn't. I survived college, got my law degree, and a client kidnapped me two months later. Fortunately I followed the advice I gave you and was eventually able to reason with them that I was mature enough to be potty trained, and eventually was freed... I spent eight years as their little baby boy before being free now for the past twenty." He sighed, "Even now I follow a strict policy of making sure I wear protection just in case someone gets handsy with me. Remember the way the law is written once you're out of school, is that you're mature if you chose to wear protection - even if it's not dry or clean. If you aren't wearing that protection and you're busted with even a little bit of a skidmark in your underwear, or a few drops in your panties... You won't be free anymore." The room was somber and silent until a loud bang happened in the back as the doors opened and the nest mothers strolled back down. I looked at my watch and realized it was already eleven. I stood up and put my portable booster seat back into my backpack. "At least you don't have to worry about all of that," Laura said to me quietly. There was a deep sadness to her voice. I shrugged, ?who knows what can happen in this crazy town... Maybe you won?t need to worry about it either,? I told her. I didn?t believe that though, she?d already had a close call with the diaper yesterday. I was a little surprised he I grabbed ahold of the rope as Madison led us out, but was relieved to see Amanda waiting for me along with Fred and Bella. Bella was dressed in a very babyish yellow dress with a ruffled scoop neck. I could see there was a set of attached bloomers covering her diaper showing from around Fred?s hands who held her bottom. Amanda said, ?Ready for lunch?? and I followed her as more murmurs from my fellow littles were heard. I nodded, ?Where are we going?? ?There?s a restaurant nearby that a lot of doctors go to for lunch with good sandwiches?? Fred said tentatively. I smiled, ?sure.? I walked with them a little ways until we were out of sight of the littles heading to the cafeteria. Amanda picked me up then and sat me on her hip. I leaned into her and squeezed in the best hug I could manage then knowing how fortunate I was right then. She squeezed me back gently and I think she knew I was upset about something. When we?d made it a block down the road away from campus she asked, ?Everything okay?? I shrugged, ?Nothing new, just a really depressing morning session,? I told her honestly. ?Who ran it anyway?? ?Professor Marshall?? I said. ?Oh... That?s really cool,? Bella said from Fred?s arms having heard me. ?Why?? ?He?s the biggest advocate for littles civil rights out there. I can?t imagine a session with him being depressing?? She said confused. ?Well he was being pretty blunt about what the majority of littles in the room should expect in their futures,? I told her. Her eyes opened and she nodded, ?That would be depressing...? Neither Amanda, nor Fred really tried to pry anything else out then. Instead I sat and listened as Amanda and Fred talked over lunch about what they were doing when they went back to work with Bella. I sat in a booster seat while Bella was in a highchair with a bib on. It was a novelty to eat outside of the highchair and without a bib. ?Just in case another student comes in...? Amanda had whispered. I wasn?t sure what the point of avoiding babying me was, but I just went with the flow and was careful with my food. Apparently they had toured the university daycare that morning with Bella. ?It was awful,? Bella said quietly before taking another bite of an enormous pickle sliver she was holding. ?I didn?t see a lot, but what I did I agree,? Amanda said with a sigh. ?Definitely really just another etiquette school...? I nodded, ?Sounds about like we heard earlier...? ?What did he say about it?? Amanda asked curiously. I made eyes around the room, ?I?ll tell you more later... but basically he walked everyone through the process if they get their demerits. The way he talked made me think the daycare here was more about breaking littles than taking care of them...? Bella shuddered and nodded as she took a bite of the pickle. ?Well, we?ll go check out the hospital next I guess...? Fred said, ?It?d be better if we could use one of the two because they?d be convenient for us.? ?Yeah, but you don?t want her to be picked on all the time, right?? I said softly. ?No we don?t,? Amanda said. ?You sure you don?t want to just come to class with me?? She shook her head, ?especially with big sis being in your class that might get worse for her.? I opened my eyes at that but couldn?t help but think she?d be right. Just having other littles see her when I met up with them caused some stares... ?You may be right...? Fred spoke after a moment. I looked at my watch and said, ?We need to start walking back if we?re going to get me back in time...? Amanda stood up then and picked me up out of the booster seat and sat me on her hip while Fred gathered the diaper bag and Bella. They set off at a pretty brisk walk back towards campus. Just as we came to the building Amanda sat me down on the ground and grabbed my hand to lead me back into Destiny Hall. ?Destiny seems like a really terribly ironic place to hold these seminars,? I told her as we approached the room. ?It was renamed fifty years ago and supposed to be about the destiny of making it to the stars,? she told me in response. ?But I agree... there are other halls.? She felt my diaper real quick though and said, ?You need changed... ? she looked at her watch quickly and pulled me along to the bathroom. ?Let?s get you up on the table,? she said clearly a little stressed as she picked me up and put me on the changing table. I turned red as she reached for my backpack, grabbed wipes and a diaper, before pushing the skirt of my dress out of the way as I blushed. She had just pulled the tapes loose from my diaper when Madison and a couple littles from my nest walked in the door. ?Go use the potties over there, let me know if you need help!? Madison said in a condescending voice before turning and making eye contact with me just as Amanda pulled the front of the diaper down. ?Oh hi Stacy!? She said with a squeal, ?You?re such a cutie!? I grunted a ?thanks? as Amanda picked my ankles up in her hand and slid the wet diaper out and used a wipe on my bottom before setting me on a new diaper. If I thought I couldn?t get any redder I was wrong as Natasha came out the door of the stall and made eye contact with me too. I turned my head in embarrassment and looked at the wall wishing I had a pacifier right then. ?Oh Natasha, out already?? Madison said, ?Let?s just check your panties and make sure you?re all clean!? I couldn?t help but look as Natasha had her skirt pulled up to her chest and panties exposed. Madison had her turn around and looked down the back of her panties before pulling her skirt down and saying, ?Just a couple of drops that you missed, huh?? Natasha flushed red but didn?t answer. ?Maybe training panties would be a good idea tomorrow?? Madison said, ?Just a suggestion. It?s not like you need baby diapers like Stacy over there,? she reassured her. I bit my tongue then and as Amanda sat me down on the ground I pulled my skirt back down. She washed her hands and then held me up to do so as well. We left before Madison and the two littles and she bent down and gave me a hug, ?I?m sorry Stacy.? I shrugged, ?I don?t know why it feels like such a big deal since I know every little is getting diapered at night and was yesterday...? She kissed me on the head, ?Go into your lecture, I?ll be waiting when you get done.? ?Don?t forget there?s that Lambda Delta Pi event this afternoon?? ?You still want to go?? ?If I may...?? ?Hmm... Maybe I?ll see if Megan can actually pick you up from here and take you? You could hang out with her in her dorm... You have plenty of diapers?? She whispered the last part. I nodded, ?I?m not making that mistake again...? ?Okay, I?ll text you when I figure it out.? I looked around for Fred but Amanda said, ?They waited outside, I?ll see you later,? she hugged me and left me to walk into the lecture hall where I found my nest sitting in the same spot. I had just managed to sit down on my booster when Natasha caught my eye and mouthed a ?sorry? to me. ?Don?t worry about it,? I mouthed to her with a shrug. At that point a large Amazon lady with the beginning of gray in her hair began speaking at the lecturn. ?Quiet down boys and girls...? ?She sounds like a kindergarten teacher...? I thought to myself and found myself instantly annoyed and wondering what kind of future she wanted us to plan for. The slide for the session said, ?Planning for the Future? and a subtitle ?know your options.? ?Good afternoon,? she said to silence, ?Oh you can do better than that boys and girls, good afternoon!? I found myself half-heartedly repeating it back to her a couple times with everyone until she was happy. ?Now that?s how you properly greet someone! My name is Mrs. Beauregard, and I serve as the Student Services and Job Placement for Littles at Emerson.? She paused as if wondering if she needed to use smaller words. The patronizing tone to her voice was painful to my ears. ?My job is ultimately to make sure that all of you have a wonderful future when you leave Emerson. Today I would especially like to tell you about some of the choices you have as you move on with your lives. College is a very hard path for anyone, but littles often struggle more than other college students. Finals, loans, maintaining your GPA, course work, and even social situations often times bring our smaller students to tears. It?s sad, and when we see you struggle so it makes sense that we offer you some other options in case you get in over your head.? No one dared to speak out against this speaker, but I could hear a lot of uncomfortable shifting in seats and the squeaking of the fold down seats moving up and down a little was a little annoying. She changed the slide, ?Finding your way into a New Home.? It showed a male and female little about our age being held by two smiling parents. The boy was in a onesie with a diaper proudly showing its edges while the girl was in a dress seemed to be surreptitiously pulled up by her ?mom? just to show show her thick purple diaper. The two ?babies? had disturbingly smiles that at least showed they still had their teeth. Both smiled at the camera as if they were the happiest babies that they could be, seeming to not have a care in the world. There was more shifting and now some muttering in the back with this slide. ?Quiet now please boys and girls. Now I know some of you think that you?re big boys and girls, but this is a great option for many of you! My office has a service where we help you get matched with a compatible family to adopt you to their loving home. We screen all applicants before they even get near any of our students. You also get a chance to have some input on whether you feel comfortable with one set of parents or not.? She selected the next slide that showed some facts about their adoptions and satisfaction, ?We have a Ninety-Five percent satisfaction rate with our littles that go to their new homes. Our participants in the program always thank us for taking such good care of them and finding them their new loving homes.? A new slide said, ?Benefits.? ?The benefits for a little participating are numerous! You won?t have to worry about those difficult math and science classes, you won?t have to pay another bill, you don?t have to worry about having a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, or where your next meal is going to come from. Our adoptive families are given extensive training before adoption in how to care for your every need and give you a loving home.? The next slide said, ?How to Enroll in Happy Griffins,? and featured the smiling little girl from earlier with her head being dipped by the ?dad? who was goofing around and flinging her down so her pigtails flew through the air. ?If this seems like something that interests you please understand you?re allowed to join the program up until you receive the ten demerits of disciplinary action. If you reach that point you are no longer eligible for our program. This is just a practical policy since you will no longer be a student at the university. Providing you begin the paperwork before that point you are then exempted from the demerits while we process your application. If this sounds like a fun and exciting future to you, then all that you have to do is come to our office and say you want to join!? ?Process,? was the next slide that showed with the boy now grinning from a swing in a park. ?Once you join the program we will move you to our dorm that is reserved just for our special participants! Our caregivers in the dorm will immediately help pack away anything you don?t need into storage for your new home, while also getting you used to your new future. You won?t have to worry about the potty monster anymore there, and you?ll get to sleep in a nice safe bed! While we?re waiting to find just the right family for you, your days will be spent relaxing and taking it easy with the other participants. You?ll no longer be paying tuition at this point and you?ll be off to easy street from then on.? ?What a load of crap,? I thought in my head. For the next twenty minutes she explained then how you would meet potential new families and in general join what I would consider the little mill... One little finally had enough and shouted, ?This is bullshit!? Mrs. Beauregard looked at the audience and picked out the boy who had shouted. ?Young man come up here now...? He stayed put but said, ?No ma?am, I have a right to speak my mind freely - I?m still a free little.? She walked down to the chair he sat in and all of our eyes and heads turned to watch what I assumed was a coming train wreck. Wordlessly she went to him and picked him up under the arms, ?Put me down!!!!!? She didn?t, and easily manhandled the squirming boy as she moved back to the front of the lecture hall and found a chair that was sitting there that she sat down in. Without saying a word she yanked the boys pants down to his ankles and examined his regular underwear. ?Hmm... some tracks in here, so you have poopy pants. You were a big boy before, but obviously that?s not the case now. Before you go to the Dean I?m going to make sure you understand your place.? Her hand began raining down blows on him over and over and over again. I internally reached thirty before I stopped counting and felt my eyes water in the thought of that much pain. He was a blubbering mess as she let him sit up and pulled off his clothes. I blushed at the sight of his naked body and felt terrible for him as she spoke to one of the nest mothers. She dug around in a bag before handing her a thick diaper covered in juvenile cartoon characters. She had him dressed in it quickly as his cries continued, ?Go ahead and take him to Dean Sanders, let her know about his poopy pants, talking back to a teacher, and swearing. I count sixteen demerits there, so I guess we have our next student moving on. Tell her I think Kidcraft is the best facility for him.? The silence as we watched him be carried out in just the diaper blubbering in pain was painful. As the door to the rear of the room slammed shut I couldn?t help but think that so had the boys future. I?d have to go look when I got home, but I had a feeling Kidcraft was an etiquette school... and probably not one you wanted to be in. ?Well, sorry for the bad behavior of your classmate. Like I said many of you may find that volunteering to join our program may be in your best interests.? She spoke for a few more minutes but I think most of us tuned it out before finally changing to a slide about ?Job Placement.? ?Now, many of you in here are perfectly capable of being big boys and girls and will be looking for a job when you graduate Emerson. We believe strongly in every one of our students leaving the university with a loving home or a great job. We have several services that help you locate jobs in your field that are willing to consider hiring littles for those jobs. We also help your future employers understand the grants and special financing options that are available to them through the government for taking on a little worker.? ?We also understand some of you may be interested in starting up your own businesses and help with loan applications for that process.? She paused for a moment, and just from her demeanor it was obvious what she thought about littles and where they should end up. ?Any questions?? There was dead silence, ?Well in that case good luck to you all here at Emerson, and I wish you a successful future! Please come see me for any needs you have!? For some reason as she said that her eyes found me and narrowed. I smiled sweetly at her and then opened my bag quickly to see if Amanda had texted me. A quick glance said Megan should be waiting for me outside and I smiled at the thought of hanging out with her for a while on my own. I joined the line that Madison was corralling us into to leave the building and take the other littles back to the dorm. As soon as we passed the door of the lecture hall I spotted Megan who waved at me and came up to me. ?What the hell are you doing here shrimp?? I heard a nearby nest mother hissed at Megan. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I hope this was worth the wait. Please let me know what you think with a comment in the reviews! I might have some time this month to do some writing if I finish a major work project soon that takes up some time at home too. Going back to comments really does help me get going again when I get stuck! Thanks for everyone who has commented and patiently waited for this chapter!

Same as Exchanged - Chapter 36 Videos

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Exchanged Chapter 17

Chapter 17: THE NEXT MORNING I woke up to Amanda picking me up. "Come on baby, let's get you ready for today!" I yawned and leaned against her. "I hate waking up..." She laughed. "Don't we all!" She lay me down on the changing table and pulled the nightgown up to see a very soaked diaper. "Hmm... I'm surprised this held out last night. But, we definitely need to make sure you're getting more to drink." "Why do you say that?" I asked sleepily. "It's a really yellow diaper...

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Exchanged Chapters 1 and 2

Exchanged By BabySofia Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I...

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Exchanged Chapters 3 and 4

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...

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Exchanged Chapter 23

Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...

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Exchanged Chapter 46

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 46: I...

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Exchanged Our Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends this is my New Story How I (Ramesh) and my Cousin Brother (vikas) fucked our sister Part Sister Name is Anjali age 19 two years younger and Visas Sister name is Pooja age 18 two years younger One day I and my Cousin Brother were sitting watching porn video. I said what a actor she is My cousin Brother also said yes awesome. I want to fuck someone. He said I also. I said I want some Indian style girl. He said I want some Western Style girl but Indian. I said I want like your...

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Exchanged Chapter 31

As a thank you to readers on this site and some others for commenting on the last post I'm going to give you a second chapter here this weekend! I hope you continue to enjoy it! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants...

4 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 37

Since I posted the last couple chapters there were a lot of things keeping me from writing. I had actually finished this chapter back in June, but didn't want to post it without anything else in the pipeline. I have another chapter basically done that I hope to post next weekend of the following. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to a regular posting schedule by January! Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Exchanged Chapters 5 and 6

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. I debated about posting this on this site, but given it does have a TG element to it I believe there are still a...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapters 9 and 10

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Before I begin I have to give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as...

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Exchanged Chapter 28

Thank you to everyone posting comments on the reviews! They are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 32

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 32: I DIDN'T...

2 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 35

Sorry for the long delay... real life can be rough sometimes! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the...

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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter2

Jerry also had an idea, coming from a boast that I could still fit into my wedding dress, I had made during our conversations. Jerry always wanted to fuck a white bride and I still had my wedding dress. “You’ll do as my bride, we will collect you at 4 tomorrow afternoon.” And they shipped me home in an Uber, freshly showered, still slightly high, very horny and naked except for shoes, my long blouse and Jerry’s belt. For the Uber driver this was an added benefit as I knelt in the passenger...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter17

Hailey was meeting the potential guest in a discreet London hotel room which allowed her to undertake a final vetting interview before inviting them down to the cottage to indulge in whatever dog sex fantasy they had. Hailey had already conducted a couple of phone interviews and used the very discrete but very efficient screening service that Julie had introduced her to. Already the company had proved invaluable weening out a couple of attempts by thrill seekers who just wanted to find out...

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Growing Up Chapter3

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter16

***** Deanne had never been to the Sappho club before, but from the moment she had seen the neon sign outside she knew it would be like every other lesbian bar she had ever been to over the years, though perhaps this was a little edgier than normal. The two butch lesbians on the door had looked her up and down and Deanne had to stifle a giggle at their stereotype crewcuts and slicked back hair along with the obligatory boots and braces over checked shirts. “Any weapons or drugs?” the...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter15

***** “So, ladies,” Julie said after introductions had been made and the tea and coffee had been poured. The setting was such that if could have been four women gathered together for afternoon tea and discuss a charity ball, but the next words out of Julie’s mouth dispelled that vision, “let’s get down to business, will you both want to fuck different dogs at the same time or just take turns with one?” Gina who was the younger of the pair, being in her mid-thirties, looked at Donna and...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter14

The two giants suddenly moved like greased lightening to step in front of Craig and held one door open each as he walked into the plush but neutral office. The décor was totally non-de with no personal items anywhere, just a large desk in the corner, with two monitors and a large leather swivel chair with its back to him. The back two corner walls were pure glass and looked out over the evening view of the city and the lights in the distance picked out the various landmarks of London. ...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter10

The last year had been fantastic for Michelle, she enjoyed her job as kennel bitch immensely and made sure that all the dogs were serviced on a regular basis to keep their juices flowing as well as her own. There was a strict rota when the owners weren’t around that was carefully monitored as the agreement was that every dog had its balls emptied at least every other day. At first there had just been the privately-owned dogs which had numbered around 20 which Michelle was able to deal with...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter13

As she got to the cage Hailey paused and poked the panties through the bars to the mastiff who after a couple of sniffs took them between his teeth and started to chew on them to extract the taste. All the cage doors were key code locked and Hailey punched in the code to open the door but the light stayed red instead of turning green. “What the fuck,” growled Hailey and punched the code in more slowly, making sure she had not made a mistake. Still the light remained a steady red and Hailey...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter12

Deepti smiled serenely as she replied, “It will be fine Miss Hailey and it will leave me close to the dogs making it easier for them to fuck me regularly.” On saying the last words her face lit up with the thought of training the 20 intact dogs that had been collected together with a view to training and shipping over to Perro Mundo as community dogs. ***** Craig had waited two days for the chance to be alone and examine the flash drive in more depth. From the evening he had found it after...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter11

Hailey laughed as she reached down to ruffle Sam’s head, who had accompanied her inside and was sniffing around, as she said out loud to the empty room, “sign should have said, beware of the dogs as they will fuck you senseless.” Then still chuckling at her joke Hailey explored the cottage with Sam leading the way. The frantic beeping from the panel by the door prompted Hailey to quickly enter the second set of codes of the note to silence the alarm before it sprang into action alerting...

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A family that cums together stays together Chapter1

It was me, my younger sister Emily and my mum Becky living together in a small 2 bedroom, one bathroom house. Thanks to my mums new found addictions it was on me to be the man of the house, my day normally consisted of getting back from school, making myself and Emily food, watching TV and then taking care of mum when she eventually stumbled back home, if she didn’t find someone to fuck that is. Going from a pretty big house with all the privacy I could ask for to having to share a room with...

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Birds of a Feather Chapter9

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Death is a beautiful thing chapter1

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At Age 64 Chapter2

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50 Shades Of Beech Moutain Chapter17

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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. ‘This is your room, Miss Victoria,’ she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was...

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

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My Cuckold Life Chapter1

I moaned, squirmed and convulsed as the vibrator tied to my cock suddenly kicked into an even greater speed. It stayed there for about a minute before it came down to a slow pace, slowly tormenting me to madness. After a few minutes it stopped completely and I relaxed. Well, relax is an overstatement. I don’t think anyone suspended from the ceiling of a tiny closet with an anal hook could feel relaxed.But I was grateful for the break from that cruel vibrator. At least I could think clearly now....

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Dirty Tricks Chapter7

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter9

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Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter2

 Brenda watched in the rearview mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform; six foot two, 210 pounds, wide shoulders and narrow waist and, as always, wearing mirrored sunglasses. He walked up and stood next to her car. Brenda's window was open and he placed both hands on the door. As she looked into his face she could see her reflection in the mirrored sunglasses. She knew why he wore the mirrored shades. He wanted Brenda to see herself as he...

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Rita theSlut Chapter1

Rita was out walking the streets when she just happens to run into a man that makes her a proposition she can't refuse and that was that he wanted her to become his Number 1 slut in his stable of sluts that he owned so she agreed and he took her down town to buy her some new outfits to wear that would show off her very sexy assets!! The first stop was Victoria's secret shop where he picked out several hot and slutty outfits that she liked of which were panty's bra's thigh highs and heels garter...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter11

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My Aunt Chapter2

The maid led me up the broad staircase and along an ornate, timber panelled landing until we reached a large oak door with a very heavy looking black iron handle. She opened the door and stood back to allow me inside. "This is your room, Miss Victoria," she said. I stepped inside and stopped dead in my tracks. The room was huge. There were two large windows in the opposite wall, the top panes of which were stained glass. Between them was the biggest bed I had ever seen. At school I was used...

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A Pokelove story CHAPTER3

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A Pokelove story CHAPTER2

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 2: the huntI was a bit uneasy when meeting with Ashley on the next morning for breakfast. A few hours earlier I was spying on her masturbate with our Metamorph, making it levels up with her orgasm. Without winning a single fight, our pokemon reached LV 32 in a few weeks, which...

2 years ago
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A Pokelove story CHAPTER1

A pokelove storyI do not own the Pokemon characters. This whole story is obviously fictional and of course all characters are over 18. It might involves more or less sexual activities between humans and PokemonsChapter 1Hello, my name is Ben. I guess that to start this story I have to introduce my sweet friend Ashley first. We first met in our old orphanage where we both grew up: two simple abandoned k**s from the region of Hoenn. When we were 18, we both got hired in Team Magma. Boss gave us a...

3 years ago
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Chubbys memoirs chapter2

Stella switched on the recording. I felt a bit uncomfortable watching my mother having sex, or was it that I was feeling jealous to see her being fucked? We saw my mother coming out of the bath room. She walked up to dad. Dad took mom into his arms and held her close to him, for a long time, enjoying the bliss of the embrace. “See brother, my dad is in no hurry. He is taking his time to feel her in his arms. Not in hurry like you.” “Shanty, all the time we dated you did not let me fuck you....

4 years ago
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Only Women Bleed Chapter1

Chapter 1 I guess you could say that I've always been a little bit different. When I was little, Mom always told me that I was unique; A different kind of little boy. And that I was destined for great things. I always believed her too. I wanted to live up to her expectations. I wanted to make her proud. But she never got to see me grow up. When I was eleven years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. By the time I turned twelve she was gone. That was when I started to grow my hair...

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How it came about with my son Chapter3

How it came about with my son: Chapter three:After my son and I came to almost getting caught by my wife, I told my son if he was interested in doing more sometime that we would have to start earlier. He agreed and told me that he would like to take it to a different level. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but it wasn’t long before I was going to know what he meant.It was a couple of days later and was about six o’clock in the evening when the phone rang and it was my neighbor. I will...

2 years ago
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Youre my cousin CHAPTER1

It was my first day of my senior year and this will be the best year ever! I tried on multiple outfits, My plaid shirts and skinnies, My tube dress with a cardigan, and at last I found it! A perfect low cut v-neck that showed off my 35c cup breasts and jeggings that hugged my butt perfectly, a grey cardigan, and brown boots! I shake my long curled brown hair grab my bag and went on my way downstairs."Goodmorning Chelsea how about a bowl of cereal?""No thanks mom I gotta go to school. Can you...

4 years ago
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Man Dating Chapter13

Man Dating Chapter 12 Sometimes a social event can turn into so much more. For Tuck this was a real date, with real people seeing him out with Jake. How was he supposed to feel, how was the date supposed to go. A baseball game... so what could happen? Thank you so much such wonderful words of review and encouragement. If you have not read the other chapters, they are there for your enjoyment many stand alone, but it is a path that Tuck is on, being led by Jake and others. A new chapter...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 2 And it truly was not that I was at my mother in laws to be around him, well in part it was,but what I wanted in the true depths of my mind, was to get him to fuck me! I wanted this man to fuck me! In my then very conservative house wife ways,I guiltily fought in my mind why I even could think such things, let alone doing this to get this strange new man to absolutely fuck me. To Breed Me! I wanted him to breed...

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Cheating on my cheating wife chapter3

I went to sleep on my wife Mar when she expected me to have sex with her. She ended up using a vibrator on herself, hoping that I would wake up,but I ignored her. Several times I felt her rubbing a hand on my ass,whispering my name then sighed. Normally she would suck my cock in the morning but this morning I was sleeping on my belly.I was glad when the alarm clock woke me and I got up without her knowing . I dressed and went to work without her waking up ,and this time I was happy.I do...

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Loving In SilenceChapter4

Joyce explained all these things to Abigail and then finally "pitched" her idea to her sister. "You are still wanting tonight to happen?" she asked. Abigail glanced at Roger and then back to her sister; she shifted nervously but nodded yes. "Then I want you to experience love making like you have never experienced it before," her sister signed. "You mean with the ear plugs?" Abigail asked her hands forming the required motions. Roger leaned in and signed, "Wonderful idea Honey,"...

1 year ago
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Revenge Is So Sweet Chapter3

I want to catch everyone up. I had just watched my wife have sexual relations with her black minister on a movie camera I had installed in our home and I watched the whole scene. The following is what my next move will be. My wife was supposed to go down to her friend Ellen's apartment who lived fifty miles away from our city. She was going to stay until I got back from LA. I had my friend Mike put a GPS on her car. Now, it was time to check my computer and see how far she had gone. When I ran...

Cheating Wifes
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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

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