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"Okay, ladies, you’re free to go."
Finally. I got up from push-up mode, and head to the showers. I'd had enough of push-ups for a long time. I make my way to one of the showers, and strip myself of my sweaty, disgusting clothes.
"I'm so glad it's Friday," says someone in the shower next to me. Amy.
"I know. I don't think I would have made it another minute doing push-ups."
"Do you think Monday she'll make us do more?"
I let the water on off my skin, and look at myself. I was tired, and exhaust. "I don't know." I say absentmindedly. I run my hand through my hair, and lean against the wall. At 5'7 I was one of the best volleyball players in my school. Though I had to work hard to get it, I got the scholarship I needed to get into Drake University.
"So are you getting together with Kyle afterwards?" I heard the jealousness come out of her voice. Amy was downright the most popular girl in school. I came next, but wasn't a friend of hers. She thought everything revolved around her. Kyle had chosen me, but Amy never got over it.
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh...no reason. So have you...uh..done it yet?"
I yank open the curtain. "No, and it's none of your business what Kyle and I do."
The water in her shower stops, and she steps out. She grabs a towel, and wraps it around herself.
"Jeez..I was just wondering. I mean everyone is. The great "it" couple," She turns around, and heads over to her locker. "I mean it's pretty obvious he won't wait forever you know."
"What are you talking about?" I grab a towel, and start drying off.
"You and Kyle, of course." Pulling on the last of her clothes.
I get dress and think about this. Amy decides to drop it, and leaves with a satisfied grin on her face.
"Don't let her get on your nerves. She's just being, Amy." My friend Danny comes up, and is drying her hair.
"I know. She's just like a parasite." I look at my watch, and swear. "I'm late."
Danny looks at the clock, and she rolls her eyes. "Yeah, let me know how it goes."
I laugh. "I will." Not.
I'm halfway through the door when she grabs my arm. "I'm serious. She's just a jealous bitch." She lets go, and I grab my stuff from the floor, and head out to my car. This date was the only thing I looked forward to, and I had brought special clothes just for it. A black skirt with a flower belt, and a tube tank top I had once gotten a compliment from Kyle on.
I pulled into his house, and noticed his parents weren't home yet. Hmm.. strange. They're usually home by now. Maybe they're just running late. I get out, and head up to his door. Right when I get there the door opens, and Kyle steps out. He's wearing cargo shorts, and a simple button-up blue t-shirt.
"Hey, babe. I thought you might not be coming." He wraps me in a huge hug, and gives me a kiss.
"I know. Practice ran a little later than I thought. Can you forgive me?"
He laughs, and says maybe. He pulls me into the house, and pushes my body up against the wall with his body. He starts kissing me, and starts to undo his shirt. I pull him tighter against me, and finish unbuttoning his shirt. He sheds it, and I let my hands explore his chest. It was warm, and solid. Well, of course, he worked out a lot.
"I have a surprise for you." He murmured against my lips.
"Oh." I laugh, and push him back so I can see his face.
He doesn't say anything, but walks towards the stairs, and beckons me with his finger. He then turns around, and takes off up the stairs. I roll my eyes, and follow him. I get up the stairs, and turn into his room when he comes up behind me. He picks me up, and carries me into his room. I scream, and pretend to fight back. He chuckles, and pins me down on his bed not letting me move.
"Hey gorgeous." He leans down, and starts kissing my neck.
He moves down, moving my shirt out of the way. My heart stops beating . I suddenly knew why Amy had started the conversation.
"Wait, Kyle." I try to push him back, but he thinks I'm just playing.
"Wait." I say.
"Why do you want me to stop?"
I stop myself from telling him I wasn't ready, and that I couldn't have sex with him. I mean this is high school, and if I said that I'd never live it down. Not to mention Kyle would probably dump me, and go be with Amy. I shiver, and he thinks I cold. He pulls the covers back from his bed, and pats the area beside him.
"I know what you’re doing." He says smiling.
"You do?" I ask nervous.
"Yeah. Stalling." He grabs my hand, and pulls me to him. "But you and I both know that it won't work."
He starts kissing my neck again, and I once again push him away. He grins, and once more pins me to the bed. He grabs the end of my shirt, and pulls it up, over my head.
"Damn." He mutters. I groan as he starts at my stomach, and licks me all the way up my chest. Suddenly I want him. I want him bad. I can't stop myself as I sit up, and undo my bra. He leans down, and begins to suck on my breast. Wow! His hands slip down, and I feel him fumbling with something. His zipper!
"Kyle….wait! I think we should...wait..." There I said it. Only I don't think he's too happy about it.
But all he does is laugh. He thinks I'm joking. He unzips his pants, and steps out of them. He grabs me, and pulls me up and goes for my skirt.
"Kyle..wait I'm serious. I think we should wait a little bit longer until..." I let my words fade as he looks at me. Just looks at me. I couldn't read his face, but whatever he was thinking it wasn't good.
"Wait..?" He asks, like it's a foreign language.
"Yeah, I just...I don't know if we should do this. I mean..what if something happens?" Not meeting his eyes. I know what I'll see in them. Disappointment. Regret.
"We've been dating forever, and you don't think we're not ready. Babe, listen. I'm ready, and I know you’re ready. You’re going to lead me on, and not finish what you've started?" His voice. It was getting angry.
"Well..I'm sorry about that, but it was kind of hard not to get turned on with you doing everything that you did. I mean I liked it--" I start.
"If you liked it what's the problem then? I say if you like it why not?" He throws his hands in the air, "Come on, I dressed up nice, and everything for you." He reaches for my skirt, and I knock his hand away. His eyes narrow and his fist clench up.
"Look maybe we need a break..." I blurt out. This seems to only make him madder.
"A break..first you lead me on, when my intentions were clear, and you say no to me. Then you say we need a fucking break?" He says to me. His face growing redder by the minute.
I was getting scared. He was really mad. I knew I shouldn't have said we should wait. I shouldn't have lead him on either. Now his parents were gone, and we were the only ones in the room alone.
"Well, aren't you the greatest." I whisper.
"You know what; I'd like to think that my girlfriend of four-and-a-half years wasn't losing her mind!" He practically yells at me. He should of. It would have meant the same thing to me.
"I'm not losing my mind. I'm just not ready for sex!" I almost yell back at him.
"You’re not ready." He says. "That's the reason. So we can do all this stuff," He gestures to me, "but we can't have sex because you’re not ready. Even though we can get naked, and do this. We can’t have sex."
"Wait, Kyle, that's no--"
"Not what you meant. What did you mean?" He ask folding his arms across his chest.
“I meant I’m not ready to have sex. I don’t know when I will be, or if I ever will, but I know I can’t do it now. I’m just not..” I search for the right words.
“You’re just not into me. Like I am to you.” He says looking at me with a gaze so sad.
“No, Kyle, I never said that.” I say sitting down on the bed.
“You can say what you want, but your right, you might not ever be ready. So I don’t want to pressure you; make you feel like you need to do this.” He grabs his pants, and pulls them on zipping them up.
“Kyle, that’s not fair.” I grab his arm.
But he pulls it away before I can get my hand around it. “No, what your doing isn’t fair.” He slips his shirt on, and grabs his car keys. He looks at me one more time before he turns and heads to his car. I run after him, afraid he would do something he’d regret.
I push his door closed as he opens it. “Kyle, wait. Please just wait. I don't want you to drive while your mad. Please?”
He stares at me, and says, “Like you care.” Then he opens it again, turns his car on, and starts backing up. Then he shoots forward, and leaves me with no ride home.
He didn't just leave me here. I guess this is what people get for telling the truth. Shit. I start to leave, but I grab a sheet a of paper saying I was sorry. This was suppose to be a great night. Now it was just a disapointment.
I walk out of his house, and started the walk to my house. It wasn't long but I was exactly excited about it either. I was thinking about how this day couldn't get any worse when it started to rain. I stopped walking, and just let myself get soaked. I all the sudden didn't care. I took a deep breath, and started to walk again. I might as well go now. The sooner I get home, the better. As I turn the corner I see a blue pick up stopping for the stop sign. I looked to see who the drive was and wow, it was the gothic guy. He saw me too, and it looked like he was deciding on something. I saw his truck start to go, and then it stopped. I heard the door open, and then my name was being called.
"Allissa!" I stop and turn around finding him waving his hands at me.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"You..uh..looks like you could use...need a ride?" He ask. He was now soaked as much as me.
"...Uh..yeah. Thanks." I head towards his card, but then stop. If I get in that truck with him, if anyone sees me there goes my life. Well....screw it. I needed a ride badly, and Kyle left me. I climb in his truck, and we start moving.
"So..um..you go to my school right?"I ask. I knew the answer, but it was kind of ackward sitting in here saying nothing.
"Yeah. We have math together." Of course I knew this. I always saw him, and he's cute, but I was the social, hot, cheerleader. I liked him...but I'd be dead if anyone knew that.
"I'm sorry I don't know your name though." I did of course. But I didn't want him to know that.
"It's...uh...Jason." He says it like he's forgotten his own name.
We reached my house, and I didn't the unthinkable. "Would you like to come in?" I asked. Realizing what I just did I prayed he'dsay no.
"Sure. " Damn. Why? Why did I ask him?
I lead the way in my house, and he follows looking at all the pictues in my house. Of me. When I was little. Ugh. I knew those picture would come back to bit me in the ass. I realize my parents aren't home, and Jason and I were only. I look back at Jason. He was staring at one of the pictures. I moved close to see. It was me when I was six.
"That was when I we we're on vacation in the Bahamas." I didn't remember it very much, but my parents told me I liked it there.
"Do you remember going there?" He ask turning to look at me.
"Uh..not really." I expect him to say something, but he just looks at me. Then I realize that he was kind of leaning towards me. I hadn't noticed it before, but now it was obvious he was going to kiss me.
As his lips get closer all I can think about is if I kiss him back Kyle will never speak to me again. His lips touch mine, and it's like everything disappears. Like it's just him and I. I didn't push him away, and he must take that as a sign, and he grabs my waist and pulls me to him. Kyle left me standing there, and the whole school probably knew it by now. Who cares, Daniel? Just relax. I wrap my arms around his neck, and start kissing him back for real. His kisses start changing, almost greedy, and he pushes me against the wall. His hands find the edge of my shirt, and he slips one up to cup my breast.
I let him too. Suddenly I wasn't afraid. Jason was here. I was here. Why not?I'd had a secret crush on him forever. I pushed up his shirt, and he lifts his arms up so I could pull it off. I grabbed his hand and lead him to my room. He gently pushes me on the bed, and pulls my shirt up over my head. Grabbing the front of his pants I start unbottoning them. When I'm done he slips them off, and his shoes too. I stand up in front of him half naked, and let him pull my pants down too.
When I'm naked he pulls me to him, and kisses me deeply. I feel his tongue go over my lips as if asking for premission. I open them as he lays ontop of me. Our bodies find a rthym. He pulls my legs to wrap around his waist, and I feel his penis against my stomach. He pulls back slighty, and positions his penis against my opening. Staring into my eyes he pushes in and I gasp as he dives staight into me breaking my hymen. Then he starts thrusting going deep into me. He moans as he rides me, and I kiss him passionately.


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Mere Chudai Ke Kisse Part 4

Asha ke Delhi gaye 2 mahine ho gaye the aur utni der mein maine ek baar bhi chudai nahi ki thi. Main chut marne ko tadap raha tha. Par office ka kaam bhi bohut badh gaya tha to dating ka time nahi mil pa raha tha. Aise mein ek Saturday evening mere phone pe message aaya: ‘Akele ho? Dost chahiye to xxxxxxxx number pe phone karo.’ Standard dating wala message tha. Par usko dekhte hi Goa ki Tina yaad aa gayi. Gf na sahi tan ki bhukh mitane ek randi ko to chod hi sakte hai. Yeh soch ke maine...

2 years ago
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A Night Out with Nancy AKA Tina Chapter 2

I sponged her down and got her into bed. I knew that tomorrow she’d have a splitting headache and a sore pussy and back side! I then decided to get the video into the tape player in our bedroom and see just what had taken place the night! The video started with who could only be Tina arriving at some kind of party. She had obviously had quite a few drinks and was staggering a little. It was also apparent that she had changed her cloths between work and the party because once again she was...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Domination Part II

Next morning, I woke up with a sense of excitement. I also woke up highly aroused. I could hear my Master breathing next to me and I felt his arm holding me close. No one else seemed to be awake in the house. If I had been alone, I certainly would have masturbated, but lying so close to my Master, I was afraid I would disturb his sleep and start the day off in trouble. The weight of my Master’s arm on my waist, his groin pressed into my ass, it all made me want to touch myself. I didn’t know if...

2 years ago
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Daddy would watch me as I Fucked

There it was, the little red light blinking high above our heads, just as well the guy I was with was too interested in me to look.Our porch was secluded from the front house view so we could be left in relative peace to finish what he was desperate to finish and as my denims were down by my ankles I could only think of daddy and what he would be thinking if he saw me now.It was all over in fifteen minutes and I suddenly felt a chill, standing naked as the guy tucked himself back into his pants...

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Star Trek Conspiracies

Following the destruction of his real body the Jim Kirk of the Mirror Universe, who's stuck in the body of his Janice Lester, has travelled to the universe of the Federation to steal their Jim Kirk's body. But things aren't going according to plan.... STAR TREK: CONSPIRACIES by BobH (c) 2018 Note: This is part of an intricately interweaving series of stories that form a single, sprawling...

3 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 21

They went to a nice restaurant for lunch, which seemed to please Aunt Karen. ‘Back in the days when it still mattered to him,’ she said when her nephew turned into the restaurant’s parking lot, ‘your Uncle Dave brought me here once. I’ve always wanted to come back, but until now I never have had the chance.’ ‘I’m glad I brought you, then,’ Tommy said. He parked in the restaurant’s parking lot, got out, and went around to open the door for his aunt. He was feeling chivalrous today. If he...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Cousin Sister Swapna

Hi all of you and I Sandeep and I want to share one experience of mine with my cousin sister Swapna. We used to stay in different places like in different districts mine Warangal herself is Hyderabad but when it was holidays she used to come to our home with her mom. She was elder than me by 4 years and she was the only girl of her parents. Her mother was a school teacher and father was drunken one. She always hates her life because of her father drunken behaviour, who doesn’t earn money, just...

1 year ago
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Teaching the Girls Part 2 The Morning Class

As I explained earlier, the school where I teach is an all girl school in south central Iowa. The class size is about 15-20 students per classroom, with each graduating class population being between 30 and 40. It's a good group of kids, with parents who are able to and willing to send their girls to an private school. We are actually fortunate to have enrollment numbers like this. We would be right at the point in our Physiology class where we were finishing up discussing the differences...

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3 Stops Starts for 7 sessions C

In 2002 and 2003 when I was 23-24 years old, I decided to do a series of interesting masturbation challenges and I made detailed notes of the results. Here are the notes from one of those challenges:Challenge #3 - 3 Stop's & Start's per session for 7 sessions.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DATES: September 19, 2002 - October 7, 2002 LENGTH: 18 Days, 13 Hours, 19 MinutesChallenge: To use the "Stop and go" method (Bring myself close to...

1 year ago
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Swingging With New Friends

Our life had gotten stuck in a rut. Shama and I had moved to Karachi two years ago after I took an exciting job offer. It had seemed like the perfect thing to do at the time. Even though it was far from Islamabad, with my new salary, more than twice what I'd been making before, we figured we'd be happier than ever. After all, everything had been going fine up until then. Shama got a job as a Marketing Manager of a real estate agency, and I'd started my job as financial planner for high-income...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas part 1

Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...

2 years ago
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Shorts 19 Short Stories

Introduction: These short stories were written over the course of a few years. Figured Id do a quick editing job and post them. Most have exhibitionism, some have younger girls. Any comments or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! And keep in mind that youre not going to like all of them… 1 Alexs heart was racing as she sat the quarters down on one of the washing machines. The laundromat was empty, and she prayed it stayed that way. She took a deep breath and opened the lid. ...

3 years ago
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Beating the Odds and the Evens

BEATING THE ODDS AND THE EVENSCHAPTER 1I always considered myself an average guy through my first thirty years.  I had some bad breaks and some good ones.  But since 1929 it's been like heaven on earth.  Everything seems to have fallen into my lap, and most of it has been serendipity. Let me explain.I come from a small farming family in Valdosta, Georgia.  I was an only child, but my folks were nice people and my childhood was normal.  Things began to change shortly after I finished high school...

3 years ago
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Hard Time Book 3Chapter 6

Before Mickey and Calveen had their group ready; Robby reported back that the group coming down the old roadway was a party of Sin Loos led by Calver. Calveen rode out to meet them. and bring them all into the Oaks. A runner sent me this information from Mickey with his request that I join him in two hours to welcome Calver. Roger and I had accomplished something. We had found some old battery powered radios that should have sufficient range to operate from the bridge to the town square. The...

4 years ago
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river me sex ka mjja

The Story goes back quite a some time. Those days my friend was looking out of a piece of land nearby Mumbai to experiment his agricultural hobbies. We scouted a large area and then pinned down on certain locations. Then began a series of negotiations with different people. Finally the deal was made and we got some land in a little village. Me and my friend than used to go to the village alternatively to see for the works to be done there. Till some time i.e. about a year or so no structure...

3 years ago
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Darsonus and ReealChapter 8

Two months later Darsonus and Ree'al found themselves south in the sparse grasslands of Amanora. They were presented with a 't' in the road. To the west were mountains, green in the distance. To the east was more of the flat rocky grasslands. "Do you have a preference?" Ree'al asked. "The mountains are prettier." "They're also a pain to walk up and down," Ree'al remarked. "Oh well, mountains it is." A day's walk brought the mountains only a little closer as did the next...

2 years ago
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Japanese sisterinlaw

My wife had a 24 year old younger sister who just end her long relationship with her boyfriend; her sister want to get away from Japan and come visit us in Hawaii. My wife thought that was a great idea, and two weeks later she was in Hawaii living with us for three months. Her sister was pretty and looked like my wife but her sister had bigger tits and appeared to be like a typical shy Japanese girl. At the time me and my wife both worked and we didn’t have k**s. I was in the military and she...

3 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 34 A Very Crafty Girl

Over the first part of that summer, Kayla and I didn't get the chance to share her gift very often. We still went out quite a bit, we were hanging out together as much as we could, and we still fooled around in the Lovemobile, but she was adamant about not wanting to make love in the back seat of my car. She did relent a couple of times, succumbing to her own desires as much as mine, but for the most part we satisfied ourselves with oral and manual stimulation and release. As my good but...

2 years ago
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Padosh Ki Bhabi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto I am gautam meri age 23 year hai aur mai Rourkela Odisha mai ek company mai job karta hu, agar meri story achhi lage to mail jaroor karna taki mai doosri sex stories in hindi likh saku aur agar koi ladki bhabhi aur aunty sex karna chahti hai aur sex chat karna chahti hai to mail jaroor kare wahase aapko mera whatsapp number bhi mil jaayega, hamari saari baate sicret rahe, yeh kahani meri aur mere room ke padosh mai rahne wali bhabhi ki hai. Ek din jab mai sham ko mai room par aaya...

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Angela TransformedChapter 12

As usual, the twins slept late on Saturday. They always do unless they have a ballgame or something else planned. Lisa and I put our robes on and went downstairs for a light breakfast at just about the normal time. Mom smiled when she saw us. She said, "It doesn't look like you two slept well last night. Is something on your mind?" I stuck my tongue out at her and ignored her friendly sarcasm. Mom and dad were both watching Lisa as though waiting for her to say or do something. It took...

1 year ago
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AS THE TWIG IS BENT Revised story list and themes

Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. AS THETWIG IS BENT Part One Wie der Zweig gebogen wird, so wächst der Baum. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. “Kurt! Darlin’, wake up! You’re havin’ a nightmare. Kurt!” Logan’s voice rings through my head, disrupting the dream that holds me captive. “I am avake. Stop shaking me. It is all right,” I protest as I gather the pieces of reality...

3 years ago
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Sandra Part 2

One Tuesday night during the week of mid-terms, my girlfriend, Rena, and I were taking advantage of my roommate being stuck in a long evening lab session to enjoy a nice, leisurely fuck. Rena was on her hands and knees on my bed, her head down in my pillow, while I moved in and out of her from behind in a slow doggy-style. I was getting close to coming, and had just started to pick up my pace, when someone knocked on my door. I froze for a moment, but Rena reached back for me and moaned into...

3 years ago
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Going to Visit the JudgeChapter 4

That night Pamela could hardly wait for her husband, Stan, to arrive home from work. She met him at the door in the same outfit she'd worn to see Judge Redding in that morning. "Pamela, what have you been up to?" Stan asked as he could see in his sexy wife's eyes a hot lusty gleam that told him something very good was about to happen. "Wouldn't you love to know, honey?" Pamela asked coyly as she looked Stan directly in the eyes. "Would you like to know what your naughty wife has...

3 years ago
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Taking Dzjinna To A Party

I walked around the girl standing firm on her silver stilettos. I admired her endless legs and high, tight ass... her bare, painted tits and silver hooded skull. Her pale soft throat was encased in leather. "Something's missing", I whispered under my breath. "Arnold will be waiting for us in the limousine, but something's missing..." I circled her again on my precarious heels. The soft tip of my riding crop caressed her body... kissing the aching nipples. They pointed dark and silvery...

2 years ago
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Incestia 5

The morning of the Volka family’s court case for citizenship in Incestia was clear and bright. Young Verity and her sister Cambria were in summer dresses while their younger brother Caci was dressed in a frill-sleeved top and smooth cotton pants and their father Yuri and uncle Avan were in button-down shirts and slacks. Despite their appearance as a wholesome family, for weeks, Yuri had copulated with his daughter with such unbridled lust that it could only be defined as a frenzy of...

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