Shrinking Potential free porn video

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For some people, life is a hard.

Alan is not one of these people. Alan's life hasn't really provided him with any struggle. He doesn't get to do anything he wants, but because of his overly supportive parents, he doesn't have to worry about much of anything either. Mainly, Alan's life is just blah. Alan is a 20-year-old virgin. His parents have a decent amount of money— more than enough to keep the bills paid, food on the table, and clothes on his back, and access to most of life's luxuries. Alan was not bullied in school, but he was not popular either. At 5 feet, 9 inches, nobody would refer to him as tall OR short. He still lives at home, currently has an average GPA at his local community college and has no job.

His parents provide him with a decent monthly allowance of 1800 dollars, and all of that is disposable because he doesn't have to pay bills.

Alan is pretty much everything anyone would expect a boring, average, Caucasian male of privilege to be.

Alan's sex life is virtually nonexistent unless you count masturbation.

He has had female friends. Some of them even might've felt some attraction toward him. Unfortunately, Alan's combination of insecurity and his practiced aloofness always prevented him from doing anything.

Ironically, the one thing about Alan that might be considered above average is his sex drive. Because of the low commitment nature of his lifestyle, he is left a considerable amount of free time. Alan is still as horny as the day he discovered himself at 13, so he uses a good amount of this time to beat his meat. Being a millennial, he has had access to internet pornography since the day he first typed the word "tits" into his favorite search engine, and he has taken FULL advantage of it.

You can imagine what 7 years of masturbating multiple times a day to every genre of porn imaginable might do to a guy. His sex drive might still be there, but as of late he has had to resort to increasingly strange sources of inspiration to achieve and maintain an erection long enough to ejaculate. For some reason, the really degrading stuff really gets him going. He has an average sized penis that measures just barely past 6 inches hard, but he has always been insecure about it. That insecurity all but ensures this is his most acute pressure point.

About three months ago, he graduated from porn to live cam shows. For the first week, he just joined shows and chatted with the performers. He kept things generic, short and simple.

"Hi. I'm Alan. I have a tiny penis. Make fun of me please.."

After that first week, he began to feel these interactions were superficial because the performers couldn't see him, so he bought himself a high res webcam. He started having actual conversations with the models in the beginning and allowed the shows to progress longer. After about a month, he had become particularly fond of one performer, a woman who called herself Rhonda.

Rhonda was by far the most arousing entertainer Alan had met. She was an exotic blend of Latina and western European, had large, nicely done fake breasts, sculpted abs, and a juicy, round ass that rivaled the best of the best. Rhonda was taller than Alan, at 5 feet 10 inches. She was quite a bit older than Alan at 39, but she didn't look a day over 30. Her most attractive attribute however, was her psychological prowess.

He spent the last two months exploring what you might call the closest thing to a romantic relationship he'd ever experienced with her.

He spent most of his money on her, and she gave him her time in exchange. About 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week to be precise. During the time they spent together, they explored Alan's boundaries. Rhonda expertly poked and prodded him, discovering which things turned him on, and which things were off-limits.

Surprisingly, Alan became Rhonda's favorite regular. She didn't think he was much to look at, but being a sadist at heart, she quite enjoyed preying on his insecurities. Not unlike Alan, she too had distorted ideas about penises, and because of this, she truly considered his penis to be small. She had always been a size queen, never settling for less than a meaty 8x6 in her real sex life. This made her especially believable as a cruel mistress, because she actually meant the things she said. Alan may not have been attractive, but he was so young and obsessed with her. That turned her on.

Today had been another typical boring day for Alan. He woke up with an erection, and attempted masturbation only to find his member quickly shrivel in his hands. He only had class three days a week, but today was one of those days. He went through his normal morning routine of browsing reddit with a coffee before heading to class. As usual, he droned in and out of consciousness through his classes, each of them seeming to last for an eternity.

Finally, the school day was drawing to a close. Today was a good day because it was one of the days Rhonda was scheduled to perform. She only performed 4 days out of the week and he had budgeted exactly the amount of money he needed to do a 30-minute session with her on each of these days.

Imagining all the lecherous activities the evening had in store for him gave him an unexpected hard-on, and he was torn from his fantasies to become suddenly aware that his classmates were packing up their things. Class was over, and he had to stand up with a diamond cutter in his pants.

Alan took his time sliding his books into his bag, and awkwardly attempted to hide his indiscretion with it while he stood. After a few moments, it occurred to him that he was being unnecessarily wary. Nobody cared. Nobody even paid attention to him. He was wearing jeans, and his equipment, even when engorged was not impressive enough to warrant any notice in them.

This only made him more aroused. He hurried to his car, the quick strides he was taking caused him to feel pleasure as his erect penis rubbed against the inside of his boxer briefs. As soon as he was in his car he couldn't help but rub himself through his jeans in anticipatory excitement over his impending encounter.

As soon as Alan arrived home he came sk**ding to a halt in his driveway. Alan's parents were always traveling, so as usual, they weren't home today. This gave him the green light to rush through the front door shame free. He turned his computer on, made sure his webcam was working, and logged into the cam site that Rhonda broadcasted her performances on.

Alan was immediately crushed with immense sexual frustration when he discovered Rhonda was not online. "This can't be!" he blurted out loud. "She's never missed a scheduled time!"

Alan began frantically spamming the refresh button on his internet browser when the doorbell rang. At this moment, the reality of the situation started nagging at him.

What reality is that you ask? To understand, there are a few details that have been left out that need to be revealed...

A few weeks ago, Rhonda made a decision. She wanted to meet Alan. She loved how much he was devoted to her, how he asked her about her life. She loved that sometimes, he would come in and they would finish in 5 minutes, but he would stay and keep talking to her for the 30 minutes he always stayed for. She was honest with him about cheating on 3 separate husbands, about how she had successfully converted the last one into a willing, participating cuckold before finally divorcing him and taking everything from him- and that destroying him was the most exhilarating experience of their relationship for her.

She loved how sharing the darkest aspects of her debauchery just seemed to connect with Alan on such a deep level. She had never interacted with one of her clients physically before, but Alan was putty in her hands. He was more than respectful, he was subservient. It also helped that she was entirely unthreatened by him because she was literally bigger than him.

She discovered she only lived a few hours away from him about a month in. Early on she made play suggestions at them meeting in real life to spur him on, but he was visually apprehensive about this, so when she realized she wanted to meet him, she knew that she had to be clever.

She started by allowing him to get close to the edge of cumming in their sessions and then extorting personal details about him before allowing his release. Each time she would get more. Eventually she got him to agree to her visiting before him before his orgasm.

Of course, Alan assumed she was just entertaining a fantasy. He never actually gave her his address. He just gave her his phone number, his full name, and his social security number. Upon turning over the last one, being a naïve 20-year-old man-c***d, he thought, "Social security numbers are just for taxes right? Who cares..."

With this information, Rhonda found it extremely easy to get Alan's address from an online background check with certainty that it was actually the correct address.


The doorbell rang a second time. Alan began to connect the dots. He had no friends. His parents were definitely gone.

"It couldn't be Rhonda though... that was just a fantasy." He thought.

"Maybe my parents are having a package delivered."

He looked through the spyglass in his front door.

"No. Fucking. Way."

It was Rhonda. Rhonda was at his fucking front door.

Rhonda is fucking crazy.

Alan knew this was nuts. He knew he shouldn't let her in. He knew he should probably call the police. The thing is, his dick was throbbing. He was more excited than he'd ever been in his entire life.

His mind screamed no, but his shaking hand reached for the door handle, seemingly under the control of his pulsating penis, and opened the door.

Rhonda saw him standing there in his tented boxers and T-shirt, and with a half smile and a raised eyebrow said,

"Surprise Amor."

Alan attempted to speak, but all he could manage was, "Wh-who-what-here... H-Hi.."

Rhonda confidently strode past Alan into his house.

"How are you doing sweetie? You look surprised to see me. Did you think I was k**ding when we made our deal?"

"Y-Yeah.." murmured Alan.

"I wasn't. Bring a chair into the middle of the room Alan. Take off your clothes and sit in it."

Alan's body was moving toward the kitchen. He felt like he was dreaming. He was watching himself drag a chair into the living room, but had the peculiar sensation that he was no longer in control of his actions.

Alan placed a chair in the center of the room, stripped off his clothes and sat in it.

"Good boy!" Praised Rhonda.

Alan's dick twitched at her comment. Rhonda proceeded to remove a long, coiled rope, a large, unlabeled bottle of what appeared to be a thick, clear fluid, and a camera.

Alan silently and obediently watched her tie him to the chair with the rope. She really seemed to know what she was doing. After he was securely tied to the chair, Rhonda set up the camera on a tripod facing him, but she didn't take a picture or try to record him yet.

"Amor, would you like it if I touched your little penis?"

Alan's penis was bobbing up and down on its own while his body strained against the rope. Alan frantically nodded his head in excitement. "PLEASE yes! Touch it!" Rhonda squirted a large glob of the clear fluid onto her hand and began generously slathering Alans penis with it.

"See this fluid here? It is effective lubricant, but it also has very special properties."

"Cam modeling isn't my first job. It's just my hobby. I have a day job at a pharmaceutical d**g testing facility. This fluid was originally developed for tightening and rejuvenating facial skin."

Alan was barely listening. He was in ecstasy. This goddess he had been worshipping for the past two months was actually touching his cock. It felt amazing. It felt so good. It felt tingly. It started to feel a bit cold.

"It doesn't work. At least it doesn't work on faces." Rhonda continued.

"When you put it on a penis, interesting things happen... it gets smaller. We think it has to do with the fact that the penis is essentially an inflatable apparatus, with a complex network of virtually exposed veins and capillaries."

A distant alarm bell went off in Alan's head. He was pretty sure she just said this stuff will shrink his dick. "Nah.." he thought, "That's sci-fi BS, she probably said something else."

"For that reason, the fluid's effects are more potent the more erect a penis is. While It remains hard, the size appears to be unchanged, but once the penis goes flaccid, the changes are permanent."

"What?" blurted Alan. "Wait.. are you serious?"

"Why would I be k**ding?" Rhonda Replied.

"This is part of the fantasy right?" Alan asked Rhonda with a pleading tone.

"Alan, we both know your penis is already small. The problem is, there are plenty of women out their who are pathetic enough to settle for your size. Patriarchal society has gas-lighted them into believing penises as small as 5 inches are acceptable. I am doing those women a favor. I am doing you a favor too. This will ensure that nobody is going to be disappointed by your penis. This fluid will make your little penis so small no woman will consider sex with you to be practical."

Alan was still pretty sure this was a game, and he was really enjoying it. He thought to himself, "Wow.. she has an incredibly fucked up imagination! This is fucking hot!"

The situation was starting to overwhelm him. He was getting close to cumming.

"Oh! You are close aren't you!" Rhonda began stroking Alan faster and faster.

I have great news today Alan. You get to cum as many times as you want. This process will be more effective if we get to repeat it.

Alan's mind was swimming. He had never gotten to cum more than once with her, though he usually masturbated 3-5 times after each cam session, recounting the details of their experiences.

Rhonda squeezed Alan's dick and increased the pace to a ferocious speed. He couldn't take it anymore. Alan's balls practically ascended into his abdomen, his stomach muscles tensed, and he fired the largest rope of cum he'd ever seen come out of his dick onto Rhonda's arm. A second rope shot onto her stomach, a third onto the floor, and a smaller fourth rope landed on the ground between his legs.

Alan had just experienced the single most amazing orgasm of his life.

As he exhaled, in a state of bliss, his eyes rested on his penis. It did look really shriveled. This happened sometimes when he was too rough with his dick, so he figured it was nothing.

Rhonda smiled, "I think it's working. Shall we try again?"

"It's sensitive... can we wait a minute?" Alan requested politely.

"We don't need to wait. I know what will help." Rhonda tugged at the strings holding together the top covering her large breasts. Her large breasts poured out of her top, exposing her small, but pointy and hard, brown nipples. "See! My tits are already making your little baby dick jump."

Alan looked down at his dick. It was rock hard already, bobbing up and down again. Only this time, it was fucking tiny.

"What the fuck? That shit is real!?" Alan screamed.

Alan's penis was now 4.5 inches long rock hard, and considerably thinner.

He attempted to thrash his way out of his chair.

Rhonda slapped him across the face. He looked up at her, a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"What did you do to me?"

"I explained it to you already. Weren't you listening?" Rhonda said with an annoyed tone.

Alan began openly crying. "My penis is so small now..."

Rhonda squirted another large glob of fluid directly onto Alan's penis. She began jerking his cock with a workmanlike rhythm.

"Please stop." Alan said, but he was beginning to feel an overwhelming sensation of pleasure again.

Alan was not a premature ejaculator, his compulsive masturbatory habits ensured that, but for some reason after about 40 seconds he was already about to cum again.

"Ah yes, another interesting effect. As the fluid penetrates the skin of your penis, your blood carries it to your prostate. Once it get's there, for some reason your ejaculatory response is accelerated. Not only does this stuff shrink your little nubbin, it makes you a premature ejaculator!"

Alan came again. This time a significantly less impressive collection of cum driblets leaked out of the tip of his penis. Afterwards, Rhonda carefully wiped the fluid from Alan's penis with a damp towel. Alan's limp penis appeared to have shriveled to the size of a pea, his balls enormous in comparison.

Tears were streaming down his face.

He looked up, and Rhonda was turned around with her ass pointed to him. She looked over her shoulder and said, "Don't cry, I'm going to let you have a peek at my ass. You always rave about how it's your favorite part of me."

As much as Alan was in a state of shock over the tragedy that had befallen him, he was obsessed with this woman, and her ass was the main attribute that beguiled him. He couldn't think straight. He was going to get to see her ass.

Rhonda peeled down her the top of her jeans, revealing the top portion of her ass, a sexy black thong peeking out of her crack.

She peered down between his legs. "Okay that did the trick. I'm not going to let you cum again, but I need your little peanut to get hard for your photoshoot." Rhonda proceeded to pull her jeans back up and tie her top back on.

"What?" Alan looked at his penis. It was as hard as it could get, but didn't even appear to be 2 inches long, and was about as thick as a pencil. "Oh my god... its almost gone.."

"Yes Alan, Almost. Keep that in mind and do as I say or I will take away what you have left."

Tied to the chair, Alan had no choice but to comply.

Rhonda took several photos of Alan. When she was finished she put the memory card from the camera into her laptop and pecked away at the keys. Afterwards she packed up all of her things.

"Okay Alan, before I untie you, there are a few things you need to know."

"Those photos are in a safe place. Be a good boy, or they will be sent to your parents and a number of students from your college and high school. You belong to me now, Understand?"

Alan, still crying, nodded.

Rhonda untied him.

"I must be going now. I will be contacting you soon though. Please make things easy on both of us and respond right away when I do. You don't want to test me."

Alan was screwed. She had him. His life was ruined. He barely had a penis now. Nobody would believe his story either. If she sent out those photos, everyone would just assume his penis had always been like that.

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Christie Stevens and her stepson Tony have been at the airport all day for their flight. When it was ultimately canceled, the two relocated to a hotel. Even worse, they have to share a bed because the hotel is out of rooms with two queens. Christie is exhausted and totally over the day, so she decides to go to sleep in her bra and thong. Tony is a bit weirded out, but he agrees to share the bed. Once he thinks his hot stepmom is just about asleep, Tony gets naked and slides into bed so he can...

4 years ago
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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 9

I wasn't the first person to arrive at the paper on Monday. I had wheeled myself halfway to the statehouse when I remembered that I was planning on missing Krissy's show that morning. A guy from the Parkersburg Press had promised to tape it for me so that I wouldn't miss anything good. But I figured the story was just a little more important. Besides, I planned to be talking to Krissy later in the day. So when I arrived at the Messenger, the lights were already on. Arriving at my cubicle,...

2 years ago
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Wife Swap III

Danny woke up in a frisky mood. We had been married eleven years and I knew instinctively when she had sex on her mind. All she had to do was softly moan and I knew what she wanted and needed without even looking in her direction. Danny was addicted to sex, or so it seemed the first few years of our marriage. But, as familiarity set in and perhaps, too, a bit of convenience, our sexual activities declined. So it was with a great deal of love and a lot of apprehension that we decided to spice...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The Lift

Working late at the office, quickly warp all your things, and head to the elevator. Everything is quite at these late hours, hardly anyone around.---ding--- the lift doors open.You try to button your jacket as you walk in, not realizing there's someone inside.As you bump your head into the chest of the man standing in the elevator, he drops a folder on the floor, and papers start flying everywhere."I'm sorry" to say immediately "here, I'll pick it up", as you crouch down on the floor, trying to...

1 year ago
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Door 2 DoorChapter 12

Abel barely got home before Christina, Roni and Jules in tow, of course. The two brats were eager to see their new auntie, after all. Eva had to rush to get herself decent, but she managed, if only just. She then rushed at Abel to kiss him very hard and fiercely on the lips before hugging her new nieces. She sniffed the air, too, and laughed knowingly. “Who was the lucky bitch who got the D?” Eva whispered in her brother’s ear. “Stacey from work. She’s married, too,” Abel winked at his...

1 year ago
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Sydney Brooks first butt fuck

Sydney came to me before her wedding day talking to me about anal sex. Sydney's ass is so fat! ever time I see her in those tight jeans my dick gets rock hard. when she bend over i can see the crack of her ass and her ass is cover with stretch marks. Sydney and I could talk about anything, so i ask Sydney before she gets married could I fuck her in her butt. she looked at me and said, I don't know I've never been fuck in my ass before not even by my boyfriend. and I've never have seen your...

1 year ago
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Awkward Situations 1

“So I guess we’re roommates then…” A clear, masculine voice echoed throughout the small room I was supposed to share with a schoolmate for a week. “Yeah, I guess so…” A handsome, young man stepped out from the shadows of the hallway; his distinctive European features contrasting with my Asian ones. His deep, brown eyes were looking in my direction and it gave me chills. “Hm. That’s interesting.” “I didn’t have anything to do with the rooming assignments, if that’s what you’re...

3 years ago
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my after school snack

Dear diary: yesterday keeps replaying in my head “Oh… Ohhhh yes fuck my tight teen pussy fuck it hard” was all I could say as I watched the muscular gardener plunge into my hot, wet hole. He was hammering me so hard I could feel it in my stomach. My panties are beginning to get wet even as I write this. Damn he was so fucking hot, I can cum just saying his name alone…Justin… oh fuck I want him again. It all started when I got home yesterday. I saw him in our backyard he startled me at first...

1 year ago
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The Taxi Driver

"Hi. I’m your cab driver tonight”I take your wife’s hand and lead her to the cab, opening the back door for her. You follow on behind and jump into the other side. The cab pulls out and we set off.“So. Your off to the Hilton?”“Yes. that’s correct.” you reply."Out for a meal? Special occasion?” I ask.“”That’s right. its our anniversary.” Your wife chips in.“Well your husband’s a very lucky man.” the cab goes quite for a little while. I can see your wife on the back seat. I give her the eye, but...

2 years ago
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                                        "Painaholic" by stHell66(teen,high school,rough,rape,d/s)   Begin the mis-adventures of Ally, a misguided and envy slut, always trusting of her loving boyfriend. Can she find truelove in getting kidnapped and rape 24/7.  main characters:  Ally-the main slut,young envy slut, 5'1" 98 pds, not developed, baby bottle nipples, small breast. Pointy nipples thatembarrass her under her t-shirt, when she gets excited they get more pointier. Black hair in pig-tail...

3 years ago
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The Right Woman

My name is Rae. I'm a Senior in High School. Just so you can get a mental picture, I'm 5' 1" and weigh 95 lbs. I have blue eyes, blonde hair, and wear an A cup bra, and I'd just turned 18 a few weeks before this event that changed my life. I was home alone after school one Friday afternoon when my Uncle John called. (He's my dad's brother.) Dad was still at work, though. When he asked if Mom was home, I told him she was off on another of her trips with her sister – my aunt, Joan. That...

2 years ago
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Mikeys Web Show

Mikey was a true exhibitionist. He stated flexing for the web cam six months ago. He started off with the typical str8 boy poses. Shirt off pants saggin, showing off the tiny bits of muscle he might have. Packages started showing up on his front steps. No return label, no note other than "For Mikey." Mikey didn't tell anyone be he knew it was from one of his followers. At first it was just nicer shorts or pants for Mikey to wear around town. Each piece looked hot on his firm young...

4 years ago
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A Summer Job with Fringe Benefits

When my father offered me the chance to work in his office for ten bucks an hour, I jumped at it. It was a lot better than cutting lawns and it was air-conditioned. The other benefits were unexpected. I was seventeen that summer and had just finished my junior year of high school and done well on the SATs. I needed money for college. Dressed in chinos and a clean polo shirt, I rode to work that first Monday and listened to my father tell me the rules. No smoking, no dope, no drinking and be...

1 year ago
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A Love for Ever

It was one of those parties that people went to just to see who else was there, or to hope that a photographer would be there so they could feign outrage when they were snapped, I went because the hostess had begged me and promised that I'd meet a very unusual couple. It was the usual mix of would be stars, C list celebrities and professional party goers and I was bored witless, then I saw her. I turned towards the door thinking that I'd have a shower and an early night and literally bumped...

3 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 21 Getting Settled at the Ranch

It was a much bigger house than I had expected. I'm not sure of how many square feet, but it was well over two thousand. Outside, near the pool, was a storage shed, currently locked. I had no idea how big the property was, but I could find that out from the Cummings at my leisure. The more I saw of our living quarters, the more I was happy with my decision. I thought about going for a swim, but decided I might postpone that for now. Harlan would be back for dinner and I was sure he'd want...

2 years ago
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The SecretaryMerry Christmas1

As I sorted through the paper work, some of it was insurance stuff. I just hate insurance paperwork, and I knew that asshole of an agent would be gone. Agents’ have the easiest jobs, they take time off, take your money, and cry about how hard they work. Well the only good thing about this agent is his secretary. She is a doll, she just turned 50. She has an hour glass figure, blonde hair, soft brown eyes. When she gets up to walk, all eyes are on her as she just drips in sex. Her...

1 year ago
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The Dominant Donovans

THE DOMINANT DONOVAN?S By Lewis Chappelle Missy was hanging by her wrists from the rafters of the Donovan Building?s top most story. Her toes dangled four inches from the floor. He had already laid twelve lashes from his favorite whip across Missy?s lovely ass and legs. Her protests were perfunctory; she got her kicks by hanging naked for him and taking his whip. The pain in her shoulders and the welts from the lashes only increased her sexual excitement and her husband, Sam, knew that...

1 year ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 51

It was the middle of the night when Adam awoke for some reason. He glanced at the other occupants of the bed and they all slept soundly – except Shelly on his right. She looked up him with a half-smile. Adam's hand was resting on her pert bottom and he gave the cheek a squeeze. Because of the minor surgery on Monday, she was wearing panties – but nothing else. Shelly's smile widened. "I'm horny," she whispered. Her hand lifted off Allie's butt and found Adam's dick, not far...

3 years ago
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A Quiet Evening at Home

It had already been a long day for Quinn, and the work wasn't about to stop when he finally arrived home. Most of the day alternated between periods of frantic business, and hours of mind numbing boredom as the retail shop he worked at waited for the next rush of customers. Due to the holidays most of them were cranky customers too, demanding this and that and ‘I know this is special order but can you get it here in two days?' At least it was one of his weekends off. Compared to the crush of...

4 years ago
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Banging a Thai MILF part 1

I went down Phuket, Thailand four or five years ago, after having a few days fun in Bangkok. I had planned on staying just a few days, but ended up down there about ten days or so.On the second night in the main town of Patong, I was trawling the bars with my mate Mr. X on the small alleys called ‘Sois’ off Bangla Road. We stopped at a few places before settling down in a small bar in a larger complex of bars.We stayed there the rest of the evening as I had spied a real young cutie when I...

3 years ago
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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 4

She yanked his hair, her fingers entwined in his scruffy, baby fine blonde locks, pressing his head back and exposing his neck. She leant forward and raked her teeth across his throat. Kitty felt his Adams apple bob in her mouth as he swallowed. She heard him growl… ‘Kitty!’ ‘Quiet!’ she almost snarled, tightening her hand in his hair. Kitty heard his breath catch as his hands began reaching for her knees. She slapped them away, ‘No, no touching,’ she told him. Rick surprised himself as a...

2 years ago
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The Housekeeper

Saturday morning and Father O'Rourke was at his breakfast table in the kitchen of the parish house of the Church of All Saints. He was a fairly young man in his late twenties and had been in his present incumbency for just over a year. Saturday was when the priest did the parish accounts for the week and he sighed as he finished his cup of tea and slid the ledgers in front of him for his attention. Doing the accounts was not one of his favourite tasks and later he would have to put some...

4 years ago
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Seduce Attempt Of Tamil Maid Part 5

This is my fifth part of the story “seduce attempt of tamil maid”. Guys Thank you for the responses for my previous story .I Hope you will enjoy this part also. Horny Aunties and Girls Plz dont hesitate to Contact me, My mail ID is am going to jump in the story. Suganthi Said Ok for the bath. She said she is going to change her dress. She came back and tied with a petticoat. What a wonderful Scene!!!. Her boob is big enough to make my bro hard on. I covered by bulge with the towel. i asked...

1 year ago
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Wife helps colleague

My wife has always been a free spirt over sex and our relationship has been open. She worked at the time with a guy about ten years older than her. One evening she said to me that John was having a bad time at home his wife was not having sex with him and he was looking for ways to try to get her switched on again. She said she suggested porn DVD films and wondered if I would mind him borrowing some of ours. We had quite a lot at the time because I had a guy at work who used to sell them cheap....

Cheating Wifes
1 year ago
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Help in the Library

What a stormy winter's day it was, the cold wind blowing relentlessly and the rain not abating one bit. On the bright side, she had noticed how handsome the friendly techno repairman looked with the water running down his face. That smile he always glanced at her made her think there might be some spark there. Maybe she was imagining it, perhaps the only sparks that day would be the lightning dancing across the bleak sky.He had certainly caught her eye before, a long time friend of the family....

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Lola Fae A Redheaded Dream Cum True

Redheaded fox Lola Fae is desperate to get into BAM Visions anal academy, but is she naughty enough for Mick Blue? She’s got fabulous small tits and heart-shaped areola tattoos, and she doesn’t play by the rules. All are awesome qualities for a naughty schoolgirl! When she hikes up her tartan mini-skirt, spreads her legs, and masturbates with her fingers snaking through her fishnet stockings into her hairy bush, she’s definitely got a leg-up against the rest. Her ass tastes incredible. Her vag...

1 year ago
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First time on camera

“I am going to fuck your ass now babe. I want you back on your knees.” He moved and I fell off him as he had commanded and crawled to the side of the bed my ass open and twitching knowing what was coming. Jason tossed the camera on video record on the bed, focusing it directly on my face. He wanted to capture every moment. I grimaced as I feel his hard rod enter me. Although I was ready, open and totally willing, the start is always a task for me, but as usual once he was in oh I felt so good....

First Time
2 years ago
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Erectile Dysfunction

Without fail, fall break at North Eastland College always signaled a shift in the atmosphere of campus. The vast majority of students abandoned their dorms for the comfort of their parents' houses. The rest ended up at Maxwell Hudson's nightly parties. Kevin Brantford was no exception. He found college to be beyond tedious, and his boring-as-fuck business classes were the bane of his existence. Max's parties were the chance to do the two things that made college tolerable: get hammered...

1 year ago
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The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are fictitious. It describes exhibitionist situations and hardcore sex. It contains graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old. An image gallery on aristidis500 accompanies this scenario.Dark(A junior reporter discovers the real story behind the sudden dismissal of a female business executive.)Late Tuesday afternoon, Keystone building, downtown Boston. The newsroom of The Atlantic Observer. I’m frantically...

2 years ago
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Little Child

As I sat at my desk and reflected on the past year, tears rolled down my cheeks. I clearly remembered the night Liz told me she was pregnant with our third child. We were in bed, snuggling after a very satisfying round of love making. "Tim, I have something important to tell you. Promise you won't get upset and raise your voice so the kids hear you," cautioned Liz. I knew that there had to be something very serious on Liz's mind. I seldom raised my voice, especially in bed. I did raise...

1 year ago
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Can you Name That Porn? We’ve all seen it at one point or another. Hell, some of you were probably responsible for it, aimlessly scouring the internet for the name of a girl that you saw in some obscure porno years ago and could never find again. This is such a common practice on every porn site out there – particularly free porn tubes due to the often anonymous nature of user-uploaded videos – someone, inevitably, popping up in the comments section with something like “WHO IS THIS GODDESS?” or...

Porn Search Engines
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Game of Thrones Casting Session

When they were casting for new characters for Game of Thrones, it was tradition now that two current cast members sat in with them. It was Kit Harington and Iwan Rheon’s turn this time. It was also a tradition that some casting happened in the star’s apartments, and today Kit and Iwan were hoping they’d have some more casting to do after they’d seen the hopefuls.Kit and Iwan had been having a casual affair since Iwan had joined the cast. It was almost entirely oral as neither of them wanted a...

1 year ago
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My House Guest

I am a 76 year old married man living in South Carolina. My wife had planned a weeks trip to see her parents, and left me home on my own.I lost no time telephoning a black friend living up north. He is 55, not married, and very endowed with a beautiful nine inch cock, six inches around. My friend and I have met several times over the years, but mainly for one to three night affairs. Naturally we have always engaged in plenty of oral sex, rimming and kissing. He has fucked me probably six or...

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