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Okay! Let's face facts. I'd love to be slimmer! I know a lot of people feel that way; but, I've also faced the fact it ain't gonna to happen. I try to diet and it doesn't work. Because it doesn't work, I get depressed and I quit the diet. Now I'm even more depressed and then I start to eat all the things that aren't good for me. Of course, that makes the depression even worse. Don't get me wrong, it is not as if I'm some behemoth or something ... I'm just, well ... Rubenesque ... voluptuous ... pleasingly plump. However; I have between 15 and 20 pounds I'd love to lose! Get the picture?

Nevertheless, considering the extra pounds I carry, you would think the horn dogs with twangers would leave me the fuck alone! But NO! Seems like every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to take me down ecstasy alley; they think I will be an easy lay. I politely tell them no, and they keep pestering me. Moreover, you know, that really gets old after while. Like what part of NO can't they understand?

All right, time to get off the soapbox. By now, I hope you get the idea, I am comfortable with myself. Mostly I feel good about my weight and I do enjoy being a woman. I like myself. I feel all in all I'm a happy, well-adjusted woman. I'm just the short side of 5'9" with long wavy black hair and big brown eyes. I've been told I'm attractive and as far as the age thing goes I became untrustworthy two years ago, (that means I'm over 30). Height/weight charts say I should be somewhere between 130 to 150 pounds and I'm at 150.

I have what is called "peaches & cream" skin and I have a waist and there are bumps and round parts where I'm supposed to have round parts. Part of my weight seems to be in my breasts as they are sized 36 DD; that and because my nipples get really hard, really large, really quickly, brings me a bit more attention then I would like at times. My bottom is also well shaped and a lot of men do stare at me.

A few months ago, I met a man two years older than me whom I've been seeing. Steve is cute with a great sense of humor, most of the time. We started having sex after about the third or fourth date and I keep waiting for him to get a clue. I know so far I really sound like a bitch, but is it really too much to expect when we have sex for me to get something out of it too ... besides getting more horny? Steve seems to think just 'cause the train is in the station, it's my fault I didn't get on. (Those were his words.) Well, to tell the truth, most of the time because the train is so small, I don't even know the train is in the station, let alone it was time to get on.

Outside of the bedroom, as I've said, Steve is a fun person to be with. We do interesting things and go interesting places. He seems to be reasonably intelligent, with an interesting sense of humor and he is a very handsome man. However, when it comes to understanding women and their needs in sexual matters, he just is clueless. We have had several conversations and all that happens is he gets pissed and stomps off with his little feelings all hurt.

He expects me to give him oral sex anytime he wants, but he has also told me that women smell "fishy" down there and he absolutely refuses to have oral sex with any woman. One time we were in a hot tub together and he played with me for quite some time. When we got out, I asked him to eat me ... figuring I was as clean as it was going to get, but he still refused. Needless to say his little "Jonny" hasn't been sucked on by me ever since.

One evening we'd been to dinner and clubbing for a while when we returned to my place. Since Steve still lives with his parents, (he wants to save up money to buy a house), we have sex at my place all the time. Usually there is some foreplay before we get down to his "train in the station" routine, but this time he wanted his train in the station as soon as we were naked. He pushed me down on the bed and was poking around with his pecker. A couple of times I asked him to stop since I was still rather dry and his entry was painful. By the time I could tell him a third time to stop, he'd already climaxed. For some reason, for me, that was the last straw. I got out of bed, whipped the top sheet off of him and pointed at the front door as I told him to get out.

"Come here baby ... I'll make it good for you..." and he reached out his hand for me.

I had my hands on my hips, pissed at his attitude and the way he had just used me. "Are you willing to eat me to make it up?"

He screwed up his face and shook his head as he told me, "Fuck no; you know how I feel about that. But you can come give me a little suck and help me get it hard so I can help you cum."

That was the last straw. Mr. Steve was history. "Get out!" I screamed.

"But baby..."

"Don't fucking give me 'but baby'. Get out. Sex is not a one-way street. I have had it with your selfish ways ... now get out."

Steve got up and tried to put his arms around me. "Come here baby ... I'm sorry."

As he put his arms around me, he tried to fondle one of my breasts. I pulled away from him as I told him, "Get out. Keep your hands off me and get out!" Steve reached out and grabbed my arm and as he spun me back to face him he pulled his hand back and before I could react he slapped me across the face. It knocked me to the ground. Sobbing I crawled over and picked up his clothes. After I was standing I threw them at him and quickly ducked into the bathroom before he could hit me again, making sure he heard me lock the door behind myself.

Steve started to apologize. He told me he was really sorry. He said he didn't mean to hit me and that it was an accident. He kept saying how sorry he was that he'd hit me and promised me it would never happen again. I thought to myself, "You can bet on that buster!" He tried one more time knocking at the door, continuing to beg me to forgive him and please open the door. I told him if he didn't leave at once I would start to scream until the police showed up. It was quiet for a few minutes and then I heard the front door open. I heard him scream back into the apartment, "I'm leaving cunt ... and I am not coming back ... never! So fuck you, you fat bitch." The door slammed.

I came out of the bathroom and threw myself on my bed, sobbing. I was so tired of his abuse. I was tired of being horny after we had sex. I was just tired of trying so hard to make the relationship work. As far as I was concerned at that moment, men were pigs. I hated anything with a cock.

As I lay there sobbing on my bed, I heard a soft knock at the front door. Thinking it was ass-hole Steve coming back for some reason I went to the door and shouted out, "Go away. What part of 'I never want to see you again' don't you understand?"

Again there was a gentle knock at the door, but this time a female voice spoke back to me, "I'm not who you think I am. My name is Alice and I live next door. Please open the door."

I thought about opening the door and I was so upset with the evening I didn't even realize I was still naked. Finally I opened the door a crack and saw a woman whom I judged to be a couple of years older than myself. "May I come in please?" She asked.

"Why?" I softly asked.

"I heard what just happened and I wanted to make sure you were OK. Please let me come in for a moment."

"I'm okay. Please go away."

"No. Please let me come in. I can see your face. Just let me come in for a moment so I can see if you are really alright. I'll just stay a moment and then leave. I promise." I stepped back and let her step into my apartment. As she came through the door, she stopped for a second and I was surprised at the way she looked at me; and at that moment I realized I was still naked. I quickly excused myself and ran to the bedroom to get something to cover myself. I didn't want to take the time to get dressed so I just picked up a sheet off the floor where I had thrown it when I uncovered Steve. I wrapped my self in the sheet and returned to the front room. As I entered the room I apologized for my previous lack of attire when I answered the door. The woman gave me a little grin and remarked, "Not to worry dear, actually I loved the outfit." And she winked at me.

I didn't know what to make of her comment and I stared at her. Her return smile was so warm and comforting and something about her made me feel totally safe having her in the room. "I'm sorry you overheard what just happened." I offered.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what did just happen?"

I motioned for her to sit and I sat in the big easy chair. I looked at this woman for a moment, wondering why she bothered coming over. She was taller than I was, and had very long blond hair, which was piled, carelessly onto the top of her head. Her eyes were an interesting shade of green and she was a big woman, not fat, but just big all over; taller than I am and more statuesque. As I looked her over, the term "Earth Mother" seemed to come to mind. If it had been the '60's, she would have been considered a hippy. Due to her size and how lovely her face was, she was a very striking woman.

I considered her question and finally I answered her question with one of my own, "Why do you want to know? Why would you be so interested in what happed to me? I'm just a stranger?"

"As I said, my name is Alice," She paused and smiled before she continued, "Alice Kaplan. Actually it's Dr. Alice Kaplan. I teach Physiology at the university and I'm very active with the battered woman's clinic and the way the guy left here, I was worried you might be hurt." Her smile was warming and I don't know why, but I stared to cry again.

Alice moved quickly, pulling me out of the chair and into her lap on the couch where she took me into her arms. It never occurred to me to resist, I just let her pull me over to her lap. Like I said when I started this story, I'm not a small woman, but Alice held me like a child in her lap and as I wept, she kept rocking me, making soft soothing sounds.

Finally all I had left were hiccups. When I pulled back a little and looked at her I noticed the front of her shirt was wet from my tears. The material was now semi-transparent it was so wet and I could see she wasn't wearing a bra. I don't know why, but the sight of her wet blouse made me giggle. "I've gotten your blouse all wet ... I'm sorry."

She pulled me closer into her big arms and whispered, "It's all right. I own a dryer." And that set us both to giggling.

I wanted to welcome this sweet woman to my apartment, so I went to the kitchen and set about fixing 2 cups of hot cocoa. When I had both of them made, I returned to the living room. As I extended my arm with her cup of cocoa, my sheet decided to come unwrapped and I stood before her naked once more. She casually reached out, took both cups from me, and told me to go ahead and wrap myself again. For some reason, I wasn't the least bit embarrassed to be standing in front of this almost stranger totally undressed. I can't explain it, but she made me feel so comfortable and being around her made me feel nice. I took my cup from her and then sat down on the other end of the couch.

"So..." she began, "What was tonight all about?"

Without any thought, I just stared babbling about the past few months with Steve. At first I told her the good parts and how much fun we had on some of our dates, but then I started to tell her how frustrating it had been with sex between us. I even told her about how I had begged him to eat me and also his comment about how women smelled and tasted. When I made that comment, Alice' face turned red and I watched her get upset. "Did he ever have oral sex with you?" she asked.

I shook my head no. "That was the last straw tonight." I told her how he had almost raped me and --"

Alice held up her hand to stop me and asked, "Did you tell him to stop?" I nodded my head. "Then Sally, it was not an almost rape. When you said stop and he didn't, that made it rape. Not an almost rape. Understand?"

I nodded my head. "He told me he wanted to make it up to me and he told me to come back to bed. I asked him to have oral sex with me to show he was sorry but he declined, but he did suggest I suck on him to help get him hard so he could satisfy me."

"That bastard!" she muttered. I explained how at that moment I'd finally had enough and decided it was time for him to leave. I told her how he grabbed me and slapped my face and that was when I locked myself in the bathroom and told him to get out. I told her the thing that puzzled me was I didn't know why I was so upset; I'd been thinking about breaking up with him for some time, but now that I actually had done it, I didn't know why I was feeling so sad.

Alice smiled at me, reached over and took one of my hands in hers. "It was a relationship, a comfortable relationship. A known quantity if you will. There were parts you liked and parts you didn't like and finally it got to the place where you had enough. The bad outweighed the good. You were sad because it didn't work out. You were blaming yourself for it not working."

That comment felt like she had hit me. That was exactly it. I had felt like it had been my fault. "How did you know?" I am sure my face showed how stunned I was.

"Honey, I understand. I have been where you are right now. All of it. The part about how you enjoyed being together, the part about sex being for him, and the part about him trying to make you feel as if oral sex was something only you were supposed to do ... that he didn't have to do things like that. You are best rid of him ... tonight was just the start." My face must have shown something as she continued, "tonight was as close to being raped as it gets before it becomes violent. The slap was the first step and then more violence." I shuddered as I recalled how hurt I was both physically and mentally when Steve slapped me. Alice continued, "More violence would have been the next step. You were just becoming a sperm receptacle. He did not care what you got out of sex, just spread your legs and let him get his rocks off. Trust me when I tell you, you are lucky to be rid of him."

I could feel tears starting to form again. Alice took the cup from my hand and set hers down as well. Once more, she took me into her arms and rocked me. I really thought I had cried it out however this time I didn't hold anything back. My body was racked with sobs and the tears flowed. Part of my tears were from anger ... anger for putting up with being half satisfied ... anger from putting up with his expectations that I would be his fuck toy ... anger with myself for just not having the backbone to dump him sooner.

As I let myself be comforted by Alice, I could feel her rubbing my back and rocking me in her arms. I had never considered myself as BI, nor had I ever had any desire to make love with a woman, but for some reason, her touch and being rocked back and forth was starting to turn me on. Finally, I realized what was going on with me and I jumped out of her arms. I was crimson faced and I desperately wanted Alice to leave. I felt like I had just made a complete fool out of myself.

"What's wrong?" she asked with a puzzled face.

"Nothing ... nothing..." I murmured.

"Please ... don't take me for a fool. You are sitting there, allowing me to hold you and rock you and rub your back and..." It was like the cartoons where the light bulb goes on over somebody's head. Alice looked at me for a second and then asked, "Were you getting aroused?"

I looked down at my lap, completely embarrassed, "Please leave now. I think you need to go." I wanted Alice to leave I was so embarrassed.

Her voice was very soft and gentle as she spoke to me, "Listen, you have been pretty badly abused tonight. Your normal feelings are all mixed up ... this is Okay." Alice reached up, took my chin in her hand, and lifted my face so I had to look at her. "Becoming aroused is expected. I am flattered you found my touch arousing. Look, it really is fine ... I like men and I like women." My eyes much have looked like saucers as Alice giggled. "It is not that bad. Both sexes have something to give when it comes to lovemaking. I was not trying to turn you on; I just wanted to comfort you. If things felt good; wonderful. At this point, even if you begged me to eat you or make love to you, I wouldn't. Tonight you just need to go to bed and get some sleep. You have had a full day. Come on, get up." She stood and helped me stand and led me to my room.

When we got to my room, Alice led me to my bed and told me to get into bed. As I started to crawl onto the mattress, she pulled the sheet away and pointed at the mattress. Once I was reclined, Alice spread the sheet over me and then picked up the blanket off the floor where I had thrown it earlier when I had tossed Steve out. After I was covered, Alice leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Good night little one ... sleep well." I vaguely remembered the light going off and the next thing I knew there was sunlight filing my room.

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NIS Pieces of SamChapter 10 Monday Tuesday

"Hey!" Jody smiled as I slid into the passenger seat of her little red sports car. "Hi!" I smiled back, unzipping my army coat because she had the heater turned up and it was warm in there. "Where's my skirt?" she frowned at the jeans I wore and I giggled and shrugged, and then she was leaning into me for a kiss and I mostly melted in her mouth. "I forgot it," I told her a breathless half-minute later. "But I got your thong." "I should make you go back and get it!" "No!...

3 years ago
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A Day at the Office

(Fiction)The company I work for was recently taken over and the new human resource department requireed that everyone needed a health physical. Most likely about health insurance but whatever. So I scheduled an appointment at the medical arts center. I ended up taking a half day vacation to get this done as quickly as possible. So I arrived at the office and checked in and went throug hall the paper work and sat down to be called in. It took about 30 minutes to get called back. The women...

2 years ago
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ObserverChapter 3 Day 2

I awoke feeling awful the next morning. My mouth felt like an old pair of soiled gym socks, and my head was throbbing. I staggered, with my eyes only half open, to the toilet. I lifted the lid and reached for my penis. Grabbing only open air, I panicked before realizing that the body switch had not been a bad dream. I put the seat back down and sat to pee. God, how humiliating that I had been reduced to this. Me, Peter Alan Hotaling, star quarterback of my college team, the guy that had been...

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Keep Me Up

I watched the rain, slide gently down the black umbrella. Dance on the corner of the edge, and finally as if finding a place like heaven, jumped into the ground near her feet. Obsessing over small discrete things that happened around her was, you could say a pastime of mine. She stood at this bus stop every day from 5:16 – 5:25 coming straight from her job, which was at the local camera house. Catching the 42 to the city. I caught the 19 which came 3 minutes after hers. She, was the woman of...

11 months ago
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FamilyHookups Mckenzie Lee Gets a special apology from her stepson

McKenzie asked her stepson Robby to clean up the house while she was gone but comes home to him sleeping on the couch stoned off his ass. Robby soon gets a phone call from his father to go apologies to his stepmom which he gladly agrees too. When he finds her he walks in on her masturbating and she has no problem with it in fact the apology she is looking for involves him giving her a kiss on the lips, the other set. Lucky for McKenzie Robby is good at apologizing in multiple ways (Doggy,...

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Confessions 4The Great Mother Daughter Swap My Aunt Dana and my mother have always been very close. My mother’s younger sister has always been a free spirit. My mom and her sister shared a sexual energy that was established at an early age. Growing up my mother and my aunt Dana were my grandfather’s special girls.Grandpa had started with his girls when they were young. At first it was more or less innocent fun. A touch would soon turn into a cuddle; a cuddle would soon turn into a kiss on the...

1 year ago
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Brother Cock Gay Incest

100% fiction! My name is Ted and I'm a junior in high school. I live in a small town with my mom and brother who is 2 years older than me. My dad just up and left us 4 years ago and my 50 year old mom hasn't even dated since. I always wondered why my mom and dad had brown hair and so do I but my brother Eddie has red hair like my uncle Ed (moms brother) so I guess its hereditary. My brother works for our uncle at his print shop so I don't see him much anymore because we have our own rooms. Moms...

2 years ago
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A House of Men Ch 02

Before I go any further, maybe I should explain a little more about the life I am currently living. I am a college student, a workhorse, the oldest of eight children, and mother to the five men I live with, two of whom are my twin brothers Jay and Rob. Carlos, Joe, and Mark make up the rest of the household. I bitch, I nag, I stock the fridge, I give them total hell, and I couldn’t possibly imagine living without even one of them. I moved in about six months ago when the rent on my current...

1 year ago
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Bonded LivesChapter 4B

Des After I milked the goats, I spent the day getting organized. There were some things I had no idea that my aunty had put in or maybe it was my father. When I was finished going through everything and stacking it along the wall along side of where I wanted to put my fireplace. I had not been long and went next to organize the cold room. The shelves Del made were perfect and would hold quite a bit. The flour sacks would sit on the bottom self with the salt. There were boxes for keeping...

2 years ago
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college begining of something fun

The next thing I heard was “hey” and I replied, “What’s up”. She smiled I smiled back at her. I Introduced my self “Kevin” she replied, “Lisa”. Lisa was about 5’3 maybe 120 with these long legs to die for. She had beautiful blue eye and a perfect tan. She said “ill she around sometime” I was like “ you sure will”. I had never seen a girl smile so much after that line. I watch walk away and she knew it because she add an extra swing in to her walk. All I could think was wow what a great...

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Whats a Girl to Do A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

1 year ago
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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 01

Things get a little warm... and a little weird... as Walter learns about his submissive side from the hands of some expert teachers. This story stands on its own, but the storyline will continue in the future. Because this is the first chapter, there is a lot of setup and staging before things get interesting. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual...

2 years ago
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Shania Pt 1

Shania Taylor was too damned young to be a widow. But, that’s what she was. Her husband had been killed in one of those idiot drunk driving accidents. Unfortunately, he’d been the one drunk. Fortunately, he’d lost control and slammed his truck into a tree. He didn’t kill anyone else. The impact broke his neck, and left his 27-year-old wife a widow. She looked stunning in black. Her blonde hair and pale skin contrasted with the dark fabric. As much as I pitied her situation, the vision of her in...

Love Stories
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hot sister

Hot sister in lawIn 1977, two years after my wife, Sharon and I were married, we were visiting her sister and brother-in-law when the story that follows took place. Susan is a year older than my wife and her and her husband, Don, had been married six years. They lived in another city, about a three hour drive away, and since neither of us had k**s yet, we traveled back and forth as the whim hit us. Sharon and Susan had always been close and so they saw each other at least once a month, talking...

3 years ago
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Gfs best friend

So this is a true story with changed names.I'm Phil 30 good looking English lad I'm 5'10 with blue eyes and shaved head and a nice body with nice 7 and half inch fat cock that stays hard all night even after coming a few times. I started dating Louise who was from work and slightly older but very beautiful she had blonde hair nice tan about 5'4 size 12 34c with the best ass we had long sex sessions every time she squirted which she said she never done that before although I didn't believe that...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 73

Each of the three times Emily King had come to the Blue Rose, the outside of the building had looked different to her. The features hadn’t changed. The windowless building with its blue-painted wooden walls might arguably be rose-shaped, but it was asymmetrical. The club proper was nearly circular and the owner’s tier both curved around and rose above one side of the main room. The only signage indicating what might be happening inside was a large black circular shield with a stencil-style...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 42 An Amazing Bath

As she reached the bottom steps to go to the kitchen Amanda had already broken out the items that were in the brown bag and grinding the pills that were contained in the bag to a powder substance. She was kind of curious as to what the pills were but it is too late. She found the bottles that contained them but as she read the name of the pills she couldn’t make heads or tails of the name for the two separate pills. “Ok tell me what I can do to help.” Steph asked Amanda. Amanda stopped...

2 years ago
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Vegas Vacation

I sauntered towards the long bar, noticing that I was getting appreciative stares from all the people I passed. Two days in the Vegas sun had left my skin golden and sun-kissed, making my long blond hair seem brighter as it bounced around my bare shoulders. I was wearing a short white strapless dress that hugged my tight little curves in all the right places. I immediately caught the attention of the bartender. And asked "another margarita and please make it a double". As I rummaged in my...

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Ed Kilpatricks Caught Witout Trousers

Ed Kilpatrick's Caught Without TrousersSetting the scene:This particular story was prompted by my first ever story, "CAUGHT." I've only ever been caught cross dressed and in bondage once before (so far) and I vow that it will never happen again (I hope). This doesn't stop me fantasying about the passivity of being caught by my rather attractive and single next door neighbour.Anyway, hope you enjoy my latest tale, written during august 2010.Saturday 1st August 2010:I'd been away on business all...

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My Little Sis Is So Sweet

I had my shot perfectly lined up. 8 ball in the corner pocket, I had called it. Make this shot and five bucks will be mine along with the bragging rights to have beaten the best pool shark in my whole senior high school class. Of course now, I did have the home court advantage. We were playing 9-ball on my pool table in my basement den. Just a firm little tap is all I need with a slight touch of english on the right side at about 5 o’clock. Careful, not too much because the path to the 8...

4 years ago
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Becoming The Slut

The following week John had a few personal appearances to make. I had stopped going with him as no one was paying any attention to me. I decided to tag along with him this week as I had a plan on how I could get more attention myself. The plan I had hatched was to dress as sexy as I could to see if anyone paid me any attention. Monday night after football practice John was to go to a local sporting goods shop at the mall. The mall is not really in our hometown as it sits between two towns....

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The Nights Not Over Yet

I felt the limo slow and I glanced out the window, almost there. The driver curved around a garden bed and parked. I had arrived at the front steps of the community hall in a long, sleek limo. I stepped out, my polished shoes crunching on the gravel beneath. I stooped my head to avoid bumping it and making myself look like an idiot, then straightened my jacket and adjusted my tie. Picture perfect and flawless. I was eighteen years old and ready to have the night of my life: The Debutante...

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I Hooked Up With A Married Women

Hi, I am Alpha, I am a 22-year-old guy living in Bangalore. I am a very sexually active person. Also not to brag but I am 6.6 ft tall, light brown toned and well built. And I wanted to share something that happened a couple of days back. Just as a back story, I partly own a retail outlet for kitchen hardware. I have 4-6 employees at any given time. So a few days back in an afternoon it was raining and all my employees had taken a break for lunch. The business was kinda dull that day. So I was...

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Aunt Kim

My aunt Kim was definitely one of the hottest older women that I knew. She is about 46 years old and has an amazing set of breasts. They must have been at least a DD size. She was not to fat and not to skinny, perfect. She was about my height, 5' 9”, so kind of tall for a woman. She is a hair stylist so she has perfect short brown hair. It was only about 2 years ago that I realized my attraction to her. I don't see her very often but I see her at many family occasions and at least 10 times a...

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VIGNETTES I Christmas Leave Virgin1

I have never measured myself, I guess I have always felt I was adequate and never considered the minutiae of length, girth and circumference. Maybe there is a hidden anxiety that I won't, ahem, measure up. I will say that every lover I have ever had was tight and many strained against discomfort. I don't remember any episodes where I did not "hit bottom". I have always had heavy balls covered in thick hair. My wife calls them "bull balls". So you won't read any precise lengths or...

2 years ago
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DannyChapter 3

The first day of school, I pull on a perfectly pleated, short, light blue kilt, a white tank top underneath a elbow length sleeve, blue and white stripped button down shirt, along with black heels. I finish getting ready, leaving my hair down, but straightening it. I do my makeup, and then head on downstairs. I find Pearl and Veronica in the kitchen with Sophie, making breakfast. "Morning April, ready for the first day of school?" Pearl gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Yeah, I can't...

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Jessie relives her youth

Jessie was in her twilight years, as she referred to her age, she had turned 70 and was alone. Her husband had died 20 years ago and her children were living overseas. She was thrilled that her two sons had done well in their chosen professions but missed the company provided by their families. Her days were spent pottering about her garden and the occasional visit to friends from long ago. It was on one such visit that a sparkle of her youth returned. Tim and Vera were her friends almost from...

4 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 7

Lav groaned as she opened her eyes. It was still dark but she could hear Nilsen moving around in his room. He wasn't being overt about it but she guessed he was making just enough noise to wake her. He probably thought she might be having a difficult time of it this morning and he was too right! Although she didn't feel anywhere near as bad as she had when she awakened after taking the drug, it still felt like her body had been used as a practice target for half the student body at the...

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OnlyBlowJob Sophie Anderson Busty MILFs Blowjob Special

Nobody has knockers as legendary as British porn star Sophie Anderson. In today’s 4K Only Blowjob premium porn scene the blonde milf puts her busty balloons and big lips to good use on her man Yanick Shaft in the shower, blowing him with her pouty mouth and taking his big load all over her big tits. Yanick’s on his way out the door, but Sophie’s not letting him go anywhere being that she’s feeling frisky and craving her man’s big cock. The tattoo-covered temptress...

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Laurens First time

I did not write this story this is a real first time story My first time was at high school, I joined the swim team and very quickly made friends with a girl my same age by the name of Sarah, she was a fantastic swimmer and had a beautifully developed body and I used to look longingly after her, because I was kind of skinny then and thought that she was so much more womanly than me. I was with Sarah in the change room one afternoon after swimming comps and just by chance all the other girls...

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LimitsChapter 35 At the Mall II

Bra Shopping (Not) Jill Ellis sighed for what seemed like the 10th time since leaving home. Ahead of her, running way to fast for mall traffic, her kid sister Callie and Callie's friend Becky Turner were barely visible in the semi-crowded main concourse. She needn't have worried, as quickly they zipped off, Callie and Becky came rushing back towards her. "Will you hurry? I'm getting my first bra and you're dragging like you're going to the dentist!" yelped the petite Callie, who in...

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