A Fresh StartChapter 95: A Dinner Party free porn video

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Whatever my desires are to stay quiet and out of the spotlight, I have an annoying tendency to open my fat yap every now and then and spout off about something. This manifested itself in my co-authoring the two books and getting into a high-profile pissing match with a U.S. senator. I promised Marilyn I would behave, and she just nodded and shook her finger at me, and then I turned around and accepted a speaking engagement in front of the American Conservative Union. I think at that point Marilyn gave up on making me behave, and just focused on making me be polite.

I continued talking, scheduling things when convenient. I was invited to appear on Meet the Press at the end of March, and Marilyn pushed me to go, simply to get me out of the house and out from underfoot while she recuperated. I drove down to Washington the night before and went through the same process as before and found myself in a panel discussion with three reporters on one side, and me and a fellow named Grover Norquist on the other side, discussing balancing the budget. Yes, that Grover Norquist, the fellow who singlehandedly introduced gridlock to Washington by getting Republicans to gut the federal tax system and destroy the federal budget process. In 1989 he simply seemed an interesting gadfly. The damage he managed to do didn’t become apparent until much later. I was chosen because Paying the Bills had recently been quoted by several Democrats as an example of what was wrong with the Republican Party. This had generated a reprint, and more media interest. We were considered the ‘new, young faces of the Republican Party.’

Garrick Utley was the host at that time, and he had Tim Russert and some other nobody with him as the reporters. Norquist’s position was that government was simply too big and ate up too much in the way of tax revenues. The only way to make government smaller was by cutting taxes. Starve the beast, and the beast will get smaller. This narrative, which he had been spouting since his college days in the late ‘70s (he was a year younger than me) fed directly into Ronald Reagan’s worldview - ”Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem!” In many ways, he was an interesting man, and unlike what some said, was not a radical bomb thrower. The problem was that the world was a lot more complicated than he made it out to be. There is a saying that for every serious problem there is a solution that is quick and simple - and wrong! This was just such a solution.

The panel discussion started with Utley letting Norquist talk for a few minutes about the wonderful things that would happen once we cut taxes and forced the government to live on a reduced diet. He used the ‘starving the beast’ line twice. Then Utley turned to me. “Doctor Buckman, in your book Paying the Bills, you argue that taxes need to be maintained at current levels, or actually be raised, to meet budgetary demands. That’s pretty unusual talk for a Republican, isn’t it?”

“That’s not really what we said in the book. What we said was that the current budget scheme is not working. Revenues don’t match our outlays. We need to do one of two things, either increase revenues, or decrease outlays. If you don’t decrease what we spend, and it is wholly unrealistic to think that Congress or the President plan to do that, then revenues must be raised to a level sufficient to pay for the outlays.”

Norquist immediately piped up. “But that just makes the problem worse. We can’t keep feeding money to Washington in the vague hope that the problem will be fixed. We have to turn off the spigot, and the sooner the better!”

Russert, who was one of NBC’s rising stars, turned to me for a response. “So why won’t reducing revenues, ‘turning off the spigot’ as Mr. Norquist says, work?”

It turned my head to face him. “Because it is simplistic and unrealistic. Imagine the following scene. Tomorrow morning you get called to a meeting with your bosses here at NBC, and they have the following words for you. ‘Tim, you know how the camera adds ten pounds? Well, we saw you on the show yesterday morning and you were looking a little chubby! So, we have a solution for you. We are cutting your pay ten percent, and that way you won’t be able to buy as much food, so you’ll eat less!’ Think that will work?”

The reporters on the other side of the table exploded in laughter, although Norquist wasn’t amused. After a moment, Russert said, “Please, God, don’t give them any ideas!” through a huge smile. “Then he looked at the camera and said, “Maureen, it’s not true! Don’t divorce me yet!”

I continued, “You can see, though, it won’t work. Your income is now cut by ten percent, but you still have mortgage payments and car payments and saving to put your kids through school, and now you have to pay a divorce lawyer because your wife thinks you’re chubby, too! So, what do you do? Well, if you’re like most of us, you start putting stuff on your credit card.”

Norquist popped up. “No, what will happen is that you’d have to adjust, by lowering your expenses! Outlays will have to be cut to match lower revenues!”

“Never going to happen! What will happen is that you start paying for things with the credit card. Now, for you and me, and presumably Tim over there, sooner or later we are going to max out our credit cards and the credit card company will cut us off and we’ll go bankrupt. The United States is the same way. Right now, we are paying with Treasury bills and bonds, borrowing against the full faith and credit of the government, but what happens when budget deficits go from the billions into the trillions? What happens when the rest of the world realizes we can’t pay back the money they have loaned us?”

There was nothing I was mentioning here that was unusual, at least to me. It was the history of political economics circa 2020. By 2010 the Chinese, who were the big buyers of American debt, were running a foreign policy not to our liking and holding us hostage to their plans. By 2020 they were buying American companies for pennies on the dollar and paying for them with American debt. That’s how GE ended up a Chinese company, and Maggie ended up in Canada.

Norquist kept arguing that this wouldn’t happen, that this would force politicians to reduce costs and eliminate programs. I just countered, saying, “Again, it sounds great, but it won’t happen. Politicians spend money! It’s what they do. Fish swim, birds fly, politicians spend. They can either tax and spend, or borrow and spend, but they all spend. There is no legal or constitutional requirement for them not to spend. The only way to get them to balance the budget is by requiring that every new program must contain the provisions necessary to fund it, in full, from Day One.”

We went around like that for another couple of minutes before Utley brought it to a close. Afterwards I watched the rest of the show from off stage, although Norquist stormed from the studio. Utley, Russert, and No-Name talked about the discussion, and there was considerable amusement at Russert’s expense, with mention of ‘Chubby’s’ new diet plan and how his wife was dumping him.

When the show broke and Utley was left on stage to do the finish, Russert came back and found me watching. He laughed as soon as he saw me. “I’ll never hear the end of this! It’s all your fault!”

I simply had to laugh back. “You’ll just have to start on that diet then. It’s either that or the bosses are going to give you a haircut!”

He laughed some more. “I don’t think Grover likes you all that much.”

I shrugged. “He’s fixated on taxes as the be all and end all of fiscal policy. It’s a simple approach, and that allows him to sell it to people who want a simple approach. It fits in a sound bite. It’s not important if it’s right.”

“So, when are you going to run for office?” he asked, turning reporter on me.

“Never going to happen! I couldn’t afford the pay cut,” I said, laughing.

“Well, it was good to meet you, even if I do have to go home and rescue my marriage now,” he said, sticking out his hand to shake mine.

I laughed and took it, shaking it in response. “Listen, if you’re ever in Baltimore, call me. We’ll get a babysitter, and I can bring my wife and you can bring yours, and all of you can yell at me. I’m sure I’m going to hear about this one from Marilyn!”

“I’ll do that.”

I drove home, and Marilyn teased me about getting poor Tim Russert a pay cut and a divorce in just ten minutes. It made me think, though. Tim was going to eventually die at the age of fifty-eight of a massive heart attack caused by a coronary thrombosis. A fat plaque was going to block one of the arteries in his heart and drop him like a stone. What if I could somehow get him taking better care of himself, lose a pound or two? Would that make him live longer? It was working with Marilyn, who was in much better shape now than in our first life. Tim Russert was too good a journalist and too good a man to let die so young.

I knew so much of what was going to happen in the world, the bad things. It was so tempting to get up on my high horse and yell, “The Marine barracks in Lebanon will be bombed!” or “Pan Am Flight 103 is going to be blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland!” and it wouldn’t have meant a damn thing. As soon as somebody asked how I knew that what was I going to say? “I’m a time traveler from 2022 who has travelled to an alternate space-time reality.” That buys me a one-way ticket to a room at Sheppard Pratt. Maybe Mom and I could get a group rate.

We did end up having dinner in Baltimore later that summer, although without our wives. He drove up to see me after an article came out in April in The Economist. I had enough material left over after we wrote Paying the Bills, that I could write a lengthy piece on public unionization. I showed it to Simon and Schuster, and though they turned it down, they passed it along to The Economist, who ran it as a cover piece. This had surprised me and Eat the Strike! made a stir among the chattering classes in Washington.

My premise had been that while unionization had been an overall plus in the private workforce, as far as the public workforce was concerned it had been a disaster. Politicians had no incentive to control a public union’s demands. In the private sector, if Ford, for example, gave too much pay and benefits to their unions, eventually their costs would be too high, and they would lose money to their smarter and cheaper brethren at GM and Chrysler. In the public sector there was usually no other alternative (if you let the police go out on strike, who are you going to call when there’s a robbery?) and the politicians who cave into exorbitant demands, especially in pensions and long-term health care, probably won’t be around to clean up the mess anyway.

I ran some of the numbers and showed what would happen in the future, when the baby boomers currently employed began retiring after 2000. By 2010, some cities began mass layoffs of city workers to pay for pensions. This was seen in police and fire departments and teachers. The most pernicious effect was in accelerated pension vesting for hazardous duty. This was the concept where somebody in a dangerous job, a policeman for instance, would get credit for extra years when they retired. If they retired after twenty years, they might get credit for an extra five years, and get a pension based on twenty-five years. Otherwise, they could retire at fifteen years and get their full twenty-year pension. The theory was that since their jobs were so hazardous and so physically demanding, they were wearing their bodies down by an extra five years. What happened was that other unionized groups began demanding similar rights, even though they didn’t have the same excuse. So, police secretaries began getting extra credit because their jobs put them in police stations with criminals, even though they were never anywhere near them. The net effect was to massively increase pension and health care liabilities.

After the article came out, I was on both Meet the Press and This Week with David Brinkley again. Marilyn teased me by saying that I should get an apartment in Washington if I was going to spend so much time down there. I teased her right back, saying it would be a great place to stash my mistress, which got her hooting and hollering at me. Later that night I showed her all the sorts of things I had my mistress do for me. I also was featured on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, with me broadcasting from Maryland Public Television in Owings Mills, which I had also done during the hoopla after Paying the Bills came out. Louis Rukeyser had me on twice to do his show Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser, which he ran from there.

Not every article was related to economics or politics. In the fall of ‘89Fortune was back on our doorstep, followed closely by Forbes. Back in 1986, following the publicity surrounding our initial successes with Microsoft, Autodesk, and Adobe, we had managed to snake the Staples deal out from under Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. Now that Staples had gone public, we had made another big killing. Even better, the Bain deal would have been done mostly with invested capital, and not with a whole lot of Bain money; our deal had been mostly our money, with some invested money on the side. Their deal had the lowest risk, but our upside was far higher. The best part, at least for the firm, was that I had little to do with the deal, being focused at the time on tech deals. This was totally Jake Junior’s and Melissa’s project.

Fortune was the first to piece it all together, tracing it with somebody inside Staples and a disgruntled junior VP at Bain who had lost his job when they lost the deal. Our team had kept their mouths shut, unsurprising since we had been the winners. Now that the deal was public and Staples’ stock was blowing through the roof, we could talk. I let Jake and Missy do most of the talking. Fortune focused on the deal; Forbes focused on me. Their piece focused on the growth of the Buckman Group and my rise in the standings of the Forbes 400. I found this massively distracting. Let them talk about Jake and Missy; they had earned it. The day of the IPO, I had a tub full of chilled champagne bottles brought to the office (along with limo service home!)

In late October, John invited Marilyn and me to a dinner party at his house. What I found curious, though, was when he mentioned I should wear a suit, which was a bit more formal than usual. “Yeah, okay. Marilyn to wear a dress, too? She can’t wear her bag lady sweat suit then?” I asked.

“I’m going to tell her you said that, and Helen, too, so they can both hit you.”

I laughed. “They probably hit like girls!” That got a laugh out of John.

And so, the third Friday in October, Marilyn and I drove over to the Steiners. When I was a kid, John had lived in Timonium, in a mid-sized Cape Cod style home off Timonium Road. Now, however, after his investment in the Buckman Group had paid off, they had bought a new home out in a development in Hunt Valley. Bigger house and bigger property and nice. Not a McMansion, but close. We got there at seven, which is when he said cocktails would start.

We weren’t the first there. Both of John and Helen’s kids, Allen and Rachel, had left the nest years ago, so I knew it wasn’t their cars in the driveway. We walked up the driveway and rang the bell, and Helen opened the door. She had a cordless telephone to her ear and looked terribly distracted. “Oh, good, you’re here! No, some people at the door...”, she then said into the phone. I smiled at Marilyn. Helen kept on with her two-way conversation until her husband came up to us and took the phone from her hands.

He spoke into it. “This is wonderful news, Pumpkin! You come home next week and visit, and your mother can plan the rest of your life for you. Bye!” He hit the END button.

Helen gushed, “Rachel just called! She’s engaged!”

“Congratulations! Now we know what you’re going to spend money on next year, John,” I said, grinning.

“Don’t laugh! You have two,” he replied.

I shrugged. “Maybe I’ll get lucky, and they’ll just live in sin.”

That earned me an elbow in the ribs from Marilyn. I turned to her, smiling, and found her wagging a finger at me. “My daughters are going to be married in a church!”

“Yes, but are they my daughters? How do I know you didn’t subcontract out the first half of the job? I only know I was there for the second half,” I responded. That earned laughter from the Steiners and spluttering from Marilyn. John led us through the foyer into their living room.

There were five other people in the room, a couple in their late fifties, another couple in their forties, and a young man a few years younger than Marilyn and I. John made the introductions. The older couple were Bob and Millie Destrier, and the younger couple were Rich and Renee Miller. The single guy was Brewster McRiley, otherwise known as ‘Brew.’ I didn’t recognize any of them from anything business related, so I wondered why I was meeting them like this.

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At a dinner party

My name is James, and my wife is Ellen. We’re both brunettes, and in our thirties. We frequently socialize with friends, and go to parties. There was this one special party that Ellen and I went to. It was a dinner party, that a couple of our friends threw. We didn’t even want to go, but we did anyway. I was chatting it up with someone, when all of the sudden, my wife tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at her, and she grabbed my arm. She had me get up, and she casually took me out of the...

2 years ago
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At a dinner party

My name is James, and my wife is Ellen. We're both brunettes, and in our thirties. We frequently socialize with friends, and go to parties. There was this one special party that Ellen and I went to. It was a dinner party, that a couple of our friends threw. We didn't even want to go, but we did anyway. I was chatting it up with someone, when all of the sudden, my wife tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at her, and she grabbed my arm. She had me get up, and she casually took me out of the...

Quickie Sex
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Dessert the morning after your dinner party

I wake up to find myself on your couch. I remember the dinner party you threw last night. I remember enjoying the party and the company, perhaps a little too much wine, but enjoyed that too. I look around and you are not up yet. I use the bathroom, then clean up a little and head towards your bedroom to see if you are awake. I quietly open your door and peak in. You lie in bed, I can tell you are naked under the single sheet, lying on your side, looking so beautiful. Without a thought, I enter...

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At The Dinner Party

Being a married couple with young children is not easy. My husband Nathan and I are still very much in love. We love to play and do naughty things to keep things spicy, but it’s not easy being the mother of three children under the age of ten.My name is Rebecca and after a high school romance, my boyfriend and I got married. Everyone said we were mad for getting married so young, but I loved him and still do. We have been married for nearly fifteen years and with the kids, it’s not easy to find...

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Fresh Meat Party

A total harem of nymphomaniacs + a special surprise! If you’ve read ‘Cul-de-sac Swingers’ then you will know that my wife and I, Julia and Chris, live next door to two really hot swingers, Tom and Sandy. Tom travels as a salesman, and my wife Julia works in an office a few miles from our house. Sandy is an amazing bi-sexual nymphomaniac, and because she and I both work from our homes next door to each other, we often get together during the day for a frantic shag - the only type of shag that...

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Anal WifeChapter 5 Anal Dinner Party

"Where the hell is dinner?" hollered Charley as he busted through the front door. He was slightly drunk, a bit on the wobbling side, and he grabbed the door frame for Support. "Fucking-a," he moaned, "I work all God damn day and I get home and I want my fucking dinner. Where the hell is she?" he slammed the door and stumbled forward into the kitchen "Susan? Susan?" he called out "What the hell goes on here?" Hearing no response, he muttered under his breath, more to himself than...

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Mr Greys Dinner Party

I had known Amanda for a little over two years. We had met in the drama club at our University and became best friends almost immediately. She was an All-American girl: intelligent, friendly, serious, artistic yet practical, and of course beautiful. Amanda was very social yet never seemed to have the time or desire to find a boyfriend. That's why I felt it so strange when she began dating Marcus, a much older man. They met through friends and shared an interest in classical music and the...

2 years ago
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Before The Dinner Party

This is not our wildest sex story but it is one that's very dear to me. It was the middle of October, and we - my fiancée (now wife) and I - were about to host our first dinner party.My phone rang. “They’re running late,” I told Laura.“Oh -”“Yeah, something about a traffic jam,” I answered her puzzled look.“Jamie’s driving?”“Yep,” I nodded and we both laughed.“Well, the table is set. We’ll just have to wait,” she headed to the couch.“I know what we should do,” I smirked. A quizzical look...

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The Forcefeeding Dinner Party

*** This story is completely true and I thank you not to judge me or anyone involved. *** PART ONE : 12/04/2011 So Donna had just got back from her holiday, she had been gone for weeks and I missed her so much. She texted me saying “hey baby, u wanna meet up?” I replied yes and we decided that we were going to meet at the park. It was not too far of a walk and I was there. I must have been early I thought to myself as she was not waiting for me which was unlike her, naturally I began to worry...

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Mr Black No 1 Mr Blacks Dinner Party

As they lay naked in their bed, the sun slowly rising and sending yellow-orange rays through the curtains, wakefulness ever-so-slowly creeping through their bodies, Jack slowly dragged his fingertips along Steph’s thigh. Jack drew his lips to Steph’s ear and whispered, “I had an interesting dream.”Steph mumbled in response, unsure of whether she wanted to allow herself to cross over into wakefulness. She was warm and cozy under the covers and sleeping felt pretty damned good.“I was sitting at a...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 23 The Boss Dinner Party

George Fuller had been feeling a little stressed at his Accounts Receivable Division, with summer just around the corner, it meant that the company's fiscal year would be ending and with that meant end of year reports. "Laura," he said over the intercom, "can you bring me some coffee please?" Laura came in quickly and saw how pale he looked, "George, what's wrong?" she said. "I'm just getting aggravated a little with some of these numbers." He gave a furious look at his keyboard....

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The TreatmentChapter 8 Dinner Party

After a time, the contractor had completed most of the key remodeling and additions to my house. I had ten suites of rooms, five upstairs and five down, each of which contained two bedrooms and shared a bath. Each bedroom had a large walk-in closet, a king-sized air-bed, a sitting area, and a porch or balcony. All in all, I think these suites were both comfortable and luxurious. Each of my girls continued their school or employment and contributed the costs they had been paying for housing...

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A True Story of an English Dinner Party

This is a true story, which happened in Southern England around 1990. I recently bumped into Mary, who is involved in the story. I told her I was writing an account of the evening and she asked if she could contribute a few memories to it as well…When I was married to my first wife we had great sex but simply not enough for me (I had a couple of affairs because I needed more) but, ironically, on several occasions, we had very sexy activities with others. This was one of the most spectacular. At...

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Masters Dinner Party

I have always felt like there was something missing in my life. It was right in front of me, but never close enough to reach, until I met him. Last Friday, my best friend Tanzy and I went out clubbing, when I accidentally bumped into him. When my arm came into contact with his, electric shocks passed through my body. Looking up at the tall, handsome man, his dark midnight eyes held mine. I tried looking away, but they were like magnets pulling me closer. He smiled, and it felt like all the wind...

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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 21 The Dinner Party

My room was like nothing I ever expected. The walls were a pale yellow, with painting of creatures, or what I looked like landscapes on them. There was a small table with two chairs, a large, mirror that I could see all of myself in, and large bed with golden bedding and a large headboard. Lara told me this will be my room until Oliver and I are married, or joined, or whatever his people call the union I was going to be entering into. Lara explained that I can't know what room was Oliver's...

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Freshers Night

Late night - centre of town. I'd moved into my Halls that afternoon - fixed up a dodgy jacket potato and walked into the Student's Union - Freshers Party was probably winding down by now - but I could still hopefully hook up with some people. First stop was the bar - of course. "Pint of Carling please." I called out - my order duly arrived - I'd come to the place completely solo - having made no contacts whatsoever beforehand and sharing my flat with no one - welcome to Uni...

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The Dinner Party

When Rachel opened her apartment door she was holding her robe in front of her. "You're 15 minutes early Josh!" she exclaimed. "I'm not even dressed yet!" "It's ok, take your time," he said as he stepped into the apartment and closed the door. When he turned, Rachel was already on her way back to her bedroom. Still clutching her robe she presented Josh with an arousing sight. Her voluptuous hips swayed back and forth, encircled by black lace bikini panties and a matching garter belt...

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Are you hungry? Looking for some "Fresh Scat"? Is there really a need for me to introduce a site with such a straightforward name? Sure, some people might be confused as to what freshscat.com has to offer, but then those people are probably too young or not into this particular fetish. Well, if you do not know what scat means, that is basically pornography that includes a lot of disguising (for me) yet tasty (for some) fetish with shit, and sometimes other things as well.If you do not have a...

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Fresh MMS! Greetings, freaks, and deviates. On today’s menu of amateur sluts, we’ve got super hot Bengali girls slithering into bed to show off their tits and muff, Arab girls in hijabs getting fucked hard, and Desi girls railed from behind in hotel rooms. FreshMMS.com has this and more, all for free.I have to confess, I’m a little late to the Fresh MMS party. The site showed up around 2016 and has been steadily growing in popularity. The last year or so has been fucking great for these...

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It was to be my first day of highschool. I had spent a week out of town on the East coast and had already missed the first three days of school. I had my class list, books and the usual items and went to school. School was kind of a bore during the day. Finaly 8th. period came along. As I was aproaching my class a senior started talking shit. I was about to deck him when a teacher approached and broke the whole thing off. She was HOT. she sent us on our seperate ways and I went to class with a...

She Males
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The Dinner Party

My wife and I tell each other stories in bed to spice things up. She always gets hot when I tell her this one.A young couple we recently met invited us over to dinner at their apartment. He’s a great cook and the food is great. But even better is the wine and with his encouragement you are getting very drunk. He’s paying a lot of attention to you and is getting very flirty – but what could happen with me right there. I meanwhile am giving his wife my full attention.Then he accidentally hits...

Wife Lovers
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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 1 Dinner Party

There’s a bit of an introduction but it helps with this and the other parts of the story. We’d known Sam and Anna for years and had occasional sexy dalliances when we lived nearer each other, but my job took us 200 miles away and we subsequently rarely met up. This weekend however we’d arranged to meet halfway; to rent a cottage and catch up on the past. They’d asked if they could bring along another couple of ‘sexy friends’, as Anna described them, to which we readily agreed. I was delayed...

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CarolChapter 9 The Dinner Party

Carol spent the next day getting everything ready for the Daniels that night. Carol didn't think much would go on before they were all 'fucking their heads off'. All four of them knew Joe had been with Carol several times. Carol thought, 'what if I had sex with Joe while Bob watched, then had sex with Janette but didn't let Bob do anything except lick Joe's cum out of me. Maybe I could make Bob do something even hotter... before I let him have Janette.' Mid afternoon Carol called...

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My Cousins Birthday Party

Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...

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The Bachelor Party

DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...

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Fresh Flemish Female Friends 1

Fresh friends invite me to meet them at a big beach in noman's land along the border between our two countries.I agree to meet them three at about three to shoot some fine footage for the couple and their dear daughter there.I arrive with my camera rolling and focus at the tight tiny titted teen who pretends she does not notice now me at all.Fresh friends watch with me how she dances in the waves and lets her waves flow for us as a sudden surprise!Fresh friends with no names yet to protect...

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Wife of the Party

Wife of the Party by captv8tdChapter 1The man and woman stood side by side, motionless other than for the slow rising and falling of their chests as they breathed.  Another woman slowly circled the pair, running her eyes up and down their bodies and taking in every detail.“You performed well last night, Steve,” commented Monique as she reached down and cradled his erect cock in her palm.  The naked man blushed slightly.  Even though he had been owned for over two years, it was still...

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The Fuckerware Party

The Fuckerware Party ? Chapter 01by Tappy McWidestanceEven now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim, also 26 a salesman at the same...

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Tesss Transformations Life of the Party

Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...

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The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party By Vivian Bird Robin and Erica Green had been married for three years. Erica is a practicing Gynecologist and Robin is a technical writer and primarily works from home. Both of them had been satisfied with their marriage and careers, but Erica was starting to feel dullness creeping into things, especially their sexual relations and she wanted to do something to liven it up a bit. "Robin," said Erica, "You know that Halloween is...

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Claires Sweet 18 Poo Party

100% fiction! Part 1 - The Party "Mum, mum..come look what I did" said soon to be 18 year old Claire Bishop excitedly, as she proudly marveled at the solid brown log resting on the kitchen bench. "Wow honey that’s a nice one, that will go perfectly in the casserole I’m making for dinner," "Yum!!!" said Claire, "your the best mum ever." What came out of the back passage was something to be celebrated and enjoyed in the Bishop household, which consisted of Claire's mum Carol and her 18 year old...


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