Clementine In HellChapter 14 free porn video

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"You still miss her don't you, Viola? Even now, after all this time?"

Estella and Jules had flown back from the States, where they had been living since just after their marriage. The couple had brought their two sweet little children with them to start a new life in Estella's native town. Little Estella was getting on for three and already as lovely as her mother. Little Jules was six months old and adorable, smiling delightedly whenever he caught anyone's eye. Estella was clearly rapturously happy with her married life and had taken to motherhood like the proverbial duck to water. It must be said, alas, that Viola was finding it a strain coping with all these guests! Estella could see how sad she still was, more than four years after Clemmy's sudden death. It made her feel guilty about her own contentment to see how poor old Viola still suffered.

Estella's question had been prompted by the sight of Clementine's picture, in pride of place on the sideboard and with a bowl of fresh flowers in front of it. This was clearly a kind of shrine to the departed lover. She saw that Viola kept looking at it and how sad her eyes were whenever she did.

"Yes. Every waking moment I miss her and I still blame myself for letting her go to that place. I was afraid of what James might have in mind. I had no idea a silly car smash would finish her off." She sobbed again.

"Well, you must come and see us at Christmas. We've rented a lovely place near Dorking You'll love it." Estella's own voice trembled a little. Clementine had been her best friend, after all.

Viola knew she would hate it. 'Can't they see all I want is my Clementine back again, ' she thought as she waved goodbye to her visitors and went back indoors to think of Clementine and the unfairness of it all. There was Estella, married to Jules, with two children and a third on the way if she wasn't mistaken. And she, Viola, was destined to die an old maid, denied the lifelong companionship of the loveliest and most exciting person she had ever known.

Three days after visiting Viola, Estella spotted an advertisement in a combat sports magazine. Since seeing that magnificent bloodbath four years ago, Estella was still hooked on fighting, especially girl fighting, (the dirtier and more violent the better!). Hooked on watching, that is, not on participating! Taking part in these brutal duels would ruin her sweet looks and be far too painful! Clementine had been attractive, but in a solid and durable way that would withstand a few knocks and in any case she had been a dyke - as much male as female in her psyche.

"Battling Vixens!" the advertisement read. "The best of uninhibited bare fist women's boxing. These street fighting females bleed, they punch, they fall and they triumph. Watch babes who know no fear as they take it and dish it out! See and hear ferocious blows as they fight toe to toe! Listen to the sound of knuckle on tortured flesh and knuckle on crunching bone and wince!"

"OOH!!" she muttered." Probably grossly over hyped, but it sure sounds right up my street! I wonder if there's anything here I haven't seen already?"

She wrote to the P.O. Box Number, enclosing a money order, and three days later the DVDs arrived in the promised discreet plain wrapping.

At the time of their arrival, Jules was out taking the kids to see an aunt and she had the TV to herself. She loaded the first DVD and prepared for what she hoped would be a lovely blood fest! She turned up the volume so that every blow would fill the room with its sound of painful bruising contact. What a great way to spend a winter afternoon, she thought happily! She rubbed her hands in anticipation of seeing some lovely bimbos make mincemeat of each other.

The first fight was between two "ladies" with Slavonic sounding names, Alexia and Olga. Apparently they had met a few times before and this was a revenge match, or so Alexia hoped! The venue seemed to be a rocky desert somewhere, maybe New Mexico; not that she'd ever been there, but it reminded her of the backdrop to more than one Western she had seen in her time, although she was aware that there were no large towering cactuses to be seen.

Olga was certainly no beauty, in fact Estella had never before seen such total unredeemed ugliness in a woman! But her opponent was really sweet, with a dark almost Gypsy like beauty. But Alexia was definitely not a weakling - far from it. Both women were strong, fit and well-built and both looked formidably hard and weathered - as if they put in many hours gruelling and back-breaking work in the open air. It was not only the bodies that were hard. Both fighters' faces, even that of the lovely Alexia, seemed to have had all signs of feminine softness erased from them. These were true Amazons, thought the delighted Estella, who also noted the roughness of the combatants' hands. It was more than light housework that had done that to them! And they were deeply bronzed with the kind of skin tone that speaks of months exposed to the elements - wind, hail and rain as well as warm sun.

She watched intently as Alexia was worn down, reduced to a bleeding mess and knocked senseless - apparently for the third time. An excited and appreciative Stella saw that neither fighter backed away from the other or showed any fear of getting hurt, both taking ferocious punishment without so much as a murmur. Victory was a brutal matter of deciding who could suffer the greater amount of damage without being knocked out. Olga clearly had the harder head and the tougher body. Alexia's punches seemed as powerful as Olga's but they did little damage and the victor was only slightly marked at the end of a long fight. Alexia was dragged feet first out of the ring, but not before the triumphant Olga had stood victoriously with her foot on the loser's stomach with her arms raised in triumph.

It was a real Beauty versus the Beast match, with the Beast being triumphant, somewhat to Stella's disappointment.

She replayed the bout. This time she noticed that not only were both fighters quite nude but they had absolutely no tan lines. In addition, it was unpleasantly obvious that no beautician or cosmetician had been near either girl in months, if not years. Stella nearly gagged as she saw Olga's furry black pits when she raised her arms in a victory salute. She guessed, correctly, that neither girl smelled too good! These female gladiators were clearly dedicated nudists - and extremely good fighters, with technical skill in abundance and bags of courage! Alexia must have known she was beaten but she never ceased to face up to her opponent, trading blows right up to the bloody and spectacular final knockout. This was great stuff!

By now, Stella knew a thing or two about female combat, especially the sleazier and more brutal side of it, but these two were quite new to her. They were way ahead of most of the motley and often rather sad collection of women who did the rounds of the female combat world. She had lost count of the amateurish and plainly faked shit she had seen over the last four years! And she had never seen a fight to come near that between Clementine and Rashumba - until now. Because this was definitely in that league although still nowhere near as bloody or protracted as that duel in the wood. That famous epic still sent shivers up and down her spine when she thought about it.

She watched the second fight. Svetlana and Tatiana. Another two large and totally nude girls fighting bare fisted in the desert. This was even better, by far! For a start they were both handsome enough in rugged way, unlike the misbegotten Olga. This couple used their feet to devastating effect as well as their fists. Some of the kicks were spectacular and Estella would not have wanted to be the girl on the receiving end as knees were used, coming up many times into groin and stomach. There were more shades of that great match - the one between poor Clementine, not long before she was killed, and Rashumba whom she had never seen again. Exciting quantities of blood were shed and countless bruises caused by this pair, after early blows to the nose and a lucky/unlucky cut to Tatiana's right eye. They were obviously two more very gutsy fighters who held nothing back and were not afraid of pain.

Amazing - fantastic! thought Estella as Tatiana was finally sent crashing to the ground, spraying sweat and blood on the onlookers as she did so. Then she saw someone in the crowd. She replayed that bit and froze the screen. James and Rashumba! So those two had got together again and were in America - maybe! Well, well! Rashumba looked very prosperous, That outfit must have cost the earth! She looked very out of place with her expensive and fashionable City clothes at such a gathering in the wilds, but Stella knew the black girl was a skilled fighter herself and supposed she still took an interest even if she no longer participated.

She loaded the next DVD and the phone rang. It was her stupid mother with some problem. Could Estella come at once, please?

She rushed around to see what was wrong with the old girl. Nothing of course! There never was anything! Had she really come back from Seattle just to be subject once more to these so-called crises which only existed in the silly old woman's mind?

When she finally made it back home, Jules had returned. He looked a little strange and concerned. He pushed her into a seat, giving his wife no more than a perfunctory kiss - highly unusual for the still amorous Frenchman, as head over heels in love with Estella as when they had first started their uninhibited affair!

"That DVD you bought, darling."

"Yes, Jules, darling. Fights between women. And good ones. No faking! Plenty of skill and loads of blood! You know I love to see girl fights! It reminds me of poor Clementine you know..."

This was a pretty feeble excuse! Estella had become hooked on the sight of two members of her own supposedly gentler sex knocking the shit out of each other before Clemmy had been killed. It had been watching her best friend's performance that had given her the taste for it. By this time, she had an enormous collection of tapes and would always be willing to travel miles to see a good match whether held under legitimate auspices or otherwise. (Mostly otherwise!). But she had never seen a struggle as exciting as that first one in the wood and she still cursed herself for missing so much of it!

"Never mind that. Have you watched them yet?"

"Only one and then Mummy called - about nothing as usual - and I went around to calm her down. She'll be the death of me one of these days! It was a pretty good video, especially the second contest - and a funny thing - your former friend James was in the crowd with Rashumba. It looks like the desert - Nevada or somewhere. No sand but very rocky and barren."

"So you didn't see the second DVD. Well, take a look! I did and I'm still getting over the surprise!"

He operated the remote control. The first fight on the second disc came on screen.

"Clementine v Olga" said the voice over.

Estella might have been electrocuted, so suddenly did she jerk to attention.

The fighters appeared and the fight started. It was Clemmy alright. She still had the scar over the eye and the broken nose, both courtesy of Rashumba, plus a good few more scars on her once prefect features. Despite her battered appearance she was lovely to look at. But this was not the old Clemmy. This Clemmy was a venomous warrior who neither showed nor expected mercy. It was a hard and desperate woman who was demolishing her opponent, not only without pity, but with brutal enjoyment at the pain she was inflicting. Clemmy wasn't only fighting to win, she was fighting to hurt.

"But!" Estella was dumbstruck.

"She's obviously still alive, Stella. Or was when this film was shot a few months ago."

"How do you know it's that recent?" She looked at the fight, fascinated. Clemmy was better than ever! She was taking Olga apart and Olga was damned good, as she had seen earlier!

"Take your eyes off Clemmy and look at the crowd, THERE! He froze the picture. Look at that outfit on Rashumba! The latest Paris fashion and I should know." Jules was a representative for one of the leading fashion companies.

"What do we do, darling?" asked Stella. She was dumbstruck at first but a horrible apprehensive feeling was taking over, combined with a wild hope that she might not, after all, have seen the last of her old friend.

"We take this tape to the police and try to get an exhumation order."

"But she was burned to a cinder..." her voice trailed away. Of course! It couldn't possibly be Clemmy's charred bones in that grave!

In a moment Stella was on the phone to Viola. That sad girl, in mourning for four years, just had to be the first one to hear this astounding news!

"Vi, darling! You're to come over here at once! Something amazing! We're a hundred per cent sure Clemmy's not dead. I've just seen a video and she was on it. It couldn't possibly be anyone else! And she was certainly very much alive and kicking in the Summer! She was a bit battered looking but otherwise in excellent health and fighting fit, kicking some unfortunate woman's butt to Kingdom Come!"

Then she had second thoughts.

" No, darling Viola! Stay where you are! We'll come and join you. I don't want you driving in your state, my love! You might be too excited and not watch the road properly. Jules is a good driver and always calm and controlled, despite being a Frog! So he'll bring me over. I'll bring the DVD with me and you can see for yourself! Then Jules says we have to go to the Police with it!

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It turned out that I was wrong about something else that afternoon, too, since it wasn't Kayla that I was with when I opened up my first condom. Josh and I went back over to his house after we left the drug store. We went upstairs to look for a good hiding place for his rubbers, someplace neither his parents nor his sisters would look. He finally decided to open up the box and hide the packets in some of his balled-up socks in the back of his underwear drawer. He also tucked two into his...

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Faye Chapter Three

The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that's a cliché but stick with me on this. I'm not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown of events so far.My name's Faye, I am nineteen and I have long red hair down to my bum. I'm fairly skinny with small but pert breasts and I would say my legs are probably my best feature. I'm...

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Instant family Chapter 2 and 3

“No sign of your sister yet?” I asked, coming downstairs. Peter smiled around a piece of bacon he was devouring. “If her night was anything like mine, she’s probably still sleeping.” He replied with a smirk. “Why, what kind of night did you have?” A voice said from the top of the stairs. I was just sitting down, when Molly reached the bottom of the stairs, a puzzled look on her face, and not a stitch of clothing on. She had evidently showered, since her pretty red bush looked fresh and...

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Funny Tag team orgy

When i was 18 i had my first orgy was me, my boy, this girl i had just met, and her friend. It all started at cici's (pizza buffet) me and my boy had walked in to grab a bite when we came across two big booty chicks ...we hit it off and started talking after five min's into the convo 1 of the girls asked if we wanted to fuck!!!! lol i know i couldn't believe it myself it was as if an angel came down and sprinkled pussy juices all over my throbbing cock ..... i was so shocked that they...

1 year ago
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Sex with Twins My Mom and My Aunt Part 4

"Take off your pants," ordered my mother. "Do it. Do it now."Again, obediently obeying her, I lifted my leg to remove my pants, first one pant leg and then the other pant leg. Instead of being sexually excited, even though obviously, I was sexually excited by my colossal erection, I was embarrassed. I stood in front of my MILF of a mother and my MILF of an aunt in my underwear with a throbbing erection. Now, they both knew that I sexually wanted them. Now, they both knew that I was as much of a...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Wifes Daughter 3

I have been with Becky (mom) only once since my last story. She told me that Ashley (daughter) must have been having a passing fad. She said Ashley had seemed to forget about her vow to have sex with me when she turned eighteen. I agreed, told her I hadn’t heard otherwise, and thanked her for the good times. Ashley is a different story, she has called me quite a few times asking me if she could come over. I told her that my wife doesn’t work and could show up at any time. I told her to call...

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Watching girlfriend being other8217s

“Come on in,” Ann said. “It doesn’t look like anyone is here.” “Whacha mean? I thought ya said ya lifted alones.” I heard her quest say with a very southern drawl. I thought it sounded a lot like the local bouncer at the place, one of the few guys “Whacha gots ta drink. Days always close downs da bar ‘for I gets enough ta get loaded. Won’t let me drink whiltz I quarden da door an kicks us out when it closes,” he complained. “I have a couple of Curz left. Looks like someone was here and drank...

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Vinyl Possibilities

It was something to behold, the majestic spectacle that would be Reid Fitzgerald’s cock. I was in silent awe as my eyes researched the form, camber, girth and length of this immense tool. I was torn somewhere between apprehension and curiosity. The door to the stock room was open, not that it mattered, Buy Product Records had been closed for the last 23 minutes. How do I get myself in these situations? His hefty cock beckoned. It all started at the beginning of my shift. I walked into the...

2 years ago
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A Surprise Dessert

by hotngr82002© One summer day, my daughter, Cindy, brought two of her friends over to my house. She introduced them to me, "Mom, these are my friends Tom and Grace." I knew that Tom and Grace were master wine makers as Cindy had told me about them. They had won all sorts of competition on every kind of fruit wines possibly made. One of their favorites was Meyer Lemon wine. But it can only be made with Meyer lemons. These lemons are impossible to buy. You have to know someone that has these...

1 year ago
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The Shopping Trip

We had all just moved into this brand new development we are living in and by all, I mean my five girlfriends that moved in at the same time we did, my husband and seven year old daughter. The five ladies, Marie, Thelma, Denise, Joanna and Barb and I hit it right off and quickly became fast friends. Our husbands all got along also, which made it really nice for all of us and we began doing lots of things together. We were there about eight months and Christmas was only a month away when Thelma...

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Sophie Becomes a Movie Star 2

Heres part 2 of Little Sophies story. Again I absolutely do NOT condone child abuse of any kind and anyone who gets off on it is a sick bastard. ,) Enjoy! I stared at her for a moment, not saying anything. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes, searching in mine for something. Compassion, mercy, hope. None of which she would find. With my eyes still glued on her, I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down a little. I watched her every movement, anticipating her reactions. She glanced...

1 year ago
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My hot latina friend and me at the gloryhole theat

Me and Tanya had been friends for a few years and she would always tease me. She was 4'11" and about 120 pounds with caramel skin and some sexy brown eyes, a great set of tits that sagged just a little bit and a nice full round ass! I loved her ass the most and she knew it and would walk around in just a thong and t-shirt in front of me when her friend (my girlfriend) wasn't around. one day we was hanging out just chillin and having a few drinks, I was living near the Cina-Mini 2 in town and...

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Highschool Threesome

First of all let me describe myself my name is Vikram I am little built, fair with a good height. my mother tongue is something else but I speak in English the most. I am not so good at talking with girls because I am scared or nervous when I see them. When I was in class 11(I was aged 19 at that time cause I joined the school lately) i used to bunk the classes and either go to cinema or just roam in a bazaar as my school is near a famous bazaar. This was found out by my parent so I was sent to...

3 years ago
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me and my boyfriend

hi yesterday my boy friend came to my house when i was alone and he had brought a pair of pink salwar kameez and a red silk saree with matching lingerie. when he arrived at home i was very happy as we both were alone for whole night at my house when he came i had just come out of bathroom after having a shower when i was taking my underwear to wear he stopped me and handed the panty he had brought to me and asked me to wear i smiled to him and wore that panty after that he put on the bra and...

2 years ago
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RansomeChapter 8 A Firm Hand

When David arrived at Amanda’s on the agreed day for the next session he was greeted by the sight of Yvonne lying on her back on the floor with her wrists handcuffed to the bottom of the dining chair legs and her ankles handcuffed to the top of the back of the chair. His made him wonder why she did not just tip the chair sideways as the first move to escaping Then he realised that the chair itself was fastened to the back of the sofa, making it much too heavy for her to tip over. Her shoes...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Blossoming DangerChapter 7 Flowering Passion

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Knave Angela – Drakin Castle, The Haunted Forest Dust danced through the beams of sunlight as I raised my big, heavy tit to my mouth and licked at the salty cum staining my mound. I moaned, savoring the flavor of the swarthy orc’s jizz. My tongue dragged across my pale flesh to my pink nipple coated in a glob of his cum. I sucked it into my mouth, tingles racing through me. I shivered, a heady thrill racing through me, growing with every breath. Thrak’s...

3 years ago
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Skin Ability 3 part 1

"Fuck! Ae- Aemii! I'm-!" Neel Dublir cried out in stereo but did not finish before his faces contorted in pleasure. Aemii Lister's toes curled as Shonn experienced the cute redhead's orgasm supernaturally from just inside her skin. A low, sensual moan escaped around the girth of a second cock affectionately wrapped in her soft lips. Shonn could tell that Neel's semen spurted out inside Aemii's ever thirsty cunt just as he could taste the thick ropey juices that were filling Aemii's mouth...

1 year ago
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Summer of 55Chapter 8

“Shit, I had a girlfriend in high school that loved my red hair - and she talked me into letting her kiss my pussy. I got to tell you, I went fucking crazy. “I mean I loved it and she really loved kissing and sucking my pussy. I never kissed hers and never wanted to, but I’d kiss yours in a heartbeat - if you’ll let me,” Rho said and my cock got even harder. “Oh My God! Would you Rho? Hell I would too, and Audrey has the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. I was on the girls basketball team in...

3 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 19 The Mill

It was like Lily, Bruce, and I were on a honeymoon. Not that we had sex all the time. But we had good sex. Satisfying. Sometimes dreamy. Yeah. But not all the time. The thing was that we were good with each other. Once I got my head out of my ass and wasn’t obsessing about selling condos or school or childrearing, I allowed myself to become fully a member of our family. We still had little arguments. Every family has its little ups and downs, as they say. But we worked it out. It became more...

2 years ago
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How Much Do You Really Love Me

I guess the first clue should have been coming home from work to discover that Jackie my wife was fixing one of my favorite meals. Something I normally only got on the weekend when she had plenty of time to prepare it without feeling rushed. The second and even more obvious clue should have been finding a glass of my favorite scotch waiting for me on the table next to my easy chair after I'd gotten undressed and comfortable ready to sit down, relax and wait on the dinner that I was now...

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A special party for 5 Episode 1

The man who calls himself pervert arranged a special party. He speaks very politely to women, and he knows how to make the smile. He met these girls at a bar the other night and invited them for a few rounds. These girls were Rebecca, Lizmary, Lizvette, Maria, Lizbeth.Rebecca was around 5'4, petite, brown skin, long curvy hair and the face of Pocahontas. Lizmary had lighter skin and straight hair. she had a nice ass and pretty eyes.Lizvette also had lighter skin and straight hair, but she wore...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Hearts LongingChapter 4 The Virgin Shaman

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds The dark, misty clouds swept across the jungle below. I crouched on the ledge, watching the rain-laden clouds rush across the island. They washed like gray surf around Mount Peritito just below the lowest part of the aerie. I peered at the clouds, trying to spot the travelers through them, my fingers playing with my air totem. The totem was carved from light balsa wood, sinuous lines reminiscent of...

3 years ago
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Showing Excessive Love For Mother8217s Sister

Hi everyone, in this story, I am going to write about a relationship with my mother’s sister. It was not only about sex but more of love. First I will introduce my family. In my family my father is dead, so only me and my mother. My mother had a sister who lived in the village of her husband. She was married for about three years and she had no children. She was in her thirties (10 years younger than my mother) and looked like Tamil film heroine jothika. So this happened during a village...

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The Roommate Pt 03

sissification – sissy – feminization – transformation – transgender – slow transformation – domination – blackmail – prostitution – blowjobNormally the walk to the subway is boring. Cars go past, people walk by, and on the subway I sit and read a book or listen to music quietly. I avoid eye contact, and everyone else does the same. Not this morning though.The second I walk out the door, it feels like eyes are on me. Not in a creepy way though, more like I'm a celebrity. I can see passengers in...

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Turning mommy into a true slut

All just to make mommy happy. Well, and i'm very satisfied with the case that she's so open with me, too. She's 38 years old, great looking, and single since my birth. I encouraged her in dating a guy years ago, and she did. She was very happy, but it didn't turned out to be more than a fun dating and sex. After seeing her face glowing and happy at that time, i encouraged her to continue doing same with others. It took some time, but eventually, i turned my locally respected mother into a...

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