Anal Party
- 4 years ago
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"Where the hell is dinner?" hollered Charley as he busted through the front door. He was slightly drunk, a bit on the wobbling side, and he grabbed the door frame for Support. "Fucking-a," he moaned, "I work all God damn day and I get home and I want my fucking dinner. Where the hell is she?" he slammed the door and stumbled forward into the kitchen "Susan? Susan?" he called out "What the hell goes on here?" Hearing no response, he muttered under his breath, more to himself than anyone else: "What the hell goes on here?"
Loosening his tie and sliding out of his jacket, he made his way down the darkened hallway. "Susan?" he whispered. "Are you here, Susie, babydoll?" He turned around and looked back toward the kitchen. It was then that he noticed, at the end of the kitchen, in the dining room, the set table, the spread silverware, the folded napkins and the unlit candles. In the center. of the table was a bottle of wine and beside it a corkscrew: "Shit," he mumbled, more and more in hiccups, "I don't believe it. What's tonight, my fucking anniversary or something?" He undid his belt buckle on his way out of the hallway and into the bedroom.
Charley was looking at his feet as he entered the bedroom. "One potato, two potato, three potato, four," he mumbled before he saw her. He didn't see her, really, but her reflection in the mirror. "What the hell?" he whispered. He turned away from the mirror to inspect the real McCoy. "Wow!" he moaned. "Susie! You look beautiful!"
She lay spread out on their jumbo sized bed with her fanny waving in the wind. Only it wasn't waving, really. It was just sort of pushed out and spread open. She had one hand back on her right cheek and she was smiling from that side, too. Her sphincter muscle, the small brown hole, was available for viewing. "You know," he said, "I couldn't figure out what was going on when I came in here tonight. Now I know. You have a little anal surprise for me, eh?"
"Yes," she said. "Something like that." She rubbed her right ass cheek. "Do you like it when I do stuff like that?" she asked.
"Like what?" he asked back, his eyes glued to his wife's sliding fingers. She was rubbing small circles in her right buttock.
The flesh of her hand was dark brown against the creamy white of her ass cheek. He couldn't keep his eyes off her finger which occasionally stroked down into the slot, there to pick out and poke the sphincter hole.
"I see," said Susan. "I wasn't sure, but I saw these pictures in one of those magazines, so I kind of decided to try it out. You know, if it works in them magazines, maybe it works in real life."
"Maybe," said Charlie, continuing to unbuckle his belt and slide out of his trousers. "Hot damn!" he said, coming to his senses despite the shock of seeing his wife laying on their bed like a nudie picture, and despite the liquor which had earlier slowed him down. "Hot fucking damn!" he Çexclaimed again. "This is gonna be something."
It was then that Susan slid her left hand into view. In it she held a tube of grease. "There," she said, "is something to help us get started, hey Charley?" She smiled and stroked her lovely blond hair back behind her head. She had on fresh lipstick and her tongue gracefully showed itself in a light curve on the underside of her upper lip. "Are you going to take care of business, Charley?"
"You bet I am," said her husband, climbing out of what remained, of his clothes.
"Oh, look at that," said Susan. "Don't you have a boner yet, darling?"
He looked down between his legs. There was no erection there, only the beginning of a firming phallus. "Guess not," he said.
"You help?"
"I guess so," she said. "Come over here."
He went over and sat down along side his much transformed wife. "I just have to give you a little feel, I bet," 8aid Susan, and, she reached her hand out to grab hold of his cock and. balls. She rolled her fingers up and down in his nut nest, and she squeezed his penis with an undulating milking action. Before long, his joint had thickened, his meat had lengthened, the spongy mushroom head had reddened and expanded. "Wow!" said Charley. "Look at that pecker get hard, eh?" He watched Susan's stroking fingers. "You do it like a pro sometimes, baby. I really mean that."
She leaned over his spread legs and hid from view her delightful sucking action which she now applied to the head of his meat. She squeezed with two fists around the base of his hog, but she concentrated on sucking him off with her mouth She didn't want him to come, though. She wanted to save that for later. She wanted him good and hot and ready to go plunging into her anus. That was what she wanted, and she was quite she could get just about anything along those lines at all. "You know," she said, pausing for a little breather, "sometimes, Charley, I'm just not sure if you like what I'm doing? You know what I mean? I mean, I go licking along your dick. I go sucking on the meaty little tip. I lick up the shaft. I suck your balls. And you never say anything. Do you like it when I give you a good blow job?"
"Let me put it this way," said Charley. "The reason I don't say anything is because I'm having so much fun getting sucked off by you that I can't figure out how to speak, how to talk. So I just lay there panting and breathing and all. You understand, don't you?"
"Sure," she said. "I understand." She slid her hands up and around his buttocks and sandwiched his pelvis between her two sets of five fingers and her mouth. She had his buns in the palms of her hands, and she had his prick in her mouth. She sucked on the mushroom head for about five or six seconds, and then she drew her face and her hands away from his body.
"What the hell?" he moaned. "What happened? Why'd you stop?"
"I don't know," she said. "I just got tired of doing that kind of thing." She was on her belly and her titties were unavailable for.Charley's willing hands.
"Why don't you roll he suggested He stroked the smooth tanned flesh at the small of her back. "Roll over and let me get a little rubbing going on your titties, baby."
She rolled over and showed her chest. Her breasts were large and full. The big cherry nipples sat in fields of mellow brown cap. They were sprung and ready for any and all kinds of attention. Charley leaned down and stroked his tongue across one titty tip and then the other. "Mmmm," he hummed to his wife, "this is the way it ought to be all the time. I like sucking your breasts, honey. I like giving you a little 'licking every now and then too." He worked his way down her smooth belly. Soon he arrived between her legs. He shoved his tongue up and down on her labia lips. He played her clit meat up between his tongue and his upper lip. Before long he had her cut flicking hot and wet with oily juice. "Mmmm," he hummed, and she began to roll her hips. She pumped her body up and down in his face, and soon his mouth was coated with juice. "Oh, yeah, Charley," he heard her moan. He reached up and palmed her titties. He held on tight while he ate her out. Then he had her roll over. He looked into her brown hole. 'Tm going to put some lubricant in there," he said.
She passed him back the tube of juice. He scrambled for it and unscrewed the cap. He pressed a line of the ooze down between her anal cheeks. It didn't take him long to spread it out along the walls of her ass flesh. He coated the groove, made sure it was good and soft and slippery, and then he started fingering the asshole itself. Before he filled it all up with digit, he opened the thing. He pushed his finger down deep and swore, later, that he could have touched her bowels. Finally, he pulled his finger out and greased his hog. "I'm ready," he said. "You, Sue?"
"Me ready too," she said, rolling her butt for him. "You think you can get that bone of yours into my anus without killing yourself?"
"You're in a chipper mood, babe," said Charley. "We'll just see who gets killed." He lifted his weighty flesh spike and stabbed her anus. He shoved forward using the weight of his hips and the power of his super-charged cock to fill her asshole.
"Oooh, Christ," she muttered into her pillow, "that's the way, Charley. Really stuff it up hard, darling. Give me all of your boner. Don't just give me a part of it. Give me the whole thing. I need the whole thing, Charley. I want that whole big penis of yours inside my body. Come on and fuck me with it." ˘
He tried to give her what she wanted. He slammed his pelvis into hers, pushed and shoved and did everything he could to get his cock into place in her asshole. Before long he was flush with her body That is, his : balls were rubbing smoothly against her cheeks, and his cock was well placed between her fine soft buns. He reached around to take hold of her chest, and there he found her full titties blushing and perspiring. Her entire body had gone hot and pink with passion. Her desires were highly aroused, as could be seen to be obvious from her waving hips, her swinging shoulders, her singing, passionate voice: "Ooooh... ahhhhh... fuck me, Charley. Fuck me harder!"
He let one hand drift down between her legs. He located her twat and stuffed the labia with a driving finger. Soon he'd flicked her clitoris into action, and it was not long after that that Susan became somewhat inarticulate in her hollering. She "cooed" and "ooed" and "ahhed," but she couldn't do much else. Except scream about ecstasy and about how she loved having a good hard boner up her asshole. It wasn't much longer after that that she started to have her orgasm and started puddling on the bed under her cunt.
Charley then felt his wife's long tubular asshole muscles going to work involuntarily on his prick. She squeezed and rubbed and massaged his joint with that tight hold that her anus was able to achieve. She had one hell of a squeeze device in there, and when she was orgasmic, she could make Charley come without even trying.
And so it was on this night. She rubbed her anus up and down a few times, because she was coming herself, and sure enough, Charley started spraying out his jism along the inside of his wife's asshole corridor. "Holy fuck!" he cried. "That's really something, Susan. I mean that's really fucking something!" When he finished coming he pulled his prick free of her asshole and flopped over on his back. His cock fell dead on his thigh. He was spent, alright, and it would take him sometime to get it up again; "Jesus, ?! said Susan Bunkers, "I really did enjoy that, Charley." She was so spunky and chipper, even after this first orgasm, that Charley couldn't understand it. "What the hell?" he asked. "Did you do some speed or something, kid?"
She smiled and put her face on his chest. She cuddled up next to her loving husband. "I love you, Charley," she said. "That's all. I get a look at your cock, these days, and my asshole starts itching to have it in there. You know how that is, don't you?"
"I guess so," said Charley, closing his eyes and trying to rest... He knew she was going to call on him to perform again, to service her anus once more, and he wanted to be sure and be ready. He couldn't quite believe the sudden change his wife had undergone. Only a week before she wouldn't let him touch her anus, and now she, couldn't get enough of it. He was wondering how it was that she had changed so quickly, but he was also wondering about how nice it was going to. be to fuck her up the asshole anytime and every-time he wanted from then on. "Boy oh boy," he' said, "you've sure come a long way, honey. You know?"
"Yeah," she said, "thanks to you, Charley." Her eyes flashed. She stroked her long blond mane back behind her head. She leaned down close to his cock. "All used up or what?" she asked.
"Why don't we have dinner?" suggested Charley. "Afterwards, we'll take 'a little shower and then do another number, eh?"
"Good," she said. "Fine with me."
They ate dinner in the nude by candlelight. It didn't take much wine for Charley to pick up on his previous high. He'd have a few drinks before he came home, and the wine kicked him back off the wagon. "Boy oh boy," he said, "this is the life, baby." He looked across at Susan who sat with her big pendular mammaries hanging down over the table. She was spooning some carrots into her mouth She looked up and smiled at Charley "You like naked while we eat dinner? Me, too." She continued to eat. Charley couldn't get over the way his wife was blossoming into a young sexual delight. He remembered back to all the times he'd spent in high school trying to seduce her in the back seat of his old car, trying to get her pants down while they were parked on some hill up above the city. And now, here they were, sitting nude over dinner, just having fucked up her asshole, getting ready for another piece of anal ass. She now gave him all the header he wanted, whereas in high school he nearly had to beg her just to. get a lick out of her. And as far as fucking her anus, well, it goes without saying that it had been out of the question for years. Maybe, he thought, because she was now a couple years older early twenties she was ready for more, sex and more experimenting. He began to wonder what kinds of things they could do to take advantage of her new free spirit. "You know," he said simply, "I think we're going to be having quite a bit of fun in the next few weeks, kiddo. You know what I mean?"
She smiled at him and said: "Dessert?"
"Not now," said Charley, finishing off the wine in his glass. "I think we ought to hit the shower, right now."
"Good idea," she said, showing him a broad grin and plenty of white teeth. "Sounds like fun." She stood up and finished her wine. "Let's go." She shook her titties at him and waved her ass. He followed her with a big smile on his face, his big hog flopping around between his thighs.
In the show 'they made good use of a tube of hair shampoo. First Susan took to spreading the thick oily stuff all around Charley's penis. She rubbed it into his balls and around his cock and up and down his shaft She used long strokes to get his joint slippery and smooth with the greasy soap. After a little while his boner got big and stiff. "I like the way it gets hard," she said. She came up close to him and pressed her smooth thigh against his meat. She used her hand to hold it by the shaft and rubbed the tip along her soft flesh. Then she turned around and rubbed the tip against her buttock and into the crack in her ass. "If you put some of that soap between my cheeks it'll be real slippery." He took some of the oily stuff and spread it on her buns and down into the groove. She still held his joint and rubbed it for him. The head of his meat went for a long slide up and down in the fanny crack. "Oooh, yes," he murmured, "that's really nice." She held the stalk of his beef and pushed the head of it up and down in her crease. With her other hand. she played with her clitoris and finger-fucked her vagina. Soon, however, the steamy shower spray had rinsed off the lubricating soap and they were left feeling rubbery and dry.'
It’s time to lube up and get yourself ready for one of the biggest fetishes out there. Anal porn. It’s been steadily growing in popularity lately. Especially eating ass. I mean, what’s not to like about a big bodacious booty in your face? Plus, if you get the right slut then she will love getting down and dirty with some anal play. If you haven’t had the pleasure of going to pound town on some babe’s tight ass, then, fuck, you are missing out. But, don’t worry. I’ve got a site today that will...
Premium Anal Porn SitesI am on my knees before my Master sucking his cock, his hands are twisted in my hair controlling how fast I go and how deep I take him in my mouth. ?I have a surprise for you tonight? he tells me as he slides his cock down my throat. This is our morning ritual, I have to make him come every morning using only my mouth, I have a time limit in which to do this and if I go over my allowed time I am punished. I start to gag and pull away which earns me a sharp tug on the nipple clamps I have on....
The Dinner Party - By SONIA =========================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) This story is based on a television cookery program called TV Dinners which ran in the UK with host Hugh Fernley Wittingstall where the show followed the meal preparation and ended with the dinner party. The episode in question was a big affair in a marquee and the person who was doing the party did exactly what is described below. The only differences were that I was...
First of all let me describe my wife to you all. She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever met. She has long dark hair, blue eyes, fair to tan skin depending on the time of year. She is short, only five foot tall, no tattoos and has her belly button and the hood of her pussy pierced.Teresa has had her days with sexual encounters as she is bisexual. She has been with other men when I was there, but nothing compared to the night of the dinner party.Teresa's company had a dinner party soon after...
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Susan and I were filled with anticipation as we arrived at Victoria’s house. We had been invited to what the written invite referred to as a “Sexy and Intimate Dinner Party”. Victoria was renowned for her unusual, and always different, dinner and cocktail parties. She certainly did not like doing things the way other people did them. You never knew what to expect, but you always enjoyed them and could say that you’d had a new and exciting experience.My wife, Susan, was looking incredible. She...
Dies ist eine in wesentlichen Teilen reale Geschichte über meine analen Erfahrungen. Teilweise sicher etwas ausgeschmuckt und ergänzt. Wann und warum ich auf Analsex gekommen bin, weiß ich nicht mehr. Es ist einfach so und ich liebe Ärsche und das kleine, runzlige Loch. Ich weiß, es ist nicht jedermanns/jedefraus Sache. Aber wenn beide einverstanden sind, warum nicht? Meinen ersten Analsex hatte ich als Student. Meine damalige Freundin war ein zierliches, blondes Mädchen und wir hatten viel...
The following weekend Dave and Charley went hunting and left their women behind. It was only natural that Gloria and Susan continue to develop their interest in anal sex with each other. On Friday night they spent about four hours in bed together, licking each other's titties, kissing each other's cunts, fingering each other's assholes. It was a kind of lesbian mini-orgy. They used kitchen oil to rub down their bodies at one point, and even though it was rather messy, it was also extremely...
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I had been told about the Dinner Club party from a close business client. A number of professional couples, carefully selected, are invited to a private dinner with the option of overnight accommodation. There is no pressure from anyone to participate but very few who attend don’t get involved.. I'd always fantasised about seeing my wife. Chloe. with another man or woman. Of course I wasn’t averse to being with another woman, but my fantasy had always been about her pleasure, her experience,...
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Manali bohut cute ladki hai,sab uspe fida the.Wo bohut slim aur sexy bhi hai,par wo bohut conservative thi.usne mere sath bhi kabhi sex,yeha tak kiss bhi nahin kiya.Mai usse bohut pyar karta tha,mai bhi bohut conservative tha.mai kabhi usko kisi or ke sath sex karwane ki baat kabhi sapno mein bhi soch nehin sak ta tha.yeh tak usse sex karne ki khayal kabhi mere demag mein aaya nehin.Humare bech kabhi sex ko leke baat tak bhi nahin hoti thi.Par ekdin jab mai cricket practice se ghar wapas aa...
I had been told about the Dinner Club party from a close business client. A number of professional couples, carefully selected, are invited to a private dinner with the option of overnight accommodation. There is no pressure from anyone to participate but very few who attend don’t get involved.. I’d always fantasised about seeing my wife. Chloe. with another man or woman. Of course I wasn’t averse to being with another woman, but my fantasy had always been about her pleasure, her experience,...
The Dinner Party1. An appointmentEmily strode angrily down the street. How could she have got herself into this situation - she had rich parents and had been to an excellent school. She should have had everything going for her but here she was on her way to a one-off waitressing job - how demeaning could it get. If only she had held back - had seen common sense. But managing the finances for her and her flatmates meant that the rent money was always sitting in her account - and it was just too...
I was in the kitchen doing final preparations for our dinner party. Guests were due to arrive in 10-15 minutes. You came in and decided you liked the way my dress hugged my curves. You decided to slide up behind me and explore them as well. You started by moving my hair aside and kissing my neck as you pulled me closer to the warmth and hardness of your body. Your hands lingered on my hips and then moved around to squeeze my waist and then slid up to my breasts and teased my nipples.I tried to...
After the shock of walking into the house from work and seeing my girlfriends, after the kisses and hellos and a scolding, affectionate look at my husband, I sat at the patio table and was handed a beer and got the details. My silly husband, bless him, knew how I enjoyed my nights with the girls, without our husbands, just chatting and eating things we shouldn't and laughing at our lives. He had conspired with Mona, my best friend of the group, to get the girls to my house for a night. Mona was...
Group SexHOW TO FIST OR PLAY LARGE, ANALLYI get asked quite often how to “stretch” or train oneself to take larger toys and fists. I normally say the boiled down, simplified version of… “It is just a matter of relaxation, muscle control, plenty of lube, along with time and determination, and caution to do it right, at your body’s own pace.” This is the unabridged and detailed description that I have compiled from several sources over the years, so that I could have it in one place.Putting things in your...
He drove home slowly, glad the day had finally ended. His boss had chewed him up all day and all that Jack could think of was going home and getting in the bed. As he drove through his neighborhood he finally started relaxing, hoping the soreness in his back would go away. ‘Damn.’ Jack silently cursed to himself. Tonight was Friday, and his wife was giving a dinner party. That meant no early bedtime for him. As he entered his driveway, Jack quietly said a prayer to himself that the night...
By : Kalsoom Hi readers, this is Kalsoom again with many thanks to the readers for their richly response to my previous stories. Those who want to read the previous ones, may contact me at this story is to narrate my further experiences with Ahsan whom I kept meeting at Sameena’s house. In the beginning I feared about the pregnancy but Sameena and Ahsan were experts in this field so they kept providing me contraceptives and I was safe from any kind of fear. But this use of contraceptives and...
Anal Vids are arguably one of the main reasons the Internet was invented. I know that sounds like some butthole-loving pervert talk, but hear me out. Even though people don’t like to talk about it in polite company, dirty movies have built and shaped the Internet. Buttfucking used to be considered more of a kink than a traditional sex act, but these days it’s become pretty normalized for your girlfriend to ask for a finger in the pooper when she’s drunk. Through the magic of the global web,...
Premium Anal Porn SitesI had known Beth for only a few months. She was pretty by anyone’s standards, with nice legs, a firm behind, and somewhat small breasts (I believe bite-sized is the term they are commonly called) with bigger than average nipples. We didn’t make it until our fourth or fifth date, and I can’t say that the sex was spectacular. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, but until we went to a hunting lodge one weekend with Joan and Bill, two close friends, our sexual adventures were quite ordinary. We all...
While negotiating the rush hour traffic, the 'Whatsapp,' tone sounded and the small chat window appeared on my smartphone. While maintaining control of the car with one hand, I reluctantly I stopped what I was doing and unlocked the app with the other. I immediately saw, amidst a flourish of horny anticipation, I had received two messages. I grinned impishly. One was a photo, still blurry as it downloaded and the other simply said."This could be yours!"My current state of arousal, stoked all...
Anal“I stole one of your paintings, Artie,” confessed Mavis as she looped a hand through my arm. We’d started the day with her as my model for a new composition. I guess I had ulterior motives. I wanted Morgan to experience prolonged eye contact with Mavis. The two had been getting along incredibly well, but both Annette and I had held Mavis’s eyes for an hour or more and the effect had been profound. I’d done the same with both Annette and with Morgan, but I wanted this last loop closed. I’d...
"Oh, Carl," Nancy whispered after her husband had rung the doorbell, "I'm so nervous, I hope I don't embarrass you, I know how important this dinner with Mr. Ford and his wife is, I hope I don't screw it up for you!!!" Carl gave his wife of three years a big hug and a kiss and replied gently, "Don't worry about a thing, hon, Mr. Ford is a real down to earth sort of fella and I'm sure Mrs. Ford is too, so just be yourself, okay!?!" Nancy Brickman was about to respond to her husband when the big...
EroticThey were in Claire's room, or rather what used to be her room. Now, it was slept in by all of them nearly every night, and the huge King sized bed was frequently put to the test with regards to the durability of it's bed springs. Kath lay on her side, wearing nothing but a pair of white-ankle length socks, propped up on her left elbow whilst her right arm draped elegantly along the contours of her right side. Her body was small, slim and firm, round little titties and a perfectly sculpted...
AnalMom! Let me give you two simple words that will put all kinds of dirty thoughts into your head immediately: Anal Mom. Goddamn, the two concepts go together like carrots and peas or big shafts and tight holes. Lead with that, and you’re going to have to really fuck things up to lose your audience. Anal sex and MILFs are just two of the most popular subgenres of smut, so combining the two should be a recipe for almost certain success. A site with the simple motto “Moms Do Anal On Video” is...
Premium Anal Porn SitesIt started years ago, when I was in my early teens. One night I was lying on my side running my hands over my ass and in the crack and over my anus. I always was repulsed by the thought of male anal sex or even exploration that could lead to it, but curiosity got the best of me. I had taken a shower so my anus was clean, and I started prodding it with my finger. I had heard of rim jobs and a friend of mine said his girlfriend gave him one once and said it was awesome. But as my anus was dry...
I had known Beth for only a few months. She was pretty by anyone's standards, with nice legs, a firm behind, and somewhat small breasts (I believe bite-sized is the term they are commonly called) with bigger than average nipples. We didn't make it until our fourth or fifth date, and I can't say that the sex was spectacular. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but until we went to a hunting lodge one weekend with Joan and Bill, two close friends, our sexual adventures were quite ordinary.We all...
My brother, Brian, is 4 years older than me, and if I can remember right this happened one Saturday morning. I got up around 9 and as far as I knew, I was home alone. I didn't mind walking around in my little halter top night shirt and panties. By the way I am 5' 2" 90 pounds, short reddish brown hair and green eyes. I've got a small chest but I am happy with my looks. Anyway, I thought my brother was at football practice, my mom at work and my dad was gone for the weekend. I went down the...
Let me tell you something about me I am in 10 standard(grade).I am the only child to my parents so I am pampered in all possible ways I have brown eyes that make all boys go crazy.I am a hot peoperty amongst boys u see.I have perfect round and firm melons and firm ass and I like to keep my pussy clean I hate even a single hair on my lovehole In school I dont have many friends I always hangout with Aaisha and Aasma my bestiee friends,other than these two I chat with Harry and his gf...
I got up and went to open the door Standing in front of me was PRANALI-my mami's((maternal aunt's)) younger sister She was wearing a skimpy cream colour saree the colour just as same as her skin and a cream-golden coloured semi-half sleeve blouse she had a wheatish complextion more on the fair said,her hair where open and the husky breeze was blowing through her soft silky long black hair which she had kept open she has brown eyes she had me completely mesmerised Pranali-She was 29-30...
Ding...Dong....Ding...dong.... Freaking shit.... I quickly hid the bottles and smoke and rushed to open the door... OMG......!!!!!!!!! Was it some kind of a miracle....??? Standing in front of me was PRANALI-my mami's((maternal aunt's)) younger sister She was wearing a simple cream colour saree the colour just as same as her skin and a cream-golden coloured semi-half sleeve blouse and just earings as her jewellery... wheatish complextion more on the fair said,her hair where...
I always had a fascination for Barbies. I still remember my first Barbie that I got when I was just nine years old. It was a snowy Christmas morning and the tree was littered with gifts of all shapes and sizes. Each present contained a small parchment with each of my siblings names written on them. I reached for the yellow rectangular box and hugged it tightly. I scrambled to the fireplace and gazed at this box, my young mind going nuts, wondering what was inside it. Ever so gently my tiny...
FetishThere were only two problems, she knew she drove the boys wild, even the male teachers, she became rather flirty in a raunchy way and became known as a slut. Problem two, I was shy, I was the quiet one. I was the biggest kid in school as in the tallest, the strongest, I was borderline with the popular crowd, Emily's group, only because none of the older guys could beat me up and feared me when they heard I was after them or even when we met on the courts and fields of various athletic...
As much as I loved her, I began to hate her. My fantasies became violent. I had known her from school, I had watched as she blossomed and became very much a flirt around other guys, which angered me to see, after all she was mine, no one desired her the way I did. Sometimes, at the cottage, I would see her with another guy, sometimes she'd kiss him under the dock, sometimes it was a friend of her brothers, other times it was just a friend of hers, sometimes it was even one of her girl...
Hola amig@s de xhamsterSoy un hombre con las ideas muy claras respecto a mi vida , de mente abierta(no solo eso tengo abierto,jijiji),morboso,educado,sano y muy muy bien dotado.Me gusta en mis ratos a solas vestirme de mujer con vestiditos,medias,tacones y dejar rienda suelta a la imaginacion.Me encanta jugar con mis dildos y notar como mi culo se abre mientras mi polla se pone dura como una piedra,pero ultimamente quiero probar a vestirme y jugar con alguien mas.Mis pensamientos estan en CD...
Analog Time Part One "Beach" I swam through a cold and infinite void. Lost, alone, without sensation or the passage of time. My clock had run down. I was waiting for the entropy at the end of the world. A great murky indecision held me in place, as though I had just arrived at some great truth but had become distracted and forgotten it, and was trying desperately to grasp it's misty importance. Tendrils of...
Analog Time, Part Two "The Island" by Sandy Man The black wall separating me from the world slowly broke away, and light was pouring in through the cracks. I had reached the end of the filmstrip, and after a few flutters and flickers, the dark gave way to pure white, and I could no longer keep my eyes shut. My lids flickered open and I started to lift my heavy, cotton-filled skull. In front of me was a blur of...
Analog Time, Part Three "Junk" by Sandy Man An hour passed, and Dawson returned. He and a fat man pulled a large metal crate out of the cargo bay. To me it looked like a freezer unit. "Bardo, how's our range?" asked Dawson. The fat man plugged some sort of meter into the unit and took a reading. "We're good," said Bardo. "At this range, the interference is negligible." They opened up the box, and Dawson looked...
Analog Time, Part Four "Nix" by Sandy Man Her glazed eyes grew wide when she looked up and saw me, eyes that spoke of a woman who had just entered hell. And I was the devil. "What do you want?" she asked. "Who are you? What is this place?" Her jaw trembled as she spoke. I could see the pulse on her neck, like a jackrabbit. Her chest quivered with sharp, quick breaths. Her hands stayed at her sides, but I could...
Analog Time, Part Five "9512" by Sandy Man "Yes," said Gruff, as he snuffled the air in Kelly's direction. "This one is seasoning well." "Goodie," said Fizzel, as he pressed the long, flat knife against me. He started at my tits and slowly slid the blade down along my zipper, his dark eyes never leaving mine, his smile getting wider as the blade slipped lower and lower. By the time it reached my crotch, he was...
Analog Time, Part Six "Boston" by Sandy Man The hard part was iron oxide. Fortunately, I found a box of ungalvanized nails in a desk drawer; he must use these to hang his ugly pictures. I put these in a jar, then filled the jar with salt and a generous amount of water. There was a little manual power hookup in a corner of the bedroom. I gathered that, for the most part, electricity was beamed remotely to power vehicles...
I was strapped onto a strange low bench in Elaine’s basement and apart from the mask the only piece of clothing I had on were my boxer shorts. A latex mask completely covered my head, except for holes that exposed my mouth, eyes and nose. A zip up the back kept it all tight. As I struggled against the straps I wondered how I’d gotten into this kinky caper? Why had I let Elaine talk me into this? I wondered, as she’d strapped me to the bench; one around my chest and two around each thigh;...